413 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2016
    1.  ideas that when applied to K12 or higher ed appear to be little more than neo-liberal efforts to pare down labor costs and disempower faculty

      Here's Jill Lepore's wonderful The Disruption Machine, my favorite critique of Christensen's schtick.

    2. automatically

      I'm curious why this automation matters, and how this relates to various human ambiguities - such as the nuance of meaning and interpretation - that invariably inform how we protest, why, for whom, and under what circumstances.

    3. whose expressionistic lyrics by this time resembled Rimbaud more than Guthrie
  2. May 2016
    1. identifying who or what body in the community has power to make the change;

      THIS is something I could learn more about.

  3. Mar 2016
  4. Jan 2016
    1. In this post we hope to both expand their definition of what annotation can be and inspire them to experiment with new ways of doing it

      purpose of article--a call to action.

  5. Jan 2014
    1. The criminal investigation and today’s indictment of Mr. Swartz has been directed by the United States Attorney’s Office. It was the government’s decision whether to prosecute, not JSTOR’s. As noted previously, our interest was in securing the content. Once this was achieved, we had no interest in this becoming an ongoing legal matter.

      How was this initiated?

    1. So take action now. Give that person what I call a Power Thank You. This has three parts

      I like articles and blog posts like this that have a call to action with a specific example of the action.

  6. Nov 2013
    1. What then, 0 Quintilian? is he who knows what is honest and just, himself honest and just?

      Knowledge verses action

  7. Oct 2013
    1. let his manner of living be an eloquent sermon in itself

      Can actions be considered a type of rhetoric?

    1. be called an active or a practical art, for the one term is of the same signification as the other.
    2. Others consist of action, the object of which lies in the act and is fulfilled in it, leaving nothing produced from it, a sort of art which is called πρακτική (praktikē), as dancing.

      No product

  8. Sep 2013
    1. seven causes of human action, viz. three involuntary, (1) chance, (2) nature, (3) compulsion; and four voluntary, viz. (4) habit, (5) reasoning, (6) anger, (7) appetite

      7 causes for action