7 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. McKinsey is to the middle class what flesh-eating bacteria is to healthy tissue.

      This is the pull quote maybe? :)

  2. Jan 2024
    1. Das Handelsblatt hat be McKinsey eine Studie zu den Kosten der Energiewende in Deutschland in Auftrag gegeben. Danach ließen sich u.a. die Kosten bis 2035 um 100 Milliarden Euro reduzieren, wenn weniger auf Solar- und Windenergie und den dazu nötigen Ausbau der Stromnetze gesetzt würde und mehr auf Gaskraftwerke, die dann auf Wasserstoff umgerüstet werden können. Der Artikel berichtet nicht über Konsequenzen für die CO<sub>2</sub>-Bilanz. https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/milliarden-ersparnis-sind-die-ausgaben-fuer-die-energiewende-zu-hoch/100002547.html

  3. Sep 2023
    1. after a year and a half there, I eventually understood that not only does McKinsey fail to make the world better—it often colludes with those who make the world worse.
      • for: McKinsey
  4. Jan 2023
    1. that having visible skills-based pathways is helpful in their work as they assist workers in their communities through interventions such as job coaching and career development

      Pathways aren't enough; people need Visible Pathways.

  5. Nov 2022
  6. Mar 2021
  7. Oct 2019
    1. While about half of all work activities globally have the technical potential to be automated by adapting currently demonstrated technologies

      1/2 of all work is redundant (note: not .5 of all jobs but rather of the tasks we on given jobs; also, this is total so not on average meaning that some jobs are 99% today and others are less but point remains that even a CEO's job has redundancy)