- Jul 2023
www.truenas.com www.truenas.com
There's one caveat. Keep your HBA cool. It is an embedded computer and throws off about 10 watts. Failure to have airflow directed over your HBA can cause overheat, and in extreme cases LSI HBA's have been found to vomit random bits all over, which isn't good for ZFS.
10 watts!
- May 2023
vcresearch.berkeley.edu vcresearch.berkeley.edu
the Inquisition is instructive because it shows that when state power merges with religious power, authorities can impose their mandate by force, imagining that cruelty has a divine endorsement.
- Mar 2023
text-gen.com text-gen.com
Considered Context
Do I understand correctly that several contexts (like children) are still undocumented? Or are these not examples of context?
the information
Which information? Do you mean „the information used by a template“?
add the heading content
By that you mean the content under the heading (or including the heading?), presumably until the next heading of at the same level? Or is it just the heading?
in a long article
Do you mean „from a long article in the considered context“?
YAML keywords used by the plugin
I‘d include the whole term in the link, otherwise it looks like it’s linking to a definition of YAML keywords.
the full content
What exactly does this mean? Is it the entire note, including frontmatter? Or even children, if that option is activated in the settings?
text-gen.com text-gen.com
obsidian highlights
By that you mean markdown highlights in a note?
text-gen.com text-gen.com
Templates are used to make your work easier by providing a structure so that you don’t have to start from scratch every time you write or generate a text.
Fine, but what kind of structure do these templates provide?
text-gen.com text-gen.comprompt1
A prompt is a short description of a task or a question that a model needs to answer.
I‘m trying to understand the difference between the first prompt I‘m sending to the model and the subsequent ones (are they even called prompts?).
I suppose this is related to considered context, namely in such a way that if no context is considered, then every prompt is a first prompt?
- Nov 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
one fundamental with this particular fundamental truth which is that almost all ideas are wrong
What is he talking about??
- Aug 2021
sciencefiles.org sciencefiles.org
Statt Schutz
Genauer wäre hier: "Trotz Impfung ..."
in denen die Impfung das Gegenteil dessen bewirkt, was sie bewirken soll.
Das stimmt so nicht. Die Impfung verursacht nicht die Erkrankung sondern das Virus trotz der Impfung, nicht wegen der Impfung.
Immer vorausgesetzt, man geht davon, aus, dass die Impfstoffe überhaupt effektiv/wirksam waren.
Was ist dass denn für ein Satz?
- Jul 2020
access.redhat.com access.redhat.com
13.5.7. Comparison of virtual machine connection types The following table provides information about the locations to which selected types of virtual machine (VM) network configurations can connect, and to which they are visible. Table 13.1. Virtual machine connection types Connection to the hostConnection to other VMs on the hostConnection to outside locationsVisible to outside locations Bridged mode YES YES YES YES NAT YES YES YES no Routed mode YES YES YES YES Isolated mode YES YES no no Private mode no no YES YES Open mode Depends on the host’s iptables rules
- Sep 2018
www.asatheory.org www.asatheory.org
These authors argue for methodological pluralism, which the originator of critical realism, Roy Bhaskar, critiqued as relativist (he argued instead for methodological specificity, in which the nature of the research subject suggests the type of methodology used, rather than a pluralistic situation in which one can choose a methodology at one's whim).
critical realism is based on the assumption, contra Hume, that facts lead to values. These authors call this the "naturalistic fallacy".
what is less often noticed is the manner in which values are often “fact”-laden. For better or worse, values have a “factual” element to them which is grounded in certain ontological accounts about the nature of social world, such as an account of persons or social relations. This means that, in principle, values are open to empirical investigation and critique.
Critical realists hold that is possible for social science to refine and improve its knowledge about the real world over time, and to make claims about reality which are relatively justified, while still being historical, contingent, and changing.
being realists about ontology and relativists about epistemology, we must accordingly assert that there are criteria for judging which accounts about the world are better or worse.
Critical realists are concerned with mapping the ontological character of social reality: those realities which produce the facts and events that we experience and empirically examine.
- Jun 2018
plato.stanford.edu plato.stanford.edu
process of discovery follows an identifiable, analyzable pattern
e.g. Kuhn, structure of scientific revolutions
a logic of scientific discovery can be developed
e.g. Peirce, abduction
- May 2018
Harding argues that standpoint theory imposes a rigorous logic of discovery involving a strong demand for ongoing reflection and self-critique from within a standpoint, enabling the justification of socially-situated knowledge claims. This critical approach, Harding asserts, results in a stronger notion of objectivity than that achieved by traditional approaches to enquiry. The traditional starting point for knowledge is the position of the dominant and, despite assumptions to the contrary, that position is ideologically permeated. This results in partial and distorted accounts of reality, which thereby fail to live up to modernistic standards of impartiality, neutrality and universality associated with a commitment to epistemic objectivity.
- Mar 2018
www.trustpilot.com www.trustpilot.com
the pCloud app simply doesn't reliably mirror every file in the synced folders.
www.asatheory.org www.asatheory.org
Critical realism is not an empirical program; it is not a methodology; it is not even truly a theory, because it explains nothing. It is, rather, a meta-theoretical position: a reflexive philosophical stance concerned with providing a philosophically informed account of science and social science which can in turn inform our empirical investigations. We might think of this in terms of three layers: our empirical data, the theories that we draw upon to explain our empirical data, and our metatheories—the theory and the philosophy behind our theories.While critical realism may be a heterogeneous series of positions, there is one loose genetic feature which unites it as a metatheory: a commitment to formulating a properly post-positivist philosophy. This commitment is often cast in the terms of a normative agenda for science and social science: ontological realism, epistemic relativism, judgmental rationality, and a cautious ethical naturalism.
www.skolaochsamhalle.se www.skolaochsamhalle.se
de kriterier för bedömning som ska fungera som stöd för lärarens bedömning blir både innehåll och mål för eleverna i undervisningen.
med våra nuvarande styrdokument har vi fått kursplaner som verkligen kommer eleverna till mötes i denna strävan efter snabbaste vägen till ett betyg. Medan lärare tidigare har försökt balansera elevernas önskan om genvägar med en strävan efter djupare kunskaper är de numera i det närmaste ålagda att istället ägna sig åt att visa eleverna hur de kan visa sitt kunnande
De lär sig att uttrycka sig som om de hade djupa och verkliga kunskaper men i verkligheten är kunskaperna ofta mycket ytliga.
- Feb 2018
github.com github.com
, I wonder if its possible to still process these small files in order, but skip storing them and instead put them to the side in memory until the next small file can be appended to it, doing this until it's chunk reaches the Min or Avg chunksize.
The theory behind splitting chunks using a hash function, is to consistently find boundaries where the preceding data looks a certain way. If you have similar or identical files being backed up from different sources, the chunk boundaries should fall at the same positions resulting in identical chunks that can be deduplicated.
I think inserting chunk boundaries at file boundaries would be very beneficial regarding deduplication. Consider a folder where some randomly chosen files are edited or added every day. File boundaries are very natural break points for changed data and should thus be utilized.
So your primary comparison should be official Duplicacy with 1M fixed chunks vs my branch with 1M variable chunks.
Duplicacy does not use file hashes at all to identify previously seen files that may have changed names or locations, but rather concatenates the contents of all files into a long data stream that is cut into chunks according to artificial boundaries based on a hash function.
You'd expect that if a new/moved file is discovered on a subsequent backup run, and it has the 'exact' same File Hash, that you could effectively just relink it to the existing Chunks and boundaries.
Yes, that's what I've been thinking all along!
github.com github.com
file chunks
so what are file chunks?
- Dec 2017
gul.gu.se gul.gu.se
Bra poäng att titeln kanske passar inte längre. Är det en uppsats om robotrar eller inte.
präglas i många fall av känslor
Grejen är att känslor behövs för att kunna ta ställning till något. Fakta är bara fakta. Man kan inte fatta beslut baserad på fakta utan beslut beror på vilka fakta vi binder oss till emotionellt...
Studenterna måste först lämna rapporten till en AES-bot som kontrollerar stavfel, grammatik, struktur, referens-hantering, plagiat mm, dvs AES-boten detekterar (och ger feedback3) på de rent ”mekaniska” aspekterna på uppsatsen.
Bra idé! Kan föreställa mig att något sådant har redan provats och/eller diskuterats. Hittade du något åt detta håll?
Några sammanfattande kommentarer:
- bra att du beskriver i detalj hur handledning går till i fysik samt hur studenter tänker kring skrivandet.
- Tycker dock inte att den kontrasten du bygger upp mellan fysik och andra ämnen stämmer fullt. Ett ställe der skillnaden hade varit intressant att diskutera är rättningsrobortrar: kannske en del av kontroversen om dessa beror på att de fungerar bättre i vissa ämnen och inte så bra i andra?
- Kontroversen om rättningsroborttrar tas nästan inte upp alls vilket jag tycker är ett brist med hänsyn till att ditt syfte är att utvärdera om de skulle kunna lämpa sig för att öka uppsatsens status i fysik.I stället hävdar du bara att AES-bots jämfört med mäniskor presterar bättre än människor jämfört med mäniskor. Motargument mot detta påstående fanns även i New York Times Artikeln som du citerar...
samma typ av analysalgoritmer som detekterar t ex SPAM-mai
Detta betyder att den tittar bara på vilka ord och hur ofta de används och inte i vilken ordning orden står (bag-of-words approach). Kan det verkligen vara lämpligt för att betygsätta uppsatser?
Markoff, J. (den 4 April 2013). The New York Times: Science.Hämtat från The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/05/science/new-test-for-computers-grading-essays-at-college-level.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
titel saknas i referensen.
Utöver dessa AES-robotar
Jag förstår inte riktigt varför dessa placeras "utöver" de andra. Antingen de här kan anses som en femte typ ab AES roboter, eller de faller under av de som redan nämts, eller hur? Kan du förtydliga din kategorisering?
vancerade statistiska modeller (
Är inta alla baserade på statistiska modeller? Och jag är inte säker om Bayes teoremet can idad kallas för "avancerad...
Jag skulle säga att dessa fyra är de vanligaste.
Vad menas med vanlig?
Jag skulle nog gissa att det finns en utveckling över tiden och att PEG är "outdated", kanske även IEA.
Saknar även några ord om "neural networks" vilket jag tror är den främsta tekniken i AI. Nakedelen med denne är att man inte längre förstår kriterierna som maskinen använder eftersom den utvecklar sina egna som inte går att översätta i mänsklig tänkandet. (säger lekmannen i AI).
Nedan har jag gjort ensammanställning av de största aktörerna.
Men PEG är väl ingen stor aktör idag, eller?
Om man dels jämför betygssättningen mellan en mänsklig lärare och en AES-bot och dels jämför betygssättningen mellan två mänskliga lärare, är avvikelsen större mellan två mänskliga lärares betygsättning än mellan en människa och en AES-bot!
Här fär jag upprepa min tidigare kritikpunkt:
Argumentet om att avvikelsen är större mellan två mänskliga lärares betygsättning än mellan en människa och en AES bot övertygar inte mig. Vad innebär detta egentligen? Betyder det inte bara att maskinen lär sig bra att rätta på samma sätt som sin "lärare"? Och vad betygsattes egentligen? Antagligen inte uppsatsen som helhet utan språket, alltså ordval, grammatik, stavning etc?
å Fysikprogrammet avkrävs de en uppsats efter tre år
Du menar väl "på vårt fysikprogram" inte på Harvard's eller hur?
Problemet med att få studenterna inom teknik och naturvetenskap att börja skriva har varit uppmärk-sammat i internationellt publicerad forskning.
Jaha! Nu kommer denna viktiga informationen.
Detta återspeglar återigen fysikstudenternas fokus på utförandet av uppgiften, inte på själva skrivandet.
Jag är lite tveksam med att "blame it on the student". Är inte det handledarens uppgift att förtydliga rollen av skrivandet? (Men i så fall: varför är det viktig?)
får göra en kritisk granskning av något populärvetenskapligtreportage.
Låter som en jätte bra idé.
Men varför just en populärvetenskaplig rapport? Är meningen att deras rapport ska vara populärvetenskaplig och så ska de öva lite?
”more than just superficial”
Motiveringen till grupphandledningen sägs främst vara att få till stånd en diskussion (men tidsaspekten verkar vara minst lika viktig).
Är inte detta lite tautologiskt? Man jobbar i grupp för att kunna diskutera? Jo, men kanske även lite mer?
Jag uppfattar det som Dysthe et al beskriver i "Multicoiced feedback" artikeln som att diskussionen är inte syftet utan medel för att uppnå bättre "enculturation" och delaktighet i forskarsamhället.
studenternas under-skattning av skrivandets betydelse i akademin.
Men är det verkligen en underskattning om det är så man arbetar inom disciplinen?
(inte en ”uppsats”)
Även om det du beskriver kanske frmträder särskilt mycket inom fysik, så undrar jag om det kanske handlar om ett mer allmänt fenomen. T.ex. när ett empiriskt arbete ska skrivas inom samhälsvetenskap så ligger fokus kanske också kanska mycket på ytförandet av "arbetet", dvs forskingsdesign, datainsamling, dataanalys, även om skrivandet av uppsatsen kanske är lite mer kopplad till dessa än det verka vara fallet i fysik.
men språkbruket inom fysik är lite annorlunda; C-uppsatsen kallas för ”kandidatarbete”
Vad är syftet med att jämföra fysik med andra discipliner?
Jag tror även att det är vanlig att man pratar om kandidatuppsats även i andra ämnen?
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
an assumption that is not always the case
Do we have any more specific knowledge about when (or between which repositories) the assumption holds?
For example, it has become common practice that repositories at a cover sheet to the downloaded article, indicating, amongst other things, through which library the article was accessed or (e.g. in the case of ResearchGate) how many times the article has been downloaded/viewed/cited. Does this mean that virtually every downloaded version will have a different fingerprint?
the PDF specification recommends including a unique ID
Another great use case for hypothesis annotations would have been to link to the spot in that very technical document that talks about that unique ID ;-)
I hope over time Reviz.in features will be integrated in the original client.
Yes, I certainly hope so too. But what exactly are the additional features? I see the precautions for preventing accidental publication and the "Copy Review Report" button. (The renaming of annotations and page notes is perhaps not such an important "feature"...) Anything else?
- Nov 2017
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Barry, D. (1991). Managing the bossless team: Lessons in distributed leadership. Organizational Dynamics, 21, 31–47.Bennis, W., & Townsend, R. (1995). Reinventing leadership: Strategies to empower the organisation. New York, NY: Harper Collins.Wellins, R., Byham, W., & Wilson, J. (1993). Empowered teams: Creating self-directed work groups that improve quality, productivity, and participation. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey Bass.
www.tidningencurie.se www.tidningencurie.se
“These phenomena make it difficult to interpret the results.”
It would have been nice to learn a bit more about why this is so.
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
before turning it off
Here is how Marc explains why they turned it off: https://hyp.is/7FLkcs-hEeeyASe-r1MEVw/genius.com/Marc-andreessen-why-andreessen-horowitz-is-investing-in-rap-genius-annotated
Back in 1993, when Eric Bina and I were first building Mosaic, it seemed obvious to us that users would want to annotate all text on the web – our idea was that each web page would be a launchpad for insight and debate about its own contents. So we built a feature called "group annotations" right into the browser – and it worked great – all users could comment on any page and discussions quickly ensued. Unfortunately, our implementation at that time required a server to host all the annotations, and we didn't have the time to properly build that server, which would obviously have had to scale to enormous size. And so we dropped the entire feature.
Rap Genius finally gives us the opportunity to find out. It's an ambitious mission, and one we are proud to get behind.
I wonder whether Marc would still write this the same way today, in a world where web annotation is finally a W3C standard and Hypothesis looks much more like the future of web annotation than Genius...
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
are visible only to other group members
One thing I really like is that you can move annotations from one group into another (or into public). But it would be even better, if annotations could be shared with multiple groups. Because if I move the note from group A to group B, users who are a member of group A but not of group B will no longer see the annotation.
you can later make it private
What happens to replies when the status of the original note changes from public to private? Do all the replies also become private?? Can the users who replied still access the original note (which is now private)?
groups.google.com groups.google.com
If you want to access all annotations on a specific URL, you can do that using `uri:<URL>` terms in the search box at https://hypothes.is/search. You can also use `group:<name>` and `tag:<name>` filters here. There isn't currently a convenient way to search for all annotations in a particular domain (say "bbc.co.uk" or something like that), and we know that functionality is important for a number of use cases.
The Hypothesis web service currently supports two kinds of accounts, the first are "first party" accounts which are those a user signs up for on the Hypothesis web site or via the login screen for the client. These can only be created by the user directly, currently with a username and password and in future using external accounts (Google, etc.). The second are "third party" accounts which are created by the publisher via API calls to our service. These accounts can only be used on web pages that the publisher owns and where they embed the client. Third party accounts currently also have some limitations with respect to functionality - there is only one publisher-specific group and users cannot yet create their own groups when using third-party accounts. Also the Hypothesis web site pages at https://hypothes.is/search are not available for third-party users yet. The API can however be used to fetch data for these accounts and present it however you wish.
two types of accounts (I'm not sure I like the the third party accounts that can only be used on the publisher's website, but I guess it's a way of getting publishers to integrate H. I only hope that users can upgrade from third party to "real" accounts without losing data.
- Sep 2017
pil.gu.se pil.gu.se
Fyraav sjukandidaterväljs ut. En kandidat har lämnat in anbud försent och är därmed diskvalificerad. Två andra kandidater har inkomplett underlag (funktionalitet) eller saknar referenser och åker därmed ut på låga poäng enligt protokollet. NORDUnet planerar påbörja leverantörsdialoger (20 okt-11 nov) med de fyra kandidaterna Blackboard (LMS Blackboard), Instructure (LMS Canvas), It’s Learning (LMS IT’S), D2L/Desire to Learn (LMS Brightspace).
Kanske det är det här som den pågående rättegången handlar om?
blog.codinghorror.com blog.codinghorror.com
I want to read your response to my posts, whether it's on your site, or mine as a comment. So rather than relying on direct peer-to-peer links, I'm exploring the use of external indexing services.
Maybe hypothes.is could serve as such an indexing service?
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
educational resource called Science in the Classroom (SitC) that “helps students understand the structure and workings of professional scientific research.” It looks like this:
This could be achieved with Hypothesis on it's own, right? I mean, I can see that AAAS wants to continue using their system, but if you're not the AAAS, you could setup something similar using just hypothesis, to teach students how to read academic texts, no?