- Dec 2024
ankiweb.net ankiweb.net
Migaku to Anki is possible. Good!
forum.language-learners.org forum.language-learners.org
This is neat! I ran across your web pages about Subs2SRS a few weeks ago! Was going to try it and then, like you said, realized the geekiness factor was more intense than I was willing to invest!I'm enjoying your reviews here.Someone mentioned lingopie earlier (end of page 1?). Do you think you'll try it?If not, maybe I can post a review here later. I just signed up for the 7-day trial a half-hour ago…--Edit: LingoPie does not support flashcard export!
Subs2SRS LingoPie
Language Reactor allows the user to import a web page, for example, for LWT-like reading. Lute will associate a sound file with a text, for listening while reading, but it won't make audio flashcards. The headline feature for Subs2srs is making flashcards from video, but it also can make flashcards from audio. Etc. I'd be interested in seeing a table showing the various software tools across the top and the various features on the y axis, with check marks showing which features are in which tools.That's fair actually: I had it in mind that LR and Subs2srs were just tools for working with video and Lute was just for text etc. but there is some overlap. I think I saw that Migaku also works with text.
more tools: Lute <- LWT (defunct)
I meant to mention here that I wrote a bit about my experience with trying asbplayer, and comparing it to Migaku, in my log. The short version is that asbplayer works pretty well if you're using target-language-only subtitles, and I like how it's more flexible and doesn't force you into using it a certain way like Migaku does, but it really doesn't handle dual subtitles well. If working with dual subtitles is important to you then I'd either stick with Language Reactor or Migaku, or accept a bit more manual work with moving text around when creating cards. If that aspect improves in future, it could become a great alternative.I'm using a combination approach: Language Reactor to display the subtitles (since its display, alignment, and hover capabilities are light-years ahead of asbplayer's) and asbplayer to make audio cards. It works and it's free, but it's not exactly pretty and it does take a bit more manual work compared to Migaku which is mostly point-and-click once it's been set up.Japanese learners might want to look into combining asbplayer with Yomitan, which apparently provides a good experience for word translations and card creation, though I've not tried it. The "equivalent" for European languages with VocabSieve was too janky even for me.
absplayer, yomitan cp. Migaku
I have never used flashcards. It seems to me that the Languatalk app has a new feature for consolidating words: creating new coherent stories with the vocabulary collected via flashcards.How does Langua work? (explainer video)https://languatalk.com/langua?oc=truehttps://languatalk.com/langua/vocab_ai_storiesVocabAI StoriesLearn saved words
Langua Languatalk
I've been using Migaku for German and Spanish, and so far so good. It's rough around the edges but mostly does what it's supposed to and mismatching subs have rarely been an issue so far. I have read that people are doing the same thing (for Japanese at least) with free and open-source tools (asbplayer, which seems to do quite the same thing as Language Reactor, and captures cards like Mikagu) plus Yomitan and Anki.
review of Migaku
There's a service called Migaku that, I believe, is similar to Language Reactor,
Language Reactor
Knowclip is a free, open source desktop application for watching videos and making Anki cards.
- Aug 2024
x.com x.com
Crypto miners are being paid not to mine to ease energy production/consumption cycles.
Related to protection money for the mob
re: https://x.com/curious_founder/status/1828511303788322888/photo/1 on The Economist's article about crypto mining in Texas o/a 2024-08-27
- Jul 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
deep sea mining could start domino effects of which we are entirely unaware.
for - progress trap - deep sea metallic nodes produce oxygen - deep sea mining can disrupt
- May 2024
Ausführliche Artikel der taz über das fossil fuel crime file, eine von Greenpeace erstellte Liste von Verbrechen und zivilrechtlichen Vergehen derFfossilindustrie. Sie dient als Basis für juristische Aktionen. https://taz.de/Fossilindustrie-vor-Gericht/!5936699/
- actor: ENI
- expert: Donald Pöls
- actor: Lundin Energy
- expert: Channa Samkalden
- region: Niger delta
- NGO: Milieudefensie
- actor: Equinor
- project: Mining Impact
- TotalEnergies
- actor: Glencore
- NGO: Greenpeace
- expert: Lisa Göldner
- actor: OMV
- actor: Statoil
- NGO: Friends of the Earth
- project: EACOP
- actor: Shell
- mode: legal action
- project: East African Crude Oil Pipeline
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
In Frankreich beginnt in dieser Woche eine öffentliche Debatte um ein großes lithium-bergbauprojekt im zentralmassiv. Der umfassende Artikel beleuchtet eine Vielzahl von Aspekten des lithium-Abbaus und der zunehmenden Opposition dagegen, die eng mit dem Kampf gegen die individuelle motorisierte Mobilität verbunden ist. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/course-au-lithium-made-in-france-une-opportunite-a-saisir-ou-un-mirage-ecologique-20240310_FQOVXTBNKJC5NJ7EZI2UQKOAIY/in
- fédération d’associations France nature environnement (FNE)
- company: Eramet
- country: China
- Vulcan Energy
- mining
- ressouce: Lithium
- France
- country: Australia
- project: Emili
- variable: lithium demand
- region: Massif central
- Region: Allier
- institution: Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (BRGM)
- NGO: Négawatt
- company: Lithium de France
- company: Electricité de Strasbourg
- institution: Observatoire français des ressources minérales
- project: Montagne d'Or
- research project: EuGeLi (European Geothermal Lithium)
- lithium
- mode: government action
- expert: Antoine Gatet
- expert: Aurélien Gay
- ressouce: water
- expert: Ysaline Jean-Jacque
- 2024-03-10
- institution: IEA
- country: Chile
- expert: Judith Pigneur
- country: Argentina
- Institution: Commission nationale du débat public (CNDP)
- actor: Imerys
- event: public debate on Emili
- by: Coralie Schaub
- Apr 2024
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
In den Rohstoff-Industrien steht möglicherweise eine der größten Überahmen der letzten Jahre bevor. Die australische BHP-Gruppe will für 36 Milliarden Euro die australische Anglo American übernehmen. Hintergrund ist der durch die Energiewende sehr schnell wachsende Bedarf nach Kupfer. https://www.repubblica.it/economia/finanza/2024/04/25/news/bhp_prova_a_soddisfare_la_fame_globale_di_rame_comprando_la_rivale_anglo_american-422727364/
- Feb 2024
www.handelsblatt.com www.handelsblatt.com
Interview mit dem Blackrock-Portfoliomanager Evy Hambro zu den Folgen der Energiewende für die Rohstoff-Märkte und einzige ihrer geopolitischen Implikationen. Grundaussagen: Durch erneuerbare Energien wird die Wirtschaft rohstoffintensiver und die Rohstoffpreise steigen. Auch der Bergbau ist bisher CO2-intensiv. Das Festhalten an Wachstum führt zu Investitionen in Kerneenergie und Uran-Bergbau. China beherrscht vor allem die Mitte der Lieferkette für wichtige Rohstoffe. https://www.handelsblatt.com/finanzen/maerkte/devisen-rohstoffe/blackrock-experte-energiewende-koennte-mineralienpreise-in-die-hoehe-treiben/100013162.html
- Jan 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Am 15. Dezember wurde Boliviens erste Fabrik zur Produktion von Lithium-Karbonat eröffnet. Die Eröffnung wurde als wichtiger Schritte bei der Industrialisierung Boliviens gefeiert. Das Land besitzt angeblich die größten Lithium-Reserven der Welt. Die Produktionskapazität liegt bei jährlich 15.000 Tonnen, das sind 10% der Weltproduktion. Zur Herstellung von Batterien ist Bolivien aber noch nicht in der Lage. https://www.liberation.fr/international/amerique/en-bolivie-lindustrialisation-des-petits-pas-pour-la-filiere-lithium-20240105_XUN36CJEWFFKXAGHYVT3UEREHY/
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Das norwegische Parlament hat gestern Forschungen zur konkreten Möglichkeit von Tiefseebergbau in einer Zone des norwegischen Kontinentalsockels erlaubt. Norwegen ist eines der ersten Länder, die Tiefseebergbau in der näheren Zukunft vorbereiten. Die Regierung hatte aber mit ihrem Plan bereits die Ausbeutung dieser Zone zu beschließen, keinen Erfolg. eEne internationale Kampagne kämpft gegen den Start des Tiefseebergbaus in Norwegen https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/norvege-feu-vert-du-parlement-a-la-prospection-miniere-des-fonds-marins-20240109_32OH3J2GUJEBBFGXXQMSP36XGQ/
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Das norwegische Parlament hat den Weg zum Tiefseebergbau frei gemacht. Es geht vor allem um die Förderung von Mineralien für erneuerbare Energien. Die Entscheidung fiel gegen den Rat sehr vieler Fachleute und trotz eines internationalen Moratoriums. Tiefseebergbau ist mit extremen Risiken für die Biodiversität verbunden. Ausführliches Interview mit der Aktivistin Camille Etienne. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/biodiversite/camille-etienne-si-la-norvege-vote-lexploitation-des-fonds-marins-elle-va-creer-une-nouvelle-industrie-mortifere-pour-le-climat-20240109_FHGG6UF745EPTK3AFNING4TUH4/
github.com github.com
[Yomitan - The Moe Way]
site:: [[GitHub]] user:: themoeway url:: https://github.com/themoeway/yomitan accessed:: 2024-01-04
www.survivalinternational.org www.survivalinternational.org
the mining operations on Halmahera are now penetrating deep into the rainforest of the Hongana Manyawa.” Vast areas of rainforest on Halmahera island are due to be logged and then mined for nickel. Companies including Tesla are investing billions in Indonesia’s plan to become a major nickel producer for the electric car battery market. French, German, Indonesian and Chinese companies are involved in mining in Halmahera.
for: progress trap - green growth - nickel mining - evicting uncontacted tribe
progress trap: green growth - mining
- Capitalist logic justifies this violence
- We destroy the earth in order to save the earth
- Question
- Is this really the way we should be doing things?
- Is the green growth agenda really going to keep humanity safe? Or will the unintended consequences, the progress trap be worse than the problem it is attempting to solve?
- Dec 2023
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
- Nov 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Der Critical Raw Materials Actt wird von Industrie-Lobbies benutzt, um Einschränkungen beim Zugang zu Rohmaterialien abzubauen, und zwar auch dann, wenn es nicht um die Energieversorgung geht. IT-, Rüstungs- und Raumfahrtindustrie versuchen von der Krisensituation bei den neuen Energien zu profitieren. Die Libéation berichtet über einen neuen Report von Lobbying-Warchdogs. Die Liste der kritischen Rohmaterialien wurde bereits von 15 auf 34 Stoffe erweitert. https://www.liberation.fr/international/europe/ue-le-critical-raw-materials-act-un-open-bar-pour-lindustrie-miniere-20231112_HZUR6376QJCZVBM5IGIUR6V2QE/
- process: energy transition
- expert: Erik Jönsson
- institution: Center for European Policy Analysis
- institution: Corporate Europe Observatory
- mode: legislation
- country: EU
- country: Australia
- country: Chile
- law: Critical Raw Materials Act
- country: Ukraine
- institution: Iris
- topic: Mining
- actor: Marie Toussaint
- expert: Lora Verheecke
- 2023-11-12
- country: Kasachstan
- program: Green Deal
- country: Canada
- institution: Observatoire des multinationales
nactem.ac.uk nactem.ac.ukThalia1
Thalia (Minería de textos para resaltar, agregar y vincular información en artículos) es un motor de búsqueda semántica que permite explorar 27 millones de resúmenes de PubMed. En su versión actual, es capaz de reconocer ocho tipos de entidades: 1. quimicos 2. Enfermedades 3. Drogas 4. genes 5. metabolitos 6. Proteínas 7. Especies 8. Entidades anatómicas
- Oct 2023
Die EU will mit dem Critical Raw Materials Actt den Abbau und das Recycling von Metallen, die für die Energiewende wichtig sind, schnell vorantreiben. Die taz berichtet über Schwierigkeiten vor Ort und eine Studie zu den aktuellen bürokratischen Regelungen und Hemnissen. https://taz.de/Kritische-Rohstoffe/!5967205/
Studie: https://www.ey.com/de_de/government-public-sector/deutsche-versorgungssicherheit
- Aug 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
In Grönland tritt die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung für die Unabhängigkeit von Dänemark ein. Man sieht Chancen, den Bergbau zu entwickeln, da Grönland über viele Bodenschätze verfügt, die für erneuerbare Energien wichtig sind. Wichtig für das Land ist auch das Abschmelzen des Nordpolareises, durch das neueSschifffahrtsrouten möglich werden. Dänemark fördert die Unabhängigkeit bisher nicht.
monde-diplomatique.de monde-diplomatique.de
Hintergrundartikel zum möglicherweise bald beginnenden Tiefseebergbau, dessen ökologische Folgen enorm sein dürften und wissenschaftlich noch nicht eingeschätzt werden können. Zentrales internationales Konfliktthema ist die Rolle der internationalen Meeresbodenbehörde ISA: Die Metalle, die in der Tiefsee abgebaut werden können, sind vor allem für Erzeugung und Speicherung erneuerbarer Energien interessant.
- expert: Matthew Gianni
- expert: Diva Amon
- institution: Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory
- institution: International Seabed Authority
- expert: Pradeep Singh
- feature: Clarion-Clipperton-Zone
- expert: Matthias Haeckel
- actor: The Metals Company
- institution:Potsdamer Forschungsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit
- topic: deep sea mining
- institution: ISA
- NGO: Deep Sea Conservation Coalition
- expert: Louisa Casson
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Um seine Atomindustrie mit Uran zu versorgen, ist Frankreich nicht von Niger abhängig. Man hat schon lange diversifiziert. Es besteht aber eine enge Abhängigkeit der französischen Atomindustrie von Russland unter anderem weil Russland Kernkraftwerke mit französischer Technologie exportiert. https://www.liberation.fr/international/afrique/putsch-au-niger-ca-ne-posera-pas-de-problemes-de-rupture-dapprovisionnement-en-uranium-20230731_IAE4LDVUZVEW3L6PAN3HRO6UOU/
- Jul 2023
Beim Treffen des Rats der Internationalen Meeresbodenbehörde kam es nicht zu einer Einigung über den Tiefsssebergbau. Einige Staaten, darunter Deutschland, wollen ein Moratorium durcchsetzen, haben damit aber weinig Aussicht auf Erfolg. Viele Firmen wollen in der Tiefsee Mineralien gewinnen, die für die Produktion erneuerbarer Energien verweendet werden können. Tiefseebergbau würde die Biodiversität in größtenteils unerforschten Ökosystemen enorm schädigen. https://taz.de/Bergbau-auf-dem-Meeresboden/!5946114/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Systematische Bestandsaufnahme der CO2-Emissionen durch Schleppnetze. Sie sind größer als die Emissionen Deutschland oder des Luftverkehrs. Veröffentlichen in Nature im Vorfeld der Biodiversitätskonferenz in China, Verweis auf ein paralleles Projekt zu terrestrischen Systemen.
Langer Artikel über Recherchen zu den katastrophalen sozialen und ökologischen Folgen des Bergbaus für erneuerbare Energien (thx @gerrymcgovern@mastodon.green, https://mastodon.green/@gerrymcgovern/110230800231430245). Wenn diese Recherchen stimmen, gibt es keine ethisch und politisch vertretbare und wohl auch keine wirtschaftlich realistische Möglichkeit, fossile Energien durch erneuerbare zu ersetzen. #degrowth ist dann nicht nur eine Option, sondern zwingend erforderlich. https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/04/07/Rising-Chorus-Renewable-Energy-Skeptics/
Tiefseebergbau ist noch nicht rentabel, und es ist unklar, ob und wann er rentabel werden wird. Interview mit Matthias Haeckel zur Erforschung der biologischen Folgewirkungen, zur internationalen Regelung des Zugangs und zu den möglichen Profiteuren. https://taz.de/Umweltfolgenforscher-ueber-Tiefseebergbau/!5929507/
www.stopdeepseabedmining.org www.stopdeepseabedmining.orgHome1
Learn more about what business can do to halt deep seabed mining
www.statoo.com www.statoo.com
CRISP-DM has not been built in a theoretical, academic manner working from technicalprinciples, nor did elite committees of gurus create it behind closed doors.
- Jun 2023
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Nach Ansicht von Experten und Vertreterinnen des Lithium-Bergbaus wird in den kommenden Jahren nicht genug Lithium für die Elektromobilität zur Verfügung stehen. Stimmen aus der Branche sprechen davon, dass die Nachfrage 2030 das Angebot um 500.000 Tonnen übersteigen wird.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Learning heterogeneous graph embedding for Chinese legal document similarity
The paper proposes L-HetGRL, an unsupervised approach using a legal heterogeneous graph and incorporating legal domain-specific knowledge, to improve Legal Document Similarity Measurement (LDSM) with superior performance compared to other methods.
die portugiesische Umweltbehörde hat grünes Licht für den Bau der größten lithium-europas gegeben. Es gibt aber immer noch Widerstand gegen dieses Projekt, dass in einer zum landschaftlichen Weltkulturerbe erklärten Region stattfinden soll und enorme Umweltschäden verursachen wird. https://taz.de/Portugal-genehmigt-riesigen-Tagebau/!5935913/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- May 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Australien strebt an die Industrie für die gesamte Supply Chain für Lithium auf dem eigenen Territorium aufzubauen. Australien liefert 50% des weltweit für Batterien verwendeten lithiums exportiert aber bisher nur das Rohmaterial nach China, dass die Lithium raffinierung kontrolliert. Die Abhängigkeit von China bei der lithium-produktion zu beenden, ist eine Priorität der australischen und der amerikanischen Regierung. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/23/business/australia-lithium-refining.html
- Apr 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Bei einer Vollversammlung des permanenten Forums der UN für indigene Angelegenheiten warnten Vertreter indigener Völker nachdrücklich vor einer Dekarbonisierung auf ihre Kosten, etwa durch Bergbau. Auch Artenschutz wird angeführt um indigene zu vertreiben, wie bei einem von den Vereinigten Arabischen Vereinigten Emiraten vorangetrieben Wildreservat im Massai-Gebiet. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/23/un-indigenous-peoples-forum-climate-strategy-warning
betterprogramming.pub betterprogramming.pub
After struggling with this problem for a while and still being far from solving this issue, I realized that I was making too many requests to the website; which made me come up with the idea of saving all the pages I needed to scrape on my local computer. Next, I started sending requests to these local HTML files instead and kept adapting my code.
I had similar problem on this.
- Feb 2023
therevelator.org therevelator.org
cobalt mine in Idaho’s Salmon River Mountains,
- = example tradeoff
- cobalt mine in Idaho’s Salmon River Mountains
- = example tradeoff
Coosa County, Alabama, express similar concerns over plans to mine graphite,
- = example tradeoff
- graphite mine Alabama
- = example tradeoff
northern Nevada, where his group has joined a lawsuit against a proposed open-pit lithium mine in Thacker Pass
- = example tradeoff
- open pit Lithium mine in Nevada
- = example tradeoff
70% of cobalt comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo, where an estimated 40,000 children as young as 6 work in dangerous mines.
- = energy transition
- = quotable
Tribes, landowners and communities find themselves wrestling with the not-so-green side of green energy.
- = energy transition
- = quotable
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
can have a pretty outsized carbon footprint and I'm wondering how you reconcile the vast amount of computational power necessary to accomplish this work and its negative impact on the environment and whether or not this is something you all are considering
Question: has the project considered the energy impact?
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Sustainability researchers from the Rochester Institute of Technology point out that there is significant variation in the types and amounts of critical materials present in different reservoirs of coal waste. This means that not all waste will be profitable to purify. As the researchers have written, “The value of rare earths in a single ton of coal ash can vary from US$99 at a coal plant in Ohio to $534 at a West Virginia plant. With extraction costs expected to range between $380 and $1,200 per ton, not every coal plant’s ash will be a profitable place to find rare earths.” There are also concerns that the chemicals used to harvest critical minerals could be damaging.
In the best case, the cost of extraction is about 70% of the possible value of the recovered minerals.
- Sep 2022
davidgerard.co.uk davidgerard.co.uk
You throw away computing power as fast as possible to show you deserve the bitcoins. Your chance of winning the bitcoin lottery is in direct proportion to how much you waste. Bitcoin mining now uses over 0.5% of all the electricity in the world — for the same seven transactions per second it managed to do in 2009. Bitcoin is the most inefficient payment system in human history.
Proof-of-work effects
- Jun 2022
blog.cryptographyengineering.com blog.cryptographyengineering.com
Proof-of-work is not the only technology we have on which to build consensus protocols. Today, many forward-looking networks are deploying proof-of-stake (PoS) for their consensus. In these systems, your “voting power” in the network is determined by your ownership stake in some valuable on-chain asset, such as a new or existing electronic token. Since cryptocurrency has coincidentally spent a lot of time distributing tokens, this means that new protocols can essentially “cut out the middleman” and simply use coin ownership directly as a proxy for voting power, rather than requiring operators to sell their coins to buy electricity and mining hardware. Proof-of-stake systems are not perfect: they still lead to some centralization of power, since in this paradigm the rich tend to get richer. However it’s hard to claim that the result will be worse than the semi-centralized mess that proof-of-work mining has turned into.
Proof-of-Stake can replace Proof-of-Work
This is a big caveat here...the nature of the tech leads to a centralization of power that means "the rich tend to get richer." For the sake of removing the environmental consequences of consensus building, does it seem worthwhile to anoint a subset of users to get richer from the use of the tech?
www.nbcnews.com www.nbcnews.com
“Data is the new oil,” she said.
Oft repeated phrase and one I wouldn't have expected in this article.
- Apr 2022
Drexelportrayed note-taking as the best kind of mine, one that would never fail to re-ward diligent work.3
- Mar 2022
decentralizedthoughts.github.io decentralizedthoughts.github.io
Colordag: From always-almost to almost-always 50% selfish mining resilience
- Feb 2022
www.faps.fau.de www.faps.fau.de
Data Mining und Knowledge Discovery in Databases be-inhalten Methoden der Informations- und Wissensextraktion aus strukturierten Datensätzen [99].
Data Mining-Systeme
- Oct 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
The reality of the history of Canada’s mining industry makes #SquidGame look like child’s play.
“The truth is that all of the gold that was mined out of the Klondike was under Indigenous land. There was no treaty with any of the Indigenous peoples in the Yukon.”
“That land was stolen by the Canadian state and that gold was whisked away by private interests. The Federal Government only signed land claims with Indigenous peoples in the Yukon in the 1990s, but by that point, almost all the gold had been mined out of the ground.”
“The Klondike gold rush was a rolling disaster that captured tens of thousands of people. When the first European explorers came to the Americas, they came here looking for gold. In the 1890s, that lust for precious metals eventually led men to the farthest reaches of this continent.”
“Today, instead of 100,000 people descending on a small patch of land, you have large corporations digging treasures out of the ground. But the legacies these mining operations leave behind are just like what happened in the Klondike: workers with broken bodies, environmental destruction, the dispossession of Indigenous land, sexual violence. The gold rushes never stopped. They just morphed into something different.”
www.canadaland.com www.canadaland.com
When gold was discovered in the Yukon, 100,000 people desperately tried to make it to a small patch of land in one of the most remote environments on the continent. Few made it all the way. The Klondike Gold Rush was many things: a media conspiracy, a ponzi scheme, a land grab. But above all, it was a humanitarian disaster that stretched over much of the Pacific Northwest.
“The truth is that all of the gold that was mined out of the Klondike was under Indigenous land. There was no treaty with any of the Indigenous peoples in the Yukon.”
“That land was stolen by the Canadian state and that gold was whisked away by private interests. The Federal Government only signed land claims with Indigenous peoples in the Yukon in the 1990s, but by that point, almost all the gold had been mined out of the ground.”
“The Klondike gold rush was a rolling disaster that captured tens of thousands of people. When the first European explorers came to the Americas, they came here looking for gold. In the 1890s, that lust for precious metals eventually led men to the farthest reaches of this continent.”
“Today, instead of 100,000 people descending on a small patch of land, you have large corporations digging treasures out of the ground. But the legacies these mining operations leave behind are just like what happened in the Klondike: workers with broken bodies, environmental destruction, the dispossession of Indigenous land, sexual violence. The gold rushes never stopped. They just morphed into something different.”
Canada is Fake
“Canada is not an accident or a work in progress or a thought experiment. I mean that Canada is a scam — a pyramid scheme, a ruse, a heist. Canada is a front. And it’s a front for a massive network of resource extraction companies, oil barons, and mining magnates.”
theoutline.com theoutline.com
This pattern lies at the heart of the shell corporation we call “Canada,” and forms the logic of both domestic and international policy. The mining industry is the most egregious example. Over 75 percent of the world’s mining companies are based in Canada.
Canada is Fake
Canada is not an accident or a work in progress or a thought experiment. I mean that Canada is a scam — a pyramid scheme, a ruse, a heist. Canada is a front. And it’s a front for a massive network of resource extraction companies, oil barons, and mining magnates.
Canada is not an accident or a work in progress or a thought experiment. I mean that Canada is a scam — a pyramid scheme, a ruse, a heist. Canada is a front. And it’s a front for a massive network of resource extraction companies, oil barons, and mining magnates.
Extraction Empire
Globally, more than 75% of prospecting and mining companies on the planet are based in Canada. Seemingly impossible to conceive, the scale of these statistics naturally extends the logic of Canada’s historical legacy as state, nation, and now, as global resource empire.
Canada’s Indian Reserve System served, officially, as a strategy of Indigenous apartheid (preceding South African apartheid) and unofficially, as a policy of Indigenous genocide (preceding the Nazi concentration camps of World War II).
www.canadaland.com www.canadaland.com
Stories about the dirty business of Canadian mining.
Canadaland: Commons
Introducing our new season… Mining
Stories about the dirty business of Canadian mining.
Mining is a dirty business, but it is what Canada does best. Three-quarters of the world’s mining companies are best right here in the Great White North.
In our new season, Commons: Mining, we’ll be digging deep into the practices and the history of the extractive industry. From the gold rushes that shaped the country to the cover-ups and the outright frauds at home and abroad.
Canada was built on extracting what lay under the land, no matter the damage it did or who it ended up hurting.
The first episode of Commons: Mining comes out on October 13th.
Canada is fake
Canada is not an accident or a work in progress or a thought experiment. I mean that Canada is a scam — a pyramid scheme, a ruse, a heist. Canada is a front. And it’s a front for a massive network of resource extraction companies, oil barons, and mining magnates.
Extraction Empire
Globally, more than 75% of prospecting and mining companies on the planet are based in Canada. Seemingly impossible to conceive, the scale of these statistics naturally extends the logic of Canada’s historical legacy as state, nation, and now, as global resource empire.
Canada’s Indian Reserve System served, officially, as a strategy of Indigenous apartheid (preceding South African apartheid) and unofficially, as a policy of Indigenous genocide (preceding the Nazi concentration camps of World War II).
Theft on a grand scale
It’s really been about theft on a grand scale. Look at how the United Kingdom became rich, or England and then Britain as it was, at the time. It was through bleeding India dry, we bled $45 trillion out of India. We taxed the subcontinent until there was virtually nothing left, then used a small amount of that tax money to buy its goods. So we were buying goods with their own money. And then we used the phenomenal profits — 100% profits — from that enterprise to finance the capture of other nations, and the colonization of those nations and the citizens, the railways and the other things we built in order to drain wealth out of them.
— George Monbiot
imaginaxiom.com imaginaxiom.com
Canada’s Indian Reserve System served, officially, as a strategy of Indigenous apartheid (preceding South African apartheid) and unofficially, as a policy of Indigenous genocide (preceding the Nazi concentration camps of World War II).
The Doctrine of Discovery
Since the Doctrine of Discovery was issued by a Papal Bull in 1493, Western Europeans have used this document as legal justification for the genocide, colonization, extraction, and profit from the theft of land and its resources in what they called the New World.
- Aug 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Saire, Josimar. E. Chire., & Masuyama, A. (2021). How Japanese citizens faced the COVID-19 pandemic?: Exploration from twitter [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/64x7s
- Jul 2021
engl201.opened.ca engl201.opened.ca
they do not form the basis for discovery,
I don't entirely agree with this part of the statement because the digital tools we have allow us to both view information in an entirely new way and to see connections that we couldn't have seen very readily. For example, the ability to take any written work and create a concordance of words can give us great insight that just reading the work would not have. If we wanted to see to what degree society is viewed from a male vs. female perspective between 1920 and 2020 we could analyze specific words in several pieces of literature from those time periods to see how significantly each gender is represented. If not impossible to do before digital tools, it would certainly be so laborious as to render it an insignificant goal in the scheme of humanistic inquiry. Thus we there is a basis for discovery within digital tools.
- May 2021
metameso.org metameso.org
By contrast, in our work we have centred circumstances of cultural diversity and human relationships.
I'm glad to see that we didn't retreat from the critical stance that we initially brought forward. Our perspective was that Kostakis et al. tended towards a 'provisionist' and paternalistic sort of development trajectory, a kind of neo-colonialism, even though they are pitching their work from within peer-to-peer and free software settings. The same issue could easily come up with patterns, i.e., if they are offered as the solution. Realistically, it's possible to read a lot of the patterns literature this way (including Alexander), regardless of what they say about adapting their patterns for local circumstances. The medium of print holds the more egalitarian process of pattern development hostage, and makes pattern authors seem much more arrogant than they ever intended to be! This is why we've focused on participatory processes of pattern development here. Furthermore we're not saying that this is an exhaustive treatment of that topic! Hopefully it is clear (though, if not, this will take more work) that what we're trying to develop is the opposite of 'provisionist' thinking. (BTW, for this term, Cf. Boud and Lee "‘Peer learning’ as pedagogic discourse for research education"
Pattern language development can give us another way to think and talk about the “process of language development” that already goes on inside institutions
This part could be relevant for thinking about 'pattern mining' and how to contextualise it. Consider the various situations where we run into a problem of language, i.e., where we don't have any language to talk about something that actually urgently matters to the parties involved. Things can either end badly there, or the parties can engage in a process of language development.
- Mar 2021
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Xu, Z., & Guo, H. (2018). Using Text Mining to Compare Online Pro- and Anti-Vaccine Headlines: Word Usage, Sentiments, and Online Popularity. Communication Studies, 69(1), 103–122. https://doi.org/10.1080/10510974.2017.1414068
- Feb 2021
www.olivertacke.de www.olivertacke.de
Educational Data Mining (EDM) and Learning Analytics (LA) are among the top buzzwords of the EdTech scene right now.
- Oct 2020
bitcoinmagazine.com bitcoinmagazine.com
Bitcoin mining is still at risk of centralization through possible state level coercion and vertical and horizontal integration.
- Aug 2020
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Arqoub, O. A., Elega, A. A., Özad, B. E., Dwikat, H., & Oloyede, F. A. (2020). Mapping the Scholarship of Fake News Research: A Systematic Review. Journalism Practice, 0(0), 1–31. https://doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2020.1805791
- Jun 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Westrupp, E., Greenwood, C., Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M., Berkowitz, T., Hagg, L., & Youssef, G. J. (2020). Text Mining of Reddit Posts: Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation to Identify Common Parenting Issues [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/cw54u
Jazayeri, A., & Yang, C. C. (2020). Motif Discovery Algorithms in Static and Temporal Networks: A Survey. ArXiv:2005.09721 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.09721
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Golino, H., Christensen, A. P., Moulder, R. G., Kim, S., & Boker, S. M. (2020, April 14). Modeling latent topics in social media using Dynamic Exploratory Graph Analysis: The case of the right-wing and left-wing trolls in the 2016 US elections. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tfs7c
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
Correia, Rion Brattig, Ian B. Wood, Johan Bollen, and Luis M. Rocha. “Mining Social Media Data for Biomedical Signals and Health-Related Behavior.” Annual Review of Biomedical Data Science, May 4, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-biodatasci-030320-040844.
- Apr 2020
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
there is also strong encouragement to make code re-usable, shareable, and citable, via DOI or other persistent link systems. For example, GitHub projects can be connected with Zenodo for indexing, archiving, and making them easier to cite alongside the principles of software citation [25].
Teknologi Github dan Gitlab fokus kepada modus teks yang dapat dengan mudah dikenali dan dibaca mesin/komputer (machine readable).
Saat ini text mining adalah teknologi utama yang berkembang cepat. Machine learning tidak akan jalan tanpa bahan baku dari teknologi text mining.
Oleh karenanya, jurnal-jurnal terutama terbitan LN sudah lama memiliki dua versi untuk setiap makalah yang dirilis, yaitu versi PDF (yang sebenarnya tidak berbeda dengan kertas zaman dulu) dan versi HTML (ini bisa dibaca mesin).
Pengolah kata biner seperti Ms Word sangat bergantung kepada teknologi perangkat lunak (yang dimiliki oleh entitas bisnis). Tentunya kode-kode untuk membacanya akan dikunci.
Bahkan PDF yang dianggap sebagai cara termudah dan teraman untuk membagikan berkas, juga tidak dapat dibaca oleh mesin dengan mudah.
- Mar 2020
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
multiple scandals have highlighted some very shady practices being enabled by consent-less data-mining — making both the risks and the erosion of users’ rights clear
- Feb 2020
marxdown.github.io marxdown.github.io
According to Eschwege, the total produce of the Brazilian diamond mines for the eighty years, ending in 1823, had not realised the price of one-and-a-half years’ average produce of the sugar and coffee plantations of the same country, although the diamonds cost much more labour, and therefore represented more value.
Diamonds were first discovered in Brazil in 1729 near the city of Belo Horizonte. This started a diamond rush and a period of feverish migration of workers.
Major diamond rushes also took place in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in South Africa and South-West Africa.
Diamond rushes, like gold rushes or other types of rushes, are for Marx economic bubbles or asset bubbles (sometimes referred to today as speculative bubbles, market bubbles, price bubbles, financial bubbles, speculative manias, or balloons).
- Jan 2020
www.earthmagazine.org www.earthmagazine.org
These are mined in Brazil, Canada, Finland, Russia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Phosphate rock is mined mostly by surface methods using draglines and bucket wheel excavators for large deposits and power shovels or earthmovers for smaller deposits.
This clip is about where Phosphorus is mined and how it is mined. Phosphorus is mined in many different places around the world.
mineralseducationcoalition.org mineralseducationcoalition.org
Most of the antimony mined each year comes from China, which supplies over three-quarters of the world’s total. The remainder is from Russia, South Africa, Tajikistan, Bolivia, and a few other countries, including the United States. Some antimony is produced as a by-product of smelting ores of other metals, mainly gold, copper and silver, in countries such as the United States, Canada, and Australia.
Top antimony producing countries
www.google.com www.google.com
open-pit mines typically provide the bauxite that will eventually become aluminum.
www.consumptionandenvironment.com www.consumptionandenvironment.com
Europium is mined in China and Russia in total quantity about 400 tones a year.
Mined in Many different places
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
A 2009 study published in PLOS One concluded that the global warming potential of mining and processing nickel was the eighth highest of 63 metals over the previous year.
The mining and processing of nickel has one of the biggest effects on global warming out of 63 metals.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The pond, owned by the Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-Earth Hi-Tech Company, or Baotou Steel, lacks a proper lining and for the past 20 years its toxic contents have been seeping into groundwater, according to villagers and state media reports.
Lanthanum Toxins have been leaking into the ground water which people use for tap water.
www.hrw.org www.hrw.org
Damage to water sources that residents attribute to mining, as well as increased demand due to population migration to mining sites, reduces communities’ access to water for drinking, washing and cooking. Women, who are primarily responsible for fetching water, are forced to walk longer distances or wait for long periods to obtain water from alternative sources. The dust produced by bauxite mining and transport smothers fields and enters homes, leaving families and health workers worried that reduced air quality threatens their health and environment.
Mining is contaminating our water sources and water is one of the most important things for survival.
kids.kiddle.co kids.kiddle.co
Drift mining utilizes horizontal access tunnels, slope mining uses diagonally sloping access shafts, and shaft mining utilizes vertical access shafts. Mining in hard and soft rock formations require different techniques.
So different kinds of mining use different tunnel systems, how do we decide which kind is best in each situation?
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Environmental impacts of mining can occur at local, regional, and global scales through direct and indirect mining practices.
- Oct 2019
outline.com outline.com
A former union boss jailed over receiving a coal exploration licence from his friend, former NSW Labor minister Ian Macdonald, was an "entrepreneur" who found a "willing buyer" in the disgraced politician, a court has heard.
This is a flawed proposition and both misleading and deceptive in relation to the subject matter, considering its prominence in a court media report of proceedings which largely centre on the propriety or otherwise of an approvals process.
Using a market analogy mischaracterises the process involved in seeking and gaining approval for a proposal based on an innovative occupational health and safety concept.
In this case, the Minister was the appropriate authority under the relevant NSW laws.
And while Mr Maitland could indeed be described as a "entrepreneur", the phrase "willing buyer" taken literally in the context of the process to which he was constrained, could contaminate the reader's perception of the process as transactional or necessitating exchange of funds a conventional buyer and seller relationship.
Based on evidence already tendered in open court, it's already known Mr Maitland sought both legal advice on the applicable process as well as guidance by officials and other representatives with whom he necessarily engaged.
But the concept of finding a "willing buyer", taken literally at it's most extreme, could suggest Mr Maitland was presented with multiple approvals processes and to ultimately reach his goal, engaged in a market force-style comparative assessment of the conditions attached to each of these processes to ultimately decide on which approvals process to pursue.
Plainly, this was not the case. Mr Maitland had sought advice on the process and proceeded accordingly.
The only exception that could exist in relation to the availability of alternative processes could be a situation silimilar to the handling of unsolicited proposals by former Premier Barry O'Farrell over casino licenses which were not constrained by any of the regular transparency-related requirements including community engagement, notification or competitive tender.
Again, this situation does not and could not apply to the process applicable to Mr Maitland's proposal.
The misleading concepts introduced from the outset in this article also represent an aggravating feature of the injustice to which Mr Maitland has been subjected.
To be found criminally culpable in a matter involving actions undertaken in an honest belief they were required in a process for which Mr Maitland both sought advice process and then at no stage was told anything that would suggest his understanding of the process was incorrect, contradicts fundamental principles of natural justice.
- Jun 2019
www.world-nuclear.org www.world-nuclear.org
Uranium is a naturally-occurring element in the Earth's crust. Traces of it occur almost everywhere, although mining takes place in locations where it is naturally concentrated. To make nuclear fuel from the uranium ore requires first for the uranium to be extracted from the rock in which it is found, then enriched in the uranium-235 isotope, before being made into pellets that are loaded into assemblies of nuclear fuel rods.
How uranium ore is made into nuclear fuel
- Jan 2019
www.bitdeer.com www.bitdeer.com
<big>评:</big><br/><br/>在第 004 期「公论日报」里,我们曾讨论过比特大陆裁员一事引发的道德争议。那期的点评以一句 “Be nice” 画上句号,但这位「家道中落」的矿机制造商的故事并未就此停止——近日其推出了矿机分时共享平台「比特小鹿」,一时坊间盛传「大鹿变小鹿,探索自救之路」。 <br/><br/> 如今看来,这位仁兄也玩起了「金融」衍生品游戏,而 TOS 用户协议里这句话所散发出的魅力,对于比特币玩家来说又是那么的似曾相识。当玩家们还在盘算成本犹豫进场时,仁兄已经找到了一份两全其美的双保险。
wallstreetcn.com wallstreetcn.com
假设另一种场景,我把它叫“运输机难题”——假设你是一场救灾行动的总指挥,正带着一支小队坐在一架装满物资的运输机中,这是唯一一架运输机,如果没准时到就会有上万灾民饿死病死,如果最终也没到那几十万人都活不成。但此时受恶劣天气影响飞机突然损坏了,承载不了这么大的重量,必须要有一半人跳下飞机(假设不能丢物资),否则可能机毁人亡,要不要让半支队伍跳下去? 这架运输机就是比特大陆,灾区的难民就是现在的币民。比特大陆若是完蛋,对行业造成的冲击又会让一大批币民破产出局。 试想一下,有一天比特大陆真的倒闭了,那么可以预见到,矿机将挥泪大甩卖,矿工将抛售手里的BTC、BCH,BCH奄奄一息,BTC跌到新一轮谷底。虽然还会有“灾后重建工作”,但一大批人都将倒在这场灾难里,看不到明天的太阳。 作为灾民,会不会因为心疼跳下去的半支队伍而甘愿饿死病死?作为币民,会不会因为心疼被裁掉的几百上千人而甘愿看着比特大陆倒闭,忍受自己哪怕只是短期的破产?
<big>评:</big><br/><br/>「电车难题」曾引起旷日持久的讨论,而它的姊妹版「运输机难题」恐怕也一时难解。对于此类道德两难的选择困境,人们通常倾向于从自己的经验判断出发——主人公「搬动方向杆使车辆撞死一人」的行为,所受到的公众谴责要远小于主人公「站在轨道上方的天桥,为了救五人而故意把桥上的另一个人推下桥以逼停电车」的选择。那么对于「运输机难题」来说呢?还有没有比「一半机组成员跳下飞机」更优的解?<br/><br/>这样的讨论又让人联想到技术主义者在 AI 人工智能领域的意见分野:一派人认为 AI 最终的目的是取代人类,而另一派人的观点则坚信 AI 旨在增强人类(augmentation)。哪一派的话语权更大呢?答案并不重要。重要的是, be nice.
Second, the majority cannot change the rules of Bitcoin. In a sense, they can create new consensus rules, but that would be a hard fork, which requires everyone to upgrade. They’re free to try to convince the rest of the network that their rules are better, but as sovereign individuals, Bitcoin users have no obligation to follow such rules. The power of whom to follow lies entirely with the owner of the node.
<big>评:</big><br/><br/>What did Jimmy specifically mean when he talked about the group of “Bitcoin users”? And similarly, how to define the gap between the military and the civilian when we talk about some certain power to follow?<br/><br/>可供参考的是,在《人性的弱点》一书里,作者卡耐基反复强调着「人始终只关注自己的利益」。更好的规则?更好的秩序?在利益面前皆为浮云。选择站队的权力确实由个体掌握,但这并不影响到权力是否会被团体以违背个体意志的方式行使。更何况个体意志并不总是「弱者」的代名词,「作恶」也绝非市场垄断者一家之嫌。
- Sep 2018
www.statisticssolutions.com www.statisticssolutions.com
predictive analysis
Predictive analytics encompasses a variety of statistical techniques from data mining, predictive modelling, and machine learning, that analyze current and historical facts to make predictions about future or otherwise unknown events.
- Aug 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
Data mining can be defined broadly as: “the application of specific algorithms for extracting patterns from data.” [17]
Data mining definition
No human is involved in the extraction of data via a computer.
- Jun 2018
dlsanthology.mla.hcommons.org dlsanthology.mla.hcommons.org
- Mar 2018
www.blog.google www.blog.google
Introducing Subscribe with Google
Interesting to see this roll out as Facebook is having some serious data collection problems. This looks a bit like a means for Google to directly link users with content they're consuming online and then leveraging it much the same way that Facebook was with apps and companies like Cambridge Analytica.
- Oct 2017
- Jul 2017
infoscience.epfl.ch infoscience.epfl.ch
This third research question led to the formulation of agile text mining, a new methodologyagile textminingto support the development of efficient TMAs. Agile text mining copes with the unpredictablerealities of creating text-mining applications.
- Apr 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Carson Templeton
Carson H. Templeton was born in Wainwright, Alberta. He earned a diploma studying Mining Engineering at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) in Calgary, Alberta. He worked at the Madsen Red Lake Mine in Northwest Ontario as an Assistant Assayer, Boat Boy, and Post Office Manager. He attended the University of Alberta to continue his studies of Mining Engineering and graduated with a Bachelor of Science. During World War II, Templeton worked on the Canol Pipeline Project. He then helped construct airports alongside the Alaska Highway for military use. In 1948, Templeton was appointed Assistant Chief Engineer of the Fraser Valley Dyking Board. In 1950, Templeton was appointed Chief Engineer of the Greater Winnipeg Dyking Board. In 1955, Templeton founded a consulting engineering firm which he named the Templeton Engineering Company. Before the Unicity Amalgamation of Winnipeg in 1972, his company worked as the City Engineer for several small cities in Canada. His company performed engineering estimates for the Royal Commission on Flood Cost-Benefits. These calculations led to the construction of the Winnipeg Floodway. Additionally, Carson Templeton’s consulting engineering firm conducted research that supported the writing of “Snow and Ice Roads: Ability to Support Traffic and Effects on Vegetation” by Kenneth Adam and Helios Hernandez (Adam and Hernandez 1977). In 1966, his company merged with Montreal Engineering and Shawinigan Engineering to form Teshmont Consultants Ltd. Teshmont Consultants Ltd. has completed over 50 percent of the world’s high-voltage, direct current projects. Templeton served as the Chairman of the Alaska Highway Pipeline Panel and Chairman of the Environmental Protection Board during the 1970s. As the Chairman of the Environmental Protection Board, Templeton orchestrated the hearing process for the Environmental Impact Assessments for the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry (Winnipeg Free Press 2004).
Adam, Kenneth, and Helios Hernandez. "Snow and Ice Roads: Ability to Support Traffic and Effects on Vegetation." Arctic, 1977: 13-27.
Winnipeg Free Press. Carson Templeton OC. October 10, 2004. http://passages.winnipegfreepress.com/passage-details/id-89334/Carson_Templeton_#/ (accessed April 8, 2017).
- Mar 2017
www.researchinformation.info www.researchinformation.info
In addition, Neylon suggested that some low-level TDM goes on below the radar. ‘Text and data miners at universities often have to hide their location to avoid auto cut-offs of traditional publishers. This makes them harder to track. It’s difficult to draw the line between what’s text mining and what’s for researchers’ own use, for example, putting large volumes of papers into Mendeley or Zotero,’ he explained.
Without a clear understanding of what a reference managers can do and what text and data mining is, it seems that some publishers will block the download of fulltexts on their platforms.
- Dec 2016
aeon.co aeon.co
‘In the past, if you were an alcohol distiller, you could throw up your hands and say, look, I don’t know who’s an alcoholic,’ he said. ‘Today, Facebook knows how much you’re checking Facebook. Twitter knows how much you’re checking Twitter. Gaming companies know how much you’re using their free-to-play games. If these companies wanted to do something, they could.’
- Sep 2016
online.salempress.com online.salempress.com
Petroleum and coal are the main mineral products of Colombia. The country now produces enough petroleum to provide for all of its own energy needs, while still having significant amounts to export. As one of the world's largest exporters of coal, in 2013, Colombia produced about 85.5 metric tons. Most of the coal originates in a single mine on the Guajira peninsula. Other minerals mined for export include gold, silver, emeralds, platinum, copper, nickel, and natural gas.
A lot of things to mine in colombia
- Apr 2016
wiki.surfnet.nl wiki.surfnet.nl
Delete "preferably". Limiting the scope of text mining to exclude societal and commercial purposes limits the usefulness to enterprises (especially SMEs that cannot mine on their own) as well as to society. These limitations have ramifications in terms of limiting the research questions that researchers can and will pursue.
Encourage researchers not to transfer the copyright on their research outputs before publication.
This statement is more generally applicable than just to TDM. Besides, "Encourage" is too weak a word here, and from a societal perspective, it would be far better if researchers were to retain their copyright (where it applies), but make their copyrightable works available under open licenses that allow publishers to publish the works, and others to use and reuse it.
- Feb 2016
blog.databaseanimals.com blog.databaseanimals.com
I read my first books on data mining back in the early 1990's and one thing I read was that "80% of the effort in a data mining project goes into data cleaning."
- Sep 2015
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Here is a link to a two part article on Peru and its role in the deforestation in the Amazon through mining. http://america.aljazeera.com/multimedia/2015/9/Peru-mining.html
- Feb 2014
www.nature.com www.nature.com
National governments are also weighing in on the issue. The UK government aims this April to make text-mining for non-commercial purposes exempt from copyright, allowing academics to mine any content they have paid for.
UK government intervening to make text-mining for non-commercial purposes exempt from copyright.
“Our plan is just to wait for the copyright exemption to come into law in the United Kingdom so we can do our own content-mining our own way, on our own platform, with our own tools,” says Mounce. “Our project plans to mine Elsevier’s content, but we neither want nor need the restricted service they are announcing here.”
This seems to be a sensible move rather than be hindered not by copyright, but by the onerous contract that Elsevier wants to put in place.
some researchers feel that a dangerous precedent is being set. They argue that publishers wrongly characterize text-mining as an activity that requires extra rights to be granted by licence from a copyright holder, and they feel that computational reading should require no more permission than human reading. “The right to read is the right to mine,” says Ross Mounce of the University of Bath, UK, who is using content-mining to construct maps of species’ evolutionary relationships.
"The right to read is the right to mine."
- Nov 2013
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In a Literary Lab project on 18th-century novels, English students study a database of nearly 2,000 early books to tease out when “romances,” “tales” and “histories” first emerged as novels, and what the different terms signified.
This may be a reference to the Eighteenth Century Collection Online-Text Creation Partnership (ECCO-TCP) project, which transcribed and marked up in XML ~2,200 eighteenth-century books from the Eighteenth Century Collections Online database (ECCO). The ECCO-TCP corpus is in the public domain and available for anyone to use: http://www.textcreationpartnership.org/tcp-ecco/