- Feb 2019
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in the power of man, by his own pains and industry, to forward the perfection of-his nature.
Early he states that animals should come prefect with nature, so then why does man need to prefect his own nature? Did I miss something?
civilized countries,
I guess he does not count cave paintings to possess an wisdom or knowledge.
auditory nerves of animals, are constructed.in such a way, as to be affected only with such sounds, as immediately regard the two chief ends of their being; the propagation, and preservation of their species: all other sounds therefore, excepting such as excite sympathy or antipathy, are indifferent to them. Sympathy. with those of their own kind; antipathy, against such as are their natural enemies, or destructive of their specie
Damn he is right. I don't know how I feel about this. This is pretty much how biologist classify sounds made by animals.
Sheridan's lectures appeal to science,
ons of the mind are discovered, and communicated from man to man, are entirely different from words. and independent of them.
Wait, does this mean that language can be words, but words can't be language?
def: absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge) or it could mean def: drink (alcohol) Why is it that every writer is somehow connected to drinking?
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Circumlocutions, a hard word which I cou'd not avoid without using half a dozen words. After
highlighted for definition.
def :a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly.
that one can pick up the grammar and spelling of one's native language mostly from reading good books.
This goes against her earlier recommendation of not extensive reading when outline the curriculum for college.
rhetoric in situations where memory is not needed, either in written texts or in f'ace�toTface conversations that do not offer the opportunity for long speeches that would need to be memorized.
So use rhetoric when you need to wing it? Interesting.
Christian piety is an aid to rhetoric
I think I missed this theology class.
Cambridge Platonism,
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unnaturally separated and disjointed.
Grand Blvd is a pretty good example of this.
We neglect that discipline which deals with the differential features of the virtues and vices, with good and bad behavior-patterns, with the typical characteristics of the various ages of man, of the two sexes, of social and economic class, race, and nation, and with the art of seemly
Cf. A Theoretical Framework for the Critical Post humanities from last week
def: something that is needed or wanted.
science enriched by a number of new and extremely ingenious discoveries
Are the new discoveries instruments or just new sciences that will have their own instruments?
language socializes each individual
I don't know, but for some reason this just reminds me of connor.emmerich's post on the muckelbauer reading, "just like a distributed computer system uses more than one computer to run an application, this is the notion that the idea of "human" is social/communal, and does not exist on the individual level."
for !..tressing that mathematic.� and science arc the only legitimate sources of knowledge and treating other branches of human inquiry-such as law, history, and the arts-
Me every time sciences comes up in one of these readings.
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def: knowledge, awareness, or notice.
From Latin propensus, past participle of propendere "incline to, hang forward, hang down, weigh over," and is defined as "an often intense natural inclination or preference"
people who are more sensitive and knowledgeable
I feel like he would agree with this.
David Hume
Not really related to this course, but I took a philosophy class last semester and there was a few classes where we talked about everyone's other favorite philosopher, Kant, pretty much blamed Hume for the death of metaphysics.
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humour as in how one responses to funny things or like humorism the old method of solving medical problems (the four humors)?
If mixed modes = abstractions does that mean substances are actual physical things?
def: the quality of being sagacious Sagacious Def: having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd.
def: lasting for a very short time
- Jan 2019
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def: omit (a sound or syllable) when speaking.
he German focus on the relationship between humansand machines finds its American counterpart in the questioning of theequally precarious relationship between humans and animals
Isn't this the opposite of what was stated before in the other annotation about cybernetics and US posthumanism vs European posthumanism.
d ‘logocentric’ narrative that starts out with theimmediacy of oral communication, passes
I believe Braidotti has a similar idea of moving away from a logocentric ideas/narratives in order to understand the shift that is occurring.
: the state of being recalcitrant def of recalcitrant: obstinately defiant of authority or restraint
Bildung refers to the German tradition of self-cultivation, wherein philosophy and education are linked in a manner that refers to a process of both personal and cultural maturation.
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why did you pick a brewery as the destination?
Physicist Niels Bohr won the Nobel Prize for his quantum model ofthe atom,
Think solar system. It was extremely helpful in moving quantum theory froward and is still widely accepted as the best model with a slight change instead of set paths the electrons travel in a cloud area around the nucleus.
Interesting word choice in my opinion. Def: shared by or involving three parties.
Additionally used in Theology as to describe humankind having three part: Body, Spirit, and Soul.
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evanescent and foundational.
Also if it is passing out of sight/fading can it really be foundational? They seem kind of at odds with each other, but I guess posthumanism seems to ride right down the middle for everything else is this paper.
Many major ‘research universities’in the world today can boast digital and environmental humanities cen-tres or institutes.
faster than the academic institutions can keep up with
Isn't this just accelerationism from earlier? The change in capital and how it is used is allowing for social change.
Cognitive capitalism cannot or does not want toover-code these minoritarian subjects to the same extent as it territorial-izes the more profitable ones.
She is talking about map making, right? or am i just completely lost. Honestly I am lost.
(Def.) soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence, quickly fading or disappearing.
A philosophical concept developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in their Capitalism and Schizophrenia (1972–1980) project.
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Literally means "the state of being cast off" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abjection
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as been trying to mix human motives, not to purify them,
Doesn't mixing human motives allow Apple to pick parts from different motives which could lead to a pure motive.
Odium philologicum
Latin for "hatred of/to the history of literature and words?" Not 100% sure on this.
positive-feedback system
A positive-feedback system is a system in which the output is enhanced when a stimulus is received.
The best example that is used in most science classes at SLU is childbirth. Oxytocin is released when a child places pressure on the cervix for the first time triggering contractions. As the child begins to crown and places more pressure on the cervix, additional oxytocin is released. This triggers even more contractions and eventually the child is born. I apologize for the gross explanation, but it is the best one to explain what the system is.
The historical aspect portrays a myth-172 THE "0" QUESTION ical golden age when the humanities flourished and the sciences, for once, had to eat dirt.
infra dig
From the Latin phrase infra dignitatem meaning beneath one; demeaning. First used by Sir Walter Scott in his 1825 novel Redgauntlet
We must have an agency of the federal government to pMtett it.
There are multiple agencies that have protected works that existed pre-technology and after each technological change. In the United States we have the National Film Registry, the Library of Congress, the National Archives and Records Administration, and some would even consider the Smithsonian as well.
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Film_Registry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Archives_and_Records_Administration https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smithsonian_Institution, and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_of_Congress)
foucault.info foucault.info
The work the letter carries out on the recipient, but is also brought to bear on the writer by the very letter he sends, thus involves an “introspection”; but the latter is to be understood not so much as a decipherment of the self by the self as an opening one gives the other onto oneself.
Can someone clarify this statement for me? I have no idea where Foucault is going with this. From what I understand the letter does work on two people the recipient and self. The work on self is done through introspection, but not to discovery the mean of self, but rather provides an opening to understand self.
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epicyclic achievement,
If epicyclic in this case means that there is a culturally plateau, how can an achievement be epicyclic? That sounds like a bad thing.
And this was itself grounded in biological potentials of human beings
If rhetoric is grounded in biological potentials why would it need to recruit from the spiritual, won't it just occur naturally? I dont know maybe I am misunderstanding his point.
dying out
As cultures being to "die out" does the rhetoric that the culture has provided also die out or is it adopted by other cultures that have stemmed from the original culture?
adj: relating to signs and symbols
the tribal storehouse of valued images demonstrates the success ofparticular values and narratives in the face of dispute, apathy, or other reactions.
Kind of sounds like Le Guin's idea of viewing a certain parts of works as a carrier instead of a weapons provides an outcome that is "good".
Shamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to perceive and interact with what they believe to be a spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamanism
(of the wind) blow
Thomas RickertDepartment of English, Purdue University,
Completely unrelated to this reading, but did you know Dr. Rickert while you were at Purdue?
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very well beanything at all,
Sounds like Rickert and Muckelbauer agree that rhetoric includes works outside of language (ie writing, speaking, and debate).
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strange realism,
I honestly don't know how to word this well enough to get my point across, but here it goes. Le Guin's in a nut shell is saying that using technology as a weapons will lead to tragic on a global level, but using it as a cultural bag could lead to a outcome that is beneficial for everyone involved. Words which hold meaning are a form of technology therefore in order to have the most realist settings and outcomes they should be used as carrier of information in a work. The best explanation that I can think of in which this is held true is the move Arrival (2016), which you guessed it is a Syfy.
strange reality.
Going off the VonderMeer side note here, I have not read Annihilation, but have seen the adaptation that was released in 2018. So I could be wrong it could be like the Percy Jackson Movie that was nothing like the book. Maybe Spoiler Alert The ending has the biologist begins to accept that the Shimmer is not there to attack and destroy, but rather to create something new through containing all of the people that enter it. This ending works well with Le Guin idea that viewing fiction something as a container/bag can provide a more pleasant outcome than viewing fiction as a weapon which leads to an outcome that is apocalyptic.
The wonderful, poisonous story of Botulism. The killer story
This seems to provide a connection to the botulism definition earlier in the text. Maybe she was referring to heroism being a poisonous due to it being imperfect and only including the "male" aspect of the story.
her"/Jism, defined as"botulism.
Botulism comes from the the German Botulismus which pretty much means sausage which is a the source of the botulin toxin which was discovered around 1897. Botulism is potentially fatal now, but in the past was extremely fatal. Maybe I am looking into this too much, but was Woolf trying to make heroism seem like something that was poisonous due to it being imperfect or did she just redefine it because it sounded different?