- Feb 2025
guidopalazzo.com guidopalazzo.com
for - from - post - LinkedIn - Guido Palazzo - on Elon Musk and Accelerationism - https://hyp.is/laDhyOXtEe-BbR-zV7xadQ/www.linkedin.com/posts/guidopalazzo-_civilizations-did-rise-when-they-built-up-activity-7292962891819855874-fq2T/
summary - This is a good article that explains the rational behind a number of Silicon Valley actors such as Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Sam Altman and others who subscribe to a toxic and dystopian mix of: - Longterminism - Libertarianism - Accelerationism - In order to understand the actions of the tech bros, it is key to understand their modus operandi
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
“We believe in accelerationism – the conscious and deliberate propulsion of technological development – to ensure the fulfillment of the Law of Accelerating Returns. To ensure the techno-capital upward spiral continues forever.” Marc Andreessen writes this in his “Techno-Optimist Manifesto”. "Democracy and freedom are incompatible", Peter Thiel concurs.
for - silicon valley accelerationism - Marc Andreessen - Techno-optimist manifesto - Elon Musk - accelerationism - LinkedIn post - Elon Musk - accelerationism
- Dec 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
This is what we have called ‘True Accelerationism’.
for - definition - accelerationism - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- May 2024
davidorban.com davidorban.com
to keep the Earth habitable and as close as possible to its natural state, we need precisely those technologies that radical environmentalists oppose, such as nuclear fusion or space flights.
the opposition I think is not to fusion tech nor space flight, but to positioning those two as catchall remedies making other actions unneeded. Other actions that are cheaper, have predictable impact in the short run, etc. It's not a 'plan' to ship rich people to Mars because Earth is becoming a mess. And saying such plans are bullshit is not opposition to space flight. Au contraire when it is space research that tells us so much about our environment. Fusion would be great but is a long way of, meaning energy usage reduction while switching to renewables is a viable strategy now, while fusion might be one in some undetermined time frame likely beyond the boundary of the current urgency.
The message of e/acc is this: let’s go full steam ahead in the development of increasingly powerful, general, and conscious artificial intelligences, up to superintelligences. This can only be the right path because it reflects the will of the universe. So far I perfectly agree with the philosophical approach of the e/acc movement.
E/Acc says invest more in AI limitlessly, as opposed to EA/Bostrom saying invest only in a specific circle of billionaire friends bc of the extinction level risk involved of AGI. And we need to do it, bc religious fervor 'it reflects the will of the universe'. Not convincing.
The term “effective accelerationism” was born as a play on words on “effective altruism” associated with Nick Bostrom’s Institute for the Future of Humanity
Ah, it is an intentional similiarity. An EA rebrand. Note that Bostrom got kicked out by Oxford, for running a 'philosophy' org without philosophers. Prisco about E/acc is very explicit in sketching out its provenance it seems, angling for both a specific audience I suppose and as a next culture war front hopeful (grift).
Giulio: I agree. E/acc arises as a reaction to these ideas, saying “let’s stop talking bullshit”.
Great stuff, if your world view is a response to something you abhor.
Can e/acc be seen as a response to radical environmentalism that aims for an uncontaminated planet, free from human influence, to the point of advocating degrowth or even the extinction of our species?
[[David Orban]] formulates a telling question here. The label again (e/acc e/yuck!) but putting up several straw men wrt the 'enemy' here 'radical environmentalism'.
effective accelerationism (e/acc)
Is the analogue to EA on purpose? That would be a clear red flag.
- Sep 2022
viewpointmag.com viewpointmag.com
At the time, Benjamin Noys took note of this philosophical trajectory, initially calling it “Deleuzian Thatcherism.” Eventually, in his 2010 book The Persistence of the Negative: A Critique of Contemporary Critical Theory, he gave it a pithier name, the application of which has been both broadly extended and hotly contested: accelerationism. Noys focused his critique on a particular misreading of Marx as a hybrid technological determinist and catastrophist, which licensed the idea that if the accumulation of capital generates and exacerbates the conditions that lead to its dissolution, then it is the duty of radicals to urge capital to fully realize and hence negate itself.
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
faster than the academic institutions can keep up with
Isn't this just accelerationism from earlier? The change in capital and how it is used is allowing for social change.
r. It claims not only one butseveral specialized scholarly journals11and functions like an establishedacademic discipline.
But this is accelerationsism, right?
- Oct 2018
www.brandeins.de www.brandeins.de
Leider herrscht in der politischen Linken – polemisch zugespitzt – so etwas wie ein technischer Analphabetismus. Da heißt es dann oft, Technik sei etwas, das uns entfremdet. Das ist ein sehr, sehr bürgerlicher Gedanke.
Es ist unsere gemeinsame Pflicht, eine Antwort auf den aktuellen "Techlash" zu finden.