299 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. I know this because I was raised with only one language — English.

      This point is used to transition over to a vivid detail of how the author envied others who could speak more than one language.

    1. I try to write about her. I try to write about her.

      This line makes me believe that the author desired to write specifically about her, the woman who was loved with all the author's heart, and who was longed for in the way of validation, a way to move between two points of the story whilst striking hard on the points of what was truly desired.

  2. Aug 2024
    1. for - food system transition - 2022 paper - 6 case studies

      Summary - This paper gives a good complexity-based framework for characterising for system transition - It could be useful for facilitation of participatory community futures workshops - such as Stop Reset Go workshops

    1. this  transition phase is like a gauntlet. It's very jumpy, it's very turbulent, you have  winners and losers

      for - quote - Johan Rockstrom - transition - is messy

  3. Jul 2024
    1. It seems ludicrous to imagine that these vitalresources incapable of further expansionwould become essentially free of charge.

      for - question - transition - from capitalism to a form of socialism?

      question - capitalism to a form of socialism? - To say it seems ludicrous is an opinion that makes sense from a traditional capitalists perspective - From a socialist perspective, it seems feasible - Nothing is free of charge, however, even in socialism, there is always some price an individual must pay, it's more about the incentive structure that differentiates the two - capitalism - polarized towards self-centric perspective - socialism -balanced self-and-other perspective

      adjacency - between - capitalism - socialism - differing perspective on self/other worldview - adjacency relationship - While capitalism relies on a self-centric perspective, socialism relies on a more balanced self/other perspective

    1. for - transition - renewable energy - won't work - because - the price is wrong! - Brett Christopher - green energy - the price is wrong - transition - alternative to capitalism - book - The Price is Wrong: Why Capitalism won't Save the Planet - Brett Christopher

      summary - This book provides rationale for why capitalism won't scale renewable energy, but a public sector government approach might - What about the alternative of community-owned or cooperative-owned energy infrastructure? A pipe dream? - Is renewable energy just not profitable and therefore has to be subsidized? - Perhaps it could be seen as a stopgap to buy us time until fusion, deep geothermal or other viable, scalable options become widespread?

      from - Planet Critical podcast - 6th Mass Extinction - interview with paleontologist Peter Brennan - https://hyp.is/3ss3Vj9vEe-iDX-3vRVlFw/docdrop.org/video/cP8FXbPrEiI/

    1. most of the great religions in the world have been attempts to to restrain or reform uh human nature or at least uh channel our worst impulses into something 01:10:48 more productive or higher something loftier um and in this this is exactly what we need here it's something that will create a form of altruism which doesn't only extend to people we see around us now but extends 01:11:00 to the future generations

      for - rapid whole system change - need for something that will create a new form of altruism - Ronald Wright - transition - requires an experience of re-awakening transition - need for a new religion? Deep Humanity?

      comment 10 July 2024 - Deep Humanity is our attempt at this. It is not a religion, however. It is humanity, but in the deepest sense, so it is accessible to anyone in our species. Our tagline has been - Rekindling wonder in an age of crisis - However, this morning an adjacency occurred:

      adjacency - between - familiarity - wonder - adjacency relationship - Familiarity hides wonder - Richard Dawkins said: - There is an anaesthetic of familiarity, - a sedative of ordinariness - which dulls the senses and hides the wonder of existence. - For those of us not gifted in poetry, - it is at least worth while from time to time - making an effort to shake off the anaesthetic. - What is the best way of countering the sluggish habitutation brought about by our gradual crawl from babyhood? - We can't actually fly to another planet. - But we can recapture that sense of having just tumbled out to life on a new world - by looking at our own world in unfamiliar ways. - That is, when a type of experience becomes familiar through repeated sensory episodes, - we lose the feeling of wonder we had when we initially experienced it - It's much like visiting a place for the very first time. We are struck with a sense of wonder because everything is unpredictable, in a safe way. We have no idea what's around the next corner. It's a surprise. - However, once we live there, and have traced that route hundreds of times, we have transformed that first magical experience into mundane experience. - So it is with everything that makes us human, with all the foundational things about reality that we learned from the moment we were born. - They have all become jaded. We've forgotten the awe of those first experiences in this reality: - our first experience of our basic senses - our first breath of air, instead of amniotic fluid - our first integration of multiple sensory experiences into a cohesive whole - the birth of objectification - the very first application of objectification to form the object we called mOTHER - the Most significant OTHER - our first encounter with the integration of multiple sensory stimuli associated with each object we construct - our first encounter with auditory human, speech symbols - our first experience with object continuity - how objects still exist even if they disappear from view momentarily - do we remember freaking out when mOTHER disappeared from view momentarily? - our first ability to communicate with mOTHER through speech symbols - our first encounter with ability to control our bodies through our own volition - our first encounter with gravity, the pull towards the ground - our first encounter with a large bright sphere suspended in the sky - our first encounter with perspective, how objects change size in our field of view as they get nearer or farer - etc... - What's missing now, is that we have repeated all these experiences so many times, that the feeling of awe no longer emerges with life - To generate awe, the repertoire of existing experiences is insufficient - now we have to create NEW experiences, we have to create novelty - Mortality Salience can help jolt us out of this fixation on novelty, and remind us of the sacred that is already here all the time - For, what happens at the time of death? All the constructions we have taken for granted in life disappear all at once, or perhaps some before others - Hence, we begin to re-experience them as relative, as constructions, and not absolutes - All living organisms have their own unique umwelt - These umwelts are all expressions of the sacred, sensing itself in different ways

      • What is required is a kind of awakening, or re-awakening
      • When religions do their job, it gives us a framework to engage in a shared sense of the sacred, of wonder in the mundane
      • In a sense, Deep Humanity is identifying that most vital commonality in all religions and seeing all their diverse intersectionalities in simply being deeply human
      • We awakened once, when we were born into the world
        • then we fell asleep through the dream of familiarity
      • Now, we have to collectively re-awaken to the wonder we all experienced in that initial awakening experience as newborns
    2. in the case of the new world the the the maize plant the wild maize plant had a little cob on it that was only about one centimeter long

      for - corn - thousands of years to breed from 1 cm cob to present size - transition - stone age to agriculture - importance of women

    3. when you've killed off all the big game and you're sort of running around hunting rabbits and small birds and you're starting to think this 00:11:49 really isn't good enough and probably in those those hunting societies is usually the women and children who do the gathering and they were probably uh producing 00:12:02 a bigger and bigger percentage of the food supply from their activities

      for - progress - transition from stone age hunter gatherers to agriculture - role of women and children

    1. The age cohort projected to make the earliest transition to majority-minority is the one that includes workers age 25 to 34. These are today’s 18- to 27-year-olds and for them, the projected transition year is 2021.

      for - stats - 25 to 34 year old people of color is earliest U.S. working class cohort to transition in the year 2021.

  4. Jun 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:13][^1^][1] - [00:49:10][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo aborde la liaison école-collège, en mettant l'accent sur la continuité pédagogique et les défis associés à la transition des élèves du primaire au secondaire. Elle souligne l'importance des instances institutionnelles, telles que le Conseil école-collège et le conseil de cycle 3, dans la définition des actions pour assurer une transition fluide. Les intervenants discutent des obstacles rencontrés par les élèves et les enseignants, ainsi que des outils et des parcours éducatifs qui soutiennent la continuité.

      Points forts: + [00:01:18][^3^][3] Continuité école-collège * Importance de la loi de refondation de l'école de 2013 * Rôle du Conseil école-collège et du conseil de cycle 3 * Objectif de lisser la transition CM2-6e + [00:07:01][^4^][4] Défis pour les élèves et enseignants * Adaptation des élèves à un nouvel environnement * Différences culturelles et disciplinaires pour les enseignants * Nécessité d'une coopération accrue entre les enseignants + [00:09:01][^5^][5] Outils et parcours éducatifs * Le livret scolaire comme outil de suivi * Parcours artistique, citoyen et de santé pour la cohérence de formation * Importance de la traçabilité des apprentissages + [00:26:03][^6^][6] Actions et projets interdegrés * Projets communs entre le primaire et le secondaire * Visites organisées et journées d'immersion pour les élèves de CM2 * Pactes enseignants pour la continuité des parcours éducatifs

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:27:00][^1^][1] - [00:51:11][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo aborde la liaison école-collège, en mettant l'accent sur la continuité pédagogique et les défis associés à la transition des élèves du CM2 à la 6e. Elle souligne l'importance de la coopération entre les enseignants et les instances éducatives pour faciliter cette transition.

      Points forts: + [00:27:00][^3^][3] La liaison école-collège * Discussion sur la création d'un poste de CPE interdegré * Objectif de sécuriser les parcours des élèves et de travailler sur les compétences psychosociales * Importance de maintenir une relation avec les familles pour soutenir l'éducation + [00:32:26][^4^][4] Pilotage pédagogique * Mise en place de laboratoires de mathématiques pour la formation initiale et continue * Labellisation des laboratoires pour reconnaître leur capacité pédagogique * Focus sur les transitions école-collège et collège-lycée + [00:43:21][^5^][5] Pratiques coopératives * Nécessité d'enseignement explicite et de pratiques coopératives * Réflexion sur l'ingénierie de formation et l'intégration des visites croisées * Coanimation de séances par les enseignants pour renforcer la cohérence pédagogique + [00:50:03][^6^][6] Rapport de l'IGEN * Analyse des contraintes juridiques et organisationnelles * Identification des leviers pour une continuité école-collège efficace * Appel à une professionnalité spécifique pour soutenir l'apprentissage des élèves

    1. Have you noticed the plateauing (or the taper off) of fossil fuels

      for - key insight - fossil fuels tapering off

      key insight - fossil fuels tapering off - Take a look at the first chart above. Have you noticed the plateauing (or the taper off) of fossil fuels: - first coal, then - oil, and as of late: - natural gas?

  5. May 2024
    1. considered two scenarios –> one with the current average electricity carbon footprint in France and th

      questions here

    1. Governments and companies need to spend an extra $34 trillion on the clean energy transition between now and 2050 to reach net-zero emissions, according to BloombergNEF.

      Die Kosten der Energiewende liegen deutlich höher als bisher angenommen.

    1. Die amerikanische Behörde zur energieregulation Regulierung hat die Bestimmung für Stromnetze radikal reformiert um die Produktion erneuerbarer Energien zu fördern. Unter anderem müssen Netzbetreiber für den voraussichtlichen Bedarf in 20 Jahren planen. Einer neu einen neuen Bericht zufolge werden 50% der positiven Effekte des Inflation reduction Act für die Senkung der Emissionen verloren gehen wenn die amerikanischen Stromnetze nicht grundsätzlich gründlich überholt werden. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/13/climate/electric-grid-overhaul-ferc.html?region=BELOW_MAIN_CONTENT&block=storyline_flex_guide_recirc&name=styln-climate&variant=show&pgtype=Article

    1. Ausführliche Berichte thematisieren die großen Hindernisse, die in Frankreich für die just transition zu einem nachhaltigen Leben bestehen. Die Klimakrise wird in allen Schichten als Bedrohung wahrgenommen, aber in den ärmeren Gruppen sieht man viel weniger Handlungsmöglichkeiten. https://www.liberation.fr/idees-et-debats/fin-du-monde-ou-fin-de-mois-quels-sont-les-freins-a-la-conversion-ecologique-des-classes-populaires-20231118_72LRGBQFONDVFJJY26JU5X2JQY/

      Bericht des Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Umweltrates: https://www.lecese.fr/sites/default/files/pdf/Avis/2023/2023_24_RAEF.pdf

      Bericht des Wirtschaftsinstituts für das Klima: https://www.i4ce.org/publication/transition-est-elle-accessible-a-tous-les-menages-climat/

    1. Đie New York Times berichtet über die Folgen des gerade abgeschlossenen Deals zur Schuldenobergrenze für die Dekarbonisierung. Vieles spricht dafür, dass zwar der Bau der Bau der neuen Mountain Valley Pipeline für Erdgas beschleunigt wird Investitionen in die Netzinfrastruktur, die entscheidend dafür sind, ob die Energiewende in den USA gelingt, aber weiter aufgeschoben werden können.


  6. Apr 2024
    1. for - deep geothermal - Quaise Energy - Paul Woskov - adjacency - deep geothermal - gyrotron - microwave energy - drilling - use oil & gas industry drilling expertise - rehabilitate old mines

      summary - see adjacency statement below

      adjacency - between - deep geothermal - gyrotron - microwave energy - drilling - use oil & gas industry drilling expertise - rehabilitate old mines - adjacency statement - gyrotrons pulse high energy microwave energy in nuclear fusion experiments - Woskov thought of applying to vaporing rocks - Quaise was incorporated to explore the possiblity of using gyrotrons to drill up to 20 miles down to tap into the earths heat energy to heat water and drive steam turbines in existing coal-fired and gas power plants - oil and gas industry drilling expertise can be repurposed for this job - as well as all the abandoned resource wells around the globe - Such heat can provide a stable 24/7 base load energy for most of humanity's energy needs.

      implications for energy transition - This is a viable option for replacing the dirty fossil fuel system - It has the scale and engineering timelines to be feasible - It is a supply side change but can affect our demand side strategy - The strategy that may become the most palatable is one of a "temporary energy diet"

    1. what it means to be human and about our relationship with the wider community of life.

      for - Deep Humanity - individual / collective gestalt - Ernest Becker - Anthropological birth of the psychic self - timebound - symbolic - organizing principle for sensations and perceptions - Progress and Freedom - self / other duality

    1. A transition in T f \ T is faulty, and a computation is faulty if it
    2. A transition s → s′ ∈ T is correct, and a computation of correct transitionsis correct.
    3. Atransition system T S = (S, s0, T, T f ) consists of a set of states S, an initialstate s0 ∈ S, a set of (correct) transitions T ⊆ S2 and a set of faulty transitionsT f ⊆ S2. If T f = ∅ then it may be omitted
    4. the transitions over S are all pairs (s, s′) ∈ S2, also written s → s′.
  7. Mar 2024
    1. science has transformed our understanding of time.
      • It’s not an exaggeration to say that
        • science has transformed our understanding of time.
      • But as well in conjunction with this
        • it has transformed- the concept of who we are.
      • From biology we have learned that
        • there is no such thing as race,
        • we are all fundamentally one species
          • (with contributions from a few other sister species, Denisovans and Neanderthals).
      • And from physics we can say that
        • we are literally the space dust of the cosmos
          • experiencing itself in human form.

      for - language - primacy of - symbolosphere - adjacency - language - science - multi-scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - complexity - social superorganism - major evolutionary transition - worldviews - scientific vs religious - Michael Levin - multi-scale competency architecture

      adjacency - between - deep time - multi-scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - social superorganism - complexity - major evolutionary transition - complexity - adjacency statement - Deep time narrative has potential for unifying polarised worldviews - but citing purely scientific evidence risks excluding and alienating large percentage of people who have a predominantly religious worldview - Language, the symbolosphere is the foundation that has made discourse in both religion and science possible - Due to its fundamental role, starting with language could be even more unifying than beginning with science, - as there are large cultural groups that - do not prioritize the scientific worldview and narrative, but - prefer a religious one.<br /> - Having said that, multi-scale competency architecture, - a concept introduced by Michael Levin - encapsulates the deep time approach in each human being, - which withing Deep Humanity praxis we call "human INTERbeCOMing" to represent our fundamental nature as a process, not a static entity - Each human INTERbeCOMing encapsulates deep time, and is - an embodiment of multiple stages of major evolutionary transitions in deep time - both an individual and multiple collectives - what we can in Deep Humanity praxis the individual / collective gestalt

  8. Feb 2024
    1. Interview mit dem Blackrock-Portfoliomanager Evy Hambro zu den Folgen der Energiewende für die Rohstoff-Märkte und einzige ihrer geopolitischen Implikationen. Grundaussagen: Durch erneuerbare Energien wird die Wirtschaft rohstoffintensiver und die Rohstoffpreise steigen. Auch der Bergbau ist bisher CO2-intensiv. Das Festhalten an Wachstum führt zu Investitionen in Kerneenergie und Uran-Bergbau. China beherrscht vor allem die Mitte der Lieferkette für wichtige Rohstoffe. https://www.handelsblatt.com/finanzen/maerkte/devisen-rohstoffe/blackrock-experte-energiewende-koennte-mineralienpreise-in-die-hoehe-treiben/100013162.html

    1. Bericht über die Präsentation der energiestrategie des Burgenlands: Das Burgenland soll bis 2030 klimaneutral werden. Ein zentrales Tätigkeitsfeld der Energie Burgenland ist dabei die Vergrößerung der Speicherkapazität, bei der man auf unterschiedliche Lösungen, unter anderem auch auf Elektroautos als Energiespeicher, setzt. Für großspeicher möchte man die Organic-Solid-Flow-Technologie verwenden. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000205472/300-mwh-energiespeicher-sollen-das-burgenland-energieunabhaengig-machen

    1. other cultures do not think this and that suggests that our sense of self is largely culturally constructed

      for - quote - Sarah Stein Lubrano - quote - self as cultural construction in WEIRD culture - sense of self

      quote - (immediately below)

      • It's just a weird fascination of our weird culture that
        • we think the self is there and
        • it's the best and most likely explanation for human behavior
      • Other people in other cultures do not think this
      • and that suggests that our sense of self is largely culturally constructed

      discussion - sense of self is complex. See the work of - Michael Levin and - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=michael+levin - Major Evolutionary Transition in Individuality - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=major+evolutionary+transition+in+individuality

  9. Jan 2024
    1. The current silver economy stands at

      for - silver economy - stats - silver economy

      stats - silver economy - 2024 - 7 trillion yuan ($982 billion USD) - 6 % GDP - 2035 - 30 trillion yuan ($4.2 trillion USD) - 10% GDP

      question - silver economy - climate change impacts? transition impacts?

    1. for - multi scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - evolutionary biology - rapid whole system change - adjacency - multi scale competency architecture - rapid whole system change - stop reset go - Deep Humanity - Indyweb - Indranet - major evolutionary transition in individuality - MET - superorganism - cumulative cultural evolution of individuality

      adjacency - between - multi scale competency architecture - rapid whole system change - progress trap - stop reset go - Deep Humanity - Indyweb - Indranet - major evolutionary transition in individuality - MET - superorganism - cumulative cultural evolution of individuality - adjacency statement - The idea of multi scale competency architecture can be extended to apply to the cultural level. - in the context of humanity's current existential poly /meta/ perma crisis, - rapid whole system change - (a cultural behavioural paradigm shift) - is required within a few short years - to avoid the worst impacts of - catastrophic, - anthropogenic - climate change, which is entangled with a host of other earth system boundary violations including - biodiversity loss - fresh water scarcity - - the driver of evolution through major evolutionary transitions in individuality has given rise to the level of cultural superorganisms that include all previous levels - progress and its intended consequences of progress traps play a major role in determining the future evolutionary trajectory of our and many other species - our species is faced with a few choice permutations in this regard: - individually regulate behaviour aligned with a future within earth system boundaries - collectively regulate behaviour aligned with a future within earth system boundaries - pursue sluggish green growth / carbon transition that is effectively tinkering at the margins of rapid whole system change - BAU - currently, there doesn't appear to be any feasible permutation of any of the above choices - There is insufficient worldview alignment to create the unity at scale for report whole system change - individual incumbent state and corporate actors still cling too tightly to the old, destructive regime, - creating friction that keeps the actual rate of change below the required - Stop Reset Go, couched within the Deep Humanity praxis and operationalized through the Indyweb / Indranet individual / collective open learning system provides a multi-dimensional tool for a deep educational paradigm shift that can accelerate both individual and collective upregulation of system change

    1. Das Handelsblatt hat be McKinsey eine Studie zu den Kosten der Energiewende in Deutschland in Auftrag gegeben. Danach ließen sich u.a. die Kosten bis 2035 um 100 Milliarden Euro reduzieren, wenn weniger auf Solar- und Windenergie und den dazu nötigen Ausbau der Stromnetze gesetzt würde und mehr auf Gaskraftwerke, die dann auf Wasserstoff umgerüstet werden können. Der Artikel berichtet nicht über Konsequenzen für die CO<sub>2</sub>-Bilanz. https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/milliarden-ersparnis-sind-die-ausgaben-fuer-die-energiewende-zu-hoch/100002547.html

    1. Der Ausbau der Windenergie in Deutschland hat sich unter der Ampelkoalition beschleunigt. Es werden aber im Augenblick nur etwa halt so viele Anlagen gebaut, wie es nach den Plänen der Bundesregierung nötig wäre. In den südlichen Bundesländern ist der Ausbau viel zu langsam. Genehmigungsverfahren z.B. für den Transport dauern zu lange. https://taz.de/Ausbau-der-Windenergie/!5983011/

    1. for - social transition - rapid whole system change - cosmolocal - cosmo-local - anywheres - everywheres - commons - Michel Bauwens - P2P Foundation - somewheres - meme - glocalization - meme - cosmos-localization

      summary - A good article introducing cosmo-localism as a logical vasilation of failed markets and states, swinging the pendulum back to the commons as a necessary precursor to rapid whole system change

    1. Die Preise für erneuerbare Energien liegen inzwischen weltweit nahezu überall deutlich unter denenbfür fossile Energie. Allerdings sind die Profite bei fossilen Energien wesentlich höher. David Wallace-Wells analysiert diese Situation ausgehend von Brett Christophers' im Februar erscheinenden neuen Buch und von aktuellen Zahlen über die Profite der Öl- und Gasfirmen und die fossilen Subventionen.Nötig sind staatliche Interventionen und vor allem der Verzicht auf fossile Subventionen. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/10/opinion/profits-green-energy.html

    1. Laut Agora Energiewende ist der CO2-Ausstoß in Deutschland 2023 um 73 Millionen Tonnen auf insgesamt 673 Millionen Tonnen gesunken, den niedrigsten Stand seit den 50er Jahren. Allerdings gehen nur 15% dieses Rückgangs auf dauerhafte Einsparungen zurück. Der Ausbau der Solarenergie entspricht den Zielen der Bundesregierung und der EU, der Ausbau der Windenergie bleibt weiterhin dahinter zurück. Gebäude und Verkehr imitieren weiterhin deutlich mehr, als sie es laut bisherigem Klimaschutzgesetz dürfen. https://taz.de/Studie-zu-CO-Emissionen/!5983584/

      Studie: https://www.agora-energiewende.de/publikationen/die-energiewende-in-deutschland-stand-der-dinge-2023

    1. I have compiled a list of database sources for global information about energy so you can save time.

      List of database sources for global information about energy

  10. Dec 2023
    1. “an integral and important part in the success of sustainability transitions”

      for: transition - important role of emotions

      • comment
        • agreed! (thumbs up emoticon)
      • for: transition - emotional pain of, degrowth - emotional pain of, Kristina Bogner

      • title: Coping with transition pain: An emotions perspective on phase-outs in sustainability transitions

      • author
        • Kristina Bogner
        • Barbara Kump
        • Mayte Beekman
        • Julia Wittmayer
      • date


        • introduce the idea of transition pain in transition-in-the-making
        • explain how emotions in transitions are
          • process-dependent,
          • culturally and socially embedded and
          • political
        • suggest a 'coping with transition pain' perspective for more integrated engagements with phase-outs
      • ABSTRACT

        • With this perspective paper, we aim to raise awareness of and offer starting points for studying the role of emotions and associated behavioural responses to losses in relation to phase-outs.
        • We start from a psychological perspective and explain how
          • losses due to phasing out dominant
            • practices,
            • structures, and
            • cultures
          • may threaten core psychological needs and lead to - what we introduce as - ‘transition pain’.
        • We borrow insights from the psychological coping literature to explain that different forms of transition pain may elicit characteristic coping responses (e.g.
          • opposition,
          • escape,
          • negotiation),
        • shaping
          • individual meaning-making and
          • behaviour
        • in ongoing sustainability transitions.
        • We then expand this psychological lens and present three additional perspectives, namely, that transition pain is
          • (1) dynamic and process-dependent,
          • (2) collectively shared and socially conditioned, and
          • (3) political.
        • We discuss how a ‘coping with transition pain’ lens can contribute to a better understanding of
          • individual and collective meaning-making,
          • behaviour and agency in transitions as well as
          • a more emotion-sensitive governance of phase-outs.
      • SUMMARY

        • It's good to have knowledge about the emotional aspects of transition as these challenging emotions constitute obstacles to transition.
        • It is really a letting go process. High density fossil fuels has created a high energy lifestyle that we have become use to. When we no longer have access to high energy density fossil fuels, our life has to change quite radically.
        • We are like a spoiled child that must now contend with the loss of what we took for granted. The politics of libertariansim is based on protecting our right to a high energy density lifestyle.
        • We need to now how to deal with this loss, as it is very profound
    1. Renewable Energy Communities as Modes of Collective Prosumership: A Multi-Disciplinary Assessment

      Shubhra Chaudhry. Articles 2022. Hanze + Frauenhofer Institut. Renewable Energy Communities as Modes of Collective Prosumership

    1. Whatever one thinks of Sultan Al Jaber, one statement he’s made repeatedly makes perfect sense: “We cannot unplug the world from the current energy system before we build a new energy system.” The focus, then, has to shift.
      • for: quote - Sultan Al Jabber, quote - energy replacement instead of phase out, key point - focus on energy transition instead of just fossil fuel phase out

      • quote

        • Whatever one thinks of Sultan Al Jaber, one statement he’s made repeatedly makes perfect sense: “We cannot unplug the world from the current energy system before we build a new energy system.”
        • The focus, then, has to shift.
          • Instead of focusing on dismantling the incumbent system,
          • we need to focus on accelerating the deployment of the new system that will replace it
      • author: Nafeez Ahmed
      • date : Dec 6, 2023

      • key point

        • we must focus on the energy shift instead of just the phase out or down of the old energy system
    1. normal crisis in the system for most people is degrowth like 00:22:22 most people's living standards don't rise that's so it's it's divorced from the experience that that most people have in in in the UK you know where we're where we're speaking from wages at 00:22:36 the same level they were in 2005 rents aren't bills aren't your groceries aren't but your pay is so um you know most people have been experiencing 00:22:49 degrowth that's the comms reason why it's bad
      • for: degrowth - criticism - bad communication, suggestion - growth and degrowth simultaneously

      • suggestion

        • evolution / transition / transformation are better terms as it indicates something is dying at the same time diverging is being born
        • it is highly misleading to think one dimensionally as there are many things that have to degrow and many things that have to grow simultaneously
          • degrowth of carbon emissions, which implies pragmatically in the short time scale noe available a significant degrowth of fossil fuels
        • growth of a new energy system to replace much of it
        • degrowth of unnecessary and harmful consumption accompanied
          • growth of holistic network of root level wellbeing activities and the low carbon infrastructure to support it
      • for: Deep Humanity - business transition, DH - business transition

      • summary

        • fear of the old system dying, and therefore of death in general is something top executives are dealing with, and not very well.
        • Deep Humanity mortality salience BEing journeys are a valuable tool to help with the transition of business and industry
    1. In the past seven years alone I’ve given more than 500 talks and interviews about regeneration, and I sense the same fear again and again in most leaders. A fear of fully embracing a regenerative transition because it means they need to let go of most of what they have been taught is good business and leadership. They need to surrender to a landscape that doesn’t have a fixed toolbox, process-plans, checklists and business models and it scares the shit out of most executives.
      • for: transition - business world - fear, DH - business application, Deep Humanity - Business application
    1. SoNeC opens up a viable approach for real citizen participation with a potentially major impact toaddress the needs of the people in a certain neighbourhood facing the ever increasing climate andcurrent democratic crisis.
    2. SoNeC is a framework for citizen participation.
      • for: transition - at local level, community owned production cooperatives

      • comment

        • SONECs can provide the vehicle for rapid whole system change and transition at the local level
        • From SONEC neighborhood parliaments, a community can become more independent and production can be relocaized in the form of community owned cooperatives for:
          • energy
          • water
          • food
          • transportation
          • health
          • manufacturing
    1. Here are the 10 courses to complete that cover major aspects of the energy industry -

      Educational resources from universities about the Energy Transition

    1. The Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA) is an international alliance of governments and stakeholders working together to facilitate the managed phase-out of oil and gas production.
    1. It's time for a redesign. Solar panels and wind turbine blades ending up in landfill are flaws in product and business model design.

      We need to talk about renewables - Part 2: Using a circular economy approach to redesign renewable energy infrastructure

    1. Watch along as lead author Heymi Bahar & I launch IEA’s Renewables 2022 report and discuss the key findings ⬇️

      Video of key findings of IEA Renewables 2022 Report

    1. 6 key insights into accelerating the energy transition <img src="https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.jpg" srcset="https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_big_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.jpg 1600w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_large_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.jpg 800w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_medium_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.jpg 485w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_small_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.jpg 350w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_tiny_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.jpg 97w" webp_srcset="https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_big_webp_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.webp 1600w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_large_webp_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.webp 800w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_medium_webp_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.webp 485w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_small_webp_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.webp 350w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_tiny_webp_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.webp 97w" sizes="100vw" html="{:loading=&gt;&quot;eager&quot;, :class=&gt;&quot;&quot;, :alt=&gt;&quot;wind turbines energy transition&quot;, :style=&gt;&quot;width: 100.0%; margin-left: -0.0%; margin-top: -11.64%;&quot;}" use_picture="true">

      World Economic Forum - 6 key insights into accelerating the energy transition

      1. The energy transition is not keeping pace with the growing urgency for change.

      2. Lack of access to an affordable energy supply has emerged as a threat to a just energy transition.

      3. Energy diversity - and security - are in short supply.

      4. Regulatory frameworks need to be strengthened to meet the moment

      5. Demanding change increasingly means changing demand

      6. Industrial-strength decarbonization requires industrial-strength collaborations

    1. "There's so much pressure and emphasis on getting the Green Revolution happening that it's almost by any means necessary without that pause of 'well it is green, but is it as green as it should be?"

      We need to talk about renewables - Part 1: Why renewable energy infrastructure needs to be built using a circular economy approach

  11. Nov 2023
    1. Energy transitions can happen without the engagement of the oil and gas industry, but the journey to net zero will be more costly and difficult to navigate if they are not on board.
      • for: energy transition without willing participation from the fossil fuel industry

      • question

        • What data does the IEA base this claim on?
    1. if you look at somewhere like the UK 75% of all our flights are made by just 15% of the population and we know who that 15% are you know they're not the average person or the poor person so we're not talking about 00:12:49 someone who flies occasionally away on holiday we're talking about people who fly really regularly they have their second homes they have their big mansions they have their large cars and this particular group all of those 00:13:02 things will have to change
      • for: elites - lifestyle change, great simplification, worldview transition -materially-excessive and wonder-poor to materially- sufficient and wonder-rich, awakening wonder, Deep Humanity, BEing journeys

      • comment

      • possible way to have more than one home
      • a group can co-create and mutually invest in a regenerative timeshare
        • an example is to co-invest in a regenerative local community economy based around a regerative agroforestry system which has community owned and supported agriculture with year round Regenerative work and sustainable accommodations
        • Deep Humanity BEing journeys can play a role to re-awaken wonder
    1. Roger Hardy erklärt in diesem Artikel über die von ihm in Großbritannien gegründete Organisation Round our Way, dass Arbeiterklassen-Communities von der globalen Erhitzung und ihren Folgen besonders stark betroffen sind und das auch wissen. Nur eine Klimabewegung für "ordinary people" könne das Fundament für einen gesellschaftlichen Konsens über Klimaschutz herstellen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/commentisfree/2023/nov/21/working-class-people-climate-crisis-policy

    1. we don't have anybody in Canada 00:51:56 who's serious about how would you help a whole society that doesn't even understand the depth to which it is modern come to terms of the fact it has no future as a modern culture 00:52:10 and how would you help them understand that in a way that doesn't terrify them and see that as an adventure so we could replace the Alberta Advantage which is about low taxes and money in your pocket 00:52:22 to the Alberta Adventure week Alberta could be earn a reputation at least it could I mean we do have enough Mavericks and things we have the possibility of 00:52:34 earning a global reputation of becoming the most extraordinary place in the world that is taking this work seriously
      • for: perspective shift - modernity to "neo-indigenous"

      • question

        • how do you transform fear of the perceived great loss of modernity to the gains of neo-indigenous civilization?
        • we would have to feature the many potential benefits of doing this
        • it can't be just a big loss, but the pros must outweigh the cons
    1. here is the human 00:50:39 journey the big arrows indicate the way that it in fact developed in history the small errors indicate that of the seven point seven billion of us on the planet people are moving in every direction 00:50:52 from each of those phases and some in each of those phases want to hang on to those phases are not move that's what those great black circles are the little black circles our people who want to 00:51:04 just hang on to what they've got and not move but others are on the move and what's more they're on the move in every possible direction
      • for: cultural evolution - diverse movements, cultural transition - diverse movements

      • summary

        • Bill Reese and Rubin Nelson believe that the dynamic / relational quadrant of indigenous culture is the most viable futures
    2. we've got to leave the bottom left-hand corner and that only gives you three other spaces to go to and I've already noted that one of those spaces may be a place that has a certain utility short-run 00:50:27 but don't try to build your culture there because you can't do it it's a place that you want to be in for a while but then you wanna leave so it really only gives you two places
      • for: major cultural paradigms, modernity - leaving, cultural transition, cultural evolution, MET, Major Evolutionary Transition, kiey insight - 4 major cultural paradigms

      • comment

      • key insight: 4 major cultural paradigms

        • This matrix doesn't quite capture what Ruben is proposing because he later talks about neo-indigenous, which means taking elements of modernity but within an overall indigenous framework, so a hybrid
        • It would be worth exploring implications for an evolutionary framework of Major Evolutionary Transitions (MET)
    1. Der Critical Raw Materials Actt wird von Industrie-Lobbies benutzt, um Einschränkungen beim Zugang zu Rohmaterialien abzubauen, und zwar auch dann, wenn es nicht um die Energieversorgung geht. IT-, Rüstungs- und Raumfahrtindustrie versuchen von der Krisensituation bei den neuen Energien zu profitieren. Die Libéation berichtet über einen neuen Report von Lobbying-Warchdogs. Die Liste der kritischen Rohmaterialien wurde bereits von 15 auf 34 Stoffe erweitert. https://www.liberation.fr/international/europe/ue-le-critical-raw-materials-act-un-open-bar-pour-lindustrie-miniere-20231112_HZUR6376QJCZVBM5IGIUR6V2QE/

    1. Die englische Regierung hat in der letzten Oktoberwoche 27 Lizenzen zur Öl- und Gasförderung in der Nordsee vergeben. George Monbiot konfrontiert diese Entscheidung mit aktuellen Erkenntnissen zum sechsten Massenaussterben und dem drohenden Zusammenbruch lebensunterstützender Systeme des Planeten https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/31/flickering-earth-systems-warning-act-now-rishi-sunak-north-sea

    1. In einem Brief wollen mehr als 100 britische Energieunternehmen Premierminister Rishi Sunak warnen von der aktuellen Dekarbonisierungspolitik abzugehen. Gerade erst hat ein Gutachten gezeigt, mit welchen Gefahren die zu große Abhängigkeit Großbritanniens von gaslieferungen verbunden ist. Für das net sirocil sind diesen Bericht zufolge 327 Milliarden Pfund Investitionen nötig Punkt bisher haben sich die Regierung aber nur zu gut 22,5 Milliarden Pfund verpflichtet. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/16/top-uk-energy-firms-to-warn-rishi-sunak-dont-back-off-green-agenda

      Net Zero-Bericht von Chris Skidmore: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/review-of-net-zero

      Report des Office for Budget Stability: https://obr.uk/frs/fiscal-risks-and-sustainability-july-2023/#:~:text=In%20this%2C%20our%20second%20FRS,on%20the%20UK's%20public%20debt.

    1. Ein Kommentar in der New York Times weist daraufhin, dass einer der Hauptgründe für das für die geringe Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien die veralteten stromübertragungsnetze sind. In den USA scheitert ihre Erneuerung an den Kosten bzw der mangelnden Bereitschaft, für Sie die Allgemeinheit aufkommen zu lassen Punkt der Artikel erwähnt ähnliche Probleme in Deutschland wo Strom von windkraftwerken im Norden mangelsleitungen nicht nach Süddeutschland transportiert werden kann

    1. I'm tempted to say you can look at uh broadscale social organization uh or like Network Dynamics as an even larger portion of that light 00:32:43 cone but it doesn't seem to have the same continuity well I don't you mean uh it doesn't uh like first person continuity like it doesn't like you think it doesn't it isn't like anything to be 00:32:55 that social AG agent right and and we we both are I think sympathetic to pan psychism so saying even if we only have conscious access to what it's like to be 00:33:08 us at this higher level like it's there's it's possible that there's something that it's like to be a cell but I'm not sure it's possible that there's something that there's something it's like to be say a country
      • for: social superorganism - vs human multicellular being, social superorganism, Homni, major evolutionary transition, MET, MET in Individuality, Indyweb, Indranet, Indyweb/Indranet, CCE cumulative cultural evolution, symmathesy, Gyuri Lajos, individual/collective gestalt, interwingled sensemaking, Deep Humanity, DH, meta crisis, meaning crisis, polycrisis

      • comment

        • True, there is no physical cohesion that binds human beings together into a larger organism, but there is another dimension - informational cohesion.
        • This informational cohesion expresses itself in cumulative cultural evolution. Even this very discussion they are having is an example of that
        • The social superorganism is therefore composed of an informational body and not a physical one and one can think of its major mentations as collective, consensual ideas such as popular memes, movements, governmental or business actions and policies
        • I slept on this and this morning, realized how salient Adam's question was to my own work
          • The comments here build and expand upon what I thought yesterday (my original annotations)
          • The main connections to my own sense-making work are:
            • Within our specific human species, the deep entanglement between self and other (the terminology that our Deep Humanity praxis terms the "individual / collective gestalt")
            • The Deep Humanity / SRG claim that the concurrent meaning / meta / poly crisis may be an evolutionary test foreshadowing the next possible Major Evolutionary Transition in Individuality.<br /> - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=MET+in+Individuality
              • As Adam notes, collective consciousness may be more a metaphorical rather than a literal so a social superorganism, (one reference refers to it as Homni
              • may be metaphorical only as this higher order individual lacks the physical signaling system to create a biological coherence that, for instance, an animal body possesses.
              • Nevertheless, the informational connections do exist that bind individual humans together and it is not trivial.
              • Indeed, this is exactly what has catapulted our species into modernity where our cumulative cultural evolution (CCE) has defined the concurrent successes and failures of our species. Modernity's meaning / meta / polycrisis and progress traps are a direct result of CCE.
              • Humanity's intentions and its consequences, both intended and unintended are what has come to shape the entire trajectory of the biosphere. So the impacts of human CCE are not trivial at all. Indeed, a paper has been written proposing that human information systems could be the next Major System Transition (MST) that could lead to another future MET that melds biotic and abiotic
              • This circles back to Adam's question and what has just emerged for me is this question:
                • Is it possible that we could evolve in some kind of hybrid direction where we are biologically still separate individuals BUT deeply intertwingled informationally through CCE and something like the theoretical Indyweb/Indranet which is an explicit articulation of our theoretical informational connectivity?
                • In other words, could "collective consciousness be explicitly defined in terms of an explicit, externalized information system reflecting intertwingled individual/collective learning?
            • The Indyweb / Indranet informational laminin protein / connective tissue that informationally binds individuals to others in an explicit, externalized means of connecting the individual informational nodes of the social superorganism, giving it "collective consciousness" (whereas prior to Indyweb / Indranet, this informational laminin/connective tissue was not systematically developed so all informational connection, for example of the existing internet, is incomplete and adhoc)
            • The major trajectory paths that global or localized cultural populations take can become an indication of the behavior of collective consciousness.
              • Voting, both formal and informal is an expression of consensus leading to consensual behavior and the consensual behavior could be a reflection of Homni's collective consciousness
      • insight

        • While socially annotating this video, a few insights occurred after last night's sleep:
          • Hypothes.is lacks timebound sequence granularity. Indyweb / Indranet has this feature built in and we need it for social annotation. Why? All the information within this particular annotation cannot be machine sorted into a time series. As the social annotator, I actually have to point out which information came first, second, etc. This entire comment, for instance was written AFTER the original very short annotation. Extra tags were updated to reflect the large comment.
          • I gained a new realization of the relationship and intertwingularity of individual / collective learning while writing and reflecting on this social annotation. I think it's because of Adam's question that really revolves around MET of Individuality and the 3 conversant's questioning of the fluid and fuzzy boundary between "self" and "other"
            • Namely, within Indyweb / Indranet there are two learning pillars that make up the entirety of external sensemaking:
              • the first is social annotation of the work of others
              • the second is our own synthesis of what we learned from others (ie. our social annotations)
            • It is the integration of these two pillars that is the sum of our sensemaking parts. Social annotations allow us to sample the edge of the sensemaking work of others. After all, when we ingest one specific information source of others, it is only one of possibly many. Social annotations reflect how our whole interacts with their part. However, we may then integrate that peripheral information of the other more deeply into our own sensemaking work, and that's where we must have our own central synthesizing Indyweb / Indranet space to do that work.
            • It is this interplay between different poles that constitute CCE and symmathesy, mutual learning.
            • adjacency between
              • Indyweb / Indranet name space
              • Indranet
              • automatic vs manual references / citations
            • adjacency statement
              • Oh man, it's so painful to have to insert all these references and citations when Indranet is designed to do all this! A valuable new meme just emerged to express this:
                • Pain between the existing present situation and the imagined future of the same si the fuel that drives innovation.
      • quote: Gien

        • Pain between an existing present situation and an imagined, improved future is the fuel that drives innovation.
      • date: 2023, Nov 8
      • for: social superorganism, MET, major evolutionary transition, MET of individuality, Michael Levin, Roy Baumeister, Adam Omary

      • insight

        • this talk inspired an insight:
          • The contrast occurred to me with this talk especially, due to the respective areas of the two guests and Michael Levin's own interest of whether the signaling and policies within the collectives within a physiological body generalize in any way to larger social collectives that are outside of those physiological bodies. Rob Baumeister, being a social scientist is the perfect person to have such a conversation with.
        • In this case, those policies are composed of informational signals and it would seem the signals currently have nowhere near the cohesion that millions of years of evolution have resulted in within the biological body of a multicelllular organism
      • for: MET, MST, MCT, FET, MET - information, MST - information, Amanda N. Robin, major evolutionary transition, major system transition, facilitating evolutionary transition

      • Title:Major Evolutionary Transitions and the Roles of Facilitation and Information in Ecosystem Transformations

      • Author: Robin et al.
      • Date: 2021

      • Abstract

        • A small number of extraordinary “Major Evolutionary Transitions” (METs) have attracted attention among biologists.
        • They comprise novel forms of
          • individuality and
          • information,
        • and are defined in relation to organismal complexity, irrespective of broader ecosystem-level effects.

        • This divorce between

          • evolutionary and
          • ecological consequences
        • qualifies unicellular eukaryotes, for example, as a MET although they alone failed to significantly alter ecosystems.

        • Additionally, this definition excludes revolutionary innovations not fitting into either MET type

          • (e.g., photosynthesis).
        • We recombine
          • evolution with
          • ecology
        • to explore how and why entire ecosystems were
          • newly created or
          • radically altered
        • as Major System Transitions (MSTs).

        • In doing so, we highlight important morphological adaptations that spread through populations because of

          • their immediate, direct-fitness advantages for individuals.
        • These are Major Competitive Transitions, or MCTs.

        • We argue that often
          • multiple
            • METs and
            • MCTs
        • must be present to produce MSTs.

        • For example, sexually-reproducing, multicellular eukaryotes (METs) with

          • anisogamy and
          • exoskeletons (MCTs)
        • significantly altered ecosystems during the Cambrian.

        • Therefore, we introduce the concepts of Facilitating Evolutionary Transitions (FETs) and Catalysts as

          • key events or agents that are insufficient themselves to set a MST into motion,
          • but are essential parts of synergies that do.
        • We further elucidate the role of information in MSTs as transitions across five levels:

          • (I) Encoded (Genetic);
          • (II) Epigenomic;
          • (III) Learned;
          • (IV) Inscribed; and
          • (V) Dark Information.
        • The latter is ‘authored’ by abiotic entities rather than biological organisms.

        • Level

          • IV has arguably allowed humans to produce a MST, and
          • V perhaps makes us a FET for a future transition that melds
            • biotic and
            • abiotic life
          • into one entity.
        • Understanding the interactive processes involved in past major transitions will illuminate both
          • current events and
          • the surprising possibilities that abiotically-created information may produce.

      Indyweb / Indranet citations - Michael Levin, Roy Baumeister, Adam Omary youtube conversation - specifically, the question about whether a social superorganism of global human civilization / society / culture constitutes a new Major Evolutionary Transition of Individuality - https://hyp.is/rQgvZn2hEe6-TF8HFSS9mg/docdrop.org/video/UfoVTA0ilsY/

    1. for: Major Evolutionary Transitions in individuality, MET, MET in Individuality

      • Abstract
        • The evolution of life on earth has been driven by a small number of major evolutionary transitions.
        • These transitions have been characterized by individuals that could previously replicate independently, cooperating to form a new, more complex life form.
        • For example,
          • archaea and eubacteria formed eukaryotic cells, and
          • cells formed multicellular organisms.
        • However, not all cooperative groups are en route to major transitions.
        • How can we explain why major evolutionary transitions have or haven’t taken place on different branches of the tree of life?
          • We break down major transitions into two steps:
            • the formation of a cooperative group and
            • the transformation of that group into an integrated entity.
          • We show how these steps require
            • cooperation,
            • division of labor,
            • communication,
            • mutual dependence, and
            • negligible within-group conflict.
        • We find that certain ecological conditions and the ways in which groups form have played recurrent roles in driving multiple transitions.
        • In contrast, we find that other factors have played relatively minor roles at many key points, such as
          • within-group kin discrimination and
          • mechanisms to actively repress competition.
        • More generally, by identifying the small number of factors that have driven major transitions, we provide a simpler and more unified description of how life on earth has evolved.
  12. Oct 2023
    1. How offshore wind and renewable power-to-X can help solve Europe’s energy crisis

      Orsted whitepaper - offshore wind and renewable power-to-X

    1. ecruited professional soldiers and invited rural militia units to join the defense
    2. ifferent groups, including the sub-bureaucracy, the urban gentry, and the commoners from the villages.
    3. to force the Chinese to accept the new regime, but it causes tension and resistance among the population.

      less adaption more forcing but focused on cultural transformation and challenges the view that they admired the Han Chinese for their culture

    4. They send trusted officials to the capital city and request that the tax and population registers be handed over to them.This shows that the Qing are trying to take over without completely replacing the local government.

      not too bad as Qing focused on adaption rather than transformation

    5. that village defense forces were controlled by assistant district magistrates, while later village troops were supposed to be controlled by an extraprovincial warden.
    6. separate military apparatus.

      as people separated from supporting the central government

    1. Angesichts der Temperaturrekorde im September fasst Adam Morton im Guardian die Kernaussagen des Net Zero Road-Berichts der IEA zusammen. Die Erhitzung kann danach noch gestoppt werden, wenn die Investitionen in Erneuerbare weiter schnell gesteigert werden und wenn nicht mehr in die Entwicklung fossiler Energien investiert wird. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/commentisfree/2023/oct/05/global-heating-weather-temperatures-climate-impact

    1. Einer Studie des Thinktanks Ember zufolge könnten die durch die Stromerzeugung verursachten Treibhausgasemissionen in diesem Jahr ihren Höhepunkt erreichen. Die Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien wachsen so schnell, dass die Verdreifachung der Kapazitäten bis 2030 nicht unrealistisch ist. Sie wird von vielen Experten für eine Voraussetzung gehalten, dass 1,5°-Ziel doch noch zu erreichen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/05/global-carbon-emissions-electricity-peak-thinktank-report

      Ember-Studie: https://ember-climate.org/insights/research/global-electricity-mid-year-insights-2023/

  13. Sep 2023
      • for: social tipping point, multi-scale competency architecture, MET, major evolutionary transition of individuality

      • Title: Using emergence to take social innovation to scale

      • Author: Margaret Wheatley and Deborah Frieze
      • publisher: The Berkana Institute
    1. Emergence is how lifecreates radical change and takesthings to scale
      • for: multi-scale competency architecture, MET, major evolutionary transition of individuality
    1. The Net Zero Tracker collects information on targets for net zero emissions (and similar aims) pledged by countries, cities, states/regions/provinces (hereafter 'regions' for short), and companies.
    1. New guidance for the real estate sector on carbon accounting!

      Real estate sector guidance on carbon accounting, including role, type of lease, and GHG Protocol categories

    1. Gold Standard for the Global Goals customises safeguards, requirements, and methodologies to measure and verify impact on a wide range of activities

      Gold Standard to set requirements to design projects for maximum positive impact.

    1. This week Four Corners journeys deep into the Papua New Guinean jungle to uncover the confronting truth about the carbon trade.

      Video on "Carbon Colonialism" in Papua New Guinea

    1. Renewable energy certificates threaten the integrity of corporate science-based targets

      For companies easy way to decarbonise. And this is not necessarily driving new renewable energy deployment.

    1. In a new report, we look at the economic transformation that a transition to net-zero emissions would entail—a transformation that would affect all countries and all sectors of the economy, either directly or indirectly. We estimate the changes in demand, capital spending, costs, and jobs, to 2050, for sectors that produce about 85 percent of overall emissions and assess economic shifts for 69 countries.

      McKinsey Net-Zero

    1. How are the potentially selfish interests of individuals overcome to form mutually dependent cooperative groups? We can then ask whether there are any similarities across transitions in the answers to this problem.
      • for: key question, key question - multi-scale competency architecture, MET, major evolutionary transition
    1. As we’ll explore in depth in a forthcoming article, these supply chain emissions can account for a significant portion of the total life-cycle emissions from gas.

      Varying Life-cycle Emission Factors for CO2 and CH4 from gas depending on the origin and route to destination

    1. multiscale competency architecture of life
      • for: definition, definition - multiscale competency architecture of life, multiscale competency architecture of life, superorganism, MET, major evolutionary transition, question, question - multiscale competency architecture
      • definition: multiscale competency architecture of life
      • paraphrase

        • The multiscale competency architecture of life is a hypothesis about the scaling of cognition, seeing complex system-level behaviors in any space as the
          • within-level and
          • across-level
        • competition and
        • cooperation
        • among the various
          • subunits and
          • partitions
        • of composite agents (i.e., all agents).
        • The generalization of problem spaces beyond the traditional 3D space of “behavior” into other, virtual problem spaces is essential for understanding evolution of basal cognition.
        • Living things
          • first solved problems in metabolic space, and evolution then pivoted the same kinds of strategies to
          • solve problems in
            • physiological,
            • transcriptional, and
            • anatomical space,
          • before speed-optimizing these dynamics to enable rapid behavior in 3D space.
        • Since every cognitive agent is made of parts, it is essential to have a theory about how
          • numerous goal-seeking agents link together into
          • a new, larger cognitive system that is novel and not present in any of the subunits.
      • comment

      • adjacency between:
        • multiscale competency architecture
        • superorganism
      • adjacency statement

        • The concept of multiscale competency architecture is a useful one for considering and organizing the effects of Major Evolutionary Transitions (METs) over evolutionary timescales.
        • It links and locates the normative scale in which human consciousness exists to the lower scales of cells and subcellular life below, and to society as a social superorganism above.
        • it shows that each human INTERbeing / INTERbeCOMing is not isolated, but is part of a multiscale nexus / gestalt
        • I've incorporated this into my SRG presentation.
      • question

        • is there research on signaling mechanisms exist between different levels?
          • in another part of the paper, there is discussion of gap junctions as a way to cohere individual cells into group functionality
          • in particular, is there a way for humans consciousness to communicate with lower levels of its body? ie. to tissues, cells or subcellular structures?
        • Could the Bodhisattva vow be extended not only at the level of the social superorganism of groups of individual multicellular beings, but also downwards in the multiscale competency architecture to all the trillions of cells and microbes that inhabit each multicellular planetary body?
          • if it can, it can be interpreted as taking care of your body through
            • healthy exercise
            • healthy sleep
            • healthy diet
            • healthy thoughts and emotions
            • no self-harm
            • self love but not conceit
        • what are the exact biological and evolutionary mechanisms that allow for coherence of individual organisms at the various levels of the multiscale competency architecture and can they be extended to apply to the scale of humans within a social superorganism scale?
        • could love be another word for care drive that applies to all the different scales of the multiscale competency architecture?
        • do feelings of love and compassion propagate downwards through the multiscale competency architecture and find analogous expression in the appropriate spaces?
      • reference
    1. ou certainly have a light cone that does not belong to any of your pieces
      • for: individual / collective gestalt, Deep Humanity, superorganism, multi-level superorganism, major evolutionary transition, MET, cognitive light cone, umwelt

      • paraphrase

        • a human being certainly has a light cone that does not belong to any of its pieces (ie cells)
        • at the conscious level of a human being, we have
          • goals
          • preferences
          • hopes
          • dreams
          • narratives
        • humans occupy spaces that do not belong to our individual cells, tissues or organs
          • those smaller parts work in
            • physiological space
            • transcriptional space
            • biomolecular space
        • When we were an embryo we worked in morphogenetic space
      • comment

        • Since MET implies that these smaller structures of which we are constituted like
          • cells and
          • sub-cellular structures like mitochondria
        • were descended from individual organisms long ago in deep history, those contemporary proxies are occupying their own umwelt
    2. all intelligence collective intelligence
      • for: quote, quote - intelligence, major evolutionary transition, MET, quote - collective inteillgence, quote - Michael Levin
      • quote
        • all intelligence is collective intelligence
      • author: Michael Levin

      • comment

        • Major evolutionary transition (MET) are milestones in evolution in which collections of distinct individual life forms unite into one cohesive collection due to improved fitness and begin to replicate as a new individual unit
        • hence the Deep Humanity term individual / collective gestalt, developed to deal with the level of human organisms and the societies and groups they belong to, applies to evolutionary biology as well through the MET where a new higher level individual is formed out of a collective of lower level indivdiuals
    1. Another concern is that these emerging economies could be simply trapping themselves in more debt with these agreements.
      • for: debt trap, economic colonialism, progress trap, JETP, UETP, Invesitgate, investigate - JETP
      • progress trap
        • in building out renewable infrastructure, these loans and grants may further increase debt to disenfranchised countries
        • then it is no longer Just energy transition but becomes Unjust Energy Transition Partnerships (UETP)
        • if not done right, JETP can turn into UETP
        • This definitely requires further investigation!
      • investigate
        • whether JETP are REALLY JUST!
    2. he agreements aren’t perfect. For example, they may not rule out oil and gas as bridging fuels between coal and renewables
      • for: bridging fuels, energy transitions
      • comment
        • fossil fuel bridging fuels can be very problematic
          • the carbon budget is shrinking fast
          • instead of rich nations and peoples transferring the remaining carbon budget to those in need of development, it is simply being wasted on high carbon lifestyles of the rich and famous and to a lesser degree, the middle class
          • we are making a tradeoff between high carbon lifestyle choices and transferring that carbon to those in developmental need
          • this is where the "bridging fossil fuels" come into play, to compensate for the high carbon life style
          • If the transfer from the elites to the energy disenfranchised actually happened, perhaps we would not even need those bridging fossil fuels!
      • for: climate financing, JETP, Just Energy Transition Partnerships
      • summary
        • Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETP) are happening in South Africa and also Indonesia, Vietnam, Senegal and possibly India.
        • Will these actually happen? Will they be enough to avoid the highest risk of planetary tipping points?
    3. Ramalope says they also don’t go far enough. “I think the weakness of JETPs is that they’re not encouraging 1.5 [degrees] Celsius,”
      • for: 1.5 Deg target, JETP, JETP ambitions
      • comment
        • the JETPs do not go far enough. This is dangerous as it still allows significant amounts of fossil fuel emissions that will breach 1.5 Deg C and increase chances of breaching severe planetary tipping points
    4. Just Energy Transition Partnerships, or JETPs, an attempt to catalyze global finance for emerging economies looking to shift energy reliance away from fossil fuels in a way that doesn’t leave certain people and communities behind.
      • for: Just transition, Just Energy Transition, Just Energy Transition partnerships, JETP
      • Question

        • How does JETP fit into the global transition in terms of:

          • speed
          • climate justice
          • decolonialism
        • Is net zero enough?

  14. Aug 2023
    1. aybe that's the most 00:06:49 important thing um where uh would just citizen science or participatory science dialogue with really uh inclusive participation play a role in the r d 00:07:05 programs of the future in what you're kind of thinking about yeah so so um i i i framed this this r d program that is it's conceptual at the 00:07:18 time it's not funded yet you know i'm hoping that we can secure funds but i frame it as a partnership between this global science community and local communities 00:07:29 so it's very so dialogue with the public and within the science community and among interested stakeholders is extremely important
      • for: earth system boundaries, cosmolocal, local movement, transition town, circular cities, TPF
      • comment
        • integrating science with local communities
        • this statement is key, to bring extra capacity to communities that are handicapped and don't have scientific, technological and engineering capacity -paraphrase
      • This project is a collaboration between the global scientific community and local communities to improve societal systems. It's not a one-size-fits-all process, but many different experiments.
      • TPF and SRG strategy is well aligned with Science-driven societal transformation ethos:
    1. Standard-Artikel über die Schwierigkeiten, in Österreich Großprojekte zur Energiewende administrativ und gegen den Widerstand lokaler Initiativen durchzusetzen. Die drei ausgewählten Beispiele zeigen, dass die Probleme und die Motive für den Widerstand sehr unterschiedlich sind. Die EU will mit dem Net Zero Industry Act die Zeit bis zur Umsetzung von Projekten auf maximal anderthalb Jahre verkürzen. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000182417/ueberforderte-behoerden-und-protestierende-buerger-bremsen-die-energiewende-aus

    1. sense of self is a construct a psychological and social construct it's something it's not something that 00:06:42 infants are born with it's actually something that develops as we grow up our caregivers look into our eyes give us a name that we learned to identify with and also basically we learn to see 00:06:59 ourselves as they see us we inte
      • for: self, constructing reality, constructed self, constructed reality, constructing the sense of self, self and other, nonduality, duality, insecurable, comment, question

      • paraphrase

        • sense of self is a construct
        • a psychological and social construct
        • it's not something that infants are born with
          • it's actually something that develops as we grow up
        • our caregivers look into our eyes
          • give us a name that we learned to identify with and
          • also basically we learn to see ourselves as they see us
            • we internalize that which is why we are so preoccupied with what other people think about
          • we learned to use language in certain ways
            • mine
            • you
            • yours
            • his
            • hers and so forth
          • that's all very essential to it
        • so we could say that the sense of self is being a construct
        • it's composed of mostly habitual ways of
          • thinking
          • feeling
          • acting
          • reacting
          • remembering
          • planning and
          • tending
        • it's the way that these mostly habitual processes work together re-enforce each other
        • but does that give us insight into what the fundamental problem is?
      • I think it does and here's what it is as I understand it
        • because the sense of self is a construct
          • because it doesn't refer it
          • doesn't depend on it
          • doesn't point back to a real self that has any self-reality or or self-identity
      • this sense of self by virtue of its lack of essence is inherently uncomfortable

        • we can say it's basically inherently insecure
        • in fact it's not only insecure but it's insecurable
      • comment

      • question
        • I agree with David's analysis but also have a question for him:
          • what about the biological, evolutionary definition of the self of a living organism. Is there a contradiction here?
          • reference
            • Major Evolutionary Transitions occur when a group of individuated living organisms achieve greater fitness by mutualism and begin to reproduce together as a new unit
              • How do we harmonize the claim of a psychologically constructed self with this evolutionary formation of new biological SELF units through MET?
    1. In Deutschland sind im ersten Halbjahr 2023 nur halb so viele Anträge auf die Förderung von Wärmepumpen eingegangen wie im Halbjahr zuvor. Als eine wichtige Ursache dafür sieht ein Branchensprecher die Auseinandersetzungen in der Bundesregierung.https://taz.de/Probleme-bei-der-Waermewende/!5949274/

    1. when we step into uncertainty, our bodies respond physiologically and mentally.
      • for: transition, uncertainty, uncertainty - neuroscience, ingroup, outgroup, letting go, lifetime student
      • paraphrase
        • Uncertainty brings
          • immune system deterioration
          • brain cells wither and even die
          • creativity and intelligence decrease
        • We often go from fear to anger because fear is a state of certainty.
        • We become morally judgmental, an extreme version of oneself.
          • conservatives become ultra-conservative
          • liberals become ultra liberal.
        • because we retreat to a place of safety and familiarity.
        • The problem is that the world changes.
        • Since we have to adapt or die, if we want to shift from A to B,
          • the first step is not B.
          • the first step is to go from A to not A
            • to let go of our biases and assumptions;
            • to step into the very place that our brain evolved to avoid;
            • to step into the place of the unknown.
            • to step into a liminal space
      • comment
        • Uncertainty is uncomfortable
        • and can drive us into our familiar, accepted, insular ingroup
        • In other words, lead to greater social polarization.
        • Adaptation requires us to step into the unknown.
        • Big changes in our lives therefore require us to go
          • from the familiar and comfortable space,
          • to the unfamiliar and uncomfortable
            • movement away from our comfort zone, as is happening as the polycrisis we face gains traction.
  15. Jul 2023
    1. The consequences of our current choices bear not juston us. They bear on the continued evolutionary unfoldingof life in the universe. This marks the scale of our currentresponsibility
      • for: human impacts, MET, major evolutionary transition, progress trap, human responsibility to life, CCE, cumulative cultural evolution, playing God
      • comment
        • Very true, in fact our species is in the unprecedented position that
        • human activity, and specifically our cumulative cultural evolution (CCE) now determines the biological / genetic evolutionary future not only of our own species, but of all life on earth.
        • In other words, of evolution itself! -This is an awkward position as we have nowhere near the wisdom to play God and determine the future direction of evolution!
      • References
    1. Erneruerbare Energien wachsen weltweit deutlich schneller als von vielen erwartet. Ein neuer Bericht der Internatiionale Energiebehörde IEA stellt fest, dass die Erzeugungskapazität inzwischen bei 340 Gigawatt liegt. 2022 wurden 1.600Millionen Dollar in Erneuerbare investiert. Der Marktanteil von Elektroautos stieg auf 15%. berichte von anderen Institutionen bestätigen diese Trends. https://taz.de/Klimaneutralitaet-2050-technisch-moeglich/!5948817/

      IEA-Bericht: https://www.iea.org/reports/tracking-clean-energy-progress-2023

      Bericht des Rocky Montains Institute zur Energiewende: https://rmi.org/insight/x-change-electricity/

      Studie des World Resources Institute zu den 8 Ländern mit dem schnellsten Wachstum von Erneuerbaren: https://www.wri.org/insights/countries-scaling-renewable-energy-fastest

    1. Die EU hat eine Liste von 34 Rohstoffen formuliert, die von kritischer Bedeutung für die Industrie sind, vor allem für die Energiewende. Ab 2030 soll keiner dieser Rohstoffe zu mehr als 65% aus demselben Land stammen. Einige dieser Rohstoffe stammen im Augenblick zu einem wesentlich höheren Teil aus China. Grund für die Verlagerung sind die niedrigen Kosten für die Förderung bzw die Verarbeitung https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000179305/warum-kritische-rohstoffe-trotz-europaeischen-potenzials-anderswo-abgebaut-werden

    1. Der Kommentar des Guadian gibt einen Überblick über die Ergebnisse des Green Deal in Europa sowie über die wachsende Opposition dagegen. Angesichts der ökonomischen Vorteile der Energiewende drohen vor allem anderen Komponenten des Green Deal an dieser Opposition zu scheitern, etwa die Renaturierung.


    1. Die österreichische Regulierungsbehörde E-Control hat einen Zehnpunkte-Plan vorgelegt, damit Strom aus Photovoltaik schneller ins Netz eingespeist werden kann. Mit 3,5 Terawattstunden stammten 2022 ca. 7% des in Österreich produzierten Stroms aus Photovoltaik. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000177910/r

    1. Julian Huxley
      • Julian Huxley's biology work was to lay the seed of
        • how one individual organism transforms over many generations
          • into a new higher-level individual organism
        • he called this the "movement of individuality"
        • It has also come to be known as
          • major transitions
          • major evolutionary transition (MET)
          • evolutionary transitions in individuality
        • grandson of Thomas Huxley
        • brother of Aldous Huxley (Brave New World)
        • wrote The Individual in the Animal Kingdom (1912)
        • advocated for closed, independent systems with harmonious parts
        • endorsed gradients of individuality
        • "closure is never complete, the independence never absolute, the harmony never perfect"
  16. Jun 2023
    1. Die britische Energy Transition Commission hat errechnet, dass jährlich 130 Milliarden Dollar nötig sind, um die Abholzung der am meisten bedrohten Regenwälder wirksam zu stoppen - zusätzlich zu wirksamen Verboten. Zur Zeit werden aber nur 2-3 Milliarden Dollar dazu ausgegeben. Das Geld ist vor allem für wirtschaftliche Alternativen nötig und konkrete z.T durch CO2-Steuern aufgebracht werden. Auf Dauer würde ein wirksamer Waldschutz, der nötig ist, um die Erhitzung der Erde zu stoppen, eher eine Billion Dollar erfordern. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/19/dont-fool-yourself-billions-more-needed-to-protect-tropical-forests-warns-new-report-aoe

    1. Der deutsche Wirtschaftsminister Habeck plant, den Umstieg deutscher Industriebetriebe auf erneuerbare Energien zu fördern, damit diese dadurch keine Mehrkosten haben. Ulrike Herrmann beurteilt diesen Plan in der Pfalz positiv, schränkt aber ein Komma dass Angaben über die gesamtstrommenge, die erneuerbar produziert werden kann, fehlen. In Deutschland können nicht genug Strom für Industrie Heizung und Verkehr zusammen produziert werden. Er müsste deswegen entweder z.b über ammoniak-porte aus Namibia eingeführt werden oder – ein Verstoß gegen Tabus der Industriepolitik – energieintensive Industrien müssten in Länder mit mehr sonnen und Windenergie ausgelagert werden. https://taz.de/Klimasubventionen-fuer-Unternehmen/!5936015/

    1. In Deutschland wurden im ersten Quartal 14% mehr Gasheizungen verkauft als im Vorjahresquartal. Die taz berichtet über den Boom bei Heizungen. Vor allem Besitzer älterer Häuser kaufen weiterhin Gasheizungen, oft weil sie über Kosten und Förderungen nicht informiert und durch die öffentliche Diskussion verunsichert sind.


  17. May 2023
    1. Der Inflation Reduction Act hat in den USA deutlich mehr Investitionen in Erneuerbare und in Elektromobilität ausgelöst als vorausgesehen. Einer der Architekten des Gesetzes, das u.a. Investionen in bisher von fossilen Energien abhängien Gebieten fördert, zieht in der New York Times eine frühe Erfolgsbilanz. Er weist aber auch auf fehlende Regelungen bei der Infrastrukturplanung, Investionsanreizen und Abkommen mit Partnerländern hin. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/30/opinion/climate-clean-energy-investment.html

    1. Österreich konnte demnach seine Abhängigkeit zwar verringern, liege aber noch immer weit über dem EU-Durchschnitt. Positiv hob die EU-Kommission hervor, dass der Anteil des russischen Gases in Österreich an den gesamten Importen 2022 rund 57 Prozent betrug - waren es im Jahr davor noch 80 Prozent

      Die EU-Kommission hat gemengelt, dass Österreich keinen klaren Plan hat, um sich von russischem Erdgasunabhängig zu machen. Unter anderem wird Österreich aufgefordert, schneller auf erneuerbare Energien umzusteigen.

    1. Das deutsche Wirtschaftsministerium hat unter Habeck und Graichen die Energiewende energisch vorangetrieben, vor allem durch sehr viele Gesetze und Verordnungen. Die taz hat Esperten zu der zentralen Figur Graichen und zur Zukunft der deutschen Energiepolitik befragt. https://taz.de/Gruene-Klimapolitik/!5932974/

  18. Apr 2023
    1. due to the critical role of information in phase-transitions, the primary pathway to global systemic transformation will depend on our ability to process information on our current predicament coherently in order to translate this into adaptive action.

      Key observation - due to the critical role of information in phase-transitions, - the primary pathway to global systemic transformation - will depend on our ability to process information on our current predicament coherently - in order to translate this into adaptive action.

  19. Mar 2023
    1. It has been suggested that - the human species may be undergoing an evolutionary transition in individuality (ETI).

      there is disagreement about - how to apply the ETI framework to our species - and whether culture is implicated - as either cause or consequence.

      Long-term gene–culture coevolution (GCC) i- s - also poorly understood.

      argued that - culture steers human evolution,

      Others proposed - genes hold culture on a leash.

      After review of the literature and evidence on long-term GCC in humans - emerge a set of common themes. - First, culture appears to hold greater adaptive potential than genetic inheritance - and is probably driving human evolution. - The evolutionary impact of culture occurs - mainly through culturally organized groups, - which have come to dominate human affairs in recent millennia. - Second, the role of culture appears to be growing, - increasingly bypassing genetic evolution and weakening genetic adaptive potential. -Taken together, these findings suggest that human long-term GCC is characterized by - an evolutionary transition in inheritance - from genes to culture - which entails a transition in individuality (from genetic individual to cultural group). Research on GCC should focus on the possibility of - an ongoing transition in the human inheritance system.

    2. The human species may be undergoing an evolutionary transition in individuality (ETI) [1–6]. The evolutionary transitions framework explains how new levels of biological organization (such as multicellularity, or eusociality) emerge from subsidiary units (such as cells or individuals) through the formation of cooperative groups [6–10]. First proposed by Maynard Smith & Szathmáry [3], evolutionary transitions are thought to unfold via a shift in the dominant level of selection from competitive individuals to well-integrated functional groups [8,11]. These transitions exhibit a common set of patterns, including new divisions of labour, the loss of full individual autonomy and reproductive control, and the rise of new routes of information transmission [6,7,10].

      Definition : Evolutionary Transition in Individuality - This is a very good definition of ETI - A new individual is a new level of biological organization - The new individual emerges out of an integration of subsiduary units as competitive individuals synergize and form well-integrated functional groups

    1. It’s possible, the researchers suggest, that the appearance of human culture represents a key evolutionary milestone.
      • key observation
        • human culture may represent a key evolutionary milestone
        • culture may be the next evolutionary transition state
          • pre-single self organisms like mitochondria increased fitness by sharing the environment with other life forms and formed the single cell
          • then multi-cellular organisms set the stage for the next big evolutionary paradigm
          • splitting into plants and animals
          • sexual reproduction
          • transition to land
        • we are possibly undergoing the next major evolutionary transition
        • in which we will still evolve genetically,
        • but genetics may not determine human survival as much as culture does
    1. Within the Earth Commission, we aim to propose ‘safe and just Earth system boundaries’ (ESBs) that go beyond planetary boundaries as they also include a justice perspective and suggest transformations to achieve them3.
      • The = Earth Commission,
      • proposes ‘safe and just Earth system boundaries’ (ESBs)
      • that go beyond planetary boundaries as
        • they also include a justice perspective
        • suggest transformations to achieve them.
      • Safe and just ESBs aim to:

        • stabilize the Earth system,
        • protect species and ecosystems,
        • avoid tipping points,
        • minimize ‘significant harm’ to people while ensuring access to resources for a dignified life and escape from poverty.
      • If justice is not considered,

      • the biophysical limits may not be adequate
      • to protect current generations from significant harm

      • Comment

      • Similar to aims of doughnut economics
    2. The above proposals for just ends need to be subject to wide discussion to further refine our proposals and better meet principles of procedural justice and to analyse the transformations that will achieve this. Just means include ensuring that different knowledge systems are represented in assessments and collective action that challenges dominant sociocultural norms and assumptions about misrecognized groups.
      • Paraphrase
      • Comment
      • For such an unprecedented rapid whole system change, we will need inclusive, participatory debate at every level of society!
      • Transformation has to be applied to all drivers including:
        • values
        • governance
        • inequality
        • population and demographics
        • technology
        • consumption
        • accumulation
        • biophysical processes
    1. The only possible opening for a statement of this kind is that I detest writing. The process itself epitomizes the European concept of "legitimate" thinking; what is written has an importance that is denied the spoken. My culture, the Lakota culture, has an oral tradition, so I ordinarily reject writing. It is one of the white world's ways of destroying the cultures of non-European peoples, the imposing of an abstraction over the spoken relationship of a people.
      • Quote
      • The only possible opening for a statement of this kind is that I detest writing. The process itself epitomizes the European concept of "legitimate" thinking; what is written has an importance that is denied the spoken. My culture, the Lakota culture, has an oral tradition, so I ordinarily reject writing. It is one of the white world's ways of destroying the cultures of non-European peoples, the imposing of an abstraction over the spoken relationship of a people.

      • Comment

      • One critique of this statement is that it wasn't only European cultures that created written language. It has a rich non European history.
      • also, from an evolutionary perspective, written language use a major variable Facilitating Evolutionary Transition (FET) for a Major Evolutionary Transition (MET) of our species.

      • https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=Major+Evolutionary+Transition