6,010 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Review on "Non-redundant roles for the human mRNA decapping cofactor paralogs DCP1a and DCP1b" by Steven McMahon and co-workers

      mRNA decay is a critical step in the regulation of gene expression. In eukaryotes, mRNA turnover typically begins with the removal of the poly(A) tail, followed by either removal of the 5' cap structure or exonucleolytic 3'-5' decay catalyzed by the exosome. The decapping enzyme DCP2 forms a complex with its co-activator DCP1, which enhances decapping activity. Mammals are equipped with two DCP1 paralogs, namely DCP1a and DCP1b. Metazoans' decapping complexes feature additional components, such as enhancer of decapping 4 (EDC4), which supports the interaction between DCP1 and DCP2, thereby amplifying the efficiency of decapping.

      This work focuses on DCP1a and DCP1b and investigates their distinct functions. Using DCP1a- and DCP1a-specific knockdowns as well as K.O. cell lines, the authors find surprising differences between the DCP1 paralogs. While DCP1a is essential for the assembly of EDC4-containig decapping complexes and interactions with mRNA cap binding proteins, DCP1b mediates interactions with the translational machinery. Furthermore, DCP1a and DCP1b target different mRNAs for degradation, indicating that they execute non-overlapping functions.

      The findings reported here expand our understanding of mRNA decapping in human cells, shedding light on the unique contributions of DCP1a and DCP1b to mRNA metabolism. The manuscript tackles an interesting subject. Historically, the emphasis has been on studying DCP1a, while DCP1b has been deemed a functionally redundant homolog of DCP1a. Therefore, it is commendable that the authors have taken on this topic and, with the help of knockout cell lines, aimed to dissect the function of DCP1a and DCP1b.

      Despite recognizing the significance of the subject and approach, the manuscript falls short of persuading me. Following a promising start in Figure 1 (which still has room for improvement), there is a distinct decline in overall quality, with only relatively standard analyses being conducted. However, I do not want to give the authors a detailed advice on maximizing the potential of their data and presenting it convincingly. So, here are just a few key points for improvement:

      Figure 1C: Upon closer examination, a faint band is still visible at the size of DCP1a in the DCP1a knockout cells. Could this be leaky expression of DCP1a? The authors should provide an in-depth characterization of their cells (possibly as supplementary material), including identification of genomic changes (e.g. by sequencing of the locus) and Western blots with longer exposure, etc.

      Figure 2: It is great to see that the effects of the KOs are also visible in the DDX6 immunoprecipitation. However, I wonder if the IP clearly confirms that the KO cells indeed do not express DCP1a or DCP1b. In the heatmap in Figure 2B, it appears as if the proteins are only reduced by a log2-fold change of approximately 1.5? Additionally, Figure 2 shows a problem that persists in the subsequent figures. The visual presentation is not particularly appealing, and essential details, such as the scale of the heatmap in 2B (is it log2 fold?), are lacking.

      Figure 3: I wonder why there are no primary data shown here, only processed GO analyses. Wouldn't one expect that DCP2 interacts mainly with DCP1a, but less with DCP1b? Is this visible in the data? Moreover, such analyses are rather uninformative (as reflected in the GO terms themselves, for instance, "oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex" doesn't provide much meaningful insight). The authors should rather try to derive functional and mechanistic insights from their data.

      In Fig. 4 the potential of the approach is not fully exploited. Firstly, I would advocate for omitting the GO analyses, as, in my opinion, they offer little insight. Again, crucial information is missing to assess the results. While 75 nt reads are mentioned in the methods, the sequencing depth remains unspecified. Figure 4b should be included in the supplements. Furthermore, I strongly recommend concentrating on insights into the mechanisms of DCP1a and DCP1b-containing complexes. E.g. what characteristics distinguish DCP1a and DCP1b-dependent mRNAs? Are these targets inherently unstable? Why are they degraded? Are they known decapping substrates?

      In general, I suggest the authors revise the manuscript with a focus on the potential readers. Reduce Gene Ontology (GO) analyses and heatmaps, and instead, incorporate more analyses regarding the molecular processes associated with the different decapping complexes.


      The manuscript in its current form could benefit from substantial revisions for it to be considered impactful for researchers in the field.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors provide evidence that Dcp1a and Dcp1b - two paralogous proteins of the mRNA decapping complex - may have divergent functions in a cancer cell line. In the first part, the authors show that interaction of Dcp2 with EDC4 is diminished upon depletion of Dcp1a but not affected by depletion of Dcp1b. The results have been controlled by overexpression of Dcp1b as it may be limiting factor (i.e. expression levels too low to compensate for depletion of Dcp1a reduced interaction with EDC3/4 while depletion of Dcp1b lead to opposite and increase interactions). They then defined the protein interactome of DDX6 in parental and Dcp1a or Dcp1b depleted cells. Here, the authors show some differential association with EDC4 again, which is along results shown in the first part. The authors further performed SLAM-seq and identified subsets of mRNA whose decay rates are common but also different upon depletion with Dcp1a and Dcp1b. Interestingly, it seems that Dcp1a preferentially targets mRNAs for proteins regulating lymphocyte differentiation. To further test whether changes in RNA decay rates are also reflected at the protein levels, they finally performed an MS analysis with Dcp1a/b depleted cells. However no significant overlap with mRNAs showing altered stability could be observed; and the authors suggested that the lack of congruence reflects translational repression.

      Major comments:

      1. While functional difference between Dcp1a and Dcp1b are interesting and likely true, there are overinterpretations that need correction or further evidence for support. Sentences like "DCP1a regulates RNA cap binding proteins association with the decapping complex and DCP1b controls translational initiation factors interactions (Figure 2E)" sound misleading. While differential association with proteins has been recognised with MS-data, it does not necessary implement an active process of control/regulation. To make the claim on 'control/regulation', and inducible system or introduction of mutants would be required.
      2. The MS analysis is not clearly described in the text and it is unclear how authors selected high-confident proteins. The reader needs to consider the supplemental tables to find out what controls were used. Furthermore, the authors should show correlation plots of MS data between replicates. For instance, there seems to be limited correlation among some of the replicates (e.g. Dcp1b_ko3 sample, Fig. 2c). Any explanation in this variance?
      3. GO analysis for the proteome analysis should consider the proteome and not the genome as the background. The authors should also indicate the corrected P-values (multiple testing) FDRs.
      4. Fig 2E. The figures display GO enrichments needs better explanation and additional data can be added. The enrichment ratio is not explained (is this normalised?) and p-values and FDRs, number of proteins in respective GO category should be added.


      1. These studies were performed in a colorectal carcinoma cell line (HCT116). The authors should justify the choice of this specialised cell line. Furthermore, one wonders whether similar conclusions can be drawn with other cell lines or whether findings are specific to this cancer line.
      2. Fig. 1B. It is unclear what DCP1b* refers to? There are bands of different size that are not mentioned by the authors - are those protein isoforms or what are those referring to? A molecular marker should be added to each Blots. Uncropped Western images and markers should be provided in the Supplement.
      3. MS data submitted to public repository with access. No. indicated in the manuscript.
      4. Fig 3. A Venn Diagram displaying the overlap of identified proteins should be added. GO analysis should be done considering the proteome as background (as mentioned above).


      Overall, this is a large-scale integrative -omics study that suggest functional difference between Dcp1 paralogues. While it seems clear that both paralogous have some different functions and impact, there are overinterpretations in place and further evidence would to be provided to substantiate conclusions made in the paper. For instance, while the interactions with Dcp2/Ddx6 in the absence of Dcp1a,b with EDC4/3 may be altered (Fig. 1, 2), the functional implications of this changed associations remains unresolved and not further discussed. As such, it remains somehow disconnected with the following experiments and compromises the flow of the study. The observed differences in decay-rates for distinct functionally related sets of mRNAs is interesting; however, it remains unclear whether those are direct or rather indirect effects. This is further obscured by the absence of any correlation to changes in protein levels, which the authors interpreted as 'transcriptional buffering'. In this regard, it is puzzling how the authors can make a statement about transcriptional buffering? While this may be an interesting aspect and concept of the discussion, there is no primary data showing such a functional impact.

      As such, the study is interesting as it claims functional differences between DCP1a/b paralogous in a cancer cell line. Nevertheless, I am not sure how trustful the MS analysis and decay measurements are as there is not further validation. It woudl be interesting if the authors could go a bit further and draw some hypothesis how the selectivty could be achieved i.e interaction with RNA-binding proteins that may add some specificity towards the target RNAs for differential decay. As such, the study remains unfortunately rather descriptive without further functional insight.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This study describes efforts to characterize differences in the roles of the two related human decapping factors Dcp1a and Dcp1b by assessing mRNA decay and protein associations in knockdown and knockout cell lines. The authors conclude that these proteins are non-redundant based on the observations that loss of DCp1a versus Dcp1b impacts the decapping complex (interactome) and the transcriptome differentially.

      Major comments

      • While the experiments appear to be well designed and executed and the data of generally high quality, the conclusions are drawn without sufficient consideration for the fact that these two proteins form a heterotrimeric complex. The authors assume that there are distinct homotrimeric complexes rather than a single complex with both proteins in. Homotrimers may have new/different functions not normally seen when both proteins are expressed. Thus while it is acceptable to infer that the functions of these two proteins within the decapping complex are distinct, it is not clear that they act separately, or that complexes naturally exist without one or the other. A careful evaluation of the relative ratios of Dcp1a and b overall and in decapping complexes would be informative if the authors want to make stronger statements about the roles of these two factors.
      • The concept of buffering is not adequately introduced and the interpretation of observations that RNAs with increased half life do not show increased protein abundance - that Dcp1a/b are involved in transcript buffering is nebulous. In order to support this interpretation, the mRNA abundances (NOT protein abundances) should be assessed, and even then, there is no way to rule out indirect effects.
      • It might be interesting to see what happens when both factors are depleted to get an idea of the overall importance of each one.
      • The algorithms etc used for data analysis should be included at the time of publication. Version number and settings used for SMART to define protein domains, and webgestalt should be indicated
      • Statistical analysis is not provided for the IP experiments, the number of replicates performed is not indicated and quantification of KD efficiency are not provided.
      • The possibility that the IP Antibody interferes with protein-protein interactions is not mentioned.

      Minor comments - P4 - "This translational repression of mRNA associated with decapping can be reversed, providing another point at which gene expression can be regulated (21)" - implies that decapping can be reversed or that decapped RNAs are translated. I don't think this is technically true. - P11 - how common is it for higher eukaryotes to have 2 DCP genes?<br /> - Fig S1 - says "mammalian tissues" in the text but the data is all human. The statement that "expression analyses revealed that DCP1a and DCP1b have concordant rather than reciprocal expression patterns across different mammalian tissues (Supplemental Figure 1)" is a bit misleading as no evidence for correlation or anti-correlation is provided. Also co-expression is not strong support for the idea that these genes have non-redundant functions. Both genes are just expressed in all tissues - there's no evidence provided that they are concordantly expressed. In bone marrow it may be worth noting that one is high and the other low - i.e. reciprocal. - Fig 1A - it is not clear what the different colors mean. Does Sc DCP1 have 1 larger EVH or 2 distinct ones. Are the low complexity regions in Sc DCP2 the SLiMs.<br /> - P11 - why were HCT116 cells selected? - Fig 1B - what are the asterisks by the RNA names? Might be worth noting that over-expression of DCP1b reduced IP of DCP1a. There's no quantification and no indication of the number of times this experiment was repeated. Data from replicates and quantification of the knockdown efficiency in each replicate would be nice to see. - Fig 1C/1D - why are there 3 bands in the DCP1a blot? Quantification of the IP bands is necessary to say whether there is an effect or not of over-expression/KO. - Fig 3 - is it possible that differences are due to epitope positions for the antibodies used for IP? - Fig 5A - the legend doesn't match the colors in the figure. It is not clear how the p<0.05 high confident genes are identified - only some of the genes with p<0.05 are colored red. - Fig 5E and F - x-axis should be log2 fold change - There are a few more recent studies on buffering that should be cited and more discussion of this in the introduction is necessary if conclusions are going to be drawn about buffering. - The heatmaps in figure 2 are hard to interpret.


      • Strengths: The experiments appear to be done well and the datasets should be useful for the field.
      • Limitations: The results are overinterpreted - different genes are affected by knocking down one or other of these two similar proteins but this does not really tell us all that much about how the two proteins are functioning in a cell where both are expressed.
      • Audience: This study will appeal most to a specialized audience consisting of those interested in the basic mechanisms of mRNA decay. Others may find the dataset useful.
      • This study might complement and/or be informed by another recent study in BioRXiv - https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.04.556219
      • My field of expertise is mRNA decay - I am qualified to evaluate the findings within the context of this field. I do not have much experience of LC-MS-MS and therefore cannot evaluate the methods/analysis of this part of the study.
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Revision Plan

      Manuscript number: RC-2024-02385

      Corresponding author(s): Jennifer R. Kowalski

      1. General Statements [optional]

      Our manuscript describes a novel role for the conserved glycoprotein hormone receptor, FSHR-1, in regulating C. elegans neuromuscular function through an inter-tissue, gut-brain signaling pathway. FSHR-1 is the sole C. elegans homolog of a family of vertebrate glycoprotein receptors that includes FSHR, TSHR, and LHR, and has previously been shown to regulate body size, germline differentiation, lipid homeostasis, and various stress responses in the worm (Kenis at al 2023; Cho et al 2007; Torzone et al 2023; Powell et al 2009; Miller et al 2015; Robinson and Powell 2016; Wei and Kowalski, 2018; Kim and Sieburth 2020; Wang et al 2023) but its role in neuromuscular regulation, although identified in a 2005 RNA interference screen (Sieburth et al 2005), has not been previously explored. Here, through a combination of genetic, behavioral, and fluorescence imaging approaches, we demonstrate that FSHR-1 is both necessary and sufficient in the intestine of the worm (and may also act in several other distal tissues, including glia and head neurons) to promote muscle excitation through effects on active zone protein localization and synaptic vesicle release from cholinergic motor neurons. Additionally, we identify the FSHR-1 ligands, glycoproteins GPLA-1 and GPLB-1, as well as several known downstream effectors of FSHR-1 in other contexts, GSA-1/GalphaS, ACY-1/adenylyl cyclase, and the lipid kinase SPHK-1, as interactors in the FSHR-1 pathway for neuromuscular control. This work represents a detailed description of the ability of this conserved and multi-functional receptor in inter-tissue coordination that may ultimately be connected to its functions in other physiological processes, such as the stress response, and may also prove relevant for understanding roles for FSHR-1 homologs in humans.

      We greatly appreciate the thoughtful and constructive feedback provided by each of the three reviewers of this manuscript. We are pleased that all three reviewers noted the novelty of the mechanisms of cross-tissue regulation of neuromuscular function by FSHR-1 that we uncovered. Reviewer 1 comments, "They demonstrate a novel phenomenon of cross-tissue regulation by restoring FSHR-1 in neurons, intestines, or glia to restore NMJ function." Reviewer 2 echoes this sentiment, also noting, "The data is well presented, compelling and the conclusions are well supported by the data. . .. [T]his study provides a solid foundation to address many interesting questions regarding the role of fshr-1 signaling in regulating neuronal function." Reviewer 3 adds "This is a highly worthy contribution to the field of cell non-autonomous signaling and neuromodulation, and specifically synaptic transmission modulation. The study deepens and enhances the understanding of fshr-1 function within the C. elegans intestine and adds in several molecular components into the signaling pathway, acting both upstream and downstream. . . While this work relies on an invertebrate system of C. elegans, all components have vertebrate counterparts, so findings are likely of broader interest."

      As described below, we are working to address many of the comments made by the reviewers and have already made some of the suggested minor changes to the manuscript. We are hopeful that, given the reviewers' excitement about this work, the changes we have already made, and the additional revisions we intend to make in the coming months, including the completion of several new experiments we propose in the revision plan below, our manuscript will be of interest to a broad genetics audience.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Planned Revisions based on comments from Reviewer #1

      • __The authors found that expressing FSHR-1 in intestinal cells was sufficient to compensate for the fshr-1 mutation phenotype, suggesting that intestinal cell FSHR-1 can regulate neuromuscular junction (NMJ) function across tissues. However, the molecular mechanism remains unexplored. Since the downstream signaling pathways of FSHR-1 are clear, analyzing the gain-of-function (gf) mutations of gsa-1 and acy-1 in different tissues can help elucidate the signaling pathways transmitted across tissues. __ We completely agree that tissue-specific pathway analysis is important for understanding the molecular mechanism underlying the ability of FSHR-1 to control neuromuscular function from its location in distal tissues, like the intestine. Because of the complexity of these questions and the time required for us to generate strains to perform tissue-specific protein depletion or overexpression experiments, we intend these studies to be the focus of a future manuscript However, in lieu of performing a full suite of tissue-specific analyses of FSHR-1 downstream components, we will perform intestine-specific RNA interference experiments (as we did for fshr-1 in Figure 4B) of gsa-1, acy-1, and sphk-1 in wild type worms and in animals overexpressing fshr-1 in the intestine (which causes increased swimming behavior, Figure 3A) to determine if these downstream players are required for the effects of intestinal fshr-1 on the NMJ. __ __We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion to address these important questions regarding the site of action of the downstream players.

      • The images of neurons should be presented in higher resolution and magnification to provide clearer visualization. __ We appreciate the reviewer's request for increased visualization of the neurons; however, because the current larger, lower resolution images show several release sites and were used for the quantitative analyses we present, we would like to keep the images as they are. __However, *we will provide higher resolution insets for the images in Figures 2A, 2C-F, and 4C, as requested. *

      • It is unclear whether the glycoprotein subunit orthologs act in the intestine to regulate NMJ function with FSHR-1. This should be investigated and clarified in the manuscript. __ We fully agree that determining where and how the glycoproteins GPLA-1 and GPLB-1 interact with FSHR-1 - and if this is happening at the level of the intestine - is an important outstanding question. Based on prior work, it is known that these subunits are not expressed in intestinal cells, but they are found in several gut-associated neurons and tissues. Specifically, gpla-1 is expressed in neurons of the gastrointestinal tract, including M1, M5, I5 and NSM pharyngeal motor neurons, as well the AVL and DVB excitatory motor neurons that control defecation contractions in the hindgut. gplb-1 is also expressed in the DVB neuron, as well as in non-neuronal tissues (head mesodermal cells and the hindgut enteric muscles), and both glycoprotein genes show reporter expression in the RME motor neurons in the head (Kenis et al 2023). We will complete experiments testing whether the effects of intestinal FSHR-1 overexpression require the ligands, as suggested by Reviewer #2. __We intend that our future work will explore the glycoprotein-FSHR-1 interactions more deeply in a variety of contexts.

      • __In Figure 4C, there are no error bars, and individual values should be shown in all statistical analyses to provide a complete representation of the data and its variability. __ We again thank the reviewer for catching this error in Figure 4C. We have replaced the graph with the complete one that includes error bars. We will replace the graphs in 1B, 1C, 3D, 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, and 6E, as well as Supplemental Figure 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 7A, and 7C with bars overlaid with the individual data points. We are unable to do this for Figures 2A-F or Supplemental Figures 2A-C, 7B or 7D because these analyses were run using Custom-written Igor software (Burbea et al 2002) that does not provide individual values, only mean values and cumulative probability plots of the datasets. We recently showed consistency between the Igor analysis program and the newer Fiji plug-in we used for our more recent imaging data, supporting concordance of results despite not having the individual data points in Igor (Hulsey-Vincent et al 2023).

      Planned Revisions based on comments from Reviewer #2

      • __Fig 4B: An intestinal site of action seems likely for fshr-1 and is nicely supported by the intestine-specific RNAi experiment in Fig 4B. Does intestine-specific knockdown of fshr-1 also cause the aldicarb and SNB-1 defects seen in the mutant? Including this data especially for the synaptic markers would strengthen the gut to neuron inter-tissue signaling model that is proposed here (OPTIONAL). __ We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion to include additional intestine-specific knockdown data for the aldicarb, SNB-1::GFP, and other imaging data. We have the reagents to perform the intestine-specific knockdown of fshr-1 in the aldicarb assay and will complete these experiments as part of our revision plan. Although performing the same experiments in the imaging strains requires first crossing each imaging line to the intestine-specific RNAi line, which may may prove challenging, we are currently working to cross the intestinal RNAi line with nuIs152, the cholinergic SNB-1::GFP line and, assuming the cross goes well, will include results in our revised manuscript.

      • Fig 5A: The authors show that G alpha s and adenylyl cyclase function downstream of fshr-1, but it is unclear whether these are direct fshr-1 effectors or whether they function less directly. Does expressing gsa-1(gf) or acy-1(gf) transgenes specifically in the intestine (or neurons) suppress the fshr-1 defects? (OPTIONAL) __ As stated in our response to Reviewer #1, we completely agree that tissue-specific pathway analysis is important for understanding the molecular mechanism underlying the ability of FSHR-1 to control neuromuscular function from its location in distal tissues, like the intestine. While the complexity of these questions and the time required for us to generate strains to perform tissue-specific protein depletion or overexpression experiments is likely more than is suitable for the revision time frame of this manuscript (and will be the focus of future work), in lieu of these experiments we will perform intestine-specific RNA interference experiments (as we did for fshr-1 in Figure 4B) of gsa-1, acy-1, and sphk-1 in wild type worms and in animals overexpressing fshr-1 in the intestine (which causes increased swimming behavior, Figure 3A) to determine if these downstream players are required for the effects of intestinal fshr-1 on the NMJ. __We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion to address these important questions regarding the site of action of the downstream players.

      • __Fig 6A-D: The authors propose that fshr-1 is activated by its ligands for locomotion, but no evidence is presented to support this. This could be experimentally addressed with the reagents that are used in this study by determining whether the increased locomotion caused by overexpressing fshr-1 in the intestine (reported in Fig 3A), is dependent upon gpla-1 and/or gplb-1 activity. This experiment would help to distinguish whether gpla-1 and/or gplb-1 indeed are fshr-1 ligands or whether fshr-1 functions in a ligand-independent manner, and would justify the sentence on line 526 "...ligands...act upstream in this context..." __ We agree with the reviewer that the question of GP ligand activation of FSHR-1 in this context is an important and interesting question. We plan to cross the intestinal fshr-1 transgene into the gpla-1, gplb-1, and gpla-1gplb-1 mutants, as suggested and then will test their swimming behavior to see if the overexpression effect depends upon the ligands. We thank the reviewer for this experimental suggestion.

      Planned Revisions based on comments from Reviewer #3

      • __Within Figure 6, the authors state that an experiment was run 2-3X which seems inconsistent with other figure panels. It would be better if three times was consistently used. Adding in another run seems appropriate. To add another experimental run where needed within Figure 6 A-D seems realistic. The strains, reagents and skills are all in place, so the only significant investment is time. These experiments should be able to be completed in a few weeks/months. __ We appreciate the reviewer's desire for consistency in terms of the number of replicates. We will ensure all swimming experiments, which were the experiments in question in Figure 6, have been completed at least 3 times as part of our revision plan.

      • The authors findings would be strengthened by doing further work to delineate in which tissues the downstream factors act, by doing tissue specific epistasis basically for gsa-1, acy-1 etc. This would entail a lot of work and would delay publication significantly. I do not see this as necessary unless the authors wish for a big impact journal publication. __ As stated in our response to Reviewers #1 and 2, we agree that tissue-specific pathway analysis is important for understanding the molecular mechanism underlying the ability of FSHR-1 to control neuromuscular function from its location in distal tissues, like the intestine. While the complexity of these questions and the time required for us to generate strains to perform tissue-specific protein depletion or overexpression experiments is likely more than is suitable for the revision time frame of this manuscript (and will be the focus of future work), in lieu of these experiments we will perform intestine-specific RNA interference experiments (as we did for fshr-1 in Figure 4B) of gsa-1, acy-1, and sphk-1 in wild type worms and in animals overexpressing fshr-1 in the intestine (which causes increased swimming behavior, Figure 3A) to determine if these downstream players are required for the effects of intestinal fshr-1 on the NMJ. __We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion to address these important questions regarding the site of action of the downstream players.

      • __Figures:____ Overall the authors have presented everything in a clear and thorough manner. Some modification of the Y-axes on several aldicarb resistance graphs & body bend bar graphs could improve the clarity. Trying to standardize the Y axis range and the tick mark locations would make it easier to read and compare between figures and panels. __ We appreciate the reviewer's attention to detail here and will work to further standardize the Y-axes on the graphs as requested.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Revisions made to the manuscript in response to comments by Reviewer #1

      • __The authors should demonstrate the expression of FSHR-1 in various tissues, as this is essential for analyzing its function. __ We appreciate the reviewer's request for additional clarity regarding the sites of tissue-specific FSHR-1 expression and agree that this information was not sufficiently clear in the text. It is already known that FSHR-1 is expressed in various tissues (e.g., head neurons, glia, intestine) from prior studies (Cho et al, 2007; Kenis et al 2023; Hammarlund et al 2018); thus, we would like to defer to Reviewer #3's suggestion about the expression information and have added a description of FSHR-1 expression patterns to lines 129 -130 within the Introduction of the paper. (Reviewer #3: "In the discussion there is a section about the reported areas of endogenous fshr-1 expression. I would have appreciated knowing that information much earlier in the paper. Without being reminded of the reported normal expression pattern it is difficult to fully appreciate why how the neuronal and glial expression could be at work") This expression information is also mentioned in the Results section lines 420-421 when we first discuss the tissue-specific rescue experiments.

      • __Figure 4A appears to be the same as Figure S5B. The authors should ensure that the figures are correctly labeled and distinct from each other. __ We thank the reviewer for noticing this oversight. We apologize for the inadvertent duplication. We have replaced the graphs in Figure 4A with the correct rescue experiment using the Pges-1, ibtEx35-expressing strain.

      Revisions made to the manuscript in response to comments by Reviewer #2

      • Fig 3: Using transgenic rescue experiments the authors observe rescue when expressing fshr-1 under promoters for the intestine as well as glia and neurons. Is it possible that the apparent rescue using glia and neuronal promoters may arise from leaky expression of these transgenes in the intestine? Leaky intestinal expression is a reported caveat for rescue experiments. This possibility should be discussed. We appreciate the reviewer's note regarding the potential caveat of leaky intestinal expression. We have added a mention of this possibility to the discussion (lines 612-616) where we outline other potential explanations for the ability of multiple transgenes to rescue the neuromuscular phenotype. This possibility is why we feel most confident in the intestine site of action given that we have intestine-specific RNA interference data showing fshr-1 necessity in this tissue. We also acknowledge the need for tissue-specific depletion studies to address requirements for fshr-1 in the other distal tissues. We hope to be able to address these other potential sites of action in our future work.

      • __Fig 4B: Please clarify at what stage the intestine-specific knockdown of fshr-1 was conducted. It would be informative to treat animals with fshr-1 RNAi at various developmental stages to distinguish whether fshr-1 plays a developmental or post-developmental role in this process (OPTIONAL). __ We thank the reviewer for bringing to our attention the omission of details regarding the feeding RNA interference experiments. We have added an "RNA Interference" subsection with this information to the Materials and Methods section of the manuscript. Briefly, the intestine-specific knockdown was performed by feeding worms at the L4 stage HT115(DE) bacteria containing L4440 empty plasmid or one targeting fshr-1. Worms were grown for 4 days on NGM agar plates containing Ampicillin and IPTG, then offspring of the treated worms were assayed at the young adult stage. Thus, the knockdown animals we tested had been exposed to the RNAi for their lifetime. We are very interested in exploring the developmental timing of fshr-1 expression and function in future work; thus, we thank the reviewer for this suggestion. However, we feel that a detailed panel of developmental knockdown effects of fshr-1 is beyond the scope of the current study.

      • Fig 4C: Is rescue significant? p values are not shown. In figure 4C, p-values are only shown for statistically significant differences, as noted in the figure legend. A Tukey's post-hoc test indicates that the Intestinal Rescue strain is not significantly different from either the wild type or the fshr-1 mutants, indicating partial rescue. While we cannot fully explain the discrepancy between the partial rescue of the SNB-1::GFP phenotype in light of the full behavioral rescue in the swimming, aldicarb, and crawling assays, we suspect it may be due to the fact that synaptic vesicle release has been sufficiently restored to recover neuromuscular signaling even though synaptic vesicle localization is not fully returned to wild type levels, given the variable and likely non-endogenous levels of fshr-1 re-expression from the tissue-specific transgenes. We have noted this discrepancy in the Discussion (lines 633-639) when considering the levamisole and SNB-1::GFP data in light of the aldicarb and swimming results. * "*For some tissue-specific fshr-1 expression experiments, we observed partial rescue of the swimming and crawling fshr-1 mutant phenotypes without a restoration of normal synaptic vesicle localization (e.g., cholinergic motor neurons, GABAergic motor neurons, glial cells, Supplemental Figures 6 and 7). We conclude that GFP::SNB-1 accumulation may not solely report on rates of synaptic vesicle release and/or that there are compensatory mechanisms for increasing muscle excitation (e.g. upregulation of postsynaptic ACh receptors or muscle excitatory machinery."

      • __Fig 6E. There are two bars in this graph labeled gpla-1; gplb-1 that show significantly different amplitudes. Please clarify and define the different colors that each graph is outlined with. __ We thank the reviewer for catching this error. The third bar from the left should say "gpla-1;fshr-1". We have corrected this in the manuscript. We have also added descriptions of the colors to the figure legend indicating the following: dark blue = wild type, yellow = fshr-1; green = glycopeptide mutants; blue = glycopeptide;fshr-1 mutants. Similar clarification has been added to the legend for the bar graph in Figure 3D.

      Revisions made to the manuscript in response to comments by Reviewer #3

      Suggested Text Revisions: I have some suggestions to consider.

      • In the abstract the term expression analysis is used to analyses of areas of FSHR-1 function using tissue specific rescue experiments. Expression analysis often means directly exploring mRNA, localization, or levels using transcriptomic approaches or reporter genes so some revision of language could improve accuracy in the abstract. We appreciate the reviewer's point and have removed the phrase "expression analysis" from the summary at the end of the Introduction section where it initially appeared.

      • __In Figure 1, the authors do not comment on the overexpression phenotype or why this strain was included. __ We thank the reviewer for noticing this oversight. We have added a sentence describing the overexpression experiment and its implications in our description of Figure 1 in the Results section (lines 337-339).

      • __In the discussion there is a section about the reported areas of endogenous fshr-1 expression. I would have appreciated knowing that information much earlier in the paper. Without being reminded of the reported normal expression pattern it is difficult to fully appreciate why how the neuronal and glial expression could be at work. __ We appreciate the reviewer's request for additional clarity regarding the sites of tissue-specific FSHR-1 expression and agree that this information was not sufficiently clear in the text prior to the discussion. We have added a description of FSHR-1 expression patterns to lines 129 -130 within the Introduction of the paper. It is also mentioned in Results section lines 420-421 when we first discuss the tissue-specific rescue experiments.

      • __The section on tissue specific rescue could be written more strongly. The use of many "transition" phrases dilutes the importance of the findings in this paragraph. __ We are grateful for the reviewer's suggestions to improve the clarity of the text, specifically regarding the tissue-specific rescue section. We have tightened up the text in this section of the Discussion (lines 547-621) to remove some of the transitional phrases. We believe this has enhanced the readability of the manuscript and the impact of our findings.

      • Figures: __ 3 panel D: it is not clear what the last 2 bars (Neuronal rescues) are being compared to, its it w.t.? Were the differences between fshr-1 and these rescues not significantly different? __ We appreciate the reviewer bringing this point of confusion to our attention with Figure 3D. We have clarified in the figure legend that the Neuronal rescue bars are compared to wild type and that there is no significant difference from the fshr-1 mutants for these two lines, further supporting our central focus on the intestine as the best-supported site of FSHR-1 action.

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Comment from Reviewer #1

      • __The article concludes that the fshr-1 mutation affects the release of acetylcholine vesicles. However, using fluorescent proteins to label key proteins released by vesicles may introduce artifacts. Therefore, electron microscopy should be used to analyze vesicle accumulation for more reliable results. __ We thank the reviewers for this suggestion and acknowledge the potential value of EM to definitively show vesicle accumulation in fshr-1 mutants. However, these experiments are technically demanding, involve specialized high-pressure freezing, and would require us to establish new collaborations to complete; thus, we would not be able to be complete such experiments in a timeframe reasonable for revision. While the fluorescence microscopy experiments admittedly offer less resolution, this approach has been used with great success in numerous other studies to identify alterations in synaptic vesicle localization in motor neurons that correlate with electron microscopy, electrophysiology, and aldicarb data that more directly measure numbers of synaptic vesicles and synaptic function (Jorgensen et al 1995; Jin et al 1999; Nonet et al 1999). Thus, we believe that the pHluorin experiments, coupled with the SNB-1::GFP imaging, are sufficient to demonstrate defects in vesicle release, regardless of the specific effects on vesicle clustering. We have been mindful not to overstate our conclusions (lines 371-372: "Together, these data demonstrate that FSHR-1 signaling promotes the localization and/or release of cholinergic synaptic vesicles.") We hope the reviewer will agree that our analysis provides meaningful information about SV organization in the absence of EM level experiments.

      • __The authors analyzed the release of vesicles from GABA and acetylcholine (Ach) neurons separately to demonstrate that the fshr-1 mutation specifically affects Ach neuron vesicle release. However, while GFP::SNB-1 and GFP::SYD-1 accumulated in GABA neurons, mCherry::UNC-10 did not change significantly in GABA neurons. To fully understand vesicle release, the authors should also use synaptopHluroin (SpH) to analyze GABA neuron vesicle release. __ We agree that our data indicate that, in addition to effects on cholinergic synaptic vesicle release, there may be effects on release of vesicles from GABAergic neurons, and we acknowledge this in the manuscript. However, while we are interested in potentially exploring the effects of fshr-1 in GABAergic neurons, we believe this question requires extensive additional work that is beyond the scope of this manuscript, which is focused on fshr-1 effects on cholinergic signaling. Moreover, given that fshr-1-deficient animas are aldicarb resistant (Figure 1A), it is unlikely that GABA release is decreased. If GABA release was decreased, we would expect hypersensitivity to aldicarb. Thus, while it is still possible there are different effects on GABA vesicles, our data suggest the most physiological relevant effect is on cholinergic signaling. We do acknowledge in the Discussion that it will be of interest to determine the relevance of effects in the GABA neurons (lines 649-651).

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors investigate fshr-1's role in regulation of NMJ signaling using a variety of assays within C. elegans. The power of epistatic analyses is employed to fill in the upstream and downstream signaling components of this non-cell autonomous signaling pathway. The study is strengthened by the inclusion of assays that allow multiple levels of functionality to be assessed, including pharmacological sensitivities, vesicle fusion, locomotory traits and synaptic marker protein distributions.

      The study shows that fshr-1 acts within the intestine to set off a signaling cascade that alters NMJ function and aspects of synaptic transmission. Intestinal activity is both necessary and sufficient. Expression of fshr-1 in other areas, while not necessarily linked to endogenous expression, can rescue many NMJ functional activities and some SV localization markers. Ligands for FSHR-1, GPLA-1A and GPLA-1B, were identified using epistasis, as were several downstream signaling components, namely GSA-1, ACY-1 and SPHK-1. The key conclusions are convincing and the authors have stayed truthful and circumspect in their experimental interpretations.

      Within Figure 6, the authors state that an experiment was run 2-3X which seems inconsistent with other figure panels. It would be better if three times was consistently used. Adding in another run seems appropriate. To add another experimental run where needed within Figure 6 A-D seems realistic. The strains, reagents and skills are all in place, so the only significant investment is time. These experiments should be able to be completed in a few weeks/months.

      The authors findings would be strengthened by doing further work to delineate in which tissues the downstream factors act, by doing tissue specific epistasis basically for gsa-1, acy-1 etc. This would entail a lot of work and would delay publication significantly. I do not see this as necessary unless the authors wish for a big impact journal publication.

      Smaller comments for improvement:

      Text: I have some suggestions to consider. In the abstract the term expression analysis is used to analyses of areas of FSHR-1 function using tissue specific rescue experiments. Expression analysis often means directly exploring mRNA, localization, or levels using transcriptomic approaches or reporter genes so some revision of language could improve accuracy in the abstract.

      In Figure 1, the authors do not comment on the overexpression phenotype or why this strain was included.

      In the discussion there is a section about the reported areas of endogenous fshr-1 expression. I would have appreciated knowing that information much earlier in the paper. Without being reminded of the reported normal expression pattern it is difficult to fully appreciate why how the neuronal and glial expression could be at work.

      The section on tissue specific rescue could be written more strongly. The use of many "transition" phrases dilutes the importance of the findings in this paragraph.

      Figures: Overall the authors have presented everything in a clear and thorough manner. Some modification of the Y-axes on several aldicarb resistance graphs & body bend bar graphs could improve the clarity. Trying to standardize the Y axis range and the tick mark locations would make it easier to read and compare between figures and panels.

      Fig. 3 panel D: it is not clear what the last 2 bars (Neuronal rescues) are being compared to, its it w.t.? Were the differences between fshr-1 and these rescues not significantly different?


      This is a highly worthy contribution to the field of cell non-autonomous signaling and neuromodulation, and specifically synaptic transmission modulation. The study deepens and enhances the understanding of fshr-1 function within the C. elegans intestine and adds in several molecular components into the signaling pathway, acting both upstream and downstream. The authors were able to define the output of intestinal fshr-1 function in relation to synaptic vesicle localization and fusion using the pHlourin assay which significantly extends our understanding of the mechanistic dissection of the non-autonomous regulation of Ach synaptic transmission. The manuscript is written with care and insight. The discussion contextualizes the study's findings in relation to the prior studies with care and attempts to elucidate how their findings interrelate.

      This would be of high interest to those focused on neuromodulation, synaptic function, and signaling. While this work relies on an invertebrate system of C. elegans, all components have vertebrate counterparts, so findings are likely of broader interest.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study Buckley et al. examine the role of the follicle stimulating hormone receptor homolog FSHR-1 in regulating excitatory neurotransmission at worm neuromuscular junctions (NMJs). They showed that mutations in fshr-1 impair neuromuscular function as measured by aldicarb sensitivity, movement, and abundance of presynaptic markers. They show that these defects can be rescued by expressing fshr-1 in the intestine, glia and neurons to varying extents. Using genetic epistasis analysis, they identify two potential FSHR-1 effectors that function downstream of fshr-1 to control locomotion. Finally, they show that mutations in genes that share homology to mammalian FSH ligands function in a common genetic pathway with fshr-1 to promote locomotion. The authors propose that fshr-1 is part of an inter tissue signaling pathway by which tissues such as the intestine can regulate cholinergic function. The authors have presented a clear story by utilizing genetics, behavioral analysis, and synaptic imaging to demonstrate that intestinal fshr-1 positively regulates cholinergic signaling. The data is well presented, compelling and the conclusions are well supported by the data. The study reinforces prior studies that implicate fshr-1 in positively regulating cholinergic signaling, and the authors use largely indirect assays (movement) to evaluate NMJ function, limiting conceptual and mechanistic advances. However, this study provides a solid foundation to address many interesting questions regarding the role of fshr-1 signaling in regulating neuronal function.


      1. Fig 3: Using transgenic rescue experiments the authors observe rescue when expressing fshr-1 under promoters for the intestine as well as glia and neurons. Is it possible that the apparent rescue using glia and neuronal promoters may arise from leaky expression of these transgenes in the intestine? Leaky intestinal expression is a reported caveat for rescue experiments. This possibility should be discussed.
      2. Fig 4B: An intestinal site of action seems likely for fshr-1, and is nicely supported by the intestine-specific RNAi experiment in Fig 4B. Does intestine-specific knockdown of fshr-1 also cause the aldicarb and SNB-1 defects seen in the mutant? Including this data especially for the synaptic markers would strengthen the gut to neuron inter-tissue signaling model that is proposed here (OPTIONAL).
      3. Fig 4B: Please clarify at what stage the intestine-specific knockdown of fshr-1 was conducted. It would be informative to treat animals with fshr-1 RNAi at various developmental stages to distinguish whether fshr-1 plays a developmental or post-developmental role in this process (OPTIONAL).
      4. Fig 5A: The authors show that G alpha s and adenylyl cyclase function downstream of fshr-1, but it is unclear whether these are direct fshr-1 effectors or whether they function less directly. Does expressing gsa-1(gf) or acy-1(gf) transgenes specifically in the intestine (or neurons) suppress the fshr-1 defects? (OPTIONAL)
      5. Fig 6A-D: The authors propose that fshr-1 is activated by its ligands for locomotion, but no evidence is presented to support this. This could be experimentally addressed with the reagents that are used in this study by determining whether the increased locomotion caused by overexpressing fshr-1 in the intestine (reported in Fig 3A), is dependent upon gpla-1 and/or gplb-1 activity. This experiment would help to distinguish whether gpla-1 and/or gplb-1 indeed are fshr-1 ligands or whether fshr-1 functions in a ligand-independent manner, and would justify the sentence on line 526 "...ligands...act upstream in this context..."
      6. Fig 4C: Is rescue significant? p values are not shown.
      7. Fig 6E. There are two bars in this graph labeled gpla-1; gplb-1 that show significantly different amplitudes. Please clarify and define the different colors that each graph is outlined with.


      The authors have presented a clear story by utilizing genetics, behavioral analysis, and synaptic imaging to demonstrate that intestinal fshr-1 positively regulates cholinergic signaling. The data is well presented, compelling and the conclusions are well supported by the data. The study reinforces prior studies that implicate fshr-1 in positively regulating cholinergic signaling, and the authors use largely indirect assays (movement) to evaluate NMJ function, limiting conceptual and mechanistic advances. However, this study provides a solid foundation to address many interesting questions using a powerful genetic model organism regarding the role of fshr-1 signaling in regulating neuronal function.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors investigate the role of the glycoprotein hormone receptor FSHR-1 in regulating cholinergic neurotransmission. They first demonstrate that fshr-1 mutants exhibit strong resistance to the acetylcholine esterase inhibitor aldicarb, consistent with previous findings (Sieburth et al., 2005). The authors further analyze other behaviors of the fshr-1 mutant and conclude that the fshr-1 gene affects neuromuscular regulation.

      Next, the authors use GFP::SNB-1 to label acetylcholine neuron vesicles and observe a significant accumulation of GFP::SNB-1 in neurons of the fshr-1 mutant. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments with synaptopHluroin (SpH) to label vesicle release, they find a reduction in vesicle release in the fshr-1 mutant.

      Furthermore, the authors re-express fshr-1 in the intestine, glia, or neurons of fshr-1 mutants and find that this restoration restores neuromuscular function. They focus on intestinal fshr-1 re-expression for further study, showing that it partially restores the aberrant synaptic vesicle accumulation seen in fshr-1 mutants. Lastly, the authors investigate the involvement of GPLA-1 and GPLB-1, the ligands of FSHR-1, and GSA-1, ACY-1, and SPHK-1, downstream factors of FSHR-1, in the same signaling pathway as fshr-1 in regulating neuromuscular function.

      In summary, the authors explore the phenotypes of aldicarb resistance in fshr-1 mutants and confirm the reduction of acetylcholine release in the fshr-1 mutant by labeling the process of acetylcholine neuronal vesicle release. They also analyze the involvement of FSHR-1 ligands and downstream factors in its regulation of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Furthermore, they demonstrate a novel phenomenon of cross-tissue regulation by restoring FSHR-1 in neurons, intestines, or glia to restore NMJ function. However, the underlying mechanisms of this cross-tissue regulation remain unexplored.

      Major point:

      1. The article concludes that the fshr-1 mutation affects the release of acetylcholine vesicles. However, using fluorescent proteins to label key proteins released by vesicles may introduce artifacts. Therefore, electron microscopy should be used to analyze vesicle accumulation for more reliable results.
      2. The authors analyzed the release of vesicles from GABA and acetylcholine (Ach) neurons separately to demonstrate that the fshr-1 mutation specifically affects Ach neuron vesicle release. However, while GFP::SNB-1 and GFP::SYD-1 accumulated in GABA neurons, mCherry::UNC-10 did not change significantly in GABA neurons. To fully understand vesicle release, the authors should also use synaptopHluroin (SpH) to analyze GABA neuron vesicle release.
      3. The authors found that expressing FSHR-1 in intestinal cells was sufficient to compensate for the fshr-1 mutation phenotype, suggesting that intestinal cell FSHR-1 can regulate neuromuscular junction (NMJ) function across tissues. However, the molecular mechanism remains unexplored. Since the downstream signaling pathways of FSHR-1 are clear, analyzing the gain-of-function (gf) mutations of gsa-1 and acy-1 in different tissues can help elucidate the signaling pathways transmitted across tissues.
      4. The images of neurons should be presented in higher resolution and magnification to provide clearer visualization.

      Minor point:

      1. The authors should demonstrate the expression of FSHR-1 in various tissues, as this is essential for analyzing its function.
      2. It is unclear whether the glycoprotein subunit orthologs act in the intestine to regulate NMJ function with FSHR-1. This should be investigated and clarified in the manuscript.
      3. Figure 4A appears to be the same as Figure S5B. The authors should ensure that the figures are correctly labeled and distinct from each other.
      4. In Figure 4C, there are no error bars, and individual values should be shown in all statistical analyses to provide a complete representation of the data and its variability.


      They demonstrate a novel phenomenon of cross-tissue regulation by restoring FSHR-1 in neurons, intestines, or glia to restore NMJ function.

      However, the underlying mechanisms of this cross-tissue regulation remain unexplored.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      *Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      I have trialled the package on my lab's data and it works as advertised. It was straightforward to use and did not require any special training. I am confident this is a tool that will be approachable even to users with limited computational experience. The use of artificial data to validate the approach - and to provide clear limits on applicability - is particularly helpful.

      The main limitation of the tool is that it requires the user to manually select regions. This somewhat limits the generalisability and is also more subjective - users can easily choose "nice" regions that better match with their hypothesis, rather than quantifying the data in an unbiased manner. However, given the inherent challenges in quantifying biological data, such problems are not easily circumventable.


      * I have some comments to clarify the manuscript:

      1. A "straightforward installation" is mentioned. Given this is a Method paper, the means of installation should be clearly laid out.*

      __This sentence is now modified. In the revised manuscript we now describe how to install the toolset and we give the link to the toolset website if further information is needed. __On this website, we provide a full video tutorial and a user manual. The user manual is provided as a supplementary material of the manuscript.

      * It would be helpful if there was an option to generate an output with the regions analysed (i.e., a JPG image with the data and the drawn line(s) on top). There are two reasons for this: i) A major problem with user-driven quantification is accidental double counting of regions (e.g., a user quantifies a part of an image and then later quantifies the same region). ii) Allows other users to independently verify measurements at a later time.*

      We agree that it is helpful to save the analyzed regions. To answer this comment and the other two reviewers' comments pointing at a similar feature, we have now included an automatic saving of the regions of interest. The user will be able to reopen saved regions of interest using a new function we included in the new version of PatternJ.

      * 3. Related to the above point, it is highlighted that each time point would need to be analysed separately (line 361-362). It seems like it should be relatively straightforward to allow a function where the analysis line can be mapped onto the next time point. The user could then adjust slightly for changes in position, but still be starting from near the previous timepoint. Given how prevalent timelapse imaging is, this seems like (or something similar) a clear benefit to add to the software.*

      We agree that the analysis of time series images can be a useful addition. We have added the analysis of time-lapse series in the new version of PatternJ. The principles behind the analysis of time-lapse series and an example of such analysis are provided in Figure 1 - figure supplement 3 and Figure 5, with accompanying text lines 140-153 and 360-372. The analysis includes a semi-automated selection of regions of interest, which will make the analysis of such sequences more straightforward than having to draw a selection on each image of the series. The user is required to draw at least two regions of interest in two different frames, and the algorithm will automatically generate regions of interest in frames in which selections were not drawn. The algorithm generates the analysis immediately after selections are drawn by the user, which includes the tracking of the reference channel.

      * Line 134-135. The level of accuracy of the searching should be clarified here. This is discussed later in the manuscript, but it would be helpful to give readers an idea at this point what level of tolerance the software has to noise and aperiodicity.


      We agree with the reviewer that a clarification of this part of the algorithm will help the user better understand the manuscript.__ We have modified the sentence to clarify the range of search used and the resulting limits in aperiodicity (now lines 176-181). __Regarding the tolerance to noise, it is difficult to estimate it a priori from the choice made at the algorithm stage, so we prefer to leave it to the validation part of the manuscript. We hope this solution satisfies the reviewer and future users.


      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I think the other reviewer comments are very pertinent. The authors have a fair bit to do, but they are reasonable requests. So, they should be encouraged to do the revisions fully so that the final software tool is as useful as possible.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Developing software tools for quantifying biological data that are approachable for a wide range of users remains a longstanding challenge. This challenge is due to: (1) the inherent problem of variability in biological systems; (2) the complexity of defining clearly quantifiable measurables; and (3) the broad spread of computational skills amongst likely users of such software.

      In this work, Blin et al., develop a simple plugin for ImageJ designed to quickly and easily quantify regular repeating units within biological systems - e.g., muscle fibre structure. They clearly and fairly discuss existing tools, with their pros and cons. The motivation for PatternJ is properly justified (which is sadly not always the case with such software tools).

      Overall, the paper is well written and accessible. The tool has limitations but it is clearly useful and easy to use. Therefore, this work is publishable with only minor corrections.

      *We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation of PatternJ and for pointing out its accessibility to the users.


      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      # Summary

      The authors present an ImageJ Macro GUI tool set for the quantification of one-dimensional repeated patterns that are commonly occurring in microscopy images of muscles.

      # Major comments

      In our view the article and also software could be improved in terms of defining the scope of its applicability and user-ship. In many parts the article and software suggest that general biological patterns can be analysed, but then in other parts very specific muscle actin wordings are used. We are pointing this out in the "Minor comments" sections below. We feel that the authors could improve their work by making a clear choice here. One option would be to clearly limit the scope of the tool to the analysis of actin structures in muscles. In this case we would recommend to also rename the tool, e.g. MusclePatternJ. The other option would be to make the tool about the generic analysis of one-dimensional patterns, maybe calling the tool LinePatternJ. In the latter case we would recommend to remove all actin specific wordings from the macro tool set and also the article should be in parts slightly re-written.


      We agree with the reviewer that our initial manuscript used a mix of general and muscle-oriented vocabulary, which could make the use of PatternJ confusing especially outside of the muscle field. To make PatternJ useful for the largest community, we corrected the manuscript and the PatternJ toolset to provide the general vocabulary needed to make it understandable for every biologist. We modified the manuscript accordingly.

      * # Minor/detailed comments

      # Software

      We recommend considering the following suggestions for improving the software.

      ## File and folder selection dialogs

      In general, clicking on many of the buttons just opens up a file-browser dialog without any further information. For novel users it is not clear what the tool expects one to select here. It would be very good if the software could be rewritten such that there are always clear instructions displayed about which file or folder one should open for the different buttons.*

      We experienced with the current version of macOS that the file-browser dialog does not display any message; we suspect this is the issue raised by the reviewer. This is a known issue of Fiji on Mac and all applications on Mac since 2016. We provided guidelines in the user manual and on the tutorial video to correct this issue by changing a parameter in Fiji. Given the issues the reviewer had accessing the material on the PatternJ website, which we apologize for, we understand the issue raised. We added an extra warning on the PatternJ website to point at this problem and its solution. Additionally, we have limited the file-browser dialog appearance to what we thought was strictly necessary. Thus, the user will experience fewer prompts, speeding up the analysis.


      ## Extract button

      The tool asks one to specify things like whether selections are drawn "M-line-to-M-line"; for users that are not experts in muscle morphology this is not understandable. It would be great to find more generally applicable formulations. *

      We agree that this muscle-oriented vocabulary can make the use of PatternJ confusing. We have now corrected the user interface to provide both general and muscle-specific vocabulary ("center-to-center or edge-to-edge (M-line-to-M-line or Z-disc-to-Z-disc)").*

      ## Manual selection accuracy

      The 1st step of the analysis is always to start from a user hand-drawn profile across intensity patterns in the image. However, this step can cause inaccuracy that varies with the shape and curve of the line profile drawn. If not strictly perpendicular to for example the M line patterns, the distance between intensity peaks will be different. This will be more problematic when dealing with non-straight and parallelly poised features in the image. If the structure is bended with a curve, the line drawn over it also needs to reproduce this curve, to precisely capture the intensity pattern. I found this limits the reproducibility and easy-usability of the software.*

      We understand the concern of the reviewer. On curved selections this will be an issue that is difficult to solve, especially on "S" curved or more complex selections. The user will have to be very careful in these situations. On non-curved samples, the issue may be concerning at first sight, but the errors go with the inverse of cosine and are therefore rather low. For example, if the user creates a selection off by 5 degrees, which is visually obvious, lengths will be affected by an increase of only 0.38%. The point raised by the reviewer is important to discuss, and we therefore added a paragraph to comment on the choice of selection (lines 94-98) and a supplementary figure to help make it clear (Figure 1 - figure supplement 1).*

      ### Reproducibility

      Since the line profile drawn on the image is the first step and very essential to the entire process, it should be considered to save together with the analysis result. For example, as ImageJ ROI or ROIset files that can be re-imported, correctly positioned, and visualized in the measured images. This would greatly improve the reproducibility of the proposed workflow. In the manuscript, only the extracted features are being saved (because the save button is also just asking for a folder containing images, so I cannot verify its functionality). *

      We agree that this is a very useful and important feature. We have added ROI automatic saving. Additionally, we now provide a simplified import function of all ROIs generated with PatternJ and the automated extraction and analysis of the list of ROIs. This can be done from ROIs generated previously in PatternJ or with ROIs generated from other ImageJ/Fiji algorithms. These new features are described in the manuscript in lines 120-121 and 130-132.


      ## ? button

      It would be great if that button would open up some usage instructions.


      We agree with the reviewer that the "?" button can be used in a better way. We have replaced this button with a Help menu, including a simple tutorial showing a series of images detailing the steps to follow by the user, a link to the user website, and a link to our video tutorial.

      * ## Easy improvement of workflow

      I would suggest a reasonable expansion of the current workflow, by fitting and displaying 2D lines to the band or line structure in the image, that form the "patterns" the author aims to address. Thus, it extracts geometry models from the image, and the inter-line distance, and even the curve formed by these sets of lines can be further analyzed and studied. These fitted 2D lines can be also well integrated into ImageJ as Line ROI, and thus be saved, imported back, and checked or being further modified. I think this can largely increase the usefulness and reproducibility of the software.


      We hope that we understood this comment correctly. We had sent a clarification request to the editor, but unfortunately did not receive an answer within the requested 4 weeks of this revision. We understood the following: instead of using our 1D approach, in which we extract positions from a profile, the reviewer suggests extracting the positions of features not as a single point, but as a series of coordinates defining its shape. If this is the case, this is a major modification of the tool that is beyond the scope of PatternJ. We believe that keeping our tool simple, makes it robust. This is the major strength of PatternJ. Local fitting will not use line average for instance, which would make the tool less reliable.

      * # Manuscript

      We recommend considering the following suggestions for improving the manuscript. Abstract: The abstract suggests that general patterns can be quantified, however the actual tool quantifies specific subtypes of one-dimensional patterns. We recommend adapting the abstract accordingly.


      We modified the abstract to make this point clearer.

      * Line 58: Gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) based feature extraction and analysis approach is not mentioned nor compared. At least there's a relatively recent study on Sarcomeres structure based on GLCM feature extraction: https://github.com/steinjm/SotaTool with publication: *https://doi.org/10.1002/cpz1.462

      • *

      We thank the reviewer for making us aware of this publication. We cite it now and have added it to our comparison of available approaches.

      * Line 75: "...these simple geometrical features will address most quantitative needs..." We feel that this may be an overstatement, e.g. we can imagine that there should be many relevant two-dimensional patterns in biology?!*

      We have modified this sentence to avoid potential confusion (lines 76-77).

      • *

      • Line 83: "After a straightforward installation by the user, ...". We think it would be convenient to add the installation steps at this place into the manuscript. *

      __This sentence is now modified. We now mention how to install the toolset and we provide the link to the toolset website, if further information is needed (lines 86-88). __On the website, we provide a full video tutorial and a user manual.

      * Line 87: "Multicolor images will give a graph with one profile per color." The 'Multicolor images' here should be more precisely stated as "multi-channel" images. Multi-color images could be confused with RGB images which will be treated as 8-bit gray value (type conversion first) images by profile plot in ImageJ. *

      We agree with the reviewer that this could create some confusion. We modified "multicolor" to "multi-channel".

      * Line 92: "...such as individual bands, blocks, or sarcomeric actin...". While bands and blocks are generic pattern terms, the biological term "sarcomeric actin" does not seem to fit in this list. Could a more generic wording be found, such as "block with spike"? *

      We agree with the reviewer that "sarcomeric actin" alone will not be clear to all readers. We modified the text to "block with a central band, as often observed in the muscle field for sarcomeric actin" (lines 103-104). The toolset was modified accordingly.

      * Line 95: "the algorithm defines one pattern by having the features of highest intensity in its centre". Could this be rephrased? We did not understand what that exactly means.*

      We agree with the reviewer that this was not clear. We rewrote this paragraph (lines 101-114) and provided a supplementary figure to illustrate these definitions (Figure 1 - figure supplement 2).

      * Line 124 - 147: This part the only description of the algorithm behind the feature extraction and analysis, but not clearly stated. Many details are missing or assumed known by the reader. For example, how it achieved sub-pixel resolution results is not clear. One can only assume that by fitting Gaussian to the band, the center position (peak) thus can be calculated from continuous curves other than pixels. *

      Note that the two sentences introducing this description are "Automated feature extraction is the core of the tool. The algorithm takes multiple steps to achieve this (Fig. S2):". We were hoping this statement was clear, but the reviewer may refer to something else. We agree that the description of some of the details of the steps was too quick. We have now expanded the description where needed.

      * Line 407: We think the availability of both the tool and the code could be improved. For Fiji tools it is common practice to create an Update Site and to make the code available on GitHub. In addition, downloading the example file (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eMazyQJlisWPwmozvyb8VPVbfAgaH7Hz/view?usp=drive_link) required a Google login and access request, which is not very convenient; in fact, we asked for access but it was denied. It would be important for the download to be easier, e.g. from GitHub or Zenodo.


      We are sorry for issues encountered when downloading the tool and additional material. We thank the reviewer for pointing out these issues that limited the accessibility of our tool. We simplified the downloading procedure on the website, which does not go through the google drive interface nor requires a google account. Additionally, for the coder community the code, user manual and examples are now available from GitHub at github.com/PierreMangeol/PatternJ, and are provided as supplementary material with the manuscript. To our knowledge, update sites work for plugins but not for macro toolsets. Having experience sharing our codes with non-specialists, a classical website with a tutorial video is more accessible than more coder-oriented websites, which deter many users.

      * Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The strength of this study is that a tool for the analysis of one-dimensional repeated patterns occurring in muscle fibres is made available in the accessible open-source platform ImageJ/Fiji. In the introduction to the article the authors provide an extensive review of comparable existing tools. Their new tool fills a gap in terms of providing an easy-to-use software for users without computational skills that enables the analysis of muscle sarcomere patterns. We feel that if the below mentioned limitations could be addressed the tool could indeed be valuable to life scientists interested in muscle patterning without computational skills.

      In our view there are a few limitations, including the accessibility of example data and tutorials at sites.google.com/view/patternj, which we had trouble to access. In addition, we think that the workflow in Fiji, which currently requires pressing several buttons in the correct order, could be further simplified and streamlined by adopting some "wizard" approach, where the user is guided through the steps.

      *As answered above, the links on the PatternJ website are now corrected. Regarding the workflow, we now provide a Help menu with:

      1. __a basic set of instructions to use the tool, __
      2. a direct link to the tutorial video in the PatternJ toolset
      3. a direct link to the website on which both the tutorial video and a detailed user manual can be found. We hope this addresses the issues raised by this reviewer.

      *Another limitation is the reproducibility of the analysis; here we recommend enabling IJ Macro recording as well as saving of the drawn line ROIs. For more detailed suggestions for improvements please see the above sections of our review. *

      We agree that saving ROIs is very useful. It is now implemented in PatternJ.

      We are not sure what this reviewer means by "enabling IJ Macro recording". The ImageJ Macro Recorder is indeed very useful, but to our knowledge, it is limited to built-in functions. Our code is open and we hope this will be sufficient for advanced users to modify the code and make it fit their needs.*

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary In this manuscript, the authors present a new toolset for the analysis of repetitive patterns in biological images named PatternJ. One of the main advantages of this new tool over existing ones is that it is simple to install and run and does not require any coding skills whatsoever, since it runs on the ImageJ GUI. Another advantage is that it does not only provide the mean length of the pattern unit but also the subpixel localization of each unit and the distributions of lengths and that it does not require GPU processing to run, unlike other existing tools. The major disadvantage of the PatternJ is that it requires heavy, although very simple, user input in both the selection of the region to be analyzed and in the analysis steps. Another limitation is that, at least in its current version, PatternJ is not suitable for time-lapse imaging. The authors clearly explain the algorithm used by the tool to find the localization of pattern features and they thoroughly test the limits of their tool in conditions of varying SNR, periodicity and band intensity. Finally, they also show the performance of PatternJ across several biological models such as different kinds of muscle cells, neurons and fish embryonic somites, as well as different imaging modalities such as brightfield, fluorescence confocal microscopy, STORM and even electron microscopy.

      This manuscript is clearly written, and both the section and the figures are well organized and tell a cohesive story. By testing PatternJ, I can attest to its ease of installation and use. Overall, I consider that PatternJ is a useful tool for the analysis of patterned microscopy images and this article is fit for publication. However, i do have some minor suggestions and questions that I would like the authors to address, as I consider they could improve this manuscript and the tool:

      *We are grateful to this reviewer for this very positive assessment of PatternJ and of our manuscript.

      * Minor Suggestions: In the methodology section is missing a more detailed description about how the metric plotted was obtained: as normalized intensity or precision in pixels. *

      We agree with the reviewer that a more detailed description of the metric plotted was missing. We added this information in the method part and added information in the Figure captions where more details could help to clarify the value displayed.

      * The validation is based mostly on the SNR and patterns. They should include a dataset of real data to validate the algorithm in three of the standard patterns tested. *

      We validated our tool using computer-generated images, in which we know with certainty the localization of patterns. This allowed us to automatically analyze 30 000 images, and with varying settings, we sometimes analyzed 10 times the same image, leading to about 150 000 selections analyzed. From these analyses, we can provide with confidence an unbiased assessment of the tool precision and the tool capacity to extract patterns. We already provided examples of various biological data images in Figures 4-6, showing all possible features that can be extracted with PatternJ. In these examples, we can claim by eye that PatternJ extracts patterns efficiently, but we cannot know how precise these extractions are because of the nature of biological data: "real" positions of features are unknown in biological data. Such validation will be limited to assessing whether a pattern was found or not, which we believe we already provided with the examples in Figures 4-6.

      * The video tutorial available in the PatternJ website is very useful, maybe it would be worth it to include it as supplemental material for this manuscript, if the journal allows it. *

      As the video tutorial may have been missed by other reviewers, we agree it is important to make it more prominent to users. We have now added a Help menu in the toolset that opens the tutorial video. Having the video as supplementary material could indeed be a useful addition if the size of the video is compatible with the journal limits.

      * An example image is provided to test the macro. However, it would be useful to provide further example images for each of the three possible standard patterns suggested: Block, actin sarcomere or individual band.*

      We agree this can help users. We now provide another multi-channel example image on the PatternJ website including blocks and a pattern made of a linear intensity gradient that can be extracted with our simpler "single pattern" algorithm, which were missing in the first example. Additionally, we provide an example to be used with our new time-lapse analysis.

      * Access to both the manual and the sample images in the PatternJ website should be made publicly available. Right now they both sit in a private Drive account. *

      As mentioned above, we apologize for access issues that occurred during the review process. These files can now be downloaded directly on the website without any sort of authentication. Additionally, these files are now also available on GitHub.

      * Some common errors are not properly handled by the macro and could be confusing for the user: When there is no selection and one tries to run a Check or Extraction: "Selection required in line 307 (called from line 14). profile=getProfile( ;". A simple "a line selection is required" message would be useful there. When "band" or "block" is selected for a channel in the "Set parameters" window, yet a 0 value is entered into the corresponding "Number of bands or blocks" section, one gets this error when trying to Extract: "Empty array in line 842 (called from line 113). if ( ( subloc . length == 1 ) & ( subloc [ 0 == 0) ) {". This error is not too rare, since the "Number of bands or blocks" section is populated with a 0 after choosing "sarcomeric actin" (after accepting the settings) and stays that way when one changes back to "blocks" or "bands".*

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out these bugs. These bugs are now corrected in the revised version.

      * The fact that every time one clicks on the most used buttons, the getDirectory window appears is not only quite annoying but also, ultimately a waste of time. Isn't it possible to choose the directory in which to store the files only once, from the "Set parameters" window?*

      We have now found a solution to avoid this step. The user is only prompted to provide the image folder when pressing the "Set parameter" button. We kept the prompt for directory only when the user selects the time-lapse analysis or the analysis of multiple ROIs. The main reason is that it is very easy for the analysis to end up in the wrong folder otherwise.

      * The authors state that the outputs of the workflow are "user friendly text files". However, some of them lack descriptive headers (like the localisations and profiles) or even file names (like colors.txt). If there is something lacking in the manuscript, it is a brief description of all the output files generated during the workflow.*

      PatternJ generates multiple files, several of which are internal to the toolset. They are needed to keep track of which analyses were done, and which colors were used in the images, amongst others. From the user part, only the files obtained after the analysis All_localizations.channel_X.txt and sarcomere_lengths.txt are useful. To improve the user experience, we now moved all internal files to a folder named "internal", which we think will clarify which outputs are useful for further analysis, and which ones are not. We thank the reviewer for raising this point and we now mention it in our Tutorial.

      I don't really see the point in saving the localizations from the "Extraction" step, they are even named "temp".

      We thank the reviewer for this comment, this was indeed not necessary. We modified PatternJ to delete these files after they are used.

      * In the same line, I DO see the point of saving the profiles and localizations from the "Extract & Save" step, but I think they should be deleted during the "Analysis" step, since all their information is then grouped in a single file, with descriptive headers. This deleting could be optional and set in the "Set parameters" window.*

      We understand the point raised by the reviewer. However, the analysis depends on the reference channel picked, which is asked for when starting an analysis, and can be augmented with additional selections. If a user chooses to modify the reference channel or to add a new profile to the analysis, deleting all these files would mean that the user will have to start over again, which we believe will create frustration. An optional deletion at the analysis step is simple to implement, but it could create problems for users who do not understand what it means practically.

      * Moreover, I think it would be useful to also save the linear roi used for the "Extract & Save" step, and eventually combine them during the "Analysis step" into a single roi set file so that future re-analysis could be made on the same regions. This could be an optional feature set from the "Set parameters" window. *

      We agree with the reviewer that saving ROIs is very useful. ROIs are now saved into a single file each time the user extracts and saves positions from a selection. Additionally, the user can re-use previous ROIs and analyze an image or image series in a single step.

      * In the "PatternJ workflow" section of the manuscript, the authors state that after the "Extract & Save" step "(...) steps 1, 2, 4, and 5 can be repeated on other selections (...)". However, technically, only steps 1 and 5 are really necessary (alternatively 1, 4 and 5 if the user is unsure of the quality of the patterning). If a user follows this to the letter, I think it can lead to wasted time.


      We agree with the reviewer and have corrected the manuscript accordingly (line 119-120).

      • *

      *I believe that the "Version Information" button, although important, has potential to be more useful if used as a "Help" button for the toolset. There could be links to useful sources like the manuscript or the PatternJ website but also some tips like "whenever possible, use a higher linewidth for your line selection" *

      We agree with the reviewer as pointed out in our previous answers to the other reviewers. This button is now replaced by a Help menu, including a simple tutorial in a series of images detailing the steps to follow, a link to the user website, and a link to our video tutorial.

      * It would be interesting to mention to what extent does the orientation of the line selection in relation to the patterned structure (i.e. perfectly parallel vs more diagonal) affect pattern length variability?*

      As answered to reviewer 1, we understand this concern, which needs to be clarified for readers. The issue may be concerning at first sight, but the errors grow only with the inverse of cosine and are therefore rather low. For example, if the user creates a selection off by 3 degrees, which is visually obvious, lengths will be affected by an increase of only 0.14%. The point raised by the reviewer is important to discuss, and we therefore have added a comment on the choice of selection (lines 94-98) as well as a supplementary figure (Figure 1 - figure supplement 1).

      * When "the algorithm uses the peak of highest intensity as a starting point and then searches for peak intensity values one spatial period away on each side of this starting point" (line 133-135), does that search have a range? If so, what is the range? *

      We agree that this information is useful to share with the reader. The range is one pattern size. We have modified the sentence to clarify the range of search used and the resulting limits in aperiodicity (now lines 176-181).

      * Line 144 states that the parameters of the fit are saved and given to the user, yet I could not find such information in the outputs. *

      The parameters of the fits are saved for blocks. We have now clarified this point by modifying the manuscript (lines 186-198) and modifying Figure 1 - figure supplement 5. We realized we made an error in the description of how edges of "block with middle band" are extracted. This is now corrected.

      * In line 286, authors finish by saying "More complex patterns from electron microscopy images may also be used with PatternJ.". Since this statement is not backed by evidence in the manuscript, I suggest deleting it (or at the very least, providing some examples of what more complex patterns the authors refer to). *

      This sentence is now deleted.

      * In the TEM image of the fly wing muscle in fig. 4 there is a subtle but clearly visible white stripe pattern in the original image. Since that pattern consists of 'dips', rather than 'peaks' in the profile of the inverted image, they do not get analyzed. I think it is worth mentioning that if the image of interest contains both "bright" and "dark" patterns, then the analysis should be performed in both the original and the inverted images because the nature of the algorithm does not allow it to detect "dark" patterns. *

      We agree with the reviewer's comment. We now mention this point in lines 337-339.

      * In line 283, the authors mention using background correction. They should explicit what method of background correction they used. If they used ImageJ's "subtract background' tool, then specify the radius.*

      We now describe this step in the method section.


      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field. Being a software paper, the advance proposed by the authors is technical in nature. The novelty and significance of this tool is that it offers quick and simple pattern analysis at the single unit level to a broad audience, since it runs on the ImageJ GUI and does not require any programming knowledge. Moreover, all the modules and steps are well described in the paper, which allows easy going through the analysis.
      • Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate). The authors themselves provide a good and thorough comparison of their tool with other existing ones, both in terms of ease of use and on the type of information extracted by each method. While PatternJ is not necessarily superior in all aspects, it succeeds at providing precise single pattern unit measurements in a user-friendly manner.
      • State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings. Most researchers working with microscopy images of muscle cells or fibers or any other patterned sample and interested in analyzing changes in that pattern in response to perturbations, time, development, etc. could use this tool to obtain useful, and otherwise laborious, information. *

      We thank the reviewer for these enthusiastic comments about how straightforward for biologists it is to use PatternJ and its broad applicability in the bio community.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, the authors present a new toolset for the analysis of repetitive patterns in biological images named PatternJ. One of the main advantages of this new tool over existing ones is that it is simple to install and run and does not require any coding skills whatsoever, since it runs on the ImageJ GUI. Another advantage is that it does not only provide the mean length of the pattern unit but also the subpixel localization of each unit and the distributions of lengths and that it does not require GPU processing to run, unlike other existing tools. The major disadvantage of the PatternJ is that it requires heavy, although very simple, user input in both the selection of the region to be analyzed and in the analysis steps. Another limitation is that, at least in its current version, PatternJ is not suitable for time-lapse imaging.

      The authors clearly explain the algorithm used by the tool to find the localization of pattern features and they thoroughly test the limits of their tool in conditions of varying SNR, periodicity and band intensity. Finally, they also show the performance of PatternJ across several biological models such as different kinds of muscle cells, neurons and fish embryonic somites, as well as different imaging modalities such as brightfield, fluorescence confocal microscopy, STORM and even electron microscopy.

      This manuscript is clearly written, and both the section and the figures are well organized and tell a cohesive story. By testing PatternJ, I can attest to its ease of installation and use. Overall, I consider that PatternJ is a useful tool for the analysis of patterned microscopy images and this article is fit for publication. However, i do have some minor suggestions and questions that I would like the authors to address, as I consider they could improve this manuscript and the tool:

      Minor Suggestions:

      In the methodology section is missing a more detailed description about how the metric plotted was obtained: as normalized intensity or precision in pixels. The validation is based mostly on the SNR and patterns. They should include a dataset of real data to validate the algorithm in three of the standard patterns tested. The video tutorial available in the PatternJ website is very useful, maybe it would be worth it to include it as supplemental material for this manuscript, if the journal allows it. An example image is provided to test the macro. However, it would be useful to provide further example images for each of the three possible standard patterns suggested: Block, actin sarcomere or individual band. Access to both the manual and the sample images in the PatternJ website should be made publicly available. Right now they both sit in a private Drive account. Some common errors are not properly handled by the macro and could be confusing for the user: When there is no selection and one tries to run a Check or Extraction: "Selection required in line 307 (called from line 14). profile=getProfile( <)>;". A simple "a line selection is required" message would be useful there. When "band" or "block" is selected for a channel in the "Set parameters" window, yet a 0 value is entered into the corresponding "Number of bands or blocks" section, one gets this error when trying to Extract: "Empty array in line 842 (called from line 113). if ( ( subloc . length == 1 ) & ( subloc [ 0 <]> == 0) ) {". This error is not too rare, since the "Number of bands or blocks" section is populated with a 0 after choosing "sarcomeric actin" (after accepting the settings) and stays that way when one changes back to "blocks" or "bands".<br /> The fact that every time one clicks on the most used buttons, the getDirectory window appears is not only quite annoying but also, ultimately a waste of time. Isn't it possible to choose the directory in which to store the files only once, from the "Set parameters" window? The authors state that the outputs of the workflow are "user friendly text files". However, some of them lack descriptive headers (like the localisations and profiles) or even file names (like colors.txt). If there is something lacking in the manuscript, it is a brief description of all the output files generated during the workflow. I don't really see the point in saving the localizations from the "Extraction" step, they are even named "temp". In the same line, I DO see the point of saving the profiles and localizations from the "Extract & Save" step, but I think they should be deleted during the "Analysis" step, since all their information is then grouped in a single file, with descriptive headers. This deleting could be optional and set in the "Set parameters" window. Moreover, I think it would be useful to also save the linear roi used for the "Extract & Save" step, and eventually combine them during the "Analysis step" into a single roi set file so that future re-analysis could be made on the same regions. This could be an optional feature set from the "Set parameters" window. In the "PatternJ workflow" section of the manuscript, the authors state that after the "Extract & Save" step "(...) steps 1, 2, 4, and 5 can be repeated on other selections (...)". However, technically, only steps 1 and 5 are really necessary (alternatively 1, 4 and 5 if the user is unsure of the quality of the patterning). If a user follows this to the letter, I think it can lead to wasted time. I believe that the "Version Information" button, although important, has potential to be more useful if used as a "Help" button for the toolset. There could be links to useful sources like the manuscript or the PatternJ website but also some tips like "whenever possible, use a higher linewidth for your line selection" It would be interesting to mention to what extent does the orientation of the line selection in relation to the patterned structure (i.e. perfectly parallel vs more diagonal) affect pattern length variability? When "the algorithm uses the peak of highest intensity as a starting point and then searches for peak intensity values one spatial period away on each side of this starting point" (line 133-135), does that search have a range? If so, what is the range? Line 144 states that the parameters of the fit are saved and given to the user, yet I could not find such information in the outputs. In line 286, authors finish by saying "More complex patterns from electron microscopy images may also be used with PatternJ.". Since this statement is not backed by evidence in the manuscript, I suggest deleting it (or at the very least, providing some examples of what more complex patterns the authors refer to). In the TEM image of the fly wing muscle in fig. 4 there is a subtle but clearly visible white stripe pattern in the original image. Since that pattern consists of 'dips', rather than 'peaks' in the profile of the inverted image, they do not get analyzed. I think it is worth mentioning that if the image of interest contains both "bright" and "dark" patterns, then the analysis should be performed in both the original and the inverted images because the nature of the algorithm does not allow it to detect "dark" patterns. In line 283, the authors mention using background correction. They should explicit what method of background correction they used. If they used ImageJ's "subtract background' tool, then specify the radius.


      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field. Being a software paper, the advance proposed by the authors is technical in nature. The novelty and significance of this tool is that it offers quick and simple pattern analysis at the single unit level to a broad audience, since it runs on the ImageJ GUI and does not require any programming knowledge. Moreover, all the modules and steps are well described in the paper, which allows easy going through the analysis.
      • Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate). The authors themselves provide a good and thorough comparison of their tool with other existing ones, both in terms of ease of use and on the type of information extracted by each method. While PatternJ is not necessarily superior in all aspects, it succeeds at providing precise single pattern unit measurements in a user-friendly manner.
      • State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings. Most researchers working with microscopy images of muscle cells or fibers or any other patterned sample and interested in analyzing changes in that pattern in response to perturbations, time, development, etc. could use this tool to obtain useful, and otherwise laborious, information.
      • Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate. I am a biologist with extensive experience in confocal microscopy and image analysis using classical machine vision tools, particularly using ImageJ and CellProfiler.
    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors present an ImageJ Macro GUI tool set for the quantification of one-dimensional repeated patterns that are commonly occurring in microscopy images of muscles.

      Major comments

      In our view the article and also software could be improved in terms of defining the scope of its applicability and user-ship. In many parts the article and software suggest that general biological patterns can be analysed, but then in other parts very specific muscle actin wordings are used. We are pointing this out in the "Minor comments" sections below. We feel that the authors could improve their work by making a clear choice here. One option would be to clearly limit the scope of the tool to the analysis of actin structures in muscles. In this case we would recommend to also rename the tool, e.g. MusclePatternJ. The other option would be to make the tool about the generic analysis of one-dimensional patterns, maybe calling the tool LinePatternJ. In the latter case we would recommend to remove all actin specific wordings from the macro tool set and also the article should be in parts slightly re-written.

      Minor/detailed comments


      We recommend considering the following suggestions for improving the software.

      File and folder selection dialogs

      In general, clicking on many of the buttons just opens up a file-browser dialog without any further information. For novel users it is not clear what the tool expects one to select here. It would be very good if the software could be rewritten such that there are always clear instructions displayed about which file or folder one should open for the different buttons.

      Extract button

      The tool asks one to specify things like whether selections are drawn "M-line-to-M-line"; for users that are not experts in muscle morphology this is not understandable. It would be great to find more generally applicable formulations.

      Manual selection accuracy

      The 1st step of the analysis is always to start from a user hand-drawn profile across intensity patterns in the image. However, this step can cause inaccuracy that varies with the shape and curve of the line profile drawn. If not strictly perpendicular to for example the M line patterns, the distance between intensity peaks will be different. This will be more problematic when dealing with non-straight and parallelly poised features in the image. If the structure is bended with a curve, the line drawn over it also needs to reproduce this curve, to precisely capture the intensity pattern. I found this limits the reproducibility and easy-usability of the software.


      Since the line profile drawn on the image is the first step and very essential to the entire process, it should be considered to save together with the analysis result. For example, as ImageJ ROI or ROIset files that can be re-imported, correctly positioned, and visualized in the measured images. This would greatly improve the reproducibility of the proposed workflow. In the manuscript, only the extracted features are being saved (because the save button is also just asking for a folder containing images, so I cannot verify its functionality).

      ? button

      It would be great if that button would open up some usage instructions.

      Easy improvement of workflow

      I would suggest a reasonable expansion of the current workflow, by fitting and displaying 2D lines to the band or line structure in the image, that form the "patterns" the author aims to address. Thus, it extracts geometry models from the image, and the inter-line distance, and even the curve formed by these sets of lines can be further analyzed and studied. These fitted 2D lines can be also well integrated into ImageJ as Line ROI, and thus be saved, imported back, and checked or being further modified. I think this can largely increase the usefulness and reproducibility of the software.


      We recommend considering the following suggestions for improving the manuscript. Abstract: The abstract suggests that general patterns can be quantified, however the actual tool quantifies specific subtypes of one-dimensional patterns. We recommend adapting the abstract accordingly.

      Line 58: Gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) based feature extraction and analysis approach is not mentioned nor compared. At least there's a relatively recent study on Sarcomeres structure based on GLCM feature extraction: https://github.com/steinjm/SotaTool with publication: https://doi.org/10.1002/cpz1.462

      Line 75: "...these simple geometrical features will address most quantitative needs..." We feel that this may be an overstatement, e.g. we can imagine that there should be many relevant two-dimensional patterns in biology?!

      Line 83: "After a straightforward installation by the user, ...". We think it would be convenient to add the installation steps at this place into the manuscript.

      Line 87: "Multicolor images will give a graph with one profile per color." The 'Multicolor images' here should be more precisely stated as "multi-channel" images. Multi-color images could be confused with RGB images which will be treated as 8-bit gray value (type conversion first) images by profile plot in ImageJ.

      Line 92: "...such as individual bands, blocks, or sarcomeric actin...". While bands and blocks are generic pattern terms, the biological term "sarcomeric actin" does not seem to fit in this list. Could a more generic wording be found, such as "block with spike"?

      Line 95: "the algorithm defines one pattern by having the features of highest intensity in its centre". Could this be rephrased? We did not understand what that exactly means.

      Line 124 - 147: This part the only description of the algorithm behind the feature extraction and analysis, but not clearly stated. Many details are missing or assumed known by the reader. For example, how it achieved sub-pixel resolution results is not clear. One can only assume that by fitting Gaussian to the band, the center position (peak) thus can be calculated from continuous curves other than pixels.

      Line 407: We think the availability of both the tool and the code could be improved. For Fiji tools it is common practice to create an Update Site and to make the code available on GitHub. In addition, downloading the example file (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eMazyQJlisWPwmozvyb8VPVbfAgaH7Hz/view?usp=drive_link) required a Google login and access request, which is not very convenient; in fact, we asked for access but it was denied. It would be important for the download to be easier, e.g. from GitHub or Zenodo.


      The strength of this study is that a tool for the analysis of one-dimensional repeated patterns occurring in muscle fibres is made available in the accessible open-source platform ImageJ/Fiji. In the introduction to the article the authors provide an extensive review of comparable existing tools. Their new tool fills a gap in terms of providing an easy-to-use software for users without computational skills that enables the analysis of muscle sarcomere patterns. We feel that if the below mentioned limitations could be addressed the tool could indeed be valuable to life scientists interested in muscle patterning without computational skills.

      In our view there are a few limitations, including the accessibility of example data and tutorials at sites.google.com/view/patternj, which we had trouble to access. In addition, we think that the workflow in Fiji, which currently requires pressing several buttons in the correct order, could be further simplified and streamlined by adopting some "wizard" approach, where the user is guided through the steps. Another limitation is the reproducibility of the analysis; here we recommend enabling IJ Macro recording as well as saving of the drawn line ROIs. For more detailed suggestions for improvements please see the above sections of our review.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      I have trialled the package on my lab's data and it works as advertised. It was straightforward to use and did not require any special training. I am confident this is a tool that will be approachable even to users with limited computational experience. The use of artificial data to validate the approach - and to provide clear limits on applicability - is particularly helpful.

      The main limitation of the tool is that it requires the user to manually select regions. This somewhat limits the generalisability and is also more subjective - users can easily choose "nice" regions that better match with their hypothesis, rather than quantifying the data in an unbiased manner. However, given the inherent challenges in quantifying biological data, such problems are not easily circumventable.

      I have some comments to clarify the manuscript:

      1. A "straightforward installation" is mentioned. Given this is a Method paper, the means of installation should be clearly laid out.
      2. It would be helpful if there was an option to generate an output with the regions analysed (i.e., a JPG image with the data and the drawn line(s) on top). There are two reasons for this: i) A major problem with user-driven quantification is accidental double counting of regions (e.g., a user quantifies a part of an image and then later quantifies the same region). ii) Allows other users to independently verify measurements at a later time.
      3. Related to the above point, it is highlighted that each time point would need to be analysed separately (line 361-362). It seems like it should be relatively straightforward to allow a function where the analysis line can be mapped onto the next time point. The user could then adjust slightly for changes in position, but still be starting from near the previous timepoint. Given how prevalent timelapse imaging is, this seems like (or something similar) a clear benefit to add to the software.
      4. Line 134-135. The level of accuracy of the searching should be clarified here. This is discussed later in the manuscript, but it would be helpful to give readers an idea at this point what level of tolerance the software has to noise and aperiodicity.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I think the other reviewer comments are very pertinent. The authors have a fair bit to do, but they are reasonable requests. So, they should be encouraged to do the revisions fully so that the final software tool is as useful as possible.


      Developing software tools for quantifying biological data that are approachable for a wide range of users remains a longstanding challenge. This challenge is due to: (1) the inherent problem of variability in biological systems; (2) the complexity of defining clearly quantifiable measurables; and (3) the broad spread of computational skills amongst likely users of such software.

      In this work, Blin et al., develop a simple plugin for ImageJ designed to quickly and easily quantify regular repeating units within biological systems - e.g., muscle fibre structure. They clearly and fairly discuss existing tools, with their pros and cons. The motivation for PatternJ is properly justified (which is sadly not always the case with such software tools).

      Overall, the paper is well written and accessible. The tool has limitations but it is clearly useful and easy to use. Therefore, this work is publishable with only minor corrections.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Barba-Aliaga and colleagues describe a potential function of eIF5A for the control of TIM50 translation. The authors showed that in temperature-sensitive mutants of eIF5A several mitochondrial proteins are decreased including OXPHOS subunits, proteins of the TCA cycle and some components of protein translocases. Some precursor proteins appear to localize into the cytosol. As consequent of mitochondrial dysfunction, the expression of some stress components is induced. The idea is that eIF5A ribosome-stalling of the proline-rich Tim50 of the TIM23 complex and thereby controls mitochondrial protein set-up.

      The findings are potentially interesting. However, some control experiments are required to substantiate the findings.

      1. To support their conclusion the authors should show whether Tim50 levels are affected in the eIF5A-ts mutants used. Tim50 protein half-life is approximately 9.6 h (Christiano et al, 2014), which makes difficult to measure large differences in new protein synthesis upon eIF5A depletion. However, we used different approaches to show that reduction in eIF5A provokes a reduction in Tim50 protein levels and synthesis. 1) The steady-state levels of Tim50 protein (genomic HA-tagged version) are shown by western blotting analysis in Fig. S4B and confirm a significant drop of approximately 20% in the tif51A-1 mutant at restrictive temperature. 2) The use of a construct in which Tim50 is fused to a nanoluciferase reporter under the control of a tetO7 inducible promoter shows a significant 3-fold reduction in Tim50 protein synthesis in the tif51A-1 mutant compared to wild-type (Fig. 4C). In addition, the protein synthesis time is calculated and indicates that it takes the double time for the tif51A-1 strain to synthesize Tim50 protein than the wild-type (Fig. 4E). 3) The expression of a FLAG-TIM50-GFP version under a GAL inducible system also shows a significant reduction in Tim50 protein synthesis in the two eIF5A temperature-sensitive strains (Fig. S4C). 4) The proteomic analysis performed at 41ºC showed a 20% reduction in Tim50 protein levels in the two eIF5A temperature-sensitive strains, although not being statistically significant (Table S1). Furthermore, TIM50 mRNA levels were determined by RT-qPCR across all the experiments mentioned to confirm that the low levels of Tim50 protein were not due to decreased transcription or increased mRNA degradation. 5) An additional experiment of polysome profiling has been included in Fig. R1 (Figure for Reviewers) showing a higher TIM50 mRNA abundance at low polysomal fractions and a lower mRNA abundance at heavy polysomal fractions upon eIF5A depletion. This indicates that the TIM50 mRNA abundance is significantly shifted to earlier fractions and translation of Tim50 is reduced in the tif51A-1 mutant at restrictive temperature but not at permissive temperature. Altoghether, all these experiments confirm a significant reduction of Tim50 protein levels upon eIF5A depletion and conclusions are supported on these results.

      How are the levels of TOM and TIM23 subunits?

      Response: Our proteomic analysis shows that the protein levels of Tom70 and Tom20 receptor subunits of the TOM complex are significantly decreased in the two eIF5A temperature-sensitive strains (Table S1). These results are in agreement with the polysome profiling results, where it is seen a significant reduction of TOM70 and TOM20 mRNAs in the heavy polysomal fractions while a significant increase of these mRNAs is observed in the light fractions of eIF5A-depleted cells (Fig. 2C and Fig. S2D). Apart from Tim50, no other proteins of the Tim23 translocase complex were detected in the proteomic analysis.

      Furthermore, how are the levels of the Tim50 variant that lack the proline residues? Is the stability or function of Tim50 affected by these mutations?

      Although we did not specifically analysed the Tim50ΔPro protein levels, a quantification of the Tim50ΔPro fluorescent signal has been performed to address this matter and is shown in Fig. R2 and mentioned in the corresponding Results section. Results indicate that the Tim50 variant lacking the proline residues has similar protein levels to the wild-type version and therefore, it is tempting to say that its stability should also be similar. However, if Reviewers consider this to be essential for publishing, additional experiments using cycloheximide could be conducted in order to better assess the stability and half-life of this Tim50 version.

      Additionally, functional levels of Tim50ΔPro protein is shown by the fact that wild-type cells carrying this Tim50 protein version as the only copy of Tim50 grew well in glycerol media, where Tim50 is essential for the mitochondrial function (Fig. 5A). However, we suspect that Tim50ΔPro is a bit less efficient protein since a double mutant tif51A-1 Tim50ΔPro shows even reduced growth than the single tif51A-1 mutant (Fig. 5A). This information also responds to the comments made by Reviewer #2.

      How specific is the effect of eIF5A on Tim50? Is there any other mitochondrial substrate of eIF5A? It is not so clear to the reviewer why the authors focused on Tim50.

      Response: eIF5A has been shown to be necessary for the translation of mRNA codons encoding for consecutive prolines and, consequently, lack of eIF5A causes ribosome stalling in these polyproline motifs (Gutierrez et al., 2013; Pelechano and Alepuz, 2017; Schuller et al., 2017). In our manuscript we showed: 1) using an artificial tetO7-TIM50-nanoLuc genomic construct we demonstrate that the synthesis of Tim50 protein (measured as appearance of luciferase activity upon induction of tetO promoter) is significantly reduced by 3-fold under eIF5A depletion only when Tim50 contains the stretch of 7 consecutive prolines (Fig. 4A-D); 2) genomic Tim50-HA and plasmid FLAG-TIM50-GFP protein levels are significantly reduced upon eIF5A depletion (Fig. S4B); 3) calculation of the time for translation elongation of Tim50 mRNA shows that this time is double in cells with eIF5A depletion than in cells containing normal eIF5A levels (Fig. 4E); and 4) analysis of published ribosome profiling data shows a precipitous drop-off in ribosome density exactly where the stretch of polyprolines is located in Tim50 (540-561bp) upon eIF5A depletion but not in the control strain (Fig. 4F). This result is indicative of ribosome stalling at Tim50 polyproline motif upon eIF5A depletion. Altogether, our results strongly support a direct and specific role of eIF5A in Tim50 protein synthesis. However, as we discuss in relation to Fig. 5 and in the Discussion section, Tim50 does not seem to be the only mitochondrial substrate of eIF5A, since recovery of Tim50 protein synthesis does not rescue the growth of eIF5A mutants under respiratory conditions. In this line, we have added further data pointing to ribosome stalling for other co-translationally inserted mitoproteins which are potential substrates of eIF5A (Table S6). Accordingly, this has also been included in the Discussion section. This information also responds to the comments made by Reviewer #4.

      Our focus on Tim50 in this manuscript resides in that we found a global downregulation of mitochondrial protein synthesis (Fig.1 and 2) in parallel to the accumulation of mitochondrial precursor proteins in the cytoplasm and induction of the mitoCPR response (Fig.3). All these data were pointing to a mitochondrial protein import defect. Since Tim50 is an essential component of the Tim23 translocase complex, its protein levels are reduced in eIF5A mutants and Tim50 contains a polyproline motif, all these data were pointing towards a Tim50-dependent effect in mitochondrial protein import upon eIF5A depletion, which we addressed in the manuscript.

      Figure 1A: Which tif51A strain was used?

      Response: The proteomic analysis was performed with tif51A-1 and tif51A-3 temperature-sensitive strains (see Table S1) and Fig.1A shows the average of the values obtained for the two mutants (proteins detected as down-regulated in these two samples and from 3 different biological replicates). This is now clarified in the Figure 1A legend. A similar approach was also followed in Pelechano and Alepuz, 2017. Additionally, the ratios between the protein level in the temperature-sensitive mutant respect wild-type for each protein and for each eIF5A mutant are also shown in Table S1. This information also responds to the comments made by Reviewer #2.

      Figure 1C: The authors should show the steady state levels of some OXPHOS/TCA components to confirm the findings of Figure 1A.

      Response: Proteomic findings have been confirmed for several proteins. The steady state levels of Por1 and Hsp60 proteins were investigated by western blotting (Figs. 1C,D) and results show a significant down-regulation on the two eIF5A temperature-sensitive strains at 41ºC, which confirms the findings of Fig. 1A. Additionally, we have included the same experiment performed at 37ºC (Fig. S1E), which also confirms the same conclusion.

      Furthermore, the steady-state levels of Tim50 protein were also investigated by western blotting (Fig. S4B), and results also showed a significant down-regulation in the tif51A-1 mutant at restrictive temperature (37ºC), compared to wild-type. This result also confirms the findings of Fig. 1A.

      However, if Reviewers consider that additional confirmation for OXPHOS/TCA proteins to be essential for publishing, additional experiments could be conducted to assess the protein levels of other OXPHOS/TCA proteins.

      The manuscript contains several quantifications. However, central information like number of repeats or whether a standard deviation or S.E.M. is depicted are missing.

      Response: Clear information on the number of repeats, type of graphical representation and statistical analysis is now included for all figures in the corresponding figure legends and also detailed in the Materials and Methods section. This information also responds to the comments made by Reviewer #2.

      Figure 3: The authors propose that precursor form aggregates outside mitochondria. To assess the data, a quantification should address in how many cells are protein aggregates.

      Response: The quantification of cytoplasmic Yta12 aggregates is now included in Fig.3E, which shows significant differences between the tif51A-1 mutant and the wild-type strain. In addition, quantification of cytosolic Tim50 aggregates was already included in Fig. 4H, which also shows significant differences between the tif51A-1 mutant and the wild-type strain. These two figures include the individual values from three biological replicates (at least 150 cells were analyzed), mean, standard deviation and statistical analysis.

      Do the observed aggregated proteins interact with Hsp104? recycled?

      Response: Yes, the cytoplasmic mitochondrial precursor aggregated proteins co-localize with Hsp104 as shown in Fig. 3I for Cyc1 and in Fig. 4J for Tim50. The quantification of Cyc1 and Tim50 co-localization with Hsp104 is shown in Fig S5D.


      See above

      Reviewer #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors report here novel findings concerning the role of eIF5A in mediating protein import to mitochondria in the model eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It was previously known from structural and other studies that the translation factor eIF5A binds to the E-site of stalled ribosomes to help promote peptide bond formation. It was inferred by ribosome footprinting and reporter studies assessing the impact of eIF5A depletion that eIF5A is particularly needed to translate several specific amino acid motifs including polyproline stretches. However additional target sequences are known.

      Here a proteomics approach reveals clear evidence that mitochondrially targeted proteins are impacted by temperature sensitive mutations in eIF5A that deplete the factor, including those without polyprolines. The authors then use a range of molecular and cell biology to focus on the role of mitochondrial signal sequences/mitochondrial protein import and the mitochondrial stress response, before highlighting a role for poly-prolines in Tim50, a major mitochondrial protein import factor. Consistent with the ribosome footprinting done previously it is shown that a stretch of 7 prolines limit its translation when eIF5A is depleted and studies shown here are consistent with the idea that this has wider consequences for mitochondrial protein import and hence translation/stability of other proteins. However improved Tim50 translation alone, by eliminating the poly-proline motif, is not sufficient to overcome all consequences of eIF5A depletion for mitochondrial protein import and for viability, suggesting a wider role.

      In general the text flows nicely, this could be a study that explains why a large number of mitochondrially targeted proteins are impacted by depletion of eIF5A in yeast. As the poly Pro sequence in Tim50 is not conserved in higher eukaryotes it is unclear how this observation will scale to other systems, but it provides an example of how studies in a relatively simple system can trace wide-spread impact of the loss of one component of a central pathway-here protein synthesis to altered translation of a key component of another process-mitochondrial protein import. Given that eIF5A and its hypusine modifying enzymes are mutated in rare human disorders, it is likely there will be interest in this study.

      However, while the conclusions may be justified, there are significant deficiencies in how the experiments have been analysed and presented in this version of the manuscript that impact every figure shown, coupled with deficiencies in the methods section that all need to be addressed. Thus, we have here the basis of what should be a very interesting paper here, but there is a lot of work to do to remedy perceived weaknesses. It may be that the overall conclusions are entirely sound and appropriate, but I suspect that performing the statistics in less biased ways may change some of the significant differences claimed. Some explanations concerning how data analyses were conducted and the reasons for specific analysis decisions being made would also improve the narrative. These points are expanded on below.

      All the edits suggested here are aimed at improving the rigor of reporting in this study. Depending on how they are answered some may become major issues, or they could all be minor.

      1 Figure 1 shows proteomic data for response to heat shock at 41{degree sign}C. In the text it is made clear that two different temperature sensitive missense alleles the 51A-1 and 51A-3 were analysed, but the single volcano plot in Figure 1A does not say whether it is reporting one of these experiments compared to WT (which one) or some other analysis (ie have data from the 2 mutants been amalgamated somehow?). I would assume only one, but which one, and why only one plot? How different is the other experiment? Why does the Figure title say the experiment is an eIF5A deletion when it is not this?

      Response: The data shown in Figure 1A corresponds to the average values obtained in the proteomic analysis for the two temperature-sensitive mutants tif51A-1 and tif51A-3 (with data for each mutant obtained from 3 different biological replicates). Highly reproducible proteomic results and similar between the two mutants were obtained (see in Fig. S1A the MDS-plot showing all replicates for each strain and condition studied in the proteomic analysis). In addition, the proteomic data showing the protein 41°C/25°C ratio for each eIF5A temperature-sensitive mutant with respect to wild-type is shown in the Table S1. This is now clarified in the Figure 1A legend. A similar approach using the mean values of the two mutants was followed in the analysis of ribosome footprintings made in Pelechano and Alepuz, 2017. Additionally, the ratios between the protein level in the temperature-sensitive mutant respect wild-type for each protein and for each eIF5A mutant are also shown in Table S1. This information also responds to the comments made by Reviewer #1.

      Reviewer #2 is right with his/her comment and there was a mistake in the Fig.1 title. Now it is corrected and written “depletion” instead of the wrong “deletion”.

      2 Why were the experiments shown in Figure 1 done at 41{degree sign}C when all other experiments are done at 37{degree sign}C? This experimental difference is ignored in the text and no comparison of the impact of 37 vs 41 is made anywhere in the manuscript. For example it would be straightforward to perform a comparison of eIF5A depletion (by western blot), polyribosome profiles, strain growth/inhibition at both temperatures.

      Response: Our aim carrying out a proteomic experiment after 4 hours of incubation of the temperature-sensitive strains at 41°C was to get a more profound depletion of the eIF5A protein, which is very abundant and stable at normal conditions, in order to get clear proteomic results. The proteomic results were pointing to a reduction in the levels of many mitochondrial proteins, corroborating previous results obtained in murine embryonic fibroblasts upon depletion of active eIF5A conditions (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmet.2019.05.003). From this starting point we tried to find out the molecular mechanism involved and all the rest of experiments are done with temperature sensitive eIF5A mutants under restrictive temperature of 37°C that is the most common conditions used in yeast by us and others, and in which wild-type yeast cells still grow vigorously.

      In our previous manuscript version, the depletion of eIF5A after growing the cells at 41ºC for 4 h was shown in Fig. 1C. These data has been expanded and we have now included in Fig. S1E a western blotting analysis that shows the depletion of eIF5A after incubating the cells at 37ºC and 41 ºC for 4 h (Fig. S1E). The steady state level of the mitochondrial Por1 protein was investigated by western blotting (Figs. 1C,D) and results show a significant down-regulation in the two eIF5A temperature-sensitive strains at 41ºC. We have now included the same experiment performed at 37ºC (Fig. S1E), which also confirms the same conclusion. In addition, following Reviewer #2 suggestions, growth of the wild-type and tif51A-1 strains was tested by serial drop assays conducted at 25ºC, 37ºC and 41ºC and results confirm that both 37ºC and 41ºC temperatures impair the growth of the tif51A-1 strain but not the wild-type (Fig.S1B). The new information included in Figure S1 is now explained in the Results section. This information also responds to the comments made by Reviewer #4.

      3 Western blot quantification. In Figure 1D and E the authors present western blot quantification. However they have chosen to normalise every panel to the signal in lane 1. This means that there is no variation at all in that sample as every replicate is =1. This completely skews the statistical assumptions made (because there will be variation in that sample) and effectively invalidates all the statistics shown. An appropriate approach to use is to normalise the signal in each lane to the mean signal across all lanes in a single blot. That way if all are identical they remain at 1, but importantly variation across all samples is captured. This should be done to the loading controls as well before working out ratios or performing any statistical analyses.

      Response: Following Reviewer #2 suggestions we have changed the normalization methodology for the Western blots and we have now normalized the signal in each lane to the mean signal across all lanes in each single blot, and do so also for the loading controls. We have conducted this analysis in every western blotting experiment shown in the manuscript (Figs. 1D, S4B and S4C) and statistical analyses have been performed again to capture variation across all samples. In addition, this is also included in the Materials and Methods section (“Western blotting” subsection). Results obtain are similar to previous ones but we agree that this new approach improves the data presentation.

      For this type of experiment it is more appropriate to use Anova than a T-test. This advice applies to every western data analysis figure in the whole manuscript and so all associated statistics need to be done again from the original quantification values. If T-test is justified then a correction for multiple hypothesis testing should be applied.

      Response: After reviewing a large number of publications analysing similar data, and also following the recommendations of our statistical department, we have retained the statistics used in our previous version (with the new data normalisation as explained above, following the recommendations of Reviewer #2). This is because for each western blot figure shown, we have performed experiments with two different biological samples, wild-type cells and eIF5A mutant cells, and compared results for a single variable (Por1 protein level; eIF5A protein level or Hsp60 protein level) using three or more biological replicates. In this context, we compare the mean of the protein levels obtained from the biological replicate for two groups: wild-type and eIF5A mutant. Therefore, we believe that the statistical T-test is more appropriate. However, we could repeat the statistic if it is finally considered more appropriate.

      In all bar chart figures in addition to showing the mean and SD, each replicate value should be shown (eg as done in Fig 2C). Graphpad allows individual points to be plotted easily.

      Response: All Figures along the manuscript now include individual values from each replicate, in addition to showing the mean, SD and statistical analysis. All figure legends have been corrected accordingly.

      5 Figure 2. Polysome profiles. The impact of translation elongation stalls on global polysome profiles is complex, but a global run off is highly unlikely. Stalls later in the coding region would be anticipated to cause an increase in ribosome density as more ribosomes accumulate (like cars queueing held at a red light). However where a stall is early in a longer ORF, for example at a signal sequence, then there is less opportunity for ribosomes to join and so for those mRNAs moving to lighter points in the gradient may be observed. This may also cause knock on effects on AUG clearance and initiation which the authors appear to see as there may be an increased 60S peak in the traces shown. Are there differences in overall -low vs high polysomes, the traces shown suggest there may be? Discussion of these points is merited in the results section given the subsequent qPCR experiment.

      Response: The comments made by the Reviewer #2 are very interesting and we have made changes accordingly. First, we now show in Fig. 2A,B and Fig.S2B,C the quantification of polysomal and monosomal fractions in wild-type and tif51A-1 mutants at permissive and restrictive temperatures. It can be appreciated that there is no impact on global polysomal and monosomal fractions under eIF5A depletion. This result does not support a global stall at 3’ region of the ORF, because then an increase in polysomal fractions should be detected; nor a global stall at the 5’ region of the ORF, because then a decrease in polysomal fractions should be detected. However, with respect to individual mRNAs, our data show a significant reduction in the heavier polysomal fractions and a significant increase in lighter polysomal fractions for mRNAs encoding mitochondrial proteins, while no significant changes were observed for mRNAs encoding cytoplasmic proteins (Fig. 2C and Fig. S2D-I). These results could be interpreted as a result of ribosome stalls in the 5’ ORF regions, for example at the signal sequence, according to Reviewer #2 comments.

      We have now introduced this comment in the Results and Discussion sections.

      Figure 2 qPCR. Using qPCR to analyse RNA levels across polysome gradients is tricky for multiple reasons including that the total RNA level varies across fractions that can impact recovery efficiencies following precipitation of gradient fractions. Often investigators use a spike in control to act as a normalising factor. Here it is completely unclear what analysis was done because details are not stated anywhere. How were primers optimized, was amplification efficiency determined? Or are they assumed to be 100%, which they will not be? A detailed description or reference to a study where that is written is needed.

      Response: The RNA extraction and analyses by RT-qPCR of the mRNA levels in the polysomal gradients was done as in previous studies of our lab (Romero et al. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):233. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-57132-0; Ramos-Alonso et al. PLoS Genet. 2018;14(6):e1007476. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007476; van Wijlick et al. PLoS Genet. 2016;12(10):e1006395. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006395; Garre et al., 2012 Mol Biol Cell. ;23(1):137-50. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E11-05-0419.). Three independent replicates were analyzed and results were reproducible and statistically significant, as shown in Fig. S2. Total RNA was extracted from each fraction using the SpeedTools Total RNA Extraction kit (Biotools B&M Labs). In the first replicate a spike in RNA control (Phenylalanine) was added and tested that no significant differences in the results were obtained when using or not the spike in control (see below Figure R3 for referees). mRNA relative values are always obtained from qPCR using a calibrating efficiency standard curve for each pair of oligos, after the initial set up of the qPCR for this specific pair of oligos. Therefore, slight differences in amplification efficiencies for each oligo pair are taken into account. More details about qPCR are now included in the Materials and Methods section (“Polyribosome profile analysis” subsection) and one additional reference is also included for the processing of polysomal gradient fractions.

      It would be helpful to state how long CDS are for these mRNAs and where 2-3/2-8 cut off made is what for determining what is 'short' vs 'long' and the scientific basis for selecting 2-3 vs 2-8, why 8? Were M fractions also used in qPCR, they appear to be ignored in the analysis as currently presented?

      Response: The CDS lengths of the mRNAs analyzed by polysome profiling and other important features are now included in new Table S5. We decided to classify as short length mRNAs those with a length below 600 bp, while mRNAs with lengths above 600 bp were classified as long length mRNAs. This classification was made on the basis of specific mRNA profiles obtained by qPCR analysis. mRNAs with short lengths behaved similarly and we selected 2n-3n fractions since the main polysomal peak under normal conditions appeared among 4n-5n fractions. In this line, long length mRNAs also behaved similarly between them, and we selected 2n to 8n fractions since the main polysomal peak under normal conditions appeared right after the 8n fraction. This information is now included in the Results and Materials and Methods sections.

      Regarding the use of the Monosomal fractions, yes, they were used as it can be seen in Fig. S2 which includes the distribution in Monosomal (M), lighter (2n-3n/2n-8n) or heavier (n>3/n>8, P) polysomal fractions. In the polysomal profiles we can be see that depletion of eIF5A causes a reduction in the amount of mitochondrial mRNAs in the heavier fractions and a corresponding increase in the amount of mRNAs in the lighter polysomal fractions, while no significant changes are found in the monosomal fractions. Therefore, the statistically significant change in the heavier/lighter polysomal fraction ratio is indicative of the translation down-regulation and these ratios are shown in Fig. 2C. As the Reviewer #2 commented in point 5, the change in mRNA distribution to lighter polysomal fractions may be indicative or ribosome stalling at the 5’ ORF region, compatible with a stall at the mitochondrial target signal (MTS), and this discussion is now included in the Results and Discussion section.

      Which transcripts studied here encode proteins with signal sequences? As Signal sequence pauses early in translation should impact ribosome loading this is potentially important here as discussed above.

      Response: Yes, we agree with Reviewer #2 that this information may be relevant according to the hypothesis of ribosome stall at the MTS. Therefore, a score value of probability of harbouring an MTS presequence (Fukasawa et al., 2015) is now included in Table S5 for each of the mRNAS analyzed by polysome profiling. The discussion of this point has also been included in the Results and Discussion sections.

      While it has been shown that SRP recognition is able to slow and even arrest translation of ER signal recognition peptides, there is currently no known direct SRP like correlate for mitochondrial signal sequences. We are therefore unaware of literature showing that mitochondrial signal sequences pause translation in a manner similar to ER signal sequences. We have previously found that downstream translational slowing is important for mitochondrial mRNA targeting (Tsuboi et al 2020, Arceo et al 2022), but we believe that to be distinct to what the Reviewer #2 is addressing.

      Figures 3-5. Microscopy. The false green color images in Figure 3B do not show up well. They may be better shown in grayscale, with only the multiple overlays in color.

      Response: False color for fluorescent microscopy images are widely used because they help to visualize the results to the readers and also facilitate the interpretation of multiple overlays. The use of false color is also suggested by Reviewer #4.

      Figure 3C should show the data spread for all 150 cells and normalise differently as discussed above for westerns. I do not believe that all 150 WT cells have exactly the same GFP intensity, which is what the present plot claims.

      Response: As answered to point 3 made by this Reviewer, now all figures, including Fig. 3C, are made with Graphpad and scatter plot with all individual points plotted, additionally to showing the mean, SD and statistical analysis. Results correspond to three independent experiments and show a statistically significant difference in Pdr5-GFP intensity signal between wild-type and tif51A-1 mutant. Figure legend has been corrected accordingly.

      For panels 3D-F image quantification should be shown so that the variation across a population is clear. Eg in violin plots, or showing every point. It should be clear what proportion of cells have GFP aggregates and what the variation in number of granules is.

      Response: The quantification of cytoplasmic Yta12 aggregates is now included in Fig.3E, which shows significant differences between the tif51A-1 mutant and the wild-type strain. Results show the individual values from three independent experiments with a minimum of 150 cells counted. We used a bar graph in which the values (% of cells with 0, 1, 2 or 3 aggregates) for each independent experiment are shown together with the mean, SD and statistical analysis. Figure legend has been corrected accordingly. This information also responds to the comments made by Reviewer #1.

      Figure 4H has no error bars.

      Response: New Fig.4H now shows the individual values of each of the three independent replicates, mean and error bars (SD). Figure legend has been corrected accordingly.

      Figure 5C normalises 2 WTs to 1 as in Figure 3C. Both would be better as violin plots.

      Response: Results in Fig. 5C are now shown using Graphpad and scatter plot in which all individual values are plotted (not normalized wild-type to 1), and also mean, SD and statistical significance. Results correspond to three independent replicates with the fluorescence intensity measured in more than 150 cells.

      Figure 5D/E shows 37{degree sign}C data only. Do tif51A-1 cells have aggregates at 25{degree sign}C?There are no error bars in Figure 5E or any indication of how many cells/replicates were quantified.

      Response: Figures 5D and 5E only show data at 37ºC since there are no Tim50-GFP aggregates, nor aggregates of other mitochondrial proteins, in tif51A-1 mutants at 25ºC, as shown in Fig. S3C-F and Fig. S5C.

      New Fig. 5E shows individual values from each of the three independent experiments, mean, SD and statistical significance. Results correspond to the measurement of Tim50 protein aggregates in more than 150 cells. Figure legend has been corrected accordingly.

      There are no sizing bars on any of the micrographs.

      Response: Now, all sets of microscopy figures contain a size bar and this is indicated in the corresponding Figure legend.

      The methods states that all quantification was done using ImageJ, but there is no detail given about how this was done. There are lots of ways to use ImageJ.

      Response: A detailed description of the quantifications made using ImageJ is now included in the Materials and Methods section (“Fluorescent microscopy and analysis” subsection).

      Figure 4. Luciferase assay. It is clear that there are differences in Tim50 vs Tim50∆7pro signal over time from the primary plots. It is not clear why the quantification plots on the right are from 2 selected time points. It is more typical to calculate the rate of increase in RLU per min in the linear portion of the plot, for these examples it would be approximately 30-40 mins.

      Response: As luciferase mRNA level is also increasing with time, the total amount of luciferase protein will increase exponentially. At some point mRNA levels will reach a steady state and for a brief period there could be a linear portion of RLU increase, but that will be different for each condition and reporter as ribosome quality control can have a direct impact on mRNA half-life. We have instead chosen two time points to show that statistical differences in Tim50 protein expression upon eIF5A depletion are not dependent on the time point chosen. We have also included the full data plots for readers to view the raw data.

      Figure 4F. The text on p6 states Fig 4F is evidence of RQC induction. This is an overstatement. There are no data presented relating to RQC.

      Response: Ribosome-associated quality control (RQC) is a mechanism by which elongation-stalled ribosomes are sensed in the cell, and then removed from the stall site by ribosomal subunit dissociation. This is the definition of RQC. With high levels of RQC this will cause a drop in ribosome density downstream of the stall site because of ribosome removal. While we would agree that most studies do not show actual buildup of ribosomes at ribosome stalls, and removal after the stall, we do. Our ribosome profiling analysis shows in vivo distribution of ribosome density across the TIM50 mRNA in wild-type and upon eIF5A depletion. We show that in the eIF5A depletion the ribosome density is similar to wild-type for the first ~200 bp, then there is a buildup of ribosomes for ~300 bps up to the stretch of polyproline residues, indicative of slowed ribosome movement. This slowed ribosome movement is further supported by our translation duration measurements in Fig. 4E. Then the transcript is almost completely devoid of ribosomes after the stretch of proline residues, indicating the ribosomes are removed at the proline stretch. This combination of ribosome stalling (Fig. 4E,4F) and subsequent ribosome removal (Fig 4F) is the textbook definition of RQC, so we indicate this as evidence for RQC.

      Figure 5G. It is not clear to this reviewer why the CYC1 reporter is impacted by Tim50∆pro at 25{degree sign}C. Can the authors comment?

      Response: This is also not clear to us, however, no differences are seen with and without eIF5A depletion, supporting the interpretation that Cyc1 translation is not affected by eIF5A depletion when Tim50 protein levels are restored in the Tim50∆pro strain. However, in order to clarify this point, we propose, if it is considered necessary, to remake the Tim50∆pro CYC1 reporter strain.

      Does ∆pro impact Tim50 function or is there possibly some other off target impact of integrating the reporter in this strain?

      Response: As answered to Reviewer #1 in her/his point 1, the functionality of Tim50ΔPro is shown by the fact that wild-type cells carrying this Tim50 protein version as the only copy of Tim50 grew well in glycerol media, where Tim50 is essential for the mitochondrial function (Fig. 5A). However, we suspect that Tim50ΔPro is a bit less efficient protein since a double mutant tif51A-1 Tim50ΔPro shows even reduced growth than the single tif51A-1 mutant (Fig. 5A). We do not expect off target impact in this Tim50ΔPro strains, although we cannot exclude this 100%, as in any other yeast strain obtained by transformation.


      Strengths and Limitations:

      Strengths are that the study uses a wide range of molecular approaches to address the questions and that the results present a clear story.

      Limitations are that the poly-proline residues identified in yeast Tim50 are not conserved through to humans, so the direct relevance to higher organisms is unclear. However there are many more poly-proline proteins in human genes than in yeast and there are rare genetic conditions affecting eIF5A and its hypusination

      Advance. provides a clear link between dysregulation of eIF5A, Tim50 expression and wider impact on mitochondria.

      Audience. Scientists interested in protein synthesis, mitochondrial biology and clinicians investigating rare human disorders of eIF5A and hypusination.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      eIF5A is required to mediate efficient translation elongation of some amino-acid sequences like polyproline motifs, and eIF5A depletion was reported to impair mitochondrial respiration functions, decreasing mitochondrial protein levels. In this study, Barba-Aliaga et al. showed that eIF5A is important for the translation of the Pro-repeat containing protein, Tim50, an essential subunit of the TIM23 complex, the presequence translocase in the mitochondrial inner membrane. eIF5A ts mutants caused ribosome stalling of Tim50 mRNA on the mitochondrial surface at non-permissive temperature, and the removal of the Pro-repeat from Tim50 (Tim50-delta7Pro mutant) made its translation independent of eIF5A. However, the replacement of endogenous Tim50 with Tim50-delta7Pro did not recover the cell growth defects of eIF5A ts mutant on respiration medium at semi-permissive temperature, suggesting that Tim50 is not the only reason for the global mitochondrial defects caused by defective eIF5A.

      (1) I am wondering why the authors mainly used the eIF5A ts mutant strains instead of the eIF5A degron strain since, for example, the decrease in the level of Tim50 was only marginal (Fig. EV4A).

      Response: eIF5A is a very abundant protein and with high stability (SGD data: 273594 molecules/cell in YPD and 9.1 h protein half-life). We have used temperature-sensitive strains, tif51A-1, instead of eIF5A-degron because eIF5A is depleted much quicker in the first than the second system. As it can be seen in Schuller et al., Mol Cell. 2017;66(2):194-205.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2017.03.003, with the eIF5A-degron system the addition of auxin was made in parallel to a transcriptional shut off using GAL promoter to express eIF5A-degron, changing the media from galactose to glucose and incubating the cells for 10 hours. With our approach using temperature-sensitive proteins, almost full depletion (without affecting viability, see Li et al., Genetics 2014; 197(4):1191-200 doi: 10.1534/genetics.114.166926) can be done after 4-6 h incubation at 37ºC or 4 h incubation at 41ºC (Fig. 1C and Fig. S1E, almost no signal is detected by western blotting). Therefore, we chose to use eIF5A depletion with temperature-sensitive yeast strains to achieve stronger protein depletion with shorter times and avoid secondary effects. In addition, the two eIF5A temperature-sensitive strains used in this study have been widely used by us and others (Pelechano and Alepuz, 2017; Zanelli and Valentini, 2005; Zanelli et al., 2006; Dias et al., 2008; Muñoz-Soriano et al., 2017; Rossi et al., 2014; Li et al., 2014; Xiao et al., 2024).

      (2) To show that the compromised translation of Tim50 in the absence of functional eIF5A causes defects in the mitochondrial protein import by clogging the import channels, the authors should directly observe the accumulation of the precursor forms of several matrix-targeting proteins by immunoblotting. In this sense, the results in Fig. 1C for Hsp60 do not fit the interpretation of import channel clogging.

      Response: We did not see precursor mitochondrial proteins by Western blot upon eIF5A depletion possibly because: 1) the mature protein form is more abundant and stable; 2) the precursor mito-protein appears in cytoplasmic aggregates and this may not be easily extracted during preparation of proteins for Western blot analysis. In the work by Weidberg and Amon, 2018, who described the mitoCPR response; Krämer et al., 2023, who described mitostores; and others (Wrobel et al., 2015; Boos et al., 2019) the authors use extreme over-expression of mitoproteins or mutations in essential proteins for mitochondrial biogenesis to induce clogging of translocases and accumulation of precursors in the cytosol. However, we are using and detecting proteins at their physiological levels, expressed under their native promoters, what may explain why we do not detect precursor mito-proteins. We are using what we believe to be a much more physiologically relevant system, where we use endogenous expression of mitochondrially imported proteins. Yet we see similar transcriptional induction of mitoCPR targets (CIS1, PDR5, PDR15) and mislocalization of mitochondrial proteins to Hsp104 marked aggregates (MitoStores).

      (3) The authors speculated in the Discussion section that import defects caused by compromised translation of Tim50 could cause down-regulation of translation through prolonged mitochondrial stress. However, this lacks experimental evidence.

      Response: We do see that depletion of eIF5A causes import defects through Tim50 and correlates with the down-regulation of translation of mRNAs encoding mitoproteins as shown in Fig. 2C and Fig. S2. In these figures it can be seen that mito-mRNAs move from heavier to lighter polysomal fractions upon eIF5A depletion, indicating that less ribosomes are bound to these mRNAs. Importantly, synthesis of Cyc1 and Cox5A mitochondrial proteins is recovered when TIM50 gene is replaced by an eIF5A-translation independent TIM50ΔPro gene, arguing in favor of a translation defect caused by eIF5A depletion through the collapse of import systems produced by the ribosome stalling in TIM50 mRNA.

      As discussed by Reviewer #2 and in our answers to his/her points 5 and 6, the reduction in the number of ribosomes bound to mito-mRNAs upon eIF5A depletion may be a consequence of the stall of ribosomes after the mRNA 5’ coding region encoding the MTS. This discussion has now been introduced in the Discussion section. This information also responds to the comments made by Reviewer #2.

      (4) The authors stated that human Tim50 does not have Pro-repeat motif, but how about other organisms (like other fungi species)? Is the present observation specific only to S. cerevisiae?

      Response: We have now included a sequence alignment of the Tim50 protein sequences of different yeast species (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida lipolytica, Schizzosaccharomyces pombe, Schizzosaccharomyces jamonicus), mouse and human (Fig. S4A). The resulting alignment shows that S. cerevisiae is the only organism presenting the seven consecutive proline residues. Still, C. albicans and C. glabrata conserve five consecutive prolines while C. lipolytica conserves five non-consecutive prolines. Furthermore, S. pombe and S. jamonicus, and mouse and human, conserve three and four non-consecutive prolines respectively. This means that the observations presented in this manuscript could be extended to other fungi species as well since most of the proline residues are conserved and are predicted to behave as eIF5A-dependent motifs for translation. Moreover, the described eIF5A-dependent tripeptide motif PDP is found in humans, mice and S. pombe at the Tim50 region where we found the PPP motif inducing ribosome stalling in S. cerevisiae (Fig S4A). This may confer eIF5A-dependent ribosome stall since as we showed in our previous ribosome footprinting (Pelechano et al., 2017), this PDP motif causes a similar high ribosome stall as the PPP motif. This discussion has now been introduced in the Results and Discussion sections.

      (5) Two references in the text are marked with "?", which should be corrected.

      Response: We thank you the Reviewer #3 for noticing this, references have been corrected in the text.

      __Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): __

      The essence of this work, the role of eIF5A in the efficient translation of Pro-repeat containing Tim50 (Figs. 4 and 5), is important and worth publication. However, the results of the effects of defective eIF5A on the levels and localization of mitochondrial proteins (Figs.1-3) can be even deleted to make clear the point of this work.

      Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript submitted by Barba-Aliaga et al. aims to understand on the molecular level how eIF5A influences mitochondrial function. elF5A promotes translation elongation at stretches prone to translational stalling like e.g. polyproline sequence. The finding that eIF5a influences mitochondrial function has been previously reported by the same group and by others. In this context, it was suggested that eIF5a promotes translation of N-terminal mitochondrial targeting signals. Here, the authors propose an alternative mechanism and suggest that "eIF5a directly controls mitochondrial protein import through alleviation of ribosome stalling along TIM50 mRNA." Using luciferase reporter assay, the authors indeed convincingly show that the speed of Tim50 translation is dependent on the presence of functional TIF51A, the major eIF5a in yeast, and that this dependence comes from the presence of the polyproline stretch in Tim50. The rest of the manuscript is unfortunately less clear and it is very hard, if not impossible, to sort out direct from secondary effects and compensations. The authors use proteomics, biochemical methods, RNAseq and fluorescence microscopy to analyze the temperature sensitive tif51A mutant but the conditions used in the manuscript are non-consistent between various experiments presented, in respect to the medium, temperature, preculture condition and the length of treatment used.

      Response: We do not agree with this Reviewer #4 appreciation. We used different molecular approaches to investigate different questions. Indeed, this is one of the Strengths that is highlighted by Reviewer 2 as it reads above: “Strengths are that the study uses a wide range of molecular approaches to address the questions and that the results present a clear story.” All the experiments presented in the manuscript, apart from proteomics analysis (Fig. 1), have been performed in the same conditions respect to the medium (SGal), temperature (25ºC/37ºC), preculture condition (SGal, 25ºC) and length of treatment used (4 h of depletion at 37ºC). This is already clearly specified in every Figure legend along the whole manuscript and also in the Materials and Methods section. In addition, individual values from each replicate, mean, standard deviation and statistical tests are shown for every Figure in the manuscript. Therefore, we do believe that conditions are consistent between experiments and conclusions are made based on different experiments and different scientific approaches.

      We agree with Reviewer #4 in that depletion of eIF5A protein in the temperature sensitive tif51A-1 mutant was done in the proteomic at 41°C for 4 h, whereas in the rest of experiments depletion is made at 37°C for 4 h. As answered to Reviewer #2 (see answer to point 2), stronger depletion conditions were used to get clear proteomic results, and in order to compare both temperatures we have added now some controls showing eIF5A depletion and growth of tif51A-1 mutant at 41°C and 37°C; importantly, we also show the reduction in mito-protein levels upon eIF5A depletion at 37°C (Fig. S1B and E).

      In some cases, the genetic background of the yeast strains and plasmids used are also unclear (e.g. pYES2-pGAL-FLAG-TIM50-GFP-URA3 - based on the provided description, TIM50 was inserted between FLAG and GFP tags; if so, mitochondrial targeting signal of Tim50 would be masked making its import into mitochondria impossible).

      Response: We do not agree with this appreciation. The genetic background of the yeast strains is always the same along the whole manuscript (BY4741 background) and is clearly specified in Table S2. In this line, all the information regarding the plasmids used can be found at Table S3 and plasmids construction is extensively detailed in the Materials and Methods section (“Yeast strains, plasmids, and growth conditions” subsection).

      Regarding the pYES2-pGAL-FLAG-TIM50-GFP-URA3 plasmid and as already mentioned in the text, we only used this plasmid to analyze by western blotting the protein synthesis of Tim50 independently of its subcellular localization. Our results (Fig. S4C) confirm that the synthesis defect of this Tim50 version upon eIF5A depletion is only due to the presence of the polyproline region. Importantly, we did not make any conclusion regarding import defects or protein localization based on these results.

      I have no doubt that upon exposure of tif51A cells to 41{degree sign}C for 4h cells initiate a number of cellular responses including mitoCPR and formation of MitoStores, however, I don´t think that the authors convincingly show that these are initiated by reduced levels of Tim50 - on the contrary, the authors show that levels of Tim50 are actually not significantly changed. This can hardly be reconciled with the model proposed. In addition, should the effect of Tif51A on mitochondria primarily be due to its effect on Tim50, then Tim50deltaPro should rescue the phenotype of tif51a mutant but it didn´t; if anything, it made it worse (see Fig 5A - the double mutant grows worse than the single ones). Furthermore, expression of Cyc1 luciferase reporter is reduced in Tim50deltaPro strain even at permissive temperature, Figure 5G. Since cytochrome c is not a substrate of the presequence pathway this again points to the secondary effects that are being observed.

      Response: We believe that our main results, summarized next and all performed at 37°C, do show that translation defects in TIM50 mRNA are the cause of the mitoCPR induction and formation of MitoStores. First, Tim50 protein levels are significantly reduced upon eIF5A depletion, as shown in Fig. S4A and S4B. Although being statistically significant, we agree that the reduction in Tim50 protein level is quantitatively low. This can be explained by the high stability of Tim50 protein, with a half-life of approximately 9.6 h (Christiano et al, 2014), which makes it more difficult to measure large differences in new protein synthesis. This is why we additionally used an accurate and quantitative test for showing the eIF5A-dependency for TIM50 mRNA translation: the fusion of the TIM50 DNA sequence to a TetO7-inducible nLuc reporter, which allows to monitor the appearance of new Tim50 protein and to estimate the translation elongation rate (Fig.4C-E). The ribosome stalling at TIM50 mRNA provoked by eIF5A depletion, where this mRNA is located at the mitochondrial surface to promote the import of nascent Tim50 protein during translation (Fig. S5B), may cause by itself the clogging of the protein import system even though yields only a slight reduction in total Tim50 cellular protein. Second, as Reviewer #4 pointed with our model, Tim50deltaPro should rescue the phenotype of tif51A-1 mutant and it does it: no mitoCPR induction and no mito-protein cytoplasmic aggregation are observed (Fig. 5D-F). Moreover, no differences in Cyc1- and Cox5a-nanoLuc synthesis are observed in the tif51A-1 Tim50ΔPro strain between depletion and not depletion conditions (Fig. 5E). These results strongly suggest that the mitochondrial protein import defects (and consequently the mitoCPR induction and mito-protein cytoplasmic aggregation) caused by eIF5A depletion are a consequence of ribosome stalling during TIM50 mRNA translation. However, Reviewer #4 is right in that mitochondrial respiration and growth in glycerol are not restored in the tif51A-1 Tim50ΔPro strain, even though Tim50 protein levels have been restored under eIF5A depletion conditions. As we discuss in the manuscript, we expect that there are additional mitochondrial proteins as targets of eIF5A, such as Yta12 and/or others. We have added further data pointing to ribosome stalling and RQC for other cotranslationally inserted mitochondrial proteins (Table S6). Accordingly, this has also been included in the Discussion section. However, the identification and study of these other mitochondrial targets goes beyond the aim of our current study.

      Minor comments

      1. Page 1, mitochondrial proteins cross do not the intermembrane space through Tom40 but rather the outer membrane Response: We think the Reviewer #4 misunderstood the sentence because we are saying exactly what he/she states: mitoproteins cross the outer membrane to the intermembrane space through Tom40. Thus our sentence is:

      “Usually, mitoproteins contact the central receptor Tom20 and cross to the intermembrane space (IMS) through Tom40, the β-barrel pore-forming subunit.”

      Therefore, we kept the sentence.

      Page 4, ATP1 is present in the matrix and not the inner membrane

      Response: This has been corrected. We thank the Reviewer for pointing this.

      The citations are missing at several places - they are left as "?"

      Response: References have been corrected in the text.

      It would be nice if microscopy images were colored in magenta and cyan, rather than red and green, to make them accessible to a wider audience.

      Response: Green and red colors for fluorescent microscopy images are widely used in high-impact journals, especially when showing mitochondrial proteins and mitochondrial marker Su9-mCherry (Hughes et al., 2016, eLife, doi: 10.7554/eLife.13943; Kakimoto et al., 2018, Scientific Reports, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-24466-0; Kreimendahl et al, 2020, BMC Biology, doi: 10.1186/s12915-020-00888-z). However, if the Reviewers think this is essential for publication, microscopy images can be colored in magenta and cyan instead.

      Formally speaking, Tim50 is not per se a translocase, it is either a component of the translocase or, more precisely, a receptor of the translocase. Similarly, Tom20 and Tom70 are not membrane transporters but rather receptors of the TOM complex.

      Response: We have changed the title and text to be more precise in the description of the components of the mitochondrial import systems as suggested by Reviewer #4.

      Reviewer #4 (Significance (Required)):

      This is a potentially interesting story, however, the conditions used for the analysis of the temperature sensitive mutants were either too harsh or these mutants are in general impossible to control, making the manuscript, in my opinion, unfortunately too premature for publication.

      Response: We do not agree with the Reviewer #4 opinion, all experiments were done at 37ºC except the proteomic analysis that it is also confirmed further for Tim50 and Por1 proteins at 37ºC. We want to stress that we show all experiments with at least three biological replicates, individual values for each measurement are included now in the graphics as recommended by Reviewer #2, and the mean, SD and statistical tests are included. We make conclusions based in statistical significant differences along the manuscript. The temperature-sensitive yeast mutants used show reproducible analysis, they behave as expected in the controlled conditions used and they have been widely used in our lab and others (Pelechano and Alepuz, 2017; Zanelli and Valentini, 2005; Zanelli et al., 2006; Dias et al., 2008; Muñoz-Soriano et al., 2017; Rossi et al., 2014; Li et al., 2014; Xiao et al., 2024).

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript submitted by Barba-Aliaga et al. aims to understand on the molecular level how eIF5A influences mitochondrial function. elF5A promotes translation elongation at stretches prone to translational stalling like e.g. polyproline sequence. The finding that eIF5a influences mitochondrial function has been previously reported by the same group and by others. In this context, it was suggested that eIF5a promotes translation of N-terminal mitochondrial targeting signals. Here, the authors propose an alternative mechanism and suggest that "eIF5a directly controls mitochondrial protein import through alleviation of ribosome stalling along TIM50 mRNA." Using luciferase reporter assay, the authors indeed convincingly show that the speed of Tim50 translation is dependent on the presence of functional TIF51A, the major eIF5a in yeast, and that this dependence comes from the presence of the polyproline stretch in Tim50. The rest of the manuscript is unfortunately less clear and it is very hard, if not impossible, to sort out direct from secondary effects and compensations. The authors use proteomics, biochemical methods, RNAseq and fluorescence microscopy to analyze the temperature sensitive tif51A mutant but the conditions used in the manuscript are non-consistent between various experiments presented, in respect to the medium, temperature, preculture condition and the length of treatment used. In some cases, the genetic background of the yeast strains and plasmids used are also unclear (e.g. pYES2-pGAL-FLAG-TIM50-GFP-URA3 - based on the provided description, TIM50 was inserted between FLAG and GFP tags; if so, mitochondrial targeting signal of Tim50 would be masked making its import into mitochondria impossible). I have no doubt that upon exposure of tif51A cells to 41{degree sign}C for 4h cells initiate a number of cellular responses including mitoCPR and formation of MitoStores, however, I don´t think that the authors convincingly show that these are initiated by reduced levels of Tim50 - on the contrary, the authors show that levels of Tim50 are actually not significantly changed. This can hardly be reconciled with the model proposed. In addition, should the effect of Tif51A on mitochondria primarily be due to its effect on Tim50, then Tim50deltaPro should rescue the phenotype of tif51a mutant but it didn´t; if anything, it made it worse (see Fig 5A - the double mutant grows worse than the single ones). Furthermore, expression of Cyc1 luciferase reporter is reduced in Tim50deltaPro strain even at permissive temperature, Figure 5G. Since cytochrome c is not a substrate of the presequence pathway this again points to the secondary effects that are being observed.

      Minor comments

      1. Page 1, mitochondrial proteins cross do not the intermembrane space through Tom40 but rather the outer membrane
      2. Page 4, ATP1 is present in the matrix and not the inner membrane
      3. The citations are missing at several places - they are left as "?"
      4. It would be nice if microscopy images were colored in magenta and cyan, rather than red and green, to make them accessible to a wider audience
      5. Formally speaking, Tim50 is not per se a translocase, it is either a component of the translocase or, more precisely, a receptor of the translocase. Similarly, Tom20 and Tom70 are not membrane transporters but rather receptors of the TOM complex.


      This is a potentially interesting story, however, the conditions used for the analysis of the temperature sensitive mutants were either too harsh or these mutants are in general impossible to control, making the manuscript, in my opinion, unfortunately too premature for publication.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      eIF5A is required to mediate efficient translation elongation of some amino-acid sequences like polyproline motifs, and eIF5A depletion was reported to impair mitochondrial respiration functions, decreasing mitochondrial protein levels. In this study, Barba-Aliaga et al. showed that eIF5A is important for the translation of the Pro-repeat containing protein, Tim50, an essential subunit of the TIM23 complex, the presequence translocase in the mitochondrial inner membrane. eIF5A ts mutants caused ribosome stalling of Tim50 mRNA on the mitochondrial surface at non-permissive temperature, and the removal of the Pro-repeat from Tim50 (Tim50-delta7Pro mutant) made its translation independent of eIF5A. However, the replacement of endogenous Tim50 with Tim50-delta7Pro did not recover the cell growth defects of eIF5A ts mutant on respiration medium at semi-permissive temperature, suggesting that Tim50 is not the only reason for the global mitochondrial defects caused by defective eIF5A.

      1. I am wondering why the authors mainly used the eIF5A ts mutant strains instead of the eIF5A degron strain since, for example, the decrease in the level of Tim50 was only marginal (Fig. EV4A).
      2. To show that the compromised translation of Tim50 in the absence of functional eIF5A causes defects in the mitochondrial protein import by clogging the import channels, the authors should directly observe the accumulation of the precursor forms of several matrix-targeting proteins by immunoblotting. In this sense, the results in Fig. 1C for Hsp60 do not fit the interpretation of import channel clogging.
      3. The authors speculated in the Discussion section that import defects caused by compromised translation of Tim50 could cause down-regulation of translation through prolonged mitochondrial stress. However, this lacks experimental evidence.
      4. The authors stated that human Tim50 does not have Pro-repeat motif, but how about other organisms (like other fungi species)? Is the present observation specific only to S. cerevisiae?
      5. Two references in the text are marked with "?", which should be corrected.


      The essence of this work, the role of eIF5A in the efficient translation of Pro-repeat containing Tim50 (Figs. 4 and 5), is important and worth publication. However, the results of the effects of defective eIF5A on the levels and localization of mitochondrial proteins (Figs.1-3) can be even deleted to make clear the point of this work.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors report here novel findings concerning the role of eIF5A in mediating protein import to mitochondria in the model eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It was previously known from structural and other studies that the translation factor eIF5A binds to the E-site of stalled ribosomes to help promote peptide bond formation. It was inferred by ribosome footprinting and reporter studies assessing the impact of eIF5A depletion that eIF5A is particularly needed to translate several specific amino acid motifs including polyproline stretches. However additional target sequences are known.

      Here a proteomics approach reveals clear evidence that mitochondrially targeted proteins are impacted by temperature sensitive mutations in eIF5A that deplete the factor, including those without polyprolines. The authors then use a range of molecular and cell biology to focus on the role of mitochondrial signal sequences/mitochondrial protein import and the mitochondrial stress response, before highlighting a role for poly-prolines in Tim50, a major mitochondrial protein import factor. Consistent with the ribosome footprinting done previously it is shown that a stretch of 7 prolines limit its translation when eIF5A is depleted and studies shown here are consistent with the idea that this has wider consequences for mitochondrial protein import and hence translation/stability of other proteins. However improved Tim50 translation alone, by eliminating the poly-proline motif, is not sufficient to overcome all consequences of eIF5A depletion for mitochondrial protein import and for viability, suggesting a wider role.

      In general the text flows nicely, this could be a study that explains why a large number of mitochondrially targeted proteins are impacted by depletion of eIF5A in yeast. As the poly Pro sequence in Tim50 is not conserved in higher eukaryotes it is unclear how this observation will scale to other systems, but it provides an example of how studies in a relatively simple system can trace wide-spread impact of the loss of one component of a central pathway-here protein synthesis to altered translation of a key component of another process-mitochondrial protein import. Given that eIF5A and its hypusine modifying enzymes are mutated in rare human disorders, it is likely there will be interest in this study.

      However, while the conclusions may be justified, there are significant deficiencies in how the experiments have been analysed and presented in this version of the manuscript that impact every figure shown, coupled with deficiencies in the methods section that all need to be addressed. Thus, we have here the basis of what should be a very interesting paper here, but there is a lot of work to do to remedy perceived weaknesses. It may be that the overall conclusions are entirely sound and appropriate, but I suspect that performing the statistics in less biased ways may change some of the significant differences claimed. Some explanations concerning how data analyses were conducted and the reasons for specific analysis decisions being made would also improve the narrative. These points are expanded on below.

      All the edits suggested here are aimed at improving the rigor of reporting in this study. Depending on how they are answered some may become major issues, or they could all be minor.

      1 Figure 1 shows proteomic data for response to heat shock at 41{degree sign}C. In the text it is made clear that two different temperature sensitive missense alleles the 51A-1 and 51A-3 were analysed, but the single volcano plot in Figure 1A does not say whether it is reporting one of these experiments compared to WT (which one) or some other analysis (ie have data from the 2 mutants been amalgamated somehow?). I would assume only one, but which one, and why only one plot? How different is the other experiment? Why does the Figure title say the experiment is an eIF5A deletion when it is not this?

      2 Why were the experiments shown in Figure 1 done at 41{degree sign}C when all other experiments are done at 37{degree sign}C? This experimental difference is ignored in the text and no comparison of the impact of 37 vs 41 is made anywhere in the manuscript. For example it would be straightforward to perform a comparison of eIF5A depletion (by western blot), polyribosome profiles, strain growth/inhibition at both temperatures.

      3 Western blot quantification. In Figure 1D and E the authors present western blot quantification. However they have chosen to normalise every panel to the signal in lane 1. This means that there is no variation at all in that sample as every replicate is =1. This completely skews the statistical assumptions made (because there will be variation in that sample) and effectively invalidates all the statistics shown. An appropriate approach to use is to normalise the signal in each lane to the mean signal across all lanes in a single blot. That way if all are identical they remain at 1, but importantly variation across all samples is captured. This should be done to the loading controls as well before working out ratios or performing any statistical analyses. For this type of experiment it is more appropriate to use Anova than a T-test. This advice applies to every western data analysis figure in the whole manuscript and so all associated statistics need to be done again from the original quantification values. If T-test is justified then a correction for multiple hypothesis testing should be applied.

      1. In all bar chart figures in addition to showing the mean and SD, each replicate value should be shown (eg as done in Fig 2C). Graphpad allows individual points to be plotted easily.

      5 Figure 2. Polysome profiles. The impact of translation elongation stalls on global polysome profiles is complex, but a global run off is highly unlikely. Stalls later in the coding region would be anticipated to cause an increase in ribosome density as more ribosomes accumulate (like cars queueing held at a red light). However where a stall is early in a longer ORF, for example at a signal sequence, then there is less opportunity for ribosomes to join and so for those mRNAs moving to lighter points in the gradient may be observed. This may also cause knock on effects on AUG clearance and initiation which the authors appear to see as there may be an increased 60S peak in the traces shown. Are there differences in overall -low vs high polysomes, the traces shown suggest there may be? Discussion of these points is merited in the results section given the subsequent qPCR experiment.

      1. Figure 2 qPCR. Using qPCR to analyse RNA levels across polysome gradients is tricky for multiple reasons including that the total RNA level varies across fractions that can impact recovery efficiencies following precipitation of gradient fractions. Often investigators use a spike in control to act as a normalising factor. Here it is completely unclear what analysis was done because details are not stated anywhere. How were primers optimized, was amplification efficiency determined? Or are they assumed to be 100%, which they will not be? A detailed description or reference to a study where that is written is needed.

      It would be helpful to state how long CDS are for these mRNAs and where 2-3/2-8 cut off made is what for determining what is 'short' vs 'long' and the scientific basis for selecting 2-3 vs 2-8, why 8? Were M fractions also used in qPCR, they appear to be ignored in the analysis as currently presented?

      Which transcripts studied here encode proteins with signal sequences? As Signal sequence pauses early in translation should impact ribosome loading this is potentially important here as discussed above.

      1. Figures 3-5. Microscopy. The false green color images in Figure 3B do not show up well. They may be better shown in grayscale, with only the multiple overlays in color. Figure 3C should show the data spread for all 150 cells and normalise differently as discussed above for westerns. I do not believe that all 150 WT cells have exactly the same GFP intensity, which is what the present plot claims. For panels 3D-F image quantification should be shown so that the variation across a population is clear. Eg in violin plots, or showing every point. It should be clear what proportion of cells have GFP aggregates and what the variation in number of granules is. Figure 4H has no error bars. Figure 5C normalises 2 WTs to 1 as in Figure 3C. Both would be better as violin plots. Figure 5D/E shows 37{degree sign}C data only. Do tif51A-1 cells have aggregates at 25{degree sign}C? There are no error bars in Figure 5E or any indication of how many cells/replicates were quantified.

      There are no sizing bars on any of the micrographs The methods states that all quantification was done using ImageJ, but there is no detail given about how this was done. There are lots of ways to use ImageJ.

      1. Figure 4. Luciferase assay. It is clear that there are differences in Tim50 vs Tim50∆7pro signal over time from the primary plots. It is not clear why the quantification plots on the right are from 2 selected time points. It is more typical to calculate the rate of increase in RLU per min in the linear portion of the plot, for these examples it would be approximately 30-40 mins.

      2. Figure 4F. The text on p6 states Fig 4F is evidence of RQC induction. This is an overstatement. There are no data presented relating to RQC.

      3. Figure 5G. It is not clear to this reviewer why the CYC1 reporter is impacted by Tim50∆pro at 25{degree sign}C. Can the authors comment? Does ∆pro impact Tim50 function or is there possibly some other off target impact of integrating the reporter in this strain?


      Strengths and Limitations:

      Strengths are that the study uses a wide range of molecular approaches to address the questions and that the results present a clear story.

      Limitations are that the poly-proline residues identified in yeast Tim50 are not conserved through to humans, so the direct relevance to higher organisms is unclear. However there are many more poly-proline proteins in human genes than in yeast and there are rare genetic conditions affecting eIF5A and its hypusination

      Advance. provides a clear link between dysregulation of eIF5A, Tim50 expression and wider impact on mitochondria.


      Scientists interested in protein synthesis, mitochondrial biology and clinicians investigating rare human disorders of eIF5A and hypusination.

    5. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Barba-Aliaga and colleagues describe a potential function of eIF5A for the control of TIM50 translation. The authors showed that in temperature-sensitive mutants of eIF5A several mitochondrial proteins are decreased including OXPHOS subunits, proteins of the TCA cycle and some components of protein translocases. Some precursor proteins appear to localize into the cytosol. As consequent of mitochondrial dysfunction, the expression of some stress components is induced. The idea is that eIF5A ribosome-stalling of the proline-rich Tim50 of the TIM23 complex and thereby controls mitochondrial protein set-up.

      The findings are potentially interesting. However, some control experiments are required to substantiate the findings.

      1. To support their conclusion the authors should show whether Tim50 levels are affected in the eIF5A-ts mutants used. How are the levels of TOM and TIM23 subunits? Furthermore, how are the levels of the Tim50 variant that lack the proline residues? Is the stability or function of Tim50 affected by these mutations?
      2. How specific is the effect of eIF5A on Tim50? Is there any other mitochondrial substrate of eIF5A? It is not so clear to the reviewer why the authors focused on Tim50.
      3. Figure 1A: Which tif51A strain was used?
      4. Figure 1C: The authors should show the steady state levels of some OXPHOS/TCA components to confirm the findings of Figure 1A.
      5. The manuscript contains several quantifications. However, central information like number of repeats or whether a standard deviation or S.E.M. is depicted are missing.
      6. Figure 3: The authors propose that precursor form aggregates outside mitochondria. To assess the data, a quantification should address in how many cells are protein aggregates.
      7. Do the observed aggregated proteins interact with Hsp104?


      The manuscript by Barba-Aliaga and colleagues describe a potential function of eIF5A for the control of TIM50 translation. The authors showed that in temperature-sensitive mutants of eIF5A several mitochondrial proteins are decreased including OXPHOS subunits, proteins of the TCA cycle and some components of protein translocases. Some precursor proteins appear to localize into the cytosol. As consequent of mitochondrial dysfunction, the expression of some stress components is induced. The idea is that eIF5A ribosome-stalling of the proline-rich Tim50 of the TIM23 complex and thereby controls mitochondrial protein set-up.

      The findings are potentially interesting. However, some control experiments are required to substantiate the findings.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      __Below is our point-by-point reply to the reviewer's comments __

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      PNKP is one of critical end-processing enzymes for DNA damage repair, mainly base excision & single strand break repair, and double strand break repair to a certain extent. This protein has dual enzyme function: 3' phosphatase and 5' kinase to make DNA ends proper for ligation. It has been demonstrated that PTM of PNKP (e.g., S114, S126), particularly phosphorylation by either ATM or DNAPK, is important for PNKP function in DNA damage repair. The authors found a new phosphorylation site, T118, of PNKP which might be modified by CDK1 or 2 during S phase. This modification of phosphorylation is involved in maintenance and stability of the lagging strand, particularly Okazaki fragments. Loss of this phosphorylation could result in increased single strand gaps, accelerated speed of fork progression, and eventually genomic instability. And for this process, PNKP enzyme activity is not that important. And the authors concluded that PNKP T118 phosphorylation is important for lagging strand stability and DNA damage repair.

      Major comments

      In general, enzymes have protein interactions with its/their substrates. If PNKP is phosphorylated by either/both CDK1/2, the protein interaction between these would be expected. However, the authors did not provide any protein interactions in PNKP and CDKs. *Thank you for your suggestion. We will perform GFP-pulldown assays using cell extracts from HEK293 cells expressing GFP-WT-PNKP, GFP-T118A-PNKP. And then to confirm the interaction of PNKP and CDK1/2, we will blot with CDK1 and CDK2 antibodies. *

      It is not clear how T118 phosphorylation is involved in DNA damage repair itself as the authors suggested. The data presenting the involvement of T118 phosphorylation in this mechanism are limited. This claim opens more questions than answers. CDK1/2 still phosphorylates T118 in this DNA damage repair process? What would happen to DNA damage repair in which PNKP involves outside of S phase in terms of T118 phosphorylation?

      Thank you for your comment. We have investigated how T118 phosphorylation is important in DNA damage repair by several experiments. In figure S8, we tested SSB and DSB repair abilities of PNKP KO cells expressing PNKP T118A mutant, in which PNKP T118 phosphorylation has critical roles in both SSB and DSB repair pathways. Interestingly, the result of SSB repair assay (figure S8A & B) may indirectly indicate that T118 phosphorylation is important for SSB repair throughout cell cycle as these SSBs are instantly induced by IR exposure and recovered only for 30 mins that is presumably not enough time for cells to go through cell cycle. Along with the repair abilities, we also analyzed a recruitment kinetics/ability to DNA damage in PNKP T118A and T118D mutants using laser micro-irradiation assay in figure S9. This result indicates that the phosphorylation of PNKP at T118 is controlling its recruitment to at least laser-induced DNA damage sites. Moreover, we have analyzed recruitment of PNKP to a single-strand DNA gap structure, which mimics intermediates of some DNA repair pathways and incomplete Okazaki fragment maturation, using cell extracts from PNKP KO cells expressing PNKP T118A and T118D mutants and biochemical assay in figure 4H. This assay is much cleaner and shows that loss of T118 phosphorylation impairs PNKP recruitment to the ssDNA gap structure. We believe that these data sufficiently support our model that the phosphorylation of T118 on PNKP is involved in DNA repair in general. However, we agree with that we have not yet directly tested DNA repair ability of PNKP T118A in outside of S-phase. Therefore, in addition to these data, we will perform H2O2-induced SSB and IR-induced DSB repair assay using EdU (S phase) pulse labelling in PNKP KO cells expressing PNKP T118A mutant, then we will measure the ADP-ribose intensity and pH2AX foci in EdU negative cells (outside of S phase as the reviewer suggested).

      Along the same line with #1/2 comments, the recruitment of PNKP to the damage sites is XRCC1 dependent. Is not clear whether PNKP recruitment to gaps on the lagging strand is XRCC1 independent or dependent. It might be interesting to examine (OPTIONAL)

      *Thank you for an important suggestion. XRCC1 acts as a scaffold of PNKP and is required for recruitment of PNKP for canonical SSB repair, although we propose that PNKP is involved in two pathways in DNA replication: PARP1-XRCC1-dependent ssDNA gap filling pathway and Okazaki fragment maturation pathway working with FEN1. It is still important to address how XRCC1 is required for PNKP recruitment to the single-strand gaps on nascent DNA. Therefore, we will perform iPOND analysis in XRCC1 knock down + GFP-WT-PNKP expressed HEK293 cells. *

      Minor comments

      In results: 'Generation of PNKP knock out U2OS cell line' - In figure S2A; There are no data regarding diminishing the phosphorylation of g-H2AX.

      Thank you for your suggestion. We will add pH2AX blot data in fig S2A (all reviewers requested).

      • By showing data in figure S2B/C/D/E, the authors describe 'PNKP KO cells impaired the SSBs repair activity'. However, as the authors mentioned in this manuscript, PNKP could bind to either XRCC1 or XRCC4. Also for this experiment, IR had been applied, which induces DNA double strand breaks. Therefore, it is not certain that the authors' description is fully supported by these data presented. Perhaps, SSB inducing reagents should be used instead of IR.

      In figure S2B/C/D/E, we used gamma-ray as IR source, which classified as low energy transfer irradiation. which mainly act as indirect effect to the DNA. It is estimated gamma-ray induce DNA damage as 60-80% SSBs and 20-40 % DSBs. We believe our results are reasonable. In addition to these results, we will perform poly-ADP-ribose assay with H2O2 treatment to more specifically assess SSBs repair activity.

      • Is there any FACS analysis data to support the description of the last sentence 'especially the phosphorylation of PNKP T118, is required for S phase progression and proper cell proliferation'?

      Thank you for your suggestion. We will add the FACS analysis data of cell cycle profiles in PNKP KO cells expressing GFP, GFP-PNKP WT, T118A.

      In results: 'CDKs phosphorylate T118 of PNKP ~~~ replication forks'

      • In figure 3A, Is there any change in total PNKP (both GFP-tagged & endogenous) level?

      *Thank you for your suggestion. We agree with your comment. We will add the PNKP expression analysis in different cell cycle population in asynchronized and synchronized cells (G1, S, G2/M samples). *

      In results: 'Phosphorylation of PNKP at T118 ~~~ between Okazaki fragments'

      • In figure 4D, What happens in the ADP-ribose level, when T118D PNKP is expressed?

      *Thank you for your suggestion. This is interesting question. We will perform ADP-ribosylation assay in PNKP KO cells and PNKP KO cells expressing PNKP WT and T118D, and add data of ADP-ribose levels in those cells. *

      In results: 'PNKP is involved in postreplicative single-strand DNA gap-filling pathway'

      • The description regarding data presented in figure 6 is not clear enough. These data might suggest that wildtype U2OS does not have SSB which is a substrate for S1 nuclease (except under FEN1i and PARPi treatment), whereas PNKP KO has SSB during both IdU and CIdU incorporation, so that S1 nuclease treatment dramatically reduces the speed of fork formation in PNKP KO cells. Also In figure 6B/C/D, adding an experimental group of PNKP KO with S1 nuclease + PARPi might help to understand the role of PNKP during replication better. Also these additional data could support the description in discussion 'Furthermore, PNKP is required for the PARP1-dependent single-strand gap-filling pathway ~~~ DNA gap structure'.

      • *

      *We agree with reviewer's comment and suggestion. Since this point is also raised by reviewer 3, we will add the rationale of the experiment and more detailed description about the results, which would substantially improve this manuscript. We will also revise our representation in text followed by the comment. In addition to revising the text, we will add experiment groups of PNKP KO with S1 nuclease with/without PARPi as the reviewer suggested. *

      In results: 'Phosphorylation of PNKP at T118 is essential for genome stability'

      • In figure S8C, Did you measure g-H2AX foci disappearance for later time point, such as 24 hrs after DNA damage? Is not clear whether non-phosphorylated PNKP at T118 inhibit DNA damage repair or make it slower? How does T114A-PNKP behave in this experimental condition? T114 is well known target of ATM/DNAPK for DDR & DSB repair.

      Thank you for your suggestion. We agree with your point. It is very important to analyze whether T118A mutant shows delayed or total loss of DSB repair ability. We will add the measurement of pH2AX foci at 24 hrs after IR in PNKP KO cells expressing GFP, WT-PNKP, T118A-PNKP. Although the analysis of pS114 PNKP is previously reported (Segal-Raz et al., EMBO reports, 2011 and Zolner et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 2011), we will also perform pH2AX assay in PNKP KO cells expressing S114A-PNKP as a control.

      The result shown in figure S9 should be described in the result section, not in the discussion section.

      Thank you for your suggestion. This is a point also raised by Reviewer 3. Since we are going to re-consider the layout of the manuscript upon the planned revision (as reviewer 3 suggested), we will move these points to the appropriate result section from the discussion.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I could see a similar degree of positive tendency toward the manuscript. I agree with the comments and suggestions in additional experiments made by reviewers 2 and 3. Those suggestions will improve an impact of the manuscript in the DNA damage repair field.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):


      The authors discovered new phosphorylation site (T118) of PNKP which is an important DNA repair protein. This modification seems to play a role in maintenance of the lagging strand stability in S phase. This discovery is something positive in DNA repair field to expand the canonical and non-canonical functions of DNA repair factors.

      The data presented to support PNKP functions and T118 phosphorylation in S phase seem solid in general, yet it is not sure how much PNKP is critical in the Okazaki fragment maturation process which is known that several end processing enzymes (like FEN1, EXO1, DNA2 etc which leave clean DNA ends.) are involved.

      These finding might draw good attentions from researchers interested broadly in cell cycle, DNA damage repair, replication, and possibly new tumor treatment.

      My field and research interest: DNA damage response (including cell cycle arrest and programmed cell death), DNA damage repair (including BER, SSBR, DSBR)

      Thank you very much for your positive comment. As you mentioned, there are several other end processing enzymes that seem to be involved in Okazaki fragment maturation, however, none of those enzymes is reported as a protein involved in the gap-filling pathway as well. Therefore, the role(s) of PNKP in DNA replication are very outstanding as PNKP could be involved in two separate pathways, Okazaki fragment maturation and a back-up gap-filling repair process. As you suggested, we will add several experiments such as iPOND experiments using XRCC1-depleted cells, analysis of DNA repair ability of PNKP T118A mutant throughout cell cycle and S1 nuclease DNA fiber assays in PNKP KO cells with/without PARP inhibitor treatment, to reveal how much PNKP is critical in the Okazaki fragment maturation. We believe that performing those experiments makes the conclusion and this manuscript more solid and convincing.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Polynucleotide kinase phosphatase (PNPK) participates in multiple DNA repair processes, where it acts on DNA breaks to generate 5'-phosphate and 3'-OH ends, facilitating the downstream activities of DNA ligases or polymerases.

      This manuscript identifies a CDK-dependent phosphorylation site on threonine 118 in PNKP's linker region. The authors provide some convincing evidence that this modification is important to direct the activity of PNPK towards ssDNA gaps between Okazaki fragments during DNA replication. The authors monitored protein expression levels, enzymatic activity, the growth rate and replication fork speed, as well as the presence of ssDNA damage to make a comprehensive overview of the features of PNKP necessary for its function.

      Overall, the conclusions are sufficiently supported by the results and this manuscript is relevant and of general interest to the DNA repair and genome stability fields. Some level of revision to the experimental data and text would help strengthen its message and conclusions.

      Major points:

      In an iPOND experiment the authors detect the wt PNKP and the T118 phosphorylated form at the forks and conclude that this phosphorylation promotes interaction with nascent DNA (Figure 3E). An informative sample to include here would have been the T118A mutant. Based on the model proposed, the prediction would be that it would not be associated with the forks, or at least, associated at reduced levels compared to the wt. *Thank you for your suggestion. We agree with your comment. We will add the iPOND analysis in PNKP KO cells expressing T118A mutant to confirm that pT118 is important for recruitment of PNKP at nascent DNA. *

      The quality of the gels showing the phosphatase and kinase assays in Figure 5 could be improved to facilitate quantification of the results. The gel showing the phosphatase activity has a deformed band corresponding to K378A mutant. The gel showing the kinase activity seems to be hitting the detection limits, and the overall high background might influence the quantification of D171A mutant in the area of interest. The authors should provide a better quality of these gels, focusing on better separation (running them longer, eventually with a slightly increased electric current) and higher signal of the analyzed bands (longer incubation phosphatase/kinase prior to quenching or loading higher amount of DNA).

      We agree with your suggestion. This phosphatase and kinase assay could be improved. We will perform this assay again followed by reviewer's suggestions.

      The authors sometimes make statements like: "a slight increase, slightly increased, relatively high" without an evaluation of the statistical significance for the presented data. An example of such a statement is: "T118A mutant-expressing cells exhibited a marked delay in cell growth, which was not observed for S114A, although T122A, S126A, and S143A were slightly delayed," based on the figure 2E. A similar comment applies also to figures 4A, 5A, 5E. Whenever possible, the authors should include also an evaluation of the statistical significance in the statement.

      Thank you for your suggestion. We will check manuscript and revise representation as reviewer's suggestion.

      Minor revisions:

      I could not find a gH2AX blot for figure S2A.

      Thank you for your suggestion. We will add pH2AX blot data in fig S2A.

      The authors established two PNKP-/- clones and supported it with sequencing and several functional observations However, the C-terminal antibody appears to detect lower-intensity bands (Figure 1A). Can authors comment on those bands?

      Thank you for your comment. One possibility of this band is artificially recognized bands. To improve this problem, we will try electrophoresis for longer time to separate this band.

      Why the S1 nuclease data on DNA fibers do not show the same level of epistasis with the Fen1i, as do those on ADP-ribosylation?

      Because FEN1 dependent Okazaki fragment maturation and PARP1-XRCC1 dependent gap-filling pathway are different pathways, FEN1i and PARPi treatment resulted in an additive effect in S1 nuclease data in PNKP WT cells. To facilitate better understanding, we will add graphical scheme in figure 6 (a similar problem was raised by Reviewer 3 below) and revise the description of the result.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree with all the comments from the reviewers 1 and 3.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):


      The manuscript identifies a CDK phosphorylation site in a relevant DNA repair protein. The experiments on this part are elegant and convincing. It seems that this phosphorylation is important during DNA replication and there is some supporting evidence in this point, although not as robust, meaning that it is not clear whether this phosphorylation is controlling specifically the recruitment to Okazaki fragments, or a general role in DNA repair. Maybe if they see a reduced recruitment of the T118A mutant to the forks (iPOND experiment) this would further increase the impact.

      This work will be relevant to the basic research, especially in the fields of DNA repair and DNA replication.

      My expertise: DNA replication, genome stability, telomere biology.

      Thank you very much for your positive comment. As you suggested, we will perform an iPOND assay using PNKP T118A mutant. In addition of the T118A iPOND assay, we will also analyze the DNA repair function of PNKP T118A mutant throughout cell cycle as reviewer 1 suggested. We believe that results of these experiments will pin down whether the phosphorylation of PNKP on T118 is controlling its recruitment to Okazaki fragments specifically or single-strand DNA gaps in general, and solidify the conclusion of the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Tsukada and colleagues studied the role of PNKP phosphorylation in processing single-strand DNA gaps and its link to fork progression and processing of Okazaki fragments.

      They generated two PNKP KO human clonal cell lines and described defects in cell growth, accumulation in S-phase, and faster fork progression. With some elegant experiments, they complement the KO cell lines with deletion and point mutants for PNKP, identifying a critical phosphorylation site (T118) in the linker regions, which is important for cell growth and DNA replication.

      They show that phosphorylation of PNKP peaks in the mid-S phase. CDK1 and CDK2/ with Cyclin A2 are the two main CDK complexes responsible for this modification. With the IPOND experiment, the author shows that PNKP is recruited at nascent DNA during replication.

      They described increased parylation activity in PNKP KO cells, and by using HU and emetin, they concluded that this increased activity depends on replication and synthesis of Okazaki fragments.

      Interfering with Okazaki fragment maturation by FEN1 inhibition is epistatic with PNKP KO (and T118A) in influencing parylation activity in the S phase and fork progression. The authors try to understand by mutant complementation which of the two functions (Phosphatase vs Kinase) is important in processing OF, and they propose a primary role for the phosphatase activity of PNKP. They also show that T118 is important in controlling genome stability following different genotoxic stress. Finally, by coupling the measurement of fork progression with PARP/FEN1 inhibitors and S1 treatment, they propose a role of PNKP in the post-replicative repair of single-strand gaps due to unligated OF.

      Here are my major points:

      The authors use a poly ADP ribose deposition measurement to estimate SSB nick/gap formation. Even if PARP activity is strictly linked to SSB repair, ADP ribosylation does not directly estimate SSB/nick gap formation. In addition, in Figs S2A, B, and C, the authors use IR and PARG inhibition to measure poly-ADP ribosylation in WT and PNKP KO cells. IR produces both SSB and DSB. A better and cleaner experiment would be to directly measure SSB formation (with alkaline comet assay, for example) in combination with treatments that are known to mainly cause SSB (H2O2, or low doses of bleomycin). Thank you for your suggestion. The main purpose of this manuscript is to clarify the potential role of PNKP in DNA replication. Therefore, we generated PNKP KO human cells and figure S2 showed confirmation of function of established role of PNKP in SSBs and DSBs repair. In addition, previous our report published in EMBO Journal (Shimada et al., 2015), we showed SSBs and DSBs repair defect in PNKP KO MEF with comet assay (both alkaline and neutral) after IR and H2O2 treatment. In addition to those observations, we will also perform BrdU incorporation assay in PNKP WT and KO cells treated with H2O2. BrdU staining under an undenatured condition has now been commonly used and is a more direct method to detect ssDNA nick/gap formation. We believe that the importance of PNKP in SSB repair is sufficiently supported by all data such as previous comet assays in PNKP KO MEF cells and two SSB repair assays in human cells using ADP-ribose staining or BrdU incorporation, which will be provided in the revised manuscript.

      The manuscript would benefit from substantially restructuring the figures' order and panels. Before starting the T118 part, the authors could create several figures to explain the main consequences of the loss of PNKP. A figure could be focused on DSB-driven genome instability (fig1 + fig S8 and S9). Then, a figure for the single-strand break and link to the S-phase. For example, by using data from Figure 6 and showing only WT vs PNKP KO +- Nuclease S1 (without FEN1 or PARP inhibitors), the authors could easily convince the readers that loss of PNKP leads to the accumulation of single-strand gaps. Only in the second part of the manuscript could they introduce all the T118 parts. Thank you for your suggestion. The layout of this manuscript makes reviewers feeling confusing. After performing all planned experiments, we will carefully re-consider the total layout of the revised manuscript.

      I understand the use of a FEN1 inhibitor to link the PNKP KO phenotype to OF processing, but this drug does not either rescue or exacerbate any of the phenotypes described by the authors. It seems to have just an epistatic effect everywhere. So, what other conclusion can we have if not that PNKO has a similar effect to FEN1? I think that the presence of this inhibitor in many plots complicates the digestion of several figures a little bit. Maybe clustering the data in a different way (DMSO on one side FEN1i on the other) would help. Thank you for your suggestion. We agree that this data set is complicate. To facilitate better understanding, we will change organization of the data according to your suggestion and add graphical scheme in figure 6.

      In terms of the other conclusion we can have from those experiments, the other conclusion is that PNKP might plays two important roles in DNA replication: Okazaki fragment maturation, which seems an epistatic effect with FEN1, and PARP1-XRCC1 dependent single-strand gap filling pathway, which is required for repairing single-strand gaps between Okazaki fragments when Okazaki fragment maturation pathway does not work properly (e.g., loss of FEN1 or PNKP). In figure 6D, we show that a double treatment of FEN1i and PARPi in PNKP WT cells with S1 nuclease treatment shows extensive amount of digested DNA fibers, although a single treatment of either FEN1i or PARPi in PNKP WT cells with S1 nuclease treatment leads to only limited amount of digested DNA fibers, which indicates that two pathways regulated by FEN1 or PARP are coordinately required for preventing eruption of ssDNA gaps in DNA replication. On the other hand, PNKP KO cells with S1 nuclease treatment cause extensive amount of digested DNA fibers even without FEN1i and PARP1i treatments, also it is not further increased by FEN1i and PARPi treatment. Those results indicate that PNKP itself is involved in two pathways mentioned above. Therefore, loss of PNKP has a similar phenotype with loss of FEN1 in terms of Okazaki fragment maturation, but also there is an additional effect in repairing ssDNA nicks/gaps, which is created in FEN1 loss condition, but FEN1 seems not dealing with it.

      Fig S9 should be removed from the discussion. Additionally, the authors should consider whether they want to keep that piece of data in a manuscript that is already pretty dense. Why should we focus on additional linker residues and microirradiation data at the end of this manuscript? *Thank you for your suggestion. This is a point also raised by Reviewer 1. Since we are going to re-consider the layout of the manuscript upon the planned revision, we will move these points to the appropriate result section from the discussion. *

      I suggest using a free AI writing assistant. I think this manuscript would substantially benefit from one. As a non-native English speaker, I personally use one of them and find it extremely useful. Thank you for your suggestion. Our manuscript was revised by a native speaker from an English correction company. However, for revised manuscript, we will discuss with native speakers as well as use a free AI writing assistant to improve the quality of the manuscript.

      Minor points:

      In Figure S1A, the author refers to P-H2AX, but I do not see this marker in the western blot. Thank you for your suggestion. We will add pH2AX blot data in fig S2A.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree with all comments from reviewer 1 and 2.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This is an interesting paper with generally solid data and proper statistical analysis. The figures are pretty straightforward. Unfortunately, the manuscript is dry, and the reader needs help to follow the logical order and the rationale of the experiments proposed. This is also complicated by the enormous amount of data the authors have generated. The authors should improve their narrative, explaining better why they are performing the experiment and not simply referring to a previous citation. Reordering panels and figures would help in this regard. Overall, with some new experiments, tone-downs over strong claims and a better explanation of the rationale behind experiments the authors could create a fascinating paper.

      Thank you very much for your positive comment about the data/analysis and the logic behind the experiments provided in the manuscript. We agree with that a manner and a structure of the manuscript could be improved by reordering figures, cutting down some redundant experiments, adding better explanation of the rationale behind experiments, and toning-down some claims. With rewriting the manuscript as stated above and performing several additional experiments suggested by the reviewers, we believe that the revised manuscript will be more convincing and fascinating.

      1. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. If no revisions have been carried out yet, please leave this section empty.

      • *

      • *

      Reviewer #1:

      Minor comments

      • Is there any difference (except for PARGi exposure time?!) between figure S2B/C and S2D/E? Both data show increased ADP ribose after IR. It seems redundancy. Also it is hard to imagine that there is absolutely no sign of ADP ribose after IR w/o PARGi treatment (figure S2D).

      Figure S2B/C show spontaneous single strand DNA breaks (SSBs) in PNKP KO cells, on the other hand, figure 2S/E show ectopic SSBs induced by IR exposure in PNKP KO cells. We believe these data help for readers to understand the effect of endo or exo damage in PNKP KO cells. Poly-ADP ribosylations are immediately removed from SSB sites after repair as demonstrated previously (Tsukada, et al., PLoS One 2019, Kalasova et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 2020), although not zero (low level), it is very difficult to detect without PARGi treatment.

      • *

      Legend for figure S3 - typo!

      Thank you for your suggestion about typo. The legend for figure S3 is corrected as "Protein expression of PNKP mutants in U2OS cells".

      • *

      • In figure S3A/B, it is quite interesting that the PNKP antibody used for this analysis can detect all truncated and alanine substituted PNKP proteins. It might be helpful to indicate for other researchers which antibody used (Novus; epitope - 57aa to 189 aa or Abcam; epitope not revealed).

      In S3A/B, Novus PNKP antibody was used for all blots. We indicated this in the figure legend as "PNKP antibody (Novus: NBP1-87257) was used for comparing expression levels of endogenous and exogenous PNKP".

      • *

      In results: 'PNKP phosphorylation, especially of T118 ~~~ proliferation'

      • In the fork progression experiment (figure 2C), is there any statistical difference between D2 and D3/4 expressing cells?

      *Thank you for your suggestion. We performed statistical analysis as the reviewer suggested. Statistical analysis shows that there are no significant differences between D2 and D3/D4. Meanwhile, there are significant differences between WT and D3(P- What is the basis of the description 'Since the linker region of PNKP is considered to be involved in fork progression'? Any reference?

      This sentence was considered based on the above sentences "Furthermore, D2 mutant-expressing cells also showed an increased speed of the replication fork compared to WT and D1 mutant-expressing cells, although D3 and D4 showed mildly high-speed fork progression.". The D2 mutant lacks a whole linker region, which shows increased speed of DNA fiber in figure 2C. Therefore, we originally explained as the sentence above. We have revised the sentence to "Since these results may indicate the linker region of PNKP is involved in proper fork progression".

      • *

      • In figure 3B: pS114-PNKP (also pS15-p53) is DNA damage inducible. In this experiment, was DNA damage introduced? Roscovitine could hinder DNA repair process, but not inducing DNA damage itself.

      Thank you for your suggestion. DNA damage induction was not applied in this experiment. We agree that this panel makes confusing. We think that endogenously S114-PNKP (also S15-p53) might be phosphorylated slightly but not significant, although this is not the scope of this manuscript. This result showing that phosphorylated-T118 is reduced by Roscovitine treatment maybe redundant as we also have a result of in vitro phosphorylation assay using several combinations of CDKs and Cyclin proteins, which is a cleaner experiment to prove which CDK/Cyclin complex is directly controlling the T118 phosphorylation. Since the manuscript already contains enough amount of data to support the conclusion (as reviewer 3 also stated), we removed those blots result from the panel to avoid complicating the conclusion.

      • *

      In results: 'Phosphatase activity of PNKP is ~~~ of Okazaki fragments'

      • In figure 5C, any statistical analysis between WT-PNKP KO vs D171A-PNKP KO or K378A-PNKP KO has been done?

      Thank you for your comment. Statistical analysis shows P *

      In discussion, 'In contrast, the T118A mutants showed the absence of both SSBs and DSBs repair (Fig. S7) : figure S7 does not indicate what the authors describe.

      Thank you for pointing out this. This should refer to figure S8 instead of figure S7. We have corrected this error.

      In addition, the same sentence in discussion: No evidence demonstrate that 'the absence of both SSBs and DSBs repair', and the following sentence is not clear.

      *This is same point with above. We have corrected this mis-referencing and revised the sentence to "In contrast, the T118A mutants showed the impaired abilities of both SSBs and DSBs repair (Fig. S8).". We also revised the following sentence to "However, residual SSBs due to impaired SSB repair ability (e.g., in PARPi-treated cells and T118A cells) sometimes cause DNA replication-coupled DSBs formation in S phase, and the phenotype in DSB repair assay of the T118A mutant may be caused by an accumulated formation of DNA replication-coupled DSBs. Future works will be needed to distinguish whether the T118 phosphorylation directly regulate PNKP recruitment to DSBs as well as SSBs." for better explanation of the result. *

      • *

      In discussion, 'Because both CDK1/cyclin A2 and CDK2/cyclin A2 are involved in PNKP phosphorylation, cyclin A2 is likely important for these activities': It is not clear what this description intends? Is 'cyclin A2' important in what stance?

      This description is coming from Fig3C observation. Since both CDK1 and CDK2 activities are cyclin A2 dependent, we speculated cyclin A2 is important for CDK1/CDK2 dependent PNKP T118 phosphorylation. We revised the description to "Since both CDK1/Cyclin A2 and CDK2/Cyclin A2 phosphorylate T118 of PNKP, we speculated that PNKP T118 is phosphorylated in S phase to G2 phase in CDK1/Cyclin A2- and CDK2/Cyclin A2-dependent manner (Fig. 3B and C)".

      • *

      In discussion, 'This may be explained by the fact that mutations in the phosphorylated residue in the linker region are embryonic lethal': any reference to support this embryonic lethality?

      Thank you for your suggestion. We agree with that this sentence is overwriting. We revise the sentence to "This observation may indicate that mutations in the phosphorylated residue (T118) in the linker region are potentially embryonic lethal due to the importance of T118 in DNA replication, which is revealed in the present study.".

      • *

      • *

      Reviewer #2:

      Minor comments

      Sometimes there are incorrect references to the figures in the discussion (e.g. FigS9A, B, and C, are called out instead of E, F and G), a similar issue is found 4 lines below in the same page.

      Thank you for pointing out these errors. We checked the references in the discussion and corrected to the appropriate references.

      Based on the data in Figure 3A the authors suggest that pT118-PNKP follows Cyclin A2 levels, but this does not appear very clearly in the gel, especially for the last point. Even though the results are convincing, the authors should rephrase the conclusions of Figure 3A to reflect better the results.

      Thank you for your suggestion. We agree that this phrase is overwriting. We revised the conclusion to "pT118-PNKP was detected in asynchronized cells but increased particularly in the S phase, similar to Cyclin A2 expression levels, although the reduction of pT118, possibly dephosphorylation of T118, seems not as robust as the reduction of the Cyclin A2 expression level at the 12 hours time point. However, this effect was very weak during mitosis, suggesting that T118 phosphorylation plays a specific role in the S phase.".

      I did not find a reference to what seems to be a relevant work in this topic: PMID: 22171004

      Thank you for your suggestion. We have added the ref (Coquelle et al., PNAS, 2011) in Introduction section.

      Reviewer #3:

      Major comments

      The authors should consider and discuss the potential role of PNKP KO outside of the S-phase. In Figure 4C, while it is clear that poly ADP ribosylation is higher in S-phase, the effects of PNKP KO and complementation by WT or T118A are equally present. This would be more immediate if comparison, fold change, and statistical significance calculation were done within the same cell cycle phase instead of between cell stages. This is also clear by IF in Figure 4B. How do the authors explain this? Thank you for your suggestion. We agree with reviewer's suggestion. We compared intensities of ADP-ribose between cell lines in same cell cycle rather than between different cell cycles in a same cell line and added the respective statistics in figure 4C. Also, we agree with that poly ADP-ribose intensity is changed outside of S phase between WT and T118A PNKP expressing PNKP KO cells. As shown in figure S8, PNKP pT118 is also involved in DNA repair. These results might reflect of PNKP function outside of S phase. We have added the sentence "Of note, PNKP/*cells and PNKP T118A cells showed markedly higher ADP-ribose intensity in outside the S phase as well, which indicate that PNKP and T118 may have an endogenous role to prevent SSBs formation in outside the S phase. Since FEN1 has been reported to function in R-loop processing, PNKP could also be involved in this process. Future studies of a role of PNKP in different cell cycle will be able to address this question." to discuss about the function of PNKP outside the S phase. We have added the ref (Cristini et al., Cell Reports, 2019, and Laverde et al., Genes, 2022). *

      • *

      • *

      In connection with the previous point, can the author provide the same quantification in Figure 4E also for G2/M and not only the S phase? This should give an estimate of the activity of FEN1 outside the S-phase. This is important because FEN1 has other functions apart from OF maturation, such as R loop processing (Cristini 2019; Laverde 2023) Thank you for your suggestion. Here attached is the data of ADP-ribose intensity in cells outside the S phase as you suggested. FEN1i treatment still induces increased ADP-ribose intensity in outside the S phase as well, although the difference between with/without FEN1i treatment is much smaller than that in S phase, indicating that FEN1 has other functions outside the S phase. This finding is very interesting. However, the function of FEN1 in outside the S phase is outside the scope of this manuscript. Therefore, we would like to not put this data in the manuscript to avoid complicating the conclusion (as reviewer 3 also suggested).

      • *

      Why does FEN1 inhibition induce a faster fork progression in Fig4 but not in Fig5 and Fig6? Yes, it does in figure 4 and figure 5. In PNKP WT cells, FEN1i-treated fibers (CldU) show an increased speed of forks compared to non-treated fibers (IdU). However, loss of PNKP and T118 phosphorylation themselves cause a faster fork progression even if without FEN1i treatment, therefore the difference of speeds of forks before/after FEN1i treatment in PNKP KO and T118A cells is disappeared as both fibers grow faster than intact fibers in normal cells. In regard to figure 6, as you mentioned in a latter comment about figure 6, the title of vertical axis of the graph showing CldU length should not be speeds of replication forks as those DNA fibers are potentially digested by S1 nuclease, which is modified in the revised manuscript. Even so, DNA fibers from FEN1i-treated cells (CldU) with S1 nuclease shows similar length with fibers from untreated cells with S1 nuclease, whereas FEN1 inhibitor treatment accelerates a speed of forks in general (figure 4 and figure 5, assays without S1 nuclease), indicating that FEN1i treatment induces remaining of some ssDNA nicks/gaps which are substrates of S1 nuclease.

      • *

      How do the authors explain the impaired DNA gap binding activity of the phospho-mimetic T118D? Thank you for your suggestion. We think that the appropriate timing of phosphorylation of PNKP T118 is important, while the phosphor-mimetic mutant T118D mimics consecutively phosphorylated situation that may result in incomplete complementation of PNKP function.

      • *

      I would like to see a representative fiber image from Fig 6. Additionally, in Figure 6, the author should not label the y-axis as CldU-fork speed. Nuclease S1 treatment destroys single-strand gaps (in vitro) and does not affect the fork speed (in vivo) Thank you for your suggestion. We have added a representative fiber image. We also agree with that CldU fork speed is not a right label of y-axis as CldU fibers are potentially digested by S1 nuclease. We changed the y-axis label to "CldU tract length [kb/min]" in figure 6.

      • *

      Figure 5E: both mutants (kinase vs phosphatase) increase polyADP ribose intensity, while the title of this figure only emphasizes the phosphatase activity. We agree with your comment. We have changed this subtitle to "Enzymatic activities of PNKP is important for the end-processing of Okazaki fragments".

      • *

      • *

      Minor comments

      • *

      The authors refer to Hoch Nature 2017 when referring to polyADP ribose IF + PARG inhibition. Should they not refer to Hanzlikova Mol Cell 2018?

      Thank you for your suggestion. We have added the ref (Hanzlikova et al., Mol Cell 2018).

      Statistical analysis should be performed on the cell cycle profile in Figure 1B * *

      We performed statistical analysis to check whether there are significant differences of S phase population between WT and PNKP KO cells. There were significant differences between WT vs PNKP KO C1 (PThe authors should not refer to fork degradation or protection as a given fact without assessing it in these conditions. Thank you for your suggestion. We assume that this comment refers to the result section of figure 1 and figure 4. We have added a sentence "although future studies will be needed to investigate whether PNKP/ cells has the fork protection phenotype" in the result section of figure 1. We have changed representation in the section according to the reviewer's suggestion in the result section of figure 4.*

      • *

      • *

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Tsukada and colleagues studied the role of PNKP phosphorylation in processing single-strand DNA gaps and its link to fork progression and processing of Okazaki fragments.

      They generated two PNKP KO human clonal cell lines and described defects in cell growth, accumulation in S-phase, and faster fork progression. With some elegant experiments, they complement the KO cell lines with deletion and point mutants for PNKP, identifying a critical phosphorylation site (T118) in the linker regions, which is important for cell growth and DNA replication.

      They show that phosphorylation of PNKP peaks in the mid-S phase. CDK1 and CDK2/ with Cyclin A2 are the two main CDK complexes responsible for this modification. With the IPOND experiment, the author shows that PNKP is recruited at nascent DNA during replication.

      They described increased parylation activity in PNKP KO cells, and by using HU and emetin, they concluded that this increased activity depends on replication and synthesis of Okazaki fragments.

      Interfering with Okazaki fragment maturation by FEN1 inhibition is epistatic with PNKP KO (and T118A) in influencing parylation activity in the S phase and fork progression. The authors try to understand by mutant complementation which of the two functions (Phosphatase vs Kinase) is important in processing OF, and they propose a primary role for the phosphatase activity of PNKP. They also show that T118 is important in controlling genome stability following different genotoxic stress. Finally, by coupling the measurement of fork progression with PARP/FEN1 inhibitors and S1 treatment, they propose a role of PNKP in the post-replicative repair of single-strand gaps due to unligated OF.

      Here are my major points:

      • The authors use a poly ADP ribose deposition measurement to estimate SSB nick/gap formation. Even if PARP activity is strictly linked to SSB repair, ADP ribosylation does not directly estimate SSB/nick gap formation. In addition, in Figs S2A, B, and C, the authors use IR and PARG inhibition to measure poly-ADP ribosylation in WT and PNKP KO cells. IR produces both SSB and DSB. A better and cleaner experiment would be to directly measure SSB formation (with alkaline comet assay, for example) in combination with treatments that are known to mainly cause SSB (H2O2, or low doses of bleomycin).
      • The manuscript would benefit from substantially restructuring the figures' order and panels. Before starting the T118 part, the authors could create several figures to explain the main consequences of the loss of PNKP. A figure could be focused on DSB-driven genome instability (fig1 + fig S8 and S9). Then, a figure for the single-strand break and link to the S-phase. For example, by using data from Figure 6 and showing only WT vs PNKP KO +- Nuclease S1 (without FEN1 or PARP inhibitors), the authors could easily convince the readers that loss of PNKP leads to the accumulation of single-strand gaps. Only in the second part of the manuscript could they introduce all the T118 parts.
      • The authors should consider and discuss the potential role of PNKP KO outside of the S-phase. In Figure 4C, while it is clear that poly ADP ribosylation is higher in S-phase, the effects of PNKP KO and complementation by WT or T118A are equally present. This would be more immediate if comparison, fold change, and statistical significance calculation were done within the same cell cycle phase instead of between cell stages. This is also clear by IF in Figure 4B. How do the authors explain this?
      • In connection with the previous point, can the author provide the same quantification in Figure 4E also for G2/M and not only the S phase? This should give an estimate of the activity of FEN1 outside the S-phase. This is important because FEN1 has other functions apart from OF maturation, such as R loop processing (Cristini 2019; Laverde 2023)
      • I understand the use of a FEN1 inhibitor to link the PNKP KO phenotype to OF processing, but this drug does not either rescue or exacerbate any of the phenotypes described by the authors. It seems to have just an epistatic effect everywhere. So, what other conclusion can we have if not that PNKO has a similar effect to FEN1? I think that the presence of this inhibitor in many plots complicates the digestion of several figures a little bit. Maybe clustering the data in a different way (DMSO on one side FEN1i on the other) would help.
      • Why does FEN1 inhibition induce a faster fork progression in Fig4 but not in Fig5 and Fig6?
      • How do the authors explain the impaired DNA gap binding activity of the phospho-mimetic T118D?
      • Fig S9 should be removed from the discussion. Additionally, the authors should consider whether they want to keep that piece of data in a manuscript that is already pretty dense. Why should we focus on additional linker residues and microirradiation data at the end of this manuscript?
      • I would like to see a representative fiber image from Fig 6. Additionally, in Figure 6, the author should not label the y-axis as CldU-fork speed. Nuclease S1 treatment destroys single-strand gaps (in vitro) and does not affect the fork speed (in vivo)
      • Figure 5E: both mutants (kinase vs phosphatase) increase polyADP ribose intensity, while the title of this figure only emphasizes the phosphatase activity.
      • I suggest using a free AI writing assistant. I think this manuscript would substantially benefit from one. As a non-native English speaker, I personally use one of them and find it extremely useful.

      Minor points:

      • In Figure S1A, the author refers to P-H2AX, but I do not see this marker in the western blot.
      • The authors refer to Hoch Nature 2017 when referring to polyADP ribose IF + PARG inhibition. Should they not refer to Hanzlikova Mol Cell 2018?
      • Statistical analysis should be performed on the cell cycle profile in Figure 1B
      • The authors should not refer to fork degradation or protection as a given fact without assessing it in these conditions.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with all comments from reviewer 1 and 2.


      This is an interesting paper with generally solid data and proper statistical analysis. The figures are pretty straightforward. Unfortunately, the manuscript is dry, and the reader needs help to follow the logical order and the rationale of the experiments proposed. This is also complicated by the enormous amount of data the authors have generated. The authors should improve their narrative, explaining better why they are performing the experiment and not simply referring to a previous citation. Reordering panels and figures would help in this regard. Overall, with some new experiments, tone-downs over strong claims and a better explanation of the rationale behind experiments the authors could create a fascinating paper.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Polynucleotide kinase phosphatase (PNPK) participates in multiple DNA repair processes, where it acts on DNA breaks to generate 5'-phosphate and 3'-OH ends, facilitating the downstream activities of DNA ligases or polymerases.

      This manuscript identifies a CDK-dependent phosphorylation site on threonine 118 in PNKP's linker region. The authors provide some convincing evidence that this modification is important to direct the activity of PNPK towards ssDNA gaps between Okazaki fragments during DNA replication. The authors monitored protein expression levels, enzymatic activity, the growth rate and replication fork speed, as well as the presence of ssDNA damage to make a comprehensive overview of the features of PNKP necessary for its function.

      Overall, the conclusions are sufficiently supported by the results and this manuscript is relevant and of general interest to the DNA repair and genome stability fields. Some level of revision to the experimental data and text would help strengthen its message and conclusions.

      Major points:

      1. In an iPOND experiment the authors detect the wt PNKP and the T118 phosphorylated form at the forks and conclude that this phosphorylation promotes interaction with nascent DNA (Figure 3E). An informative sample to include here would have been the T118A mutant. Based on the model proposed, the prediction would be that it would not be associated with the forks, or at least, associated at reduced levels compared to the wt.
      2. The quality of the gels showing the phosphatase and kinase assays in Figure 5 could be improved to facilitate quantification of the results. The gel showing the phosphatase activity has a deformed band corresponding to K378A mutant. The gel showing the kinase activity seems to be hitting the detection limits, and the overall high background might influence the quantification of D171A mutant in the area of interest. The authors should provide a better quality of these gels, focusing on better separation (running them longer, eventually with a slightly increased electric current) and higher signal of the analyzed bands (longer incubation phosphatase/kinase prior to quenching or loading higher amount of DNA).
      3. The authors sometimes make statements like: "a slight increase, slightly increased, relatively high" without an evaluation of the statistical significance for the presented data. An example of such a statement is: "T118A mutant-expressing cells exhibited a marked delay in cell growth, which was not observed for S114A, although T122A, S126A, and S143A were slightly delayed," based on the figure 2E. A similar comment applies also to figures 4A, 5A, 5E. Whenever possible, the authors should include also an evaluation of the statistical significance in the statement.

      Minor revisions:

      1. I could not find a gH2AX blot for figure S2A.
      2. Sometimes there are incorrect references to the figures in the discussion (e.g. FigS9A, B, and C, are called out instead of E, F and G), a similar issue is found 4 lines below in the same page.
      3. The authors established two PNKP-/- clones and supported it with sequencing and several functional observations However, the C-terminal antibody appears to detect lower-intensity bands (Figure 1A). Can authors comment on those bands?
      4. Based on the data in Figure 3A the authors suggest that pT118-PNKP follows Cyclin A2 levels, but this does not appear very clearly in the gel, especially for the last point. Even though the results are convincing, the authors should rephrase the conclusions of Figure 3A to reflect better the results.
      5. Why the S1 nuclease data on DNA fibers do not show the same level of epistasis with the Fen1i, as do those on ADP-ribosylation?
      6. I did not find a reference to what seems to be a relevant work in this topic: PMID: 22171004

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with all the comments from the reviewers 1 and 3.


      The manuscript identifies a CDK phosphorylation site in a relevant DNA repair protein. The experiments on this part are elegant and convincing. It seems that this phosphorylation is important during DNA replication and there is some supporting evidence in this point, although not as robust, meaning that it is not clear whether this phosphorylation is controlling specifically the recruitment to Okazaki fragments, or a general role in DNA repair. Maybe if they see a reduced recruitment of the T118A mutant to the forks (iPOND experiment) this would further increase the impact.

      This work will be relevant to the basic research, especially in the fields of DNA repair and DNA replication.

      My expertise: DNA replication, genome stability, telomere biology.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      PNKP is one of critical end-processing enzymes for DNA damage repair, mainly base excision & single strand break repair, and double strand break repair to a certain extent. This protein has dual enzyme function: 3' phosphatase and 5' kinase to make DNA ends proper for ligation. It has been demonstrated that PTM of PNKP (e.g., S114, S126), particularly phosphorylation by either ATM or DNAPK, is important for PNKP function in DNA damage repair. The authors found a new phosphorylation site, T118, of PNKP which might be modified by CDK1 or 2 during S phase. This modification of phosphorylation is involved in maintenance and stability of the lagging strand, particularly Okazaki fragments. Loss of this phosphorylation could result in increased single strand gaps, accelerated speed of fork progression, and eventually genomic instability. And for this process, PNKP enzyme activity is not that important. And the authors concluded that PNKP T118 phosphorylation is important for lagging strand stability and DNA damage repair.

      Major comments

      1. In general, enzymes have protein interactions with its/their substrates. If PNKP is phosphorylated by either/both CDK1/2, the protein interaction between these would be expected. However, the authors did not provide any protein interactions in PNKP and CDKs.
      2. It is not clear how T118 phosphorylation is involved in DNA damage repair itself as the authors suggested. The data presenting the involvement of T118 phosphorylation in this mechanism are limited. This claim opens more questions than answers. CDK1/2 still phosphorylates T118 in this DNA damage repair process? What would happen to DNA damage repair in which PNKP involves outside of S phase in terms of T118 phosphorylation?
      3. Along the same line with #1/2 comments, the recruitment of PNKP to the damage sites is XRCC1 dependent. Is not clear whether PNKP recruitment to gaps on the lagging strand is XRCC1 independent or dependent. It might be interesting to examine (OPTIONAL)

      Minor comments

      1. In results: 'Generation of PNKP knock out U2OS cell line'
        • In figure S2A; There are no data regarding diminishing the phosphorylation of g-H2AX.
        • Is there any difference (except for PARGi exposure time?!) between figure S2B/C and S2D/E? Both data show increased ADP ribose after IR. It seems redundancy. Also it is hard to imagine that there is absolutely no sign of ADP ribose after IR w/o PARGi treatment (figure S2D).
        • By showing data in figure S2B/C/D/E, the authors describe 'PNKP KO cells impaired the SSBs repair activity'. However, as the authors mentioned in this manuscript, PNKP could bind to either XRCC1 or XRCC4. Also for this experiment, IR had been applied, which induces DNA double strand breaks. Therefore, it is not certain that the authors' description is fully supported by these data presented. Perhaps, SSB inducing reagents should be used instead of IR.
      2. Legend for figure S3 - typo!
        • In figure S3A/B, it is quite interesting that the PNKP antibody used for this analysis can detect all truncated and alanine substituted PNKP proteins. It might be helpful to indicate for other researchers which antibody used (Novus; epitope - 57aa to 189 aa or Abcam; epitope not revealed).
      3. In results: 'PNKP phosphorylation, especially of T118 ~~~ proliferation'
        • In the fork progression experiment (figure 2C), is there any statistical difference between D2 and D3/4 expressing cells?
        • What is the basis of the description 'Since the linker region of PNKP is considered to be involved in fork progression'? Any reference?
        • Is there any FACS analysis data to support the description of the last sentence 'especially the phosphorylation of PNKP T118, is required for S phase progression and proper cell proliferation'?
      4. In results: 'CDKs phosphorylate T118 of PNKP ~~~ replication forks'
        • In figure 3A, Is there any change in total PNKP (both GFP-tagged & endogenous) level?
        • In figure 3B: pS114-PNKP (also pS15-p53) is DNA damage inducible. In this experiment, was DNA damage introduced? Roscovitine could hinder DNA repair process, but not inducing DNA damage itself.
      5. In results: 'Phosphorylation of PNKP at T118 ~~~ between Okazaki fragments'
        • In figure 4D, What happens in the ADP-ribose level, when T118D PNKP is expressed?
      6. In results: 'Phosphatase activity of PNKP is ~~~ of Okazaki fragments'
        • In figure 5C, any statistical analysis between WT-PNKP KO vs D171A-PNKP KO or K378A-PNKP KO has been done?
      7. In results: 'PNKP is involved in postreplicative single-strand DNA gap-filling pathway'
        • The description regarding data presented in figure 6 is not clear enough. These data might suggest that wildtype U2OS does not have SSB which is a substrate for S1 nuclease (except under FEN1i and PARPi treatment), whereas PNKP KO has SSB during both IdU and CIdU incorporation, so that S1 nuclease treatment dramatically reduces the speed of fork formation in PNKP KO cells. Also In figure 6B/C/D, adding an experimental group of PNKP KO with S1 nuclease + PARPi might help to understand the role of PNKP during replication better. Also these additional data could support the description in discussion 'Furthermore, PNKP is required for the PARP1-dependent single-strand gap-filling pathway ~~~ DNA gap structure'.
      8. In results: 'Phosphorylation of PNKP at T118 is essential for genome stability'
        • In figure S8C, Did you measure g-H2AX foci disappearance for later time point, such as 24 hrs after DNA damage? Is not clear whether non-phosphorylated PNKP at T118 inhibit DNA damage repair or make it slower? How does T114A-PNKP behave in this experimental condition? T114 is well known target of ATM/DNAPK for DDR & DSB repair.
      9. The result shown in figure S9 should be described in the result section, not in the discussion section.
      10. In discussion, 'In contrast, the T118A mutants showed the absence of both SSBs and DSBs repair (Fig. S7) : figure S7 does not indicate what the authors describe.
      11. In addition, the same sentence in discussion: No evidence demonstrate that 'the absence of both SSBs and DSBs repair', and the following sentence is not clear.
      12. In discussion, 'Because both CDK1/cyclin A2 and CDK2/cyclin A2are involved in PNKP phosphorylation, cyclin A2 is likely important for these activities': It is not clear what this description intends? Is 'cyclin A2' important in what stance?
      13. In discussion, 'This may be explained by the fact that mutations in the phosphorylated residue in the linker region are embryonic lethal': any reference to support this embryonic lethality?

      Referees cross-commenting

      I could see a similar degree of positive tendency toward the manuscript. I agree with the comments and suggestions in additional experiments made by reviewers 2 and 3. Those suggestions will improve an impact of the manuscript in the DNA damage repair field.


      The authors discovered new phosphorylation site (T118) of PNKP which is an important DNA repair protein. This modification seems to play a role in maintenance of the lagging strand stability in S phase. This discovery is something positive in DNA repair field to expand the canonical and non-canonical functions of DNA repair factors.

      The data presented to support PNKP functions and T118 phosphorylation in S phase seem solid in general, yet it is not sure how much PNKP is critical in the Okazaki fragment maturation process which is known that several end processing enzymes (like FEN1, EXO1, DNA2 etc which leave clean DNA ends.) are involved. These finding might draw good attentions from researchers interested broadly in cell cycle, DNA damage repair, replication, and possibly new tumor treatment.

      My field and research interest: DNA damage response (including cell cycle arrest and programmed cell death), DNA damage repair (including BER, SSBR, DSBR)

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In this manuscript, the authors investigated the role of Erk signaling in the transition from naïve to formative pluripotency. They found that Erk activation eliminates Nanog to allow naïve state exit. However, when Nanog is knocked down in the absence of Erk activation, ESCs exit the naïve state, and enter an indetermined state, unable to proceed to the formative state. The authors further claimed that the failure to the formative state is due to lack of Oct4 expression. In conclusion, Erk signaling is required for the exit from the naïve state and the entry to the formative state.

      Major comments: - Are the key conclusions convincing? Most of the key conclusions are convincing, except for the conclusion "ERK activity is required to maintain Oct4 expression in the naïve to formative pluripotency transition". The authors showed that Oct4 expression is diminished under the MEK(i)+siNanog condition, while Oct4 is expressed in N2B27+siNeg (Figure 4C). With these experimental setting, the conclusion that ERK activity is required to maintain Oct4 expression in the naïve to formative pluripotency transition, cannot be reached, because two variations, MEK(i) and siNanog, rather than one variation MEK(i), are there. The experiment should be designed as adding MEK(i) into N2B27+siNeg at various time points, to test whether MEK(i) is able to down-regulate Oct4 expression in the naïve to formative pluripotency transition.

      We appreciate this point. We have now included data (figure 4C, 4E and S5B) to address this issue. As suggested, we performed exit experiments in MEK(i) only, and found that by 36hrs, a substantial proportion of cells have lost Oct4, unlike cells in N2B27 only. Down-regulation of Oct4 is later than in cells treated with MEK(i) + siNanog because of the delayed exit from the naïve state (in which Oct4 expression is independent of ERK). These data support the proposition that ERK activity is required to maintain Oct4 expression in the formative transition. We previously tried adding MEK(i) at various points in N2B27+siNeg conditions but the lack of synchrony made results impossible to interpret. As long as some Nanog positive cells remained, cells would re-activate the naïve network in the presence of MEK(i) and therefore maintain Oct4.

      • Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? No.

      • Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation. The suggested experiment was described above.

      • Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments. It should not cost too much in terms of funding and time.

      • Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? Yes.

      • Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Statistical analysis is lacking for Figure 3E and Figure 4.

      We performed statistical analyses between key comparisons and have added details to the figures and captions.

      Minor comments: - Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable. No.

      • Are prior studies referenced appropriately? Yes.

      • Are the text and figures clear and accurate? Yes.

      • Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions? No.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This work characterized the role of ERK signaling in the transition between naïve and formative pluripotency. The function of ERK in ESC self-renewal and differentiation has been well recognized. Thus, this work provides new discoveries, but no conceptual advances. It should be of interest to a specialized audience in the pluripotency field, which is my expertise.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In the present manuscript, Mulas and colleagues address the question how ERK signaling orchestrates the transition from naïve to formative pluripotency in mouse embryonic stem cells. Combining pharmacological MEK inhibition with siRNA knockdown of candidate transcription factors, they conclude that downregulation of Nanog is an immediate function of ERK signaling that underlies exit from the naïve state. Later on they show that ERK signaling has additional functions beyond downregulating Nanog that are required to make cells competent for formative pluripotency and lineage progression, such that Nanog knockdown cells enter a new indeterminate state in the absence of ERK signaling. Finally, they show that Oct4 is a central mediator of this second function of ERK signaling, since forced Oct4 expression rescues the expression of formative markers even in the presence of MEK inhibitors. They also present time-lapse imaging data of a Spry4- and a Nanog-reporter, based on which they propose that metachronous ERK activity is reflected in metachronous NANOG downregulation. The experiments dissecting the two different functions of ERK signaling in the pluripotency transition are well performed and provide some new interesting perspectives. Overall, the manuscript is well written. I have major concerns regarding the interpretation of the time-lapse imaging experiments (see major point 2 below) that unfortunately feature very prominently in the title of the manuscript.

      Major points:

      1. In lines 174 and 175, the authors write that "acute ERK activation ... [reduces] NANOG protein, which in turn dimishes Esrrb transcription". Although I am aware that this picture is supported by previous literature (e.g. PMID: 23040477), the author's data do not fully support this conclusion. In Fig. 1G for example, Esrrb is downregulated even though Nanog expression is maintained. This discrepancy needs to be discussed.

      There is no real discrepancy because we are not claiming that Nanog is the only factor that regulates Esrrb. However, we recognise the potential for confusion. We have clarified our description of the results and included the statement: “Esrrb down-regulation can occur in part independently of Erk or Nanog.”. This does not invalidate the summary conclusion that “the proximal effect of acute ERK activation on the naïve transcription factor network is to reduce Nanog protein, which in turn diminishes Esrrb transcription.”

      1. The imaging data and analysis presented in Fig. 2 do not support the conclusion that heterogeneous ERK dynamics underlies metachronous pluripotency exit. There are several problems with this section:

      a. As far as I can see, the reporter line used in this study has not been previously used (at least there is no reference to a previous publication), and it has also not been properly validated in the present manuscript. One would for example like to know if the Spry4-FLuc allele encodes for a fusion protein, or whether it disrupts the Spry4 coding sequence. What is the half-life of the Spry4-Fluc protein? A proper description how the line has been generated, as well as an in-depth characterization are essential to evaluate the data.

      We apologise for not providing full information. Both reporters have been previously published and validated. The Spry4 reporter is not a fusion protein. The Fluc is translated from an IRES. We have amended the text to include details of the construction of all the reporters, references and half-life measurements in the methods section that now reads: “Calibration cells (PGK-Nluc-Fluc - (Mandic et al., 2017) and cells carrying Spry4-Fluc transcriptional reporter (Phillips et al., 2019) and Nanog::Nluc fusion were routinely cultured in 2i/LIF as described above. The Spry4-FLuc construct contains a splice acceptor site, followed by an IRES and an Bsd/F2A/NLSluc cassette and has a half-life of 1.56hrs (Phillips et al., 2019). The Nanog:Nluc targeting construct was generating using the previously validated targeting construct for Sox2 (Strebinger et al., 2019) in which 5’ and 3’ homology arms flank a Nluc-loxP-P2A-Puro-sfGFP-loxP cassette. Integration of Nanog::Nluc was initially verified by GFP and Nluc expression, and finally by PCR following excision of the loxP cassette. Using cycloheximide treatment we determined that the reporter had a half-life of 3.02hrs.”

      b. It is not clear that dynamic expression of a Spry4 reporter reflects dynamic ERK signaling. It has been shown that cumulative transcription from the Spry4 locus correlates with long-term ERK activity (e.g. PMID: 29964027), but short-term Spry4-FLuc dynamics could well be driven by other mechanisms, such as transcriptional bursting. Co-staining of ppERK and reporter expression in single cells would be required to address this issue.

      This is a valid point of discussion. Comparing between reporter systems is difficult since the Spry4 reporter used in PMID: 29964027 is fluorescent protein based and is therefore dependent on the time of protein maturation (although very fast compared to other fluorescent proteins) and a half-life of 9hrs as reported by the authors. The bioluminescent reporter requires no maturation time and has a half-life of 1.65hrs (PMID: 28456689).

      Below are our considerations for the choice of reporter and the interpretation of results:

      1. We previously showed that during exit from the naïve state, at the bulk level, pERK activity and some pERK transcriptional targets show dynamic patterns of activity (PMID: 29895711). Therefore, a dynamic pattern of Spry4 expression is not unexpected.
      2. We initially tested different means of measuring ERK activity more directly (ERK-KTR and EKAREV-NLS and EKAREV-NES) but the imaging frequency (

        c. Why is the Spry4-FLuc signal higher at the start of the recording (when cells come out of MEK inhibition and should not have transcribed the reporter) compared to times > 7.5 h, when continuous ERK signaling in N2B27 should drive reporter expression?

      After media change, we typically allowed cells to equilibrate for 30min in the incubator before setting up the imaging. Therefore, there is a ~45min window in which we lack data. From experience (Nett*, Mulas* et al 2018), we know that pERK activity increases within 5-10min after MEK(i) withdrawal and that explains why Spry4-Fluc signal is high as soon as we start the recording. We have now included this clarification in the methods (line 392).

      d. What is the evidence for temporally heterogeneous ERK activation? The authors only show one single trace in Fig. 2B, in which the Spry4-FLuc signal peaks right after release from 2i, as would be expected. Another study using a more direct ERK activity sensor (PMID: 31064783) indicated that this initial ERK activity peak after release from 2i is synchronous in all cells in a population. The authors would need to show several or all Spry4-FLuc traces from their experiment to demonstrate the opposite, otherwise one needs to assume synchronous ERK activation upon release from 2i in the author's experiments as well.

      Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we now provide an additional supplementary figure with all the traces (Supporting Figure 1). This demonstrates asynchrony in the response. Moreover, as per the reviewer’s suggestion, we have now included immunostainings of the first wave of pERK response (In addition, Deathridge et al. included serum in all ESC culture conditions (according to their Methods) which creates a more complex signalling environment.

      e. Why does the cross-correlation of the Spry-FLuc promoter activity (which should go up upon ERK signaling) with the NANOG-NLuc signal (which should go down upon ERK signaling) give positive values? Does this positive correlation reflect the transient nature of Spry4-FLuc expression, thus giving a positive value when Spry4-FLuc promoter activity decays? In this case, what is the meaning of the delay? Overall I found the explanation of this cross-correlation analysis very confusing. Given these problems, I recommend the authors to strongly tone down their conclusions or remove this section altogether, since addressing this multitude of problems might be out of scope for the present manuscript.

      Cross-correlation explicitly includes an analysis of the changes in correlation when a lag (meaning a shift in time) is applied to one of the signals. Therefore, there is no “positive correlation” but rather “positive correlation with a given lag applied”. An example is cross-correlation between a sine wave and a cosine wave (which are going in opposite directions for half the points in any given period and so show a positive correlation with a time lag). In our case, if we time shift the Spry4 signal, it will cross-correlate with the Nanog signal. It is possible we are misunderstanding the point of confusion, but we have reviewed our analysis of the data and believe it to be sound. Moreover, in our opinion the findings represent an important component of our paper and add weight to the conclusions drawn.

      However, we agree that the analysis could be better explained. We have substantially re-written the section with this aim. The main text now reads:

      “We examined the relationship between Spry4 activation and Nanog protein downregulation. After smoothing to remove noise, we used a simple set of ordinary differential equations to calculate the Spry4 promoter activity for each Spry4-Fluc trace (Figure S2C, see methods for details). We created continuous traces by adding the measurements made from each cell end-to-end (Figure S2D). We then measured the cross-correlation between activity of the Spry4 promoter and Nanog protein level. As controls we randomised the Spry4 signal in two ways: first, we randomised the Spry4 signals to measure correlations between Spry4 promoter activity and Nanog downregulation that could be attributable to noise; second, we assigned random time shifts to the Spry4 traces recorded (schematic diagrams shown in Figure S2D). Cross-correlation for the real data is higher than for either of the controls, meaning that the measured Spry4 and Nanog signals are correlated above noise levels and there is a consistent time delay between the two signals. We repeated the analysis for individual traces and observed the same trend (Figure S2F-G, 2D-E). The average lag time is ~80min, indicating that activation of the Spry4 promoter precedes Nanog downregulation. We repeated the analysis for RSK(i) treated cells and observed a stronger correlation at the level of the combined dataset (Figure 2F) as well as in individual cells (Figure 2G, S2H). Interestingly, RSK(i) treatment, which leads to a more sustained peak of pERK1/2 activity (Figure S2B), decreased the average delay (lag) between Spry4promoter activation and Nanog downregulation to 20 min (Figure 2H, S2I). The fact that the lag is short, and not evident in all cells, suggests that Nanog downregulation might not require transcriptional activation.”

      Overall we observe a significant cross-correlation between the rise in Spry-Fluc promoter activity (indicating active ERK-signalling) and the fall in Nanog-Nluc signal.

      However, we agree that this is not the most decisive result in the study and have changed the title of the paper to “Erk signalling eliminates Nanog and maintains Oct4 to drive the formative pluripotency transition”.

      1. In line 217 (section title), the authors write that "failure to transition is not due to genome-wide chromatin dysregulation". It is true that the changes upon MEK inhibition reported in this section are small, but there are some changes, and it is ultimately difficult to know which ones are essential. I suggest to rephrase this section title.

      We have adjusted the section title.

      1. The main finding of Fig. 4 - that Oct4 expression enables formative capacity - is very interesting. One problem throughout this figure is that the authors contrast the control case (N2B27/DMSO + siNeg) with a double perturbation (MEKi + siNanog), making it difficult to demonstrate whether it is the loss of Nanog or the loss of ERK signaling (or both) that results in loss of Oct4 expression. If I have missed something here please clarify.

      We agree with this comment (also pointed out by the other reviewer). We have now included a new figure, showing that treatment with MEK(i) alone leads to loss of Oct4 expression after naïve state exit (updated figure 4E and S5B).

      1. Can the authors speculate, or perhaps even experimentally explore, why Oct4 re-expression enables formative capacity? Oct4 positively regulates Fgf4 expression (PMID: 9814708), raising the possibility that the indeterminate state is caused by insufficient paracrine FGF4 signaling once cells have reached this indeterminate state. Alternatively, Oct4-mediated regulation of a broader set of lineage specifiers might be required to establish formative pluripotency. The authors could explore these possibilities by supplementing cultures with recombinant FGF ligands. While these experiments are not essential for to corroborate conclusions in the present manuscript, could allow the authors to follow up upon what I think is their most interesting finding, and thereby give the manuscript a lift.

      The reviewer raises an interesting point of discussion. In our study transgene driven Oct4 expression was able to induce formative gene expression in MEK(i) conditions, which block FGF/ERK signalling (Figure 4F). Previous studies have shown that relocation of Oct4 to multiple gene loci is instrumental in the formative transition (PMID: 24905168 and PMID: 23271975) and it is known that Oct4 is an essential factor for formative stem cells (PMID: 33271069) and primed EpiSCs (PMID: 29915126).

      Nonetheless we performed experiments to test whether addition of FGF could help rescue expression of formative genes after MEK(i) withdrawal (not shown). However, addition of FGF reduced neural differentiation in control cells and further reduced Sox1 expression in MEK(i)/siNanog treated cells (not shown). Moreover, we saw no significant upregulation of formative genes with addition of FGF (not shown). We decided not to include these results since the literature on the essential role of Oct4 throughout pluripotency is extensive.

      Minor points: 6. Please explain in the methods how gates for identifying RGd2-positive and -negative cells in Fig. 1 B, E have been determined from the FACS plots in Fig. S1C/1B.

      We have added a section in the methods to explain how this is done (Methods section “Flow Cytometry”), and we have now included a representative example in Figure S1C.

      1. For the categorization of marker-positive and -negative cells in immunofluorescence images, the authors should explain in more detail according to which criterion a threshold was determined by ROC analysis. Which positive and negative controls were used in each case?

      We have added the information to the methods section (Immunostaining and quantification).

      1. Does a statistical test on the data in Fig. S1A,B reveal significant differences?

      We have now performed appropriate statistical tests and have added them to both plots to show that there is indeed a significant difference.

      1. Please give units on the x-axis in Fig. 2C?


      1. Fig. 3E: Consider re-arranging. It is not immediately clear that all five bar charts belong to this panel.

      The experiments were carried out in parallel so we feel that the best way to present them is as currently shown.

      1. There is a typo in Fig. S4A - mainteined


      1. Methods, lines 408 - 410: Please state units of the parameters used to estimate promoter activity.


      **Referee Cross-Commenting**

      I agree with reviewer #1's assessment of significance and their reservation regarding the conclusion "ERK activity is required to maintain Oct4 expression in the naïve to formative pluripotency transition". The experiment that the reviewer suggests is reasonable and doable (see also my major point 4.). Even though reviewer #1 has not explicitly commented on the conclusions drawn from Fig. 2, I disagree with their assessment that these conclusions are convincing (see my major point 2.).

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The control of pluripotency transitions by signaling mechanisms as well as transcription factor circuits have been mapped in quite some detail over the last decade. The main advance of this manuscript is that it looks at the interaction between these two levels and thereby provides some new and interesting links. These results will mainly be of interest to a large community of researchers working with pluripotent stem cells. To me, the most intriguing finding of the paper is the indeterminate cell state that the authors detect upon combined Nanog knockdown and MEK inhibition. To my knowledge, such a dead end of differentiation has not been reported before, at least not with pluripotent cells. This result could be a starting point for further investigation, and is of potential interest to a broader stem cell community.

      Expertise: As a stem cell biologist I have the expertise to evaluate all parts of the paper.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In the present manuscript, Mulas and colleagues address the question how ERK signaling orchestrates the transition from naïve to formative pluripotency in mouse embryonic stem cells. Combining pharmacological MEK inhibition with siRNA knockdown of candidate transcription factors, they conclude that downregulation of Nanog is an immediate function of ERK signaling that underlies exit from the naïve state. Later on they show that ERK signaling has additional functions beyond downregulating Nanog that are required to make cells competent for formative pluripotency and lineage progression, such that Nanog knockdown cells enter a new indeterminate state in the absence of ERK signaling. Finally, they show that Oct4 is a central mediator of this second function of ERK signaling, since forced Oct4 expression rescues the expression of formative markers even in the presence of MEK inhibitors. They also present time-lapse imaging data of a Spry4- and a Nanog-reporter, based on which they propose that metachronous ERK activity is reflected in metachronous NANOG downregulation.

      The experiments dissecting the two different functions of ERK signaling in the pluripotency transition are well performed and provide some new interesting perspectives. Overall, the manuscript is well written. I have major concerns regarding the interpretation of the time-lapse imaging experiments (see major point 2 below) that unfortunately feature very prominently in the title of the manuscript.

      Major points:

      1. In lines 174 and 175, the authors write that "acute ERK activation ... [reduces] NANOG protein, which in turn dimishes Esrrb transcription". Although I am aware that this picture is supported by previous literature (e.g. PMID: 23040477), the author's data do not fully support this conclusion. In Fig. 1G for example, Esrrb is downregulated even though Nanog expression is maintained. This discrepancy needs to be discussed.
      2. The imaging data and analysis presented in Fig. 2 do not support the conclusion that heterogeneous ERK dynamics underlies metachronous pluripotency exit. There are several problems with this section:
        • a. As far as I can see, the reporter line used in this study has not been previously used (at least there is no reference to a previous publication), and it has also not been properly validated in the present manuscript. One would for example like to know if the Spry4-FLuc allele encodes for a fusion protein, or whether it disrupts the Spry4 coding sequence. What is the half-life of the Spry4-Fluc protein? A proper description how the line has been generated, as well as an in-depth characterization are essential to evaluate the data.
        • b. It is not clear that dynamic expression of a Spry4 reporter reflects dynamic ERK signaling. It has been shown that cumulative transcription from the Spry4 locus correlates with long-term ERK activity (e.g. PMID: 29964027), but short-term Spry4-FLuc dynamics could well be driven by other mechanisms, such as transcriptional bursting. Co-staining of ppERK and reporter expression in single cells would be required to address this issue.
        • c. Why is the Spry4-FLuc signal higher at the start of the recording (when cells come out of MEK inhibition and should not have transcribed the reporter) compared to times > 7.5 h, when continuous ERK signaling in N2B27 should drive reporter expression?
        • d. What is the evidence for temporally heterogeneous ERK activation? The authors only show one single trace in Fig. 2B, in which the Spry4-FLuc signal peaks right after release from 2i, as would be expected. Another study using a more direct ERK activity sensor (PMID: 31064783) indicated that this initial ERK activity peak after release from 2i is synchronous in all cells in a population. The authors would need to show several or all Spry4-FLuc traces from their experiment to demonstrate the opposite, otherwise one needs to assume synchronous ERK activation upon release from 2i in the author's experiments as well.
        • e. Why does the cross-correlation of the Spry-FLuc promoter activity (which should go up upon ERK signaling) with the NANOG-NLuc signal (which should go down upon ERK signaling) give positive values? Does this positive correlation reflect the transient nature of Spry4-FLuc expression, thus giving a positive value when Spry4-FLuc promoter activity decays? In this case, what is the meaning of the delay? Overall I found the explanation of this cross-correlation analysis very confusing. Given these problems, I recommend the authors to strongly tone down their conclusions or remove this section altogether, since addressing this multitude of problems might be out of scope for the present manuscript.
      3. In line 217 (section title), the authors write that "failure to transition is not due to genome-wide chromatin dysregulation". It is true that the changes upon MEK inhibition reported in this section are small, but there are some changes, and it is ultimately difficult to know which ones are essential. I suggest to rephrase this section title.
      4. The main finding of Fig. 4 - that Oct4 expression enables formative capacity - is very interesting. One problem throughout this figure is that the authors contrast the control case (N2B27/DMSO + siNeg) with a double perturbation (MEKi + siNanog), making it difficult to demonstrate whether it is the loss of Nanog or the loss of ERK signaling (or both) that results in loss of Oct4 expression. If I have missed something here please clarify.
      5. Can the authors speculate, or perhaps even experimentally explore, why Oct4 re-expression enables formative capacity? Oct4 positively regulates Fgf4 expression (PMID: 9814708), raising the possibility that the indeterminate state is caused by insufficient paracrine FGF4 signaling once cells have reached this indeterminate state. Alternatively, Oct4-mediated regulation of a broader set of lineage specifiers might be required to establish formative pluripotency. The authors could explore these possibilities by supplementing cultures with recombinant FGF ligands. While these experiments are not essential for to corroborate conclusions in the present manuscript, could allow the authors to follow up upon what I think is their most interesting finding, and thereby give the manuscript a lift.

      Minor points:

      1. Please explain in the methods how gates for identifying RGd2-positive and -negative cells in Fig. 1 B, E have been determined from the FACS plots in Fig. S1C/1B.
      2. For the categorization of marker-positive and -negative cells in immunofluorescence images, the authors should explain in more detail according to which criterion a threshold was determined by ROC analysis. Which positive and negative controls were used in each case?
      3. Does a statistical test on the data in Fig. S1A,B reveal significant differences?
      4. Please give units on the x-axis in Fig. 2C?
      5. Fig. 3E: Consider re-arranging. It is not immediately clear that all five bar charts belong to this panel.
      6. There is a typo in Fig. S4A - mainteined
      7. Methods, lines 408 - 410: Please state units of the parameters used to estimate promoter activity.

      Referee Cross-Commenting

      I agree with reviewer #1's assessment of significance and their reservation regarding the conclusion "ERK activity is required to maintain Oct4 expression in the naïve to formative pluripotency transition". The experiment that the reviewer suggests is reasonable and doable (see also my major point 4.). Even though reviewer #1 has not explicitly commented on the conclusions drawn from Fig. 2, I disagree with their assessment that these conclusions are convincing (see my major point 2.).


      The control of pluripotency transitions by signaling mechanisms as well as transcription factor circuits have been mapped in quite some detail over the last decade. The main advance of this manuscript is that it looks at the interaction between these two levels and thereby provides some new and interesting links. These results will mainly be of interest to a large community of researchers working with pluripotent stem cells. To me, the most intriguing finding of the paper is the indeterminate cell state that the authors detect upon combined Nanog knockdown and MEK inhibition. To my knowledge, such a dead end of differentiation has not been reported before, at least not with pluripotent cells. This result could be a starting point for further investigation, and is of potential interest to a broader stem cell community.

      Expertise: As a stem cell biologist I have the expertise to evaluate all parts of the paper.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, the authors investigated the role of Erk signaling in the transition from naïve to formative pluripotency. They found that Erk activation eliminates Nanog to allow naïve state exit. However, when Nanog is knocked down in the absence of Erk activation, ESCs exit the naïve state, and enter an indetermined state, unable to proceed to the formative state. The authors further claimed that the failure to the formative state is due to lack of Oct4 expression. In conclusion, Erk signaling is required for the exit from the naïve state and the entry to the formative state.

      Major comments:

      • Are the key conclusions convincing? Most of the key conclusions are convincing, except for the conclusion "ERK activity is required to maintain Oct4 expression in the naïve to formative pluripotency transition". The authors showed that Oct4 expression is diminished under the MEK(i)+siNanog condition, while Oct4 is expressed in N2B27+siNeg (Figure 4C). With these experimental setting, the conclusion that ERK activity is required to maintain Oct4 expression in the naïve to formative pluripotency transition, cannot be reached, because two variations, MEK(i) and siNanog, rather than one variation MEK(i), are there. The experiment should be designed as adding MEK(i) into N2B27+siNeg at various time points, to test whether MEK(i) is able to down-regulate Oct4 expression in the naïve to formative pluripotency transition.
      • Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?

      No. - Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.

      The suggested experiment was described above. - Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.

      It should not cost too much in terms of funding and time. - Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?

      Yes. - Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?

      Statistical analysis is lacking for Figure 3E and Figure 4.

      Minor comments:

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

      No. - Are prior studies referenced appropriately?

      Yes. - Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      Yes. - Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?



      This work characterized the role of ERK signaling in the transition between naïve and formative pluripotency. The function of ERK in ESC self-renewal and differentiation has been well recognized. Thus, this work provides new discoveries, but no conceptual advances. It should be of interest to a specialized audience in the pluripotency field, which is my expertise.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Dear Dr. Sara Monaco,

      Thank you very much for your kind e-mail dated 1-Feb-2024. Please find enclosed our revised version and our point-by-point reply to the comments from the reviewers. We have answered all major and minor points raised by the reviewers. Original Figures and Supplementary Figures were revised and renamed as follows.

      Figure 1 -> Figure 1 and Revised Figure 2

      Figure 2 -> Revised Figure 3 and Supplementary Figure 7

      Figure 3 -> Revised Figure 4

      Figure 4 -> Revised Figure 5 and 6

      Figure 5 -> Revised Figure 7

      Figure 6 -> Revised Figure 8

      Supplementary Figure 1 -> Supplementary Figure 1

      Supplementary Figure 2 -> Revised Supplementary Figure 3

      Supplementary Figure 3 -> Revised Supplementary Figure 4

      Supplementary Figure 4 -> Revised Figure 2

      Supplementary Figure 5 -> Revised Supplementary Figure 6

      Supplementary Figure 6 -> Revised Supplementary Figure 9

      Supplementary Figure 7 -> Revised Supplementary Figure 10

      Supplementary Figure 8 -> Revised Supplementary Figure 11

      Supplementary Figure 9 -> Revised Supplementary Figure 12

      We believe that our revised manuscript has been significantly improved thanks to your help. Thank you very much again for your help.

      Yours sincerely,

      Yosuke Mai and Ken Natsuga

      *Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      SUMMARY In this study, the researchers investigate the spontaneous patterning of keratinocytes. As model they use HaCaT cells, an immortalized keratinocyte line. The cells exhibit a self-organized pattern of high and low cell density, which is disrupted by medium changes but reappear over time. The researchers find that serum starvation and high calcium concentration are crucial for the formation of these keratinocyte patterns. RNA sequencing analysis of regions of high vs low density indicates enrichment in gene ontology terms related to cell-cell adhesion, mainly adherens junctions (AJs), and keratinocyte differentiation. Experimental manipulations, such as inhibiting E-cadherin- or α-catenin-mediated adhesion, and disrupting myosin-II activity, all interfer with the formation of keratinocyte patterns, emphasizing the importance of AJs. Mathematical modeling suggests that cell-cell adhesion alone is sufficient for the emergence of density patterns. Keratinocyte patterns have spatial regulation of keratinocyte differentiation and proliferation. Differentiated cells are abundant in areas of high cell density, while proliferative cells are in areas of low cell density. The authors verify that YAP activity regulates pattern-dependent differentiation and proliferation. The role of serum starvation and cell-cell adhesion through AJs in the differentiation of keratinocytes are supported by epidermal stratification experiments in 3D culture, and ex vivo experiments on mouse skin suction blister wounds. In conclusion, the study provide insights into the spatial regulation of differentiation and proliferation in epidermal cells. MAJOR COMMENTS Although not novel, given that it has been already demonstrated with several other epithelial cell monolayers and in vivo in Drosophila, the conclusions that serum starvation facilitates epidermal stratification through cell-cell adhesion is convincing. It is unclear whether the cell patterning the authors are describing is a real patterning, defined in biology as any regularly repeated cell or structural arrangement or simply an inhomogeneous distribution of cell densities.*

      We have addressed this issue by analyzing our images with the autocorrelation function (see Fig. 1g, 1h, and Supplementary Fig. 5) and confirmed that the distribution of high/low cell density is patterned with the average nearest neighbor distance between areas of high cell density being approximately 300 µm. We have incorporated these new data into the revised manuscript.

      The conclusion that the cell-cell adhesion signaling pathway identified in the paper "might promote wound healing in clinical settings" (last sentence of the abstract) is not substantiated by the results.

      We agree with the reviewer's point and have deleted the sentence in the abstract, accordingly.

      It would be opportune to better describe the type of "cell patterning" that the authors are seeing in their experiments. In my opinion the effect seen in the described experiment is not a "patterning" but a difference in cell density which can be less or more homogeneous in an HaCat monolayer.

      Please see the answer above on our analysis using the autocorrelation function.

      Importantly, it is unclear whether the "cell patterning" is a subsequent consequence or proceed stratification.

      As the mathematical modeling indicated patterning without the need for stratification steps, we believe that cell patterning is not a direct consequence of stratification. However, it is technically difficult to differentiate whether patterning developed prior to stratification in our experimental settings. We have added this limitation to the Discussion of the revised manuscript.

      It is unclear how starvation relates to the increased adhesions and YAP signaling.

      As the reviewer pointed out, we could not address what molecules in the serum are responsible because the serum is a complex mixture of biomolecules that includes hormones, growth factors, vitamins, and other nutrients. We have added this limitation of our study to the revised manuscript.

      The authors conclude the discussion section proposing "that molecules involved in cell-cell adhesion-induced patterning are suitable target candidates to facilitate wound healing". None the experiments done in the wound healing setting are addressing the role of any molecules described in the paper. I would suggest the authors to remove this last claim from the manuscript. Alternatively, the authors should provide evidence that targeting some of the molecules described in the manuscript are accelerating wound healing in a clinically relevant model of wound healing.

      We agree with the reviewer's point and have deleted the passage in the revised manuscript, accordingly.

      I would request the authors to provide the following essential data to substantiate their experiments: - Provide a full gene list related to Figure 2a.

      We have provided the gene list (Supplementary Table 1), accordingly.

      - In relation to Figure 2c, stain for a-catenin and quantify the intensity ration of a-catenin vs a-18-catenin as proper readout of adhesion strength (see Yonemura et al., Nat Cell Biol 2010).

      As the reviewer pointed out, the intensity ratio of α-catenin vs. α18 is a general readout of cell adhesion strength. However, this ratio should be based on similar intensity of alpha catenin between two groups for comparison. In contrast, the intensity of α-catenin itself was weaker in the area with low cell density compared with in that with high cell density in our experimental setting (Supplementary Fig. 8d, e, g), which could greatly affect the ratio. To overcome this problem, we have reanalyzed line plots of α-catenin immunofluorescence, picked up the α18 intensity at the peaks (corresponding to cell-cell adhesion) of α-catenin, and compared that of high and low cell density area. As expected, α18 was more pronounced in the area with high cell density. We have added the data to Supplementary Fig. 8d-h in the revised manuscript.

      - Properly quantify nuclear vs cytoplasmic localization of YAP in low vs high density areas in Figure 4f.

      According to the reviewer's suggestion, we have quantified nuclear/cytoplasmic YAP and added the data (Revised Fig. 6b (original Fig. 4)) to the revised manuscript.

      • The nuclear localization of YAP is not sufficient to demonstrate activation of the YAP signaling. The authors should provide evidence of YAP activity in low vs high density areas looking for example at known downstream target genes in epithelial cells (see Zhao et al., Genes Dev 2007; Yu et al., Cell 2012; Aragona et al., Cell 2013).

      We have analyzed ANKRD1 (Yu et al., Cell 2012) as a YAP readout molecule and confirmed that, in line with YAP dynamics, ANKRD1 was localized in the nucleus of high cell density area. We have provided the data (Revised Fig. 6c, d (original Fig. 4)) for the revised manuscript.

      • The activity of PY-60 in Figure 4g and XAV939 in Figure 4i as YAP activator and repressor respectively, should be controlled against YAP localization and activity.

      We have quantitatively analyzed YAP and ANKRD1 localization upon chemical treatment and added the data (Supplementary Fig. 1a-d, g-j (original Supplementary Fig. 8)) to the revised manuscript.

      • In Figure 5a a quantification of the numbers of cell layers should be used instead of the thickness and a staining and quantification of K14 and K10 should be added to formally address stratification.

      As expected, the number of K10-positive cell layers was larger in serum-starved conditions than in serum-rich conditions, while the number of K14-positive cell layer was comparable between the two groups. We have provided the quantification data (Supplementary Fig. 12 c-e (original Supplementary Fig. 9)) to the revised manuscript accordingly.

      *Most of the proposed experiments are simply additional quantifications of images or adjustments of data that are already available to the authors. I estimate that the remaining experiments can be done in less than a month and will not require additional expertise.

      The methods, figures presentation and legends, and the statistical analysis are adequate, clear and accurate.

      MINOR COMMENTS There are three fundamental studies that the authors should discuss: - Saw, Doostmohammadi et al., Nature 2017. Topological defects in epithelia govern cell death and extrusion. Here, the role of topological defects (see also Bonn et al., Phys Res E 2022) and a-catenin-dependent cell-cell interactions are connected to cell extrusion and Yap activity in epithelial monolayers including HaCat cells. - Miroshnikova et al., Nat Cell Biol 2018. Adhesion forces and cortical tension couple cell proliferation and differentiation to direct epidermal stratification. Here, the authors demonstrated that the increase of cell-cell adhesion couples with a decrease of cortical tension triggers stratification in the skin epidermis. - Boocock et al., Nature Physics 2021. Theory of mechanochemical patterning and optimal migration in cell monolayers. Here, cell density and ERK activity are formalized to be key players in patterning formation in a cell monolayer. In addition, several components of the Hippo-YAP pathway are known regulators of cell-cell adhesion (e.g. AMOT and NF2) and should be discussed (for reference see reviews on the topic Zheng & Pan, Dev Cell 2019; Karaman & Halder Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2018; Gumbiner & Kim, J Cell Sci 2014) as important molecules implicated in the biological phenomena described in the manuscript.0*

      We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion and have cited and discussed these seminal papers in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The study aims at understanding spontaneous patterning of keratinocytes. The authors nicely employ various experimental approaches, including cell imaging, RNA sequencing, cell manipulation by genetic engineering and pharmacological treatments, and mathematical modeling, to elucidate the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating this proces. However, several of the conclusions presented in the manuscript do not present any conceptual advance to the field of self-organization of cell density patterns or epithelial biology.

      The role of starvation in effecting epithelial growth is very well known. The role of AJ in pattern formation has been described previously in epithelial monolayers (Saw, Doostmohammadi et al., Nature 2017) and in vivo in Drosophila (Mao et al., Genes Dev 2011; Mao et al., EMBO J 2013). The effect of cell density on YAP signaling is known (Zhao et al., Genes Dev 2007; Aragona et al., Cell 2013). The importance of AJ for keratinocytes differentiation and stratification has been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo (Miroshnikova et al., Nat Cell Biol 2018). The role of a-catenin upstream of YAP activity in regulating interfollicular epidermis stem cells self-renewal and wound healing has been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo by the group of Fernando Camargo in Cell 2011.

      The manuscript could be of interest for researchers interested in basic cell biology and a specialised audience in cell self-organisation.

      My field of expertise: epithelial biology, stem cell biology, skin homeostasis and wound healing, mechanobiology, YAP signaling. I do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate the mathematical modelling.

      We appreciate the reviewer's constructive comments.

      *Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      Mai et al. reported an interesting observation that serum starvation induced the keratinocytes, a type of epithelial cells, to form a pattern characterized by regions with high and low densities. They showed that this patterning processing depends on cell-cell adhesion using a series of pharmacological treatment and a CRISPR knockout of alpha-catenin. They used mathematical modeling to demonstrate that cell-density dependent stress can sufficiently generate patterns of high and low cell densities, but the interpretation of the modeling is questionable (see below). They showed correlation of a differentiated keratinocyte marker, keratin 10, with the high-density region, but over claimed this result as patterning modulates differentiation. They also showed correlation of YAP activity (cytoplasmic to nuclear ratio) to the high vs. low-density regions. Interestingly, treatment with a YAP activator PY-60 disrupted pattern formation, while the YAP inhibitor XAV939 barely affected pattern formation. Finally, the authors demonstrated that serum starvation increased the thickness of keratinocytes cultured in a trans-well system (which they called 3D culture), and a mouse back skin explant compared to serum-rich culture conditions. In the former system, they showed dependence on alpha-catenin using the CRISPR knockout.

      Major comments:

      The conclusion that "mathematical modeling indicates that cell-cell adhesion alone is sufficient to form regions with high/low cell density" is misleading. The key assumption of the modeling is that the time derivative of stress (d_sigma/dt) is proportional to the cell density (rho), where the proportion parameter (beta) was interpreted as cell adhesion strength. However, beta could be interpreted as any general attractor proportional to the cell density, such as a chemoattractant.*

      Our purpose here is to demonstrate that the model based on the assumption of cell-cell adhesion as a mere source of attractive forces can reproduce the experimentally observed spatial patterning. As the referee rightly points out, the term beta*rho in the second equation allows different interpretations such as the effect of attractant proportional to cell density. Therefore, our mathematical model cannot be used as a proof of the existence of cell-cell adhesion. We have reduced the tone in the revised manuscript.

      In addition, it is unclear why the time derivative of stress (d_sigma/dt) instead of stress itself (sigma) proportional to the cell density. The authors should further clarify the meanings of modeling parameters and be more careful with their conclusions.

      If the system is in the steady state (d_sigma/dt = 0) with no spatial variations (nabla^2 \sigma = 0), then the second equation reduces to sigma = (beta/alpha) rho, namely that the cell density is proportional to stress, as pointed out by the referee.

      Our model, which describes temporal and spatial variations, generalizes this situation. The spatial dependence represented by nabla^2 sigma was introduced according to the Reference 72 (original Reference 51). Furthermore, we introduced the time derivative d_sigma/dt to account for the fact that the system should relax into the steady state described above. We have included these into the revised manuscript.

      Related to above, the authors should revise the title to reflect that the patterning depends on cell-cell adhesion instead of claiming that cell-cell adhesion drives patterning. This would require experimentally demonstrating sufficiency, for example, showing that increasing adhesion in a cell line with low adhesion that does not show patterning can sufficiently induce patterning.

      We agreed with the reviewer and have revised the title into "Patterning in stratified epithelia depends on cell-cell adhesion" and reduce the tone of the final sentence of the Discussion section accordingly.

      The conclusion that "patterning modulates differentiation" is not supported by evidence. Differentiation as evidenced by the presence of keratin 10 occurred as early as day 2 before any signs of patterning (Fig. 4A). When patterning was completely disrupted by alpha-catenin KO, there are still many keratin 10 positive cells. The apparent higher proportion of keratin 10+ cells in the wild type seems to be merely reflecting the higher cell density - if the quantification were normalized by the cell number, they are probably comparable. Overall, the presented data only supports a correlation of the differentiation marker keratin 10 with high-density regions.

      According to the reviewer's suggestion, we have reduced the tone of the title of Revised Fig. 4 (original Fig. 3) and changed it into "Patterning correlates with differentiation and proliferation markers in keratinocytes".

      The choice of RNA-seq comparison groups (high-density vs. low-density culture) is puzzling, since the effects caused by culture density changes may not be related to the high vs. low-density regions in the patterned cultures. There are so many changes there and the rationale of following up on cell adhesion was unclear. In fact, it seems that the RNA-seq data didn't help the logic flow of the paper at all.

      Although we believe that comparison between high-density and low-density culture partly recapitulates high/low cell density regions in our study, the comparison is not identical to patterned cultures as the reviewer pointed out. We have moved RNA-seq data to the Supplementary Information (Supplementary Fig. 7) and added more analysis to address that cell adhesion and differentiation are major differences between high-density and low-density culture, supporting further analysis on this matter in our study.

      The claim of 3D culture of keratinocytes is confusing. The culture in the trans-well insert is still on the flat 2D surface, why should it be called 3D culture? If the point is to culture at air/liquid interface, that should instead be emphasized instead of calling it 3D.

      We have changed "3D culture" into air-liquid interface culture, accordingly.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The observation that serum starvation and replenishment induced reversible patterning of the keratinocytes is quite interesting. However, the biological relevance is unclear - isn't all skin stratified? The evidence supporting the dependence of this patterning on adherens junction by disrupting E-cadherin, myosin, or alpha-catenin is convincing, although not surprising. The involvement of YAP in differentiation vs. proliferation is interesting, but it's in line with the known functions of YAP. The modeling part, with some clarification, can be quite insightful. Overall, this research could be interesting to those working in epithelial morphogenesis, if further developed.

      My expertise is in epithelial tissue morphogenesis, mechanobiology, and extracellular matrix biology.

      We appreciate the reviewer's constructive and thoughtful comments.

      *Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript the authors aim to understand the signals that coordinate spatial patterns of keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation. To address this question the authors use the HaCaT keratinocyte cell line that upon serum starvation forms spatially separated domains of proliferation and differentiation. The data presented in this manuscript potentially suggest that serum starvation works through adherens junctions to create differentially dense fields within the cultures which determines whether cells proliferate or differentiate. The authors then perform experiments to show that junction formation with starvation drive keratinocyte differentiation potentially through YAP signaling. However, these experiments are rather loosely connected and their results often do not support the conclusions drawn by the authors. However, the not well supported conclusion the form the basis for a fact statement, but their data really did not show that. For example, the authors state: "By contrast, YAP inhibition by a tankyrase inhibitor, XAV939, suppressed pattern-dependent proliferation (Fig. 4i, j)," . However, their data do not show that proliferation is pattern-dependent but is nevertheless used to connect to and draw a conclusion about YAP signaling. The data itself appear to be of high quality, figures are well organized and statistics of quantification seem appropriate, but it somewhat problematic that throughout the manuscript it remains unclear if certain statements are hypotheses or conclusions on real data. Pattern formation as a requirement for differentiation is an interesting concept. However, the presented study lacks proper conclusive data how these patterns may contribute to proliferation and differentiation and remains rather short on what exactly is the instructive nature of these patterns, as they only use high density and are not generating own patterns with defined cues that explore what cues contribute. Major points: The statement "According to the RNA-seq data, AJ molecules, such as E-cadherin and actin, were localized at intercellular junctions in areas of high cell density" is not correct. RNA-seq does not allow conclusions about protein localization. Instead, the GO-Term analysis shown in Figure 2b shows downregulation of "cell-adhesion" in dense areas. *

      According to the reviewer's suggestion, we have corrected the sentence. We have reanalyzed our RNA-seq data and confirmed that GO-term "cell-adhesion" was in the top list of both high and low cell density regions. We have provided more data to the revised manuscript (Supplementary Fig. 7 and Supplementary Table 1).

      *Consistently the E-cadherin staining presented in Figure2c suggest lower intercellular E-cadherin levels in the most dense areas. However, any statement about junctional localization of adhesion components requires e.g. intensity quantification at junctions vs. cytoplasm or else to discriminate from intense overall staining due to high cell density and thus high overall junction numbers. *

      Actually, junctional E-cadherin was more pronounced in the high cell density area. We have provided line plot data to confirm this and also added a quantification data (Supplementary Fig. 8).

      Hence, even though potentially true, the statement: "These data suggest that cells in regions of high cell density form AJs in response to intercellular forces" is not fully supported by the data shown so far.

      Please see the answer to the comments of Reviewer 1 on the quantification of α18. We believe that, as α18 intensity is more pronounced in the cell-cell junction of high cell density area compared with low cell density regions, our claim is experimentally supported.

      The authors suggest a pattern of high and low density that is formed over time. However, at the same time high density areas show formation of a second layer. Hence, "denser" areas as observed by phase contrast images or DAPI positive nuclei may either represent dense or stratified cells. What is missing is an analysis of cell density before cells started to stratify making sure only cells in the basal layer are analyzed. Otherwise, density and stratification which are perhaps interdependent in this system cannot be discriminated.

      As the reviewer pointed out, the patterning was analyzed at the level of basal layer. In addition to Figure 1c, we have provided another plane cut immunofluorescence data (Supplementary Fig. 2) to the revised manuscript to address this issue.

      *The mathematical model does not include stratification and it is thus not clear to what extend it may explain the observed patterns. *

      It is true that the model does not account for stratification. It focuses solely on the patterning of cell density in the basal layer. We have incorporated this notion into the revised manuscript as a limitation of this study.

      *Moreover, the model appears to assume variables that have not been determined or cited. This reviewer is not an expert in modeling and thus cannot fully judge the math behind the model. However, the model appears to be biased if it assumes, as mentioned, that cell-adhesion increases with density. *

      The first equation, describing the time evolution of rho (the cell density), incorporates diffusion, collective cell movement due to stress from adjacent cells, and random fluctuations. Each of these terms comes from a general consideration of density dynamics. The second equation, describing stress balance, is a generalization of Reference 72 (originally Reference 51). The crucial assumption here is that the cell-cell adhesion increases with density, which corresponds to the experimental findings (Revised Fig. 3a, b, Supplementary Figure 8a-h).

      What we have demonstrated here is that we only need cell-cell adhesion as a source of attractive interactions for cells to form the density patterning as observed in the experiment. Since it is not self-evident whether the assumption of the density-dependent adhesion entail the emergence of density patterns, we do not believe that our model is begging the question or biased.

      *If low adhesion forces do not produce patterns, what is the counterforce in the model? Are cells allowed to change size to enable low density areas or do cells lose contact with neighbors despite high adhesion strength? *

      Our model does not have a variable corresponding to cell-shape change, which is considered only implicitly: Cells in the low density region (small rho) are regarded as flattened, whereas those in the high density region (large rho) as compressed (though not stratified) (Fig 1c).

      The behavior of the model is controlled by the parameter beta: a smaller beta means that density variations have little effect on stress, whereas a larger beta leads to significant stress changes with density variation. Since stress increases as beta*rho (in the second equation), stress in the low density region remains low even when the parameter beta is large.

      Overall, it appears that the model is set up such, that it tends to reproduce what was observed in experiment. This conclusion, however, may result of an incomplete understanding of the model parameters.

      The model setup, the assumption on the relationship between density and cell-cell adhesion in particular, does not inherently dictate the emergence of high/low density patterns: It might be the case that cell density is uniformly distributed everywhere with uniformly strong adhesion among cells. What our computer simulations have shown, however, is that the model exhibits spatially heterogeneous density patterns for sufficiently high beta values. The emergence of such spatial patterns is not a predefined aspect of the mathematical model itself.

      In the revised manuscript, the non-triviality of the spatial patterning has been made clear in the Results, and more explanations on the mathematical model to address the above points have been added to the Methods section.

      If dense areas do actually represent stratified areas it may not be surprising that the GO analysis indicates an increase in differentiation. A requirement for AJ or intercellular junctions in general is less surprising as stratification requires cell-cell adhesion. The observation that AJ are essential for intercellular junction formation in keratinocytes or in other epithelial cells is not new (e.g. Michels et al. JID 2009).

      We agree with the reviewer in the point that the role of AJ is not new. We have incorporated the notion into the Discussion of the revised manuscript and cited the paper the reviewer indicated.

      The part of the paper addressing the role of YAP suffers from a number of potentially mislead assumptions/conclusions based on a previous experiment which then did not properly supported that conclusion (see also overall comments). For example, the statement "YAP inhibition by a tankyrase inhibitor, XAV939, suppressed pattern-dependent proliferation" contains interdependencies that have not been show [sic]. XAV939 may just inhibit proliferation which is not necessarily pattern dependent. Too much speculation confuses data and hypotheses.

      We agree with the reviewer to point out that pattern-dependency was not supported by our results. We have reduced the tones and corrected these terms in the revised manuscript.

      The 3D HaCaT cultures are performed on transwell filters with medium supply above and below cells, with the assumption that organizing patterns are also formed under these conditions. However, this has not been shown by the authors. Their suggestion that serum starvation may increases thickness of cultures through alterations in the organization of [sic]

      We showed the patterning in air-liquid interface culture in the Supplementary Data (Supplementary Fig. 12a, b, original Supplementary Fig. 9a, b), which presents starvation-induced pattering even in such condition.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The mechanisms that drive self-organization of epithelial cells to spatially separate domains of proliferation and differentiation is in principle a very interesting topic of high interest to the cell and mechanobiology community, [sic]

      We appreciate the reviewer's constructive and thoughtful comments.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript the authors aim to understand the signals that coordinate spatial patterns of keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation. To address this question the authors use the HaCaT keratinocyte cell line that upon serum starvation forms spatially separated domains of proliferation and differentiation. The data presented in this manuscript potentially suggest that serum starvation works through adherens junctions to create differentially dense fields within the cultures which determines whether cells proliferate or differentiate. The authors then perform experiments to show that junction formation with starvation drive keratinocyte differentiation potentially through YAP signaling. However, these experiments are rather loosely connected and their results often do not support the conclusions drawn by the authors. However, the not well supported conclusion the form the basis for a fact statement, but their data really did not show that. For example, the authors state: "By contrast, YAP inhibition by a tankyrase inhibitor, XAV939, suppressed pattern-dependent proliferation (Fig. 4i, j)," . However, their data do not show that proliferation is pattern-dependent but is nevertheless used to connect to and draw a conclusion about YAP signaling. The data itself appear to be of high quality, figures are well organized and statistics of quantification seem appropriate, but it somewhat problematic that throughout the manuscript it remains unclear if certain statements are hypotheses or conclusions on real data. Pattern formation as a requirement for differentiation is an interesting concept. However, the presented study lacks proper conclusive data how these patterns may contribute to proliferation and differentiation and remains rather short on what exactly is the instructive nature of these patterns, as they only use high density and are not generating own patterns with defined cues that explore what cues contribute.

      Major points:

      The statement "According to the RNA-seq data, AJ molecules, such as E-cadherin and actin, were localized at intercellular junctions in areas of high cell density" is not correct. RNA-seq does not allow conclusions about protein localization. Instead, the GO-Term analysis shown in Figure 2b shows downregulation of "cell-adhesion" in dense areas. Consistently the E-cadherin staining presented in Figure2c suggest lower intercellular E-cadherin levels in the most dense areas. However, any statement about junctional localization of adhesion components requires e.g. intensity quantification at junctions vs. cytoplasm or else to discriminate from intense overall staining due to high cell density and thus high overall junction numbers. Hence, even though potentially true, the statement: "These data suggest that cells in regions of high cell density form AJs in response to intercellular forces" is not fully supported by the data shown so far. The authors suggest a pattern of high and low density that is formed over time. However, at the same time high density areas show formation of a second layer. Hence, "denser" areas as observed by phase contrast images or DAPI positive nuclei may either represent dense or stratified cells. What is missing is an analysis of cell density before cells started to stratify making sure only cells in the basal layer are analyzed. Otherwise, density and stratification which are perhaps interdependent in this system cannot be discriminated. The mathematical model does not include stratification and it is thus not clear to what extend it may explain the observed patterns. Moreover, the model appears to assume variables that have not been determined or cited. This reviewer is not an expert in modeling and thus cannot fully judge the math behind the model. However, the model appears to be biased if it assumes, as mentioned, that cell-adhesion increases with density. If low adhesion forces do not produce patterns, what is the counterforce in the model? Are cells allowed to change size to enable low density areas or do cells lose contact with neighbors despite high adhesion strength? Overall, it appears that the model is set up such, that it tends to reproduce what was observed in experiment. This conclusion, however, may result of an incomplete understanding of the model parameters. If dense areas do actually represent stratified areas it may not be surprising that the GO analysis indicates an increase in differentiation. A requirement for AJ or intercellular junctions in general is less surprising as stratification requires cell-cell adhesion. The observation that AJ are essential for intercellular junction formation in keratinocytes or in other epithelial cells is not new (e.g. Michels et al. JID 2009).

      The part of the paper addressing the role of YAP suffers from a number of potentially mislead assumptions/conclusions based on a previous experiment which then did not properly supported that conclusion (see also overall comments). For example, the statement "YAP inhibition by a tankyrase inhibitor, XAV939, suppressed pattern-dependent proliferation" contains interdependencies that have not been show. XAV939 may just inhibit proliferation which is not necessarily pattern dependent. Too much speculation confuses data and hypotheses.

      The 3D HaCaT cultures are performed on transwell filters with medium supply above and below cells, with the assumption that organizing patterns are also formed under these conditions. However, this has not been shown by the authors. Their suggestion that serum starvation may increases thickness of cultures through alterations in the organization of


      The mechanisms that drive self-organization of epithelial cells to spatially separate domains of proliferation and differentiation is in principle a very interesting topic of high interest to the cell and mechanobiology community,

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Mai et al. reported an interesting observation that serum starvation induced the keratinocytes, a type of epithelial cells, to form a pattern characterized by regions with high and low densities. They showed that this patterning processing depends on cell-cell adhesion using a series of pharmacological treatment and a CRISPR knockout of alpha-catenin. They used mathematical modeling to demonstrate that cell-density dependent stress can sufficiently generate patterns of high and low cell densities, but the interpretation of the modeling is questionable (see below). They showed correlation of a differentiated keratinocyte marker, keratin 10, with the high-density region, but over claimed this result as patterning modulates differentiation. They also showed correlation of YAP activity (cytoplasmic to nuclear ratio) to the high vs. low-density regions. Interestingly, treatment with a YAP activator PY-60 disrupted pattern formation, while the YAP inhibitor XAV939 barely affected pattern formation. Finally, the authors demonstrated that serum starvation increased the thickness of keratinocytes cultured in a trans-well system (which they called 3D culture), and a mouse back skin explant compared to serum-rich culture conditions. In the former system, they showed dependence on alpha-catenin using the CRISPR knockout.

      Major comments:

      The conclusion that "mathematical modeling indicates that cell-cell adhesion alone is sufficient to form regions with high/low cell density" is misleading. The key assumption of the modeling is that the time derivative of stress (d_sigma/dt) is proportional to the cell density (rho), where the proportion parameter (beta) was interpreted as cell adhesion strength. However, beta could be interpreted as any general attractor proportional to the cell density, such as a chemoattractant. In addition, it is unclear why the time derivative of stress (d_sigma/dt) instead of stress itself (sigma) proportional to the cell density. The authors should further clarify the meanings of modeling parameters and be more careful with their conclusions.

      Related to above, the authors should revise the title to reflect that the patterning depends on cell-cell adhesion instead of claiming that cell-cell adhesion drives patterning. This would require experimentally demonstrating sufficiency, for example, showing that increasing adhesion in a cell line with low adhesion that does not show patterning can sufficiently induce patterning.

      The conclusion that "patterning modulates differentiation" is not supported by evidence. Differentiation as evidenced by the presence of keratin 10 occurred as early as day 2 before any signs of patterning (Fig. 4A). When patterning was completely disrupted by alpha-catenin KO, there are still many keratin 10 positive cells. The apparent higher proportion of keratin 10+ cells in the wild type seems to be merely reflecting the higher cell density - if the quantification were normalized by the cell number, they are probably comparable. Overall, the presented data only supports a correlation of the differentiation marker keratin 10 with high-density regions.

      The choice of RNA-seq comparison groups (high-density vs. low-density culture) is puzzling, since the effects caused by culture density changes may not be related to the high vs. low-density regions in the patterned cultures. There are so many changes there and the rationale of following up on cell adhesion was unclear. In fact, it seems that the RNA-seq data didn't help the logic flow of the paper at all.

      The claim of 3D culture of keratinocytes is confusing. The culture in the trans-well insert is still on the flat 2D surface, why should it be called 3D culture? If the point is to culture at air/liquid interface, that should instead be emphasized instead of calling it 3D.


      The observation that serum starvation and replenishment induced reversible patterning of the keratinocytes is quite interesting. However, the biological relevance is unclear - isn't all skin stratified? The evidence supporting the dependence of this patterning on adherens junction by disrupting E-cadherin, myosin, or alpha-catenin is convincing, although not surprising. The involvement of YAP in differentiation vs. proliferation is interesting, but it's in line with the known functions of YAP. The modeling part, with some clarification, can be quite insightful. Overall, this research could be interesting to those working in epithelial morphogenesis, if further developed.

      My expertise is in epithelial tissue morphogenesis, mechanobiology, and extracellular matrix biology.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study, the researchers investigate the spontaneous patterning of keratinocytes. As model they use HaCaT cells, an immortalized keratinocyte line. The cells exhibit a self-organized pattern of high and low cell density, which is disrupted by medium changes but reappear over time. The researchers find that serum starvation and high calcium concentration are crucial for the formation of these keratinocyte patterns. RNA sequencing analysis of regions of high vs low density indicates enrichment in gene ontology terms related to cell-cell adhesion, mainly adherens junctions (AJs), and keratinocyte differentiation. Experimental manipulations, such as inhibiting E-cadherin- or α-catenin-mediated adhesion, and disrupting myosin-II activity, all interfer with the formation of keratinocyte patterns, emphasizing the importance of AJs. Mathematical modeling suggests that cell-cell adhesion alone is sufficient for the emergence of density patterns. Keratinocyte patterns have spatial regulation of keratinocyte differentiation and proliferation. Differentiated cells are abundant in areas of high cell density, while proliferative cells are in areas of low cell density. The authors verify that YAP activity regulates pattern-dependent differentiation and proliferation. The role of serum starvation and cell-cell adhesion through AJs in the differentiation of keratinocytes are supported by epidermal stratification experiments in 3D culture, and ex vivo experiments on mouse skin suction blister wounds.

      In conclusion, the study provide insights into the spatial regulation of differentiation and proliferation in epidermal cells.

      Major comments

      Although not novel, given that it has been already demonstrated with several other epithelial cell monolayers and in vivo in Drosophila, the conclusions that serum starvation facilitates epidermal stratification through cell-cell adhesion is convincing. It is unclear whether the cell patterning the authors are describing is a real patterning, defined in biology as any regularly repeated cell or structural arrangement or simply an inhomogeneous distribution of cell densities. The conclusion that the cell-cell adhesion signaling pathway identified in the paper "might promote wound healing in clinical settings" (last sentence of the abstract) is not substantiated by the results.

      It would be opportune to better describe the type of "cell patterning" that the authors are seeing in their experiments. In my opinion the effect seen in the described experiment is not a "patterning" but a difference in cell density which can be less or more homogeneous in an HaCat monolayer.

      Importantly, it is unclear whether the "cell patterning" is a subsequent consequence or proceed stratification. It is unclear how starvation relates to the increased adhesions and YAP signaling. The authors conclude the discussion section proposing "that molecules involved in cell-cell adhesion-induced patterning are suitable target candidates to facilitate wound healing". None the experiments done in the wound healing setting are addressing the role of any molecules described in the paper. I would suggest the authors to remove this last claim from the manuscript. Alternatively, the authors should provide evidence that targeting some of the molecules described in the manuscript are accelerating wound healing in a clinically relevant model of wound healing.

      I would request the authors to provide the following essential data to substantiate their experiments:

      • Provide a full gene list related to Figure 2a.
      • In relation to Figure 2c, stain for a-catenin and quantify the intensity ration of a-catenin vs a-18-catenin as proper readout of adhesion strength (see Yonemura et al., Nat Cell Biol 2010).
      • Properly quantify nuclear vs cytoplasmic localization of YAP in low vs high density areas in Figure 4f.
      • The nuclear localization of YAP is not sufficient to demonstrate activation of the YAP signaling. The authors should provide evidence of YAP activity in low vs high density areas looking for example at known downstream target genes in epithelial cells (see Zhao et al., Genes Dev 2007; Yu et al., Cell 2012; Aragona et al., Cell 2013).
      • The activity of PY-60 in Figure 4g and XAV939 in Figure 4i as YAP activator and repressor respectively, should be controlled against YAP localization and activity.
      • In Figure 5a a quantification of the numbers of cell layers should be used instead of the thickness and a staining and quantification of K14 and K10 should be added to formally address stratification.

      Most of the proposed experiments are simply additional quantifications of images or adjustments of data that are already available to the authors. I estimate that the remaining experiments can be done in less than a month and will not require additional expertise.

      The methods, figures presentation and legends, and the statistical analysis are adequate, clear and accurate.

      Minor comments

      There are three fundamental studies that the authors should discuss:

      • Saw, Doostmohammadi et al., Nature 2017. Topological defects in epithelia govern cell death and extrusion. Here, the role of topological defects (see also Bonn et al., Phys Res E 2022) and a-catenin-dependent cell-cell interactions are connected to cell extrusion and Yap activity in epithelial monolayers including HaCat cells.
      • Miroshnikova et al., Nat Cell Biol 2018. Adhesion forces and cortical tension couple cell proliferation and differentiation to direct epidermal stratification. Here, the authors demonstrated that the increase of cell-cell adhesion couples with a decrease of cortical tension triggers stratification in the skin epidermis.
      • Boocock et al., Nature Physics 2021. Theory of mechanochemical patterning and optimal migration in cell monolayers. Here, cell density and ERK activity are formalized to be key players in patterning formation in a cell monolayer.

      In addition, several components of the Hippo-YAP pathway are known regulators of cell-cell adhesion (e.g. AMOT and NF2) and should be discussed (for reference see reviews on the topic Zheng & Pan, Dev Cell 2019; Karaman & Halder Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2018; Gumbiner & Kim, J Cell Sci 2014) as important molecules implicated in the biological phenomena described in the manuscript.


      The study aims at understanding spontaneous patterning of keratinocytes. The authors nicely employ various experimental approaches, including cell imaging, RNA sequencing, cell manipulation by genetic engineering and pharmacological treatments, and mathematical modeling, to elucidate the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating this proces. However, several of the conclusions presented in the manuscript do not present any conceptual advance to the field of self-organization of cell density patterns or epithelial biology.

      The role of starvation in effecting epithelial growth is very well known. The role of AJ in pattern formation has been described previously in epithelial monolayers (Saw, Doostmohammadi et al., Nature 2017) and in vivo in Drosophila (Mao et al., Genes Dev 2011; Mao et al., EMBO J 2013). The effect of cell density on YAP signaling is known (Zhao et al., Genes Dev 2007; Aragona et al., Cell 2013). The importance of AJ for keratinocytes differentiation and stratification has been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo (Miroshnikova et al., Nat Cell Biol 2018). The role of a-catenin upstream of YAP activity in regulating interfollicular epidermis stem cells self-renewal and wound healing has been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo by the group of Fernando Camargo in Cell 2011.

      The manuscript could be of interest for researchers interested in basic cell biology and a specialised audience in cell self-organisation.

      My field of expertise: epithelial biology, stem cell biology, skin homeostasis and wound healing, mechanobiology, YAP signaling. I do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate the mathematical modelling.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank all reviewers for their thorough assessment and constructive comments. We are glad that the reviewers appreciate that our findings are of interest to the nuclear transport field and that our extension of the use of the RITE methodology can be a valuable tool for the further characterization of NPCs that differ in composition and potentially function. In response to the reviewers’ comments, we have revised the text to incorporate their suggestions and improve overall readability and clarity. Furthermore, we propose to perform a set of additional experiments to address the reviewers’ most important critiques. Below we list our response with the reviewer comments reprinted in dark grey and our response in blue for easier orientation. We have added numbering of the comments for easier orientation.

      Many of the comments made by the reviewers have already been implemented, additional points will be addressed in a revised version of the manuscript as detailed below.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors extended the existing recombination-induced tag exchange (RITE) technology to show that they can image a subset of NPCs, improving signal-to-noise ratios for live cell imaging in yeast, and to track the stability or dynamics of specific nuclear pore proteins across multiple cell divisions. Further, the authors use this technology to show that the nuclear basket proteins Mlp1, Mlp2 and Pml39 are stably associated with "old NPCs" through multiple cell cycles. The authors show that the presence of Mlp1 in these "old NPCs" correlates with exclusion of Mlp1-positive NPCs from the nucleolar territory. A surprising result is that basket-less NPCs can be excluded from the non-nucleolar region, an observation that correlates with the presence of Nup2 on the NPC regardless of maturation state of the NPC. In support of the proposal that retention of NPCs via Mlp1 and Nup2 in non-nucleolar regions, simulation data is presented to suggest that basket-less NPCs diffuse faster in the plane of the nuclear envelope.

      However, there are some points that do need addressing:

      Major Points 1. Taking into account that the Nup2 result in Figure 4B forms the basis for one half of the proposed model in Figure 6 regarding the exclusion of NPCs from the nucleolar region of the NE, there is a relatively small amount of data in support of this finding and this proposed model. For example, the only data for Nup2 in the manuscript is a column chart in Figure 4B with no supporting fluorescence microscopy examples for any Nup2 deletion. Further, the Nup60 deletion mutant will have zero basket-containing NPCs, whereas the Nup2 deletion will be a mixture of basket-containing and basket-less NPCs. The only support for the localization of basket-containing NPCs in the Nup2 deletion mutant is through a reference "Since Mlp1-positive NPCs remain excluded from the nucleolar territory in nup2Δ cells (Galy et al., 2004), the homogenous distribution observed in this mutant must be caused predominantly by the redistribution of Mlp-negative NPCs into the nucleolar territory."

      We have already added fluorescent images of the nup2d strain to figure 4A in the preliminary revision.

      In addition, we will repeat the experiment from Galy et al. 2004 to test whether Mlp-positive NPCs are excluded from nucleoli in our hands as well.

      Furthermore, we propose to carry out more experiments to pinpoint which domains of Nup2 contribute to nucleolar exclusion, which will provide more insight into the mechanism behind this effect. We propose to do this by analyzing NPC localization in mutants expressing truncations of Nup2 with deletions for individual domains as their only copy of Nup2. Regardless of whether we find a single domain of Nup2 responsible of a combinatorial action, this experiment will indicate a potential molecular mechanism for nucleolar exclusion.

      1. The authors could consider utilizing this opportunity to discuss their technological innovations in the context of the prior work of Onischenko et al., 2020. This work is referenced for the statement "RITE can be used to distinguish between old and new NPCs" Page 2, Line 43. However, it is not referenced for the statement "We constructed a RITE-cassette that allows the switch from a GFP-labelled protein to a new protein that is not fluorescently labelled (RITE(GFP-to-dark))" despite Onischenko et al., 2020 having already constructed a RITE-cassette for the GFP-to-dark transition. The authors could consider taking this opportunity to instead focus on their innovative approach to apply this technology to decrease the number of fluorescently-tagged NPCs by dilution across multiple cell divisions and to interpret this finding as a measure of the stability of nuclear pore proteins within the broader NPC.

      We apologize for this imprecise citation. We have modified the text to indicate that our RITE cassette was previously used in two publications. It now reads: “We used a RITE-cassette that allows the switch from a GFP-labelled protein to a new protein that is not fluorescently labelled (RITE(GFP-to-dark)) (Onischenko et al., 2020, Kralt et al., 2022). “

      1. The authors could also consider taking this opportunity to discuss their results in the context of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear pore complex structures published e.g. in Kim et al., 2018, Akey et al., 2022, Akey et al., 2023 in which the arrangement of proteins in the nuclear basket is presented, and also work from the Kohler lab (Mészáros et al., 2015) on how the basket proteins are anchored to the NPC. There is additional literature that also might help provide some perspective to the findings in the current manuscript, such as the observation that a lesser amount of Mlp2 to Mlp1 observed is consistent with prior work (e.g. Kim et al., 2018) and that intranuclear Mlp1 foci are also formed after Mlp1 overexpression (Strambio-de-Castillia et al., 1999).

      Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we extended our discussion of basket Nup stoichiometry and organization in the discussion section including several of the citations mentioned. At this point, we did not see a good way to incorporate discussion about the nuclear Mlp1 foci formed after Mlp1 overexpression. However, this observation is in line with the foci formed in cells lacking Nup60, suggesting that Mlp1 that cannot be incorporated into NPCs forms nuclear foci.

      Minor Points 1. What is the "lag time" of the doRITE switching? Do the authors believe that it is comparable to the approximate 1-hour timeframe following beta-estradiol induction as shown previously in Chen et al. Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 28, Issue 24, 15 December 2000, Page e108, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/28.24.e108

      Our data (e.g. newRITE, Figure S3B) suggest that the switch occurs on a similar timeframe at

      1. The authors could consider a brief explanation of radial position (um) for the benefit of the reader, in Figures 1E (right panel) and 2B (right panel), perhaps using a diagram to make it easier to understand the X-axis (um).

      To address this, we have now included a diagram and refer to it in the figure legend.

      1. In Figure 1G, would the authors consider changing the vertical axis title and the figure legend wording from "mean number of NPCs per cell" to "mean labeled NPC # per cell" to reflect that what is being characterized are the remaining GFP-bearing NPCs over time?

      Thank you for spotting this inaccuracy. We have changed the label to “mean # of labeled NPCs per cell”.

      1. In Figure 2C, the magenta-labeled protein in the micrographs is not described in the figure or the legend.

      As requested, a description has been added in figure and legend.

      1. In Figure S2A, there is an arrow indicating a Nup159 focus, but this is not described in the figure legend, as is done in Figure 2C.

      A description has been added to the legend.

      1. In Figure S3C, the figure legend does not match the figure. Was this supposed to be designed like Figure 3C and is missing part of the figure? Or is the legend a typographical error?

      We apologize for this error and thank the reviewer for spotting it. The legend has been corrected.

      1. In Figure S4B, the spontaneously recombined RITE (GFP-to-dark) Nup133-V5 appears in the western blot as equally abundant to pre-recombined Nup133-V5-GFP. In the figure legend, this is explained as cells grown in synthetic media without selection to eliminate cells that have lost their resistance marker from the population. In Cheng et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2000 Dec 15; 28(24): e108, Cre-EBD was not active in the absence of B-estradiol, despite galactose-induced Cre-EBD overexpression. Would the authors be able to comment further on the Cre-Lox RITE system in the manuscript?

      We note that also in the cited publication, cells are grown in the presence of selection to select (as stated in this publication) “against pre-excision events that occur because of low but measurable basal expression of the recombinase”. Although the authors report that spontaneous recombination is reduced with the b-estradiol inducible system (compared to pGAL expression control of the recombinase only), they show negligible spontaneous recombination only within a two-hour time window. Indeed, we also observe low levels of uninduced recombination on a short timeframe, but occasional events can become significant in longer incubation times (e.g. overnight growth) in the absence of selection. It should be noted that in our system, Cre expression is continuously high (TDH3-promoter) and not controlled by an inducible GAL promoter. We have added the information about the promoter controlling Cre-expression in the methods section.

      1. In Figure 6, the authors may want to consider inverting the flow of the cartoon model to start from the wild type condition and apply the deletion mutations at each step to "arrive" at the mutant conditions, rather than starting with mutant conditions and "adding back" proteins.

      Following the suggestions of the reviewer, we have modified our model to more clearly represent the contributions of the different basket components.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Recent work has drawn attention to the fact that not all NPCs are structurally or functionally the same, even within a single cell. In this light, the work here from Zsok et al. is an important demonstration of the kind of methodologies that can shed light on the stability and functions of different subpopulations of NPCs. Altogether, these data are used to support an interesting and topical model for Nup2 and nuclear-basket driven retention of NPCs in non-nucleolar regions of the nuclear envelope.

      We thank the reviewer for this positive assessment of our work.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this study, Zsok et al. develop innovative methods to examine the dynamics of individual nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) at the nuclear envelope of budding yeast. The underlying premise is that with the emergence of biochemically distinct NPCs that co-exist in the same cell, there is a need to develop tools to functionally isolate and study them. For example, there is a pool of NPCs that lack the nuclear basket over the nucleolus. Although the nature of this exclusion has been investigated in the past, the authors take advantage of a modification of recombination induced tag exchange (RITE), the slow turnover of scaffold nups, the closed mitosis of budding yeast, and extensive high quality time lapse microscopy to ultimately monitor the dynamics of individual NPCs over the nucleolus. By leveraging genetic knockout approaches and auxin-induced degradation with sophisticated quantitative and rigorous analyses, the authors conclude that there may be two mechanisms dependent on nuclear basket proteins that impact nucleolar exclusion. They also incorporate some computational simulations to help support their conclusions. Overall, the data are of the highest quality and are rigorously quantified, the manuscript is well written, accessible, and scholarly - the conclusions are thus on solid footing.

      We thank the reviewer for this assessment.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      I have no concerns about the data or the conclusions in this manuscript. However, the significance is not overly clear as there is no major conceptual advance put forward, nor is there any new function suggested for the NPCs over nucleoli. As NPCs are immobile in metazoans, the significance may also be limited to a specialized audience.

      We respectfully disagree with this assessment. It is becoming increasingly clear that NPC variants are also present in other model systems. We characterize the interaction between conserved nuclear components, the NPC, the nucleolus and chromatin. While the specific architecture of the nucleus varies between species, many of these interactions are conserved. For example, Nup50, the homologue of Nup2, interacts with chromatin also in other systems including mammalian cells and thus may contribute to regulating the interplay between the nuclear basket and adjoining chromatin. Furthermore, our work demonstrates the use of a novel approach in the application of RITE that can be useful for other researchers in the field of NPC biology and beyond. For example, doRITE could be applied to study the properties of aged NPCs in the context of young cells. In the revised manuscript, we attempt to better highlight and discuss the conceptual advances of our manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript of Zsok et al. describes the role of nuclear basket proteins in the distribution and mobility of nuclear pore complexes in budding yeast. In particular, the authors showed that the doRITE approach can be used for the analysis of stable and dynamically associated NUPs. Moreover, it can distinguish individual NUPs and follow the inheritance of individual NPCs from mother to daughter cells. The author's findings highlight that Mlp1, Mlp2, and Pml39 are stably associated with the nuclear pore; deletion of Mlp1-Mlp2 and Nup60 leads to the higher NPC density in the nucleolar territory; and NPCs exhibit increased mobility in the absence of the nuclear basket components.

      The manuscript contains most figures supporting the data, and data supports the conclusions. However, authors need to include better explanations for figures in the text and figure legends. Lack of detailed explanation can pose challenges for non-experts. In addition, the authors jump over figures and shuffle them through the manuscript, which disrupts the flow and coherence of the manuscript.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have modified the figure legends throughout the manuscript in an attempt to make them more accessible to the reader. In addition, we will revise the figure order and text as suggested to improve the flow of the manuscript.

      Major comments: 1) The nuclear basket contains Nup1, Nup2, Nup60, Mlp1, and Mlp2 in yeast. Nup60 works as a seed for Mlp1/Mlp2 and Nup2 recruitment and plays a key role in the assembly of nuclear pore basket scaffold (PMID: 35148185). Logically, the authors focused primarily on Nup60 in the current manuscript. However, NUP153 has another ortholog of yeast - Nup1, which has not been studied in this work. I recommend adjusting the title of the manuscript to: Nup60 and Mlp1/Mlp2 regulate the distribution and mobility of nuclear pore complexes in budding yeast. I also suggest discussing why work on Nup1 was not included/performed in the manuscript.

      We have changed the title to “Nuclear basket proteins regulate the distribution and mobility of nuclear pore complexes in budding yeast”. We think that this better captures the essence of our manuscript than listing all four proteins (Mlp1/2, Nup60 and Nup2) in the title.

      We initially focused on the network that is involved in Mlp1/2 interaction at the NPC. However, we agree that it would be interesting to test, whether Nup1 plays a role in the analyzed processes as well. Since Nup1 is essential in our yeast background, we will use auxin-inducible degradation of Nup1 to test its involvement in NPC distribution.

      2) Figure 2B: I suggest choosing a more representative image for Pml39. It looks not like a stable component but rather dynamic as NUP60 or Gle1 based on figure showed in Figure 2B.

      Due to its lower copy number, Pml39 is much more difficult to visualize than the other Nups. To guide the reader, we have now added arrow heads to point to remaining Pml39 foci at the 14 hour timepoint. The 11 hour time point most clearly show that Pml39 is less dynamic than other Nups such as Nup116, Nup60 or Gle1. At this time point, clear dots for Pml39 can be detected, while e.g. Nup116 in the same figure exhibits a more distributed signal and the signal for Nup60 and Gle1 is no longer visible. We will describe this more clearly in our revised manuscript as well.

      3) Depletion of AID-tagged proteins needs to be supported by Western blot analysis with protein-specific antibodies, and PCR results should be included in supplementary data to demonstrate the homozygosity of the strains.

      The correct genomic tagging of the depleted proteins by AID was confirmed by PCR. We will include this PCR analysis in the supplemental data. Please note that we are working with haploid yeast cells. Therefore, all strains only carry a single copy of the genes. Unfortunately, we do not have protein-specific antibodies against the depleted proteins. However, the Mlp1-mislocalization phenotype demonstrates that depletion of Nup60 is successful and the depletion strain for PolII depletion was used and characterized previously (PMID: 31753862, PMID: 36220102).

      4) Figure 5B: Snapshots of images from the movie are required. There are no images, only quantifications.

      We have replaced the supplemental movie with a movie showing the detection by Trackmate as well as overlaid tracks. As requested, a snapshot of this movie was inserted in figure 5B. We have also moved the example tracks from the supplement to the main figure. Furthermore, we will deposit the tracking dataset in the ETH Research Collection to make it available to the community.

      5) Description of figure legends is more technical than supporting/explaining the figure. For example, below my suggestions for Figure 1D. Please, consider more detailed explanation for other figures. (D) Left: Schematic of the RITE cassette. NUP of interest is tagged with V5 tag and eGFP fluorescent protein where LoxP sites flank eGFP. Before the beta-estradiol-induced recombination, the old NPCs are marked with eGFP signal, whereas new NPCs lack an eGFP signal after the recombination. ORF: open reading frame; V5: V5-tag; loxP: loxP recombination site; eGFP: enhanced green fluorescent protein. Right: doRITE assay schematic of stable or dynamic Nup behavior over cell divisions in yeast after the recombination.

      We have modified the figure legends throughout the manuscript to make them more explanatory and helpful for the reader.

      In addition, I recommend highlighting the result in the title of the figures. Please, re-consider titles for Figure S3.

      We have revised the title for Figure S3 to state a result. It now reads: “Mlp1 truncations localize preferentially to non-nucleolar NPCs.”

      Minor: i) P.1 Line 31. Extra period symbol before the "(Figure 1A)".


      ii) P.2 Line 10. Inconsistent writing of PML39 and MLP1. Both genes are capitalized. The same for P.4 Line 16. In some cases all letters are capitalized in other only the first one.

      We are following the official yeast gene nomenclature by spelling gene names in italicized capitals and protein names with only the first letter capitalized. We are sorry that this can be confusing for readers more familiar with other model systems but we adhere to the accepted yeast nomenclature standards.

      iii) P.2 Line 18-22. The sentence is too long and hard to read. I recommend splitting it into two sentences.

      We agree and have fixed this.

      iv) P.2-3 Line 46-47. The sentence is unclear. Suggestion: We expected that successive cell divisions would dilute the signal of labelled and stably associated with the NPC nucleoporins. By contrast, ...

      We have modified the sentence to read: “When tagging a Nup that stably associates with the NPC, we expected that successive cell divisions would dilute labelled NPCs by inheritance to both mother and daughter cells leading to a low density of labelled NPCs. By contrast,…”

      v) P.4 Line 17-21. Please, consider adding extra information and clarifying lines 19-21. For example, in Line 19 Figure 2B you can add that the reader needs to compare row 1 and row 4.

      Thank you, we have fixed this as suggested.

      vi) P. 5 Line 15. When a number begins a sentence, that number should always be spelled out. You can pe-phrase the sentence to avoid it. Also, I recommend adding an explanation/hypothesis of why new NPCs are less frequently detected in nucleolar territory.

      We have formatted the text. Interestingly, new NPCs are more frequently detected in the nucleolar territory. We have reformulated this section to make it clearer, also in response to the next comment.

      vii) P.5 Line 17-22. I recommend re-phrasing these two sentences. Logically, it is clear that Mlp1/Mlp2 loss mimics "old NPCs" to look more like "new NPCs", and for that reason, they are more frequently included in the nucleolar territory, but it is not clear when you read these two sentences from the first time.

      We have reformulated this section to make it clearer.

      viii) P6. Line 16. No figure supporting data on graph (Figure 3B).

      We have added fluorescent images of the nup2d strain to figure 4A.

      ix) P.7 Line 10-13. The sentence is unclear.

      We have shortened the sentence and moved part of the content to the discussion in the next paragraph.

      x) P.13,14 etc. If 0h timepoint has been used for normalization, why is it present on the graph?

      The 0h timepoint is shown for comparison and to illustrate the standard deviation in the data.

      xi) P.15. Line 32-33. There is no image here. Potentially wrong description of the figure.

      Thank you for spotting this. This was fixed.

      xii) Figures: - Inconsistent labeling of figures. For example, Fig.1, Fig.1S, Figure 2 etc.

      Thank you, this has been corrected.

      • Inconsistent labeling of figures. For example, Fig.1 G "mean number of NPCs per cell" - no capitalization of the first letter. Fig.1S "Fraction in population" is capitalize d. In general, titles of axis should be capitalized.

      Thank you for spotting this. This was fixed.

      Suggestions for Figure 1D and Figure 6 are attached as a separate file.

      We thank the reviewer for their suggestions to improve these figures. We have taken their recommendation and revised the figures accordingly (see also response to reviewer 1, minor point 8).

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Zsok et al. used the recombination-induced tag exchange (RITE) approach, which is an interesting and powerful method to follow individual NUPs over time with respect to their localization and abundance. This approach has been used before in PMID: 36515990 to distinguish pre-existing and newly synthesized Nup2 populations and has been extended to other basket NUPs in this work. Using this method, the authors support the earlier data on basket nucleoporins and highlight new insights on how basket nucleoporins regulate NPCs distribution and mobility. Overall, the manuscript provides new details on the stability of nucleoporins in yeast and how these data align with the mass spectrometry and FRAP data performed earlier in other studies. The limitation of this study is the absence of data on Nup1. It was unclear why these data were not present. Additional data can be included on the dynamics of Pml39, for example, using the FRAP method. The dynamic of Pml39 at the pore was shown only using the doRITE method.

      As suggested, we propose to test whether Nup1 influences NPC organization (see also above). Unfortunately, we are not able to provide orthologous data for the dynamics of Pml39. As we have discussed in the manuscript, FRAP is not suitable for the analysis of the dynamics of most nucleoporins in yeast due to the high lateral mobility of NPCs in the nuclear envelope and has previously generated misleading results for Mlp1. Furthermore, the low expression levels of Pml39 will make it difficult to obtain reliable FRAP curves for this protein. We therefore do not think that adding FRAP experiments with Pml39 will provide valuable insight.

      However, in addition to the Pml39 doRITE result itself, our observation that the Pml39-dependent pool of Mlp1 exhibits stable association with the NPC supports the interpretation of Pml39 as a stable protein as well.

      In general, this study represents a unique research study of basic research on nuclear pore proteins that will be of general interest to the nuclear transport field.

      Field of expertise: nuclear-cytoplasmic transport, nuclear pore, inducible protein degradation. I do not have sufficient expertise in ExTrack.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript of Zsok et al. describes the role of nuclear basket proteins in the distribution and mobility of nuclear pore complexes in budding yeast. In particular, the authors showed that the doRITE approach can be used for the analysis of stable and dynamically associated NUPs. Moreover, it can distinguish individual NUPs and follow the inheritance of individual NPCs from mother to daughter cells. The author's findings highlight that Mlp1, Mlp2, and Pml39 are stably associated with the nuclear pore; deletion of Mlp1-Mlp2 and Nup60 leads to the higher NPC density in the nucleolar territory; and NPCs exhibit increased mobility in the absence of the nuclear basket components.

      The manuscript contains most figures supporting the data, and data supports the conclusions. However, authors need to include better explanations for figures in the text and figure legends. Lack of detailed explanation can pose challenges for non-experts. In addition, the authors jump over figures and shuffle them through the manuscript, which disrupts the flow and coherence of the manuscript.

      Major comments:

      • The nuclear basket contains Nup1, Nup2, Nup60, Mlp1, and Mlp2 in yeast. Nup60 works as a seed for Mlp1/Mlp2 and Nup2 recruitment and plays a key role in the assembly of nuclear pore basket scaffold (PMID: 35148185). Logically, the authors focused primarily on Nup60 in the current manuscript. However, NUP153 has another ortholog of yeast - Nup1, which has not been studied in this work. I recommend adjusting the title of the manuscript to: Nup60 and Mlp1/Mlp2 regulate the distribution and mobility of nuclear pore complexes in budding yeast. I also suggest discussing why work on Nup1 was not included/performed in the manuscript.
      • Figure 2B: I suggest choosing a more representative image for Pml39. It looks not like a stable component but rather dynamic as NUP60 or Gle1 based on figure showed in Figure 2B.
      • Depletion of AID-tagged proteins needs to be supported by Western blot analysis with protein-specific antibodies, and PCR results should be included in supplementary data to demonstrate the homozygosity of the strains.
      • Figure 5B: Snapshots of images from the movie are required. There are no images, only quantifications.
      • Description of figure legends is more technical than supporting/explaining the figure. For example, below my suggestions for Figure 1D. Please, consider more detailed explanation for other figures. (D) Left: Schematic of the RITE cassette. NUP of interest is tagged with V5 tag and eGFP fluorescent protein where LoxP sites flank eGFP. Before the beta-estradiol-induced recombination, the old NPCs are marked with eGFP signal, whereas new NPCs lack an eGFP signal after the recombination. ORF: open reading frame; V5: V5-tag; loxP: loxP recombination site; eGFP: enhanced green fluorescent protein. Right: doRITE assay schematic of stable or dynamic Nup behavior over cell divisions in yeast after the recombination.

      In addition, I recommend highlighting the result in the title of the figures. Please, re-consider titles for Figure S3.


      P.1 Line 31. Extra period symbol before the "(Figure 1A)".

      P.2 Line 10. Inconsistent writing of PML39 and MLP1. Both genes are capitalized. The same for P.4 Line 16. In some cases all letters are capitalized in other only the first one.

      P.2 Line 18-22. The sentence is too long and hard to read. I recommend splitting it into two sentences.

      P.2-3 Line 46-47. The sentence is unclear. Suggestion: We expected that successive cell divisions would dilute the signal of labelled and stably associated with the NPC nucleoporins. By contrast, ...

      P.4 Line 17-21. Please, consider adding extra information and clarifying lines 19-21. For example, in Line 19 Figure 2B you can add that the reader needs to compare row 1 and row 4.

      P. 5 Line 15. When a number begins a sentence, that number should always be spelled out. You can pe-phrase the sentence to avoid it. Also, I recommend adding an explanation/hypothesis of why new NPCs are less frequently detected in nucleolar territory.

      P.5 Line 17-22. I recommend re-phrasing these two sentences. Logically, it is clear that Mlp1/Mlp2 loss mimics "old NPCs" to look more like "new NPCs", and for that reason, they are more frequently included in the nucleolar territory, but it is not clear when you read these two sentences from the first time.

      P6. Line 16. No figure supporting data on graph (Figure 3B).

      P.7 Line 10-13. The sentence is unclear.

      P.13,14 etc. If 0h timepoint has been used for normalization, why is it present on the graph?

      P.15. Line 32-33. There is no image here. Potentially wrong description of the figure.


      • Inconsistent labeling of figures. For example, Fig.1, Fig.1S, Figure 2 etc.
      • Inconsistent labeling of figures. For example, Fig.1 G "mean number of NPCs per cell" - no capitalization of the first letter. Fig.1S "Fraction in population" is capitalized. In general, titles of axis should be capitalized.

      Suggestions for Figure 1D and Figure 6 are attached as a separate file.


      Zsok et al. used the recombination-induced tag exchange (RITE) approach, which is an interesting and powerful method to follow individual NUPs over time with respect to their localization and abundance. This approach has been used before in PMID: 36515990 to distinguish pre-existing and newly synthesized Nup2 populations and has been extended to other basket NUPs in this work. Using this method, the authors support the earlier data on basket nucleoporins and highlight new insights on how basket nucleoporins regulate NPCs distribution and mobility. Overall, the manuscript provides new details on the stability of nucleoporins in yeast and how these data align with the mass spectrometry and FRAP data performed earlier in other studies. The limitation of this study is the absence of data on Nup1. It was unclear why these data were not present. Additional data can be included on the dynamics of Pml39, for example, using the FRAP method. The dynamic of Pml39 at the pore was shown only using the doRITE method.

      In general, this study represents a unique research study of basic research on nuclear pore proteins that will be of general interest to the nuclear transport field.

      Field of expertise: nuclear-cytoplasmic transport, nuclear pore, inducible protein degradation. I do not have sufficient expertise in ExTrack.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, Zsok et al. develop innovative methods to examine the dynamics of individual nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) at the nuclear envelope of budding yeast. The underlying premise is that with the emergence of biochemically distinct NPCs that co-exist in the same cell, there is a need to develop tools to functionally isolate and study them. For example, there is a pool of NPCs that lack the nuclear basket over the nucleolus. Although the nature of this exclusion has been investigated in the past, the authors take advantage of a modification of recombination induced tag exchange (RITE), the slow turnover of scaffold nups, the closed mitosis of budding yeast, and extensive high quality time lapse microscopy to ultimately monitor the dynamics of individual NPCs over the nucleolus. By leveraging genetic knockout approaches and auxin-induced degradation with sophisticated quantitative and rigorous analyses, the authors conclude that there may be two mechanisms dependent on nuclear basket proteins that impact nucleolar exclusion. They also incorporate some computational simulations to help support their conclusions. Overall, the data are of the highest quality and are rigorously quantified, the manuscript is well written, accessible, and scholarly - the conclusions are thus on solid footing.


      I have no concerns about the data or the conclusions in this manuscript. However, the significance is not overly clear as there is no major conceptual advance put forward, nor is there any new function suggested for the NPCs over nucleoli. As NPCs are immobile in metazoans, the significance may also be limited to a specialized audience.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors extended the existing recombination-induced tag exchange (RITE) technology to show that they can image a subset of NPCs, improving signal-to-noise ratios for live cell imaging in yeast, and to track the stability or dynamics of specific nuclear pore proteins across multiple cell divisions. Further, the authors use this technology to show that the nuclear basket proteins Mlp1, Mlp2 and Pml39 are stably associated with "old NPCs" through multiple cell cycles. The authors show that the presence of Mlp1 in these "old NPCs" correlates with exclusion of Mlp1-positive NPCs from the nucleolar territory. A surprising result is that basket-less NPCs can be excluded from the non-nucleolar region, an observation that correlates with the presence of Nup2 on the NPC regardless of maturation state of the NPC. In support of the proposal that retention of NPCs via Mlp1 and Nup2 in non-nucleolar regions, simulation data is presented to suggest that basket-less NPCs diffuse faster in the plane of the nuclear envelope.

      However, there are some points that do need addressing:

      Major Points

      1. Taking into account that the Nup2 result in Figure 4B forms the basis for one half of the proposed model in Figure 6 regarding the exclusion of NPCs from the nucleolar region of the NE, there is a relatively small amount of data in support of this finding and this proposed model. For example, the only data for Nup2 in the manuscript is a column chart in Figure 4B with no supporting fluorescence microscopy examples for any Nup2 deletion. Further, the Nup60 deletion mutant will have zero basket-containing NPCs, whereas the Nup2 deletion will be a mixture of basket-containing and basket-less NPCs. The only support for the localization of basket-containing NPCs in the Nup2 deletion mutant is through a reference "Since Mlp1-positive NPCs remain excluded from the nucleolar territory in nup2Δ cells (Galy et al., 2004), the homogenous distribution observed in this mutant must be caused predominantly by the redistribution of Mlp-negative NPCs into the nucleolar territory."
      2. The authors could consider utilizing this opportunity to discuss their technological innovations in the context of the prior work of Onischenko et al., 2020. This work is referenced for the statement "RITE can be used to distinguish between old and new NPCs" Page 2, Line 43. However, it is not referenced for the statement "We constructed a RITE-cassette that allows the switch from a GFP-labelled protein to a new protein that is not fluorescently labelled (RITE(GFP-to-dark))" despite Onischenko et al., 2020 having already constructed a RITE-cassette for the GFP-to-dark transition. The authors could consider taking this opportunity to instead focus on their innovative approach to apply this technology to decrease the number of fluorescently-tagged NPCs by dilution across multiple cell divisions and to interpret this finding as a measure of the stability of nuclear pore proteins within the broader NPC.
      3. The authors could also consider taking this opportunity to discuss their results in the context of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear pore complex structures published e.g. in Kim et al., 2018, Akey et al., 2022, Akey et al., 2023 in which the arrangement of proteins in the nuclear basket is presented, and also work from the Kohler lab (Mészáros et al., 2015) on how the basket proteins are anchored to the NPC. There is additional literature that also might help provide some perspective to the findings in the current manuscript, such as the observation that a lesser amount of Mlp2 to Mlp1 observed is consistent with prior work (e.g. Kim et al., 2018) and that intranuclear Mlp1 foci are also formed after Mlp1 overexpression (Strambio-de-Castillia et al., 1999).

      Minor Points

      1. What is the "lag time" of the doRITE switching? Do the authors believe that it is comparable to the approximate 1-hour timeframe following beta-estradiol induction as shown previously in Chen et al. Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 28, Issue 24, 15 December 2000, Page e108, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/28.24.e108
      2. The authors could consider a brief explanation of radial position (um) for the benefit of the reader, in Figures 1E (right panel) and 2B (right panel), perhaps using a diagram to make it easier to understand the X-axis (um).
      3. In Figure 1G, would the authors consider changing the vertical axis title and the figure legend wording from "mean number of NPCs per cell" to "mean labeled NPC # per cell" to reflect that what is being characterized are the remaining GFP-bearing NPCs over time?
      4. In Figure 2C, the magenta-labeled protein in the micrographs is not described in the figure or the legend.
      5. In Figure S2A, there is an arrow indicating a Nup159 focus, but this is not described in the figure legend, as is done in Figure 2C.
      6. In Figure S3C, the figure legend does not match the figure. Was this supposed to be designed like Figure 3C and is missing part of the figure? Or is the legend a typographical error?
      7. In Figure S4B, the spontaneously recombined RITE (GFP-to-dark) Nup133-V5 appears in the western blot as equally abundant to pre-recombined Nup133-V5-GFP. In the figure legend, this is explained as cells grown in synthetic media without selection to eliminate cells that have lost their resistance marker from the population. In Cheng et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2000 Dec 15; 28(24): e108, Cre-EBD was not active in the absence of B-estradiol, despite galactose-induced Cre-EBD overexpression. Would the authors be able to comment further on the Cre-Lox RITE system in the manuscript?
      8. In Figure 6, the authors may want to consider inverting the flow of the cartoon model to start from the wild type condition and apply the deletion mutations at each step to "arrive" at the mutant conditions, rather than starting with mutant conditions and "adding back" proteins.


      Recent work has drawn attention to the fact that not all NPCs are structurally or functionally the same, even within a single cell. In this light, the work here from Zsok et al. is an important demonstration of the kind of methodologies that can shed light on the stability and functions of different subpopulations of NPCs. Altogether, these data are used to support an interesting and topical model for Nup2 and nuclear-basket driven retention of NPCs in non-nucleolar regions of the nuclear envelope.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewers for their time and effort in assessing our preprint. We have revised our manuscript and addressed their comments in our point-by-point response as follows:

      Reviewer 1

      The authors should cite the existing mCherry-transgenic quail lines reported by Huss et al. (2015) to compare their performance. The lines developed by Huss et al. carry multiple transgenes, and the transgene-derived fluorescence is detectable under a fluorescent stereomicroscope, which indicates that the expression of substantially high levels of fluorescent proteins in quail cells does not affect quail embryogenesis or growth.

      We have now cited the transgenic mCherry line reported by Huss et al, 2015 as an example of using live imaging of avian embryos to study development but we feel that a direct comparison between the line is invalid as the Tg(PGK1:H2B-chFP) line they report has a nuclear localised fluorescent protein and ours expresses an actin-binding fluorescent protein.

      We note that Huss et al generated three independent transgenic quail lines (Q1-3), but each only contained a single copy of the transgene (as shown in their Fig S2).

      Finally, we would like to highlight that the transgene-derived fluorescence of our Lifeact-EGFP quail line is also easily detectable under a stereomicroscope and we use this method to screen for positive Lifeact-EGFP embryos for experiments. As we show in Figure 1, the Lifeact-EGFP expression does not affect quail embryogenesis or growth.

      Here, the authors developed only a single line of single copy integration of a transgene using a weak promoter. This suggests that the procedure used by the authors to produce transgenic quail may be inefficient and that the transgene expression level is lower. The authors should present an objective measure of the transgene expression levels.

      To generate the transgenic line, we used transfection of primordial germ cells as described previously (Barzilai-Tutsch, Hila et al., eLife, 2022; Serralbo, O et al., eLife, 2020). We deliberately chose to use a UbC promoter to drive moderate expression of Lifeact to avoid potential artifacts relating to Lifeact overexpression (Courtemanche, N. et al., Nature Cell Biology, 2016; Flores, L. R. et al., Sci Rep, 2019; Spracklen, A. J. et al., Developmental Biology, 2014; Xu, R. and Du, S., Front Cell Dev Biol, 2021).

      This methodology not only generates a line with no defects in growth but it also allows us to perform high-resolution imaging and to computationally segment and quantify actin in live embryos. To objectively evaluate the transgene expression level, we have now measured the signal-to-noise ratio of Lifeact-EGFP expression and found it does not differ from that of the standard actin stain Phalloidin. We have included these measurements in Figure S1.

      Although the authors attempted to record philopodial dynamics, the images of philopodia are fuzzy. Sharper philopodial images have been published using the Huss et al. transgenic quail embryos (Sato et al., 2017), where mCherry fluorescence is widespread in the cytoplasm, which indicates no advantage of actin-associated fluorescence. (Sato Y, Nagatoshi K, Hamano A, Imamura Y, Huss D, Uchida S, Lansford R. Basal filopodia and vascular mechanical stress organize fibronectin into pillars bridging the mesoderm-endoderm gap. Development 2017; 144(2):281-291. doi.org/10.1242/dev.141259)

      The mCherry transgenic line reported by Huss et al, 2015 and used by Sato et al, 2017 ubiquitously expresses nuclear-localized mCherry fluorescent protein (Tg(PGK1:H2B-chFP)). It does not label the cytoplasm or the membrane and was used to follow cell nuclei in one set of experiments (Sato et al, 2017, Figure 6).

      The mCherry labelling of filopodia in Sato et al, 2017 was performed by DNA electroporation into wildtype embryos. Our Lifeact-EGFP transgenic line confers an advantage over this approach by 1) removing the need for electroporation to label filopodia and 2) labelling the endogenous actin that forms the filopodial structure. Although we have not optimised the imaging conditions to visualise the somitic filopodia described by Sato et al, nevertheless, we can see them quite clearly in the cross-section of our live imaging of the Lifeact-EGFP quail as demonstrated in the attached response to reviewers document.

      These filopodia, also referred to as filopodia-like protrusions (Sagar et al., Development, 2015), extend from the dorsal surface of the somites towards the ectoderm and can be seen in fixed embryos stained with Phalloidin in Figure S1 in the paper by Sato et al.

      The feasibility of live imaging is, of course, the advantage of Lifeact-EGFP; however, the actin fiber images using Lifeact-EGFP are unclear, partially because Lifeact binds to G-actin with a greater affinity than to F-actin. The authors should compare phalloidin-staining and Lifeac-EGFP on the same high-power fields of fixed specimens. The current manuscript compares staining with Lifeact-EGFP and Phalloidin-568 only under low-power magnification (Figure 1).

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. Although the data presented in Figure 1 are tiled images of Phalloidin-568 and Lifeact-EGFP taken on the same fixed specimens on a confocal microscope, we now also include a higher magnification image. This data clearly demonstrates the extensive overlap between Phalloidin, Lifeact-EGFP and SPY650 FastAct dye labelling (Figure 1E).

      Furthermore, we found no significant difference in signal-to-noise ratio of Lifeact-EGFP fluorescence compared to Phalloidin-568 staining (Figure S1).

      Data concerning the apical constriction indicated the versatility and limitations of the Lifeact-EGFP transgenic quail line. The transgenic mouse line carrying ZO1-EGFP transgene, better suited for analyzing the apical constriction issue and employed by Francou et al. (2023), provided cleaner data.

      The dynamics of actin during apical constriction have mostly been studied in invertebrate models where it was revealed that pulsed contractions of a medioapical actomyosin network form a ratchet-like mechanism to drive shrinkage of the apical cell area (Martin, A. C. et al., Nature, 2009; Solon, J. et al., Cell, 2009). More recently, a similar process of pulsatile apical constriction has been demonstrated in Xenopus (Christodoulou, N. and Skourides, P. A., Cell Rep, 2015) and mouse embryos (Francou, A. et al., eLife, 2023). However, the ZO1-EGFP transgenic mouse line labels tight junctions, so the dynamics of actin were inferred from staining of fixed samples by Francou et al. The Lifeact-EGFP transgenic quail line enabled us to both segment the cells and directly measure the intensity and localisation of actin as cells underwent apical constriction in a higher vertebrate embryo, providing direct information about the actin dynamics driving apical area change.

      The significance of the FRAP analysis presented in Figure 4 (F to I) is questionable. (1) The FRAP of Lifeact-EGFP that jumps between G-actin and F-actin was measured. Therefore, the data are a composite of G-actin-bound, F-actin-bound, and free transitory Lifeact-EGFP; the data do not directly reflect actin dynamics. (2) The authors should have measured FRAP at different positions in cells using smaller ROIs at the cell junction, next to the cell junction, and remote from the cell junction. (3) Because the FRAP of their measurements involves different molecular states, the recovery curve should be decomposed into individual components before discussing the difference in the recovery rates. (4) The wide range fluctuation of fluorescence intensity during the recovery process, even using a wide (4 µm × 4 µm) ROI, suggests that the fluorescence level before photobleaching was very low, which indicates a limitation in the use of the transgenic quail line with a single copy of Lifeact-EGFP.

      We apologise if the text was not clear. We did not intend to measure actin dynamics directly, but rather to compare the stability of actin at the vertices of multicellular rosettes of different orders. We used a relatively large ROI (to encompass the vertex) and measured fluorescence recovery at the vertices of lower-order (5-cell) rosettes vs higher-order (8-cell) rosettes to understand if actin stability at the vertex changes as the rosette increases in order. The fluorescence intensity level of the Lifeact-EGFP is high at the vertices of the rosettes (see Fig 4F) and the fluctuation range of fluorescence intensity during recovery was in line with what we have observed previously performing FRAP measurements in living mouse embryos (Samarage*, C.R., White*, M.D., Alvarez*, Y.A et al., Developmental Cell, 2015; Zenker*, J., White*, M. D. et al., Cell, 2018).

      To our knowledge, these are the first FRAP measurements of actin at rosette vertices.

      We have updated the text to clarify as follows:

      "To examine the stability of the actin remaining at the centre of the multicellular rosettes following contraction of the supracellular cables we used Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP)."

      The authors used three wavelengths to detect fluorescence: DAPI (blue), EGFP (green), and Phaloidin-568 (red). Oddly, the authors presented the EGFP fluorescence in orange and Phaloidin-568 in gray in the pseudocolors.

      We chose to pseudocolour the images to make them accessible to people with colour blindness in accordance with current conventions.

      The data presented indicates that although Lifeact-EGFP-dependent actin labeling is useful for live imaging, its efficacy is restricted by elevated levels of background fluorescence.

      We do not find the live imaging to be restricted by high levels of background noise. Our imaging reveals an average Signal-to-Noise ratio of 1.83 +/- 0.17 (mean +/- sem) in fixed samples in Figure 1. The live imaging revealed a Signal-to-Noise ratio of 1.92 +/- 0.13 for embryos imaged in Figures 2, 3 and 4 which is comparable to the signal in the fixed embryos for both Lifeact-EGFP and Phalloidin-568.

      We can live-image the Lifeact-EGFP embryos at high resolution for extended periods (for example, tiled z-stacks at 40x magnification every 6 - 20 minutes for 4 - 10 hours) with the laser power low enough to avoid phototoxicity. Our imaging data is also of sufficient quality to allow computational segmentation with a high degree of accuracy (as demonstrated in Figures 3 and 4).

      Reviewer 2

      Alvarez and colleagues have generated a transgenic quail line expressing the popular Lifeact-eGFP reporter. This is the first actin reporter line in quail, and enables visualization and characterization of cell shapes and behaviors by following actin-rich structures. The reporter is ubiquitously expressed, and of sufficient brightness to enable high resolution live imaging. To demonstrate its usability, the authors visualized cellular protrusions and actin-rich structures during neural tube closure, migration of cardiac progenitor cells, and examined pulsatile apical constriction in the developing neuroepithelium. These results serve more as a proof-of-principle for the utility of the line rather than an in-depth analysis of any particular cell biology/mechanism, but do contain some insights and avenues for further follow-up. In general this is a nice characterization of a line that I am sure people in the avian embryo field have long been waiting for, and will be in high demand in the future.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments and recognition of the usefulness of the Lifeact-EGFP quail as a new model system.

      I have a few minor comments/suggestions:

      1) It would be good if the authors could elaborate on the relative photostability of the line - does it bleach quickly? Show any signs of phototoxicity?

      The photostability is dependent on the imaging conditions. In general, we have not noticed significant bleaching and there are no bleach corrections performed on the movies we show. We do not see signs of phototoxicity with the imaging conditions we are using.

      To address the photostability in more depth we examined our most challenging imaging set-ups. The high spatiotemporal imaging of lamellipodia and actin flow in Figure 1 was performed by imaging a single z-plane at 60x magnification every 5 seconds for 17.25 mins. Despite acquiring over 200 images, there was only a 9.26% loss of Lifeact-EGFP intensity during this intensive imaging.

      For the imaging of apically constricting cells in Figure 3, 4 tiled z-stacks containing 62 z-planes each were taken at 63x magnification every 5.5 mins for 110 mins. We observed an 11.8% loss of Lifeact-EGFP intensity during this time.

      This photostability is comparable to the other transgenic quail lines in our lab (Serralbo, O et al., eLife, 2020) and superior to several zebrafish and genetically modified cell lines we have imaged.

      Additionally, can the animals be maintained as homozygotes?

      The Lifeact-EGFP quails can be maintained as homozygotes and we have now indicated this in the text as follows:

      "The TgT2[UbC:Lifeact-EGFP] quails are viable, phenotypically normal and fertile and can be maintained as heterozygotes or homozygotes."

      2) Did the authors check or are they planning to verify that they did indeed have a single-integration event? Or have bred a sufficient number of generations to eliminate any potential off-target integrations?

      We have bred the Lifeact-EGFP line for enough generations that we are confident we have a single integration event that produces positive transgenics at the expected Mendelian ratio.

      3) In Figure 3: Did Lifeact-eGFP intensity and apical cell area show correlated pulsatile dynamics? They are currently shown separately over the course of constriction but it may be more convincing to show correlation analysis.

      We thank the reviewer for this excellent suggestion. We have revised Figure 3 to overlay the mean Lifeact-EGFP intensity at the apical cortex relative to the cell junctions (medial/junctional Lifeact-EGFP) and apical cell area over time for each embryo. The original separate graphs are still available in the new Figure S3A. We first established that there is a highly significant inverse correlation between medial Lifeact-EGFP intensity and apical cell area in constricting cells in each embryo (Figure S3B). We next examined the correlation between the change in medial Lifeact-EGFP intensity and the change in apical cell area for each constricting cell (Figure S3C). Although there is a high degree of variability between cells, on average we find a moderate, but highly significant correlation of 0.37 +/- 0.05, pWe have now included these results in the new Figure S3 and the text as follows:

      "Measuring the ratio of Lifeact-EGFP signal at the apical cortex relative to the cell junctions revealed an average increase of 71.7%+/- 2.9 % during the first 25% of the reduction in apical cell area (Figs. 3C, S3A-B). The inverse correlation between mean Lifeact-EGFP intensity at the apical cortex and mean apical cell area is highly significant (Fig. S3B). Furthermore, the identified cells did not undergo a constant decrease in apical cell area but instead showed a more pulsatile pattern consistent with a ratchet-like mechanism (Figs. 3C, D). There was a moderate, but highly significant correlation between the rate of change in Lifeact-EGFP intensity at the apical cortex and the change in apical cell area for individual cells (Fig. S3C)."

      4) Did they check for integrins at the filopodia tips?

      We did not check for integrins at the tips of the cardiac progenitor cell filopodia, however, we do see integrins at the tips of filopodia in other cells and these data are part of an ongoing study in our lab.

      5) In Figure 4B it is too hard for the reader to verify that these are indeed actin cables - the overlay interferes with the visualization. Could just be 10 cells coincidentally aligned. Same with Figure 4 J/K

      We have made the overlay partially transparent so that the cables are more visible. The same cable structures are also highlighted without overlays in the blue boxes in Figures 4A and 4J.

      6) Figure 4C and 4L are confusing - what is the repeated number of rosette cells mean? Are these different regions cropped out? What are the rows/columns?

      The images show the computational segmentation of the regions shown in 4A and 4J. Each panel shows the number of rosettes identified of each order (containing 5, 6, 7 or 8 cells) at t = 0h (on the left) and t = 2h (on the right).

      We initially displayed all of the rosettes on a single computational segmentation but felt it was much easier to appreciate the relative number of rosettes of each order when they are presented individually. We have updated the Figure Legend to specify that 4C and 4L show computational segmentations of the images in 4A and 4J.

      7) Time stamps on supplementary movies could be made more visible/better labelled.

      We have enlarged the timestamps on the movies.

      8) Would be helpful to include movies of the processes studied in Figures 3 and 4.

      We have now included movies showing apical constriction (Supplementary Movie 5) and rosette formation (Supplementary Movie 6).

      Reviewer 3

      The manuscript is well-written. The Lifeact-EGFP transgenic quail will be a valuable new amniote model system for in vivo investigations of the actin cytoskeleton to promote cell shape changes and tissue morphogenesis. I recommend that this manuscript be accepted with minor revisions.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments and are pleased they view the Lifeact-EGFP quail as a valuable new model system.

      Minor suggestions

      -Please include how many transgenic males and females were obtained from the 50 injections.

      We have now included this in the text as follows:

      "One male and one female founder were identified and mated with wild-type quails to establish lines. After further breeding the lines were indistinguishable and the line from the male founder was selected for long-term maintenance."

      -The authors state, "Cardiac progenitor cell filopodia are on average 9.1μm +/- 0.5μm long and highly dynamic with an average persistence time of 389.1 s +/- 22.9 s (n = 86 filopodia, 4 embryos). Filopodia that contact the surrounding tissues are significantly longer and more persistent than those that do not make contact (11.2μm +/- 0.7μm, n = 42 and 523.6 s +/-34.5 s, n = 37, compared to 7.2μm +/- 0.4μm, n = 44 and 276.0 s +/-20.5 s, n = 44, Fig 2C - E)."

      How does this compare to other similar cells? Does this suggest attraction, repulsion, or nothing? Does the higher filopodia persistence correlate with the cell's persistence, migration velocity or direction?

      The cardiac progenitor cell filopodia are slightly longer and more persistent on average than filopodia detected in other migrating cell types in vivo. For example, neural crest cells form filopodia that are on average 5 - 6um long and persist for 121 s in chick (Genuth, M. A. et al., Developmental Biology, 2018; McLennan, R. et al., Development, 2020) or 10um in length in zebrafish (Boer, E. F. et al., PLoS Genet, 2015). Primordial germ cells in zebrafish extend filopodia which are on average 3.4um long and persist for only 33 +/- 2.5 s (Meyen, D. et al., eLife, 2015). In Xenopus retinal ganglion cells, filopodia were on average 6.7um long and persisted for just 19 s (Blake, T. C. A. et al., Journal of cell science, 2024).

      However, the modes of migration of these cell types are quite distinct with neural crest cells collectively migrating as transiently contacting mesenchymal cells whereas primordial germ cells and retinal ganglion cells migrate individually during the embryonic stages examined. The cardiac progenitor cells form a collectively migrating epithelium which maintains cell-cell contacts and migrates over the endoderm at a speed of 4,99 +/-0.09 um min-1, so it is difficult to draw conclusions about their filopodial dynamics by comparison with other cell types characterised to date.

      The reviewer raises a very interesting question about the relationship between filopodial persistence and the migration behaviour of the individual cell. As the cardiac progenitor cells are migrating as a tightly packed collective, resolving individual cell migration behaviours is very challenging when they are homogenously labelled. To accurately correlate filopodia dynamics with individual cell migration would require highly technically demanding experiments to mosaically label the cardiac progenitor cells and track them and their filopodia dynamics live. While this would undoubtedly be an interesting experiment, we feel it is beyond the scope of the current tools manuscript.

      It is well-known that filopodia are sensors for chemotactic and haptotactic signals, and they set the direction of motility for cells. The authors rightly suggest that actin containing filopodia contact ECM components, but do not support this with any experiments.

      We agree that it would be interesting to investigate the molecular components of the filopodia more thoroughly. However, as a tools paper, our primary motivation was to present the Lifeact-EGFP transgenic quail as a new resource for the scientific community and demonstrate different applications it could be useful for - including as a new model to study filopodia dynamics in vivo.


      The manuscript is lacking any novel insights regarding actin dynamics. In general, it would be helpful if the authors discuss the significance of their observations in more detail, especially in their Conclusion, which is brief. By carrying out more creative and insightful experiments, the authors would have offered stronger evidence for the value of the Lifeact-EGFP line to other investigators.

      The primary purpose of this manuscript was to present the Lifeact-EGFP transgenic quail as a new resource for the scientific community and demonstrate different applications it could be useful for. However, we did also make some novel insights:

      • Although neural tube protrusions have been visualised in fixed embryos for many decades, the Lifeact-EGFP transgenic quail enabled us to image them live in high spatiotemporal resolution. This revealed that they are highly dynamic, reach across the open lumen to contact each other and appear to assist in pulling the neural folds together. We also found that neural tube zippering proceeded faster in embryos with more protrusions.
      • We demonstrated that cells in the avian neuroepithelium undergo pulsatile apical constriction associated with the enrichment of medioapical actin.
      • We performed, to our knowledge, the first FRAP of actin at the vertices of multicellular rosettes and found that actin stability increases with higher rosette order.
      • Finally, we confirmed that supracellular actin cable contraction and rosette formation contribute to anisotropic bending of the neural plate during neural tube formation - a prediction made previously based on fixed tissue sections (Nishimura, T. et al., Cell, 2012) but not investigated in living avian embryos. We believe that the range of novel insights we present here demonstrates the significance of the Lifeact-EGFP transgenic quail line as a new tool for investigating vertebrate cytoskeletal dynamics and morphogenesis in vivo.


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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Alvarez et al. report the generation of a transgenic Lifeact-EGFP quail line to study actin organization and dynamics in living embryos. The authors use the Lifeact-EGFP line to visualize how actin filaments guide coordinate cellular movements across tissues. Their example studies of heart and neural tube morphogenesis reveal the dynamics of cells undergoing apical constriction and the emergence of large-scale actin structures, such as supracellular cables and rosettes within the neuroepithelium.

      The manuscript is well-written. The Lifeact-EGFP transgenic quail will be a valuable new amniote model system for in vivo investigations of the actin cytoskeleton to promote cell shape changes and tissue morphogenesis. I recommend that this manuscript be accepted with minor revisions.

      Minor suggestions

      • Please include how many transgenic males and females were obtained from the 50 injections.
      • The authors state, "Cardiac progenitor cell filopodia are on average 9.1μm +/- 0.5μm long and highly dynamic with an average persistence time of 389.1 s +/- 22.9 s (n = 86 filopodia, 4 embryos). Filopodia that contact the surrounding tissues are significantly longer and more persistent than those that do not make contact (11.2μm +/- 0.7μm, n = 42 and 523.6 s +/-34.5 s, n = 37, compared to 7.2μm +/- 0.4μm, n = 44 and 276.0 s +/-20.5 s, n = 44, Fig 2C - E)."

      How does this compare to other similar cells? Does this suggest attraction, repulsion, or nothing? Does the higher filopodia persistence correlate with the cell's persistence, migration velocity or direction?

      "The tissues surrounding the cardiac progenitor cells are covered in an extracellular matrix rich in fibronectin, which also extends along some of the filopodia (Fig. S2). As integrins are known to be present at filopodial tips (Lagarrigue et al., 2015, Galbraith et al., 2007), the higher persistence of filopodia in contact with surrounding tissues may indicate a force-dependent stabilisation of the filopodia (Alieva et al., 2019). This indicates these filopodia could have signalling roles as proposed previously (Francou et., 2014) and/or mechanical roles during cardiac progenitor cell migration."

      It is well-known that filopodia are sensors for chemotactic and haptotactic signals, and they set the direction of motility for cells. The authors rightly suggest that actin containing filopodia contact ECM components, but do not support this with any experiments.


      The manuscript is lacking any novel insights regarding actin dynamics. In general, it would be helpful if the authors discuss the significance of their observations in more detail, especially in their Conclusion, which is brief. By carrying out more creative and insightful experiments, the authors would have offered stronger evidence for the value of the Lifeact-EGFP line to other investigators.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Alvarez and colleagues have generated a transgenic quail line expressing the popular Lifeact-eGFP reporter. This is the first actin reporter line in quail, and enables visualization and characterization of cell shapes and behaviors by following actin-rich structures. The reporter is ubiquitously expressed, and of sufficient brightness to enable high resolution live imaging. To demonstrate its usability, the authors visualized cellular protrusions and actin-rich structures during neural tube closure, migration of cardiac progenitor cells, and examined pulsatile apical constriction in the developing neuroepithelium. These results serve more as a proof-of-principle for the utility of the line rather than an in-depth analysis of any particular cell biology/mechanism, but do contain some insights and avenues for further follow-up. In general this is a nice characterization of a line that I am sure people in the avian embryo field have long been waiting for, and will be in high demand in the future.

      I have a few minor comments/suggestions:

      1. It would be good if the authors could elaborate on the relative photostability of the line - does it bleach quickly? Show any signs of phototoxicity? Additionally, can the animals be maintained as homozygotes?
      2. Did the authors check or are they planning to verify that they did indeed have a single-integration event? Or have bred a sufficient number of generations to eliminate any potential off-target integrations?
      3. In Figure 3: Did Lifeact-eGFP intensity and apical cell area show correlated pulsatile dynamics? They are currently shown separately over the course of constriction but it may be more convincing to show correlation analysis.
      4. Did they check for integrins at the filopodia tips?
      5. In Figure 4B it is too hard for the reader to verify that these are indeed actin cables - the overlay interferes with the visualization. Could just be 10 cells coincidentally aligned. Same with Figure 4 J/K
      6. Figure 4C and 4L are confusing - what is the repeated number of rosette cells mean? Are these different regions cropped out? What are the rows/columns?
      7. Time stamps on supplementary movies could be made more visible/better labelled.
      8. Would be helpful to include movies of the processes studied in Figures 3 and 4.


      Transgenic quail models are still in their relative infancy compared to more traditional/well-established model organisms, yet quail has proven to offer many new insights into developmental processes, and with its flat geometry often offers up a view of tissues and cell behaviors that can be hidden in other species. A live reporter line for actin structures is thus keenly needed by the avian developmental biology field, and this new transgenic model reported here should fill that niche nicely.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study, the authors produced a Lifeact-EGFP transgenic quail line to investigate the cellular event dynamics that involve F-actin bundles. No perfect reagents exist to specifically label F-actin in live cells at high sensitivity; currently, Lifeact peptide may be the primary option to label actins using transgenic animals. However, it has the drawback of binding to G-actin in addition to F-actin, which results in a high background of Lifeact-EGFP fluorescence in the cytoplasm.

      A transgenic quail line was produced by lipofection of circulating PGCs with Tol2 transposon-based expression vector and Tol2 transposase expression vector; a single founder male harboring a single copy of the transgene was crossed with wild-type females to generate a transgenic colony.

      To demonstrate the utility of Lifeact-EGFP quail embryos, the authors performed the following descriptive studies: (1) filopodia extrusion; (2) actin bundle dynamics during apical constriction; (3) formation of actin bundles and multicellular rosettes; (4) FRAP analysis of actin mobility at the cellular vertices; and (5) the effect of actin polymerization inhibitors on the multicellular rosettes. The data presented demonstrate the range of utility as well as the limitations of the author's transgenic system.

      Major comments

      The authors should cite the existing mCherry-transgenic quail lines reported by Huss et al. (2015) to compare their performance. The lines developed by Huss et al. carry multiple transgenes, and the transgene-derived fluorescence is detectable under a fluorescent stereomicroscope, which indicates that the expression of substantially high levels of fluorescent proteins in quail cells does not affect quail embryogenesis or growth. Here, the authors developed only a single line of single copy integration of a transgene using a weak promoter. This suggests that the procedure used by the authors to produce transgenic quail may be inefficient and that the transgene expression level is lower. The authors should present an objective measure of the transgene expression levels. (Huss D, Benazeraf B, Wallingford A, Filla M, Yang J, Fraser SE, Lansford R. A transgenic quail model that enables dynamic imaging of amniote embryogenesis. Development 2015; 142:2850-9. doi: 10.1242/dev.121392.)

      Although the authors attempted to record philopodial dynamics, the images of philopodia are fuzzy. Sharper philopodial images have been published using the Huss et al. transgenic quail embryos (Sato et al., 2017), where mCherry fluorescence is widespread in the cytoplasm, which indicates no advantage of actin-associated fluorescence. (Sato Y, Nagatoshi K, Hamano A, Imamura Y, Huss D, Uchida S, Lansford R. Basal filopodia and vascular mechanical stress organize fibronectin into pillars bridging the mesoderm-endoderm gap. Development 2017; 144(2):281-291. doi.org/10.1242/dev.141259)

      The feasibility of live imaging is, of course, the advantage of Lifeact-EGFP; however, the actin fiber images using Lifeact-EGFP are unclear, partially because Lifeact binds to G-actin with a greater affinity than to F-actin. The authors should compare phalloidin-staining and Lifeac-EGFP on the same high-power fields of fixed specimens. The current manuscript compares staining with Lifeact-EGFP and Phalloidin-568 only under low-power magnification (Figure 1).

      Data concerning the apical constriction indicated the versatility and limitations of the Lifeact-EGFP transgenic quail line. The transgenic mouse line carrying ZO1-EGFP transgene, better suited for analyzing the apical constriction issue and employed by Francou et al. (2023), provided cleaner data.

      The significance of the FRAP analysis presented in Figure 4 (F to I) is questionable. (1) The FRAP of Lifeact-EGFP that jumps between G-actin and F-actin was measured. Therefore, the data are a composite of G-actin-bound, F-actin-bound, and free transitory Lifeact-EGFP; the data do not directly reflect actin dynamics. (2) The authors should have measured FRAP at different positions in cells using smaller ROIs at the cell junction, next to the cell junction, and remote from the cell junction. (3) Because the FRAP of their measurements involves different molecular states, the recovery curve should be decomposed into individual components before discussing the difference in the recovery rates. (4) The wide range fluctuation of fluorescence intensity during the recovery process, even using a wide (4 µm × 4 µm) ROI, suggests that the fluorescence level before photobleaching was very low, which indicates a limitation in the use of the transgenic quail line with a single copy of Lifeact-EGFP.

      Minor comment

      The authors used three wavelengths to detect fluorescence: DAPI (blue), EGFP (green), and Phaloidin-568 (red). Oddly, the authors presented the EGFP fluorescence in orange and Phaloidin-568 in gray in the pseudocolors.


      The single Lifeact-EGFP transgenic quail line developed in this study may be useful in certain contexts; however, better lines may be obtained by checking additional lines for higher levels of transgene expression.

      The data presented indicates that although Lifeact-EGFP-dependent actin labeling is useful for live imaging, its efficacy is restricted by elevated levels of background fluorescence.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      In this study the authors apply a rigorous and thorough combination of approaches including sequence analysis, deep-learning structure predictions, molecular dynamics, cell imaging and mutagenic analyses to identify a short MIM2-mimicking motif in the C-terminal region of the pUL71 protein of HCMV (and homologues in other beta-herpesviruses) that is necessary and sufficient for interaction with the ESCRT terminal ATPase VPS4A. pUL71 uses this motif to recruit, or sequester, VPS4A to the HCMV cytoplasmic viral assembly complex, though this process is dispensable for HCMV morphogenesis or replication. The identified pUL71 sequence functions as a mimic of the MIM2 motif of cellular CHMP subunits since, like MIM2, it directly binds the groove in the MIT domain found at the N-terminus of VPS4.

      Major comments:

      1). There appears to be some confusion in the coip experiment in Figure 5D. From the upper blot in 5D, the "+" above each lane suggests there should be VPS4A-FLAG protein in every sample other than the two lanes at the very left of the gel, however the anti-FLAG ip does not pull down VPS4A-FLAG from every "+" lane, but from alternating ones (and from the next to the leftmost lane, which should lack VPS4A-FLAG). Similarly, the lower "Input" blot shows VPS4A-FLAG present in alternating lanes across the blot, which does not match the "+" and "-" labeling at the top of the figure. Conversely, there is anti-HA signal in most input lanes (lower blot) though the HA-tagged pUL71 homologues should be absent from alternate lanes (top of upper blot).

      We apologise and thank the reviewer for spotting this annotation error. Figure 5D has been updated to correctly show the samples used for each lane of the IP.

      2). The Discussion is an excellent, comprehensive and scholarly assessment of the implications of this work. One appealing hypothesis is that pUL71 may be sequestering VPS4A rather than using it for envelope scission. In this regard, the authors point out that VPS4A sequestration is supported by the finding that the VPS4A MIT domain binds the isolated pUL71 vMIM2 more tightly (~ 5 fold lower Kd) than the MIM2 of CHMP6, and that pUL71 and homologues are highly abundant at later stages of viral infection, allowing them to compete effectively with endogenous CHMP6 for VPS4A. I like the sequestration model very much, but could the authors comment on the fact that this apparent sequestration is seen even in the transfection experiments in Fig. 2A and 3G, where essentially 100% of transfected WT VPS4A-FLAG is recruited to the pUL71 compartment. Even given the increased binding affinity to pUL71, this suggests that in these transfection studies pUL71 must be in excess over the sum of both endogenous and transfected VPS4. Do the authors know if this is the case, and do cells transfected with pUL71 in these experiments exhibit any cytotoxicity, or cell cycle arrest, indicative of a block in normal ESCRT function/cytokinesis?

      *With regards to the transfection experiment, the levels of pUL71 and VPS4A-FLAG expression varied across the fields of view. It is therefore hard to make a definitive statement regards the level of pUL71 expression that gives complete sequestration of VPS4A-FLAG. In transient expression experiment, cells were transfected with equal amounts of DNA for VPS4A-FLAG and pUL71 expression vectors and analysed 20 to 24 hours after transfection. Sequestration of VPS4A-FLAG by pUL71, or lack of sequestration due to mutations, was consistently observed and was thus the predominant phenotype. However, degrees in the appearance of this phenotype were noted, which were likely caused by differences in expression levels. The images in Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 5 are confocal images of selected cells that represented the predominant phenotype. In our opinion, no clear statements can be made about expression levels and their relationship with respect to sequestration of VPS4A, as transient expression gives considerable cell-to-cell variability in expression levels. *

      In MRC-5 cells transiently expressing VPS4A-FLAG under doxycycline control and infected with different strains of HCMV we see strong sequestration of VPS4A-FLAG (Fig. 6B). While VPS4A-FLAG sequestration is not always complete in the context of infection (compare WT infection in Fig. 6C and Fig. 6D), presumably because of differing VPS4A-FLAG levels, it is reasonable to assume that ectopic VPS4A-FLAG expression increases the total pool of VPS4A available. Thus, in the context of infected cells we would expect the vast majority of cellular VPS4A to be sequestered by pUL71, also considering the strong expression of pUL71 during infection. However, we note that evenly distributed signals in the cytoplasm are more difficult to visualize than concentrated signals (such as localization at the Golgi), especially in confocal images, which could contribute to the impression that almost 100% of VPS4A-FLAG is sequestered by pUL71. We have therefore added the following three sentences to the third paragraph of the discussion:

      “In the context of infection, pUL71 yields strong sequestration of ectopically expressed VPS4A-FLAG (Fig. 7A–C). As ectopic expression would be expected to increase the total pool of VPS4A present in cells, we anticipate extensive pUL71-mediated sequestration of endogenous VPS4A in HCMV-infected cells. However, we note that diffuse cytoplasmic signals are more difficult to visualise than organelle-associated signals in confocal microscopy, and it is therefore possible that some VPS4A remains free in the cytoplasm even in the presence of abundant pUL71.”

      Unfortunately, we are unaware of a high quality VPS4A antibody suitable for immunofluorescence microscopy that would allow us to probe the localisation of endogenous VPS4A directly.

      *The reviewer raises an interesting point with regard to the potential blocking of cellular ESCRT functions in the presence of transfected pUL71. We did not find indications of a block in ‘normal’ ESCRT functions like cytokinesis in cells expressing pUL71 (or mutant versions thereof). We therefore investigated the function of ESCRT in pUL71-expressing cells by assessing whether expression of pUL71 can inhibit the function of VPS4 in the release of HIV Gag virus like particles (VLPs). The results of these studies have been added to the manuscript as supplemental figure 7 – they show no evidence for a functional inhibition of VPS4 by co-expression of pUL71. We have added a section to the results describing this experiment, plus the following section in the discussion: *

      “We did not observe any defect in ESCRT-mediated Gag VLP production in the presence of pUL71 (Fig. S7), suggesting that transient expression of pUL71 is not sufficient to inhibit cellular ESCRT activity. However, we note that studies analysing the role of VPS4 in ESCRT-mediated virus budding generally exploit dominant-negative forms of VPS4A or VPS4B (Corless et al., 2010; Horii et al., 2006; Pawliczek and Crump, 2009; Taylor et al., 2007). As human VPS4A and VPS4B interact with each other (Scheuring et al., 2001), overexpressing dominant-negative mutants of either protein would be expected to poison the activity of both via formation of heteromeric APTase hexamers. Studies using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing show only modest defects in VLP budding when VPS4A or VPS4B are deleted individually, with the VPS4B deletion causing a greater VLP budding defect than VPS4A deletion (Harel et al., 2022), and the MIM2 of CHMP6 has higher affinity for the MIT domain of VPS4A than of VPS4B (Wenzel et al., 2022). While we have not investigated the interaction between pUL71 and the VPS4B MIT domain in this study, it is possible that pUL71 has higher affinity for VPS4A than VPS4B and pUL71 expression may thus lead to selective sequestration of only one VPS4 isoform.”

      *In light of the above new results and discussion, we can neither confirm nor rule out that pUL71 modulates ESCRT functions by sequestration of VPS4. We agree with the reviewer that it is an extremely interesting hypothesis but addressing it properly would require thorough experimental investigation, which we feel is a substantial study in its own right and is beyond the scope of this manuscript. Lastly, we apologise that we had inadvertently included the affinity of GST-tagged pUL71(300–325) for VPS4A in the discussion text, not the data for the pUL71(300–325) peptide. We have updated the text accordingly and confirm that all the data in Table 2 are correct. *

      Minor comments:

      In general, the text and figures are very clear and accurate, the Results section is careful to walk the reader though these studies in a clear and well written fashion and prior studies are referenced appropriately. There are some minor issues that are listed below.

      i). For clarity, please direct the reader to panel 1B when referring to the pp28 data (line 11 of Results section).


      ii). At the bottom of the page 4, the Results section states "immunoprecipitation experiments show VPS4A-FLAG to be robustly co-precipitated by wild-type pUL71 but not by the PPAA and V317D mutants". However, from Fig. 1E it appears to be the reverse. The wild type pUL71 (but not mutants) is being co-precipitated by VPS4A-FLAG, using an anti-FLAG antibody.

      Corrected – we apologise for this error and thank the reviewer for spotting it.

      iii). In Fig.1D the localization of WT pUL71 and the PPAA and V317D mutants to a juxtanuclear compartment provides a nice internal control demonstrating that the mutant proteins are at least partially functional (able to localize correctly), and the fluorescence intensities of the WT and mutant pUL71 proteins appear comparable. However, do the authors have any additional quantitative or semi-quantitative data (such as from a Western) to confirm similar expression levels for the pUL71 WT and PPAA/V317D mutant proteins?

      The relevant data is shown in Fig. 1E. Specifically, the immunoblot of the input samples shows that pUL71 mutants are expressed at similar levels to the wild-type protein. We have added a note to this effect to the Results.

      “Inspection of the immunoprecipitation input samples confirms that pUL71 mutants are expressed at similar levels to the wild-type protein.”

      *Furthermore, we added to methods following statement: “equal volumes of lysate were used for all samples”, to confirm that the signals in Co-IPs stem from equal amounts of lysates. *

      iv). In Fig. 4, An OPTIONAL experiment, which would add to the paper, would be to test the ability (or rather, lack of the ability) of the pUL71 I307R mutant to coip VPS4A from infected or transfected cells. Such a study would extend the predictive power of the elegant MD simulations and ITC studies to the "gold standard" of testing the phenotype in vivo.

      While we appreciate that this additional experiment would provide further confirmation of our computational analysis in the cellular context, we would argue that ITC is the ‘gold standard’ when it comes to the measurement of protein interaction affinities. We show in Figure 1 that ITC, coIP and immunofluorescence experiments yield the same result (compare WT and PPAA pUL71 in panels D, E and G). We have thus respectfully declined to perform this additional IP experiment as we feel that the ITC data included in the manuscript, combined with the coIP data for the P315A and P318A mutants, are sufficient to prove the predictive power of the model.

      v). The Fig. 6B TB71stop pp28 panel is not referred to in the Fig. 6 legend.

      We apologise for this oversight. We have added a description of this experiment to the Fig. 6 legend:

      “Cells infected with TBstop71 were also stained for tegument protein pp28 to confirm successful cVAC formation (bottom).”

      We have also added the relevance of this image in the Results:

      “Formation of perinuclear cVAC in cells infected with TBstop71 was confirmed via immunostaining for pp28 (Fig. 6C) (Sanchez et al., 2000b; Seo and Britt, 2007).”

      vi). In the second paragraph of the Discussion it is stated that "The pUL71 vMIM2 is necessary and sufficient to recruit VPS4A to specific membranes in co-transfected cells (Fig. 5) and to sites of virus assembly in HCMV infection (Fig. 6)". Strictly speaking, Fig. 5 (panel 5F) shows that the HCMV pUL71 region 283-361 is sufficient to localize VPS4A to a compact juxtanuclear structure in transfected cells, and Fig. 6 (panel 6C) shows that pUL71 residues 315-326 (and the two conserved prolines in this region) are necessary for VPS4A localization to a structure that appears to be the HCMV assembly compartment.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting that we been imprecise when describing the implications of our results. We have updated the relevant sentence as follows:

      “The pUL71 vMIM2 is necessary and sufficient to recruit VPS4A to juxtanuclear structures in co-transfected cells (Fig. 5) and is necessary for VPS4A recruitment to pUL71-positive structures that have been identified as sites of virus assembly during HCMV infection (Fig. 6) (Dietz et al., 2018).”

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This is the first report of a virus encoding a MIM-like domain, and of a viral motif that directly binds the VPS4A MIT domain. This will be of broad interest to those studying the cell biology of virus assembly and mechanisms of virus-host cell interaction, as well as to cell biologists and structural biologists studying the ESCRT apparatus. It is striking, and will be illuminating to virologists and ESCRT biologists, that viruses have evolved to mimic MIM2 with a motif that has a lower Kd than a conventional cellular MIM2 motif. The possibility, addressed in the Discussion, that pUL71 may be sequestering VPS4A (rather than using it) is an important issue that virologists should consider.

      This is a rigorous, thorough and well controlled basic science study that elegantly combines a variety of approaches to provide important new insights concerning the biology of pUL71 in HCMV, other human beta-herpesviruses and a large number of mammalian and rodent cytomegaloviruses. The claims and conclusions are thoughtful and measured, and supported by the data. Data and methods are presented in such a way that they can be reproduced, and experiments are adequately replicated with appropriate statistical analyses.

      Reviewers fields of interest: Cell biology, ESCRT function, Virus assembly

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      The manuscript from Butt et al. entitled "Human cytomegalovirus deploys molecular mimicry to recruit VPS4A to sites of virus assembly" addresses the potential role of ESCRT components in the biogenesis of HCMV virions. The topic is relevant since the ESCRT machinery has been implicated in the propagation of various herpesviruses. However, conflicting results are present in the literature regarding its role and relevance. In the present study, the authors focus on HCMV pUL71, which plays a role during the final envelopment of the viral capsids, and explore the possibility that it acts as an ESCRT-III component by recruiting the VPS4A ATPase (which induces membrane deformation and scission). To this end, they identified a motif in the C-terminal region of HCMV pUL71 that resembles the cellular type 2 MIM (MIM2) consensus sequence that is present in ESCRT-III proteins such as CHMP4B and CHMP6. They show substantial data that delineate an interaction between that pUL71 motif and the cellular ATPase using a panoply of tools (co-IF, co-IP, ITC, bimolecular fluorescence and markerless BAC mutagenesis). They also show that this interaction in present across a wide range of HCMV strains, but is absent in the case of the HSV-1 pUL51 homolog.

      Main Comments

      The manuscript is very well written, albeit line numbers would facilitate reviewing. The plethora of assays used convincingly show an interaction between pUL71 and VPS4A. They also indicate that this interaction relocalizes VPS4A to the TGN and likely the VAC. However, I do have some issues. For instance, using another viral marker, instead of only pUL71, would have been a good idea to distinguish the TGN from the VAC. This is not trivial given the reorganization of the cellular organelles by the virus. For this reason, looking at tegument and envelope viral proteins may not be optimal for this task since potentially on both compartments. However, viral capsid proteins or the viral genome may be useful here. Immuno-EM against VPS4A could also be a useful experiment to show a potential link between the ATPase and re-envelopment.

      It is well established that pUL71 is present at the cVAC of HCMV-infected cells. We apologise that we did not make this clearer in the introduction. We have now updated a sentence in the penultimate paragraph of the introduction to clarify this:

      “pUL71 and pUL103 are present at the cVAC (Ahlqvist and Mocarski, 2011; Dietz et al., 2018; Read et al., 2019; Womack and Shenk, 2010) and deficiencies in these proteins result in an accumulation of nucleocapsids at various advanced stages of envelopment (Ahlqvist and Mocarski, 2011; Schauflinger et al., 2013, 2011; Womack and Shenk, 2010), which is consistent with impaired envelopment and a block in membrane scission at the end of the envelopment process.”

      *Additionally, we have added confocal images of infected cells showing co-staining of pUL71, capsid associated tegument protein pp150, and Golgi maker GM130 in a new figure (Fig. 6A). *

      We are unaware of any commercial antibodies that recognise VPS4A and are suitable for immuno-EM, making such analysis unfeasible. However, we note that our study concurs with the data from Streck et al (2018) that VPS4 activity is not required for virus envelopment (although we do not rule out a contributory role).

      Another issue is the actual pUL71 residues interacting with VPS4A. While substantial efforts were made to map them (truncated constructs, bimolecular assay, viral mutants), the data do not always point toward the exact same residues (for example aa 314-320 by co-IF but aa 300-310 by ITC). This suggests potentially multiple binding sites or conformational issues. Hence, the statement on page 5 "that pUL71 residues 300-310 are necessary for the VPS4A interaction, in addition to the potential MIM2" may be misleading. What happens if one deleted aa 314-320 in the ITC assay? Or aa 300-310 by IF? These findings are further confounded by the lack of impact of the mutations of aa 315 and 318, predicted to be important in silico (p. 6). Moreover, in figure 7, the mutants made were a deletion 315-326 or the double point mutant P315A and P318A (not clear why in light of above results). Would a deletion of aa 300-320 not be a more appropriate and safer one to test for viral propagation?

      We are afraid that the reviewer may have misinterpreted several of our results. In Fig. 2 we demonstrate that residues 1–320 are sufficient for co-localisation of pUL71 with VPS4A-FLAG, but residues 1–314 are not. This implies that residues 314–320 are necessary for the interaction, but it is not evidence that they are sufficient. Similarly, our ITC data shows that a purified peptide spanning residues 300–325 is sufficient for the interaction, but a peptide spanning residues 310–325 is not. From this we can clearly infer that residues 300–310 are necessary for the interaction, as we state on page 5. We have expanded the sentence in question to further clarify our reasoning:

      “Further ITC analysis of pUL71 truncations purified as GST fusions (Fig. S1 and Table 1) demonstrated that pUL71 residues 300–310 are necessary for the VPS4A interaction, in addition to the potential MIM2, as GST-pUL71(300–325) was capable of binding VPS4A while GST-pUL71(310–336) was not.”

      We agree that residues 300–320 might be sufficient for the interaction, as indicated by the immunofluorescence analysis (Fig. 2A). However, out of an abundance of caution we included residues 300–325, spanning the entire MIM2-like sequence, in all of our biophysical analyses as the dynamic range of immunofluorescence experiments is limited and we wanted to avoid removal of residues that are not necessary but nonetheless contribute to the interaction. The similar affinity of GST-pUL71(283–361) and GST-pUL71(300–325) for VPS4A (2.8 and 2.3 µM, respectively) confirms that residues 300–325 contain all residues that contribute to the interaction (Figs 1 and S1, Table 1).

      With regards the mutational data presented in Fig. 4, our molecular dynamics analysis indicates (Fig. 4A–C) that single point mutations P315A and P318A do not disrupt the interaction between pUL71 and VPS4, only the double mutation (P315A+P318A; PPAA) disrupts the interaction. This is consistent with the immunoprecipitation presented in Fig. 4E: The pUL71(P315A) and pUL71(P318A) proteins are efficiently immunoprecipitated by VPS4A-FLAG, while the pUL71(PPAA) mutant is not. We have updated the penultimate sentence of the section “Model of the HCMV pUL71 in complex with VPS4A MIT” to explain this in more detail:

      “Immunoprecipitation of co-transfected pUL71 and VPS4A-FLAG confirmed this surprising result, showing that pUL71(P315A) and pUL71(P318A) are efficiently immunoprecipitated by VPS4A-FLAG whereas pUL71(PPAA) is not (Fig. 4E).”

      Regarding the choice of mutant viruses, we wanted to make the smallest change possible to pUL71 to avoid inadvertent removal of additional (potentially unknown) functional motifs. Both of the viruses we have used show an absence of VPS4A recruitment to the pUL71-positive cVAC in immunofluorescence (Fig. 6D) and, in the case of pUL71(PPAA), we have also shown an absence of VPS4A binding to this mutant in ITC (Fig. 1G) and coIP (Figs 1E and 4E). We feel this is sufficient evidence to confirm that these mutations either severely impair or completely abolish recruitment of VPS4A.

      Given the above, we don’t believe there is any need for additional experimentation or consideration of confounding variables when it comes to the definition of the vMIM2 motif or mutations introduced into HCMV for functional analysis.

      As the identification of the VPS4A binding motif in other herpesviruses appears to only be detected by manual inspection of the protein sequences, I wonder if other HCMV proteins or alpha/gamma viral proteins may interact with VPS4A. A good way to address this would be to do a VPS4A affinity column to see if any other viral proteins can bind. MS analyses may be required to identify the bound viral proteins. This could be a good follow-up paper...

      We thank the reviewer for suggestion and agree that it would form the basis for a good follow-up study.

      I am unfortunately unable to evaluate the outcome of the in silico analyses and cannot therefore judge their relevance or accuracy. Other reviewers can hopefully access this portion of the manuscript.

      Unless mistaken, previous work (Albecka A et al, 2017, JVI) has shown that HSV-1 pUL51 does not require its binding partner pUL7 to reach the TGN. Given that HSV-1 pUL51 does not seem to recruit VPS4A, could the pUL7/pUL51 complex be required for the recruitment of VPS4A to the TGN or VAC? Alternatively, could the lack of pUL51 binding to VPS4A reflect a different re-envelopment mechanism (absence of the CMV onion ring VAC)? These possibilities should be addressed in the manuscript.

      The reviewer is correct that, like pUL71, the HSV-1 protein pUL51 associates with TGN membranes as both proteins are N-terminally palmitoylated. Inspection of HSV-1 pUL7 does identify a potential vMIM2 sequence, spanning residues 221–232 (sequence LANnPpPVlsaL). However, these residues lie in a well-structured region at the interface with pUL51 (helices α8 and α9; see Fig. 2B of Butt et al (2020)) and would thus be unavailable to bind VPS4A. If the pUL7:pUL51 complex were required for VPS4A recruitment to sites of HSV-1 assembly, which has not been shown, then a different mechanism would be required. To test if this was the case, we performed a transfection experiment where pUL51-mCherry, or mTurquoise2-pUL7 +pUL51-mCherry, were co-transfected with GFP-VPS4A into U2-OS cells. As a positive control, we co-transfected pUL71-mCherry and GFP-VPS4A. As shown below, we observe recruitment of GFP-VPS4A to pUL71-mCherry positive membranes but do not see recruitment of GFP-VPS4A to pUL51-mCherry positive TGN membranes in the presence or absence of mTurquoise2-pUL7.

      This experiment has been performed twice with identical results. However, we have declined to include the above figure in the manuscript because our study focusses on the vMIM2 motif and the betaherpesviruses in which it is conserved. We already show that the pUL71 homologue in HSV (pUL51) does not recruit VPS4A to membranes (Fig. 5E). We believe that additional negative data on the lack of VPS4A recruitment by this HSV-1 complex complicates the story and would distract the reader. Identifying and characterising mechanisms via which other herpesvirus subfamilies may (or may not) specifically recruit VPS4A to sites of virus assembly is interesting, but it lies outside the scope of this current manuscript.

      We agree with the reviewer that the HCMV secondary envelopment pathway likely differs from that of HSV. For example, HSV envelopment is severely restricted by dominant negative VPS4 whereas HCMV is not. This indicates that, at a minimum, HCMV must have additional/redundant mechanisms that drive envelopment in the absence of a functioning ESCRT machinery. We have added a comment to this effect to the second paragraph of the discussion:

      “This lack of requirement for ESCRT activity during HCMV secondary envelopment contrasts with the situation for HSV-1, where expression of dominant-negative VPS4 (Calistri et al., 2007; Crump et al., 2007) or CHMP proteins (Calistri et al., 2007; Pawliczek and Crump, 2009) severely restricts virion production. We therefore conclude that either HCMV and HSV-1 utilise different molecular mechanisms for secondary envelopment, or HCMV can exploit additional (redundant) pathways in addition to ESCRT-mediated membrane remodelling to ensure assembly of mature virus particles.”


      Fig 3S: I would suggest highlighting the central P residue in the aligned sequence and consensus sequence.

      We thank the reviewer for this helpful suggestion. We have highlighted both the central ‘P’ plus the other conserved hydrophobic residues of the vMIM2 in the aligned and consensus sequence in Figures 5, S3 and S4.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Not surprisingly, the biggest issue in the manuscript is that perturbing pUL71 / VPS4A binding has no detectable positive or negative impact on VAC assembly, secondary viral envelopment or viral spread (titre, plaque size). This raises the question as to the relevance of VPS4A for the virus. As mentioned above, it could be relevant to test a viral mutant lacking pUL71 aa 300-320, which may lead to different results.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      In this study the authors investigate mechanisms by which human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) modulates ESCRT III to facilitate virus maturation. The viral protein pUL71 has been shown previously to be an important viral mediator of the so called "secondary envelopment", that is the process in which the viral capsid is budding into Golgi-derived membranes to acquire its envelope.

      pUL71 was previously shown to recruit VPS4 to the trans-Golgi upon co-transfection. In this study, the authors investigate the structural requirements for this interaction. Sequence comparison prompted the investigation of a short motif in the C-terminus of pUL71 with homology to the Type 2 MIT-Interacting Motif (MIM2) of CHMP6 that is known to bind the MIT of VPS4. Using co-localization, co-immunoprecipitation and isothermal titration calorimetry they show clearly that a peptide spanning amino acids 300-325 of pUL71 is required and sufficient for binding of VPS4A. State of the art modeling of the protein complex identifies the crucial amino acids that define the interaction on both sides. The authors validate these predictions experimentally in transfection and with purified peptides as well as in the context of HCMV infection using bimolecular fluorescence complementation. Furthermore, the authors demonstrate that not only the other human betaherpesviruses but also closely related CMVs of rat and mouse encode viral MIM2-like motifs (vMIM2)that are able to interact with VPS4A. Unexpectedly, albeit in line with previous reports, they find that mutation of this highly conserved vMIM2 domain did not alter viral progeny and focus size largely. The authors further confirm by quantification of high quality electron micrographs, that a large portion of capsids is able to complete the process of budding into and scission from cellular membranes, demonstrating that the ability of pUL71 to bind VPS4A is dispensable for secondary envelopment.

      Taken together, this study demonstrates clearly that a newly defined vMIM2 in the HCVM pUL71 protein binds cellular VPS4A. Yet, it remains unclear in which context the virus requires this novel form of molecular mimicry.

      While we thank the reviewer for summarising our study, highlighting the careful attention they paid to our work, we would like to emphasise that we are unaware of any previous study showing that pUL71 recruits VPS4 to the trans-Golgi upon co-transfection. __It had previously been observed that VPS4 is present at the cytoplasmic virus assembly compartment (cVAC) during infection – as we state in paragraph 4 of the introduction (first sentence). However, none of these studies identified the virus protein responsible for this recruitment nor did they identify the viral motif that mediated this recruitment. __Our identification of pUL71 as the HCMV protein that recruits VPS4A to the cVAC is novel.

      Major comments:

      1. Despite the very thorough analysis and conduction of the study, the presented work does not reveal a phenotype in virus infection. The authors would need to find out what the functional relevance of their discovery is.

      As described by reviewer 1, our data confirms with and extends previous studies to show that ESCRT activity seems not to be essential for HCMV secondary envelopment. This is different from other herpesviruses such as HSV-1, showing that the secondary envelopment process is not universally conserved across the herpesviruses (or that additional redundant processes are encoded by HCMV). We also identify a novel virus-encoded VPS4 recruitment motif, the vMIM2. The fact that this sequence is conserved across beta-herpesvirus pUL71 homologues strongly suggests that it has a conserved and important function in the virus lifecycle, even if we haven’t identified that function in this study. In the discussion we posit multiple hypotheses for how this motif may function during infection, including sequestration of VPS4. As reviewer 1 states, VPS4 sequestration “is an important issue that virologists should consider”. We feel that additional experiments to tease out the precise function conferred by this motif represent important future work but are beyond the scope of this current study.

      Please include statistical analysis of virus release, spread and envelopment (Figure 7 and Table 2). It would be helpful to see if the small differences observed are likely to be random or not.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have performed relevant statistical tests for the virus growth data and virus spread (plaque size) assays.

      *A repeated measures two-way ANOVA test of the high MOI (single step) virus growth data shows that there is no significant difference between the viruses tested (P = 0.5824). A repeated measures two-way ANOVA test of the low MOI (multi-step) virus growth shows that there is a difference between viruses. A Dunnett’s multiple comparison test shows that there is no significant difference between the TB71revPPAA and wild-type virus at any time point. There are significant differences between the TB71mutPPAA virus and wild-type at 15 dpi (P “While two-way ANOVA analysis showed significant differences between wild-type and mutant virus yields at late time points in the multi-step growth curve, the TB71mutPPAA mutant had higher titres at 15 dpi whereas TB71del315-326 had lower titres at 15 and 18 dpi. Given the divergence in observed effect between the two mutants, and the fact that these differences were observed only at very late times post-infection, we do not believe they represent biologically meaningful differences in virus release.”

      A Mann Whitney test of the focus expansion assay data, performed instead of a t test because a D'Agostino & Pearson test showed the WT plaque data to not be normally distributed, showed no significant difference between the WT and TB71 mutPPAA virus (P = 0.489), which would agree with our notion that there is no in change in virus growth when interaction with VPS4A is disrupted.

      Concerning quantitative evaluation of secondary envelopment, we have respectfully declined to include statistical analysis in the manuscript. This is because quantitative analysis of virus envelopment via electron microscopy has multiple caveats that complicate robust statistical analysis. The numbers of virus particles in the area of the cVAC in the individual cells is subject to stark variation, only a small part of the cell or the cVAC is analysed, and naked capsids are only rarely observed. Defects in HCMV secondary envelopment, as has been published for pUL71 knock-out viruses, manifest as strong shifts in the proportions of the envelopment stages; see for example Schauflinger et al. (2013). We did perform a two-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparison test, which shows that there are significantly fewer enveloped particles (P In summary, none of our data consistently and robustly show involvement of VPS4A for HCMV assembly that could explain the conservation of this interaction among betaherpesviruses, which is consistent with previous publications indicating that HCMV secondary envelopment does not require the cellular ESCRT machinery.*

      One caveat is that the presented study investigates the impact of VPS4A on HCMV only in fibroblasts. However, other studies used epithelial cells to investigate the impact of VPS4 knockout on HCMV and also did not see a reduction in virus titers. Yet, the authors could significantly improve the manuscript by testing for a cell type specific requirement of the vMIM2. The replication of the PPAA mutant virus could be analyzed in additional cell types such as macrophages or endothelial cells and using different experimental systems.

      *We thank the reviewer for this comment. We have evaluated viral growth of the PPAA mutant virus in monocyte-derived macrophages, similar to our analysis of a pp65 stop mutant (Chevillotte et al., JVirol 2009). We specifically tested macrophages as this cell type appears to restrict HCMV growth when compared to released virus yield from fibroblasts and endothelial cells. However, viral growth of the PPAA mutant is similar to that of parental and revertant virus, verifying our growth analysis in fibroblasts. Furthermore, we investigated virion morphogenesis of the PPAA mutant in macrophages by electron microscopy because pUL71 plays an important role in HCMV secondary envelopment. Consistent with our growth analysis, we could not find evidence for a role of VPS4 recruitment by pUL71 for virion morphogenesis. We have added this additional data as a new supplementary figure (Fig. S6). *

      Consider discussing if other viral and cellular proteins could compensate the loss of interaction between pUL71 and VPS4. Is a similar motif found in any other HCMV protein? Could redundancy explain the lack of a consequences for viral growth?

      The short answer is no, it is unlikely that any other HCMV protein could compensate for the loss of pUL71 binding and efficiently recruit VPS4A to the cVAC because we see a complete loss of VPS4A-FLAG recruitment to the cVAC when pUL71 is either absent (Fig. 6C) or has a defective vMIM2 (Fig. 6D). However, it is possible that additional HCMV proteins could interact with VPS4A, for example to enhance its retention at the cVAC by increasing the avidity of binding.

      We used the ScanProsite web server to identify additional proteins encoded by HCMV with the vMIM2 sequence [YLM]-{P}-{P}-x-P-x-[AVP]-[VP]-x-x-x-[LVP]. This sequence corresponds to the residues observed at each position in the vMIM2s of betaherpesvirus pUL71 homologues presented in Figures 5, S3 and S4, where proline is disallowed at the second and third position because of our identification that the first residues of the vMIM2 form an α-helix (proline residues being incompatible with α-helix formation).

      *We identified eight additional HCMV proteins with potential vMIM2 sequences: pUL31, pUL57, pUL72, pp28 (a.k.a. pUL99), pUL141, pUS22, pUS29 and pUS30. Of these, pUL141 could be immediately discounted because the vMIM2 sequence is located in an extracellular portion of the protein and thus would be incapable of binding the cytosolic VPS4A MIT domain. pUL31, pUL57 and pUS22 could similarly be discounted because inspection of AlphaFold2 models of these proteins (https://www.bosse-lab.org/herpesfolds/) reveal the potential vMIM2 sequences to lie within regions of the protein that are predicted to be well-ordered and are buried and/or form secondary structures incompatible with binding the VPS4A MIT domain. The vMIM2 motifs of the remaining four proteins were in regions of the proteins that lacked tertiary structure and were predicted with low confidence, indicating that these regions are likely to have little intrinsic structure in the absence of a binding partner. Additionally, we observed that the potential vMIM2 sequences of pUL72 and pUS29 were predicted to have a helix-then-extended conformation, like pUL71. *

      To probe whether the pUL72, pp28, pUS29 and pUS30 sequences that matched the vMIM2 consensus were likely to bind VPS4A, we used AlphaFold2 to predict structures of the relevant 26 amino acid regions from these proteins in complex with the VPS4A MIT domain. Analysis of the pLDDT scores show that the interaction between VPS4A and pUL72 is plausible, although this interaction is predicted with less confidence than the VPS4A:pUL71(300–325) interaction. The other models are predicted with very low confidence, suggesting that these regions are unlikely to interact. This agrees with our data for pp28, where we demonstrated using transient expression experiments that pUL71 but not pp28 could sequester VPS4A (Fig. 1B).

      Further inspection of the VPS4A:pUL72(potential vMIM2) prediction showed that several residues in the potential interacting region are predicted to contribute to the pUL72 folded domain, forming the final strand of a β-sheet. AlphaFold-Multimer prediction of a complex between the VPS4A MIT domain and full-length pUL72 failed to yield models where the potential vMIM2 interacted with VPS4A, suggesting that steric clashes between VPS4A and the globular domain of pUL72 would prevent pUL72 from binding VPS4A in cells.

      While it is theoretically possible that the potential vMIM2 motifs identified above could interact with VPS4A, the interaction is clearly not sufficient to effectively recruit VPS4A to the cVAC in the absence of pUL71 or in the presence of a pUL71 mutant with a defective vMIM2 (Fig. 6C,D). There are also several HCMV proteins that have ‘late domains’ and could in theory compensate for the absence of pUL71 via recruitment of ‘upstream’ ESCRT machinery components (Streck 2020), but these are similarly incapable of efficiently recruiting VPS4A in the absence of pUL71. It is possible that a small amount of residual VPS4 recruitment via late domain containing proteins could functionally compensate for the absence of the vMIM2 but, given the published evidence that VPS4 activity is dispensable for virus envelopment, it is more likely in our opinion that an alternative non-ESCRT mechanism drives HCMV envelopment.

      We have added a paragraph at the end of the results section “VPS4A binding is conserved amongst cytomegaloviruses and human β-herpesviruses” and a new supplemental figure (Fig. S5) describing the other potential vMIM2 sequences in HCMV. We have also added a section to the discussion where we describe our interpretation of these results, outlining our reasons for concluding that other HCMV sequences that match the vMIM2 consensus are very unlikely to play a role in envelopment (although we admit that we cannot entirely discount this hypothesis):

      “While other HCMV proteins have sequences that match the vMIM2 consensus, none are able to recruit VPS4A to the cVAC when pUL71 is absent (Fig. 6C) or has a defective vMIM2 (Fig. 6D). It is therefore unlikely that these sequences are functionally redundant to the pUL71 vMIM2, although we cannot formally discount this hypothesis.”

      We thank the reviewer for asking this interesting question.

      Would the small differences (if significant) in virus titer be sufficient to provide enough of an evolutionary advantage to explain the sequence conservation? It would be interesting to try an in vitro selection assay and test if wildtype would outcompete the PPAA mutant after some passages.

      This is an interesting suggestion, but it is not really supported by our data, as all our data indicate that sequestration of VPS4 by pUL71 has no growth advantage (see also answer to point 3). This is further supported by our results from electron microscopy. Even the minimal differences in growth are not significant at most time points. In addition, to our knowledge, there is no established assay for HCMV for the proposed analysis and therefore no reliable data regarding the significance.

      Albeit far beyond the original scope of the study:

      In the very thoughtful discussion, the option is discussed that other MIT domain containing proteins could be the actual targets of the pUL71 MIM2-domain. It would be interesting to use the generated expression constructs to identify other cellular targets by co-IP and mass spectrometry.

      We agree this would be an interesting avenue of future work and it is one we intend to pursue in the future. However, identification of novel binding partners for the vMIM2 and biochemical plus functional characterisation of these interactions is a large study and is thus outside the scope of this current manuscript.

      Minor comments: None, the presented experiments are well conducted and presented. The work is adequately discussed.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Significance section

      General assessment:

      The performed experiments are well described and the high quality is revealed by the abundant primary data shown. Multiple independent methods were used to investigate the central findings. The claims made are therefore well supported. Especially the data supporting the direct interaction between the MIM2-like domain and the MIT of VPS4 are excellent and unequivocally demonstrate a direct interaction. On the other hand, the lack of effect of this interaction in the context of viral infection questions the significance of the finding. Possibly, by testing additional cell lines to assess virus spread, the authors could increase relevance of the findings.


      The impact of VPS4 and the ESCRT machinery on HCMV secondary envelopment has been a matter of debate since a study by Tandon et al. in 2009 seemed to contradict the first publication on the topic by Fraile-Ramos et al in 2007. The current study by Butt et al. now supports a more recent report by Streck et al., which suggested that VPS4 is not required for secondary envelopment. The fact that the two studies use different experimental systems with similar outcome, suggests that virus maturation is indeed independent of VPS4. However, Streck et al. observe an effect of dominant negative ESCRT mutants on virus spread, suggesting that the interaction of the HCMV tegument with ESCRT is required only under special conditions, which still remain to be defined. Albeit the present study cannot fill all the gaps of our understanding of this topic, the high quality of the data is a good basis for further investigations.

      In addition, the description of a viral MIM2-like motifs might spur the investigation of similar motifs in other viruses, potentially bringing more cases of molecular mimicry to light.


      This study is of interest to basic researchers investigating aspects of modulation of cellular membranes by viruses or interested the cellular components and interactors of the ESCRT complexes.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study the authors investigate mechanisms by which human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) modulates ESCRT III to facilitate virus maturation. The viral protein pUL71 has been shown previously to be an important viral mediator of the so called "secondary envelopment", that is the process in which the viral capsid is budding into Golgi-derived membranes to acquire its envelope.

      pUL71 was previously shown to recruit VPS4 to the trans-Golgi upon co-transfection. In this study, the authors investigate the structural requirements for this interaction. Sequence comparison prompted the investigation of a short motif in the C-terminus of pUL71 with homology to the Type 2 MIT-Interacting Motif (MIM2) of CHMP6 that is known to bind the MIT of VPS4. Using co-localization, co-immunoprecipitation and isothermal titration calorimetry they show clearly that a peptide spanning amino acids 300-325 of pUL71 is required and sufficient for binding of VPS4A. State of the art modeling of the protein complex identifies the crucial amino acids that define the interaction on both sides. The authors validate these predictions experimentally in transfection and with purified peptides as well as in the context of HCMV infection using bimolecular fluorescence complementation. Furthermore, the authors demonstrate that not only the other human betaherpesviruses but also closely related CMVs of rat and mouse encode viral MIM2-like motifs (vMIM2)that are able to interact with VPS4A. Unexpectedly, albeit in line with previous reports, they find that mutation of this highly conserved vMIM2 domain did not alter viral progeny and focus size largely. The authors further confirm by quantification of high quality electron micrographs, that a large portion of capsids is able to complete the process of budding into and scission from cellular membranes, demonstrating that the ability of pUL71 to bind VPS4A is dispensable for secondary envelopment. <br /> Taken together, this study demonstrates clearly that a newly defined vMIM2 in the HCVM pUL71 protein binds cellular VPS4A. Yet, it remains unclear in which context the virus requires this novel form of molecular mimicry.

      Major comments:

      1. Despite the very thorough analysis and conduction of the study, the presented work does not reveal a phenotype in virus infection. The authors would need to find out what the functional relevance of their discovery is.
      2. Please include statistical analysis of virus release, spread and envelopment (Figure 7 and Table 2). It would be helpful to see if the small differences observed are likely to be random or not.
      3. One caveat is that the presented study investigates the impact of VPS4A on HCMV only in fibroblasts. However, other studies used epithelial cells to investigate the impact of VPS4 knockout on HCMV and also did not see a reduction in virus titers. Yet, the authors could significantly improve the manuscript by testing for a cell type specific requirement of the vMIM2. The replication of the PPAA mutant virus could be analyzed in additional cell types such as macrophages or endothelial cells and using different experimental systems.
      4. Consider discussing if other viral and cellular proteins could compensate the loss of interaction between pUL71 and VPS4. Is a similar motif found in any other HCMV protein? Could redundancy explain the lack of a consequences for viral growth?
      5. Would the small differences (if significant) in virus titer be sufficient to provide enough of an evolutionary advantage to explain the sequence conservation? It would be interesting to try an in vitro selection assay and test if wildtype would outcompete the PPAA mutant after some passages.

      Albeit far beyond the original scope of the study: 6. In the very thoughtful discussion, the option is discussed that other MIT domain containing proteins could be the actual targets of the pUL71 MIM2-domain. It would be interesting to use the generated expression constructs to identify other cellular targets by co-IP and mass spectrometry.

      Minor comments: None, the presented experiments are well conducted and presented. The work is adequately discussed.


      General assessment:

      The performed experiments are well described and the high quality is revealed by the abundant primary data shown. Multiple independent methods were used to investigate the central findings. The claims made are therefore well supported. Especially the data supporting the direct interaction between the MIM2-like domain and the MIT of VPS4 are excellent and unequivocally demonstrate a direct interaction. On the other hand, the lack of effect of this interaction in the context of viral infection questions the significance of the finding. Possibly, by testing additional cell lines to assess virus spread, the authors could increase relevance of the findings.


      The impact of VPS4 and the ESCRT machinery on HCMV secondary envelopment has been a matter of debate since a study by Tandon et al. in 2009 seemed to contradict the first publication on the topic by Fraile-Ramos et al in 2007. The current study by Butt et al. now supports a more recent report by Streck et al., which suggested that VPS4 is not required for secondary envelopment. The fact that the two studies use different experimental systems with similar outcome, suggests that virus maturation is indeed independent of VPS4. However, Streck et al. observe an effect of dominant negative ESCRT mutants on virus spread, suggesting that the interaction of the HCMV tegument with ESCRT is required only under special conditions, which still remain to be defined. Albeit the present study cannot fill all the gaps of our understanding of this topic, the high quality of the data is a good basis for further investigations.<br /> In addition, the description of a viral MIM2-like motifs might spur the investigation of similar motifs in other viruses, potentially bringing more cases of molecular mimicry to light.


      This study is of interest to basic researchers investigating aspects of modulation of cellular membranes by viruses or interested the cellular components and interactors of the ESCRT complexes.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript from Butt et al. entitled "Human cytomegalovirus deploys molecular mimicry to recruit VPS4A to sites of virus assembly" addresses the potential role of ESCRT components in the biogenesis of HCMV virions. The topic is relevant since the ESCRT machinery has been implicated in the propagation of various herpesviruses. However, conflicting results are present in the literature regarding its role and relevance. In the present study, the authors focus on HCMV pUL71, which plays a role during the final envelopment of the viral capsids, and explore the possibility that it acts as an ESCRT-III component by recruiting the VPS4A ATPase (which induces membrane deformation and scission). To this end, they identified a motif in the C-terminal region of HCMV pUL71 that resembles the cellular type 2 MIM (MIM2) consensus sequence that is present in ESCRT-III proteins such as CHMP4B and CHMP6. They show substantial data that delineate an interaction between that pUL71 motif and the cellular ATPase using a panoply of tools (co-IF, co-IP, ITC, bimolecular fluorescence and markerless BAC mutagenesis). They also show that this interaction in present across a wide range of HCMV strains, but is absent in the case of the HSV-1 pUL51 homolog.

      Main Comments

      The manuscript is very well written, albeit line numbers would facilitate reviewing. The plethora of assays used convincingly show an interaction between pUL71 and VPS4A. They also indicate that this interaction relocalizes VPS4A to the TGN and likely the VAC. However, I do have some issues. For instance, using another viral marker, instead of only pUL71, would have been a good idea to distinguish the TGN from the VAC. This is not trivial given the reorganization of the cellular organelles by the virus. For this reason, looking at tegument and envelope viral proteins may not be optimal for this task since potentially on both compartments. However, viral capsid proteins or the viral genome may be useful here. Immuno-EM against VPS4A could also be a useful experiment to show a potential link between the ATPase and re-envelopment.

      Another issue is the actual pUL71 residues interacting with VPS4A. While substantial efforts were made to map them (truncated constructs, bimolecular assay, viral mutants), the data do not always point toward the exact same residues (for example aa 314-320 by co-IF but aa 300-310 by ITC). This suggests potentially multiple binding sites or conformational issues. Hence, the statement on page 5 "that pUL71 residues 300-310 are necessary for the VPS4A interaction, in addition to the potential MIM2" may be misleading. What happens if one deleted aa 314-320 in the ITC assay? Or aa 300-310 by IF? These findings are further confounded by the lack of impact of the mutations of aa 315 and 318, predicted to be important in silico (p. 6). Moreover, in figure 7, the mutants made were a deletion 315-326 or the double point mutant P315A and P318A (not clear why in light of above results). Would a deletion of aa 300-320 not be a more appropriate and safer one to test for viral propagation?

      As the identification of the VPS4A binding motif in other herpesviruses appears to only be detected by manual inspection of the protein sequences, I wonder if other HCMV proteins or alpha/gamma viral proteins may interact with VPS4A. A good way to address this would be to do a VPS4A affinity column to see if any other viral proteins can bind. MS analyses may be required to identify the bound viral proteins. This could be a good follow-up paper...

      I am unfortunately unable to evaluate the outcome of the in silico analyses and cannot therefore judge their relevance or accuracy. Other reviewers can hopefully access this portion of the manuscript.

      Unless mistaken, previous work (Albecka A et al, 2017, JVI) has shown that HSV-1 pUL51 does not require its binding partner pUL7 to reach the TGN. Given that HSV-1 pUL51 does not seem to recruit VPS4A, could the pUL7/pUL51 complex be required for the recruitment of VPS4A to the TGN or VAC? Alternatively, could the lack of pUL51 binding to VPS4A reflect a different re-envelopment mechanism (absence of the CMV onion ring VAC)? These possibilities should be addressed in the manuscript.


      Fig 3S: I would suggest highlighting the central P residue in the aligned sequence and consensus sequence.


      Not surprisingly, the biggest issue in the manuscript is that perturbing pUL71 / VPS4A binding has no detectable positive or negative impact on VAC assembly, secondary viral envelopment or viral spread (titre, plaque size). This raises the question as to the relevance of VPS4A for the virus. As mentioned above, it could be relevant to test a viral mutant lacking pUL71 aa 300-320, which may lead to different results.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study the authors apply a rigorous and thorough combination of approaches including sequence analysis, deep-learning structure predictions, molecular dynamics, cell imaging and mutagenic analyses to identify a short MIM2-mimicking motif in the C-terminal region of the pUL71 protein of HCMV (and homologues in other beta-herpesviruses) that is necessary and sufficient for interaction with the ESCRT terminal ATPase VPS4A. pUL71 uses this motif to recruit, or sequester, VPS4A to the HCMV cytoplasmic viral assembly complex, though this process is dispensable for HCMV morphogenesis or replication. The identified pUL71 sequence functions as a mimic of the MIM2 motif of cellular CHMP subunits since, like MIM2, it directly binds the groove in the MIT domain found at the N-terminus of VPS4.

      Major comments:

      1. There appears to be some confusion in the coip experiment in Figure 5D. From the upper blot in 5D, the "+" above each lane suggests there should be VPS4A-FLAG protein in every sample other than the two lanes at the very left of the gel, however the anti-FLAG ip does not pull down VPS4A-FLAG from every "+" lane, but from alternating ones (and from the next to the leftmost lane, which should lack VPS4A-FLAG). Similarly, the lower "Input" blot shows VPS4A-FLAG present in alternating lanes across the blot, which does not match the "+" and "-" labeling at the top of the figure. Conversely, there is anti-HA signal in most input lanes (lower blot) though the HA-tagged pUL71 homologues should be absent from alternate lanes (top of upper blot).
      2. The Discussion is an excellent, comprehensive and scholarly assessment of the implications of this work. One appealing hypothesis is that pUL71 may be sequestering VPS4A rather than using it for envelope scission. In this regard, the authors point out that VPS4A sequestration is supported by the finding that the VPS4A MIT domain binds the isolated pUL71 vMIM2 more tightly (~ 5 fold lower Kd) than the MIM2 of CHMP6, and that pUL71 and homologues) are highly abundant at later stages of viral infection, allowing them to compete effectively with endogenous CHMP6 for VPS4A. I like the sequestration model very much, but could the authors comment on the fact that this apparent sequestration is seen even in the transfection experiments in Fig. 2A and 3G, where essentially 100% of transfected WT VPS4A-FLAG is recruited to the pUL71 compartment. Even given the increased binding affinity to pUL71, this suggests that in these transfection studies pUL71 must be in excess over the sum of both endogenous and transfected VPS4. Do the authors know if this is the case, and do cells transfected with pUL71 in these experiments exhibit any cytotoxicity, or cell cycle arrest, indicative of a block in normal ESCRT function/cytokinesis?

      Minor comments:

      In general, the text and figures are very clear and accurate, the Results section is careful to walk the reader though these studies in a clear and well written fashion and prior studies are referenced appropriately. There are some minor issues that are listed below.

      i). For clarity, please direct the reader to panel 1B when referring to the pp28 data (line 11 of Results section).

      ii). At the bottom of the page 4, the Results section states "immunoprecipitation experiments show VPS4A-FLAG to be robustly co-precipitated by wild-type pUL71 but not by the PPAA and V317D mutants". However, from Fig. 1E it appears to be the reverse. The wild type pUL71 (but not mutants) is being co-precipitated by VPS4A-FLAG, using an anti-FLAG antibody.

      iii). In Fig.1D the localization of WT pUL71 and the PPAA and V317D mutants to a juxtanuclear compartment provides a nice internal control demonstrating that the mutant proteins are at least partially functional (able to localize correctly), and the fluorescence intensities of the WT and mutant pUL71 proteins appear comparable. However, do the authors have any additional quantitative or semi-quantitative data (such as from a Western) to confirm similar expression levels for the pUL71 WT and PPAA/V317D mutant proteins?

      iv). In Fig. 4, An OPTIONAL experiment, which would add to the paper, would be to test the ability (or rather, lack of the ability) of the pUL71 I307R mutant to coip VPS4A from infected or transfected cells. Such a study would extend the predictive power of the elegant MD simulations and ITC studies to the "gold standard" of testing the phenotype in vivo.

      v). The Fig. 6B TB71stop pp28 panel is not referred to in the Fig. 6 legend.

      vi). In the second paragraph of the Discussion it is stated that "The pUL71 vMIM2 is necessary and sufficient to recruit VPS4A to specific membranes in co-transfected cells (Fig. 5) and to sites of virus assembly in HCMV infection (Fig. 6)". Strictly speaking, Fig. 5 (panel 5F) shows that the HCMV pUL71 region 283-361 is sufficient to localize VPS4A to a compact juxtanuclear structure in transfected cells, and Fig. 6 (panel 6C) shows that pUL71 residues 315-326 (and the two conserved prolines in this region) are necessary for VPS4A localization to a structure that appears to be the HCMV assembly compartment.


      This is the first report of a virus encoding a MIM-like domain, and of a viral motif that directly binds the VPS4A MIT domain. This will be of broad interest to those studying the cell biology of virus assembly and mechanisms of virus-host cell interaction, as well as to cell biologists and structural biologists studying the ESCRT apparatus. It is striking, and will be illuminating to virologists and ESCRT biologists, that viruses have evolved to mimic MIM2 with a motif that has a lower Kd than a conventional cellular MIM2 motif. The possibility, addressed in the Discussion, that pUL71 may be sequestering VPS4A (rather than using it) is an important issue that virologists should consider.

      This is a rigorous, thorough and well controlled basic science study that elegantly combines a variety of approaches to provide important new insights concerning the biology of pUL71 in HCMV, other human beta-herpesviruses and a large number of mammalian and rodent cytomegaloviruses. The claims and conclusions are thoughtful and measured, and supported by the data. Data and methods are presented in such a way that they can be reproduced, and experiments are adequately replicated with appropriate statistical analyses.

      Reviewers fields of interest: Cell biology, ESCRT function, Virus assembly

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewers for their valuable comments that we have followed to highly improve our manuscript.

      REVIEWER 1

      Major Comments:

      While the evidence presented supports the application of machine learning in predicting RNA editing events, the paper falls short in justifying its significance within the scope of RNA editing in non-coding regions and Alu repeats, which are typically characterized by low conservation. The paper should provide a more compelling rationale for the method's necessity and potential uses. While it is true that the databases used in mouse and human, as well as the procedures used for the obtention of the mackerel RNA-editing data are rich in Alu repeats and non-coding regions, that is not our focus. We gathered all the available A-to-I editing sites and feed them to our algorithms without distinction. In addition, we are not looking for conservation of the sites themselves yet, but if there is a conservation of the mechanism. This is attempted by assessing the ability of the algorithm trained in one species to predict the editing sites in a different species, a.k.a. cross-training. We already state this in the introduction but we have added an extra sentence in the last paragraph of the introduction.

      A significant limitation of this study is the lack of a thorough comparison with existing methodologies and traditional statistical approaches. Incorporating such analyses would substantially strengthen the validity of the findings.

      We would like the reviewer for pointing this limitation. We have updated the manuscript with a new table in results, and a new discussion segment.

      The descriptions of the machine learning algorithms are insufficiently detailed for replication or thorough comparison. A more comprehensive explanation of the algorithms' parameters and configurations is critical.

      While the main manuscript methods section is short to avoid it to over encumber the manuscript, there is a whole extended methods section with step-by-step instructions to replicate the results, as well as full documentation available in the github at https://github.com/cherrera1990/RNA-editing-pred.

      1. The paper lacks detailed analysis of the prediction accuracy, particularly concerning non-human data and the implications of false positives in unbalanced datasets. A more nuanced interpretation is essential for a comprehensive understanding.

      We have added two discussion segments to address this point. We thank the reviewer for notice this and help us to improve our manuscript.

      The discussion on the evolutionary conservation of RNA editing needs to more explicitly highlight potential practical applications and future research directions. The current treatment of this topic does not offer clear actionable insights.

      While true, we believe that what the reviewer suggests is not the main scope of the paper. We have added and extra sentence at the end to suggests possible doors this work can open.

      Minor Comments:

      The manuscript is marred by grammatical errors and awkward phrasing, including unnecessary references to historical figures like Charles Darwin. A thorough editing and proofreading process would greatly enhance readability. We removed the Charles Darwin reference and proofread the manuscript to correct grammatical errors.

      1. The justification for the selection of statistical tests is unclear, and a more detailed explanation of their relevance to the study's findings would improve the paper's analytical rigor. Incorporating descriptions of the statistical descriptors directly into the main text would remedy this issue.

      We don't exactly know to what the reviewer means with this point. The descriptors used for the random forest are thoroughly described in the extended methods. Besides the tests used for assessing prediction accuracies which are listed in the extended methods section as well as in github, we don't use any other statistical analysis. Nonetheless, we have improved the general methods with an extra paragraph for RF and added reminders of the availability of the extended methods.

      REVIEWER 2

      The main problem of this study is its dependence on computationally predicted RNA secondary structures. To date, algorithms for inferring the secondary structures of polynucleotide chains are affected by considerable errors in several cases. Therefore, there is a high probability that at least part of the training data is largely biased. In this sense it would be appropriate to correlate the performance of the model to that of linearfold used to obtain the secondary structure data. While this is completely true for the RF algorithm and probably the cause of the low accuracy achieved, compared with other methods, that is not the case for the biLSTM algorithm. As we can see in Figure 3 A and Figure 3 B (and Supp. Figure 8 A and 8 B), the accuracy obtained using sequence alone is almost identical to the one obtained using both channels, while the accuracy obtained using just secondary structure is noticeably lower. This most probably means that the biLSTM algorithm is just ignoring the secondary structure channel, so no bias is being introduced in the training dataset.

      Furthermore, it is known that bi-LSTMs trained on large datasets tend to be affected by catastrophic forgetting, therefore it should be evaluated to what extent the performances can be improved by expanding the dataset.

      While true, this can be deal with an attention layer such as the one we use. In addition, we can see (Supp. Figure 5) how the mackerel prediction accuracy decrease when we reduce the database size. This can be marginally observed in human as well.

      It is also notable an inconsistency between the performance summary table and the confusion matrices to which it refers.

      We have corrected Figure 6 showing the proper percentages (the confusion matrices were correct) as well as reordered Supp. Figure 3 in order to be more similar to the Table 2.

      In the end the 3' enrichment of guanosines, which is the typical of the consensus recognized by the ADARs, does not appear to emerge from the sequence logo relating to the training data.

      We did notice this, and while we had already a small comment in the discussion, we expanded it further.

      Point-by-point description of the revisions

      __ Figures and Tables__ - Figure 6 has been corrected with the proper accuracies.

      • Supp. Figure 3 has been reordered to mirror the Table 2 design.

      • Table 1 has been renamed to Table 2.

      • A new table has been added as Table 1 with other analysis of RNA-editing predictions by machine learning.

      __ Introduction__ - Charles Darwin reference has been removed (L11).

      • "independently of the conservation of editing sites" added to last paragraph (L117).

      __ Results__ - New section "Benchmarking the algorithms with previous RNA-editing prediction attempts based on machine learning" added including a new table as Table 1 (L170-178).

      __ Discussion__ - "Random forest" section expanded at the end (L254-258).

      • "biLSTM algorithm" section expanded at the end of paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 (L274-280; L289-295).

      • "Differences in accuracy between human and non-human data" section expanded at the end (L313-316).

      • Additional sentence added at the end of "Cross-training and mechanism conservation" section (L353-355).

      __ Methods__ __- __Reminders of availability of extended methods added at the end of "Origin of the RNA-editing and genomic data", "General pipeline for constructing the Random Forest and Neural networks datasets", and "biLSTM" sections (L375; L390; L429-430).

      • Extra paragraph added for "RF" section (L408-413).

      __ Proofreading and correction of typos__

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study describes Deep Learning applications aimed at identifying edited sites in different organisms. The method is able, starting from the knowledge of the transcriptome of one organism, to predict RNA editing in another, exploiting the functional conservation of ADAR enzymes throughout the animal kingdom. This study concludes that this approach, within certain limits, is a feasible option and worthy of further development.

      The main problem of this study is its dependence on computationally predicted RNA secondary structures. To date, algorithms for inferring the secondary structures of polynucleotide chains are affected by considerable errors in several cases. Therefore there is a high probability that at least part of the training data is largely biased. In this sense it would be appropriate to correlate the performance of the model to that of linearfold used to obtain the secondary structure data. Furthermore, it is known that bi-LSTMs trained on large datasets tend to be affected by catastrophic forgetting, therefore it should be evaluated to what extent the performances can be improved by expanding the dataset. It is also notable an inconsistency between the performance summary table and the confusion matrices to which it refers. In the end the 3' enrichment of guanosines, which is the typical of the consensus recognized by the ADARs, does not appear to emerge from the sequence logo relating to the training data.


      Advance: compare the study to existing published knowledge: does it fil a gap? what kind of advance does it make (conceptual, fundamental, methodological, incremental, ...) The study, although the critical remarks addressed above represents a conceptual advancement

      Audience: which communities will be interested in/influenced, what kind of audience (broad, specialised, clinical, basic research, applied sciences, fields and subfields, ...) This contributions targets a specialised audience even if the potential applications are broad

      Describe your expertise

      Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: This manuscript presents an approach for assessing the conservation of RNA editing, with a particular focus on non-coding regions and Alu repeats, using machine learning techniques. The goal is to forecast RNA editing occurrences and their evolutionary conservation across different species. However, the paper does not convincingly argue for the importance or the necessity of this method, especially considering the anticipated low conservation levels in the targeted regions.

      Major Comments:

      1. While the evidence presented supports the application of machine learning in predicting RNA editing events, the paper falls short in justifying its significance within the scope of RNA editing in non-coding regions and Alu repeats, which are typically characterized by low conservation. The paper should provide a more compelling rationale for the method's necessity and potential uses.
      2. A significant limitation of this study is the lack of a thorough comparison with existing methodologies and traditional statistical approaches. Incorporating such analyses would substantially strengthen the validity of the findings.
      3. The descriptions of the machine learning algorithms are insufficiently detailed for replication or thorough comparison. A more comprehensive explanation of the algorithms' parameters and configurations is critical.
      4. The paper lacks detailed analysis of the prediction accuracy, particularly concerning non-human data and the implications of false positives in unbalanced datasets. A more nuanced interpretation is essential for a comprehensive understanding.
      5. The discussion on the evolutionary conservation of RNA editing needs to more explicitly highlight potential practical applications and future research directions. The current treatment of this topic does not offer clear actionable insights.

      Minor Comments:

      1. The manuscript is marred by grammatical errors and awkward phrasing, including unnecessary references to historical figures like Charles Darwin. A thorough editing and proofreading process would greatly enhance readability.
      2. The justification for the selection of statistical tests is unclear, and a more detailed explanation of their relevance to the study's findings would improve the paper's analytical rigor. Incorporating descriptions of the statistical descriptors directly into the main text would remedy this issue.


      Summary: The manuscript introduces a method to explore the functional conservation of RNA editing. However, it does not adequately justify its significance or practical applicability, particularly in the context of non-coding regions characterized by low conservation. The lack of comparative analysis with existing methods and detailed machine learning methodology explanations detracts from its potential impact. Addressing these issues would greatly enhance the paper's contribution to the scientific community.

      General Assessment: The cornerstone of this study is its approach towards the prediction and evolutionary conservation analysis of RNA-editing events using machine learning techniques. Despite these technical achievements, the study falls short in adequately highlighting the biological significance of RNA editing within non-coding regions and Alu repeats. Additionally, the absence of a comprehensive comparative analysis with pre-existing methods and the lack of detailed algorithmic descriptions somewhat diminish the study's potential influence and applicability in the wider scientific domain. Moreover, there are grammatical errors and awkward phrasings that disrupt the flow of the text (e.g. why are we talking about Charles Darwin?) Please just focus on the method and RNA editing improve the overall readability of the paper!

      Advance: The research notably progresses the field of genomics by harnessing machine learning to investigate RNA editing prediction and conservation, a subject not thoroughly examined in existing literature. Its innovative utilization of advanced computational models sets a new precedent, offering fresh perspectives on the mechanisms of RNA editing and their evolutionary contexts. This study enriches our understanding of genomics by illustrating the applicability of machine learning in unraveling the complexities of biological phenomena, such as RNA editing, thereby expanding the frontier of knowledge in both theoretical and practical aspects of genomics research.

      Audience: A niche audience comprising bioinformatics experts focused on RNA editing, computational biology, and evolutionary genetics.

      My proficiency centers on human genomics, RNA editing biology, and computational methodologies.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      'The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.'

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this work, Zemlianski and colleagues exploit S. pombe mutations responsible for catastrophic mitoses, in particular those leading to a cut / cut-like phenotypes, whereby cytokinesis takes place without proper DNA segregation, trapping DNA molecules by septum formation in between the two separating cells. The work builds on the team's previous observation that these defects can be alleviated when cells are grown in a nitrogen-rich medium, and motivate their efforts to understand this better. The manuscript is written in a concise, neat and informative manner, and the results are presented clearly, with consistence in the format and the style all along. The analyses appear to have been, in general, conducted under the best standards. The findings are important and the data are of good quality. I have, however, important concerns that will be detailed below, and which, as I hope will be made clear, question the pertinence of including "TOR signaling" in the title, and making a distinction between "good" and "poor" nitrogen sources in the abstract.

      Major comments:


      The conclusion that the phenotype is suppressed by "good" but not "poor" nitrogen sources is not sufficiently supported. First, this interpretation is based on comparing only two or three sources of each type; Second, the "good" source glutamate needed to be raised for it to have a significant effect; 3) there is a strange datum, as Glu 100 mM in Graph 1D looks exactly the same as Glu 50 mM in Graph 1E, I guess there is a mistake in the plotting; 4) and, more important, the fact that the authors had the nice initiative of reproducing their YES medium experiments for every graph led to the inevitable fact that slightly different values were obtained every time, which is normal. While the values yield very similar data for panels 1B, 1C and even 1D, the frequency of catastrophic mitoses for the cbf11 mutant in YES in panel 1E is much lower than in panel Figure 1B, for example. This has the consequence of making the suppression obtained when adding 'poor' sources, such as proline or uracil, non-significantly different. Thus, the authors conclude that 'poor' nitrogen sources are not good at suppressing the phenotype. I suggest that the authors pool all their YES data (they will have 12 repeats of their experiment) and plot, in a single graph, all the other treatments. By performing the analyses again, using the appropriate statistical test for that, perhaps they will have a surprise. After which, the question is, is it so important to put the emphasis on whether the source is good or poor? The incontestable observation is that, in general, there is clear trend of suppression of the phenotype.

      In Figure 2, images should be shown as an example of what was seen, what was quantified, how the "decrease in nuclear cross-section area" looked like indeed.

      Also, important for Figure 2, the authors used the nuclear cross-section area as a readout for nuclear envelope expansion versus shrinkage. For that, they did not use a fluorescent marker for the nuclear envelope that is continuous, but a nucleoporin (Cut11-GFP). In my experience, nucleoporins being discontinuously distributed throughout the nuclear envelope, the area encompassed by the signal may be underestimated in the event of a strong nuclear envelope deformation, as I have tried to illustrate in the scheme below: I WILL SEND THE SCHEME BY MAIL TO THE EDITOR, AS I CANNOT COPY-PASTE IT IN THE SYSTEM BOX Given that the photos from which the data were retrieved have not been shown, I cannot at present judge whether the use of a nuclear envelope marker providing continuous signals is absolutely necessary or not, and whether this consideration will affect (or not at all) the conclusions.

      The authors do not seem to comment or pay any attention to a very crucial result they obtain: the addition of ammonium to the WT strain has the effect of also restricting the nuclear cross-section area. They indeed say in their text "we did not observe any differences between cultures grown with or without ammonium supplementation (Fig.2)". I guess they refer here to the cbf11 mutant, in which case the sentence is true (although unfair to the WT). But by neglecting that the supplementation with ammonium had the power of reducing the cross-section area of WT nuclei, they are misled (or misleading) in their interpretation. The same, although milder, is true for Figure 5C, where the addition of ammonium to the WT culture does not alter the median value of prophase + metaphase duration, however has the virtue of very much rendering sharp (less scattered) the population of values, suggesting that the accuracy / control of the process is enhanced. What does this mean? I think it should be carefully thought about and considered as a whole.

      In the same line as above, the authors omit the RNA-seq analysis concerning the treatment of the WT with ammonium (Figure 3). This is very important to understand the standpoint of what this treatment elicits. It would also help unravel the observations I mentioned above that the authors did not assess in their descriptions. Also regarding Figure 3, it is completely obscure why the authors decided to show the genes on the right axis, and not others. Knowing how vast the lipid pathways are, there are likely many other hits that could be relevant. A particular thought goes for the proteins in charge of filling lipid droplets, such as sterol- and fatty acid-esterifying enzymes. Unless a very justified reason is provided, the choice at present seems arbitrary and it would be better to show a more unbiased data representation.

      In the same vein, related to the effect of ammonium onto the WT, in Figure S1 (I want to congratulate the authors for showing their 3 experimental replicates), the results very neatly show that ammonium supplementation to the WT leads to a neat and reproducible increase in TAG, a fact on which the authors do not comment. In the mutant, irrespective of ammonium presence or absence, a huge increase in squalene and steryl esters (SE) are seen. I think the work would benefit from actually quantifying the intensity of these bands and thus materializing this in the form of values. TAG, squalene and SE are all neutral lipids, and are all stored within LD to prevent lipotoxicity if accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum. While ammonium elicits strong TAG accumulation in the WT, this is not the case in the mutant, likely because the massive occupation of LD storage capacity is overwhelmed with squalene and SE. Could this have something to do with the suppression they are studying?

      In the section of results where the authors comment the TLC analysis, they write "suggesting failed coordination between sterol and TAG lipid metabolism pathway". As it stands, the sentence is rather devoid of real meaning and may be even misleading, when considering what I wrote before.

      My biggest concern has to do with the very last part, when they explore the implications of TOR:

      • First, all the data presented in the two concerned panels of Figure 7 (B and C) and of Figure S3 lack the values obtained for the single mutants with which cbf11 was combined. This is not acceptable from a genetic point of view, and may prevent us from having important information. For example: if the authors were right that Tor2/TORC1 is ensuring successful progression through closed mitosis (last sentence of results), then one would predict that the tor2-S allele leads to an increase, already per se, of the frequency of catastrophic mitoses. However, at present, I cannot check that.
      • the authors turn to use a ∆ssp2 mutant to "increase Tor2 activity". However, this is a pleiotropic strategy, as AMP-kinase is the major sensor and responder to energy depletion, frequently triggered by glucose shortage, thus I am not sure the effects associated to its absence can be unequivocally be ascribed to a Tor2 raise.
      • there is a counterintuitive observation: rapamycin, which mimics nitrogen shortage, has the same effect than ammonium supplementation. This is strangely bypassed in the discussion, where the authors wrote "we showed increased mitotic fidelity in cbf11 cells when the stress-response branch of the TOR network was suppressed, either by ablation of Tor1/TORC2 or by boosting the activity of the pro-growth Tor2/TORC1 branch. These data are in agreement with previous findings that Tor2/TORC1 inhibition mimics nitrogen starvation".
      • last, and irrespective of what was said above, the authors conclude that the phenotype suppression is due to "a role for Tor2/TORC1 in ensuring successful progression through mitosis". If, as stated by the authors, Tor1/TORC2 absence not only abrogates Tor1/TORC2 activity, but it simultaneously raises Tor2/TORC1 activity, and if reciprocally Tor2/TORC1 increased activity concurs with Tor1/TORC2 attenuation, it cannot therefore be discerned if the suppression is due to Tor2/TORC1 raise or to Tor1/TORC2 dampening.


      The authors invoke that TOR controls lipin, despite what they go on to dismiss the link between TOR and lipids by saying "we did not observe any major changes in phospholipid composition when cells were grown in ammonium-supplemented YES medium compared to plain YES (Figure S2)", with this reinforcing their conclusion that ammonium does not suppress lipid-related cut mutants through directly correcting lipid metabolism defects. While I agree with that reasoning, I invoke again that they nevertheless neglected the clear change observed in their three replicates (Figure S2) that ammonium addition to WT cells strongly increases the amount of TAG (esterified fatty acids). Since lipin activity promotes DAG formation, which then leads to TAG accumulation, this aspect should not be neglected.

      The emphasis on TOR, which expands several paragraphs of the Discussion, should be revisited if the evidence provided for this part of the data is not reinforced.

      To finish, if I may provide some personal thoughts that may be useful for the authors, I would first remind that TAG storage prevents the channeling of phosphatidic acid towards novel phospholipid synthesis thus antagonizes NE expansion, which agrees with their neglected observation for the WT in Figure 2A. The antagonization of NE expansion can be achieved through autophagy (DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-39172-3; DOI 10.1177/25152564231157706), and indeed rapamycin addition (a very potent inducer of autophagy) also suppressed the cut phenotype (Figure 7A). What is more, in S. cerevisiae, autophagy has been shown as important to transition through mitosis conveniently and to prevent mitotic aberrations (DOI 10.1371/journal.pgen.1003245), and to impose a "genome instability" intolerance threshold by restricting NE expansion (DOI 10.1177/25152564231157706). In the first mentioned work, the authors proposed that autophagy may help raising aminoacid levels, which could assist cell cycle progression. This would have the virtue of reconciling the otherwise counterintuitive observation of the authors that rapamycin, which mimics nitrogen shortage, has the same effect than ammonium supplementation. It could be that ammonium supplementation mimics the downstream signal of a complex cascade initiated by actual aminoacid shortage, known to elicit autophagy-like processes (thus explaining why TAG raise, why the NE does not expand), and may culminate with launching a program for more accurate mitosis and genome segregation. In further support, TORC1 inhibition (as elicited by +rapamycin) is a central node that integrates multiple cues, not only nitrogen availability, but also carbon shortage (DOI 10.1016/j.molcel.2017.05.027), and even genetic instability cues (DOI 10.1016/j.celrep.2014.08.053), perhaps helping unravel why ammonium (via TOR) suppresses very diverse cut mutants, irrespective of whether they stem from lipid or chromatid cohesion deficiencies. These previous works should be considered by the authors.


      There was no speculation about why the suppressions are partial.

      Reference 15, cited in the text, is absent from the references list.

      An explanation of which statistical tests were chosen and why they were chosen would be necessary.

      In particular, for the analyses performed for Figure 5, one-way ANOVA should be applied instead of several t-tests.

      A small section in M&M about how data in general was acquired, quantified, plotted and analyzed would be appropriate.

      In the discussion, the sentence "this could mean that the signaling of availability of a good nitrogen source is by itself more important for mitotic fidelity than the actual physical presence of the nutrients" is a rather void sentence. Because, from the point of view of how a cell "works", the signal is important for the basic reason that it is supposed to represent the actual real cue eliciting it.

      In the second part of Results, when the phenotype of cbf11 mutants concerning LD is mentioned, the authors said "aberrant LD content". It would be good if they can mention already at this stage which type of aberration this was: more LD? less LD? bigger? smaller?

      What is the difference between the two SE bands in Figure S2? What exactly does SE-1 and SE-2 mean?

      In Figure 2, the two graphs, presented side by side, would be more easily comparable if they could be plotted with the same y-axis scale.

      In Figure 1A, it would be useful for non-specialists of this phenotype and non-pombe readers to show a control of how it looks to be "normal".

      Referees cross-commenting

      Overall, there is a striking consensus on the need to either address experimentally or remove the emphasis put on the TOR/mitotic fidelity connection, and of clarifying the counter-intuitive notions associated to the results obtained with rapamycin. Also, the need for revisiting / improving / justifying the means by which nuclear envelope deformation is assessed has been raised at least twice. I therefore guess that the common guidelines for improving this manuscript are clearly established.


      In view of all of the above, my feeling is that the authors have put the accent on the TOR message, which is weak, while they have less put the accent on very strong and elegant findings they do: The authors discover that the suppression of cut(-like) mutant phenotype by addition of NH4 is not due to a correction in lipid metabolism defects, suggesting that the effect is indirect. In support, cut-like mutants whose molecular defect stems from lipid-unrelated defects are also suppressed by ammonium addition. What is more, the authors refine the type of cut-like mutants susceptible of being "corrected" by ammonium addition, finding a "novel definition of cuts" that invoke a temporal rule. This important observation has relevant implications:

      • the long-standing interpretation (commented by the authors) that lipid-related cut mutants are defective because of insufficient synthesis of lipids to be able to grow their nuclear envelope membranes seems now inappropriate in light of their data;
      • this has the immediate implication that perhaps the importance of nitrogen supplementation for accurate mitosis is no longer a fact that may apply only to (yeast) organisms performing closed mitosis, which may broaden the implications of their finding substantially;
      • the nature of the temporal ruler they discover that makes defects appearing early susceptible of being suppressed by nitrogen supplementation deserves analysis in further works, thus opening an immediate perspective.
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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Zemlianski et al conducted careful analysis of a group of lipid metabolism mutants exhibiting mitotic defects. They demonstrate that supplementing a good nitrogen source in the medium can rescue the mitotic defects in these mutants. Notably, this rescue occurs independently of addressing lipid composition defects or altering the expression of lipid metabolism genes. Furthermore, the study implicates TORC1 activity as a key player in integrating nitrogen availability for the effective execution of mitosis. Despite well-controlled and meticulously executed experiments, the overall study lacks comprehensiveness and appears to add to the list of existing reports without offering mechanistic insights into the unexplained impact that the TOR pathway (or nitrogen source) has on mitosis.

      Major Comments:

      1. The discussed link between Tor and mitosis is not a novel finding. An yet unexplained link between mitosis and the tor pathway has been previously reported by Yanagida lab and several years later by the Hauf Lab. Recent reports from the Hauf lab suggest that the relation of Tor to mitotic fidelity could be associated with the translational sensitivity of mitotic proteins to tor pathway or more directly to translational response to nitrogen availability for growth. Therefore, based on these leads it would be informative to see if the authors could expand on this idea and explore more on the mechanistic aspect of how nitrogen availability which feeds into tor functionality can influence mitotic progression.

      Based on the results presented here, it is reasonable to assume that in the lipid metabolism mutants which are rescued on nitrogen supplementation, TORC1 would be rendered inactivate as these cells are apparently nitrogen starved. TORC1 inactivation is known to downregulate translation and could impact the levels of critical mitotic genes. Therefore, it warrants the testing of this possibility. 2. TORC1 is known to restrain mitotic progression by opposing securin-separase and TORC2 to aid G2 to M transition by regulating the timing of Cdc2 de-phosphorylation. Earlier studies have seen rescue of mitotic defects in securin and separase by tor2 mutants (TORC1). However, here the rescue is executed by increasing the activity of TORC1 or impairing the TORC2 pathway by mutations in tor1. It might be good to present this result in context of previous reports and discuss how mitotic defects exhibited by lipid metabolism defects differ from those of mutants in core mitotic pathway such as separase and securin. The current discussion section does not explicitly explain this difference.


      The inquiry central to the present study, namely the investigation into the impact of the TOR pathway on the proficient execution of mitosis, holds significant scientific relevance. Unraveling the mechanisms through which TOR enhances mitotic fidelity has the potential to enhance current drug interventions and pave the way for the development of informed and efficient therapeutic strategies, particularly in cancer.However, in the current form, the study lacks mechanistic insights and does not add much to the already known literature as I have detailed above in my comment.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Zemlianski et al. present an analysis of the interaction between various mitotic phenotypes and Tor1-dependent nitrogen signaling in fission yeast. They make two interesting observations. First, the mitotic disruption caused by defects in lipid metabolism are not due to direct effects of such defects on mitotic mechanisms because the mitotic phenotypes can be suppressed by nitrogen supplementation without resolving the lipid metabolism defects. Second, the effects of nitrogen supplementation are due to nitrogen's effect on TOR signaling, not to the direct effect of the nutrient, because TOR mutants have similar effects. The work is straight forward, appears to be well done, and the conclusions are well supported by the data.

      The one part of the manuscript that I do not understand is the effect of rapamycin on mitotic fidelity. The presented genetics suggest that nitrogen increases mitotic fidelity by activating TORC1. However, rapamycin inhibits TORC1, yet also increases mitotic fidelity. The authors need to state and address this apparent contradiction much more directly than they currently do (unless I badly misunderstand something, and then they need only explain it to me).

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with the comments of the other reviews. They all seem reasonable and addressable by the authors.


      The significance of the work is limited by the lack of mechanistic insight or even a plausible hypothesis as to how TOR-dependent nitrogen signaling is affecting mitotic fidelity. In something of an understatement, the authors note that "the exact mechanism of the nitrogen-mediated rescue of mitotic fidelity remains to be characterised in detail". Until that mechanism can be at least suggested, these observation do not provide much biological insight into the question of mitotic regulation.

      The work will be of interest to workers specifically involved in the regulation of mitotic fidelity in yeast, but, until more mechanistic insight can be generated, not much beyond that group.

    5. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors show that mitotic fidelity can be improved by a good nitrogen source. Such 'rescue' applies to a range of unrelated mitotic mutants in fission yeast (S.pombe). Rescue appears not to be achieved by restoring lipid metabolism. Instead they argue for an indirect mechanism of suppression, and find that the TOR signalling network is involved. The paper is well written and the data clearly presented.

      Major comments:

      • most claims and conclusions are supported by the data. The catastrophic mitosis (Fig 1A) should be better described in this manuscript, rather than referring the reader to Ref. 18.
      • 'rescue' is often used in figure legends and text (eg. Fig 5-7 titles). Is this the most appropriate word? In most cases this rescue is partial. Perhaps 'suppresses' is more appropriate?
      • The authors write in the results: "taken together the ammonium-mediated rescue of mitotic defects.........seems to operate early in the cell cycle, prior to anaphase." Can they be more precise here? If cell cycle checkpoints were activated, to lengthen G2 or early M, this may not always help reduce chromosome mis-segregation. The authors have previously shown that combining a sac mutation with cbf11 did not rescue mitotic defects (ref 18). Have the authors tested these double mutants to see if the prolonged mitosis observed in cbf11 is shortened? Have other checkpoints been tested, apart from the sac?
      • "Figure 7. The TOR network is critical for the ammonium-mediated rescue of Δcbf11 mitotic defects." The data shows that inhibiting the TOR network (rapamycin) has a similar impact to ammonia. These are not additive, and it is argued that both rapamycin and ammonium must affect the same pathway. However, they do not test the impact of nitrogen sources in the genetic tor mutant backgrounds. Where is the mechanistic evidence that tor signalling is required for the ammonium-mediated rescue?
      • Optional: can the authors support their interpretation by providing some biochemical evidence that the tor signalling pathway is active in relevant conditions. For example, is tor signalling reduced when a good nitrogen source is added? Is tor signalling enhanced in a cbf11 mutant?

      Minor comments:

      • Methods: how was the area of nuclear cross-section measured (for Figure 2)?
      • I question whether the statistical t-tests used are always appropriate. In some experiments (eg. Fig2 and 4C) should ANOVA be performed? I am no expert in this, but the authors should get advice.


      The data presented will be of interest to those studying cell division, lipid homeostasis and TOR signalling networks. However, in my opinion the mechanistic link with TOR signalling (Fig 7) should be strengthened.

      I am an expert on mitotic regulation and chromosome segregation in yeast.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      __Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __ Summary In this manuscript the authors address the largely unexplored role of micro RNAs (miRNAS) in Drosophila melanogaster brain development, in particular in neural stem cell lineages. The authors for the first time adapt the Ago protein Affinity Purification by Peptides (AGO-APP) technology for Drosophila. They show that this technique works efficiently in neural stem cell lineages and identify several cell type specific active miRNAs. Through a series of bioinformatic analysis the authors identify candidate mRNA targets for these miRNAs. The authors then functionally analyse the role of some of the identified miRNAs, focusing on miRNAs significantly over-represented in neuroblasts.

      By overexpressing Mir-1, the authors demonstrate that this miRNA effectively targets the UTR of Prospero, resulting in the overproliferation of neuroblasts. In a parallel experiment, overexpression of Mir-9c causes neuroblast differentiation defects, similar to the phenotype caused by nerfin-1 mutants, a previously validated target. Loss of function analyses show that knock down of single miRNAs has little functional effects in neuroblast size, showing that the individual effect caused by miRNAs knock down is likely compensated. In contrast, a sponge against a selected group of miRNAs leads to a reduction in poxn positive neuroblasts. Overall these results validate the approach and support the theory that miRNAs cooperate in functional modules during stem cell differentiation.

      We thank Reviewer 1 for its overall positive review. We are grateful for the useful suggestions and we believe the additional experiments we have performed and added strongly improve the quality of the study and will hopefully satisfy the reviewer's concerns.


      Title: As the authors do not really explore exit from neural stem cell state this should be altered. The authors do not assess for the levels of any temporal genes, nor other markers of neural stem cell state exit (e.g. nuclear Pros).

      We now have further evidence that the identified microRNA module preserves neuroblasts, in particular in the optic lobe. We have modified the title accordingly: "In vivo AGO-APP identifies a module of microRNAs cooperatively preserving neural progenitors"

      The observed effects, with the available experiments, rather say that neural stem cell state is not maintained in general, not being clear what mechanistically happens to these cells expressing Cluster 2 sponges. The described phenotype caused by the expression of sponges against individual miRNAs also rather shows a blockage in differentiation.

      -The miRNAs analysed were found in Ago-APP to be predominantly active in neuroblasts, but was there any phenotypes of OE or KD in neurons or glial cells?

      Since the analyzed miRNAs were either not or poorly expressed in neurons or glia overall, it seemed less essential to investigate potential phenotypes in these cells. However, we did mis-expressed miR-cluster1sponge and miR-cluster2sponge in neurons and in glial cells (using elav-GAL4 and Repo-GAL4, respectively) throughout development, and did not observe any major impact on viability. All pupae were able to hatch.

      In addition, we show now that mis-expression of the miR-cluster2sponge (that induces strong phenotypes in neuroblasts) specifically in the wing pouch throughout development did not lead to any phenotype in the adult (e.g. wing size (tissue growth), patterning defects (cell differentiation)) (Fig6K,L). Importantly, this experiment rules out unspecific effects of the sponge construct on cell fitness, and highlight the tissue-specificity of the phenotype.

      • The authors obtained a phenotype when using a sponge against Cluster 2 in poxn neuroblasts. Is this specific for these 6 neuroblasts? What happens if this sponge is expressed with a pan-neuroblast driver in central brain/VNC/optic lobe? These experiments should be included as they would show if these are conserved effects for all neuroblasts.

      We already showed in Fig.4B of the first version of the manuscript (using a flip-out approach in clones) that miR-cluster1sponge or miR-cluster2sponge expression leads to an overall reduction in the neuroblast size in the VNC and CB.

      We have now added four more experiments, all suggesting that these sponges specifically affect type I neuroblasts:

      • using the pan-neuroblast driver nab-GAL4, we show that neuroblasts in the VNC and CB expressing these sponges are significantly smaller in late L3. Also, their number is reduced, indicated that some neuroblasts are eliminated (Fig.4C-G).
      • Using pox-GAL4 (already in first version) and eagle-GAL4, we show that different subset of type I neuroblasts in the VNC exhibit different sensitivities to the sponges (from light/medium - neuroblast shrinkage, to high - neuroblast elimination) (Fig.4H-J, S6C-E)
      • using the dpnOL-GAL4 driver, that is specific and strongly active in medulla neuroblasts in the optic lobe, we demonstrate that both, miR-cluster1sponge and miR-cluster2sponge, induce neuroblast shrinking. In addition, we find that the width of the medulla neuroblast stripe is strongly reduced when using the miR-cluster2sponge, providing further evidence for precocious neuroblast elimination (6C,D). Importantly, this leads to a smaller medulla in late L3 (Fig 6F), implying that in these conditions, medulla neuroblasts produce fewer neuronal progeny. Because medulla neuroblasts generate GMCs that undergo a single division, they are also considered as type I neuroblasts
      • using a worniu-GAL4, ase-GAL80 driver, that is specifically active in type II neuroblasts, we show that expression of miR-cluster1sponge and miR-cluster2sponge does not affect neuroblast size and the number of intermediate progenitors (Fig 6H-J). Together, these additional experiments in different types of neuroblasts and in non-neural tissue (the wing pouch, see above) demonstrate a type I neuroblast-specific effect. Our new results also imply that the microRNA module is active in most, if not all type I neuroblasts. In contrast, it is not present or not affecting differentiation genes in type II neuroblasts. Importantly, in Type II lineages, intermediate progenitors produced by neuroblasts undergo themselves a few rounds of divisions before differentiating, unlike GMCs that give rise to two differentiated progeny after a single division. Therefore, the dynamics of differentiation is different in the two lineages, involving a distinct sequential expression of differentiation factors, and possibly different miRNAs.

      The authors do different analyses in different brain regions, making also a hard to conclude if all brain regions behave the same way. As authors show that some miRNAs are only expressed in sub-sets of cells, this becomes particularly relevant.

      The new set of experiments in different types of type I neuroblasts and in type II neuroblasts, presented above, addresses the points on the specificity of the microRNA module.

      Could sponge of cluster 1 cause a phenotype if it had been expressed in other neuroblast lineages?

      Yes, it can. See our new experiments discussed above.

      __ __In addition, a discussion of the results obtained from sponge 1 should be included and put in context with miRNA function, technical limitations, levels/cell, targets, pitfalls of analyses, sponges, etc.

      We have more carefully acknowledge that sponge mediated knock-down is not very efficient and dose-dependent. We also clarified that other approaches will be required in the future to rigorously assess the specificity of each miRNA/mRNA interaction as well as their cooperativity.

      For example: "In contrast to genetic miR-1KO (Fig. 3O), we found that sponge mediated knock-down of this miRNA, or of other individual miRNAs in the module, had never a significant effect on neuroblast size (Fig. 4B), likely because the inhibition induced by sponges is incomplete. However, expression of either multi-sponge 1 or multi-sponge 2 significantly reduced neuroblast size in a dose dependent manner - two copies of the transgene exacerbate the phenotype (Fig. 4B)."

      We also state at the end of the discussion: "In the future, the combination of Ago-APP with complementary genetic strategies will be required to rigorously assess the specificity of each miRNA/mRNA interaction as well as their cooperativity."

      It would also be interesting to further explore the phenotypes caused by Mir-1 sp expression - are there any milder lineage defects?

      We observed an increase in Prospero expression and a decrease of the neuroblast size in miR-1null mutant neuroblast clones (Fig.3L-O). These phenotypes are not observed when miR-1sponge is mis-expressed. This is probably due to the fact that miR-1sponge expression leads to only a partial knock -down of miR-1. Moreover, we have added data about the expression of miR-1sponge in medulla neuroblasts in the optic lobe, showing an absence of obvious phenotype when assessing neuroblast size and neuroblast maintenance. This contrasts with expression of miR-cluster1sponge and miR-cluster2sponge (Fig. 4F,G). This new data is in line with our hypothesis that the knockdown of miRNAs of a common module synergize/cooperate to produce the phenotype expected from the deregulation of their common target mRNAs.

      Any defects in other brain regions/lineages, like in type 2 neuroblasts that usually do not express Pros?

      As suggested by the reviewer, and discussed above, we tested expression of miR-cluster1sponge and miR-cluster2sponge in type-II neuroblasts using the worniu-GAL4, asense-GAL80 driver (Neumüller et al., 2011). Interestingly, in contrast to type I neuroblasts in VNC, CB and OL regions, we did not observe neuroblast shrinking or changes in INP numbers. This suggests that either the self-renewing state is more robust in Type II than in Type I neuroblasts, or that that the uncovered miRNA module is more specific to type I neuroblasts than to type II. We have added and discussed these important data in Fig 6H-J in the revised version.

      Ago-APP identifies cell type specific miRNAs in larval neurogenesis section: - "...29oC... allows Gal4-dependent expression (Fig.1B,C)" - this description of Gal80ts/Gal4 works is not correct, expression is not prevented.

      Gal80 directly binds to Gal4 carboxy terminus and prevents Gal4-mediated transcriptional activation.

      We have tried to clarify this point in the revised version.

      "Thus, when x-GAL4, tub-GAL80ts, UAS-T6B animals are maintained at 18{degree sign}C (restrictive temperature), GAL80 binds to Gal4 and inhibits its activity. *Switching to 29{degree sign}C (permissive temperature) for 24 hours inactivates GAL80, allowing for GAL4-mediated transcriptional activation of UAS-T6B" *

      • Fig S1 - nab-Gal4 also drives expression in GMCs and neurons, rephrase text. Is nab-Gal4 expressed in optic lobe, VNC and central brain neuroblasts?

      nab-GAL4 drives UAS-T6B expression in neuroblasts (in the VNC and in the CB), but also at lower levels in the medulla neuroblasts of the OL.

      We now describe this expression more precisely in the text and in Fig.S1C:

      "nab-GAL4 was used for T6B expression in all neuroblasts. However, because GAL4 is inherited by neuroblast progeny, T6B will also be present in GMCs and a few immature neurons (Fig.S1A,C)24. Of note, nab-GAL4 is highly expressed in the neuroblasts of the ventral nerve cord (VNC) and of the central brain (CB), and weaker in the neuroblasts of the optic lobe (OL) (Fig. S1C)".

      • "20 late larval CNS" - mention the exact stage

      We mention now the precise stage: the wandering stage.

      • Providing a more detailed and interpretive description of Figures 1D and 1E would greatly enhance their clarity. Currently, the descriptions of these pannels resemble typical figure legends.

      We now provide a more detailed description of the data, emphasizing that they are consistent with previous studies on specific miRNAs.

      • Fig. 1F,G,H - It is not clear why the authors sometimes use the optic lobe, other ventral nerve cord as both regions have both neuroblasts, neurons and glia. Are the drivers used for Ago-APP not expressed in all brain regions?

      We now document the activity of the GAL4 drivers used for AGO-APP throughout the entire larval central nervous system in Fig.S1B-D. We also show images of the entire larval central nervous system for the different reporter lines (Fig S1E-K) and focus on regions of interest in the main Fig 1F-M with quantitative measurement of reporter gene expression.

      • Show "data not shown" for 1H.

      It is now shown in Fig. 1M'.

      • Fig. 1F, G, H - Please quantify intensity levels in the different cell types to facilitate comparison with Ago-APP graphs. Include in figure legend what is "cpm".

      Quantification of intensity levels is now represented in Fig. 1F,I and L. Cpm means "counts per millions". We added this in the figure legend.

      A regulatory module controlling neuroblast-to-neuron transition section: - Fig. 2C - A more detailed explanation in text is required in addition to what is mentioned in the figure legend. Including a brief summary/conclusion of the results would be helpful. If possible, add in X-axis 1, 2, 3.

      We clarified this point in the text:

      "We used the Targetscan algorithm1 to determine the predicted target genes of each neuroblast-enriched miRNA. Next, we investigated the correlation between the identified miRNAs and the presence of their targets, based on independently generated mRNA expression data44.

      *This analysis showed that neuroblast-enriched miRNAs predominantly target mRNAs that are normally highly expressed in neurons (Fig. 2C), consistent with a differentiation inhibiting function." *

      • Figure S2B - as mentioned in the text elav is expressed from the neuroblast, although this is not represented in the figure.

      I In this scheme, we depict the expression of proteins, not the presence of mRNAs. elav mRNA is indeed present at low levels in neuroblasts but the protein is absent from both neuroblasts and GMCs (as shown by all our immunostainings against Elav). This fact strongly suggests post-transcriptional repression of elav mRNA (possibly by miRNAs). This likely explains why the elav-GAL4 is also active in neuroblasts. It also suggests some post-transcriptional mechanisms to silence elav in the neuroblasts/GMCs (miRNAs?)

      It is hard to tell what are young vs maturing neurons in the cartoon, pls add a label/legend.

      We added new labels in Fig S2B to uncouple neuronal maturation from temporal identity. We hope it is clearer now.

      • Fig.3I - please shown a control brain. The merge images are not easy to see. I think it would be nicer to change the figures to be color-blind friendly.

      We added the control brain in Fig 3I for VNC clones, and Fig S3A for OL clones.

      We also changed all the figures to be color-blind friendly.

      • Fig. 3K,L - why is this now done in the VNC?

      We now focus on the VNC in the main Figure 3 (Fig.3I,J,K,L,N), and show similar phenotypes in the OL in the Supplemental Figure S3 (Fig.S3A-C).

      • Are there any lineage defects when Mir-1 sp is expressed?

      See previous comment on miR-1sponge.

      • Based on which parameters/variables of the predicted targets was the Hierarchical clustering done? A brief explanation would help the interpretation of the results and of the choice of the clusters that were further analysed.

      Hierarchical clustering is now explained in the "Bioinformatics analysis" section of the Material & Methods section with an additional matrix available in Table S1.

      • "revealed the presence of three main groups" - this should be rephrased as this "grouping" was done arbitrarily by the authors and not by hclust. Hclust is set to merge individual clusters/sub-trees up to 1. Furthermore, a more detailed explanation that supported this decision of choosing this 3 large clusters should be included.

      See previous question.

      • Fig. 4B, S4B - please include in legend how were these clones generated. S4B - scale bars missing.

      We included the missing information and added the missing scale bars.

      • Fig. 4H - was the ratio of UAS/Gal4 kept in both experimental conditions? Increasing the number of UAS/Gal4 leads to weaker expression of UAS and thus could lead to a weaker phenotype. Including in legends genotype details would help.

      This is a very good point as the number of copies of the UAS and/or GAL4 can influence transgene expression and consequently the phenotype observed. We indeed kept the ratio of UAS/GAL4 in both experimental conditions. The exact genotypes for the experiments are:

      Hs-FLP/+; act>stop>Gal4, UAS-GFP/+; UAS-RFP/UAS-miR-1

      Hs-FLP/+; act>stop>Gal4, UAS-GFP/UAS-cluster2sp; UAS-miR-1/+.

      To address this important issue in the manuscript, we added a table (Table S3) listing the precise genotypes for each experiment.

      Minor - Abstract: "a defined group of miRNAs that are predicted to redundantly target all..." This is only predicted, not experimentally shown, this should be modified accordingly.

      Although the request here is not clear to us, we made a few minor changes to the abstract that we hope will satisfy the reviewer.

      • Intro: "Elav, an RNA binding protein, is expressed as soon as post-mitotic neurons..." - Elav is expressed already in neuroblasts, as also mentioned by the authors in the result section. Correct, add references.

      elav is indeed already transcribed in neuroblasts and GMCs. However, the protein is absent in the two cell types (as shown by all our immunostainings), and only present in neurons. Thus, there is a level of post-transcriptional regulation that prevents elav mRNA translation in neuroblasts and GMCs (likely at least partly mediated by miRNAs). This also explains why in elav-GAL4; UAS-T6B brains T6B is expressed in neuroblasts and GMCs, as the GAL4 mRNA transgene is not submitted to the same post-transcriptional regulation.

      • Last paragraph of Intro (Bioinformatic analyses...) - it is not easy to understand the content of this paragraph. Rewrite to improve clarity.

      The paragraph has been rewritten for more clarity with the addition of Table S1

      • All legends: Please mention which developmental stage is being analysed in each panel (i.e. wandering 3IL, hours After Larval Hatching, hours After Puparium Formation, or other), in which brain region the analyses/images are being done.

      The CNS regions are now systematically annotated in the figures. All experiments have been done in wandering L3 (except for the new Fig.6 K,L, where the experiment is done in the adult wing). We now systematically mention in the text and legend the developmental stage at which the experiment is performed.

      Please include more detailed information about the genetics in figure legends.

      We added Table S3 that describes the exact genotype of all crosses done in this study.

      • Please include brief explanation of the genetics of miR-10KOGal4 line.

      This is now also explained in the new Table S3.

      • Why are miRNAs sometimes referred as (e.g.) "miR-1" and others "miR-1-3p"?

      The miRNA found enriched (and thus active) in the neuroblast is the miR-1-3p strand. The UAS-miR-1-sponge has been designed to be complementary to the miR-1-3p strand, and is then referred as miR-1-3psp in the text and figure legend. The miR-1 null clones have been made using the miR-1KO allele, which inactivates the entire locus and therefore both, the miR-1-3p and miR-1-5p strands. This is referred to as miR-1KO or miR-1 in the text. Finally, constructions used to mis-expressed miR-1 and other miRNAs are made with the pre-miRNA, meaning that both strands of the miRNA are mis-expressed. This is then referred as miR-1 in the text.

      • Fig. 3I-M - stage of the animal? 3M - in which brain region is this?

      We have systematically mentioned the brain region on panels on all figures.

      • Fig. 3N - can actual sizes be additionally shown, or at least averages mentioned in text?

      Average sizes are indicated in the legend of new Fig. 4F.

      • If non differentially expressed miRNAs, or miRNA with other expression patterns, had been analysed to determine their targets in the sub-set of genes expressed in neuroblasts (from the transcriptome) would different targets been found? Meaning, how specific are these binding patterns for the selected miRNA?

      This is an interesting and important point. To answer, we added a new analysis (Fig.S2C), where the total number of target sites in the 3'UTR of the pro-differentiation/temporal network genes are shown for different categories of miRNAs: neuroblast-enriched miRNAs (analysed in this study), neuron-enriched miRNAs, glia-enriched miRNAs, and random miRNAs not expressed in the brain. This analysis shows that neuroblast-enriched miRNAs exhibits a higher level of promiscuity with the iconic pro-differentiation/temporal genes than other identified or random miRNAs, arguing for functional relevance.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      *think this study is very interesting as it optimizes a novel technique in Drosophila for the investigation of cell-specific active miRNAs, and it globally addresses the role of miRNAs in neural stem cell lineages. Although the authors do not explore deeply the biological effect of these miRNAs in neural lineages, I think that the technical contribution and the identification of some miRNA targets is relevant on its own. The authors use Prospero as an example, which is very interesting, as this gene is required to be lowly expressed in Neuroblasts and then upregulated during differentiation. Which the authors propose can be regulated by miRNAs, identifying a novel player in this differentiation mechanism. I do not feel the authors need to perform additional experiments to corroborate their findings, as they are well supported by the experiments presented. I do agree that the authors did not explore deeply the biological effect in neural lineages, and the claims regarding premature terminal differentiation, nerfin, etc need to be toned down accordingly.

      * Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This study is both a technical and conceptual advance. It is very interesting as it optimizes a novel technique in Drosophila for the investigation of cell-specific active miRNAs, and it globally addresses the role of miRNAs in neural stem cell lineages. However, the text, especially in the results section, could benefit from increased detail to enhance the comprehension of the experiments, results, and conclusions. Given that the functional analyses were not conducted at a very detailed level, there exist certain instances of over-interpretation, which could be easily addressed either by revising the text or by incorporating additional experiments, as elaborated upon below. This manuscript will be interesting for research fields interested in stem cell differentiation, brain development, micro RNAs, both for Drosophilists and scientists working with other animal models. I am an expert in Drosophila brain development.

      __Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __ Summary MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have a well-established role in fine-tuning gene expression. Because the mechanisms by which miRNAs recognize specific target transcripts are poorly understood, their functionally relevant targets in the physiological context are mostly poorly defined. Studies in vertebrates have suggested that miRNAs play a prominent role in regulating cell type specification during brain development. Insight into miRNA regulation of target selection will improve our understanding of neural development. Cell type-specific gene expression patterns and functions in the neural stem cell (neuroblast) lineage in the fly larval brain are well characterized. The fly genome is compact, and gene redundancy including miRNAs is significantly less than vertebrates. For these reasons, the authors chose to investigate how miRNAs regulate cell-state transitions by first establishing a comprehensive miRNA expression profile for major cell types in the fly larval brain. They combined the AGO-APP strategy and the GAL4-UAS inducible expression system to pull-down cell type-specific miRNAs from fly larval brain. The authors focused on miRNAs that are enriched in neuroblasts and examine how multi-miRNA modules regulate the maintenance of an undifferentiated state in neuroblasts. The cell type-specific inducible AGO-APP system introduced in this study is innovative and allows for systematic identification of miRNAs that most standard RNA-sequencing techniques missed in previously published datasets. The technological note sets high promise for this study, but the findings appear tame. It is my opinion that there are a number of shortcomings that can improve the rigor of this study. For example, strategies used to determine spatial expression patterns of miRNAs as well as to validate miRNA target genes are indirect with high likelihood of caveats. The choices of candidate target genes to assess the function of miRNAs in the cell state transition appear counterintuitive.

      We thank the reviewer for qualifying our study as "technologically excellent" and for emphasizing the "innovative character of AGO-APP" and the potential of such studies to "be hugely significant to the general audience".

      We are aware that there could be ways to more rigorously and systematically investigate the interactions between miRNAs and their targets and assess their cooperativity. Beyond in vitro luciferase assays (an approach we have used in this study), this would ideally involve multiple new transgenic assays, with point mutations in various miRNA sites in the 3'UTR of predicted target genes as proposed by Reviewer 2. Also, measuring the direct effect of miRNA knockdown on its target is notoriously difficult as it can be modest (and only be revealed through the cooperative action with other miRNAs, as proposed in this study), and sometimes not detected by measuring mRNA levels (e.g. by transcriptomic approaches or FISH).

      One of our aims in the future is to develop such non-trivial approaches, which will take a considerable amount of time and work. At this stage we believe that it would go beyond the scope of the present study which aims at illustrating how introducing a new technology for miRNA isolation (AGO-APP) can help to reassess important questions on miRNA biology and function (e.g. miRNA cooperation within in the context of developmental transitions). We discuss this point now in the last paragraph of the discussion in the revised version.

      Our unbiased AGO-APP results reveal a group of neuroblast enriched miRNAs that are predicted to target multiple times pro-differentiation genes (prospero, elav, nerfin-1, brat) while not targeting stemness genes such as miranda, worniu, inscuteable, deadpan, grainyhead. Mutation in pro-differentiation genes are known to either promote neuroblast tumors (prospero, nerfin-1, brat ) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2006.01.03; 10.1101/gad.250282.114) or perturb neuronal differentiation (elav) (https://doi.org/10.1002/neu.480240604). On the other hand, mis-expression of these genes in neuroblasts often promotes shrinkage, precocious differentiation and /or cell cycle-exit (10.1016/j.cell.2008.03.034 ; 10.7554/eLife.03363 ; 10.1101/gad.250282.114). Therefore, bioinformatic prediction and previous studies made it likely that GOF of the neuroblast-enriched miRNAs would lead to neuroblast expansion or differentiation defects, and that LOF would lead to neuroblast shrinkage, cell cycle exit or differentiation. All these predictions are experimentally validated in our study. To reinforce our data, we have performed a number of additional experiments that are described below.

      Furthermore, the authors provided no rationale as to why they chose cell types that are not in the brain (such as wing cells and cells in the optic lobe) to assess the phenotypic effect of manipulating miRNAs.

      All our analysis were done either in the different types of neuroblasts found in the central nervous system (CNS) composed of the ventral nerve cord (VNC) (equivalent to vertebrate spinal cord) and brain (comprising the central brain (CB) and the optic lobes (OL) (10.1016/j.neuron.2013.12.017) - not to be confused with eye imaginal discs that produce the retina but do not contain neuroblasts. We tested the role of the neuroblast-enriched miRNAs in all neuroblasts of the CNS based on the pan-neuroblast activity of the nab-GAL4 driver used for the AGO-APP experiment. We then focused on different types of neuroblasts using lineage specific GAL4 drivers (poxn-GAL4, eagle-GAL4, dpnOL-GAL4, type II-GAL4). This is shown in the entirely revisited last paragraph of the results (Fig 4, 5, 6, S6 and S7). These experiments demonstrate that sponges simultaneously targeting several miRNAs of the module only affect type I neuroblasts but not type II neuroblasts.

      To investigate whether miR-1 directly regulates prospero mRNA in vivo, we used a tissue where prospero is not normally expressed (the wing pouch of the wing imaginal disc in late l3 larvae), allowing us to test how over-expressing miR-1 post-transcriptionally affects versions of prospero mRNAs that either possess or not its endogenous 3'UTR. The obtained results are consistent with in vitro luciferase assays, and miR-1 gain-of function in neuroblasts and GMCs, supporting the hypothesis that prospero mRNA is a direct target of miR-1 via its 3'UTR. We have clarified these points in the revised version of the manuscript.

      Using solely a reduced cell size as the functional readout for "precocious differentiation" is not rigorous and should be complemented with additional measures.

      Reduced neuroblast size always precedes neuroblast differentiation and has been widely used as functional readout of precocious differentiation (this is more clearly emphasized and referenced in the revised version). We have now also observed this phenotype in the neuroblasts of the optic lobe (Fig 6), together with precocious "plunging" of old neuroblasts in the deep layer of the medulla (Fig S7G), another sign of differentiation. These experiments show that the shrinkage phenotype is robust to all type I neuroblasts (medulla neuroblasts of the optic lobe can also be considered as type I neuroblasts because they generate GMCs that undergo a single division).

      Moreover, opposite to precocious differentiation induced by the simultaneous knockdown of multiple miRNAs of the neuroblast module, we now show that mis-expression of many of the miRNAs of the module prevents proper neuronal differentiation (miR-1, miR-9, miR-92a, miR-8) (Fig S5). Taken together, these experiments strongly suggest that the miRNAs of the module have the ability to block neuronal differentiation and that they represent a functional module in type I neuroblasts.

      Major concern: 1. The authors should use a direct method to confirm the expression pattern of identified miRNAs such as miRNA scope (ACD) in the whole mount brain instead of indirect methods such as reporters.

      Such techniques are not trivial and do not represent a standard in Drosophila. Instead, the reporter genes we have used in our study have been already validated in other studies to reflect the expression of particular miRNAs in different tissues. We thus have taken advantages of these available lines to correlate expression patterns as reflected by transgenics with our AGO-APP experiment. All reporter lines tested quantitatively support the AGO-APP data as now shown in the revised Fig 1F,I,L.

      The entire figure 3 aims to provide evidence to support that prospero mRNA is a direct target of miR-1-3p. These convoluted experiments with significant caveats should be replaced with mutating the endogenous miR-1-3p binding sites in the 3'UTR of the prospero reading frame, and demonstrate that the endogenous prospero transcript level is increased by sm-FISH. The authors could also use this novel allele to assess the phenotypic effect of "unregulated prospero" in the larval brain.

      It would indeed be an interesting experiment to perform to show that miR-1 directly regulates pros RNA in vivo. However, our miR-1 mutant clones suggests that miR-1 on its own has only a small contribution to prospero mRNA regulation during the neuroblast-to-neuron transition. This could be due to the low physiological levels of miR-1-3p in neuroblasts and to the fact that several miRNAs of the module may act partly redundantly and collaboratively to maintain the correct level of prospero mRNA. Thus, in this case, it is well possible that changes in the endogenous prospero mRNA transcript may not be significant and detected by smFISH, unless more miRNA sites are mutated. Such an experiment would involve the generation of several new transgenic lines using the CRISPR technology, which represents a long-term project.

      Again, these approaches are powerful and we agree that they would represent a more rigorous assessment of miRNA cooperation. But we feel that it goes beyond the scope of this article, as mentioned above.

      The effect of overexpressing mir-1 on the prospero transgene with its 3'UTR vs without 3'UTR cannot easily compared since the UTR might be regulated by other regulatory mechanisms in addition to mir-1.

      To minimize the potential effect of other regulators, we only compare conditions where the only difference is the presence or absence of miR-1. We do not directly compare levels of Prospero with its 3'UTR vs without 3'UTR. However, there is indeed still the possibility that miR-1 overexpression would change the expression of a protein that regulates prospero mRNA via its 3'UTR.

      Considering this we have tuned-down our conclusion concerning this part in the revised version of the manuscript and now used the sentence:

      "These experiments performed in two different cellular contexts strongly suggest that prospero mRNA is a direct target of miR-1-3p."

      How could the author use evidence-based strategy to demonstrate that massive amplification of Mira-expressing cells induced by overexpressing mir-1 in the optic lobe is indeed due to mis-regulation of prospero instead of mimicking the prospero-mutant phenotype?

      First, we noted that miR-1 overexpression in neuroblast clones causes neuroblast amplification in all regions of the CNS (not only in the optic lobe) at the expense of neuronal differentiation. This is now shown in Fig 3 and S3.

      Second, multiple chemical or genome-wide RNAi screens have been performed (Gould lab, Chia lab, Knoblich lab, etc) to identify genes whose downregulation causes efficient neuroblast amplification (10.1186/1471-2156-7-33 ; 10.1016/j.stem.2011.02.022). In VNC type I neuroblasts, only inactivation of prospero or miranda can lead to efficient neuroblast amplification in late larvae, generating tumour-like structures devoid of neurons. We find that while Miranda is highly expressed in neuroblast clones overexpressing miR-1 (Fig 3J), Prospero is completely absent, suggesting that it is efficiently silenced by miR-1 overexpression, and therefore responsible for the observed phenotype. This new result is now added in Fig.S3D. It is very unlikely that the down-regulation of another gene is responsible for this phenotype. However, we cannot exclude that other genes are deregulated that contribute to this phenotype in addition to prospero knockdown.

      Similarly, what is the evidence that the phenotype associated with mir-9a knockout is due to mis-regulation of nerfin-1?

      In contrast to prosperoKD clones that are devoid of neurons, nerfin-1 mutant clones are known to be composed of a mix of neuroblasts and neurons (Fig S4E,G) (10.1101/gad.250282.114 ). When over-expressing miR-9 in neuroblast clones in the VNC, we observed a strong downregulation of nerfin-1 (Fig S4A, C) showing that nerfin-1 is a likely target of miR-9. However, downregulation is not complete which could explain why we do not see neuroblast amplification in the VNC (Fig 4F). Together with the significant up-regulation of nerfin-1 upon miR-9sponge expression, and the results of our luciferase assays, these data are consistent with nerfin-1 being a direct target of miR-9. Finally, the fact that overexpression of miR-9 in the optic lobes triggers phenotypes very similar to loss of function of nerfin-1 (but different from loss of function of prospero which is upstream of Nerfin-1 in epistatic tests) suggests that down-regulation of nerfin-1 is at least partially responsible for the phenotype (Fig S4D,E).

      Again, we cannot exclude that other deregulated targets contribute to the phenotype.

      Most of look-alike mutant phenotypes presented by the authors appear to occur in the OL. Is there any reason why cells in the visual center, which is not a part of the brain, appears to be more suspectable to loss of function of miRNAs? This is particularly important when manipulating the same miRNAs appear to have very subtle effects on VNC neuroblasts.

      Optic lobes (OL) are a part of the brain (10.1016/j.neuron.2013.12.017). Indeed, each OL constitutes a large region located on both sides of the central brain that integrates signals from retinal photoreceptors coming from the retina in the eyes. Moreover, medulla neuroblasts in the OL can be considered as type I neuroblasts because they generate GMCs that undergo a single division, in contrast to intermediate progenitors (INPs) produced by type II neuroblasts.

      In the original version of our manuscript, we mainly showed gain-of-function in the OL , as for some of the miRNAs the phenotypes were more striking than elsewhere. We have now more systematically tested our gain-of-function and loss-of-function in both the VNC (type-I neuroblasts) (Fig 3, 4, 5, S3, S4, S6) and in the OL (medulla neuroblasts) (Fig 6, S4, S5, S7).

      Results in the VNC are presented generally in the main figures, while results in the OL are presented mainly in supplemental figures; but phenotypes obtained in both parts are now clearly described in the text of the revised version.

      How do the authors know that multi-sponge 2 expression leads to loss of stemness potential in neuroblasts? Any additional evidence that supports precocious differentiation but not death or cell cycle exit?

      This is indeed an important point which we have investigated further in the new version. We now show that inhibiting apoptosis partially rescues neuroblast elimination but not shrinkage when miR-cluster2sponge is expressed in the poxn lineage in the VNC (Fig.4L,M). This shows that VNC neuroblast can disappear by apoptosis upon miR-cluster2sponge, but that shrinkage precedes apoptosis. We also show that optic lobe neuroblasts also shrink upon miR-cluster2sponge and are precociously eliminated as indicated by the thinner neuroblast stripe, by a mechanism independent of apoptosis (Fig 6C,D, S7F). Indeed, the neuroblast stripe in the optic lobe remains free of anti-activated caspase 1 (Dcp1), a widely used label of apoptotic cells, upon miR-cluster2sponge (Fig S7F). Finally, we also show precocious "plunging" of the old OL neuroblasts deep in the medulla, another sign of precocious differentiation (Fig S7G).

      Therefore, these experiments reinforce the conclusion that the neuroblast-enriched miRNA module is involved in neuroblast maintenance and that down-regulation of this module leads to the progressive loss of the neuroblast state.

      Lastly, we show that miR-cluster2sponge has no effect on type II neuroblasts or wing imaginal discs arguing for a specific type I neuroblast effect (including VNC, CB and medulla neuroblasts).

      Again, how do the authors know that mir-1 overexpression efficiently silenced prospero mRNA in neuroblasts and GMCs in Fig. 4F?

      This relevant question is addressed in our response to questions 2 and 3.

      Have the authors considered other targets to better assess the function of these miRNAs enriched in neuroblasts. For example, could these miRNAs function to dampen the expression of genes that are required for maintaining these cells in an undifferentiated state? Several studies using the neuroblast model suggest that the expression of these genes needs to be downregulated at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. Perhaps, these miRNAs might target these "stemness" transcripts instead of "differentiation" transcripts. Is there evidence for or against this possibility?

      This is definitely a good point that we have now discussed in the revised version. We found that neuroblast identity genes (e.g. Mira, Dpn, Insc, etc) are not targeted by the miRNA module. However, the module of miRNA in late L3 neuroblasts also appears to target the early temporal genes (Chinmo, Imp), that are strongly oncogenic and stemness promoting. These need to be silenced in late L3 to ensure that neuroblasts stop dividing during metamorphosis ( 10.7554/eLife.13463). Therefore, there is indeed a strong possibility that the miRNA module we have identified in late L3 both maintains stemness by inhibiting differentiation genes and dampens stemness by silencing early temporal genes ensuring timely elimination in pupal stage. We are actively working on the regulation of temporal genes by microRNAs along development and will describe this in details in another study.

      This point was clarified in the discussion as followed:

      "In this context it is interesting to note that, in addition to differentiation factors, the early temporal factors Chinmo and Imp are predicted to be highly targeted by the neuroblast-enriched miRNA module. Given the strong oncogenic potential of these genes30*, it possible that the microRNA module not only protects neuroblasts against precocious differentiation but also protects against uncontrolled self-renewal. Therefore, in principle the same miRNA module could control neuroblast activity through the control of both self-renewal and differentiation, two seemingly opposing biological activities." *

      Minor point 1. There are a number of mis-leading statements throughout the manuscript. -In the abstract, the authors indicated "isolate actively inhibiting miRNAs from different neural cell populations in the larval Drosophila central nervous system". For example, the expression patterns of Nub-Gal4 an Elav-Gal4 drivers appear to be partially overlapping in multiple cell types and might be active in the visual center (optic lobe). If true, it was unclear to me what neural cell types were actually used in their analyses and how they could confidently indicate that cell types in the central nervous system were used in their study. Aren't there more specific Gal4 drivers or more sophisticated genetic tools available to increase the purity of cell types? If not, the alternative could be a much more precise secondary screening step to directly determine where these miRNAs are actually detected instead of relying on indirect readouts of where they might be expressed.

      The expression patterns with additional figures are now more clearly described in the main text and in Fig.S1C,D.

      We are in the process of using other GAL4 drivers that target more specific populations of neurons. But this is beyond the scope of this first study and will be published later.

      -The statement "GMCs lacking Prospero, Nerfin-1 or Brat fail to differentiate and reacquire a neuroblast identity" is very problematic. Nerfin-1 does not appear to be expressed in GMCs according to Fig. S2B. Furthermore, Froldi et al., 2015 suggested that Nerfin-1 appears to prevent activated Notch from reverting neurons to ectopic neuroblasts.

      Indeed, Nerfin-1 is not expressed in GMCs but in immature neurons to stabilize neuronal identity and prevent reversion as shown by Froldi et al. and other studies (DOI: 10.1101/gad.250282.114 ; https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.141341). We have now clarified this point in the introduction: "This process involves the sequential activity of key cell fate determinants such as the transcription factor Prospero and the RNA-binding protein Brat in the GMCs followed by the transcription factor Nerfin-1 and the RNA-binding protein Elav in the maturing neurons20-23. GMCs lacking Prospero, or immature post-mitotic progeny lacking Nerfin-1, fail to initiate or maintain differentiation respectively, and progressively reacquire a neuroblast identity, leading to neuroblast amplification 21,23-25."

      -The statement on page 6 "Strikingly, the group of genes ... contained all iconic genes known to induce neuron differentiation after neuroblast asymmetric division, including nerfin-1, prospero, elav and brat" is problematic. Again, Nerfin-1 probably functions to maintain a neuronal state rather to induce differentiation. Is there evidence that Elav induces neuron differentiation after neuroblast asymmetric division? Brat seems to downregulate Notch signaling in neuroblast progeny rather than instructing neuron differentiation. Furthermore, previous studies suggested that loss of brat function does not affect identity of GMCs and their symmetric division to generate neurons. A similar statement is used at the end of this same paragraph to reiterates mis-leading messages.

      Prospero and Nerfin-1 are sequentially expressed in maturing neurons. Nerfin-1 shares many similar targets as Prospero. It has been proposed that Nerfin-1 prolonged the action of Prospero, allowing stabilisation/maintenance of the differentiated neuronal state (10.1101/gad.250282.114 ; 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.10.038)

      Brat is also involved in the sequence of events needed to produce neurons upon neuroblast asymmetric division. However, the mode of action of Brat in GMCs from type-I neuroblasts and in INPs from type-II neuroblasts is unclear. It was shown that Brat is an RNA-binding protein that has multiple targets. For example, it can bind and silence Myc, Zelda and Deadpan, and promote neuroblast-to-INP differentiation. It may also inhibit Notch signaling which is required for neuroblast-to-INP differentiation (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2006.01.017; 10.1016/j.devcel.2008.03.004 ; https://doi.org/10.15252/embr.201744188; https://doi.org/10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-15-2299)

      We have clarified the difference between Type I and Type II neuroblasts in the introduction: "A sparse subset of neuroblasts (Type II) generate intermediate progenitors (INPs) that can undergo a few more asymmetric divisions, allowing for larger lineages to be produced. The neuroblast-to-neuron process in Type II lineages involves a slightly different sequential expression of differentiation factors21,24."

      We have also added a new reference describing that neuronal differentiation and maintenance are severely affected upon elav loss of function:

      Yao, K.-M., Samson, M.-L., Reeves, R. & White, K. Gene elav of Drosophila melanogaster: A prototype for neuronal-specific RNA binding protein gene family that is conserved in flies and humans. J. Neurobiol. 24, 723-739 (1993).

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      My main concern about data in this study remains direct vs. indirect effects of manipulating miRNA functions and the corresponding phenotype in various cell types in flies. The authors focused most of their effort on using genes that promote GMC differentiation in order to establish the role of neuroblast-specific miRNAs. Most of the experiments were not rigorously performed to the level that eliminates obvious caveats and suggests their interpretation is the most likely possibility. It is a technologically excellent study but lacks in-depth analyses in biological effects.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      I believe there is a strong general interest in better appreciating how miRNAs regulate precise gene expression. Deriving some sort of rules such as the specificity of target selection or the efficiency of downregulating gene expression will be hugely significant to the general audience

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have a well-established role in fine-tuning gene expression. Because the mechanisms by which miRNAs recognize specific target transcripts are poorly understood, their functionally relevant targets in the physiological context are mostly poorly defined. Studies in vertebrates have suggested that miRNAs play a prominent role in regulating cell type specification during brain development. Insight into miRNA regulation of target selection will improve our understanding of neural development. Cell type-specific gene expression patterns and functions in the neural stem cell (neuroblast) lineage in the fly larval brain are well characterized. The fly genome is compact, and gene redundancy including miRNAs is significantly less than vertebrates. For these reasons, the authors chose to investigate how miRNAs regulate cell-state transitions by first establishing a comprehensive miRNA expression profile for major cell types in the fly larval brain. They combined the AGO-APP strategy and the GAL4-UAS inducible expression system to pull-down cell type-specific miRNAs from fly larval brain. The authors focused on miRNAs that are enriched in neuroblasts and examine how multi-miRNA modules regulate the maintenance of an undifferentiated state in neuroblasts.

      The cell type-specific inducible AGO-APP system introduced in this study is innovative and allows for systematic identification of miRNAs that most standard RNA-sequencing techniques missed in previously published datasets. The technological note sets high promise for this study, but the findings appear tame. It is my opinion that there are a number of shortcomings that can improve the rigor of this study. For example, strategies used to determine spatial expression patterns of miRNAs as well as to validate miRNA target genes are indirect with high likelihood of caveats. The choices of candidate target genes to assess the function of miRNAs in the cell state transition appear counterintuitive. Furthermore, the authors provided no rationale as to why they chose cell types that are not in the brain (such as wing cells and cells in the optic lobe) to assess the phenotypic effect of manipulating miRNAs. Using solely a reduced cell size as the functional readout for "precocious differentiation" is not rigorous and should be complemented with additional measures.

      Major concern:

      1. The authors should use a direct method to confirm the expression pattern of identified miRNAs such as miRNA scope (ACD) in the whole mount brain instead of indirect methods such as reporters.
      2. The entire figure 3 aims to provide evidence to support that prospero mRNA is a direct target of miR-1-3p. These convoluted experiments with significant caveats should be replaced with mutating the endogenous miR-1-3p binding sites in the 3'UTR of the prospero reading frame, and demonstrate that the endogenous prospero transcript level is increased by sm-FISH. The authors could also use this novel allele to assess the phenotypic effect of "unregulated prospero" in the larval brain. The effect of overexpressing mir-1 on the prospero transgene with its 3'UTR vs without 3'UTR cannot easily compared since the UTR might be regulated by other regulatory mechanisms in addition to mir-1.
      3. How could the author use evidence-based strategy to demonstrate that massive amplification of Mira-expressing cells induced by overexpressing mir-1 in the optic lobe is indeed due to mis-regulation of prospero instead of mimicking the prospero-mutant phenotype? Similarly, what is the evidence that the phenotype associated with mir-9a knockout is due to mis-regulation of nerfin-1?
      4. Most of look-alike mutant phenotypes presented by the authors appear to occur in the OL. Is there any reason why cells in the visual center, which is not a part of the brain, appears to be more suspectable to loss of function of miRNAs? This is particularly important when manipulating the same miRNAs appear to have very subtle effects on VNC neuroblasts.
      5. How do the authors know that multi-sponge 2 expression leads to loss of stemness potential in neuroblasts? Any additional evidence that supports precocious differentiation but not death or cell cycle exit?
      6. Again, how do the authors know that mir-1 overexpression efficiently silenced prospero mRNA in neuroblasts and GMCs in Fig. 4F?
      7. Have the authors considered other targets to better assess the function of these miRNAs enriched in neuroblasts. For example, could these miRNAs function to dampen the expression of genes that are required for maintaining these cells in an undifferentiated state? Several studies using the neuroblast model suggest that the expression of these genes needs to be downregulated at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. Perhaps, these miRNAs might target these "stemness" transcripts instead of "differentiation" transcripts. Is there evidence for or against this possibility?

      Minor point

      1. There are a number of mis-leading statements throughout the manuscript. -In the abstract, the authors indicated "isolate actively inhibiting miRNAs from different neural cell populations in the larval Drosophila central nervous system". For example, the expression patterns of Nub-Gal4 an Elav-Gal4 drivers appear to be partially overlapping in multiple cell types and might be active in the visual center (optic lobe). If true, it was unclear to me what neural cell types were actually used in their analyses and how they could confidently indicate that cell types in the central nervous system were used in their study. Aren't there more specific Gal4 drivers or more sophisticated genetic tools available to increase the purity of cell types? If not, the alternative could be a much more precise secondary screening step to directly determine where these miRNAs are actually detected instead of relying on indirect readouts of where they might be expressed. -The statement "GMCs lacking Prospero, Nerfin-1 or Brat fail to differentiate and reacquire a neuroblast identity" is very problematic. Nerfin-1 does not appear to be expressed in GMCs according to Fig. S2B. Furthermore, Froldi et al., 2015 suggested that Nerfin-1 appears to prevent activated Notch from reverting neurons to ectopic neuroblasts. -The statement on page 6 "Strikingly, the group of genes ... contained all iconic genes known to induce neuron differentiation after neuroblast asymmetric division, including nerfin-1, prospero, elav and brat" is problematic. Again, Nerfin-1 probably functions to maintain a neuronal state rather to induce differentiation. Is there evidence that Elav induces neuron differentiation after neuroblast asymmetric division? Brat seems to downregulate Notch signaling in neuroblast progeny rather than instructing neuron differentiation. Furthermore, previous studies suggested that loss of brat function does not affect identity of GMCs and their symmetric division to generate neurons. A similar statement is used at the end of this same paragraph to reiterates mis-leading messages.

      Referees cross-commenting

      My main concern about data in this study remains direct vs. indirect effects of manipulating miRNA functions and the corresponding phenotype in various cell types in flies. The authors focused most of their effort on using genes that promote GMC differentiation in order to establish the role of neuroblast-specific miRNAs. Most of the experiments were not rigorously performed to the level that eliminates obvious caveats and suggests their interpretation is the most likely possibility. It is a technologically excellent study but lacks in-depth analyses in biological effects.


      I believe there is a strong general interest in better appreciating how miRNAs regulate precise gene expression. Deriving some sort of rules such as the specificity of target selection or the efficiency of downregulating gene expression will be hugely significant to the general audience

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript the authors address the largely unexplored role of micro RNAs (miRNAS) in Drosophila melanogaster brain development, in particular in neural stem cell lineages. The authors for the first time adapt the Ago protein Affinity Purification by Peptides (AGO-APP) technology for Drosophila. They show that this technique works efficiently in neural stem cell lineages and identify several cell type specific active miRNAs. Through a series of bioinformatic analysis the authors identify candidate mRNA targets for these miRNAs. The authors then functionally analyse the role of some of the identified miRNAs, focusing on miRNAs significantly over-represented in neuroblasts.

      By overexpressing Mir-1, the authors demonstrate that this miRNA effectively targets the UTR of Prospero, resulting in the overproliferation of neuroblasts. In a parallel experiment, overexpression of Mir-9c causes neuroblast differentiation defects, similar to the phenotype caused by nerfin-1 mutants, a previously validated target. Loss of function analyses show that knock down of single miRNAs has little functional effects in neuroblast size, showing that the individual effect caused by miRNAs knock down is likely compensated. In contrast, a sponge against a selected group of miRNAs leads to a reduction in poxn positive neuroblasts. Overall these results validate the approach and support the theory that miRNAs cooperate in functional modules during stem cell differentiation.


      Title: As the authors do not really explore exit from neural stem cell state this should be altered. The authors do not assess for the levels of any temporal genes, nor other markers of neural stem cell state exit (e.g. nuclear Pros). The observed effects, with the available experiments, rather say that neural stem cell state is not maintained in general, not being clear what mechanistically happens to these cells expressing Cluster 2 sponges. The described phenotype caused by the expression of sponges against individual miRNAs also rather shows a blockage in differentiation.

      • The miRNAs analysed were found in Ago-APP to be predominantly active in neuroblasts, but was there any phenotypes of OE or KD in neurons or glial cells?
      • The authors obtained a phenotype when using a sponge against Cluster 2 in poxn neuroblasts. Is this specific for these 6 neuroblasts? What happens if this sponge is expressed with a pan-neuroblast driver in central brain/VNC/optic lobe? These experiments should be included as they would show if these are conserved effects for all neuroblasts. The authors do different analyses in different brain regions, making also a hard to conclude if all brain regions behave the same way. As authors show that some miRNAs are only expressed in sub-sets of cells, this becomes particularly relevant. Could sponge of cluster 1 cause a phenotype if it had been expressed in other neuroblast lineages? In addition, a discussion of the results obtained from sponge 1 should be included and put in context with miRNA function, technical limitations, levels/cell, targets, pitfalls of analyses, sponges, etc. It would also be interesting to further explore the phenotypes caused by Mir-1 sp expression - are there any milder lineage defects? Any defects in other brain regions/lineages, like in type 2 neuroblasts that usually do not express Pros?

      Ago-APP identifies cell type specific miRNAs in larval neurogenesis section: - "...29oC... allows Gal4-dependent expression (Fig.1B,C)" - this description of Gal80ts/Gal4 works is not correct, expression is not prevented. - Fig S1 - nab-Gal4 also drives expression in GMCs and neurons, rephrase text. Is nab-Gal4 expressed in optic lobe, VNC and central brain neuroblasts? - "20 late larval CNS" - mention the exact stage - Providing a more detailed and interpretive description of Figures 1D and 1E would greatly enhance their clarity. Currently, the descriptions of these pannels resemble typical figure legends. - Fig. 1F,G,H - It is not clear why the authors sometimes use the optic lobe, other ventral nerve cord as both regions have both neuroblasts, neurons and glia. Are the drivers used for Ago-APP not expressed in all brain regions? - Show "data not shown" for 1H. - Fig. 1F, G, H - Please quantify intensity levels in the different cell types to facilitate comparison with Ago-APP graphs. Include in figure legend what is "cpm".

      A regulatory module controlling neuroblast-to-neuron transition section: - Fig. 2C - A more detailed explanation in text is required in addition to what is mentioned in the figure legend. Including a brief summary/conclusion of the results would be helpful. If possible, add in X-axis 1, 2, 3. - Figure S2B - as mentioned in the text elav is expressed from the neuroblast, although this is not represented in the figure. It is hard to tell what are young vs maturing neurons in the cartoon, pls add a label/legend. - Fig.3I - please shown a control brain. The merge images are not easy to see. I think it would be nicer to change the figures to be color-blind friendly. - Fig. 3K,L - why is this now done in the VNC? - Are there any lineage defects when Mir-1 sp is expressed? - Based on which parameters/variables of the predicted targets was the Hierarchical clustering done? A brief explanation would help the interpretation of the results and of the choice of the clusters that were further analysed. - "revealed the presence of three main groups" - this should be rephrased as this "grouping" was done arbitrarily by the authors and not by hclust. Hclust is set to merge individual clusters/sub-trees up to 1. Furthermore, a more detailed explanation that supported this decision of choosing this 3 large clusters should be included. - Fig. 4B, S4B - please include in legend how were these clones generated. S4B - scale bars missing. - Fig. 4H - was the ratio of UAS/Gal4 kept in both experimental conditions? Increasing the number of UAS/Gal4 leads to weaker expression of UAS and thus could lead to a weaker phenotype. Including in legends genotype details would help.


      • Abstract: "a defined group of miRNAs that are predicted to redundantly target all..." This is only predicted, not experimentally shown, this should be modified accordingly.
      • Intro: "Elav, an RNA binding protein, is expressed as soon as post-mitotic neurons..." - Elav is expressed already in neuroblasts, as also mentioned by the authors in the result section. Correct, add references.
      • Last paragraph of Intro (Bioinformatic analyses...) - it is not easy to understand the content of this paragraph. Rewrite to improve clarity.
      • All legends: Please mention which developmental stage is being analysed in each panel (i.e. wandering 3IL, hours After Larval Hatching, hours After Puparium Formation, or other), in which brain region the analyses/images are being done. Please include more detailed information about the genetics in figure legends.
      • Please include brief explanation of the genetics of miR-10KOGal4 line.
      • Why are miRNAs sometimes referred as (e.g.) "miR-1" and others "miR-1-3p"?
      • Fig. 3I-M - stage of the animal? 3M - in which brain region is this?
      • Fig. 3N - can actual sizes be additionally shown, or at least averages mentioned in text?
      • If non differentially expressed miRNAs, or miRNA with other expression patterns, had been analysed to determine their targets in the sub-set of genes expressed in neuroblasts (from the transcriptome) would different targets been found? Meaning, how specific are these binding patterns for the selected miRNA?

      Referees cross-commenting

      I think this study is very interesting as it optimizes a novel technique in Drosophila for the investigation of cell-specific active miRNAs, and it globally addresses the role of miRNAs in neural stem cell lineages. Although the authors do not explore deeply the biological effect of these miRNAs in neural lineages, I think that the technical contribution and the identification of some miRNA targets is relevant on its own. The authors use Prospero as an example, which is very interesting, as this gene is required to be lowly expressed in Neuroblasts and then upregulated during differentiation. Which the authors propose can be regulated by miRNAs, identifying a novel player in this differentiation mechanism.

      I do not feel the authors need to perform additional experiments to corroborate their findings, as they are well supported by the experiments presented.

      I do agree that the authors did not explore deeply the biological effect in neural lineages, and the claims regarding premature terminal differentiation, nerfin, etc need to be toned down accordingly.


      This study is both a technical and conceptual advance. It is very interesting as it optimizes a novel technique in Drosophila for the investigation of cell-specific active miRNAs, and it globally addresses the role of miRNAs in neural stem cell lineages. However, the text, especially in the results section, could benefit from increased detail to enhance the comprehension of the experiments, results, and conclusions. Given that the functional analyses were not conducted at a very detailed level, there exist certain instances of over-interpretation, which could be easily addressed either by revising the text or by incorporating additional experiments, as elaborated upon below.

      This manuscript will be interesting for research fields interested in stem cell differentiation, brain development, micro RNAs, both for Drosophilists and scientists working with other animal models. I am an expert in Drosophila brain development.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements__: The manuscript entitled "__Dual antiviral mechanisms of Herbacetin and Caffeic acid phenethyl ester against Chikungunya and Dengue viruses with insights into Dengue methyltransferase-CAPE crystal structure" is the first report of broad spectrum alphavirus and flavivirus inhibitors with dual roles that efficiently inhibit virus replication by diminishing the levels of polyamines in the host cells as well as inhibit the enzymatic activity of the virus-specific methyltransferase (MTases). Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and Dengue virus (DENV) are re-emerging alpha- and flaviviruses respectively. Until now, no antivirals are commercially available to combat these two viral infections. This study delves into the antiviral mechanisms of Herbacetin (HC) and Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) against DENV and CHIKV. Treatment of Vero cells with these compounds resulted in polyamine depletion. However, adding exogenous polyamines did not completely rescue the virus, suggesting alternative antiviral mechanisms. Interestingly, these compounds exhibited anti-MTase activity against purified viral MTases of CHIKV and DENV. The crystal structure of the DENV 3 MTase in complex with CAPE revealed its binding site within the GTP-binding region of DENV MTase. This study presents the novel dual inhibition mechanism of HC and CAPE, offering promising prospects for developing broad-spectrum antivirals.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      We express our gratitude to the reviewers for their time and insightful comments, which have significantly contributed to the improvement of the manuscript. We believe that the thoughtful critiques and suggestions have significantly enhanced the overall quality of our work. Below, we provide a point-by-point response to each comment, addressing the concerns raised by the reviewers.

      Reviewer 1: -

      Comment 1: My main concern is that the depletion of polyamines is likely to have broad implications for host cell metabolism. Polyamines are critical for genome folding and stability. Hence, polyamine depletion will likely compromise cellular metabolic homeostasis. My suggestion is to perform a literature survey on this topic, identify appropriate assays of cellular homeostasis, and add at least one such assay in the relevant HC and CAPE concentration range to address my question..

      I also suggest adding the potential negative effects of polyamine depletion on host cell metabolism in the discussion section

      • Response: We appreciate the reviewer's constructive feedback for their insightful remarks on the potential extensive influence of polyamine depletion on host cell metabolism. We acknowledge the critical role polyamines play in genome folding and stability, and their depletion could indeed disrupt cellular homeostasis. In response to this valuable feedback, we conducted a comprehensive literature review. This literature review uncovered studies investigating the targeting of the polyamine biosynthetic pathway as a potential therapeutic strategy for combating various infections and diseases. Additionally, DFMO , a drug that targets polyamine biosynthetic pathway enzyme is an FDA-approved drug for African sleeping sickness and high-risk neuroblastoma (Bouteille & Dumas, 2003; Nazir et al., 2024) indicating that despite the critical role of polyamines in cellular metabolic homeostasis, the host polyamine pathway can also be successfully targeted for antiviral drug discovery. As recommended, we have added this information in the revised manuscript. * Additionally, ribavirin, an FDA-approved antiviral agent, employs various mechanisms to inhibit viral replication, including the reduction of polyamine levels (Tate et al., 2019). Furthermore, we have also examined the protocols available in the literature for CAPE, HC, and DFMO treatment. Most of these studies have employed MTT assay, as illustrated in the research conducted by Arisan et al. 2012 and Shen et al. 2013 (Arisan et al., 2012; Shen et al., 2013). Notably, Aljabr et al.,2016 also employed the MTT assay for viability testing, underscoring its relevance (Aljabr et al., 2016). Similarly, our manuscript employed the MTT assay at various compound concentrations to ensure the utilization of non-cytotoxic concentrations for antiviral activity testing. *

      As per reviewer's recommendation, we have discussed the potential adverse effects of polyamine depletion on cellular processes in the revised manuscript's discussion section.

      *Line no.s 513 – 523 of the revised manuscript have the revised text as per the suggestion. *

      Reviewer 2:-

      Comment 1:- Authors describe anti-CHIKV and anti-DENV activities of herbacetin and caffeic acid phenyl ester (CAPE). The antiviral effect is not reversed buy exogenous polyamines suggesting multiple mechanisms of action. NS5-Met complex with caffeic acid phenyl ester was obtained and its structure resolved at high resolution. The resolved structure reveals two binding sites for antiviral compound overlapping with that of GTP and possibly with a site involved in binding of RNA

      Other than analysis of crystal structure of NS5/CAPE complex the provided data is of low quality and is not analyzed properly. There is no evidence that data is reproducible. Authors have calculated significance from "experimental repeats" which, based on the description of experiments, are not independent experiments but technical replicates. Some key technical details are missing and some experiments are not described at all. The writing can be vastly improved and figures be made a lot more easier to understand.

      • *Response :-We appreciate the reviewer's positive feedback of on the crystal structure and as pointed out towards data quality and analysis, we have tried and made significant improvements, including enhancing data representation and providing detailed protocols in the supplementary materials where necessary. Additionally, we have addressed key technical details that were previously missing and ensured that all experiments are described adequately. We acknowledge the need for clearer writing and have now mentioned clearly that independent experiments have been carried out in the study. We have made suggested revisions to the revised manuscript. *

        Comment 2:- Bad writing lines 64-65 . Viral genomes lack protein synthesis machinery. Basically correct but no genome has protein synthesis machinery

      • Response:-We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have modified the text as follows: lines 64-65 "Viral genomes lack protein synthesis machinery, and the ability to hijack the host cell's resources for replication is crucial for all viruses". to lines 65-67 "Viral particles lack essential protein synthesis machinery. Consequently, viruses rely on the host cell's resources to replicate effectively."

        Comment 3:- line 137 flavonoids play a role in reducing the levels of nsP1 in CHIKV - what can this possibly mean? Are shown to reduce the level of nsP1 in CHIKV-infected cells?

      • Response: We appreciate the reviewer for bringing this to our attention, and we acknowledge that it was due to a writing issue in English. This has now been rectified. A dose-dependent reduction of the CHIKV E2, nsP1, and nsP3 proteins was observed upon treatment with baicalein and fisetin. This finding would suggest that baicalein and fisetin might inhibit the production of CHIKV protein, especially the proteins involved in the negative-strand synthesis and part of the replicase unit (Lani et al., 2016). To account for this suggestion, we have modified the text in the revised manuscript to (line 145-147): " Moreover, flavonoids treatment has demonstrated the dose-dependent decrease in CHIKV titer due to reduced levels of CHIKV viral proteins, including nsP1*. *

      __Comment 4 :-__line 250-251 - RNA was isolated from the infected cells' supernatant, used for cloning, and inserted between the NheI and XhoI restriction sites... …..It should be impossible as one cannot insert RNA into bacterial plasmid DNA.

      • Response:- We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. line 250-251 – "RNA was isolated from the infected cells' supernatant……..". This has been changed to line 267-271 " RNA was isolated from the supernatant of the cells infected with DENV 3, and used for cDNA preparation, cloning of the MTase gene fragment into the pET28c (+) vector using NheI and XhoI restriction sites."

        __Comment 5 :-__Missing parts. Examples

      the source of nsP1 of CHIKV is not indicated, True, there are references to previous studies, but this is extremely important point and it should have been clearly stated that it was obtained from E. coli. The issue is that authors made some predictions and modelling based on structure of nsP1 from eukaryotic expression system. It is not known does the enzyme purified from bacteria have similar structure (actually, in cited Nature paper - doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-3036-8 - attempts to purify nsP1 from bacteria were made. The protein was monomeric and had no activity)

      • Response:- We thank the reviewer for the comments. In response to the reviewer's concern regarding the source of the nsP1 protein from CHIKV, we would like to clarify that the recombinant protein was expressed and purified from E. coli Rossetta cells in our laboratory. We acknowledge the importance of this point and apologize for any oversight in not explicitly stating it in the manuscript. In response to the reviewer's suggestion, we have incorporated a detailed expression and purification protocol into the manuscript supplementary methodology (line number 1068-1091).
      • Response:- Alphaviruses share a high degree of sequence similarity (>80%), particularly within the nsP1 protein, with conserved active site residues (Supplementary Figure 2). Several studies investigating nsP1 proteins from alphaviruses, including Sindbis virus, Semliki Forest virus, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, have successfully employed E. coli Rosetta cells for protein expression, followed by enzyme activity assays (Abdelnabi et al., 2020; Li et al., 2015; Tomar et al., 2011). Our laboratory is working on this protein for more than a decade and have conducted extensive assays on the activity of nsP1 protein purified from bacterial expression system. Our results are reproducible. These studies have been published in reputed peer reviewed research articles, including (Kaur et al., 2018; Mudgal et al., 2020). Additionally, similar assays have been demonstrated in the study by Bullard-Feibelman et al., 2016. We trust that this clarification resolves the reviewer's concern, and we are delighted to address any further inquiries.

        Comment 6:- Figure lacks quality (and figure legends are unclear) Examples:

      • it is impossible to understand what exactly is shown in Figure 1J

      • important information is missing, for example, it is not clear what were concentrations of antiviral compounds for panels 1F and 1I

      • Response :- We thank the reviewer for the constructive comments that has helped us to improve the revised manuscript. We have revised Figure 1J and as suggested we have updated the legends accordingly. Similar revisions have been made in the revised manuscript to the TLC protocol and results to ensure clarity. We thank the reviwer for pointing out the missing information regarding the concentrations of the antiviral compounds used in panels 1F and 1I. As per your suggestion, we added the antiviral compounds concentrations for these experiments in figure legends.

      Comment 7:- 4. wrong data - line 478 it is stated that there is no vaccine for DENV or CHIKV. It is correct, DENV vaccine has been in use for several years and CHIKV vaccine was approved at 2023 - line 476 refers to family alphaviridae. This does not exist, family is Togaviridae

      • Response:- We appreciate the reviewer for bringing this to our attention. We have accordingly revised the sentences for accuracy. "Although human viruses belong to several viral families, Alphaviridae and Flaviviridae are the most significant burden on public health" changed to line number 505-506 "Although human viruses belong to several viral families, Togaviridae and Flaviviridae impose one of the most significant burdens on public health"
      • *

      Line no.. 478 “ Neither commercially available drugs nor vaccines are available for these viruses.” Changed to line number 508 to 509 “Although FDA-approved vaccines for Dengue and Chikungunya viruses are available, no antiviral therapies have been approved against these viral infections.”

      Comment 8: ____5. unjustified conclusions. Example

      • authors have analyzed sequences of nsP1 of alphaviruses and made conclusions regarding conservation of active site. It is probably correct but the analyzed viruses do not represent all diversity of alphaviruses, insect specific members and aquatic alphaviruses should also be analyzed (same problem with analysis performed for flaviviruses)
      • Response:-Following the reviewer's recommendation, we have included Salmonid alphavirus, an aquatic virus, and Eilat virus, an insect-specific virus, in our comparison along with other human-infecting alphaviruses. Additionally, for flaviviruses, we have incorporated Palm Creek virus, an insect-specific virus, and Wenzhou shark flavivirus, an aquatic virus. As suggested, the relevant modifications have been done to the MSA protocol, results, and figure legends.

        Comment 9:- 6. Insufficient analysis of data. In some cases, there is a significant discrepancy between the results of different assays. For example, CAPE inhibits DENV at 2.5 microM (Fig 1H) but in test tube assay only small inhibition was observed even at 1000 microM. Authors should provide plausible explanation for this and similar discrepancies.

      (CE and ELISA-based assays shown on figure 6 also resulted in drastically different inhibitions). It is expected assays would produce different results but there should also be explanation for this. If this is not provided one can assume that it is due to experimental errors.

      • Response:- We thank the reviewers for their valuable comments. We acknowledge the importance of providing plausible explanations for such variations and are committed to addressing these concerns in our revised analysis. * Our explanation: Capillary electrophoresis (CE) offers a direct approach for detecting S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), the product of the methyltransferase reaction. However, this assay has a limitation in sensitivity, it is only able to detect SAH concentrations above ~ 300 µM. A previously validated CE-based assay for Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) nsP1 by Mudgal et al.,2020 addresses this limitation. Their work demonstrates that using specific concentrations of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) at 0.3 mM and guanosine triphosphate (GTP) at 4 mM enables reliable detection of SAH in the reaction. However, *CAPE is observed to inhibit DENV at ~2.5 micro, supporting that viral inhibition not only is due to MTase inhibition but through other mechanism i.e. host cells polyamine depletion.

      • *

      • Therefore, this presents one plausible explanation, although we cannot currently dismiss the possibility of other mechanisms that could also contribute to viral inhibition by CAPE.*

      The established ELISA assay of nsP1 utilizes an indirect detection method, which exhibits higher sensitivity. Additionally, previously published studies on alphaviral nsP1 inhibitors also report nsP1 enzyme activity inhibition by compounds at concentrations several folds higher than their respective active doses in cell culture-based studies (Delang et al., 2016; Mudgal et al., 2020; Kovacikova et al., 2020).Therefore, differing substrate concentrations and CE-based assay limitations may be attributed to discrepancies between the capillary electrophoresis (CE) and ELISA assays. Numerous studies have utilized the CE-based assay or equivalent assays based on similar principles as qualitative tools for evaluating enzyme activity.

      In the revised manuscript, Figures 6B and 6C graphical representation has been transitioned from a dose-response curve IC50 format to a bar chart for enhanced clarity. This bar chart effectively conveys the key finding of a dose-dependent decrease in activity observed for both HC and CAPE.

      Similarly, we again tried to reoptimize the MTase CE-based assay by reducing the GTP concentration in enzyme reaction from 4 mM to 0.3 mM. This modification resulted in slight improvement and shows clear (~50%) decrease in enzyme activity at the highest concentration, as shown in Fig. 6 F and G. Furthermore, our approach with CE based assay is centered around detecting inhibition rather than conducting quantitative analyses.

      • *

      The discrepancy in the in vitro vs the enzyme test tube assay could be attributed to HC and CAPE's multifaceted mechanism of action when used in vitro (i.e polyamine depletion and anti methyltransferase activity). However, only methyltransferase inhibition has been assessed in enzymatic assay. Following the reviewer's suggestion, we have revised the methyltransferase assay protocol, results, and figure legends for clarifications. Additionally, the results have been appropriately discussed in the discussion section.

      • *

      Comment 10 :-6. Discussion is essentially missing, it is just list of statements mostly repeating what was said in other sections

      > Response: We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion regarding the discussion section; we have incorporated a comprehensive discussion in the revised manuscript.

      3rd reviewer :-

      The manuscript submitted by Bhutkar M. et al. details the antiviral properties of two compounds, herbacetin (HC) and caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), against Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and Dengue virus (DENV) through cellular, bioinformatics, biochemical, biophysical, and structural studies. The authors propose a dual antiviral mechanism of action exhibited by these compounds, beginning with an evaluation of their cytotoxicity. Subsequent assessments of their antiviral efficacy against CHIKV and DENV are addressed using plaque reduction assay and other orthogonal assays such as qRT-PCR, and Immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Further, authors performed thin layer chromatography (TLC) to monitor polyamine levels in the cells treated with these compounds and concluded that these compounds leads to polyamine depletion which is also supported by previous studies. These experiments included DFMO as a control which is well established for its role in this regulation. Beyond their impact on cellular polyamine levels, the authors propose a role for these compounds in the inhibition of MTase domains in CHIKV and DENV, supported by the crystal structure of the DENV-3 NS5 MTase domain in complex with CAPE.

      Comment 1:-

      __Major points:- __ While the manuscript presents promising findings regarding the dual antiviral effects of the tested compounds, the authors fall short of demonstrating direct inhibition of MTase activity as a meaningful and complementary effect to polyamine depletion. Being only indirect, the enzyme inhibition data is not convincing, and the measured indirect inhibition is not precise enough in the case of CHIK nsp1 and too weak in the case of DENV NS5 (detailed below).

      Conceptually, the organization of the results should be changed to first data (structural data of DENV MTase in complex with CAPE, which is a significant achievement), then interpretation/discussion with modeling, and not the other way around.

      The discussion section requires more elaborate scientific justification than simply re-reporting the results.

      • Response:- We express our gratitude to the reviewers for their time and insightful comments, which have significantly contributed to in the improvement of our manuscript. We believe that the thoughtful critiques and suggestions have substantially improved the overall quality of our work. The changes made in the revised manuscript are highlighted in red. Below, we provide a point-by-point response to each comment, addressing the concerns raised by the reviewers.

        Comment 2:-

      It would be best to organize the ms as follows: - Crystal structure of DENV MTase in complex with CAPE - Building of a model of nsp1 by superimposition with NS5 MTase - Modeling compound binding - Inhibition assays using enzyme assays at least in the case of NS5 MTase. The direct enzyme assays are well described in the literature.

      • Response :- We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion regarding the manuscript organization. We understand the value of presenting the data in a logical flow. For this study, our initial investigations focused on the polyamine depletion ability of HC and CAPE, followed by antiviral activity assays. Based on the preliminary data from cell-based polyamine depletion assay and antiviral assays, the identified molecules were used for in silico investigations, followed by biochemical and biophysical validation. the crystal structure studies were performed to gain a deeper understanding of the inhibition mechanism. Therefore, we believe this flow, approach and the current structure have merit and is request to be considered.

        Comment 3:- Inhibition assays using enzyme assays at least in the case of NS5 MTase. The direct enzyme assays are well described in the literature.

      • If there is no inhibition, then discussion about possible reasons would be interesting and help the AV field. For example, CAPE could bind to other enzyme or sites, etc...

      Figure 5 is problematic.

      • When presenting an y IC50 data, care should be taken that the IC50 inflexion point is preceded and followed by at least two experimental points, which is not the case. The IC50 value of 7.082 and 5.156 µM are too imprecise (and there is no need to give digits after the value). Please add more low concentration experimental points.

      • Panel F and G: A reduction of 25 % at the highest inhibitor concentration is a strong indication that there is no effect.

      • Response:- We sincerely thank the reviewers for their valuable comments and insights regarding the discrepancies observed in our data. We acknowledge the importance of providing plausible explanations for such variations and are committed to addressing these concerns in our revised analysis. * Capillary electrophoresis (CE) offers a direct approach for detecting S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), the product of the methyltransferase reaction. However, this assay has a limitation in sensitivity, typically only detecting SAH concentrations exceeding ~300 µM. *

      *A previously validated CE-based assay for Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) nsp1 by Rajat et al. addresses this limitation and has been mentioned in the revised manuscript with the reference. Their work demonstrates that using specific concentrations of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) at 0.3 mM and guanosine triphosphate (GTP) at 4 mM enables reliable detection of SAH in the reaction. The established ELISA assay utilizes an indirect detection method and exhibits higher sensitivity. Also, previous studies on alphaviral nsP1 inhibitors have also reported nsP1 enzyme activity inhibition by compounds at concentrations several folds higher than their respective active doses in cell culture-based studies (Delang et al., 2016; Mudgal et al., 2020; Kovacikova et al., 2020). *

      Hence, differing substrate concentrations may be attributed to discrepancies between the capillary electrophoresis (CE) and ELISA assays. Numerous studies have utilized the CE-based assay or equivalent assays based on similar principles as qualitative tools for evaluating enzyme activity.

      • *In response to the reviewer's suggestion to test compounds at lower dilutions, we acknowledge that we are currently unable to perform an assay for lower dilutions as recommended due to time constraints and limited availability (screen shot below) of "MABE419 Sigma-Aldrich (Merk), Anti-m3G-cap, m7G-cap Antibody, clone H-20 antibody" used as the primary antibody (Kaur et al., 2018). Our attempts to procure this antibody from Sigma were unsuccessful.For India it shows limted availability and the vendor has given the estimated shipment time of more than 7 weeks. As per reviewers suggestion and the current limitations in the IC50 data, we have revised the graphical representation from a non-linear regression format (which estimates IC50) to a bar chart format. In the revised manuscript, Figures 6B and 6C graphical representation has been transitioned from a dose-response IC50 format to a bar chart for clarity. This bar chart effectively conveys the key finding of inhibitory activity observed for both HC and CAPE.

      We tried to reoptimize the Dengue virus MTase CE-based assay by reducing the GTP concentration from 4 mM to 0.3 mM. This modification resulted in slight improvement and shows clear (~50%) decrease in enzyme activity at the highest concentration, as shown in Fig. 6 F and G. The CE-based assay for HC and CAPE data clearly indicates inhibition above >50%. Our approach with this assay is centered around detecting inhibition rather than conducting quantitative analyses. Following the reviewer's suggestion, we have revised the methyltransferase assay protocol, results, and figure legends. Additionally, the results have been appropriately discussed in the discussion section.

      Comment 4- Please describe more panel D in the legend.

      • Response :-We sincerely appreciate your suggestion and wish to express our gratitude. We have revised figure legend 6 D from. Line no. 791 "The CE based HC and CAPE Methyltransferase inhibition activity assay CHIKV nsP1" changed to line no. 884 to 886 "CE-based nsP1 MTase activity inhibition assay as described previously by Mudgal et al. 2020". HC and CAPE compounds were tested at a concentration of 200 µM and CAPE 1000 µM respectively.

        Minor Points/Comments/ Suggestions:

      Comment 1:-

      In the Introduction section, line 58: Are DENV infection numbers representative of worldwide distribution, please clarify. Also, in the case of CHIKV infection, the most affected countries are mentioned, why not follow the same pattern for DENV, please consider homogenizing the text.

      Response:- Thank you for your suggestion; we have revised the text accordingly. Line no. 58 "It is estimated that ~100-400 million DENV infections occur annually" changed to line no. 58 to 61 "It is estimated that annually ~100-400 million DENV infections occur worldwide. The Philippines and Vietnam are among the most affected countries. Moreover, dengue is endemic in India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand (Bhatt et al., 2013; Lobo et al., 2011, National Center for Vector Borne Diseases Control Report 2022 (NCVBDC)."

      __Comment 2:- __B. Before p. 4 (line 91), alphaviruses were not introduced. Please consider introducing them.

      Response :- Thank you for your feedback; brief introduction of alphaviruses have been added.

        • 4 (line 92) Alphaviruses belonging to the Togaviridae family include viruses such as Chikungunya, Eastern equine encephalitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, etc.*
      1. *

      Comment 3:- C. Consider introducing Dengue serotypes to help readers understand the significance of DENV-2 and DENV-3.

      Additionally, ensure uniformity by referring to these serotypes as DENV-2, DENV-3 throughout. There are inconsistencies in the current text, such as 'DENV 3' in lines 39 and 152, and 'DENV3' in lines 249 and 250, among others.

      • Response:-Thank you for your valuable input. Dengue serotypes have been introduced, and we have meticulously reviewed and rectified all inconsistencies regarding their nomenclature. Line no. 120 to 123 "Flaviviruses are classified within the Flaviviridae family and encompass viruses like Dengue, Zika, Japanese encephalitis, etc. Dengue virus consists of four distinct antigenic types: DENV 1, DENV 2, DENV 3, and DENV 4. DENV 2 has been India's most prevalent serotype for the past 50 years, however serotypes 3 and 4 have also appeared in some recent epidemics (Kalita et al., 2021)."

        Comment 4:- D. P. 4, 5 lines 91-134: Consider rephrasing/reorganizing the methylation process: conventional and unconventional. The current introduction doesn't clearly indicate the difference between the cap-0 capping in alphaviruses and cap-1 in flaviviruses.

      • Response:-Line 100 changed from "Cellular enzyme capping mechanisms usually involve the methylation of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) after transferring it to the 5' end of the RNA. However, the molecular mechanism of viral mRNA capping in alphaviruses is distinct." To line no. 102 to 108 "Cellular enzymes use conventional capping mechanisms, usually where GTP is first transferred to RNA's 5' end, followed by its methylation. On the other hand, viral capping in the case of alphaviruses is unconventional, where GTP is first methylated, followed by the guanyltion of viral RNAs. Furthermore, Cap 0 alphaviruses feature monomethylation at the N7 position of the guanosine nucleotide, while Cap 1 in flaviviruses has additional methylation at both the N7 and 2'O positions."

        Comment 5:-

      • Please consider citing the article instead of the referred link, wherever possible, for e.g., for ref. 22 PMID: 28218572 (a more recent reference for Flaviviridae taxonomy available than that mentioned in the current manuscript.)

      • Response :- We have addressed the reviewer's insightful suggestion regarding the citation and included the references accordingly.

        Comment 6:- F. Homogenize the writing of taxonomic names (viral families) in the text. For example, in line 126 change Flaviviridae to Flaviviridae, and line 476 (Discussion section), alphaviridae to Alphaviridae, flaviviridae to Flaviviridae and so on. For further clarification on addressing this, one can also refer to https://ictv.global/faq/names.

      • Response :-We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's input. We have incorporated the suggested changes as follows : In line 126, we changed "Flaviviridae" to "Flaviviridae".

      In line 476 (Discussion section), we corrected "alphaviridae" to "Togaviridae".

      We ensured consistency in the formatting of taxonomic names throughout the manuscript.

      Comment 7:-

      1. Please make sure to appropriately reference the corresponding supplementary information (text or figures) in the main text wherever necessary to avoid the impression of missing information. For instance, in none of the sub-sections of Materials and Methods (M&M), it is being indicated to refer to the suppl. experimental procedures for more details. Also consider not repeating the same information between the main experimental procedures text and the supplementary text.
      • Response :-The reviewer's feedback has been invaluable, and we've acted upon it accordingly. In response to the suggestion, we've made it clear in the manuscript to refer to the supplementary experimental procedures for detailed protocols where appropriate. Additionally, we've listed certain protocols exclusively in the supplementary material to enhance clarity and avoid repetition.

        Comment 8:-

      • M&M sub-section. 2, line 163: Which specific culture media is being referred to here? Could you provide additional details? On line 164, it mentions that polyamines were diluted in water. Is this water sterile tissue culture-grade water as indicated in line 161?

      • Response :-We appreciate the reviewer's attention to detail. At the time of usage, further dilutions were prepared in 2% DMEM media. Additionally, individual polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, and spermine) stocks were diluted in sterile tissue culture-grade water from Alfa-Aeser, USA, and used as indicated. As such, we have revised the sentence to enhance clarity. Line number 173 to 175 "At the time of usage, further dilutions were prepared in culture media. Similarly, individual polyamines (put, spm, and spd) (Alfa-Aeser, USA) stocks were diluted in water and used as designated." changed to this "At the time of usage, further dilutions were prepared in 2 % DMEM media. Similarly, individual polyamines (put, spm, and spd) (Alfa-Aeser, USA) stocks were diluted in sterile tissue culture grade water and used as designated."

      • *

      Comment 9:-

      1. M&M, line 274: What is CE? Please expand the term before using the abbreviation.

      2. Response :- Thank you for bringing that to our attention. CE mentioned in line 294 stands for Capillary electrophoresis__.__

        Comment 10:-

      line 306. Ref. 53: This is not a reference.

      • Response :-Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We understand that reference 53 does not correspond to a valid source. We acknowledge this and want to clarify that due to the unavailability of the proper reference, we included this reference. We have now changed the reference to the Crysalis Pro software.

        Comment 11:-

      • Results. 1: Didn't understand the relevance of Fig. 1C, as this data is already included in Fig. 1B.

      • Response :-Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any confusion caused by including Fig. 1C, especially since the data it presents overlaps with that of Fig. 1B. To ensure clarity, we have made modifications accordingly. Figures (A) and (C) depict the viability of Vero cells measured by an MTT assay after a total incubation of 134 hours. This protocol involved a 12-hour pre-treatment with either HC (A) or CAPE (C), followed by additional incubation steps as detailed in the legend. In contrast, figure (B) shows the cell viability of Vero cells treated with CAPE only, measured after a total incubation of 38 hours.

      • To avoid further confusion figure legend has been changed from "(A) and (C) depicts the percent cell viability of Vero cells treated with HC and CAPE for 12 hr pre-treatment and 24 hr post-treatment and incubated in maintenance media for 4 days, (B) shows the percent cell viability of Vero cells treated with CAPE for 12 hr pre-treatment and 24 hr post-treatment. " to "(A) and (C) depicts the percent cell viability of Vero cells treated with HC and CAPE for 12 hr pre-treatment followed by a 2-hour incubation with maintenance media, 24 hr post-treatment, and incubated in maintenance media for 4 days, (B) shows the percent cell viability of Vero cells treated with CAPE for 12 hr pre-treatment, followed by a 2-hour incubation with maintenance media and 24 hr post-treatment."

        Comment 12:-

      Fig. 1G and H are not referred to in the result text.

      • Response :-Thank you for pointing out the oversight regarding Fig. 1G and H not being referred to in the results text. We have added following statement Results p.1 Line no. 354 "Likewise, HC and CAPE treatment to Vero cells has shown a decrease in viral titer DENV-infected cells in a dose-dependent manner (Figure 1 G-H)."
      • *

      Comment 12:-

      Lines 342, 343: 'At the mentioned concentrations', where are these concentrations mentioned?

      • Response:-*Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We acknowledge this mistake regarding the mentioned concentrations at lines 342 and 343. RT-PCR was conducted for CHIKV using concentrations of 200 µM for HC, 25 µM for CAPE, and 1000 µM for DFMO. Similarly, for DENV, RT-PCR was performed with concentrations of 200 µM for HC, 2.5 µM for CAPE, and 1000 µM for DFMO. To avoid further confusion, Figure legends were revised and line no. 846 to 848 "(1F) RT-PCR for CHIKV with HC 200 µM, CAPE 25 µM, DFMO 1000 µM concentration (1I) RT-PCR for DENV with HC 200 uM, CAPE 2.5 uM and DFMO 1000 µM" *
      • *

      Comment 13:-

      qRT-PCR data is not very clear. Please consider elaborating on some details. Why were the statistics only performed between HC and DFMO and not with CAPE? How the fold reduction is being calculated? For example, the fold difference of 97 is not visibly evident.

      • Response:- We regret that the clarity of the qRT-PCR data was not satisfactory. We acknowledge your feedback and understand the importance of elaborating on certain details. The statistics were performed for all treatment groups, including HC, CAPE, and DFMO. However, the representation in the graph was adjusted by replacing the "top square bracket" with a "line" to avoid confusion. The y-axis of the graph depicts the log10 fold change in target gene expression relative to a designated virus control (VC). A value of ~ -2 on this axis corresponds to a significant downregulation, reflecting a 97-fold decrease in expression compared to the VC. A comparable graphical depiction is also evident in the work by Mudgal et al. (2022).

        Comment 14:-

      Line 375: 'SAM is lined by residues ... would be more appropriate than 'formed'

      • Response :-Done as suggested. We have revised the sentence in question and similar ones accordingly. "In CHIKV nsP1, SAM is formed by residues Gly65, Ser66, Ala67, Pro83, Arg85, Ser86, Asp89, Thr137, Asp138…" changed to line no. 393 "In CHIKV nsP1, SAM binding site is lined by,….."

        Comment 15:-

      Fig. 1J. For TLC results, consider using the term panel (left, center, right) to navigate within this figure. The representation of this result is not uniform, as the time course is shown for HC while it is not shown for DFMO and CAPE. The treatment time is not indicated for DFMO and CAPE. For better representation and significant differences, one can consider quantifying these TLC results.

      • Response:- Thank you for bringing these points to our attention. Done as suggested. We have simplified the presentation of the TLC results to enhance clarity and revised the methodology, results, figure, and legend accordingly. Also, we have quantified the TLC results. * -*Polyamine determination by Thin-layer chromatography (TLC)

      -Vero cells were treated with HC, CAPE and DFMO, as mentioned in the antiviral assay protocol. Similarly, HC-treated cells were collected after 12, 24, and 36 hr of treatment." Revised to " Vero cells were treated with CAPE (25 µM), HC (200 µM), and DFMO (1000 µM) for 36 hr …… Further, TLC images were quantified utilizing ImageJ software." *Figure legend 1:- (J) depicts the effect of polyamines level after treating with HC (200 µM) and CAPE (25 µM). Polyamine level of Vero treated cells at 12, 24, and 36 hr for HC and pre (12 hr) and post-treatment (24 h) for CAPE and DEMO, using untreated cells as a cell control (CC) for both of the conditions. 0.1 μM putrescine (put), spermine (spm), and spermidine (spd) as a positive control marker. changed to *

      "(J) the chromatographic analysis of polyamine levels in Vero cells after 36 hr treatment with (from left) CAPE (25 µM), HC (200 µM), DFMO(1000 µM), and cell control (CC), 0.1 μM putrescine (Put), spermine (Spm), and spermidine (Spd) as a positive control marker. "

      Results: Line no. 351 "Polyamine levels in cells treated with CAPE were significantly lower as compared to DFMO treatment (Figure 1J). Meanwhile, HC showed a reduction in polyamine levels with the initial 12 hr treatment; later, polyamine levels elevated gradually with time."

      Revised to line no. 371 to 373"After treatment with CAPE, HC, and DFMO to Vero cells, overall residual polyamine levels are 28.33%, 29.67 %, and 46 %, respectively, compared to cell control."

      Comment 16:-

      Fig. 1, figure legend, lines 750-751: instead of 'Panels D-G depicts the inhibitory effect of CHIKV and DENV infected cells on different concentrations of HC and CAPE' should be

      'Panels D-G depicts the inhibitory effect of different concentrations of HC and CAPE on CHIKV and DENV infected cells'

      • Response:-Thank you for the suggestion. We have updated the figure legend to ensure clarity based on your recommendation. (D,E,G,H) depicts the inhibitory effect of different concentrations of HC and CAPE on CHIKV and DENV infected cells'.

        Comment 17:-

      Line 755: DFMO is wrongly written as 'DEMO'

      • Response:- Thank you for bringing that to our attention. We have corrected the typo, changing Line 845 'DEMO' to 'DFMO' as appropriate.

        Comment 18:-

      Fig.2. IFA. Authors must consider on elaborating the IFA data. One can also consider quantifying these data for better comparison with other assays.

      • Response:- We thank reviewer for your input. As per the suggestion we have elaborated the results on IFA. The qualitative application of IFA was chosen because of the absence of dedicated paid software/hardware for image quantification on the Thermofisher EVOS platform, thereby impeding our quantification efforts.

        Comment 19:-

      Result 1 (Suppl. Fig. 1). Line 359: 'After infection': please indicate the time here.

      • Response:- Thank you for the feedback. Line no. 377:We have updated the line to specify the time as “ after 2 h of virus infection," and we have also revised this in the methodology section for clarity.

        Comment 20:-

      Suppl. Fig.1: How was the concentration of these polyamines chosen to be 1µM?

      What will be the effect on increasing concentrations?

      Why were all these three polyamines added together?

      What is the effect of addition of individual polyamine in the rescue of viral titer?

      Will this effect vary if cells are pre-treated with these polyamines and compounds in question are added post viral infection or if both are added simultaneously?

      Response:- We thank the reviewer, for raising these insightful questions. We performed an Exogenous polyamine addition assay as per Mounce et al. 2016 to maintain consistency with established practices and the research focus. The concentration of 1 µM biogenic polyamines (Putrescine, Spermidine, and Spermine) was chosen based on the findings of Mounce et al. (2016), where viral titers were restored to levels comparable to non-treated conditions at this concentration (Mounce, Cesaro, et al., 2016; Mounce, Poirier, et al., 2016)*. Furthermore, increasing the concentration of these polyamines did not yield significant additional effects on viral titer rescue, as observed in their study. *

      The potential influence of pre-treating cells with the biogenic polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) prior to viral infection, compared to simultaneous addition with the compound in question, is an interesting point. While Mounce et al. (2016) suggest this order may not significantly impact the rescue effect (Mounce, Poirier, et al., 2016)*. Further investigations are warranted to address this question definitively within the context of our specific experimental design. *

      Comment 20:-

      It is understandable that from the data of Suppl Fig.1, authors became keen on exploring the 'other' antiviral target, but then conclusions from Fig. 1J and Suppl. Fig. 1 are contradictory. As from Fig. 1J, it is being conveyed that the tested compounds depletes polyamines level better than the control. On the other hand, in suppl fig.1, when these polyamines are supplemented, the viral titer is not rescued. Of course this might be related to the time of addition of polyamines and compounds. Authors should consider discussing these results in details.

      • Response:-Thank you for your insightful suggestion. We have addressed these results in detail in the discussion section of the manuscript. We conducted an Exogenous Polyamine Addition Assay following the methodology outlined by Mounce et al. (2016) to adhere to established procedures and align with our research objectives. Treatment with DFMO in the presence of exogenous polyamines, as well as treatment with DFMO followed by polyamine addition, led to the rescue of virus titers, as indicated by Mounce et al. (2016). Therefore, according to the data, the timing of exogenous polyamine addition may not be a significant factor. In our manuscript, the timing of polyamine and compound addition was consistent across all treatments (HC, CAPE, and DFMO).

        Comment 21:-

      Result 2. Suppl fig. 2. MSA. Provide complete information in the figure legend: indicate virus names to the corresponding Accession numbers and GenBank ID.

      • Response:-Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have updated the figure legend in Supplementary Figure 2 to include complete information, indicating the virus names corresponding to the Accession numbers and GenBank IDs.

        Comment 22:-

      Line 392: '2 dimensions' ?

      • Response:-Thank you for bringing this to our attention. As suggested, we have made the change, replacing "2 dimensions" with "2D" for clarity.

        Comment 23:-

      Result 3. Authors didn't comment/discuss on the significance of these tests with GTP, SAM and difference in the Kd values: for CHIKV and DENV and other details

      • Response:- We appreciate the reviewer's feedback. We have expanded upon these results in more detail in the discussion section. Discussion p.4 line no. 512 "Biophysical interactions by TFS indicate distinct red shift for nsP1 and NS5 MTase, with each compound displaying specific affinities toward the target proteins." revised to line no. 551 to 557 "The binding affinities of SAM and GTP with CHIKV nsP1 and DENV NS5 MTase were investigated and used as a reference to compare with HC and CAPE. HC has a high binding affinity for both enzymes, as evidenced by the Kd values. Conversely, CAPE demonstrates a more selective binding profile, exhibiting a significantly stronger affinity towards nsP1 than NS5 MTase. Significantly, both HC and CAPE have demonstrated a dose-dependent red shift, indicating structural changes upon interaction (Figure 5 and Supplimentary figure 5)."
      • *

      Comment 25 Result 4. Fig. 6A and 6E: The text does not report this result (SDS-PAGE). Fig. 6

      • Response We appreciate the reviewer for bringing this to our attention. As per suggestion, we have incorporated the SDS-PAGE results in Fig. 6 in the text.line no. 467 to 468 "Single band at ~ 56 and ~ 32 kDa was observed in 12% SDS-PAGE for purified nsP1 and NS5 MTase, respectively ( Figure 6A and 6E)."

        Comment 24:-

      Did authors also perform the enzymatic assays (inhibition assays) with DFMO?

      • Response:- Thank you for your intriguing question. We appreciate the reviewer's interest. We opted not to conduct enzymatic assays (inhibition assays) with DFMO, as it is a known analog of ornithine, a well-established inhibitor of the polyamine pathway (ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor). This decision was made as it was deemed outside the scope of our study.

        Comment 25:-

      Typographic errors: ml to mL, µl to µL, E. coli to E. coli (line 956), in multiple figures: chose titre or titer

      • Response:- We thank the reviewer for their meticulous attention to detail. As per your observation, we have carefully reviewed the manuscript and made the necessary corrections, including changing "ml" to "mL", "µl" to "µL", and "E. coli" to " coli" (line no.. 1042). Additionally, we have standardized the usage of "titre" to "titer" across multiple figures. __References: __

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    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript submitted by Bhutkar M. et al. details the antiviral properties of two compounds, herbacetin (HC) and caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), against Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and Dengue virus (DENV) through cellular, bioinformatics, biochemical, biophysical, and structural studies. The authors propose a dual antiviral mechanism of action exhibited by these compounds, beginning with an evaluation of their cytotoxicity. Subsequent assessments of their antiviral efficacy against CHIKV and DENV are addressed using plaque reduction assay and other orthogonal assays such as qRT-PCR, and Immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Further, authors performed thin layer chromatography (TLC) to monitor polyamine levels in the cells treated with these compounds and concluded that these compounds leads to polyamine depletion which is also supported by previous studies. These experiments included DFMO as a control which is well established for its role in this regulation. Beyond their impact on cellular polyamine levels, the authors propose a role for these compounds in the inhibition of MTase domains in CHIKV and DENV, supported by the crystal structure of the DENV-3 NS5 MTase domain in complex with CAPE.

      Major points

      While the manuscript presents promising findings regarding the dual antiviral effects of the tested compounds, the authors fall short of demonstrating direct inhibition of MTase activity as a meaningful and complementary effect to polyamine depletion. Being only indirect, the enzyme inhibition data is not convincing, and the measured indirect inhibition are not precise enough in the case of CHIK nsp1, and too weak in the case of DENV NS5 (detailed below).

      Conceptually, the organization of the results should be changed to first data (structural data of DENV MTase in complex with CAPE, which is a significant achievement), then interpretation/discussion with modeling, and not the other way around.

      The discussion section requires more elaborate scientific justification rather than simply re-reporting the results.

      Specific major remarks:

      It would be best to organize the ms as follows: - Crystal structure of DENV MTase in complex with CAPE - Building of a model of nsp1 by superimposition with NS5 MTase - Modeling compound binding - Inhibition assays using enzyme assays at least in the case of NS5 MTase. The direct enzyme assays are well described in the literature. - If there is no inhibition, then discussion about possible reasons would be interesting and help the AV field. For example, CAPE could bind to other enzyme or sites, etc...

      Figure 5 is problematic. - When presenting an y IC50 data, care should be taken that the IC50 inflexion point is preceded and followed by at least two experimental points, which is not the case. The IC50 value of 7.082 and 5.156 µM are too imprecise (and there is no need to give digits after the value). Please add more low concentration experimental points. - Please describe more panel D in the legend. - Panel F and G: A reduction of 25 % at the highest concentration of inhibitor is a strong indication that there is no effect.

      Minor Points/Comments/ Suggestions:

      A. In the Introduction section, line 58: Are DENV infection numbers representative of worldwide distribution, please clarify. Also, in the case of CHIKV infection, the most affected countries are mentioned, why not follow the same pattern for DENV, please consider homogenizing the text.

      B. Before p. 4 (line 91), alphaviruses were not introduced. Please consider introducing them.

      C. Consider introducing Dengue serotypes to help readers understand the significance of DENV-2 and DENV-3. Additionally, ensure uniformity by referring to these serotypes as DENV-2, DENV-3 throughout. There are inconsistencies in the current text, such as 'DENV 3' in lines 39 and 152, and 'DENV3' in lines 249 and 250, among others.

      D. P. 4, 5 lines 91-134: Consider rephrasing/reorganizing the methylation process: conventional and unconventional. The current introduction doesn't clearly indicates the difference between the cap-0 capping in alphaviruses and cap-1 in flaviviruses.

      E. Please consider citing the article instead of the referred link, wherever possible, for e.g., for ref. 22 PMID: 28218572 (a more recent reference for Flaviviridae taxonomy available than that mentioned in the current manuscript.)

      F. Homogenize the writing of taxonomic names (viral families) in the text. For example, in line 126 change Flaviviridae to Flaviviridae, and line 476 (Discussion section), alphaviridae to Alphaviridae, flaviviridae to Flaviviridae and so on. For further clarification on addressing this, one can also refer to https://ictv.global/faq/names.

      G. Please make sure to appropriately reference the corresponding supplementary information (text or figures) in the main text wherever necessary to avoid the impression of missing information. For instance, in none of the sub-sections of Materials and Methods (M&M), it is being indicated to refer to the suppl. experimental procedures for more details. Also consider not repeating the same information between the main experimental procedures text and the supplementary text.

      H. M&M sub-section. 2, line 163: Which specific culture media is being referred to here? Could you provide additional details? On line 164, it mentions that polyamines were diluted in water. Is this water sterile tissue culture-grade water as indicated in line 161?

      I. M&M, line 274: What is CE? Please expand the term before using the abbreviation.

      J. line 306. Ref. 53: This is not a reference.

      K. Results. 1: Didn't understand the relevance of Fig. 1C, as this data is already included in Fig. 1B. Fig. 1G and H are not referred to in the result text. Lines 342, 343: 'At the mentioned concentrations', where are these concentrations mentioned? qRT-PCR data is not very clear. Please consider elaborating on some details. Why the statistics were only performed between HC and DFMO and not with CAPE? How the fold reduction is being calculated? For example, the fold difference of 97 is not visibly evident. Line 375: 'SAM is lined by residues ... would be more appropriate than 'formed' Fig. 1J. For TLC results, consider using the term panel (left, center, right) to navigate within this figure. The representation of this result is not uniform, as the time course is shown for HC while it is not shown for DFMO and CAPE. The treatment time is not indicated for DFMO and CAPE. For better representation and significant differences, one can consider quantifying these TLC results. Fig. 1, figure legend, lines 750-751: instead of 'Panels D-G depicts the inhibitory effect of CHIKV and DENV infected cells on different concentrations of HC and CAPE' should be 'Panels D-G depicts the inhibitory effect of different concentrations of HC and CAPE on CHIKV and DENV infected cells'. Line 755: DFMO is wrongly written as 'DEMO' Fig.2. IFA. Authors must consider on elaborating the IFA data. One can also consider quantifying these data for better comparison with other assays.

      Result 1 (Suppl. Fig. 1). Line 359: 'After infection': please indicate the time here. Suppl. Fig.1: How was the concentration of these polyamines chosen to be 1µM? What will be the effect on increasing concentrations? Why were all these three polyamines added together? What is the effect of addition of individual polyamine in the rescue of viral titer? Will this effect vary if cells are pre-treated with these polyamines and compounds in question are added post viral infection or if both are added at the same time? It is understandable that from the data of Suppl Fig.1, authors became keen on exploring the 'other' antiviral target, but then conclusions from Fig. 1J and Suppl. Fig. 1 are contradictory. As from Fig. 1J, it is being conveyed that the tested compounds depletes polyamines level better than the control. On the other hand, in suppl fig.1, when these polyamines are supplemented, the viral titer is not rescued. Of course this might be related to the time of addition of polyamines and compounds. Authors should consider discussing these results in details.

      Result 2. Suppl fig. 2. MSA. Provide complete information in the figure legend: indicate virus names to the corresponding Accession numbers and GenBank ID. Line 392: '2 dimensions' ?

      Result 3. Authors didn't comment/discuss on the significance of these tests with GTP, SAM and difference in the Kd values: for CHIKV and DENV and other details

      Result 4. Fig. 6A and 6E: This result (SDS-PAGE) is not reported in the text. Fig. 6

      Did authors also perform the enzymatic assays (inhibition assays) with DFMO?

      Typographic errors: ml to mL, µl to µL, E. coli to E. coli (line 956), in multiple figures: chose titre or titer


      This a body of work that is very interesting and has good potential, however it lacks the correct demonstration of the additive effect of MTase inhibition to polyamine depletion.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Authors describe anti-CHIKV and anti-DENV activities of herbacetin and caffeic acid phenyl ester (CAPE). The antiviral effect is not reversed buy exogenous polyamines suggesting multiple mechanisms of action. NS5-Met complex with caffeic acid phenyl ester was obtained and its structure resolved at high resolution. The resolved structure reveals two binding sites for antiviral compound overlapping with that of GTP and possibly with site involved in binding of RNA

      Other than analysis of crystal structure of NS5/CAPE complex the provided data is of low quality and is not analyzed properly. There is no evidence that data is reproducible. Authors have calculated significance from "experimental repeats" which, based on the description of experiments, are not independent experiments but technical replicates. Some key technical details are missing and some experiments are not described at all. The writing can be vastly improved and figures be made a lot more easier to understand.

      There are several points that need to be addressed, so here I provide some examples:

      1. Bad writing lines 64-65 . Viral genomes lack protein synthesis machinery. Basically correct but no genome has protein synthesis machinery line 137 flavonoids play role in reducing of the levels of nsP1 in CHIKV - what this can possibly mean? Are shown to reduce level of nsP1 in CHIKV infected cells? line 250-251 - RNA was isolated from the infected cells' supernatant, used for cloning, an inserted between the NheI and XhoI restriction sites... It should be impossible as one cannot insert RNA into bacterial plasmid DNA
      2. Missing parts. Examples
        • the source of nsP1 of CHIKV is not indicated, True, there are references to previous studies but this is extremely important point and it should have been clearly stated that it was obtained from E. coli. The issue is that authors made some predictions and modelling based on structure of nsP1 from eukaryotic expression system. It is not known does the enzyme purified from bacteria have similar structure (actually, in cited Nature paper - doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-3036-8 - attempts to purify nsP1 from bacteria were made. The protein was monomeric and had no activity)
        • description of experiment shown on Figure 4 is missing
      3. Figure lacks quality (and figure legends are unclear) Examples:
        • it is impossible to understand what exactly is shown on Figure 1J
        • important information is missing, for example it is not clear what were concentrations of antiviral compounds for panels 1F and 1I
      4. wrong data
        • line 478 it is stated that there is no vaccine for DENV or CHIKV. It is correct, DENV vaccine has been in use for several years and CHIKV vaccine was approved at 2023
        • line 476 refers to family alphaviridae. This does not exist, family is Togaviridae
      5. unjustified conclusions. Example
        • authors have analyzed sequences of nsP1 of alphaviruses and made conclusions regarding conservation of active site. It is probably correct but the analyzed viruses do not represent all diversity of alphaviruses, insect specific members and aquatic alphaviruses should also be analyzed (same problem with analysis performed for flaviviruses)
      6. Insufficient analysis of data. Some cases there is significant discrepancy between results of different assays. For example, CAPE inhibits DENV at 2.5 microM (Fig 1H) but in test tube assay only small inhibition was observed even at 1000 microM. Authors should provide plausible explanation for this and similar discrepancies (CE and ELISA based assays shown on figure 6 also resulted in drastically different inhibitions). It is expected assays would produce different results but there should also be explanation for this. If this is not provided on can assume that it is due to experimental errors.
      7. Discussion is essentially missing, it is just list of statements mostly repeating what was said in other sections

      The reviewer is sorry for not being able to provide more specific and useful comments and suggestions. To my opinion, manuscript should have been better prepared before submitting for review. Multiple mistakes, discrepancies and lack of clarity makes it difficult (for me nearly impossible) to focus on scientific value of study and provide constructive comments


      It is difficult to assess the significance of the studys findings as the data presented and writing lacks sufficient quality and depth. While some experiments that can be understood (crystal structure, some antiviral assays) show potentially interesting scientific findings, the manuscript needs a major overhaul before it can be considered relevant for the scientific community.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors use structural and functional approaches to investigate the potential anti-DENV and anti-CHIKV activity of HC and CAPE, two naturally occurring compounds. They find that these compounds reduce cellular polyamine levels and specifically inhibit the viral methyltransferase (MTase) activity. Hence, the authors propose that HC and CAPE have anti-viral potential against DENV and CHIKV, which have been implicated in severe disease in humans.

      Overall, this is a straightforward investigation and is quite suitable for publication as a "first report" on the anti-MTase activity of these compounds. The data support the conclusions. This will be of interest to researchers in the anti-virals field. A strength of this investigation is the multi-faceted approach to get to the target of these compounds, i.e., the viral MTase enzymes. This is commendable.

      My main concern is that the depletion of polyamines is likely to have broad implications for host cell metabolism. Polyamines are critical for genome folding and stability. Hence, polyamine depletion will likely compromise cellular metabolic homeostasis. My suggestion is to perform a literature survey on this topic, identify appropriate assays of cellular homeostasis, and add at least one such assay in the relevant HC and CAPE concentration range to address my question.

      I also suggest adding the potential negative effects of polyamine depletion on host cell metabolism in the discussion section.


      Strengths- multi-faceted approach

      Target audience- researchers interested in anti-virals

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We would like to express our gratitude to the reviewers for their comments, which helped us to improve the quality of our manuscript. Below are the responses to each comment. We hope that these responses will satisfy the reviewers.

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: The nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is and RNA quality pathway that eliminates mRNAs containing premature termination codons. Its mechanism has been studied for several decades but despite enormous progress we still don't have a satisfactory model that would explain most of the published observations. In particular, the mechanism has been proposed to differ substantially between yeast and metazoa. Yeast Nmd4 protein was previously shown to be involved in NMD, to interact with UPF1 and exhibit similarities with metazoan SMG6 and SMG5/7, that are normally believed to be specific for metazoan NMD (Dehecq et al., EMBO J, 2018). Barbarin-Bocahu et al now describe the crystal structure of the complex between the yeast UPF1 RNA helicase and Nmd4. Importantly, the authors show that interaction is required for NMD activity and increases the ATPase activity of UPF1. Barbarin-Bocahu et al equally show that this interaction and its role in NMD is conserved in the human UPF1-SMG6 complex, thus providing additional novel evidence for universal conservation of the NMD mechanism in eukaryotes. The manuscript carefully combines biochemistry, biophysics with functional in vivo studies. In my opinion, all the experiments are very well executed, generally convincing and interpretations appear correct, so the manuscript is certainly suitable for publication. I have included some suggestions below that I believe could strengthen the manuscript and enhance our confidence in the findings.

      We are grateful for the useful suggestions that have enabled us to improve our manuscript.

      Major comments:*

      *Page 7 - "Since the D1353A mutation completely abolishes the enzymatic activity of SMG6 (34), this strongly suggests that the PIN domain of Nmd4 is not endowed with endonucleolytic activity. " Could/was the endonucleolytic activity of NMD4 be tested?

      We agree with this important point. Our statement is based on previous site directed mutagenesis experiments on the PIN domain of human SMG6 (Galvan et al; 2006; EMBO Journal; PMID : 17053788 / Eberle et al; 2008; Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.; PMID : 19060897), which showed that D1353 is the critical residue of SMG6 active site involved in the endonuclease enzymatic activity. Given that in yeast Nmd4 proteins, the corresponding residue is hydrophobic (Leu112 in S. cerevisiae Nmd4 and Phe114 in Kluyveromyces lactis Nmd4) and therefore cannot participate directly in catalysis, we assume that yeast Nmd4 proteins have no endonucleolytic activity.

      Furthermore, despite decades of research in this field, no endonucleolytic activity has been described as being involved in the NMD pathway of S. cerevisiae (the model system in which the NMD mechanism was discovered in the 1970's), whereas it has been well characterized in the NMD pathway of metazoans for more than twenty years (Gatfield and Izaurralde; Nature; 2004; PMID : 15175755 / Huntzinger et al; RNA; 2008; PMID : 18974281 / Eberle et al; Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.; 2009; PMID : 19060897 / Lykke-Andersen et al; Genes Dev.; 2014; PMID : 25403180). Our attempts to demonstrate an endonucleolytic activity of purified Nmd4 in vitro were not successful. This negative result could be due to many reasons, including loss of enzymatic activity in the tested buffer, the absence of an important cofactor or the choice of the tested RNA. For these reasons, we prefer not to include this type of negative result in the current manuscript.

      We hope that, on the basis of the above informations, the reviewer will agree that further substantial efforts to demonstrate a hypothetical endonucleolytic activity of Nmd4 are unlikely to be fruitful. Moreover, we believe that even if yeast Nmd4 turns out to behave as an endonuclease, this fact does not change the main message of the manuscript.

      Page 10 - The two proteins bind RNA with reasonable affinity. The complex binds polyU RNA with Kd of 0.44 μM . The authors suggest, based on structure superpositions, that RNA fragments bound to the PIN domain and Upf1-HD have opposite orientations. But since they have the complex ready to crystallize, did they attempt to determine the structure with of the complex with RNA? The complex is quite small (~100 kDa with RNA) but it could be even visible by cryo-EM. I don't insist that such a structure needs to be included but it might perhaps be easy to do and would surely strengthen the story. If it is too difficult, it could at least be mentioned that it was tried?

      We agree that it would be interesting to determine the crystal structure of the complex with a short RNA fragment. Unfortunately, despite extensive efforts, we could not obtain crystals of the complex in the presence of RNA. This is probably due to the large movements of the RecA2 and 1B domains relative to the RecA1 domain observed in former studies upon RNA binding to Upf1. We have mentioned that we tried to crystallize this complex in the absence or the presence of a short oligonucleotide in our revised manuscript.

      As far as single-particle cryo-EM is concerned, we are aware that recent advances in this field should make it possible to determine the structure of the Nmd4-Upf1-RNA complex, but we do not yet have the necessary expertise in this technique. Despite the interesting information that such a structure could provide, we therefore consider that this would require a very significant investment and that it is beyond the scope of this manuscript.

      I think it is important to demonstrate that the structure-based mutants don't significantly impact the overall structure of the proteins (e.g. glycine residues are mutated within helices). At least gel filtration profiles with gels of the WT and mutated proteins should be shown in SI.

      Thank you very much for highlighting this point. We fully agree that it is important to demonstrate that the Upf1 and Nmd4 mutants used in the in vitro experiments (pull-down and ATPase assays) are not affected in their overall folding. As suggested by the reviewer, we have included gel filtration chromatograms for WT and mutant proteins (Figures S2A for Upf1-HD proteins and S2B for His6-ZZ-Nmd4 proteins). These chromatograms clearly show that the different mutants behave very similarly to the WT proteins during purification, demonstrating that the overall structures of the mutants are very similar to those of the wild-type proteins. We have also included the Coomassie blue stained SDS-PAGE analysis of the proteins present in the main peak to show the purity of the final proteins.

      Perhaps the main finding of this manuscript is the conservation of the UPF1-Nmd4 interaction in human UPF1-SMG6. But the interaction is only demonstrated by co-IP with ectopically expressed human proteins in human cells that contain all the other human proteins as well. It would probably be more convincing to demonstrated the interaction in pull-downs with purified proteins as done for the yeast complex.

      Thank you for highlighting what we consider to be one of the most interesting findings presented in our manuscript. We agree that pull-down experiments using pure protein fragments expressed in E. coli would have been ideal to further confirm our co-IP results and to validate that mutations do not affect the overall structure of SMG6. Unfortunately, despite considerable efforts, we were unable to express sufficient quantities of the SMG6-[207-580] fragment or shorter versions as soluble proteins in E. coli. Indeed, Elena Conti's laboratory had the same experience according to a statement in a paper on SMG6 (Chakrabarti et al; 2014 Nucleic Acids Research; PMID: 25013172), indicating that this region protein is very difficult to work with. As we have not yet set up protein over-expression techniques in human cells or baculovirus-infected insect cells in our laboratory, we have not been able to try these expression systems to express these SMG6 domains. These are the reasons why we decided to demonstrate this interaction by co-IP experiment using ectopically expressed tagged proteins in human cells and all appropriate controls.

      In addition, using purified proteins would enable testing whether the mutations in SMG6 don't affect the overall structure of the mutants compared to the WT.

      We agree that this is an important issue. Several bioinformatics tools, including AlphaFold2 (identifier: AF-Q86US8-F1), predict that the human SMG6-[207-580] fragment is largely unstructured (see panel A of figure below). Furthermore, the pLDDT values or confidence scores for this region in the AlphaFold2 model are very low (below 50), indicating that the structure of this region is poorly predicted (see panel B of figure below). Therefore, biophysical techniques to assess that the overall structure of this fragment is not affected by the introduced mutations are very limited. However, we did not observe reduced levels of SMG6 mutants compared with WT in human cells expressing these variants (Fig. 4B and S4), so we believe that these mutants behave similarly to the wild-type fragment, as is often postulated by scientists for in cellulo studies. Furthermore, if these mutants drastically affect the overall structure of SMG6, we would expect NMD to be strongly affected, resulting in a notable accumulation of NMD RNA substrates in our in cellulo experiments when the effect of the double mutant (M2) is compared to that of the SMG6 WT protein (Fig. 4C). This was not the case. On the basis of all these elements, we assume that the overall structure of the SMG6 protein is not affected by these mutations.

      Figure for reviewing purpose : Model of the three-dimensional structure of human SMG6 protein generated by AlphaFold2.

      A. Model of human SMG6 protein (green) with the region 207-580 used in our study colored in red.

      B. Model of human SMG6 protein (green) colored according to the pLDDT values. Orange : pLDDT 90.

      Since the detected similarity to Nmd4 is only in a region covering residues 440-470, why is the tested construct much larger (207-580) including extra, large disordered regions.

      For in cellulo studies, it has previously been shown that the SMG6-[207-580] fragment is expressed as a stable protein in human cells and is responsible for the phospho-independent interaction between UPF1 and SMG6 (Chakrabarti et al; 2014; Nucleic Acids Research; PMID: 25013172). As our aim was not to reduce this SMG6 region to a shorter peptide but to conduct an amino acid-level analysis by site-directed mutagenesis, we decided to perform our experiments using the same SMG6 domain as Conti's laboratory and to mutate conserved residues on this fragment.

      Finally, the most convincing way to show and characterize the human UPF1-SMG6 interaction would be an X-ray structure. It might be feasible to crystallize human UPF1 HD domain with a SMG6 peptide. Or at least an Alphafold model could be included? I had a quick try just with the Colabfold and using the HD domain and the SMG6 peptide, Alphafold can predict convincingly the binding of the region around W456 and in some models even around R448. I think that this would strengthen the conclusions in this part of the manuscript.

      We agree that determination of the crystal structure of human UPF1 HD linked to this region of SMG6 protein interaction would have further supported our conclusions on the conservation of UPF1-Nmd4 interaction in human UPF1-SMG6. However, due to the SMG6 expression problems mentioned above, we were unable to reconstitute the human complex in vitro, which precluded crystallization assays.

      Based on this suggestion, we generated a model of human UPF1-HD bound to the 421-480 region of human SMG6 using AlphaFold2 Colabfold. Of the various models proposed (25 in total), most are very similar and show that the side chains of R448 and W456 of SMG6 bind to regions of human UPF1 corresponding to the region of the yeast protein that interacts with R210 and W216 of Nmd4. This model is consistent with our hypothesis and we have decided to include it in the revised manuscript as suggested (Fig. EV6). We thank the reviewer for this constructive comment.

      We have added the following text to mention this model : « Based on this observation, we generated a model of the complex between human UPF1-HD and the region 421-480 of SMG6 using AlphaFold2 software (1,2). In this model, the SMG6 fragment binds to the same region of UPF1-HD as the Nmd4 « arm » (Fig. EV6). In particular, the R448 and W456 side chains of SMG6 match almost perfectly with R210 and W216 side chains of S. cerevisiae Nmd4, suggesting that this conserved region from SMG6 is involved in the interaction between the SMG6 and UPF1-HD proteins. »

      Does the SMG6 addition also increases the ATPase activity of UPF1?

      This is a very good point and we agree that the results of such an experiment may have further supported our conclusions about the conservation of the Upf1-Nmd4 interaction in human UPF1-SMG6. Unfortunately, due to the SMG6 protein expression problems mentioned above, we could not perform these in vitro experiments.

      Minor comments: Examples of electron density omit maps of the key interaction interfaces should be shown in Supplementary Information for the reader to be able to judge the crystallography data quality.

      Following this suggestion, we have added two panels showing electron density omit maps of residues at the interface in Fig. S1. We hope that this will convince the reader of the quality of our crystallographic data. We have also added the following sentence to the main text : « The overall quality of the electron density map allowed us to unambiguously identify the residues of the two proteins involved in the formation of the complex (Fig. S1A-B). »

      I suggest to add the Kd values to ITC panels for clarity in main and EV figures.

      We have taken this suggestion into account for figures 2A and EV5.

      On page 10: What experiment is this referring to : "This is in agreement with our ITC experiments (carried out in the absence of a non-hydrolyzable ATP analog), which revealed no major synergistic effect between the two proteins for RNA binding." Results in EV4A? Or some other not shown data? The results in EV4A do show an increase in RNA binding when both proteins are in a complex.

      Thank you for your comment. We realize that this sentence was not clear. We refer to the ITC data for the interaction of Upf1-HD, Nmd4 or the complex with RNA (Fig. EV5A). These data show a 2.3-fold increase in the affinity of Upf1 for RNA in the presence of Nmd4, which we consider to be a notable effect but not a major one. Based on the second reviewer's comments that our comparison between Nob1 and the PIN domain of Nmd4 is not convincing, we have decided to delete this speculative section, which did not address an important point in our current study. We will address this point using more direct and sophisticated methods in future work.

      On page 16, "organsms" should be" organisms"

      Typo corrected.

      In certain figure legends the panel labels (A,B,C..) are missing (e.g. Fig 3, EV1, EV5).

      We apologize for this problem ,which was due to a conversion problem when preparing the PDF file of the submitted article. This problem has now been corrected.

      The PIN domain structure was solved only to determine the structure of the complex? I only found it mentioned in the methods and no other mention of this structure in the main text. Maybe one sentence could be added to the results to explain why this structure was solved and how it compares to the complex structure.

      We agree that we forgot to explain why we solved the structure of the PIN domain of Nmd4. The point was to help in the determination of the structure of the complex. We have added the following sentence to the main text to explain this point: « We also determined the 1.8 Å resolution crystal structure of the PIN domain of Nmd4 (residues 1 to 167) to help us determine the structure of the Nmd4/Upf1-HD complex. As this structure is virtually identical to the structure of the PIN domain of Nmd4 in the complex (rmsd of 0.5 Å over 163 C𝛼 atoms between the two structures), we will only describe the structure of this domain in the Upf1-Nmd4 complex. »


      This is a important study, providing detailed insight into the function on Nmd4, SMG6 and UPF1 NMD. The results also point towards a conserved mechanism on NMD between yeast and human. I would like to highlight the quality of the experiments. This study will be of great interest to people working on NMD but also more broadly to scientists working on RNA, helicases and structural biologists.

      We are very grateful for the reviewer's comments about the broad interest and overall quality of our work.

      Reviewer #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, the authors solved the crystal structure of the UPF1 helicase domain in complex with Nmd4. Through the structure and biochemical studies, they uncovered a region responsible for Nmd4 binding to UPF1, also important for their function in NMD. In the end, the authors also extended their findings to the human SMG6, proposing a conserved mechanism for Nmd4 and SMG6.

      The mechanism of UPF1 functioning during NMD is a long-existing question. For decades, people have been trying to find out the roles of all the NMD factors during this process. This study visualized the first direct connection between UPF1 and the putative SMG6 homolog, Nmd4. Undoubtedly, it will aid our understanding of how the whole process works.

      One of the limitations of this study is the conservation between Nmd4 and SMG6. Although they both have a PIN domain, Nmd4 is inactive while SMG6 is active. During NMD, SMG6 is thought to work to cut the mRNA, thus promoting the degradation of the non-functional mRNA. Therefore, Nmd4 and SMG6 may only share a similar binding mode with UPF1, however, they do not share similar functions. This study might only apply to yeast study.

      We respectfully disagree with this comment. The role of SMG6 in NMD cannot be attributed solely to the endonuclease activity of the SMG6 PIN domain alone. Indeed, recruitment of the SMG6 PIN domain alone to an mRNA is not sufficient to destabilize it (Nicholson et al; 2014; Nucleic Acids Research; PMID: 25053839). This clearly indicates that other regions of SMG6 are critical for NMD. In our manuscript, we unveil the conservation of the Upf1-Nmd4 interaction in human UPF1-SMG6 (and probably more generally in metazoans) and show that this interaction plays a role in the optimal removal of NMD substrates. We strongly believe that our results are not only applicable to the study of yeast, but will fuel future studies in human cells aimed at describing the mechanistic details of the human NMD pathway.

      comments: the study write in a very clear way, and most of the experiments are clear and sound. I do not have any major comments. I only have a few minor comments, listed below:

      We are very grateful for the reviewer's comments about the overall quality of our manuscript and of the experimental work.

      1:The authors also solved the PIN domain of the SMG6. This is a result worth showing in the main figure.

      In our study, we did not solve the structure of the human SMG6 PIN domain. This was done by Dr. Conti's group in 2006 (Galvan et al; 2006; EMBO Journal; PMID : 17053788). This is the reason why we do not include this in the main figure. However, we have solved the crystal structure of Nmd4 PIN domain alone to help us determine the structure of the complex. Since it is very similar to the structure of the Nmd4 PIN domain in the complex with Upf1, we do not describe this structure in details. Following up the suggestion from another reviewer, we have included the following sentence mentioning that we have also determined the structure of Nmd4 PIN domain in the main text : « We also determined the 1.8 Å resolution crystal structure of the PIN domain of Nmd4 (residues 1 to 167) to help us determine the structure of the Nmd4/Upf1-HD complex. As this structure is virtually identical to the structure of the PIN domain of Nmd4 in the complex (rmsd of 0.5 Å over 163 C𝛼 atoms between the two structures), we will only describe the structure of this domain in the Upf1-Nmd4 complex. »

      2:It would be easier to read if the authors could add all the binding constants directly into the ITC panels.

      We have taken this suggestion into account for figures 2A and EV5.

      3:I am confused with His6-ZZ. Is ZZ a protein tag?

      The ZZ protein is a tag consisting of a tandem of the Z-domain from Staphylococcus aureus protein A. This domain binds to the Fc region of IgG and has been shown to improve expression levels and stability of recombinant proteins. In our case, it proved crucial to obtain mg amounts of the yeast Nmd4 protein and to enhance considerably its stability. We have added the following sentence in the « Materials and methods » section of the manuscript : « The ZZ-tag consists in a tandem of the Z-domain from Staphylococcus aureus protein A and was used as an enhancer of protein expression and stability. »

      4:The comparison between Nob1 and the PIN domain of Nmd4 is not convincing for me. Since the PIN domain is not required for the binding between Nmd4 and UPF1, the conformation of the PIN domain could be a result of the crystal packing. Thus, it is still possible that Nmd4 and UPF1 bind to the same RNA. To this end, I challenge the conclusion the authors have made on the mRNA binding part.

      We agree with your comment. Since this comparison is purely speculative and is not a major focus of our study, we decided to remove this section. We will address this point using more direct and sophisticated methods in future work aimed at elucidating this aspect.

      5: "Showing that Nmd4 stabilizes Upf1-HD on RNA in the absence of ATP and that Upf1 is the main RNA binding factor in the Nmd4/Upf1-HD complex." As mentioned above, I don't think one can make the conclusion UPF1 is the main RNA binding factor; there shouldn't be a main and minor. Meanwhile, what will happen if you add ATP in? Or AMPPNP? Or ADP?

      We agree with your comment that our current data do not allow to conclude precisely about the role of Upf1 as major RNA binding factor. We have replaced this sentence by the following one : « Whether this increase in affinity is due to a synergistic effect between both proteins or to an allosteric stimulation of one partner on the RNA binding property of the second partner remains to be clarified. ».

      Regarding the role of the nucleotides on RNA binding properties of the Upf1 helicase domain or the complex, we faced precipitation problems when mixing high concentrations Upf1 and nucleotides for ITC experiments, making difficult to determine Kd values for the interaction between Upf1 and RNA in the presence of nucleotides. However, in a previous study (Dehecq et al; 2018; EMBO J; PMID : 30275269), we observed that AMPPNP did not affect the amount of Nmd4 and Upf1-HD co-precipitated by an RNA oligonucleotide, indicating that nucleotide does not significantly affect the interaction of the complex with RNA.

      6: "But also that a physical interaction between Upf1-HD and the PIN domain exists in vitro, although we were unable to detect it using our various interaction assays." This also confused me, since one cannot detect the interaction in any assay, how could you be so confident there is a physical interaction? Have you tested assays which are good for weak binding?

      We understand that this sentence may be confusing. The tests we have used to determine whether there is a physical interaction between the PIN domain of Nmd4 and Upf1-HD are ITC and pull-down. These are excellent methods for detecting stable interactions with dissociation constants (Kd) in the nanomolar to tens of micromolar range. These two methods did not indicate any direct interaction between the PIN domain of Nmd4 and Upf1-HD. However, we observed that the PIN domain of Nmd4 stimulates the ATPase activity of Upf1-HD to the same extent as the « arm » of Nmd4. This is an indirect indication that the Nmd4 PIN may interact with Upf1-HD, otherwise a stimulatory effect would not be expected. Our radioactivity-based ATPase assay is very sensitive, allowing the detection of a stimulatory effect due to a transient interaction between the PIN domain of Nmd4 and Upf1-HD, which, as indicated above, could not be detected with the interaction assays used. We would also like to point out that in our ATPase conditions, Upf1-HD (0.156 µM) is incubated with a 20-fold molar excess (3.12 µM) of its partners (Nmd4-FL, Nmd4 « arm » or Nmd4 PIN). Such an excess cannot be used in our interaction tests. This could explain the stimulatory effect detected for the PIN domain of Nmd4 in our ATPase assay.

      We have clarified this section by adding the following sentences: « We were unable to detect such an interaction using our different interaction assays (pull-down and ITC), which are optimal for studying interactions with dissociation constants (Kd) in the nanoM to tens of microM range. We therefore assume that a transient low-affinity interaction (high Kd value not detected by our binding assays) exists between Upf1-HD and PIN Nmd4 and can only be detected by highly sensitive assays such as our radioactivity-based ATPase assay, which was performed with a 20-fold molar excess of PIN Nmd4 domain over Upf1-HD. »

      7: Figure 4B should be done in the context of the full length of SMG6 and UPF1.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      *This session contains comments from both Rev1 and Rev2*


      There seems to be a contradiction in comments on Figure 4B. I agree with Reviewer 2 that using FL proteins will be informative to see whether the FL proteins indeed interact (or not in the case of the mutants).

      If one wants to use this experiment to map the interacting regions, then I think that the UPF1 HD domain and the short conserved region of SMG6 should be used. The long fragment SMG6 207-580 is not ideal for either. The short constructs would be more suited for a pull-down experiments (like done for the yeast proteins).


      Response to reviewer #1, It is necessary to use the full-length protein (FL protein) to map the interface unless they have pre-existing information to support mapping down to short fragments.

      In addition, performing further structural work would be beyond the scope of this study. Given the additional time and effort required, I do not recommend doing so for this study.


      As I said, I agree with using the FL proteins. The pre-existing information supporting the mapping comes from sequence alignments with the yeast structure and the mutagenesis. This is further confirmed by Alphafold modeling which in my opinion should be included. As I mentioned in my review, I don't insist on further structural work

      Thank you very much for this comment and the discussions between reviewers, which show that we didn't explain our experimental strategy clearly. Human UPF1 has been shown to interact with SMG6 in both phospho-dependent and phospho-independent modes. In our manuscript, we focus on characterizing the phospho-independent interaction. For this reason, we cannot perform this experiment using the full-length version of SMG6 and UPF1, otherwise the effects of our point mutants on the UPF1-SMG6 interaction could be masked by the phospho-dependent interaction occurring between domain 14.3.3 of SMG6 and the C-terminus of Upf1. To circumvent this problem, we were inspired by former in cellulo studies, which have shown that the SMG6-[207-580] fragment is expressed as a stable protein in human cells and is responsible for the phospho-independent interaction between UPF1 and SMG6 (Chakrabarti et al; 2014; Nucleic Acids Research; PMID: 25013172). Similarly, the helicase domain of UPF1 was found to be sufficient for this phospho-independent interaction with human SMG6 (Nicholson et al; 2014; Nucleic Acids Research; PMID: 25053839). These are the reasons why we decided to use this protein domains in our in cellulo studies to test the effect of our point mutants on the interaction. As indicated above in an answer to one comment to reviewer #1, as our aim was not to reduce this SMG6 region to a shorter peptide but to conduct an amino acid-level analysis by site-directed mutagenesis, this is also why we decided to perform our experiments using the same SMG6 domain as Conti's laboratory and to mutate conserved residues on this fragment. We have also included the AlphaFold2 model of the complex between human UPF1 and SMG6 in our revised version.

      To clarify this point, we have amended the relevant section as follows: « To determine whether this motif might be involved in the interaction between SMG6 and UPF1-HD proteins, we ectopically expressed the region comprising residues 207-580 of human SMG6 fused to a C-terminal HA tag (SMG6-[207-580]-HA) and human UPF1-HD (residues 295-921 fused to a C-terminal Flag tag; UPF1-HD-Flag) in human HEK293T cells, as these regions have previously been shown to be responsible for the phosphorylation-independent interaction between these two proteins. Compared to the full-length UPF1 and SMG6 proteins, these constructs also preclude our findings of any interference from the phosphorylation-dependent interaction occurring between the C-terminus of UPF1 and the 14-3-3 domain of SMG6. »

      8: "The NMD mechanism not only targets mRNAs but also small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) harboring bona fide stop codons but in a specific context such as short upstream open reading frame (uORF), long 3'-UTRs, low translational efficiency or exon-exon junction located downstream of a stop codon." "First, for mRNAs with long 3'-UTRs, the 3'-faux UTR model posits that a long 3 spatial distance between a stop codon and the mRNA poly(A) tail destabilizes NMD substrates by preventing the interaction between the eRF1-eRF3 translation termination complex bound to the A- site of a ribosome recognizing a stop codon and the poly(A)-binding protein (Pab1 or PABP in S. cerevisiae and human, respectively)." These are difficult to read.

      Thank you for this suggestion to improve the clarity of our manuscript. We have tried to make these sentences easier to read as follow:

      « The NMD mechanism also targets mRNAs, small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) carrying normal stop codons located in a specific context (short upstream open reading frame or uORF, long 3'-UTRs, low translational efficiency or exon-exon junction located downstream of a stop codon (3-11)). »

      « The first model, the 3'-faux UTR model posits that for mRNAs with long 3'-UTRs, a long spatial distance between a stop codon and the mRNA poly(A) tail destabilizes NMD substrates. Indeed, it would prevent the physical interaction between the eRF1-eRF3 translation termination complex recognizing a stop codon in the A-site of the ribosome and the poly(A)-binding protein (Pab1 or PABP in S. cerevisiae and human, respectively) bound to the 3' poly(A) tail (12-14). »

      9: please add the Ramachandran plot values.

      Thank you for pointing out this omission. These values have been included in Table EV1.

      __Significance __

      NMD is one of the major topics in the field of gene translational regulation research. this study will be of interest to a broad audience. i am an expert in the structure study in translation. However, I have limited experience in the in vivo study of NMD substrates.

      We are very grateful for the reviewer's comments about the broad interest and the overall quality of our work.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, the authors solved the crystal structure of the UPF1 helicase domain in complex with Nmd4. Through the structure and biochemical studies, they uncovered a region responsible for Nmd4 binding to UPF1, also important for their function in NMD. In the end, the authors also extended their findings to the human SMG6, proposing a conserved mechanism for Nmd4 and SMG6.

      The mechanism of UPF1 functioning during NMD is a long-existing question. For decades, people have been trying to find out the roles of all the NMD factors during this process. This study visualized the first direct connection between UPF1 and the putative SMG6 homolog, Nmd4. Undoubtedly, it will aid our understanding of how the whole process works.

      One of the limitations of this study is the conservation between Nmd4 and SMG6. Although they both have a PIN domain, Nmd4 is inactive while SMG6 is active. During NMD, SMG6 is thought to work to cut the mRNA, thus promoting the degradation of the non-functional mRNA. Therefore, Nmd4 and SMG6 may only share a similar binding mode with UPF1, however, they do not share similar functions. This study might only apply to yeast study.

      comments: the study write in a very clear way, and most of the experiments are clear and sound. I do not have any major comments. I only have a few minor comments, listed below:

      1:The authors also solved the PIN domain of the SMG6. This is a result worth showing in the main figure.

      2:It would be easier to read if the authors could add all the binding constants directly into the ITC panels.

      3:I am confused with His6-ZZ. Is ZZ a protein tag?

      4:The comparison between Nob1 and the PIN domain of Nmd4 is not convincing for me. Since the PIN domain is not required for the binding between Nmd4 and UPF1, the conformation of the PIN domain could be a result of the crystal packing. Thus, it is still possible that Nmd4 and UPF1 bind to the same RNA. To this end, I challenge the conclusion the authors have made on the mRNA binding part.

      5: "Showing that Nmd4 stabilizes Upf1-HD on RNA in the absence of ATP and that Upf1 is the main RNA binding factor in the Nmd4/Upf1-HD complex." As mentioned above, I don't think one can make the conclusion UPF1 is the main RNA binding factor; there shouldn't be a main and minor. Meanwhile, what will happen if you add ATP in? Or AMPPNP? Or ADP?

      6: "But also that a physical interaction between Upf1-HD and the PIN domain exists in vitro, although we were unable to detect it using our various interaction assays." This also confused me, since one cannot detect the interaction in any assay, how could you be so confident there is a physical interaction? Have you tested assays which are good for weak binding?

      7: Figure 4B should be done in the context of the full length of SMG6 and UPF1.

      8: "The NMD mechanism not only targets mRNAs but also small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) harboring bona fide stop codons but in a specific context such as short upstream open reading frame (uORF), long 3'-UTRs, low translational efficiency or exon-exon junction located downstream of a stop codon." "First, for mRNAs with long 3'-UTRs, the 3'-faux UTR model posits that a long 3 spatial distance between a stop codon and the mRNA poly(A) tail destabilizes NMD substrates by preventing the interaction between the eRF1-eRF3 translation termination complex bound to the A- site of a ribosome recognizing a stop codon and the poly(A)-binding protein (Pab1 or PABP in S. cerevisiae and human, respectively)." These are difficult to read.

      9: please add the Ramachandran plot values.


      NMD is one of the major topics in the field of gene translational regulation research. this study will be of interest to a broad audience. i am an expert in the structure study in translation. However, I have limited experience in the in vivo study of NMD substrates.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is and RNA quality pathway that eliminates mRNAs containing premature termination codons. Its mechanism has been studied for several decades but despite enormous progress we still don't have a satisfactory model that would explain most of the published observations. In particular, the mechanism has been proposed to differ substantially between yeast and metazoa. Yeast Nmd4 protein was previously shown to be involved in NMD, to interact with UPF1 and exhibit similarities with metazoan SMG6 and SMG5/7, that are normally believed to be specific for metazoan NMD (Dehecq et al., EMBO J, 2018). Barbarin-Bocahu et al now describe the crystal structure of the complex between the yeast UPF1 RNA helicase and Nmd4. Importantly, the authors show that interaction is required for NMD activity and increases the ATPase activity of UPF1. Barbarin-Bocahu et al equally show that this interaction and its role in NMD is conserved in the human UPF1-SMG6 complex, thus providing additional novel evidence for universal conservation of the NMD mechanism in eukaryotes. The manuscript carefully combines biochemistry, biophysics with functional in vivo studies. In my opinion, all the experiments are very well executed, generally convincing and interpretations appear correct, so the manuscript is certainly suitable for publication. I have included some suggestions below that I believe could strengthen the manuscript and enhance our confidence in the findings.

      Major comments:

      Page 7 - "Since the D1353A mutation completely abolishes the enzymatic activity of SMG6 (34), this strongly suggests that the PIN domain of Nmd4 is not endowed with endonucleolytic activity. " Could/was the endonucleolytic activity of NMD4 be tested?

      Page 10 - The two proteins bind RNA with reasonable affinity. The complex binds polyU RNA with Kd of 0.44 μM . The authors suggest, based on structure superpositions, that RNA fragments bound to the PIN domain and Upf1-HD have opposite orientations. But since they have the complex ready to crystallize, did they attempt to determine the structure with of the complex with RNA? The complex is quite small (~100 kDa with RNA) but it could be even visible by cryo-EM. I don't insist that such a structure needs to be included but it might perhaps be easy to do and would surely strengthen the story. If it is too difficult, it could at least be mentioned that it was tried?

      I think it is important to demonstrate that the structure-based mutants don't significantly impact the overall structure of the proteins (e.g. glycine residues are mutated within helices). At least gel filtration profiles with gels of the WT and mutated proteins should be shown in SI.

      Perhaps the main finding of this manuscript is the conservation of the UPF1-Nmd4 interaction in human UPF1-SMG6. But the interaction is only demonstrated by co-IP with ectopically expressed human proteins in human cells that contain all the other human proteins as well. It would probably be more convincing to demonstrated the interaction in pull-downs with purified proteins as done for the yeast complex. In addition, using purified proteins would enable testing whether the mutations in SMG6 don't affect the overall structure of the mutants compared to the WT. Since the detected similarity to Nmd4 is only in a region covering residues 440-470, why is the tested construct much larger (207-580) including extra, large disordered regions. Finally, the most convincing way to show and characterize the human UPF1-SMG6 interaction would be and X-ray structure. It might be feasible to crystallize human UPF1 HD domain with a SMG6 peptide. Or at least an Alphafold model could be included? I had a quick try just with the Colabfold and using the HD domain and the SMG6 peptide, Alphafold can predict convincingly the binding of the region around W456 and in some models even around R448. I think that this would strengthen the conclusions in this part of the manuscript.

      Does the SMG6 addition also increases the ATPase activity of UPF1?

      Minor comments:

      Examples of electron density omit maps of the key interaction interfaces should be shown in Supplementary Information for the reader to be able to judge the crystallography data quality.

      I suggest to add the Kd values to ITC panels for clarity in main and EV figures.

      On page 10: What experiment is this referring to : "This is in agreement with our ITC experiments (carried out in the absence of a non-hydrolyzable ATP analog), which revealed no major synergistic effect between the two proteins for RNA binding." Results in EV4A? Or some other not shown data? The results in EV4A do show an increase in RNA binding when both proteins are in a complex.

      On page 16, "organsms" should be" organisms"

      In certain figure legends the panel labels (A,B,C..) are missing (e.g. Fig 3, EV1, EV5).

      The PIN domain structure was solved only to determine the structure of the complex? I only found it mentioned in the methods and no other mention of this structure in the main text. Maybe one sentence could be added to the results to explain why this structure was solved and how it compares to the complex structure.

      Referees cross-commenting

      This session contains comments from both Rev1 and Rev2


      There seems to be a contradiction in comments on Figure 4B. I agree with Reviewer 2 that using FL proteins will be informative to see whether the FL proteins indeed interact (or not in the case of the mutants). If one wants to use this experiment to map the interacting regions, then I think that the UPF1 HD domain and the short conserved region of SMG6 should be used. The long fragment SMG6 207-580 is not ideal for either. The short constructs would be more suited for a pull-down experiments (like done for the yeast proteins).


      Response to reviewer #1, It is necessary to use the full-length protein (FL protein) to map the interface unless they have pre-existing information to support mapping down to short fragments. In addition, performing further structural work would be beyond the scope of this study. Given the additional time and effort required, I do not recommend doing so for this study.


      As I said, I agree with using the FL proteins. The pre-existing information supporting the mapping comes from sequence alignments with the yeast structure and the mutagenesis. This is further confirmed by Alphafold modeling which in my opinion should be included. As I mentioned in my review, I don't insist on further structural work


      This is a important study, providing detailed insight into the function on Nmd4, SMG6 and UPF1 NMD. The results also point towards a conserved mechanism on NMD between yeast and human. I would like to highlight the quality of the experiments. This study will be of great interest to people working on NMD but also more broadly to scientist working on RNA, helicases and structural biologists.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In the present manuscript, the authors analyzed diel oscillations in the brain and olfactory organs' transcriptome of Aedes aegypti and Anopheles culicifacies. The analysis of their RNAseq results showed an effect of time of day on the expression of detoxification genes involved in oxidoreductase and monooxygenase activity. Next, they investigated the effect of time of day on the olfactory sensitivity of Ae. aegypti and An. gambiae and identified the role of CYP450 in odor detection in these species using RNAi. In the last part of the study, they used RNAi to knock down the expression of one of the serine protease genes and observed a reduction in olfactory sensitivity. Overall, the experiments are well-designed and mostly robust (see comment regarding the sample size and data analysis of the EAG experiments) but do not always support the claims of the authors. For example, since no experiments were conducted under constant conditions, the circadian (i.e., driven by the internal clocks) effects are not being quantified here. In addition, knocking down the expression of a gene showing daily variations in its expression and observing an effect on olfactory sensitivity is not sufficient to show its role in the daily olfactory rhythms. Knowledge gaps are not well supported by the literature, and overstatements are made throughout the manuscript. Our detailed comments are listed below.

      We sincerely thank the reviewer for their time and consideration, and appreciate the thorough review of our manuscript. Their insightful comments have greatly enriched our work. We also apologies for instances of overinterpreting the data. Your feedback has helped us recognize areas where clarity and caution are needed, and we are committed to addressing these concerns in our revisions. Thank you for your valuable input and guidance.

      Major comments


      1. Several statements made in the introduction are misleading and suggest that authors are trying to exaggerate the impact of their work. For example, "Furthermore, different species of mosquitoes exhibit plasticity and distinct rhythms in their daily activity pattern, including locomotion, feeding, mating, blood-feeding, and oviposition, facilitating their adaptation into separate time-niches (7, 8), but the underlying molecular mechanism for the heterogenous temporal activity remains to be explored." is not accurate since daily rhythms in mosquitoes' transcriptomes, behavior, and olfactory sensitivity have been the object of several publications. Even though some of them are listed later in the introduction, they contradict the claim made about the knowledge gap. See:

      Rund, S. S., Gentile, J. E., & Duffield, G. E. (2013). Extensive circadian and light regulation of the transcriptome in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. BMC genomics, 14(1), 1-19

      Rund, S. S., Hou, T. Y., Ward, S. M., Collins, F. H., & Duffield, G. E. (2011). Genome-wide profiling of diel and circadian gene expression in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(32), E421-E430

      Rund, S. S., Bonar, N. A., Champion, M. M., Ghazi, J. P., Houk, C. M., Leming, M. T., ... & Duffield, G. E. (2013). Daily rhythms in antennal protein and olfactory sensitivity in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Scientific reports, 3(1), 2494

      Rund, S. S., Lee, S. J., Bush, B. R., & Duffield, G. E. (2012). Strain-and sex-specific differences in daily flight activity and the circadian clock of Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. Journal of insect physiology, 58(12), 1609-1619

      Leming, M. T., Rund, S. S., Behura, S. K., Duffield, G. E., & O'Tousa, J. E. (2014). A database of circadian and diel rhythmic gene expression in the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti. BMC genomics, 15(1), 1-9

      Eilerts, D. F., VanderGiessen, M., Bose, E. A., Broxton, K., & Vinauger, C. (2018). Odor-specific daily rhythms in the olfactory sensitivity and behavior of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Insects, 9(4), 147

      Rivas, G. B., Teles-de-Freitas, R., Pavan, M. G., Lima, J. B., Peixoto, A. A., & Bruno, R. V. (2018). Effects of light and temperature on daily activity and clock gene expression in two mosquito disease vectors. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 33(3), 272-288

      Response: We apologies for this oversight. In the revised manuscript, we have added these references and made changes to the text as suggested by the reviewer.

      The knowledge gap brought up in the next paragraph of the introduction doesn't reflect the questions asked by the experiments: "But, how the pacemaker differentially influences peripheral clock activity present in the olfactory system and modulates olfactory sensitivity has not been studied in detail." Specifically, the control of peripheral clocks by the central pacemaker has not been evaluated here.

      Response: This statement has been modified in the revised manuscript.

      "In vertebrates and invertebrates, it is well documented that circadian phase-dependent training can influence olfactory memory acquisition and consolidation of brain functions" should also cite work on cockroaches and kissing bugs:

      Lubinski, A. J., & Page, T. L. (2016). The optic lobes regulate circadian rhythms of olfactory learning and memory in the cockroach. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 31(2), 161-169

      Page, T. L. (2009). Circadian regulation of olfaction and olfactory learning in the cockroach Leucophaea maderae. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 7, 152-161

      Vinauger, C., & Lazzari, C. R. (2015). Circadian modulation of learning ability in a disease vector insect, Rhodnius prolixus. Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(19), 3110-3117

      Response: These references have been added in the revised manuscript as suggested by the reviewer.

      The sentence: "Previous studies showed that synaptic plasticity and memory are significantly influenced by the strength and number of synaptic connections (43, 44)." should be nuanced as the role of neuropeptides such as dopamine has also been showed to influence learning and memory in mosquitoes:

      Vinauger, C., Lahondère, C., Wolff, G. H., Locke, L. T., Liaw, J. E., Parrish, J. Z., ... & Riffell, J. A. (2018). Modulation of host learning in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Current Biology, 28(3), 333-344 Wolff, G. H., Lahondère, C., Vinauger, C., Rylance, E., & Riffell, J. A. (2023). Neuromodulation and differential learning across mosquito species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(1990), 20222118

      Response: We agree with the reviewer. We have modified this statement and added the references in the revised manuscript.

      Overall, the paragraph dealing with the idea that "circadian phase-dependent training can influence olfactory memory acquisition and consolidation of brain functions" is very confusing. This paragraph discusses mechanisms of learning-induced plasticity but seems to ignore the simplest (most parsimonious) explanations for the circadian regulation of learning (e.g., time-dependent expression of genes involved in memory consolidation). In addition, the sentence quoted above is circumvoluted to simply say that training at different times of the day affects memory acquisition and consolidation. Although the authors did look at one gene involved in neural function, learning, memory, or circadian effects were not analysed in this study. Please reconsider the relevance of the paragraph.

      Response: We have modified this paragraph as per the suggestions of the reviewer in the revised manuscript.

      The sentence: "But, how the brain of mosquitoes entrains circadian inputs and modulates transcriptional responses that consequently contribute to remodel plastic memory, is unknown." should be rephrased. First, it should be "entrains TO circadian inputs", and second, it suggests that the study will be investigating circadian modulation of learning and memory, which is not the case. Furthermore, the term "remodel plastic memory" is unclear and doesn't seem to relate to any specific cellular or neural processes.

      Response: This statement has been removed from the revised manuscript.

      Given the differences in mosquito chronobiology observed even between strains, why perform the RNAi and EAGs on a different species of Anopheles than the one used for the RNAseq (or vice versa)?

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that there are differences in mosquito chronobiology between different strains and therefore species variation may be challenging for data interpretation. Considering the strict nocturnal behavioral pattern of An. culicifacies and dirurnal behavior of Aedes aegypti, we performed RNA-Seq study with these respective species. However, 1) due to unavailability of EAG facility at ICMR-National Institute of Malaria Research, India (only where An. culicifacies colony is available), 2) challenges in rearing and adaptation of An. culicifacies in a new environment/laboratory, 3) to validate the proof-of-concept of CYP450 function in odorant detection and olfactory sensitivity, we opt for the current collaborative study. We are also aware that species variation of Anopheles for electroantennographic study would be difficult to correlate with the molecular data on An. culicifacies. Thus, we consider An. gambiae (not other Anopheles mosquitoes like An. stephensi, An. coluzzii etc.) because of the availability of diel rhythm associated molecular data for An. gambiae (68). For better interpretation we also compare expression profiling of CYP450 and OBP genes between An. culicifacies and An. gambiae (Supplemental file 3). Importantly, we found similar expression pattern of several CYP450 and OBP/CSP genes between An. culicifacies and An. gambiae. Furthermore, please note that the primary focus of the current MS is to highlight the role of peri-receptor proteins in olfactory sensitivity and odor detection. And, as a proof-of-concept, we validate this hypothesis both in An. gambiae and Aed. aegypti. We believe that the basic mechanism of odor detection and peri-receptor events are similar/conserved from insects to higher vertebrates, therefore, the arguments for species difference can be overruled.

      S. S. C. Rund, J. E. Gentile, G. E. Duffield, Extensive circadian and light regulation of the transcriptome in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. BMC Genomics. 14 (2013), doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-218. S. S. C. Rund, T. Y. Hou, S. M. Ward, F. H. Collins, G. E. Duffield, Genome-wide profiling of diel and circadian gene expression in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 108 (2011), doi:10.1073/pnas.1100584108. S. S. C. Rund, N. A. Bonar, M. M. Champion, J. P. Ghazi, C. M. Houk, M. T. Leming, Z. Syed, G. E. Duffield, Daily rhythms in antennal protein and olfactory sensitivity in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Sci. Rep. 3, 2494 (2013).


      1. "As reported earlier, a significant upregulation of period and timeless during ZT12-ZT18 was observed in both species (Figure 1C)." Please provide effect size and summary statistics.

      Response: The statistics are provided in the Figure S2 in the revised manuscript.

      "Next, the distribution of peak transcriptional changes in both An. culicifacies and Ae. aegypti was assessed through differential gene-expression analysis. Noticeably, An. culicifacies showed a higher abundance of differentially expressed olfactory genes (Figure 1D)" Please provide effect size and summary statistics.

      Response: The statistics are provided in the Table 1 in the revised manuscript.

      "Taken together, the data suggests that the nocturnal An. culicifacies may possess a more stringent circadian molecular rhythm in peripheral olfactory and brain tissues." What do the authors mean by "stringent"? At this point, this should be stated as a working hypothesis, as the statement is not backed up by the data. It is possible that the fewer differentially expressed genes of Aedes aegypti are more central to regulatory networks and cascade into more "stringent" rhythmic control of activities and rhythms.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have modified this statement as suggested by the reviewer.

      The section title: "Circadian cycle differentially and predominantly expresses olfaction-associated detoxification genes in Anopheles and Aedes" doesn't make sense. The expression of genes can be modulated by circadian rhythms, but cycles don't express genes. Please rephrase. In addition, this whole section deals with "circadian rhythms" while no experiment has been conducted under constant conditions. The observed daily variations are therefore diel rhythms until their persistence under constant conditions is established.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer and changed the statement accordingly.

      "The downregulated genes of Ae. aegypti did not show any functional categories probably due to the limited transcriptional change." Could the authors explain if this is actually the phenomenon or due to a lack of temporal resolution in the study design (i.e., 4 time points)?

      Response: We do not agree with the reviewer’s comments about the lack of temporal resolution in the current study. The functional categories of differentially expressed genes are deduced by gene set enrichment analysis, which identify the classes of genes that are overrepresented in a large set of genes. The statistical significance value is dependent on the abundance of query and background genes. In our experiments, as the number of queries (i.e. number of downregulated genes) is limited, the enrichment tool, i.e. shinyGo didn’t able to show significant enrichment of downregulated genes with FDR cut-off 0.05 and top 10 pathways were selected. Though we have selected 4 time points, previous study by Rund et al. (BMC Genomics 2013) also showed that compared to Aed. aegypti, An. gambiae possess higher number of rhythmic genes (2.6 fold higher). Therefore, it can be stated that the data that we received is not due to the pitfalls of study design, but probably the physiological difference between Anopheles and Aedes mosquitoes.

      "a GO-enrichment analysis was unable to track any change in the response-to-stimulus or odorant binding category of genes (including OBPs, CSPs, and olfactory receptors)." This finding doesn't corroborate the statements made previously and doesn't align with previously published studies. Is it due to pitfalls in the study design?

      Response: The functional categories of differentially expressed genes are deduced by gene set enrichment analysis, which identify the classes of genes that are overrepresented in a large set of genes. The statistical significance value is dependent on the abundance of query and background genes. Though, differential expression analysis revealed a significant upregulation of a subset of CSPs (~ 5-fold) and OBP6 (~3.3-fold) transcripts in An. culicifacies mosquitoes during ZT12, as the number of queries (i.e. number of chemosensory genes) is limited (i.e. 3), the enrichment tool, i.e. shinyGo didn’t able to show significant enrichment of these categories of genes when FDR cut-off 0.05 and top 10 pathways were selected.

      Moreover, we do not agree with the reviewer regarding the comment on pitfalls of study design because our previous experiments with An. culicifacies according to diel rhythm, considering more extended time points, also revealed similar expression pattern of chemosensory genes (Das De et.al., 2018).

      "In contrast, three different clusters of OBP genes in Ae. aegypti showed a time-of-day dependent distinct peak in expression starting from ZT0-ZT12 (Figure 2F)." Please provide summary statistics.

      Response: Please find the table for summary statistics in the supplemental file 1.

      "In the case of An. gambiae, the amplitudes of odor-evoked responses were significantly influenced by the doses of all the odorants tested (repeated measure ANOVA, p {less than or equal to} 2e-16) (Figure S4B)." Did the authors use a positive control for the EAGs? How did the authors normalize the responses across the two species? Given the way the data is presented, how were the data normalized to allow inter-species comparisons? In addition, It is highly unlikely that all the mosquito preps used in the EAG assay responded to all the odors tested. If that was the case, then the dataset includes missing data for certain odors and time points. We believe the authors have ensured there are at least a certain number of responses per odor and time point combinations. If this is true, repeated measures ANOVA is not suited for analyzing this data because this statistical technique requires all repeated measures within and across preps without missing values. Also, the authors need to correct the summary statistics for multiple comparisons within this framework to avoid inflating type-I errors. Has this been done?

      Response: In our study involving An. gambiae, we observed significant influences of odorant doses on the amplitudes of odor-evoked responses (repeated measure ANOVA, p ≤ 2e-16) (Figure S4B). It's important to note that we did not employ a separate positive control for the electroantennogram (EAG) assays, as the compounds utilized in our research are already known to be EAG active in at least one of the mosquito species under investigation (mentioned in supplementary file 3).

      Our primary objective for performing EAG studies is to correlate the diel-rhythmic molecular data with the diel-rhythmic electroantennographic response in nocturnal and diurnal mosquitoes. To address the normalization of responses across the two species, we opted to control for dose and time rather than normalizing using one of the EAG active compounds. Further, the EAG responses were measured in relation to solvent control. In our experimental design, we utilized different batches of mosquitoes from the same cohort to test each odorant at various time points. EAG responses were acquired using the same mosquito across different dilutions for a single odor or volatile compound, rather than across time points. Hence, we didn’t end up with missing values.

      For individual species analysis, we performed repeated measures ANOVA for each compound's EAG response, considering dose and time as variables. This enabled not only enabled us select compounds which where ‘Time’ or its interaction terms were found to be significant. Subsequently, for compounds showing significance, we conducted a basic one-way ANOVA using only time as a variable, segregating the data by each individual dose. Post-hoc Tukey tests were then carried out to compare between time points. When comparing between species, we generated a dataset by combining both species and adding species as a variable as well. Repeated measures ANOVA for each compound's EAG response, considering species, dose, and time as variables, was applied. This enabled us select compounds which where ‘Time’ or its interaction terms were found to be significant. For significant compounds, a two-way ANOVA was performed using time and species as variables. Data were segregated by each individual dose, and post-hoc Tukey tests were employed to compare between time points. It's worth mentioning that our analysis aims to account for repeated measures within and across preparations. Additionally, we have implemented post-hoc Tukey tests to correct for multiple comparisons within this framework, ensuring that we avoid inflating type-I errors in our statistical interpretations.

      "Ae. aegypti was found to be most sensitive to all the odorants (4-methylphenol, β-ocimine, E2-nonenal, benzaldehyde, nonanal, and 3-octanol) during ZT18-20 except sulcatone (Figure 3C - 3H)." Although some of these chemicals are associated with plants and Ae. aegypti is suspected to sugar feed at night, how do the authors explain that the peak olfactory sensitivity occurs at night for compounds such as nonanal? It would be interesting to discuss how these results compare to previous studies such as:

      Eilerts, D. F., VanderGiessen, M., Bose, E. A., Broxton, K., & Vinauger, C. (2018). Odor-specific daily rhythms in the olfactory sensitivity and behavior of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Insects, 9(4), 147

      Response: The possible explanations have been added in the revised MS.

      "Additionally, our principal components analysis also illustrates that most loadings of relative EAG responses are higher towards the Anopheles observations (Figure S4C)." The meaning of this sentence is unclear? Please clarify.

      Response: Considering the limited clarity of the statement we have removed it from the revised manuscript.

      "Taken together these data indicate that An. gambiae may exhibit higher antennal sensitivity to at least five different odorants tested, as compared to Ae. aegypti." As mentioned above, how did the authors normalized across species to allow comparisons? If not normalized, how do you ensure that higher response magnitudes correlate with higher olfactory sensitivity, given potential differences in the morphology or size differences between the two species? Furthermore, An. gambiae has been exclusively used in the EAG assay. Besides the lack of a justification for using a species other than An. culicifacies, the authors have interpreted the EAG results under the assumption that the olfactory sensitivities of An. gambiae and An. culicifacies are comparable. This, however, is a major caveat in the experiment design, given previous studies (indicated below) have reported species-specific variations in olfactory sensitivity. In its present form, the EAG data from An. gambiae is not a piece of appropriate evidence that the authors could use to complement or substantiate the findings from other aspects of this study on An. culicifacies.

      Wheelwright, M., Whittle, C. R., & Riabinina, O. (2021). Olfactory systems across mosquito species. Cell and Tissue Research, 383(1), 75-90. Wooding, M., Naudé, Y., Rohwer, E., & Bouwer, M. (2020). Controlling mosquitoes with semiochemicals: a review. Parasites & Vectors, 13, 1-20.

      iii. Gupta, A., Singh, S. S., Mittal, A. M., Singh, P., Goyal, S., Kannan, K. R., ... & Gupta, N. (2022). Mosquito Olfactory Response Ensemble enables pattern discovery by curating a behavioral and electrophysiological response database. Iscience, 25(3).

      Response: The data is normalized as described above in the point 15. Also, it is technical limitation that we had to use multiple species of the mosquito for this study (please refer to the point 7).

      The reviewer’s statement “Besides the lack of a justification for using a species other than An. culicifacies, the authors have interpreted the EAG results under the assumption that the olfactory sensitivities of An. gambiae and An. culicifacies are comparable” is not true, as we never assume similar olfactory sensitivity between An. culicifacies and An. gambiae. We only consider nocturnal activity for both the mosquito species. Moreover, we are aware that species variation of Anopheles for electroantennographic study would be difficult to correlate with the molecular data on An. culicifacies. Thus, we consider An. gambiae (no other Anopheles mosquitoes like An. stephensi, An. coluzzii etc.) because of the availability of diel rhythm associated molecular data for An. gambiae (68). For better interpretation we also compare expression profiling of CYP450 and OBP genes between An. culicifacies and An. gambiae (Supplemental file 3). Importantly, we found similar expression pattern of several CYP450 and OBP/CSP genes between An. culicifacies and An. gambiae. Furthermore, we would like to emphasize that the primary focus of the current manuscript is to highlight the role of peri-receptor proteins in olfactory sensitivity and odor detection. And, as a proof-of-concept, we validated this hypothesis both in An. gambiae and Aed. aegypti. We believe that the basic mechanism of odor detection and peri-receptor events are similar/conserved from insects to higher vertebrates.

      "Similar to An. gambiae, a comparatively high amplitude response was also observed in An. stephensi (Figure S4D)." This is interesting but what would be even more relevant to the present study is to discuss how the time-dependent responses compare between the two Anopheles species.

      Response: We agree that it will be interesting to compare time-dependent response between the two Anopheles species. However, it is not our primary interest and objectives, and is beyond the scope of the current manuscript. Thus, we remove the data from the revised MS.

      The paragraph titled "Daily temporal modulation of neuronal serine protease impacts mosquito's olfactory sensitivity" is confusing because the authors move on to test the effect of knocking down a serine protease gene (found to be differentially expressed throughout the day) on olfactory sensitivity. While this is interesting in and of itself, the link between the role of this gene in learning-induced plasticity, the circadian modulation of "brain functions" and olfactory sensitivity is 1) unclear and 2) not explicitly tested. We agree with the authors that what has been tested is "the effect of neuronal serine protease on circadian-dependent olfactory responses," but the two paragraphs leading to it seem to be extrapolating functional links that have yet to be determined. In this context, their conclusions that "Our finding highlights that daily temporal modulation of neuronal serine-protease may have important functions in the maintenance of brain homeostasis and olfactory odor responses." is misleading because although they used the hypothetical "may", the link between the temporal modulation of one serine protease gene and the maintenance of brain homeostasis is not explicitly tested here.

      Response: Though, we strongly believe that neuronal serine protease are involved in remodelling of extracellular matrix and the maintenance of brain homeostasis, the limitation of experimental validation by neuroimaging (out of the scope of the current manuscript), restricting us to draw the conclusion. Therefore, we have modified our conclusions based on the available data as suggested by the reviewer.


      1. The first sentence of the discussion: "In this study, we provide initial evidence that the daily rhythmic change in the olfactory sensitivity of mosquitoes is tuned with the temporal modulation of molecular factors involved in the initial biochemical process of odor detection i.e., peri-receptor events" is not true since studies from Rund and Duffield previously revealed the daily modulation of OBP gene expression. It also contradicts the next sentence: "The findings of circadian-dependent elevation of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes in the olfactory system of both Ae. aegypti and An. culicifacies are consistent with previous literature (26, 31), and we postulate that these proteins may contribute to the regulation of odorant detection in mosquitoes."

      Response: This statement is modified in the revised manuscript.

      The use of "circadian" in the discussion of the results is also misleading as only diel rhythms were evaluated in the present study.

      Response: This is changed in the revised manuscript.

      "Given the potentially larger odor space in mosquitoes (like other hematophagous insects) (16, 58)." This is not really what these references show.

      Response: The statement and the references have been changed in the revised manuscript.

      "Given the potentially larger odor space in mosquitoes (like other hematophagous insects) (16, 58), it can be hypothesized that detection of any specific signal in such a noisy environment, mosquitoes may have evolved a sophisticated mechanism for rapid (i) odor mobilization and (ii) odorant clearance, to prevent anosmia (24)." One could argue that this is a requirement for all insects, regardless of the size of their olfactory repertoire.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer and modified the text accordingly.

      "Taken together, we hypothesize that circadian-dependent activation of the peri-receptor events may modulate olfactory sensitivity and are key for the onset of peak navigation time in each mosquito species." This is not entirely accurate since spontaneous locomotor activity rhythms are also observed in the absence of olfactory stimulation. While "navigation" does imply olfactory-guided behaviors, "peak navigation time" appears to be driven by other processes. See, for example, all studies testing mosquito activity rhythms in locomotor activity monitors. Response: Considering the concern of the reviewer, we have modified the text.

      "Due to technical limitations, and considering the substantial data on the circadian-dependent molecular rhythmicity" please clarify what the technical limitations were. Is this something that prevented the authors specifically, or something tied to mosquito biology and would prevent anybody from doing it? Also, why couldn't the transcriptomic analysis be performed on An. gambiae?

      Response: As previously mentioned, primarily, unavailability of EAG facility at ICMR-National Institute of Malaria Research, India (only where An. culicifacies colony is available) is the major challenge for us to proof our hypothesis. Secondly, transportation of An. culicifacies was not possible due to Govt. regulations and also adaptation and establishment of the colony of An. culicifacies take long time as it is not easily adapted (Adak T, Kaur S, Singh OP. Comparative susceptibility of different members of the Anopheles culicifacies complex to Plasmodium vivax. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1999;93:573–577) in a new environment/laboratory. Thirdly, An. culicifacies colony was not available at our collaborative laboratory. These are the major technical limitations.

      Therefore, to validate the hypothesis of CYP450 function in odorant detection and olfactory sensitivity, we opt for the current collaborative study. We are also aware that species variation of Anopheles for electroantennographic study would be difficult to correlate with the molecular data on An. culicifacies. Thus, we consider An. gambiae (not other Anopheles mosquitoes like An. stephensi, An. coluzzii etc.) because of the availability of diel rhythm associated molecular data for An. gambiae (68). For better interpretation we also compare expression profiling of CYP450 and OBP genes between An. culicifacies and An. gambiae (Supplemental file 3). Importantly, we found similar expression pattern of several CYP450 and OBP/CSP genes between An. culicifacies and An. gambiae. Performing another RNA-Seq study with An. gambiae would not be possible for the current MS. Furthermore, please note that the primary focus of the current MS is to highlight the role of peri-receptor proteins in olfactory sensitivity and odor detection. And, as a proof-of-concept, we validate this hypothesis both in An. gambiae and Aed. aegypti. We believe that the basic mechanism of odor detection and peri-receptor events are similar/conserved from insects to higher vertebrates.

      "In contrast to An. gambiae, the time-dose interactions had a higher significant impact on the antennal sensitivity of Ae. aegypti. An. gambiae showed a conserved pattern in the daily rhythm of olfactory sensitivity, peaking at ZT1-3 and ZT18-20." These two sentences are very confusing. Doesn't it simply mean that the co-variation is not linear or not the same across odors? In addition, what does it mean for a pattern to be more conserved? How can one conclude about the "conserved" nature of a pattern by looking at time-dependent variations in dose-response curves?

      Response: This section of discussion is re-written in the revised version of the manuscript.

      "Together these data, we interpret that mosquito's olfactory sensitivity possibly does not follow a fixed temporal trait" is unclear and suggests that the authors are discussing global versus odor-specific rhythms. Please rephrase.

      Response: This section of discussion is re-written in the revised version of the manuscript.

      "Moreover, we hypothesize that under standard insectary conditions, mosquitoes may not need to exhibit foraging flight activity either for nectar or blood, and during the time course, it may minimize their olfactory rhythm, which is obligately required for wild mosquitoes." This hypothesis is not supported by the results of the study and contradicts work by others (Rund et al., Eilerts et al., Gentile et., etc).

      Response: This section of discussion is re-written in the revised version of the manuscript.

      The same comment applies to "Therefore, it is reasonable to think that the mosquitoes used for EAG studies may have adapted well under insectary settings and, hence carry weak olfactory rhythm." as this statement is not supported by results of the present study or comparisons of the results to previous studies based on field-caught mosquitoes. Although it is an interesting question to ask in the future, it should be stated as a future research avenue rather than a working hypothesis that results from the present study.

      This section of discussion is re-written in the revised version of the manuscript.

      "Aedes aegypti displayed a peak in antennal sensitivity at ZT18-20 to the higher concentrations of plant and vertebrate host-associated odorants tested. Given the time-of-day dependent multiple peaks (at ZT6-8 and ZT18-20 for benzaldehyde and at ZT12-14 and ZT18-20 for nonanal) in antennal sensitivity to different odorants, our data supports the previous observation of bimodal activity pattern of Ae. aegypti (50)." Rephrase by saying that results are "aligned with the previous observations of bimodal activity". Olfactory rhythms don't "support" the activity patterns because olfactory processes and spontaneous locomotor activity are independent processes.

      Response: We have made these changes in the revised manuscript as per the suggestions of the reviewer.

      "our preliminary data indicate that Anopheles spp. may possess comparatively higher olfactory sensitivity to a substantial number of odorants as compared to Aedes spp." Consider removing this sentence unless the way the data has been normalized to allow for comparisons between species is clarified.

      Response: This statement is removed from the revised manuscript.

      In "A significant decrease in odorant sensitivity for all the volatile odors tested in the CYP450-silenced Ae. aegypti," please change "silenced" to "reduced" because RNAi doesn't silence (i.e. knockout) gene expression.

      Response: It has been modified as per the suggestions of the reviewer.

      The title "Neuronal serine protease consolidates brain function and olfactory detection" is extremely misleading. Do the authors refer to memory consolidation, which has not been tested here? What is brain function consolidation??

      Response: We agree with the reviewer. The title has been modified in the revised manuscript.

      The reference used in "Despite their tiny brain size, mosquitoes, like other insects, have an incredible power to process and memorize circadian-guided olfactory information (7)." is not appropriate. Also, "circadian-guided" is unclear. Consider replacing it with "circadian-gated".

      Response: It has been modified as per the suggestions of the reviewer.

      What is the "the homeostatic process of the brain"?

      Response: The process of maintaining a stable state can be defined as homeostasis. Here, the statement "the homeostatic process of the brain" is used to convey that after the active host-seeking/olfaction phase of mosquitoes during which the co-ordinated and integrated functions of both olfactory and neuronal system is required for crucial decision-making events, brain may undergo a homeostatic process (comes down from excitatory state to stable state) during the resting period. However, in view of reviewer’s concern we have modified the statement.

      "the temporal oscillation of the sleep-wake cycle of any organism is managed by the encoding of experience during wake, and consolidation of synaptic change during inactive (sleep) phases, respectively (70)." By experience, do the authors refer to learning? This seems out of topic as this process has not been evaluated here.

      Response: It has been modified as per the suggestions of the reviewer.

      "We speculate that after the commencement of the active phase (ZT6-ZT12), the serine peptidase family of proteins in the brain of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes may play an important function in consolidating brain actions (after ZT12) and aid circadian-dependent memory formation." The value of this statement is unclear. Circadian-dependent memory formation is not being evaluated here, and the results from the present study do not directly support this speculation, also because other processes involved in memory formation are not evaluated here. This seems at odds with the literature on learning and memory.

      Response: We have modified these statements in the revised manuscript and mentioned it as future research hypothesis.

      "Subsequent work on electrophysiological and neuro-imaging studies are needed to demonstrate the role of neuronal-serine proteases in the reorganization of perisynaptic structure." Sure. But the link between "the role of neuronal-serine proteases in the reorganization of perisynaptic structure" and rhythms in olfactory sensitivity is unclear.

      Response: It has been modified as per the suggestions of the reviewer.

      As a general comment, EAGs seem inappropriate to evaluate the effect of the central-brain processing in the regulation of peripheral olfactory processes. This is a critical comment that needs to be considered by the authors and clarified in the manuscript. If rhythms of central brain processes are important for olfactory-guided behaviors, these should be evaluated at the level of the central brain or via behavioral metrics. The effect of the RNAi knockdowns on peripheral sensitivity is interesting, but its link with central processes is unclear and doesn't support the speculations made by the authors about learning and memory.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that EAG study is not enough/appropriate to comment on the effect of central-brain processing in the regulation of olfactory processes. Further validation by either neuroimaging or behavioral studies are needed to make any conclusion. We clearly mention in the manuscript that our data indirectly indicating this function of serine protease and further confirmatory studies are needed to prove this hypothesis.


      1. No explanations are provided for how the EAG data are normalized to allow comparisons between species.

      Response: Please refer to the response of the point no. 15 of the reviewer 1.

      Figures 42. Figure 1: The daily rhythm depicted in A, are not representative of the actual profiles. See: Benoit, J. B., & Vinauger, C. (2022). Chapter 32: Chronobiology of blood-feeding arthropods: influences on their role as disease vectors. In Sensory ecology of disease vectors (pp. 815-849). Wageningen Academic Publishers. Or any other paper on mosquito activity rhythms.

      Response: Considering the reviewer’s concern we have revised the figure.

      Figure 3 and 4: The EAG results are plotted twice. This is redundant and misleading as it makes the reader think there is more data than actually presented.

      Response: Considering the reviewer’s comment we shifted figure 4 into the supplemental file.

      Figure 5: Please clarify the sample size for each panel. In C - F, what would be used as a reference? In other words, what is a Relative EAG Response of 1? And if it is "relative", are the units really mV? In E and F, it would be great to show how the Ethanol control compares to the no solvent condition. This could be placed in supplementary materials.

      Response: The sample size was mentioned in the figure legends. However, for the reviewer’s clarification, the odor response was tested with 40 individual mosquitoes of control and dsrRNA-treated groups. Therefore, sample size N=40 for Fig. 5C.

      Respective solvent control (hexane solvent) used as a reference to calculate the relative EAG response for both the dsrLacZ and dsrCYP450 group. As it is relative EAG amplitude we have removed the unit in the revised MS.

      Figures 5 and 6, given the dispersion in the EAG data, the treatments where N=40 appear robust, but the interpretation of results from treatments where N=6 may be limited due to the low sample size. This limitation is visible in Figure 5F, for example, where ABT-Aceto is different from Cont-Aceta but not PBO-Aceto because one individual shows a higher response.

      Response: We agree that probably, by increasing the sample size for inhibitor treatment experiment, may decrease these inter-individual differences and increase the overall significance value. However, our robust knock-down data showed significant results and simultaneously it complements the inhibitor study in Ae. aegypti, we do not think of any disparity in the data. Moreover, EAG response to human blend, nonanal and benzaldehyde showed similar significant results in both RNAi and inhibitor studies. Accounting, the different knock-down efficiency in dsRNA injected mosquitoes, the phenotypic assays (EAG recordings) were carried out with 40 control and 40 dsRNA-treated mosquitoes. And, we observed significant reduction in EAG response following inhibitor treatment in An. gambiae, when we tested for 6 ethanol and 6 inhibitor treated mosquitoes. Thus, we followed the similar protocol for Ae. aegypti also. However, inter-individual difference in response is affecting the significance value.

      Figure S6: how does this support that synaptic plasticity is influenced by "Time-of-day dependent modulation of serine protease genes in the brain"?

      Response: We agree with the reviewer’s concern that with only EAG data it is not possible to comment on synaptic plasticity. We apologize for it and revised the statement in the MS.

      Minor comments

      What do the authors mean by "consolidation of brain functions"? Memory consolidation? Please clarify.

      Response: The consolidation of brain function or memory consolidation means to the process of stabilizing the memory that an organism gains through the process of experience or training/learning phase. Memory consolidation initiates with rapid change in de-novo gene expression regulated by several transcription factors, effector genes and non-coding RNAs, known as molecular consolidation followed by cellular consolidation that involves cellular signal transmission within the neurons in the brain. The molecular and cellular consolidation are the basis for system level consolidation which is a slow process and involves communication among neurons located different regions of the brain. The system level consolidation is very important for the reorganization of the brain circuits to maintain long-term memory. The concept of system consolation is very much well evident in humans. Additionally, several studies in Drosophila also showed that fruit fly develop olfactory memories after classical conditioning or olfactory training through system consolidation process.

      Moreover, accumulating data from humans suggest that sleep helps in memory consolidation. Sleep is basic drive for all animals that help to build memories. There are two hypothesis and respective compelling evidences for that. First hypothesis and the supporting molecular and electrophysiological data convey that sleep facilitate the homeostatic processes of the brain involving loosening of synaptic connections between the overactive neurons, structural modification of synapse which consequently help in memory formation. The second hypothesis state the important contribution of sleep in system consolidation and long-term memory potentiation. Studying the electrical activity of the brain and the recent advancement of fMRI scan indicate reorganization of neural activity between brain regions during sleep-related memory consolidation.

      There are several experimental evidences in support of both the theory for humans as well as in fruit fry Drosophila melanogaster. In mosquitoes, the studies related to the function of brain are primarily restricted to the mechanism of odor coding and memory formation has been correlated with Dopamine neurotransmitter signalling. In view of the rapid adaptation potential, change in host-preference and evolution of temporal host-seeking behaviour, it can be hypothesized that mosquito brain also undergo the process of memory consolidation (either following any of the two hypothesized path or cumulatively apply the both) to learn new information in order to effectively shape future actions.

      Furthermore, according to the fundamental principle of modern neuroscience learning and memory are achieved either by the formation of new synaptic connections or changing in existing connections between neurons. The ability of synapses to either strengthen or weaken the communications is called plasticity which is influenced by learning and experience and facilitate organism’s adaptation and survival.


      1. Cervantes-Sandova, A. Martin-Peña, J. A. Berry, R. L. Davis, System-like consolidation of olfactory memories in Drosophila. J. Neurosci. 33, 9846–9854 (2013).
      2. In "Similar to previous studies (26), the expression of a limited number of rhythmic genes was visualized in Ae. aegypti" please replace "visualized" with "observed".
      3. Marshall, N. Cross, S. Binder, T. T. Dang-Vu, Brain rhythms during sleep and memory consolidation: Neurobiological insights. Physiology. 35, 4–15 (2020).
      4. Brendon O. Watson and György Buzsáki. Sleep, Memory & Brain Rhythms. Daedalus, 144(1): 67–82 (2015). doi:10.1162/DAED_a_00318

      Figure 2A, please clarify in the caption what FDR stands for.

      Response: FDR stands for “false discovery rate”. FDR is an adjusted p-value to trim false positive results.

      In "To further establish this proof-of-concept in An. gambiae, three potent CYP450 inhibitors, aminobenzotriazole(52), piperonyl butoxide(53), and schinandrin A (54), was applied topically on the head capsule of 5-6-day-old female mosquitoes" replace "was applied" with "were applied".

      Response: These changes are made in the revised manuscript.

      "Interestingly, our species-time interaction studies revealed that An. gambiae exhibits time-of-day dependent significantly high antennal sensitivity to at least four chemical odorants compared to Ae. aegypti, except phenol." is unclear. Please reword.

      Response: The statement has been revised in the MS.

      In "Similar observations were also noticed with An. stephensi." replace "noticed" with "made". Response: We have modified the statement in the revised version of the manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Such a study has the potential to be valuable for the field, but its value and significance are hindered by an accumulation of overstatements, the fact that prior work in the field has been minimized or omitted, and a lack of support for the stated conclusions.

      In this context, the advances are only slightly incremental compared to the work produced by Rund et al., and the mechanistic hypotheses emitted to link the genes selected for knockdown experiments and olfactory sensitivity are not clearly supported by the evidence presented here. The main strength of the paper is to show the role of CYP450 in olfactory sensitivity.

      The audience is fairly broad and includes insect neuro-ethologists, molecular biologists, and chronobiologists.

      Our field of expertise:

      • Mosquito chemosensation

      • Learning and memory

      • Chronobiology

      • Electrophysiology

      • Medical entomology

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This report combines an examination of peripheral transcriptomes and general olfactory sensitivity in an effort to underscore the importance of peri-receptor components in circadian-directed modulation of olfaction across both Aedine and Anopheline mosquitoes. While the authors do a nice job of raising the importance of the often-underappreciated spectrum of insect olfactory peri-receptor proteins, the impact of their study is undercut by technical concerns regarding methods and data presentation. That several of these concerns (detailed below) are explicitly acknowledged by the authors as limitations of this study does not mitigate their impact in eroding confidence in these data and this study.

      All in all, as a result of these concerns, I am unconvinced as to the overall merits of this somewhat interesting but generally uneven study.

      We sincerely thank the reviewer for their time and consideration, and appreciate the thorough review of our manuscript. Their insightful comments have greatly enriched our work. We also apologies for instances of overinterpreting the data. Your feedback has helped us recognize areas where clarity and caution are needed, and we are committed to addressing these concerns in our revisions. Thank you for your valuable input and guidance.

      Major concerns:

      1. That the authors use An. culicifacies for their transcriptome studies and An. gambiae (G3) for the olfactory physiology does not work. The 'technical limitations' (read studies done at two different locations) make this report an unwelcome melding of what should perhaps be two distinct studies. In order to maintain this forced marriage as a single report I would suggest the authors utilize An. culicifacies for both components. Alternatively, they can do both parts with An. gambiae but here I would strongly urge them to use any strain other than G3 which as a result of its now decades-long laboratory residence has long since lost its relevance to natural populations of Anopheline vectors. Response: We agree with the reviewer that there is significant species-specific variation in olfactory sensitivity of mosquitoes. Considering the strict nocturnal behavioral pattern of An. culicifacies and dirurnal behavior of Aedes aegypti, we performed RNA-Seq study with these respective species. However, 1) due to unavailability of EAG facility at ICMR-National Institute of Malaria Research, India (only where An. culicifacies colony is available), 2) challenges in rearing and adaptation of An. culicifacies in a new environment/laboratory (An. culicifacies take long time as it is not easily adapted, Ref: Adak T, Kaur S, Singh OP. Comparative susceptibility of different members of the Anopheles culicifacies complex to Plasmodium vivax. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1999;93:573–577), 3) An. culicifacies colony was not available at our collaborative laboratory, 4) to validate our hypothesis of CYP450 function in odorant detection and olfactory sensitivity of mosquitoes, we opt for the current collaborative study.

      We are also aware that species variation of Anopheles for electroantennographic study would be difficult to correlate with the molecular data on An. culicifacies. Thus, we consider An. gambiae (not other Anopheles mosquitoes like An. stephensi, An. coluzzii etc.) because of the availability of diel rhythm associated molecular data for An. gambiae (68). For better interpretation we also compare expression profiling of CYP450 and OBP genes between An. culicifacies and An. gambiae (Supplemental file 3). Importantly, we found similar expression pattern of several CYP450 and OBP/CSP genes between An. culicifacies and An. gambiae. Performing another RNA-Seq study with An. gambiae would not be possible for the current MS. Furthermore, please note that the primary focus of the current MS is to highlight the role of peri-receptor proteins in olfactory sensitivity and odor detection. And, as a proof-of-concept, we validate this hypothesis both in An. gambiae and Aed. aegypti. We believe that the basic mechanism of odor detection and peri-receptor events are similar/conserved from insects to higher vertebrates.

      The 70-80% alignment rate reported to the An. culicifacies reference genome significantly erodes this reader's confidence in the integrity of their analyses. That low level of alignment can have dramatic impacts on the estimation of transcript abundance has been repeated demonstrated (see, Srivastava, A., Malik, L., Sarkar, H. et al.. Genome Biol 21, 239, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-020-02151-8). This may (in part) explain why olfactory receptors have been largely absent from this data set.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that alignment rate could have been better but this should not affect the quantitative information we are referring to in this manuscript. The alignment rates could have impacted the qualitative information which can vary due to multiple reasons including the quality of the reference genome. As it is evident from the analysis that in Ae. aegypti 90% of the reads are aligned to the reference genome, still we did not observe any difference in the abundancy of olfactory receptor genes. Previous microarray analysis in An. gambiae by Rund et.al. 2013, also did not show diel rhythmic expression of any OR genes.

      The issue of species choice is further complicated by questions regarding the An. culicifacies species complex which contains 5 cryptic species. How did the authors confirm they are indeed working with An. culicifacies species A -there is no mention regarding the molecular identification.

      Response: The An. culcifacies species A colony has been colonized at NIMR since 1999, with routine checks performed to verify its purity of species by analyzing inversion genotypes on chromosomes for the presence of sibling species (see the references). But at that time, we had three sibling species--A, B, C; subsequently, we lost B and C. Giving old references will not serve the purpose. Later we verified sibling species A by inversion genotype on chromosome and molecular tools. However, we do not have any published reference for that verified data.

      The species can be identified by performing 28S rDNA-based PCR (Singh et al, 2004) and cytochrome oxidase II-based PCR (Goswami et al 2006). Sequencing can also serve the purpose.

      Singh OP, Goswami G, Nanda N, Raghavendra K, Chandra D, Subbarao SK. An allele-specific polymerase chain reaction assay for the identification of members of Anopheles culicifacies complex. J Biosci. 2004; 29: 275—280 10.1007/bf02702609

      Goswami G, Singh OP, Nanda N, Raghavendra K, Gakhar SK, Subbarao SK. Identification of all members of the Anopheles culicifacies complex using allele-specific polymerase chain reaction assays. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2006; 75: 454-460. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.2006.75.454

      Adak T, Kaur S, Singh OP. Comparative susceptibility of different members of the Anopheles culicifacies complex to Plasmodium vivax. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1999;93:573–577

      The switch from dsRNAi studies in Aedes to protease inhibitor studies in Anopheles adds to the interspecies confusion.

      Response: Our main goal in this study was to evaluate the function of CYP450 in mosquito’s odor detection and olfactory sensitivity. Our data as well as previous data (Rund et.al. 2011, Rund et.al. 2013) suggesting that the basic mechanism of odor detection and peri-receptor events are similar for both An. gambiae, An. culicifacies and Ae. aegypti, and the role of detoxification genes are very much evidenced from these data. Based on our RNA-Seq data on Ae. aegypti, we shortlisted one CYP450 gene for functional knockdown assays. However, for Anopheles we used An. gambiae for functional validation. Thus, it was not possible for us to select appropriate CYP450 gene from An. gambiae. That is why, we plan for using CYP450 protein inhibitors which block the function of all the CYP450 expressing in the olfactory system of mosquitoes. Expectedly, we also observed much more pronounced reduction of olfactory sensitivity when inhibitors were applied compared to dsRNAi mediated knock-down the function of only one CYP450 protein. These data indicate that Anopheles also possess similar mechanism of perireceptor events for odor detection and CYP450 plays an important role in it.

      The olfactory shifts presented in Fig 3 are somewhat underwhelming. In An. gambiae this mostly seen at very high (to my eyes, non-biologically relevant) 10-1 dilutions. In Aedes, while statistically significant, the EAG values (especially for 4MePhenol) are very low and therefore suspect and unconvincing. It is also unclear how 'Relative EAG Responses' were derived?? Does this mean relative to solvent alone controls??

      Response: Yes, relative EAG response means relative to respective solvent control. We also make necessary changes in the text as well as in the figures for better understanding and representation.

      The same data set seems to have been presented in Figures 3 and 4, with the latter's absence of salient details e.g. haphazard odor concentrations which are seen only when legend is examined). These factors make the inclusion of Figure 4 less obvious.

      Response: Depending on the reviewer’s concern we shifted the Figure 4 into the supplemental data and we are sorry for the miscommunication.

      I am concerned that the data in Figure 5B is derived from only those samples with altered EAGs. I believe that all injected mosquitoes should be assayed in order to better understand the actual efficacy of the treatment. The cherry picking of samples is troubling.

      Response: We pooled five heads for each replicate and we performed the assay with three replicates. That mean we have taken heads from 15 mosquitoes for each experimental setup (control vs knock-down). It is true that we did not consider all the 40 mosquitoes that we used for EAG-recordings. However, we believe that 15 mosquitoes will be a good representation of the population. And the error bars among replicates of the knock-down mosquitoes, compared to the dsLacZ group, clearly indicates the disparity in knock-down efficiency among individuals.

      As is true for earlier figures, Figure 5c-f is lacking critical information about concentration (also not presented in figure legend) and should be done within the context of a multi-point dose response study. The data in its current form is not acceptable.

      Response: We apologize for the mistake for not mentioning the concentration of the inhibitors. Now, we added this information in the revised manuscript.

      The same data concerns apply to Figure 6d-g.

      Response: We apologize for the mistake for not mentioning the concentration of the inhibitors. Now, we added this information in the revised manuscript.

      The inclusion of An. stephensi data Figure S4D seems thrown in as an after-thought and without good reason.

      Response: Our RNA-Seq data on An. culicifacies and Aedes aegypti revealed similar abundance and expression pattern of rhythmic transcripts specifically for peri-receptor transcripts, as reported before by Rund et. al. 2011 & 2013 for Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae. Moreover, we observed significant difference in EAG response between Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae, we hypothesized that higher abundance of rhythmic peri-receptor transcripts possibly has correlation with high EAG response in Anopheles. Therefore, to get an idea about the EAG response for other Anopheles sp. we used An. stephensi, and observed similar difference in EAG response. Though, it will be interesting to compare time-dependent response between the two Anopheles species, it is not our primary interest and objectives, and is beyond the scope of the current MS and the objective can be elaborated further in future.

      I am unsure how shifts in CNS levels of P450 or serine proteases impact peripheral EAG recordings? This is especially so given that any effects on synaptic plasticity/efficacy that might occur are expected to be downstream of the peripheral antennae being recorded in EAGs. The authors do not do a great job explaining away that paradox even though that section in the discussion seems overly speculative.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that EAG study is not enough/appropriate to comment on the effect of central-brain processing in the regulation of olfactory processes. Further validation by either neuroimaging or beavioral studies are needed to make any conclusion. And we clearly mention in the MS that our data indirectly indicating this function of serine protease and further confirmatory studies are needed to proof this hypothesis. However, it is not possible for us to perform all the experiments now, due to technical and infrastructural limitations. Thus, we hypothesized it as future research endeavour. Moreover, considering the reviewer’s concern we have modified the text and removed the overstatements and speculations.

      The authors discussion on peri-receptor protein oscillation seems premature given the data that is presented (regardless of the caveats discussed above) center on transcript abundance. There is no data on protein abundance, which while related, is an entirely different question/issue.

      Response: Yes, we agree that our hypothesis of peri-receptor protein oscillation is based on our RNA-Seq data. However, later we validated our hypothesis by knock-down studies in mosquitoes as well as we used CYP450 protein inhibitors, where also we observed significant results of decrease in olfactory sensitivity. It is true that we do not have any data on protein abundance, but several previous studies along with our data showed the similar expression profiling of peri-receptor genes, which clearly indicates that the rhythmic expression pattern of these genes are conserved among mosquitoes. None of the previous studies address the hypothesis regarding the peri-receptor events and possible function of XMEs in odorant detection, which is the uniqueness of our study. Therefore, we believe that after functional validation by dsRNAi and inhibitor study, we are able to validate our hypothesis for scientific acceptance. While, CYP450 has been reported to have crucial role in xenobiotic detoxification, its role in odor detection has not been explored yet. We agree that further biochemical validation is required to see the interaction between CYP450 and odor molecules, and how CYP450 is modifying the odorant chemicals either for its detection or for its inactivation. But, such study is out of the scope of the MS and will be our future research endeavour. However, our current data and the MS will have large impact for designing of strategies for application of insecticides, as overlapping the timing of application of insecticide and rhythmic expression/natural upregulation of XMEs could accelerate the inactivation of insecticides and rapid generation of resistant mosquitoes. Thus, we believe that the current revised MS have potential data and would be valuable for publication.

      Minor concerns:

      1. The authors routinely confuse transcript abundance derived from their RNAseq data with gene expression. The former reflects the steady-state snapshot levels of transcripts encompassing\ synthesis, use and decay while the latter is limited to the rate of transcription requiring nuclear run on or single-nucleus RNAseq approaches. Response: Thank you for your insightful comment. We appreciate your clarification regarding the distinction between transcript abundance and gene expression. In the revised manuscript, we have included a clarification stating that 'transcript abundance is referred to as gene expression, unless explicitly stated otherwise”.

      There are numerous typos, spelling errors and other grammatical mistakes-a copy editor is needed.

      Response: In the revised manuscript, we have carefully corrected the spelling errors and other grammatical mistakes.

      Many of the supplemental figures are error filled, lacking sufficient details and otherwise difficult to parse/understand. I recommend revisiting/removing many of these/

      Response: We have improvised on the supplementary figures in the revised manuscript as suggested by the reviewer.

      __ Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):__

      In light of the serious concerns described above there is limited significance to this study. Similarly these concerns erode almost all of any advance to the field this study might have offered. The audience of interest would be highly specialized

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This report combines an examination of peripheral transcriptomes and general olfactory sensitivity in an effort to underscore the importance of peri-receptor components in circadian-directed modulation of olfaction across both Aedine and Anopheline mosquitoes. While the authors do a nice job of raising the importance of the often-underappreciated spectrum of insect olfactory peri-receptor proteins, the impact of their study is undercut by technical concerns regarding methods and data presentation. That several of these concerns (detailed below) are explicitly acknowledged by the authors as limitations of this study does not mitigate their impact in eroding confidence in these data and this study.

      All in all, as a result of these concerns, I am unconvinced as to the overall merits of this somewhat interesting but generally uneven study.

      Major concerns:

      1. That the authors use An. culicifacies for their transcriptome studies and An. gambiae (G3) for the olfactory physiology does not work. The 'technical limitations' (read studies done at two different locations) make this report an unwelcome melding of what should perhaps be two distinct studies. In order to maintain this forced marriage as a single report I would suggest the authors utilize An. culicifacies for both components. Alternatively, they can do both parts with An. gambiae but here I would strongly urge them to use any strain other than G3 which as a result of its now decades-long laboratory residence has long since lost its relevance to natural populations of Anopheline vectors.
      2. The 70-80% alignment rate reported to the An. culicifacies reference genome significantly erodes this reader's confidence in the integrity of their analyses. That low level of alignment can have dramatic impacts on the estimation of transcript abundance has been repeated demonstrated (see, Srivastava, A., Malik, L., Sarkar, H. et al.. Genome Biol 21, 239, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-020-02151-8). This may (in part) explain why olfactory receptors have been largely absent from this data set.
      3. The issue of species choice is further complicated by questions regarding the An. culicifacies species complex which contains 5 cryptic species. How did the authors confirm they are indeed working with An. culicifacies species A -there is no mention regarding the molecular identification.
      4. The switch from dsRNAi studies in Aedes to protease inhibitor studies in Anopheles adds to the interspecies confusion.
      5. The olfactory shifts presented in Fig 3 are somewhat underwhelming. In An. gambiae this mostly seen at very high (to my eyes, non-biologically relevant) 10-1 dilutions. In Aedes, while statistically significant, the EAG values (especially for 4MePhenol) are very low and therefore suspect and unconvincing. It is also unclear how 'Relative EAG Responses' were derived?? Does this mean relative to solvent alone controls??
      6. The same data set seems to have been presented in Figures 3 and 4, with the latter's absence of salient details e.g. haphazard odor concentrations which are seen only when legend is examined). These factors make the inclusion of Figure 4 less obvious.
      7. I am concerned that the data in Figure 5B is derived from only those samples with altered EAGs. I believe that all injected mosquitoes should be assayed in order to better understand the actual efficacy of the treatment. The cherry picking of samples is troubling.
      8. As is true for earlier figures, Figure 5c-f is lacking critical information about concentration (also not presented in figure legend) and should be done within the context of a multi-point dose response study. The data in its current form is not acceptable.
      9. The same data concerns apply to Figure 6d-g.
      10. The inclusion of An. stephensi data Figure S4D seems thrown in as an after-thought and without good reason.
      11. I am unsure how shifts in CNS levels of P450 or serine proteases impact peripheral EAG recordings? This is especially so given that any effects on synaptic plasticity/efficacy that might occur are expected to be downstream of the peripheral antennae being recorded in EAGs. The authors do not do a great job explaining away that paradox even though that section in the discussion seems overly speculative.
      12. The authors discussion on peri-receptor protein oscillation seems premature given the data that is presented (regardless of the caveats discussed above) center on transcript abundance. There is no data on protein abundance, which while related, is an entirely different question/issue.

      Minor concerns:

      1. The authors routinely confuse transcript abundance derived from their RNAseq data with gene expression. The former reflects the steady-state snapshot levels of transcripts encompassing\ synthesis, use and decay while the latter is limited to the rate of transcription requiring nuclear run on or single-nucleus RNAseq approaches.
      2. There are numerous typos, spelling errors and other grammatical mistakes-a copy editor is needed.
      3. Many of the supplemental figures are error filled, lacking sufficient details and otherwise difficult to parse/understand. I recommend revisiting/removing many of these/


      In light of the serious concerns described above there is limited significance to this study. Similarly these concerns erode almost all of any advance to the field this study might have offered. The audience of interest would be highly specialized

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the present manuscript, the authors analyzed diel oscillations in the brain and olfactory organs' transcriptome of Aedes aegypti and Anopheles culicifacies. The analysis of their RNAseq results showed an effect of time of day on the expression of detoxification genes involved in oxidoreductase and monooxygenase activity. Next, they investigated the effect of time of day on the olfactory sensitivity of Ae. aegypti and An. gambiae and identified the role of CYP450 in odor detection in these species using RNAi. In the last part of the study, they used RNAi to knock down the expression of one of the serine protease genes and observed a reduction in olfactory sensitivity. Overall, the experiments are well-designed and mostly robust (see comment regarding the sample size and data analysis of the EAG experiments) but do not always support the claims of the authors. For example, since no experiments were conducted under constant conditions, the circadian (i.e., driven by the internal clocks) effects are not being quantified here. In addition, knocking down the expression of a gene showing daily variations in its expression and observing an effect on olfactory sensitivity is not sufficient to show its role in the daily olfactory rhythms. Knowledge gaps are not well supported by the literature, and overstatements are made throughout the manuscript. Our detailed comments are listed below.

      Major comments


      Several statements made in the introduction are misleading and suggest that authors are trying to exaggerate the impact of their work. For example, "Furthermore, different species of mosquitoes exhibit plasticity and distinct rhythms in their daily activity pattern, including locomotion, feeding, mating, blood-feeding, and oviposition, facilitating their adaptation into separate time-niches (7, 8), but the underlying molecular mechanism for the heterogenous temporal activity remains to be explored." is not accurate since daily rhythms in mosquitoes' transcriptomes, behavior, and olfactory sensitivity have been the object of several publications. Even though some of them are listed later in the introduction, they contradict the claim made about the knowledge gap. See:

      Rund, S. S., Gentile, J. E., & Duffield, G. E. (2013). Extensive circadian and light regulation of the transcriptome in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. BMC genomics, 14(1), 1-19

      Rund, S. S., Hou, T. Y., Ward, S. M., Collins, F. H., & Duffield, G. E. (2011). Genome-wide profiling of diel and circadian gene expression in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(32), E421-E430

      Rund, S. S., Bonar, N. A., Champion, M. M., Ghazi, J. P., Houk, C. M., Leming, M. T., ... & Duffield, G. E. (2013). Daily rhythms in antennal protein and olfactory sensitivity in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Scientific reports, 3(1), 2494

      Rund, S. S., Lee, S. J., Bush, B. R., & Duffield, G. E. (2012). Strain-and sex-specific differences in daily flight activity and the circadian clock of Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. Journal of insect physiology, 58(12), 1609-1619

      Leming, M. T., Rund, S. S., Behura, S. K., Duffield, G. E., & O'Tousa, J. E. (2014). A database of circadian and diel rhythmic gene expression in the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti. BMC genomics, 15(1), 1-9

      Eilerts, D. F., VanderGiessen, M., Bose, E. A., Broxton, K., & Vinauger, C. (2018). Odor-specific daily rhythms in the olfactory sensitivity and behavior of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Insects, 9(4), 147

      Rivas, G. B., Teles-de-Freitas, R., Pavan, M. G., Lima, J. B., Peixoto, A. A., & Bruno, R. V. (2018). Effects of light and temperature on daily activity and clock gene expression in two mosquito disease vectors. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 33(3), 272-288

      The knowledge gap brought up in the next paragraph of the introduction doesn't reflect the questions asked by the experiments: "But, how the pacemaker differentially influences peripheral clock activity present in the olfactory system and modulates olfactory sensitivity has not been studied in detail." Specifically, the control of peripheral clocks by the central pacemaker has not been evaluated here.

      "In vertebrates and invertebrates, it is well documented that circadian phase-dependent training can influence olfactory memory acquisition and consolidation of brain functions" should also cite work on cockroaches and kissing bugs:

      Lubinski, A. J., & Page, T. L. (2016). The optic lobes regulate circadian rhythms of olfactory learning and memory in the cockroach. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 31(2), 161-169

      Page, T. L. (2009). Circadian regulation of olfaction and olfactory learning in the cockroach Leucophaea maderae. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 7, 152-161

      Vinauger, C., & Lazzari, C. R. (2015). Circadian modulation of learning ability in a disease vector insect, Rhodnius prolixus. Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(19), 3110-3117

      The sentence: "Previous studies showed that synaptic plasticity and memory are significantly influenced by the strength and number of synaptic connections (43, 44)." should be nuanced as the role of neuropeptides such as dopamine has also been showed to influence learning and memory in mosquitoes:

      Vinauger, C., Lahondère, C., Wolff, G. H., Locke, L. T., Liaw, J. E., Parrish, J. Z., ... & Riffell, J. A. (2018). Modulation of host learning in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Current Biology, 28(3), 333-344

      Wolff, G. H., Lahondère, C., Vinauger, C., Rylance, E., & Riffell, J. A. (2023). Neuromodulation and differential learning across mosquito species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(1990), 20222118

      Overall, the paragraph dealing with the idea that "circadian phase-dependent training can influence olfactory memory acquisition and consolidation of brain functions" is very confusing. This paragraph discusses mechanisms of learning-induced plasticity but seems to ignore the simplest (most parsimonious) explanations for the circadian regulation of learning (e.g., time-dependent expression of genes involved in memory consolidation). In addition, the sentence quoted above is circumvoluted to simply say that training at different times of the day affects memory acquisition and consolidation. Although the authors did look at one gene involved in neural function, learning, memory, or circadian effects were not analyzed in this study. Please reconsider the relevance of the paragraph.

      The sentence: "But, how the brain of mosquitoes entrains circadian inputs and modulates transcriptional responses that consequently contribute to remodel plastic memory, is unknown." should be rephrased. First, it should be "entrains TO circadian inputs", and second, it suggests that the study will be investigating circadian modulation of learning and memory, which is not the case. Furthermore, the term "remodel plastic memory" is unclear and doesn't seem to relate to any specific cellular or neural processes.

      Given the differences in mosquito chronobiology observed even between strains, why perform the RNAi and EAGs on a different species of Anopheles than the one used for the RNAseq (or vice versa)?


      "As reported earlier, a significant upregulation of period and timeless during ZT12-ZT18 was observed in both species (Figure 1C)." Please provide effect size and summary statistics.

      "Next, the distribution of peak transcriptional changes in both An. culicifacies and Ae. aegypti was assessed through differential gene-expression analysis. Noticeably, An. culicifacies showed a higher abundance of differentially expressed olfactory genes (Figure 1D)" Please provide effect size and summary statistics.

      "Taken together, the data suggests that the nocturnal An. culicifacies may possess a more stringent circadian molecular rhythm in peripheral olfactory and brain tissues." What do the authors mean by "stringent"? At this point, this should be stated as a working hypothesis, as the statement is not backed up by the data. It is possible that the fewer differentially expressed genes of Aedes aegypti are more central to regulatory networks and cascade into more "stringent" rhythmic control of activities and rhythms.

      The section title: "Circadian cycle differentially and predominantly expresses olfaction-associated detoxification genes in Anopheles and Aedes" doesn't make sense. The expression of genes can be modulated by circadian rhythms, but cycles don't express genes. Please rephrase. In addition, this whole section deals with "circadian rhythms" while no experiment has been conducted under constant conditions. The observed daily variations are therefore diel rhythms until their persistence under constant conditions is established.

      "The downregulated genes of Ae. aegypti did not show any functional categories probably due to the limited transcriptional change." Could the authors explain if this is actually the phenomenon or due to a lack of temporal resolution in the study design (i.e., 4 time points)?

      "a GO-enrichment analysis was unable to track any change in the response-to-stimulus or odorant binding category of genes (including OBPs, CSPs, and olfactory receptors)." This finding doesn't corroborate the statements made previously and doesn't align with previously published studies. Is it due to pitfalls in the study design?

      "In contrast, three different clusters of OBP genes in Ae. aegypti showed a time-of-day dependent distinct peak in expression starting from ZT0-ZT12 (Figure 2F)." Please provide summary statistics.

      "In the case of An. gambiae, the amplitudes of odor-evoked responses were significantly influenced by the doses of all the odorants tested (repeated measure ANOVA, p {less than or equal to} 2e-16) (Figure S4B)." Did the authors use a positive control for the EAGs? How did the authors normalize the responses across the two species? Given the way the data is presented, how were the data normalized to allow inter-species comparisons? In addition, It is highly unlikely that all the mosquito preps used in the EAG assay responded to all the odors tested. If that was the case, then the dataset includes missing data for certain odors and time points. We believe the authors have ensured there are at least a certain number of responses per odor and time point combinations. If this is true, repeated measures ANOVA is not suited for analyzing this data because this statistical technique requires all repeated measures within and across preps without missing values. Also, the authors need to correct the summary statistics for multiple comparisons within this framework to avoid inflating type-I errors. Has this been done?

      "Ae. aegypti was found to be most sensitive to all the odorants (4-methylphenol, β-ocimine, E2-nonenal, benzaldehyde, nonanal, and 3-octanol) during ZT18-20 except sulcatone (Figure 3C - 3H)." Although some of these chemicals are associated with plants and Ae. aegypti is suspected to sugar feed at night, how do the authors explain that the peak olfactory sensitivity occurs at night for compounds such as nonanal? It would be interesting to discuss how these results compare to previous studies such as:

      Eilerts, D. F., VanderGiessen, M., Bose, E. A., Broxton, K., & Vinauger, C. (2018). Odor-specific daily rhythms in the olfactory sensitivity and behavior of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Insects, 9(4), 147

      "Additionally, our principal components analysis also illustrates that most loadings of relative EAG responses are higher towards the Anopheles observations (Figure S4C)." The meaning of this sentence is unclear? Please clarify.

      "Taken together these data indicate that An. gambiae may exhibit higher antennal sensitivity to at least five different odorants tested, as compared to Ae. aegypti." As mentioned above, how did the authors normalized across species to allow comparisons? If not normalized, how do you ensure that higher response magnitudes correlate with higher olfactory sensitivity, given potential differences in the morphology or size differences between the two species? Furthermore, An. gambiae has been exclusively used in the EAG assay. Besides the lack of a justification for using a species other than An. culicifacies, the authors have interpreted the EAG results under the assumption that the olfactory sensitivities of An. gambiae and An. culicifacies are comparable. This, however, is a major caveat in the experiment design, given previous studies (indicated below) have reported species-specific variations in olfactory sensitivity. In its present form, the EAG data from An. gambiae is not a piece of appropriate evidence that the authors could use to complement or substantiate the findings from other aspects of this study on An. culicifacies.

      i. Wheelwright, M., Whittle, C. R., & Riabinina, O. (2021). Olfactory systems across mosquito species. Cell and Tissue Research, 383(1), 75-90.

      ii. Wooding, M., Naudé, Y., Rohwer, E., & Bouwer, M. (2020). Controlling mosquitoes with semiochemicals: a review. Parasites & Vectors, 13, 1-20.

      iii. Gupta, A., Singh, S. S., Mittal, A. M., Singh, P., Goyal, S., Kannan, K. R., ... & Gupta, N. (2022). Mosquito Olfactory Response Ensemble enables pattern discovery by curating a behavioral and electrophysiological response database. Iscience, 25(3).

      "Similar to An. gambiae, a comparatively high amplitude response was also observed in An. stephensi (Figure S4D)." This is interesting but what would be even more relevant to the present study is to discuss how the time-dependent responses compare between the two Anopheles species.

      The paragraph titled "Daily temporal modulation of neuronal serine protease impacts mosquito's olfactory sensitivity" is confusing because the authors move on to test the effect of knocking down a serine protease gene (found to be differentially expressed throughout the day) on olfactory sensitivity. While this is interesting in and of itself, the link between the role of this gene in learning-induced plasticity, the circadian modulation of "brain functions" and olfactory sensitivity is 1) unclear and 2) not explicitly tested. We agree with the authors that what has been tested is "the effect of neuronal serine protease on circadian-dependent olfactory responses," but the two paragraphs leading to it seem to be extrapolating functional links that have yet to be determined. In this context, their conclusions that "Our finding highlights that daily temporal modulation of neuronal serine-protease may have important functions in the maintenance of brain homeostasis and olfactory odor responses." is misleading because although they used the hypothetical "may", the link between the temporal modulation of one serine protease gene and the maintenance of brain homeostasis is not explicitly tested here.


      The first sentence of the discussion: "In this study, we provide initial evidence that the daily rhythmic change in the olfactory sensitivity of mosquitoes is tuned with the temporal modulation of molecular factors involved in the initial biochemical process of odor detection i.e., peri-receptor events" is not true since studies from Rund and Duffield previously revealed the daily modulation of OBP gene expression. It also contradicts the next sentence: "The findings of circadian-dependent elevation of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes in the olfactory system of both Ae. aegypti and An. culicifacies are consistent with previous literature (26, 31), and we postulate that these proteins may contribute to the regulation of odorant detection in mosquitoes."

      The use of "circadian" in the discussion of the results is also misleading as only diel rhythms were evaluated in the present study.

      "Given the potentially larger odor space in mosquitoes (like other hematophagous insects) (16, 58)." This is not really what these references show.

      "Given the potentially larger odor space in mosquitoes (like other hematophagous insects) (16, 58), it can be hypothesized that detection of any specific signal in such a noisy environment, mosquitoes may have evolved a sophisticated mechanism for rapid (i) odor mobilization and (ii) odorant clearance, to prevent anosmia (24)." One could argue that this is a requirement for all insects, regardless of the size of their olfactory repertoire.

      "Taken together, we hypothesize that circadian-dependent activation of the peri-receptor events may modulate olfactory sensitivity and are key for the onset of peak navigation time in each mosquito species." This is not entirely accurate since spontaneous locomotor activity rhythms are also observed in the absence of olfactory stimulation. While "navigation" does imply olfactory-guided behaviors, "peak navigation time" appears to be driven by other processes. See, for example, all studies testing mosquito activity rhythms in locomotor activity monitors.

      "Due to technical limitations, and considering the substantial data on the circadian-dependent molecular rhythmicity" please clarify what the technical limitations were. Is this something that prevented the authors specifically, or something tied to mosquito biology and would prevent anybody from doing it? Also, why couldn't the transcriptomic analysis be performed on An. gambiae?

      "In contrast to An. gambiae, the time-dose interactions had a higher significant impact on the antennal sensitivity of Ae. aegypti. An. gambiae showed a conserved pattern in the daily rhythm of olfactory sensitivity, peaking at ZT1-3 and ZT18-20." These two sentences are very confusing. Doesn't it simply mean that the co-variation is not linear or not the same across odors? In addition, what does it mean for a pattern to be more conserved? How can one conclude about the "conserved" nature of a pattern by looking at time-dependent variations in dose-response curves?

      "Together these data, we interpret that mosquito's olfactory sensitivity possibly does not follow a fixed temporal trait" is unclear and suggests that the authors are discussing global versus odor-specific rhythms. Please rephrase.

      "Moreover, we hypothesize that under standard insectary conditions, mosquitoes may not need to exhibit foraging flight activity either for nectar or blood, and during the time course, it may minimize their olfactory rhythm, which is obligately required for wild mosquitoes." This hypothesis is not supported by the results of the study and contradicts work by others (Rund et al., Eilerts et al., Gentile et., etc).

      The same comment applies to "Therefore, it is reasonable to think that the mosquitoes used for EAG studies may have adapted well under insectary settings and, hence carry weak olfactory rhythm." as this statement is not supported by results of the present study or comparisons of the results to previous studies based on field-caught mosquitoes. Although it is an interesting question to ask in the future, it should be stated as a future research avenue rather than a working hypothesis that results from the present study.

      "Aedes aegypti displayed a peak in antennal sensitivity at ZT18-20 to the higher concentrations of plant and vertebrate host-associated odorants tested. Given the time-of-day dependent multiple peaks (at ZT6-8 and ZT18-20 for benzaldehyde and at ZT12-14 and ZT18-20 for nonanal) in antennal sensitivity to different odorants, our data supports the previous observation of bimodal activity pattern of Ae. aegypti (50)." Rephrase by saying that results are "aligned with the previous observations of bimodal activity". Olfactory rhythms don't "support" the activity patterns because olfactory processes and spontaneous locomotor activity are independent processes.

      "our preliminary data indicate that Anopheles spp. may possess comparatively higher olfactory sensitivity to a substantial number of odorants as compared to Aedes spp." Consider removing this sentence unless the way the data has been normalized to allow for comparisons between species is clarified.

      In "A significant decrease in odorant sensitivity for all the volatile odors tested in the CYP450-silenced Ae. aegypti," please change "silenced" to "reduced" because RNAi doesn't silence (i.e. knockout) gene expression.

      The title "Neuronal serine protease consolidates brain function and olfactory detection" is extremely misleading. Do the authors refer to memory consolidation, which has not been tested here? What is brain function consolidation??

      The reference used in "Despite their tiny brain size, mosquitoes, like other insects, have an incredible power to process and memorize circadian-guided olfactory information (7)." is not appropriate. Also, "circadian-guided" is unclear. Consider replacing it with "circadian-gated".

      What is the "the homeostatic process of the brain"?

      "the temporal oscillation of the sleep-wake cycle of any organism is managed by the encoding of experience during wake, and consolidation of synaptic change during inactive (sleep) phases, respectively (70)." By experience, do the authors refer to learning? This seems out of topic as this process has not been evaluated here.

      "We speculate that after the commencement of the active phase (ZT6-ZT12), the serine peptidase family of proteins in the brain of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes may play an important function in consolidating brain actions (after ZT12) and aid circadian-dependent memory formation." The value of this statement is unclear. Circadian-dependent memory formation is not being evaluated here, and the results from the present study do not directly support this speculation, also because other processes involved in memory formation are not evaluated here. This seems at odds with the literature on learning and memory.

      "Subsequent work on electrophysiological and neuro-imaging studies are needed to demonstrate the role of neuronal-serine proteases in the reorganization of perisynaptic structure." Sure. But the link between "the role of neuronal-serine proteases in the reorganization of perisynaptic structure" and rhythms in olfactory sensitivity is unclear.

      As a general comment, EAGs seem inappropriate to evaluate the effect of the central-brain processing in the regulation of peripheral olfactory processes. This is a critical comment that needs to be considered by the authors and clarified in the manuscript. If rhythms of central brain processes are important for olfactory-guided behaviors, these should be evaluated at the level of the central brain or via behavioral metrics. The effect of the RNAi knockdowns on peripheral sensitivity is interesting, but its link with central processes is unclear and doesn't support the speculations made by the authors about learning and memory.


      No explanations are provided for how the EAG data are normalized to allow comparisons between species.


      Figure 1: The daily rhythm depicted in A, are not representative of the actual profiles. See: Benoit, J. B., & Vinauger, C. (2022). Chapter 32: Chronobiology of blood-feeding arthropods: influences on their role as disease vectors. In Sensory ecology of disease vectors (pp. 815-849). Wageningen Academic Publishers. Or any other paper on mosquito activity rhythms.

      Figure 3 and 4: The EAG results are plotted twice. This is redundant and misleading as it makes the reader think there is more data than actually presented.

      Figure 5: Please clarify the sample size for each panel. In C - F, what would be used as a reference? In other words, what is a Relative EAG Response of 1? And if it is "relative", are the units really mV? In E and F, it would be great to show how the Ethanol control compares to the no solvent condition. This could be placed in supplementary materials.

      Figures 5 and 6, given the dispersion in the EAG data, the treatments where N=40 appear robust, but the interpretation of results from treatments where N=6 may be limited due to the low sample size. This limitation is visible in Figure 5F, for example, where ABT-Aceto is different from Cont-Aceta but not PBO-Aceto because one individual shows a higher response.

      Figure S6: how does this support that synaptic plasticity is influenced by "Time-of-day dependent modulation of serine protease genes in the brain"?

      Minor comments

      What do the authors mean by "consolidation of brain functions"? Memory consolidation? Please clarify.

      In "Similar to previous studies (26), the expression of a limited number of rhythmic genes was visualized in Ae. aegypti" please replace "visualized" with "observed".

      Figure 2A, please clarify in the caption what FDR stands for.

      In "To further establish this proof-of-concept in An. gambiae, three potent CYP450 inhibitors, aminobenzotriazole(52), piperonyl butoxide(53), and schinandrin A (54), was applied topically on the head capsule of 5-6-day-old female mosquitoes" replace "was applied" with "were applied".

      "Interestingly, our species-time interaction studies revealed that An. gambiae exhibits time-of-day dependent significantly high antennal sensitivity to at least four chemical odorants compared to Ae. aegypti, except phenol." is unclear. Please reword.

      In "Similar observations were also noticed with An. stephensi." replace "noticed" with "made".


      Such a study has the potential to be valuable for the field, but its value and significance are hindered by an accumulation of overstatements, the fact that prior work in the field has been minimized or omitted, and a lack of support for the stated conclusions.

      In this context, the advances are only slightly incremental compared to the work produced by Rund et al., and the mechanistic hypotheses emitted to link the genes selected for knockdown experiments and olfactory sensitivity are not clearly supported by the evidence presented here. The main strength of the paper is to show the role of CYP450 in olfactory sensitivity.

      The audience is fairly broad and includes insect neuro-ethologists, molecular biologists, and chronobiologists.

      Our field of expertise:

      • Mosquito chemosensation
      • Learning and memory
      • Chronobiology
      • Electrophysiology
      • Medical entomology
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Overall comments

      We are pleased by the reviewers' comments and appreciate their suggestions for improvements. In addition to correcting small typos throughout the manuscript, we have made the following additions or changes in response to reviewer comments and suggestions:

      1. New complementation experiments to verify the impacts of mgtA and PA4824 on bacterial fitness in fungal co-culture.
      2. New experiments to measure intracellular Mg2+ levels in corA or mgtE mutants to strengthen our conclusion that neither of these constitutive Mg2+ transporters is required for maintaining intracellular Mg2+ levels in co-culture.
      3. New experiments to confirm that the * cerevisiae mnr2D mutant does not have a fitness defect compared to WT in co-culture. This finding rules out the possibility that metabolic defects in the mnr2D mutant restore the fitness of bacterial mgtA* mutant in co-culture and strengthens our hypothesis that Mg2+ sequestration by fungal vacuole triggers Mg2+ nutritional competition with bacteria.
      4. Clarification of bacterial species we tested in our study as suggested by Reviewer #3.
      5. Revised discussion to highlight how our findings relate to any fungal-bacterial interaction both in ecological and infection contexts and any known role of mgtA in antibiotic susceptibility, as suggested by Reviewer #2. All changes in response to the reviewer's comments have been detailed in our point-by-point response (below).

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This manuscript investigates polymicrobial interactions between two clinically relevant species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans. The findings that C. albicans mediates P. aeruginosa tolerance to antibiotics through sequestration of magnesium provides insight into a specific interaction at play between these two organisms, and the underlying mechanism. The manuscript is well composed and generally the claims throughout are supported by the provided evidence. As a result, most comments are either for clarification, or minor in nature.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments and their suggestions for improvement.

      Major comments:

      1) For their experiments, the authors frequently switch between 30C and 37C, but there is no rationale for why a specific temperature was used, or both were. E.g. some of the antibiotic survival assays, and fungal-bacterial co-culture assays were performed at both temperatures, while the colistin resistance, fitness competition and RNA sequencing were performed at 30C. Given the fact that the two organisms are both human pathogens and co-exist in human infections, it is not clear why 30C was used. The authors should provide clarity for why these two temperatures were used.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this point. Fungal-bacterial interactions occur in a range of temperatures in ecological contexts (e.g., in soil or on plants) or during infection in animal hosts. Both 30oC and 37oC degree temperatures are used in C. albicans studies whereas 37oC is most preferred for P. aeruginosa studies. By providing data from both temperatures for critical experiments, we demonstrate that our findings are not dependent on temperature. Our studies also allow for an easy comparison to previously published studies performed at both temperatures. We chose to screen initial co-culture conditions showing fungal antagonism at 30oC, as C. albicans cells can reach higher CFUs than at 37oC due to growth in the single-celled yeast form.

      We agree with the reviewer that 37oC is more physiologically relevant for conditions under which these two species coexist in animal hosts. Thus, we tested our findings of Mg2+ competition and antibiotic survival at 37oC.

      We now clarify our reasoning in the revised Materials and Methods section as follows: "We chose 30oC for the initial co-culture assays for two reasons. First, C. albicans cells reached higher CFU at 30oC than 37oC, which would impose a stronger competition with bacteria. Second, C. albicans cells form hyphae at 37oC, which can have multiple cells in one filament and thus confound CFU measurements. We further confirmed that our findings of Mg2+ competition are independent of temperatures by setting up co-culture assays at both 30oC and 37oC."

      2) Lines 184-191: It would be useful to measure intracellular Mg2+ (using the Mg sensor) in the corA and mgtB tn mutants in media as well as the fungal spent media, to provide stronger support for the claim that "MgtA is a key bacterial Mg2+ transporter that is highly induced under low Mg2+ conditions".

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. Based on our experiments, neither CorA or MgtE are induced (in RNA-seq analyses) nor required in co-culture (in Tn-seq analyses), suggesting neither is involved in Mg2+ competition with C. albicans. In contrast, MgtA is highly induced in co-culture. Loss of mgtA significantly reduces bacterial fitness in co-culture and intracellular Mg2+ levels only in C. albicans-spent BHI, but not fresh BHI. These results suggest that MgtA is the key Mg2+ transporter required for bacterial Mg2+ uptake and fitness in co-culture.

      Nevertheless, we agree with the reviewer that despite being constitutively expressed, CorA or MgtE might play an important role in importing Mg2+ in BHI and C. albicans-spent BHI. To test this possibility, we performed a new experiment suggested by the reviewer (now included in the revised manuscript) in which we measured intracellular Mg2+ levels in corA or mgtE loss-of-function mutants in BHI versus C. albicans-spent BHI, and compared them to intracellular Mg2+ levels in a mgtA loss-of-function mutant strain. We find that lack of either corA or mgtE does not significantly reduce bacterial Mg2+ levels in C. albicans-spent BHI compared to DmgtA mutant (Fig. S7C). Thus, our results strengthen our conclusion that MgtA is the key Mg2+ transporter that gram-negative bacteria use to overcome fungal-mediated Mg2+ sequestration.

      3) Line no. 276. Does the mnr2∆ S. cerevisiae mutant have a growth defect compared to the WT? This would test whether the effect of the mnr2 mutant on P. aeruginosa fitness is strictly due to Mg2 and not due to reduced growth or metabolism of the mutant.

      We agree with the possibility raised by the reviewer. In new experiments included with our revision as Figure S10, we find that the S. cerevisiae mnr2 deletion mutant exhibits similar CFU as WT in monoculture as well as co-culture. Thus, the rescuing effect of mnr2D is less likely due to reduced growth or metabolism.

      4) The authors use the term 'antibiotic resistance' throughout the manuscript. However, the assays they perform do not directly test for antibiotic resistance which is defined as the ability to grow at higher concentrations of antibiotics (e.g. as measured by MIC tests). The authors should rephrase their phenotype as antibiotic survival or antibiotic tolerance.

      We agree with the reviewer and thank them for raising this point. We replaced the phrase 'antibiotic resistance' with 'antibiotic survival' throughout the revised manuscript. We also accordingly changed our title to 'Widespread fungal-bacterial competition for magnesium lowers antibiotic susceptibility'

      5) Also, the authors have two different assays, both measuring survival in antibiotic, but one is called a colistin resistance assay (line 508) and the other a colistin survival assay (line 523). It's not obvious what is the difference between what is being assayed in the two experiments, except perhaps the growth phase of the cells when they are exposed to the antibiotic? The authors should explain the difference, and the rationale for using two different assays.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this point. In the revised manuscript, we explain the rationale of our two assays. The first assay measures the bacterial survival after colistin treatment in C. albicans-spent BHI, and the second measures the bacterial survival after colistin treatment in co-culture with C. albicans. We performed both assays because C. albicans-spent BHI mimics Mg2+-depleted conditions by C. albicans but might not represent all aspects of fungal presence in co-culture. To make sure our findings are consistent across these two experiments, we specify the difference in these two assays in the revised manuscript as the following: "Since fungal spent media cannot fully recapitulate fungal presence in co-culture conditions, we tested whether fungal co-culture also conferred increased colistin survival."

      Minor comments:

      • For almost all the figures, blue and orange dots are used for 'monoculture' and 'coculture' respectively, while orange and black dots are used for WT and the mgtA mutant. However, the black and blue dots are hard to tell apart, and for several figure sub-panels, the legends are not provided (e.g. figures 2D, 2F, S9H), making it a little confusing to figure out what is being shown. It would be best if the WT and mgtA symbols were in colors completely different from the monoculture/co-culture colors, making it easier to tell those apart.

      We have updated these figures as the reviewer suggested.

      Line no 122 and Figure 1A. The term "defense genes" in bacteria typically refers to genes conferring protection against phage infections. Perhaps the authors can use a different term (e.g. 'protective genes').

      We agree with the reviewer. We have changed "defense genes" to "fungal-defense genes" to disambiguate the terms.

      Line no 186. 'However, neither MgtA...' should be 'However, neither MgtE...'

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this typo. We have fixed this in our revision.

      Line no 268. Does fungal-mediated Mg2+ competition extend to Gram positive bacteria?

      We thank the reviewer for raising this interesting point. MgtA is prevalent in diverse gram-negative bacteria but rare in gram-positive bacteria. Using the fitness effect of mgtA mutants in co-culture vs monoculture allowed us to infer Mg2+ competition easily for diverse gram-negative bacteria. Currently, we do not have the experimental tools to extend this finding to gram-positive bacteria. Co-culture growth kinetics for gram-positive bacteria are also likely to be different from gram-negative bacteria in a way that makes direct comparisons challenging. We have clarified our writing in the revised manuscript: "This mode of competition might be highly specific between fungi and diverse gram-negative g-proteobacteria we have tested.... Whether fungi can suppress gram-positive bacteria through the same mechanism of Mg2+ competition remains an open question."

      Line no 314. It is unclear whether the 'transient co-culture' is the same or a different assay as the colistin survival assay.

      We apologize for the confusion and have removed the word 'transient' for clarity. The assays is the same as the 'colistin survival assay in fungal co-culture,' where we co-cultured log-phase P. aeruginosa cells with C. albicans for 5 hours and treated them with colistin.

      Line no 316. For the bacterial survival assays shown in figures 3 and 4 (and other supplementary figures), please provide absolute numbers as cfu (as in figures 1 and 2), as opposed to a percentage, for cell counts. This will allow readers to appropriately interpret the data.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We now include the raw CFU counts of colistin survival assays in Fig 3 and 4 and other supplementary figures in new supplementary figures (Fig. S11, S13, S14, S15, and S17) in our revision.

      Line no 934-5: Italicize P. aeruginosa.

      This typo has been fixed in our revision.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This study identifies a novel interaction between two the co-infecting human pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans, where C. albicans causes Mg2+ limitation for P. aeruginosa. Further, the authors show that this interaction affects levels of antibiotic resistance, as well as the adaptive mutations seen during the evolution of antibiotic resistance. This advances the field by delineating how microbial interactions can affect clinically relevant phenotypes, and potentially clinical outcomes. The study should be of interest to a broad audience of researchers studying microbial ecology, evolutionary biology, microbiology, and infectious diseases.

      We are grateful for the reviewer's positive appraisal.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This paper looks at the interaction between the fungus Candida albicans (Ca) and the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa), which are found together in some environments. Co-culture experiments showed that Ca can inhibit the growth of Pa. The goal of this study is to determine the reason for this phenomenon and how widespread it is. This was performed by Tnseq analysis of Pa that identified 3 genes which showed significant decreases in the presence of Ca. Interestingly these were all in an operon that was recognized by the authors as being induced by RNAseq during co-culture. One of these genes, mgtA is a known Mg2+ transporter and therefore the remainder of the paper discusses the importance of competition for Mg2+.

      The experiments seem to be well carried out and appropriately controlled.

      We thank the reviewer's appreciation of our science and the rigor of our experiments.

      The use of the Mg2+ genetic sensor reporter in Pa is an interesting approach to determine the intracellular Mg2+ concentrations, however how these levels relate to one another between different experiments is not clear. In Fig. S5, the levels are 5 AU for growth in minimal media +low (10uM) Mg2+ and 38 AU for growth in minimal media+high (10mM) Mg2+. But the levels seen in Figure 1E are all much lower. With such low levels, it is difficult to determine if the impact of ∆PA4824 and ∆mgtA (while perhaps additive) are relevant. Would differences be seen with these various strains grown under different conditions?

      We thank the reviewer for this query. The reviewer is right in that we do not use absolute quantification of intracellular Mg2+ levels. While our Mg2+ genetic sensor assay does not facilitate comparison of absolute Mg2+ levels across experiments, it provides a robust comparative measurement of relative intracellular Mg2+ levels in mutants versus WT cells, or between two different media conditions.

      Using this Mg2+ genetic sensor assay, we tested intracellular Mg2+ levels of WT P. aeruginosa under various media conditions. We found that lower intracellular Mg2+ levels in P. aeruginosa cells and the requirement of mgtA in these media are well-correlated at lower total Mg2+ levels in media (Fig. S9A-E). In contrast, there are no significant differences in intracellular Mg2+ levels between DmgtA (or DPA4824) and WT cells in BHI media, which has higher total Mg2+ levels than fungal-spent BHI media. Our experiments reveal that the lack of mgtA or PA4824 only affects intracellular Mg2+ levels when P. aeruginosa is cultured in media below a threshold level of Mg2+ concentration in media.

      The experiments suggesting that the protein PA4824 is also a Mg2+ transporter seem to be related only to alpha fold predictions.

      We clarify that our speculation that PA4824 encodes a potential novel Mg2+ transporter was first motivated by finding that it is induced in low Mg2+ conditions, its genetic importance in Tn-seq experiments independent of mgtA, and our finding that cells with loss-of-function mutations in PA4824 experience lower intracellular Mg2+ than WT cells. However, the reviewer is correct that this statement is speculative based on the Alphafold prediction. In the revised manuscript, we have clarified this point as the following: "Based on our co-culture RNA-seq and Tn-seq experiments, results from the Mg2+ genetic sensor assay, and the Alphafold prediction of PA4824 protein structure, we speculate that PA4824 potentially acts as a novel Mg2+ transporter."* * Is the statement in line 186 a typo? It is stated that "neither MgtA nor CorA was implicated in competition". Do the authors actually mean "MgtE"?

      It is a typo. We thank the reviewer for pointing this out and have changed this to "MgtE".

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Ca and Pa are known to inhabit the same niches and previous studies have shown both can have antagonist effects on one another. Nutritional competition is one mechanism of antagonism that has not been that well studied between these two genera. That makes the finding of some significance and relevant to those with an interest in either of these microbes and co-infections. The authors also found that it was not just Ca that had this effect, but other fungi as well. And this effect was not just reserved to effect Pa, but also other bacteria, suggesting a more global impact.

      We thank the reviewer for an accurate summary of our findings.

      However, diminishing the impact of this finding is the question as to whether this is simply a phenomena seen under the very specific laboratory conditions tested here. Furthermore how these findings exactly relate to any infection environment is not clear.

      Fungal-bacterial interactions occur in a variety of broad biological contexts, including during infection in animal hosts or in environmental-associated microbial communities. Our study is the first to identify nutritional competition for Mg2+ as one of the most important axes of competition between fungi and bacteria. Our study also identifies MgtA as one of the key bacterial genes that mediates this interaction. MgtA is only induced upon experiencing low Mg2+ conditions; the fact that most gram-negative bacteria encode MgtA implies they must encounter low Mg2+ conditions and face fitness consequences in those conditions. To address the reviewer's concerns, we also highlight three additional points in our revised Discussion:

      1. Fungal-bacterial competition for Mg2+ is not restricted only to BHI media alone. We also found the same phenomenon in TSB media medium. Indeed, we show (Fig. S9F) also that Mg2+ competition occurs whenever the environmental Mg2+ level is lower than 0.45mM, a critical threshold for fungi and bacteria to compete for this vital ion.
      2. During infection in cystic fibrosis airways, proteomic experiments and Mg2+ measurement in CF sputum both suggest that * aeruginosa* experiences Mg2+ restriction.
      3. Many previous studies have shown that many Gram-negative bacteria, including Salmonella Typhimurium, encounter reduced magnesium concentrations upon infection of hosts (PMID: 29118452). Our discovery that fungal co-culture may generally exacerbate fitness challenges associated with low magnesium levels is of high importance to all studies of gram-negative bacteria, not just to Pa.
      4. In addition to infections in animal hosts, low Mg2+ is associated with worse outcomes of infections in plants. Our study suggests the importance of studying the role of Mg2+ competition in various infection contexts and the strategies of manipulating Mg2+ levels or fungal-bacterial interactions to constrain polymicrobial infectious diseases in diverse eukaryotic hosts and ecological conditions. The authors also seem to vastly overinterpret the significance of their findings; the impact on Pa is only to slow growth, not necessarily effect fitness, per se. The final number of bacteria appears to be the same, it just takes slightly longer to get there.

      We are puzzled by this comment from the reviewer; slow growth IS a fitness effect! Although we agree with the reviewer's point that C. albicans is more likely to inhibit bacterial growth rate than viability (bacteriostatic, not bacteriocidal), there are many bacteriostatic antibiotic mechanisms.

      In our co-culture assay, bacterial CFUs after 40 hours in co-culture are 10-100 times lower than in monoculture (this is not a subtle effect!). After 40 hours, bacterial cultures have already reached the stationary phase, which is why even slower growing bacterial cells in co-culture can 'catch up' (they are still lower by nearly 10-fold), despite fungal inhibition. Moreover, the co-culture condition provided enough of a fitness challenge to allow us to identify bacterial protective genes even in a pooled assay.

      The authors speculate that that since Mg2+ supplementation did not totally restore growth to Pa during co-culture, that other Mg2+ independent "axes of antagonism" must exist. This also tends to diminish the significance of these finding.

      Again, we are puzzled by this comment from the reviewer. Fungal-bacterial competition, like all microbial competition, is a multifactorial process, so we should not be surprised that Mg2+ isn't the only axis of competition. Indeed, our study reinforces the importance of investigating all potential axes of competition to get a complete understanding of the mechanisms of fungal-bacterial competition.

      The importance of mgtA on antibiotic susceptibility has been well studied in a number of bacteria including Pa making these findings generally confirmatory.

      We would like to clarify this comment. To the best of our knowledge, mgtA in P. aeruginosa has not been reported in antibiotic susceptibility studies. Instead, P. aeruginosa mgtE is induced upon treatment with aminoglycoside antibiotics, but its expression does not change antibiotic resistance (PMID: 24162608).

      The reviewer may be referring to studies in S. Typhimurium, where the DmgtA mutant shows increased susceptibility to nitrooxidative stress (PMID: 29118452) and to cyclohexane (PMID: 18487336), suggesting Mg2+ homeostasis might be generally important for bacterial survival to antimicrobial treatments. Although this is not the main focus of our study, we now include these references in our revised discussion to provide readers with more background on the relevance of our work: "Mg2+ has been implicated in altering the susceptibility of gram-negative bacteria to antibiotics other than colistin. For instance, in S. Typhimurium, impaired mgtA or Mg2+ homeostasis increases susceptibility to cyclohexane or nitrooxidative stress. In line with these observations, our study also highlights the importance of studying how Mg2+ homeostasis broadly impacts antimicrobial resistance in gram-negative bacteria."

      The importance of different mutations that emerge in Pa during mono vs. co-culture in the presence of colistin is not clearly explained. Why should co-culture inhibit the emergence of hypermutator Pa strains?

      We thank the reviewer for the opportunity to clarify this important point. Previous studies have shown, both in Pa as well as other bacteria, that hypermutator strains often arise when bacteria adapt to strong and continuous antibiotic stress (PMID: 28630206) to maximize exploration of mutation space necessary to acquire beneficial resistance mutations even though hypermutation itself is inherently deleterious to bacterial fitness. We show that fungal co-culture protects P. aeruginosa from high concentrations of colistin by sequestering the Mg2+ co-factor required for colistin action (Fig. 4C). Thus, under co-culture conditions, bacteria experience lower levels of colistin than the levels administered and are subject to less severe fitness challenges, allowing them to eschew the deleterious route of acquiring adaptive mutations with hypermutation.

      Our discovery that bacteria have an entirely different means of enhancing colistin resistance under fungal co-culture (or low Mg2+) conditions is one of the highlights of our study. Understanding the biological basis of this novel model of colistin resistance will be an active area of investigation to pursue in the future.

      No additional experiments are likely needed but the authors should be encouraged to place their findings more clearly in what is already known in the field as well as articulate the limitations of their study.

      We thank the reviewer for their detailed comments and suggestions. We hope our revisions have both clarified the importance and limitations of our study and provided the right context sought by the reviewer.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this study, Hsieh et al. find a critical axis of competition between Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans is Mg2+ sequestered by Candida. The authors find that use of BHI, which is has lower Mg2+ levels compared to other media, allowed this discovery. The authors further demonstrate critical genes for this axis in multiple gammaproteobacteria and fungal species. The authors further show that fungal Mg2+ sequestration promotes polymyxin resistance in multiple gammaproteobacteria and show that it alters the course of Pseudomonas aeruginosa evolution of polymyxin resistance. Finally, they show that for populations evolved polymyxin resistance in the presence of Candida, removal of Candida by antifungal treatment re-induces sensitivity to polymyxins.

      We thank the reviewer for a concise and accurate summary of our study.

      Major comments: -The claims and conclusions are generally supported; however, a key phenotype of the ∆mgtA and ∆PA4824 mutants should be complemented in trans or in a second site of the chromosome.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment and agree with the suggestion. In our revised manuscript, we now provide results of new complementation experiments recommended by the reviewer, which find that expression of PA4824 or mgtA in trans restore the fitness cost of either deletion mutant (Fig. S4C and S4D).

      -The authors note that "This mode of competition appears to be highly specific between fungi and gram-negative bacteria." However, it does not appear that gram-positive bacteria were tested in competition with fungi. Additionally, the only gram-negative tested were gammaproteobacteria (although do represent diverse gammaproteobacteria). This could be addressed by clarifying the text or OPTIONAL additional experimentation.

      We agree with the reviewer. We had intended to highlight that we had only tested this mode of competition between fungi and gram-negative bacteria, but inadvertently phrased this to suggest that gram-positive bacteria are not subject to this competition. As we highlight in our response to Reviewer 1, we are unable to test this (so far) for gram-positive bacteria. We clarify this in our revision: ""This mode of competition might be highly specific between fungi and diverse gram-negative g-proteobacteria we have tested.... Whether fungi can suppress gram-positive bacteria through the same mechanism of Mg2+ competition remains an open question."

      -Figure 3A: is this depiction of modifications on the O-antigen correct? PhoQ- and PmrB-activated enzymes seem to modify the lipid A portion of LPS (eg PMID: 31142822)

      We thank the reviewer for noting this error, which we have now fixed in the revision.

      • For many of the figures, multiple t-tests are used and it seems like perhaps an ANOVA with multiple comparisons would be more appropriate

      We thank the reviewer for this feedback. In our revision, we now use Dunnett's one-way ANOVA test for figures with multiple comparisons; our conclusions are unchanged.

      Minor comments: - The text and figures are clear and accurate

      We thank the reviewer for this feedback.

      -the cited nutritional immunity reviews are out of date (e.g. reference 37) and there are more recent reviews on the topic (e.g. PMID: 35641670)

      We have added the suggested reference in our revision.

      -Line 293: Unclear why polymyxin resistance would be "unexpected" following the explanation of why Mg2+ depletion might confer it

      We agree and have removed 'unexpected.'

      -Line 318: "antibitoics" typo

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this typo, which we have now corrected.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The following aspects are important:

      • General assessment: This study is very mechanistic, identifying the role of Mg2+ sequestration by fungi that limit gram-negative bacterial growth in Mg2+ deplete environments. The strengths are that relevant Mg2+ acquisition genes are identified or tested in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the main test organism, as well as Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli. Additionally, the authors identify a relevant Mg2+ mechanism in fungal species tested, including showing the importance with a genetic knockout. The limitations are relatively minor, and include lack of complementation, potential issues in model figure depiction of LPS modifications, and potential minor issues in statistical tests used. Future directions discussed include expanding analysis to clinical isolates, which is outside the scope of this manuscript which already showed the same mechanism in diverse gammaproteobacterial.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive appraisal.

      • Advance: This study has two major advances: The first is uncovering this critical Mg2+ sequestration axis in competition between fungal species and gammaproteobacteria. The second is the finding that the Mg+ sequestration induces polymyxin resistance and alters the evolutionary path to further polymyxin resistance. While nutrient metals as an axis of competition is not a conceptual advance, the specific role of Mg2+ and its affect on evolution of polymyxin antibiotic resistance is a conceptual advance.
      • Audience: I think this study would be of interest to a relatively broad audience. The study itself touches on multiple fields including intermicrobial competition, nutritional immunity, antimicrobial resistance, and microbial evolution. Additionally, there are clinical implications for the potential to use antifungals to resensitize polymyxin-resistant P. aeruginosa to polymyxins.
      • My field of expertise is bacterial genetics and physiology, nutritional immunity, and bacterial cell envelope. I do not have expertise in fungus.

      We appreciate the reviewer's positive and constructive feedback on our study and for highlighting the relevance of our research to a broader audience in microbiology and evolution. We do hope our mechanistic understanding of fungal-bacterial competition will spark further conversation or collaboration between evolutionary microbiologists and physician-scientists.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, Hsieh et al. find a critical axis of competition between Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans is Mg2+ sequestered by Candida. The authors find that use of BHI, which is has lower Mg2+ levels compared to other media, allowed this discovery. The authors further demonstrate critical genes for this axis in multiple gammaproteobacteria and fungal species. The authors further show that fungal Mg2+ sequestration promotes polymyxin resistance in multiple gammaproteobacteria and show that it alters the course of Pseudomonas aeruginosa evolution of polymyxin resistance. Finally, they show that for populations evolved polymyxin resistance in the presence of Candida, removal of Candida by antifungal treatment re-induces sensitivity to polymyxins.

      Major comments:

      • The claims and conclusions are generally supported; however, a key phenotype of the ∆mgtA and ∆PA4824 mutants should be complemented in trans or in a second site of the chromosome.
      • The authors note that "This mode of competition appears to be highly specific between fungi and gram-negative bacteria." However, it does not appear that gram-positive bacteria were tested in competition with fungi. Additionally, the only gram-negative tested were gammaproteobacteria (although do represent diverse gammaproteobacteria). This could be addressed by clarifying the text or OPTIONAL additional experimentation.
      • Figure 3A: is this depiction of modifications on the O-antigen correct? PhoQ- and PmrB-activated enzymes seem to modify the lipid A portion of LPS (eg PMID: 31142822)
      • For many of the figures, multiple t-tests are used and it seems like perhaps an ANOVA with multiple comparisons would be more appropriate

      Minor comments:

      • The text and figures are clear and accurate -the cited nutritional immunity reviews are out of date (e.g. reference 37) and there are more recent reviews on the topic (e.g. PMID: 35641670)
      • Line 293: Unclear why polymyxin resistance would be "unexpected" following the explanation of why Mg2+ depletion might confer it
      • Line 318: "antibitoics" typo


      The following aspects are important:

      • General assessment: This study is very mechanistic, identifying the role of Mg2+ sequestration by fungi that limit gram-negative bacterial growth in Mg2+ deplete environments. The strengths are that relevant Mg2+ acquisition genes are identified or tested in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the main test organism, as well as Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli. Additionally, the authors identify a relevant Mg2+ mechanism in fungal species tested, including showing the importance with a genetic knockout. The limitations are relatively minor, and include lack of complementation, potential issues in model figure depiction of LPS modifications, and potential minor issues in statistical tests used. Future directions discussed include expanding analysis to clinical isolates, which is outside the scope of this manuscript which already showed the same mechanism in diverse gammaproteobacterial.
      • Advance: This study has two major advances: The first is uncovering this critical Mg2+ sequestration axis in competition between fungal species and gammaproteobacteria. The second is the finding that the Mg+ sequestration induces polymyxin resistance and alters the evolutionary path to further polymyxin resistance. While nutrient metals as an axis of competition is not a conceptual advance, the specific role of Mg2+ and its affect on evolution of polymyxin antibiotic resistance is a conceptual advance.
      • Audience: I think this study would be of interest to a relatively broad audience. The study itself touches on multiple fields including intermicrobial competition, nutritional immunity, antimicrobial resistance, and microbial evolution. Additionally, there are clinical implications for the potential to use antifungals to resensitize polymyxin-resistant P. aeruginosa to polymyxins.
      • My field of expertise is bacterial genetics and physiology, nutritional immunity, and bacterial cell envelope. I do not have expertise in fungus.
    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This paper looks at the interaction between the fungus Candida albicans (Ca) and the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa), which are found together in some environments. Co-culture experiments showed that Ca can inhibit the growth of Pa. The goal of this study is to determine the reason for this phenomenon and how widespread it is. This was performed by Tnseq analysis of Pa that identified 3 genes which showed significant decreases in the presence of Ca. Interestingly these were all in an operon that was recognized by the authors as being induced by RNAseq during co-culture. One of these genes, mgtA is a known Mg2+ transporter and therefore the remainder of the paper discusses the importance of competition for Mg2+.

      The experiments seem to be well carried out and appropriately controlled.

      The use of the Mg2+ genetic sensor reporter in Pa is an interesting approach to determine the intracellular Mg2+ concentrations, however how these levels relate to one another between different experiments is not clear. In Fig. S5, the levels are 5 AU for growth in minimal media +low (10uM) Mg2+ and 38 AU for growth in minimal media+high (10mM) Mg2+. But the levels seen in Figure 1E are all much lower. With such low levels, it is difficult to determine if the impact of ∆PA4824 and ∆mgtA (while perhaps additive) are relevant. Would differences be seen with these various strains grown under different conditions?

      The experiments suggesting that the protein PA4824 is also a Mg2+ transporter seem to be related only to alpha fold predictions.

      Is the statement in line 186 a typo? It is stated that "neither MgtA nor CorA was implicated in competition". Do the authors actually mean "MgtE"?


      Ca and Pa are known to inhabit the same niches and previous studies have shown both can have antagonist effects on one another. Nutritional competition is one mechanism of antagonism that has not been that well studied between these two genera. That makes the finding of some significance and relevant to those with an interest in either of these microbes and co-infections.

      The authors also found that it was not just Ca that had this effect, but other fungi as well. And this effect was not just reserved to effect Pa, but also other bacteria, suggesting a more global impact. However diminishing the impact of this finding is the question as to whether this is simply a phenomena seen under the very specific laboratory conditions tested here. Furthermore how these findings exactly relate to any infection environment is not clear.

      The authors also seem to vastly overinterpret the significance of their findings; the impact on Pa is only to slow growth, not necessarily effect fitness, per se. The final number of bacteria appears to be the same, it just takes slightly longer to get there.

      The authors speculate that that since Mg2+ supplementation did not totally restore growth to Pa during co-culture, that other Mg2+ independent "axes of antagonism" must exist. This also tends to diminish the significance of these finding.

      The importance of mgtA on antibiotic susceptibility has been well studied in a number of bacteria including Pa making these findings generally confirmatory.

      The importance of different mutations that emerge in Pa during mono vs. co-culture in the presence of colistin is not clearly explained. Why should co-culture inhibit the emergence of hypermutator Pa strains?

      No additional experiments are likely needed but the authors should be encouraged to place their findings more clearly in what is already known in the field as well as articulate the limitations of their study.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript investigates polymicrobial interactions between two clinically relevant species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans. The findings that C. albicans mediates P. aeruginosa tolerance to antibiotics through sequestration of magnesium provides insight into a specific interaction at play between these two organisms, and the underlying mechanism. The manuscript is well composed and generally the claims throughout are supported by the provided evidence. As a result, most comments are either for clarification, or minor in nature.

      Major comments:

      1. For their experiments, the authors frequently switch between 30C and 37C, but there is no rationale for why a specific temperature was used, or both were. E.g. some of the antibiotic survival assays, and fungal-bacterial co-culture assays were performed at both temperatures, while the colistin resistance, fitness competition and RNA sequencing were performed at 30C. Given the fact that the two organisms are both human pathogens and co-exist in human infections, it is not clear why 30C was used. The authors should provide clarity for why these two temperatures were used.
      2. Lines 184-191: It would be useful to measure intracellular Mg2+ (using the Mg sensor) in the corA and mgtB tn mutants in media as well as the fungal spent media, to provide stronger support for the claim that "MgtA is a key bacterial Mg2+ transporter that is highly induced under low Mg2+ conditions".
      3. Line no. 276. Does the mnr2∆ S. cerevisiae mutant have a growth defect compared to the WT? This would test whether the effect of the mnr2 mutant on P. aeruginosa fitness is strictly due to Mg2 and not due to reduced growth or metabolism of the mutant.
      4. The authors use the term 'antibiotic resistance' throughout the manuscript. However, the assays they perform do not directly test for antibiotic resistance which is defined as the ability to grow at higher concentrations of antibiotics (e.g. as measured by MIC tests). The authors should rephrase their phenotype as antibiotic survival or antibiotic tolerance.
      5. Also, the authors have two different assays, both measuring survival in antibiotic, but one is called a colistin resistance assay (line 508) and the other a colistin survival assay (line 523). It's not obvious what is the difference between what is being assayed in the two experiments, except perhaps the growth phase of the cells when they are exposed to the antibiotic? The authors should explain the difference, and the rationale for using two different assays.

      Minor comments:

      • For almost all the figures, blue and orange dots are used for 'monoculture' and 'coculture' respectively, while orange and black dots are used for WT and the mgtA mutant. However, the black and blue dots are hard to tell apart, and for several figure sub-panels, the legends are not provided (e.g. figures 2D, 2F, S9H), making it a little confusing to figure out what is being shown. It would be best if the WT and mgtA symbols were in colors completely different from the monoculture/co-culture colors, making it easier to tell those apart.

      Line no 122 and Figure 1A. The term "defense genes" in bacteria typically refers to genes conferring protection against phage infections. Perhaps the authors can use a different term (e.g. 'protective genes').

      Line no 186. 'However, neither MgtA...' should be 'However, neither MgtE...'

      Line no 268. Does fungal-mediated Mg2+ competition extend to Gram positive bacteria?

      Line no 314. It is unclear whether the 'transient co-culture' is the same or a different assay as the colistin survival assay.

      Line no 316. For the bacterial survival assays shown in figures 3 and 4 (and other supplementary figures), please provide absolute numbers as cfu (as in figures 1 and 2), as opposed to a percentage, for cell counts. This will allow readers to appropriately interpret the data.

      Line no 934-5: Italicize P. aeruginosa.


      This study identifies a novel interaction between two the co-infecting human pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans, where C. albicans causes Mg2+ limitation for P. aeruginosa. Further, the authors show that this interaction affects levels of antibiotic resistance, as well as the adaptive mutations seen during the evolution of antibiotic resistance. This advances the field by delineating how microbial interactions can affect clinically relevant phenotypes, and potentially clinical outcomes. The study should be of interest to a broad audience of researchers studying microbial ecology, evolutionary biology, microbiology, and infectious diseases.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1:

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required):

      In this manuscript Czajkowski et al explore the role of the doublecortin-family kinase ZYG-8 during meiosis in C. elegans Oocytes. First by studying available temperature-sensitive mutants and then by generating their own strain expressing ZYG-8 amenable to auxin-inducible degradation, they establish that defects in ZYG-8 lead to defects in spindle assembly, such as the formation of multipolar spindles, and spindle maintenance, in which spindles elongate, fall apart, and deform in meiosis. Based on these observations the authors conclude that ZYG-8 depletion leads to excessive outward force. As the lab had previously found that the motor protein KLP-18 generates outside directed forces in meiosis, Czajkowski et al initially speculate that ZYG-8 might regulate KLP-18. KLP-18 depletion generally leads to the formation of monopolar spindles in meiosis. Intriguingly, when the authors co-deplete ZYG-8 they find that in some cases bipolarity was reestablished. This led to the hypothesis that yet another kinesin, BMK-1, the homolog of the mammalian EG-5, could provide redundant outward directed forces to KLP-18. The authors then study the effect of ZYG-8 and KLP-18 co-depletion in a BMK-1 mutant background strain and observe that bipolarity is no longer reestablished under these conditions, suggesting that BMK-1 generates additional outward directed forces. The authors also conclude that ZYG-8 inhibits BMK-1. To follow up on this Czajkowski et al generate a ZYG-8 line that carries a mutation in the kinase domain, which should inhibit its kinase activity. This line shows similar effects in terms of spindle elongation but reduced impact on spindle integrity, reflected in minor effects on the number of spindle poles and spindle angle. The authors conclude that ZYG-8's kinase activity is required for the function of ZYG-8 in meiosis and mitosis. Overall, the paper is well written, and the data is presented very clearly and reproducible. The experiments are adequately replicated, and statistical analysis are adequate. *The observations are very interesting. However, the authors could provide some additional insight into the function of ZYG-8. This paper is strongly focused on motor generated forces within the spindle and tries to place ZYG-8 within this context, but there is compelling evidence from other studies that ZYG-8 also affects microtubule dynamics, which would have implications for spindle assembly and structure. The paper would strongly benefit from the authors exploring this role of ZYG-8 in the context of meiosis further. If the authors feel that this would extend beyond the scope of this paper, I would suggest that the authors rephrase some of their introduction and discussion to reflect the possibility that changes in microtubule growth and nucleation rates could explain some of the phenotypes (think of katanin) and effects and that therefore it can not necessarily be concluded that BMK-1 is inhibited by ZYG-8. *

      We thank the reviewer for these positive comments on our manuscript and on the rigor of our data. We also thank them for the excellent suggestion to explore a potential role for microtubule dynamics. As detailed below in response to the specific points, we performed new experiments to explore this possibility, and found via FRAP analysis that there were substantial changes in microtubule dynamics upon ZYG-8 depletion. We have therefore added these new data and have re-written major parts of the manuscript to incorporate a discussion of microtubule dynamics throughout the paper (introduction, results, model, discussion). Our data now support two roles for ZYG-8 in regulating acentrosomal spindle assembly and stability - one in modulating microtubule dynamics and the other in tuning forces (either directly or indirectly). We are grateful to the reviewer for motivating us to do these experiments, as they have added a whole new angle to the manuscript and have greatly increased its impact, as we now have a fuller understanding of how ZYG-8 contributes to oocyte meiosis.

      Major points:

      *1.) Zyg-8, as well as the mammalian homolog DCLK-1, has been reported to play an important role for microtubule dynamics. While the introduction mentions its previously shown role in meiosis and mitosis, it is totally lacking any background on the effect on microtubule dynamics. The authors mention these findings in the discussion, but it would be helpful to incorporate this in the introduction as well. As an example, Goenczy et al 2001 demonstrated that ZYG-8 is involved in spindle positioning but also showed its ability to bind microtubules and promote microtubule assembly. Interestingly, like the authors here, Goenczy et al concluded that while the kinase domain contributes to, it is not essential ZYG-8's function. Also, Srayko et al 2005 (PMID 16054029) demonstrated that ZYG-8 depletion led to reduced microtubule growth rates and increased nucleation rates in C. elegans mitotic embryos. And in mammalian cells DCLK-1 was shown to increase microtubule nucleation rate and decrease catastrophe rate, leading to a net stabilization of microtubules (Moores et al 2006, PMID: 16957770). It would be great if the authors could add to the introduction that ZYG-8 has been suggested to affect microtubule dynamics. *

      We agree that this is a great idea. As the reviewer suggested, we decided to explore the possibility that ZYG-8 impacts microtubule dynamics within the oocyte spindle. We depleted ZYG-8 and performed FRAP experiments to determine if there were effects on microtubule turnover. We found that loss of ZYG-8 caused a dramatic decrease in the spindle's ability to recover tubulin, both at the spindle center and at the spindle poles (shown in a new Figure 7). We made substantial changes to the manuscript when adding these new data - the manuscript now discusses ZYG-8's role in modulating microtubule dynamics in the introduction, results, discussion, and model (Figure 9), and we added all of the references suggested by the reviewer. We think that the manuscript is greatly improved due to these additions and changes.

      *2a.) The authors initially study two different ts alleles, or484ts and b235ts. The experiments clearly show a significant increase in spindle length in both strains. However, the or484 strain had been previously studied (McNally et al 2016, PMID: 27335123), and only minor effects on spindle length were reported (8.5µm in wt metaphase and 10µm in zyg-8 (or484)). How do the authors explain these differences in ZYG-8 phenotype. Even though the ZYG-8 phenotype is consistent throughout this paper it would be good to explain why the authors observe spindle elongation, fragmentation and spindle bending in contrast to previous observations. *

      The reviewer is correct that McNally et.al. (2016) noted only minor effects on spindle length and did not report observing spindle bending or pole defects. However, the images presented in their paper of spindles in the zyg-8(or484) mutant (in Figure 8B) only showed spindles after they had already shrunk in preparation for anaphase; it is possible that these spindles had pole or midspindle defects prior to this shrinking, and that the authors did not note those phenotypes because their analysis focused on anaphase. In contrast, since the goal of our study focused on how ZYG-8 impacts spindle assembly and maintenance, we looked carefully at spindle morphology and quantified a larger number of metaphase spindles (in their study, only 12 metaphase spindles were measured, since metaphase was not the focus of their manuscript). Recently (after we submitted our manuscript), another study from the McNally lab was published, where they did note metaphase defects following ZYG-8 inhibition (though they did not describe the defects in detail or explore why they happened). We now mention and cite this new paper (Li et.al., 2023) in our manuscript, to show that our findings are consistent with the work of others in the field.

      *2b.) As a general note, it would be helpful if the authors could indicate if the spindles are in meiosis I or II. The only time where this is specifically mentioned is in Video 7, showing a Meiosis II spindle, which makes me assume all other data is in Meiosis I. Adding this to the figures would also help to distinguish if some of the images, i.e. Figure 1B, show multipolar spindles due to failed polar body extrusion. If this is the case then the quantification of number of poles should maybe reflect different possibilities, such as fragmented poles vs. multiple poles because two spindles form around dispersed chromatin masses. *

      We agree that it is a good idea to clarify this issue. For all of our experiments, we analyzed both MI and MII spindles. However, there were no noticeable differences in phenotype between MI and MII spindles for any of our mutant/depletion conditions - we observed bent spindles, elongated spindles, and extra poles in both MI and MII following ZYG-8 inhibition. Therefore, for the quantifications presented in the manuscript (spindle length, spindle angle, number of poles), we pooled our MI and MII data. We have now added this information to the manuscript for clarity (lines 97-99 and 139-141). In addition, we have added new images to Figure 1B that show examples of MII spindles (both at the permissive and restrictive temperature), to show that the phenotypes are indistinguishable between MI and MII.

      We agree with the reviewer that one of the spindles in the original Figure 1B looked like it could have resulted from failed polar body extrusion (the chromosomes appeared to be in two masses, something we did not originally notice, so theoretically each mass could have organized its own spindle). To determine if this was the case, we looked closely at the chromosomes in this image; we confirmed that there were only 6 chromosomes, and that all were bivalents (these can be distinguished from MII chromosomes based on size). Therefore, this spindle was not multipolar due to an issue with polar body extrusion. However, to prevent future confusion, we picked a different representative spindle (where the bivalents we not grouped into two masses), and we added a new column to the figure that shows the DNA channel in grayscale (so it is easier to see and count the chromosomes). We also now note in the materials and methods how we were able to distinguish between MI and MII in our experiments (chromosome count, size, presence of polar bodies), so that it is clear that none of our phenotypes result from failed polar body extrusion (lines 600-603).

      *3) The authors generate a line that carries a mutation leading to a kinase dead version of ZYG-8. It would be great if the authors could further test if this version is truly kinase dead. What is interesting is that the kinase dead version the authors create has less effect on the numbers of pole than the zyg-8 (b235)ts strain, which carries a mutation in a less conserved kinase region. Overall, it seems that the phenotypes are very similar, independent on mutations in the microtubule binding area, kinase area or after AID. This could of course be due to all regions being important, i.e. microtubule binding is required for localizing kinase-activity. Generating mutant versions of the target proteins, for example here BMK-1, that can not be phosphorylated or are constitutively active as well as assessment of changes in protein phosphorylation levels in the kinase dead strain would be helpful to provide deeper insight into potential regulation of proteins by ZYG-8. *

      We agree that it would be ideal to test whether the D604N mutant is truly kinase dead. However, in the interest of time, we ask to be allowed to skip that experiment. The analogous residue has been mutated in mammalian ZYG-8 (DCLK1), and has been shown to cause DCLK1 to be kinase dead in vitro; this is a highly conserved aspartic acid in the central part of the catalytic domain, so we infer that the mutation we made in ZYG-8 should be kinase dead as well. However, since we did not test this directly, we softened our language in the manuscript, explaining that we "infer" that it is kinase dead rather than stating definitively that it is. With regard to the zyg-8(b235)ts mutant having a stronger phenotype, we think that it is possible that this mutation destabilizes a larger portion of the protein (rather than just affecting the catalytic activity), since the phenotypes in this mutant are similar to depletion of the protein in the ZYG-8 AID strain. Therefore, we think that our D604N mutant reveals new information about the role of kinase activity, since it is a more specific mutation that should likely only affect catalytic activity and not the rest of the protein (based on the previous work on DCLK1).

      While we appreciate the suggestion from the reviewer to generate mutant versions of potential target proteins, we ask that this be considered beyond the scope of the study. Now that we know that ZYG-8 not only affects forces within the spindle (maybe BMK-1) but also microtubule dynamics, there are many potential targets - it would require a lot of work to figure out what the relevant targets are. Instead of exploring this experimentally in this manuscript, we added a new section to the discussion where we speculate on what some of these targets could be, to motivate future studies.

      *4a) The authors state that "BMK-1 provides redundant outward force to KLP18". Redundancy usually suggests that one protein can take over the function of another one when the other is not there. In these scenarios a phenotype is often only visible when both proteins are depleted as each can take over the function of the other one. Here however the situation seems slightly different, as depletion of BMK-1 has no phenotype while depletion of KLP-18 leads to monopolar spindles. If BMK-1 would normally provide outward directed forces, would this not be visible in KLP-18 depleted oocytes if they were truly redundant? I assume the authors hypothesize that ZYG-8 inhibits BMK-1 and thus it can not generate outward directed forces. In this case, do the authors envision that ZYG-8 inhibits BMK-1 prior to or in metaphase or only in anaphase or throughout meiosis? Do they speculate, that BMK-1 is inhibited in anaphase and only active in metaphase? *

      The reviewer makes an excellent point - we agree that we should not use the word "redundant" in this context, so we have removed this phrasing from the manuscript. We hypothesize that BMK-1 can provide outward forces during spindle assembly but is not capable of providing as much force as KLP-18 (the primary force-generating motor). We infer this based on our experiments where we co-deplete KLP-18 and ZYG-8 (using long-term depletion). Although BMK-1 is presumably activated under these conditions, it is not able to restore spindle bipolarity (there are outward forces generated, which results in minus ends being found at the periphery of the monopolar spindle, but spindles are not bipolar).

      Therefore, BMK-1 is not able to fully replace the function of KLP-18 during spindle assembly. Interestingly, our experiments imply that BMK-1 can better substitute for KLP-18 later on (when ZYG-8 is inhibited); when we remove ZYG-8 from formed monopolar spindles, bipolarity can be restored (an activity dependent on BMK-1). These findings suggest that ZYG-8 plays a more important role in suppressing BMK-1 activity after the spindle forms, to prevent spindle overelongation in metaphase. We have edited the manuscript to better explain these points.

      *4b) In addition, Figure S4 somewhat argues against a role for ZYG-8 in regulating BMK-1. ZYG-8 depletion supposedly leads to increased outward forces due to loss of BMK-1 inhibition, thus co-depletion of ZYG-8 with BMK-1 should rescue the increased spindle size at least to some extent, however neither increase in spindle length nor increase in additional spindle pole formation are prevented by co-depletion of BMK-1 suggesting that BMK-1 is not generating the forces leading to spindle length increase. Thus, arguing that after all ZYG-8 does not regulate BMK-1. This should be discussed further in the paper and the authors should consider changing the title. At this point the provided evidence that ZYG-8 is regulating motor activity is not strong enough to make this claim. *

      The reviewer is correct that Figure S4 shows that the effects of depleting ZYG-8 on bipolar spindles (spindle elongation and pole/midspindle defects) cannot solely be explained by a role for ZYG-8 in regulating BMK-1 - this was the point that we were trying to make when we included this data in the original manuscript. However, we previously did not know what this other role could be, and therefore we only speculated on other potential roles in the discussion. Now that we have done FRAP experiments and have found that ZYG-8 also affects microtubule dynamics in the oocyte spindle, we now have a better explanation for the data presented in Figure S4 - it makes sense that deleting BMK-1 would not rescue the effects of ZYG-8 depletion, since we have evidence that ZYG-8 also regulates microtubule dynamics. We now clearly explain this in the revised manuscript and we have changed the title to make it clear that ZYG-8 plays multiple roles in oocytes.

      *5) The authors are proposing that ZYG-8 regulates/ inhibits BMK-1, however convincing evidence for an inhibition is not provided in my opinion and the effect of ZYG-8 on BMK-1 could be indirect. To make a compelling argument for a regulation of BMK-1 the authors would have to investigate if ZYG-8 interacts and/ or phosphorylates BMK-1 (see 7) and if this affects its dynamics. In addition, given the reported role of ZYG-8 on microtubule dynamics it would be very important that the authors consider studying the effect of ZYG-8 degradation on microtubule dynamics. Tracking of EBP-2 would be good, however this is very difficult to do inside meiotic spindles due to their small size. In addition, the authors could maybe consider some FRAP experiments, which could provide insights into microtubule dynamics and motions, which could be indicative of outward directed forces/ sliding. *

      We thank the reviewer for these comments as they motivated us to explore a role for ZYG-8 in modulating microtubule dynamics. The reviewer is correct that tracking EBP-2 in the very small meiotic spindle is not possible due to technical limitations, so we took the suggestion to perform FRAP. These experiments revealed that microtubule turnover in the spindle is greatly slowed following ZYG-8 depletion, suggesting a global stabilization of microtubules (data presented in a new Figure 7). This change in dynamics could contribute to the observed spindle phenotypes, which we now explain in detail in the manuscript. Given these new findings, we also now note that the effects we see on BMK-1 activity could be indirect (i.e. maybe increasing the stability of microtubules allows motors to exert excess forces). We now clearly discuss these various possibilities in the discussion.

      Summary: Additional requested experiments:

      • Interaction/ phosphorylation of BMK-1 by ZYG-8, i.e. changes of BMK-1 phosphorylation in absence of ZYG-8, BMK-1 mutations that may prevent phosphorylation by ZYG-8.
      • Assessment of microtubule dynamics (EBP-2, FRAP, length in monopolar spindles...)
      • Kinase activity of the kinase dead ZYG-8 strain (OPTIONAL) We assessed the role of ZYG-8 in microtubule dynamics (bullet point #2). Because this new analysis revealed that ZYG-8 plays multiple roles in the spindle, we decided not to further investigate whether ZYG-8 phosphorylates BMK-1, since the manuscript now no longer argues that this is ZYG-8's major function. We also did not assess the kinase activity of the D604N mutant since this has been done previously for DCLK1, and instead we softened the language in manuscript when describing this mutant.

      Minor points:

      *1) In Figure 4C it seems that the ZYG-8 AID line as well as the zyg-8 (or848)ts already have a phenotype (increased ASPM-1 foci) in absence of auxin/ at the permissive temperature. Does this suggest that the ZYG-8 AID as well as the zyg-8 (or848) strains are after all slightly defective (even if Figure 1, S1 and S2 argue otherwise) and thus more responsive to the loss of KLP-18? *

      The reviewer is correct that the ZYG-8 AID strain (without auxin) and zyg-8(or848)ts strain (at the permissive temperature) are slightly defective in the klp-18(RNAi) monopolar spindle assay. To more rigorously determine whether these strains were also defective in other assays, we generated new graphs comparing the spindle lengths and angles of the two temperature sensitive strains at the permissive temperature to wild-type (N2) worms. These data are now shown in Figure S1 (new panels F and G). A comparison of our ZYG-8 AID strain to a control strain (both in the absence of auxin) are shown in Figure S2 (panels C and D). In this analysis, there wasn't a significant difference for either of these comparisons (i.e. the spindle lengths and angles were all equivalent). We do not know why these strains appear to be slightly defective in the monopolar spindle assay, though perhaps this assay is more sensitive and can detect very mild defects in protein function.

      *2) The authors observe that in preformed monopolar spindles degradation of ZYG-8 can sometimes restore bipolarity. This observation is very interesting but why do the authors not observe a similar phenotype in long-term ZYG-8 AID; klp-18 (RNAi) or zyg-8(or484)ts; klp-18(RNAi). In the latter conditions bipolarity does not seem to occur at all. Do the authors think this is due to differences in timing of events? *

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting this point. We do think that our data suggest that ZYG-8 plays a more important role maintaining the spindle that it does in spindle formation; we have now more clearly explained this in the manuscript (detailing the differences in phenotypes we observe when we deplete ZYG-8 prior to spindle assembly or after the spindle has already formed, lines 180-189 and 227-231). To emphasize this point further, we have also included a graph in Figure S3G that directly compares the number of poles per spindle in long-term auxin treated spindles to short-term auxin treated spindles (with and without metaphase arrest).

      *3) Based on the Cavin-Meza 2022 paper it looks like depletion of KLP-18 in a BMK-1 mutant background does not look different from klp-18 (RNAi) alone. However, looking at Video 8, it looks like spindles "shrink" in absence of KLP-18 and BMK-1. Or is this due to any effects from the ZYG-8 AID strain? This can also be seen in Video 9. *

      The reviewer highlights a fair point that was not clearly explained in our manuscript. In normal monopolar anaphase, chromosomes move in towards the center pole as the spindle gets smaller (C. elegans oocyte spindles shrink in both bipolar and monopolar anaphase); this was previously described in Muscat et.al. 2015, and, as the reviewer noted, in Cavin-Meza et.al. 2022 (in a strain with the bmk-1 mutation). We see this same monopolar anaphase behavior in the ZYG-8 AID strain (Figure 6). We have now better explained normal monopolar anaphase progression and we have cited the Muscat et.al. paper in the relevant sections of the manuscript (lines 221-223 and 714-717).

      *4) Line 311: " ZYG-8 loads onto the spindle along with BMK-1, and functions to inhibit BMK-1 from over elongating microtubules during metaphase." Maybe this sentence could be re-phrased as it currently sounds like BMK-1 elongates (polymerizes) microtubules. *

      In re-writing the manuscript and emphasizing that there are multiple for ZYG-8 (in addition to regulating forces within the spindle), we removed this sentence.

      *5) Line 313: "Intriguingly, in C. elegans oocytes and mitotically-dividing embryos, BMK-1 inhibition causes faster spindle elongation during anaphase, suggesting that BMK-1 normally functions as a brake to slow spindle elongation (Saunders et al., 2007; Laband et al., 2017). Further, ZYG-8 has been shown to be required for spindle elongation during anaphase B (McNally et al., 2016). Our findings may provide an explanation for this phenotype, since if ZYG-8 inhibits BMK-1 as we propose, then following ZYG-8 depletion, BMK-1 could be hyperactive, slowing anaphase B spindle elongation." This paragraph could be modified for better clarity. It is not clear how the findings of the authors, BMK-1 provides outward force but is normally inhibited by ZYG-8, align with the last sentence saying "following zyg-8 depletion, BMK-1 could be hyperactive slowing anaphase B spindle elongation", should it not increase elongation according to the authors observations? *

      In re-writing the manuscript to incorporate our new data showing that ZYG-8 plays a role in modulating microtubule dynamics, we also re-wrote this discussion so that there would be less emphasis on the potential connection between ZYG-8 and BMK-1. In making these edits to expand the focus of the manuscript, we removed this section of the discussion.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): *In this manuscript Czajkowski et al explore the role of the doublecortin-family kinase ZYG-8 during meiosis in C. elegans Oocytes. The authors conclude that BMK-1 generates outward directed force, redundant to forces generated by KLP-18, and that ZYG-8 inhibits BMK-1. The authors conclude that ZYG-8's kinase activity is required for the function of ZYG-8 in meiosis and mitosis. This research is interesting and provides some novel insight into the role of ZYG-8. In particular the observed spindle elongation and subsequent spindle fragmentation are novel and had not yet been reported. Also, the observation that degradation of ZYG-8 in monopolar klp-18(RNAi) spindles can restore bipolarity is novel and interesting, as well as the observation that this is somewhat dependent on the presence of BMK-1. This will be of interest to a broad audience and provides some new insight into the role of importance of ZYG-8 and BMK-1. The limitation of the study is the interpretation of the results and the lack of solid evidence that the observed phenotypes are due to ZYG-8 regulation motor activity, as the title claims. To support this some more experiments would be required. In addition, ZYG-8 has been reported to affect microtubule dynamics, which can certainly affect the action of motors on microtubules. This line of research is not explored in the paper but would certainly add to its value.

      Field of expertise: Research in cell division *

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments on the impact and novelty of our findings. We hope that the additional experiments we performed and the revisions we made to the text thoroughly address the reviewer's concerns and that they deem the revised manuscript ready for publication.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): *In this manuscript, the authors explore the requirement for doublecortin kinase Zyg8 in C elegans oocytes. Oocytes build meiotic spindles in the absence of centrosomes, and therefore unique regulation occurs during this process. Therefore, how spindles are built and its later stability are an area of active investigation in the field. Using mutant alleles of Zyg8 and auxin-induced degron alleles, the authors demonstrate that this kinase is required to negatively regulate outward pole forces through BMK1 kinesin and that it has other functions to still explore. Overall, I find that this study takes an elegant genetic approach to tackling this important question in oocyte biology. I have some comments to consider for making the MS clear to a reader. *

      We thank the reviewer for these positive comments on our approach and the importance of our research question. We have attempted to address all of the reviewer's suggestions and we think that they increase the clarity of the manuscript.

      Major Comments:

      *1.) Although I like the graphs describing the altered angles of the spindles, it falls short in fully assessing the phenotype in a meaningful statistical way. Could the authors also graph the data to show statistical significance in the angles between conditions? Perhaps by grouping them into angle ranges and performing an Anova test? This is important in Figure 2E where it is not obvious that there is a difference. *

      The reviewer makes a good point - we have now addressed this concern by performing ANOVA tests to compare conditions on each of the angle graphs. Results of these tests have been reported in the corresponding figure legends. This analysis has confirmed all of the statements we made in the original manuscript. In Figure 1D and S1D, spindle angles were significantly different in the zyg-8 temperature sensitive mutants at the restrictive temperature, and in Figure 2, the angles were significantly different between the "minus auxin" and "plus auxin" conditions. This differs from Figure 7, where there was no significant difference in spindle angle between control spindles and kinase dead mutant spindles (p-value >0.1).

      *2.) The authors do not discuss the significance of the altered spindle angles which I think is an interesting phenotype. Would this be a problem upon Anaphase onset? What is known about spindle angle and aneuploidy or cell viability? Has this phenotype been described before in oocytes or somatic cells? Does depletion of other kinesin motors cause this? *

      The reviewer brings up a good point that warrants more discussion in the manuscript. We agree that the angled spindles are an interesting phenotype; we believe that they could be a result of the spindle elongating to a point where the spindle center becomes weakened, suggesting that the severity of the angle is representative of the severity of spindle elongation. Alternatively, the angled spindles could be a result of the loss of spindle stability factors, such as the doublecortin domain of ZYG-8. This domain is known to have microtubule binding activity; this could be required to maintain stable crosslinked microtubules in the spindle center, such that when ZYG-8 is depleted, the spindle more easily comes apart as the spindle elongates. We now discuss these possibilities in the revised manuscript.

      To the reviewer's second point, we did not examine anaphase outcomes in our manuscript. However, this was recently explored by another lab (in a study that was published after we submitted our manuscript). This study showed that spindles lacking ZYG-8 were able to initiate anaphase and segregate chromosomes (McNally et.al., 2023, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1011090). Perhaps when the spindle shrinks at anaphase onset, the spindle is able to reorganize and largely correct the angle defect, enabling bi-directional chromosome segregation. Interestingly, however, McNally et.al. did report conditions under which spindle bending in anaphase resulted in polar body extrusion errors. The authors reported that BMK-1, which is known to act as a brake to prevent spindle oveelongation in anaphase, is required to prevent bent spindles during anaphase by resisting the forces of cortical myosin on the spindle. Thus, there is precedence for the idea that spindle needs to remain straight throughout anaphase, to ensure proper chromosome segregation.

      *3.) How is embryo spindle positioning determined? It is not clear from the images that there is a defect so I'm not sure what to look for. Is there a way to quantify this? *

      In the original manuscript, spindle positioning within the embryo was determined qualitatively by eye, which we agree was not a precise measure. To address the reviewer's comment, we re-analyzed our images and assessed the position of the spindle within each embryo quantitatively - these data are now shown in Figure 8H and Figure S2B. Spindle position was quantified by analyzing images using Imaris software. The center of the spindle was set by creating a Surface of the DNA signal, and finding the center of that signal. The cell center was determined by measuring the length of the embryo along the long axis and the width of the embryo along the short axis, and setting the center as the halfway point of the total length and width of the embryo. Distance from spindle center to cell center was then measured and graphed. This quantification confirmed the claims we made in our original manuscript - both auxin-treated ZYG-8 AID spindles and ZYG-8 kinase-dead mitotic spindles were significantly mispositioned. The details of how we performed this quantification have been added to the materials and methods.

      *4.) In Figure 1, it appears that there are 2 spindles. Are these MI and MII spindles or ectopic spindles? How do the authors know which one to measure? *

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. Reviewer 1 had a similar comment, and we now understand that using that image was misleading, as it looked like as if were two separate MII spindles formed following a failed polar body extrusion event. We have gone through all of our images to stage the oocytes by looking at their chromosome morphology (i.e., to distinguish MI and MII) - the image in question had 6 bivalents and was therefore in Meiosis I; we think that this was a single spindle where the chromosomes happened to cluster into two masses. However, to prevent further confusion, we have replaced this image with a different representative image. In spindles like this with multiple poles, we measure the dominant axis of the spindle (if there are multiple poles, we pick the most prominent ones for the angle measurement). For additional details please see our response to Reviewer 1 major point #2b.

      *5.) The authors show depletion of Zyg8 by western (long) and loss of Gfp (long and short), but don't do so for the acute treatment. I'm guessing this is because the Gfp tag is taken by the spindle marker. The authors should either demonstrate or explain how they know that the acute depletion is effective in removing Zyg8 protein. *

      The reviewer makes a valid point. However, we are unable to see ZYG-8 depletion via acute auxin treatment using live imaging, as ZYG-8 localization is too dim and diffuse to see on the spindle using our typical live imaging parameters (we attempted to do this in a version of the ZYG-8 AID strain that has mCherry::tubulin and GFP::ZYG-8, so that there was no other spindle protein tagged with GFP). To see any GFP::ZYG-8 signal, we had to increase the laser power and exposure time well above what we typically use for live imaging - in doing this, we noticed that there was a limit to how high we could go before the cell began dying during the imaging time course, evident by a lack of chromosome movement, lack of tubulin turnover, and a general increase in tubulin signal throughout the cytoplasm. We do believe that ZYG-8 is being depleted using acute auxin treatment, however, as we see spindle defects very quickly upon dissection of the oocytes into auxin - we just unfortunately don't have a good way of quantifying this given these technical limitations. We have now added information to the materials and methods noting that we cannot see GFP::ZYG-8 under our live imaging conditions (lines 552-561), so that the reader better understands this caveat.

      *6.) In video 2, the chromosome signal is dimmer in the auxin treatment compared to video 1. Why is this? Is it just an experimental artifact or is there something significant about this? If it is because of video choice, consider replacing this one. *

      We thank the reviewer for their keen observations. The chromosome signal being dimmer in the auxin treatment is an experimental artifact - the brightness of the signal can vary depending on how far the spindle is from the slide (this can vary from video to video, and can also change over the time course of one video if the spindle moves during filming). Because of this, movies taken at the same intensity and exposure conditions may appear to have varying levels of brightness. So that readers of the manuscript can better see the chromosomes in this video, we have brightened the chromosome channel in this movie and noted this in the materials and methods (lines 549-551).

      7.) Please consider color palette changes for color-blind readership.

      We agree that it is important to present data in a way that can be appreciated by color-blind readers. Although we would prefer not to have to alter every image in our paper at this point, we have provided all important individual channels in grey scale. We are also planning to adopt a change in color palette for future papers.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      *The strengths of this manuscript include use of multiple genetic approaches to establish temporal requirements of ZYG8 and which pathway it is acting through. Additionally, the videos and images make the phenotypes clear to evaluate. A minor limitation is that we don't know if the ZYG8 and BMK1 genetic interaction is a direct phosphorylation or not. This MS is an advancement to the field of spindle building and stability, and is particularly relevant to human oocyte quality and fertility. Previous work has shown that human oocyte spindles are highly unstable, but it is challenging to dissect genetic interactions and to conduct mechanistic studies in human oocytes. Therefore, the work here, although conducted in a nematode, can shed light on mechanism as to why human oocyte spindles are unstable and associated with high aneuploidy rates. Based on my expertise in mammalian oocyte biology, I am confident that work presented here will be of high interest to people in the field of meiotic spindle building, aneuploidy and fertility. It also will have broader interest to folks in the areas of kinesin biology, general microtubule and spindle biology. *

      We thank the reviewer for these positive comments on the strength of our data and the significance of our findings reported in our original manuscript. We think that the improvements that we have made in response to suggestions from all three reviewers has further increased this impact.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      *Summary: The focus of this paper is the function of a relatively understudied (at least in meiosis) kinase in acentrosomal spindle assembly (Zyg-8, or DCLK1 in mammals) in C. elegans oocytes. The authors use existing ts alleles and a newly generated GFP-Auxin fusion protein, and find that the ts alleles and auxin degron have similar phenotypes. They also examine the interaction with two related kinesins, KLP-18 and BMK-1 in order to investigate the mechanism behind the zyg-8 mutant phenotype. One can probably debate the significance and focus of their conclusions (force balance on the spindle). However, this is an important study because its the first on the meiotic function of a ZYG-8 kinase, and it may open the way to further studies of this kinase and how it regulates multiple kinesins and meiotic spindle assembly. *

      We thank the reviewer for these positive comments and for pointing out the potential future impacts of our work. In revising the manuscript, we have broadened the focus of the manuscript - we no longer solely focus on force balance within the spindle. Thus, our revisions have substantially increased the significance and impact of our work, since the manuscript is no longer narrowly focused.

      Major points:

      *1.) The main concern is the focus that the main defect in zyg-8 depleted oocytes is on outward forces (eg line 134, 277, but many other places in Results and Discussion). The arguments in favor (eg line 269-271) are reasonable. However, these data are not conclusive, and do not rule out regulation of other motor activities, such as bundling, depolymerization or chromosome movement. These are complex phenotypes, and a kinase could have multiple targets and there are often multiple interpretations. This is briefly alluded to in line 372-373 but the authors could do more. Spindle length changes could be caused by different rates of depolymerization or polymerization at the poles or chromosomes. Its not clear how poleward force regulation explains the multiple pole phenotype, although a lack of central spindle integrity could do that. In most of the Results and Discussion, it is not clearly stated on what structures these outward forces are acting. Are these forces effecting kinetochore associated microtubules, or antiparallel overlap microtubules? What do the authors mean by proper force balance? Figure 8 suggests the defect is associated with the amount of overlap and force among antiparallel microtubules - that the forces effected are from the sliding of these microtubules. *

      We agree that our original manuscript was too narrowly focused on the idea of force balance and that we did not discuss other potential roles for ZYG-8 in enough detail (except for briefly in our discussion). In response to both this comment and to a suggestion by Reviewer #1, we decided to investigate a potential role for ZYG-8 in modulating microtubule dynamics (which could be another explanation for some of the phenotypes we observed). We performed FRAP to measure the rate of tubulin turnover within the spindle near the center and at the poles. Interestingly, these experiments revealed that loss of ZYG-8 slows the rate of tubulin turnover, suggesting a general stabilization of microtubules. Thus, we have re-written our manuscript to clearly explain that ZYG-8 plays multiple roles in oocyte spindles - with these changes throughout the manuscript (in the introduction, results, and discussion), the paper is now no longer focused primarily on forces. We hypothesize in the discussion that the phenotypes we observe could be a combination of the effects on microtubule dynamics and spindle forces; if microtubules become more stable and motors produce excess outward forces, this may cause stress on the spindle structure that could cause the midspindle to bend and the poles to split (lines 379-382). We also now more clearly explain that the effect ZYG-8 has on spindle forces could be either direct or indirect (e.g., ZYG-8 could directly regulate motors or, by affecting the microtubule tracks themselves, it could affect their ability to exert forces). As for which population of microtubules are affected, we hypothesize that the excess forces act primarily on overlapping antiparallel microtubules (these microtubules run laterally alongside chromosomes in this system), as is represented in the model figure (Figure 9); we attempted to more clearly explain this in the re-written manuscript.

      *2.) Based on differences between the long term and short term knockdown phenotypes, the authors suggest ZYG-8 is more important for spindle maintenance. For example, in line 299 the authors note that there is a more severe phenotypes with zyg-8 removed from pre-formed spindles. The authors could improve the presentation of this to allow the reader to appreciate this observation. The data is spread between Figures 2 and 3 without a direct comparison of the data. One solution would be to graph the data (eg # of poles) together in one graph and indicate if there is statistical significance. In the Discussion, the authors could refer to specific figure panels. *

      The reviewer is correct that our data suggests that ZYG-8 is more important for spindle maintenance than it is for assembly. As suggested, we made a graph that includes all the pole data from Figures 2 and 3 (long-term auxin, short-term auxin, and metaphase-arrested short-term auxin) - this is now shown in Figure S3D. This makes it easier for the reader to compare these data and appreciate this point. In addition, we added text to the results section, to more clearly explain our rationale for thinking that ZYG-8 plays a more prominent role in spindle maintenance than in assembly (lines 180-189 and 227-231).

      *3.) What is the practical difference between acute and short term depletion. Does acute show weaker phenotypes because there is more residual protein? Unfortunately, the effectiveness of Auxin treatment does not appear to be measured for acute or short term. If the acute depletion adds little to Figure 3, or is not much different than long term, then its not clear what it adds to the paper. Later, in Figure 6, why is only short term and acute analyzed. In general, the authors need to provide better rationale for the different auxin conditions, particularly acute and short term (eg. line 135). If they don't add anything, they should consider not presenting them because readers may get confused by the different conditions, why they were done, and what is learned from each one. *

      The reviewer brings up a fair point that we agree requires clarification. Descriptions of the different types of auxin experiments is provided in Figure 1A. Long-term AID depletes proteins overnight, so the protein of interest is already missing from the oocyte when the spindle begins to form - this allows us to assess whether the protein is required for spindle assembly. However, to determine if a protein is required to stabilize pre-formed spindles, we need to remove the protein quickly after the spindle forms (using either acute or short-term AID). Acute AID is performed by dissecting oocytes directly into auxin-containing media; this allows us to watch what happens to the spindle live, as the protein is being depleted. However, one limitation is that we can only film for a short time before the oocytes begin to die (oocytes become unhappy with extended light exposure, so we cut off the videos after 15 minutes or so, to ensure that we are not filming past the point where they begin to arrest or die). Therefore, to assess what happens to spindles beyond this point, we perform short-term auxin treatment, where whole worms are soaked in auxin containing solution for 30-45 minutes and then the oocytes are dissected for immunofluorescence; this technique allows us to look at what happens to the spindle after more extended protein depletion (since we are not limited to the 10-15 minute window of filming). We have now clarified this in the manuscript by adding these details to the materials and methods. Unfortunately, it is not technically possible to quantify the extent of protein depletion in acute AID via western blotting since we would not be able to easily collect enough dissected oocytes to make a protein sample. (It is also technically challenging to quantify this via imaging; see our response to Reviewer #2, point #5). However, we assume that we are depleting ZYG-8 since we see dramatic spindle defects immediately upon dissection into auxin.

      Minor points:

      *3.) I am a little confused about imaging for GFP::tubulin in auxin experiments. Doesn't the ZYG-8 protein also have GFP? Should this be visible in controls? Is it measurable in the experiments? *

      The reviewer is correct that the ZYG-8 protein is also tagged with GFP in the GFP::tubulin; mCherry::histone live imaging experiments. However, we found that the GFP::ZYG-8 signal is undetectable using the live imaging conditions we are using. We determined this by analyzing a version of the ZYG-8 AID strain in which tubulin was tagged with mCherry (and thus the only GFP-tagged protein was ZYG-8). Using the same live imaging parameters we use for our movies of GFP::tubulin (same exposure time, laser power, etc), we did not detect any GFP::ZYG-8. We have now added this information to the materials and methods (lines 552-561) to clarify these points for the reader, to prevent further confusion.

      *4.) It is nice that the authors validated the results in an emb-30 background with unarrested oocytes. The authors note that the wild-type oocytes undergo anaphase (line 150). The images seem to suggest the auxin treated oocytes do not. Can the authors comment on anaphase in the depletion experiments. Even better, would be to comment on the accuracy of chromosome alignment and segregation. If zyg-8 mutant oocytes complete meiosis, is there any aneuploidy? These are important questions because otherwise the defects in zyg-8 mutants have less significance. *

      We thank the reviewer for their comment. Previous work on ZYG-8 in C. elegans examined a role for ZYG-8 in anaphase and showed that this protein is required for anaphase B spindle elongation (McNally et.al. 2016); because this was known when we launched our study, we purposely did not extensively study ZYG-8 in anaphase and instead focused on understanding how ZYG-8 contributes to spindle formation and stability. Our fixed imaging long-term AID experiments revealed that spindles were able to go through anaphase and segregate chromosomes bidirectionally despite the metaphase spindle phenotypes, consistent with this previous work (McNally et.al. 2016) and with another recent paper from the same lab (McNally et.al. 2023). However, we did not examine whether there were chromosome segregation errors. Given that anaphase is not the focus of our paper, we ask that this be deemed beyond the scope of our study.

      5.) Later, in line 184, the authors indicate that zyg-8 bipolar spindles "segregate chromosomes". Which images show anaphase I? As noted above, a limitation of these studies is not knowing the outcome of meiosis in these Zyg-8 depletions.

      We agree that in the original manuscript it was difficult to see that chromosomes were segregating bidirectionally in our movies and in the still timepoint images presented in Figure 5. Therefore, we brightened the chromosome channel in the relevant videos to make it easier to see the segregating chromosomes. Video 6 shows an oocyte in Meiosis II, as the first polar body can be seen near the spindle in this movie. At 2 minutes, the monopolar spindle becomes bipolar and begins to shrink as it goes into anaphase. Chromosomes begin to move apart and then the spindle elongates. At 11 minutes, you can see that the chromosomes have segregated bidirectionally. Thus, when monopolar spindles reorganize into bipolar spindles under these conditions, they can drive bidirectional chromosome segregation. We did not assess the fidelity of chromosome segregation under these conditions (i.e., whether chromosomes segregated accurately), as the question we were trying to answer in this experiment was whether outward forces sufficient to re-establish bipolarity could be activated upon ZYG-8 depletion (as explained above in response to point #4, we focused our study on trying to understand the effects of ZYG-8 depletion on the spindle, rather than on anaphase). We agree that analyzing anaphase outcomes would be interesting, but we ask that it be considered beyond the scope of this study.

      *6.) Line 206 suggests that ZYG-8 inhibits BMK-1. Is a simple explanation that BMK-1 is required for the bipolar spindles observed in the klp-18 zyg-8 AID oocytes? *

      Yes, the reviewer is correct that BMK-1 is required for the generation of bipolar spindles in the klp-18(RNAi) ZYG-8 AID conditions. In the original manuscript we extrapolated this result to propose that ZYG-8 regulates BMK-1. However, this comment, as well as feedback from the other reviewers and our new experiments (showing that ZYG-8 also modulates microtubule dynamics) has made us re-think the way we discuss this result, as we now agree that it does not prove this regulation (it is only suggestive). Therefore, in the revised manuscript, we no longer definitely claim that ZYG-8 regulates BMK-1 - we have switched to softer language (stating that ZYG-8 "may regulate" BMK-1, etc.). In the results section we now describe our conclusions as follows: "These data demonstrate that BMK-1 produces the outward forces that are activated upon ZYG-8 and KLP-18 co-depletion and raise the possibility that ZYG-8 regulates BMK-1 either directly or indirectly" (lines 250-252).

      *7.) Given that many mitotic and meiotic kinases are localized to specific regions or domains of the spindle, there is only limited discussion of the ZYG-8 localization pattern. Does the ZYG-8 localization pattern provide any insights into its mechanism of promoting spindle assembly? *

      The reviewer makes a good point - while we did report ZYG-8 localization, the discussion on the importance of its localization pattern was limited. To address this, we now remind readers in the discussion that ZYG-8 and BMK-1 co-localize throughout meiosis, consistent with the possibility that ZYG-8 could regulate BMK-1. Notably, this localization pattern is also consistent with the observation that ZYG-8 modulates microtubule dynamics across the spindle; this is now also noted in the discussion (lines 358-361).

      *8.) Line 96-97 - how much is the ZYG-8 depletion? *

      To address this question, we have quantified the amount of ZYG-8 protein in our ZYG-8 AID strain in control, long-term, and short-term auxin treated conditions. The western blot was quantified by comparing the raw intensity of the bands and subtracting the background signal. Short-term auxin depletion resulted in an ~63% reduction in ZYG-8 GFP signal, and long-term depletion resulted in an ~93% reduction in ZYG-8 GFP signal. This has now been reported in the manuscript on lines 785-786.

      *9.) Line 140: the authors say spindle length could not be measured, but perhaps it makes more sense to measure half spindle (chromosome to spindle pole). The images do give the impression that the chromosome to pole distance is shorter. *

      While we liked this idea and tried to perform these measurements, it turned out to be difficult in practice, since the spindle length measurements are obtained by finding the distance from pole (center of the ASPM-1 staining) to center of the chromosome signal. If you look carefully at our images you will notice that the chromosomes lose alignment following short-term AID; therefore, the chromosomes do not form one mass, which made it very difficult to determine an accurate "center" of the DNA signal. Additionally, in most cases the poles are disrupted such that ASPM-1 is found in many separate masses and/or is diffusely localized around the periphery of the spindle. Because of this, we unfortunately felt that these measurements would not be very accurate and would be hard to interpret.

      *10.) Don't see the point of lines 323-330. Could be deleted? *

      In revising our manuscript, we have rephrased these lines in an attempt to provide more context. Because DCLK1 has been shown to be upregulated in a wide variety of cancers, there are ongoing efforts to find chemical inhibitors that specifically block the kinase activity of this protein to be used as cancer therapeutics. However, no one has previously shown that the kinase activity of DCLK1 is important for its in vivo function (in any organism). Therefore, we were trying to make the point that, since we demonstrated that kinase activity is important for the functions of a DCLK1 family member in vivo, this suggests that these kinase inhibitors may in fact be beneficial in knocking down DCLK1 activity.

      11.) Figure 1: Because ts alleles could have a defective phenotype at "permissive" temperature, a wild-type control should be included. This data does appear in a later figure.

      The reviewer is correct that this data does appear in a later figure, but we agree this direct comparison would provide clarity to the reader. To address this comment, we compared the spindle lengths and angles of the two temperature-sensitive (TS) strains (at both the permissive and restrictive temperatures) to wild-type (N2) worms - these data have been added to Figure S1 (new panels F and G). The spindle lengths of both TS strains at the permissive temperature did not significantly differ from wild-type spindle lengths (p>0.1), while both TS strains at the restrictive temperature were significantly different than wild-type (p0.1), but there was a significant difference between wild-type spindles and the TS mutants at the restrictive temperature (doublecortin domain mutant (p Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): The strengths of this paper are the novelty of studying Zyg-8. It also addresses important questions regarding acentrosmal spindle assembly in oocytes. The weakness is mostly in the limited interpretation of results and not enough consideration of alternative interpretations. Related to this, the authors only test the force balance hypothesis with the knockout of two related kinesins. They don't experimentally investigate other mechanisms for the zyg-8 phenotype. This research should be of broad interest to anyone interested in oocyte spindle assembly, and also in a more specialized way to those who study kinases or Zyg-8 homologs in other cell types or organisms.

      We thank the reviewer for these positive comments on the strengths and novelty of our manuscript. We also appreciate the constructive suggestions of all three reviewers, which motivated us to perform new experiments that revealed additional functions for ZYG-8 - these revisions have greatly improved the manuscript and have broadened its impact.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The focus of this paper is the function of a relatively understudied (at least in meiosis) kinase in acentrosomal spindle assembly (Zyg-8, or DCLK1 in mammals) in C. elegans oocytes. The authors use existing ts alleles and a newly generated GFP-Auxin fusion protein, and find that the ts alleles and auxin degron have similar phenotypes. They also examine the interaction with two related kinesins, KLP-18 and BMK-1 in order to investigate the mechanism behind the zyg-8 mutant phenotype. One can probably debate the significance and focus of their conclusions (force balance on the spindle). However, this is an important study because its the first on the meiotic function of a ZYG-8 kinase, and it may open the way to further studies of this kinase and how it regulates multiple kinesins and meiotic spindle assembly.


      1) The main concern is the focus that the main defect in zyg-8 depleted oocytes is on outward forces (eg line 134, 277, but many other places in Results and Discussion). The arguments in favor (eg line 269-271) are reasonable. However, these data are not conclusive, and do not rule out regulation of other motor activities, such as bundling, depolymerization or chromosome movement. These are complex phenotypes, and a kinase could have multiple targets and there are often multiple interpretations. This is briefly alluded to in line 372-373 but the authors could do more. Spindle length changes could be caused by different rates of depolymerization or polymerization at the poles or chromosomes. Its not clear how poleward force regulation explains the multiple pole phenotype, although a lack of central spindle integrity could do that. In most of the Results and Discussion, it is not clearly stated on what structures these outward forces are acting. Are these forces effecting kinetochore associated microtubules, or antiparallel overlap microtubules? What do the authors mean by proper force balance? Figure 8 suggests the defect is associated with the amount of overlap and force among antiparallel microtubules - that the forces effected are from the sliding of these microtubules.

      2) Based on differences between the long term and short term knockdown phenotypes, the authors suggest ZYG-8 is more important for spindle maintenance. For example, in line 299 the authors note that there is a more severe phenotypes with zyg-8 removed from pre-formed spindles. The authors could improve the presentation of this to allow the reader to appreciate this observation. The data is spread between Figures 2 and 3 without a direct comparison of the data. One solution would be to graph the data (eg # of poles) together in one graph and indicate if there is statistical significance. In the Discussion, the authors could refer to specific figure panels.

      3) What is the practical difference between acute and short term depletion. Does acute show weaker phenotypes because there is more residual protein? Unfortunately, the effectiveness of Auxin treatment does not appear to be measured for acute or short term. If the acute depletion adds little to Figure 3, or is not much different than long term, then its not clear what it adds to the paper. Later, in Figure 6, why is only short term and acute analyzed. In general, the authors need to provide better rationale for the different auxin conditions, particularly acute and short term (eg. line 135). If they don't add anything, they should consider not presenting them because readers may get confused by the different conditions, why they were done, and what is learned from each one.


      1) I am a little confused about imaging for GFP::tubulin in auxin experiments. Doesn't the ZYG-8 protein also have GFP? Should this be visible in controls? Is it measurable in the experiments?

      2) It is nice that the authors validated the results in an emb-30 background with unarrested oocytes. The authors note that the wild-type oocytes undergo anaphase (line 150). The images seem to suggest the auxin treated oocytes do not. Can the authors comment on anaphase in the depletion experiments. Even better, would be to comment on the accuracy of chromosome alignment and segregation. If zyg-8 mutant oocytes complete meiosis, is there any aneuploidy? These are important questions because otherwise the defects in zyg-8 mutants have less significance.

      3) Later, in line 184, the authors indicate that zyg-8 bipolar spindles "segregate chromosomes". Which images show anaphase I? As noted above, a limitation of these studies is not knowing the outcome of meiosis in these Zyg-8 depletions.

      4) Line 206 suggests that ZYG-8 inhibits BMK-1. Is a simple explanation that BMK-1 is required for the bipolar spindles observed in the klp-18 zyg-8 AID oocytes?

      5) Given that many mitotic and meiotic kinases are localized to specific regions or domains of the spindle, there is only limited discussion of the ZYG-8 localization pattern. Does the ZYG-8 localization pattern provide any insights into its mechanism of promoting spindle assembly?

      6) Line 96-97 - how much is the ZYG-8 depletion?

      7) Line 140: the authors say spindle length could not be measured, but perhaps it makes more sense to measure half spindle (chromosome to spindle pole). The images do give the impression that the chromosome to pole distance is shorter.

      8) Don't see the point of lines 323-330. Could be deleted?

      9) Figure 1: Because ts alleles could have a defective phenotype at "permissive" temperature, a wild-type control should be included. This data does appear in a later figure.


      The strengths of this paper are the novelty of studying Zyg-8. It also addresses important questions regarding acentrosmal spindle assembly in oocytes. The weakness is mostly in the limited interpretation of results and not enough consideration of alternative interpretations. Related to this, the authors only test the force balance hypothesis with the knockout of two related kinesins. They don't experimentally investigate other mechanisms for the zyg-8 phenotype. This research should be of broad interest to anyone interested in oocyte spindle assembly, and also in a more specialized way to those who study kinases or Zyg-8 homologs in other cell types or organisms.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors explore the requirement for doublecortin kinase Zyg8 in C elegans oocytes. Oocytes build meiotic spindles in the absence of centrosomes, and therefore unique regulation occurs during this process. Therefore, how spindles are built and its later stability are an area of active investigation in the field. Using mutant alleles of Zyg8 and auxin-induced degron alleles, the authors demonstrate that this kinase is required to negatively regulate outward pole forces through BMK1 kinesin and that it has other functions to still explore. Overall, I find that this study takes an elegant genetic approach to tackling this important question in oocyte biology. I have some comments to consider for making the MS clear to a reader.

      Major Comments:

      1. Although I like the graphs describing the altered angles of the spindles, it falls short in fully assessing the phenotype in a meaningful statistical way. Could the authors also graph the data to show statistical significance in the angles between conditions? Perhaps by grouping them into angle ranges and performing an Anova test? This is important in Figure 2E where it is not obvious that there is a difference.

      2. The authors do not discuss the significance of the altered spindle angles which I think is an interesting phenotype. Would this be a problem upon Anaphase onset? What is known about spindle angle and aneuploidy or cell viability? Has this phenotype been described before in oocytes or somatic cells? Does depletion of other kinesin motors cause this?

      3. How is embryo spindle positioning determined? It is not clear from the images that there is a defect so I'm not sure what to look for. Is there a way to quantify this?

      4. In Figure 1, it appears that there are 2 spindles. Are these MI and MII spindles or ectopic spindles? How do the authors know which one to measure?

      5. The authors show depletion of Zyg8 by western (long) and loss of Gfp (long and short), but don't do so for the acute treatment. I'm guessing this is because the Gfp tag is taken by the spindle marker. The authors should either demonstrate or explain how they know that the acute depletion is effective in removing Zyg8 protein.

      6. In video 2, the chromosome signal is dimmer in the auxin treatment compared to video 1. Why is this? Is it just an experimental artifact or is there something significant about this? If it is because of video choice, consider replacing this one.

      7. Please consider color palette changes for color-blind readership.


      The strengths of this manuscript include use of multiple genetic approaches to establish temporal requirements of ZYG8 and which pathway it is acting through. Additionally, the videos and images make the phenotypes clear to evaluate. A minor limitation is that we don't know if the ZYG8 and BMK1 genetic interaction is a direct phosphorylation or not.

      This MS is an advancement to the field of spindle building and stability, and is particularly relevant to human oocyte quality and fertility. Previous work has shown that human oocyte spindles are highly unstable, but it is challenging to dissect genetic interactions and to conduct mechanistic studies in human oocytes. Therefore, the work here, although conducted in a nematode, can shed light on mechanism as to why human oocyte spindles are unstable and associated with high aneuploidy rates.

      Based on my expertise in mammalian oocyte biology, I am confident that work presented here will be of high interest to people in the field of meiotic spindle building, aneuploidy and fertility. It also will have broader interest to folks in the areas of kinesin biology, general microtubule and spindle biology.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript Czajkowski et al explore the role of the doublecortin-family kinase ZYG-8 during meiosis in C. elegans Oocytes. First by studying available temperature-sensitive mutants and then by generating their own strain expressing ZYG-8 amenable to auxin-inducible degradation, they establish that defects in ZYG-8 lead to defects in spindle assembly, such as the formation of multipolar spindles, and spindle maintenance, in which spindles elongate, fall apart, and deform in meiosis. Based on these observations the authors conclude that ZYG-8 depletion leads to excessive outward force. As the lab had previously found that the motor protein KLP-18 generates outside directed forces in meiosis, Czajkowski et al initially speculate that ZYG-8 might regulate KLP-18. KLP-18 depletion generally leads to the formation of monopolar spindles in meiosis. Intriguingly, when the authors co-deplete ZYG-8 they find that in some cases bipolarity was reestablished. This led to the hypothesis that yet another kinesin, BMK-1, the homolog of the mammalian EG-5, could provide redundant outward directed forces to KLP-18. The authors then study the effect of ZYG-8 and KLP-18 co-depletion in a BMK-1 mutant background strain and observe that bipolarity is no longer reestablished under these conditions, suggesting that BMK-1 generates additional outward directed forces. The authors also conclude that ZYG-8 inhibits BMK-1. To follow up on this Czajkowski et al generate a ZYG-8 line that carries a mutation in the kinase domain, which should inhibit its kinase activity. This line shows similar effects in terms of spindle elongation but reduced impact on spindle integrity, reflected in minor effects on the number of spindle poles and spindle angle. The authors conclude that ZYG-8's kinase activity is required for the function of ZYG-8 in meiosis and mitosis.

      • Overall, the paper is well written, and the data is presented very clearly and reproducible. The experiments are adequately replicated, and statistical analysis are adequate. The observations are very interesting. However, the authors could provide some additional insight into the function of ZYG-8. This paper is strongly focused on motor generated forces within the spindle and tries to place ZYG-8 within this context, but there is compelling evidence from other studies that ZYG-8 also affects microtubule dynamics, which would have implications for spindle assembly and structure. The paper would strongly benefit from the authors exploring this role of ZYG-8 in the context of meiosis further. If the authors feel that this would extend beyond the scope of this paper, I would suggest that the authors rephrase some of their introduction and discussion to reflect the possibility that changes in microtubule growth and nucleation rates could explain some of the phenotypes (think of katanin) and effects and that therefore it can not necessarily be concluded that BMK-1 is inhibited by ZYG-8.

      Major comments:

      1) Zyg-8, as well as the mammalian homolog DCLK-1, has been reported to play an important role for microtubule dynamics. While the introduction mentions its previously shown role in meiosis and mitosis, it is totally lacking any background on the effect on microtubule dynamics. The authors mention these findings in the discussion, but it would be helpful to incorporate this in the introduction as well. As an example, Goenczy et al 2001 demonstrated that ZYG-8 is involved in spindle positioning but also showed its ability to bind microtubules and promote microtubule assembly. Interestingly, like the authors here, Goenczy et al concluded that while the kinase domain contributes to, it is not essential ZYG-8's function. Also, Srayko et al 2005 (PMID 16054029) demonstrated that ZYG-8 depletion led to reduced microtubule growth rates and increased nucleation rates in C. elegans mitotic embryos. And in mammalian cells DCLK-1 was shown to increase microtubule nucleation rate and decrease catastrophe rate, leading to a net stabilization of microtubules (Moores et al 2006, PMID: 16957770).

      It would be great if the authors could add to the introduction that ZYG-8 has been suggested to affect microtubule dynamics.

      2) The authors initially study two different ts alleles, or484ts and b235ts. The experiments clearly show a significant increase in spindle length in both strains. However, the or484 strain had been previously studied (McNally et al 2016, PMID: 27335123), and only minor effects on spindle length were reported (8.5µm in wt metaphase and 10µm in zyg-8 (or484)). How do the authors explain these differences in ZYG-8 phenotype. Even though the ZYG-8 phenotype is consistent throughout this paper it would be good to explain why the authors observe spindle elongation, fragmentation and spindle bending in contrast to previous observations.

      As a general note, it would be helpful if the authors could indicate if the spindles are in meiosis I or II. The only time where this is specifically mentioned is in Video 7, showing a Meiosis II spindle, which makes me assume all other data is in Meiosis I. Adding this to the figures would also help to distinguish if some of the images, i.e. Figure 1B, show multipolar spindles due to failed polar body extrusion. If this is the case then the quantification of number of poles should maybe reflect different possibilities, such as fragmented poles vs. multiple poles because two spindles form around dispersed chromatin masses.

      3) The authors generate a line that carries a mutation leading to a kinase dead version of ZYG-8. It would be great if the authors could further test if this version is truly kinase dead. What is interesting is that the kinase dead version the authors create has less effect on the numbers of pole than the zyg-8 (b235)ts strain, which carries a mutation in a less conserved kinase region. Overall, it seems that the phenotypes are very similar, independent on mutations in the microtubule binding area, kinase area or after AID. This could of course be due to all regions being important, i.e. microtubule binding is required for localizing kinase-activity. Generating mutant versions of the target proteins, for example here BMK-1, that can not be phosphorylated or are constitutively active as well as assessment of changes in protein phosphorylation levels in the kinase dead strain would be helpful to provide deeper insight into potential regulation of proteins by ZYG-8.

      4) The authors state that "BMK-1 provides redundant outward force to KLP18". Redundancy usually suggests that one protein can take over the function of another one when the other is not there. In these scenarios a phenotype is often only visible when both proteins are depleted as each can take over the function of the other one. Here however the situation seems slightly different, as depletion of BMK-1 has no phenotype while depletion of KLP-18 leads to monopolar spindles. If BMK-1 would normally provide outward directed forces, would this not be visible in KLP-18 depleted oocytes if they were truly redundant? I assume the authors hypothesize that ZYG-8 inhibits BMK-1 and thus it can not generate outward directed forces. In this case, do the authors envision that ZYG-8 inhibits BMK-1 prior to or in metaphase or only in anaphase or throughout meiosis? Do they speculate, that BMK-1 is inhibited in anaphase and only active in metaphase? In addition, Figure S4 somewhat argues against a role for ZYG-8 in regulating BMK-1. ZYG-8 depletion supposedly leads to increased outward forces due to loss of BMK-1 inhibition, thus co-depletion of ZYG-8 with BMK-1 should rescue the increased spindle size at least to some extent, however neither increase in spindle length nor increase in additional spindle pole formation are prevented by co-depletion of BMK-1 suggesting that BMK-1 is not generating the forces leading to spindle length increase. Thus, arguing that after all ZYG-8 does not regulate BMK-1. This should be discussed further in the paper and the authors should consider changing the title. At this point the provided evidence that ZYG-8 is regulating motor activity is not strong enough to make this claim.

      5) The authors are proposing that ZYG-8 regulates/ inhibits BMK-1, however convincing evidence for an inhibition is not provided in my opinion and the effect of ZYG-8 on BMK-1 could be indirect. To make a compelling argument for a regulation of BMK-1 the authors would have to investigate if ZYG-8 interacts and/ or phosphorylates BMK-1 (see 7) and if this affects its dynamics. In addition, given the reported role of ZYG-8 on microtubule dynamics it would be very important that the authors consider studying the effect of ZYG-8 degradation on microtubule dynamics. Tracking of EBP-2 would be good, however this is very difficult to do inside meiotic spindles due to their small size. In addition, the authors could maybe consider some FRAP experiments, which could provide insights into microtubule dynamics and motions, which could be indicative of outward directed forces/ sliding.


      Additional requested experiments:

      • Interaction/ phosphorylation of BMK-1 by ZYG-8, i.e. changes of BMK-1 phosphorylation in absence of ZYG-8, BMK-1 mutations that may prevent phosphorylation by ZYG-8. -Assessment of microtubule dynamics (EBP-2, FRAP, length in monopolar spindles...) -Kinase activity of the kinase dead ZYG-8 strain (OPTIONAL)

      Minor comments:

      1) In Figure 4C it seems that the ZYG-8 AID line as well as the zyg-8 (or848)ts already have a phenotype (increased ASPM-1 foci) in absence of auxin/ at the permissive temperature. Does this suggest that the ZYG-8 AID as well as the zyg-8 (or848) strains are after all slightly defective (even if Figure 1, S1 and S2 argue otherwise) and thus more responsive to the loss of KLP-18?

      2) The authors observe that in preformed monopolar spindles degradation of ZYG-8 can sometimes restore bipolarity. This observation is very interesting but why do the authors not observe a similar phenotype in long-term ZYG-8 AID; klp-18 (RNAi) or zyg-8(or484)ts; klp-18(RNAi). In the latter conditions bipolarity does not seem to occur at all. Do the authors think this is due to differences in timing of events?

      3) Based on the Cavin-Meza 2022 paper it looks like depletion of KLP-18 in a BMK-1 mutant background does not look different from klp-18 (RNAi) alone. However, looking at Video 8, it looks like spindles "shrink" in absence of KLP-18 and BMK-1. Or is this due to any effects from the ZYG-8 AID strain? This can also be seen in Video 9.

      4) Line 311: " ZYG-8 loads onto the spindle along with BMK-1, and functions to inhibit BMK-1 from over elongating microtubules during metaphase." Maybe this sentence could be re-phrased as it currently sounds like BMK-1 elongates (polymerizes) microtubules.

      5) Line 313: "Intriguingly, in C. elegans oocytes and mitotically-dividing embryos, BMK-1 inhibition causes faster spindle elongation during anaphase, suggesting that BMK-1 normally functions as a brake to slow spindle elongation (Saunders et al., 2007; Laband et al., 2017). Further, ZYG-8 has been shown to be required for spindle elongation during anaphase B (McNally et al., 2016). Our findings may provide an explanation for this phenotype, since if ZYG-8 inhibits BMK-1 as we propose, then following ZYG-8 depletion, BMK-1 could be hyperactive, slowing anaphase B spindle elongation." This paragraph could be modified for better clarity. It is not clear how the findings of the authors, BMK-1 provides outward force but is normally inhibited by ZYG-8, align with the last sentence saying "following zyg-8 depletion, BMK-1 could be hyperactive slowing anaphase B spindle elongation", should it not increase elongation according to the authors observations?


      In this manuscript Czajkowski et al explore the role of the doublecortin-family kinase ZYG-8 during meiosis in C. elegans Oocytes. The authors conclude that BMK-1 generates outward directed force, redundant to forces generated by KLP-18, and that ZYG-8 inhibits BMK-1. The authors conclude that ZYG-8's kinase activity is required for the function of ZYG-8 in meiosis and mitosis. This research is interesting and provides some novel insight into the role of ZYG-8. Inm particular the observed spindle elongation and subsequent spindle fragmentation are novel and had not yet been reported. Also, the observation that degradation of ZYG-8 in monopolar klp-18(RNAi) spindles can restore bipolarity is novel and interesting, as well as the observation that this is somewhat dependent on the presence of BMK-1. This will be of interest to a broad audience and provides some new insight into the role of importance of ZYG-8 and BMK-1. The limitation of the study is the interpretation of the results and the lack of solid evidence that the observed phenotypes are due to ZYG-8 regulation motor activity, as the title claims. To support this some more experiments would be required. In addition, ZYG-8 has been reported to affect microtubule dynamics, which can certainly affect the action of motors on microtubules. This line of research is not explored in the paper but would certainly add to its value.

      Field of expertise: Research in cell division

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors sincerely appreciate the editors’ and the reviewers’ dedication in providing constructive and insightful comments aimed at enhancing the quality of the manuscript. In response to the valuable feedback received, we have implemented significant revisions to the manuscript, including the addition of key experiments, reorganization of the figures as well as providing detailed point-to-point responses to address the reviewers’ concerns. With these changes, we are confident that we have effectively addressed the comments raised by all three reviewers and have strengthened the overall quality of the manuscript.

      Below are the major improvements we have made in the revised manuscript:

      1. Figure 4  new figure with polysome profiling assay to strengthen the link between translational regulation and mitochondrial defects.
      2. Figure 7  added confocal images showing the transfer of mitochondria into recipient cells.
      3. Figure S2  added RER data further supporting a shift of metabolism to favor fatty acid oxidation as shown by proteomics data.
      4. Figure S4  added WB data showing that protein degradation was not affected, strengthening a protein synthesis defect due to Fam210a KO.
      5. Figure S5B, S6C  added quantification to the staining and blots.

      1. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In the manuscript entitled "FAM210A mediates an inter-organelle crosstalk essential for protein synthesis and muscle growth in mouse", Chen et al, found that knocking out of FAM210A specifically in muscle using Myl Cre resulted in abnormal mitochondria, hyperacetylation of cytosolic proteins, and translation defects. The manuscript uncovered the new functions of FAM210A in regulating metabolism and translation. I have the following the concerns about the manuscript.


      One of the major phenotypes of FAM210A is the decrease of muscle mass after 6 weeks after birth. Is this phenotype caused by the accumulation of progressive loss of muscle mass from birth? Are the body weight and muscle mass reduced in FAM210A knocking out new-born mice? Is the muscle mass growth curve the same in FAM210A and WT mice from birth to 6 weeks after birth? These results will reveal more mechanism of FAM210A mediated muscle mass control. Answer: Indeed, the phenotype of the Fam210aMKO was caused by the progressive loss of muscle mass. The body weight of the mice was not different before 3-weeks of age (Figure 2B). We reasoned that myonuclei accretion occurred before Myl1Cre induced knockout of Fam210a, accounting for the relative normal muscle development and nuclei accretion prior to 21 days after birth (refer to Response Figure 2). However, due to the small muscle mass, it is hard to accurately evaluate whether the muscle mass in very young mice. Regardless, we believe that body weight and muscle weight closely mimic each other and exhibit similar slopes in WT and KO mice (Response Figure 1).

      Beyond 21 days, muscle growth is mainly attributed to hypertrophy of myofibers, a process that relies on protein synthesis. Yet the Fam210aMKO myofibers has defects in protein synthesis, explaining why the muscles cannot gain weight after 3 weeks and started to lose weight. We have shown that at 4 weeks the TA muscle weight was 13 mg in Fam210aMKO compared to 25 mg in WT control. At 6-weeks, the TA weight in the Fam210aMKO mouse was 10 mg compared to 28 mg in the WT control. Furthermore, the TA weight of the Fam210aMKO mouse was 8.7 mg compared to 36mg in the WT control. These results provide compelling evidence that the Fam210aMKO muscles are progressively wasted.

      Response Figure 1. Changes of body weights and TA muscle weights during postnatal growth. The muscle weights increased (in wildtype mice) or decreased (in KO mice) with body weights at similar trends.

      Does the muscle mass continue to decrease after 8 weeks?

      Answer: Based on the trend (see Response Figure 1), we believe the answer is “yes”. However, we were not allowed to monitor the Fam210aMKO mice after 8 weeks of age, as they were severely lethargic and can barely move, reaching the humane endpoint determined by the IACUC guidelines.

      FAM210A knockout mice displayed high lethal rate. Is there any potential mechanism for the high lethality?

      Answer: We performed extensive necropsy and could not identify a direct cause. The potential cause for the lethality could be the difficulty of breathing as the diaphragm muscle was very thin in the Fam210aMKO mouse compared to the WT control. Besides, the diminished muscle contraction force (Figure 3) might have prohibited normal activities (including eating), leading to exhaustive death.

      In Figure 2, the muscle mass decreased significantly, while the fat mass only decreased slightly in FAM210A knockout mice. However, the ratio of the lean mass and fat mass to body mass did not change in FAM210A knockout mice compared to WT mice. How do the authors reconcile this?

      Answer: Just to clarify, Figure 2D-E shows that fat mass was significantly reduced at 4-week old but not reduced at 6-week old. We interpret the significant reduction of the mass but not the ratio (to body weight) as the result of the concomitant reduction of the body weight in the Fam210aMKO mice.

      Are there changes of the number of nuclei per myotube? Is the muscle atrophy in FAM210A knockout mice caused by the defects of fusion, or the degradation of protein, or both?

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for this question. To answer this question, we isolated myofibers from WT and Fam210aMKO mouse at 4-week-old and quantify the myonuclei number. We did not observe a significant reduction of myonuclei number per myofiber in the Fam210aMKO mouse, suggesting that the myoblast fusion into myofibers was not affected in the Fam210aMKO model. (Response Figure 2)

      Response Figure 2. DAPI staining and quantification in the single myofiber isolated from WT and Fam210aMKO mice.

      The number of myonuclei in the WT and Fam210aMKO was not different, suggesting normal fusion of satellite cells in Fam210aMKO mice.

      We also did western blot to check the atrophy related protein expression in WT and Fam210aMKO mouse at different ages. Interestingly, we did not observe a significant induction of these proteins (Atrogin-1, MuRF1) in the Fam210aMKOmuscle. Therefore, we conclude that the muscle atrophy was due to protein translation defects in the Fam210aMKO, independent of myoblast fusion and protein degradation (Figure S4C).

      Are the growth curves of muscle mass growth in EDL and SOL the same in FAM210A knockout mice?

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for the question. In the Myl1Cre mediated Fam210a KO model, Fam210a was deleted in both fast (EDL) and slow (SOL) muscles (see response to Reviewer 3, second point). We think that the “growth curve” of the EDL and SOL muscle should be same (stagnant and even reduced) upon Fam210a KO as the mouse grows from 4-week to 8-week.

      The oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production are higher in FAM210A knockout mice, suggesting a high metabolism rate. In contrast, the heat production of FAM210A knockout mice is lower, suggesting a low metabolism rate. Any explanation?

      Answer: The VCO2 and VO2 values were normalized to the body weight, and the KO value appeared high because their body weights were much lower at the time of test. While for heat production (unit: Kcal/hr), body weight was not a factor in the calculation. The seemingly contradicting/surprising result that a weak KO mouse could have higher VCO2 and VO2could be recapitulated in other mouse models (for example PMID: 22307625).

      Given the high glucose consumption in FAM210A, why is the clearance rate of blood glucose low?

      Answer: We believe there is a misunderstanding here. A smaller AUC (as seen in the KO) suggest faster blood glucose clearance. The circulating glucose level after fasting is lower in the KO mice, which suggests that the Fam210aMKO mice were consuming more glucose compared to the WT mice. In the GTT test, the Fam210aMKO mice showed a lower AUC after the injection of glucose, implying that the Fam210aMKO mice cleared the injected glucose at a faster rate, probably due to a pseudo-fasting state which would promote the uptake of circulating glucose when available.

      Are there any changes of the abilities for the FAM210A knockout mice in running endurance?

      Answer: Indeed, the Fam210aMKO mice ran less distance, shorter time, and at a lower speed when tested on a treadmill endurance running program (Figure 3)

      In page 5, the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph, the authors concluded "There results suggest that Fam210aMKO induces a metabolic switch to a more oxidative state." It is better to describe it as muscle metabolic since the whole-body metabolism has not been carefully examined.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out, we will change the wording to better reflect the changes observed in the Fam210aMKO mouse regarding the metabolism.

      In Fig. 6, what is the link between increased transcription level of Fgf21 and the elevated level of aberrant acetylation of proteins?

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for this interesting question! However, we did not pursue a direct causal relationship between Fgf21 level and aberrant protein acetylation. In our model, we are proposing that mitochondrial defects in the Fam210aMKO model can trigger the integrated stress response which leads to a higher Fgf21 transcript level in the muscle. This is coinciding with the acetylation increase in the muscle due to the excessive production of acetyl-CoA. A potential relationship between Fgf21 and protein acetylation warrant examination in a future study.

      After careful considerations on the mechanism proposed in the study, we decided to remove qPCR data showing the modest increase of Fgf21 mRNA level. The removal of this data will not change the conclusions we draw nor lessen the significance of the mitochondria transfer experiment.

      Is there any link between the increased acetylation level of rebolsome proteins and the translation defects?

      Answer: Indeed, there are ample studies showing that ribosomal proteins can be acetylated, and that the acetylation of ribosomal proteins can affect the protein synthesis process, for example in PMID: 35604121 and PMID: 37742082. Here in this paper, we showed by ribosome profiling assay that the muscle has defects in the polysome formation (at 4-week and 6-week), when the protein acetylation was significantly increased in the Fam210aMKO mice (Figure 4D-4G).

      How do the abnormal mitochondria lead to increased protein acetylation? And how do these defects further cause translation problem?

      Answer: As elaborated in the discussion, we propose that upon Fam210a KO in mature myofiber, the TCA cycle in the mitochondria was disrupted, blocking utilization of acetyl-CoA and resulting in the accumulation of acetyl-CoA in the muscle. The excess acetyl-CoA lead to increased protein acetylation in the cytosol. We identified that ribosomal proteins are hyperacetylated in the muscle. We also observed that the polysome formation in the muscle was impaired, which exacerbates the translation efficiency.

      Consistently, when we treated C2C12 during in vitro culture with sodium acetate to mimic the increase of acetylation of proteins, we showed that excessive levels of acetyl-CoA can block the differentiation of C2C12 cells (Response Figure 3).

      Response Figure 3. The effect of sodium acetate on the differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts.

      The differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts into myotubes were probed by the protein abundance of Myog and MF20, which showed a decrease in the expression level when sodium acetate was added in increasing amounts.

      The defects in translation will cause general problems besides mitochondria defects. Are there any phenotypes related to the overall translation inhibition observed? If not, why?

      Answer: Just to clarify, our model suggests that mitochondrial defects in the Fam210a KO causes cytosolic translation defects, not the other way around. We showed by SUnSET experiment that the global translation was indeed reduced in the Fam210aMKO muscle at 4-week. We also observed that the p-S6 level which indicates the global protein translation was decreased. It is also true that the global translational arrest can exacerbate the mitochondrial defects and fewer mitochondrial proteins can be synthesized. This feed forward loop can explain the aggravating phenotype in the Fam210aMKO mouse as the mouse gets older.

      Are the abnormal mitochondria, increased protein acetylation, and translation inhibition observed in 2-6 weeks old mice? When were these defects first found? Are they correlated with muscle atrophy?

      Answer: At 2-week-old, the protein synthesis or degradation was not changed between WT and Fam210aMKO mice (Figure S4C). The mitochondria abnormality was first observed at 4 weeks of age, concomitant with the decrease of protein translation (decreased p-S6), polysome formation, and protein hyperacetylation. The acetylation increase was apparent at 6-week together with decreased p-S6 level, polysome assembly and mitochondrial defects. Decreased protein translation has been shown to cause muscle atrophy (PMID: 19046572).

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This manuscript described many interesting phenotypes of Fam210a knockout mice. However, the links between these phenotypes are obscure. The logic of the manuscript will be greatly improved if the authors could provide explanations to logically link the phenotypes.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In this manuscript, Chen et al., investigate the functions of FAM210A in skeletal muscle physiology and metabolism. FAM210A is a mitochondria-localized protein in which mutations have been associated with sarcopenia and osteoporosis. Using publicly available gene expression datasets from human skeletal muscle biopsies the authors first demonstrate that the expression of FAM210 is reduced in muscle atrophy-associated diseases and increased in muscle hypertrophy conditions. Based on this, they show that a muscle specific Fam210a deletion leads to muscle atrophy/weakness, systemic metabolic defects, and premature lethality in mouse. Further examination of the knockout myofibers reveals impaired mitochondrial respiration and translation program. Additionally, the authors demonstrate that the flow of TCA cycle is disrupted in the FAM210A-deleted myofibers, which causes abnormal accumulation of acetyl-coA and hyperacetylation of a subset of proteins. The authors claim that Fam210a deletion in skeletal muscle induces the hyper-acetylation of several small ribosomal proteins that leads to ribosomal disassembly and translational deficiency. However, this conclusion is not supported by adequate experimentation and rigorous analysis of ribosomal proteins acetylation and ribosome assembly.

      Major comments:

      -In general, figure legends are lacking information regarding number of biological replicates used and details about statistical analysis. What does three * vs. one * mean in terms of p-value? Exact p-values should be indicated.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out, we have added the information to the revised figure legends.

      -The mechanistic studies linking muscle phenotypes with ribosomal protein hyperacetylation and mRNA translation defects are underdeveloped and not rigorously carried.

      Answer: We agree with the reviewer and have added new data in the revised manuscript to strengthen this link. For example, we have now provided direct evidence on the defective polysome assembly in the Fam210a KO muscles (Figure 4D-4G), which should profoundly impact mRNA translation. In addition, other groups have also shown that ribosomal protein acetylation can impact mRNA translation and polysome formation (PMID: 35604121).

      We also explored the effect of acetylation on differentiation (a process accompanied by extensive protein synthesis) related to our mouse model. We used sodium acetate to elevate acetylation during C2C12 differentiation. We found that increased acetylation indeed impaired the differentiation as can be seen by the reduced expression of MF20 (myosin protein) by WB and IF. The differentiation marker Myogenin was also reduced (Response Figure 3, 4).

      Response Figure 4. Immunofluorescence staining of Myog and MF20 in the differentiated C2C12 myotubes treated with different amounts of sodium acetate.

      The number of MF20 (green) positive myotubes and Myog (red) positive nuclei was significantly reduced in the cells treated with 15mM and 30mM sodium acetate.

      -Fig S1: The validation WB of FAM210A KO is not the most convincing. Why are the FAM210A levels so low in TA compared to other tissues?

      Answer: This is due to the insufficient proteins loaded as it was obvious from the Tubulin marker. We have replaced the WB blot with more convincing blots as requested (Figure S1C).

      -Fig 2G: The authors state "Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining did not reveal any obvious myofiber pathology in the Fam210a KO mice up to 8 weeks". However there seems to be a progressive increase in nuclei up to 8-weeks in the KO. What is the significance of this?

      Answer: Thank you for pointing this out. We have now changed the wording and quantified the myonuclei number per myofiber. The increase of myonuclei in the H&E images is likely due to the smaller myofiber size in the Fam210aMKOmouse compared to the WT (Response Figure 5).

      Response Figure 5. Quantification of the myonuclei number in the H&E images.

      -IP-MS analysis for FAM210A interacting proteins requires validation with IP and reverse IP + WB experiment.

      Answer: We did perform the co-IP with SUCLG2 and FAM210A antibodies to try to confirm the interaction. To be more specific, we transduced C2C12 myoblasts cells with an Fam210a overexpression virus and differentiated the cells for 3 days. The myotubes were used to test the interaction by pulling down Fam210a with a myc antibody (FAM210A has a myc tag) and blot with SUCLG2 antibody. Unfortunately, the results were not promising (Response Figure 6). We reasoned that the interaction might be indirect or too transient to be reliably detected.

      Response Figure 6. co-IP of SUCLG2 and FAM210A.

      • Figure 4A requires quantification of the SDH signals from multiple samples.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have added the quantification of the staining (Figure S5B).

      • Figure 6F: To clearly demonstrate an increase in protein acetylation in the FAM210 MKO, the authors must provide quantification data generated with more then N=1. Please add the molecular weights markings on the side of the blots.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion, we have provided the quantification of the Acetylated-lysine blots, and added the molecular weight markers (Figure 6F, Figure S6C).

      • Figure 6H and S5: The mitochondria transfer experiment appears to be quite efficient compared to previously published studies. It would be important to control that the signal observed in the recipient cells is not due to the leakage of the MitoTracker dye from the donor mitochondria.

      Answer: This is an interesting point though MitoTracker dye is not supposed to leak as it covalently binds to mitochondrial proteins. Even though the dye may leak to mark the endogenous mitochondrial, it does not affect our goal to demonstrate that transfer of Fam210aMKO mitochondria into healthy cells can induce protein hyperacetylation. Additional evidence argues against the leakiness of Mitotracker dye to subsequently mark other mitochondria in the recipient cells: 1) mtDNA and MitoTracker signal both increase linearly with the increasing amounts of mitochondria transferred (Figure S7A); 2) We have now also included confocal images to show the presence of both MitoTracker labeled and non-labeled mitochondria in the recipient cells. We reason that if MitoTracker leaks within a cell then it would have labeled all mitochondrial in that cell (Figure 7C).

      • Figure 6J: The increase in Fgf21 is modest. Although the difference is statistically significant, is it biologically important?

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for this question; indeed, the increase is modest. We think the reason of the modest increase compared to the drastic increase seen in vivo was because when we transplanted the WT and Fam210aMKOmitochondria to the recipient cell, the original mitochondria in the recipient were not depleted, which could explain the milder effect. However, we were able to show that the recipient cells readily increase the acetylation of proteins after receiving the Fam210aMKO mitochondria, recapitulating the phenotype we saw in the Fam210aMKO muscle.

      After careful considerations on the mechanism proposed in the study, we decided to remove qPCR data showing the modest increase of Fgf21 mRNA level. The removal of this data will not change the conclusions we draw nor lessen the significance of the mitochondria transfer experiment.

      • Figure 6C: How significant is the difference in acetylation of RPL30 in WT vs. KO. RPS13 was not found in the WT MS? Was this normalized to Input?

      Answer: the MS was performed with same loading. The mass spectrometry results for protein identification after AcK-IP were from pooled samples from 3 independent replicates (as the KO muscles are very scarce). Therefore, there was not a significance test.

      • Figure 7D: What are the MW of the bands shown on this blot? This experiment is by no means sufficient to demonstrate and confirm that ribosomal proteins are acetylated. An increase in RPL30 and RPS13 acetylation must be directly assessed.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for suggesting the more direct assays to look at RPL30 and RPS13 acetylation. We have shown that the ribosome fractions were indeed hyperacetylated in the Fam210aMKO mouse compared to the WT control (Figure S6D). We agree that this result cannot lead to the conclusion that the RPL30 and RPS13 are specifically hyperacetylated. Indeed, we have tried to use Acetylated lysine antibody pull down and RPS13/RPL30 blot to show the increase in the acetylated RPS13/RPL30 protein. However, we cannot show a robust increase in the acetylation, potentially due to the low number of acetylation sites on RPS13 and RPL30 protein. We therefore have reworded the conclusion in the revised manuscript to better reflect the results.

      • Fig7E: This experiment is not properly executed and in its current state does not rigorously support that "hyper-acetylation of several small ribosomal proteins leads to ribosomal disassembly". A) UV profiles of the fractionation must be provided to assess the quality of the profile. B) Provide MW markers. Which band is RPL30? The Input and free fraction bands are not at the same size. RPL30 should at least be visible on the 60S and polysomes from the WT. C) These results do not match the acetylation MS data, which seem to show that the increase in acetylation is much greater for RPS13. However, RPS13 presence on polysomes (assuming they are polysomes) is not affected in the KO. D) This type of experiment must be done for three independent biological replicates, blots from single lanes must be quantified and normalized to total signal (from all the lanes) for the same antibody.

      Answer: we appreciate the great advice on improving the experiment. As suggested, we have now added proper experimentation (UV profile, and better WB), with the help of Dr. Kotaro Fujii (included as co-author in the revised manuscript). The following results showed that in the 4-week sample, there was a decrease in the 80S monosome and polysome in the Fam210aMKO mice compared to the WT. The change was more drastic at 6-week (Figure 4D-4G). Similarly, due to the scarce amount of muscle in the KO mice, we need to pool samples from the 6-week-old mice for the experiment, and hope the reviewer can understand the situation. With the clear peaks shown in the UV profile as well as the WB results, we provide more convincing evidence that the polysome assembly was indeed impaired in the Fam210aMKO (Figure 4D-4G).

      • Fig 7F: Global translation rates are assessed by puro incorporation at week 4, a time point when differences in protein acetylation were not observed. This does not support the hypothesis that increased acetylation of ribosomal proteins causes defect in protein translation. (Referencing the authors statement p.7 lines 321-24.).

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for this question. When we quantified the protein acetylation increase in the muscle at 4-weeks, we showed that there was a significant increase. But like the reviewer said, the ribosomal fractions were not significantly acetylated by WB at 4-week. We reasoned that, at early stages (4-weeks), the ISR signaling can lead to the translational arrest, along with the polysome formation defects, leading to the decreased protein translation. These are included in the discussion.

      • Other studies have implicated Fam210A in the regulation of mitochondrial protein synthesis through an interaction with EF-Tu. The authors also identified EF-Tu as an interactor in their LC-MS analysis (FigS4). A role for this interaction accounting for mitochondrial and translation defects seems to be underestimated and unexplored here.

      Answer: We agree with this point and believe the cytoplasmic translation defects are in addition to the mitochondrial translational defects. We have shown that FAM210A KO leads to the decrease of the MTCO1 which is encoded by the mitochondrial genome. Besides, we also showed by mitochondrial proteomics that TUFM was reduced in the KO, which also contributed to translational arrest in the mitochondria (Figure 5J). To answer whether mitochondrial encoded proteins are decreased in upon Fam210a KO, we blotted the protein lysates at different stages with antibodies for a few mitochondrial encoded proteins and showed that they decreased with ages (Response Figure 7).

      Response Figure 7. WB analysis and quantification of mitochondrial encoded proteins in WT and Fam210aMKO muscle at different ages.

      The mitochondrial proteins were indeed decreased in Fam210aMKO starting from 6-weeks of age compared to the WT.

      Minor comments:

      -What is known about FAM210A, other studies assessing its role, and the rational for studying its function should be better introduced.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for the suggestion to have more information of FAM210A functions/mechanisms in the introduction. We have added more background to the introduction.

      -In the discussion the authors states: "Moreover, when the proportion of ribosomal protein phosphorylation buildup in the Fam210aMKO, the assembly of the translational machinery is impaired therefore further dampen the cellular translation". Do they mean acetylation and not phosphorylation?

      Answer: We are sorry about the typo and have changed it. We thank the reviewer for catching this.

      • Please use the term "mRNA translation" or "protein synthesis" instead of "protein translation" in the text.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for the suggestion to properly refer to these processes. We have changed the terms in the manuscript.

      -The methods section for RT-qPCR: It should ne M-MLV RT and not M-MLC. If the qPCR data was normalized with 18S, please provide the sequence of the primers in the table. Information on how primer efficiency was tested must be included in the method section.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have changed the texts. We also have provided 18S sequence and provide texts about how primer efficiency was tested.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment: Previous genome-wide association studies have found that mutations in FAM210A were associated with sarcopenia and osteoporosis. Because FAM210A is not expressed in the bone and highly expressed in skeletal muscle, it suggests that FAM210A likely plays an important role in muscle, which could also affect bone regulation. The authors here provide further evidence of an important role for FAM210A in diseases affecting muscle function by demonstrating that the expression of FAM210A decreases with age and in patients affected by Pompe disease, Duchenne muscular dystrophy and hereditary recessive myopathy. FAM210A is a mitochondria-localized protein and given the crucial role of mitochondria in supporting muscle metabolism, elucidating the molecular function of FAM210A may provide important insights into diseases biology that could lead to the development of therapeutic approaches. Thus, a significant protein and regulatory pathway are explored in this study that can potentially impact human health. In this manuscript, the authors provide compelling evidence of the importance of Fam210a in muscle homeostasis with their newly generate mouse model. The experiments looking at muscle physiology, function and metabolism are well-executed and for the most part rigorous, which are the strengths of this manuscript. However, the conclusion that Fam210a deletion in skeletal muscle induces the hyper-acetylation of several small ribosomal proteins, which leads to ribosomal disassembly and translational deficiency is not supported by the data presented here. As noted in the comments above, these experiments need major improvement. Additionally, there are other concerns about general scientific rigor and conclusions inconsistent with the data presented as also noted in the comments section.

      Advance: Although a previous study explored the role of FAM210A using a skeletal muscle-specific KO induced at postnatal 28 days under a HSA promoter, the model used by the authors here provide a cleaner approach and more insights into the molecular functions of FAM210A in muscle physiology. The findings that Fam210a MKO disrupts the flow of TCA cycle, which leads to an abnormal accumulation of acetyl-CoA is interesting and provide new conceptual advance on the roles of FAM210A in mitochondria function in muscle. Acetyl-CoA production is an important source of acetyl-group that can be transferred to proteins and regulate gene expression programs. Thus, this is an important finding. However, molecular mechanism by which FAM210A regulates this process through an interaction with SUCLG2 is not provided and the nature this interaction is superficially explored.

      Audience: Findings from this manuscript are likely to interest both basic research and translational/clinical audiences as it explores the physiological and molecular function of a disease-linked protein. The findings are also likely to impact the fields of metabolism, mitochondria function and regulation of gene expression by protein acetylation (if concerns raised regarding these experiments are addressed).

      The fields of expertise of this reviewer are protein and RNA modifications, ribosome biogenesis and mRNA translation.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors state that in their manuscript "the role of mitochondria in regulating cytosolic protein translation in skeletal muscle cells (myofibers)" has been explored (Line 19-20). As experimental model, they used mice expressing Cre recombinase under the control of the myosin light chain 1 promoter. The first conclusion was that "FAM210A is positively associated with muscle mass in mice and humans". The authors say that the presented data "reveal a novel crosstalk between the mitochondrion and ribosome mediated by FAM210A".

      I recognize the potential of this work since the role of FAM210a has been more deeply investigated in skeletal muscle. In fact, the study by Tanaka et al, 2018 presented only a preliminary characterization of the role of FAM210a in muscle. However, I think that this work is not complete and each aspect that has been investigated is not well connected with each other. In particular, it is not clear whether the disrupted ribosomal assembly by hyperacetylation causes muscle atrophy or it is altered under catabolic states during atrophy (primary cause or consequence of?).

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for recognizing the importance of the study that characterizes the effect of FAM210A in muscle mass maintenance. In this study, we have shown that polysome formation was impaired at 4-week and therefore the translational efficiency was reduced in the muscle. This translational decrease coincides with the acetylation increase. Moreover, we showed by mitochondrial transfer experiment that the mitochondria from the Fam210aMKO mice can carry the phenotype and lead to acetylation increase in the recipient cells. Since muscle protein synthesis defects have been known to lead to muscle dystrophy, and we have shown that in the Fam210aMKO model, protein synthesis was indeed defective while there was not an induction of atrophy. Therefore, we conclude that the in the KO model, the protein synthesis defects lead to muscle atrophy.

      The other major point is represented by the fact that the Myl1-CRE expressing model provides selectivity in fast muscle fibers (see for example Barton PJR, Harris AJ, Buckingham M. Myosin light chain gene expression in developing and denervated fetal muscle in the mouse. Development. 1989;107: 819-824). Then the authors knocked out FAM210a only in fast fibers and they never take in consideration this key point! This is crucial since fast and slow muscles have different content of mitochondria with different size, shape, and metabolism! The muscle fibers can be classified based on the mitochondrial metabolism (see for example Chemello et al., 2019; PMID: 30917329).

      Regarding this point, they simply wrote at Line 75-76 "using a skeletal muscle specific Myl1 (myosin, light polypeptide 1) driven Cre recombinase specifically expressed in post-differentiation myocytes and multinucleated myofibers,...". It would be more correct to write multinucleated type 2 myofibers showing the reduction of FAM210a in different fiber types.

      I think that the authors must solve these aspect and then organize the findings accordingly. The data are in general interesting for broad type of audience.


      We appreciate the reviewer’s comment on the Myl1 knock-in Cre (Myl1Cre) model, which prompted us to more explicitly clarify some of the confusions around this model. We fully respect the validity of the 1989 study by Dr. Buckingham and other studies showing fast muscle specific expression of Myl1. However, we and others have shown that Myl1 not only mark the fast but also the slow myofibers (elaborated below). The discrepancy can be explained by the fact that using the Myl1Cre as a lineage marker is different from directly examining Myl1 expression at static timepoints by in situ hybridization (ISH). This is because Cre recombinase can accumulate and diffuse to all the myonuclei in a multinucleated myofiber, subsequently leading to deletion of LoxP-flanked DNA in all nuclei. Also, in the Cre/LoxP system, only a small amount of Cre recombinase is needed to induce the recombination of the target loxP sites and lead to gene KO. Another example of the discrepancy between the static mRNA pattern and the dynamic gene expression during development is the Hox gene expression. When the corresponding author (SK) of this manuscript was trained with Dr. Joshua R Sanes, he developed 3 Cre lines driven by three different Hox genes– that have been shown by ISH to be expressed in a specific rostral to caudal domain in the spinal cord during development. However, each of these Cre model ended up marking all the spinal cord without any domain specificity. In the case of Myl1Cre mouse model, we have previously published a paper on the lineage-tracing results using the Myl1Cre and showed that Myl1Cre marked all fast AND slow myofibers in mice (Wang et al, 2015, PMID: 25794679). In another lineage tracing study using nuclear GFP reporter, we report that Myl1Cre marks 96% nuclei in myofibers regardless of fiber types (Bi et al., 2016, PMID: 27644105), the remainder 4% non-marked nuclei potentially represent satellite cells. Other groups have also used the Myl1Cre model to induce KO in both fast and slow muscles (Pereira et al, 2020, PMID: 31916679). Therefore, we believe that the Myl1Cre mouse model allows us to efficiently knockout the Fam210a gene in both slow and fast muscle.

      To directly confirm that Fam210a was efficiently knocked out in both slow and fast muscles using the Myl1Cre mouse model, we isolated different muscle groups (Soleus and diaphragm that contains a large fraction of slow myofibers, TA and EDL that contain predominantly fast myofibers) and checked the expression level and the KO efficiency of Fam210a by WB. We have shown that even in slow muscles like diaphragm and SOL, the KO was very efficient, as there were no visible FAM210A bands in the WB (Figure S1C).

      In more detail:

      The data must be analyzed and discussed based on the fact that FAM210a has been deleted specifically in fast fibers. First the authors must show the protein levels of FAM210a in both fast, slow and mixed fast-slow muscles. Then for example in Figure S1C EDL, GAS and SOL muscles must be included.

      Answer: This is related to the misunderstanding of the Myl1Cre model. We understand the reviewer’s concern and therefore isolated proteins from different muscles in WT and Fam210aMKO mice at 4-weeks and checked the expression level of FAM210A. We have shown that regardless of fast or slow muscles, FAM210A was deleted.

      The blot in general must be repeated since it has poor quality (continuum of FAM210a band in the samples).

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and increase the data quality. We have changed the original blot with the following blots showing that FAM210A was not deleted in other non-muscle tissues (Figure S1C).

      Please provide staining of TA, GAS and SOL muscles to show how Myl1CRE-directed deletion of FAM210a affect the different myofibers.

      Answer: This point is also related to assumption that Myl1Cre only induce deletion in fast myofibers. We have done staining in both EDL and SOL muscle to show the relative changes in myofiber compositions. We found that the myofibers in EDL and SOL muscle have shifted to a more oxidative type upon Fam210a KO (Figure S3).

      In Figure 2F where decreased TA muscle weight was showed in the Fam210aMKO mice, the authors must include also the other muscles (EDL, GAS and SOL).

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for helping us be more rigorous on the phenotype examination. We understand that the reviewer initially raised this question because of the concern on Myl1Cre model. Now that we have shown the MylCremarks both the fast and slow muscles, we believe this question is no longer a concern. Besides, to indirectly answer the question, we would like for the reviewer to appreciate the size difference of the EDL as well as the SOL muscle in Figure S3 in the manuscript. As can be seen from the images, the size of the SOL muscles in the KO was significantly reduced compared to the WT, speaking in favor of the KO effect on slow muscles.

      In general, since the HSA-CRE model is generally used for gene manipulation in skeletal muscles the authors must characterize their model considering that the myosin light chain 1 promoter Myl1-Cre is mainly active in postmitotic type II myofibers. The last model can also give advantage for mosaic gene manipulation in muscles with mixed fiber types.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for bringing this point up. We hope by the multiple lines of evidence that we provided in the previous questions, we can convince the reviewer that the KO model using the Myl1Cre does not lead to a mosaic gene manipulation in the muscle. On the contrary, the KO model is a homogeneous KO in both fast and slow muscles.

      Line 118-119 Fam210a level is positively corelated with muscle mass, as it is reduced in muscle atrophy conditions and increased in muscle hypertrophy conditions. Fig 1: I don't like since there are many different models in which the muscle mass reduction is associated with different mechanisms. Then independently of mechanisms associated with changes in muscle mass Fam210a is always linked to? Which common mechanism can explain this?

      Answer: We understand that the reviewer would like to pursue a conserved mechanism governing muscle mass maintenance, however, we by no means wanted to make a direct causal relationship between FAM210A level and different muscle disease/atrophy conditions. Indeed, the atrophic conditions presented have different mechanisms leading to muscle mass reduction, yet we wanted to present the possible connection that Fam210a level and muscle mass are co-regulated, and we later confirmed by KO mouse model that FAM210A KO indeed reduces muscle mass.

      Line 144-146 Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining did not reveal any obvious myofiber pathology in the Fam210aMKO mice up to 8 weeks (Figure 2G). I totally disagree! It seems that there is more inflammation upon deletion of Fam210aMKO. Please check it.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out to help us more rigorously describe our results. We have changed the wording to better reflect the changes observed with H&E images.

      Fig3E-L there is a huge difference between EDL and SOL. The authors can't avoid to discuss their data considering the real expression of CRE upon Myl promoter: specific deletion in fast fibers. I think that the data in FIGS3 are very important and must be linked to data in Fig3. Organize in a different way all the presented data to really describe what is happening upon deletion of Fam210a.

      Again, the authors MUST organize better their data in the manuscript: to each paragraph must correspond data in the main figures. For example: at Line 189 Fam210aMKO mice exhibit systemic metabolic defects and at Line 208 Fam210aMKO increases oxidative myofibers and decreases glycolytic myofibers. These two paragraphs discuss data showed only in supplementary figures.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. As shown in the previous responses, the Myl1Cre indeed induce efficient deletion of Fam210a in slow muscles. Therefore, we did not consider this to be a myofiber-specific deletion model. We consider these two results as the effect of a mitochondrial protein (FAM210A) on the myofiber metabolism (independent of myofiber type specific deletion), and that the deletion of Fam210a results in mitochondrial stress, which can lead to myofiber switch (Figure S3).

      Physical activity mast be monitored. Show respiratory exchange ratio (RER = VCO2/VO2) and discuss the results.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. By these results, we would like to demonstrate that muscle homeostasis is important for the systemic metabolism, disruption of muscle mass maintenance in the Fam210aMKO mice leads to defects in the whole-body metabolism. We have now included the RER results (Figure S2F, S2G). The results show that the Fam210aMKO mice had significantly lower RER (VCO2/VO2) value at daytime, indicating that the mice rely more on utilizing fat as the fuel source. This is consistent with the proteomics results (Figure 5K) that the Fam210aMKOmice have increased FAO pathway. Unfortunately, our metabolic chamber does not have the capacity to monitor activity. We instead include data on heat production (Figure S2E).

      "Fam210aMKO increases oxidative myofibers and decreases glycolytic myofibers". The data mast be associated with the evaluation of the expression levels of FAM210 in different fiber type to really understand what is happening upon FAM210a loss.

      Answer: We understand the reviewer’s concern on the different expression level of Fam210a as well as the KO efficiency using the Myl1Cre model. We have shown that Fam210a is knocked out in fast and slow muscles, therefore, we did not consider the effects on fast and slow myofibers separately.

      As SDH activity in type 1 fibers is higher than type 2 the and since the authors are using a model in which Fam210a is deleted only in type 2 fiber they should understand what is happening: fiber 1

      Answer: We agree with the reviewer that the SDH activity is different in different myofibers. We have shown by western blot that FAM210A was similarly KO in both fast and slow muscles. When we performed fiber type staining in EDL and SOL muscle, we saw that there was a shift towards the slower myofiber types both in the EDL and SOL muscle, due to mitochondrial defects.

      Associate a cox assay with the sdh assay

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have shown by SDH staining as well as seahorse experiments using isolated mitochondria that the complex II activity was impaired in the muscle. We understand the reviewer would like to see a COX assay to show the defects of the mitochondrial function. Though we were not able to perform the COX assay, we showed from other aspects that the mitochondrial function was impaired by running WB of the mitochondrial encoded proteins (ATP6, MTCO2, mtCYB) and showed these proteins were decreased with ages. Along with the morphological changes of the mitochondria shown by electron microscope (Figure 5 and Figure S5), we conclude that these changes must have impacted mitochondrial function.

      Figure 4b blot tubulin and FAM210a look strange. Look especially at first and second and fourth form the left side.

      Answer: We are sorry about the mistake in the images, we have changed the Tubulin blot in the Oxphos blots.

      Figure 4B OXPHOS protein levels look similar between wt and KO. Include the quantification with the significance (min 3-5 mice per genotype).

      Answer: we have quantified the change between WT and KO on different proteins (Reponse Figure 8).

      Response Figure 8. Quantification of the OxPHOS proteins in WT and Fam210aMKO muscle at different ages.

      Quantification of the blots showed that indeed the mitochondrial proteins were decreased in the Fam210aMKO. The change of mitochondrial encoded protein MTCO1 was earlier detected in the Fam210aMKO.

      Provide TEM analysis for SOL muscle. I would understand whether mitochondria are differently affected in fast and slow muscles.

      Answer: We understand the reviewer was originally concerned about the KO efficiency of Fam210a in fast and slow muscles, based on the assumption about the MylCre model. We have shown that the FAM210A protein was similarly depleted in both fast and slow muscles by western blot. In this case, we would speculate that the mitochondrial change in fast and slow muscles would be similar because the mitochondrial changes were due to the inherent defects in the mitochondria.

      In all experiments must be clear which muscle type or types was/were used:

      Line 268: "isolated from WT and Fam210aMKO muscles at 6 weeks of age".

      Line 587 "Muscle lysate acetyl-CoA contents"

      For Seahorse Mitochondrial Respiration Analysis at Line 599 "isolated mitochondria from muscle"

      For TCA cycle metabolomics at Line 615 "muscle tissue was weighed and homogenized"

      For SCS activity assay at Line 632 "mitochondria from muscles were isolated"

      For LC-MS/MS at Line 647 "Mitochondria were purified from skeletal muscles and subjected to proteomics analysis".

      For Ribosome isolation at Line 676 "Skeletal muscle from mice"

      For Polysome profiling experiment at Line 696 "muscle tissues from mice were dissected"

      It is important to know which muscles were used since confounding effects of the specific deletion of FAM210a in type 2 fibers must be identified and discussed.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for considering the different muscle groups in our mouse model. For experiments requiring a large amount of muscle tissue, such as ribosome isolation, mitochondrial isolation and polysome profiling, we used all the muscles from the mouse. For WB experiments, we used the TA muscle. We have included this information in the method section in the manuscript. Since we have shown that FAM210A was similarly depleted in different muscles (see previous responses), we think it is justified to pool muscles from the same mouse.

      Line 296-297 The authors wrote "Consistently, the mRNA levels of Atf4, Fgf21 and the associated transcripts were highly induced in the Fam210aMKO 296 both in the 4-week and 6-week-old muscle samples". Is Fgf21 responsible for the reduction of body weight? (see for example PMID: 28552492, PMID: 28607005 and PMID: 33944779). Measure the circulating Fgf21 protein in Ko and wt mice.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for this great suggestion. Indeed, Fgf21 can potentially lead to body weight reduction, and this can explain the smaller body weight in our mouse model as well. However, we are more concerned about the muscle changes in our mouse model, therefore we did not further validate the changes of Fgf21 in the circulation.

      After careful considerations on the mechanism proposed in the study, we decided to remove qPCR data showing the modest increase of Fgf21 mRNA level. The removal of this data will not change the conclusions we draw nor lessen the significance of the mitochondria transfer experiment.

      Moreover the authors must check Opa1 total protein level and also the ratio between long and short isoforms. Is Fam210a interacting with Opa1?

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for this interesting question. Another publication from our lab has shown that Fam210a can modulate the cleavage of OPA1 in brown adipose tissue and influence the cold-induced thermogenesis (PMID: 37816711). Indeed, OPA1 deletion in muscle can lead to muscle atrophy and postnatal death at about day 10 (PMID: 28552492) through the induction of UPR (ISR) and the induction of Fgf21. We did not check the interaction between FAM210A and OPA1 in the muscle context, and FAM210A was not found to be interacting with OPA1 in brown adipose tissue (PMID: 37816711). However, the focus of this study was the acetylation change and the FAM210A effect on muscle mass maintenance. Therefore, we did not pursue the OPA1 related mechanism in skeletal muscle.

      The final part of the paper is really interesting but need to be discussed knowing exactly the used experimental model. Then check in which fiber types FAM210a is loss.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for the stringency on the model used. Indeed, the mitochondria can be different from different muscle groups. However, since the muscle isolated from WT and KO mice was properly controlled and therefore can balance the effects of different mitochondria. We have consistently observed the increased acetylation when mutant mitochondria were transferred.

      Regarding the mitochondrial transplantation I'm surprise to see that it happens in the direction of unhealthy mitochondria to healthy cells. Are you able to rescue the phenotype of Fam210a KO cells with healthy mitochondria?

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for bringing this interesting yet important question up! Our mitochondrial transfer results support a “gain-of-function” model where excessive Acetyl CoA produced by the Fam210a-KO mitochondrial induces hyperacetylation. Regarding the question to transfer healthy mitochondria to rescue the KO cells, we reason that even when we transfer the healthy mitochondria to the KO cells, the healthy mitochondria will not stop the mutant mitochondria from making excessive amounts of acetyl-CoA and thus protein acetylation. A clean transfer would require depletion of the mitochondria in the KO cells and concomitant restoring FAM210A level in the KO cells (as the lack of Fam210a gene in the KO cells will eventually convert the transferred mitochondrial into mutants with the normal turnover of FAM210A). This is technically highly challenging and nearly impossible to do. We hope that the reviewer can understand the difficulties.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      In conclusion, the strength of the presented paper is the novelty: the authors explored the role of FAM210a in skeletal muscle. However, the major limitation is represented by the fact that they did not show in which fiber types Fam210a is knocked out. In fact, the used CRE recombinase expressing model is well-known to be specific for type 2 fibers. Then since mitochondria and metabolism are central in this manuscript and they are different in the fast and slow fiber types, the authors must dissect in details this point.

      Moreover, there are many data but they are not linked each other and discussed properly. The paper must be completely re-organized.

      This manuscript can be interesting for a broad type of audience.

      I'm an expert on mitochondria, metabolism and skeletal muscle.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors state that in their manuscript "the role of mitochondria in regulating cytosolic protein translation in skeletal muscle cells (myofibers)" has been explored (Line 19-20). As experimental model, they used mice expressing Cre recombinase under the control of the myosin light chain 1 promoter. The first conclusion was that "FAM210A is positively associated with muscle mass in mice and humans". The authors say that the presented data "reveal a novel crosstalk between the mitochondrion and ribosome mediated by FAM210A".

      I recognize the potential of this work since the role of FAM210a has been more deeply investigated in skeletal muscle. In fact, the study by Tanaka et al, 2018 presented only a preliminary characterization of the role of FAM210a in muscle. However, I think that this work is not complete and each aspect that has been investigated is not well connected with each other. In particular, it is not clear whether the disrupted ribosomal assembly by hyperacetylation causes muscle atrophy or it is altered under catabolic states during atrophy (primary cause or consequence of?).

      The other major point is represented by the fact that the Myl1-CRE expressing model provides selectivity in fast muscle fibers (see for example Barton PJR, Harris AJ, Buckingham M. Myosin light chain gene expression in developing and denervated fetal muscle in the mouse. Development. 1989;107: 819-824). Then the authors knocked out FAM210a only in fast fibers and they never take in consideration this key point! This is crucial since fast and slow muscles have different content of mitochondria with different size, shape, and metabolism! The muscle fibers can be classified based on the mitochondrial metabolism (see for example Chemello et al., 2019; PMID: 30917329).

      Regarding this point, they simply wrote at Line 75-76 "using a skeletal muscle specific Myl1 (myosin, light polypeptide 1) driven Cre recombinase specifically expressed in post-differentiation myocytes and multinucleated myofibers,...". It would be more correct to write multinucleated type 2 myofibers showing the reduction of FAM210a in different fiber types.

      I think that the authors must solve these aspect and then organize the findings accordingly. The data are in general interesting for broad type of audience.

      In more detail:

      The data must be analyzed and discussed based on the fact that FAM210a has been deleted specifically in fast fibers. First the authors must show the protein levels of FAM210a in both fast, slow and mixed fast-slow muscles. Then for example in Figure S1C EDL, GAS and SOL muscles must be included. The blot in general must be repeated since it has poor quality (continuum of FAM210a band in the samples). Please provide staining of TA, GAS and SOL muscles to show how Myl1CRE-directed deletion of FAM210a affect the different myofibers. In Figure 2F where decreased TA muscle weight was showed in the Fam210aMKO mice, the authors must include also the other muscles (EDL, GAS and SOL). In general, since the HSA-CRE model is generally used for gene manipulation in skeletal muscles the authors must characterize their model considering that the myosin light chain 1 promoter Myl1-Cre is mainly active in postmitotic type II myofibers. The last model can also give advantage for mosaic gene manipulation in muscles with mixed fiber types. Line 118-119 Fam210a level is positively corelated with muscle mass, as it is reduced in muscle atrophy conditions and increased in muscle hypertrophy conditions. Fig 1: I don't like since there are many different models in which the muscle mass reduction is associated with different mechanisms. Then independently of mechanisms associated with changes in muscle mass Fam210a is always linked to? Which common mechanism can explain this? Line 144-146 Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining did not reveal any obvious myofiber pathology in the Fam210aMKO mice up to 8 weeks (Figure 2G). I totally disagree! It seems that there is more inflammation upon deletion of Fam210aMKO. Please check it. Fig3E-L there is a huge difference between EDL and SOL. The authors can't avoid to discuss their data considering the real expression of CRE upon Myl promoter: specific deletion in fast fibers. I think that the data in FIGS3 are very important and must be linked to data in Fig3. Organize in a different way all the presented data to really describe what is happening upon deletion of Fam210a. Again, the authors MUST organize better their data in the manuscript: to each paragraph must correspond data in the main figures. For example: at Line 189 Fam210aMKO mice exhibit systemic metabolic defects and at Line 208 Fam210aMKO increases oxidative myofibers and decreases glycolytic myofibers. These two paragraphs discuss data showed only in supplementary figures. Physical activity mast be monitored. Show respiratory exchange ratio (RER = VCO2/VO2) and discuss the results. "Fam210aMKO increases oxidative myofibers and decreases glycolytic myofibers". The data mast be associated with the evaluation of the expression levels of FAM210 in different fiber type to really understand what is happening upon FAM210a loss. As SDH activity in type 1 fibers is higher than type 2 the and since the authors are using a model in which Fam210a is deleted only in type 2 fiber they should understand what is happening: fiber 1 Associate a cox assay with the sdh assay Figure 4b blot tubulin and FAM210a look strange. Look especially at first and second and fourth form the left side. Figure 4B OXPHOS protein levels look similar between wt and KO. Include the quantification with the significance (min 3-5 mice per genotype). Provide TEM analysis for SOL muscle. I would understand whether mitochondria are differently affected in fast and slow muscles. In all experiments must be clear which muscle type or types was/were used: Line 268: "isolated from WT and Fam210aMKO muscles at 6 weeks of age". Line 587 "Muscle lysate acetyl-CoA contents" For Seahorse Mitochondrial Respiration Analysis at Line 599 "isolated mitochondria from muscle" For TCA cycle metabolomics at Line 615 "muscle tissue was weighed and homogenized" For SCS activity assay at Line 632 "mitochondria from muscles were isolated" For LC-MS/MS at Line 647 "Mitochondria were purified from skeletal muscles and subjected to proteomics analysis". For Ribosome isolation at Line 676 "Skeletal muscle from mice" For Polysome profiling experiment at Line 696 "muscle tissues from mice were dissected" It is important to know which muscles were used since confounding effects of the specific deletion of FAM210a in type 2 fibers must be identified and discussed. Line 296-297 The authors wrote "Consistently, the mRNA levels of Atf4, Fgf21 and the associated transcripts were highly induced in the Fam210aMKO 296 both in the 4-week and 6-week-old muscle samples". Is Fgf21 responsible for the reduction of body weight? (see for example PMID: 28552492, PMID: 28607005 and PMID: 33944779). Measure the circulating Fgf21 protein in Ko and wt mice. Moreover the authors must check Opa1 total protein level and also the ratio between long and short isoforms. Is Fam210a interacting with Opa1? The final part of the paper is really interesting but need to be discussed knowing exactly the used experimental model. Then check in which fiber types FAM210a is loss. Regarding the mitochondrial transplantation I'm surprise to see that it happens in the direction of unhealthy mitochondria to healthy cells. Are you able to rescue the phenotype of Fam210a KO cells with healthy mitochondria?


      In conclusion, the strength of the presented paper is the novelty: the authors explored the role of FAM210a in skeletal muscle. However, the major limitation is represented by the fact that they did not show in which fiber types Fam210a is knocked out. In fact, the used CRE recombinase expressing model is well-known to be specific for type 2 fibers. Then since mitochondria and metabolism are central in this manuscript and they are different in the fast and slow fiber types, the authors must dissect in details this point. Moreover, there are many data but they are not linked each other and discussed properly.The paper must be completely re-organized.

      This manuscript can be interesting for a broad type of audience.

      I'm an expert on mitochondria, metabolism and skeletal muscle.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: In this manuscript, Chen et al., investigate the functions of FAM210A in skeletal muscle physiology and metabolism. FAM210A is a mitochondria-localized protein in which mutations have been associated with sarcopenia and osteoporosis. Using publicly available gene expression datasets from human skeletal muscle biopsies the authors first demonstrate that the expression of FAM210 is reduced in muscle atrophy-associated diseases and increased in muscle hypertrophy conditions. Based on this, they show that a muscle specific Fam210a deletion leads to muscle atrophy/weakness, systemic metabolic defects, and premature lethality in mouse. Further examination of the knockout myofibers reveals impaired mitochondrial respiration and translation program. Additionally, the authors demonstrate that the flow of TCA cycle is disrupted in the FAM210A-deleted myofibers, which causes abnormal accumulation of acetyl-coA and hyperacetylation of a subset of proteins. The authors claim that Fam210a deletion in skeletal muscle induces the hyper-acetylation of several small ribosomal proteins that leads to ribosomal disassembly and translational deficiency. However, this conclusion is not supported by adequate experimentation and rigorous analysis of ribosomal proteins acetylation and ribosome assembly.

      Major comments:

      • In general, figure legends are lacking information regarding number of biological replicates used and details about statistical analysis. What does three * vs. one * mean in terms of p-value? Exact p-values should be indicated.
      • The mechanistic studies linking muscle phenotypes with ribosomal protein hyperacetylation and mRNA translation defects are underdeveloped and not rigorously carried.
      • Fig S1: The validation WB of FAM210A KO is not the most convincing. Why are the FAM210A levels so low in TA compared to other tissues?
      • Fig 2G: The authors state "Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining did not reveal any obvious myofiber pathology in the Fam210a KO mice up to 8 weeks". However there seems to be a progressive increase in nuclei up to 8-weeks in the KO. What is the significance of this?
      • IP-MS analysis for FAM210A interacting proteins requires validation with IP and reverse IP + WB experiment.
      • Figure 4A requires quantification of the SDH signals from multiple samples.
      • Figure 6F: To clearly demonstrate an increase in protein acetylation in the FAM210 MKO, the authors must provide quantification data generated with more then N=1. Please add the molecular weights markings on the side of the blots.
      • Figure 6H and S5: The mitochondria transfer experiment appears to be quite efficient compared to previously published studies. It would be important to control that the signal observed in the recipient cells is not due to the leakage of the MitoTracker dye from the donor mitochondria.
      • Figure 6J: The increase in Fgf21 is modest. Although the difference is statistically significant, is it biologically important?
      • Figure 6C: How significant is the difference in acetylation of RPL30 in WT vs. KO. RPS13 was not found in the WT MS? Was this normalized to Input?
      • Figure 7D: What are the MW of the bands shown on this blot? This experiment is by no means sufficient to demonstrate and confirm that ribosomal proteins are acetylated. An increase in RPL30 and RPS13 acetylation must be directly assessed.
      • Fig7E: This experiment is not properly executed and in its current state does not rigorously support that "hyper-acetylation of several small ribosomal proteins leads to ribosomal disassembly". A) UV profiles of the fractionation must be provided to assess the quality of the profile. B) Provide MW markers. Which band is RPL30? The Input and free fraction bands are not at the same size. RPL30 should at least be visible on the 60S and polysomes from the WT. C) These results do not match the acetylation MS data, which seem to show that the increase in acetylation is much greater for RPS13. However, RPS13 presence on polysomes (assuming they are polysomes) is not affected in the KO. D) This type of experiment must be done for three independent biological replicates, blots from single lanes must be quantified and normalized to total signal (from all the lanes) for the same antibody.
      • Fig 7F: Global translation rates are assessed by puro incorporation at week 4, a time point when differences in protein acetylation were not observed. This does not support the hypothesis that increased acetylation of ribosomal proteins causes defect in protein translation. (Referencing the authors statement p.7 lines 321-24.).
      • Other studies have implicated Fam210A in the regulation of mitochondrial protein synthesis through an interaction with EF-Tu. The authors also identified EF-Tu as an interactor in their LC-MS analysis (FigS4). A role for this interaction accounting for mitochondrial and translation defects seems to be underestimated and unexplored here.

      Minor comments:

      • What is known about FAM210A, other studies assessing its role, and the rational for studying its function should be better introduced.
      • In the discussion the authors states: "Moreover, when the proportion of ribosomal protein phosphorylation buildup in the Fam210aMKO, the assembly of the translational machinery is impaired therefore further dampen the cellular translation". Do they mean acetylation and not phosphorylation?
      • Please use the term "mRNA translation" or "protein synthesis" instead of "protein translation" in the text.
      • The methods section for RT-qPCR: It should ne M-MLV RT and not M-MLC. If the qPCR data was normalized with 18S, please provide the sequence of the primers in the table. Information on how primer efficiency was tested must be included in the method section.


      General assessment: Previous genome-wide association studies have found that mutations in FAM210A were associated with sarcopenia and osteoporosis. Because FAM210A is not expressed in the bone and highly expressed in skeletal muscle, it suggests that FAM210A likely plays an important role in muscle, which could also affect bone regulation. The authors here provide further evidence of an important role for FAM210A in diseases affecting muscle function by demonstrating that the expression of FAM210A decreases with age and in patients affected by Pompe disease, Duchenne muscular dystrophy and hereditary recessive myopathy. FAM210A is a mitochondria-localized protein and given the crucial role of mitochondria in supporting muscle metabolism, elucidating the molecular function of FAM210A may provide important insights into diseases biology that could lead to the development of therapeutic approaches. Thus, a significant protein and regulatory pathway are explored in this study that can potentially impact human health. In this manuscript, the authors provide compelling evidence of the importance of Fam210a in muscle homeostasis with their newly generate mouse model. The experiments looking at muscle physiology, function and metabolism are well-executed and for the most part rigorous, which are the strengths of this manuscript. However, the conclusion that Fam210a deletion in skeletal muscle induces the hyper-acetylation of several small ribosomal proteins, which leads to ribosomal disassembly and translational deficiency is not supported by the data presented here. As noted in the comments above, these experiments need major improvement. Additionally, there are other concerns about general scientific rigor and conclusions inconsistent with the data presented as also noted in the comments section.

      Advance: Although a previous study explored the role of FAM210A using a skeletal muscle-specific KO induced at postnatal 28 days under a HSA promoter, the model used by the authors here provide a cleaner approach and more insights into the molecular functions of FAM210A in muscle physiology. The findings that Fam210a MKO disrupts the flow of TCA cycle, which leads to an abnormal accumulation of acetyl-CoA is interesting and provide new conceptual advance on the roles of FAM210A in mitochondria function in muscle. Acetyl-CoA production is an important source of acetyl-group that can be transferred to proteins and regulate gene expression programs. Thus, this is an important finding. However, molecular mechanism by which FAM210A regulates this process through an interaction with SUCLG2 is not provided and the nature this interaction is superficially explored.

      Audience: Findings from this manuscript are likely to interest both basic research and translational/clinical audiences as it explores the physiological and molecular function of a disease-linked protein. The findings are also likely to impact the fields of metabolism, mitochondria function and regulation of gene expression by protein acetylation (if concerns raised regarding these experiments are addressed). The fields of expertise of this reviewer are protein and RNA modifications, ribosome biogenesis and mRNA translation.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript entitled "FAM210A mediates an inter-organelle crosstalk essential for protein synthesis and muscle growth in mouse", Chen et al, found that knocking out of FAM210A specifically in muscle using Myl Cre resulted in abnormal mitochondria, hyperacetylation of cytosolic proteins, and translation defects. The manuscript uncovered the new functions of FAM210A in regulating metabolism and translation. I have the following the concerns about the manuscript.


      1. One of the major phenotypes of FAM210A is the decrease of muscle mass after 6 weeks after birth. Is this phenotype caused by the accumulation of progressive loss of muscle mass from birth? Are the body weight and muscle mass reduced in FAM210A knocking out new born mice? Is the muscle mass growth curve the same in FAM210A and WT mice from birth to 6 weeks after birth? These results will reveal more mechanism of FAM210A mediated muscle mass control.
      2. Does the muscle mass continue to decrease after 8 weeks?
      3. FAM210A knockout mice displayed high lethal rate. Is there any potential mechanism for the high lethality?
      4. In Figure 2, the muscle mass decreased significantly, while the fat mass only decreased slightly. In FAM210A knockout mice. However, the ratio of the lean mass and fat mass to body mass did not change in FAM210A knockout mice compared to WT mice. How do the authors reconcile this?
      5. Are there changes of the number of nuclei per myotube? Is the muscle atrophy in FAM210A knockout mice caused by the defects of fusion, or the degradation of protein, or both?
      6. Are the growth curves of muscle mass growth in EDL and SOL the same n FAM210A knockout mice?
      7. The oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production are higher in FAM210A knockout mice, suggesting a high metabolism rate. In contrast, the heat production of FAM210A knockout mice is lower, suggesting a low metabolism rate. Any explanation?
      8. Given the high glucose consumption in FAM210A, why is the clearance rate of blood glucose low?
      9. Are there any changes of the abilities for the FAM210A knockout mice in running endurance?
      10. In page 5, the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph, the authors concluded "There results suggest that Fam210aMKO induces a metabolic switch to a more oxidative state." It is better to describe it as muscle metabolic since the whole body metabolism has not been carefully examined.
      11. In Fig. 6, what is the link between increased transcription level of Fgf21 and the elevated level of aberrant acetylation of proteins?
      12. Is there any link between the increased acetylation level of rebolsome proteins and the translation defects?
      13. How do the abnormal mitochondria lead to increased protein acetylation? And how do these defects further cause translation problem?
      14. The defects in translation will cause general problems besides mitochondria defects. Are there any phenotypes related to the overall translation inhibition observed? If not, why?
      15. Are the abnormal mitochondria, increased protein acetylation, and translation inhibition observed in 2-6 weeks old mice? When were these defects first found? Are they correlated with muscle atrophy?


      This manuscript described many interesting phenotypes of Fam210a knockout mice. However, the links between these phenotypes are obscure. The logic of the manuscript will be greatly improved if the authors could provide explanations to logically link the phenotypes.

  2. Mar 2024
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      __Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):____ __ Deka and colleagues report that a non-canonical NFKb signaling operates in DCs in the context of inflammation and inhibits a tolerogenic mechanism driven by b-catenin-Raldh2. The following comments are made to clarify the findings presented.

      1. The authors re-analyzed published scRNAseq data from DSS colitis to identify the expression of Relb and NFKB2 in myeloid cells. 1a- The authors are encouraged to expand this analysis to other published datasets.

      We sincerely appreciate the comment from the knowledgeable reviewer. Unfortunately, we did not find any other publicly available scRNAseq dataset from DSS-treated mice. To circumvent this problem, we instead examined a previously published microarray-based bulk transcriptomic dataset obtained using FACS-sorted DCs isolated from the mouse colon (GSE58446, Muzaki et al. 2016; doi:10.1038/mi.2015.64). We consistently found an increased expression of Relb, and to some extent Nfkb2, mRNAs in intestinal DCs upon DSS treatment (Fig R1). Because microarray analysis lacks the quantitative attributes that scRNAseq offers, we provided this newly analysed dataset for reviewer's eyes and refrained from including this data in the manuscript per se. Of note, we have also provided our own experimental data directly demonstrating p100 processing in DC isolated from colitogenic gut. (Fig 1F)

      Importantly, we could identify an additional scRNAseq dataset derived colitogenic human ulcerative colitis patients (GSE162335, Devlin et al. 2021, doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro. 2020.12.030). Interrogation of this dataset indeed confirmed that RELB and NFKB2 mRNAs were majorly expressed in intestinal DCs and not in intestinal macrophages and that IBD was associated with increased expression of multiple RelB-important genes in intestinal DCs. These analyses further supported the notion that heightened non-canonical NF-kB signalling in DCs could be fuelling aberrant gut inflammation. We have now incorporated this newly acquired data in the supplementary Figure S5A-S5C. (line# 456-460)

      1b. Additionally, the expression of Relb and NFKB2 in other cells - especially other myeloid cells -should be explored and included, even if then the authors later choose to test their function in DCs.

      Adhering to this brilliant suggestion, we have now further interrogated the mouse scRNAseq dataset (GSE148794 ; Ho et al., 2021) to compare macrophages and DCs for the expression of the non-canonical signal transducers. Indeed, we found a relatively insignificant level of Relb and Nfkb2 mRNAs in intestinal macrophages in comparison to intestinal DCs. Our data suggested that the non-canonical NF-kB pathway is likely to play a more prominent role in DCs than in macrophages in the gut. This new analysis has now been presented in the revised draft in Figure 1B. (revised text line#136-140) This comparison indeed proved useful in motivating subsequent in-depth analyses of the non-canonical NF-kB pathway in DCs in the context of experimental colitis.

      1c. Please note that there is a transition from Fig 1A to Fig 1B to focus on DCs, which is not apparent from the figure.

      Please find our response to #1b.

      Please include scale bars for all histological analyses.

      We thank the reviewer for alerting us. The scale bars were already included in the histological analyses; we have now appropriately highlighted them in this revised version for better visual clarity.

      In Fig S1I, the authors show that loss of body weight upon DSS treatment in Nfkb2DCD11c is indistinguishable from control. Why is the starting weight at 110%? Please clarify.

      We sincerely apologize for this inadvertent error. We have now rectified the axis label, representing the starting weight at day 0 as 100% (currently Figure S1J).

      In Figure 2, please indicate the database/s used for the identification of top biological pathways.

      We used "WikiPathways subset of cellular processes" available at www.gsea-msigdb.org/gsea/msigdb/mouse/collections.jsp?targetSpeciesDB=Mouse#M8 for the pathway enrichment analysis presented in Figure 2B. We also utilized a previously published RA-target gene set for the gene set enrichment analysis presented in Figure 2C (Balmer and Blomhoff, 2002; 10.1194/jlr.r100015-jlr200). While this information was included in the materials and methods section in the original draft, we have now included these descriptions in the figure legend for further clarity. (please see revised figure legends 2B and 2C)

      The authors show a more significant expansion in Tregs upon DSS treatment when non-canonical NFKb is ablated in DCs. Is this at the expense of a reduction of specific Th cells? Can the authors also report the number of cells beyond the % of cells?

      In response to the reviewer's comment, we have examined the abundance of Th17 cells in the colon of our knockout mice. As also observed earlier upon DC-specific ablation of NIK function (Jie et al., 2018), disruption of non-canonical NF-kB signaling in DCs in RelbDDC or Nfkb2DDC mice led to a reduced frequency of RoRgt+ Th17 cells in the LP (Figure S3F, new data). Our in vitro (Figure 2I) and in vivo (Figure 3F-G, 6B-6C) studies conclusively linked DC-intrinsic non-canonical NF-kB signaling to intestinal Treg via the RA pathway. Therefore, we conjectured that the observed decline in the Th17 compartment in our knockouts could be secondary to Treg expansion. We have now further discussed this point in the revised manuscript. (line#296-300)

      As the reviewer suggested, in addition to the Treg frequency, we have also presented the number of intestinal FoxP3+ CD4 T cells in the supplement (Figure S3E). Our data revealed a similar increase in the total Treg numbers in the mouse colon upon ablation of the non-canonical NF-kB pathway in DCs. (line#296-300)

      In figure 6A, it appears that not only the amount of beta-catenin expressed but also the percentage of beta-catenin positive MNL DCs is significantly expanded upon ablation of non-canonical NFkb. Please verify and if so, include.

      We thank the reviewer for this very insightful comment. We have now catalogued MLN DCs into b-cateninlow and b-cateninhigh compartments. Indeed, we found a substantial more than two-fold increase in the frequency of b-cateninhigh DCs in RelbDDC mice. Accordingly, we have revised Figure 6A and emphasised this point in the text.


      In analogy to comment #1 above, please expand the analyses in human samples to include the expression of Relb and Nfkb2 to other myeloid cells.

      Adhering to the valuable suggestion by the reviewer, we have now analysed the scRNAseq dataset (SCP 259) comparing DCs, macrophages, and inflammatory and cycling monocytes present in the human gut for the expression of RELB and NFKB2 mRNA (Figure 7B). Consistent with our observation involving the mouse colon, we found that mRNAs encoding these non-canonical signal transducers were mostly expressed in DCs among various MNPs. This point has also been emphasized in the revised draft. (line#446-448)

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Strengths of the manuscript include the conceptual novelty of the intersection between non-canonical NFkb and the tolerogenic b-catenin-Raldh2 axis. And additional strength is the methodical approach, which includes various immunological and biochemical assessments as well as genetic perturbations to dissect such relationships. While it remains unknown the relevant triggers for the non-canonical axis described, this study advances our mechanistic understanding on how activation of this axis overrides regulatory mechanisms in DCs. As such, this manuscript should be of broad interest to immunologists and in particular mucosal immunologists. We sincerely thank the reviewer for lauding our work as conceptually novel and methodical. The encouragement from the knowledgeable reviewer would certainly motivate us further to identify the relevant trigger of this pathway in the gut.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The following issues are noted.

      - all animal strains and their provenance should be described and properly referenced (for example, there are at least two CD11c-Cre strains with different specificity). Along the same lines, the specificity of Cre recombination should be confirmed, at least in major cell types (DCs vs T effector or regulatory cells).

      We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's attention to these important details. We would like to point out that in our original draft, Table 1 in the Materials and Methods section provides information on the source and the identifier of all mouse strains used. In particular, we utilized CD11c-Cre mice with the identifier 008068 from the Jackson Laboratories. Alternately known as B6.Cg-Tg (Itgax-cre)1-1Reiz/J, this strain displays Cre-mediated recombination in more than 95% of conventional DCs while exhibiting only minor recombination in lymphocytes (low-activated T cells (www.jax.org/strain/008068). Importantly, our immunoblot analyses revealed efficient depletion of RelB in specifically splenic CD11c+ cells of RelbDDC mice with only a negligible reduction in CD11c- cells (Figure S1E). Our analyses involving Nfkb2DDC mice also assured of similar gene disruption specificity (Figure S1H). Notably, our results were consistent with those documented on RelbDDC and Nfkb2DDC strains earlier (Andreas et al., 2019). To further address the reviewer's concern pertaining to the T-cell compartment, we have now compared splenic CD4+ cells from Nfkb2fl/fl and Nfkb2DDC mice for the expression of p100 (Figure S1I, newly added in the revised draft). Our results confirmed that CD11c-Cre-driven ablation of the non-canonical NF-kB pathway did not perturb p100 expressions in T cells. Taken together, these allow us to emphasize that knockout phenotypes observed in our study were attributed to non-canonical NF-kB deficiency in DCs. We have accordingly modified the text to highlight gene deletion specificities in our knockouts. (line#166-167, 180-182)

      - the DSS model is prone to "batch effects" of individual cages, and proper comparison between genotypes is possible only if mice of different genotypes (eg littermates) are housed together in the same cages. The authors should clearly confirm whether this was the case, and if not, key experiments should be repeated in this setting.

      As mentioned in the materials and methods section of the original draft, littermate male mice of indicated genotypes were indeed cohoused for at least one week prior to experiments. We have now further emphasised this point in the legend of Figure 1.

      - BMDCs represent a heterogeneous mixture of DCs and macrophages (Helft et al., Immunity 2015). These populations should be clearly defined and compared between genotypes, to make sure that they do not underlie the observed gene expression differences.

      The knowledgeable reviewer has raised a very pertinent issue. We would like to emphasize that instead of generating BMDCs using GM-CSF alone following the protocol prescribed by Helft et al. (2015), we differentiated bone marrow cells to BMDCs using a cocktail of GM-CSF+IL4 adhering to the protocol published by Jin and Sprent (2018). Following the reviewer's suggestion, we have now compared BMDCs generated in these two protocols in our laboratory. As reported earlier (Jin and Sprent, 2018), unlike BMDCs generated using GM-CSF alone, BMDCs generated using the GM-CSF+IL4 cocktail did not contain CD115high macrophage-like cells (Figure S2C). (line#230-232) However, they displayed equivalent expressions of the DC marker CD135 on their surface. Moreover, when we compared BMDCs derived from Relbfl/fl and RelbDCD11c mice in flow cytometry analyses, we found comparable surface expression of CD135, assuring intact BMDC generation from bone marrow cells ex vivo in spite of the absence of RelB (Figure S2I). (line#266-268) These studies argue that macrophage-like cells did not contribute to the observed gene expression differences between WT and RelB-deficient BMDCs.

      • the analysis of DCs in mutant strains (e.g. in Fig. 3) would benefit from a better definition of populations, e.g. resident vs migratory DCs in the MLN, the Notch2-dependent CD103+ CD11b+ DCs in the LP and MLN, etc. Again, this would be important to justify differences in gene expression (e.g. Fig. 3D).

      We sincerely appreciate the comment from the knowledgeable reviewer. In a landmark paper from Prof. Fiona Powrie's group (Coombes et al., 2007), it was earlier demonstrated that CD103+ DCs present in the intestine migrate to local MLNs and play a key role in producing RA and supporting Tregs. While our BMDC data strongly supported a cell-intrinsic mechanism underlying Raldh2 upregulation upon non-canonical NF-kB deficiency (Figure 2F), our in vivo studies (Figure 3D-3E) did not entirely rule out also a possible expansion of RA-producing CD103+ DC compartment in our knockout mice. Although the proposition that non-canonical NF-kB signaling regulates the generation of specific intestinal DC subsets seems attractive, we must point out that previous studies showed a relatively unaltered frequency of CD103+ cells among steady-state migratory DCs in skin-draining lymph nodes (Döhler et al., 2017). Nevertheless, following the reviewer's suggestion, we now plan to perform advanced flow cytometry analyses to compare Relbfl/fl and RelbDCD11c mice for the frequency of CD103+CD11b-, CD103+CD11b+ and CD103-CD11b+ DCs in the intestine. To this end, we have already optimized our experimental protocol for staining intestinal DCs with anti-CD103 antibody (BD Bioscience). In the coming weeks, we are expecting to gather adequate numbers of littermate knockout mice to perform a side-by-side comparison. [NOTE: also the section - "Description of the planned revisions"]

      • the analysis of b-catenin protein expression and cellular localization at the single-cell level (e.g. by IF) would greatly strengthen the mechanistic connection between NF-kB and Wnt/b-catenin pathways.

      Adhering to the reviewer's suggestion, we have now performed immunofluorescence assay (IFA) to capture the impact of RelB deficiency on b-catenin expression and cellular localization. Because BMDCs pose challenges for IFA owing to their non-adherent nature, we instead examined mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), which provide for a genetically amenable model cell system. As presented below (Figure R2), our IFA data conclusively demonstrated an increased cellular abundance and nuclear localization of b-catenin in Relb-/- MEFs. While we are truly excited to find that our proposed mechanism is functional in another cell type, we feel that the inclusion of MEF data in the main manuscript, which describes DC-mediated immune controls, may cause significant distractions for the general audience. Accordingly, we have provided this data for the reviewer's eyes only.

      Minor: - The reanalysis of previous single-cell data is in Figs. 1 and 7 are much less convincing or exciting than the new experimental data relegated to the supplements. The distribution of the results between main and experimental figures may be reconsidered in this light.

      We concur with the knowledgeable reviewer that our scRNAseq analyses may have appeared less convincing in the original draft. In response to comments by reviewer-1 and reviewer-3, we have now added additional data panels (Figure 1B, Figure 7B and Figure 7G) and examined additional publicly available datasets (Figure S5). In the revised draft, these analyses helped us to more firmly establish a link between non-canonical NF-kB signaling in DCs to aberrant intestinal inflammation in mice and humans.

      However, we slightly diverge that many key experimental datasets were relegated to the supplement. Except for the FITC-dextran experiment, data from all other experimental analyses were presented in the main text (Figure 1). To suitably manage space in our figure panels, we opted to present quantified data averaged from experimental replicates in the main text while providing representative raw data in the supplement. Besides, immunoblot analyses confirming DC-specific ablation of target genes in our knockouts were placed in the supplement. Notably, these knockout strains were also examined earlier (Andreas et al., 2019). Those studies, along with our own analyses (Figure S1E, S1H and S1I - additional data), confirmed the most efficient gene deletion in CD11c+ cells. While maintaining these data in the supplement for want of space, we have now cited this reference in the main text to emphasize that knockout phenotypes observed in our study were attributed to non-canonical NF-kB dysfunctions in DCs.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript by Deka et al. explores the role of the non-canonical NF-kB pathway, specifically of its key mediators RelB and NF-kB2, in dendritic cells (DCs) during intestinal inflammation. The key strength of the paper is the demonstration that DC-specific deletion of RelB or NF-kB2 leads to improved acute or chronic DSS colitis. It is also shown that reducing the dose of b-catenin rescues the phenotype of RelB deletion, providing an important genetic connection between NF-kB and Wnt/b-catenin pathways. As such, the work is novel, important and of potential significance to the field.

      We express our deepest gratitude to the reviewer for his/her valuable time and insightful comments. We are indeed extremely excited that the knowledgeable reviewer finds our work novel, important and of potential significance to the field. These positive comments would inspire us to look further into potential interventions targeting the non-canonical NF-kB pathway in human ailments.

      __ Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):__


      This manuscript from Deka et al. investigates the role of dendritic cell noncanonical NFκB signaling on intestinal inflammation. Based on prior data showing altered DC function in intestinal inflammation, they interrogated existing scRNAseq data and found that DSS treatment (which yields chemical colitis) increased the expression of non-canonical NFkB family members in dendritic cells. This led to the generation of a DC-specific RelB deficient mouse and use of a DC specific NFkB2 deficient mouse, each of which showed varying degrees of protection from chemical colitis.

      Overall, they do a very nice job identifying a mechanism by which noncanonical NFκB signaling in dendritic cells contributes to intestinal inflammation via transcriptional regulation of Axin1, downregulation of β-catenin, restraint of Raldh2 synthesis, impaired retinoic acid synthesis and subsequent decrease in protective Tregs, IgA+ B cells, and microbial dysbiosis. The importance of this pathway is well supported by their focused targeting of β-catenin. After pharmacologic inhibition of β-catenin showed restoration of Raldh2 abundance, they made a DC-specific β-catenin haploinsufficiency RelBDCD11c mouse which showed impaired Raldh2 activity with restoration of colonic Tregs and fecal sIgA. When challenged with DSS, the protective phenotype seen with the RelBDCD11c was lost and the colitis phenotype returned to that of the Relbfl/fl control, further solidifying the role of β-catenin, Raldh2 and RA on intestinal inflammation. Additionally, the discussion provides a robust mechanistic explanation for the phenotypic differences between the RelB and Nfkb2 genotypes, drawing on the authors' deep knowledge of the non-canonical NFκB pathway.

      Major comments:

      1. Although they propose a novel mechanism by which dendritic cells can contribute to intestinal inflammation, it is in a model of acute epithelial injury that accentuates the contribution of the innate immune system. Would recommend including a discussion of the limitations of this model.

      We most sincerely thank the knowledgeable reviewer for raising this important issue. We argue that while erosive epithelial injury initiates colitis in the DSS model, T cells were shown to aggravate intestinal pathologies, particularly at DSS doses used in our study (Kim et al., 2006; doi: 10.3748/wjg.v12.i2.302). Furthermore, our chemically-induced colitis model offered a convenient tool for genetically dissecting the DC-intrinsic role of the non-canonical NF-kB pathway in the intestine. However, we agree entirely that no single animal model fully captures the clinical complexities of human IBD and that other models of experimental colitis should also be employed in the future to assess the generalisability of the proposed DC mechanism in regulating intestinal inflammation. In particular, future studies ought to examine composite knockout strains in the T-cell transfer model of experimental colitis to establish further the role of non-canonical NF-kB signaling in DCs in alleviating intestinal inflammation. As suggested by the reviewer, we have now articulated this point in the discussion section. (line# 553-557)

      The human work (Figure 7) shows solid evidence of heightened non-canonical NFκB signaling in DCs via abundance of RELB and NFKB2 along with a few RelB important genes, however, the RA-specific pathway identified in the mouse work is not strongly corroborated by the human data. There is demonstration of one β-activated gene (CCND1) showing decreased expression in IBD patients, however no other gene along with RA pathway was clearly identified to be differentially expressed as one would predict from the mouse work.

      We sincerely thank the knowledgeable reviewer for articulating this deficiency in our analyses of single-cell RNA-seq data derived from IBD patients (SCP259, Smillie et al., 2019). We would like to clarify that many well-known b-catenin target genes, including MYC, were not detectable in this dataset. Nevertheless, to address the reviewer's concern, we subjected this dataset to GSEA using a previously published list of RA target genes (Balmer et al., 2002). Our analyses revealed a significant enrichment of RA targets among genes that were downmodulated in DCs derived from inflamed colonic tissues of IBD patients as compared to those from non-inflamed tissues (Figure 7G, newly added in the revised version). We have now discussed this data in the result section. (line#470-475) These studies further substantiated the inverse correlation between noncanonical NF-kB signalling and the RA pathway in DCs in the inflamed human gut.

      Minor comments: 1. Their NFκB2DCD11c mouse underwent a regimen of chronic DSS treatment after acute DSS treatment only displayed subtle phenotypic changes. Was the same chronic colitis regimen also tested in the RelBDCD11c ?

      Indeed, we also examined RelbDCD11c mice in the chronic DSS treatment regime. As compared to Relbfl/fl mice, these knockout mice displayed significantly less bodyweight changes upon chronic DSS challenge. Because RelbDCD11c mice readily showed acute DSS phenotype, we did not further pursue investigations involving this strain in the chronic DSS settings and rather focused on Nfkb2DCD11c mice to illustrate chronic DSS phenotypes.

      In the introduction, it was stated that patients with UC have a marked reduction in intestinal DCs. If DCs (particularly non-canonical NFκB signaling) promote inflammation, how do you explain a decrease in this cell type in patients with active disease?

      Depending on the expression of immunogenic or tolerogenic factors, DCs may both promote or subdue inflammation in the colon. We have now revisited the relevant reference published by Magnusson et al., (2016). Indeed, the authors noted a marked reduction in the intestine of the CD103+ DC subset, which has been majorly linked to tolerogenic RA synthesis. While it is generally thought that aberrant inflammation promotes the death of mononuclear phagocytes in the intestine, it seems that either a contraction of the tolerogenic DC compartment or downmodulation of tolerogenic pathways in DCs incites gut inflammation in IBD patients. We have now revised the text in the introduction section to clarify this point. (line#81-83)

      The focus on retinoic acid is interesting, however may be oversimplifying the role of non-canonical NFκB in DCs on the mucosal immune system. It must also be mentioned that there is crosstalk between the non-canonical and canonical NFκB signaling systems, for example Nfkb2 is capable of functioning as a IkB protein and inhibiting RelA-p50 (from the last author's prior work - Basak et al, Cell, 2007). Thus would include some mention of possible effects on the canonical system that contribute to intestinal inflammation.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this important point. As mentioned in the introduction section of our original draft, the canonical NF-kB pathway in DCs aggravates experimental colitis mice (Visekruna, A. et al. 2015). Indeed, Nfkb2-dependent crosstalk was shown to modulate inflammatory RelA activity in a variety of cell types (Basak et al., 2007; Shih et al., 2009; Chawla et al., 2021). Although such cross-regulatory RelA controls by non-canonical NF-kB signaling are yet to be established in DCs, our studies involving RelB-deficient cells confirmed an essential role of p100-mediated RelB regulations in DC functions. We admit that further studies are required to determine if, independent of RelB, p100 directs immunogenic DC attributes via also RelA or another factor. We have now elaborated on p100-mediated crosstalks in the discussion section. (line#561-562)

      In the single-cell DSS data they analyzed, there was a distinct DC population seen with DSS colitis treatment. Although they are categorized as cDC2s, what genes separate them from the other DC populations?

      We curated a list of genes from Brown et al., (2019) to categorize cDC1 and cDC2 subsets in our study. We would like to clarify that the list was provided in Supplementary Table 1 in our original draft. In view of the reviewer's comment, we have now referred to this Table in the legend of Supplementary Figure 1 and also in the main text. (line#153)

      Why was the RNAseq work on BMDCs (that identified RA metabolism as a top-ranking differentially expressed pathway) done only on Nfkb2-/- BMDCs and not RelB-/-? RelB-/- had a more pronounced protected phenotype in the cell type-specific knockout and is a cleaner target (does not have the IkB capability of Nfkb2).

      We broadly agree with the knowledgeable reviewer that comparing WT and Relb-/- BMDCs for global gene expressions could have been worthwhile. We would like to clarify that we initially utilized a dataset derived using Nfkb2-/- BMDCs already available in the laboratory. These analyses were instrumental in developing a notion that non-canonical NF-kB signalling could be modulating Radh2 expression in DCs. Because previous studies involving germline Relb-/- mice suggested a role of RelB in the nonhematopoietic niche in instructing myeloid development (Briseño et al., 2017), we focused our subsequent analyses on BMDCs generated using bone marrow cells from cell type-specific knockouts. Indeed, we could confirm elevated Raldh2 expressions in BMDCs generated from both RelbDDC and Nfkb2DDC mice. Taken together, our studies suggested that Nfkb2-encoded p100 controlled Raldh2 expressions in DCs by providing RelB:p52 and less so as a regulator of the RelA activity. Although we admit that further studies are required to determine if, independent of RelB, p100 directs immunogenic DC attributes via also RelA or another factor. We have now deliberated this point in the discussion section. (line#566-567)

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required): As a physician-scientist who clinically cares for patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and scientifically studies signaling within innate immune cells, this manuscript does a rigorous job of identifying a mechanism by which canonical NFκB signaling in dendritic cells contributes to intestinal inflammation. This study would be very informative for both basic and translational researchers as it identifies a clear pathway by which the innate immune system contributes to intestinal inflammation, and opens up room for inquiry into triggers of non-canonical NFκB in IBD and modulation of the RA pathway as a potential novel therapeutic target.

      We are humbled that the knowledgeable reviewer finds our work to be informative for basic and translational research. These encouragements would undoubtedly motivate us further to identify the relevant trigger of this pathway in the gut and explore potential interventions.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This manuscript from Deka et al. investigates the role of dendritic cell noncanonical NFκB signaling on intestinal inflammation. Based on prior data showing altered DC function in intestinal inflammation, they interrogated existing scRNAseq data and found that DSS treatment (which yields a chemical colitis) increased expression of non-canonical NFkB family members in dendritic cells. This led to the generation of a DC specific RelB deficient mouse and use of a DC specific NFkB2 deficient mouse, each of which showed varying degrees of protection from chemical colitis. Overall, they do a very nice job identifying a mechanism by which noncanonical NFκB signaling in dendritic cells contributes to intestinal inflammation via transcriptional regulation of Axin1, downregulation of β-catenin, restraint of Raldh2 synthesis, impaired retinoic acid synthesis and subsequent decrease in protective Tregs, IgA+ B cells, and microbial dysbiosis. The importance of this pathway is well supported by their focused targeting of β-catenin. After pharmacologic inhibition of β-catenin showed restoration of Raldh2 abundance, they made a DC specific β-catenin haploinsufficiency RelBCD11c mouse which showed impaired Raldh2 activity with restoration of colonic Tregs and fecal sIgA. When challenged with DSS, the protective phenotype seen with the RelBCD11c was lost and the colitis phenotype returned to that of the Relbfl/fl control, further solidifying the role of β-catenin, Raldh2 and RA on intestinal inflammation. Additionally, the discussion provides a robust mechanistic explanation for the phenotypic differences between the RelB and Nfkb2 genotypes, drawing on the authors' deep knowledge of the non-canonical NFκB pathway.

      Major comments:

      1. Although they propose a novel mechanism by which dendritic cells can contribute to intestinal inflammation, it is in a model of acute epithelial injury that accentuates the contribution of the innate immune system. Would recommend including a discussion of the limitations of this model.
      2. The human work (Figure 7) shows solid evidence of heightened non-canonical NFκB signaling in DCs via abundance of RELB and NFKB2 along with a few RelB important genes, however the RA specific pathway identified in the mouse work is not strongly corroborated by the human data. There is demonstration of one β-activated gene (CCDN1) showing decreased expression in IBD patients, however no other gene along with RA pathway was clearly identified to be differentially expressed as one would predict from the mouse work.

      Minor comments:

      1. Their NFκB2CD11c mouse underwent a regimen of chronic DSS treatment after acute DSS treatment only displayed subtle phenotypic changes. Was the same chronic colitis regimen also tested in the RelBCD11c ?
      2. In the introduction, it was stated that patients with UC have a marked reduction in intestinal DCs. If DCs (particularly non-canonical NFκB signaling) promote inflammation, how do you explain a decrease in this cell type in patients with active disease?
      3. The focus on retinoic acid is interesting, however may be oversimplifying the role of non-canonical NFκB in DCs on the mucosal immune system. It must also be mentioned that there is crosstalk between the non-canonical and canonical NFκB signaling systems, for example Nfkb2 is capable of functioning as a IkB protein and inhibiting RelA-p50 (from the last author's prior work - Basak et al, Cell, 2007). Thus would include some mention of possible effects on the canonical system that contribute to intestinal inflammation.
      4. In the single cell DSS data they analyzed, there was a distinct DC population was seen with DSS colitis treatment. Although they are categorized as cDC2s, what genes separate them from the other DC populations?
      5. Why was the RNAseq work on BMDCs (that identified RA metabolism as a top ranking differentially expressed pathway) done only on Nfkb-/- BMDCs and not RelB-/-? The RelB-/- had a more pronounced protected phenotype in the cell type specific knockout, and is a cleaner target (does not have the IkB capability of Nfkb2).


      As a physician scientist who clinically cares for patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and scientifically studies signaling within innate immune cells, this manuscript does a rigorous job of identifying a mechanism by which canonical NFκB signaling in dendritic cells contributes to intestinal inflammation. This study would be very informative for both basic and translational researchers as it identifies a clear pathway by which the innate immune system contributes to intestinal inflammation, and opens up room for inquiry into triggers of non-canonical NFκB in IBD and modulation of the RA pathway as a potential novel therapeutic target.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The following issues are noted.

      • all animal strains and their provenance should be described and properly referenced (for example, there are at least two CD11c-Cre strains with different specificity). Along the same lines, the specificity of Cre recombination should be confirmed, at least in major cell types (DCs vs T effector or regulatory cells).
      • the DSS model is prone to "batch effects" of individual cages, and proper comparison between genotypes is possible only if mice of different genotypes (eg littermates) are housed together in the same cages. The authors should clearly confirm whether this was the case, and if not, key experiments should be repeated in this setting.
      • BMDCs represent a heterogeneous mixture of DCs and macrophages (Helft et al., Immunity 2015). These populations should be clearly defined and compared between genotypes, to make sure that they do not underlie the observed gene expression differences.
      • the analysis of DCs in mutant strains (e.g. in Fig. 3) would benefit from better definition of populations, e.g. resident vs migratory DCs in the MLN, the Notch2-dependent CD103+ CD11b+ DCs in the LP and MLN, etc. Again, this would be important to justify differences in gene expression (e.g. Fig. 3D).
      • the analysis of b-catenin protein expression and cellular localization at single-cell level (e.g. by IF) would greatly strengthen the mechanistic connection between NF-kB and Wnt/b-catening pathways.


      • the reanalyses of previous single-cell data in Figs. 1 and 7 are much less convincing or exciting than the new experimental data relegated to the supplements. The distribution of the results between main and experimental figures may be reconsidered in this light.


      The manuscript by Deka et al. explores the role of the non-canonical NF-kB pathway, specifically of its key mediators RelB and NF-kB2, in dendritic cells (DCs) during intestinal inflammation. The key strength of the paper is the demonstration that DC-specific deletion of RelB or NF-kB2 lead to improved acute or chronic DSS colitis. It is also shown that reducing the dose of b-catenin rescues the phenotype of RelB deletion, providing an important genetic connection between NF-kB and Wnt/b-catenin pathways. As such, the work is novel, important and of potential significance to the field.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Deka and colleagues report that a non-canonical NFKb signaling operates in DCs in the context of inflammation and inhibits a tolerogenic mechanism driven by b-catenin-Raldh2. The following comments are made to clarify the findings presented.

      1. The authors re-analyzed published scRNAseq data from DSS colitis to identify the expression of Relb and NFKB2 in myeloid cells.
        • a. The authors are encouraged to expand this analysis to other published datasets.
        • b. Additionally, the expression of Relb and NFKB2 in other cells - especially other myeloid cells -should be explored and included, even if then the authors later choose to test their function in DCs.
        • c. Please note the there is a transition from Fig 1A to Fig1B to focus on DCs, which is not apparent from the figure.
      2. Please include scale bars for all histological analyses.
      3. In Fig S1I, the authors show that loss of body weight upon DSS treatment in Nfkb2deltaCD11c is indistinguishable from control. Why is the starting weight at 110%? Please clarify.
      4. In Figure 2, please indicate the database/s used for identification of top biological pathways.
      5. The authors show a more significant expansion in Tregs upon DSS treatment when non-canonical NFKb is ablated in DCs. Is this at the expense of a reduction of specific Th cells? Can the authors also report the number of cells, beyond the % of cells?
      6. In figure 6A, it appears that not only the amount of beta-catenin expressed, but also the percentage of beta-catenin positive MNL DCs is significantly expanded upon ablation of non-canonical NFkb. Please verify and if so, include.
      7. In analogy to the comment #1 above, please expand the analyses in human samples to include the expression of Relb and Nfkb2 to other myeloid cells.


      Strengths of the manuscript include the conceptual novelty of the intersection between non-canonical NFkb and the tolerogenic b-catenin-Raldh2 axis. And additional strength is the methodic approach, which includes various immunological and biochemical assessments as well as genetic perturbations to dissect such relationships. While it remains unknow the relevant triggers for the non-canonical axis described, this study advances our mechanistic understanding on how activation of this axis overrides regulatory mechanisms in DCs. As such, this manuscript should be of broad interest to immunologists and in particular mucosal immunologists.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank all the reviewers for their comments on our manuscript. We have attempted to address all the points raised by the reviewers and are happy to note that the manuscript is significantly strengthened with the additional experiments that we have performed and from significant restructuring of the manuscript.

      Reviewer #1

      Major Comments

      1. The choice of cells looks confusing. Drosophila are indeed widely used in research of neurodegeneration mechanisms, since they well reflect the behavioral characteristics of a wide range of brain diseases, but why authors used insect immune cells to study the effect of mHTT on cellular processes? Huntington's disease has a well-established site of origin, in the spiny neurons of the striatum, and they certainly have a different protein context than in insect cells. __Author's response: __We thank the reviewer for this comment. Patients with Huntington's disorder display a variety of symptoms affecting peripheral, non-neuronal cells, including alterations in the function of immune cells. Hemocytes isolated from Drosophila expressing pathogenic forms of Huntingtin also display altered immune responses. Through our manuscript we explore the effect of Huntingtin aggregates on cellular functions of hemocytes. Additionally, we have now included data showing that we are able to observe similar phenotypes in mammalian cells such as neuronal SHSY5Y and HEK293T (Supp. Fig. 3). This is indicative of similar effects being exerted by Huntingtin aggregates across cell types and organisms. Finally, we demonstrate that we are able to rescue neurodegeneration in the fly eye upon overexpression of either Hip1 or components of the Arp2/3 complex (Fig. 4F), further solidifying our results that Huntingtin aggregates alter CME in an actin-dependent manner and that this largely is responsible for the toxicity. This validates our observations that effects on CME appear to be independent of cell type and that non-neuronal cells such as hemocytes can also be used to study the effects of pathogenic aggregates.

      The interrelationship between mutant huntingtin and actin cytoskeleton and clathrin-mediated endocytosis that are convincingly demonstrated in other earlier studies in the m/s are described in rather morphological level and there is no description of molecular interactions of proteins belonging to three systems considered, Htt (control vs mutant), actin cytoskeleton and CME. Lack of these data renders the morphological observations unsupported

      __Author's response: __Previous data shown in Hosp et al, 2017 indicates that a large number of proteins involved in both actin remodelling and clathrin mediated endocytosis are sequestered within Huntingtin aggregates. While the mechanism of sequestration remains unknown, is has also been observed that loss of Huntingtin results in altered organization of the actin cytoskeleton. We have now added points discussing this in the results section.

      Three last figures of total eight demonstrate the effect of proteins, responsible for the initiation of certain neurodegenerative pathologies, on the activity of clathrin-mediated endocytosis, and on the properties of actin cytoskeletal system, however neither in the abstract nor in the introduction there is no any word about these proteins; in the discussion only a few words are devoted to one of these proteins TDP-43. When starting the article, did the authors plan to enter this data into the manuscript?

      __Author's response: __We have now amended this by revising the abstract and the text.

      It is important to work on the style of the manuscript, the article is difficult to read, it is a collection of data that does not seem related to each other.

      __Author's response: __We have reorganized the manuscript and have improved on the flow to make it easier for the reader. We apologize for the rather tedious and confusing flow in the previous draft.

      Reviewer #2

      This manuscript endeavours to explore the link between mutant Huntingtin, clathrin-mediated membrane transport and the actin cytoskeleton: both its dynamics and overall mechanics. As I read it, it carries the interesting idea that pathogenic protein aggregates alter actin cytoskeletal dynamics by sequestering Arp2/3 nucleator. This has two consequences in the authors' experiments: disruption of clathrin-coated vesicle movement and an increase in cellular stiffness. An interesting question is whether these two effects are related: Is the disruption of vesicular movement due to the change in cytoplasmic stiffness? Or could they be features that both reflect the underlying change in actin dynamics. This may be hard to tease apart and beyond the purview of this manuscript.

      I have some suggestions that could strengthen the MS.

      Major Comments

      1. Further characterizing Arp2/3 sequestration. The notion seems to be that actin nucleators would be sequestered (and inactivated) by mutant protein aggregates, as supported by co-localization studies. In addition, could the authors:
      2. a) Test if the dynamics of Arp2/3 are altered, comparing e.g. Arp3-GFP FRAP in the aggregates vs that elsewhere. Author's response: We indeed attempted the FRAP experiment. However due to some technical difficulties we were not convinced by the extent of FRAP in the transgenic fly line. It appeared as an artifact and we were not comfortable including the data in the manuscript. We have instead provided example files for the reviewer to examine.

      3. b) Test more directly if actin nucleation is altered in cells that have pathogenic mutant aggregates. This could be done by barbed-end labelling (e.g. measuring incorporation of labelled actin in live cells that are lightly permeabilized with saponin). __Author's response: __We have performed barbed-end labeling for HTT Q15 and HTT Q138 expressing cells. Images and quantification have now been added to the revised manuscript as Figures 2H and 2I. While this was a challenging experiment, it was deeply satisfying to observe such dramatic changes indicating a change in the state of the actin cytoskeleton.

      Does manipulating actin nucleation alter cellular mechanics as it does for clathrin-coated vesicle transport? For example, does inhibition of Arp2/3 (e.g. with CK666) increase cellular stiffness and would stiffness be amelioriated in mutant cells if Arp3 is overexpressed?

      __Author's response: __We have used LatA to look at whether alteration in the actin cytoskeleton affects cellular stiffness. We found that disruption of the actin cytoskeleton leads to a decrease in cellular stiffness in WT as well as in HTT Q138 expressing cells (shown in Figure 5 and discussed in the results section). We have also now performed AFM on CK666 treated cells and showed that treatment of CK666 leads to a decrease in cellular stiffness similar to LatA treated cells. This further strengthens our hypothesis that a 'Goldilocks' state of actin remodeling and consequently cellular stiffness is required for CME to proceed. We have not performed AFM on cells overexpressing Arp2/3 in HTT Q138 background. However, we believe that it will rescue cellular stiffness as overexpression of Arp2/3 rescues filopodia formation in HTT Q138 expressing cells (Figure 4E) as well as neurodegeneration. AFM data obtained from CK666 treated cells is now added in Supplementary figure 8.

      Although it may be difficult to determine if the defect in vesicle transport is due to the change in rheology, I wonder if the authors could reinforce their analysis by showing the overall relationship between the two features. It would be interesting if they could plot CCV velocity against elasticity for all the various conditions that they have tested. Would this cumulative analysis be informative?

      __Author's response: __This data is already present across the manuscript as part of different figures. We are not sure whether we can reuse the same data to put it as part of a different figure which plots the relationship between elasticity and CCS velocity. We would be grateful for advice on whether this is allowed and how to mention that the data is also part of different figures.

      Focus of the MS. I think that the MS is a little longer and more discursive than it needs to be. I rather struggled to find the focus of the story (which could well be me). There is a deal of repetition that could be profitably cut (the reader may actually find it easier to follow). As well, some anticipation and summaries could be shortened. The final paragraph of the introduction largely summarizes the paper; it could be shortened quite considerably, so that the reader can get directly into the Results themselves. Similarly, the final paragraph of the results is a summary which could work better elsewhere - perhaps, e.g. at the beginning of the discussion.

      __Author's response: __We have now trimmed and rearranged the text in the manuscript. We have reorganized the manuscript and have improved on the flow to make it easier for the reader. We apologize for the rather tedious and confusing flow in the previous draft. We are open to further suggestions to improve the writing style.

      Specific points

      i) Fig 3E. The changes in F-actin flow revealed by PIV are quite dramatic. How reproducible are these changes. (The data presented were from single cells?) __Author's response: __ Changes in F- actin flow obtained from PIV analysis (now figure 2J, 7E in MS) were performed on atleast 5 cells of each type, and the results were observed to be consistent across all. The representative figure is a true representative of the data observed.

      1. ii) If TPD43, does it also affect Arp2/3? Author's response: __We thank the reviewer for this comment. Unfortunately, __we could not perform this experiment due to the unavailability of a fluorescently tagged TDP43 fly line which which would enable us to visualize whether Arp3 was sequestered within the aggregates.

      Minor points:

      1. a) Fig 5a, b - why change the order on the x-axis? __Author's response: __We have fixed this now. We have removed figure 5b, since, in the revised MS we are only talking about stiffness instead of viscoelastic properties of the cells.

      Reviewer #2

      Overall, I think that the significance of the MS lies in its evidence that sequestration of actin nucleators may be a key effect of mutant protein aggregation, with implications for cellular function. This would provide a useful conceptual framework to understand the cell biological consquences of creating pathogenic protein aggregates.

      __Reviewer #3 __


      In the paper, the authors showed that huntingtin aggregates, which play a critical role in initiating neurodegenerative diseases, impair clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME). Using live cell imaging and AFM, the authors demonstrated that CME is affected by the alteration in actin cytoskeletal organization and cellular viscosity. Further, the authors concluded that there was a strong link between dynamic actin organization and functional CME in the context of neurodegeneration. While the data is interesting and novel, the study in its current form needs major revision before it is accepted.

      Major comments:

      1) Figure 2: The authors should show the compromised actin cytoskeleton structure after Lat A and cytoD treatment to back up the findings.

      __Author's response: __We have included the representative micrographs of compromised cytoskeleton in terms of filopodia formation upon treatment of LatA and CytoD in Supplementary figure 3E.

      2) Figure 2g and 2h: Quantification data of filopodia must be supported with representative images.

      __Author's response: __Figure number has been changed to 2D and 2E. Representative image for the quantification of filopodia has been now included in supplementary figure 3D.

      3) RNAi studies must be performed using control siRNA to check off-target effects.

      __Author's response: __Luc VAL10 was used as a control for all the RNAi experiments. However, data for RNAi is not shown as the phenotype for Luc VAL10 was comparable to WT. We have included Luc VAL10 as a control for Profilin RNAi in the FRAP experiment (Supplementary figure 4C).

      4) The result section needs to be reorganized to maintain flow. In the current format, the results of a similar set of experiments are spread across different figures, making it a bit difficult to understand.

      __Author's response: __We apologize for the inconvenience. This issue has been addressed now.

      5) Figure 3d: The expression level and spatial distribution of HTTQ138 transfection were not convincing compared to the httQ15 expression level and the distribution.

      Author's response Figure 3D (Figure 3A in this MS) shows the data obtained from hemocytes isolated from third instar larva of the same age. These are not transfected cells and are obtained from Drosophila larvae using the same Gal4 driver, Cg-Gal4. Thus, the level of expression will be same. However, the distribution may show a change due to the aggregating nature of HTT Q138, while HTT Q15 is non-aggregating and therefore remains diffused.

      6) Suppl Fig 2a data must be supported using images showing myosin VI distribution in wild-type vs. HTTQ138 transfected cells.

      __Author's response: __This data (Supplementary figure 4D in present MS) has been obtained from genetic knockdown of myosin VI. The aim of the experiment was to show that we see similar effects on CCSs movement as we see upon disruption of the actin cytoskeleton.

      7) Suppl movie videos are not labeled correctly in the source. It is not possible to locate them and know which videos are referred to in the manuscript.

      __Author's response: __We apologize for the inconvenience. This issue has been fixed now.

      8) Page 8: How do HTT aggregates sequester the actin-binding proteins? An explanation should be provided in the result section.

      __Author's response: __Previous data shown in Hosp et al, 2017 indicates that a large number of proteins involved in both actin remodelling and clathrin mediated endocytosis are sequestered within Huntingtin aggregates. While the mechanism of sequestration remains unknown, the types of proteins involved in actin remodelling are diverse and do not represent specific types or classes. We have now added points discussing this in the results section.

      9) Page 10: The authors concluded that "increasing the availability of proteins involved in actin reorganization is capable of restoring CME even in the presence of pathogenic aggregates." Since several actin-associated proteins are involved in actin reorganization, which types/classes of proteins are involved in CME restoration? The authors should expand it in the discussion.

      __Author's response: __As we have only investigated the roles of Hip1 and the Arp2/3 complex, we are confident of only reporting their roles in the context of this manuscript. However, previous data shown in Hosp et al, 2017 indicates that a large number of proteins involved in both actin remodelling and clathrin mediated endocytosis are sequestered within Huntingtin aggregates. While the mechanism of sequestration remains unknown, the types of proteins involved in actin remodelling are diverse and do not represent specific types or classes. Therefore this indicates that modulation of actin, through the sequestration of proteins involved in this process is affected in the presence of Huntingtin aggregates. We have added points detailing this in the results and discussion sections.

      10) The schematic of the proposed model depicting critical steps by which pathogenic proteins inhibit CME is required. It will help readers to understand the molecular mechanism easily.

      Author's response: We have now included a model in the manuscript (Fig. 8B).


      1) Figure panel referencing in the text needs to be more consistent, for example, fig 3e is referred to before fig 3d., and fig 2 panels are referred to before fig. 3 panels.

      __Author's response: __We have reordered the figures and maintained a consistent order throughout.

      2) The authors should use similar phrasing throughout the manuscript to avoid confusion. For instance, either use 'HTTQ138' or 'htt Q138'.

      __Author's response: __We apologize for this. We have now maintained uniform nomenclature through the text.

      3) Page 10: AFM indentation experimental part and its discussion in the result section is unnecessary. Shift it to the 'Materials and Method' section.

      __Author's response: __We have now trimmed this portion and we are now only showing elasticity data and not viscoelasticity.

      4) This statement looks a bit exaggerated. There is not sufficient evidence to support the statement- "It can be said that the cells in general behave like a soft glass. The presence of aggregates lowers the effective temperature pushing it nearer to the glass transition, affecting transport."

      __Author's response: __We have now removed all figures resulting from an analysis that assumes glassy behaviour. Instead, we have now provided a more conventional and well-established analysis to obtain Young's modulus of cells exhibiting different transport properties.

      5) Page 12: What is the basis for selecting proteins Aβ-42, FUSR521C, αSynA30P, αSynA53T, and TDP-43 over other proteins? An explanatory sentence must be added to support the selection.

      __Author's response: __We have modified the text to clarify this point.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In the paper, the authors showed that huntingtin aggregates, which play a critical role in initiating neurodegenerative diseases, impair clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME). Using live cell imaging and AFM, the authors demonstrated that CME is affected by the alteration in actin cytoskeletal organization and cellular viscosity. Further, the authors concluded that there was a strong link between dynamic actin organization and functional CME in the context of neurodegeneration. While the data is interesting and novel, the study in its current form needs major revision before it is accepted.

      Major comments:

      1. Figure 2: The authors should show the compromised actin cytoskeleton structure after Lat A and cytoD treatment to back up the findings.
      2. Figure 2g and 2h: Quantification data of filopodia must be supported with representative images.
      3. RNAi studies must be performed using control siRNA to check off-target effects.
      4. The result section needs to be reorganized to maintain flow. In the current format, the results of a similar set of experiments are spread across different figures, making it a bit difficult to understand.
      5. Figure 3d: The expression level and spatial distribution of HTTQ138 transfection were not convincing compared to the httQ15 expression level and the distribution.
      6. Suppl Fig 2a data must be supported using images showing myosin VI distribution in wild-type vs. HTTQ138 transfected cells.
      7. Suppl movie videos are not labeled correctly in the source. It is not possible to locate them and know which videos are referred to in the manuscript.
      8. Page 8: How do HTT aggregates sequester the actin-binding proteins? An explanation should be provided in the result section.
      9. Page 10: The authors concluded that "increasing the availability of proteins involved in actin reorganization is capable of restoring CME even in the presence of pathogenic aggregates." Since several actin-associated proteins are involved in actin reorganization, which types/classes of proteins are involved in CME restoration? The authors should expand it in the discussion.
      10. The schematic of the proposed model depicting critical steps by which pathogenic proteins inhibit CME is required. It will help readers to understand the molecular mechanism easily.


      1. Figure panel referencing in the text needs to be more consistent, for example, fig 3e is referred to before fig 3d., and fig 2 panels are referred to before fig. 3 panels.
      2. The authors should use similar phrasing throughout the manuscript to avoid confusion. For instance, either use 'HTTQ138' or 'htt Q138'.
      3. Page 10: AFM indentation experimental part and its discussion in the result section is unnecessary. Shift it to the 'Materials and Method' section.
      4. This statement looks a bit exaggerated. There is not sufficient evidence to support the statement- "It can be said that the cells in general behave like a soft glass. The presence of aggregates lowers the effective temperature pushing it nearer to the glass transition, affecting transport."
      5. Page 12: What is the basis for selecting proteins Aβ-42, FUSR521C, αSynA30P, αSynA53T, and TDP-43 over other proteins? An explanatory sentence must be added to support the selection.


      • Fundamental study in neurogenerative diseases explaining the mechanobiological aspects of the diseases
      • The audience will be interested in knowing the mechanobiological aspects (altered actin cytoskeleton) of the neurogenerative disease.
      • Field of reviewer expertise: mechanobiology; mechanotransduction; cell-ECM interactions
    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript endeavours to explore the link between mutant Huntingtin, clathrin-mediated membrane transport and the actin cytoskeleton: both its dynamics and overall mechanics. As I read it, it carries the interesting idea that pathogenic protein aggregates alter actin cytoskeletal dynamics by sequestering Arp2/3 nucleator. This has two consequences in the authors' experiments: disruption of clathrin-coated vesicle movement and an increase in cellular stiffness. An interesting question is whether these two effects are related: Is the disruption of vesicular movement due to the change in cytoplasmic stiffness? Or could they be features that both reflect the underlying change in actin dynamics. This may be hard to tease apart and beyond the purview of this manuscript.

      I have some suggestions that could strengthen the MS.

      1. Further characterizing Arp2/3 sequestration. The notion seems to be that actin nucleators would be sequestered (and inactivated) by mutant protein aggregates, as supported by co-localization studies. In addition, could the authors:
        • a) Test if the dynamics of Arp2/3 are altered, comparing e.g. Arp3-GFP FRAP in the aggregates vs that elsewhere.
        • b) Test more directly if actin nucleation is altered in cells that have pathogenic mutant aggregates. This could be done by barbed-end labelling (e.g. measuring incorporation of labelled actin in live cells that are lightly permeabilized with saponin).
      2. Does manipulating actin nucleation alter cellular mechanics as it does for clathrin-coated vesicle transport? For example, does inhibition of Arp2/3 (e.g. with CK666) increase cellular stiffness and would stiffness be amelioriated in mutant cells if Arp3 is overexpressed?
      3. Although it may be difficult to determine if the defect in vesicle transport is due to the change in rheology, I wonder if the authors could reinforce their analysis by showing the overall relationship between the two features. It would be interesting if they could plot CCV velocity against elasticity for all the various conditions that they have tested. Would this cumulative analysis be informative?
      4. Focus of the MS. I think that the MS is a little longer and more discursive than it needs to be. I rather struggled to find the focus of the story (which could well be me). There is a deal of repetition that could be profitably cut (the reader may actually find it easier to follow). As well, some anticipation and summaries could be shortened. The final paragraph of the introduction largely summarizes the paper; it could be shortened quite considerably, so that the reader can get directly into the Results themselves. Similarly, the final paragraph of the results is a summary which could work better elsewhere - perhaps, e.g. at the beginning of the discussion.

      Specific points

      • i) Fig 3E. The changes in F-actin flow revealed by PIV are quite dramatic. How reproducible are these changes. (The data presented were from single cells?)
      • ii) If TPD43, does it also affect Arp2/3?

      Minor points

      a) Fig 5a, b - why change the order on the x-axis?


      Overall, I think that the significance of the MS lies in its evidence that sequestration of actin nucleators may be a key effect of mutant protein aggregation, with implications for cellular function. This would provide a useful conceptual framework to understand the cell biological consquences of creating pathogenic protein aggregates.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript "Pathogenic aggregates alter actin organization and cellular viscosity resulting in stalled clathrin mediated endocytosis" by Singh at al attempts to examine the relationship between the mutant huntington aggregates formation, vesicular transport and cytoskeletal rearrangements in cells bearing mHTT aggregates. The authors did a lot of work, used modern methods and obtained a large amount of data, but the purpose of this work remained unclear.

      The information that during the aggregates' formation a huge number of cellular proteins playing an important role in cell physiology are involved into aggregates, and that many processes, including vesicle transport, are disrupted in cells carrying mHTT, is not new. Many details of the study, such as demonstration that HIP1 colocalizes with markers of clathrin-mediated endocytosis in neuronal cells and is highly enriched on clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) also was already published (e.g. doi: 10.1074/jbc.C100401200). The m/s itself is not well written, and I was not able to understand what specific neurodegenerative process the authors are studying. I believe that the current version of the requires major revisions in its scientific content as well as its writing.


      1. The choice of cells looks confusing. Drosophila are indeed widely used in research of neurodegeneration mechanisms, since they well reflect the behavioral characteristics of a wide range of brain diseases, but why authors used insect immune cells to study the effect of mHTT on cellular processes? Huntington's disease has a well-established site of origin, in the spiny neurons of the striatum, and they certainly have a different protein context than in insect cells.
      2. The interrelationship between mutant huntingtin and actin cytoskeleton and clathrin-mediated endocytosis that are convincingly demonstrated in other earlier studies in the m/s are described in rather morphological level and there is no description of molecular interactions of proteins belonging to three systems considered, Htt (control vs mutant), actin cytoskeleton and CME. Lack of these data renders the morphological observations unsupported
      3. Three last figures of total eight demonstrate the effect of proteins, responsible for the initiation of certain neurodegenerative pathologies, on the activity of clathrin-mediated endocytosis, and on the properties of actin cytoskeletal system, however neither in the abstract nor in the introduction there is no any word about these proteins; in the discussion only a few words are devoted to one of these proteins TDP-43. When starting the article, did the authors plan to enter this data into the manuscript? In addition, the authors did not show at what level these proteins are expressed in transgenic flies or in cells derived from flies.
      4. It is important to work on the style of the manuscript, the article is difficult to read, it is a collection of data that does not seem related to each other. Since the manuscript needs a major overhaul, I consider discussing minor comments unnecessary.


      The manuscript "Pathogenic aggregates alter actin organization and cellular viscosity resulting in stalled clathrin mediated endocytosis" by Singh at al attempts to examine the relationship between the mutant huntington aggregates formation, vesicular transport and cytoskeletal rearrangements in cells bearing mHTT aggregates. The authors did a lot of work, used modern methods and obtained a large amount of data, but the purpose of this work remained unclear.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reply to Reviewers

      We are grateful to the three reviewers for their careful and constructive critiques of our preprint. We will address all of their comments and suggestions, which help to make our paper more precise and understandable. In our replies, we use 'Patterson, eLife (2021)' as shorthand for Patterson, Basu, Rees & Nurse, eLife 2021:10.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): Novák and Tyson present a model-based analysis of published data that had claimed to demonstrate bistable activation of CDK at the G2/M transition in fission yeast. They point out that the published data does not distinguish between ultra-sensitive (switch-like, but reversible) and bistable (switch-like, but irreversible) activation. They back up their intuition with robust quantitative modeling. They then point out that, with a simple experimental modification, the published experiments could be repeated in a way that would test between the ultra-sensitive and bistable possibilities.

      This is an accurate and concise summary of our paper.

      Therefore, this is a rare paper that makes a specific modeling-based prediction and proposes a straightforward way to test it. As such, it will be of interest to a broad range of workers involved in the fields cell cycle and regulatory modeling.

      We agree that our work will be of interest to a broad range of scientists studying cell cycle regulation and mathematical modeling of bistable control systems.

      Nonetheless, attention to the following points would improve the manuscript. The authors should be more careful about how they describe protein abundance. They often refer to protein level. I believe in every case they mean protein concentration, but this is not explicitly stated; it could be interpreted as number of protein molecules per cell. The authors should either explicitly state that level means concentration or, more simply, use concentration instead of level.

      A valid criticism that has been addressed in the revised version.

      The authors should explain why they include stoichiometric inhibition of CDK by Wee1 in their model. Is it required to make the model work in the wild-type case, or only in the CDK-AF case? My intuition is it should only be required in the AF case, but I would like to know for sure. Also, they should state if there is any experimental data for such regulation.

      Bistability of the Tyr-phosphorylation switch requires 'sufficient' nonlinearity, which may come from the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation reactions that interconvert Cdk1, Wee1 and Cdc25. The easiest way to model these interconversion reactions is to use Hill- or Goldbeter-Koshland functions for the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of Wee1 and Cdc25, but this approach is not appropriate for Gillespie SSA, which assumes elementary reactions. Both Wee1 and Cdc25 are phosphorylated on multiple sites, which we approximate by double phosphorylation; but this level of nonlinearity is not sufficient to make the switch bistable. In addition, stochiometric inhibition is a well-known source of nonlinearity, and in the Wee1:Cdk1 enzyme:substrate complex, Cdk1 is inhibited because Wee1 binds to Cdk1 near its catalytic site. In our model, stoichiometric inhibition of Cdk1 by Wee1 is required for bistability even in the wild-type case because the regulations of Wee1 and Cdc25 by phosphorylation are not nonlinear enough. There is experimental evidence that stoichiometric inhibition of Cdk1 by Wee1 is significant: mik1D wee1ts double mutant cells at the restrictive temperature (Lundgren, Walworth et al. 1991) are less viable than AF-Cdk1 (Gould and Nurse 1989). Furthermore, Patterson (eLife, 2021) found weak 'bistability' when they used AF-Cdk1 to induce mitosis. This puzzling observation suggests a residual feedback mechanism in the absence of Tyr-phosphorylation. Our model accounts for this weak bistability by assuming that free CDK1 can phosphorylate and inactivate the Wee1 'enzyme' in the Wee1:Cdk1 complex, which makes CDK1 and Wee1 mutual antagonists. This reaction is based on formation of a trimer, Cdk1:Wee1:Cdk1, which is possible since CDK1 phosphorylation of Wee1 occurs in its N-terminal region, which lies outside the C-terminal catalytic domain of Wee1 (Tang, Coleman et al. 1993). These ideas have been incorporated into the text in the subsection describing the model (see lines120-125).

      The authors should explicitly state, on line 131, that the fact that "the rate of synthesis of C-CDK molecules is directly proportional to cell volume" results in a size-dependent increase in the concentration of C-CDK.

      The accumulation of C-CDK molecules in fission yeast cells is complicated. In general, we may assume that larger cells have more ribosomes and make all proteins faster than do smaller cells. Absent other regulatory effects, the number of protein molecules is proportional to cell volume, and the concentration is constant. But, in Patterson's experiments, the number of C-CDK molecules is zero at the start of induction and rises steeply thereafter (see lines 147-148), and the rate of increase (#molec/time) is proportional to the size of the growing cell.

      The authors should explain, on line 100, why they are "quite sure the bistable switch is the correct interpretation".

      Line 105-106: "Although we suspect that the mitotic switch is bistable,.."

      On line 166, include the units of volume.


      On lines 152 and 237, "smaller protein-fusion levels "should be replaced with "lower protein-fusion concentrations".


      **Referee cross-commenting** *I concur with the other two reviews. *

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): *The paper is significant in that it points out an alternative interpretation for an important result in an important paper. Specifically, it points out that the published data is consistent with activation of CDK at the G2/M transition in fission yeast could be ultra-sensitive (switch-like, but reversible) instead of bistable (switch-like, but irreversible). The distinction is important because it has been claimed, by the authors of the submitted manuscript among others, that bistability is required for robust cell-cycle directionality. *

      We agree with this assessment.

      However, activation of CDK at the G2/M transition in other species has been shown to be bistable and the authors state that they are "quite sure the bistable switch is the correct interpretation". So, the paper is more likely an exercise in rigor than an opportunity to overturn a paradigm.

      We were the first authors to predict that the G2/M switch is bistable (J. Cell Sci., 1993) and among the first to prove it experimentally in frog egg extracts (PNAS, 2004). Our models (Novak and Tyson 1995, Novak, Pataki et al. 2001, Tyson, Csikasz-Nagy et al. 2002, Gerard, Tyson et al. 2015) of fission yeast cell-cycle control rely on bistability of the G2/M transition; so, understandably, we believe that the transition in fission yeast is a bistable switch. But the 'bistable paradigm' has never been directly demonstrated by experimental observations in fission yeast cells. The Patterson paper (eLife, 2021) claims to provide experimental proof, but we demonstrate in our paper that Patterson's experiments are not conclusive evidence of bistability. Furthermore, we suggest that a simple change to Patterson's protocol could provide convincing evidence that the G2/M switch is either monostable or bistable. We are not proposing that the switch is monostable; we would be quite surprised if the experiment, correctly done, were to indicate a reversible switch. Our point is simply that the published experiments are inconclusive. The point we are making is neither a mere 'exercise in rigor' nor a suggestion to 'overturn a paradigm.' Rather it is a precise theoretical analysis of a central question of cell cycle regulation that should be of interest to both experimentalists and mathematical modelers.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): Summary: The manuscript asks whether the data reported in Patterson et al. (2021) is consistent with a bistable switch controlling the G2/M transition in fission yeast. Patterson et al. (2021) use an engineered system to decouple a non-degradable version of Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) from cell growth and concomitantly measure CDK activity (by the nuclear localization of a downstream target, Cut3p). They observe cells with indistinguishable CDK levels but two distinct CDK activities, which they posit shows bistable behavior. In this study, the authors ask if other models can also explain this data. The authors use both deterministic and Gillespie based stochastic simulations to generate relationships between CDK activities and protein levels for various cell sizes. They conclude that the experiments performed in Patterson et al. are insufficient to distinguish between a bistable switch and a reversible ultrasensitive switch. They propose additional experiments involving the use a degradable CDK construct to also measure the inactivation kinetics.

      This is an accurate summary of our paper.

      They propose that a bistable switch will have different forward (OFF->ON) and backward (ON->OFF) switching rates. A reversible ultrasensitive switch will have indistinguishable switching rates.

      Our analysis of Patterson's (2021) experiments is based on the well-known fact that the threshold for turning a bistable switch on is significantly different from the threshold for turning it off (in Patterson's case, the 'threshold' is the level of fusion protein in the cell when CDK is activated), whereas for a reversible, ultrasensitive switch, the two thresholds are nearly indistinguishable. The 'rate' at which the switch is made is a different issue, which we do not address explicitly. In the experiments and in our model, the switching rates are fast, whether the switch is bistable or monostable. The results are interesting and worth publication in a computational biology specific journal, as they might only appeal to a limited audience.

      We think our results should also be brought to the attention of experimentalists studying cell cycle regulation, because Patterson's paper (eLife, 2021) presents a serious misunderstanding of the existence and implications of 'bistability' of the G2/M transition in fission yeast. Whereas Patterson's work is an elegant and creative application of genetics and molecular biology to an important problem, it is not backed up by quantitative mathematical modeling of the experimental results. In that sense, Patterson's work is incomplete, and its shortcomings need to be addressed in a highly respected journal, so that future cell-cycle experimentalists will not make the same-or similar-mistakes.

      Several ideas need to be clarified and additional information needs to be provided about the specific parameters used for the simulations: Major comments: #1 The parameters need to be made more accessible by means of a supplementary table and appropriate references need to be cited.

      Two new supplementary tables (S1 and S2) summarize the dynamic variables and parameter values.

      It is not clear why Michaelis Menten kinetics will not be applicable to this system. Has it been demonstrated that the Km s of the enzymes are much greater than the substrate concentrations for all the reactions? If yes, please cite.

      MM kinetics are not appropriate for such protein interaction networks because one protein may be both an enzyme and a substrate for a second protein (e.g., Wee1 and CDK, or Cdc25 and CDK). So, the condition for validity of MM kinetics (enzyme concen ≪ substrate concen) cannot be satisfied for both reactions. Indeed, enzyme concen ≈ substrate concen is probably true for most reactions in our network. Hence, it is advisable to stick with mass-action rate laws. Furthermore, MM kinetics are a poor choice for 'propensities' in Gillespie SSA calculations, as has been shown by many authors (Agarwal, Adams et al. 2012, Kim, Josic et al. 2014, Kim and Tyson 2020).

      It will not be surprising if the simulation with Michaelis Menten would alter the dynamics shown in this study. A reversible switch with two different enzymes (catalyzing the ON->OFF and OFF->ON transitions) having different kinetics can give asymmetric switching rates. This would directly contradict what has been shown in Figure 7A-D.

      We don't follow the reviewer's logic here. The two transitions, off → on and on → off, are already driven by different molecular processes (dephosphorylation of inactive CDK-P by Cdc25 and phosphorylation of active CDK by Wee1, respectively). Positive feedback of CDK activity on Cdc25 and Wee1 (++ and −−, respectively) causes bistability and asymmetric switching thresholds. Switching rates, which are determined by the kinetic rate constants of the up and down processes, are of secondary importance to the primary question of whether the switch is monostable or bistable.

      #2 Line 427: The authors use a half-time of 6 hours in their model as Patterson et al. used a non-degradable construct. It is not clear why dilution due to cell growth has not been considered. The net degradation rate of a protein is the sum of biochemical degradation rate and growth dilution rate. The growth dilution rate seems significant (140 mins doubling time or 0.3 h-1 dilution rate) relative to assumed degradation rate (0.12 h-1). Please clarify why was the effect of dilution neglected in the model or show by sensitivity analysis this does not change the predicted CDK activation thresholds.

      The reviewer highlights an important effect, but it is not relevant to our calculations. In the deterministic model used to calculate the bifurcation diagrams, both cell volume and the concentration of the non-degradable Cdc13:Cdk1 dimer are kept constant; therefore, there is no dilution effect. The stochastic model deals with changing numbers of molecules per cell; the dilution effect is taken into account by the appearance of cell volume, V(t), at appropriate places in the propensity functions. In other words: in the deterministic model, which is written for concentration changes, the dilution term, −(x/V)(dV/dt), is zero because V=constant; in the stochastic model, written in terms of numbers of molecules, dilution effects are implicit in the propensity functions.

      *#3 Line 402 The authors state that the production rate of the Cdk protein is 'assumed' proportional to the cell volume. The word 'assumed' is incorrect here as a simple conversion of concentration-based differential equation (with constant production rate) to molecular numbers would show that production rate is proportional to the volume. This is not an assumption. *

      Correct; we modified the text (see line 450-462). The role of cell volume in production rate is more relevant to the case of Cdc25, where we assume that its production rate, Δconcentration/Δt, is proportional to V, because the concentration of Cdc25 in the cell increases as the cell grows. We added two references (Keifenheim, Sun et al. 2017, Curran, Dey et al. 2022) to justify this assumption. In the stochastic code, the propensity for synthesis of Cdc25 molecules is proportional to V2.

      #4 Line 423 Please cite the appropriate literature that shows that fission yeast growth during cell division is exponential. If the dynamics are more complicated, involving multiple phases of growth during cell division, please state so.

      We now acknowledge that volume growth in fission yeast, rather than exponential, is bilinear with a brief non-growing phase at mitosis (Mitchison 2003). However, we suggest that our simplifying assumption of exponential growth is appropriate for the purposes of these calculations. See line 473-476: "In our stochastic simulations, we assume that cell volume is increasing exponentially, V(t) = V0eμt. Although fission yeast cells actually grow in a piecewise linear fashion (Mitchison 2003), the simpler exponential growth law (with doubling time @ 140 min) is perfectly adequate for our purposes in this paper.."

      *#5 Line 250 The authors convert the bistable version of the CDK switch to reversible sigmoidal by assuming that Wee1 and Cdc25 phosphorylation is proportional to the CDK level rather than activity, which seems biochemically unrealistic. This invokes an altered circuit architecture where inactive CDK has enough catalytic activity to phosphorylate the two modifying enzymes (Wee1/Cdc25) but not enough to drive mitosis. This might be possible if the Km of CDK for Wee1/Cdc25 is lower relative to other downstream substrates that drive mitosis. The authors can reframe this section of the paper to state this possibility, which might be interesting to experimentalists. *

      The reviewer is correct that the molecular biology underlying our 'reversible sigmoidal' model is biochemically unrealistic. But, in our opinion, this is the simplest way to convert our bistable model into a monostable, ultrasensitive switch while maintaining the basic network structure in Fig. 1. Our purpose is to show that a monostable model-only slightly changed from the bistable model-can account for Patterson's experimental data equally well. If Nurse's group modifies the experimental protocol as we suggest and their new results indicate that the G2/M transition in fission yeast is bistable, then our reversible sigmoidal model, having served its purpose, can be forgotten. If they show that the transition is not bistable, then both experimentalists and theoreticians will have to think about biochemically realistic mechanisms that can account for the new data...and everything else we already know about the G2/M transition in fission yeast.

      #6 It is difficult to phenomenologically understand a bistable switch just based on differences in activation and inactivation thresholds. For example, a reversible ultrasensitive switch also shows a difference in activation and inactivation thresholds (Figure 7D). How much of a difference should be expected of a bistable switch versus reversible switch?

      We show how much of a difference can be expected by contrasting Fig. 7 to Fig. 8. For the largest cells (panel D of both figures), the difference is small and probably undetectable experimentally. For medium-sized cells (panel C), the difference is larger but probably difficult to distinguish experimentally. Only the smallest cells (panel B) provide an opportunity for clearly distinguishing experimentally between monostable and bistable switching.

      *Moreover, as the authors clearly understand (line 275), time-delays in activation and inactivation reactions can inflate these differences. In the future, if the authors can convert the equations to potential energy space as done in Acar et al. 2005 (Nature 435:228) in Figure 3c-d, it will be useful. Also, predicting the distribution of switching rates from the Gillespie simulation might be informative and can be directly compared to experimental measurements in the future (if the Cut3p levels in nucleus and cytosol equilibrates fast enough or other CDK biosensors are developed). *

      The famous paper by Acar et al. (2005) is indeed an elegant experimental and theoretical study of bistability ('cellular memory') in the galactose-signalling network of budding yeast. We have included a comparison of Patterson et al. with Acar et al. in our Conclusions section (lines 353-368):

      "It is instructive, at this point, to compare the work of Patterson et al. (2021) to a study by Acar et al. (Acar, Becskei et al. 2005) of the galactose-signaling network of budding yeast. Combining elegant experiments with sophisticated modeling, Acar et al. provided convincing proof of bistability ('cellular memory') in this nutritional control system. They measured PGAL1-YFP expression (the response) as a function of galactose concentration in the growth medium (the signal), analogous to Patterson's measurements of CDK activity as a function of C-CDK concentration in fission yeast cells. In Acar's experiments, the endogenous GAL80 gene was replaced by PTET-GAL80 in order to maintain Gal80 protein concentration at a constant value determined by doxycycline concentration in the growth medium. The fixed Gal80p concentration in Acar's cells is analogous to cell volume in Patterson's experiments. In Fig.3b of Acar's paper, the team plotted the regions of monostable-off, monostable-on and bistable signaling in dependence on their two control parameters, external galactose concentration and intracellular Gal80p concentration, analogous to our Fig.4. Because Acar's experiments explored both the off → on and on → off transitions, they could show that their observed thresholds (the red circles) correspond closely to both saddle-node bifurcation curves predicted by their model. On the other hand, Patterson's experiments (as analyzed in our Fig.4) probe only the off → on transition."

      The purpose of our paper is to show that Patterson-type experiments can and should be done so as to probe both thresholds, as was done by van Oudenaarden's team. They went further to characterize their bistable switch in terms of 'the concept of energy landscapes'. We think it is premature to pursue this idea in the context of the G2/M transition in fission yeast until there is firm, quantitative data characterizing the nature of the 'presumptive' bistable switch in fission yeast.

      Minor comments: #1 Line 2: Please replace "In most situations" to "In favorable conditions"


      **Referee cross-commenting** I agree with Reviewer 1 that this falls more under pointing out an alternative interpretation of a single experiment than challenging widely supported orthodoxy about how the eukaryotic cell cycle leaves mitosis.

      As we said earlier, our 1993 paper in J Cell Sci is the source of this orthodox view, and it is widely supported at present because there is convincing experimental evidence for bistability in frog egg extracts, budding yeast cells and mammalian cells. Patterson's paper is not sound evidence for bistability of the G2/M transition in fission yeast cells. It is important for experimentalists to know why the experiments fail to confirm bistability, and important for someone to do the experiment correctly in order to confirm (or, what would be really interesting, to refute) the expectation of bistability at the G2/M transition in fission yeast cells.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)): Suitable for specialist comp bio journal eg PLoS Comp Bio

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The paper by Novak and Tyson revisits a recent paper from Nurse group on the bistability of mitotic switch in fission yeast using mathematical modelling. The authors extend their older models of mitotic entry check point and implement both deterministic and stochastic version of new model. They show this model does indeed possess bistability and show that combined with stochastic fluctuations the model can show bimodality for the cyclin-CDK activity at a particular cell size consistent with the recent experimental data. However, the authors also show alternative model that has mono-stable ultrasensitivity can also explain the data and suggest experiments that can prove the existence of hysteresis and therefore bistability.

      Right on.

      While the biological implication of the study is well explained, the authors can improve the presentation of their model and the underlying assumptions. I have the following comments and suggestions for improvement of the paper.

        • The cartoon of the mathematical model is confusing at places, for example the wee1-CDK complex according to the equations either dissociates back to wee1 and CDK or gives rise to pCDK and wee1, the arrow below is confusing as it implies it can also give rise to wee1p, the CDK phosphorylation of wee1 is already included in the diagram. Also, the PP2A is put on the arrow for all reactions but for wee1p2 to wee1p its action shown with a dashed line. Also, I wondered if wee1p and wee1p2 can also bind CDK and sequester or phosphorylate CDK?* We are sorry for the confusion and have improved Fig. 1.
      1. The rates and variables in the ODEs are not fully described. Also sometimes unclear what is parameter and what is a variable, I had to look at the code.*

      We now include tables of variables and parameter values, with explanatory notes.

      • The model has quite a few parameters, but these are not at all discussed in the paper. How did the authors come up with these particular set of parameters, has there been some systematic fitting, or tuning by hand to produce a good fit to the data? I could only see the value of the parameters in the code, but perhaps a table with the parameters of the model, what they mean and their value (and perhaps how the values is obtained) is missing.*

      The parameters were tuned by hand to fit Patterson's data, based, of course, on our extensive experience fitting mathematical models to myriad data sets on the cell division cycles of fission yeast, budding yeast, and frog egg extracts. We now provide a table of parameter values.

      • The authors are using the Gillespie algorithm with time varying parameters (as some rates depend on volume and volume is not constant). Algorithm needs to be modified slightly to handle this (see for example Shahrezaei et al Molecular Systems Biology 2008). *

      A valid criticism, but the rate of cell volume increase is very slow compared to the propensities of the biochemical reactions. We write (lines 492-498):

      "In each step of the SSA, the volume of the cell is increasing according to an exponential function, and, consequently, the propensities of the volume-dependent steps are, in principle, changing with time; and this time-dependence could be taken into account explicitly in implementing Gillespie's SSA (Shahrezaei, Ollivier et al. 2008). However, the step-size between SSA updates is less than 1 s compared to the mass-doubling time (140 min) of cell growth. So, it is warranted to neglect the change in V(t) between steps of the SSA, as in our code."

      • The authors correctly point out, ignoring mRNA has resulted in underestimation of noise, however another point is that mRNA life times are short and that also affects the timescale of fluctuations and this may be relevant to the switching rates between the bistable states. *

      A valid point, but to include mRNA's would double the size of the model. Furthermore, we have little or no data about mRNA fluctuations in fission yeast cells, so it would be impossible to estimate the values of all the new parameters introduced into the model. Finally, the switching rates between bistable states (or across the ultrasensitive boundary) are not the primary focus of Patterson's experiments or our theoretical investigations. So, we propose to delay this improvement to the model until the relevant experimental data is available.

      • In the introduction add, "In this study" to "Intrigued by these results, we investigated their experimental observations with a model of bistability in the activation of cyclin-CDK in fission yeast." *


      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): Overall, this is an interesting study that revisits an old question and some recent experimental data. The use of stochastic modelling in explaining variability and co-existence of cell populations in the context of cell cycle and comparison to experimental data is novel and of interest to the communities of cell cycle researchers, systems biologists and mathematical biologists.

      We agree. Thanks for the endorsement


      Acar, M., A. Becskei and A. van Oudenaarden (2005). "Enhancement of cellular memory by reducing stochastic transitions." Nature 435(7039): 228-232.

      Agarwal, A., R. Adams, G. C. Castellani and H. Z. Shouval (2012). "On the precision of quasi steady state assumptions in stochastic dynamics." J Chem Phys 137(4): 044105.

      Curran, S., G. Dey, P. Rees and P. Nurse (2022). "A quantitative and spatial analysis of cell cycle regulators during the fission yeast cycle." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119(36): e2206172119.

      Gerard, C., J. J. Tyson, D. Coudreuse and B. Novak (2015). "Cell cycle control by a minimal Cdk network." PLoS Comput Biol 11(2): e1004056.

      Gould, K. L. and P. Nurse (1989). "Tyrosine phosphorylation of the fission yeast cdc2+ protein kinase regulates entry into mitosis." Nature 342(6245): 39-45.

      Keifenheim, D., X. M. Sun, E. D'Souza, M. J. Ohira, M. Magner, M. B. Mayhew, S. Marguerat and N. Rhind (2017). "Size-Dependent Expression of the Mitotic Activator Cdc25 Suggests a Mechanism of Size Control in Fission Yeast." Curr Biol 27(10): 1491-1497 e1494.

      Kim, J. K., K. Josic and M. R. Bennett (2014). "The validity of quasi-steady-state approximations in discrete stochastic simulations." Biophys J 107(3): 783-793.

      Kim, J. K. and J. J. Tyson (2020). "Misuse of the Michaelis-Menten rate law for protein interaction networks and its remedy." PLoS Comput Biol 16(10): e1008258.

      Lundgren, K., N. Walworth, R. Booher, M. Dembski, M. Kirschner and D. Beach (1991). "mik1 and wee1 cooperate in the inhibitory tyrosine phosphorylation of cdc2." Cell 64(6): 1111-1122.

      Mitchison, J. M. (2003). "Growth during the cell cycle." Int Rev Cytol 226: 165-258.

      Novak, B., Z. Pataki, A. Ciliberto and J. J. Tyson (2001). "Mathematical model of the cell division cycle of fission yeast." Chaos 11(1): 277-286.

      Novak, B. and J. J. Tyson (1995). "Quantitative Analysis of a Molecular Model of Mitotic Control in Fission Yeast." J Theor Biol 173: 283-305.

      Patterson, J. O., S. Basu, P. Rees and P. Nurse (2021). "CDK control pathways integrate cell size and ploidy information to control cell division." Elife 10.

      Shahrezaei, V., J. F. Ollivier and P. S. Swain (2008). "Colored extrinsic fluctuations and stochastic gene expression." Mol Syst Biol 4: 196.

      Tang, Z., T. R. Coleman and W. G. Dunphy (1993). "Two distinct mechanisms for negative regulation of the Wee1 protein kinase." EMBO J 12(9): 3427-3436.

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    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The paper by Novak and Tyson revisits a recent paper from Nurse group on the bistability of mitotic switch in fission yeast using mathematical modelling. The authors extend their older models of mitotic entry check point and implement both deterministic and stochastic version of new model. They show this model does indeed possess bistability and show that combined with stochastic fluctuations the model can show bimodality for the cyclin-CDK activity at a particular cell size consistenent with the recent experimental data. However, the authors also show alternative model that has mono-stable ultrasensitivity can also explain the data and suggest experiments that can prove the existence of hysteresis and therefore bistability.

      While the biological implication of the study is well explained, the authors can improve the presentation of their model and the underlying assumptions. I have the following comments and suggestions for improvement of the paper. <br /> 1. The cartoon of the mathematical model is confusing at places, for example the wee1-CDK complex according to the equations either dissociates back to wee1 and CDK or gives rise to pCDK and wee1, the arrow below is confusing as it implies it can also give rise to wee1p, the CDK phosphorylation of wee1 is already included in the diagram. Also, the PP2A is put on the arrow for all reactions but for wee1p2 to wee1p its action shown with a dashed line. Also, I wondered if wee1p and wee1p2 can also bind CDK and sequester or phosphorylate CDK? 2. The rates and variables in the ODEs are not fully described. Also sometimes unlcear what is parameter and what is a variable, I had to look a the code. 3. The model has quite a few parameters, but these are not at all discussed in the paper. How did the authors come up with these particular set of parameters, has there been some systematic fitting, or tuning by hand to produce a good fit to the data? I could only see the value of the parameters in the code, but perhaps a table with the parameters of the model, what they mean and their value (and perhaps how the values is obtained) is missing. 4. The authors are using the Gillespie algorithm with time varying parameters (as some rates depend on volume and volume is not constant). Algorithm needs to be modified slightly to handle this (see for example Shahrezaei et al Molecular Systems Biology 2008). 5. The authors correctly point out, ignoring mRNA has resulted in underestimation of noise, however another point is that mRNA life times are short and that also affects the timescale of fluctuations and this may be relevant to the switching rates between the bistable states. 6. In the introduction add, "In this study" to "Intrigued by these results, we investigated their experimental observations with a model of bistability in the activation of cyclin-CDK in fission yeast.


      Overall, this is an interesting study that revisits an old question and some recent experimental data. The use of stochastic modelling in explaining variability and co-existence of cell populations in the context of cell cycle and comparison to experimental data is novel and of interest to the communities of cell cycle researchers, systems biologists and mathematical biologists.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: The manuscript asks whether the data reported in Patterson et al. (2021) is consistent with a bistable switch controlling the G2/M transition in fission yeast. Patterson et al. (2021) use an engineered system to decouple a non-degradable version of Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) from cell growth and concomitantly measure CDK activity (by the nuclear localization of a downstream target, Cut3p). They observe cells with indistinguishable CDK levels but two distinct CDK activities, which they posit shows bistable behavior. In this study, the authors ask if other models can also explain this data. The authors use both deterministic and Gillespie based stochastic simulations to generate relationships between CDK activities and protein levels for various cell sizes. They conclude that the experiments performed in Patterson et al. are insufficient to distinguish between a bistable switch and a reversible ultrasensitive switch. They propose additional experiments involving the use a degradable CDK construct to also measure the inactivation kinetics. They propose that a bistable switch will have different forward (OFF->ON) and backward (ON->OFF) switching rates. A reversible ultrasensitive switch will have indistinguishable switching rates.

      The results are interesting and worth publication in a computational biology specific journal, as they might only appeal to a limited audience. Several ideas need to be clarified and additional information needs to be provided about the specific parameters used for the simulations:

      Major comments:

      1. The parameters need to be made more accessible by means of a supplementary table and appropriate references need to be cited. It is not clear why Michaelis Menten kinetics will not be applicable to this system. Has it been demonstrated that the Km s of the enzymes are much greater than the substrate concentrations for all the reactions? If yes, please cite. It will not be surprising if the simulation with Michaelis Menten would alter the dynamics shown in this study. A reversible switch with two different enzymes (catalyzing the ON->OFF and OFF->ON transitions) having different kinetics can give asymmetric switching rates. This would directly contradict what has been shown in Figure 7A-D.
      2. Line 427: The authors use a half-time of 6 hours in their model as Patterson et al. used a non-degradable construct. It is not clear why dilution due to cell growth has not been considered. The net degradation rate of a protein is the sum of biochemical degradation rate and growth dilution rate. The growth dilution rate seems significant (140 mins doubling time or 0.3 h-1 dilution rate) relative to assumed degradation rate (0.12 h-1). Please clarify why was the effect of dilution neglected in the model or show by sensitivity analysis this does not change the predicted CDK activation thresholds.
      3. Line 402 The authors state that the production rate of the Cdk protein is 'assumed' proportional to the cell volume. The word 'assumed' is incorrect here as a simple conversion of concentration-based differential equation (with constant production rate) to molecular numbers would show that production rate is proportional to the volume. This is not an assumption.
      4. Line 423 Please cite the appropriate literature that shows that fission yeast growth during cell division is exponential. If the dynamics are more complicated, involving multiple phases of growth during cell division, please state so.
      5. Line 250 The authors convert the bistable version of the CDK switch to reversible sigmoidal by assuming that Wee1 and Cdc25 phosphorylation is proportional to the CDK level rather than activity, which seems biochemically unrealistic. This invokes an altered circuit architecture where inactive CDK has enough catalytic activity to phosphorylate the two modifying enzymes (Wee1/Cdc25) but not enough to drive mitosis. This might be possible if the Km of CDK for Wee1/Cdc25 is lower relative to other downstream substrates that drive mitosis. The authors can reframe this section of the paper to state this possibility, which might be interesting to experimentalists.
      6. It is difficult to phenomenologically understand a bistable switch just based on differences in activation and inactivation thresholds. For example, a reversible ultrasensitive switch also shows a difference in activation and inactivation thresholds (Figure 7D). How much of a difference should be expected of a bistable switch versus reversible switch? Moreover, as the authors clearly understand (line 275), time-delays in activation and inactivation reactions can inflate these differences. In the future, if the authors can convert the equations to potential energy space as done in Acar et al. 2005 (Nature) in Figure 3c-d, it will be useful. Also, predicting the distribution of switching rates from the Gillespie simulation might be informative and can be directly compared to experimental measurements in the future (if the Cut3p levels in nucleus and cytosol equilibrates fast enough or other CDK biosensors are developed).

      Minor comments:

      1. Line 2: Please replace "In most situations" to "In favorable conditions"

      Referee cross-commenting

      I agree with Reviewer 1 that this falls more under pointing out an alternative interpretation of a single experiment than challenging widely supported orthodoxy about how the eukaryotic cell cycle leaves mitosis.


      Suitable for specialist comp bio journal eg PLoS Comp Bio

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Novák and Tyson present a model-based analysis of published data that had claimed to demonstrate bistable activation of CDK at the G2/M transition in fission yeast. They point out that the published data does not distinguish between ultra-sensitive (switch-like, but reversible) and bistable (switch-like, but irreversible) activation. They back up their intuition with robust quantitative modeling. They then point out that, with a simple experimental modification, the published experiments could be repeated in a way that would test between the ultra-sensitive and bistable possibilities. Therefore, this is a rare paper that makes a specific modeling-based prediction and proposes a straightforward way to test it. As such, it will be of interest to a broad range of workers involved in the fields cell cycle and regulatory modeling. Nonetheless, attention to the following points would improve the manuscript.

      The authors should be more careful about how they describe protein abundance. They often refer to protein level. I believe in every case they mean protein concentration, but this is not explicitly stated; it could be interpreted as number of protein molecules per cell. The authors should either explicitly state that level means concentration or, more simply, use concentration instead of level.

      The authors should explain why they include stoichiometric inhibition of CDK byWee1 in their model. Is it required to make the model work in the wild-type case, or only in the CDK-AF case. My intuition is it should only be required in the AF case, but I would like to know for sure. Also, they should state if there is any experimental data for such regulation.

      The authors should explicitly state, on line 131, that the fact that "the rate of synthesis of C-CDK molecules is directly proportional to cell volume" results in a size-dependent increase in the concentration of C-CDK.

      The authors should explain, on line 100, why they are "quite sure the bistable switch is the correct interpretation".

      On line 166, include the units of volume.

      On lines 152 and 237, "smaller protein-fusion levels "should be replaced with "lower protein-fusion concentrations".

      Referee cross-commenting

      I concur with the other two reviews.


      The paper is significant in that it points out a alternative interpretation for an important result in an important paper. Specifically, it points out that the published data is consistent with activation of CDK at the G2/M transition in fission yeast could be ultra-sensitive (switch-like, but reversible) instead of bistable (switch-like, but irreversible). The distinction is important because it has been claimed, by the authors of the submitted manuscript among others, that bistability is required for robust cell-cycle directionality. However, activation of CDK at the G2/M transition in other species has been shown to be bistable and the authors state that they are "quite sure the bistable switch is the correct interpretation". So, the paper is more likely an exercise in rigor than an opportunity to overturn a paradigm.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Please see attached point-by-point response file, it contains essential figures and formatting that cannot be pasted here.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Bataclan et al. provide extensive in vitro work on Regnase1/3 function in mast cells. They make use of in vitro differentiated mast cells from bone marrow (BMMC) and in vitro cultures from primary peritoneal mast cells from mice. They show robustly Reg1/3 upregulation by transcript and protein upon activation stimulation in these cultured mast cells. Knockdown and CRISPR editing of Reg1/3 show enhanced inflammatory signaling. TNF is identified as a direct target of Reg1/3 nuclease activity. Reg3 is implicated as a negative regulator of Reg1. Overall, this work highlights Reg1/3 as novel players in mast cell biology that control inflammatory signaling including TNF.

      Major comments:

      • The result section requires more consistent & sufficient information on the assays (in vitro, ex vivo, species, etc.) particularly for the meta-analysis in the beginning. Relatedly, can the authors assume cross-species conservation of Reg1/3 in mast cells across mammals to make general conclusions on the functions or should this be limited mostly to mouse observations? It would be helpful to mention the species studied in the abstract.
      • Reg1 protein levels appear to be more stable than Reg3 protein levels (mirroring the transcript) Fig1a+c. Is the half-life of Reg3 shorter than Reg1? What is functional impact of Reg1 regulation at the transcriptional level considering the protein half-lives?
      • MFI comparisons can only be used on unimodal populations (not bimodal i.e. Fig3b). Also, contour flow plots should show outliers.
      • Is TNF functionally secreted from WT vs KD/KO mast cells under these in vitro conditions? This is not shown and seems quite an important aspect given the focus on TNF regulation (other secreted factors could also be considered). Degranulation appears to be lower in Fig5g. Does Reg1 overexpression reduces TNF expression and secretion?
      • Catalytic variants of Reg1/3 appear to be only tested in WT cells. Wouldn't it be worthwhile to test these in KO cells? The absolute protein levels of ectopic and endogenous are not entirely clear and only shown for WT Reg3 in Fig4b.
      • Fig2b shows upregulation of Reg1 transcript is not enhanced upon Reg3 knockdown, but it is enhanced in Fig4a? How are these assays different?
      • The authors implicate Reg3 to regulate Reg1 by transcript. What is the role of the protein interaction between Reg1 and 3? Why is the protein interaction not seen in the IF experiments? Would other cell systems (maybe mouse) be more suitable.
      • Cell death increases after Reg1/3 knockdowns; can this be rescued with Reg1/3 reinstation? Is the protein level of Reg1 important for this; can this be dosed? Are the assays for cell death/proliferation done in comparison to unstimulated resting cells, cultured conditions and IgE stimulated mast cells? Minor point: A single assay of cell death is sufficient in the main figures; same for proliferation assays.
      • It is not entirely clear how the RNA-seq data with CRISPR KO in Fig6 is different than the nanostring data with Knockdowns shown earlier in Fig2? Were unstimulated cells not used as a control before? A floxed mouse model for Reg1 is introduced at the end, but would have been useful for many assays. OPTIONAL: are in vivo experiments of interest to confirm the findings? The conclusions that Reg1/3 regulates physiological mast cell responses might be a reach otherwise.

      Minor comments:

      • Some of the Knockdown and CRISPR validation main figures are redundant and might be better suited for the supplement.
      • The MW in the western blot requires lines to indicate the exact location of the ladder.
      • Fig2 title refers as loss of Reg1/3 using siRNA. The term is typically used in the context of genetic ablation and not for knockdowns.
      • Gene locus figures of Reg1/3 are confusing why are only E3 and E6 shown and not all Exons (Fig2a et al)?
      • Are biological replicates or technical replicates used in Fig1?
      • Is a student's t test the appropriate statistical analysis for most of the analyses?
      • An explanation why nanostring and RNA-seq are both used would be helpful.


      Bataclan et al investigate Reg1/3 function in mast cells, that are of interest to elucidate the regulation of mast cell effector functions. Reg1/3 were identified as novel regulators of murine mast cells. Independent and complementary use of Knockdowns and CRISPR deletions provide robust data. Also, the use of two independent mast cell populations and different stimuli is of interest, albeit they are not used in every assay. Altogether, the in vitro data are robust and rigorous. On the flipside, in vivo data is not provided. The translational impact would be higher if findings are tested in in vivo models including preclinical applications (as discussed in text). Mouse studies are often indicative of mechanisms in higher mammals, but it would help to lay this out more clearly. Therefore, the connection to humans is less clear. The type of work presented here would be best described as basic research. This review has been assessed with the following expertise: mouse/human immunology, mouse models, immune cell signaling, immune effector functions, flow cytometry.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Bataclan et al. studied the role of Regnase-1 and -3 in the mast cell (MC) function in vitro. Using siRNA, CRISPR-mediated depletion, and overexpression models in, mainly, IL-3-cultured bone-marrow-derived mast cells, they beautifully demonstrated that Regnase-1 and, to a lesser extent, Regnase-3 suppressed the expression of TNF in MCs in response to IgE-stimulation. Regnase-1 also had roles in MC survival and IgE-stimulation-induced degranulation. Regnase-3 seems to have mixed effects on MC functions as the protein's primary targets include both TNF and Regnase-1 mRNAs.

      Major comments:

      1. The authors mainly used BMMCs generated by four weeks of cultivation of bone marrow cells with IL-3; at this point, MCs are considered "less mature". Could the authors reproduce the primary data (the role of Regnase-1 on TNF, cell survival, and degranulation) even if they used more mature MCs (e.g., extended cultivation with IL-3 (6-7 weeks))?
      2. TNF mRNA is not considered a primary target for Regnase-1 in other cell types, such as macrophages or fibroblasts. Although this reviewer does not doubt that the TNF expression level is controlled by Regnase-1 in MCs, more evidence is needed to conclude that TNF is a "primary target" for Regnases. They can determine the stability of "endogenous" TNF mRNA in Regnase-depleted cells, as in Figure 4d.
      3. The role of Regnase-1 on the MC degranulation is less pronounced. Could the authors show the same result using another assay, such as a FACS-based assay excluding dead or dying cells?
      4. Have the authors had a chance to look into which protease(s) cleaved Regnase-1 in IgE-stimulated MCs?


      General assessment:

      This study investigated the role of Regnase-1 and -3 in the mast cell (MC) function in vitro. The strength of the study is that they used several methods to manipulate the expression levels of Regnases in the cells (siRNA, CRISPR, and Regnase-1 overexpression) and obtained consistent results. Although the study is well designed and the results are beautiful, the BMMCs the authors used are less mature MCs and do not represent the cells in the mammalian body well. Also, this study only focused on in vitro mouse-derived MCs, and human MCs or in vivo roles of MC Regnases were not studied.


      The role of Regnase-1 in several cell types has already been shown, including the populations involved in type-2 immunity (Th2 and ILC2). However, this study might be the first to investigate the role of Regnases in MCs. The roles of Regnases in MCs (control of mRNA stability through the RNase activity) presented are in line with the previous studies.


      The primary audience of this study may be basic researchers studying type-2 immunity or MC biology. Because MCs are an essential cell population in several allergic disorders, some clinicians who care for allergic patients might also be interested in this study. However, main audiences may be relatively limited to specific fields like immunology and allergology.

      This reviewer's main field of expertise is basic research in immunology and allergology. More specific keywords are MCs, ILC2, IgE, type-2 cytokines, and mouse models.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Mast cells play a role in exerting effector functions in the immune response. However, the functioning of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) in the mast cells is not well understood. The authors focused on the Regnase family of RNA-degrading enzymes and worked towards unraveling their functions. Upon activating mast cells, the authors observed a significant induction of Regnase-3 among RBPs. Furthermore, they found that Regnase-3 directly controls the well-known Regnase-1, revealing its role in regulating homeostasis and inflammatory responses in mast cells.

      Major comments:

      This experiment has been meticulously designed, and the reliability of the presented data is quite high. While the observations are specific to mast cells, the insights gained could provide valuable information about the interrelation within the Regnase family across other immune cell types. However, there are three main concerns raised by the reviewer:

      The first concern revolves around the use of the IVT system for the expression of Regnase-1 and Regnase-3. Is there evidence confirming the expression of Regnase-3 as a full-length protein, as shown in Figures 3g and 3h? The APC-HA signal by FACS could be positive even for degradation products alone. Assuming Regnase-3 is not expressed in its full-length, it might lead to results similar to the control. Given the larger molecular weight of Regnase-3 compared to Regnase-1, it is crucial to demonstrate sufficient expression through IVT. In particular, the Western blot data for Regnase-3 in some cases confirm the full length of the product, while in other cases more degradation products appear.

      The second concern arises from the co-immunoprecipitation experiment in Figure 4i. While the experiment detects Regnase-1 co-precipitating with Regnase-3, the reverse-precipitating Regnase-1 with Regnase-3 shows a signal comparable to IgG, indicating background noise. Further improvement is needed in this aspect.Is it possible that your antibody against Regnase-1 also binds to Regnase-3?

      The third concern is related to the evaluation of Regnase-1 degranulation in Figure 5g, where there appears to be some variability. Including Regnase-3 and conducting mutual evaluations could enhance the reliability of the results, possibly addressing this variability.

      Minor comments:

      Figure 6e-g also seems to vary, and the effects on cell death and cell proliferation tend to be somewhat milder.

      Certainly, their IF images (Figure S2 and Figure S5) suggests that Regnase-1 and Regnase-3 have no or only a weak interaction.

      Is the input to the immunoprecipitation from whole cell lysate or is it cleared with a low-speed (or high-speed) centrifugation?


      The following aspects are important: Understanding the regulatory mechanisms mediated by RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) has gained significant attention in recent years. While it is inferred that RBPs control specific RNAs, many uncertainties remain about how they function in various RNA metabolism processes. The Regnase family is known to operate within the mechanism of RNA stability. While lower organisms have only one type, mammals have evolved to have four types. Understanding the implications of this family expansion is highly valuable, shedding light on how the RNA within our body's cells is regulated.

      • Advance: In this study, a strength lies in the meticulous examination of the relationship between Regnase-1 and Regnase-3 by handling them similarly in the context of mast cells. However, because of the multifaceted effects of Regnase-1 on cell proliferation, cell death, and the cell cycle, significant progress in understanding it has yet to be made. Going forward, the replication of immune responses in mast cells at the animal level holds the potential to further deepen our comprehension of RBPs through the Regnase family. This study complements two previous investigations on Regnase-3 (PMID: 34215755, 31126966) while specifically focusing on mast cells. The findings align with the prevailing perspective that emphasizes the significance of Regnase-1 among the Regnase family.
      • Audience: Basic research
      • Immunology, Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering
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      Reply to the reviewers

      Dear Editor,

      We have addressed the points and concerns raised by the reviewers and wish to thank them for their effort and time. We agree with all the comments and suggestions, which resulted in a significant improvement of the manuscript. Below, we provide a point-by-point response to all comments.


      Anders Hofer, corresponding author

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In their paper Ranjbarian and colleagues provide a tour de force at characterizing dAK from G. intestinalis using both enzymology and structural biology. G. intestinalis does not have RNR and therefore this organism relies on dAK which catalyzes formation of dAMP and ADP from deoxyadenosine and ATP (among other substrate pairs). The authors performed a terrific job at testing this reaction in depth using a recombinant dAK and a battery of various co-substrates (both natural as well as synthetic ones, Table 1). Extensive structural information on dAK was obtained using a combination of X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM. Overall, this work will be paramount aid in better understanding of the reaction mechanism, especially in the context of molecules which can be used as inhibitors of such a crucial enzyme (metabolic vulnerability for this parasite).

      This manuscript, in its current form does not require additional experiments but I would like to have a few aspects corrected/clarified, before it can be accepted for publication:

      Line 30: "whereas the affinities for deoxyguanosine, deoxyinosine and deoxycytidine were 400-2000 times lower." Better not to use term "affinity" when KM or kcat/KM are implied (unless ITC was used to measure true Kds).

      -This is a good point, and we are now using KM values in all instances were actual numbers are implied and only kept the word affinity in cases where it is discussed in more general terms.

      Line 31: "Deoxyadenosine analogues halogenated at the 2- and/or 2´-positions were also potent substrates, with comparable EC50 values as the main drug used today, metronidazole, but with the advantage of being usable on metronidazole-resistant parasites." Not sure this sentence is clear as written.

      -We have now rewritten the sentence as follows: "Deoxyadenosine analogues halogenated at the 2- and/or 2´-positions were also potent substrates with comparable EC50 values on cultured G. intestinalis cells as metronidazole, the first line treatment today, with the additional advantage of being effective against metronidazole-resistant parasites."

      Line 55: "..G. intestinalis (synonymous to G. lamblia and G. duodenalis)..". Very nice that authors provide this information as it is usually a point of confusion i.e. multiple names for the same organism.

      -Thanks a lot, we are happy that you liked it.

      Line 61 and above as well: "Treatment regimes are mainly based on metronidazole and to a lesser extent other 5-nitroimidazoles...". MT is introduced a bit sporadically, and not completely clear which enzyme it inhibits and its mode of action." Common knowledge is that MT is known for its action in aerobic parasites/bacteria and known as Flagyl, where it is mode of action was linked to "activation" due to microaerophilic conditions. Maybe MT can be introduced after text starting from Line 71?

      -The description of metronidazole is adjusted as following: "Metronidazole (Flagyl) is the most commonly used drug to treat giardiasis and selectively kills the parasite and other anaerobic organisms by forming free radicals under oxygen-limited conditions, but it has side effects such as nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and in some cases neurotoxicity reactions."

      Line 70: what is "cyst-wall"?

      -It is a cell wall consisting of three major cyst wall proteins and N-acetylgalactosamine. We have adjusted the sentence to the following to make the term clearer: The trophozoites can also secrete material to form a cyst wall and go through two rounds of DNA replication to form cysts, which contain four nuclei and a 16N genome per cell (4N in each nucleus).

      Line 90: "The reaction is catalyzed by deoxyribonucleoside kinases (dNKs), which are.." I really do not like when in order to find a reaction which is catalyzed by an enzyme in a particular study one needs to dive into the literature, sometimes it requires a lot of time as in most of recent papers on the subject reactions catalyzed are not listed. Please add a Figure or a panel with reactions catalyzed by both dNKs families.

      -It is a good idea and we have now added a figure (Fig. 1), which compares the deoxyribonucleotide metabolism of G. intestinalis with mammalian cells. The different deoxyribonucleoside kinases in the parasite and mammalian cells are included in the figure.

      Line 96: "..was found to have a ~10-fold higher affinity to thymidine.." as I mentioned above I really do not like the usage of "affinity", when actually low KM is implied.

      -It is corrected now (see above).

      Line 113: "This does not match the current knowledge that there are three dNKs in total whereof one completely specific for thymidine. The lack of knowledge about these essential enzymes in the parasite has hampered the understanding of Giardia deoxyribonucleoside metabolism and hence its exploitation as a target for antiparasitic drugs." Very good rationale, as I mentioned above, I think a Figure needs to be introduced that depicts different enzymes involved in deoxyribonucleoside metabolism (both TK1 and non- TK1 members) in Giardia with clearly labeled all known paralogs and corresponding enzymatic reactions.

      -Thanks a lot for the suggestion. Information about the different dNKs in G. intestinalis with mammalian cells for comparison is included in the new figure (Fig. 1).

      Line 132: Odd designation of supplementary figures, usually it is "Fig. S1" etc. The legend for Fig. S1 is not adequate, please add description of species and name of enzymes for all sequences shown. Also each sequences in alignment should start with number (a.a. number) as it is not clear if a full sequence is shown or not. Overall comment about the multiple sequence alignment (relevant to Fig. S1): with such a small number of sequences it is very hard to make any substantial predictions about conserved regions etc.

      -Thanks for the suggestions. We have now included more sequences, sequence numbering, and description of species as well as enzyme names. Some other changes are also that we have now used the same G. intestinalis dAK sequence in the alignment as in the experiments (same strain and accession number), and that we have made a realignment using Clustal W instead of Clustal Omega (gives better alignment of the termini). The designation of supplementary figures is according to the style of PLoS journals.

      Fig. 1 and elsewhere: I will prefer that all bar graphs show individual values + the error bar (if possible);

      -We have now added individual values to the bar graphs.

      I do not have any issues with X-ray data and cryo-EM studies (refinement statistics, particles classification etc).

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I also agree with all the comments provided by Reviewer 2 and very pleased to see that we were very similar in our evaluations.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      In their paper Ranjbarian and colleagues provide a tour de force at characterizing dAK from G. intestinalis using both enzymology and structural biology. G. intestinalis does not have RNR and therefore this organism relies on dAK which catalyzes formation of dAMP and ADP from deoxyadenosine and ATP (among other substrate pairs). The authors performed a terrific job at testing this reaction in depth using a recombinant dAK and a battery of various co-substrates (both natural as well as synthetic ones, Table 1). Extensive structural information on dAK was obtained using a combination of X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM. Overall, this work will be paramount aid in better understanding of the reaction mechanism, especially in the context of molecules which can be used as inhibitors of such a crucial enzyme (metabolic vulnerability for this parasite).

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      Ranjbarian et al. investigated a non-TK1-Like deoxyribonucleoside kinase (dNK) found in the protozoan parasite Giardia intestinalis. They used enzyme kinetic assays on heterologously expressed Gi dNK in E. coli to determine which deoxyribonucleotides were most likely physiological substrates for the enzyme. Their characterization revealed that this Gi dNK has a strong affinity to deoxyadenosine. They further investigated the affinity and activity of the dNK on deoxyadenosine analogues, some of which have known pharmaceutical utility. Finally, using a combination of crystallography, cryo-EM, chromatography, and mass photometry, they reveal that unlike other dNKs, Gi dNK forms a tetramer. They characterize important regions required for tetramerization and postulate that this tetramerization evolved to provide Gi dNK with a heightened affinity for deoxyadenosine.

      Major comments and questions:

      • The claims in this manuscript are well-supported, and I found no major issues with experimental methods. • The authors provide a structure of tetrameric dNK and suggest that this tetramer leads to the increased affinity to substrate compared to non-giardia dNKs. They also show through mutations that removing the novel dimerization regions decreases substrate affinity by 100-fold. However, I was left unclear about why the tetramer would lead to such high affinity for substrate compared to two dimers. This is especially notable, since the authors state that there are no signs of cooperativity, which is a common way that oligomerization may lead to heightened affinity. If the authors have no current evidence explaining this, they can consider adding a short amount of discussion speculating on the mechanism and future directions of study. -Thanks for this suggestion. We have now added a section in the last paragraph of the discussion where we speculate on the subject.

      Minor comments and questions:

      • The authors state that dATP acts as a mixed inhibitor and not a simple competitive inhibitor, and that previous studies have shown that this is because the dNTP competes in two locations (line 163). Is it also possible that competitive inhibition + allosteric regulation could be causing this behavior instead? -It is true that this can be theoretically explained in many ways. In fact, many allosteric regulators affect both the Vmax and Km values. However, in all studied dNKs, the dNTP acts as a dual competitor and no proper allosteric regulation with a separate allosteric site has ever been observed so far. We have rephrased this part as following to make it clear: "Mixed inhibition is often the result of allosteric regulation but studies of other dNKs have shown that this is not the case [17]. Instead, the far-end dNTP product gives a dual inhibition where the deoxyribonucleoside moiety competes with the substrate and the phosphate groups mimic those of ATP but coming from the opposite direction."

      • In the introduction (line 93), non-TK1-like dNKs are described as "not structurally related to TK1-like". This left me unclear, are they still interrelated among themselves? -We have added the following sentence for clarification: "The non-TK1-like dNKs are further subdivided into a monophyletic group of canonical non-TK1-like dNKs and a second group with thymidine kinases from Herpesviridae, which are structurally related to the canonical group but share very little amino acid sequence homology."

      • I was left confused by lines 106-116 in the introduction, where the specificities of dNKs in giardia are discussed. This is touched upon again in the discussion, but it was not clear here that there are several deoxyribonucleotides unaccounted for. -We think this should be clear now with the added Fig. 1 where the dNKs are shown.

      • When describing enzyme assays (Line 145), the authors say there is no salt dependence, but there looks to be MgCl2 always included in the assays (presumably for the ATP). -This is a good point and something we have overlooked when the sentence was written (Mg2+ is required). We have now corrected the sentence as follows: "Based on initial enzyme activity studies, it was confirmed that the assay did not have any specific requirements regarding K+, Na+, NH4+, acetate or reducing agents, and that it was linear with respect to time (S2 Fig)."

      • I was confused by the y-axis of Fig 2. How is enzyme activity lower when dAdo is added? I think I read "enzyme activity" as total substrate depleted, when it is actually referring exclusively to the given non-dAdo substrate in each column. -This is a very good point that we seem to have overlooked. We have now adjusted the y-axis title to "Indicated enzyme activity" and added the following sentence to the figure legend: "The recorded enzyme activities are for the substrates indicated on the x-axis (excluding the activity with the competing substrate)."

      • Lines 239 - 255 and Figure 3 were a little unclear to me. Specifically, I was having trouble following in the text which dimer is in the ASU, which is symmetry related, and matching those terms with which are canonical and non-canonical. -We agree with the reviewer and thank them for their comment. In order to improve the presentation of these results, we chose to extensively rearrange the figures and accompanying text. We now present the initial X-ray data together with the cryo-EM data in a new Figure 4 that focuses on the overall architecture of the tetramer. We realize that some of the nomenclature previously used in that figure was, as the reviewer pointed out, confusing and superfluous, and we have now simplified and unified it. The structural details of how the extended N- and C-termini interact with the neighboring subunit have been moved to the new figure 6 in order to present them just before the functional analyses of the consequences of truncating the termini. As a consequence of these changes to the figure layout, we made substantial changes in the organization of the text surrounding these figures, which also led to a clearer presentation. Since the changes to the figures and text are quite substantial, we would like to point out that they are only changes to the presentation, not to the data shown.

      • The authors suggest that in the experiment shown in Figure S9 (Line 285), low activity may be caused by minor impurities. I'm not sure why impurities would lower activity significantly. Could there be other differences in experimental conditions that are at play instead? -The sentence refers to a side activity (dATP dephosphorylation) which is not the normal reaction of deoxyadenosine kinase. We have rephrased the sentence to make it clearer: "The dATP-dephosphorylating activity was several orders of magnitude lower than the regular dAK activity (to phosphorylate deoxyadenosine) and was possibly catalyzed by other enzymes present as minor impurities in the protein preparation."

      • (Optional) From looking at the crystallography stats, I think the authors can potentially push the resolution more. At higher resolutions, Rmerge may become high, but depending on the data collection strategy, Eiger detectors can lead to high Rmerge just out of sheer data redundancy. Cc 1/2 can be a more useful metric in these contexts. -This is a good point and well spotted by the reviewer. Indeed, a CC1/2 of 0.802 suggests that the resolution can be pushed further. However, due to contaminating spots at higher resolutions the statistics significantly worsen when trying to push the resolution beyond 2.1 A, which is why we did not process the data to a higher resolution.

      • For Figure S8, the Polder map feature in Phenix is another option for showing ligand occupancy in an unbiased way. Did the authors try this? -We want to thank the reviewer for suggesting this. We have calculated a polder map using the Polder map feature in Phenix and both the resulting map and correlation coefficients support the presence of a dADP in the active site of monomer I. We added a section to the relative paragraph to include these new findings: "To increase our confidence that dADP was correctly placed within active site I, we calculated a polder map for dADP to test whether the b-phosphate density is correctly attributed or if it rather belongs to the bulk solvent. The resulting polder map and statistics support the placement of dADP in active site I with correlation coefficients of CC1,2=0.7627, CC1,3=0.9424, and CC2,3=0.7423 suggesting that the density does belong to dADP as CC1,3 > CC1,2 and CC1,3 > CC2,3 (S8 Fig.)."

      • It's disappointing that the tetramers show so much preferred orientation in the cryo-EM. With that said, while the nominal resolution is 4.8 Å, I think that with the streakiness the EM structure looks to have worse resolution than that. -We agree that the streakiness of the map is substantial. This is simply a result of the severe anisotropy of the map, which means that the resolution is probably worse than 4.8 Å in the "bad directions" of the map. The supplementary material (S9 Fig) clearly shows the preferred orientations leading to this problem. In the course of this study, we tried several methods to lessen the preferred orientation problem such as using graphene oxide-coated grids and collecting tilted data. However, when we got the crystal structure we saw no point in continuing these efforts. To address the comment of the reviewer, we extended the description of the EM map in the main text to say:

      "Due to strong preferred orientations, it was not possible to get an isotropic, high-resolution 3D structure of dAK using cryo-EM. The resulting 3D map had a nominal resolution of 4.8 Å, but a clearly anisotropic appearance probably reflecting lower resolution in the poorly resolved direction (S9 Fig)."

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      Overall, I agree with Reviewer #1's evaluation, and don't have any further suggestions or thoughts at this time.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Medical relevance: G. intestinalis is a parasite that causes 190 million cases of giardiasis per year. While treatable, there is evidence that giardia are developing a resistance to the main treatment at the moment, metronidazole. Thus, the authors provide a compelling case for the medical relevance of their investigation of Gi dNK for further pharmaceutical development. They provide further evidence for this by showing that several deoxyadenosine analogs bind the dNK and inhibit giardia growth. This work represents a very useful first step into a potential avenue for medical development. It's important to note that clinical studies are not within the purview of this research. However, in the discussion, the authors provide several comments on the promise of this avenue for future research.

      Conceptual, technical, and mechanistic relevance: Through biochemical and structural study, the authors provide a compelling framework to understand an enzyme that is very important to the unique lifestyle of giardia parasites. From an evolutionary standpoint, the authors provide insight into how giardia can survive even without major components of de novo DNA synthesis. The authors principally use well-established tools and techniques of the enzymology field. but do so to characterize a unique and previously uncharacterized enzyme system. This enzyme proves to be notable not just for its medical significance, but because it is unique among its family (non-TK1-like deoxynucleotide kinases) in its strong affinity for substrate and tetrameric quaternary structure. One relatively novel technique used in the study is mass photometry, which is a relatively new and exciting way to characterize native proteins at very low concentrations. Using this technique helps the authors overcome a common criticism of structural studies in which the high concentrations or crowding conditions of techniques like crystallography and cryo-EM may be inducing non-physiological oligomers.

      In summary, this work represents a meaningful addition to the protein structure-function literature. While it will principally be of interest to basic/fundamental researchers who study the mechanistic detail of protein function and evolution, it also provides a foundation for future translational work and antiparasitic drug design.

      Reviewer's background: I received my PhD in chemistry studying the structure and function of another enzyme key to DNA metabolism (except in giardia), ribonucleotide reductase. My background is in structural biology and biochemistry. I do not have sufficient expertise to comment on studies performed on G. intestinalis growth and susceptibility to deoxyadenosine analogs.

      • *
    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Ranjbarian et al. investigated a non-TK1-Like deoxyribonucleoside kinase (dNK) found in the protozoan parasite Giardia intestinalis. They used enzyme kinetic assays on heterologously ex-pressed Gi dNK in E. coli to determine which deoxyribonucleotides were most likely physiological substrates for the enzyme. Their characterization revealed that this Gi dNK has a strong affinity to deoxyadenosine. They further investigated the affinity and activity of the dNK on deoxyadenosine analogues, some of which have known pharmaceutical utility. Finally, using a combination of crys-tallography, cryo-EM, chromatography, and mass photometry, they reveal that unlike other dNKs, Gi dNK forms a tetramer. They characterize important regions required for tetramerization and pos-tulate that this tetramerization evolved to provide Gi dNK with a heightened affinity for deoxy-adenosine.

      Major comments and questions:

      • The claims in this manuscript are well-supported, and I found no major issues with experi-mental methods.
      • The authors provide a structure of tetrameric dNK and suggest that this tetramer leads to the increased affinity to substrate compared to non-giardia dNKs. They also show through mu-tations that removing the novel dimerization regions decreases substrate affinity by 100-fold. However, I was left unclear about why the tetramer would lead to such high affinity for substrate compared to two dimers. This is especially notable, since the authors state that there are no signs of cooperativity, which is a common way that oligomerization may lead to heightened affinity. If the authors have no current evidence explaining this, they can con-sider adding a short amount of discussion speculating on the mechanism and future direc-tions of study.

      Minor comments and questions:

      • The authors state that dATP acts as a mixed inhibitor and not a simple competitive inhibitor, and that previous studies have shown that this is because the dNTP competes in two loca-tions (line 163). Is it also possible that competitive inhibition + allosteric regulation could be causing this behavior instead?
      • In the introduction (line 93), non-TK1-like dNKs are described as "not structurally related to TK1-like". This left me unclear, are they still interrelated among themselves?
      • I was left confused by lines 106-116 in the introduction, where the specificities of dNKs in giardia are discussed. This is touched upon again in the discussion, but it was not clear here that there are several deoxyribonucleotides unaccounted for.
      • When describing enzyme assays (Line 145), the authors say there is no salt dependence, but there looks to be MgCl2 always included in the assays (presumably for the ATP).
      • I was confused by the y-axis of Fig 2. How is enzyme activity lower when dAdo is added? I think I read "enzyme activity" as total substrate depleted, when it is actually referring ex-clusively to the given non-dAdo substrate in each column.
      • Lines 239 - 255 and Figure 3 were a little unclear to me. Specifically, I was having trouble following in the text which dimer is in the ASU, which is symmetry related, and matching those terms with which are canonical and non-canonical.
      • The authors suggest that in the experiment shown in Figure S9 (Line 285), low activity may be caused by minor impurities. I'm not sure why impurities would lower activity sig-nificantly. Could there be other differences in experimental conditions that are at play in-stead?
      • (Optional) From looking at the crystallography stats, I think the authors can potentially push the resolution more. At higher resolutions, Rmerge may become high, but depending on the data collection strategy, Eiger detectors can lead to high Rmerge just out of sheer data redundancy. Cc 1/2 can be a more useful metric in these contexts.
      • For Figure S8, the Polder map feature in Phenix are another option for showing ligand oc-cupancy in an unbiased way. Did the authors try this?
      • It's disappointing that the tetramers show so much preferred orientation in the cryo-EM. With that said, while the nominal resolution is 4.8 Å, I think that with the streakiness the EM structure looks worse resolution than that.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Overall, I agree with Reviewer #1's evaluation, and don't have any further suggestions or thoughts at this time.


      Medical relevance: G. intestinalis is a parasite that causes 190 million cases of giardiasis per year. While treatable, there is evidence that giardia are developing a resistance to the main treatment at the moment, metronidazole. Thus, the authors provide a compelling case for the medical relevance of their investigation of Gi dNK for further pharmaceutical development. They provide further evi-dence for this by showing that several deoxyadenosine analogs bind the dNK and inhibit giardia growth. This work represents a very useful first step into a potential avenue for medical develop-ment. It's important to note that clinical studies are not within the purview of this research. Howev-er, in the discussion, the authors provide several comments on the promise of this avenue for future research.

      Conceptual, technical, and mechanistic relevance: Through biochemical and structural study, the authors provide a compelling framework to understand an enzyme that is very important to the unique lifestyle of giardia parasites. From an evolutionary standpoint, the authors provide insight into how giardia can survive even without major components of de novo DNA synthesis.

      The authors principally use well-established tools and techniques of the enzymology field. but do so to characterize a unique and previously uncharacterized enzyme system. This enzyme proves to be notable not just for its medical significance, but because it is unique among its family (non-TK1-like deoxynucleotide kinases) in its strong affinity for substrate and tetrameric quater-nary structure. One relatively novel technique used in the study is mass photometry, which is a relatively new and exciting way to characterize native proteins at very low concentrations. Using this technique helps the authors overcome a common criticism of structural studies in which the high concentrations or crowding conditions of techniques like crystallography and cryo-EM may be inducing non-physiological oligomers.

      In summary, this work represents a meaningful addition to the protein structure-function literature. While it will principally be of interest to basic/fundamental researchers who study the mechanistic detail of protein function and evolution, it also provides a foundation for future transla-tional work and antiparasitic drug design.

      Reviewer's background: I received my PhD in chemistry studying the structure and function of another enzyme key to DNA metabolism (except in giardia), ribonucleotide reductase. My back-ground is in structural biology and biochemistry. I do not have sufficient expertise to comment on studies performed on G. intestinalis growth and susceptibility to deoxyadenosine analogs.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In their paper Ranjbarian and colleagues provide a tour de force at characterizing dAK from G. intestinalis using both enzymology and structural biology. G. intestinalis does not have RNR and therefore this organism relies on dAK which catalyzes formation of dAMP and ADP from deoxyadenosine and ATP (among other substrate pairs). Authors performed a terrific job at testing this reaction in depth using a recombinant dAK and a battery of various co-substrates (both natural as well as synthetic ones, Table 1). Extensive structural information on dAK was obtained using a combination of X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM. Overall, this work will be paramount aid in better understanding of reaction mechanism, especially in the context of molecules which can be used as inhibitors of such crucial enzyme (metabolic vulnerability for this parasite).

      This manuscript, in its current form does not require additional experiments but I would like to have a few aspects corrected/clarified, before it can be accepted for publication:

      Line 30: "whereas the affinities for deoxyguanosine, deoxyinosine and deoxycytidine were 400-2000 times lower." Better not to use term "affinity" when KM or kcat/KM are implied (unless ITC was used to measure true Kds).

      Line 31: "Deoxyadenosine analogues halogenated at the 2- and/or 2´-positions were also potent substrates, with comparable EC50 values as the main drug used today, metronidazole, but with the advantage of being usable on metronidazole-resistant parasites." Not sure this sentence is clear as written.

      Line 55: "..G. intestinalis (synonymous to G. lamblia and G. duodenalis)..". Very nice that authors provide this information as it is usually a point of confusion i.e. multiple names for the same organism.

      Line 61 and above as well: "Treatment regimes are mainly based on metronidazole and to a lesser extent other 5-nitroimidazoles...". MT is introduced a bit sporadically, and not completely clear which enzyme it inhibits and its mode of action." Common knowledge is that MT is known for its action in aerobic parasites/bacteria and known as Flagyl, where it is mode of action was linked to "activation" due to microaerophilic conditions. Mayve MT can be introduced after text starting from Line 71?

      Line 70: what is "cyst-wall"?

      Line 90: "The reaction is catalyzed by deoxyribonucleoside kinases (dNKs), which are.." I really do not like when in order to find a reaction which is catalyzed by an enzyme in a particular study one needs to dive into the literature, sometimes it requires a lot of time as in most of recent papers on the subject reactions catalyzed are not listed. Please add a Figure or a panel with reactions catalyzed by both dNKs families.

      Line 96: "..was found to have a ~10-fold higher affinity to thymidine.." as I mentioned above I really do not like the usage of "affinity", when actually low KM is implied.

      Line 113: "This does not match the current knowledge that there are three dNKs in total whereof one completely specific for thymidine. The lack of knowledge about these essential enzymes in the parasite has hampered the understanding of Giardia deoxyribonucleoside metabolism and hence its exploitation as a target for antiparasitic drugs." Very good rationale, as I mentioned above, I think a Figure needs to be introduced that depicts different enzymes involved in deoxyribonucleoside metabolism (both TK1 and non- TK1 members) in Giardia with clearly labeled all known paralogs and corresponding enzymatic reactions.

      Line 132: Odd designation of supplementary figures, usually it is "Fig. S1" etc. The legend for Fig. S1 is not adequate, please add description of species and name of enzymes for all sequences shown. Also each sequences in alignment should start with number (a.a. number) as it is not clear if a full sequence is shown or not. Overall comment about the multiple sequence alignment (relevant to Fig. S1): with such a small number of sequences it is very hard to make any substantial predictions about conserved regions etc.

      Fig. 1 and elsewhere: I will prefer that all bar graphs show individual values + the error bar (if possible);

      I do not have any issues with X-ray data and cryo-EM studies (refinement statistics, particles classification etc).

      Referees cross-commenting

      I also agree with all the comments provided by Reviewer 2 and very pleased to see that we were very similar in our evaluations.


      In their paper Ranjbarian and colleagues provide a tour de force at characterizing dAK from G. intestinalis using both enzymology and structural biology. G. intestinalis does not have RNR and therefore this organism relies on dAK which catalyzes formation of dAMP and ADP from deoxyadenosine and ATP (among other substrate pairs). Authors performed a terrific job at testing this reaction in depth using a recombinant dAK and a battery of various co-substrates (both natural as well as synthetic ones, Table 1). Extensive structural information on dAK was obtained using a combination of X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM. Overall, this work will be paramount aid in better understanding of reaction mechanism, especially in the context of molecules which can be used as inhibitors of such crucial enzyme (metabolic vulnerability for this parasite).

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Response and revision plan

      Manuscript number: RC- 2024-02380

      Corresponding author(s): Emma R Andersson

      1. General Statements

      We sincerely appreciate the thorough and positive review provided by all reviewers. Their comments have provided valuable suggestions to improve and enhance clarity of our study on the role of Jag1-mediated Notch signaling in cochlear development, and its implications for Alagille syndrome. Furthermore, their feedback has underscored the significance of our study in elucidating patterning and hearing deficits, and its relevance for therapeutic considerations*. *

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Comment from BioRxiv

      In addition to comments from appointed reviewers, Jaime García-Añoveros emailed us with a comment on our BioRxiv preprint. Professor García-Añoveros was interested in our finding thatTbx2 is expressed in OHC-like cells (Fig5), because his lab has shown that Tbx2 is an inner hair cell determinant (García-Añoveros et al., 2022). Fig 5 shows quantifications of Tbx2 RNAscope punctae in sections, showing that Tbx2 is expressed in Jag1Ndr/Ndr outer hair cell-like cells, in the inner hair cell compartment, at similar levels to that expressed by the extra inner hair cells also present in Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice. He suggested we perform RNAscope for Tbx2 on wholemount cochlear preparations, to confirm the Fig 5 data from cross sections. While we are confident of our quantifications, which were based on optical slice sections Reviewer comments

      We have already implemented some of the reviewer suggestions, as detailed under point 3, and the list below is therefore discontinuously numbered.

      Reviewer 1

      *Comments regarding quality of images: the picture quality for Figure 4b is low, especially for F-actin staining. Please enhance the intensity. (check image). Fig. 1g, poor quality. The WT cochlea looks severely disorganized. (replace image) *


      Figure 4b and Fig1g images will be improved or replaced. We plan a more extensive analysis of the adult phenotype, to also address comment #1 from Reviewer 2 (described below in response to Reviewer 2, #1).

      Reviewer 2

      Fig1g shows a very abnormal cross section through the cochlear duct. There are no clearly visible Deiters' cells. Is this the case? Loss of outer hair cell function should only increase thresholds about 40dB, and there are increased thresholds reported here of 60+, despite remaining outer hair cells. This could be accounted for by the conduction defects, but also, there may be defects in the adult ear not observed earlier. Is there any inner hair cell loss? Deiter cell loss? Are inner and outer hair cell stereocilia normal? These may account for the severe hearing loss.

      • *


      To further characterize the adult cochlear phenotype, we will quantify the number of IHCs, OHCs and SCs with immunohistological staining of cryosections from adult Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice, and address in the Discussion section how this phenotype relates to the observed hearing loss. Additionally, we plan to analyze ABR wave-I characteristics of existing recordings to further study auditory nerve fiber responses and IHC function.

      We have added a discussion of the relative contribution of middle and inner ear defects to the overall hearing loss in the Discussion section (lines 385-399), to also address comment #3 from reviewer 1 (below in section 3 "revisions that have been already incorporated in transferred manuscript").

      Reviewer 2

      *What is the rationale for reporting differences in the p-value that are not significant at the adjusted p-value? Since these are whole genome analysis it is only appropriate to report significance by adjusted p-values. *

      *One of the novel aspects of this study is the finding that Notch components are upregulated in the Jag1Ndr/Ndr mutants (although some of these results are not significant at the adjusted p value). Given the potential significance that these results would indicate (including c-inhibition), it would be important to confirm upregulation of key Notch components in situ using RNA-scope or immunohistochemistry. *


      We agree that multiple hypothesis testing should be corrected for (with adjusted p values), which we have done in all analyses. However, we considered it relevant to report enriched or depleted genes that reached a meaningful fold difference and p-value threshold, even though the adjusted p-value threshold was not met. Our hope was that this would provide transparency and allow for consideration of the different sample sizes (different abundance of specific cell types), allowing the reader to explore the data. For further transparency, a distinction in labelling of significant adj. p-values and p-values was previously made in the original manuscript.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out that the Notch target gene upregulation is an interesting and novel finding. We will perform RNAscope experiments to validate the upregulation of Notch components and target genes at P5, including Jag1, Jag2, Hes5, Nrarp, Tns1 and Cxcl12. Quantification of the RNA scope signal will also provide an alternative approach to testing whether the enrichment/upregulation of Notch target genes is statistically significant.

      __Reviewer 1 __

      Text and figure comments: Scale bar missing in Figure1b and Figure1h. Please mention the scale bar presented mm in the figure legends for Figure 2; Figure 3; SFigure 6.


      Scale bar information will be added to the specified figures.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Reviewer 1

      Developmentally hair cells develop from the base to the apex starting from the IHC to OHC. The observation of the changes in HC pattern indicates the impact of Notch in timing and maturation status of HC differentiation. Likely by the time when OHCs are supposed to be developed, which is dictated by the suppression of IHC and the activation of OHC signals, due to the dysregulation of Jag1, the IHC signaling cannot be sufficiently suppressed, whereas the OHC signaling cannot be sufficiently activated. This has a positional effect as further it is from the IHCs, more mature OHC can develop. Could the authors dig deeper into the scRNAseq data to see if they can isolate the profile of extra IHCs in the JagNdr/Ndr mouse, to see if they can detect the expression of some OHC genes albeit at much lower levels?


      There were no significant gene expression differences between Jag1Ndr/Ndr and Jag1+/+ IHCs. As we expect the Jag1Ndr/Ndr IHC pool to contain similar numbers of de facto IHCs and ectopic IHCs, failure to detect any differences suggests that the ectopic IHCs are transcriptionally similar to de facto IHCs. To further address the ectopic IHC signature, we subsetted, renormalized and reclustered the Jag1Ndr/Ndr and Jag1+/+ IHCs. No Jag1Ndr/Ndr-specific clusters were identified in this analysis (new Supplementary Fig 4c). In addition, we analysed the expression of IHC- and OHC-specific markers to assess the faithfulness of Jag1Ndr/Ndr IHCs and OHCs. As reported in our original manuscript, Jag1Ndr/Ndr OHCs expressed lower levels of OHC markers. However, Jag1Ndr/Ndr IHCs were indistinguishable from *Jag1+/+ * IHCs (new Supplementary Fig 4b). These new analyses also address comment #2 by Reviewer 2 (see below).

      As the reviewer pointed out that development of HCs occurs from base to apex, we have added a quantification of apex and base regions of the P5 phenotype to Sfig5 and described this data in the Results section (lines 230-231).

      • *

      Reviewer 1

      It is difficult to dissect the contribution of middle ear malformation and inner ear defects to hearing loss in Alagille syndrome with the current model. For the development of any therapy, the two main factors have to be analyzed separately. One option is to generate an inner ear-specific JagNdr/Ndr model to bypass the middle ear issue, which can be evaluated for potential therapy. This part should be discussed.


      We agree that the relative contribution of middle and inner ear defects to hearing loss in a Jag1-compromised setting cannot be assessed with Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice. Generation of an inner-ear specific Jag1 Nodder model to bypass middle ear defects and address the relative contribution of middle and inner ear defects, would be technically challenging/impossible since the Nodder mouse model carries a single missense mutation in Jag1 and must be carefully maintained on a mixed genetic background to fully recapitulate Alagille syndrome. However, previous elegant work from other groups has dissected the function of Jag1 in supporting cells and neural crest, and how defects in each of these systems contribute to hearing loss. We therefore now comprehensively discuss this work by others (lines 385-399).

      Reviewer 1

      *In Figure 1, the author mentioned the major defects found in the vestibular system. Is there any difference in the vestibular system at the cellular level? Some evidence will be informative. *

      Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice completely lack the posterior semicircular canal, which explains the head nodding behavior observed in our model, since the posterior semicircular canal detects head-tilting towards the shoulders. We have no data on the hair cells located in the saccule or utricle. Since the paper focusses on patterning and hearing, rather than balance, we consider further analysis of the vestibular system at cellular level outside of the scope of our paper.

      Reviewer 2

      From the UMAP plot in Fig 2b, it seems that the scRNA-seq data did not reveal any change in cell identities in the Jag1Ndr/Ndr ears. This result is not really discussed in the results or discussion-particularly why the OHC-like cells, extra IHCs, and absent Hensen's cells are not revealed in this analysis.


      In our scRNAseq dataset we were unable to identify, with certainty, an OHC-like population. After subsetting HCs, we did observe an additional OHC population exclusive to homozygous animals. However, after RNAscope validation, this population might have arisen from contamination with PCs. IHCs were transcriptionally similar between wildtype and homozygous animals, and we were unable to identify the ectopic IHCs. We additionally reported fewer to almost absent HeCs in the homozygous dataset. This data has been shown in the Results section (Fig2b) and in Supplementary Table 8 (number of cells per cell type) and has been discussed in the Discussion section. To further address the lack of separation of IHCs and ectopic IHCs, and failure to identify OHC-like cells, we have added additional panels assessing IHCs and OHC gene expression to SFigure4. This also addressed comments #2 addressed by Reviewer 1 (see above).

      Reviewer 2

      *It is difficult to know which cells are extra (+1), including inner hair cells. Since scRNAseq did not reveal a different gene signature for these 'extra' cells, it is more appropriate to just count them all together. *


      We have merged the quantification of IHCs and +1 IHCs to total IHCs in Fig4c. Separate original quantification of IHCs and +1 IHCs is reported in SFigure5, since the data presented in this way reflect a doubling of the IHC row.

      Reviewer 2

      Additionally, a previous report has suggested that JAG1 mediates cis-inhibition in the medial region of the cochlea. The data presented here do not show an upregulation of Notch signaling in the medial supporting cells, suggesting this is not the case. This should be discussed.


      It is indeed interesting to note that, although with comparable sample size for medial and lateral populations, upregulation of Notch activation is restricted to lateral SCs, and not, despite previous indications (Basch et al., 2016), observed in medial SC populations. We have discussed the possibility for cis-inhibition to a greater extent in the Discussion section (lines 310-311).

      Reviewer 2 and Reviewer 3

      *Pg 9 Discussion: The sentence: "The JAG1NDR missense mutant is expressed in vivo, and traffics normally, but does not bind or activate NOTCH1", is somewhat misleading because it suggests this allele has no function. Based on the milder ear phenotype to null alleles as well as survival suggests that this allele is hypomorphic. This should be clarified and discussed. *

      • *

      The authors should provide a more detailed description of the Nodder mice (the nature of the mutation and how it may effect Notch1 and Notch2 receptor activation) in the introduction.


      We now introduce the Nodder mouse model (Hansson et al., 2010) and signaling defects to a greater extent in the Introduction section (lines 66-68).

      Reviewer 2

      Pg 5 third paragraph, "Differential gene expression analysis identified 40 up- and 42-downregulated genes in Jag1Ndr/Ndr versus Jag1+/+ IPhCs, with pathway dysregulation similar to the pseudobulk analyses (Fig3c, Supp.Table 5,6)"-should be 40 downregulated and 42 upregulated. Similarly: Pg 6 second paragraph: Differential gene expression analysis identified 1 up and* 42-downregulated genes in Jag1Ndr/Ndr DCs versus Jag1+/+ DCs-should be 1 down and 42 up. *


      Thank you for catching our accidental inversion here. The text has been corrected accordingly.

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Please include a point-by-point response explaining why some of the requested data or additional analyses might not be necessary or cannot be provided within the scope of a revision. This can be due to time or resource limitations or in case of disagreement about the necessity of such additional data given the scope of the study. Please leave empty if not applicable.

      • *

      Reviewer 1

      To study how Jag1 insufficiency affects the development, the authors included the JagNdr/Ndr mouse model. To fully understand the characteristics of the Nodder mouse model, it's necessary to include the direct age-dependent comparison of the Jag1 level (by qPCR/and or Western blot) between Jag1+/+ v.s. from JagNdr/Ndr in Figure 1 at some selected stages to correlate the Jag1 insufficiency with the "Nodder" model. A spatial expression comparison of Jag1 between Jag1+/+ v.s. from JagNdr/Ndr from different the main age groups should be included in SFigure 2, together with Notch target genes.

      The JAG1 Nodder mutation results in a hypomorphic ligand that is unable to bind and activate the Notch1 receptor (Hansson et al., 2010). The ligand itself, however, is still expressed, and its protein expression can even be upregulated in vivo (Hansson et al., 2010). Therefore, performing quantitative expression analysis of JAG1 expression (by qPCR or immunohistochemistry) would not provide insights into the levels of JAG1 activity. Instead, we show that there is decreased Notch target gene expression at the prosensory domain stage, as a proxy for Notch activation levels (SFigure2. A more detailed introduction of the model is provided in the Introduction (lines66-68), to also address a comment from Reviewer 2, #7 and Reviewer 3 comment #2.

      Reviewer 3

      The mutant form of Jagged1 in Nodder mice is trafficked to the cell surface, and while this mutant form of Jagged1 is incapable of activating the Notch1 receptor it may interact with "new" proteins, gaining new functions. My recommendation to the authors is to determine whether similar defects occur in conditional Jag1 knockout mice (increased Notch signaling in lateral supporting cells and presence of ectopic outer-hair cell like cells). The ability to disrupt Jag1 function at different stages of development may also help to determine why Jag1 deficiency renders some outer hair cells insensitive to Tbx2. If this is not possible due to time constrains, I would recommend a more in-depth discussion of the limitations of using Nodder mice.

      Jag1 conditional knockout at various stages, has not been reported to result in ectopic OHC-like cells (Brooker et al., 2006; Chrysostomou et al., 2020; Gilels et al., 2022). However, two other Jag1 missense mutants display atypical hair cells in the IHC compartment, which could be the OHC-like cells we report here (Kiernan et al., 2001; Tsai et al., 2001). Taken together, these data would suggest that Jag1 loss of function in supporting cells is not sufficient to result in OHC-like cells, but that constitutive Jag1 insufficiency can drive OHC-like cell formation. We now cite these data and discuss possible interpretations, as suggested (lines 324-331).


      Basch, M. L., Brown, R. M., Jen, H.-I., Semerci, F., Depreux, F., Edlund, R. K., Zhang, H., Norton, C. R., Gridley, T., Cole, S. E., Doetzlhofer, A., Maletic-Savatic, M., Segil, N., & Groves, A. K. (2016). Fine-tuning of Notch signaling sets the boundary of the organ of Corti and establishes sensory cell fates. ELife, 5, 841-850. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.19921

      Brooker, R., Hozumi, K., & Lewis, J. (2006). Notch ligands with contrasting functions: Jagged1 and Delta1 in the mouse inner ear. Development, 133(7), 1277-1286. https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.02284

      Chrysostomou, E., Zhou, L., Darcy, Y. L., Graves, K. A., Doetzlhofer, A., & Cox, B. C. (2020). The notch ligand jagged1 is required for the formation, maintenance, and survival of Hensen's cells in the mouse cochlea. Journal of Neuroscience, 40(49). https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1192-20.2020

      García-Añoveros, J., Clancy, J. C., Foo, C. Z., García-Gómez, I., Zhou, Y., Homma, K., Cheatham, M. A., & Duggan, A. (2022). Tbx2 is a master regulator of inner versus outer hair cell differentiation. Nature, 605(7909). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04668-3

      Gilels, F. A., Wang, J., Bullen, A., White, P. M., & Kiernan, A. E. (2022). Deletion of the Notch ligand Jagged1 during cochlear maturation leads to inner hair cell defects and hearing loss. Cell Death and Disease, 13(11). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41419-022-05380-w

      Hansson, E. M., Lanner, F., Das, D., Mutvei, A., Marklund, U., Ericson, J., Farnebo, F., Stumm, G., Stenmark, H., Andersson, E. R., & Lendahl, U. (2010). Control of Notch-ligand endocytosis by ligand-receptor interaction. Journal of Cell Science, 123(Pt 17), 2931-2942. https://doi.org/10.1242/jcs.073239

      Kiernan, A. E., Ahituv, N., Fuchs, H., Balling, R., Avraham, K. B., Steel, K. P., & Hrabé de Angelis, M. (2001). The Notch ligand Jagged1 is required for inner ear sensory development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98(7), 3873-3878. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.071496998

      Tsai, H., Hardisty, R. E., Rhodes, C., Kiernan, A. E., Roby, P., Tymowska-Lalanne, Z., Mburu, P., Rastan, S., Hunter, A. J., Brown, S. D. M., & Steel, K. P. (2001). The mouse slalom mutant demonstrates a role for Jagged1 in neuroepithelial patterning in the organ of Corti. Hum Mol Genet, 10(5), 507-512. https://doi.org/10.1093/hmg/10.5.507

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Patients with Alagille syndrome have impaired Notch signaling (~94% with JAG1 mutations) resulting in sensorineural and conductive hearing loss. To gain a better understanding of the genesis of these functional defects, the authors conduct a detailed examination of a mouse model of Alagille syndrome, called Nodder mice (Jag1 Ndr/Ndr). Consistent with previously reported phenotypes for Jag1 mutant mice, the authors observed severe vestibular and auditory defects that were accompanied by semicircular canal abnormalities, and defects in the patterning of the auditory sensory epithelium (medial boundary defect causing duplication of inner hair cells and inner phalangeal cells and reduction in outer hair cells and lateral supporting cells). What makes this study stand out from previous studies is the elegant use of single cell RNA-sequencing technology. Their scRNA_seq data suggest that 1) Jag1 lowers Notch signaling in lateral supporting cells and 2) Jag1 regulates the gene expression of outer hair cells. Further marker analysis revealed ectopic outer hair cell-like cells in the medial compartment and pillar cell region of Jag1 Ndr/Ndr mice. Surprisingly the outer hair cell-like cells closest to inner hair cells expressed Tbx2. Previous studies have shown that ectopic activation of Tbx2 is sufficient to convert outer hair cells into inner hair cells, suggesting that Jag1 deficiency may render these outer hair cells insensitive to Tbx2.

      Overall, this is a very well-designed and executed study. The main conclusions of the study are well supported by the presented data and both data and methods are presented in a clear and detailed manner. I have only few suggestions for improvement:

      Major comment:

      The mutant form of Jagged1 in Nodder mice is trafficked to the cell surface, and while this mutant form of Jagged1 is incapable of activating the Notch1 receptor it may interact with "new" proteins, gaining new functions. My recommendation to the authors is to determine whether similar defects occur in conditional Jag1 knockout mice (increased Notch signaling in lateral supporting cells and presence of ectopic outer-hair cell like cells). The ability to disrupt Jag1 function at different stages of development may also help to determine why Jag1 deficiency renders some outer hair cells insensitive to Tbx2. If this is not possible due to time constrains I would recommend a more in-depth discussion of the limitations of using Nodder mice.

      Minor comment:

      The authors should provide a more detailed description of the Nodder mice (the nature of the mutation and how it may effect Notch1 and Notch2 receptor activation) in the introduction.


      Strength of the study: The establishment and in-depth characterization of a Jag1 homozygous mutant mouse model (Nodder mice) to study the effects of Alagille syndrome on the auditory and vestibular system. Another strength is the characterization of the cell-type specific effects of Jag1 mutations using single cell transcriptomics.

      Limitation of the study: It is unclear if the missense mutation in Jag1 that is present in Nodder mice causes "only" a loss of function. It is possible that a mutant form of Jag1 protein gains new functions (see also major comment).

      Advance: This study demonstrates a novel role for the Notch ligand Jag1 in repressing Notch activation in lateral supporting cells and uncovers an involvement for Jag1-activated Notch signaling in inner versus outer hair cell specification and positioning.

      Audience: This study will be of interest for both clinical and basic scientist as it provides novel insights into how Alagille syndrome effects the auditory system and novel mechanistic insights into the complex and cell-type specific role Notch signaling.

      My field of expertise is: inner ear/ cochlea development, Notch signaling, cell fate specification and differentiation of cochlear supporting cells.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Alagille's syndrome is a developmental disorder in which the vast majority of patients have heterozygote mutations in the gene for the Notch ligand Jagged1. Patients with Alagille's have developmental defects in the heart, liver, eye and ear. This manuscript describes a hypomorphic new allele of Jag1 (Ndr mutation), in which homozygotes animals survive, allowing analysis of the postnatal and adult inner ear. The authors show that Jag1Ndr/Ndr mutants demonstrate hearing loss, vestibular defects, and patterning defects in the cochlea. Similar to previous studies of Jag1 in the ear, the authors find a decrease of outer hair cells, an increase of inner hair cells, and misplaced outer hair cells in the inner hair cell region. The authors perform scRNA-seq and analyze transcriptional effects in different cell populations. Interestingly, the authors present data that shows that the Notch pathway is upregulated in supporting cells at postnatal day 5, suggesting Jag1 may be playing an inhibitory role during postnatal maturation. The authors also show intriguing expression data regarding the OHC-like cells in the OHC region. Overall the study is well-performed and provides new information regarding the hair cell and supporting cell patterning defects caused by a reduction of Jag1-Notch signaling. However, most of the histological analysis was performed during development, and thus the origin of the severe hearing loss is not completely clear.



      Fig1g shows a very abnormal cross section through the cochlear duct. There are no clearly visible Deiters' cells. Is this the case? Loss of outer hair cell function should only increase thresholds about 40dB, and there are increased thresholds reported here of 60+, despite remaining outer hair cells. This could be accounted for by the conduction defects, but also, there may be defects in the adult ear not observed earlier. Is there any inner hair cell loss? Deiter cell loss? Are inner and outer hair cell stereocilia normal? These may account for the severe hearing loss.

      From the UMAP plot in Fig 2b, it seems that the scRNA-seq data did not reveal any change in cell identities in the Jag1Ndr/Ndr ears. This result is not really discussed in the results or discussion-particularly why the OHC-like cells, extra IHCs, and absent Hensen's cells are not revealed in this analysis.

      It is difficult to know which cells are extra (+1), including inner hair cells and inner phalangeal cells. Since scRNAseq did not reveal a different gene signature for these 'extra' cells, it is more appropriate to just count them all together.

      What is the rationale for reporting differences in the p-value that are not significant at the adjusted p-value? Since these are whole genome analysis it is only appropriate to report significance by adjusted p-values.

      One of the novel aspects of this study is the finding that Notch components are upregulated in the Jag1Ndr/Ndr mutants (although some of these results are not significant at the adjusted p value). Given the potential significance that these results would indicate (including c-inhibition), it would be important to confirm upregulation of key Notch components in situ using RNA-scope or immunohistochemistry.

      Additionally, a previous report has suggested that JAG1 mediates cis-inhibition in the medial region of the cochlea. The data presented here do not show an upregulation of Notch signaling in the medial supporting cells, suggesting this is not the case. This should be discussed.

      Pg 9 Discussion: The sentence: "The JAG1NDR missense mutant is expressed in vivo, and traffics normally, but does not bind or activate NOTCH1", is somewhat misleading because it suggests this allele has no function. Based on the milder ear phenotype to null alleles as well as survival suggests that this allele is hypomorphic. This should be clarified and discussed.


      Pg 5 third paragraph, "Differential gene expression analysis identified 40 up- and 42-downregulated genes in Jag1Ndr/Ndr versus Jag1+/+ IPhCs, with pathway dysregulation similar to the pseudobulk analyses (Fig3c, Supp.Table 5,6)"-should be 40 downregulated and 42 upregulated.

      Similarly: Pg 6 second paragraph: Differential gene expression analysis identified 1 up and 42-downregulated genes in Jag1Ndr/Ndr DCs versus Jag1+/+ DCs-should be 1 down and 42 up


      This study corroborates and extends previous studies of the role of JAG1 in the inner ear. The role of JAG1 in cochlear development is not well understood compared to other Notch ligands, because it is expressed in the supporting cells and not the hair cells. The single cell RNAseq analysis presented here sheds new light on how JAG1 may be functioning postnatally. In addition, because this is a novel allele of JAG1 in which the homozygotes survive, we can further understand how the phenotype may affect hearing and balance in Alagille syndrome patients. This study will be interesting to those who study developmental biology, Notch signaling and the inner ear.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Notch signaling regulates inner and middle ear morphogenesis and establishes a strict pattern of sensory cells in the organ of Corti in the mammalian cochlea. In the paper, the authors investigate the function of Jag1-mediated Notch activation in cochlear patterning and signaling using a novel Jag1 "Nodder" (Jag1Ndr/Ndr) mouse model of Alagille syndrome. In the transgenic mouse model, they found that the mice exhibited severe vestibular and auditory defects including an increase in ectopic inner hair cells, and a reduction in outer hair cells. By single-cell RNA study of the organ of Corti, the authors demonstrated a global dysregulation of genes associated with inner ear development and deafness. They observed that the role of Tbx2 in IHC specification is likely influenced by Notch signaling. This was a well-designed study with quality data that provided valuable information on the effect of dysregulated Jag1 on human Alagille syndrome. Given the recent success of a gene therapy clinical trial for human genetic hearing loss, this study helps to answer some key questions related to hearing, which should be of significance guiding future development of potential therapy.

      To study how Jag1 insufficiency affects the development, the authors included the JagNdr/Ndr mouse model. To fully understand the characteristics of the Nodder mouse model, it's necessary to include the direct age-dependent comparison of the Jag1 level (by qPCR/and or Western blot) between Jag1+/+ v.s. from JagNdr/Ndr in Figure 1 at some selected stages to correlate the Jag1 insufficiency with the "Nodder" model. A spatial expression comparison of Jag1 between Jag1+/+ v.s. from JagNdr/Ndr from different the main age groups should be included in SFigure 2, together with Notch target genes.

      Developmentally hair cells develop from the base to the apex starting from the IHC to OHC. The observation of the changes in HC pattern indicates the impact of Notch in timing and maturation status of HC differentiation. Likely by the time when OHCs are supposed to be developed, which is dictated by the suppression of IHC and the activation of OHC signals, due to the dysregulation of Jag1, the IHC signaling cannot be sufficiently suppressed, whereas the OHC signaling cannot be sufficiently activated. This has a positional effect as further it is from the IHCs, more mature OHC can develop. Could the authors dig deeper into the scRNAseq data to see if they can isolate the profile of extra IHCs in the JagNdr/Ndr mouse, to see if they can detect the expression of some OHC genes albeit at much lower levels?

      It is difficult to dissect the contribution of middle ear malformation and inner ear defects to hearing loss in Alagille syndrome with the current model. For the development of any therapy, the two main factors have to be analyzed separately. One option is to generate an inner ear-specific JagNdr/Ndr model to bypass the middle ear issue, which can be evaluated for potential therapy. This part should be discussed.

      In Figure 1, the author mentioned the major defects found in the vestibular system. Is there any difference in the vestibular system at the cellular level? Some evidence will be informative.

      Scale bar missing in Figure1b and Figure1h.

      The picture quality for Figure 4b is low, especially for F-actin staining. Please enhance the intensity.

      Please mention the scale bar presented m in the figure legends for Figure 2; Figure 3; SFigure 6.

      Fig. 1g, poor quality. The WT cochlea looks severely disorganized.


      Notch signaling regulates inner and middle ear morphogenesis and establishes a strict pattern of sensory cells in the organ of Corti in the mammalian cochlea. In the paper, the authors investigate the function of Jag1-mediated Notch activation in cochlear patterning and signaling using a novel Jag1 "Nodder" (Jag1Ndr/Ndr) mouse model of Alagille syndrome. In the transgenic mouse model, they found that the mice exhibited severe vestibular and auditory defects including an increase in ectopic inner hair cells, and a reduction in outer hair cells. By single-cell RNA study of the organ of Corti, the authors demonstrated a global dysregulation of genes associated with inner ear development and deafness. They observed that the role of Tbx2 in IHC specification is likely influenced by Notch signaling. This was a well-designed study with quality data that provided valuable information on the effect of dysregulated Jag1 on human Alagille syndrome. Given the recent success of a gene therapy clinical trial for human genetic hearing loss, this study helps to answer some key questions related to hearing, which should be of significance guiding future development of potential therapy.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: This work focuses on two small molecule inhibitors of the Arp2/3 complex, CK-666 and CK-869. Previous studies have shown that although the Arp2/3 complex is well conserved in eukaryotes, the inhibitory effect of these molecules is highly species dependent. However, it has been unclear whether these drugs act equally well on Arp2/3 iso-complexes (complexes composed of subunit isoforms from the same species). This paper fills that gap. Using human Arp2/3 iso-complexes, it shows that the inhibitory effect of these two drugs depends on the subunit composition of the complex. In addition, this work shows that these drugs do not systematically and equally inhibit the ability of these Arp2/3 complexes to nucleate linear or branched filaments.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments.

      Major comments:

      1/ Regarding the first part on vaccinia-induced actin polymerization The first paragraph of the Results section is difficult to follow for those who have not read the previous papers from this lab. I would recommend changing the text so that any reader can understand from the start the experimental system and the goal of the experiment.

      As requested, we have expanded the first section to better allow the reader to understand vaccinia actin-based motility as a model system to understand Arp2/3 iso-complex function.

      The data analysis of Figure 1C is not satisfactory. It is not very informative to statistically compare the effect of the two drugs at similar concentration. However, it is necessary to perform statistical tests to compare the different conditions with drug with the control condition (DMSO). By eye, I see a difference between DMSO and CK-666, so it is difficult to understand why the authors claim that CK-666 has no effect on actin polymerization.

      We are claiming that CK-869 but not CK-666 fully inhibits the ability of Vaccinia virus to stimulate Arp2/3 dependent actin polymerisation. We agree that CK-666 partially inhibits Vaccinia induced actin polymerization and have changed the text accordingly to reflect this. In contrast to CK-869 this level of inhibition does change from that seen with 50 µM when CK-666 is increased up to 300 µM. We believe this partial ~30% inhibition reflects the impact of CK-666 inhibiting ArpC1A containing Arp2/3 from generating actin filaments. These inhibited ArpC1A containing Arp2/3 complexes are able to bind the VCA domain of N-WASP (see figure 4) which will block its interaction with ArpC1B containing complexes. We now have provided the requested statistical analysis between drug and DMSO and also retained our original statistical analysis between the drugs.

      Images with CK-869 have a lower overall cortactin signal, which could indicate that immunolabeling was not very effective in this condition. This could affect the analysis of the data in Figure 1C.

      In the figure we used cortactin as a marker for branched actin filaments to assess the impact of CK-666 and CK-869 on the ability of individual vaccinia viruses to induce actin polymerization rather than the extent of actin assembly. In general, CK-869 does not impact on cortactin signal, however, the differences the reviewer is referring to are probably due to cell-to-cell variability. Moreover, we have now provided the corresponding image of the actin visualized with phalloidin as supplementary figure 1. In these images the same virus induced actin structures are visible.

      The authors mention that the exact levels of the 8 different Arp2/3 iso-complexes are not known in these HeLa cells, but it should be fairly easy (e.g. mass spectrometry) to quantify the expression level of ArpC1, ArpC5 and Arp3 in these cells and verify that it is consistent with the rest of the story.

      This information about the expression level of ArpC1, ArpC5 and Arp3 in HeLa cells is also very important because a large community of researchers use CK-666 and HeLa cells. There are actually quite few papers that draw conclusions from the use of CK-666 in HeLa cells, and the authors should discuss the limitations of these studies much more clearly.

      In Abella et al. NCB 2016 we quantified the amounts of ARPC1 and ARPC5 isoforms in our HeLa cell. ArpC1A is 0.3 {plus minus} 0.02 ng/µg cells; ArpC1B is 0.7 {plus minus} 0.05 ng/µg cells; ArpC5 is 0.46 {plus minus} 0.03 ng/µg cells; ArpC5L is 0.27 {plus minus} 0.03 ng/µg cells. Thus, ArpC1B is approximately twice that of ARPC1A which fits with the ~30 % level of inhibition we see with CK-666 in figure 1C. Unfortunately, we do not have a specific antibody against Arp3B, so have not been able to use the same approach to quantify the level of this isoform. However, Arp3B is 18.5-fold less abundant than Arp3 in HeLa cells according to Hein et al., 2015 (PMID: 26496610 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.09.053). In an early study (Kulak et al., 2014 PMID: 24487582 DOI: 10.1038/nmeth.2834, the same group reported that Arp3 was 61.5 X more abundant than Arp3B in HeLa cells. These two papers illustrate the difficulty in using mass spec to determine absolute protein concentrations, which is why we prefer quantitative western blotting as done in Abella et al., 2016.

      2/ The pyrene assays are disappointing because they are performed with only one concentration of CK-666 and CK-869. This is especially true for the VCA data, where the effect of the drugs is not always "on"/"off" as naively presented in the text, but highly concentration dependent. The authors should definitely provide several drug concentrations for each condition, up to saturation levels, to provide a clear quantification of the drug concentrations needed to reach half inhibition.

      Following the reviewer's advice, we now have performed the pyrene and TIRF assays in the presence of a range of drug concentrations (see individual figures). These new data have allowed us to calculate the half-maximal inhibitory concentration values (IC50) which strengthen our previous conclusions. CK-666 can prevent ArpC1A (IC50 = 20 µM) but not ArpC1B (IC50 undetectable) from generating branches. Meanwhile, CK-869 can inhibit both ArpC1 isoforms efficiently with IC50

      3/ Similarly, the pull-down experiments performed at a single protein concentration are inconclusive. They cannot tell us whether the affinity of the Arp2/3 isoforms for these targets is altered in the presence of the small molecule inhibitors because we do not know the degree of saturation of the ligands. Given that some of the reported differences in inhibition of filament nucleation are modest, it is not possible at this stage to link these different data.

      Following the reviewer's advice, we repeated the pull down Arp2/3 at a higher F-actin concentration. In the initial submission we said we used 7.5 µM F-actin, however, we discovered a miscalculation, so it was actually 3 µM, which would explain the lower levels of Arp2/3 co-pelleting. In Hetrick et al 2013 (PMID: 23623350 DOI: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2013.03.019), the binding of Arp2/3 to F actin reaches a plateau at 15 µM F-actin. We therefore used 15 µM F-actin for the additional pull down experiments (Figure 4). The new results with 15 µM F-actin agree with our previous observations at 3 µM F-actin concentration.

      We do not feel it is necessary to repeat the pull down of Arp2/3 by GST-VCA at different concentrations. This is because Arp2/3 binds VCA with high affinity (0.9 µM) Marchand et al. NCB 2001 (PMID: 11146629 DOI: 10.1038/35050590). Thus in our initial experimental conditions (5 µM VCA), the binding is already saturated. In addition, we did not see a difference in binding between Arp2/3 iso-complexes.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The subunit composition of the Arp2/3 complex is cell-type dependent, so these data will be important for the many cell biologists using these molecules. In particular, it calls for caution in the use of these drugs and in the interpretation of the data.

      The writing is very clear, but the manuscript seems quite rushed. Many experiments need to be analyzed in much more detail to clarify the conclusions.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments and suggestions to improve our study.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript 'CK-666 and CK-869 differentially inhibit Arp2/3 iso-complexes' addresses how commonly used Arp2/3 complex inhibitors differentially inhibit Arp2/3 complex activity based on the subunit isoforms making up the Arp2/3 complex. This work directly tests how each inhibitor affects different iso-complexes, which may affect different cell types based on the predominant iso-complex present in the cell. The manuscript is well written, with experiments both in cell culture and with purified proteins in reconstitution and biochemical assays to establish that these small molecule inhibitors have different effects based on the iso-complex of Arp2/3 present. There are several points in the manuscript that if addressed would improve and support the conclusions presented.

      We thank the reviewer for their comments and suggestions.

      In Figure 1B, looking at the images of the CK-666 treated verses the DMSO, it looks like the actin structures in the DMSO-treated cells are potentially larger than those in the CK666 cells, but because only an inset of drug-treated is shown, and an inset of the DMSO-treated is not shown it is hard to compare. Are the size of the virus-associated structures affected in the CK-666 treated cells versus the DMSO-treated cells? This might indicate that CK-666 has some effect on actin polymerization, even if it is not as drastic as the CK-869.

      The reviewer is right that actin tails are shorter in CK-666 treated cells. This is because CK-666 does partially inhibit actin polymerisation induced by the virus. In contrast to CK-869, this level of inhibition does change with increasing concentration of CK-666. We believe this partial inhibition reflects the impact of CK-666 inhibiting ArpC1A containing Arp2/3 from generating actin filaments. These inhibited complexes will bind the VCA domain of N-WASP (see figure 4) blocking its interaction with ArpC1B containing complexes.

      In Figure 2 comparing the pyrene curves in figure 1A, it appears that CK-869 has a different effect on C1B/C5+VCA versus C1B/C5L+VCA (green curves as compared to no activation control, grey curves), but this is not commented on. Addressing the differing effects would strengthen the authors conclusions- namely, that CK-869 inhibits both iso-complexes better than CK-666, but there may be some differences on each isoform. It is unclear if the differences in the branching rate (Figure 2B) is also reflective of this. The authors should address these results.

      This is a very good point. We have now performed more detailed analysis, measuring the branching rate of C1B/C5 and C1B/C5L complexes in TIRF assays in different concentrations of CK-869 (Supplementary figure 2B). By comparing the half-maximal inhibitory concentration values (IC50) of CK-869 on the two different complexes, we found CK-869 inhibits C1B/C5 slightly better than C1B/C5L (1.8 µM as compared to 3.6 µM) as the reviewer suggested.

      For Figure 4, it is somewhat unexpected that inhibition of the Arp2/3 complex increases macrophage motility as compared to control, unless the reader is familiar with the 2017 Rotty et al paper. The manuscript may benefit from a sentence or two explaining this result in light of the findings of the 2017 Rotty paper beyond simply mentioning that the increase in motility is dependent on myosin II.

      As requested, we have provided more information.

      The Spin90 data looks good, clear, and consistent.

      We thank reviewer for the positive comments.

      In Figure 7, given that pyrene was used in all the previous assessments of drug treatment on arp2/3 isoforms, it seems appropriate for these assays to be performed for Arp3B/C1B/C5L in comparison with Arp3/C1B/C5L and between the different drug treatments. Likewise, this should be done for the Spin90 also. It is difficult to compare between the figures for Arp3b vs. Arp3C (Figures 2 and 3 vs. Figure 7), although this may require a repetition of data presented.

      We have now provided quantification of the maximum actin polymerization rate induced by Arp3B/C1B/C5L complexes obtained in pyrene assembly assays over a range of drug concentrations (requested by reviewer 1) (Figure 6C). These new data confirm that Arp3B is not inhibited by CK-869. We did not feel it was necessary to perform a side-by-side comparison with Arp3/C1B/C5L complexes but have provided quantification of the branching rate of Arp3/C1B/C5L complexes over a range of drug concentrations using TIRF assays (see Figure 2D).

      Minor issues: It would be helpful if the labels for what is labeled in the micrograph were on the images (Figure 1B, Figure 3B, Figure 7A).

      We have provided the requested labels.

      In Figure 1-B, the 200uM CK-869 cell image looks less representative of the data in Figure 1C than other cells in the figure. Perhaps there is higher background in this micrograph, but it might be clearer if a cell with similar background actin signal to the other CK-869 was used.

      As we responded to reviewer 1: In the figure we used cortactin as a marker for branched actin filaments to assess the impact of CK-666 and CK-869 on the ability of individual vaccinia viruses to induce actin polymerization rather than the extent of actin assembly. In general, CK-869 does not impact on cortactin signal, however, the differences the reviewer is referring to are probably due to cell-to-cell variability. Moreover, we have now provided the corresponding image of the actin channel visualised with phalloidin as supplementary figure 1. In these images the same virus induced actin structures are visible.

      Figure 4: Where is the mean thickness of the cell measured? In figure 4D, it would be helpful if the error bars could be in the color of the line, as it is hard to distinguish the range of the data for each condition because the error bars are overlapping and the same color for all.

      We used the Phasefocus Livecyte to imagine and quantify the morphology and behaviour of live cells. The mean thickness of the cell is quantified from the whole cell area based on the method described in Marrison et al. Scientific reports 2013 (PMID: 23917865 DOI: 10.1038/srep02369). We have clarified this fact in the figure legend. We have also corrected the colour issue with the error bars.

      Figure 5: In Figure 5A, the labeling of the gels (KDa, S and P) do not line up correctly. The legend for the quantification should indicate what bands were quantified- all the arp2/3 bands or just the isoforms? It is unclear what is being quantified in the graph in C. The pull-down results in C should be quantified via quantitative western blot if possible.

      We have provided new F-actin pulldown gels and have made sure the labels are aligned. The level of Arp2/3 binding to F-actin was determined by quantifying the level of bound ArpC3. This subunit was chosen as it is well removed from the other bands on the gel. We have now also provided quantification of the VCA pulldowns assays as requested.

      The statement in line 170- 'indicate' seems a bit strong based on the results presented. 'Suggests' might work better here.

      We have changed the text as suggested by the reviewer.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      It is of general interest to members of the actin field as well as cell-biologists who routinely use either CK-666 or CK-869 to inhibit Arp2/3 complex activity in cells, and specifically in mammalian cells.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments and suggestions.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: Cao et al combine in vitro and cellular work to show that neither of the two distinct and frequently used Arp2/3 inhibitors is truly pan-selective, at least when considering distinct classes of activators. Using in vitro assays, they show that CK-666 cannot inhibit ARPC1B iso-complexes when activated by class I nucleation promoting factors. Similarly, Arp2/3 complexes containing Arp3B are refractory to inhibition by CK-869. The latter is likely the result of substitutions at the inhibitor-binding site. They go on to show that these differences correlate with differential effects of CK-666 and -869 on Vaccinia tail formation and macrophage cell shape and motility at the cellular level.

      Major comments:

      Figure1: The authors state that "...even at 300 μM, the number of virus-induced actin polymerisation events were not diminished (Figure 1B, C)..." The figure shows that CK-666 does indeed not fully abolish cortactin colocalization. However, there seems to still be a significant effect that is not tested for. Statistical tests were only used to compare the two inhibitors at the same concentration. I suggest also testing for significant differences to the DMSO control and reporting p-values, because CK-666 seems to still have an effect. Along the same vein, it seems that valuating the fraction of virus with cortactin co-localization as the only metric for branched actin nucleation downplays the effects of CK-666. Can the authors consider additional other metrics such as the amount of polymerized actin in individual tails or the tail length, which were extensively used in previous publications?

      This point was also raised by the two other reviewers (see above). We have now provided the requested statistical tests. In our study we used Vaccinia as a model to examine whether there were differences between the impact of CK-666 and CK-869 on Arp2/3 dependent actin polymerization in cells. This is clearly the case, so we focused on in vitro assays where we can do experiments with defined Arp2/3 iso-complexes to better understand what was going on. Given the complexity of cellular systems, we feel that additional analysis of the changes to the actin tails will not provide additional molecular insights, especially as the factors the determine actin tail lengths are still not fully understood.

      Figure2/3: The authors claim that "...the ArpC5/ArpC5L isoforms are not differentially impacted by either CK-666 or CK-869..." I am not convinced that this conclusion can be drawn based on the data. Figure 2 shows that the inhibitory effect of CK-869 seems to be less pronounced for C5L-containing complexes (about 10-fold reduced branching rate) compare to C5-containing ones (about 100-fold reduction). This is in line with the pyrene assays, in which C5L-containing complexes (in contrast to C-5) appear to retain at least some activity. Differences should be quantified relative to the corresponding controls and then statistically tested for using appropriate tests.

      This point was also raised by reviewer 2. We have now performed more detailed analysis, measuring the branching rate of C1B/C5 and C1B/C5L complexes in TIRF assays in different concentrations of CK-869 (Supplementary figure 2B). By comparing the half-maximal inhibitory concentration values (IC50) of CK-869 on the two different complexes, we found CK-869 inhibits C1B/C5 slightly better than C1B/C5L (1.8 µM as compared to 3.6 µM) as the reviewer suggested.

      Figure 4: Cell metrics such as aspect ratio (A), thickness (A) and speed (C) are expressed as means from five independent experiments. It is not clear how many individual cells were scored per experiment per condition. Similarly, it is unclear at which time (or time window) after inhibitor addition these parameters were scored. Claiming that the authors "...observed that the morphology of macrophages treated with CK-869 changed significantly, with cells rounding up to become less spread..." is a slight over-interpretation, because these metrics have not been quantified in a time-resolved manner but only as a snapshot of the population mean.

      We have now provided the number of cells analysed in the individual experiments in figure 4. All measurements were taken after incubating cells for 1 hour with the Arp2/3 inhibitors, which is commonly used for cell-based experiments. We have now also provided a movie (Phase and GFP-LifeAct) covering 5 hours immediately after treating cells with DMSO or 100 µM CK-666 / CK-869 for 1 hour showing that the cell morphology does not change during the imaging period.

      Minor: Figure 2/3: In my opinion, separating the in vitro data for ARPC1A/B containing sub-complexes and starting with B does not work particularly well for the flow paper. The results for the C1A containing Arp2/3 complexes (Figure 3) essentially confirm that both inhibitors work at least on some, but not all iso-complexes, as they should. These experiments are -in a way- necessary controls for those shown in the previous figure (Figure 2). I would suggest merging the two figures and starting with the less surprising findings with 1A before showing differential inhibition on 1B.

      We have now merge both figure 2 and 3, with some of the original pyrene panels being moved into supplemental figure 2. The new figure 2 also contains quantification of the branching rate in different drug concentrations.

      Figure 2/3: Inhibitor concentrations should be stated in the figure and not only in the legend.

      This information has been added to the figure.

      Figure 4B: The macrophages shown for the CK-869 treatment appear less spread and more round already at t=0 (before inhibitor application), although this is hard to tell for the low contrast PC images. I would recommend showing either images of comparable contrast and cell spread area at t=0 or change to live cell marker and fluorescence imaging.

      T=0 is at the point of live cell imaging of cells which have already been treated with the Arp2/3 inhibitors for 1 hour. Consequently, the cells will never appear spread in the CK-869 treated sample. We have provided the fluorescent channel (GFP-LifeAct) in the movie.

      Figure 5A: Left and right sub-panels should contain clear labels on top indicating which iso-complexes are being examined (1A left, 1B right). Please also clearly state the total concentrations of actin and Arp2/3 complex used in the figure legend. The low fraction (Thank reviewer for this suggestion and the requested information is provided. The reviewer is totally correct as we found that there was calculation error and the final actin concentration was actually 3 µM and not 7.5 µM as we originally thought.

      In Hetrick at al 2013 (PMID: 23623350 DOI: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2013.03.019), the binding of Arp2/3 to F actin reaches a plateau at 15 µM F-actin. We therefore used 15 µM F-actin for the additional pull down experiments requested by reviewer 1 (Figure 4). The new results with 15 µM F-actin agree with our previous observations at 3 µM F-actin concentration.

      **Referee Cross-commenting**

      The reviews appear to be quite consistent, highlighting several critical issues mentioned by multiple referees. While all referees appreciate the topic/focus of the manuscript, they criticize its preliminary nature.

      I anticipate that this would lead to a "major revision" decision at a traditional journal. The numerous constructive comments should enable the authors to significantly enhance the paper if taken seriously.

      All three reviewers had similar issues, which we believe we have now fully addressed.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Significance: Small molecule inhibitors such as CK-666 and -869 have been (and still are) widely utilized in the cytoskeleton community as straightforward tools to suppress Arp2/3 activity. However, the results presented here emphasize the need for caution in drawing simplistic conclusions. Hence, future interpretations must adopt a more nuanced perspective. The manuscript therefore makes an important, timely contribution and will be of great interest to a large community.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive assessment.

      In terms of its potential impact, it reminds me of the recent cautionary tale showing that small molecule formin inhibitors have significant off-target effects (Nishimura et al JCS 2021). However, it is crucial to note that isoform specificity differs from off-target effects, and this doesn't necessarily implicate CK-666 and -869 as inadequate inhibitors.

      We agree with the reviewer that these are still useful inhibitors.

      While the manuscript is technically sound, with carefully conducted experiments, the presentation and writing seem rushed at times, warranting improvement before publication. The points highlighted above are intended to enhance the overall quality.

      The reviewer's points and comments have definitely helped improve the study.

      Conceptually, one central weakness is that the reason for the differential inhibition remains ultimately unclear at least in some cases. Specifically, why ARPC1B complexes are refractory to CK-666 inhibition when activated by class I NPFs is not known. Similarly, why activation by different inputs (SPIN90 vs NPFs) is differentially sensitive to different inhibitors remains unclear. Addressing these gaps through additional experiments would strengthen the study. A more insightful discussion, drawing on existing structural and biochemical data, even if speculative, would also be helpful in this regard.

      We agree that we still lack a full molecular understanding for the differences but feel that getting to that point will require a substantial amount of work and new Xtal structures that are beyond the scope of the current work. However, we have updated our discussion drawing on existing data as requested by the reviewer.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Cao et al combine in vitro and cellular work to show that neither of the two distinct and frequently used Arp2/3 inhibitors is truly pan-selective, at least when considering distinct classes of activators. Using in vitro assays, they show that CK-666 cannot inhibit ARPC1B iso-complexes when activated by class I nucleation promoting factors. Similarly, Arp2/3 complexes containing Arp3B are refractory to inhibition by CK-869. The latter is likely the result of substitutions at the inhibitor-binding site. They go on to show that these differences correlate with differential effects of CK-666 and -869 on Vaccinia tail formation and macrophage cell shape and motility at the cellular level.

      Major comments:

      Figure1: The authors state that "...even at 300 μM, the number of virus-induced actin polymerisation events were not diminished (Figure 1B, C)..." The figure shows that CK-666 does indeed not fully abolish cortactin colocalization. However, there seems to still be a significant effect that is not tested for. Statistical tests were only used to compare the two inhibitors at the same concentration. I suggest also testing for significant differences to the DMSO control and reporting p-values, because CK-666 seems to still have an effect. Along the same vein, it seems that valuating the fraction of virus with cortactin co-localization as the only metric for branched actin nucleation downplays the effects of CK-666. Can the authors consider additional other metrics such as the amount of polymerized actin in individual tails or the tail length, which were extensively used in previous publications?

      Figure2/3: The authors claim that "...the ArpC5/ArpC5L isoforms are not differentially impacted by either CK-666 or CK-869..." I am not convinced that this conclusion can be drawn based on the data. Figure 2 shows that the inhibitory effect of CK-869 seems to be less pronounced for C5L-containing complexes (about 10-fold reduced branching rate) compare to C5-containing ones (about 100-fold reduction). This is in line with the pyrene assays, in which C5L-containing complexes (in contrast to C-5) appear to retain at least some activity. Differences should be quantified relative to the corresponding controls and then statistically tested for using appropriate tests.

      Figure 4: Cell metrics such as aspect ratio (A), thickness (A) and speed (C) are expressed as means from five independent experiments. It is not clear how many individual cells were scored per experiment per condition. Similarly, it is unclear at which time (or time window) after inhibitor addition these parameters were scored. Claiming that the authors "...observed that the morphology of macrophages treated with CK-869 changed significantly, with cells rounding up to become less spread..." is a slight over-interpretation, because these metrics have not been quantified in a time-resolved manner but only as a snapshot of the population mean.


      Figure 2/3: In my opinion, separating the in vitro data for ARPC1A/B containing sub-complexes and starting with B does not work particularly well for the flow paper. The results for the C1A containing Arp2/3 complexes (Figure 3) essentially confirm that both inhibitors work at least on some, but not all iso-complexes, as they should. These experiments are -in a way- necessary controls for those shown in the previous figure (Figure 2). I would suggest merging the two figures and starting with the less surprising findings with 1A before showing differential inhibition on 1B.

      Figure 2/3: Inhibitor concentrations should be stated in the figure and not only in the legend. Figure 4B: The macrophages shown for the CK-869 treatment appear less spread and more round already at t=0 (before inhibitor application), although this is hard to tell for the low contrast PC images. I would recommend showing either images of comparable contrast and cell spread area at t=0 or change to live cell marker and fluorescence imaging.

      Figure 5A: Left and right sub-panels should contain clear labels on top indicating which iso-complexes are being examined (1A left, 1B right). Please also clearly state the total concentrations of actin and Arp2/3 complex used in the figure legend. The low fraction (<20%) of Arp2/3 complex co-sedimenting with actin filaments is rather surprising considering the high concentrations used here. 7.5uM actin should be well above the KD for this interaction (compare to data of the Nolen lab such as Hetrick at al 2013). Please comment.

      Referee Cross-commenting

      The reviews appear to be quite consistent, highlighting several critical issues mentioned by multiple referees. While all referees appreciate the topic/focus of the manuscript, they criticize its preliminary nature.

      I anticipate that this would lead to a "major revision" decision at a traditional journal. The numerous constructive comments should enable the authors to significantly enhance the paper if taken seriously.


      Small molecule inhibitors such as CK-666 and -869 have been (and still are) widely utilized in the cytoskeleton community as straightforward tools to suppress Arp2/3 activity. However, the results presented here emphasize the need for caution in drawing simplistic conclusions. Hence, future interpretations must adopt a more nuanced perspective. The manuscript therefore makes an important, timely contribution and will be of great interest to a large community.

      In terms of its potential impact, it reminds me of the recent cautionary tale showing that small molecule formin inhibitors have significant off-target effects (Nishimura et al JCS 2021). However, it is crucial to note that isoform specificity differs from off-target effects, and this doesn't necessarily implicate CK-666 and -869 as inadequate inhibitors.

      While the manuscript is technically sound, with carefully conducted experiments, the presentation and writing seem rushed at times, warranting improvement before publication. The points highlighted above are intended to enhance the overall quality.

      Conceptually, one central weakness is that the reason for the differential inhibition remains ultimately unclear at least in some cases. Specifically, why ARPC1B complexes are refractory to CK-666 inhibition when activated by class I NPFs is not known. Similarly, why activation by different inputs (SPIN90 vs NPFs) is differentially sensitive to different inhibitors remains unclear. Addressing these gaps through additional experiments would strengthen the study. A more insightful discussion, drawing on existing structural and biochemical data, even if speculative, would also be helpful in this regard.

      Own expertise: cytoskeleton, actin, biochemistry, in vitro reconstitution, fluorescence microscopy, structural biology

      Signed: Peter Bieling, MPI Dortmund

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript 'CK-666 and CK-869 differentially inhibit Arp2/3 iso-complexes' addresses how commonly used Arp2/3 complex inhibitors differentially inhibit Arp2/3 complex activity based on the subunit isoforms making up the Arp2/3 complex. This work directly tests how each inhibitor affects different iso-complexes, which may affect different cell types based on the predominant iso-complex present in the cell. The manuscript is well written, with experiments both in cell culture and with purified proteins in reconstitution and biochemical assays to establish that these small molecule inhibitors have different effects based on the iso-complex of Arp2/3 present. There are several points in the manuscript that if addressed would improve and support the conclusions presented.

      In Figure 1B, looking at the images of the CK-666 treated verses the DMSO, it looks like the actin structures in the DMSO-treated cells are potentially larger than those in the CK666 cells, but because only an inset of drug-treated is shown, and an inset of the DMSO-treated is not shown it is hard to compare. Are the size of the virus-associated structures affected in the CK-666 treated cells versus the DMSO-treated cells? This might indicate that CK-666 has some effect on actin polymerization, even if it is not as drastic as the CK-869.

      In Figure 2 comparing the pyrene curves in figure 1A, it appears that CK-869 has a different effect on C1B/C5+VCA versus C1B/C5L+VCA (green curves as compared to no activation control, grey curves), but this is not commented on. Addressing the differing effects would strengthen the authors conclusions- namely, that CK-869 inhibits both iso-complexes better than CK-666, but there may be some differences on each isoform. It is unclear if the differences in the branching rate (Figure 2B) is also reflective of this. The authors should address these results.

      For Figure 4, it is somewhat unexpected that inhibition of the Arp2/3 complex increases macrophage motility as compared to control, unless the reader is familiar with the 2017 Rotty et al paper. The manuscript may benefit from a sentence or two explaining this result in light of the findings of the 2017 Rotty paper beyond simply mentioning that the increase in motility is dependent on myosin II.

      The Spin90 data looks good, clear, and consistent.

      In Figure 7, given that pyrene was used in all the previous assessments of drug treatment on arp2/3 isoforms, it seems appropriate for these assays to be performed for Arp3B/C1B/C5L in comparison with Arp3/C1B/C5L and between the different drug treatments. Likewise, this should be done for the Spin90 also. It is difficult to compare between the figures for Arp3b vs. Arp3C (Figures 2 and 3 vs. Figure 7), although this may require a repetition of data presented.

      Minor issues:

      It would be helpful if the labels for what is labeled in the micrograph were on the images (Figure 1B, Figure 3B, Figure 7A). In Figure 1-B, the 200uM CK-869 cell image looks less representative of the data in Figure 1C than other cells in the figure. Perhaps there is higher background in this micrograph, but it might be clearer if a cell with similar background actin signal to the other CK-869 was used.

      Figure 4: Where is the mean thickness of the cell measured? In figure 4D, it would be helpful if the error bars could be in the color of the line, as it is hard to distinguish the range of the data for each condition because the error bars are overlapping and the same color for all.

      Figure 5: In Figure 5A, the labeling of the gels (KDa, S and P) do not line up correctly. The legend for the quantification should indicate what bands were quantified- all the arp2/3 bands or just the isoforms? It is unclear what is being quantified in the graph in C. The pull-down results in C should be quantified via quantitative western blot if possible.

      The statement in line 170- 'indicate' seems a bit strong based on the results presented. 'Suggests' might work better here.


      It is of general interest to members of the actin field as well as cell-biologists who routinely use either CK-666 or CK-869 to inhibit Arp2/3 complex activity in cells, and specifically in mammalian cells.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This work focuses on two small molecule inhibitors of the Arp2/3 complex, CK-666 and CK-869. Previous studies have shown that although the Arp2/3 complex is well conserved in eukaryotes, the inhibitory effect of these molecules is highly species dependent. However, it has been unclear whether these drugs act equally well on Arp2/3 iso-complexes (complexes composed of subunit isoforms from the same species). This paper fills that gap. Using human Arp2/3 iso-complexes, it shows that the inhibitory effect of these two drugs depends on the subunit composition of the complex. In addition, this work shows that these drugs do not systematically and equally inhibit the ability of these Arp2/3 complexes to nucleate linear or branched filaments.

      Major comments:

      1. Regarding the first part on vaccinia-induced actin polymerization

      The first paragraph of the Results section is difficult to follow for those who have not read the previous papers from this lab. I would recommend changing the text so that any reader can understand from the start the experimental system and the goal of the experiment.

      The data analysis of Figure 1C is not satisfactory. It is not very informative to statistically compare the effect of the two drugs at similar concentration. However, it is necessary to perform statistical tests to compare the different conditions with drug with the control condition (DMSO). By eye, I see a difference between DMSO and CK-666, so it is difficult to understand why the authors claim that CK-666 has no effect on actin polymerization.

      Images with CK-869 have a lower overall cortactin signal, which could indicate that immunolabeling was not very effective in this condition. This could affect the analysis of the data in Figure 1C.

      The authors mention that the exact levels of the 8 different Arp2/3 iso-complexes are not known in these HeLa cells, but it should be fairly easy (e.g. mass spectrometry) to quantify the expression level of ArpC1, ArpC5 and Arp3 in these cells and verify that it is consistent with the rest of the story.

      This information about the expression level of ArpC1, ArpC5 and Arp3 in HeLa cells is also very important because a large community of researchers use CK-666 and HeLa cells. There are actually quite few papers that draw conclusions from the use of CK-666 in HeLa cells, and the authors should discuss the limitations of these studies much more clearly. 2. The pyrene assays are disappointing because they are performed with only one concentration of CK-666 and CK-869. This is especially true for the VCA data, where the effect of the drugs is not always "on"/"off" as naively presented in the text, but highly concentration dependent. The authors should definitely provide several drug concentrations for each condition, up to saturation levels, to provide a clear quantification of the drug concentrations needed to reach half inhibition. 3. Similarly, the pull-down experiments performed at a single protein concentration are inconclusive. They cannot tell us whether the affinity of the Arp2/3 isoforms for these targets is altered in the presence of the small molecule inhibitors because we do not know the degree of saturation of the ligands. Given that some of the reported differences in inhibition of filament nucleation are modest, it is not possible at this stage to link these different data.


      The subunit composition of the Arp2/3 complex is cell-type dependent, so these data will be important for the many cell biologists using these molecules. In particular, it calls for caution in the use of these drugs and in the interpretation of the data.

      The writing is very clear, but the manuscript seems quite rushed. Many experiments need to be analyzed in much more detail to clarify the conclusions.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers


      Major comments:

      1. The authors cite that acetylated and tyrosinated microtubules have different spatial and compartmental distribution in dendrites and axons and investigate the distribution in the AIS of nonAcD cells and AcD cells, as well as the stem dendrites. However, they just show one example of two different cells (Figure 2D and E) without any statistical analysis. Either, they should remove this part or provide a thorough quantification. Reply: The spatial and compartmentalized distribution of stable and dynamic MTs in the dendrites and axons of nonAcD neurons has been extensively studied and reviewed (see Kapitein & Hoogenraad, 2011; Katrukha et al., 2021; Tas et al., 2017 for reference). However, the organization of the MT cytoskeleton in AcD neurons is still unknown. Here, we provide the very first evidence on the distribution of tyrosinated and acetylated MTs in AcD neurons, as well as data on MT orientations. We agree with the reviewer that to make our results on the spatial organization of these post-translational modifications in AcD neurons more complete, we need to provide a more thorough quantification analysis.

      To achieve this, we plan to perform immunostainings on DIV10 neurons using antibodies against tyrosinated (tyr) and acetylated (ac-) tubulin to label dynamic and stable MTs, respectively. Subsequently, we will conduct high-resolution 3D confocal imaging and measure fluorescent intensity to illustrate the abundance and staining patterns of tyr- and ac- MTs in the axons and dendrites of AcD neurons. Since the spatial distribution of tyr- and ac-MTs is distinguishable with confocal microscopy, we will retain STED examples in the figures but conduct new analyses on confocal imaging data. We will measure the total fluorescent intensity of tyr- and ac- MTs in different compartments of AcD neurons and normalize it to the size of the measured area. We will then compare the normalized intensity values between the axons and dendrites of AcD neurons to examine whether there is a specific distribution pattern of stable and dynamic MTs. We will analyse at least 3 independent primary culture preparations with a minimum of 30 cells. Using the same dataset, we will also quantify the percentage of AcD neurons with ac-MTs specifically elongating into the axon compared to AcD.

      The authors use EGFP-Rab3A vesicle to investigate anterograde transport at the axon and dendrites. They find a slightly faster transport of these vesicles at the AIS of AcD cells and conclude the axonal cargos in general are transported faster across the AIS in AcD cells. In my opinion, this generalization based on one type of vesicle is too farfetched.

      Reply: The Rab3A protein is associated with pre-synaptic vesicles that are transported by KIF1A and KIF1Bβ, members of the kinesin-3 family, towards pre-synaptic buttons (see Guedes-Dias & Holzbaur, 2019; Niwa et al., 2008 for reference). Since KIF1A and KIF1Bβ are common motor proteins that mediate MT-based transport of different types of vesicles (e.g., synaptic vesicles and dense-core vesicles, see Carabalona et al., 2016; Helmer & Vallee, 2023 for reference), we reasoned that Rab3A should be a representative marker for an axonal cargo. However, this indeed does not rule out whether the faster trafficking effect we saw is specific to presynaptic vesicles, as different types of vesicles tend to recruit different modulators that could lead to different trafficking features.

      To address this question, we will perform a live-imaging experiment including two additional organelle marker proteins, Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and Lysosome-associated membrane protein 1 (Lamp1). NPY is transported into the axon via KIF1A and KIF1Bβ-mediated dense-core vesicles (see Helmer & Vallee, 2023; Lipka et al., 2016 for reference). Lamp1 is associated with lysosomes and a range of endocytic organelles that recruit both kinesin-1 and kinesin-3, and are transported into both axons and dendrites (as reviewed in Cabukusta & Neefjes, 2018). By introducing two additional types of vesicles, we should be able to answer whether AcD neurons, in general, tend to transport cargoes into the axon faster than nonAcD neurons.

      __Minor comments: __

      In the introduction, the authors describe how synaptic inputs are received at the dendrites and propagated to the soma in the form of membrane depolarizations. They should add 'excitatory' to synaptic inputs or also describe the impact of inhibitory synaptic inputs at the dendrites.

      In my opinion, Figure 2 could be presented in a slightly better way. The lower part of panel A better fits to panel B, which is next to the upper part of panel A. I understand that the authors systematically present their data first for nonAcD cells and then for AcD cells. However, in this special case it is a little bit more difficult to read the current figure in that order. The results displayed in Figure 4 are presented in a slightly confusing order. The authors jump from 4D to 4G, then to 4I and 4E, 4H, 4F. Similarly, 4M and N are addressed before 4O and P to finally get to 4K and L. It would be beneficial to present and address the data in a stringent way.

      Reply: Thank you for the suggestions on how to improve the data representation in the figures. We will change Figures 2 and 4 and make adjustments in the text upon revision since we also plan to include additional data.


      Major comments:

      1. The authors suggest that there is reduced Na+ channel density at AcD AIS compared to other AIS arising from the cell body. This is not convincing. Immunostaining for Na+ channels is notoriously difficult and sensitive to fixation since the epitopes of the anti-Pan Nav antibodies are highly sensitive to fixation. In addition, this is based on immunofluorescence intensity quantification. Since the mechanism of localization is through binding to AnkG, the authors should also measure other AIS proteins like AnkG, b4 spectrin, and Nfasc. Do these change? If all uniformly change I would be much more inclined to accept the conclusion. If they do not change, it still doesn't rule out the concern about fixation conditions and slight differences in the cultures. The authors indicate there is about a 40% reduction in fluorescence intensity. That is quite large. This big difference should also be confirmed in brain sections. Reply: The potential fixation issue and antibody sensitivity on Na+ channel staining are indeed valid considerations, and we are aware of them. However, it should be noted that we used pan-Na+ channel antibodies that were previously characterised and widely used in literature (see Solé et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2020 for references). Furthermore, our samples underwent the same fixation and staining protocol, and comparable numbers of AcD and nonAcD neurons were imaged from the same preparation and coverslip for each experiment. Imaging settings were also kept constant. Any loss of Na+ channel staining at the AIS due to fixation should affect both neuron types and therefore our conclusion is justified. Nevertheless, the reviewer's point regarding other AIS components is valid and will be investigated further in the revised manuscript.

      Following the reviewer's suggestion to further strengthen our conclusion, we will measure the intensity of AnkG, βIV-spectrin, and neurofascin in DIV21 AcD and nonAcD neurons. We will compare a minimum of 3 independent cultures, each containing at least 10 cells of each type per culture.

      We agree with the reviewer that confirming observed differences in Na+ channel staining using brain slices would be beneficial. However, conducting such experiments presents several challenges. Firstly, one approach could involve immunostaining with antibodies against AIS marker AnkG, in combination with somatodendritic marker MAP2 and pan-Nav. However, this method lacks the advantage of clearly identifying neuronal morphology as seen in dissociated cultures, making the outcome unclear and difficult for analysis and interpretation. Alternatively, the use of Thy1-GFP rats, where a subset of neurons is labelled with GFP, could allow for morphological studies. Unfortunately, we do not have access to this rat line, and the process of importing it, obtaining permits, and establishing a colony is beyond the timeframe for manuscript revision. Additionally, while pan-Nav antibodies have shown reliability in dissociated cultures, their efficacy in tissue staining is less certain. We could provide example images upon request. Secondly, endogenously labelling of Na+ channels is another option, but remains a significant challenge. Recent developments in endogenous labelling, such as the CRISPR/Cas9-based method using pORANGE by Fréal et al. (Fréal et al., 2023), and the generation of Scn1a-GFP transgenic mice by Yamagata et al. (Yamagata et al., 2023), offer potential solutions. However, the labelling efficiency of pORANGE is uncertain, and both methods are time-consuming and cannot be completed within the three-month revision period.

      As an alternative, we propose emphasising that our results are based on in vitro experiments and discussing the advantages and limitations of this approach in the discussion section.

      The analysis of inhibitory synapse differences at the AIS are also not compelling - this is a limitation of the culture system. The authors have no control over the density of inhibitory neurons in the culture well. This interaction is not intrinsic to the AcD neuron, but rather a feature of neuron-neuron interactions which should only be modelled in the animal.

      Reply: The reviewer is correct in pointing out that establishing inhibitory synapses at the AIS is not an intrinsic feature of AcD neurons; it depends on the network and should be modelled in animals. We will include this limitation of the cell culture model in the discussion section in the revised manuscript. We also understand the reviewer's concern that the lower amount of inhibitory synapses at AcD neuron AIS might be due to uneven density of inhibitory neurons between cultures. Nonetheless, assuming that the number of inhibitory neurons is constant between preparations, it is an interesting observation that AcD neurons form fewer inhibitory synapses at the AIS. This may be related to the features of the AIS and its morphology and should be further investigated.

      To make our study more comprehensive and also address the reviewer's concern regarding the presence of inhibitory neurons, we will perform immunostainings in dissociated cultures (40.000 cells per 18 mm coverslip, same as in experiments with synapse quantification) with antibodies against pCaMKIIa, an excitatory neuron marker, and GAD1, a marker for inhibitory neurons. Then, we will quantify the density of inhibitory neurons in the culture. We will perform measurements from 3-6 independent cultures by analysing large fields of view in different areas of a coverslip (20-30 neurons per area) to determine if the density of inhibitory neurons varies between cultures as well as preparations. Furthermore, as also requested by reviewer 4, we will perform new immunostainings where pre- and post-synaptic markers (VGAT and Gephyrin) will be included in the same sample together with the AIS (AnkG or Neurofascin) and dendritic marker (MAP2). Synapses that contain pre- and post-synaptic components will be analysed and included in the revised version of the manuscript.

      Finally, the major limitation of this study is that it is performed in vitro. Surprisingly, the authors actually argue this is a feature of their system. While it is true some of the questions can be addressed perfectly well in vitro, many cannot. In the first paragraph of the results the authors state an advantage of their system is that there are no microenvironments to influence the development of the AcDs. I'm afraid I view this as a drawback. The authors suggest this is an opportunity to examine intrinsic mechanisms of development - true, but it also foregoes the opportunity to determine if the outcomes are different from what occurs in vivo. To this point, the authors report that only 15-20% of the population of hippocampal neurons in culture are AcD neurons. But in their introduction they cite other literature indicating 50% of hippocampal neurons in vivo are AcD neurons - this suggests that the environment of the hippocampus in vivo influences whether a neuron becomes an AcD neuron or not.

      Reply: The reviewer is right in pointing that the in vivo environment could indeed affect AcD neuron development, and we also find this to be a very interesting topic to investigate in the future. Even more intriguingly, as shown in a preprint by Lehmann et al. (doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.07.31.551236), network activity stimulates neurons to acquire AcD morphology. While it is true that the impact of the microenvironment on AcD neuron development cannot be studied in dissociated cultures, our in vitro data undoubtedly support the fact that hippocampal neurons can intrinsically develop into AcD morphology independent of the in vivo environment. As also mentioned in the next point, our statement "...their development must be driven by genetically encoded factors rather than specific..." might sound too definitive and therefore eliminate possible effects from the microenvironment. We will revise this part. Although it is highly desirable to move cell biological studies from neuronal cell cultures to tissue, to date, it is still very challenging to perform many of experiments which we did in this study in slices or living animals due to a lack of appropriate technologies and tools. We are convinced that many basic biological questions can be and should be studied in simplified culturing models because they are truly fundamental, they should also be reproducible in these models.

      To address the reviewer's question regarding the percentage difference between our data and the previous study by Thome et al. (2014), several factors should be considered. First, as noted by the reviewer, our results were obtained from an in vitro system, which is not directly comparable to the in vivo model system used in Thome et al.'s study (Thome et al., 2014). Second, the age of the neurons quantified in our developmental experiments is DIV5 and DIV7. This young age disparity could contribute to the percentage difference, as Thome et al. analyzed neurons from P28-35 adult animals, where 50% of the AcD neuron population was observed, specifically in the CA1 region. Third, it's important to note that in other hippocampal regions, the percentage of AcD neurons is lower (approximately 20-30%). Since our hippocampal primary cultures contain neurons from all hippocampal regions, this may have averaged out our quantification of AcD neuron percentage. Additionally, in the study by Benavides-Piccione et al. (Benavides-Piccione et al., 2020), they reported 20% AcD neurons in the CA1 region of hippocampi isolated from 8-week-old mouse pups, a number similar to what we observed in vitro. Interestingly, Thome et al. reported that in P8 pups, AcD neuron population in hippocampal CA1 region is 30%. This number increased to 50% in adult animals at age of P28-35, suggesting there is perhaps an age dependent increase of AcD neuron population. This could be an additional reason of why we only saw 15-20% of AcD neurons in our in vitro system, regardless of the in vivo environment.

      In the revised version, we will clarify these points in the introduction and discussion sections. Additionally, we will quantify the proportion of AcD neurons in mature DIV21 dissociated hippocampal cultures and compare it to DIV7 cultures to assess whether there is an increase in the AcD population over time. We believe that this experiment, combined with the explanations provided above, will sufficiently address the reviewer's question. However, it is important to acknowledge that the establishment of neuronal networks in vitro differ from those in vivo. Therefore, there may be potential differences in the outcomes.

      I appreciated the balanced discussion of whether this is a stochastic or genetically programmed process. This could have been emphasized earlier in the results since the authors invoke the concept that "...their development must be driven by genetically encoded factors rather than specific...". The authors have not shown this and cannot show it in this system. Indeed, as stated in point 4 above, I think their data argue against a simple genetic program.

      Reply: As suggested by the reviewer and noted in point 4, we will revise the section on AcD neuron development in our manuscript to emphasize that hippocampal neurons may adopt AcD morphology through genetic or stochastic mechanisms. While we acknowledge that environmental and activity factors may also influence this process, particularly in mature neurons, our study focuses on developing neurons where genetic and stochastic factors are likely to be predominant. This conclusion is supported by the observation that neurons develop into AcD morphology in vitro, where environmental and activity patterns do not mimic those of in vivo systems.

      Indeed, our current manuscript does not explore genetic factors involved in AcD neuron development. To address this question, one approach could be to label AIS markers endogenously in dissociated cultures using the PORANGE method (see Willems et al., 2020 for reference) or utilize AnkG-GFP transgenic mice (Fréal et al., 2023; Thome et al., 2023) along with a volume marker like mRuby or GFP. This would allow for the identification of AcD and nonAcD neurons in vivo and in vitro, followed by single-cell transcriptomics analysis to uncover potential genetic factors. Subsequently, candidate genes could be manipulated to demonstrate their essential role in AcD neuron development. However, such experiments require significant time and resources beyond the scope of our current revision timeframe. Nonetheless, this question presents an exciting direction for future research.

      Reviewer 3

      Major comments:

      1. The authors classify neurons into axon-carrying dendrite (AcD) and non-AcD neurons by measuring the stem dendrite length (> 3 µm). I could not find the validity for this cut-off. The non-AcD neurons in Fig. 6B appear more AcD to this reviewer, and, in addition, other researchers have proposed a third category of 'shared root' neurons (doi: 10.7554/eLife.76101). For purposes of reproducibility and transparency, please provide first a comprehensive overview of the entire population of morphologies (i.e. all cells in control conditions). The distances from the soma could be plotted in histogram (etc.) and authors may want to think about independent supporting evidence for the cut-off to classify AcD and non-AcD neurons. Reply: Concerning the validity of AcD neuron classification, we did measure the length of the stem dendrite, as shown in Figure S4G, with an average distance of around 10 µm. However, we admit that this information is presented relatively late in the manuscript. To address the reviewer's criticism, in the revised version, we will include a supplementary figure displaying a gallery of representative images of both AcD and nonAcD neurons analyzed in our study (please refer to Hodapp et al., 2022; Fig S1 C&D; Fig S3 as an example). Given the sample size of AcD and nonAcD neurons in our study, including all images would result in a very large figure (for example, Figure 1: DIV5: 83 AcD neurons out of 427 cells, DIV7: 47 AcD neurons out of 387 cells). We will only show representative examples of AcD neurons in the gallery. Additionally, as suggested, we will plot the length of the stem dendrite (or axon distance) of AcD neurons as a histogram to demonstrate that the AcD neurons included in our study indeed have a stem dendrite longer than 3 µm. To further validate the used classification method, we will measure the diameter of the stem dendrite in all analyzed AcD neurons and then compare the distance between the soma and the start of the axon in each analyzed AcD neuron to the diameter of its stem dendrite. As described by Hodapp et al. (Hodapp et al., 2022; Fig S1A), AcD neurons are expected to have a stem dendrite longer than their diameter.

      We have considered having independent evidence to support the classification of nonAcD and AcD neurons. However, the method used by Thome et al. and Wahle et al. for AcD and nonAcD neuron classification is well established and widely accepted (see Thome et al., 2014; Wahle et al., 2022 for references). Similar standards were also employed by Benavides-Piccione et al. (Benavides-Piccione et al., 2020). Introducing independent evidence could potentially raise further doubts, so we have chosen to maintain consistency with previous studies.

      As for the "shared root" neurons described by Wahle et al., we did not analyze this category separately and included them in the nonAcD subtype. Nonetheless, it is an interesting direction to explore in the future. For completeness, we will discuss this point in the revised manuscript.

      Related to point #1 the primary hippocampal neuron system is excellent for cell biological questions but comes with the drawback of imaginative morphologies including neurons with multiple axons and AISs. It is not mentioned here but literature indicates up to 20% of neurons have two axons (e.g. doi: 10.1007/s12264-017-0169-3, 10.1083/jcb.200707042). How did the authors classify the double axon cells? Since the main hypothesis is the existence of an intrinsic program for AcD neurons (p. 5 top), the two axons from one neuron should develop similarly. The authors can easily test this with the data.

      Reply: We appreciate the reviewer's comment regarding the choice of the model system for this type of study. Indeed, as they pointed out, in primary cultures, some neurons develop more than one axon. Since we did not find any supporting evidence from the literature reporting that hippocampal neurons have multiple axons in vivo, we only analyzed neurons with one axon for both AcD and nonAcD neurons. We will clarify this in our method section of the revised manuscript.

      Some interpretations about function are not correct and the authors should reconsider these. A role of cisternal organelles on neuronal excitability remains to be demonstrated (and see doi.org/10.1002/cne.21445 showing there is none). In addition, the statement that lower fluorescence intensity of Pan-Nav1 is indicating reduced excitability is flawed. Antibody staining does not scale linearly with voltage-gated sodium channel density and since the AIS of AcD neurons is further from the soma it is most likely smaller in diameter which may account for apparent fluorescent differences. For biophysical reasons (for details I refer to 10.3389/fncel.2019.00570, 10.1016/j.conb.2018.02.016 and 10.7554/eLife.53432) smaller diameter axons will be easier to depolarize by depolarizing voltage-gated channels or excitatory synapses. Finally, in AcD neurons the AIS distance from the soma poses all sorts of interesting cable properties with the soma and the local dendritic membrane and the electrotonic properties alone suffice to make these neurons more excitable.

      Reply: The reviewer brings up very valid and important points that we will address in the revised manuscript. First, we will rephrase and adjust our interpretations regarding the functions of the cisternal organelle in the AIS. As also mentioned by reviewer #2, we are aware that antibody staining does not properly reflect Na+ channel density. As discussed above, we will also measure other AIS proteins that anchor Na+ channels to see if there are any correlations in fluorescence intensity between them and Nav1. We agree with the reviewer that AcD neuron's AIS could have a smaller diameter, resulting in fewer Na+ channels. Indirect evidence is already available in the study of Benavides-Piccione et al., showing a smaller axon diameter in AcD neurons compared to nonAcD neurons in both human and mouse brain sections (Figure S4). To test this in our model system, we propose to measure the AIS diameter in AcD neurons. If this is indeed the case, we will indicate it in our revised manuscript and edit the section on Na+ channels.

      Exploring the biophysical properties of the AIS and axons of AcD neurons is indeed a highly interesting direction to pursue and is the project in its own. It would necessitate the use of computational modeling approaches, which require considerable time and resources that are not feasible within the timeframe of this revision.

      Comparing AcD and non-AcD neurons for AIS plasticity is an excellent idea but the present statistical design is not suitable for answering this question. The authors should directly compare non-AcD and AcD neurons within a two-way ANOVA design, asking the question whether the independent variable axon type is significantly different and interacts with plasticity.

      Related points: 'AIS distance' in Figure 7 seems to refer to something else than distance from soma (Figure 1). Please clarify. What were the absolute distances from the soma for the AcD neurons and was this dependent on treatment?

      Reply: We appreciate reviewer's comment and in the revised version we will perform the analysis using two-way ANOVA.

      Regarding the terminology and definitions used in our manuscript, the "AIS distance" refers to the measurement between the start of the AIS and the axon initiating point, as depicted in Figure S4 of the manuscript. We adopted this parameter from the previous study by Grubb et al. (Grubb & Burrone, 2010), ensuring consistency in our investigation of AIS plasticity. For AcD neurons, where the axon branches out from the dendrite, we defined the AIS distance as the length between the start of the AIS and the border of the stem dendrite, as illustrated in Figure S4B.

      In Figure 1, the term "distance from soma" represents the length of stem dendrite and used for AcD and nonAcD neuron classification. As shown in Figure S4G, the absolute distance from the soma for AcD neurons is approximately 10 µm and remains consistent across treatments. We will explain these points more clearly in the revised manuscript.

      Minor comments:

      1. At p. 7 is stated that "The percentage of none-AcD forming collaterals at DIV1 is much lower than for AcD neurons" but statistical support is lacking. The conclusion in the next line is that "AcD neurons follow consensus development". That is puzzling given the difference just mentioned before. Please clarify. Reply: We will provide statistical support for comparing collateral formation between nonAcD and AcD neurons at DIV1.

      Regarding the second point concerning consensus development, we were referring to the general developmental sequence of AcD neurons, as described by Dotti et al. (see Dotti et al., 1988 for reference), where neurons typically first establish an axon and then dendrites. This sequence is not necessary related to collateral formation, which indeed differs between nonAcD and AcD neurons. The ability to form collaterals may come from local differences in microtubule (MT) and actin dynamics at AcD neuron precursor axons, but it does not alter the fact that AcD neurons initially establish an axon and subsequently dendrites. We will clarify it in the revised manuscript.

      A study not cited in this manuscript showed distinct dendritic morphologies (doi: 10.1073/pnas.1607548113) and AcD interneurons are different for their axonal arborization (doi: 10.1242/dev.202305). Differences in growth of branch arborization could hint to subtypes. Are the AcD and non-AcD neurons different in their adult morphology? A detailed account of the axonal and dendritic trees would strengthen the data.

      Reply: Thank you for pointing this out. We will include this citation. In the study by Hodapp et al., it was shown that AcD and nonAcD neurons exhibit similar dendritic morphology and do not differ in spine density, number of dendritic branches, and total dendritic length. However, in hippocampal AcD neurons, the AcD occupies 35% of the total basal dendrite length, which is larger than basal dendrites in nonAcD neurons, suggesting that AcD neurons do possess specific features in their dendritic trees.

      Regarding the axons of AcD neurons, there is currently no detailed study available, and it would be more appropriate to investigate neuronal connectivity through tracing studies in animals rather than in primary cultures. Therefore, this question falls outside the scope of the current manuscript.

      Some key references are not included here, and a number of these are mentioned above. In the context of the detailed MT and Rab3A vesicle and cargo transport studies, please acknowledge some of the pioneering work of Alan Peters revealing the ultrastructure of axons emerging from dendrites. See Figs. 5-7 in Peters, Proskauer and Kaiserman-Abramof IR., J Cell Biol 39:604 (1968). What is the identity of the neurons? It makes a difference if the cells are interneurons or pyramidal neurons, CA1 or CA3-like. For plasticity experiments the authors uses cells as independent measurements, but this is inflating the power. How many cultures were used?

      Reply: Thank you for pointing this out; we will include the suggested references in the revised manuscript. In our study, we focused on excitatory neurons from the hippocampus. We distinguished neuron types morphologically or with the inhibitory neuron marker GAD1. Identifying CA1, CA2, CA3, and DG subtypes in dissociated culture is more challenging, and this would be an interesting avenue to explore in an in vivo system. Here, we focused on fundamental cell biology aspects related to the AIS structure and its trafficking barrier function, which should be similar in all these neuron types. While there may be subtype-specific differences in AIS plasticity, investigating this is beyond the scope of our manuscript.

      For the plasticity experiments, we used a total of 3 independent cultures, from which we collected a comparable number of neurons. In response to the reviewer's concern, we will also plot the mean of each culture to illustrate the variability of our data points.

      Reviewer 4

      Major comments:

      1. A general limitation of this study is the low N for some critical experiments. In several experiments, individual cells become an N, therefore boosting the power of the analysis when in reality, due to the known heterogeneity of AIS length, position, and general cell morphology in vitro, the aim should be to compare means across animals / preparations, each consisting of a comparable number of individual cells. This is especially important for the analyses of COs, axo-axonic synapses and channel expression at the AIS. Reply: We would like to mention that this is a cell biological study where neurons are grown in dissociated cultures. To prepare one such culture, we typically use hippocampi from 6-8 E18 rat embryos, which are then mixed in one suspension before plating. The cells are then plated on coverslips in a 12-well plate format. When referring to replicates, for all experiments except for the longitudinal study of 5-day-long time-lapse imaging of developmental sequences (Figure 1), we used between 3 to 6 independent preparations. From each preparation, we took a comparable number of cells derived from 4-6 different coverslips. For each experiment, we measured more than a hundred cells, which is standard practice in the field. To address the issue with individual measurements, in the revised manuscript, we will additionally plot the means of each independent preparation.

      Such critical parameters as e.g. synaptic innervation at the AIS are investigated in a way that does not support the clear statements given, e.g. "The AIS of AcD neurons receives fewer inhibitory inputs" (Highlights statement) or "AcD neurons have less inhibitory synapses at the AIS" (header of Fig. 6). The overall number of analyzed cells is low (3 and 4 preparations, respectively and approximately 50-cells for each marker). The combination of a pre- and postsynaptic marker for inhibitory / excitatory neurons is a solid decision, but the analysis is not done based on the close approximation of these markers, in 3D, along an AIS, but rather in maxIPs and without any regard of whether pre-and postsynaptic markers are actually close to each other not. The expression of these markers alone just points towards the epitopes being expressed, but are they localized to each other in such a manner that they could form bona fide synapses? The methods are not totally clear on the image depth (tile scans with 5 µm in z will not provide the detail of information to resolve synapses, so how did the authors address the subcellular analysis here and for the CO and VGSCs?). And generally, were Nyquist conditions taken into consideration throughout the study? This can be clarified in text and does not require additional experiments.

      Reply: The overall number of cells for quantifying inhibitory synapses along the AIS was approximately 80 cells for each synaptic marker. To clarify this, we will indicate the number of cells in the figure legend of our revised manuscript and will additionally plot mean values across independent preparations.

      In the current manuscript, our main goal was to provide an initial quantitative measurement of AIS features in AcD neurons to see if they differ from nonAcD neurons. Hence, maxIPs are sufficient for this purpose as they summarize the 3D information. To make our study more comprehensive, following the reviewer's suggestion, we will conduct additional experiments to co-label pre- and post-inhibitory synapses at the AIS with VGAT and gephyrin, respectively. Then, we will image samples in 3D to measure the density as well as the distance between pre- and post-synapses at the AIS of AcD neurons and compare them to nonAcD neurons.

      The Nyquist condition was taken into consideration throughout the study. The pixel size of our data collection was 0.081 µm for the laser scanning microscope, as indicated in our methods section. Given the optical setup of our microscope and the fluorophores used to label target proteins (information available in the methods section of our manuscript), the acceptable Nyquist lateral sampling size (or pixel size, in other words) for confocal images is between 0.083 to 0.093 µm and 0.2 µm in the z-plane. In our data collection for laser scanning confocal images, the z-step size was 0.5 µm (see methods section of our manuscript), which is indeed undersampling the data. However, this should not significantly affect our analysis based on maxIPs. The new stainings with matched pre- and post-synaptic markers will be imaged with a smaller z-step (0.2 µm) and then reconstructed in 3D.

      The chapter on AIS plasticity is certainly an interesting addition to the study, but is a bit superficial, yet reaches strong conclusions ("More importantly, it further indicates that the AIS of AcD neurons is insensitive to activity changes"). This is based on un-physiological concentrations of KCl, and certainly not on network manipulation that truly tests synaptic activity. It also comes back to the 1st point above. A suggestion would be to edit the conclusion.

      Reply: KCl treatment globally depolarizes the membrane potential of neurons, leading to an increase in intracellular calcium via voltage-sensitive calcium channels as well as NMDA and AMPA receptors (Rienecker et al., 2020). This protocol has been used in several initial studies describing the plasticity of the AIS (see Evans et al., 2013, 2017; Grubb & Burrone, 2010; Jamann et al., 2021; Muir & Kittler, 2014; Wefelmeyer et al., 2015 for references). Moreover, as shown by Evans et al. and Grubb et al. (see Evans et al., 2013; Grubb & Burrone, 2010 for references), AIS plasticity is not abolished by TTX, which blocks Na+ channels, but is prevented by L-type calcium channel blockers. This suggests that the occurrence of AIS plasticity is independent of action potentials but more sensitive to calcium-related pathways downstream of membrane potential depolarization and post-synaptic activation. Hence, we believe our results are indicative of how the AIS would react when calcium signaling pathways are altered by activity levels. To address the reviewer's concern, we will focus our conclusion more on membrane potential depolarization and calcium signalling and edit out statements.

      As discussed above in response to reviewer #3, the quantification of AIS plasticity includes 3 independent preparations, comprising approximately 200 neurons in total. To prevent inflation of statistical power in the analysis, we will also plot the means and standard error of the mean (SEM) for each independent experiment and assess whether any differences persist.

      The rationale behind looking at the cisternal organelle (CO) in this study is outlined in the Introduction, where the authors state that "...... and is responsible for calcium handling". What is "calcium-handling" and where is the evidence cited? Furthermore, in the Results, they state that "...both compounds (VGSCs and COs) are critical for the AIS to regulate neuronal excitability". While this is the case for VGSCs, there is no conclusive evidence in the literature whether of not the CO is "critical" for neuronal excitability. In fact, a number of neurons have no CO in the AIS (as much as 50% of all AIS in mouse primary visual cortex for example do not express synpo at the AIS at all, Schlüter et al., 2017). The CO can therefore not be as critical for AP initiation as the authors state. Furthermore, the authors state that "AIS plasticity in excitatory neurons is triggered by calcium signaling". While certainly shown and adequately cited here, other factors (independent of calcium) can also play a role, therefore this statement is a bit absolute and should be edited accordingly.

      Reply: Thank you for constructive editorial suggestions. Regarding the first question on calcium handling, we were referring to Ca2+ storage and release mechanisms. Benedeczky et al. already showed the existence of SERCA-type Ca2+ pumps at the membrane of the cisternal organelle (CO) to demonstrate the involvement of Ca2+ sequestering/storage by the CO at the AIS (Benedeczky et al., 1994). Although indirect, Sánchez-Ponce et al. showed the presence of IP3R, which promotes Ca2+ release from internal storage, at the AIS and partially colocalizes with synaptodin (Sánchez-Ponce et al., 2011). This is also the same case for the Ca2+-binding protein annexin 6. Together, this evidence indicates a putative role of the CO in regulating Ca2+ dynamics (storage/release) at the AIS. Since Ca2+ levels have a significant impact on action potential generation and timing at the AIS (see Bender & Trussell, 2009; Yu et al., 2010 for references), and therefore should be strictly regulated, it is likely that the CO at the AIS is important for regulating neuronal excitability by controlling Ca2+ dynamics. However, as mentioned by the reviewer, there are no conclusive pieces of evidence showing the relationship between the CO and neuron excitability regulation. We will edit our statement accordingly.

      In contrast to the findings of Schlüter et al. (Schlüter et al., 2019), which were conducted in the mouse primary visual cortex, Sánchez-Ponce et al. showed that nearly 90% of hippocampal neurons contain synaptopodin, the CO marker protein, at the AIS. Furthermore, Schlüter et al. also demonstrated that in the other 50% of neurons containing COs at the AIS, the COs change size during visual deprivation, and their presence correlates with AIS length changes as well as eye-opening. These observations do suggest that COs are related to neuronal activity. However, this correlation and the formation of COs may be specific to neuro subtypes or require certain triggers. This is another interesting direction to explore, and we will include it in the discussion of the revised manuscript.

      Regarding the last point on Ca2+ and AIS plasticity, we were not excluding other factors that could potentially participate in AIS plasticity and will also discuss it in the revised version.

      The Introduction ends with the rationale of the study, namely that the authors seek to ....."provide a detailed characterization of the AIS, including its structural and functional properties....". Structure is investigated, but function is limited to the barrier function of the AIS. Since the authors provide no electrophysiology that would really dissect AIS function, I suggest to rephrase this part and focus on transport.

      Reply: As suggested, we will certainly emphasize the cargo barrier function of the AIS in AcD neurons in our introduction. But we would like to keep the term "AIS function", because it has already been nicely demonstrated electrophysiologically by previous studies that the plasticity effect of the AIS is very important for maintaining cellular homeostasis.

      The Discussion is more a list of future plans than a context to current data. The authors could move some of the new questions they identify into an "outlook" section at the end? Also, again have a critical look at the literature that is cited and which statements are accurate.

      For example, the 2nd phrase in the Discussion states that is was shown that AcD neurons have a "role in memory consolidation", referenced to Hodapp et al., 2022. However, that paper does not provide direct evidence of such a role for AcD neurons. The statement "Collectively, our data provide new insights into the development of AcD neurons and demonstrate that there are differences in AIS functionality between AcD and nonAcD neurons", is not correct. AIS function was not investigated outside of the axonal barrier, and here, the AcD and nonAcD cells do not differ. Also, although the Discussion is geared towards excitatory / glutamatergic neurons, it has been shown by others that interneurons show an even stronger trend to exhibit AcD morphology (work by the Wahle lab and others). This is not clear from the current text (also compare "...AcD neurons being a different subtype if pyramidal neuron").

      Further original publications should be included in the paragraph highlighting patch-clamp recordings (see above). In the same context, the statement "...showed that rapid AID plasticity occurs mainly in hippocampal dentate gyrus cells but not in principal excitatory neurons" is not accurate (see Kim, Kuba, Jamann and others). Generally, the Introduction and Discussion would benefit from a very clear distinction between studies done in vitro versus those done ex vivo or in vivo. This needs to be stated in the Abstract as well.

      Methods: For the imaging of synapses, the CO and VGSCs, it is not clear to me from the methods whether Nyquist conditions were applied to produce data that can support the quantification of nanoscale structures. Basing the analysis and interpretation of channel expression on fluorescence intensity profiles is problematic (variance in staining quality from samples to sample, lack of an internal standard). This should be noted in the text. In the text, the first two references given for "Induction of plasticity" do not reference the correct papers.

      Reply: Thank you for the valuable suggestions; we will incorporate them into the revised version of the manuscript. The structure will undoubtedly benefit from these improvements. We will also have a further look into our interpretation of the literatures as well as citations during our revision time frame.

      Regarding methods, as stated in response to the second point raised by this reviewer, we ensured that the Nyquist condition was adhered to throughout the study. The pixel size, z-step size, and optical setup of the microscopes used were already indicated in our methods section. With respect to Na+ channel staining, we were indeed aware of the potential issues posed by the experimental setup, and we will explicitly mention this in our revised manuscript. Additionally, we plan to measure other AIS scaffolding and membrane proteins that anchor Na+ channels to assess for potential changes, which could indirectly support our Na+ channel staining results.

      Finally, the text is lacking a discussion of limitations of the study, especially from a methodological point of view. In the Abstract/Summary already, the authors could point out that this is a pure in vitro study. Interestingly, to this day, AIS relocation during plasticity events has only been shown in cell culture systems, and not in vivo. Therefore, this needs to be put into context here - the chosen system is great for the type of imaging approach presented here, but may look at a type of AIS plasticity that is not seen in vivo.

      Reply: These are very good points. We will include the limitations of the study in the discussion. Indeed, due to technical and methodological challenges, the relocation of the AIS has not yet been demonstrated using animal models. However, in the study by Wefelmeyer et al. (Wefelmeyer et al., 2015), a similar relocation of the AIS resulting from chronic stimulation was observed in hippocampal organotypic slices, and it was accompanied by reduced excitability of neurons. Furthermore, in the same study, neurons with axons/AIS originating from basal dendrites were also mentioned. However, the measurement of chronic AIS plasticity in their study was not performed based on different classes of neuron types. Hence, our work complements their results. Given that the network connectivity of organotypic slices is much closer to real physiological conditions, it is likely that similar plastic adaptations could occur in vivo.

      __Minor comments __

      1. How does intrinsic neuronal activity play into developmental programs in vitro? Electrical activity in maturing neurons is a major part of how networks are shaped, and cells differentiate. This is not genetically encoded per se, but has been shown to be a major driving force of neuronal development in vivo. Is this reflected in the culture setting in any way? And have the authors considered testing early changes in activity patterns in their cultures to see whether AcDs and nonAcDs develop in similar percentages? To clarify, I am not asking for additional experiments. Reply: It is indeed a valid point that activity can influence neuronal morphology. Lehmann et al. (pre-print, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.07.31.551236) have recently demonstrated that increased network activity leads to more excitatory principal neurons adopting AcD morphology. However, our developmental data were collected from DIV0 to DIV5, an age at which dissociated neurons do not yet form functional excitatory synapses. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that network activity plays a role in shaping AcD neuron development during this early stage.

      The authors may want to add a bit of a technical discussion on the choice of KCl and TTX as triggers for plasticity, especially at the non-physiological concentrations offered here and elsewhere (15 mM KCl).

      Reply: We appreciate the reviewer for pointing this out. We will add this in our revised manuscript.

      Some key statements would benefit from citing the appropriate original literature (some examples would be the original work by Kole, Bender and Brette on the role of the AIS in AP initiation; original work by D'Este and Letterier on the dendritic and axonal scaffold using nanoscopy; work by Kim, Kuba and Jamann on AIS plasticity in vitro and in vivo that is critical for a more informed discussion of AIS plasticity here, and others)

      Reply: These are very good points, we will make suggested edits in the revised version.

      In the Introduction, the authors word their text explicitly for excitatory neurons. However, AIS plasticity has also been observed in interneurons (work by the Grubb lab for example), and axo-axonic synapses are in fact not all inhibitory - this is in important factor to consider given the embryonic state of the culture material. Does the DIV maturation reflect how axo-axonic synapses "switch" from excitatory to inhibitory in vivo (also see work of the Burrone lab)? Can the conclusions form the paper really be drawn based on this type of system?

      Reply: The AIS plasticity was indeed also observed in inhibitory interneurons (see Chand et al., 2015 for reference) and show opposite phenotypes compared to excitatory neurons. Also related to major comment #5, we did take the potential influence of AcD interneurons on the outcome of AIS plasticity experiment into consideration. Therefore, we also did a control experiment where inhibitory interneurons were labelled with GAD1 after chronic KCl treatment and these neurons were excluded from the analysis. Consistently, we got the same results that excitatory AcD neurons do not undergo chronic AIS plasticity. We will include this data in our revised manuscript. Further, in our current manuscript, we decided to focus on excitatory AcD neurons not only because they are the major functional unit in neuronal circuits, but also because the majority of the electrophysiological features were studied in excitatory AcD neurons. But we agree with the reviewer that AcD interneuron is definitely an interesting subject for follow up research in the future.

      As mentioned by the reviewer, Pan-Vazquez et al. (Pan-Vazquez et al., 2020) nicely showed that axo-axonic synapses made by GABAergic Chandelier cells (ChCs) depolarise neurons in brain slices obtained from P12-18 animals. But this effect is reversed in slices obtained from older animals (>>P40). Of note, their results were based on cortical neurons but not hippocampal neurons, hence cell type specificity should be considered. More importantly, previous study reported that this conversion or switch of GABAergic interneurons from excitatory to inhibitory occurs on hippocampal neurons in P12-13 animals (Leinekugel et al., 1995). In dissociated hippocampal neurons from E18 rat embryos, this switch of GABAergic interneurons takes place on DIV9-11 and completes on DIV19, which should have a comparable neuronal developmental stage as the P12-13 in in vivo system (see Ganguly et al., 2001 for reference). Therefore, the conclusion could be drawn in an in vitro system, but it certainly needs to be validated in in vivo system.

      The authors state that "less COs account for higher intrinsic excitability". Why is that the case?

      Reply: According to Yu et al. and Bender et al., Ca2+ transient at the AIS regulates the generation of action potentials (APs). For instance, reducing Ca2+ transient at the AIS by blocking Ca2+ channels with either mibefradil (a T-type Ca2+ channel antagonist) or Ni2+ (which blocks R- and T-type channels) decreased the number of spikelets evoked by EPSP-like current injection and delayed the timing of spike generation (please see Bender & Trussell, 2009 for details). Therefore, we speculate that Ca2+ transients are less affected when there are fewer cisternal organelles (COs) at the AIS, which could have a more direct impact on AP initiation. However, this is just our hypothesis, and there is indeed no direct evidence showing that COs regulate Ca2+ dynamics. We will discuss this in the revised manuscript.

      Last but not least, some very recent studies on AcD biology (Stevens, Thome, Lehmann, Wahle) is available online also on preprint servers and may provide additional support for the current study.

      Reply: We will check these pre-prints and include relevant information into the revised version.

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Han and colleagues present cell biological data on the development of axon-carrying dendrite (AcD) neurons - cells, in which the axon emerges from a dendrite and not as is more common, from the soma. This particular morphological feature is not new; Cajal already described AcD neurons and since then, their existence was demonstrated in a number of CNS and PNS neurons and across species. However, more recent work from the rodent hippocampus ex vivo and in vivo has pointed towards an interesting functional consequence of AcD morphology, in that these cells can circumvent perisomatic inhibition during network oscillations. Han and colleagues therefore investigate one of the core questions that arises from these previous studies: How is the AcD configuration achieved during development?

      The authors utilize an in vitro model (isolated hippocampal neurons from E18 rat) and investigate core parameters of axonal maturation, especially the cytoskeleton, membrane-associated proteins and intra-axonal calcium stores of the axon initial segment (AIS), where action potentials are generated and which contributes to neuronal polarity at different days in vitro (= maturation states). Using a combination of immunofluorescence, confocal, spinning disk and STED microscopy, and plasticity protocols, the authors present evidence indicating that during development in vitro, AcD neurons follow an intrinsically encoded developmental program, the AIS in nonAcD and AcD cells has comparable cytoskeletal features and retains cellular polarity in both configurations. Using culture conditions to elicit AIS plasticity, the authors then find differences in that AcD neurons do not seem to undergo AIS plasticity and generally show a reduced number of intra-axonal calcium stores. Also, AcD neurons are shown to have fewer axo-axonic synapses at the AIS than nonAcD neurons.

      Major comments

      This study aims at investigating an important question in AcD biology, and uses an easily-accessible model system (E18 rat derived hippocampal neurons in vitro). In this, the study follows previous work in vitro, and nicely reproduces some data, which is a strength of this current study in my opinion. That said, the system is, by nature, artificial and the emergence of axons in vitro often deviates from data obtained in vivo.

      Throughout the manuscript, the authors often draw clear-cut conclusions which require a far more critical reflection of what their model can actually accomplish. Thus, a number of statements are not supported by the data (see below). The presentation of the data in the Supplements needs to reflect data distribution, which they currently do not. Likewise, showing S.E.M. instead of S.D. needs to be looked at critically. Otherwise, the data and methods are presented in such a way that they can be reproduced. The quality of the micrographs and videos is excellent and convey the main messages of the study in a very accessible way. I do not see the need for additional experiments, but would ask the authors to critically look at the following issues:

      1. A general limitation of this study is the low N for some critical experiments. In several experiments, individual cells become an N, therefore boosting the power of the analysis when in reality, due to the known heterogeneity of AIS length, position, and general cell morphology in vitro, the aim should be to compare means across animals / preparations, each consisting of a comparable number of individual cells. This is especially important for the analyses of COs, axo-axonic synapses and channel expression at the AIS.
      2. Such critical parameters as e.g. synaptic innervation at the AIS are investigated in a way that does not support the clear statements given, e.g. "The AIS of AcD neurons receives fewer inhibitory inputs" (Highlights statement) or "AcD neurons have less inhibitory synapses at the AIS" (header of Fig. 6). The overall number of analyzed cells is low (3 and 4 preparations, respectively and approximately 50-cells for each marker). The combination of a pre- and postsynaptic marker for inhibitory / excitatory neurons is a solid decision, but the analysis is not done based on the close approximation of these markers, in 3D, along an AIS, but rather in maxIPs and without any regard of whether pre-and postsynaptic markers are actually close to each other not. The expression of these markers alone just points towards the epitopes being expressed, but are they localized to each other in such a manner that they could form bona fida synapses? The methods are not totally clear on the image depth (tile scans with 5 µm in z will not provide the detail of information to resolve synapses, so how did the authors address the subcellular analysis here and for the CO and VGSCs?). And generally, were Nyquist conditions taken into consideration throughout the study? This can be clarified in text and does not require additional experiments.
      3. The chapter on AIS plasticity is certainly an interesting addition to the study, but is a bit superficial, yet reaches strong conclusions ("More importantly, it further indicates that the AIS of AcD neurons is insensitive to activity changes"). This is based on unphysiological concentrations of KCl, and certainly not on network manipulation that truly tests synaptic activity. It also comes back to the 1st point above. A suggestion would be to edit the conclusion.
      4. The rationale behind looking at the cisternal organelle (CO) in this study is outlined in the Introduction, where the authors state that "...... and is responsible for calcium-handling". What is "calcium-handling" and where is the evidence cited? Furthermore, in the Results, they state that "...both compounds (VGSCs and COs) are critical for the AIS to regulate neuronal excitability". While this is the case for VGSCs, there is no conclusive evidence in the literature whether of not the CO is "critical" for neuronal excitability. In fact, a number of neurons have no CO in the AIS (as much as 50% of all AIS in mouse primary visual cortex for example do not express synpo at the AIS at all, Schlüter et al., 2017). The CO can therefore not be as critical for AP initiation as the authors state. Furthermore, the authors state that "AIS plasticity in excitatory neurons is triggered by calcium signaling". While certainly shown and adequately cited here, other factors (independent of calcium) can also play a role, therefore this statement is a bit absolute and should be edited accordingly.
      5. The Introduction ends with the rationale of the study, namely that the authors seek to ....."provide a detailed characterization of the AIS, including its structural and functional properties....". Structure is investigated, but function is limited to the barrier function of the AIS. Since the authors provide no electrophysiology that would really dissect AIS function, I suggest to rephrase this part and focus on transport.
      6. The Discussion is more a list of future pans than a context to current data. The authors could move some of the new questions they identify into an "outlook" section at the end? Also, again have a critical look at the literature that is cited and which statements are accurate. For example, the 2nd phrase in the Discussion states that is was shown that AcD neurons have a "role in memory consolidation", referenced to Hodapp et al., 2022. However, that paper does not provide direct evidence of such a role for AcD neurons. The statement "Collectively, our data provide new insights into the development of AcD neurons and demonstrate that there are differences in AIS functionality between AcD and nonAcD neurons", is not correct. AIS function was not investigated outside of the axonal barrier, and here, the AcD and nonAcD cells do not differ. Also, although the Discussion is geared towards excitatory / glutamatergic neurons, it has been shown by others that interneurons show an even stronger trend to exhibit AcD morphology (work by the Wahle lab and others). This is not clear from the current text (also compare "...AcD neurons being a different subtype if pyramidal neuron"). Further original publications should be included in the paragraph highlighting patch-clamp recordings (see above). In the same context, the statement "...showed that rapid AID plasticity occurs mainly in hippocampal dentate gyrus cells but not in principal excitatory neurons" is not accurate (see Kim, Kuba, Jamann and others). Generally, the Introduction and Discussion would benefit from a very clear distinction between studies done in vitro versus those done ex vivo or in vivo. This needs to be stated in the Abstract as well.

      Methods: For the imaging of synapses, the CO and VGSCs, it is not clear to me from the methods whether Nyquist conditions were applied to produce data that can support the quantification of nanoscale structures. Basing the analysis and interpretation of channel expression on fluorescence intensity profiles is problematic (variance in staining quality from samples to sample, lack of an internal standard). This should be noted in the text. In the text, the first two references given for "Induction of plasticity" do not reference the correct papers.

      Finally, the text is lacking a discussion of limitations of the study, especially from a methodological point of view. In the Abstract/Summary already, the authors could point out that this is a pure in vitro study. Interestingly, to this day, AIS relocation during plasticity events has only been shown in cell culture systems, and not in vivo. Therefore, this needs to be put into context here - the chosen system is great for the type of imaging approach presented here, but may look at a type of AIS plasticity that is not seen in vivo.

      Minor comments

      1. How does intrinsic neuronal activity play into developmental programs in vitro? Electrical activity in maturing neurons is a major part of how networks are shaped, and cells differentiate. This is not genetically encoded per se, but has been shown to be a major driving force of neuronal development in vivo. Is this reflected in the culture setting in any way? And have the authors considered testing early changes in activity patterns in their cultures to see whether AcDs and nonAcDs develop in similar percentages? To clarify, I am not asking for additional experiments.
      2. The authors may want to add a bit of a technical discussion on the choice of KCl and TTX as triggers for plasticity, especially at the non-physiological concentrations offered here and elsewhere (15 mM KCl).
      3. Some key statements would benefit from citing the appropriate original literature (some examples would be the original work by Kole, Bender and Brette on the role of the AIS in AP initiation; original work by D'Este and Letterier on the dendritic and axonal scaffold using nanoscopy; work by Kim, Kuba and Jamann on AIS plasticity in vitro and in vivo that is critical for a more informed discussion of AIS plasticity here, and others)
      4. In the Introduction, the authors word their text explicitly for excitatory neurons. However, AIS plasticity has also been observed in interneurons (work by the Grubb lab for example), and axo-axonic synapses are in fact not all inhibitory - this is in important factor to consider given the embryonic state of the culture material. Does the DIV maturation reflect how axo-axonic synapses "switch" from excitatory to inhibitory in vivo (also see work of the Burrone lab)? Can the conclusions form the paper really be drawn based on this type of system?
      5. The second header in Results is not clearly formulated. What is meant by "consensus developmental sequence"?
      6. The authors state that "less COs account for higher intrinsic excitability". Why is that the case?
      7. Last but not least, some very recent studies on AcD biology (Stevens, Thome, Lehmann, Wahle) is available online also on preprint servers and may provide additional support for the current study.

      Referees cross-commenting

      In my opinion, the comments by the other three reviewers are clear, insightful and supportive of / complementary to my own. There are some strong leads within the revisions that the authors hopefully find helpful in the preparation of their final manuscript. I have no doubt that the final publication will be viewed as an important and significant finding in the field of axon onset biology.


      The study by Han and colleagues addresses a timely and relevant question and provides excellent quality imaging data (fixed cells and live imaging), as well as convincing superresolution. The authors also provide a solid methods section that will aid others in repeating these experiments. The central question of how AcD neurons develop is of great interest and the study highlights novel findings especially regarding the detailed analysis of axonal and dendritic transport features in AcD cells. The authors also point out a number of questions that arise from their data and that can provide helpful insight for other researchers in the field. The study has limitations in that it is a pure in vitro study, and some data are based on a low sample number as well as superficial expression analysis (synapses, channels). A number of conclusions made by the authors are therefore not really supported by the current data. The discussion would benefit from a more detailed analysis of the current literature in the field and needs critical reflection on what the shown data really support in form of a section on "limitations".

      The study is of broader interest for numerous research fields (developmental neurobiology, axon biology, AIS biology, neuronal plasticity). Given the focus that AcD neurons have received recently in the field of learning and memory consolidation, this study also provides interesting future questions for researchers with a background in network function and behavior.

      Reviewer's expertise: Developmental neurobiology, axonal plasticity, AcD neuron morphology and development, in vivo rodent behavior, human slices, confocal and superresolution microscopy, patch-clamp electrophysiology

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript Han and colleagues report about structural and functional studies on the development of axons originating from dendrites. Leveraging the primary hippocampal neuron preparation, they investigated fundamental cell biological questions including microtubule organization, cargo transport and the early neurite development. I am impressed by the timelapse movies with live AIS labels providing, to the best of my knowledge, the first glance into the development of an axon emerging from a dendrite. The study is technically very good, a pleasure to read, and the results are well described. While conclusions about structure are well supported by their data, the claims about 'function' are weak and speculative. I have listed some issues and by improving clarity the study could become a valuable resource for the field.

      1. The authors classify neurons into axon-carrying dendrite (AcD) and non-AcD neurons by measuring the stem dendrite length (> 3 µm). I could not find the validity for this cut-off. The non-AcD neurons in Fig. 6B appear more AcD to this reviewer, and, in addition, other researchers have proposed a third category of 'shared root' neurons (doi: 10.7554/eLife.76101). For purposes of reproducibility and transparency, please provide first a comprehensive overview of the entire population of morphologies (i.e. all cells in control conditions). The distances from the soma could be plotted in histogram (etc.) and authors may want to think about independent supporting evidence for the cut-off to classify AcD and non-AcD neurons.
      2. Related to point #1 the primary hippocampal neuron system is excellent for cell biological questions but comes with the drawback of imaginative morphologies including neurons with multiple axons and AISs. It is not mentioned here but literature indicates up to 20% of neurons have two axons (e.g. doi: 10.1007/s12264-017-0169-3, 10.1083/jcb.200707042). How did the authors classify the double axon cells? Since the main hypothesis is the existence of an intrinsic program for AcD neurons (p. 5 top), the two axons from one neuron should develop similarly. The authors can easily test this with the data.
      3. Some interpretations about function are not correct and the authors should reconsider these. A role of cisternal organelles on neuronal excitability remains to be demonstrated (and see doi.org/10.1002/cne.21445 showing there is none). In addition, the statement that lower fluorescence intensity of Pan-Nav1 is indicating reduced excitability is flawed. Antibody staining does not scale linearly with voltage-gated sodium channel density and since the AIS of AcD neurons is further from the soma it is most likely smaller in diameter which may account for apparent fluorescent differences. For biophysical reasons (for details I refer to 10.3389/fncel.2019.00570, 10.1016/j.conb.2018.02.016 and 10.7554/eLife.53432) smaller diameter axons will be easier to depolarize by depolarizing voltage-gated channels or excitatory synapses. Finally, in AcD neurons the AIS distance from the soma poses all sorts of interesting cable properties with the soma and the local dendritic membrane and the electrotonic properties alone suffice to make these neurons more excitable.
      4. Comparing AcD and non-AcD neurons for AIS plasticity is an excellent idea but the present statistical design is not suitable for answering this question. The authors should directly compare non-AcD and AcD neurons within a two-way ANOVA design, asking the question whether the independent variable axon type is significantly different and interacts with plasticity. Related points: 'AIS distance' in Figure 7 seems to refer to something else than distance from soma (Figure 1). Please clarify. What were the absolute distances from the soma for the AcD neurons and was this dependent on treatment?

      Minor comments

      At p. 7 is stated that "The percentage of none-AcD forming collaterals at DIV1 is much lower than for AcD neurons" but statistical support is lacking. The conclusion in the next line is that "AcD neurons follow consensus development". That is puzzling given the difference just mentioned before. Please clarify. A study not cited in this manuscript showed distinct dendritic morphologies (doi: 10.1073/pnas.1607548113) and AcD interneurons are different for their axonal arborization (doi: 10.1242/dev.202305). Differences in growth of branch arborization could hint to subtypes. Are the AcD and non-AcD neurons different in their adult morphology? A detailed account of the axonal and dendritic trees would strengthen the data.

      Some key references are not included here, and a number of these are mentioned above. In the context of the detailed MT and Rab3A vesicle and cargo transport studies, please acknowledge some of the pioneering work of Alan Peters revealing the ultrastructure of axons emerging from dendrites. See Figs. 5-7 in Peters, Proskauer and Kaiserman-Abramof IR., J Cell Biol 39:604 (1968).

      What is the identity of the neurons? It makes a difference if the cells are interneurons or pyramidal neurons, CA1 or CA3-like.

      For plasticity experiments the authors uses cells as independent measurements, but this is inflating the power. How many cultures were used?

      Referees cross-commenting

      When reading the other reviews I feel they are constructive and providing sufficient conceptual and technical insight to prepare a revision. Although some concerns are overlapping, with 4 independent review reports perhaps not all issues can be addressed within the estimated time frame of 3 months.


      That axons originate from dendrites dates back to the 19th century drawings of Ramón y Cajal but today most textbook and schematic drawings of the neuron still show polarized axons and dendrites both emerging from the soma. Since a few years this specific morphological arrangement begins to receive attention and many fundamental cell biological questions remain to be answered. Leveraging the primary hippocampal neuron preparation, the authors use technically clever experiments to generate new insight into the microtubule organization, cargo transport and the early neurite development. The live imaging of fluorescent labelled axon initial segments is elegant, and an important conclusion is that the stem process, carrying dendrite and axon, grows at a later stage in development. Limitations of the primary neurons should be discussed, however, and the functional consequences of positioning axons on dendrites are not as simple as described by the authors. The study could become a valuable resource for those working in basic research, providing new technical directions.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Han et al. investigates the properties of AIS along axon carrying dendrites (AcDs). These are enigmatic structures with at present poorly defined features. Han et al. work to further characterize the nature of these AIS. Overall, the data are mostly compelling and the reveal that AIS at AcDs are mostly like those of AIS arising from the cell body. Many features were examined and shown not to differ. There were a few instances where the authors claim differences, and this reviewer is not convinced - see comments below. Overall, I think with bit more careful examination of the main differences this could be a nice descriptive paper reporting features of AIS along AcDs.

      Major questions:

      1. The authors suggest that there is reduced Na+ channel density at AcD AIS compared to other AIS arising from the cell body. This is not convincing. Immunostaining for Na+ channels is notoriously difficult and sensitive to fixation since the epitopes of the anti-Pan Nav antibodies are highly sensitive to fixation. In addition, this is based on immunofluorescence intensity quantification. Since the mechanism of localization is through binding to AnkG, the authors should also measure other AIS proteins like AnkG, b4 spectrin, and Nfasc. Do these change? If all uniformly change I would be much more inclined to accept the conclusion. If they do not change, it still doesn't rule out the concern about fixation conditions and slight differences in the cultures. The authors indicate there is about a 40% reduction in fluorescence intensity. That is quite large. This big difference should also be confirmed in brain sections.
      2. The analysis of inhibitory synapse differences at the AIS are also not compelling - this is a limitation of the culture system. The authors have no control over the density of inhibitory neurons in the culture well. This interaction is not intrinsic to the AcD neuron, but rather a feature of neuron-neuron interactions which should only be modeled in the animal.
      3. Finally, this reviewer is also skeptical of the chronic plasticity changes in AIS 'distance.' The authors claim their results are consistent with prior reports, but they see about a 1.5 um shift. Prior studies (Grubb et al.) report 15-17 um change - a full order of magnitude larger than what is reported here. The authors also show no differences in other previously described changes at the AIS. Together with the other results showing AcD neurons and non- AcD neuron AIS are mostly the same, the conclusion that one behaves differently is not compelling with the tiny shift reported.
      4. Finally, the major limitation of this study is that it is performed in vitro. Surprisingly, the authors actually argue this is a feature of their system. While it is true some of the questions can be addressed perfectly well in vitro, many cannot. In the first paragraph of the results the authors state an advantage of their system is that there are no microenvironments to influence the development of the AcDs. I'm afraid I view this as a drawback. The authors suggest this is an opportunity to examine intrinsic mechanisms of development - true, but it also foregoes the opportunity to determine if the outcomes are different from what occurs in vivo. To this point, the authors report that only 15-20% of the population of hippocampal neurons in culture are AcD neurons. But in their introduction they cite other literature indicating 50% of hippocampal neurons in vivo are AcD neurons - this suggests that the environment of the hippocampus in vivo influences whether a neuron becomes an AcD neuron or not.
      5. I appreciated the balanced discussion of whether this is a stochastic or genetically programmed process. This could have been emphasized earlier in the results since the authors invoke the concept that "...their development must be driven by genetically encoded factors rather than specific...". The authors have not shown this and cannot show it in this system. Indeed, as stated in point 4 above, I think their data argue against a simple genetic program.


      interesting subject, timely as features of AIS are of great interest now - especially as a relatively new form of neuronal plasticity. Highly descriptive paper, but emphasizes in this reviewer's opinion that AcD neurons and non AcD neurons have AIS that are essentially the same.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript by Han et al. describes the structural and functional differences between pyramidal cells in which the axon emanates from a basal dendrite (axon-carrying dendrite cell, AcD cell) and cells with a 'canonical', i.e. somatic origin of the axon (nonAcD cells). They investigate how pyramidal neurons develop into AcD or nonAcD cells during cell development and characterize the cytoskeletal architecture in the two cell classes. Additionally, they examine whether and how axon initial segments, the most important structure for action potential generation, change upon varying activity of the neuron.

      The major claims of the paper are:

      i) The formation into an AcD or nonAcD cell is intrinsically encoded by a developmental program.

      ii) The cytoskeletal structure of AcD and nonAcD cells is similar. However, the stem dendrite inherent only to AcD cells is structurally more similar to an axon than to a dendrite

      iii) Axon initial segments of AcD cells contain less cisternal organelles and show less homeostatic plasticity The authors make use of primary cell cultures from rat hippocampus which are a standard model to investigate developmental questions of single cells and neuronal networks. The manuscript is well structured and in general reads well and the data and conclusions are convincing. I have only a few major comments.

      Major comments:

      The authors cite that acetylated and tyrosinated microtubules have different spatial and compartmental distribution in dendrites and axons and investigate the distribution in the AIS of nonAcD cells and AcD cells, as well as the stem dendrites. However, they just show one example of two different cells (Figure 2D and E) without any statistical analysis. Either, they should remove this part or provide a thorough quantification. The authors use EGFP-Rab3A vesicle to investigate anterograde transport at the axon and dendrites. They find a slightly faster transport of these vesicles at the AIS of AcD cells and conclude the axonal cargos in general are transported faster across the AIS in AcD cells. In my opinion, this generalization based on one type of vesicle is too far-fetched. As stated above, the manuscript is well structured and generally reads well. However, throughout the text there are always small mistakes that should be corrected by careful proofreading. Examples are

      Page 6, last paragraph: ...AcD neurons generated [a] collateral...

      Page 24, last paragraph: ... line was then drew [drawn] along ...

      Page 24, last paragraph: Neurons with ... was consider [were considered] as ...

      Page 25, first paragraph: Antibodies ... was [were]

      Page 41, (E) Percentage of AcD neurons [that] generate [a] collateral or bifurcate

      Minor comments:

      In the introduction, the authors describe how synaptic inputs are received at the dendrites and propagated to the soma in the form of membrane depolarizations. They should add 'excitatory' to synaptic inputs or also describe the impact of inhibitory synaptic inputs at the dendrites.

      In my opinion, Figure 2 could be presented in a slightly better way. The lower part of panel A better fits to panel B, which is next to the upper part of panel A. I understand that the authors systematically present their data first for nonAcD cells and then for AcD cells. However, in this special case it is a little bit more difficult to read the current figure in that order.

      The results displayed in Figure 4 are presented in a slightly confusing order. The authors jump from 4D to 4G, then to 4I and 4E, 4H, 4F. Similarly, 4M and N are addressed before 4O and P to finally get to 4K and L. It would be beneficial to present and address the data in a stringent way.


      General assessment:

      This study addresses a very important and timely question about structural and functional cell diversity of cortical pyramidal neurons. The specific function of AcD cells is currently mostly unknown, which is astonishing given their abundance of 15-50% of pyramidal neurons in cortical structures.


      This study presents a significant step forward in comprehending the structural and functional relationship of signal computation in single neurons.


      The study will be important for a wide readership working on very different levels including cellular, network, and behavioral neuroscience.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Angara et al describe a secreted Coxiella burnetii effector with an FFAT motif, which they name CbEPF1, that localizes to host cell LDs and is able to interact with VAP domain containing host proteins. Furthermore, this interaction is able to impact LD size. The study has several interesting findings that suggest that this protein can impact ER structuring around lipid droplets. The use of bacterial 2-hybrid approach to demonstrate binding between CbEPF1 and VAP domain containing proteins is convincing, further supported by co-ip experiments that go on to establish specificity of each of the FFAT motifs for distinct VAP domain containing proteins. However, the relationship between LD localization of the protein and ER-restructuring to the outcome of infection is not clear from the data presented here. In addition, there are many analyses that need to be performed for the data to convincingly support the claims made in the manuscript.

      My major concerns are:

      1. The authors claim that CbEPF1 localizes to lipid droplets in Coxiella burnetii infected epithelial cells. Towards this, the authors express CbEPF1-GFP in C. burnetii infected cells expressing BFP-KDEL. The data in Figure 1B and 1C indicate that the protein localizes to lipid droplets in oleic acid treated cells. It is interesting to note that without addition of oleic acid, the protein localizes to the ER. What is surprising is that the BFP-KDEL signal is also localizing to the LD surface (Figure 1B and 2A). While in this section it seems that the protein migrates from ER to LDs, in the later sections, similar data is used to make the claim that the protein induces ER apposition to the LD and localizes to regions of LD-ER contact. Therefore, it raises several questions about the localization of the protein: (i) is it an ER-localized protein that migrates to LDs. In that case, what features of the protein enable its LD binding? In addition, the authors must perform LD isolation to validate that the protein indeed localizes to lipid droplets. (ii) Is it an ER-localized protein, that like BFP-KDEL has the ability to localize to ER-LD contact sites, but remains on the ER membrane? Again, biochemical evidence supporting membrane specification is important to understand the localization of the protein. The authors have focussed only on the FFAT motifs of CbEPF1 and not described the overall domain analysis of the protein. It is therefore difficult to understand at this point how the protein localizes to the ER and the ER-LD junction or LD.
      2. Quantitative image analysis:

      (i) Authors must perform colocalization analyses to substantiate the claims for ER/LD localization. The authors refer to "extended ER-LD contacts" in figure 2B and the text. These data need to be supported with colocalization analysis between BFP-KDEL and the GFP channel.

      (ii) Related to Figure 4A: Mander's Colocalization analyses with Costes correction are required to convincingly demonstrate that the dual FFAT motif is required for ER-LD contacts.

      (iii) Related to Figure 4B: Please show the LD phenotype of untransfected, and CbEPF1-GFP transfected cells also. Can the authors provide a means to quantify the clustering of LDs.

      (iv) Figure 5A and B. It is not clear from the figure legend whether the data are pooled from multiple experiments or a single experiment. Experimental replicates must be incorporated in the final analysis. 3. The data presented in this manuscript depends largely on overexpression of the protein in uninfected cells. Given that C. burnetii induces LD formation, there are three main areas that need clarity:

      (i) What is the localization of the protein in infected cells without the addition of oleic acid under conditions where infection itself induces LD biogenesis.

      (ii) What happens to ER-LD contacts upon infection with C. burnetii?

      (iii) Does the presence of CbEPF1 play any role in infection induced LD biogenesis? This may be an optional experiment to undertake at this point as this would involve significant amount of time investment in generating bacterial strains.

      Minor comments:

      1. Line 36: "maintain" instead of "maintains"
      2. The introduction cites mainly reviews with overlapping concepts but does not cite primary literature in the area of organelle-organelles contacts and inter-organelle communication (lines 39-40 and line 49). It would be good to cite key primary research articles in these areas.
      3. There are some crucial references related to bacterial secreted effectors that target host lipid droplets, that are missing from the introduction. For example, Chlamydia trachomatis is known to secrete effectors that localize to host lipid droplets (PMID: 18591669). Legionella pneumophila secretes a small GTPase LegA15 to lipid droplets impacting vesicle secretion of the host cell (PMID:36525490).
      4. For all figures, please show all individual channels in monochrome and a merge of BFP-KDEL+LD marker and merge of CbEPF1-GFP+LD marker and/or BFP-KDEL+CbEPF1 (wherever appropriate).


      The study by Angara et al reports a dual FFAT motif containing protein of Coxiella burnetii that impacts ER-LD association. The strengths of the study lie in characterization of the FFAT motifs in VAP domain binding, and the role of these FFAT motifs in mediating ER-LD contacts. However, the claims made towards LD localization versus localization to ER-LD contact sites by this protein are not well supported by the data. In addition, the relevance of these findings in infected cells are not addressed in this study as the data presented here pertain to an over-expression system.

      Bacterial proteins that exit the bacterial containing vacuole and impact organelles outside the endocytic compartments are fascinating as they have the potential to impact global processes such as transcription, metabolism, and protein secretion. Lipid droplet (LD) homeostasis is dysregulated in many bacterial infections and also plays a crucial role in host defense against infection. Therefore, the knowledge of bacterial effectors in this dysregulation will also potentially provide means of countering bacterial strategies to affect host LD homeostasis. Therefore, the findings presented by Angara et al will provide conceptual and mechanistic advances to the specialized audience in infection and immunity. However, I can foresee that the findings have the potential for interesting tools to be developed for organelle-organelle contacts to be studied, provided there is more clarity on how the protein localizes to the ER/ER-LD contacts/LDs.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This is a strong manuscript about the existence of proteins coded by intracellular parasites (here Coxiella) that have evolved to parasitise the lipid transport machinery of their hosts. This is a first in that the parasite protein acts at a distance from the parasite itself, manipulating two of the host organelles - and not acting at their site of contact with PVs. There is considerable research into one protein and its effect when expressed by itself.

      Despite all the advances there are a couple of areas where the manuscript can be improved, and a few extra fairly straightforward experiments added about the amphipathic helix. Even though these are unlikely change the overall message, they would make the story more complete.

      Major points

      More details are required about the amphipathic helix. Check that the AH does target LDs by expression of the AH alone in a GFP chimera +/- oleate and then mutagenesis. Also show the AH in a helical wheel projection (eg by Heliquest) and say if it aligns with similar AHs in homologs (see my point below)

      Fig 1B: In infected cells, do the affected LDs tend to be close to the PVs?

      Also in Fig 1B: highlight small KDEL+ve ER rings around LDs here. Study whether LDs have these in infected cells without the confounder (?artefact) of EPF1 over-expression

      Fig 2A the ER looks quite different here from Fig 1B, even at t0. Grossly the strands are spaced wider apart. In detail there are no rings around LDs. Can the authors explain this? Which morphology is common, especially in cells early in infection without co-expressed protein?

      Fig 6 & Line 237: "As the N-terminal region of CbEPF1 is undefined": I suggest that the authors could do more here. At minimum change model to highlight the strong probability that the N term is a globular domain that functions at the LD ER interface. (What are three other unidentified LD proteins? I suggest omitting them).

      Although the Alphafold prediction for EPF1 is low confidence only, in a few minutes of BLAST searching I found the homolog A0A1J8NR10_9COXI (also FFAT+ve) which has a moderately confident structural prediction for its N terminus. This model has a quite large internal hydrophobic cavity, indicating lipid transfer capability and function similar to known LTPs. This means that action as a "tether" possibly results from experiments with viral promoters (see minor point on terminology).


      Fig 2B: add more arrowheads/arrows to fit legend (says they are both multiple)

      FFAT selectivity for MOSPD2: say if this fits the di Mattia or (as appears likely) it extends the known differences between VAPA/B and MOSPD2. Also say if VAPA is expected to behave as VAPB

      Explain how "Mutations in the CbEPF1 FFAT motif(s) did not influence CbEPF1-GFP localization to either the host ER (Supplementary Fig. 1)". In F3mt this shows that EPF1 has a way to target ER other than FFAT/VAP. Discuss if that is via AH insertion in ER.

      Also, the (admittedly low) level of ER targeting is possibly slightly reduced by F3mt, as shown by greater GFP in the nucleus in the single cells shown. If this is a feature of the whole field of cells, it implies that the FFATs normally work with the AHs to target EPF1 to the ER.

      "clustering" LDs w F3mt: could this indicate dimer formation by CbEPF1? Note: to me it appears wrong to describe fig 4A as showing ER exclusion. LD proximities to each other dominate. It's not 100% clear that LDs cluster as their proximities are not universal: "LD-LD interactions" may be (very) weak.

      Fig 5: can levels of EPF1 here be compared to those in cells undergoing natural infection(approximate comparison by qPCR better than nothing if no antibodies are available)? Fig 5a: would it be possible to increase the number of cells counted to attempt to make the reduced number of LD in F3mt significant?


      Line 226: no sequence homology: misses the point- there is the common feature of an AH

      Issue to be discussed, as probably too difficult to experiment on: when EPF1 is on the ER does it engage vap only weakly (implying a means to mask its motifs), since if the interaction is strong vap is then unable to bind other partners?

      Line 245: "MOSPD2, a sole VAP that is known to localize on LD surfaces" (worth citing Zouiouich again here). Do the cells/tissues infected by Coxiella express MOSPD2?

      Line 259/260: this "suggestion" about cholesterol should be toned down. It is a speculation that could be tested in future, but the data here do not suggest it.

      'Tether' this word implies more than just bridging but also a role in the physical formation of the contact. Since EPF1 most likely has an LTP domain, it seems linguistically confusing to refer to it as a tether, especially since the experiments that physically later LD-ER contact involve probable over-expression.

      Discuss whether it is 100% certain that EPF1 is in the host cytosol or whether some experiment(s) at a future date (proteomic/western blotting) will be needed to make that conclusion 100% secure.

      Referees cross-commenting

      COMMENT 1

      I realise that both reviewer 1 and reviewer 3 have considered this MS carefully, but I think that their reviews could be improved in some respects. I will add two comments, one for each of the other reviews.

      Reviewer 1. The review poses multiple questions to the authors suggesting that answering these questions experimentally would strengthen the paper. Some of the points seem to misunderstand what is the accepted standard for membrane cell biological research into membrane contact sites. While it might be that the authors can rebut these points, I think it is preferable to use Cross Commenting as an opportunity to address these issues beforehand.

      Major Comment 1: CbEPF1 and ER-LD contact

      Looking at endogenous proteins: I wondered about the same point, but I concluded that this is not likely to be possible in the scope of this submission. If it were possible then I guess the authors would have attempted it. Looking on Google Scholar I could find no example of an endogenous Coxiella proteins being tagged in the bacterial genome. So the only way to find the portion is via an antibody. Assuming the authors do not have one, I do not think we should ask for one at this stage in the publication process.

      Electron microscopy: the reviewer is incorrect to say that this is necessary. It may be the gold standard, but it is a huge amount of extra work. Furthermore it is not at all necessary when the protein in question localises clearly to the interface between organelles identified by confocal microscopy.

      Can a specific CbEPF1 domain be identified? Here a Amphipathic Helix has been identified, but the lack of dissection of that region by the authors explains this question by the reviewer, which is also shared by Reviewer 3. I agree with the implication that more should be done to dissect that.

      Major Comment 2: CbEPF1 FFAT motifs and VAP binding

      Are the two FFAT motifs redundant or synergistic? I would say that the authors have addressed that to a reasonable extent

      CbEPF1 binding specificity towards a VAP/MOSPD2 Ditto

      Major Comment 3: LD clustering

      Since this is an effect of mutated protein only, I think that the 3 questions posed at the end here need only be addressed in Discussion.

      Major Comment 4: CbEPF1-mediated increase in LD number and size

      less LD upon expression of F1mt or F2mt, compared to WT: this seems wrong. The numbers are the same. The comment about IF images are unjustified as they have been quantified and do show a difference. I agree that the biological relevance is unclear, and that this might be addressed. That would require making a mutant Coxiella strain. While that would make a big different to this work, my feeling is that this is well over a year's work.I would be guided by the authors on that and I would not suggest it as required for this MS.

      De novo LD production at the ER is unlikely: This statement is ill-considered as the FFAT motifs ARE required (Fig 5). Furthermore, in all systems ever reported de novo LD production takes place at the ER, so any alternative would be quite extraordinary.

      Altogether, strengthening this aspect of the study: In my view, this area does not need more work and it would not be constructive to ask for more.

      Major Comment 5: Functional relevance

      assessing the phenotype of a Coxiella CbEPF1 mutant I agree that this would be good, but it mightn't be feasible within the confines of this one paper. In the various projects that have made transposon mutants of Coxiella, has a strain been made that affects EPF1? If not, then the authors should state this and discuss it as work for the future. The reviewers cannot expect any experiments!

      Is VAP required for Coxiella intracellular growth/vacuole maturation? On the surface this suggestion seems to offer an experimental route to understanding EPF1. However, VAP binds to >100 cellular proteins, many relating to lipids traffic and a considerable number of these already lcoalised to lipids droplets (ORP2, MIGA2, VPS13A/C). It is therefore unlikely that such an experiment would be interpretable, and I recommend that this request be reconsidered.

      Are LD formation induced upon infection? Are ER-LD contact increased upon infection? These are very reasonable ideas and the results would be interesting additions to this paper.

      COMMENT 2 I have given one set of comments already. Here are my comments for Reviewer 3.

      The review makes a few assumptions that I question. While it might be that the authors can rebut these assumptions, I think it is preferable to use Cross Commenting as an opportunity to address these issues beforehand.

      Major Point 1: What is surprising is that the BFP-KDEL signal is also localizing to the LD surface: "Surprising" is misguided, as it seems to deny the probability that there is a class of proteins that sit at organelle interfaces binding to both partners simultaneously. Maybe the reviewer means "significant" here, in which case I would agree.

      The authors must perform LD isolation the reviewer is incorrect to say that this must be done. It is a huge amount of extra work. Furthermore it is not at all necessary when the protein in question localises clearly to the structures, and its may not even work as the protein may need a reasonably high general concentration to avoid gradual dissociation (wit any re-association) during organelle purification.

      what features of the protein enable its LD binding? Here an Amphipathic Helix has been identified, but the lack of dissection of that region by the authors explains this question by the reviewer, which is also shared by Reviewer 1. I agree with the implication that more should be done to dissect that.

      Major Point 2: Quantitative image analysis:

      Mander's Colocalization analyses with Costes correction are required No. The images in Figure 4 speak for themselves.

      Please show the LD phenotype of untransfected, and CbEPF1-GFP transfected cells also This s a good idea.

      provide a means to quantify the clustering of LDs Unnecessary. Not all findings need to be quantified.

      Major Point 3:

      Data depends largely on overexpression of the protein in uninfected cells. I agree

      What is the localization of the protein in infected cells? I wondered about the same point, but I concluded that this is not likely to be possible in the scope of this submission. If it were possible then I guess the authors would have attempted it. Looking on Google Scholar I could find no example of an endogenous Coxiella proteins being tagged in the bacterial genome. So the only way to find the portion is via an antibody. Assuming the authors do not have one, I do not think we should ask for one at this stage in the publication process.

      What happens to ER-LD contacts upon infection with C. burnetii? This is a very valid question, and answering it would not only strengthen the manuscript but should be achievable in 1-3 months.


      This work takes a reasonably big step towards uncovering how parasites have mimicked the molecular machinery of contact sites, here in the context of ER-LD interactions and tantalizingly suggestive of lipid transfer at that contact site (although hard to get strong evidence for that at this stage). This provides yet more evidence for the conservation and overall importance to cells of lipid transfer at contact sites, as well as reminding us of the ability of parasites to attack every aspect of cell function.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors report a Coxiella burnetii effector protein, CbEPF1, which associate with lipid droplets (LD) at points of contact with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The presence of two FFAT motifs in CbEPF1 mediates CbEPF1 interaction with the ER protein VAP, LD-ER interaction, and an increase in LD size. Based on these results the authors put forward a model by which translocation of CbEPF1 into the host cell cytosol results in regulation of host cell lipid metabolism via the formation of ER-LD contact. The study relies heavily on fluorescence microscopy of ectopic (over)expression of CbEPF1 in eukaryotic cells.

      Major comments:

      CbEPF1 and ER-LD contact:

      The immunofluorescence analysis of cell ectopically expressing CbEPF1-GFP provides convincing evidence that CbEPF1-GFP associates with LD and that CbEPF1-positive LD are positive for ER markers such as BFP-KDEL and VAPB (Fig 1&2). However, the study would benefit from looking at endogenous proteins to rule out any potential overexpression artefacts. Does endogenous VAP localize to CbEPF1-positive LD? Does CbEPF1 expressed from Coxiella (endogenous protein, or at least a tagged protein expressed from the bacteria) localize to LD? While the immunofluorescence images are of very high quality and convincing, electron microscopy is necessary to ascertain that membrane contacts between LD and the ER are induced upon CbEPF1 overexpression. CbEPF1 interaction with the ER is linked to the FFAT motifs (see below); what is known about CbEPF1 association with LD? Can a specific CbEPF1 domain be identified? In other words, does CbEPF1 contains 2 distinct membrane targeting domains that confer specificity to each of the contacting organelle (ER and LD in the present case) and thereby resemble other contact site localizing proteins.

      CbEPF1 FFAT motifs and VAP binding:

      The similarity of the sequence of the CbEPF1 FFAT motifs to the canonical sequence (Fig 1A), combined with data with alanine substitution mutation of the essential residue in position 2 of the FFAT motifs (Fig 3, 4), strongly support that CbEPF1 contains 2 functional FFAT motifs that confer VAP binding. FFAT motifs can mediate binding to VAPA, VAPB, and/or MOSPD2. Moreover, in addition to forming homodimer, VAPA, VAPB, and MOSPD2 can form heterodimers. What is the rationale for using VAPB (Fig 3CDE)? Do VAPA and/or MOSPD2 also yield positive results using the assays performed in Fig 3CDE, or is the CbEPF1-VAP interaction specific to VAPB? In the same line, in Fig 3E, is it possible that the CbEPF1-MOSPD2 is indirect and due to VAP- MOSPD2 interaction? Regarding the two FFAT motifs: are the two FFAT motifs redundant or synergistic? Although the data is not quantified, Figure 3E suggest a synergistic effect for VAP binding, however most IF data suggest redundancy. On the other end, the second FFAT motif seems necessary for MOSPD2 biding. Overall, clarifying CbEPF1 binding specificity towards a VAP/MOSPD2 and the role of each FFAT motif in this process could elevate the study by providing mechanistic insights into the hijacking of ER-LD contact sites by Coxiella and comparing and contrasting with the formation of ER-LD in naïve cells and/or the hijacking of VAP-dependent contact by other microbial pathogens.

      CbEPF1-mediated LD clustering in the absence of VAP binding

      A CbEPF1 FFAT motif mutant (F3mt) associates with LD that do not associate with the ER marker KDEL, and causes LD clustering (Fig 4). The authors speculate that the lack of LD-ER interaction results in LD-LD interaction, potentially via interaction of unidentified protein(s) on the LD surface. What is the biological relevance of the LD clustering phenotype? What is known about the role of LD clustering vs ER-LD contact, in the context of lipid metabolism? Could mechanistic characterization of this phenomenon provide insights in LD biology and/or the role of CbEPF1/ER-LD contacts in the context of Coxiella infection?

      CbEPF1-mediated increase in LD number and size

      CbEPF1-GFP overexpression result in an increase in the number of LD per cell independently of the FFAT motifs (Fig 5A). CbEPF1-GFP overexpression also result in an increase in LD diameter; however, this phenotype is dependent on wild-type FFAT motifs (Fig 5B). Quantification and corresponding statistical analysis support these conclusions. However, the representative images are not necessary in line with the bar graphs. For example, there appear to be less LD upon expression of F1mt or F2mt, compared to WT. Additionally, the increase in size is moderate and hard to appreciate in the IF images. It is also unclear, if/how an increase in LD number and/or size is biologically relevant in the context of Coxiella infection. Regarding potential mechanism(s), it is also unclear how CbEPF1 is promoting an increase in LD number. De novo LD production at the ER is unlikely given that the FFAT motifs, and therefore ER association, are not required. What would an alternative mechanism be, and can it be experimentally tested? Regarding the increase in LD size, the author suggest that the phenotype could be due to impaired lipid transfer from the ER to LD. This is an interesting model. Do the authors envision that CbEPF1 is a lipid transfer protein and/or act on ER-LD associated lipid transfer? Can either be experimentally tested? Altogether, strengthening this aspect of the study would clarify the proposed model and significantly increase the impact of the study.

      Functional relevance:

      One aspect that is not addressed in the study, is what are the benefit(s), if any, of CbEPF1 translocation into the host cytosol and targeting to ER-LD contact? This could be addressed by assessing the phenotype of a Coxiella CbEPF1 mutant? On the flip side, is VAP required for Coxiella intracellular growth/vacuole maturation? Another avenue would be to investigate if CbEPF1 affects the lipid composition of the CCV. The present study suggest that LD may be important for Coxiella intracellular life cycle. Are LD formation induced upon infection? Are ER-LD contact increased upon infection? One may also expect that inhibition of LD formation would affect bacterial replication and that stimulation may promote growth/vacuole maturation? Any experiments addressing the biological relevance of the present findings in the context of Coxiella infection would tremendously increase the impact of the study.

      Minor comments:

      None. The manuscript is well written and easy to follow.


      Inter-organelle communication through the formation of membrane contact between two apposing organelles is critical to maintain host cell homeostasis via the transfer of small molecules such as lipid and ions. Bacterial and viral pathogens have been shown to manipulate proteins that localize to cellular membrane contact and to promote membrane contact between their intracellular vacuole and the ER. Both viral and bacterial proteins that contains FFAT motifs and interact with VAP have been described in the context of tethering of the ER to the membrane compartment in which the pathogen replicate. The present study stands out by the characterization of a FFAT motifs-containing bacterial effector protein that targets cellular contact, ER-LD more specifically. The significance is 2-fold. It expands the list of FFAT-motif containing proteins in pathogens, reinforcing the idea that VAP/membrane contact may be a universal mechanism of host-pathogen interaction, which will be of interest to those studying host-microbe interaction in basic or translational research settings. The study also has the potential to move forward research on LD biology and LD-ER contact, which will be of interest to cell biologists in general, and to the evergrowing membrane contact community, specifically.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewers for their valuable comments, which definitely make our story stronger.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer 1


      No data are shown from the genome-wide screening approach, including the common regulators of KRAS and HRAS. Information about how imaging data were processed and analysed is missing. A final table of 8 selected factors with phosphatase activity is presented without providing further insight about the selection criteria and other factors.

      This information will be included in the revised manuscript. In the subsequent characterization via image-based quantification of GFP-KRAS membrane localization, a Manders´ coefficient was calculated. A respective chapter in the methods section on how this was done is missing.

      This information will be provided in the revised manuscript. I would be happy to see the following analyses to strengthen the dataset:

      • Reconstitution experiments and further validation to show that it is dependent on the enzymatic activity of MTMRs.

      MTMR3 knockdown (KD) cells will be rescued with wildtype (WT) MTMR3 or the phosphatase mutant MTMR3 (C413S, PMID: 11676921). MTMR4 KD cells will be rescued with WT MTMR4 or the phosphatase mutant MTMR4 (C407S, PMID: 20736309). In these cells, the PM localization of KRAS and PtdSer will be examined by confocal and electron microscopy. - Additive effect upon depletion of multiple MTMRs? Are they functionally co-operative?

      MTMR3 and 4 KD cells will be rescued with WT MTMR4 and 3, respectively, and the PM localization of KRAS and PtdSer will be examined by confocal and electron microscopy. - Signalling analysis is very limited (Fig. 5). Do the authors detect any defects in K-RAS driven downstream signaling in these cells upon depletion of MTMRs.

      Human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) cell lines that harbor oncogenic mutant KRAS and their growth is KRAS signaling-dependent (MiaPaCa2 and AsPC1), and PDAC cell line harboring WT KRAS and their growth is KRAS signaling-independent (BxPC3) will be infected with lentivirus expressing shRNAs against MTMR 2, 3, 4 or 7. Their growth (proliferation assay) and KRAS signaling (e.g. phosphorylated ERK and Akt by immunoblot) will be measure. Reviewer 2

      Major comments

      The unbiased siRNA screen used to identify proteins that impact KRAS membrane localization was a very nice approach to identify MTMR proteins. Although there is a clear phenotype of KRAS mislocalization associated with knockdown of the various MTMR proteins, the data provided does not prove a causational role for the MTMR proteins in maintaining PtdSer content, nor KRAS localization, at the PM. The current data does not provide a mechanism by which MTMR proteins are influencing this process, but rather speculates using existing literature that it is the loss in MTMR 3-phosphotase activity that leads to decreased PtdSer in the membrane. There is a series of conversions and exchanges that act upon PI3P (the substrate of MTMR proteins) and PI to generate PtdSer in the PM; thus, it is a dynamic process that is influenced by a variety of different proteins and transporters [3, 4, 5, 6]. To prove their single-protein-driven hypothesis, the authors should clone and express a mutant MTMR protein construct that contains an inactive phosphatase catalytic domain, to prove that it is indeed MTMR's generation of PI (which is further converted into PI4P) in the membrane that is responsible for maintaining PtdSer content and KRAS localization. Without this, there is not enough evidence to support this claim.

      MTMR3 knockdown (KD) cells will be rescued with wildtype (WT) MTMR3 or the phosphatase mutant MTMR3 (C413S, PMID: 11676921). MTMR4 KD cells will be rescued with WT MTMR4 or the phosphatase mutant MTMR4 (C407S, PMID: 20736309). In these cells, the PM localization of KRAS and PtdSer will be examined by confocal and electron microscopy. In addition, the authors speculate that ORP5 is a critical intermediate in this process, and that the loss in PI4P/ORP5 at the PM following MTMR knockdown is responsible for the decrease in PtdSer at the PM. The authors should knockdown ORP5 in MTMR-wildtype cells, since it is downstream of their proposed mechanism, and see whether this leads to comparable reductions in PtdSer levels and KRAS mislocalization at the PM. This would confirm ORP5 as having a major role in this setting and would support the initial mechanistic hypothesis. These experiments are imperative to forming an appropriate conclusion, especially since some of their current data contradicts their mechanistic hypothesis: the authors identify a decrease in whole cell PtdSer content, not just PM PtdSer content, when MTMR proteins are knocked down. Based on this result, one would predict that a secondary or supporting mechanism must exist that contributes to a reduction in whole cell PtdSer content, which likely contributes to its loss at the PM as well. The authors describe in line 360 how "previous work has shown that PM PI4P depletion indirectly blocks PtdSer synthase 1 and 2 activities," to explain this reduction in total cell levels of PtdSer. The authors should look at PtdSer synthase 1 and 2 activities in the presence of MTMR knockdown, as the loss in PtdSer at the PM may rely more heavily on synthase activity than ORP-dependent transfer of PtdSer.

      Investigating the PM localization of KRAS and PtdSer after silencing ORP5 in MTMR WT mammalian cell lines has been published (PMID: 31451509 and 34903667). In these studies, silencing ORP5 1) reduces the levels of PtdSer and KRAS from the plasma membrane (PM), 2) reduces KRAS signal output, 3) blocks the growth of KRAS-dependent PDAC in vitro and in vivo. These studies have been appropriately cited in our manuscript in lines 82 and 277. Although the c. Elegans model that was used to investigate downstream let-60 (RAS ortholog) activity through a multi-vulva phenotype is quite intriguing, it is more critical to assess downstream RAS pathway activation, especially in the human colorectal adenocarcinoma or the human mammary gland ductal carcinoma cell lines. Not only would this line of questioning provide a higher significance and increase the clinical applicability of these findings, but it is also crucial to support the author's claim that MTMR knockdown can influence mutant KRAS activity. Although small changes in KRAS localization to the PM can have significant effects on downstream signaling, these effects need to be measured and confirmed in this setting. The authors should perform western blots to assess the activation of both the PI3K and MAPK pathway in the MTMR knockdown cell lines.

      Human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) cell lines that harbor oncogenic mutant KRAS and their growth is KRAS signaling-dependent (MiaPaCa2 and AsPC1), and PDAC cell line harboring WT KRAS and their growth is KRAS signaling-independent (BxPC3) will be infected with lentivirus expressing shRNAs against MTMR 2, 3, 4 or 7. Their growth (proliferation assay) and KRAS signaling (e.g. phosphorylated ERK and Akt by immunoblot) will be measure. In addition to this, it might be important to know whether there are any changes in the levels of the KRAS protein itself, as recycling/transport pathways may be impacted by its lack of recruitment to the plasma membrane.

      Total KRAS protein expression will be measured in MTMR KD cell lines. Finally, the authors show that proliferation is inhibited by MTMR knockdown as a readout of RAS activity. The authors should also assess the levels of cell death, as the inhibition of mutant KRAS in cancer cells would likely lead to cell death. The authors do not describe why reducing any one of the MTMR proteins alone is sufficient to deplete the PM of PtdSer. This sort of discussion is important for understanding compensatory or regulatory mechanisms in place between the MTMR proteins, as this may influence PtdSer levels at the PM. For example, it has been shown that MTMR2 can stabilize MTMR13 on membranes. Do the levels, stability, or localization of the other MTMR proteins change when one specific MTMR is knocked down? Is this why we see an effect on PtdSer in any one of the knockdowns? The authors should at the very least provide western blots for each of the MTMR proteins discussed in the presence of each individual MTMR knockdown.

      MTMR3 knockdown (KD) cells will be rescued with WT MTMR3 or the phosphatase mutant MTMR3 (C413S, PMID: 11676921). MTMR4 KD cells will be rescued with WT MTMR4 or the phosphatase mutant MTMR4 (C407S, PMID: 20736309). In these cells, the PM localization of KRAS and PtdSer will be examined by confocal and electron microscopy. In addition, we will measure endogenous MTMR 2/3/4/7 proteins levels in the presence of each individual MTMR KD by immunoblotting. In addition to the above experiments, the MTMR hairpins should be expressed in a secondary or tertiary cell line to prove that these events are not specific to the current model used. Since their current human mammary gland ductal carcinoma cell line overexpresses a mutant KRAS-GFP construct, perhaps doing similar experiments in a cancer cell line that already expresses an endogenous mutant KRAS might provide a better model.

      Human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) cell lines that harbor oncogenic mutant KRAS and their growth is KRAS signaling-dependent (MiaPaCa2 and AsPC1), and PDAC cell line harboring WT KRAS and their growth is KRAS signaling-independent (BxPC3) will be infected with lentivirus expressing shRNAs against MTMR 2, 3, 4 or 7. Their growth (proliferation assay) and KRAS signaling (e.g. phosphorylated ERK and Akt by immunoblot) will be measure. Although this protein would not include a GFP-tag, other ways of visualizing its localization at the PM (such as immunofluorescent staining) could be used to confirm its localization there.

      The anti-KRAS antibody for IF has not been reported to my knowledge. In addition, the effects on downstream RAS signaling could be measured through western blot of PI3K and MAPK pathways.

      Human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) cell lines that harbor oncogenic mutant KRAS and their growth is KRAS signaling-dependent (MiaPaCa2 and AsPC1), and PDAC cell line harboring WT KRAS and their growth is KRAS signaling-independent (BxPC3) will be infected with lentivirus expressing shRNAs against MTMR 2, 3, 4 or 7. Their growth (proliferation assay) and KRAS signaling (e.g. phosphorylated ERK and Akt by immunoblot) will be measure. Supplemental Figure 4 is incorrectly referred to in the text as Supplemental Figure 3 (line 257-258). The text reads, "Confocal microscopy further demonstrates that HRASG12V cellular localization is not disrupted after silencing MTMR 2/3/4/7 (Fig. S3)" but Figure S3 is an EM image of PM basal sheets from T47D cells expressing GFP-KRASG12V. Supplemental Figure 4 shows that mutant HRAS is unaffected by the various MTMR knockdowns.

      They will be labeled correctly in the revised manuscript. Since the authors show decreased proliferation in mutant KRAS cells following MTMR knockdown, the authors should also investigate any changes to proliferation rates in mutant HRAS cell lines following MTMR knockdown. This data is necessary to prove that MTMR-driven changes in downstream RAS signaling are specific to mutant KRAS and not mutant HRAS.

      Cell proliferation assay will be performed using MTMR 2/3/4/7-silenced T47D cell lines stably expressing oncogenic mutant HRAS (HRASG12V) to address this questions. It may also be important for the authors to also show any effects on wildtype RAS localization to the PM when MTMR-2,-3,-4, and -7 are knocked down, to show whether this is a oncoprotein-specific event.

      Cells expressing the truncated mutant KRAS, which contains the minimal membrane anchor and does not have G-domain will be infected with lentivirus expressing shRNA against MTMR 2/3/4/7, and their localization will be examined. The representative images chosen for Figure 4 diminish the reliability of the data, as it is difficult to see a visible change in the PI3P probe between the control and MTMR knockdown cells in these images. Since the authors rely on the Mander's coefficient and the number of gold particles throughout much of the paper, having the same conclusion quantitatively but not qualitatively for these assays is confusing. Perhaps the authors should elaborate on whether MTMR knockdown has a stronger effect on PtSer and KRAS PM presence than PI3P PM presence.

      We will include the discussion in the revised manuscript. They should also describe their method for identifying early endosomes, since they switch back and forth between describing the content of the PM and of early endosomes, such as in Figure 1 and Figure 4.

      We will include the information in the revised manuscript. Minor comments:

      An additional experiment that may add another layer of clinical applicability would be the use of an MTMR inhibitor in this cell line, to see whether similar effects can be achieved pharmacologically [7]. This would provoke other researchers to investigate MTMR inhibitors in vitro and in vivo to assess the effect on mutant KRAS cancers.

      • This is an important point, but while vanadate, a general phospho-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) inhibitor, has been reported to inhibit myotubulin, a family member of MTMR (PMID: 8995372 and 1943774), there are no commercially available MTMR-specific inhibitors. Using vanadate to inhibit MTMR proteins will produce non-specific effects by blocking other PTPs. The inclusion of cell lines that express KRAS proteins of different mutational statuses would be extremely interesting, as KRAS' orientation within the plasma membrane has been shown to be altered by these mutations. This fact should potentially be considered when choosing a secondary or tertiary cell line to do additional experiments in, but it is not necessary for the authors to elaborate on how MTMR proteins may impact different KRAS mutants for the scope of this project.

      For the aforementioned experiments using human KRAS-dependent and -independent PDAC cell lines, we will use MiaPaCa2 (KRASG12C) and AsPC1 (KRASG12D). Reviewer #3

      *Major comments: *

      One of the two main manuscript claims indicates that KRAS12V "function" is impaired upon MTMR knockdown. While this is an obvious phenotype expected by mislocalizing KRAS from the inner PM it is not sufficiently demonstrated in the current version of the manuscript. Western blots of at least MAPK and PI3K signalling following MTMR knockdown in KRAS-dependent cell lines should be included. In addition to the T47D cells used in the manuscript, it would be ideal to include a KRAS-mutant cell line from tumour types where KRAS mutations are more frequent that in breast.

      • Human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) cell lines that harbor oncogenic mutant KRAS and their growth is KRAS signaling-dependent (MiaPaCa2 and AsPC1), and PDAC cell line harboring WT KRAS and their growth is KRAS signaling-independent (BxPC3) will be infected with lentivirus expressing shRNAs against MTMR 2, 3, 4 or 7. Their growth (proliferation assay) and KRAS signaling (e.g. phosphorylated ERK and Akt by immunoblot) will be measure. Since the MTMR dependent phenotypes are mutant-KRAS specific it would be interesting to study the resulting phenotypes in HRAS-mutant cell line.

      Cell proliferation assay will be performed using MTMR 2/3/4/7-silenced T47D cell lines stably expressing oncogenic mutant HRAS (HRASG12V) to address these questions.

      **Referee cross-commenting**

      After reading the reviews of my colleagues I think there is a clear agreement on the need to further substantiate that KRAS membrane mis-localization is indeed affecting oncogenic output. The use of other KRAS addicted and non-addicted models would further enhance this analysis.

      Likewise, the other two reviewers request experimental evidences to validate the role of MTMR enzymatic activity in the process. This is a pertinent request that I failed to put forward. Suggestions include the use of reconstitution experiments catalytically dead mutants. Also, the use of MTMR small molecule inhibitors is proposed. If those exist with sufficient specificity this would indeed be appropriate to perform.

      Experiments addressing these comments have been described above.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript


      • *

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      *Please include a point-by-point response explaining why some of the requested data or additional analyses might not be necessary or cannot be provided within the scope of a revision. *

      Reviewer 2

      R2 suggests to investigate PtdSer synthase 1 and 2 activities in presence of MTMR knockdown, as the loss in PtdSer at the PM may rely more heavily on synthase activity than ORP-dependent transfer of PtdSer.

      Although it is intriguing to examine the effect of MTMR loss on the activities of PtdSer synthase 1 and 2, our lab does not have resources/techniques to carry out the experiment. * *

      The results of this paper rely heavily on one experimental technique, which is calculating a Mander's coefficient and counting the co-localization of the probe of interest with the CellMask stain of the plasma membrane. How this coefficient is derived is explained in appropriate detail in the methods section of this manuscript; however, a secondary route of identifying these changes in membrane constituents would greatly enhance the paper's conclusions. This would eliminate any doubt surrounding the accuracy of the technique, since so much of the data relies on one experimental output.

      In addition to Manders' coefficient for examining the colocalization of KRAS and LactC2 (the PtdSer probe) to propose KRAS/PS redistribution to endomembranes after MTMR loss. To complement this, we also performed quantitative EM to demonstrate the PM depletion of KRAS and PtdSer from the inner PM leaflet. We believe these two techniques would appropriate to investigate KRAS/PtdSer PM depletion and cellular re-distribution. * *

      Reviewer 3

      To further support the conclusions, oncogenic signalling should be studied in the C.elegans model by immunofluorescence of immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, although not strictly required to support the author's claims, it would be interesting to elucidate whether the inhibition of the multivulva phenotype upon MTMR knockdown in vivo results as a consequence of cell death.

      Our collaborator for C. elegans study does not have resources to carry out the proposed IF and IHC experiment. Instead, we will measure KRAS signaling (e.g. phosphorylated ERK and Akt by immunoblot) and the growth of KRAS-dependent PDAC after MTMR loss. These experiments would be more clinically and physiologically relevant.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In recent years, various genetic and pharmacological studies have clearly demonstrated a causal relationship between phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) distribution at the plasma membrane (PM) and KRAS clustering at the inner leaflet. In this manuscript, Henkels and colleagues have performed a high-content genome wide siRNA screen in search of hits that upon knockdown would result in membrane mislocalization of an exogenous KRAS12V-GFP fusion while not affecting HRASV12 membrane distribution. The results identified 4 of the 14 human members of the myotubularin-related (MTMR) protein family. Individual knockdown of MTMR2, 3, 4 and 7 resulted in specific relocalization of KRAS12V (and not of HRAS12V) from the cell membrane to endomembranes assessed both by confocal and electron microscopy. The MTMRs display enzymatic activity (3-phosphatase activity towards PI3P and PI(3,5)P2) controlling membrane trafficking. Given the known dependency of KRAS PM clustering on PtdSer, the authors showed that KRAS12V mislocalization upon MTMR depletion is due to an overall reduction of PtdSer accompanied by depletion of inner PM PtdSer. Using lipid-specific probes the authors went on to demonstrate that this phenotype occurs as a combined reduction of inner PM PI4P levels and concomitant elevation of PM PI3P. As expected, KRAS12V inner PM mislocalization affected oncogenic function. This is shown by a 50% reduction in cell proliferation of KRAS-transformed T47D (human mammary gland ductal carcinoma) cell line. More convincingly, si-RNA mediated depletion of the C.elegans MTMR3 and 7 orthologs potently reduces a KRAS-dependent multivulva phenotype.

      Overall, I find that the experimental part of the manuscript is satisfactory. Yet, the overall conclusion is that inactivation of a subset of MTMR phosphatases reduces KRAS PM localization and KRAS signalling. While changes of KRAS inner PM are well documented, there is not a single experiment demonstrating that this results in reduced oncogenic output. This needs to be further documented if a mention to KRAS function is included in the title.

      Major comments:

      1. One of the two main manuscript claims indicates that KRAS12V "function" is impaired upon MTMR knockdown. While this is an obvious phenotype expected by mislocalizing KRAS from the inner PM it is not sufficiently demonstrated in the current version of the manuscript. Western blots of at least MAPK and PI3K signalling following MTMR knockdown in KRAS-dependent cell lines should be included. In addition to the T47D cells used in the manuscript, it would be ideal to include a KRAS-mutant cell line from tumour types where KRAS mutations are more frequent that in breast.
      2. Since the MTMR dependent phenotypes are mutant-KRAS specific it would be interesting to study the resulting phenotypes in HRAS-mutant cell line.
      3. To further support the conclusions, oncogenic signalling should be studied in the C.elegans model by immunofluorescence of immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, although not strictly required to support the author's claims, it would be interesting to elucidate whether the inhibition of the multivulva phenotype upon MTMR knockdown in vivo results as a consequence of cell death.

      Referee cross-commenting

      After reading the reviews of my colleagues I think there is a clear agreement on the need to further substantiate that KRAS membrane mis-localization is indeed affecting oncogenic output. The use of other KRAS addicted and non-addicted models would further enhance this analysis. Likewise, the other two reviewers request experimental evidences to validate the role of MTMR enzymatic activity in the process. This is a pertinent request that I failed to put forward. Suggestions include the use of reconstitution experiments catalytically dead mutants. Also, the use of MTMR small molecule inhibitors is proposed. If those exist with sufficient specificity this would indeed be appropriate to perform.


      In spite of its importance for oncogenic function, KRAS cellular trafficking remains one of the least studied processes. As such, reports like the current work are important to increase our biological knowledge. Furthermore, this increased biological understanding could identify vulnerabilities with future therapeutic potential.

      It is known, mainly from previous work of one of the co-authors (John Hancock), that a PtdSer interplay with oxysterol-binding protein related proteins ORP5 and 8 regulate KRAS membrane distribution. The current study describes a further layer of control depending on MTMR phosphatases. In my opinion the cellular phenotypes are properly addressed, but not the phenotypic consequences on KRAS-signalling.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Henkels et al. propose the role of myotubularin-related proteins in promoting KRAS4B localization to the plasma membrane. Their data shows that shRNA-mediated knockdown of myotubularin-related proteins -2, -3, -4, or -7 led to measurable changes in RAS localization and in plasma membrane (PM) content. More specifically, knockdown of any one of these MTMR proteins led to a decrease in PI4P levels in the PM, an increase in PI3P content in the PM, a decrease in phosphatidyl serine (PtdSer) in the PM/whole cell, and a decrease in mutant KRAS localization to the PM. Their data also shows a decreased presence of ORP5 at the PM, a protein which is responsible for the exchange of PI4P in the plasma membrane for PtdSer in the endoplasmic reticulum. These results are somewhat predictable and are supported by the existing literature, as MTMR proteins are known to exhibit 3-phosphotase activity towards PI3P to generate PI (a precursor to PI4P), PI4P is known to recruit ORP5, and ORP5 is known to contribute to PtdSer content in the membrane [1, 2]. Regardless, the authors find that the individual knockdown of MTMR proteins is sufficient to cause measurable changes in PM content and mislocalization of mutant KRAS4B. Thus, despite the fact that many proteins are involved in regulating PM content, such as PI4KA, PtdSer synthase 1 and 2, Nir2/3, and PITPs, Henkels et al. speculate that MTMR proteins are the primary regulators of PtdSer PM levels [3, 4, 5, 6]. The authors propose that the loss of function in any one of these MTMR proteins alone is sufficient to cause significant changes in PM content through an ORP5-dependent process, and that this ultimately leads to a decrease in mutant KRAS signaling.

      Major comments:

      The unbiased siRNA screen used to identify proteins that impact KRAS membrane localization was a very nice approach to identify MTMR proteins. Although there is a clear phenotype of KRAS mislocalization associated with knockdown of the various MTMR proteins, the data provided does not prove a causational role for the MTMR proteins in maintaining PtdSer content, nor KRAS localization, at the PM. The current data does not provide a mechanism by which MTMR proteins are influencing this process, but rather speculates using existing literature that it is the loss in MTMR 3-phosphotase activity that leads to decreased PtdSer in the membrane. There is a series of conversions and exchanges that act upon PI3P (the substrate of MTMR proteins) and PI to generate PtdSer in the PM; thus, it is a dynamic process that is influenced by a variety of different proteins and transporters [3, 4, 5, 6]. To prove their single-protein-driven hypothesis, the authors should clone and express a mutant MTMR protein construct that contains an inactive phosphatase catalytic domain, to prove that it is indeed MTMR's generation of PI (which is further converted into PI4P) in the membrane that is responsible for maintaining PtdSer content and KRAS localization. Without this, there is not enough evidence to support this claim. In addition, the authors speculate that ORP5 is a critical intermediate in this process, and that the loss in PI4P/ORP5 at the PM following MTMR knockdown is responsible for the decrease in PtdSer at the PM. The authors should knockdown ORP5 in MTMR-wildtype cells, since it is downstream of their proposed mechanism, and see whether this leads to comparable reductions in PtdSer levels and KRAS mislocalization at the PM. This would confirm ORP5 as having a major role in this setting and would support the initial mechanistic hypothesis. These experiments are imperative to forming an appropriate conclusion, especially since some of their current data contradicts their mechanistic hypothesis: the authors identify a decrease in whole cell PtdSer content, not just PM PtdSer content, when MTMR proteins are knocked down. Based on this result, one would predict that a secondary or supporting mechanism must exist that contributes to a reduction in whole cell PtdSer content, which likely contributes to its loss at the PM as well. The authors describe in line 360 how "previous work has shown that PM PI4P depletion indirectly blocks PtdSer synthase 1 and 2 activities," to explain this reduction in total cell levels of PtdSer. The authors should look at PtdSer synthase 1 and 2 activities in the presence of MTMR knockdown, as the loss in PtdSer at the PM may rely more heavily on synthase activity than ORP-dependent transfer of PtdSer. Although the c. Elegans model that was used to investigate downstream let-60 (RAS ortholog) activity through a multi-vulva phenotype is quite intriguing, it is more critical to assess downstream RAS pathway activation, especially in the human colorectal adenocarcinoma or the human mammary gland ductal carcinoma cell lines. Not only would this line of questioning provide a higher significance and increase the clinical applicability of these findings, but it is also crucial to support the author's claim that MTMR knockdown can influence mutant KRAS activity. Although small changes in KRAS localization to the PM can have significant effects on downstream signaling, these effects need to be measured and confirmed in this setting. The authors should perform western blots to assess the activation of both the PI3K and MAPK pathway in the MTMR knockdown cell lines. In addition to this, it might be important to know whether there are any changes in the levels of the KRAS protein itself, as recycling/transport pathways may be impacted by its lack of recruitment to the plasma membrane. Finally, the authors show that proliferation is inhibited by MTMR knockdown as a readout of RAS activity. The authors should also assess the levels of cell death, as the inhibition of mutant KRAS in cancer cells would likely lead to cell death. The authors do not describe why reducing any one of the MTMR proteins alone is sufficient to deplete the PM of PtdSer. This sort of discussion is important for understanding compensatory or regulatory mechanisms in place between the MTMR proteins, as this may influence PtdSer levels at the PM. For example, it has been shown that MTMR2 can stabilize MTMR13 on membranes. Do the levels, stability, or localization of the other MTMR proteins change when one specific MTMR is knocked down? Is this why we see an effect on PtdSer in any one of the knockdowns? The authors should at the very least provide western blots for each of the MTMR proteins discussed in the presence of each individual MTMR knockdown.<br /> In addition to the above experiments, the MTMR hairpins should be expressed in a secondary or tertiary cell line to prove that these events are not specific to the current model used. Since their current human mammary gland ductal carcinoma cell line overexpresses a mutant KRAS-GFP construct, perhaps doing similar experiments in a cancer cell line that already expresses an endogenous mutant KRAS might provide a better model. Although this protein would not include a GFP-tag, other ways of visualizing its localization at the PM (such as immunofluorescent staining) could be used to confirm its localization there. In addition, the effects on downstream RAS signaling could be measured through western blot of PI3K and MAPK pathways. Supplemental Figure 4 is incorrectly referred to in the text as Supplemental Figure 3 (line 257-258). The text reads, "Confocal microscopy further demonstrates that HRASG12V cellular localization is not disrupted after silencing MTMR 2/3/4/7 (Fig. S3)" but Figure S3 is an EM image of PM basal sheets from T47D cells expressing GFP-KRASG12V. Supplemental Figure 4 shows that mutant HRAS is unaffected by the various MTMR knockdowns. Since the authors show decreased proliferation in mutant KRAS cells following MTMR knockdown, the authors should also investigate any changes to proliferation rates in mutant HRAS cell lines following MTMR knockdown. This data is necessary to prove that MTMR-driven changes in downstream RAS signaling are specific to mutant KRAS and not mutant HRAS. It may also be important for the authors to also show any effects on wildtype RAS localization to the PM when MTMR-2,-3,-4, and -7 are knocked down, to show whether this is a oncoprotein-specific event. <br /> The representative images chosen for Figure 4 diminish the reliability of the data, as it is difficult to see a visible change in the PI3P probe between the control and MTMR knockdown cells in these images. Since the authors rely on the Mander's coefficient and the number of gold particles throughout much of the paper, having the same conclusion quantitatively but not qualitatively for these assays is confusing. Perhaps the authors should elaborate on whether MTMR knockdown has a stronger effect on PtSer and KRAS PM presence than PI3P PM presence. They should also describe their method for identifying early endosomes, since they switch back and forth between describing the content of the PM and of early endosomes, such as in Figure 1 and Figure 4.

      Minor comments:

      An additional experiment that may add another layer of clinical applicability would be the use of an MTMR inhibitor in this cell line, to see whether similar effects can be achieved pharmacologically [7]. This would provoke other researchers to investigate MTMR inhibitors in vitro and in vivo to assess the effect on mutant KRAS cancers.

      The inclusion of cell lines that express KRAS proteins of different mutational statuses would be extremely interesting, as KRAS' orientation within the plasma membrane has been shown to be altered by these mutations. This fact should potentially be considered when choosing a secondary or tertiary cell line to do additional experiments in, but it is not necessary for the authors to elaborate on how MTMR proteins may impact different KRAS mutants for the scope of this project.

      The results of this paper rely heavily on one experimental technique, which is calculating a Mander's coefficient and counting the co-localization of the probe of interest with the CellMask stain of the plasma membrane. How this coefficient is derived is explained in appropriate detail in the methods section of this manuscript; however, a secondary route of identifying these changes in membrane constituents would greatly enhance the paper's conclusions. This would eliminate any doubt surrounding the accuracy of the technique, since so much of the data relies on one experimental output.


      1. Clague MJ, Lorenzo O. The myotubularin family of lipid phosphatases. Traffic. (12):1063-9 (2005).
      2. Chung J, Torta F, Masai K, Lucast L, Czapla H, Tanner LB, Narayanaswamy P, Wenk MR, Nakatsu F, De Camilli P. PI4P/phosphatidylserine countertransport at ORP5- and ORP8-mediated ER-plasma membrane contacts. Science. 349(6246):428-32 (2015).
      3. Kim YJ, Guzman-Hernandez ML, Wisniewski E, Balla T. Phosphatidylinositol-Phosphatidic Acid Exchange by Nir2 at ER-PM Contact Sites Maintains Phosphoinositide Signaling Competence. Dev Cell 33: 549-561 (2015).
      4. Balla A, Balla T. Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases: Old enzymes with emerging functions. Trends Cell Biol 16, 351-361 (2006).
      5. Arikketh D, Nelson R, Vance JE. Defining the importance of phosphatidylserine synthase-1 (PSS1): unexpected viability of PSS1-deficient mice. J Biol Chem. 283(19):12888-97 (2008).
      6. Cockcroft S. The diverse functions of phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 362:185-208 (2012).
      7. Taylor GS, Maehama T, Dixon JE. Myotubularin, a protein tyrosine phosphatase mutated in myotubular myopathy, dephosphorylates the lipid second messenger, phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1;97(16):8910-5 (2000).


      The significance of this paper lies in providing the field with an additional regulator of KRAS localization at the PM, as this is localization is critical to KRAS function. Despite three decades worth of understanding and even successfully blocking KRAS membrane localization in vitro, no KRAS-membrane-localization inhibitors have been approved for the clinic. Thus, there is still room in the field for the development of a safe therapeutic target that can effectively block this process. There is a consensus in the literature that PtdSer is critical for KRAS anchoring to the membrane, and this paper describes how MTMR proteins may impact the supply of PtdSer to the PM. Since this work is done in a cancer background by utilizing a mutant KRAS construct (KRASG12V), this work would be interesting to many cancer researchers that are attempting to target mutant KRAS. This paper would also be interesting to researchers who investigate mechanisms of PM maintenance.

      Our lab studies RAS signaling in tumorigenesis. The authors are clear in their explanations of the mechanisms of PM maintenance and PM components relevant to this study.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In their manuscript with the title "Myotubularin-related proteins regulate KRAS function by controlling plasma membrane levels of polyphosphoinositides and phosphatidylserine", Henkels and colleagues describe the identification and characterization of factors modulating the plasma-membrane localization of KRASG12V, required for its activation. In an siRNA-based screening approach, they identify four members of the myotubularin-related (MTMR) protein family, namely MTMR 2, 3, 4 and 7, when downregulated result in impaired localization of KRAS to the plasma membrane.

      Validation was performed via confocal microscopy in cells overexpressing GFP-RASG12V, stained with the membrane marker CellMask and with gold labelling-Electron microscopy. Co-expression of GFP-LactC2, a well-established marker for PtdSer, and subsequent EM analysis revealed a reduction of PtdSer at the PM upon MTMR depletion. This observation was further validated by whole cell lipidomics, showing a significant reduction in total cellular PtdSer content in MTMR 2/3/4/7 KD conditions.Reduction of PI4P at the PM of PI4P and increase in overall (and PM) levels of PI3P - measured by overexpression of fluorescently tagged marker proteins for the respective phospholipid as well as EM.inally, to investigate the effect of MTMR knockdown on RAS signalling, the authors used transformed T47D cells as well as a C. elegans model system. In both systems, RAS signalling was found to be impaired upon MTMR depletion.

      Overall, the authors convincingly present MTMR proteins as regulators of KRAS plasma membrane localization. Upon depletion of MTMR 2,3,4 and 7, they see KRAS mis-localizing away from the PM and KRAS signalling being disrupted in cell culture and C. elegans model systems. The data are well presented and of high quality. Electron microscopy after immunogold labelling was used to provide quantitative data. The study can be further strengthened by uncovering the role of MTMR in KRAS driven pathobiology.

      Please find some minor comments below


      • no data are shown from the genome-wide screening approach, including the common regulators of KRAS and HRAS. Information about how imaging data were processed and analysed is missing. A final table of 8 selected factors with phosphatase activity is presented without providing further insight about the selection criteria and other factors.
      • in the subsequent characterization via image-based quantification of GFP-KRAS membrane localization, a Manders´ coefficient was calculated. A respective chapter in the methods section on how this was done is missing.

      I would be happy to see the following analyses to strengthen the dataset:

      • reconstitution experiments and further validation to show that it is dependent on the enzymatic activity of MTMRs
      • additive effect upon depletion of multiple MTMRs? Are they functionally co-operative?
      • signalling analysis is very limited (Fig. 5). Do the authors detect any defects in K-RAS driven downstream signaling in these cells upon depletion of MTMRs.


      Very interesting and potentially important study. But needs further evidence on how MTMRs regulate pathobiology. Does MTMR depletion inhibit KRAS driven downs stream events needs to investigated here.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      __Summary __

      Geng et al. explore the molecular mechanisms underlying the role of KIF1C in RNA transport, focusing on how it interacts with RNA. KIF1C is shown to form dynamic puncta when overexpressed in COS-7 cells that do not appear to colocalise with organelle markers. An IDR in the tail of the kinesin is necessary and sufficient for the formation of these structures and FRAP experiments show that they can exchange their contents with proteins in the cytosol and that their formation can can be reversibly modulated by hypotonic shock, consistent with LLPS. In vitro, the IDR and flanking regions can undergo phase separation at physiologically relevant concentrations and salt conditions. In cells, KIF1C puncta enrich for RNAs and support their transport, and depletion of RNA modulates KIF1C LLPS properties. A model is proposed whereby KIF1C mediated RNA transport to the cell periphery promotes the formation of a protein-RNA condensate that may act to fine tune local RNA activity.

      __Major comments __

      In general, the claims made here are well-supported by the data. However, I think that some exploration of the extent of LLPS at different KIF1C expression levels in cells is important but missing. The authors carefully estimate the endogenous concentration of KIF1C in COS-7 cells (at around 25 nm), but is isn't clear how this compares to that observed in transient transfection experiments. Although this is partly addressed in the vitro assays, I am still left with some questions over the extent of this phenomenon in a cellular context. Can the authors provide some experimental evidence to support the proposition that LLPS occurs (perhaps in a more localised fashion?, as Fig.9) at lower KIF1C expression levels? One way to address this might be a GFP-knock-in (although how feasible this is may depend on the genomic context), alternatively, the authors could generate cell lines that express KIF1C-GFP from a very weak promoter, demonstrate LLPS using their established assays, show that this is comparable to endogenous expression.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have carried out additional experiments to explore the extent of KIF1C LLPS at endogenous levels. We used antibody against KIF1C to stain WT and KIF1C knockout (KO) cells. Although the antibody shows a high background of non-specific signal in the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm of both WT and KO cells, we were able to observe small puncta of KIF1C at the periphery of WT but not KO cells (new Figure 8). This finding supports our hypothesis that endogenous KIF1C undergoes LLPS upon reaching a high local concentration at the periphery of cells. Two lines of evidence support that these puncta of endogenous KIF1F protein are RNA-containing biomolecular condensates formed by LLPS (new Figure 8). First, these small puncta of endogenous KIF1C incorporate RAB13 mRNA, suggesting that they are RNA granules. Second, the puncta do not form in cells stably expressing KIF1C DIDR at near-endogenous levels.

      Minor comments

      Lines 107-109 and Figure 1B on localisation of other kinesin-3s. The authors state that they localise to certain organelle but don't show co-staining for those organelles.

      Response: The localization of other kinesin-3s to certain organelles has been shown in the cited literature. In response to the reviewer's request, we now verify these findings by staining cells expressing the other kinesin-3s for specific organelles (new Figure S1 A).

      Lines 172-183 and Figure 3. Evidence is provided through FRAP experiments that KIF1C puncta exchange with the cytosolic pool. However, the extent of recovery appears to saturate at Response: We agree that the data suggest the existence of an immobile pool of KIF1C within the condensates. We have added this information to the main text (lines 178-182). We note that these findings are consistent with recent studies demonstrating membrane-less organelles with at least partially solid-like properties, including nucleoli and stress granules as well as microtubule associated proteins (see references, reviewed in Van Treeck & Parker 2019).

      Line 238 - Fig. S5C is cited as data on endogenous concentration of KIF1C - this should be Fig. S6C.

      Response: Thank you. We have corrected this (now Fig S8 C).

      Line 331-332 - I did not fully follow the logic here the RNAse A injection experiment supports the idea that KIF1C interaction with RNA is sequence selective. Could the authors expand on this.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this comment. We have rewritten the text (lines 235-238, 246-248).

      __Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): __

      This study introduces a new and exciting concept to motor protein biology: that some cytoskeletal motors and motor-cargo complexes can undergo phase separation, and that this is important for their function. The experiments are logical, progressive, and form a clear and compelling case. The main limitation is that demonstration of LLPS in cells is limited to over-expressed protein. Some exploration/demonstration of LLPS properties of KIF1C in cells at near to endogenous expression levels would enhance the study.

      The work should be of interest to a broad range of readers, from the cytoskeletal motor community, those interested in mRNA regulation, as well as scientists studying phase separation more generally.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This paper investigates mRNA transport by the kinesin Kif1C and tests the hypothesis that liquid condensation of the disordered C terminal region is important for mRNA recruitment. It is based on prior work from other labs showing that Kif1C recruits and transports a set of mRNAs to the periphery of cells. The mechanism of the KifC1-mRNA interaction was not investigated in the prior work, so the proposal that a liquid condensate is involved is novel. It is also topical, since there is intense current interest in transport and regulation of mRNAs by condensate-mediated mechanisms. The most useful part of this paper to the field may be the identification of IDR2 as required for mRNA binding in Fig 7.

      __Major comments __

      A major concern is reliance on expression of tagged KifC1 in Cos cells in several figures. The expression level in these experimental probably far exceeds normal, though this comparison is not reported. It is possibly justified to use over-expression to reveal a condensate mechanism, but it is concerning and the authors needs to strongly qualify their conclusions. One way to moderate this concern would be to examine condensation as a function of expression level.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have carried out additional experiments to explore the extent of KIF1C LLPS at endogenous levels. We used antibody against KIF1C to stain WT and KIF1C knockout (KO) cells. Although the antibody shows a high background of non-specific signal in the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm of both WT and KO cells, we were able to observe small puncta of KIF1C at the periphery of WT but not KO cells (new Figure 8). This finding supports our hypothesis that endogenous KIF1C undergoes LLPS upon reaching a high local concentration at the periphery of cells. Two lines of evidence support that these puncta of endogenous KIF1F protein are RNA-containing biomolecular condensates formed by LLPS (new Figure 8). First, these small puncta of endogenous KIF1C incorporate RAB13 mRNA, suggesting that they are RNA granules. Second, the puncta do not form in cells stably expressing KIF1C DIDR at near-endogenous levels.

      Another significant concern is that the biochemical reconstitution figure tests protein alone, not protein + RNA. Disordered RNA binding proteins usually phase separate better in the presence of RNA. The best reconstitution papers evaluate specificity of RNA recruitment to condensates. Specificity testing in a reconstituted system may not be required for a first paper, but testing the effect of some kind of RNA seems important.

      Response: The purified CC4+IDR and IDR constructs form condensates at low mM concentrations and in the absence of RNA or crowding agents, thus we did not test whether they would phase separate better in the presence of RNA. In response to the reviewer's comments, we now evaluate the specificity of RNA recruitment to the KIF1C condensates. We utilized the purified CC4+IDR protein and added the same GU-rich and polyA RNAs used in cells (now Fig 4 B) at different concentrations. Interestingly, there is selective incorporation of GU-rich oligos in condensates at low RNA concentrations, incorporation of both RNAs into condensates at medium concentrations, and an inhibition of condensate formation at high RNA concentrations (new Fig 7 E,F).

      A final concern is that the specificity of mRNA recruitment to Kif1C puncta in cells is not critically evaluated. Among endogenous mRNAs, only one (Rab13) is tested. The paper would be stronger with a second positive mRNA and a negative control mRNA.

      Response: We have now tested whether the specificity of mRNA recruitment to KIF1C puncta applies to additional mRNAs. We carried out single-molecule FISH (smFISH) experiments for two additional mRNAs. Based on the literature showing KIF1C-dependent localization of specific RNAs, we chose NET1 as a second positive mRNA and CAM1 as a negative control mRNA (Pichon et al., 2021). We first show that NET1 mRNA is mislocalized in KIF1C KO cells whereas CAM1 mRNA is not (new Fig S7 C,D). We then rescued the KO cells with FL or DIDR constructs and show that the FL protein rescues NET1 mRNA localization to the cell periphery whereas the DIDR construct does not (new Fig S7 E,F).

      __Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)): __

      The mechanism of the KifC1-mRNA interaction was not investigated in the prior work, so the proposal that a liquid condensate is involved in novel. It is also topical, since there is intense current interest in transport and regulation of mRNAs by condensate-mediated mechanisms. The most useful part of this paper to the field may be the identification of IDR2 as required for mRNA binding.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      KIF1C is a member of the kinesin-3 family, which is responsible for fast organelle transport in cells. The cargos of KIFIC are diverse, such as Golgi apparatus, Rab6 vesicles, exon junction complex (EJC), integrins, and RNA. Mutations in the KIF1C coding sequence leads to neurodegenerative diseases, such as hereditary spastic paraparesis (HSP). In addition, as an RNA transporter, KIF1C transports various types of mRNAs (e. g., APC-dependent mRNAs, KIF1C's own mRNA) along the microtubules and clusters them to cytoplasmic protrusions to fulfill certain biological functions.

      In the current manuscript, Gen et.al., investigated the intracellular behaviors of the kinesin-3 member KIF1C. The study revealed that the KIF1C can form dynamic condensates both in cells and in vitro via an unstructured domain within the tail of the motor. KIF1C was found to also interact with synthesized RNA and other RNA granules in cells. In addition, the authors also show the KIFIC participates intracellular transport of endogenous mRNA, Rab13mRNA, identified a 47aa fragment in the KIF1C's IDR is critical for the KIF1C- Rab13mRNA interaction. Finally, as well as other prion-like proteins, the PPLS of KIF1C is buffered by the non-specific RNA pool in the cytoplasm.

      In summary, this is an interesting work in the field, and reveals novel results about the mechanisms of motor protein transport that will be broadly interesting. The assays are generally well performed, and the results and discussion are well described, but some descriptions in the article should be more rigorous and objective. The article is very long, and I think it would benefit from streamlining and reducing the number of figures to make it more accessible for non-specialists in the field.

      Here are some concerns:

      __Major: __

      Fig. 1A shows the domain organization of all kinesin-3 members, but Figure 1B only represents KIF1Bβ, KIF13B and KIF16B as controls. Generally, the KIF1Bα has the highest sequence similarity with KIF1C in kinesin-3 family (very high sequence similarity before aa 992 in KIF1C, which locates in IDR, probably contains IDR2a from Fig. S10A). In addition, both KIF1C and KIF1Bα contain a PLD from the prediction in this paper (Figure S2C). Although the authors show the phenotype of KIF1Bα in the Fig. S9, it might be better to put some descriptions up front, as readers may consider why the authors did not use KIF1Bα as a control. Actually, I kept thinking about this concern before I got to the discussion.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have moved the descriptions of KIF1Ba phenotypes to earlier in the manuscript. We show that KIF1Ba forms puncta in cells but unlike KIF1C, the KIF1Ba puncta do not colocalize with known RNA granules P-bodies or stress granules (now in Fig S5 B,C). We show that, unlike KIF1C, the KIF1Ba puncta do not incorporate GU-rich or polyA RNA (now in Fig S6 B).

      It would be better if the authors can combine the Fig. 2B and 2C, since the article did not mention Fig. 2B at all. In addition, Fig. S3 does not help this article too much. Probably it would be better if the authors could take the ΔIDR-mNG data from the Fig. S3 and put into the Fig. 2. as a negative control, especially for Fig. 2D an 2F. As for whether the phenotype of the ΔIDR-mNG construct is "similar to a constitutively active KIF1C construct containing only the motor domain (amino acids 1-348) (Fig. S3 C)", I do not think it is important here, since in this part, the authors are aiming to confirm the IDR is critical for KIF1C phase separation.

      Response: We have combined Figures 2B and 2C as suggested. We prefer to leave Figure S3 intact since, as the reviewer mentioned, the article is already long and these data are not critical for the story.

      The description "the condensate properties can be modulated by adjacent coiled-coil segments" in the abstract and the sentence "However, the coiled-coil segments in the stalk domain appear to facilitate puncta formation as the addition of increasing amounts of coiled coil resulted in increased KIF1C enrichment in puncta as compared to the IDR alone" in the article are not accurate, since there is no direct evidence in this manuscript that shows that. In Fig. 2D, as well as Fig. 6A and Fig. S7, it is manifest at a glance there are lots of IDR-mNG localized in nucleus, which decreases the concentration of this construct in cytoplasm which in turn may lower its capability to form puncta. This is important, as the results in Fig.4 show that the concentration of protein directly affects the formation of phase separated puncta in cells. From my view, the words "modulate", "tune" ... usually describe active processes, and these words may be confusing unless there are enough evidence support direct regulation. But the data presented in this article suggests to us that it is likely a passive process, such as the coiled coil region preventing the CC4-IDR construct from entering the nucleus (Fig. 2D, Fig. 6A and Fig. S7). Moreover, CC4 does affect the critical concentration of IDR in vitro (Fig. 5E), but that could be attributed to the coiled coil domain increasing its solubility. I like the word "influence" used in a subtitle in the discussion portion.

      Response: We have removed this from the text.

      In addition, the in vitro study of this paper in Fig. 5 did not show any significant difference of the puncta formation between IDR-mNG and CC4 - IDR-mNG (Diameter: 0.43 {plus minus} 0.22 μm (mean {plus minus} STD) for IDR-mNG vs 0.48 {plus minus} 0.27 μm (mean {plus minus} STD) for CC4-IDR-mNG. Roundness: No value was show in the article). So, a stricter assay or a more accurate description is required here to avoid any misleading to the readers.

      Response: We now include p values showing that the differences in diameter and roundness are statistically significant (data moved to Fig S8 B).

      The description for Fig. 5 "At 2 uM protein concentration and 100 mM NaCl, the KIF1C(IDR) droplets were smaller [diameter 0.43 {plus minus} 0.22 μm (mean {plus minus} STD)] than KIF1C(CC4+IDR) droplets [0.48 {plus minus} 0.27 μm (mean {plus minus} STD)] (Fig. 5 C)" does not appear accurate as well, since there is no significant difference between the value 0.43 {plus minus} 0.22 μm and the value 0.48 {plus minus} 0.27 μm, so it should not be descripted as "smaller". In addition, the article mentioned that "The KIF1C(IDR) puncta were also less round than those of KIF1C(CC4+IDR) (Fig. 5 C)", but there is no corresponding value from the quantification show the KIF1C(IDR) is less round.

      Response: We now include p values showing that the differences in diameter and roundness are statistically significant (data moved to Fig S8 B).

      The description in sentence "We thus tested whether ... LLPS is mutually exclusive (Fig. S5 A)" may not be accurate. Results in Fig. S5 only show there is no direct interaction between KIF1C and CLIP-170 or these two proteins do not colocalize. The words "mutually exclusive" means two proteins competent each other in the same location from my understanding.

      Response: We have replaced the words "mutually exclusive" with "no colocalization" (line 204).

      In addition, is it necessary to put Fig. S5 into this article? Since from my side, it does not help too much for the whole story. In cells, kinesin motors are autoinhibited in the cytoplasm. For this KIF1C, most of motors appear autoinhibited as well, even when the authors removed the IDR based on Fig. S3C (ΔIDR-mNG vs. MD-mNG). In this case, it is hard to investigate the potential interaction between the KIF1C (or its ΔIDR mutant) with the microtubules or with the tubulin due to the autoinhibition of constructs used in Fig. S5. It would be better to use other active versions of KIF1C, such as ΔP (Soppina et. al., PNAS, 2014) or other mutants (Ren et. al., PNAS, 2018; Wang et. al., Nat. Commun., 2022) if the authors want to show this part in the article.

      Response: We agree that this data is not essential for the story, however, it may be of interest and benefit to others in the field studying LLPS of microtubule-associated proteins and we prefer to leave Figure S5 (now Figure S4) in the supplementary information.

      The conclusion "This result suggests that the IDR- driven LLPS of KIF1C does not depend on mRNA incorporation, but is strongly affected by it" may not be accurate, there is no direct evidence that shows that mRNA, at least Rab13mRNA incorporation strongly affects the IDR- driven LLPS of KIF1C. Perhaps a knock out of Rab13mRNA would alter the formation of condensates, which would support a direct effect on LLPS.

      Response: We have changed the text (line 306).

      In addition, the sentence "These results also show that the LLPS is resistant to truncations of large portions of IDR" may not accurate, from my view, except IDR2a, the rest of the IDR may not participate or contribute too much to the formation of puncta, but that doesn't mean LLPS is resistant to the truncation of these portions in IDR, these are different logics. The quantification from Fig. 7E also show there is no significant difference between the ST and truncations except ΔIDR2 and ΔIDR2a in statistics, such as ST (21.8 {plus minus} 12.0 puncta per cell, 2.06 {plus minus} 0.83 μm diameter), ΔPLD (20.1 {plus minus} 13.7 puncta per cell, 1.62 {plus minus} 0.94 μm diameter), ΔIDR1 (23.1 {plus minus} 14.3 puncta per cell, 2.13 {plus minus} 1.04 μm diameter), ΔIDR3 (18.4 {plus minus} 8.1 puncta per cell, 1.71 {plus minus} 0.98 μm diameter).

      Response: We have changed the text (line 307).

      I am not sure I agree with the author's interpretation of their FRAP data in Fig. 3. It appears to me that there is a large immobile population of molecules, as the bleached areas recover less than 50% of their initial intensity. However, the authors conclude that there is rapid exchange of molecules in the puncta. The authors need to further analyze and discuss both the exchange rate of the population of molecules that exchange, but also the fraction of apparently immobile molecules that do not recover in their experiments. These data appear to suggest that a large percentage of the molecules in the KIF1C puncta in fact do not exchange with the cytoplasm and undermine their argument for a liquid-like phase of the puncta.

      Response: We agree that the data suggest the existence of an immobile pool of KIF1C within the condensates. We have added this information to the main text (lines 178-182). We note that these findings are consistent with recent studies demonstrating membrane-less organelles with at least partially solid-like properties, including nucleoli and stress granules as well as microtubule associated proteins (see references, reviewed in Van Treeck & Parker 2019).

      __Minor: __

      As mentioned above, Fig. 2 F needs a negative control, since the values of FL and IDR are lower than other constructs, maybe use the Δ IDR-mNG protein is better. In addition, from my view, the lower value of IDR construct does not represent this construct has lower capability to form puncta, but more likely because most of this protein localizes in nucleus, thus dramatically lowering the cytoplasmic concentration.

      Response: We have changed the text as suggested (lines 152-154).

      Fig. 6A probably need a negative control as well, maybe use the same construct ΔIDR in Fig. S7 is better.

      Response: We have now included KIF1Ba as a negative control (Fig S6 B).

      Although I guess the reason for using hTERT-RPE1 cells in Rab13mRNA rescue assay (Fig. 6D-G) probably is easier to get KIF1C knock out cells (if I am correct), it would be better if there is a brief introduction for the reason to use hTERT-RPE1 here, since all previous assay in the article used COS-7 cells.

      Response: You are correct and we have added text introducing the use of hTERT-RPE1 cells (line 269).

      Is there any specific reason to use the construct ST in Fig. 7? Since in Fig. 6, the authors used FL-length KIFIC, if the authors want to avoid any effects caused by motor domain, the construct CC4-IRD also could be a simpler candidate.

      Response: No specific reason other than to be consistent as most experiments that we carried out in cells used the ST construct (e.g. FRAP assay in Fig 3, hypotonic assay in Fig 3, RNaseA injection in Fig 4, RNA incorporation in Fig 4). (Note that Fig 7 is now Fig 6).

      This article is a great case for motor-cargo interaction, since the RNA binding site of KIF1C is within its tail domain. This left me curious about if the interaction between the KIF1C and the membrane-less RNA granule is sufficient to release the KIF1C motor from autoinhibition? I guess the binding of RNA is not enough to release the KIF1C from autoinhibition. From Fig. S3C and Fig. 6D, seems the motor still in autoinhibition, even remove the Rab13mRNA binding region.

      Response: We believe the question of whether the RNA binding relieves autoinhibition of KIF1C is beyond the scope of this manuscript and we plan to address this in the future with recombinant full-length KIF1C and RAB13 mRNAs.

      There are some grammar mistakes, e.g., There should be a "is" between "IDR" and "critical" in the title "A subregion of the KIF1C IDR critical for enrichment of Rab13mRNA in condensates".

      Response: Thank you. We have corrected this (line 289).

      There should be a definition for the full names of the abbreviate "RBD" mentioned in the article although the readers may guess that is an RNA binding domain, if possible, it would be better but not necessary if the authors could show the residues or the region in IDR.

      Response: RBD is defined at the beginning to the section "KIF1C condensates display properties of RNA granules" (line 219) but in response to the reviewer's comment, we now include this definition a second time in the Discussion section (line 420).

      In the results (line 126), the authors refer to the KIF1C IDR without first defining this region in the introduction. I would re-word this sentence for clarity by first defining what an IDR is and how it's assessed in the current study.

      Response: The IDR is defined at the end of the Introduction (lines 94-95).

      What is the significance of the roundness measurement in Fig. 5? This should be described for the reader.

      Response: Roundness refers to the shape of the droplet and this is now included in the text (line 323, data moved to Fig S8 B).

      The authors state several times that this is the first kinesin shown to undergo LLPS. However, is this true? What about the recent work showing that the yeast Tea2 kinesin undergoes LLPS with other +TIP components (Maan et al. NCB 2023).

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this comment. The recent work from the Dogterom lab (Maan et al., 2023) demonstrates that the end binding (EB) protein Mal3 forms condensates alone and with the kinesin-7 family member Tea2 and its cargo Tip1 for enrichment at microtubule plus ends. The authors show images of Mal 3 droplets and the requirement of the IDR domain and the crowding agent polyethylene glycol for droplet formation. The authors state that "Tea2 and Tip1 formed condensates under similar crowding conditions and concentrations on their own (Extended Data Fig. 5)." However, Extended Data Fig 5 reports on the fluorescence intensity of Mal3-EGFP colocalizing with Tea2 or Tip1. No images of Tea2-only droplets are shown and no information is provided on the Tea2 and/or PEG concentrations required for droplet formation or the liquid nature of Tea2 droplets. Thus, we do not feel comfortable stating that Tea2 on its own undergoes LLPS. We do reference the Maan et al., 2023 work in the Discussion listing microtubule-associated proteins shown to undergo LLPS (line 403) and when comparing the mM concentrations of KIF1C required for LLPS to the mM concentrations of these other microtubule-associated proteins (line 417).

      The authors don't discuss KIF5A, but their analysis reveals it also contains a low complexity region that may undergo LLPS (Fig. S2D). This would fit with recent reports that KIF5A tends to oligomerize more than other KIF5 isoforms, and that mutations in KIF5A that impact the tail domain may lead to aberrant oligomerization. I feel that it would be useful to the field for the authors to discuss these results in light of their own.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. Although it is intriguing that KIF5A is predicted to contain an IDR, there is, however, no data to suggest that KIF5A undergoes LLPS. Rather, the current literature suggests that KIF5A undergoes higher-order oligomerization and accumulation at the cell periphery, especially for the isoform lacking exon 27 (Nakano et al., 2022, Baron et al., 2022, Pant et al., 2023, Soustelle et al., 2023). It thus does not seem prudent for us to speculate on whether or not KIF5A undergoes LLPS.

      __Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): __

      The study is novel and interesting and will be impactful for the cytoskeletal and RNA biology communities. The experiments are of high quality and controls are appropriate. The finding that motor proteins can participate in LLPS will be of high interest for a variety of fields and provides a very interesting advance over current knowledge in the field.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      KIF1C is a member of the kinesin-3 family, which is responsible for fast organelle transport in cells. The cargos of KIFIC are diverse, such as Golgi apparatus, Rab6 vesicles, exon junction complex (EJC), integrins, and RNA. Mutations in the KIF1C coding sequence leads to neurodegenerative diseases, such as hereditary spastic paraparesis (HSP). In addition, as an RNA transporter, KIF1C transports various types of mRNAs (e. g., APC-dependent mRNAs, KIF1C's own mRNA) along the microtubules and clusters them to cytoplasmic protrusions to fulfill certain biological functions.

      In the current manuscript, Gen et.al., investigated the intracellular behaviors of the kinesin-3 member KIF1C. The study revealed that the KIF1C can form dynamic condensates both in cells and in vitro via an unstructured domain within the tail of the motor. KIF1C was found to also interact with synthesized RNA and other RNA granules in cells. In addition, the authors also show the KIFIC participates intracellular transport of endogenous mRNA, Rab13mRNA, identified a 47aa fragment in the KIF1C's IDR is critical for the KIF1C- Rab13mRNA interaction. Finally, as well as other prion-like proteins, the PPLS of KIF1C is buffered by the non-specific RNA pool in the cytoplasm.

      In summary, this is an interesting work in the field, and reveals novel results about the mechanisms of motor protein transport that will be broadly interesting. The assays are generally well performed, and the results and discussion are well described, but some descriptions in the article should be more rigorous and objective. The article is very long, and I think it would benefit from streamlining and reducing the number of figures to make it more accessible for non-specialists in the field.

      Here are some concerns:


      1. Fig. 1A shows the domain organization of all kinesin-3 members, but Figure 1B only represents KIF1Bβ, KIF13B and KIF16B as controls. Generally, the KIF1Bα has the highest sequence similarity with KIF1C in kinesin-3 family (very high sequence similarity before aa 992 in KIF1C, which locates in IDR, probably contains IDR2a from Fig. S10A). In addition, both KIF1C and KIF1Bα contain a PLD from the prediction in this paper (Figure S2C). Although the authors show the phenotype of KIF1Bα in the Fig. S9, it might be better to put some descriptions up front, as readers may consider why the authors did not use KIF1Bα as a control. Actually, I kept thinking about this concern before I got to the discussion.
      2. It would be better if the authors can combine the Fig. 2B and 2C, since the article did not mention Fig. 2B at all. In addition, Fig. S3 does not help this article too much. Probably it would be better if the authors could take the ΔIDR-mNG data from the Fig. S3 and put into the Fig. 2. as a negative control, especially for Fig. 2D an 2F. As for whether the phenotype of the ΔIDR-mNG construct is "similar to a constitutively active KIF1C construct containing only the motor domain (amino acids 1-348) (Fig. S3 C)", I do not think it is important here, since in this part, the authors are aiming to confirm the IDR is critical for KIF1C phase separation.
      3. The description "the condensate properties can be modulated by adjacent coiled-coil segments" in the abstract and the sentence "However, the coiled-coil segments in the stalk domain appear to facilitate puncta formation as the addition of increasing amounts of coiled coil resulted in increased KIF1C enrichment in puncta as compared to the IDR alone" in the article are not accurate, since there is no direct evidence in this manuscript that shows that. In Fig. 2D, as well as Fig. 6A and Fig. S7, it is manifest at a glance there are lots of IDR-mNG localized in nucleus, which decreases the concentration of this construct in cytoplasm which in turn may lower its capability to form puncta. This is important, as the results in Fig.4 show that the concentration of protein directly affects the formation of phase separated puncta in cells. From my view, the words "modulate", "tune" ... usually describe active processes, and these words may be confusing unless there are enough evidence support direct regulation. But the data presented in this article suggests to us that it is likely a passive process, such as the coiled coil region preventing the CC4-IDR construct from entering the nucleus (Fig. 2D, Fig. 6A and Fig. S7). Moreover, CC4 does affect the critical concentration of IDR in vitro (Fig. 5E), but that could be attributed to the coiled coil domain increasing its solubility. I like the word "influence" used in a subtitle in the discussion portion.

      In addition, the in vitro study of this paper in Fig. 5 did not show any significant difference of the puncta formation between IDR-mNG and CC4 - IDR-mNG (Diameter: 0.43 {plus minus} 0.22 μm (mean {plus minus} STD) for IDR-mNG vs 0.48 {plus minus} 0.27 μm (mean {plus minus} STD) for CC4-IDR-mNG. Roundness: No value was show in the article). So, a stricter assay or a more accurate description is required here to avoid any misleading to the readers.

      The description for Fig. 5 "At 2 uM protein concentration and 100 mM NaCl, the KIF1C(IDR) droplets were smaller [diameter 0.43 {plus minus} 0.22 μm (mean {plus minus} STD)] than KIF1C(CC4+IDR) droplets [0.48 {plus minus} 0.27 μm (mean {plus minus} STD)] (Fig. 5 C)" does not appear accurate as well, since there is no significant difference between the value 0.43 {plus minus} 0.22 μm and the value 0.48 {plus minus} 0.27 μm, so it should not be descripted as "smaller". In addition, the article mentioned that "The KIF1C(IDR) puncta were also less round than those of KIF1C(CC4+IDR) (Fig. 5 C)", but there is no corresponding value from the quantification show the KIF1C(IDR) is less round. 4. The description in sentence "We thus tested whether ... LLPS is mutually exclusive (Fig. S5 A)" may not be accurate. Results in Fig. S5 only show there is no direct interaction between KIF1C and CLIP-170 or these two proteins do not colocalize. The words "mutually exclusive" means two proteins competent each other in the same location from my understanding.

      In addition, is it necessary to put Fig. S5 into this article? Since from my side, it does not help too much for the whole story. In cells, kinesin motors are autoinhibited in the cytoplasm. For this KIF1C, most of motors appear autoinhibited as well, even when the authors removed the IDR based on Fig. S3C (ΔIDR-mNG vs. MD-mNG). In this case, it is hard to investigate the potential interaction between the KIF1C (or its ΔIDR mutant) with the microtubules or with the tubulin due to the autoinhibition of constructs used in Fig. S5. It would be better to use other active versions of KIF1C, such as ΔP (Soppina et. al., PNAS, 2014) or other mutants (Ren et. al., PNAS, 2018; Wang et. al., Nat. Commun., 2022) if the authors want to show this part in the article. 5. The conclusion "This result suggests that the IDR- driven LLPS of KIF1C does not depend on mRNA incorporation, but is strongly affected by it" may not be accurate, there is no direct evidence that shows that mRNA, at least Rab13mRNA incorporation strongly affects the IDR- driven LLPS of KIF1C. Perhaps a knock out of Rab13mRNA would alter the formation of condensates, which would support a direct effect on LLPS.

      In addition, the sentence "These results also show that the LLPS is resistant to truncations of large portions of IDR" may not accurate, from my view, except IDR2a, the rest of the IDR may not participate or contribute too much to the formation of puncta, but that doesn't mean LLPS is resistant to the truncation of these portions in IDR, these are different logics. The quantification from Fig. 7E also show there is no significant difference between the ST and truncations except ΔIDR2 and ΔIDR2a in statistics, such as ST (21.8 {plus minus} 12.0 puncta per cell, 2.06 {plus minus} 0.83 μm diameter), ΔPLD (20.1 {plus minus} 13.7 puncta per cell, 1.62 {plus minus} 0.94 μm diameter), ΔIDR1 (23.1 {plus minus} 14.3 puncta per cell, 2.13 {plus minus} 1.04 μm diameter), ΔIDR3 (18.4 {plus minus} 8.1 puncta per cell, 1.71 {plus minus} 0.98 μm diameter). 6. I am not sure I agree with the author's interpretation of their FRAP data in Fig. 3. It appears to me that there is a large immobile population of molecules, as the bleached areas recover less than 50% of their initial intensity. However, the authors conclude that there is rapid exchange of molecules in the puncta. The authors need to further analyze and discuss both the exchange rate of the population of molecules that exchange, but also the fraction of apparently immobile molecules that do not recover in their experiments. These data appear to suggest that a large percentage of the molecules in the KIF1C puncta in fact do not exchange with the cytoplasm and undermine their argument for a liquid-like phase of the puncta.


      1. As mentioned above, Fig. 2 F needs a negative control, since the values of FL and IDR are lower than other constructs, maybe use the Δ IDR-mNG protein is better. In addition, from my view, the lower value of IDR construct does not represent this construct has lower capability to form puncta, but more likely because most of this protein localizes in nucleus, thus dramatically lowering the cytoplasmic concentration.
      2. Fig. 6A probably need a negative control as well, maybe use the same construct ΔIDR in Fig. S7 is better.
      3. Although I guess the reason for using hTERT-RPE1 cells in Rab13mRNA rescue assay (Fig. 6D-G) probably is easier to get KIF1C knock out cells (if I am correct), it would be better if there is a brief introduction for the reason to use hTERT-RPE1 here, since all previous assay in the article used COS-7 cells.
      4. Is there any specific reason to use the construct ST in Fig. 7? Since in Fig. 6, the authors used FL-length KIFIC, if the authors want to avoid any effects caused by motor domain, the construct CC4-IRD also could be a simpler candidate.
      5. This article is a great case for motor-cargo interaction, since the RNA binding site of KIF1C is within its tail domain. This left me curious about if the interaction between the KIF1C and the membrane-less RNA granule is sufficient to release the KIF1C motor from autoinhibition? I guess the binding of RNA is not enough to release the KIF1C from autoinhibition. From Fig. S3C and Fig. 6D, seems the motor still in autoinhibition, even remove the Rab13mRNA binding region.
      6. There are some grammar mistakes, e.g., There should be a "is" between "IDR" and "critical" in the title "A subregion of the KIF1C IDR critical for enrichment of Rab13mRNA in condensates".
      7. There should be a definition for the full names of the abbreviate "RBD" mentioned in the article although the readers may guess that is an RNA binding domain, if possible, it would be better but not necessary if the authors could show the residues or the region in IDR.
      8. In the results (line 126), the authors refer to the KIF1C IDR without first defining this region in the introduction. I would re-word this sentence for clarity by first defining what an IDR is and how it's assessed in the current study.
      9. What is the significance of the roundness measurement in Fig. 5? This should be described for the reader.
      10. The authors state several times that this is the first kinesin shown to undergo LLPS. However, is this true? What about the recent work showing that the yeast Tea2 kinesin undergoes LLPS with other +TIP components (Maan et al. NCB 2023).
      11. The authors don't discuss KIF5A, but their analysis reveals it also contains a low complexity region that may undergo LLPS (Fig. S2D). This would fit with recent reports that KIF5A tends to oligomerize more than other KIF5 isoforms, and that mutations in KIF5A that impact the tail domain may lead to aberrant oligomerization. I feel that it would be useful to the field for the authors to discuss these results in light of their own.


      The study is novel and interesting and will be impactful for the cytoskeletal and RNA biology communities. The experiments are of high quality and controls are appropriate. The finding that motor proteins can participate in LLPS will be of high interest for a variety of fields and provides a very interesting advance over current knowledge in the field.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This paper investigates mRNA transport by the kinesin Kif1C and tests the hypothesis that liquid condensation of the disordered C terminal region is important for mRNA recruitment. It is based on prior work from other labs showing that Kif1C recruits and transports a set of mRNAs to the periphery of cells. The mechanism of the KifC1-mRNA interaction was not investigated in the prior work, so the proposal that a liquid condensate is involved in novel. It is also topical, since there is intense current interest in transport and regulation of mRNAs by condensate-mediated mechanisms. The most useful part of this paper to the field may be the identification of IDR2 as required for mRNA binding in Fig 7

      A major concern is reliance on expression of tagged KifC1 in Cos cells in several figures. The expression level in these experimental probably far exceeds normal, though this comparison is not reported. It is possibly justified to use over-expression to reveal a condensate mechanism, but it is concerning and the authors needs to strongly qualify their conclusions. One way to moderate this concern would be to examine condensation as a function of expression level.

      Another significant concern is that the biochemical reconstitution figure tests protein alone, not protein + RNA. Disordered RNA binding proteins usually phase separate better in the presence of RNA. The best reconstitution papers evaluate specificity of RNA recruitment to condensates. Specificity testing in a reconstituted system may not be required for a first paper, but testing the effect of some kind of RNA seems important.

      A final concern is that the specificity of mRNA recruitment to Kif1C puncta in cells is not critically evaluated. Among endogenous mRNAs, only one (Rab13) is tested. The paper would be stronger with a second positive mRNA and a negative control mRNA.


      The mechanism of the KifC1-mRNA interaction was not investigated in the prior work, so the proposal that a liquid condensate is involved in novel. It is also topical, since there is intense current interest in transport and regulation of mRNAs by condensate-mediated mechanisms. The most useful part of this paper to the field may be the identification of IDR2 as required for mRNA binding.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Geng et al. explore the molecular mechanisms underlying the role of KIF1C in RNA transport, focusing on how it interacts with RNA. KIF1C is shown to form dynamic puncta when overexpressed in COS-7 cells that do not appear to colocalise with organelle markers. An IDR in the tail of the kinesin is necessary and sufficient for the formation of these structures and FRAP experiments show that they can exchange their contents with proteins in the cytosol and that their formation can can be reversibly modulated by hypotonic shock, consistent with LLPS. In vitro, the IDR and flanking regions can undergo phase separation at physiologically relevant concentrations and salt conditions. In cells, KIF1C puncta enrich for RNAs and support their transport, and depletion of RNA modulates KIF1C LLPS properties. A model is proposed whereby KIF1C mediated RNA transport to the cell periphery promotes the formation of a protein-RNA condensate that may act to fine tune local RNA activity.

      Major comments

      In general, the claims made her are well-supported by the data. However, I think that some exploration of the extent of LLPS at different KIF1C expression levels in cells is important but missing. The authors carefully estimate the endogenous concentration of KIF1C in COS-7 cells (at around 25 nm), but is isn't clear how this compares to that observed in transient transfection experiments. Although this is partly addressed in the vitro assays, I am still left with some questions over the extent of this phenomenon in a cellular context. Can the authors provide some experimental evidence to support the proposition that LLPS occurs (perhaps in a more localised fashion?, as Fig.9) at lower KIF1C expression levels? One way to address this might be a GFP-knock-in (although how feasible this is may depend on the genomic context), alternatively, the authors could generate cell lines that express KIF1C-GFP from a very weak promoter, demonstrate LLPS using their established assays, show that this is comparable to endogenous expression.

      Minor comments

      Lines 107-109 and Figure 1B on localisation of other kinesin-3s. The authors state that they localise to certain organelle but don't show co-staining for those organelles.

      Lines 172-183 and Figure 3. Evidence is provided through FRAP experiments that KIF1C puncta exchange with the cytosolic pool. However, the extent of recovery appears to saturate at <40%. Does this suggest the existence of an immobile pool of KIF1C within these structures?

      Line 238 - Fig. S5C is cited as data on endogenous concentration of KIF1C - this should be Fig. S6C.

      Line 331-332 - I did not fully follow the logical here the RNAse A injection experiment supports the idea that KIF1C interaction with RNA is sequence selective. Could the authors expand on this.


      This study introduces a new and exciting concept to motor protein biology: that some cytoskeletal motors and motor-cargo complexes can undergo phase separation, and that this is important for their function. The experiments are logical, progressive, and form a clear and compelling case. The main limitation is that demonstration of LLPS in cells is limited to over-expressed protein. Some exploration/demonstration of LLPS properties of KIF1C in cells at near to endogenous expression levels would enhance the study.

      The work should be of interest to a broad range of readers, from the cytoskeletal motor community, those interested in mRNA regulation, as well as scientists studying phase separation more generally.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2023-01938R

      Corresponding author(s): Ilan, Davis

      1. General Statements

      We thank all four reviewers for their helpful and constructive comments. We have gone through each and every comment and proposed how we would address each point raised by the reviewers. We are confident our proposed revisions are feasible within a reasonable and expected time frame. Some of the comments regarding minor typo/aesthetics and extra references have already been addressed in the transferred manuscript. The changes are highlighted in yellow in the transferred manuscript.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer #1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Major points:

      1. The presented work itself (Figures 1-4) does not need significant adjustments prior to publication, in my view, with only a few points to address. However, the work in Figure 5- doesn't really support the claims the authors make on its own, and would require some additional experiments or at the very least discussion of the caveats to its current form.

      We thank the reviewer for these comments and will follow the reviewer’s suggestion by discussing the caveats regarding the interpretation of Figure 5. We will also add to the discussion to suggest future research approaches beyond the scope of this manuscript that would address the functional importance of localised mRNA translation. We will briefly mention in the discussion methods such as the quantification of the mRNA foci and the disruption of the mRNA localisation signals to disrupt localised translation and the use of techniques such as Sun-Tag (Tanenbaum et al, 2014) and FLARIM (Richer et al, 2021) to visualise local translation directly.

      Tanenbaum et al, 2014 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.09.039

      Richer et al, 2021 DOI: 10.1101/2021.08.13.456301

      * __ Localized glia transcripts, are they "glial/CNS/PNS" significant or are they similar to other known datasets of protrusion transcriptomes? The authors compared their 4801 "total" localized to a local transcriptome dataset from the Chekulaeva lab finding that a significant fraction are localized in both. As the authors note, this is in good agreement with a recent paper from the Talifarro lab showing conservation of localization of mRNAs across different cell types. What the authors haven't done here, is further test this by looking at other non-neuronal projection transcriptomic datasets (for example Mardakheh Developmental Cell 2015, among others). If the predicted glia-localized processes are similar to non-neuronal processes transcriptomes, this would further strengthen this claim and rule out some level of CNS/PNS derived linage driving the similarities between glia and neuronal localized transcripts. __*

      This is a good point and we thank the review for pointing out this interesting cancer data set. We will do as the reviewer suggests and intersect our data with Mardakheh Dev Cell 2015 to test the further generality of localisation in neurons and glia, in other cell types. Specifically, we plan to intersect both glial (this study) and neuronal (von Kuegelgen & Chekulaeva, 2020) dataset with protrusive breast cancer cells (Mardakeh et al, 2015).

      • *

      von Kuegelgen & Chekulaeva, 2020 DOI: 10.1002/wrna.1590

      Mardakeh et al, 2015 DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2015.10.005

      * __ The presentation/discussion around Figure 3 is a bit weaker than other parts of the manuscript, and it doesn't really contribute to the story in its current form. Notably there is no discussion about the significance of glia in neurological disorders until the very end of the manuscript (page 21), meaning when its first brought up.. it just sits there as a one off side point. The authors might consider strengthening/tightening up the discussion here, if they really want to keep it as a solo main figure rather than integrating it somewhere else/putting it into supplemental. In my view, Figures 2 & 3 should be merged into something a bit more streamlined. __*

      This is a good point. We plan to strengthen the presentation of Figure 3 and discussion of the significance of glia in neurological disorders by adding a description of the Figure in the Results section and highlighting the significance of glia in nervous system disorders in the Discussion section.

      * __ Why aren't there more examples of different mRNAs in Figure 4? Seems a waste to kick them all to supplemental. __*

      We agree that it could be helpful to show different expression patterns in the main figure. To address this point we will add Pdi (Fig. S4D), which shows mRNA expression in both the glia and the surrounding muscle cell. This pattern is in contrast to Gs2, which is highly specific to glial cells. We will also note that although pdi mRNA is present in both the glia and muscle, Pdi protein is only abundant in the glia, suggesting that translation of pdi mRNA to protein is regulated in a cell-specific manner.

      The plasticity experiments, while creative, I think need to be approached far more cautiously in their interpretation. Given that the siRNAs will completely deplete these mRNAs- it really needs to be stressed any/all of the effects seen could just be the result of "defective" or "altered" states in this glial population- which has spill over effects on plasticity in at the NMJ. Without directly visualizing if these mRNAs are locally translated in these processes and assessing if their translation is modulated by their plasticity paradigm, all these experiments can say is that these RNAs are needed in glia to modulate ghost bouton formation in axons. This represents the weakest part of this manuscript, and the part that I feel does not actually backup the claims currently being made. Without any experiments to A. quantify how much of these transcripts are localized vs in the cell body of these glia, B. visualize/quantify the translation of these mRNAs during baseline and during plasticity; the authors cannot use these data to claim that localized mRNAs are required for synaptic plasticity.

      We are grateful to the reviewer for pointing out that we were not precise enough in defining our interpretation of the structural plasticity assay. We did not intend to claim that our results show that local translation of these transcripts is necessary for plasticity, only that these transcripts are localized and are required in the glia for plasticity in the adjacent neuron (in which the transcript levels are not disrupted in the experiment). Definitively proving that these transcripts are required locally and translated in response to synaptic activity would require genetic/chemical perturbations and imaging assays that would require a year or more to complete, so are beyond the scope of this manuscript. To address this point, we will clarify that the results do not show that localized transcripts are required, only that the transcripts are required somewhere specifically in the glial cell (without affecting the neuron level), and we can indeed show in an independent experiment that there are localized transcripts.

      Reviewer #2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Major points:

      1. * __ The authors analyse the 1700 shortlisted genes for Gene Ontology and associations with austism spectrum disorder, leading to interesting results. However, it is not clear to what extent the enrichments they observe are driven by their presumptive localization or if the associations are driven to a significant extent by the presence of these genes in the selected cell types in the Fly Cell Atlas. One way to address this would be to perform the GO and SFARI analysis on genes that are expressed in the same cells in the Fly Cell Atlas but were not shortlisted from the mammalian cell datasets - the results could then be compared to those obtained with the 1700 localized transcripts. __* This is a fair point raised by the reviewer as genes involved in neurological disease such as Autism Spectrum Disorder may be enriched in CNS/PNS cell types. We will follow the reviewer’s suggestion to perform GO and SFARI gene enrichment analysis in genes that were not shortlisted for presumptive glial localisation.

      Although the authors attempt to justify its inclusion, I'm not convinced why it was important to use the whole cell transcriptome of perisynaptic Schwann cells as part of the selection process for localizing transcripts. Including this dataset may reduce the power of the pipeline by including mRNAs that are not localized to protrusions. How many of the shortlisted 1700 genes, and how many of the 11 glial localized mRNAs in Table 5, would be lost if the whole cell transcriptome were excluded. More generally, what is the distribution of the 11 validated localizing transcripts in each dataset in Table 4? This information might be valuable for determining which dataset(s), if any, has the best predictive power in this context.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this point, which we will address with further analysis and adding to the discussion. We propose to address the criticism by running our analysis pipeline without the inclusion of the dataset using Perisynaptic Schwann Cells (PSCs) and then intersect with the PSCs-expressed genes, since their functional similarity with polarised Drosophila glial cells is highly relevant. We also agree with the reviewer that it would be a useful control for us to assess the ‘predictive power’ of each glial dataset by calculating their contribution to the shortlisted 1,700 glial localised transcripts and to the 11 experimentally validated transcripts via in situ hybridisation. To address this point, we plan to add this information in the revised manuscript.

      * __ Did the authors check if any of the RNAi constructs are reducing levels of the target mRNA or protein? Doing so would strengthen the confidence in these important results significantly. In any case, the authors should also mention the caveat of potential off-target effects of RNAi. __*

      We thank the reviewer for their useful comment and agree that the extent to which the RNAi expression reduces the levels of mRNA is not specifically known. We will add a FISH experiment on lac, pdi and gs2 RNAi showing very strong reduction in mRNA levels. We will also add an explanation of the caveats of the use of the RNAi system to the discussion.

      Methods: what is the justification for assuming that if the RNAi cross caused embryonic or larval lethality then the 'next most suitable' RNAi line is reporting on a phenotype specific to the gene. If the authors want to claim the effect is associated with different degrees of knockdown they should show this experimentally. An alternative explanation is that the line used for phenotypic analysis in glia is associated with an off-target effect.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. We agree that off target effects cannot in principle be completely ruled out without considerable additional experimental analysis beyond the scope of this manuscript. To address the criticism we will remove the expression data of the lines that cause lethality and revise the discussion to explain that the level of knockdown in each line is unknown, and would require further experimental exploration.

      Minor points:

      1. It would be helpful to have in the Introduction (rather than the Results, as is currently the case) an operational definition of mRNA localization in the context of the study. And is it known whether or not localization in protrusions is the norm in mammalian glia or the Drosophila larval glia? I ask because it may be that almost all mRNAs diffuse into the protrusion, so this is not a selective process. One interesting approach to test this idea might be to test if the 1700 shortlisted transcripts have a significant underrepresentation of 'housekeeping' functions. We thank the reviewer for this excellent suggestion. To address the comment, we will move our explanation of the operational definition of mRNA localization to the Introduction. We will also perform enrichment analysis of housekeeping genes within 1,700 shortlisted transcripts compared to the transcriptome background, as the reviewer suggested.

      Reviewer #3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Major points:

      1. The authors have pooled data from different studies across different type of glial cells performed from in vitro to in vivo. While pooling datasets may reveal common transcripts enriched in processes, this may not be the best approach considering these are completely different types of glial cells with distinct function in neuronal physiology. We thank the reviewer for highlighting the need for us to further justify why we pooled datasets. We will revise the manuscript to better emphasise that the overarching goal of our study was to try to discern a common set of localised transcripts shared between the cells. The problem with analysing and comparing individual data sets is that much of the variation may be due to differences in the methods used and amount of material, rather than differences in the type of cells used. We will revise the discussion to make this point and plan to explain that our approach corresponds well with a previous publication pooling localised mRNA datasets in neurons (von Kugelgen & Chekulaeva 2021).

      von Kuegelgen & Chekulaeva, 2020 DOI: 10.1002/wrna.1590

      It is important to note the limitations of the study. For example, DeSeq2 is biased for highly expressed transcripts. How robust was the prediction for low abundance transcripts?

      The presented 1,700 transcripts were shortlisted based on their presence and expression level (TPM) in glial protrusions rather than their relative enrichment. Nevertheless, the reviewer makes a valid criticism of our use of DESeq2, where we compared enriched transcripts in glial and neuronal protrusions in Figure 1D. To address this point we will discuss this caveat in the relevant section.

      The issue raised regarding low abundance transcript prediction raises an important question: does the likelihood of localisation to cell extremities correlate with mRNA abundance? We have already partially addressed this point, since our analysis of the fraction of localised transcripts per expression level quantiles shows only limited correlation. To address this comment, we will add these results in the revised manuscript as a supplementary figure.

      The authors identify 1,700 transcripts that they classify as "predicted to be present" in the projections of the Drosophila PNS glia. This was based on the comparison to all the mammalian glial transcripts. Since the authors have access to a transcriptomic study from Perisynaptic Schwann cells (PSCs), the nonmyelinating glia associated with the NMJ isolated from mice; it would be more convincing to then validate the extent of overlap between Drosophila peripheral glial with the mammalian PSCs. This may reveal conserved features of localized transcripts in the PNS, particularly associated with the NMJ function.

      Thank you for the valuable suggestion. A similar point was also raised by __[Reviewer #2 - Major point 2] __to re-run our pipeline excluding the PSCs dataset and intersect with the PSC transcriptome post-hoc. Please see the above section for our detailed response.

      Fig 2: What is the extent of overlap between the translating fractions versus the localized fraction? It will be informative to perform the functional annotation of the translating glial transcripts as identified from Fig 1D.

      This is an interesting question. To address this point, we plan to: (i) compare transcripts that are translated vs. localised in glial protrusions, and (ii) perform functional annotation enrichment analysis on the translated fraction of genes.

      "We conclude predicted group of 1,700 are highly likely to be peripherally localized in Drosophila cytoplasmic glial projections". To validate their predictions, the authors test some of these candidates in only one glial cell type. It might be worthy to extend this for other differentially expressed genes localized in another glial type as well.

      The presented in vivo analyses made use of the repo-GAL4 driver, which is active in all glial subtypes, including subperineurial, perineurial and wrapping glia that make distal projection to the larval neuromuscular junction. We agree that subtype-specific analysis would be highly informative, but we believe this is outside the scope of the current work where we aimed to identify conserved localised transcriptomes across all glial subtypes. Nevertheless, to address the comment, we plan to further clarify our use of pan-glial repo-GAL4 driver in the Results and Method section of the revised manuscript.

      Figure 5: The authors perform KD of candidate transcripts to test the effect on synapse formation. However, these are KD with RNAi that spans across the entire cell. To make the claim about the importance of "target" RNA localization in glia stronger, ideally, they should disrupt the enrichment specifically in the glial protusions and test the impact on bouton formation. Do these three RNAs have any putative localization elements?

      We agree with the review, that we would ideally test the effect of disruption of mRNA localization (and therefore localised translation). However, we feel these experiments are beyond the scope of this current study, as they will require a long road of defining localisation signals that are small enough to disrupt without affecting other functions. To address this comment we will revise the Discussion section to mention those difficulties explicitly, and clarify the limitations of the approach used in our study for greater transparency.

      Reviewer #4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Major points:

      1. The authors use FISH to validate the glial expression of their target genes, though these experiments are not quantified, and no controls are shown. The authors should provide a supplemental figure with "no probe" controls, and/or validate the specificity of the probe via glial knockdown of the target gene (see point 2). Furthermore, these data should be quantified (e.g. number of puncta colocalized with NMJ glia membrans). Thank you for requesting further information regarding the YFP smFISH probes. We have validated the specificity and sensitivity of the YFP probe in our recent publication (Titlow et al, 2023, Figure 1 and S1). Specifically, we demonstrated the lack of YFP probe signal from wild-type untagged biosamples and showed colocalization of YFP spots with additional probes targeting the endogenous exon of the transcript. Nevertheless, we will address this comment by adding control image panels of smFISH in wild-type (OrR) neuromuscular junction preparations.

      Titlow et al, 2023 DOI: 10.1083/jcb.202205129

      For the most part, the authors only use one RNAi line for their functional studies, and they only show data for one line, even if multiple were used. To rule out potential false negatives, the authors should leverage their FISH probes to show the efficacy of their knockdowns in glia. This would serve the dual purpose of validating the new probes (see point 1).

      Thank you for the suggestion. This point was also raised by [Reviewer #2 - Major point 3]. Please see above for our detailed response.

      In Figure 5 E, given the severe reduction in size in the stimulated Pdi KD animals, the authors should show images of the unstimulated nerve as well. Do the nerve terminals actually shrink in size in these animals following stimulation, rather than expand? The NMJ looks substantially smaller than a normal L3 NMJ, though their quantification of neurite size in F suggests they're normal until stimulation.

      We share the same interpretation of the data with the reviewer that the neurite area is reduced post-potassium stimulation in pdi knockdown animals. We will follow the reviewer’s suggestion and add an image showing unstimulated neuromuscular junctions.

      Minor points:

      The authors claim that there is an enrichment of ASD-related genes in their final list of ~1400 genes that are enriched in glial processes. It is well-appreciated that synaptically-localized mRNAs are generally linked to ASDs. Can the authors comment on whether the transcripts localized to glial processes are even more linked to ASDs and neurological disorders than transcripts known to be localized to neuronal processes?

      This is an interesting point. To address the comment, we will add a comparison of the degree of enrichment of ASD-related genes in neurite vs. glial protrusions in the revised manuscript.



      • *

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Reviewer #1

      1. The use of blue/green or blue/green/magenta is difficult to resolve in some places. Swapping blue for cyan would greatly aid in visualizing their data.
      2. *

      This comment is much appreciated. We have swapped blue for cyan in Figures 4 and S4. We have also changed Figure S1 to increase contrast and visibility as per reviewer’s comment.

      Make the colouring/formatting of the tables more consistent, its distracting when its constantly changing (also there is no need for a blue background.. just use a basic white table).

      This comment is much appreciated. We have applied a consistent colour palette to the Tables without background colourings and made the formatting uniform.

      • *

      Reviewer #2

      • *

      Introduction: 'Asymmetric mRNA localization is likely to be as important in glia, as it is in neurons,...'. Remove commas

      Thank you for pointing this mistake out. We have made the corresponding edits.

      • *

      Reviewer #3

      RNA localization in oligodendrocytes has been well studied and characterized. The authors should cite and discuss those papers (PMID: 18442491; PMID: 9281585).

      We thank the reviewer for this useful suggestion. We have added these references to the paper.

      • *

      • *

      Reviewer #4

      • *

      • In Figure 5D, the authors should include a label to indicate that these images are from an unstimulated condition. We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have added the label as requested.

      The authors are missing a number of key citations for studies that have explored the functional significance of mRNA trafficking in glia, and those that have validated activity-dependent translation:

      - ____https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18490510____/






      We thank the reviewer for the comment. We have added these references to the text.

      • *

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      'The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.'

      Our point-by-point response contains figures that we could not manage to upload in this text box.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time, please see our Revision Plan

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1

      In this paper, authors report that radiation, acidic pH, hypoxia, and drugs that interfere with lipid synthesis, all of which affect lipid droplets (LD), also affect the production of small extracellular vesicles (sEVs). In addition, they also report that LD content and sEV secretion are also modulated in CR-CSCs. Authors conclude that sEV formation and secretion is directly linked to LDs, and that their studies may open the way to new clinical perspectives. However, some important issues need to be addressed before the paper can be considered for publication.

      My _main concern is that the notion that LDs and sEVs are linked remains vague. Do cells contain more LDs and secrete more sEVs because these two pathways are selectively up-regulated via some mechanism____s_ that controls both pathways in a concerted manner? Or do cells with more LDs and more sEVs also contain more of everything, perhaps as a result of metabolic activity? __

      We appreciate the Reviewer's observations. Indeed, this comment represents the main pillar of the entire manuscript. We have attempted to uncover the molecular mechanism behind this novel and intriguing organelle connection. First of all, we have adapted the manuscript emphasizing that the LD – sEV connection might be direct or indirect. Our omic data suggested that some proteins belonging to the RAB family, mainly Rab18, Rab7a and Rab5c, could play a pivotal role in the LDs-sEVs axis. To strengthen those results, we have performed additional experiments by silencing the expression of the three candidate Rabs. Rab5c seems to be a good candidate to modulate the LD-sEV connection. We believe that Rab5c is not the only contributor to the LD-sEV connection but is part of a whole set of different elements that regulate this axis. However, it is quite challenging to rule out other molecular candidates as co-contributors to this phenomenon, especially when considering cellular metabolic pathways.

      We recognize that external stimuli, such as radiation, pH, and lipid-interfering drugs, may exert their effects on other cellular organelles, even though we have strived to analyze each individual phenomenon rigorously. We are confident that our work lays the foundation for further research in the field.

      __A direct corollary of this issue is whether increased sEV secretion reflects more endosomes and lysosomes (e.g. LysoTracker-positive compartments) or whether sEV secretion is selectively up-regulated. __

      Thanks to the Reviewer’ suggestion, we have analyzed both the lysosome and endosome contents in our experimental cell systems. These data are now included in the manuscript in Figure S8. We have observed that it is unlikely that lysosomes are directly involved in the LD – sEV connection. However, the expression of Rab7a, a regulator of the late endosomal pathway, correlated with the LD content of the cells and their sEV release. Therefore, the endosomal pathway might be a good candidate to contribute to this LD – sEV connection.

      __At one point, authors argue that cells that secrete more sEVs also contain more MVBs, but this issue remains elusive. To what extent is the increase in LDs and sEVS correlated in particular with an increase in endosome-lysosomes, and ER-Golgi (LDs originate from the ER)? __

      We thank the Reviewer for this comment. We agree that the analyses of sEVs secreted in the media might not reflect the MVB content in the cells. However, two experiments, one on Panc01 cells and another one on MCF7 cells, showed that the number of MVBs, assessed by confocal microscopy using CD63 staining (MCF7) or CD63 and Alix plasmids (PANC-01), was directly correlated with the number of released sEVs in the media (Figure Fig S3C and 4J).

      In addition, we included additional experiments assessing the lysosome content in HT29 LDHigh and LDLowcells. Hereby, we confirmed that HT29 LDHigh cells showed a higher LD content than HT29 LDLow cells. Inversely, by studying the lysotracker area per cell, we showed that HT29 LDLow population has a higher lysosomal content as compared to their counterpart, HT29 LDHigh cells (test = Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction_ W = 85127, p-value = 7.255e-07 for LDs and W = 49321, p-value = 1.14e-11 for Lysotracker). However, we could not demonstrate a clear correlation between the number of LDs in the cell and the lysotracker signal.

      Finally, we have also studied the expression of GM130, a Golgi-shaping protein (Ref. 1) and Rab7, a late-endocytic protein (Fig S8C). While the expression of Rab7 (endosome) seemed to correlate with the LD and sEV contents, the expression of GM130 (Golgi) gave back no coherent results. Indeed, it was inversely correlated to the LD and sEV amount, in accordance with what was already reported elsewhere (Ref 2 and 3)

      • Nakamura N. Emerging new roles of GM130, a cis-Golgi matrix protein, in higher order cell functions. J Pharmacol Sci. (2010) 112:255–64. Doi: 10.1254/jphs.09R03CR
      • Lydia-Ann L.S. Harris, James R. Skinner, Trevor M. Shew, Nada A. Abumrad, Nathan E. Wolins. Monoacylglycerol disrupts Golgi structure and perilipin 2 association with lipid droplets.Doi.org/10.1101/2021.07.09.451829
      • Alvin Kamili, Nuruliza Roslan, Sarah Frost, Laurence C. Cantrill, Dongwei Wang, Austin Della-Franca, Robert K. Bright, Guy E. Groblewski, Beate K. Straub, Andrew J. Hoy, Yuyan Chen, Jennifer A. Byrne; TPD52 expression increases neutral lipid storage within cultured cells. J Cell Sci 1 September 2015; 128 (17): 3223–3238. Doi: 10.1242/jcs.167692

        Authors conclude that the data with lipid inhibitors strengthen the connection between LDs and sEVs (Fig 2 and S2). However, is this regulation selective, or does it merely reflect the general effect of these inhibitors on membrane-related processes? The same comment applies to the role of iron metabolism after knockdown of ferritin heavy chain (Fig 3 and S3), acidic pH and X-ray radiation (Fig 4 and S4)____.

      We thank the Reviewer for the interesting observation. As previously mentioned, we cannot rule out other potential contributors to the LDs-sEVs connection upon lipid inhibitor treatments and/or the others external stimuli applied to our cell systems.

      The data presented in this manuscript merely represent a novel and unexplored (at least so far) organelle connection, direct or indirect, with a broad clinical implication. As the membrane-related processes (such as Endosomes, Golgi apparatus, Exosome (sEV) pathway, Lysosomes and Autophagosome) are all interconnected, in our opinion, it might be quite challenging to make such a definitive statement.

      Such assertion would require extensive further investigation to relate each organelle to the LDs and/or sEVs. However, with our research, we hope to open the door to a new era of investigations regarding the sEV – LDs connection.


      1) Which cell line is used for sEV analysis (markers vs contaminants (Fig S1B)? In any case, the data should be shown for both cell types.

      Our method to isolate sEVs is a standardized method that was already published by our group and collaborators in 2020 (M. Bordas, et al., Optimized Protocol for Isolation of Small Extracellular Vesicles from Human and Murine Lymphoid Tissues. Int J Mol Sci (2020) https:/doi.org/10.3390/ijms21155586.). This protocol was validated on human and mouse tissues, much more complex samples than cell culture supernatant.

      Figure S1C was modified, as requested by the Reviewer, including new data for HT29, Panc01 and MCF7 cell lines to broaden the panel. Those results confirmed the good purity of sEV samples isolated from cell culture supernatant.

      2) The Tsg101 blot is not impressive (Fig S1B): the difference between cells and sEVs is not easy to see. It would be nice if blots were quantified.

      Indeed, the signal obtained for TSG101 for sEVs derived from Panc01 cell line is quite weak. It is important to remember that not all sEV markers are highly expressed in all cell lines and their derived sEVs. Some cell line-derived sEVs show a low or high expression of the diverse sEV markers. To answer the Reviewer #1’s comment, we quantified the expression of TSG101 in Panc01-derived sEVs. The quantification showed that TSG101 is 6.8 times more expressed on Panc01-dervied sEVs as compared to the cell line. However, since the expression is quite low, this quantification should be taken with some caution.

      In light of the Reviewer ‘comment, we have performed the Western Blot analysis on other cell lines (HT29 and MCF7), and we have replaced TSG101 marker with CD9 marker (Figure S1C).

      3) From Fig 1B it cannot be concluded that the size of sEVs ranges from 30 to 200nm: the micrograph only shows a few structures.

      We appreciate the Reviewer's comment and have attempted to provide more clarity. Firstly, we want to highlight that TEM micrographs of sEVs typically show the donut shape, a unique feature of sEVs imaged with TEM, as well as a size range. In Figure 1B micrograph, the sEV size is approximately 100 nm. The size distribution of LoVo and HT29-derived sEVs can be observed from the NTA size measurements in Figure S1B. Indeed, the peak size is 148 nm for LoVo-derived sEVs and 135 nm for HT29, which aligns with the sEV sizes presented in Figure 1B. We have also included multiple micrographs here under. As the number of Supplementary Figures is already large, we have decided to not include those micrographs in the manuscript. The average size of LoVo-derived sEVs, based on TEM micrograph analysis, was 94 ± 41.10 nm, while the average size of HT29-derived sEVs was 76.41 ± 44.22 nm. The size discrepancy between the two methods (NTA versus TEM) can be ascribed to the dehydration step required for TEM, which results in a reduction of the actual sEV size.

      4) HT29 cells contain far more LDs than LoVo cells (Fig 1A). Similarly, sEV proteins (CD63, CD81, CD9, Hsc-70) are more abundant in HT29 sEV____s____ than in LoVo sEVs (Fig 1D). However, the sEV preparation from HT29 cells contains only approx. 50% more total protein than LoVo sEVs (Fig S1D-E). Are sEVs prepared from LoVo cells far more contaminated with cell debris etc.. than sEV fractions from HT29 cells?

      We are confident that our EV isolation method allows us to achieve high yield and excellent purity. It is possible that a lower number of sEVs in samples may lead to increased protein contamination during ultracentrifugation. However, size exclusion chromatography should minimize this protein contamination. It is important to note that the NTA method is significantly more sensitive and accurate than Qubit protein quantification. Consequently, protein concentration and particle concentration should not be directly compared.

      5) LD staining should be shown for the corresponding populations of cells with high/low CD63 (Fig 1E). Cells in culture can be somewhat heterogeneous, but the difference between low and high CD63 is quite extreme (Fig 1E). Is such high heterogeneity also observed with other proteins of the endocytic and biosynthetic pathways? Authors conclude that cells containing high CD63 levels also contain more MVBs (Fig 1E): are all late endosomal proteins (e.g. LAMP1, RAB7) upregulated in cells with high CD63?

      We thank the Reviewer for this comment, and we totally agree with the Reviewer that it would be better to have the LD and CD63 staining on the same images. Unfortunately, the staining for CD63 on LD540-sorted HT29 cells requires a permeabilization step that interferes with the cellular lipid part and could therefore negatively affect the LD imaging by confocal microscopy. To prove that the HT29 LDHigh and HT29 LDLowcontain high and low LD amount respectively, we sorted HT29 cells based on the LD content and, soon after, we observed them at the confocal microscopy. We thus added new images in Figure S1F, corresponding to the LD fluorescence detection. The readers will also appreciate the explanation regarding the inability of observing both LDs and CD63 staining on the same confocal images under the line 165 – 166:

      As the staining for CD63 required a permeabilization step, and therefore lipid digestion, it was not possible to assess both LDs and CD+MVBs on the same micrographs “.

      In addition, we have added confocal images representing HT29 cells sorted based on their LD content and stained with Hoechst and Lysotracker. A quantification of the Lysotracker fluorescence per cell and the correlation with the number of LDs can also be appreciated in Figure S8A-B.

      Finally, we performed Western Blot analysis to examine Rab7a expression under various conditions described in our manuscript (Figure S8C). In general, Rab7 expression corresponded with LD content, indicating that cells with high LD content exhibited higher Rab7 expression, while cells with low LD amount showed lower Rab7 expression, except for Triacsin-C. The Reviewer can now appreciate the quantification in the graphs provided below (not included in the manuscript).

      Regarding the heterogeneity of LDs, CD63+MVBs, or lysotracker among the cell population, we have indeed noticed heterogeneity observable in these three types of staining in HT29, particularly in the HT29 LDHighpopulation.

      6) Inhibitors of lipid synthesis reduce LD formation (Fig 2B), sEV production and CD63 / CD81/ CD9 secretion (Fig2C-D, Fig S2B). Are the cellular levels of these (and other endosomal) proteins also reduced after inhibitor treatment? Does the stimulation of LD formation with oleic acid also stimulate CD63 synthesis and sEV production?

      We thank the Reviewer for this very interesting comment. To answer this question, we have added a supplementary figure (Figure S2A, S2B) showing the cellular expression of CD63 upon LD inhibition or stimulation.

      During the planning of our experiments, we discussed about the possibility of using oleic acid to induce the formation of Lipid Droplets, which was ultimately not done. This is because the use of oleic acid would have more strongly stimulated the triglyceride pathway, as extensively discussed elsewhere (Mejhert N. et al., The lipid droplet knowledge portal: a resource for systematic analyses of lipid droplet biology, Developmental Cell, 2022). Since Lipid Droplets are made by cholesterol esters and triglycerides, we preferred to use other stimuli (hypoxia, radiation), all of them already discussed in literature, to induce both pathways simultaneously, resulting in the Lipid Droplet formation/induction.

      7) It seems that pH and irradiation increase sEV markers far more significantly (Fig 4 B-C and Fig S4A-E) than FTH1 depletion decreases sEV markers (Fig 3 D-E). In fact, authors mention that they cannot exclude a contamination of sEVs with small apoptotic / autophagic vesicles after irradiation (Fig 4). To facilitate comparison, it would be nice to also show the number of secreted particles per cell (like after FTH1 depletion Fig 3D), as well as the distribution of possible contaminants (e.g. Fig S1). Also, authors state that the increase in the number CD63+ MVBs after irradiation is shown, but this is not the case.

      We apologize to the Reviewer because, in fact, one figure was missing (Figure 4). We have rectified this by increasing the quality of Figure 4 and have added representative images for each acquisition of the number of MVBs, either positive for CD63 or Alix, in transfected Panc01 cells X-ray irradiated (8 Gy) or not (0Gy). In addition, a similar experiment was performed in MCF7 cells transduced with shRNA or shFTH1. CD63+ MVBs were assessed in both cell line and the number of CD63+ puncta (MVBs) were quantified by ImageJ. The results, although not significative, illustrated a trend for MCF7 shFTH1 to contain less CD63+ MVBs than MCF7 shRNA. Furthermore, the quantification of sEVs released in the conditioned media was performed in three independent experiments and demonstrated that significantly less particles (sEVs) were released by MCF7 shFTH1 than MCF7 shRNA.

      8) Are the proteomic data (Fig 6) with LDlow and LDhigh cells obtained after cell sorting, as in Fig 1E? Did authors compare the proteome of LoVo and HT29 sEVs? How do the protein profiles (in particular proteins involved in lipid metabolism) obtained under different conditions compare with each other, in particular after irradiation (Fig4N) and knockdown of ferritin heavy chain (Fig 3, Fig S3)? It would also be interesting to compare these data with the data obtained in CR-CSCs culture under hypoxia (Fig S5). Are common proteins involved in sEV production and LD biosynthesis identified in the analysis of these biological processes? Is there a common set of proteins/genes revealed by this analysis, which may potentially control sEV production and LD biosynthesis?

      We thank the reviewer for this interesting comment.

      Proteomic analyses have been performed on the following conditions:

      • Panc01 (0 Gy – 6 Gy – 8 Gy) for sEV samples
      • MCF7 (shFTH1 and MCF7 shRNA)
      • MCF7 (0 Gy and 6 Gy)
      • MCF7 (Normoxia and Hypoxia)
      • H460 (0 Gy and 6 Gy)
      • H460 (Normoxia and Hypoxia) RNA sequencing was performed on the following conditions:

      • CR-CSCs (#4, #8, #21) Based on all those data, we have analyzed the sEV pathway and how this pathway was modulated in the conditions with high LD content and low LD content. We therefore came up with several proteins, presented in Figure S7. Based on this analysis, we have decided to further investigate the role of RAB18, RAB5c and RAB7a in the connection between LDs and sEVs. Those additional results can be found in Figure 6 and Figure S7A (originally Figure 6). We have found that RAB5c, but not RAB7a or RAB18, seems to be a good candidate to intervene in the LD – sEV connection.

      Minor comments

      1) Some parts of the text are still a bit rough, and should be read and corrected carefully. For example: i) isn't it obvious that a common source of lipids builds up the membrane of sEVS, much like any other membrane (line 90, p.2); ii) what does this sentence mean: "LD have been considered as mere fat storage organelles for a long time, although important evidence could be traced back to the early 1960's". Important evidence for what? iii) why is the acronym AdExo used? iv) (line 138) the text should probably be "sEVs released during 72h were studied" and not "released sEVs were studied ... 72 h after seeding".

      We apologize to the Reviewer if some parts of the paper were a bit rough. We have re-read the entire manuscript and corrected all the parts that needed revision work.

      2) The captions are far too small in most figures and diagrams (for example ____X____ and Y axis in Fig 1C-D, text in Fig 1E; Fig S1; Fig 3C proteins in the heatmap).

      We agree with the Reviewer. All images and their captions were properly revised.

      3) The color code for LoVO and HT29 cells is reversed in Fig S1D-E

      The mistake was corrected.

      4) In Fig 1D, I cannot see CD81 in the LoVo blot.

      In the image below, it is possible to see the LoVo blot.

      5) Wording is not adequate in following sentences: "62.7% of proteins related to the exosomal pathway are downregulated in MCF7 shFTH1 cells" (line 233) and a few lines below: ".. the expression of almost all exosomal markers was downregulated in MCF7 shFTH1 cells" (line 239). Does 62.7% represent all proteins?

      We apologize to the reviewer for the mistake. We rephrased this sentence.

      6) In Fig 3E authors compare sEV markers secreted by cells treated with shFTH1 or control shRNA. The Anx5 and CD63 blots are not very convincing (quantification would be helpful).

      We apologize to the Reviewer for this issue. These Western Blot analyses were performed only once, therefore a quantification in the manuscript would not be relevant. However, we report here the results of the quantification. The expression of Annexin V was 1.58 times higher in MCF7 shRNA than MCF7 shFTH1, while the expression of CD63 was 1.34 time higher in MCF shRNA as compared to MCF7 shFTH1.

      7) The micrographs in Fig 4L are too small: gold particles cannot be seen, even in the high magnification views.

      We thank the Reviewer for her/his comment. We have moved the micrograph and the quantification histogram to the Figure S6. Now, it is possible to discriminate easily gold nanoparticles.

      8) The micrographs showing ALIX and CD63 (Fig 4J) in irradiated and unirradiated Panc01 cells should be shown for comparison.

      We followed the Reviewer’ suggestion as it is possible to note in the Figure below.

      Reviewer #2

      This manuscript describes a relationship between lipid droplet presence in cells and small EV secretion. First, correlations are done between number of lipid droplets and numbers of EVs secreted. Then chemical inhibitors of lipid droplet biosynthesis pathways were shown to reduce small EV secretion. Then various processes known to target lipid droplets, including iron metabolism, irradiation, hypoxia, low pH are used to show concordant effects on lipid droplets and small EV secretion. Proteomic analysis of EVs and cells subjected to some of the treatments are also performed. Overall, it is an interesting line of investigation and the data overall seem solid. Several flaws exist, which can probably be fixed. These include the use of different cell lines for different experiments. It makes it a bit difficult to connect everything together. It could be fixed by adding some extra cell lines to some experiments - for example taking the MCF7 and Panc-01 cells for which proteomics was performed and redoing some of the correlative and causative experiments from Figs 1 and 2.

      We appreciate the Reviewer's insightful observation. Following her/his suggestion, we have conducted additional experiments on MCF7, H460 and PANC-01 cell lines to enhance data consistency and facilitate a smoother transition between different sections of the paper.

      It also would be good to have some more direct evidence of the connection between lipid droplets and EV secretion - one could argue that this was already done in Fig 2 with the chemical inhibitors, I wonder if there is a genetic way to do it too?

      We totally agree with the Reviewer. Indeed, starting from our proteomic data we highlighted some genes belonging to the RAB family as potential candidates to interfere with the LD – sEV connection. The Reviewer can now appreciate in Figure 6 and Figure S7, the results from the additional experiments we carried out on RAB5c, RAB7a and RAB18 silencing in HT29 cells. The former Figure 6 has been moved in the Supplementary part (Figure S7).

      Some tightening up of the writing (especially the Discussion) and the resolution of the figures would also improve the manuscript.

      We apologize to the Reviewer for this issue. We have now re-prepared all Figures by increasing their resolution, as well as reviewing the entire manuscript with the aim of making the reading smoother and simpler.

      __Overall, it is a nice piece of work but there are many minor things to be fixed. __

      __Specific Comments: __

      The sentence in the Introduction: "The non-endosomal pathway generates sEVs devoid of CD63, CD81 and CD9 or sEVs enriched in ECM and serum-derived factors (7)." is not well-supported and should be removed. The idea that you can classify membrane of origin based on markers has not been proven, but rather assumed.

      We agree with the Reviewer. We have rephrased the sentence.

      We thank the Reviewer for this comment. In response to this, we have generated correlation graphs for several of our experiments:

      • HT29 (CTL – Triacsin-C - PF-06424439) in Figure 2E
      • PANC-01 (CTL – 2 – 4 – 6 – 8 Gy) in Figure 4K
      • CR-CSCs (#4, #8, #21) in Figure 5E

        __The Method used for EV purification should be stated in the Results rather than referring to a reference and a Supplemental Figure (S1A) that is too low of a resolution to see. __

      Our method to isolate sEVs is a standardized methods that was already published by our group and collaborators in 2020 (M. Bordas, et al., Optimized Protocol for Isolation of Small Extracellular Vesicles from Human and Murine Lymphoid Tissues. Int J Mol Sci (2020) https:/doi.org/10.3390/ijms21155586.). This protocol was validated on human and mouse tissues, much more complex samples than cell culture supernatant.

      In regard to the Reviewer’s comment, we have added a better description of the protocol in the Results part, referring to the Material and Method. For this reason, we decided to keep the sEV protocol in the SI section. We apologize for the low quality of the Figure S1. In agreement with the Reviewer suggestion, we have modified the image by increasing its quality.

      __Fig 1B would be better to have an image in which the EVs are not aggregated. __

      We thank the Reviewer for this comment and have modified the Figure accordingly.

      __Fig 3 is interesting but jumps cell lines. For better continuity, some of the experiments from Figs 1 and 2 should be repeated in the MCF7 cells to connect with the proteomics. __

      In agreement with the Reviewer’ comment, we decided to perform additional experiment on MCF7, using Triacsin-C. The Reviewer can now appreciate the results in Figure 2F, Figure 2G and Figure S2E.

      __Fig 3C is too low resolution to read, please export at higher resolution. __

      We are sorry for the low-quality Figure. We have modified the image accordingly.

      __Please provide all the raw proteomics data as a supplementary spreadsheet____. __

      We have provided all the raw data regarding our proteomic analyses.

      __Fig 4 panels are low resolution __

      We apologize for the low-resolution Figure. We have modified the figure by increasing the quality.

      Fig 4 again adds new cell lines with H460 and Panc-01

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. In this regard, we have performed additional experiment:

      • Western Blot: comparison cellular and exosomal markers (Figure S1C)
      • MCF7 (CTL - Triacsin) (Figure 2F, Figure 2G and Figure S2E)
      • Western Blot: analysis of RAB7a, GM130

        __The images corresponding to 4J should be shown in a Supp Figure somewhere __

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this oversight. We have added the confocal images corresponding to the Figure 4J below the quantification.

      The statements: "In addition, the exosomal nature of Panc01-derived vesicles was demonstrated by an analysis of CD63+ or Alix+ multivesicular bodies (MVBs) in unirradiated (0 Gy) or irradiated (8 Gy) pancreatic cancer cells (Fig 4J). Moreover, we confirmed a clear correlation between cellular LD content and sEV biogenesis, as represented in Fig 4K." are overly conclusive. For 4J, one can make a statement about the MVBs but not the EVs as that's not what was measured there. Likewise for 4K, what was measured was how many EVs were released not how many were formed. While the data are suggestive of alteration of exosome biogenesis, they are not conclusive.

      We agree with the reviewer and have performed the necessary changes in the manuscript. The reviewer can see the changes under the lines 282 – 284:

      “In addition, the analysis of CD63+ or Alix+ multivesicular bodies (MVBs) in unirradiated (0 Gy) or irradiated (8 Gy) pancreatic cancer cells revealed an increased number of MVBs after irradiation (Fig____ure 4J).”

      __Western blot is always capitalized by convention - Western not western. __

      We have corrected it accordingly.

      __Fig 5A is too small and low resolution - suggest eliminating and just put info in methods. __

      We are sorry for the low-resolution image. We have followed the Reviewer suggestion. The graphical method has been now moved to the Supplementary Figure S6.

      Fig 5G, many of the genes shown are frequently EV cargoes but most not involved in exosome biogenesis - not sure where the label of Exosome pathway came from but it is not very compelling. Only ANXA2, Arf6, and Rab5C seem related and they are barely elevated.

      We completely agree with the Reviewer's comment. As a result, we have revised the heatmap title to "Exosomal Cargoes and Pathways" instead of "Exosomal Pathway".

      __Most main figures and all supplementary figures are extremely low res - please fix. __

      We are very sorry for the low-quality figures. We have revised all Figures (main text and SI) by increasing their quality.

      __Fig 6 is first mentioned in the Discussion - it should be described in the Results before that (or alternatively removed). __

      We agree with the Reviewer. Our initial idea was to mention perspectives of analyses that could be carried ulteriorly. Nevertheless, we have performed additional experiments in order to get insight on the mechanism involved in the LD – sEV connection. Indeed, based on our proteomic data, we have analyzed the sEV pathway and how this pathway was modulated in the conditions with high LD content and low LD content. We therefore came up with several proteins, presented in Figure S7A (originally Figure 6). Based on this analysis, we have decided to further investigate the role of RAB18, RAB5c and RAB7a in the connection between LDs and sEVs. Those additional results can be found in Figure 6 and Figure S7 in the Results section. We have found that RAB5c, but not RAB7a or RAB18, seems to be a good candidate to intervene in the LD – sEV connection.

      Table S1, also first mentioned in the Discussion, is missing. Either describe in the Results section or remove the callout to it.

      Our apologies for that. The Table S1 has been now mentioned in the Results section and has been properly uploaded.

      __The discussion is too dense with too many trains of thought, often many different directions in the same paragraph. It needs to be streamlined, with a central thought for each paragraph and good transitions between the paragraphs. __

      We apologize to the Reviewer if the Discussion part was a bit confusing. We rewrote the paragraph, streamlining it and making the transitions between its paragraphs smoother.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      __ Strengths of this manuscript are the interesting connection between lipid droplets and exosomes and the number of experiments to address it. __

      __ Limitations: use of different cell lines for different figures, overall descriptive nature with regard to direct demonstration of connection to lipid droplets -- it's kind of done in Fig 2, but could be possibly bolstered. __

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments. We were delighted that the reviewers found our manuscript and results “solid”, “important”, “well-written”, “thoughtful”, “critical addition to the literature”, that the “design of (these) experiments is high in quality” and “conclusions are convincing and the experiments are well executed”.

      We were thrilled the reviewers appreciated that “this manuscript provides solutions to technical limitations to observe mRNA in vivo” by approaching such limitations “in a thoughtful study where many of the salient features of MS2 epitope tagging are systematically measured” and “it provides a greatly improved tool to track mRNA by live imaging” that “also alerts of experimental noise that can be found and can be specific for each gene/transcript

      We will address all the concerns raised by the reviewers. Most of the comments concern text edits. In addition, we will add the following to the Results section:

      1. Quantitation of observed phenotypes in Figures 1C-D and 2C-D;

      2. Quantitation of cytoplasmic transcripts in Figure 1G-L.

      Quantitation will be performed as previously done in Tocchini et al., 2021.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements [optional]

      We thank the Reviewers for their helpful and constructive comments. In response to these suggestions we have performed new experiments and amended the manuscript, as we describe in our detailed response below.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1

      1. The Reviewer notes that while our analysis of centrosome size was comprehensive, we provided no analysis of centrosomal MTs, pointing out that while centrosome size declines as the embryos enter mitosis, the ability of centrosomes to organise MTs might not. This is a good point, and we now provide an analysis of centrosomal-MT behaviour (Figure 2). We find that there is a dramatic decline in centrosomal MT fluorescence at NEB, although the pattern of centrosomal MT recruitment prior to NEB is surprisingly complex.

      The Reviewer questions how PCM client proteins can be recruited in different ways by the same Cdk/Cyclin oscillator. We apologise for not explaining this properly. It is widely accepted that Cdk/Cyclins drive cell cycle progression, in part, by phosphorylating different substrates at different activity thresholds (e.g. Coudreuse and Nurse, Nature, 2010; Swaffer et al., Cell, 2016). Moreover, it is also clear that Cdk/Cyclins can phosphorylate the same protein at different sites at different activity thresholds (e.g. Koivomagi et al., Nature, 2011; Asafa et al., Curr. Biol., 2022; Ord et al., Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 2019). Thus, we hypothesise that rising Cdk/Cyclin cell cycle oscillator (CCO) activity phosphorylates multiple proteins at different times and/or at different sites to generate the complicated kinetics of centrosome growth. We now explain this point more clearly throughout the manuscript.

      The Reviewer is puzzled as to how we conclude that Cdk/Cyclins phosphorylate Spd-2 and Cnn at all the potential Cdk/Cyclin phosphorylation sites we mutate in our study. The Reviewer is right that we cannot make this conclusion, and we did not intend to make this claim. As we now clarify (p11, para.1), although it is unclear if Cdk/Cyclins phosphorylate Spd-2 or Cnn on all, some, or none of these sites, if either protein can be phosphorylated by Cdk/Cyclins, then these mutants should not be able to be phosphorylated in this way—allowing us to address the potential significance of any such phosphorylation. We now also note that several of these sites have been shown to be phosphorylated in embryos in Mass Spectroscopy screens (Figure S6).

      The Reviewer highlights differences in how Spd-2 and Cnn help recruit γ-tubulin to centrosomes (Figure 6). They ask for a more detailed description, and are puzzled as to how this is compatible with direct regulation by a single oscillator. We now explain our thinking on this important point in much more detail. It appears that Spd-2 helps recruit γ-tubulin throughout S-phase, while Cnn has a more prominent role in late S-phase (Figure 6). This is consistent with our overall hypothesis of CCO regulation, as we postulate that low-level CCO activity promotes the Spd-2/γ-tubulin interaction in early S-phase, while higher CCO activity promotes the Cnn/γ-tubulin interaction in late-S-phase, potentially explaining the increase in the rate of γ-tubulin (but not γ-TuRC) recruitment we observe at this point (see minor comment #1, below, for an explanation of the various γ-tubulin complexes in flies). This is consistent with recent literature showing that CCO activity promotes γ-tubulin (but not γ-TuRC) recruitment by Cnn/SPD-5 in worms and flies (Ohta et al., 2021; Tovey et al., 2021).

      The Reviewer was not convinced by our model (Figure 8, now Figure 9), raising two major concerns. First, they were unsure how a single oscillator could generate different patterns of protein recruitment. We addressed this in point #2 and #4, above, where we explain how different thresholds of CCO activity trigger different events, so there is no expectation that we should observe steady changes in recruitment over time as CCO activity rises. Second, they questioned how modest levels of Cdk/Cyclin activity can promote recruitment, while high levels of activity can inhibit recruitment. In point #1, above, we cite several examples where such positive and negative regulation by different Cdk/Cyclin activity levels have been described. We also now explain throughout the manuscript why this hypothesis provides a plausible explanation for our results: with moderate CCO activity promoting Spd-2-dependent PCM-client recruitment in early S-phase; higher CCO activity promoting a decrease in Spd-2 recruitment in mid-late-S-phase (so centrosomal Spd-2 levels decline); and even higher levels of CCO activity leading to a decrease in the interactions between the client proteins and the Spd-2/Cnn scaffold as the embryos enter mitosis (so the client proteins are rapidly released from the centrosome).

      The Reviewer also raised the important point here that our model does not explain why the mutant forms of Spd-2 and Cnn accumulate to higher levels at the start of S-phase, and not just at the end of S-phase/entry into mitosis. We apologise for not explaining this properly. The accumulation of the mutant proteins (particularly Spd-2, Figure 5C) in early-S-phase occurs because the excess mutant protein that accumulates at centrosomes in late-S-phase/mitosis is not removed properly from centrosomes during mitosis (presumably because there is insufficient time). Thus, centrosomes still have too much mutant Spd-2 at the start of the next S-phase. We show this in Reviewer Figure 1 (attached to this letter), which tracks Spd-2 behaviour further into mitosis, and now explain this in more detail in the text (p12, para.1).

      The Reviewer questions how the CCO can both induce centrosome growth and also switch it off, as it is unclear how an oscillator that only phosphorylates sites to decrease centrosome binding could also promote growth. They ask if we can identify and mutate any Cdk/Cyclin sites in centrosome proteins that promote centrosome recruitment. As we now clarify, we did not intend to claim that the CCO only phosphorylates sites that decrease the centrosome binding of proteins, although we do hypothesise that such phosphorylation is important for switching off centrosome growth in mitosis. In addition, we hypothesise that moderate levels of CCO initially promote centrosome growth, and our data suggests that the CCO does this, at least in part, by promoting Polo recruitment (Figure 8). We speculate that the CCO phosphorylates specific Polo-box-binding sites in Ana1 and Spd-2, the main proteins that recruit Polo to centrioles. We agree that identifying these sites is an important next step, but it is complicated as our studies indicate that multiple sites contribute in a complex manner. Importantly, it is well established that the CCO triggers centrosome growth as cells prepare to enter mitosis, so our hypothesis that moderate levels of CCO activity initiate centrosome growth is not new or controversial.

      Minor Comments

      1. The reviewer asks how we explain the different incorporation profiles we observe for the different subunits of the γ-tubulin ring complex. We apologise for not discussing this point. In flies there is a “core” γ-tubulin-small complex (γ-TuSC) and a larger γ-tubulin-ring complex (γ-TuRC) that contains the Grip71, Grip75 and Grip128 subunits we analyse here (Oegema et al., JCB, 1999). The γ-TuSC functions independently of the γ-TuRC so γ-tubulin and γ-TuRC components can behave differently.

      The Reviewer questions why we claim an “inverse-linear” relationship between S-phase length and the centrosome growth rate when the relationship is not linear (Figure 3, now Figure S3). I was originally confused by this as well but, mathematically, a linear relationship means y is proportional to x, whereas an inverse-linear relationship means y is proportional to 1/x. Thus, an inverse-linear relationship between x and y does not plot as a straight line, but rather as the curves we show on the graphs. We now explain this in text (p9, para.2).

      Reviewer #2

      This Reviewer found the manuscript hard to follow, so we are very grateful that they took the time to try to understand it. We agree that the subject matter is complicated, and that our presentation was not always helpful. The Reviewer’s comments have been very useful in helping us to identify (and hopefully improve) areas of particular difficulty.

      Major points:

      1. The Reviewer highlights that the two experimental approaches underpinning our main conclusions are problematic: (1) Experiments with mutants of Spd-2 and Cnn that theoretically cannot be phosphorylated by Cdk/Cyclins are hard to interpret as these mutations may have other effects; (2) It is unclear whether reducing Cyclin B levels reduces peak CDK activity or simply slows the time it takes to reach peak levels. They suggest a more direct test of our model would be to analyse PCM recruitment in embryos arrested in S-phase or mitosis. (1) We agree that the mutations designed to prevent Cdk/Cyclin phosphorylation could perturb function in other ways, but this is true for any such mutation, and there are many papers that infer a function for Cdk/Cyclin phosphorylation from such experiments. Importantly, the centrosomal accumulation of the phospho-null mutants actually slightly increases compared to WT (Figure 5C and I), and we now show that the centrosomal accumulation of a phosphomimicking Spd-2-Cdk20E mutant slightly decreases (Figure S8). We now acknowledge the potential caveat of a non-specific perturbation of protein function, but feel that the reciprocal behaviour of the phospho-null and phospho-mimicking mutants somewhat mitigates this concern (p12, para.2). (2) Fortunately, and as we now clarify, it has recently been shown that reducing Cyclin levels does not reduce peak Cdk activity, but rather slows the time it takes to reach peak activity (Figure 2A, Hayden et al., Curr. Biol., 2022). Thus, the cyclin half-dose experiments provide an excellent alternative test of our hypothesis as they show that the WT proteins can exhibit similar behaviour to the mutants if the rate of Cdk/Cyclin activation is slowed. We feel the evidence supporting our hypothesis is strong enough that it warrants serious consideration. The suggestion to look at PCM recruitment in embryos arrested in either S-phase or M-phase is a good one, but these experiments produce complicated data. In M-phase arrested embryos, for example, Cnn levels continue to rise (see Figure 1G, Conduit et al., Dev. Cell, 2014), but the other PCM proteins do not (unpublished); in S-phase arrested embryos (arrested by mitotic cyclin depletion) centrosomes continue to duplicate, but now do so asynchronously, greatly complicating the analysis (McCleland and O’Farrell, Curr. Biol.., 2008; Aydogan et al., Cell, 2020). The centrosomes that don’t duplicate, however, reach a constant steady-state size (where the rate of centrosome protein addition is balanced by the rate of loss). These observations are consistent with our recent mathematical modelling of mitotic PCM assembly (Wong et al., 2022) if we additionally account for cell cycle regulation (which was not considered in our original model). We believe such analyses are beyond the scope of the current paper and we plan to publish a second paper incorporating our new hypothesis into our mathematical modelling.

      The Reviewer questions whether our methods accurately measure centrosomal protein accumulation, pointing out that γ-tubulin and Grip128 occupy different centrosomal areas—which should not be possible if they are part of the same complex. They suspect that our use of different transgenes with different promotors could explain these differences. As we should have described (see point #1 in our response to the minor comments of Reviewer #1), γ-tubulin exists in two complexes in flies, only one of which contains Grip128, so γ-tubulin and Grip128 exhibit different localisations. Moreover, as we now show (Figure S2), using different promotors does not seem to make a difference to overall recruitment kinetics. Thus, we are confident that our methods measure centrosome protein recruitment dynamics accurately.

      The Reviewer is concerned that our measurements of centrosome size based on fluorescence intensity (Figure 1) and centrosomal area (Figure S1) do not always match. They suggest a potential reason for this is that proteins are not uniformly distributed within centrosomes, and this may impact our ability to measure protein accumulation based on 2D projections (noting, for example, that Polo and Spd-2 are concentrated at centrioles and in the PCM, potentially explaining the different shape of their growth curves compared to the client proteins). When the centrosome-fluorescence-intensity and centrosome-area recruitment profiles of a protein do not match, the average “centrosome-density” of that protein must be changing over time. In some cases, we understand why density changes. Cnn, for example, stops flaring outwards on the centrosomal MTs during mitosis so its centrosomal area decreases even as its fluorescence intensity increases (leading to an increase in its centrosomal-density). We agree (and now discuss—p19, para.3) that the prominent accumulation of Spd-2 and Polo at centrioles could help to explain why Spd-2 and Polo accumulation dynamics differ from the client proteins.

      Other points:

      The Reviewer suggests it would be good to know how much Polo at the centrosome is active____. We agree, but although commercial antibodies against PLK1 phosphorylated in its activation loop work in cultured fly cells, we cannot get them to work in embryos. Moreover, the recruitment of Polo/PLK1 to its site of action by its Polo-Box Domain is sufficient to partially activate the kinase independently of phosphorylation (Xu et al., NSMB, 2013). Thus, it seems likely that all the Polo/PLK1 recruited to centrosomes will be at least partially activated, even if it is not necessarily phosphorylated on its activation loop.

      The Reviewer asks if it is clear that less Spd-2 and Cnn are recruited to centrosomes in the half gene-dosage embryos. We apologise for not mentioning that this is indeed the case. We showed this previously for Cnn (Conduit et al., Curr. Biol., 2010) and we now state that this is also the case for Spd-2. We do not show the Spd-2 data as we plan to publish a comprehensive dose-response curve of Spd-2 (and Cnn) recruitment in our next modelling paper.

      Would it not be relevant to examine Polo ½ dosage embryos? We do have this data (Reviewer Figure 2), attached to this letter, but it is quite complicated to interpret (as we explain in the legend). We feel it would be more appropriate to include this in our next modelling paper where we can properly explain the behaviours we observe. Publishing this data here would distract from our main message without changing any of our conclusions.

      The Reviewer asks why the non-phosphorylatable Spd-2 protein is also present at higher levels on centrosomes at the start of S-phase (not just the end of S-phase). This was also raised by Reviewer #1 (point #5), so please see the second paragraph of our response there.

      Minor/Discussion Points:

      We thank the Reviewer for highlighting that absolute and relative centrosome size control are different things and we have amended the manuscript accordingly.

      The Reviewer questions whether it is accurate to describe Spd-2 and Polo as scaffold proteins, noting that only Cnn has been shown to have scaffolding properties. There is strong evidence that Spd-2 has Cnn-independent scaffolding properties in flies (e.g. Conduit et al., eLife, 2014), but this is a fair point for Polo. We think it is justified to separate Polo from other client proteins as Polo is essential for scaffold assembly, whereas other client proteins are not. We now define our scaffold/client terminology to avoid confusion (p4, para.3).

      The Reviewer highlights several points related to differences in recruitment kinetics (also touched on in points #2 and #3, above), noting we don’t discuss properly the idea of two different modes of PCM recruitment. These are all good points, largely addressed in our response to points #2 and #3, above. We now discuss much more prominently the two different modes of client protein recruitment throughout the manuscript.

      As we now clarify, in all our experiments we use centrosome separation and nuclear envelope breakdown (NEB) to define the start and end of S-phase, respectively.

      The Reviewer quotes the landmark Woodruff paper (Cell, 2017) as showing that the ability to concentrate client proteins (including ZYG-9, the worm homologue of Msps) is an intrinsic property of the PCM scaffold, so how do we explain that Msps departs prior to NEB while Cnn continues to accumulate? It is indeed a striking observation of our study that all PCM client proteins (not just Msps) start to leave the centrosome prior to NEB, even as Cnn levels continue to accumulate. Our hypothesis is that this ‘leaving’ event is triggered by a threshold level of Cdk/Cyclin activity—explaining why these client proteins all start to leave the PCM at the same time (just prior to NEB) irrespective of nuclear cycle length. This is not incompatible with the Woodruff paper, which did not attempt to reconstitute any potential regulation by Cdk/Cyclins in their in vitro studies.

      The Reviewer questions why Spd-2 that cannot be phosphorylated by Cdk/Cyclins (Spd-2-Cdk20A) accumulates abnormally at centrosomes in late S-phase, yet γ-tubulin (which is recruited by Spd-2) seems to leave centrosomes more slowly in the presence of the mutant protein. As we now explain more clearly, there is no contradiction here. Spd-2-Cdk20A accumulates to abnormally high levels in late-S-phase/early mitosis (Figure 5C), and this reduces the γ-tubulin dissociation rate, as we would predict (Figure 7B, right most graph). It does not “prevent” dissociation, however, (as the Reviewer seems to suggest it should?), but this is probably because these experiments have to be performed in the presence of large amounts of the WT Spd-2 (Figure 5A).

      The referencing error has been corrected.

      The Reviewer asks why in Figure 1 not all of the centrosome proteins could be followed for the full time period (as we mention in the legend, but do not explain). There are different reasons for different proteins: (1) Polo cannot be followed in mitosis as it binds to the kinetochores, making it impossible to accurately track centrosomes (so the data for mitosis is missing for Polo); (2) Cnn exhibits extensive flaring at the end of mitosis/early S-phase (Megraw et al., JCS, 1999), so we cannot track individual separating centrosomes labelled with NG-Cnn in early S-phase until they have moved sufficiently far-apart (so the early S-phase time-points are missing for Cnn); (3) In addition, several of the client proteins bind to the mitotic spindle, so although we can still track and measure the centrosomes in late mitosis in the graphs, we don’t show pictures of these late mitosis centrosomes in the montage in Figure 1A as the images look a bit odd. We now explain these reasons in the Materials and Methods.

      We now indicate that nuclear cycle 12 (NC12) is being analysed in Figures 4-8.

      The reviewer questions why we don’t show the decrease rate for γ-tubulin in Figure 6 (the Spd-2 and Cnn half-dose experiments), when we do show it in Figure 7 (the Spd-2 and Cnn Cdk-mutant experiments), suspecting that it is slowed in both cases. The reviewer is correct and we now show this data for both sets of experiments.

      We have corrected the labelling error in Figure S1.

      The Reviewer suggest moving some of the data from the main Figures, and the entirety of Figures 2 and 3 to the Supplemental Information. We understand this point, and agree that the amount of data presented in Figures 1-3 is somewhat overwhelming. We have played around with the Figures a lot—in particular trying to show a few examples of the data and moving the rest to Supplementary—but it is hard to pick a “typical” example, and the power of comparing the behaviour of so many different centrosome proteins is somewhat lost. We have tidied up several Figures and, as a compromise, we keep Figure 2 (now Figure 3) in the main text, but have moved Figure 3 to Supplementary (now Figure S5).

      The Reviewer suggests that we should repeat the analysis of Spd-2, Polo and Cnn dynamics that we show here, as we already presented this data in a previous publication (Wong et al., EMBO. J, 2022). We understand this point, but feel this would be a less accurate comparison, as essentially all of the data shown in Figure 1 was obtained several years ago during a contiguous ~6month period. Since then, the lasers and software on our microscope system have been updated, so it would probably be less fair of a comparison to obtain new data for a subset of these proteins (and it seems overkill to perform the entire analysis again). We clearly state that this data has been presented previously, so we hope the Reviewer will agree that it is acceptable to present it again here so readers can more easily compare the data.

      Reviewer #3

      This Reviewer is broadly supportive of the manuscript, but to publish in a prestigious journal they think additional experimental evidence will be required to support our hypothesis.

      The Reviewer notes that our only evidence that Cdk/Cyclins directly phosphorylate Spd-2 comes from our analysis of the Spd-2-Cdk20A mutant, as the effect of reducing Cyclin B dosage on WT Spd-2 behaviour is very modest. They request that we analyse the behaviour of a Spd-2-Cdk20E phospho-mimicking mutant. The effect of halving the dose of Cyclin B on Spd-2 behaviour is modest, but this is what we would predict as all we are doing in this experiment is slowing S-phase by ~15%, so Spd-2 should accumulate at centrosomes for a slightly longer time and to a slightly higher level (as we observe, Figure 5E). A great advantage of the early fly embryo system is that we can compare the behaviour of many hundreds of centrosomes, so even subtle differences like this are usually meaningful. To illustrate this point, we have now repeated the Spd-2 analysis in WT and CycB1/2 embryos (but now using a CRISPR/Cas9 Spd-2-NG knock-in line) and we see the same subtle differences (Figure S9). In addition, as requested, we have now analysed the behaviour of a Spd-2Cdk20E mutant protein using an mRNA injection assay (as it would have taken too long to generate and test new transgenic lines). In this assay we injected embryos with mRNA encoding either WT Spd-2-GFP, Spd-2-Cdk20A-GFP or Spd-2-Cdk20E-GFP. The mRNA is quickly translated, and we computationally measured the fluorescence intensity of the centrosomes in mid-S-phase (i.e. at the Spd-2 peak) (Figure S8). This analysis confirms that Cdk20A accumulates to slightly higher levels, and reveals that Cdk20E accumulates to slightly lower levels, than the WT protein. Together, these new experiments strongly support our original conclusions.

      The Reviewer notes that we propose that the CCO initially promotes centrosome growth by stimulating Polo recruitment to centrosomes, but states that we only provide indirect evidence for this by showing that centrosomal Polo levels are strongly reduced in Cyclin B half-dose embryos. They suggest we determine Spd-2 levels in Polo half-dose embryos, and/or the centrosome levels of mutant forms of Spd-2 that cannot be phosphorylated by Polo. We believe the Cyclin B half-dose experiment provide direct support for our hypothesis that Cdk/Cyclin activity influences Polo recruitment (Figure 8), although, clearly, we have not identified the mechanism. We do, however, suggest a plausible mechanism: Ana1 and Spd-2 are largely responsible for recruiting Polo to centrosomes, and we have previously shown that several of the potential phosphorylation sites in these proteins that help recruit Polo to centrosomes are Cdk/Cyclin or Polo phosphorylation sites (Alvarez-Rodrigo et al., eLife, 2020 and JCS, 2021; Wong et al., EMBO J., 2022). We are currently testing this hypothesis, but progress is slow as it is clear that multiple sites in both proteins can influence this process.

      As the Reviewer requests, we have now also examined how Spd-2 and Cnn behave in Polo half-dose embryos (Reviewer Figure 2, attached to this letter). As we describe in the Figure legend, this data is informative, but is complicated. With relatively minor, but mechanistically important, tweaks to our previous mathematical modelling we can explain these behaviours, but introducing such a significant mathematical modelling element would be beyond the scope of this paper. As described above, these findings will form the basis of a follow-up paper that is more mathematically oriented.

      It is a great idea to look at mutant forms of Spd-2 that cannot be phosphorylated by Polo, but the consensus Polo phosphorylation site (N/D/E-X-S, with the N/D/E at -2 and the S at 0 being preferences, rather than a strict rule) is less well-defined than the consensus Cdk/Cyclin phosphorylation site (where the Pro at -1 is essentially invariant). Thus, we cannot accurately predict which sites would need to be mutated to generate such a mutant.

      The Reviewer requests that we analyse the behaviour of TACC in embryos expressing the Spd-2-Cdk20A and Cnn-Cdk6A (as we do in Figure 7 for γ-tubulin). This is a reasonable request, but we prefer not to show this data as we have recently identified an interesting interaction between TACC, Spd-2 and Aurora A that will be the subject of another paper we hope to submit shortly. This data is hard to interpret without explaining these interactions properly, which is beyond the scope of the current manuscript.

      We hope the Reviewers will agree that these changes have improved the manuscript substantially, and that it is now suitable for publication. We would like to thank them again for taking the time to read this rather complicated paper so thoroughly.

      We look forward to hearing from you.

      Yours sincerely,

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      A complete response to all the reviewers´ comments and suggestions has been uploaded as a separate file.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements [optional]

      We thank the reviewers for their appreciation of the interest, novelty and quality of our study, and their useful feedback to improve its presentation.

      We have revised the manuscript addressing all the points they made, as detailed below, section by section, following the organization in the reviews. The corresponding changes are highlighted in yellow (new text) or crossed out (deleted text) in our revised manuscript.

      In case it is useful for the editor to check how each individual point was addressed, we also have extracted from the reviews each individual reviewer’s comment and our direct response, listed as bullet points at the end of this text.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      I - General criticisms

      Reviewer #1: My main criticism is unfortunately inherent to the approach: comparative studies are absolutely critical, but they can only provide a very sparse sampling of diversity. Fortunately, thanks to high-throughput sequencing, bioinformatic analyses can now be performed on a large number of species, but experimental validation is typically restricted to two or three species. The consequence of this for the present manuscript is that while the functional conservation of the Gwl site is convincingly shown, the exact mechanisms responsible for the reduced effect of PKA phosphorylation remain relatively vaguely defined. Indeed, in their Discussion the authors list a number of experimental approaches to address this - but I understand that these would all involve substantial efforts to address. In particular, testing chimeric constructs around the consensus PKA site and from multiple species could be very informative.

      We completely agree with the reviewer that comparative approaches are critical to understanding biological mechanisms, and are excited by the increasing possibilities to perform not only sequence and descriptive comparisons but functional studies across a range of emerging model organisms. We hope that more and more researchers in cell and molecular biology will profit from experimental tools and techniques now available in such species, and to pioneer new ones. Of course, and he/she rightly points out, conclusions are currently limited by the number of species studied, but comparisons between two judiciously chosen species can already be very informative. Thus, in our study, the use of Xenopus and Clytia allowed us to make significant progress towards our main objective of understanding the cAMP-PKA paradox in the control of oocyte maturation; specifically by showing both that PKA phosphorylation of Clytia ARPP19 is lower in efficiency and that the phosphorylated protein has a lower effect on oocyte maturation than the Xenopus protein. As the reviewer points out, unravelling the exact mechanisms underlying these differences will require a large amount of additional work and is beyond the scope of the current study. Actually, we have embarked on several series of experiments to this end using some of the approaches listed in the Discussion. Specifically, we are testing the biochemical and functional properties of chimeric constructs containing the consensus PKA site from various species. This is a substantial undertaking which will require one to two years to complete, but is already giving some very interesting findings.

      Reviewer #1: The figures and text could be slightly condensed down to about 6 figures.

      We have reduced the number of figure panels but we prefer to maintain the number of figures, because the experimental data presented in them is essential to the interpretation of our results and the overall conclusions of the article. If the journal editor would like us to reduce the number of figures, we could do this by displacing Figure 4 and some panels of other figures (to then fuse some of them) to supplementary material, but this would be a pity.

      ______________II - Abstract__

      As recommended by Reviewer #2, we have reworked the Abstract to make it more accessible to new readers, attempting to bring out more clearly and simply the main results and conclusions of the study. We correspondingly simplified and shortened the title of the article. Changes: Page 2.

      ____________III- Introduction points__

      Reviewer #2: I believe that it would be interesting to include some time-references when introducing the prophase arrest of Clytia and Xenopus oocytes. How long is prophase arrest in Xenopus compared to Clytia or other organisms? How can this affect the prophase arrest mechanisms? It seems that the prophase arrest in Xenopus oocytes is found to be significantly more prolonged compared to Clytia and various other organisms, and also meiotic maturation proceeds much more rapidly in Clytia than in Xenopus. This should be indicated in the introduction with a short introduction of why, and not others, were these species chosen for this study.

      Differences in timing of oocyte prophase arrest and in maturation kinetics across animals are indeed highly relevant in relation to the underlying biochemical mechanisms. Unfortunately, not enough information is currently available concerning the duration of the successive phases of oocyte prophase arrest across species to make any meaningful correlations with PKA regulation of maturation initiation. We have nevertheless expanded the Introduction to cover this issue as follows:

      • We start the introduction by mentioning how the length of the prophase arrest varies across species. __Changes: Page 3, lines 5-11. __
      • We have added examples of species which likely have similar durations of prophase arrest but show cAMP-stimulated vs cAMP-inhibited release. Changes:____ Page 4, lines 28-35.
      • We have specified the temporal differences in meiotic maturation in Xenopus (3-7 hrs) and Clytia (10-15 min). Changes: Page 5, lines 32-33. Reviewer #2: why, and not others, were these species [Xenopus, Clytia] chosen for this study. A brief justification is included in lines 1-page 5 "..a laboratory model hydrozoan species well suited to oogenesis studies", but it does not explain why this and not other hydrozoan species like Hydra, that has also been used for meiosis studies.

      As requested by Reviewer #2, fuller details are now included about the advantages of Clytia compared to other hydrozoan species, citing several articles and recent reviews here and also in the Discussion. Changes: Page 5, lines 21-32 & 37-39.

      Hydra is a classic cnidarian experimental species and has proved an extremely useful model for regeneration and body patterning, but is not suitable for experimental studies on oocyte maturation because spawning is hard to control and fully-grown oocytes cannot easily be obtained, manipulated or observed. In contrast many hydromedusae (including Clytia, Cytaeis, and Cladonema) have daily dark/light induced spawning and accessible gonads, so provide great material for studying oogenesis and maturation. Of these, Clytia has currently by far the most advanced molecular and experimental tools.

      Reviewer #2: The proteins MAPK is not introduced properly, as it is first mentioned in the results section in line 12. Given the importance of the results provided with it, it should be presented in the introduction prior to the results section.

      As requested by Reviewer #2, the involvement of MAPK activation during Xenopus oocyte meiotic maturation is now introduced, explaining how its phosphorylation serves as a marker of Cdk1 activation. Changes: Page 5, lines 1-5.

      Reviewer #2: *These sentences need a more elaborate explanation: Page 4 Lines 16-17 "... no role for cAMP has been detected in meiotic resumption, which is mediated by distinct signaling pathways" Which pathways? *

      We now give the example of the well-characterized pathway Gbg-PI3K pathway for oocyte maturation initiation in the starfish. Changes: Page 4, lines 1-15.

      Reviewer #2: Page 4 line 34-39. Introduction indicates that the phosphorylation of ARPP19 on S67 by Gwl is a poorly understood molecular signaling cascade (line 34). However, the positive role of ARPP19 on Cdk1 activation, through the S67 phosphorylation by Gwl, appears to be widespread across all eukaryotic mitotic and meiotic divisions studied (lines 36-37). These two sentences seem a little contradictory. If the general pathway has been identified but the signaling cascade is still not well described, please indicate that in a clearer way.

      We apologise that the wording we used was not clear and implied that the mechanisms of PP2A inhibition by Gwl-phosphorylated ARPP19 were poorly understood. On the contrary, they are very well studied. The part that remains mysterious concerns the upstream mechanisms. We have reworded the paragraph to make this point unambiguous. Changes: Page 5, lines 1-8.

      ______________IV - Results__

      Reviewer #2: The text of the results is generally well described; however, all the sections start with a long introductory paragraph. I believe this facilitates the contextualization of the experiments, but please try to summarize when possible. For example, in page 5 lines 12-25, or page 7 lines 30-37, are all introduction information.

      As requested by Reviewer #2, we have shortened or removed the introductory passages of the Results section paragraphs, which were redundant with the information given in the introduction. We did not restrict to the two examples cited by the reviewer, but have shortened all the Results passages that repeat information already provided in the Introduction. Changes: Page 7, lines 3-4 & 14-16 & 36-37 - Page 8, lines 12-15 - Page 8, lines 37-40 & Page 9, lines 1-6.

      Reviewer #2: Page 7, Lines 14-19 present a general conclusion of the findings explained in lines 20-27. I think these results are important and they should be explained better, in my opinion they are slightly poorly described.

      We have followed the reviewer's recommendation. The explanation of the experiments and the results are more detailed and the paragraph ends with a general conclusion which came too early in the previous version. Changes: Page 8, lines 22-24 & 32-34.

      Reviewer #2: Page 8, lines 16-17: "It was not possible to increase injection volumes or protein concentrations without inducing high levels of non-specific toxicity". What are the non-specific toxicity effects? How was this addressed? What fundaments this conclusion?

      Clytia oocytes are relatively fragile. Sensitivity of oocytes to injection varies between batches, while in general increasing injection volumes or protein concentrations increases the levels of lysis observed. We do not know exactly what causes this but lysis can happen either immediately following injection or during the natural exaggerated cortical contraction waves that accompany meiotic maturation, suggesting that it relates to mechanical trauma. We have expanded this paragraph and the legend of Fig. 3C to explain these injection experiments more fully in the text and to clarify these issues. Changes: Page 9, lines 16-29 - Page 32, lines 34-41 & Page 33, lines 1-11 - Supplementary Table 1.

      Same paragraph: Lines 25-27 of page 8. Text reads, "These results suggest that PP2A inhibition is not sufficient to induce oocyte maturation in Clytia, although we cannot rule out that the quantity of OA or Gwl thiophosphorylated ARPP proteins delivered was insufficient to trigger GVBD.". Please provide evidence if higher concentrations of OA or Gwl were tested to state this conclusion.

      As explained above, we could not increase the concentrations of ARPP19 protein beyond 4mg/ml. It is important to note that at the same concentration, both Clytia and Xenopus proteins induce activation of Cdk1 and GVBD in the Xenopus oocyte.

      Concerning OA, it is well documented in many systems including Xenopus, starfish and mouse oocytes as well as mammalian cell cultures, that high concentrations lead to cell lysis/apoptosis as a result of a massive deregulation of protein phosphorylation (Goris et al, 1989; Rime & Ozon, 1990; Alexandre et al, 1991; Boe et al, 1991; Gehringer, 2004; Maton el al, 2005; Kleppe et al, 2015). Specific tests in Xenopus oocytes, have shown that injecting 50 nl of 1 or 2 mM OA specifically inhibits PP2A, while injecting 5 mM also targets PP1 and higher OA concentrations inhibit all phosphatases. For these reasons, we did not increase OA concentrations over 2 mM. When injected in Xenopus oocyte at 1 or 2 mM, OA induces Cdk1 activation, GVBD but then the cell dies because PP2A has multiple substrates essential for cell life. When injected at 2 mM in Clytia oocytes, OA does not induce Cdk1 activation nor GVBD but promotes cell lysis. This supports the conclusion that 2 mM OA is sufficient to inhibit PP2A (and possibly other phosphatases) but that PP2A inhibition is not sufficient to induce oocyte maturation in Clytia.

      We have reworded the relevant text to make these points clearer. The previous statement that “we cannot rule out that the quantity of OA or Gwl thiophosphorylated ARPP proteins delivered was insufficient to trigger GVBD” has been removed because it was unnecessarily cautious in the context of the literature cited above, as now fully explained. Changes: Page 9, lines 31-35 - Page 32, lines 34-41 & Page 33, lines 1-11 - Supplementary Table 1.

      References: Alexandre et al, 1991, doi: 10.1242/dev.112.4.971; Boe et al, 1991, doi: 10.1016/0014-4827(91)90523-w; Gehringer, 2004, doi: 10.1016/s0014-5793(03)01447-9; Goris et al, 1989, doi: 10.1016/0014-5793(89)80198-x; Kleppe et al, 2015, doi: 10.3390/md13106505; Maton el al, 2005, doi: 10.1242/jcs.02370; Rime & Ozon, 1990, doi: 10.1016/0012-1606(90)90106-s

      Reviewer #2: Lines 12-13: the sentence "This in vitro assay thus places S81 as the sole residue in ClyARPP19 for phosphorylation by PKA." is overstated. As not all residues had been tested, please indicate that "it is likely that" or "among the residues tested", in contrast to "the sole residue in ClyARPP19".

      We realise that we had not explained clearly enough how the thiophosphorylation assay works. In this assay, γ-S-ATP will be incorporated into any amino acid of ClyARPP19 phosphorylatable by PKA. The observed thiophosphorylation of the wild-type protein, demonstrates that one or more residues are phosphorylated by PKA. This thiophosphorylation was completely prevented by mutation of a single residue, S81. This experiment thus shows that S81 is entirely responsible for phosphorylation by PKA in this assay. We have rewritten this section more clearly. Changes: Page 10, lines 18-28.

      ______________V - Figures and text related to the figures__

      Figure 1A

      Reviewer #2: *Why is mouse not included in Figure 1A? Although it might be very similar to human, given that mouse is the species that is most commonly use as a mammalian model, I believe it could be included. However, this is optional upon decision by the authors. *

      We have replaced the human sequence in Figure 1A with the mouse sequence as suggested. The sequences of each of the mouse and human ENSA/ARPP19 proteins are indeed virtually identical across mammals. Changes: Fig. 1A.

      Figure 1C

      Reviewer #2: *There should be a better explanation in the text of the results sections for the image included in in Fig1 C. Note that Clytia is not a commonly used species, therefore images should be properly explained for general readers. Please indicate in the text that ClyARPP19 mRNA is expressed in previtellogenic oocytes and not in vitellogenic, plus any additional information needed to understand the image. In addition, the detection of ARPP19 in the nerve rings is intriguing. This is mentioned in the discussion section, any idea of its function there? Please include some additional information or additional references, if they exist. *

      We have expanded the explanations of Fig. 1C in the text and in the figure legend. We have also added cartoons to the figure to help readers understand the organisation of the Clytia jellyfish and gonad. As now explained, ClyARPP19 mRNA is detected in oocytes at all stages, but the signal is much stronger in pre-vitellogenic oocytes because all cytoplasmic components including mRNAs are significantly diluted by high quantity of yolk proteins as the oocytes grow to full size. Changes: page 7, line 40 & page 8, lines 1-9 - Fig. 1C - Legend page 31, lines 19-31.

      Nothing is known about the function of ARPP19 in the Clytia nervous system. The only data linking ARPP19 and the nervous system concerns mammalian ARPP16, an alternatively spliced variant of ARPP19. ARPP16 is highly expressed in medium spiny neurons of the striatum and likely mediates effects of the neurotransmitter dopamine acting on these cells (Andrade et al, 2017; Musante et al, 2017). This point is included in the Discussion in relation to the hypothesis that PKA phosphorylation of ARPP19 proteins in animals first arose in the nervous system and only later was coopted into oocyte maturation initiation. Changes: page 16, lines 12-13 & 17-20 - page 19, lines 6-9.

      Figure 2A

      Reviewer #1: Fig. 2A (and similar plots in subsequent figures): is it really necessary to cut the x axis? Would it be possible to indicate the number of oocytes for each experiment (maybe in the legend in brackets)?

      As requested by reviewer #1, the x-axis is no longer cut. The number of oocytes for each experiment is now provided in the legend of Fig. 2A and in similar plots of Fig. 5A and 5D. Changes: Fig. 2A - Legends page 31, lines 37-38 (Fig. 2A), page 33, line 25 (Fig. 5A) - page 33, line 34 (Fig. 5D).

      Figure 2D-E (as well as Figure 6C-D and Figure 8B-C)

      Reviewer #1: *Fig. 2D (and all similar plots below): I am lacking the discrete data points that were measured. Without these it is impossible to evaluate the fits. The half-times shown in 2E are somewhat redundant, and the information could be combined on a single plot. *

      We added all the data points to the concerned plots: 2D, 6C and 8B. As recommended by reviewer #1, we combined on a single plot the phosphorylation levels and the half-times. 2D-E => 2D, 6C-D => 6C and 8B-C => 8B. Changes: Figs 2D, 6C and 8B - Legends page 32, lines 9-14 (Fig. 2D), page 34, lines 24-30 (Fig. 6C) - page 35, lines 13-18 (Fig. 8B).

      Figure 3A and 3B

      Reviewer #1: Fig. 3: why is the blot for PKA substrates cut into 3 pieces? It would be clearer to show the entire membrane.

      In western blot experiments using Clytia oocytes, the amount of material was limited so the membranes were cut into three parts. The central part was incubated sequentially in distinct antibodies. We finally incubated all three parts of the membrane with the anti-phospho-PKA substrate antibody to reveal the full spectrum of proteins recognized by this antibody. The 3 pieces in Fig. 3A therefore together make up the same original membrane. We had separated them on the figure to make it clear that the membrane had been cut. In the new presentation, the 3 pieces are shown next to each other, making it clear that all the membrane is present, with dotted lines indicating the cut zone as explained in the legend. Changes: Fig. 3A and 3B - Legend page 32, lines 22-25 (Fig. 3A), lines 30-33 (Fig. 3B) - Page 24, lines 3-6 (Methods).

      Figure 3C

      Reviewer #2: Fig. 3C needs a better explanation in the text. The way these graphs are presented is somehow confusing. The meaning of the dots is not self-explanted in the graph, and it seems that each experiment was done independently but then the complete set of results is presented. Legend says that "each dot represents one experiment" but this is difficult to read as in every analysis the figure also indicates the average and the total number of oocytes. If authors wish so, they can keep the figure as it is, but then please explain this graph better in the text, and please include statistical analysis. These results are very robust, but a comparison between the number of oocytes that go through spontaneous GVBD of lysis in the different conditions will benefit their understanding.

      This figure is intended to provide an overview of all the Clytia oocyte injection experiments that we performed, for which full details are given in Supplementary Table 1. Since these experiments were not equivalent in terms of exact timing and types of observation (or films) made and oocyte sensitivity to injection -as ascertained by buffer injections-, it is not justified to make statistical comparisons between groups. We apologise that the presentation was misleading in this respect and hope that the new version is easier to understand. We removed from the figure the average percentage of maturation for each condition between experiments to avoid any misunderstanding of the nature of the data, and rather represent the values of each experiment independently. We also now explain the data included in the figure fully in the text and figure legend. Changes: Page 9, lines 16-39 - Fig. 3C and Supplementary Table 1 - Legend page 32, lines 34-41 & page 33, lines 1-11.

      Reviewer #2: Also, please provide in the text a plausible explanation for the cause of oocyte lysis for all experimental conditions (Fig 3C). Given that in the control experiments with buffer this effect is also observed in some oocytes, please explain if this is caused by a mechanical disruption of the oocyte during the injection. In contrast, okadaic acid induces the lysis in all the 14/14 oocytes analyzed, is this due also to the mechanical approach? Or is there other reason more related to the PP2A inhibition? Please explain.

      These points are treated above in the response to this reviewer concerning the Results section.

      Figure 5

      Reviewer #2: In Figure 5 D-F, cited in page 9 lines 35-35. Can you provide an explanation of why the time course of meiosis resumption was delayed?

      The binding partners/effectors of XeARPP19-S109D that are involved in maintaining the prophase arrest have not yet been identified. The most probable explanation of the delay in meiotic maturation induced by ClyARPP19-S109D is that Clytia protein recognizes less efficiently these unknown ARPP19 effectors that mediate the prophase arrest. As a result, maturation would be delayed, but not blocked. This explanation was provided in the Discussion (page 17, lines 14-17) and is now mentioned in the Results section. Changes: page 11, lines 16-19.

      ______________VI - Discussion__

      Reviewer #2: Although it presents highly interesting suggestions, discussion may border on being overly speculative, especially from line 37 of page 15 till the end.

      We agree and have reduced the speculation in this part of the discussion, in particular regrouping and reformulating ideas about evolutionary scenarios in a single paragraph. Changes: page 17, lines 37-41 - page 18, lines 1-41 - page 19, lines 1-18.

      SUMMARY - ____Point by point responses to individual reviewers’ comments in their order of appearance.

      Reviewer 1

      • The figures and text could be slightly condensed down to about 6 figures. We have reduced the number of figure panels but we prefer to maintain the number of figures, because the experimental data presented in them is essential to the interpretation of our results and the overall conclusions of the article. If the journal editor would like us to reduce the number of figures, we could do this by displacing Figure 4 and some panels of other figures (to then fuse some of them) to supplementary material, but this would be a pity.

      • The exact mechanisms responsible for the reduced effect of PKA phosphorylation remain relatively vaguely defined. Indeed, in their Discussion the authors list a number of experimental approaches to address this - but I understand that these would all involve substantial efforts to address. In particular, testing chimeric constructs around the consensus PKA site and from multiple species could be very informative. As the reviewer points out, unravelling these exact mechanisms will require a large amount of additional work and is beyond the scope of the current study.

      • 2A (and similar plots in subsequent figures): is it really necessary to cut the x axis? Would it be possible to indicate the number of oocytes for each experiment (maybe in the legend in brackets)? Fig. 2A has been changed in line with the reviewer's request (as well as similar plots in Fig. 5A and 5D). Changes: Fig. 2A - Legends page 31, lines 37-38 (Fig. 2A), page 33, line 25 (Fig. 5A) - page 33, line 34 (Fig. 5D).

      • 2D (and all similar plots below): I am lacking the discrete data points that were measured. Without these it is impossible to evaluate the fits. The half-times shown in 2E are somewhat redundant, and the information could be combined on a single plot. Fig. 2D has been changed in line with the reviewer's request (as well as similar plots in Figs 6C-D and 8B-C). Changes: Fig. 2D, 6C and 8B - Legends page 32, lines 9-14 (Fig. 2D), page 34, lines 24-30 (Fig. 6C) - page 35, lines 13-18 (Fig. 8B).

      • 3: why is the blot for PKA substrates cut into 3 pieces? It would be clearer to show the entire membrane. In western blot experiments using Clytia oocytes, the amount of material was limited so the membranes were cut into three parts. The central part was incubated sequentially in distinct antibodies. We finally incubated all three parts of the membrane with the anti-phospho-PKA substrate antibody to reveal the full spectrum of proteins recognized by this antibody. The 3 pieces in Fig. 3A therefore together make up the same original membrane. In the new presentation, the 3 pieces are shown next to each other, making it clear that all the membrane is present, with dotted lines indicating the cut zone as explained in the legend. Changes: Fig. 3A and 3B - Legend page 32, lines 22-25 (Fig. 3A), lines 30-33 (Fig. 3B) - Page 24, lines 3-6 (Methods).

      Reviewer 2

      • Abstract needs to be simplified if wants to reach a broader range of readers. We have reworked the Abstract to make it more accessible to new readers. Changes: Page 2.

      • It would be interesting to include some time-references when introducing the prophase arrest of Clytia and Xenopus oocytes. This should be indicated in the introduction with a short introduction of why, and not others, were these species chosen for this study. We have expanded the Introduction to cover the issue of time-references. Fuller details are now included about the advantages of Clytia compared to other hydrozoan species. Changes: Page 3, lines 5-11, page 4, lines 28-35, page 5, lines 32-33, page 5, lines 21-32 & 37-39.

      • The proteins MAPK is not introduced properly, as it is first mentioned in the results section. The involvement of MAPK activation during Xenopus oocyte meiotic maturation is now introduced. Changes: Page 5, lines 1-5.

      • Page 4 Lines 16-17 "... no role for cAMP has been detected in meiotic resumption, which is mediated by distinct signaling pathways" Which pathways? We now give the example of the well-characterized pathway Gbg-PI3K pathway for oocyte maturation in starfish, also mentioning that in many species the pathways are still unknown. Changes: Page 4, lines 1-15.

      • Page 4 line 34-39. Introduction indicates that the phosphorylation of ARPP19 on S67 by Gwl is a poorly understood molecular signaling cascade (line 34). However, the positive role of ARPP19 on Cdk1 activation, through the S67 phosphorylation by Gwl, appears to be widespread across all eukaryotic mitotic and meiotic divisions studied (lines 36-37). These two sentences seem a little contradictory. The mechanisms of PP2A inhibition by Gwl-phosphorylated ARPP19 are very well studied. The part that remains mysterious concerns the upstream mechanisms. We have reworded the paragraph to make this point unambiguous. Changes: Page 5, lines 1-8.

      • Why is mouse not included in Figure 1A? We have replaced the human sequence in Figure 1A with the mouse sequence. Changes: Fig. 1A.

      • 1C: There should be a better explanation in the text of the results sections for the image included in in Fig1 C. Please indicate in the text that ClyARPP19 mRNA is expressed in previtellogenic oocytes and not in vitellogenic. We have expanded the explanations of Fig. 1C in the text. We have also added cartoons to the figure to help readers understand the organisation of the Clytia jellyfish and gonad. As now explained, ClyARPP19 mRNA is detected in oocytes at all stages, but the signal is much stronger in pre-vitellogenic oocytes because all cytoplasmic components are significantly diluted by high quantity of yolk proteins. Changes: page 7, line 40 & page 8, lines 1-9 - Fig. 1C - Legend page 31, lines 19-31.

      • In addition, the detection of ARPP19 in the nerve rings is intriguing. Any idea of its function there? The only data linking ARPP19 and the nervous system concerns a mammalian variant of ARPP19 that is highly expressed in the striatum. This point is included in the Discussion. __Changes: __page 16, lines 12-13 & 17-20 - page 19, lines 6-9.

      • Figure 3C. The way these graphs are presented is somehow confusing. If authors wish so, they can keep the figure as it is, but then Also, please provide in the text a plausible explanation for the cause of oocyte lysis for all experimental conditions. please explain this graph better in the text, and please include statistical analysis. This figure is intended to provide an overview of all the Clytia oocyte injection experiments, for which full details are given in Supplementary Table 1. We have modified the figure and now clarified this fully in the text and figure legend. Clytia oocytes are relatively fragile. Sensitivity of oocytes to injection varies between batches, while in general increasing injection volumes or protein concentrations increases the levels of lysis observed. We do not know exactly what causes this but it probably relates to mechanical trauma. We now explain these injection experiments more fully in the text. Changes: Page 9, lines 16-39 - Fig. 3C and Supplementary Table 1 - Legend page 32, lines 34-41 & page 33, lines 1-11.

      • In Figure 5 D-F, cited in page 9 lines 35-35. Can you provide an explanation of why the time course of meiosis resumption was delayed? The most probable explanation is that Clytia protein recognizes less efficiently the unknown ARPP19 effectors that mediate the prophase arrest in Xenopus. This explanation is provided in the Results section. Changes: page 11, line 16-19.

      • All the sections start with a long introductory paragraph. I believe this facilitates the contextualization of the experiments, but please try to summarize when possible. As requested, we have shortened or removed the introductory passages of the Results section paragraphs, which were redundant with the information given in the introduction. Changes: Page 7, lines 3-4 & 14-16 & 36-37 - Page 8, lines 12-15 - Page 8, lines 37-40 & Page 9, lines 1-6.

      • Page 7, Lines 14-19 present a general conclusion of the findings explained in lines 20-27. I think these results are important and they should be explained better, in my opinion they are slightly poorly described. The explanation of the experiments and the results are now more detailed and the paragraph ends with a general conclusion which came too early in the previous version. Changes: Page 8, lines 22-24 & 32-34.

      • Page 8, lines 16-17: "It was not possible to increase injection volumes or protein concentrations without inducing high levels of non-specific toxicity". What are the non-specific toxicity effects? How was this addressed? What fundaments this conclusion? As explained above, increasing injection volumes or protein concentrations increases the levels of lysis observed due probably to mechanical trauma. But it is important to note that at the same concentration, both Clytia and Xenopus proteins induce activation of Cdk1 and GVBD in the Xenopus oocyte. Changes: Page 9, lines 16-29 - Page 32, lines 34-41 & Page 33, lines 1-11 - Supplementary Table 1.

      • Lines 25-27 of page 8. "These results suggest that PP2A inhibition is not sufficient to induce oocyte maturation in Clytia, although we cannot rule out that the quantity of OA or Gwl thiophosphorylated ARPP proteins delivered was insufficient to trigger GVBD." Please provide evidence if higher concentrations of OA or Gwl were tested to state this conclusion. High OA concentrations lead to cell lysis/apoptosis as a result of a massive deregulation of protein phosphorylation. For these reasons, we cannot increase OA concentrations over 2 µM. When injected in Xenopus oocyte at 1 or 2 µM, OA induces Cdk1 activation, but then the cell dies because PP2A has multiple substrates essential for cell life. When injected at 2 µM in Clytia oocytes, OA does not induce Cdk1 activation but promotes cell lysis. This supports the conclusion that 2 µM OA is sufficient to inhibit PP2A but that PP2A inhibition is not sufficient to induce oocyte maturation in Clytia. We have reworded the relevant text. Changes: Page 9, lines 31-35 - Page 32, lines 34-41 & Page 33, lines 1-11 - Supplementary Table 1.

      • Lines 12-13: the sentence "This in vitro assay thus places S81 as the sole residue in ClyARPP19 for phosphorylation by PKA." is overstated. As not all residues had been tested, please indicate that "it is likely that" or "among the residues tested", in contrast to "the sole residue in ClyARPP19". The observed thiophosphorylation of the wild-type protein demonstrates that one or more residues are phosphorylated by PKA. This thiophosphorylation was completely prevented by mutation of a single residue, S81. This experiment thus shows that S81 is entirely responsible for phosphorylation by PKA in this assay. We have rewritten this section more clearly. Changes: Page 10, lines 18-28.

      • Some parts of the discussion are a bit speculative. We have reduced the speculation in this part of the discussion, in particular regrouping and reformulating ideas about evolutionary scenarios into a single paragraph. Changes: page 17, lines 37-41 - page 18, lines 1-41 - page 19, lines 1-18.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      *Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): *


      *The article titled "The tRNA thiolation-mediated translational control is essential for plant immunity" by Zheng et al. highlights the critical role of tRNA thiolation in Arabidopsis plant immunity through comprehensive analysis, including genetics, transcriptional, translational, and proteomic approaches. Through their investigation, the authors identified a cbp mutant, resulting in the knockout of ROL5, and discovered that ROL5 and CTU2 form a complex responsible for catalyzing the mcm5s2U modification, which plays a pivotal role in immune regulation. The findings from this study unveil a novel regulatory mechanism for plant defense. Undoubtedly, this discovery is innovative and holds significant potential impact. However, before considering publication, it is necessary for the authors to address the various questions raised in the manuscript concerning the experiments and analysis to ensure the reliability of the study's conclusions. *

      __Response: Thank you very much for your support and suggestions! __

      *Here is Comments: *

      *Line 64-65: *

      *The author mentioned that 'While NPR1 is a positive regulator of SA signaling, NPR3 and NPR4 are negative regulators.' However, several recent discoveries are suggesting that it may not be a definitive fact that NPR3 and NPR4 are negative regulators. Therefore, I recommend the authors to review this section in light of the findings from recent papers and make necessary edits to reflect the most current understanding. *

      __Response: Thank you for your feedback. Since we mainly focused on NPR1 in this study, we removed this sentence to avoid confusion. We provided additional information about NPR1 in the Introduction section to emphasize the importance of NPR1 (Line 64-68). __

      *Line 182- & Figure 4: *

      *The author conducted RNA-seq, Ribo-seq, and proteome analysis. Describing the analysis as "transcriptional and translational" using RNA-seq and proteome data seems not entirely accurate. Proteome data compared with RNA-seq not only reflects translational changes but may also encompass post-translational regulations that contribute to the observed differences. To maintain precision, the title of this section should either be modified to "transcriptional and protein analysis" or, alternatively, compare RNA-seq and Ribo-seq data to demonstrate the transcriptional and translational changes more explicitly. *

      __Responses: Thank you for your suggestions. We agree with you and thus change the description accordingly throughout the manuscript. __

      *Line 229-235 and Figure 5C: *

      *The interpretation of Figure 5C's polysome profiling results is inconclusive. There does not seem to be a noticeable difference in polysomal fractions between the cab mutant and CAM. The observed differences in the overlay of multiple polysome fractions between cab and COM could be primarily influenced by baseline variations rather than a significant decrease in the polynomial fractions in cpg. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully review other relevant papers that discuss polysome fraction data and their analysis. By doing so, the authors can make the appropriate corrections to ensure accurate interpretations. *

      __Responses: Thank you for your comments. We agree that the difference between cgb and COM was not dramatic visually. This is a common feature of ____polysome profiling assay (e.g. Extended Data Fig. 1f in Nature 545: 487–490; Fig. 1c in Nature Plants, 9: 289–301). In our case, the difference between polysome fractions was unlikely due to the baseline variation for two reasons. First, baseline variation affects monosome and polysome fractions in the same way. However, our results showed the monosome fraction of cgb is higher than that of COM, whereas the polysome fraction of cgb is lower than that of COM. Second, this result was repeatedly detected. For better visualization, we adjusted the scale of Y axis in the revised manuscript (Figure 5D). __

      *Line 482 Ion Leakage assay: *

      I could not find the ion leakage assay in this manuscript, so I wonder why it is mentioned.

      __Response: We are sorry for the mistake. The Ion leakage data were included in previous visions of the manuscript. We removed the data but forgot to remove the corresponding method in the present version. __

      *Materials and Methods: *

      *To enhance the reproducibility of the study, the authors should provide a more detailed description of the materials and methods, especially for critical experiments like the Yeast-two-hybrid assays. Clear documentation of specific reagents, strains, and protocols used, along with information on controls, will bolster the validity of the results and facilitate future research in this area. *

      __Response: Thank you for your suggestions. We provided more details in the methods. For y____east two-hybrid assays, the vector information was included in “Vector constructions” section. __

      *Minor Point: *

      Line 61: There is a space between ')' and '.', which needs to be edited.

      Response: The space was deleted.

      *Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): *

      *This study holds significant importance within the field of plant immunity research. The authors have made valuable contributions through their comprehensive analysis, encompassing genetics, transcriptional, translational, and proteomic approaches, to elucidate the critical role of tRNA thiolation in plant immunity. One of the major strengths of this study lies in its ability to shed light on a previously unknown regulatory mechanism for plant defense. By identifying the cbp mutant and investigating the role of ROL5 and CTU2 in catalyzing the mcm5s2U modification, the authors have unveiled a novel aspect of plant immune regulation. This innovative discovery provides a deeper understanding of the intricate molecular processes governing immunity in plants. *

      *Moreover, the study's findings are not limited to the immediate field of plant immunity but also have broader implications for the scientific community. By employing diverse methodologies, the authors have demonstrated how tRNA thiolation exerts control over both transcriptional and translational reprogramming, revealing intricate links between these processes. This integrative approach sets a precedent for future research in the field of plant molecular biology and opens up new avenues for investigating other aspects of immune regulation. *

      In terms of its relevance, the study's findings have the potential to captivate researchers across various disciplines, such as plant biology, molecular genetics, and translational research. The insights gained from this study may inspire researchers to explore further the role of tRNA in other regulation.

      Response: Thank you very much for your positive comments and support!

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors presented an intriguing and previously unknown mechanism that the tRNA mcm5s2U modification regulates plant immunity through the SA signaling pathway, specifically by controlling NPR1 translation. The manuscript was well-written and logically structured, allowing for a clear understanding of the research. The authors provided strong and persuasive data to support their key claims. However, further improvement is required to strengthen the conclusion that mcm5s2U regulates plant immunity by controlling NPR1 translation.

      __Response: Thank you very much for your positive comments and support! __

      Major comments:

      • NPR1 translation should be examined to verify the Mass Spec (Figure 5B) and polysome profiling data (Figure 5D) by checking the NPR1 protein and mRNA level using antibodies and qPCR, respectively, in the cgb mutant background to establish a concrete confirmation of CGB regulation in NPR1 translation. * Response: This is a very constructive suggestion. We performed these experiments and found that the transcription levels of NPR1 were similar between COM and cgb both before and after ____Psm_ES4326 infection (Figure S2), _which is consistent with RNA-Seq data____. Consistent with the Mass Spec and polysome profiling data, _the NPR1 protein level was much higher in COM than that in cgb(Figure 5C) after _Psm____ ES4326 infection. Together, these data further supported our conclusion that translation of NPR1 is impaired in cgb. __

      • Analyzing the genetic epistasis of CGB and NPR1 to check if CGB regulates plant immunity through the NPR1-dependent SA signal pathway. If the authors' claim is valid, I would expect no addictive effect on bacterial growth in the cgb/npr1 double mutant compared to the single mutants. Due to the broad impact of CGB on plant signaling (Figures 4E and 4F), the SA protection assay, which concentrates on the SA signal pathway, needs to be tested in WT, cgb and npr1 plants as an alternative assay to the genetic epistasis analysis. I expect that the SA-mediated protection is also compromised in cgb mutant background.*

      __Response: Thank you for your suggestions. We did examine the growth of Psm ES4326 in the cgb npr1double mutant and found that cgb npr1 was significantly more susceptible than npr1 and cgb (Figure below). Although the additive effects were observed, this result was not against our conclusion for the following reasons. First, the translation of NPR1 was reduced rather than completely blocked in cgb. In other words, NPR1 still has some function in cgb. But in the cgb npr1 double mutant, the function of NPR1 is completely abolished, which explains why cgb npr1 was more susceptible than cgb. Second, in addition to NPR1, some other immune regulators (such as PAD4, EDS5, and SAG101) were also compromised in cgb(Figure 5B), which explained why cgb npr1 was more susceptible than npr1. Since the result of the genetic analysis was not intuitive, we decided not to include it in the manuscript. __

      __SA signaling is known to regulate both basal resistance and systemic acquired resistance (SA-mediated protection). We have shown that cgb is defective in the defect of basal resistance, which cgb is sufficient to support our conclusion that the tRNA thiolation is essential for plant immunity. We agree that it is expected that the SA-mediated protection is also compromised in cgb. We will test this in the future study. __

      • Could the authors comment on why using COM instead of WT as a control to perform the majority of the experiments? __Response: Thank you for your comments. In addition to ROL5, the cgb mutant may have other mutations compared with WT.COM is a complementation line in the cgb background. Therefore, the genetic background between COM and cgb may be more similar than that of WT and cgb*. __

      • In Figure 5E, why does ACTIN2 have an enhanced translation while NPR1 shows a compromised one in cgb mutant? How does the mcm5s2U distinguish NPR1 and ACTIN2 codons? Does mcm5s2U modification have both positive and negative roles in regulating protein translation? __Response: Thank you for raising this question. As previously reported, _loss of the mcm5s2U modification causes ribosome pausing at AAA and CAA codons. Therefore, the translation of the mRNAs with more _GAA/CAA/AAA codons (called s2 codon) is likely to be affected more dramatically in cgb*. We have analyzed the percentage of s2 codon at whole-genome level (Figure below). The average percentage is 8.5%, while NPR1 contains 10.1% s2 codon and actin contains only 4.5% s2 codon. When fewer ribosomes are used for translation of the mRNAs with high s2 codon percentage, more ribosomes are available for translation of the mRNAs with low s2 codon percentage, which may account for the enhanced translation efficiency. To focus on NPR1 and to avoid confusion, we removed the ACTIN data in the revised manuscript. __

      • Specify the protein amount used for the in vitro pull-down assay and agrobacteria concentration used for the tobacco Co-IP assay in the protocol section.*

      Response: We added this information in Method section in the revised manuscript.

        1. Delete the SA quantification and Ion leakage assay in the protocol, which are not used in the study.*

      __Response: We are sorry for the mistake. The ____SA quantification and ion leakage data were included in previous visions of the manuscript. We removed the data but forgot to remove the corresponding method in the present version. We deleted them in the revised manuscript. __

      • The strain Pst DC3000 avrRPT2 was not used in this study. Please remove it.*

      Response: We are sorry for the mistake. ____The strain Pst DC3000 avrRPT2 was used for ion leakage assay in previous visions of the manuscript. We deleted it in the revised manuscript.

      • In Figure 5F, did the 59 genes tested overlap with the 366 attenuated proteins in the cgb mutant? Were the 59 genes translationally regulated?*

      __Response: Thank you for your suggestion. Venn diagram analysis revealed that 12 genes (about 20%) are also attenuated proteins, suggesting that ____the mcm5s2U modification regulates the translation of some SA-responsive genes. __

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The authors' study is significant as it establishes the first connection between tRNA mcm5s2U modification and plant immunity, specifically by regulating NPR1 protein translation. This research expands our understanding of the biological role of tRNA mcm5s2U modification and highlights the importance of translational control in plant immunity. It is likely to captivate scientists working in this field.

      Response: Thank you very much for your positive comments and support!

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript, the authors identified a cgb mutant that carries a mutation in the ROL5 gene Both the cgb mutant and the newly created rol5-c mutant are susceptible to the bacterial pathogen Psm. The authors showed that ROL5 interacts with CTU2, the Arabidopsis homologous protein of the yeast tRNA thiolation enzyme NCS2. A ctu2-1 mutant is also susceptible to Psm, suggesting the tRNA thiolation may play a role in plant immunity. Indeed, tRNA mcm5S2U levels are undetectable in rol5-c and ctu2-1 mutants. The authors found that the cgb mutation significantly attenuated basal and Psm-induced transcriptome and proteome changes. Furthermore, it was found that the translation efficiency of a group of SA signaling-related proteins including NPR1 is compromised.

      The manuscript provides solid evidence for the involvement of ROL5 and CTU2 in plant immunity using the rol5 and ctu2 mutants. The authors may consider the following suggestions and comments to improve the manuscript.

      Response: Thank you very much for your support and suggestions!

      • The function of the Elongator complex in tRNA modification/thiolation has been extensively studied. In Arabidopsis Elongator mutants, mcm5S2U levels are very low, similar to the levels in the rol5 and ctu2 mutants (Mehlgarten et al., 2010, Mol Microbiology, 76, 1082-1094; Leitner et al., 2015 Cell Rep). In elp mutants, the PIN protein levels are reduced without reduced mRNA levels (Leitner et al., 2015), indicating that Elongator-mediated tRNA modification is involved in translation regulation. The Elongator complex plays an important role in plant immunity, though the reduced mcm5S2U levels in elp mutants were not proposed as the exclusive cause of the immune phenotypes. In fact, it would be difficult to establish a cause-effect relationship between tRNA modification and immunity. These results should be discussed in the manuscript.* Response: Thank you very much for your insightful comment on the role of the ELP complex in tRNA modification and plant immunity. We added a paragraph ____discussing the ELP complex in the revised manuscript (Line 280-295).

      __In addition to tRNA modification, the ELP complex has several other distinct activities including histone acetylation, α-tubulin acetylation, and DNA demethylation. Therefore, it is difficult to dissect which activity of the ELP complex contributes to plant immunity. However, the only known activity of ROL5 and CTU2 is to catalyze _tRNA thiolation. Considering that the elp, rol5, and ctu2 mutants are all defective in tRNA thiolation, it is likely the _tRNA modification activity of the ELP complex underlies its function in plant immunity. __

      • The interaction between CTU2 and ROL5 in Y2H has previously been reported (Philipp et al., 2014). The same report also showed reduced tRNA thiolation in the ctu2-2 mutant using polyacrylamide gel. These results should be mentioned/discussed in the manuscript.*

      __Response: Thank you for pointing them out. We added this information in the revised version (Line 146-147). __

      • tRNA modification unlikely plays a unique role in plant immunity. It can be inferred that mutations affecting tRNA modification (rol5, ctu2, elp, etc.) would delay both internal and external stimulus-induced signaling including immune signaling.*

      Response: We agree with you that tRNA modification has other roles in addition to plant immunity. In the Discussion section, we have mentioned that “it was found that tRNA thiolation is required for heat stress tolerance ____(Xu et al., 2020)____. ……It will also be interesting to test whether tRNA thiolation is required for responses to other stresses such as drought, salinity, and cold.” (Line276-279).

      • It would be interesting to conduct statistical analyses on the genetic codons used in the CDSs whose translation was attenuated as described in the manuscript. Do these genes including NPR1 use more than average levels of AAA, CAA, and GAA codons? If not, why their translation is impaired?*

      __Response: Thank you for your suggestion. We called _GAA/CAA/AAA codons s2 codon. We have analyzed the percentage of s2 codon at whole-genome level (Figure below). NPR1 does contain more s2 codon (10.1%) than the average level (8.5%). We are preparing another manuscript, which will report the relationship between _s2 codon and translation. __

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      It is important to put current research in the context of available knowledge in the field. The digram in Figure 3C shows that the Elongator complex functions upstream of ROL5 & CTU2 in modifying tRNA. The function of Elongator in plant immunity has been well established. The similarities and differences should be discussed. Additionally, it may no be a good idea to claim that the results are novel.

      __Response: Thank you for your comments. We added a paragraph ____discussing the ELP complex in the revised manuscript (Line 280-295). The ELP complex catalyzes the cm5U modification, which is the precursor of mcm5s2U catalyzed by ROL5 and CTU2. In addition to tRNA modification, the ELP complex has several other distinct activities including histone acetylation, α-tubulin acetylation, and DNA demethylation. Therefore, it is difficult to dissect which activity of the ELP complex contributes to plant immunity. However, the only known activity of ROL5 and CTU2 is to catalyze tRNA thiolation. Considering that the elp, rol5, and ctu2 mutants are all defective in tRNA thiolation, it is likely the tRNA modification activity of the ELP complex underlies its function in plant immunity. Therefore, our study improved our understanding of the ELP complex in plant immunity. We have deleted the words “new” and “novel” throughout the manuscript. __

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      *The manuscript provides solid evidence for the involvement of ROL5 and CTU2 in plant immunity. However, the authors did not acknowledge the existing results about the Elongator complex that functions in the same pathway in modifying tRNA. The involvement of Elongator in plant immunity has been well established. The cause-effect relationship between tRNA modification and plant immunity is difficult to demonstrate. *

      Response: We think that t____he cause-effect relationship between the activities of the ELP complex and plant immunity is difficult to demonstrate because the ELP complex has several distinct activities other than tRNA modification. However, since the only known activity of ROL5 and CTU2 is to catalyze tRNA thiolation, the cause-effect relationship between tRNA thiolation and plant immunity is clear, which indicated that ____the ____tRNA modification activity of the ELP complex contributes to plant immunity.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      *We appreciate the valuable suggestions and the overall highly positive review of our manuscript. We have now included many suggestions provided by the reviewers, which have made our manuscript much stronger and more rigorous. One reviewer acknowledged, “This study uncovers sex-dependent mechanisms underlying cold sensitivity between male and female mice. The detailed IHC analysis of MHCII expression in DRG neurons is a clear strength of this study and supports flow cytometry results as well as existing literature. The specificity of MHCII expression on small diameter is well characterized and supported by conditional knockout mouse models of MHCII in TRVPV1-lineage neurons.” *

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Whitaker EE and co-authors implicate MHCII expression in DRG neurons in the resolution of pain following paclitaxel treatment. The authors demonstrate that CD4 T cells closely interact with DRG neurons, which also express MHCII proteins. They further characterize neuronal MHCII expression in naïve and paclitaxel treated mice in small diameter TRPV1+ neurons. Utilizing genetic animal models with MHCII knockout in TRPV1-lineage neurons, the authors highlight that loss of MHCII in TRPV1 neurons exaggerates cold sensitivity in naïve male mice, and in both sexes following paclitaxel treatment.

      Major concerns:

      The most pressing concern regarding this study is a lack of a vehicle control group. It is not appropriate to be comparing paclitaxel treated mice to naïve mice. Please include a vehicle treatment (cremophor:ethanol 1:1 diluted 1:3 in PBS) group for all experiments involving paclitaxel. This would also improve statistics as unpaired T tests comparing naïve vs paclitaxel is not convincing.

      Figure 1A only includes representative images of a small number of T cells in presumable contact with DRG neurons in female Day 14 paclitaxel mice, but does not include images from other groups. Similarly, B-D show a single CD4+ T cell in contact with DRG neurons in Day 14 paclitaxel and naïve female mice. Please include quantification of the frequency of CD4+ T cells interacting with DRG neurons in the different experimental groups utilized in this study.

      Please include entire blot for Figure 2A (or at least more of the blot). There is plenty of space in the figure and as it currently appears is not free from apparent manipulation.

      The authors conclude that MHCII helps to suppress chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, resolving cold allodynia following paclitaxel treatment. To support this conclusion, I think it is necessary to include a time-course experiment highlighting whether cKO of MHCII in TRPV1 neurons indeed increases the duration for cold hypersensitivity to resolve following paclitaxel treatment.

      Minor concerns:

      The graphical abstract is misleading. The authors suggest paclitaxel is acting exclusively via TLR4 and that signaling is resolved at Day 14 which their data does not support. Please adjust to reflect findings from the experiments included in this study.

      Figure 4 and 6 MHCII labelling is oversaturated in most of the images, creating a blurry hue in the representative images. This should be fixed

      The effects of the PTX cHET group are very mild in both the male and female cohorts, and specific to 1 trial. I believe these assessments were conducted at Day 6 post injection. Why was this timepoint chosen considering differences in MHCII expression in small neurons was only present at Day 14 relative to naïve? The statistical analysis should also have been a mixed-effects repeated measures between groups ANOVA.


      This study uncovers sex-dependent mechanisms underlying cold sensitivity between male and female mice. The detailed IHC analysis of MHCII expression in DRG neurons is a clear strength of this study, and supports flow cytometry results as well as existing literature. The specificity of MHCII expression on small diameter is well characterized and supported by conditional knockout mouse models of MHCII in TRVPV1-lineage neurons. The clear limitations of this study is the lack of a vehicle control group and limited behavioral analysis. They undermine the conclusions made by the author, and in extension, the significance of this study.

      This study adds to the understanding of neuro-immune signaling in peripheral neuropathic pain. As far as I am aware, this is the first study to investigate MHCII expression in DRGs in relation to development of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Thus this study provides an incremental advance in neuroimmune mechanisms contributing to the development of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in mice.

      This study would be of interest to basic researchers interested in neuropathic pain, with particularly researchers with a focus on neuroimmunology and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy models. The sex differences observed in naïve mice would also be of interest to basic researchers within the wider pain field. Given the preliminary nature of the findings, I do not think this would be of interest to broader neuroimmunology or clinical audiences.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Dear Editor and Reviewers,

      *We thank you for the thorough and detailed examination of our preprint and providing the very valuable comments that helped to even better present and interpret our data. *

      *Thank you in particular for appreciating the extensive set of microscopic techniques that we have combined to study in a unique manner the characteristics and functionalities of FIT nuclear bodies in living plant cells. *

      We prepared a revised preprint in which we address all reviewer comments. Our revision includes a NEW experiment (in four repetitions) that addresses one comment made by the reviewers with regard to the effects of the environmental FIT NB-inducing situation:

      • NEW Supplemental Figures S6 and S7: Analysis of previously reported intron retention splicing variants of Fe deficiency genes FIT, BHLH039, IRT1, FRO2 in new gene expression experiments (Four independent repetitions of the experiments with three biological replicates of each sample – white/blue light treatment, sufficient and deficient iron supply). In the following, please find our detailed response to all reviewer comments.

      With these changes, we hope that our peer-reviewed preprint can receive a positive vote,

      We are looking forward to your response,


      Petra Bauer and Ksenia Trofimov on behalf of all authors

      Comments to the reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this paper entitled " FER-LIKE IRON DEFICIENCY-INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR (FIT) accumulates in homo- and heterodimeric complexes in dynamic and inducible nuclear condensates associated with speckle components", Trofimov and colleagues describe for the first time the function of FIT in nuclear bodies. By an impressive set of microscopies technics they assess FIT localization in nuclear bodies and its dynamics. Finally, they reveal their importance in controlling iron deficiency pathway. The manuscript is well written and fully understandable. Nonetheless, at it stands the manuscript present some weakness by the lack of quantification for co-localization and absence controls making hard to follow authors claim. Moreover, to substantially improve the manuscript the authors need to provide more proof of concepts in A. thaliana as all the nice molecular and cellular mechanism is only provided in N. bentamiana. Finally, some key conclusions in the paper are not fully supported by the data. Please see below:

      Main comments:

      1) For colocalization analysis, the author should provide semi-quantitative data counting the number of times by eyes they observed no, partial or full co-localization and indicate on how many nucleus they used.


      We have added the information in the Materials and Method section, lines 731-734:

      In total, 3-4 differently aged leaves of 2 plants were infiltrated and used for imaging. One infiltrated leaf with homogenous presence of one or two fluorescence proteins was selected, depending on the aim of the experiment, and ca. 30 cells were observed. Images are taken from 3-4 cells, one representative image is shown.

      In all analyzed cases, except in the case of colocalization of FIT and PIF4 fusion proteins, the ca. 30 cells had the same localization and/or colocalization patterns. This information has also been added in the figure legends. Each experiment was repeated at least 2-3 times, or as indicated in the figure legend.

      2) Do semi-quantitative co-localization analysis by eyes, on FIT NB with known NB makers in the A. thaliana root. For now, all the nicely described molecular mechanism is shown in N. benthamiana which makes this story a bit weak since all the iron transcriptional machinery is localized in the root to activate IRT1.


      The described approach has been very optimal, and we were able to screen co-localizing marker proteins in FIT NBs in N. benthamiana to better identify the nature of FIT NBs. This has been successful as we were able to associate FIT NBs with speckles. The N. benthamiana system allowed optimal microscopic observation of fluorescence proteins and quantification of FIT NB characteristics in contrast to the root hair zone of Arabidopsis where Fe uptake takes place. FIT is expressed at a low level in roots and also in leaves, whereby fluorescence protein expression levels are insufficient for the here-presented microscopic studies. The tobacco infiltration system is also well established to study FIT-bHLH039 protein interaction and nuclear body markers. We discuss this point in the discussion, see line 489-500.

      3) The authors need to provide data clearly showing that the blue light induce NB in A. thaliana and N. benthamiana.


      *For tobacco, see Figure 1B (t = 0, 5 min) and Supplemental Movies S1. For Arabidopsis, please see Figure 1A (t = 0, 90 and 120 min) and Supplemental Figure S1A. We provide an additional image of pFIT:cFIT-GFP Arabidopsis control plants, showing that NB formation is not detected in plants that were grown in white light and not exposed to blue light before inspection (Supplemental Figure S1B). We state, that upon blue light exposure, plants had FIT NBs in at least 3-10 nuclei of 20 examined nuclei in the root epidermis in the root hair zone (in three independent experiments with three independent plants). White-light-treated plants showed no NB formation unless an additional exposure to blue light was provided (in three independent experiments, three independent plants per experiment and with 15 examined nuclei per plant). *

      4) Direct conclusion in the manuscript:

      • Line 170: At this point of the paper the author cannot claim that the formation of FIT condensates in the nucleus is due to the light as it might be indirectly linked to cell death induced by photodamaging the cell using a 488 lasers for several minutes. This is true especially with the ELYRA PS which has strong lasers made for super resolution and that Cell death is now liked to iron homeostasis. The same experiment might be done using a spinning disc or if the authors present the data of the blue light experiment mentioned above this assumption might be discarded. Alternatively, the author can use PI staining to assess cell viability after several minutes under 488nm laser.


      As stated in our response to comment 3, we have included now a white light control to show that FIT NB formation is not occurring under the normal white light conditions. Since the formation of FIT NBs is a dynamic and reversible process (Figure 1A), it indicates that the cells are still viable, and that cell death is not the reason for FIT NB formation.

      • Line 273: I don't agree with the first part of the authors conclusion, saying that "wild-type FIT had better capacities to localize to NBs than mutant FITmSS271AA, presumably due its IDRSer271/272 at the C-terminus. This is not supported by the data. In order to make such a claim the author need to compare the FA of FIT WT with FITmSS271AA by statistical analysis. Nonetheless, the value seems to be identical on the graphs. The main differences that I observed here are, 1) NP value for FITmSS271AA seems to be lower compared to FIT-WT, suggesting that the Serine might be important to regulate protein homedimerization partitioning between the NP and the NB. 2) To me, something very interesting that the author did not mention is the way the FA of FITmSS271AA in the NB and NP is behaving with high variability. The FA of those is widely spread ranging from 0.30 to 0.13 compared to the FIT-WT. To me it seems that according to the results that the Serine 271/272 are required to stabilize FIT homodimerization. This would not only explain the delay to form the condensate but also the decreased number and size observed for FITmSS271AA compared to FIT-WT. As the homodimerization occurs with high variability in FITmSS271AA, there is less chance that the protein will meet therefore decreasing the time to homodimerize and form/aggregate NB.


      We fully agree. We meant to describe this result it in a similar way and thank you for help in formulating this point even better. Rephrasing might make it better clear that the IDRSer271/272 is important for a proper NB localization, lines 272-278:

      “Also, the FA values did not differ between NBs and NP for the mutant protein and did not show a clear separation in homodimerizing/non-dimerizing regions (Figure 3D) as seen for FIT-GFP (Figure 3C). Both NB and NP regions showed that homodimers occurred very variably in FITmSS271AA-GFP.

      In summary, wild-type FIT could be partitioned properly between NBs and NP compared to FITmSS271AA mutant and rather form homodimers, presumably due its IDRSer271/272 at the C-terminus.”

      • Line 301: According to my previous comment (line 273), here it seems that the Serine 271/272 are required only for proper partitioning of the heterodimer FIT/BHLH039 between the NP and NB but not for the stability of the heterodimer formation. However, it might be great if the author would count the number of BHLH039 condensates in both version FITmSS271AA and FIT-WT. To my opinion, they would observe less BHLH039 condensate because the homodimer of FITmSS271AA is less likely to occur because of instability.


      bHLH039 alone localizes primarily to the cytoplasm and not the nucleus, and the presence of FIT is crucial for bHLH039 nuclear localization (Trofimov et al., 2019). Moreover, bHLH039 interaction with FIT depends on SS271AA (Gratz et al., 2019). We therefore did not consider this experiment for the manuscript and did not acquire such data, as we did not expect to achieve major new information.

      5) To wrap up the story about the requirements of NB in mediating iron acquisition under different light regimes, provide data for IRT1/FRO2 expression levels in fit background complemented with FITmSS271AA plants. I know that this experiment is particularly lengthy, but it would provide much more to this nice story.


      Data for expression of IRT1 and FRO2 in FITmSS271AA/fit-3 transgenic Arabidopsis plants are provided in Gratz et al. (2019). To address the comment, we did here a NEW experiment. We provide gene expression data on FIT, BHLH039, IRT1 and FRO2 splicing variants (previously reported intron retention) to explore the possibility of differential splicing alterations under blue light (NEW Supplemental Figure S6 and S7, lines 454-466). Very interestingly, this experiment confirms that blue light affects gene expression differently from white light in the short-term NB-inducing condition and that blue light can enhance the expression of Fe deficiency genes despite of the short 1.5 to 2 h treatment. Another interesting aspect was that the published intron retention was also detected. A significant difference in intron retention depending on iron supply versus deficiency and blue/white light was not observed, as the pattern of expression of transcripts with respective intron retentions sites was the same as the one of total transcripts mostly spliced.

      Minor comments

      In general, I would suggest the author to avoid abbreviation, it gets really confusing especially with small abbreviation as NB, NP, PB, FA.


      *We would like to keep the used abbreviations as they are utilized very often in our work and, in our eyes, facilitate the understanding. *

      Line 106: What does IDR mean?


      Explanation of the abbreviation was added to the text, lines 105-108:

      “Intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) are flexible protein regions that allow conformational changes, and thus various interactions, leading to the required multivalency of a protein for condensate formation (Tarczewska and Greb-Markiewicz, 2019; Emenecker et al., 2020).”

      Line 163-164: provide data or cite a figure properly for blue light induction.


      We have removed this statement from the description, as we provide a white light control now, lines 157-158:

      “When whole seedlings were exposed to 488 nm laser light for several minutes, FIT became re-localized at the subnuclear level.”

      Line 188: Provide Figure ref.


      Figure reference was added to the text, lines 184-185:

      “As in Arabidopsis, FIT-GFP localized initially in uniform manner to the entire nucleus (t=0) of N. benthamiana leaf epidermis cells (Figure 1B).”

      Line 194: the conclusion is too strong. The authors conclude that the condensate they observed are NB based on the fact the same procedure to induce NB has been used in other study which is not convincing. Co-localization analysis with NB markers need to be done to support such a claim. At this step of the study, the author may want to talk about condensate in the nucleus which might correspond to NB. Please do so for the following paragraph in the manuscript until colocalization analysis has not been provided. Alternatively provide the co-localization analysis at this step in the paper.


      We agree. We changed the text in two positions.

      Lines 176-178: “Since we had previously established a reliable plant cell assay for studying FIT functionality, we adapted it to study the characteristics of the prospective FIT NBs (Gratz et al., 2019, 2020; Trofimov et al., 2019).”

      Lines 192-193:We deduced that the spots of FIT-GFP signal were indeed very likely NBs (for this reason hereafter termed FIT NBs).”

      Line 214: In order to assess the photo bleaching due to the FRAP experiment the quantification of the "recovery" needs to be provided in an unbleached area. This might explain why FIT recover up to 80% in the condensate. Moreover, the author conclude that the recovery is high however it's tricky to assess since no comparison is made with a negative/positive control.


      In the FRAP analysis, an unbleached area is taken into account and used for normalization.

      We reformulated the description of Figure 1F, lines 212-214:

      “According to relative fluorescence intensity the fluorescence signal recovered rapidly within FIT NBs (Figure 1F), and the calculated mobile fraction of the NB protein was on average 80% (Figure 1G).”

      Line 220-227: The conclusion it's too strong as I mentioned previously the author cannot claim that the condensate are NBs at this step of the study. They observed nuclear condensates that behave like NB when looking at the way to induce them, their shape, and the recovery. And please include a control.


      Please see the reformulated sentences and our response above.

      Lines 176-178: “Since we had previously established a reliable plant cell assay for studying FIT functionality, we adapted it to study the characteristics of the prospective FIT NBs (Gratz et al., 2019, 2020; Trofimov et al., 2019).”

      Lines 192-193:We deduced that the spots of FIT-GFP signal were indeed very likely NBs (for this reason hereafter termed FIT NBs).”

      Line 239: It's unappropriated to give the conclusion before the evidence.


      Thank you. We removed the conclusion.

      Line 240: Figure 2A, provide images of FIT-G at 15min in order to compare. And the quantification needs to be provided at 5 minutes and 15 minutes for both FIT-G WT and FIT-mSS271AA-G counting the number of condensates in the nucleus. Especially because the rest of the study is depending on these time points.


      *This information is provided in the Supplemental Movie S1C. *

      Line 241: the author say that the formation of condensate starts after 5 minutes (line 190) here (line 241) the author claim that it starts after 1 minutes. Please clarify.


      In line 190 we described that FIT NB formation occurs after the excitation and is fully visible after 5 min. In line 241 we stated that the formation starts in the first minutes after excitation, which describes the same time frame. We rephrased the respective sentences.

      Lines 185-188: “A short duration of 1 min 488 nm laser light excitation induced the formation of FIT-GFP signals in discrete spots inside the nucleus, which became fully visible after only five minutes (t=5; Figure 1B and Supplemental Movie S1A).”

      Lines 239-242: “While FIT-GFP NB formation started in the first minutes after excitation and was fully present after 5 min (Supplemental Movie S1A), FITmSS271AA-GFP NB formation occurred earliest 10 min after excitation and was fully visible after 15 min (Supplemental Movie S1C).”

      Line 254: Not sure what the authors claim "not only for interaction but also for FIT NB formation ". To me, the IDR is predicted to be perturbed by modeling when the serines are mutated therefore the IDR might be important to form condensates in the nucleus. Please clarify.


      The formation of nuclear bodies is slow for FITmSS271AA as seen in Figure 2. Previously, we showed that FITmSS271AA homodimerizes less (Gratz et al., 2019.) Therefore, the said IDR is important for both processes, NB formation and homodimerization. We have added this information to make the point clear, lines 253-255:

      “This underlined the significance of the Ser271/272 site, not only for interaction (Gratz et al., 2019) but also for FIT NB formation (Figure 2).”

      Line 255: It's not clear why the author test if the FIT homodimerization is preferentially associated with condensate in the nucleus.


      We test this because both homo- and heterodimerization of bHLH TFs are generally important for the activity of TFs, and we unraveled the connection between protein interaction and NB formation. We state this in lines 228-232.

      Line 269-272: It's not clear to what the authors are referring to.


      We are describing the homodimeric behavior of FIT and FITmSS271AA assessed by homo-FRET measurements that are introduced in the previous paragraph, lines 256-268.

      Line 309: This colocalization part should be presented before line 194.


      We find it convincing to first examine and characterize the process underlying FIT NB formation, then studying a possible function of NBs. The colocalization analysis is part of a functional analysis of NBs. We thank the reviewer for the hint that colocalization also confirms that indeed the nuclear FIT spots are NBs. We will take this point and discuss it, lines 516-522:

      “Additionally, the partial and full colocalization of FIT NBs with various previously reported NB markers confirm that FIT indeed accumulates in and forms NBs. Since several of NB body markers are also behaving in a dynamic manner, this corroborates the formation of dynamic FIT NBs affected by environmental signals.”

      “In conclusion, the properties of liquid condensation and colocalization with NB markers, along with the findings that it occurred irrespective of the fluorescence protein tag preferentially with wild-type FIT, allowed us to coin the term of ‘FIT NBs’.”

      Line 328: add the ref to figure, please.


      Figure reference was added to the text, lines 330-332:

      “The second type (type II) of NB markers were partially colocalized with FIT-GFP. This included the speckle components ARGININE/SERINE-RICH45-mRFP (SR45) and the serine/arginine-rich matrix protein SRm102-mRFP (Figure 5).”

      Line 334: It seems that the size of the SR45 has an anormal very large diameter between 4 and 6 µm. In general a speckle measure about 2-3µm in diameter. Can the author make sure that this structure is not due to overexpression in N. benthamiana or make sure to not oversaturate the image.


      Thank you for this hint. Indeed, there are reports that SR45 is a dynamic component inside cells. It can redistribute depending on environmental conditions and associate into larger speckles depending on the nuclear activity status (Ali et al., 2003). We include this reference and refer to it in the discussion, lines 557-564:

      “Interestingly, typical FIT NB formation did not occur in the presence of PB markers, indicating that they must have had a strong effect on recruiting FIT. This is interesting because the partially colocalizing SR45, PIF3 and PIF4 are also dynamic NB components. Active transcription processes and environmental stimuli affect the sizes and numbers of SR45 speckles and PB (Ali et al., 2003; Legris et al., 2016; Meyer, 2020). This may indicate that, similarly, environmental signals might have affected the colocalization with FIT and resulting NB structures in our experiments. Another factor of interference might also be the level of expression.”

      Line 335: It seems that the colocalization is partial only partial after induction of NB. The FIT NB colocalize around SR45. But it's hard to tell because the images are saturated therefore creating some false overlapping region.


      The localization of FIT with SR45 is partial and occurs only after FIT has undergone condensation, see lines 335-338.

      Line 344-345: It's unappropriated to give the conclusion before the evidence.


      We explain at an earlier paragraph that we will show three different types of colocalization and introduce the respective colocalization types within separate paragraphs accordingly, see lines 314-321.

      Line 353: increase the contrast in the image of t=5 for UAP56H2 since it's hard to assess the colocalization.


      This is done as noted in the figure legend of Figure 6.

      Line 381-382: "In general" does not sound scientific avoid this kind of wording and describe precisely your findings.


      We rephrased the sentence, line 387-388:

      Localization of single expressed PIF3-mCherry remained unchanged at t=0 and t=15 (Supplemental Figure S5A).

      Line 384-385: Provide the data and the reference to the figure.


      We apologize for the misunderstanding and rephrased the sentence, line 389-391:

      After 488 nm excitation, FIT-GFP accumulated and finally colocalized with the large PIF3-mCherry PB at t=15, while the typical FIT NBs did not appear (Figure 7A)

      Line 386: The structure in which FIT-G is present in the Figure 7A t=15 is not alike the once already observed along the paper. This could be explained by over-expression in N. benthamiana. Please explain.


      Thank you for the hint. We discuss this in the discussion part, see lines 555-568.

      Line 393: Explain and provide data why the morphology of PIF4/FIT NB do not correspond to the normal morphology.


      Thank you for the valuable hints. Several reasons may account for this and we provide explanations in the discussion, see lines 555-568.

      Line 396-398: It seems also from the data that co-expression of PIF4 of PIF3 will affect the portioning of FIT between the NP and the NB.


      We can assume that residual nucleoplasm is depleted from protein during NB formation. This is likely true for all assessed colocalization experiments. We discuss this in lines 492-494.

      The discussion is particularly lengthy it might be great to reduce the size and focus on the main findings.


      *We shortened the discussion. *

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      All good for me, I think that the comments/suggestions from Reviewer #2 are valid and fair. If they are addressed they will improve considerably the manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This manuscript is describing an unprecedent very precise cellular and molecular mechanism in nutrition throughout a large set of microscopies technics. Formation of nuclear bodies and their role are still largely unexplored in this context. Therefore, this study sheds light on the functional role of this membrane less compartment and will be appreciated by a large audience. However, the fine characterization is only made using transient expression in N. Bentamiana and only few proofs of concept are provided in A. thaliana stable line.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript of Trofimov et al shows that FIT undergoes light-induced, reversible condensation and localizes to nuclear bodies (NBs), likely via liquid-liquid phase separation and light conditions plays important role in activity of FIT. Overall, manuscript is well written, authors have done a great job by doing many detailed and in-depth experiments to support their findings and conclusions.

      However, I have a number of questions/comments regarding the data presented and there are still some issues that authors should take into account.

      Major points/comments:

      1) Authors only focused on blue light conditions. Is there any specific reason for selecting only blue light and not others (red light or far red)?


      There are two main reasons: First, in a preliminary study (not shown) blue light resulted in the formation of the highest numbers of NBs. Second, iron reductase activity assays and gene expression analysis under different light conditions showed a promoting effect under blue light, but not red light or dark red light (Figure 9). This indicated to us, that blue light might activate FIT, and that active FIT may be related to FIT NBs.

      2) Fig. 3C and D: as GFP and GFP-GFP constructs are used as a reference, why not taking the measurements for them at two different time points for example t=0 and t=5 0r t=15???


      Free GFP and GFP-GFP dimers are standard controls for homo-FRET that serve to delimit the range for the measurements.

      3) Line 27-271: Acc to the figure 3d, for the Fluorescence anisotropy measurement of NBs appears to be less. Please explain.


      FA in NBs with FITmSS271AA is variable and the value is lower than that of whole nucleus but not significantly different compared with that in nucleoplasm. We describe the results of Figure 3D in lines 272-275.

      4) Figure 4: For the negative controls, data is shown at only t=0, data should be shown at t=5 also to prove that there is no decrease in fluorescence in these negative controls when they are expressed alone without bhlh39 as there is no acceptor in this case.


      Neither for FIT/bHLH039 nor the FITmSS271AA/bHLH039 pair, there is a significant decrease in the fluorescence lifetime values between t=0 and t=5/15. FIT-G is a control to delimit the range. The interesting experiment is to compare the protein pairs of interest between the different nuclear locations at t=5/15.

      5) Line 300-301: In Figure 4D and 4E. Fluorescence lifetime of G measurement at t=0 seems very similar for both FIT-G as well as FITmSS but if we look at the values of t=0 for FIT-G+bhlh039 it is greater than 2.5 and for FITmSS271AA-G+bhlh039 it is less which suggests more heterodimeric complexes to be formed in FITmSS271AA-G+bhlh039. Similar pattern is observed for NBs and NPs, according to the figure 4d and E.

      Therefore, heterodimeric complexes accumulated more in case of FITmSS271AA-G+bhlh039 as compared to FIT-G+bhlh039 (if we compare measurement values of Fluorescence lifetime of G of FITmSS271AA-G+bhlh039 with FIT-G+bhlh039).

      Please comment and elaborate about this further.


      These conclusions are not valid as the experiments cannot be conducted in parallel. Since the experiments had to be performed on different days due to the duration of measurements including new calibrations of the system, we cannot compare the absolute fluorescence lifetimes between the two sets.

      6) Figure 4: For the negative controls, data is shown at only t=0, data should be shown at t=5 also to prove that there is no decrease in fluorescence in these negative controls when they are expressed alone without bhlh39 as there is no acceptor in this case.


      Please see our response to your comment 4).

      7) Line 439-400: As iron uptake genes (FRO2 and IRT1) are more induced in WT under blue light conditions and FRO2 is less induced in case of red-light conditions. So, what happens to Fe content of WT grown under blue light or red light as compared to WT grown under white light. Perls/PerlsDAb staining of WT roots under different light conditions will add more information to this.


      We focused on the relatively short-term effects of blue light on signaling of nuclear events that could be related to FIT activity directly, particularly gene expression and iron reductase activity as consequence of FRO2 expression. These are both rapid changes that occur in the roots and can be measured. We suspect that iron re-localization and Fe uptake also occur, however, in our experience differences in metal contents will not be directly significant when applying the standard methods like ICP-MS or PERLs staining.

      Minor comments:

      Line 75-76: Rephrase the sentence


      We rephrased the sentence, lines 73-74:

      “As sessile organisms, plants adjust to an ever-changing environment and acclimate rapidly. They also control the amount of micronutrients they take up.”

      Line 119: Rephrase the sentence


      We rephrased the sentence, line 118-119:

      “Various NBs are found. Plants and animals share several of them, e.g. the nucleolus, Cajal bodies, and speckles.”

      Line 235-236: rephrase the sentence


      We rephrased the sentence, line 232-234:

      “In the work of Gratz et al. (2019), the hosphor-mimicking FITmS272E protein did not show significant changes in its behavior compared to wild-type FIT.”

      Line 444: Correct the sentence “Fe deficiency versus sufficiency”


      We corrected that, line 449-451:

      “In both, the far-red light and darkness situations, FIT was induced under iron deficiency versus sufficiency, while on the other side, BHLH039, FRO2 and IRT1 were not induced at all in these light conditions (Figure 9I-P).”

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree with R1 suggestions/comments and i think manuscript quality will be much better if authors carry out the experiments suggested by R1. I believe this will also strengthen their conclusions.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Overall, manuscript is well written, authors have done a nice job by doing several key experiments to support their findings and conclusions. However, the results and manuscript can be improved further by addressing some question raised here. This study is interesting for basic scientists which unravels the crosstalk of light signaling in nutrient signaling pathways.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank all three reviewers for their positive comments on the value of our work and for and for their helpful suggestions.

      *Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity:

      This manuscript reports the development of a new bright fluorescent reporter that allows to label neighbouring cells. The system is based on upon secretion and uptake of s36GFP, a positively supercharged fluorescent protein. The authors also develop a Halo tag that will allow for straight forward colour exchange, as well as a customisable single plasmid construct with modular components.

      There are some minor suggestions that the authors may want to consider: 1) The authors conclude that "PUFFIN labelling is transferred rapidly between cells within minutes". They report in their time lapse experiments (Figure 2A,C) that sGFP can be detected within neighbours of secretors after 30 minutes when the cells are plated in a 50:1 non-labelled/secretor cell ratio, whereas it can be detected after 15 minutes when the cells are plated in a 1:9 ratio. Is there any synergistic effect on the signal when the proportion of secretors is increased or is this difference just because there is more signal, making it easier to visualise. *

      We have addressed this point with new experiments (new data shown in Figure 2E and Supp Figure S2A,B). This makes it clear that labelling can indeed be detected earlier when the proportion of secretors is higher. This is likely to be because higher secretor:acceptor ratios result in stronger labelling, which in turn makes it easier to detect labelled neighbours at very early time points - even within as early as 15 minutes. We also confirm that, even when secretors are very sparse (1:50 ratio), label becomes detectable in neighbours within 60 minutes.

      1. *Is there any reason why the main Figure legends lack a title, but the supplementary figures have one? 2. In Figure 3, it may be helpful to label each option as A, B, C.. 3. In Figure 4E, the legends + JF646 and -JF646 may be switched around. Shouldn't the orange box should be (+) and the grey box should be (-)?


      We have modified / corrected the labelling as suggested and added titles to the main figure legends.

      *Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      This is a very valuable tool to address how cells change the behaviour of those in their environment. It will be very valuable for those interested in cell non-autonomous effects within a cell population or tissue. It will be especially valuable for live cell imaging; pulse chase experiments as well as omics approaches to understand cell behaviour in niches. *

      We thank this reviewer for their positive comments on the value of our work.

      *Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors describe a new method, Positive Ultra-bright Fluorescent Fusion For Identifying Neighbours (PUFFFIN), to label with Fluorescent Proteins, neighboring cells. In brief, specific cells that express a nuclear mCherry are engineered to secrete a supercharged fluorescent protein (36GFP) fused to the ultra-bright green-fluorescent mNeonGreen (mNG) (s36GFP). Neighboring cells uptake s36GFP and can be easily visualized. The authors added the human serum albumin signal peptide which is efficiently cleaved to create s36GFP. The PUFFFIN system can also be customized for color-of-choice labelling using HaloTags. A shortcoming of the paper is that it is a method paper established in tissue culture cells with no biological applications. A test of the system in an in vivo model would improve the study. The authors should at least describe specific examples of how the method can be used to answer biological questions. *

      We agree that the paper would be improved by demonstrating a biological application of our system. We are currently working on experiments to address a biological question, and will be submitting a revised manuscript containing these data.

      *Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      This straightforward and elegant approach is an improvement of current methods that are based on synthetic receptor-ligand interactions as it does not require genetic modification of both 'sender' cells and 'responding' cells. The approach should prove to be an effective and flexible tool for illuminating cellular neighborhoods. An interesting potential application of the method is to effectively deliver proteins fused to s36GFP.

      A shortcoming of the paper is that it is a method paper established in tissue culture cells with no biological applications. A test of the system in an in vivo model would improve the study. The authors should at least describe specific examples of how the method can be used to answer biological questions.*

      We thank this reviewer for their positive comments on the value of our work. We agree that the paper would be improved by demonstrating a biological application of our system. We are currently working on experiments to address a biological question, and will be submitting a revised manuscript containing these data

      *Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript, the authors introduced a novel cell-neighbor-labeling system named PUFFFIN. PUFFFIN, as well as 'PUFFHalo', offers an elegantly simple method for distinguishing between secretors and receivers, providing users with a versatile tool to label proximate neighbors through the uptake of s36GFP, subsequently permitting their isolation via FACS for subsequent analysis. In addition, this system could be very useful considering of its customizability by exchanging elements, such as tissue-specific promotors, color-of-choice (HaloTag), and genes of interest to cater to the diverse requirements of secretors. Overall, this system is well-designed and characterized, and the claims in this study are mostly supported by the data. However, this neighbor-labeling approach is not efficiently used to obtain biological insights. The following comments are intended to enhance the overall quality of the study:

      Major comments: *

      1. * In Vidio1, it appears that certain nuclear mCherry+ cells did not secrete s36GFP-mNG during 19hrs recording window. However, in Figure1D and E, these GFP-mCherry+ cells were reported as having a 0% occurrence. This may be the result of either a delay in GFP secretion, or possible mCherry leakiness in unmodified cells. Please provide clarification. *

      There is indeed one mCherry+ cell in video 1 that fails to generate s36GFP-mNG signal. This cell, unlike most other cells in the movie, fails to divide or actively migrate during the 19h recording period, but instead is being passively “pushed around” by surrounding cells, and therefore looks to us very much like a dead or dying cell (levels of cell death to tend to be slightly higher than usual during live imaging). We have looked through our other videos and identified only one other example of an mCherry+ GFP-negative cell: this cell is clearly dying because the nucleus disintegrates over the course of the movie.

      We considered the possibility that some proportion of secretors may fail to generate signal even if they are healthy. We examined all our FACS analysis data. We detected at most 0.15% of such ‘failed secretors’, and most usually none. We conclude that any mCherry+ GFP- cells exist at extremely low frequencies and/or tend to be dying cells. Either way, they are very unlikely to interfere with interpretation of experimental data.

      *Additionally, including representative images of the co-culture experiment in Figure 1.E would enhance the presentation of the data. *

      These data have now been added to Supplemental Figure S1 C

      *Since the authors mention that s36GFP-mNG labeling was not detectable beyond four cell diameters, it would be helpful to include statistical data regarding the average distances or cell layers that GFP can travel, thus describing the permeation and labeling limit of s36GFP-mNG, adjacent to Figure2C. *

      We’ve now quantified the data and provide this information in a new panel (Figure 2D).

      *Please comment on the application prospect of this system utilizing in vivo. In addition, comment should be made on the difference of PUFFFIN system and recent reported CILP (PNAS 2023). *

      We have added discussion on prospects for using the system in vivo (new text lines 65-67). We have also described the CILP system in the revised introduction, explaining that it is an inducible version of the Cherry Niche system that we describe in our introduction (new text lines 291-294).

      *Minor comments: 1. Please include the percentage of GFP+ and GFP- cells in Figure2.D, similar to what is provided in Figure S1.B. *

      This is a great suggestion so we have decided to add this information to all flow cytometry histograms within the paper, Figure 2D.

      *The '+' and '-' marks in Figure3.E appears to be mismatched with the results, please double-check and correct. *

      This has now been corrected.

      *I am curious about the interactions between secretors and 'receivers.' As the authors claim 'unbiased labeling' with this system, it's important to investigate whether the uptake abilities of receivers vary among different cell types. In other words, does the system exhibit cell-type preferences among receiver cells? This question could be optionally addressed through co-culture experiments involving secretors, receiver type A, and receiver type B. *

      We will perform additional experiments to address the reviewer’s question by directly comparing labelling efficiency across different receiver cell-types.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      *This study reported a simple and sensitive system for labeling neighboring cells in vitro, which can be customized by replacing exchangeable components for customized need. With promising application in vitro, this system could be further developed and tested in vivo. Fluorescent protein labeling in neighboring cells has been a topic of study recently, and this manuscript introduced a new tool that is added to such resources, offering a user-friendly and customizable alternative. Overall, this system will be of interest to researchers working on neighbor-cell labeling and study of cell-cell communications. *

      We thank this reviewer for their positive comments on the value of our work.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors introduced a novel cell-neighbor-labeling system named PUFFFIN. PUFFFIN, as well as 'PUFFHalo', offers an elegantly simple method for distinguishing between secretors and receivers, providing users with a versatile tool to label proximate neighbors through the uptake of s36GFP, subsequently permitting their isolation via FACS for subsequent analysis. In addition, this system could be very useful considering of its customizability by exchanging elements, such as tissue-specific promotors, color-of-choice (HaloTag), and genes of interest to cater to the diverse requirements of secretors. Overall, this system is well-designed and characterized, and the claims in this study are mostly supported by the data. However, this neighbor-labeling approach is not efficiently used to obtain biological insights. The following comments are intended to enhance the overall quality of the study:

      Major comments:

      1. In Vedio1, it appears that certain nuclear mCherry+ cells did not secrete s36GFP-mNG during 19hrs recording window. However, in Figure1D and E, these GFP-mCherry+ cells were reported as having a 0% occurrence. This may be the result of either a delay in GFP secretion, or possible mCherry leakiness in unmodified cells. Please provide clarification. Additionally, including representative images of the co-culture experiment in Figure 1.E would enhance the presentation of the data.
      2. Since the authors mention that s36GFP-mNG labeling was not detectable beyond four cell diameters, it would be helpful to include statistical data regarding the average distances or cell layers that GFP can travel, thus describing the permeation and labeling limit of s36GFP-mNG, adjacent to Figure2C.
      3. Please comment on the application prospect of this system utilizing in vivo. In addition, comment should be made on the difference of PUFFFIN system and recent reported CILP (PNAS 2023).

      Minor comments:

      1. Please include the percentage of GFP+ and GFP- cells in Figure2.D, similar to what is provided in Figure S1.B.
      2. The '+' and '-' marks in Figure3.E appears to be mismatched with the results, please double-check and correct.
      3. I am curious about the interactions between secretors and 'receivers.' As the authors claim 'unbiased labeling' with this system, it's important to investigate whether the uptake abilities of receivers vary among different cell types. In other words, does the system exhibit cell-type preferences among receiver cells? This question could be optionally addressed through co-culture experiments involving secretors, receiver type A, and receiver type B.


      This study reported a simple and sensitive system for labeling neighboring cells in vitro, which can be customized by replacing exchangeable components for customized need. With promising application in vitro, this system could be further developed and tested in vivo. Fluorescent protein labeling in neighboring cells has been a topic of study recently, and this manuscript introduced a new tool that is added to such resources, offering a user-friendly and customizable alternative. Overall, this system will be of interest to researchers working on neighbor-cell labeling and study of cell-cell communications.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors describe a new method, Positive Ultra-bright Fluorescent Fusion For Identifying Neighbours (PUFFFIN), to label with Fluorescent Proteins, neighboring cells. In brief, specific cells that express a nuclear mCherry are engineered to secrete a supercharged fluorescent protein (36GFP) fused to the ultra-bright green-fluorescent mNeonGreen (mNG) (s36GFP). Neighboring cells uptake s36GFP and can be easily visualized. The authors added the human serum albumin signal peptide which is efficiently cleaved to create s36GFP. The PUFFFIN system can also be customized for color-of-choice labelling using HaloTags.

      A shortcoming of the paper is that it is a method paper established in tissue culture cells with no biological applications. A test of the system in an in vivo model would improve the study. The authors should at least describe specific examples of how the method can be used to answer biological questions.


      This straightforward and elegant approach is an improvement of current methods that are based on synthetic receptor-ligand interactions as it does not require genetic modification of both 'sender' cells and 'responding' cells. The approach should prove to be an effective and flexible tool for illuminating cellular neighborhoods. An interesting potential application of the method is to effectively deliver proteins fused to s36GFP.

      A shortcoming of the paper is that it is a method paper established in tissue culture cells with no biological applications. A test of the system in an in vivo model would improve the study. The authors should at least describe specific examples of how the method can be used to answer biological questions.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript reports the development of a new bright fluorescent reporter that allows to label neighbouring cells. The system is based on upon secretion and uptake of s36GFP, a positively supercharged fluorescent protein. The authors also develop a Halo tag that will allow for straight forward colour exchange, as well as a customisable single plasmid construct with modular components.

      There are some minor suggestions that the authors may want to consider: 1. The authors conclude that "PUFFIN labelling is transferred rapidly between cells within minutes". They report in their time lapse experiments (Figure 2A,C) that sGFP can be detected within neighbours of secretors after 30 minutes when the cells are plated in a 50:1 non-labelled/secretor cell ratio, whereas it can be detected after 15 minutes when the cells are plated in a 1:9 ratio. Is there any synergistic effect on the signal when the proportion of secretors is increased or is this difference just because there is more signal, making it easier to visualise. 2. Is there any reason why the main Figure legends lack a title, but the supplementary figures have one? 3. In Figure 3, it may be helpful to label each option as A, B, C.. 4. In Figure 4E, the legends + JF646 and -JF646 may be switched around. Shouldn't the orange box should be (+) and the grey box should be (-)?


      This is a very valuable tool to address how cells change the behaviour of those in their environment. It will be very valuable for those interested in cell non-autonomous effects within a cell population or tissue. It will be especially valuable for live cell imaging; pulse chase experiments as well as omics approaches to understand cell behaviour in niches.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Hoskins et al describe analyses of the effects of sequence variation on RNA levels, protein levels, and ribosome loading for the COMT gene. They use multiple experimental approaches to assay these levels and report on how sequence differences affect expression. Overall, the paper is interesting in that it presents a very deep dive into the effects of sequence variation on gene expression, including in coding sequences. However, there are some issues with the polysome loading assay technique and there are substantial issues with the figure presentation, which is often confusing.

      __Response: __Thanks for the positive assessment of our manuscript and the constructive feedback regarding the issues with the figure presentation. We have addressed all of these below and they have significantly improved the clarity.

      • Major comments:*

      • 1) Figures:*

      • --Fig 1C needs a cartoon description to show where the UTRs are. Y-axis should say "Ribo-seq CPM"*

      __Response: __Fig 1C now includes a schematic and the y-axis is updated. Locations of the uORFs are also now included in Fig 1A.

      • --Sup Fig 1A confusing, what is "start" what is the point of this panel?*

      __Response: __We apologize for the confusing labeling of the panels in Sup Fig 1. “Start” refers to the MB-COMT start codon. We removed this annotation as it is irrelevant to the figure. We included Supplementary Figure 1A to show RNA probing data for the entire transcript. Figure 1A and B only show the regions that encompass the variants assayed in our study.

      • --Sup Fig 1B what is PCBP del?*

      Response: “PCBP del” refers to deletion of PCBP1/PCBP2 RNA binding protein motifs. The legend now specifies this.

      • --Sup Fig 1C what is "uORF B restore"? The description in the figure legend is not interpretable. Draw diagrams of the mutations that tell the reader what was assayed and why it was assayed. Why are there multiplication factors listed (e.g. 1.33X)? The data are depicted on a log scale, which makes it difficult to appreciate the fold-effects of the mutations (e.g. does uORFA mutation increase expression 1.5-fold?). Please calculate median expression values and report them on a bar graph or something like that so readers can interpret the results.*

      Response: “uORF B restore” refers to restoration of the endogenous uORF B frame with a silent variant in the Flag tag of the transgene. The multiplication factors listed were the fold change in median fluorescence between each mutant and the template (wild-type) transgene. We retained the figures as they show the raw distribution of fluorescence in each cell line, but in response to the reviewer’s suggestion we included a new figure displaying the effects as a bar graph (Supplementary Figure 1E).

      • --Fig 2A. It's hard to understand the cartoon diagram of the expression reporter construct. Why is +Dox shown here? Does that induce transcription?*

      __Response: __The reviewer is correct. “+Dox” indicated addition of Doxycycline to induce transcription before the data collection step. We agree that there may have been too much detail in this diagram and have now removed this for simplicity and indicated this in the Methods section.

      • --Fig 2B. What's on the x-axis? is it Log2(RNA/gDNA) from sequencing? is it Log2 or Log10 or Ln?*

      __Response: __Variant effects in each figure were derived from ALDEx2 analysis, which reports effect size as the median standardized difference between groups. The effect size is not directly interpretable as a log fold change; it takes into account the difference between groups as well as the dispersion. This analysis strategy has been previously demonstrated for analysis of SELEX experiments (Fernandes et al. 2014), which are used to select small populations of cells with specific phenotypes.

      ALDEx2 is a robust and principled choice for the analysis of count-compositional datasets, particularly after selection (e.g. sorted cell populations or low-input RNA fractions arising from polysome profiling). While we understand that this choice leads to less easily interpretable effect sizes, the mathematical advantages make ALDEx2 a more appropriate choice for this type of data. In the past, we had used other methods to analyze log frequencies (limma, a frequency based normalization-dependent analysis, as previously employed in Hoskins et al. 2023. Genome Biology) that directly reported fold changes. In our experience, the ALDEx2-derived effect sizes are well-correlated with those estimates (Pearson correlation 0.93 for variants significant at a FDR

      • --Fig 2C. What's on the y-axis (same question). I think it's LogX(mutant/wt)RNA level?*

      __Response: __For consistency with other figures, we replaced Figure 2C to report the effect size statistic as described above.

      • --Fig 2D. What's on the y-axis now? Fold-difference (not log transformed)?*

      __Response: __Please see our response above.

      • --Fig 2E. The scale bar is flipped vs. normal convention. This is also log transformed, but it's not labeled. Please label as log(whatever) and put the negative values on the left side of the bar (red on the left, blue on the right).*

      __Response: __Thanks for the suggestion, we have now updated the scale bar.

      --Fig 2F y-axis should say Ribo-seq CPM.

      __Response: __Done

      • --Fig 3A - please separate the graphs more. Did you sort cells from ROI2 into populations, or just cells from ROI1?*

      __Response: __Thanks for the suggestion, we now separate the graphs further. Cells were sorted for both ROI 1 and ROI 2 libraries.

      • --Fig3C-F What's the "effect size" mean on these graphs?*

      __Response: __Please see the response above regarding the effect size estimate from ALDEx2.

      • --Fig3D It looks like the colors have switched for positive / negative "effects" on the heat map*

      • compared to Figure 2E. Please define what "median effect" means and be consistent with*

      • comparison to figure 2E.*

      __Response: __We intentionally inverted colors for Figure 3. The rationale is that a variant causing low protein abundance corresponds to enrichment in P3 compared to gDNA, as opposed to depletion in P3. On the other hand, for effects on RNA abundance and ribosome load, a variant leading to low abundance for these measures is depleted.

      • --Figure 4 what does effect size mean, what's the log-transformed scale (log2, 10, etc) same issues from earlier figures.*

      __Response: __Please see response above.

      • --Figure 5 "effect size"*

      __Response: __The same definition of effect size was used with the exception that effect sizes are multiplied by -1 so that color schemes are consistent for deleterious effects.

      • 2) "Codon stability" should always be "Codon Stability Coefficient", maybe use "CSC". Otherwise it's confusing.*

      __Response: __Thanks for the suggestion. This has been updated throughout the manuscript.

      3) Flow cytometry section talks about "RNA fluorescence", which is confusing. You need to explain that it's IRES-driven mCherry as a proxy for the level of RNA first. It would also help to state explicitly that you sorted the cells into four populations, and define them all first before describing the results.

      __Response: __We apologize for the use of imprecise language with respect to this reporter. We revised the text to emphasize that mCherry is a proxy for RNA abundance and described the populations first as suggested.

      4) What are DeMask scores? How are they related to conservation or amino acid properties? If you define these, you can help the reader interpret the result.

      __Response: __Thanks for the suggestion. We now include a conceptual interpretation of the DeMask score in the relevant section. We also include a comparison to a recent large language model for variant effect prediction (ESM1b, Brandes et al. 2023) which is now reported in Supplementary Figure 5C.

      5) There are several issues with the Polysome gradient fractionation. The gradients did not separate 40S, 60S, and monosomal fractions, so it's hard to tell how many ribosomes correspond to each peak on the gradient graph in Figure S5. This is probably because the authors used a 20-50% gradient instead of a lower percentage on top. More significantly, variations in the coding region of COMT are likely affecting the polysome association in ways the authors didn't consider. Nonsense codons will simply make the orf a lot shorter, hence fewer ribosomes. This may have nothing to do with NMD. Silent and missense variants may have unpredictable effects because they may make translation faster (fewer ribosomes) or slower (more ribosomes) on the reporter. This could lead to more ribosomes with less protein or fewer ribosomes with more protein. The reporter RNA also has an IRES loading mCherry on it, which probably helps blunt or dampen the effects of the COMT sequence variants on polysome location distribution. Overall, the design of the polysome assay is probably very limited in power to detect changes in ribosome loading (four fractions, limited separation by 20-50 gradient, IRES loading, etc). This is partially addressed in the limitations section, but these issues could be discussed in more detail.

      __Response: __Given high polysomal association of endogenous COMT and our COMT transgene (Supplementary Figure 2B, Supplementary Figure 5B-C), we chose a 20-50% sucrose gradient to better resolve changes in ribosome load among heavy polysomes.

      We thank the reviewer for offering another valid explanation regarding the depletion of nonsensense variants. We have now included a sentence in the discussion to indicate lower ribosome load for nonsense variants may be due to a shorter ORF as opposed to NMD. We further include the potential limitation of the assay due to the presence of the IRES-mCherry.

      We agree that variants may have unpredictable effects due to effects on the dynamics of translation elongation. To address this potential limitation, we attempted to devise a selective ribosome profiling strategy by immunoprecipitating N-terminal Flag tagged peptides to enrich ribosomes translating COMT. However, we were unable to achieve significant enrichment, limiting our ability to measure variant effects on elongation in a high-throughput manner.


      The study is novel in that it assays both 5' UTR and a wide range of protein coding sequence variants for effects on RNA and protein levels from a clinically important gene, COMT. The manuscript reports that most protein coding variants have modest effects on RNA levels, and that the minority of variants that do affect RNA levels are not predictable due to their affect on codon usage. The work also determines the distribution of effects of variants on protein levels, finding a variety of effects on expression. Interestingly, the authors found SNPs that affect ribosome loading generally affect RNA structure of the COMT coding region, rather than affecting codon usage.

      This should appeal to many different communities of biologists - gene expression experts, geneticists, and clinical neurobiologists who focus on COMT. So there is a potential for fairly broad interest. The main limitations to the work are in a lack of clarity in the figures and perhaps in the underdeveloped nature of the discussion section. The discussion section reports new results (SNP associations that affect expression). These would make more sense in the results section, such that the discussion could do a better job relating the impact of sequence variants on expression levels to prior work to highlight the novelty.

      __Response: __We thank reviewer #1 for their positive assessment of the broad significance of our study. We also thank them for constructive suggestions that led to increased clarity in the presentation. We have moved the analysis of gnomAD variants to the Results section and expanded the discussion.

      Reviewer #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Hoskins and colleagues expressed a reporter containing all silent, missense, and nonsense codons at 58 amino acid positions in the human COMT gene in HEK293T cells and measured levels of DNA, bulk RNA, and pooled polysomal mRNA. They included a C-terminal translational GFP fusion and a downstream transcriptional mCherry fusion in the reporter in order to also bin variants by their relative protein and mRNA levels by flow cytometry. They hypothesized that RNA structure, in-part by mediating uORF translation, influences COMT gene expression. The authors conclude by identifying previously-uncharacterized COMT variants that, in this reporter system, affect RNA abundance and ribosome load. We generally found the results of this paper convincing and clear. We do not have major comments, but have many minor comments that we hope the authors can address. These comments mostly deal with clarification on analysis metrics and giving recommendations on data presentation.

      __Response: __Thanks for highlighting the strengths of our study and the constructive suggestions to improve the presentation.

      Minor comments:

      In Figure 2C, the vertical axis reads "Median between-group difference". How was this metric calculated and normalized? We also agree that nonsense mutations having consistently-detrimental effects on RNA abundance is reassuring, but recommend more explanation as to why the difference in the effects of silence and missense mutations between regions may be biologically relevant.

      __Response: __Variant effects in each figure derive from ALDEx2 analysis, which reports effect size as the median standardized difference between groups. In particular, to avoid any distributional assumptions for standardization, ALDEx2 uses a permutation based non-parametric estimate of dispersion. The effect size is not directly interpretable as a log fold change; it takes into account the difference between groups as well as the max dispersion of the groups. We have now provided explicit references to the specific R functions that were used to calculate the effect size.

      ALDEx2 is robust for analysis of count-compositional datasets, particularly after selection and bottlenecking (e.g. sorted cell populations or low-input RNA fractions arising from polysome profiling). While we have used other methods to analyze log frequencies (limma, a frequency based normalization-dependent analysis, as previously employed in Hoskins et al. 2023. Genome Biology), we opted for the less-interpretable but more robust ALDEx2 analysis to report variant effects between varying nucleic acid inputs.

      We currently lack a mechanistic interpretation for the difference in RNA abundance effects between ROI 1 and 2. However, we observed consistent results using a different analysis framework, which makes use of variant frequencies (as in Hoskins et al. 2023 Genome Biology) instead of the centered log ratios used in ALDEx2 analysis, further supporting a biological difference between the two.

      In Figure 3, we believe that the authors are claiming that lower RNA abundance causes lower protein abundance in some variants. However, this data only reports on protein abundance relative to transcript abundance, not absolute protein abundance. We think the claim should be revised to (1) clarify that the authors are measuring protein per mRNA, and (2) express that lower mRNA amounts are more likely to co-occur with lower protein amounts, but that this data does not support any causative model.

      __Response: __Thanks for the suggestion. We have now included an explicit description of the experimental design in the results section and noted that we are unable to assign protein abundance effects to underlying RNA abundance effects. In the current setup, we did not sort cells based on the ratio of moxGFP/mCherry fluorescence (protein per mRNA), but rather we defined gates based on the 2D plot of moxGFP versus mCherry. This is explicitly marked in Figure 3A.

      On page 9, the authors claim that their data supports a model that rs4633 increases RNA

      abundance, leading to higher COMT expression. Can the authors rule out a model whereby rs4633 facilitates translation initiation, as suggested by Tsao et al. 2011, leading to both an increase in mRNA and protein abundance?

      __Response: __Thanks for this question and opportunity to clarify. We have now added a sentence to the Discussion and included the following paragraph in the Supplementary Note:

      “Importantly, our study does not rule out a model where rs4633 facilitates translation initiation. Nevertheless, our data suggest a potential concurrent mechanism where rs4633 leads to higher protein abundance in human cell lines and in an in vitro translation assay (Tsao et al. 2011) by increasing RNA abundance. We note that Tsao et al did not directly measure RNA abundance in their study. In Supplementary Figure 3A of Nackley et al 2006, the APS haplotype containing rs4633 C>T showed slightly higher total RNA abundance compared to the LPS haplotype (in our study, the wild-type template). However, this was not statistically significant and was only observed for the S-COMT isoform. It is possible that our observations are compatible with the conclusions in Tsao et al. 2011. For example, increased translation of rs4633 C>T may lead to stabilization of the RNA.”

      The paper references "effect size" at multiple points (e.g. "polysome effect size") but we could not find this term explicitly defined (for example: for the polysome effect size, were RNA counts for each polysome fraction divided by the relative abundance of that RNA in total RNA?)

      __Response: __We apologize for this confusion. Please see our response above. We have also stated the definition of effect size explicitly in the revised manuscript.

      Could you elaborate on how you define "protein abundance and "effect size: in Figure 5G? How is enrichment in P3 or P1 calculated?

      __Response: __Effect size is defined as described above. Enrichment in P3 or P1 is calculated with respect to the abundance in gDNA (unsorted cells).

      Were 3396 variants considered for all readouts in this paper? How many of these variants were present in each ROI? It may be worth clarifying sample sizes.

      __Response: __Thanks for the suggestion. The reviewer is correct: 3396 variants were present in all biological replicates and all readouts (after excluding polysome metafractions 1 and 2 and flow cytometry population 4). The Methods were updated to include all readouts that were dropped. The number of variants in each ROI are now included in this section of the main text.

      How did Twist generate these mutagenized sequences? We assumed that they used error-prone PCR due to the mention of multiple nucleotide polymorphisms, but couldn't find an explicit answer.

      __Response: __Twist generates these mutagenized inserts using degenerate primers. This allows all alternate codons to be assayed (all silent, missense changes). This is now noted in the Methods.


      In the methods, it may be worth elaborating on the composition of the HsCD00617865 plasmid. For example: this COMT reporter is under the control of a constitutively-expressed T7 promoter, correct?

      __Response: __The HsCD00617865 plasmid was only used as a template for PCR amplification and generation of the transgene. The transgene is cloned into a vector containing attB sites for recombination into the landing pad cell line (Matreyek et al 2020). Transcription is induced by Doxycycline from the landing pad locus. Plasmid maps used for transfection into the landing pad line are now included in the GitHub repository.

      In Supplementary Figures 4 and 5, it would be helpful to explicitly say that you are reporting Pearson correlations between biological replicates.

      __Response: __Thanks for the suggestion. The legends have been updated accordingly.

      "After summarizing biological replicates (N=4) for each readout...": how did the authors summarize biological replicates? Were counts averaged?

      __Response: __Biological replicates were summarized using the median. This is now clarified in the Methods.

      The authors used pairwise correlations between flow cytometry fractions, polysome fractions, and total RNA/gDNA as indications of data quality. Do the authors expect for these counts to be strongly correlated? We would not necessarily expect to see a strong correlation between ribosome load and RNA/gDNA.

      __Response: __We used replicate correlation as an indicator of data quality. Our readouts of ribosome load reflect the abundance of a variant in a particular polysome fraction. Given that variants that are highly abundant in the RNA pool will on average be more highly represented in polysome fractions, we would expect a correlation between the abundance of a variant in total RNA and in polysome fractions.

      The authors may need to check that their standard deviations on fold changes are properly reported.

      __Response: __iIn the Figures and the main text, we specified the confidence intervals as calculated by ALDEx2 method instead of reporting standard deviations on fold changes,. Specifically, the confidence intervals were determined by Monte Carlo methods that produce a posterior probability distribution of the observed data given repeated sampling. Variants in which the confidence intervals do not cross 0 are considered true discoveries (section 5.4.1 of the ALDEx2 vignette on Bioconductor).


      We would expect standard deviation bounds to be symmetric for log fold changes, but not on unlogged fold changes - for example see page 8, for the sentence "our point estimate for nonsense variant effects on COMT RNA abundance was approximately a two-fold decrease relative to the gDNA frequency (fold change of 0.43 +/- 0.13; mean +/- standard deviation; Methods)."

      __Response: __Thanks for the suggestion. To avoid any confusion about the symmetry, we replaced the +/- notation, and explicitly noted the mean and standard deviation. To help the reader gain an intuition of the magnitude of variant effects, we conducted a frequency based normalization-dependent analysis using limma (as previously employed in Hoskins et al. 2023. Genome Biology). We now report a fold change (unlogged) for RNA abundance compared to gDNA abundance. The point estimate is the mean and s.d. across all nonsense variants.

      On page 10, the authors say that their data suggests that hydrophobicity in the early coding region of COMT may be important for COMT folding. If this is the case, would we expect to see this effect in flow cytometry data (which is affected by protein degradation) and not polysome profiling (which is unaffected by post-translational protein degradation)?

      __Response: __We apologize as we are uncertain about the reviewer’s intended question. The section that refers to the importance of hydrophobicity indeed refers to the flow cytometry data. While there are specific instances in which the amino acid properties encoded by the mRNA influences translation dynamics, these are not universally true. Consequently, we did not expect these impacts to be observed at the level of polysome profiling.

      We believe that we would have some trouble replicating the analysis from this paper from the raw data, given that the bulk of the analysis on GitHub is presented as a single R Markdown file, with references to local files to which we do not have access. We recommend that the authors add additional documentation to their repository to facilitate re-analysis.

      __Response: __Thanks for the opportunity to address this issue of critical importance. To facilitate replication, we have now deposited all analysis files to Zenodo and refactored the code to enable replication by simply running a markdown file.

      In Figure 1B, indicating that more signal indicates less structure (in the legend or the figure itself) may assist readers who are unfamiliar with DMS-seq.

      __Response: __Thanks for the suggestion. This is now updated.

      Figure 1C does a great job presenting evidence for the translation of uORFs, but does not seem to flow with the overall argument of the paper, so may fit better in the supplement.

      __Response: __We considered this suggestion, and opted for keeping its placement as it gives evidence that our transgene is translated primarily as the MB-COMT isoform. This ensures that, for variants upstream of the S-COMT isoform, we can assay effects on ribosome load that are tied to mechanisms of translation elongation and codon stability.

      We believe there is a typo in the Figure 1 legend that should read "K562" instead of "H562".

      __Response: __Thank you, this was indeed a typo.

      You also gated to separate into P1-P4, correct? Can you also show the bounds of that gating

      strategy in Figure 3A?

      __Response: __This has been updated. We also added the gating strategy in response to comments from reviewer #1.

      We find Figure 3F very compelling. Do you have any theories as to why mutating I59-H66 to

      nonpolar, uncharged residues leads to increased COMT expression?

      __Response: __We do not have any theories for why this may be. However, we noted that with the exception of V63, residues I59-H66 are not evolutionarily constrained (based on DeMask entropy values). This suggests mutational tolerance for nonpolar, uncharged residues in this region (with the exception of V63 and H66; see Figure 3D).

      There appears to be a non-negligible proportion of di- and tri- nucleotide polymorphisms in Supplementary Figure 4. Were these excluded in downstream analyses?

      __Response: __These variants are expected from the Twist mutagenesis strategy and included in analysis. We believe they are at lower frequency compared to SNPs due to less favorable annealing of the degenerate primers.

      A minor typo in the discussion reads "fluoresce".

      __Response: __Done


      Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.

      This work investigated the regulatory effects of thousands of coding variants in the COMT gene, focusing on two regions with clinical significance, by using high-throughput reporter assays. The results from this will be useful for clinical scientists interested in understanding the impacts of COMT mutations and be a useful framework for other systems/computational biologists to understand the impacts of coding mutations across different levels of regulatory function. Mutations in protein regions, if having a function, are classically known to interfere with protein function. There are fewer large-scale efforts to understand the impacts of coding mutations affecting expression through potentially changing of RNA structure or codon optimization - this work has contributed towards that frontier.

      Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate). This is (as far as I am aware) the first paper that has integrated high-throughput screens massively parallel reporter assays from RNA degradation, ribosomal load, and flow cytometry. Previous papers have tended to measure on expression regulation on only one dimension (i.e. Greisemer et al. 2023 on RNA degradation, Sample et al. 2019 on ribosomal load, and de Boer at al. 2020 on protein expression).

      __Response: __Thanks for highlighting the novelty of our approach compared to existing strategies in the literature.

      State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.

      Clinicians/researchers interested in COMT, computational biologists, geneticists and potentially structural biologists interested in understanding the consequences of amino acid mutations on RNA/protein expression

      __Response: __Thanks for noting the broad significance of our study.

      Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      Genomics, Massively parallel reporter assays, High-throughput regulatory screens.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      *This manuscript reports on transcript sequence variants that affect expression of the gene COMT. Targeted analysis of SNPs identifies 5' UTR variants that affect COMT, leading to the identification of translated uORFs. Common coding sequence SNPs do not affect COMT expression, however. Massively parallel analyses of mRNA abundance, protein abundance, and translation are combined to look more broadly at coding sequence variants. These analyses focus on regions of predicted structure in the COMT transcript. Both silent and missense mutations that increase mRNA abundance are identified. Protein abundance is then measured and many missense mutations are found to change protein levels. To address translation directly, analysis of polysome loading is performed and significant differences are identified, although technical challenges limit data quality in these experiments. These different experiments are then analyzed jointly to classify mutation effects and identify a class of silent mutations with expression effects, leading to a proposal that these act through structure. *

      *The joint, integrative analysis of COMT variants through a range of methods allows clearer insights into interconnected post-transcriptional effects. The massively parallel experiments generate high-quality data, although targeted validation of key results would strengthen the work. The findings advance our understanding of silent variant effects, which remains an open question, and technical innovations could find broader applications. *

      __Response: __Thanks for the positive assessment of the quality of the data generated and the potential for the broader application of the technical innovations.

      *I do have concerns with the present version of this work. *

        • There is no validation presented for high-throughput experimental data. I would say that validating the effects of M152T and V63V variants from Figure 2B would substantially strengthen the work and support key conclusions. * __Response: __Our experiments collectively enabled nearly 10,000 measurements of variant effect (summed over three layers of gene expression). The goal of our study was to identify broad mechanisms of variant effect. While we are excited about the specific variants uncovered, targeted experimental methods for validating changes to RNA abundance, such as RT-qPCR, are unlikely to be sufficiently sensitive. For example, RNA abundance effects in our study had a median effect size of 1.47 for variants up in RNA, and 0.4 for variants down in RNA. This likely corresponds to less than one Ct difference between the variant and the reference allele. Indeed, previous studies such as Findlay et al., 2018 Nature that reported similar effect sizes (FGF7 and FOS, respectively (Figure 4B).

      Thus, for time and cost concerns, we respectfully suggest that targeted experiments involving V63V and M152T are beyond the scope of our study. Nevertheless, to further strengthen our conclusions, we have computationally confirmed our findings using a different analysis framework. We found 75/76 of the variants significant by ALDEx2 analysis were also significant by limma analysis (a frequency based normalization-dependent analysis, as previously employed in Hoskins et al. 2023. Genome Biology) using the same FDR (0.1).

      • In the fluorescent reporter scheme, it seems that variants reducing mRNA abundance should be enriched in the "P2" gate region relative to "P1", as they would have lower mRNA abundance and correspondingly lower protein abundance. However, this analysis is not performed, and instead P1 and P3 are compared (Figure 3G), which would seem to focus on protein-level effects. *

      __Response: __Our initial hesitation in comparing P2 to P1 is that the P2 population may be enriched for cells that underwent inefficient induction of transcription with Doxycycline. Hence technical factors as opposed to the effect of the variants may dominate this comparison. In response to the reviewer’s comments, we carried out the suggested analysis (new Supplementary Figure 5B). We found that variants that are down in RNA are enriched in P2 relative to P1 as expected. This is now noted in the Results section.

      • In general the work classifies variants in several different ways and it would help to be a little clearer in naming these classes. For instance, in describing the FACS-based analysis of variant expression it is written, "protein fluorescence conditioned on RNA fluorescence" which is confusing at best-it's a fluorescence-based measurement that is used indirectly to measure COMT reporter abundance. *

      __Response: __Thanks for the suggestion. We agree that our initial word-choice was imprecise. We rewrote this section to indicate mCherry fluorescence is an indirect proxy for RNA abundance.

      • Likewise, the populations with shifted GFP/mCherry ratio in this assay are described as "uncorrelated" populations, which is opaque and somewhat inaccurate-there seems to be a correlation in this group but at a different ratio. *

      __Response: __We have revised the language in the manuscript. We opted for “low or high RNA/protein abundance” to indicate the relationship between GFP and mCherry fluorescence in populations P3 and P4.

      • In the same way, "deleterious variants" is used to describe protein abundance changes, but this term implies a fitness effect and is not very specific. *

      __Response: __We apologize for the confusing word choice. We did away with this term in favor of “variants with low protein abundance”.

      • In discussing the effects of missense COMT variants on protein levels, there is an implicit assumption that degradation of mis-folded protein (or perhaps properly-folded protein with excess hydrophobic exposure?) explains these effects. This is plausible, but it would help to lay out this reasoning more clearly. *

      __Response: __Thanks for the suggestion. We have added a sentence at the end of the section that specifies this assumption and cites a recent study reporting that rare missense variants in COMT may be misfolded and degraded by the proteasome (Larsen et al. 2023).

      • It is written that,"In line with codon stability as a predictor of translational efficiency (Presnyak et al., 2015), variants with low codon optimality were depleted from polysomes compared to variants with optimal codons". However, this mis-states the conclusions of the cited study, which notes, "Importantly, under normal conditions the ribosome occupancy of the HIS3 opt and non-opt constructs was determined to be similar (Fig. 6B)". *

      __Response: __We apologize for mis-stating the conclusions of Presnyak et al. 2015. We have now revisited the relevant literature to more accurately place our conclusions in the context of literature. While Presnyak et al. and several other studies (Bazzini et al., 2016; Mauger et al., 2019) have clearly linked the association between codon choice and mRNA stability. We now reference Mauger et al. 2019 who used elegant experiments to demonstrate that mRNA secondary structure is a driver of increased protein production and synergizes with codon optimality (Figure 5B). Their results further support the role of codon optimality on RNA stability while providing evidence of additive impact on translation efficiency.

      • It is written that, "One intriguing possibility is to develop multiplexed assays of variant effect on RNA folding, using mutational profiling RNA probing methods (Weng et al., 2020; Zubradt et al., 2017)." How would this differ from the "Mutate and Map" approach in doi://10.1038/nchem.1176 and subsequent work from the same group? *

      __Response: __Thanks for pointing out the more recent work following the initial papers in 2010-2011. We have missed the work from the Das lab that extended the Mutate and Map approach to utilize mutational profiling (Cheng and Kladwang et al., 2017). We updated our Discussion to indicate that the proposed assay has been pioneered and is a viable approach for high-throughput determination of variant effects on RNA folding.

      Because mutational profiling methods leverage reverse transcriptase readthrough and mismatch incorporation, they enable deeper and more uniform coverage of sequencing reads, particularly for longer transcripts. A key design principle of the proposed assay is to mutagenize only certain types of variants in the library such that they do not overlap RT mismatch signatures arising from the RNA probing reagent/RT enzyme. For example, readthrough of DMS base adducts largely generates A>N or C>N mismatches, so a variant library would be designed to only contain variants at G or T bases. This ensures variants in the library can be differentiated from signals of the RNA probing method.

      ***Referees cross-commenting** *

      *I generally agree with the other reviewers and found that many small points on the figures were confusing, and in some cases the values being computed and displayed were under-specified. *

      *I agree with Reviewer 1 that the polysome fractionation probably has limited power due to experimental design, and that the interpretation of changed ribosome loading is subtle. *

      __Response: __In response to these helpful comments, we have clarified the points highlighted by the reviewers and expanded the limitations section related to the ribosome loading assay. Thanks for these constructive suggestions to strengthen our study.

      *Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): *

      *The joint, integrative analysis of COMT variants through a range of methods allows clearer insights into interconnected post-transcriptional effects. The massively parallel experiments generate high-quality data, although targeted validation of key results would strengthen the work. The findings advance our understanding of silent variant effects, which remains an open question, and technical innovations could find broader applications. *

      __Response: __Thanks for pointing out the high-quality of the generated data and the broad significance of our study. The goal of our study was to identify broad mechanisms of variant effect instead of focusing on differential expression for any specific variants.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript reports on transcript sequence variants that affect expression of the gene COMT. Targeted analysis of SNPs identifies 5' UTR variants that affect COMT, leading to the identification of translated uORFs. Common coding sequence SNPs do not affect COMT expression, however. Massively parallel analyses of mRNA abundance, protein abundance, and translation are combined to look more broadly at coding sequence variants. These analyses focus on regions of predicted structure in the COMT transcript. Both silent and missense mutations that increase mRNA abundance are identified. Protein abundance is then measured and many missense mutations are found to change protein levels. To address translation directly, analysis of polysome loading is performed and significant differences are identified, although technical challenges limit data quality in these experiments. These different experiments are then analyzed jointly to classify mutation effects and identify a class of silent mutations with expression effects, leading to a proposal that these act through structure.

      The joint, integrative analysis of COMT variants through a range of methods allows clearer insights into interconnected post-transcriptional effects. The massively parallel experiments generate high-quality data, although targeted validation of key results would strengthen the work. The findings advance our understanding of silent variant effects, which remains an open question, and technical innovations could find broader applications.

      I do have concerns with the present version of this work.

      1. There is no validation presented for high-throughput experimental data. I would say that validating the effects of M152T and V63V variants from Figure 2B would substantially strengthen the work and support key conclusions.
      2. In the fluorescent reporter scheme, it seems that variants reducing mRNA abundance should be enriched in the "P2" gate region relative to "P1", as they would have lower mRNA abundance and correspondingly lower protein abundance. However, this analysis is not performed, and instead P1 and P3 are compared (Figure 3G), which would seem to focus on protein-level effects.
      3. In general the work classifies variants in several different ways and it would help to be a little clearer in naming these classes. For instance, in describing the FACS-based analysis of variant expression it is written, "protein fluorescence conditioned on RNA fluorescence" which is confusing at best-it's a fluorescence-based measurement that is used indirectly to measure COMT reporter abundance.
      4. Likewise, the populations with shifted GFP/mCherry ratio in this assay are described as "uncorrelated" populations, which is opaque and somewhat inaccurate-there seems to be a correlation in this group but at a different ratio.
      5. In the same way, "deleterious variants" is used to describe protein abundance changes, but this term implies a fitness effect and is not very specific.
      6. In discussing the effects of missense COMT variants on protein levels, there is an implicit assumption that degradation of mis-folded protein (or perhaps properly-folded protein with excess hydrophobic exposure?) explains these effects. This is plausible, but it would help to lay out this reasoning more clearly.
      7. It is written that,"In line with codon stability as a predictor of translational efficiency (Presnyak et al., 2015), variants with low codon optimality were depleted from polysomes compared to variants with optimal codons". However, this mis-states the conclusions of the cited study, which notes, "Importantly, under normal conditions the ribosome occupancy of the HIS3 opt and non-opt constructs was determined to be similar (Fig. 6B)".
      8. It is written that, "One intriguing possibility is to develop multiplexed assays of variant effect on RNA folding, using mutational profiling RNA probing methods (Weng et al., 2020; Zubradt et al., 2017)." How would this differ from the "Mutate and Map" approach in doi://10.1038/nchem.1176 and subsequent work from the same group?

      Referees cross-commenting

      I generally agree with the other reviewers and found that many small points on the figures were confusing, and in some cases the values being computed and displayed were under-specified.

      I agree with Reviewer 1 that the polysome fractionation probably has limited power due to experimental design, and that the interpretation of changed ribosome loading is subtle.


      The joint, integrative analysis of COMT variants through a range of methods allows clearer insights into interconnected post-transcriptional effects. The massively parallel experiments generate high-quality data, although targeted validation of key results would strengthen the work. The findings advance our understanding of silent variant effects, which remains an open question, and technical innovations could find broader applications.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Hoskins and colleagues expressed a reporter containing all silent, missense, and nonsense codons at 58 amino acid positions in the human COMT gene in HEK293T cells and measured levels of DNA, bulk RNA, and pooled polysomal mRNA. They included a C-terminal translational GFP fusion and a downstream transcriptional mCherry fusion in the reporter in order to also bin variants by their relative protein and mRNA levels by flow cytometry. They hypothesized that RNA structure, in-part by mediating uORF translation, influences COMT gene expression. The authors conclude by identifying previously-uncharacterized COMT variants that, in this reporter system, affect RNA abundance and ribosome load.

      We generally found the results of this paper convincing and clear. We do not have major comments, but have many minor comments that we hope the authors can address. These comments mostly deal with clarification on analysis metrics and giving recommendations on data presentation.

      Minor comments:

      In Figure 2C, the vertical axis reads "Median between-group difference". How was this metric calculated and normalized? We also agree that nonsense mutations having consistently-detrimental effects on RNA abundance is reassuring, but recommend more explanation as to why the difference in the effects of silence and missense mutations between regions may be biologically relevant.

      In Figure 3, we believe that the authors are claiming that lower RNA abundance causes lower protein abundance in some variants. However, this data only reports on protein abundance relative to transcript abundance, not absolute protein abundance. We think the claim should be revised to (1) clarify that the authors are measuring protein per mRNA, and (2) express that lower mRNA amounts are more likely to co-occur with lower protein amounts, but that this data does not support any causative model.

      On page 9, the authors claim that their data supports a model that rs4633 increases RNA abundance, leading to higher COMT expression. Can the authors rule out a model whereby rs4633 facilitates translation initiation, as suggested by Tsao et al. 2011, leading to both an increase in mRNA and protein abundance?

      The paper references "effect size" at multiple points (e.g. "polysome effect size") but we could not find this term explicitly defined (for example: for the polysome effect size, were RNA counts for each polysome fraction divided by the relative abundance of that RNA in total RNA?)

      Could you elaborate on how you define "protein abundance and "effect size: in Figure 5G? How is enrichment in P3 or P1 calculated?

      Were 3396 variants considered for all readouts in this paper? How many of these variants were present in each ROI? It may be worth clarifying sample sizes.

      How did Twist generate these mutagenized sequences? We assumed that they used error-prone PCR due to the mention of multiple nucleotide polymorphisms, but couldn't find an explicit answer.

      In the methods, it may be worth elaborating on the composition of the HsCD00617865 plasmid. For example: this COMT reporter is under the control of a constitutively-expressed T7 promoter, correct?

      In Supplementary Figures 4 and 5, it would be helpful to explicitly say that you are reporting Pearson correlations between biological replicates.

      "After summarizing biological replicates (N=4) for each readout...": how did the authors summarize biological replicates? Were counts averaged?

      The authors used pairwise correlations between flow cytometry fractions, polysome fractions, and total RNA/gDNA as indications of data quality. Do the authors expect for these counts to be strongly correlated? We would not necessarily expect to see a strong correlation between ribosome load and RNA/gDNA.

      The authors may need to check that their standard deviations on fold changes are properly reported. We would expect standard deviation bounds to be symmetric for log fold changes, but not on unlogged fold changes - for example see page 8, for the sentence "our point estimate for nonsense variant effects on COMT RNA abundance was approximately a two-fold decrease relative to the gDNA frequency (fold change of 0.43 +/- 0.13; mean +/- standard deviation; Methods)."

      On page 10, the authors say that their data suggests that hydrophobicity in the early coding region of COMT may be important for COMT folding. If this is the case, would we expect to see this effect in flow cytometry data (which is affected by protein degradation) and not polysome profiling (which is unaffected by post-translational protein degradation)?

      We believe that we would have some trouble replicating the analysis from this paper from the raw data, given that the bulk of the analysis on GitHub is presented as a single R Markdown file, with references to local files to which we do not have access. We recommend that the authors add additional documentation to their repository to facilitate re-analysis.

      In Figure 1B, indicating that more signal indicates less structure (in the legend or the figure itself) may assist readers who are unfamiliar with DMS-seq.

      Figure 1C does a great job presenting evidence for the translation of uORFs, but does not seem to flow with the overall argument of the paper, so may fit better in the supplement.

      We believe there is a typo in the Figure 1 legend that should read "K562" instead of "H562".

      You also gated to separate into P1-P4, correct? Can you also show the bounds of that gating strategy in Figure 3A?

      We find Figure 3F very compelling. Do you have any theories as to why mutating I59-H66 to nonpolar, uncharged residues leads to increased COMT expression? There appears to be a non-negligible proportion of di- and tri- nucleotide polymorphisms in Supplementary Figure 4. Were these excluded in downstream analyses?

      A minor typo in the discussion reads "fluoresce".


      Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.

      This work investigated the regulatory effects of thousands of coding variants in the COMT gene, focusing on two regions with clinical significance, by using high-throughput reporter assays. The results from this will be useful for clinical scientists interested in understanding the impacts of COMT mutations and be a useful framework for other systems/computational biologists to understand the impacts of coding mutations across different levels of regulatory function. Mutations in protein regions, if having a function, are classically known to interfere with protein function. There are fewer large-scale efforts to understand the impacts of coding mutations affecting expression through potentially changing of RNA structure or codon optimization - this work has contributed towards that frontier.

      Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).

      This is (as far as I am aware) the first paper that has integrated high-throughput screens massively parallel reporter assays from RNA degradation, ribosomal load, and flow cytometry. Previous papers have tended to measure on expression regulation on only one dimension (i.e. Greisemer et al. 2023 on RNA degradation, Sample et al. 2019 on ribosomal load, and de Boer at al. 2020 on protein expression).

      State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.

      Clinicians/researchers interested in COMT, computational biologists, geneticists and potentially structural biologists interested in understanding the consequences of amino acid mutations on RNA/protein expression

      Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      Genomics, Massively parallel reporter assays, High-throughput regulatory screens.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Hoskins et al describe analyses of the effects of sequence variation on RNA levels, protein levels, and ribosome loading for the COMT gene. They use multiple experimental approaches to assay these levels and report on how sequence differences affect expression. Overall, the paper is interesting in that it presents a very deep dive into the effects of sequence variation on gene expression, including in coding sequences. However, there are some issues with the polysome loading assay technique and there are substantial issues with the figure presentation, which is often confusing.

      Major comments:

      1. Figures: Fig 1C needs a cartoon description to show where the UTRs are. Y-axis should say "Ribo-seq CPM"

      Sup Fig 1A confusing, what is "start" what is the point of this panel?

      Sup Fig 1B what is PCBP del?

      Sup Fig 1C what is "uORF B restore"? The description in the figure legend is not interpretable. Draw diagrams of the mutations that tell the reader what was assayed and why it was assayed. Why are there multiplication factors listed (e.g. 1.33X)? The data are depicted on a log scale, which makes it difficult to appreciate the fold-effects of the mutations (e.g. does uORFA mutation increase expression 1.5-fold?). Please calculate median expression values and report them on a bar graph or something like that so readers can interpret the results.

      Fig 2A. It's hard to understand the cartoon diagram of the expression reporter construct. Why is +Dox shown here? Does that induce transcription?

      Fig 2B. What's on the x-axis? is it Log2(RNA/gDNA) from sequencing? is it Log2 or Log10 or Ln?

      Fig 2C. What's on the y-axis (same question). I think it's LogX(mutant/wt)RNA level?

      Fig 2D. What's on the y-axis now? Fold-difference (not log transformed)?

      Fig 2E. The scale bar is flipped vs. normal convention. This is also log transformed, but it's not labeled. Please label as log(whatever) and put the negative values on the left side of the bar (red on the left, blue on the right).

      Fig 2F y-axis should say Ribo-seq CPM.

      Fig 3A - please separate the graphs more. Did you sort cells from ROI2 into populations, or just cells from ROI1?

      Fig3C-F What's the "effect size" mean on these graphs?

      Fig3D It looks like the colors have switched for positive / negative "effects" on the heat map compared to Figure 2E. Please define what "median effect" means and be consistent with comparison to figure 2E.

      Figure 4 what does effect size mean, what's the log-transformed scale (log2, 10, etc) same issues from earlier figures.

      Figure 5 "effect size" 2. "Codon stability" should always be "Codon Stability Coefficient", maybe use "CSC". Otherwise it's confusing. 3. Flow cytometry section talks about "RNA fluorescence", which is confusing. You need to explain that it's IRES-driven mCherry as a proxy for the level of RNA first. It would also help to state explicitly that you sorted the cells into four populations, and define them all first before describing the results. 4. What are DeMask scores? How are they related to conservation or amino acid properties? If you define these, you can help the reader interpret the result. 5. There are several issues with the Polysome gradient fractionation. The gradients did not separate 40S, 60S, and monosomal fractions, so it's hard to tell how many ribosomes correspond to each peak on the gradient graph in Figure S5. This is probably because the authors used a 20-50% gradient instead of a lower percentage on top. More significantly, variations in the coding region of COMT are likely affecting the polysome association in ways the authors didn't consider. Nonsense codons will simply make the orf a lot shorter, hence fewer ribosomes. This may have nothing to do with NMD. Silent and missense variants may have unpredictable effects because they may make translation faster (fewer ribosomes) or slower (more ribosomes) on the reporter. This could lead to more ribosomes with less protein or fewer ribosomes with more protein. The reporter RNA also has an IRES loading mCherry on it, which probably helps blunt or dampen the effects of the COMT sequence variants on polysome location distribution. Overall, the design of the polysome assay is probably very limited in power to detect changes in ribosome loading (four fractions, limited separation by 20-50 gradient, IRES loading, etc). This is partially addressed in the limitations section, but these issues could be discussed in more detail.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I generally agree with the other reviews. Reviewer 2 asks a lot of clarifying questions, which is in line with my comments and suggestions to clarify the presentation of results in the figures. Reviewer 3 has some similar comments and also asks for validation of a few of the MPRA results, which I agree would strengthen the manuscript.


      The study is novel in that it assays both 5' UTR and a wide range of protein coding sequence variants for effects on RNA and protein levels from a clinically important gene, COMT. The manuscript reports that most protein coding variants have modest effects on RNA levels, and that the minority of variants that do affect RNA levels are not predictable due to their affect on codon usage. The work also determines the distribution of effects of variants on protein levels, finding a variety of effects on expression. Interestingly, the authors found SNPs that affect ribosome loading generally affect RNA structure of the COMT coding region, rather than affecting codon usage.

      This should appeal to many different communities of biologists - gene expression experts, geneticists, and clinical neurobiologists who focus on COMT. So there is a potential for fairly broad interest. The main limitations to the work are in a lack of clarity in the figures and perhaps in the underdeveloped nature of the discussion section. The discussion section reports new results (SNP associations that affect expression). These would make more sense in the results section, such that the discussion could do a better job relating the impact of sequence variants on expression levels to prior work to highlight the novelty.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their critical input on the manuscript and we are glad that, overall, they recognize that the extensive analysis of the endochondral perinatal bone we describe in this manuscript can constitute a useful resource both for the bone development and hematopoietic fields. Their input has allowed us to revise the manuscript such that it is much improved in our opinion. In this section, we wish to comment on the main common aspects raised by the reviewers, while specific point-by-point responses are provided below.

      Fist, we are aware of the lack of functional assays mentioned by the reviewers, a limitation we explicitly mentioned in our original manuscript. While this is certainly a direction we will take in the future, we consider that such experiments are out of the scope and intentions of our study, given the magnitude of the resources and time they require (e.g. generation of new mouse alleles for cell fate tracking or selective ablation of specific populations, cell transplants into immunocompromised newborns, etc.). As stated in our original manuscript, this study is meant to be a resource that provides new findings and hypotheses that might be relevant for more specialized groups to functionally evaluate (e.g. teams working on thymus seeding progenitors, on adipogenesis or on immune tolerance in newborns, to name a few). As such, we believe our work has an intrinsic value. In fact, this is the first study with single cell resolution that not only compares bone populations before and after birth and with the adult tissue, but also one of the few in which all cell compartments (mesenchymal, endothelial and hematopoietic) are considered. Our manuscript hence brings a new layer of analysis not available in more directed studies, such as those based on flow cytometry (FC), in which not all populations are detected, either by lineage fraction discrimination or due to the lack of surface markers with validated antibodies for FC. This is relevant as our study identifies several new cluster-specific genetic markers and reveals their dynamic/changing expression (perinatal vs adult), or identifies that loci previously targeted for lineage tracing studies are not cluster-specific, which in our view will be useful for the interpretation of previous reports.

      The other major point brought up in the reviewers’ reports is that our analysis would be nicely complemented by the spatial localization in the perinatal bone of the various populations we describe in our study. We also agree with the reviewers on this point, which we had considered, but for which we found severe technical limitations. Spatial transcriptomics with cellular resolution would be the ideal method to address this aspect, and we tested two different methods on our samples and under several fixation and permeabilization conditions. Unfortunately, and in contrast to brain tissue used as control, these attempts have been unsuccessful in consistently detecting even ubiquitous transcripts in perinatal bone samples. As spatial transcriptomics is a technology in constant development and several new platforms and approaches are becoming available, we expect that one or several of these various methods, at the moment mostly optimized for soft tissues, will be eventually set-up for mRNA detection with true cellular resolution in perinatal and adult bone samples.

      Finally, immunofluorescence (IF) against specific markers is not a suitable approach in this case to unequivocally localize related cell populations such as the ones we describe (e.g. fibroblastic clusters). While flow cytometry has the unique advantage of performing lineage exclusion using cocktails of antibodies conjugated to the same fluorophore to label populations of cells which are not the aim of the study (e.g. hematopoietic and endothelial cells can be excluded by the use of TER119 plus CD45 and CD31, respectively), IF would require the availability of multiple specific antibodies, each conjugated to a different fluorophore, which are not available. In this regard, we would also like to point out that several studies that report the localization of specific cell populations in the bone have done so by taking advantage of genetic reporters (e.g. knock-in alleles encoding intracellular GFP or RFP). As previously mentioned, we consider that the generation of such new genetic tools is out of the scope of this manuscript.

      1. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      * In this new manuscript, Rueda and colleagues present an extensive bioinformatics analysis of single cell transcriptomic data obtained for mouse endochondral bone cell populations before and after birth. They describe gene markers of mesenchymal and hematopoietic cells pointing to differences with adult bone populations, and they use gene ontology and trajectory analyses to infer possible roles of these cells in the developing bone. The data could provide a valuable resource for further understanding endochondral bone development and the changes driving this process in peri-natal stages. However, they are also significant weaknesses. *

      * A major weakness is that the scRNA-seq data lack validation through other techniques and functional assays. Namely, in situ data are missing to locate the various cell populations in the developing bones, especially the different types of fibroblastic cells identified by the authors. Such data would go a long way to understand the possible functions of the cell populations. Although the authors tried to complement their data with a review of the literature, most of the conclusions remain purely speculative and not sufficiently supported by scientific and statistic rigor. This makes the Results section more like a discussion than a description of the results. For instance, the authors proposed important regulatory functions for the fibroblastic clusters, but there is no data supporting this other than broad GO terms associated with genes expressed in these cells. Related to this point, the title of the manuscript does not accurately reflect the content of the study**. *

      We thank the reviewer for the critical evaluation of our study and for considering it of potential interest for the field, and we have revised the manuscript to take into account his/her comments. We agree with the reviewer that including data to localize in situ the different cell populations would be highly informative. In fact, we had already attempted to perform these experiments using one of the most validated approaches, in situ sequencing (ISS). Despite assaying several fixation and permeabilization conditions, we could not reliably detect even ubiquitously expressed genes in all cells in PN1 bone sections. After discussing with a number of providers that have recently launched instruments capable of performing spatial transcriptomics technology, they all agreed that bone tissue is generally difficult to use for spatial transcriptomics technology. In summary, this data suggests that further optimization of ISS or of alternative spatial transcriptomics approaches will be needed in the future to robustly detect transcripts in bone sections with cellular resolution so as to localize in situ the various cell populations we describe in our study.

      Finally, and given our attempt to interpret our analysis of the scRNAseq data in the context of the vast literature that considers both the mesenchymal and the hematopoietic compartments, we agree with the reviewer on the speculative nature of some our conclusions that he/she mentions at the end of the paragraph, an aspect also brought up by the other reviewers. Hence, starting with the title (being now “The cellular landscape of the endochondral bone during the transition to extrauterine life”), we have systematically modified such statements throughout the text to accurately make this distinction.

      Other points: 1. The authors missed to report in the Results section which skeletal elements they used for their analyses and which skeletal elements were used for the adult dataset that they compared their data with. Differences in skeletal elements and in the ways whereby these samples were collected and processed could explain differences detected in the two types of datasets. Also, the sex and age of the samples for the adult dataset should be reported.

      We now state also in the Results section that we collected forelimb long bones (excluding the handplate) for perinatal stages. In addition, we also indicate that the benchmark study by Baccin et al. used adult bone samples of mixed origin (femurs, tibiae, hips and spines) from 8-12 weeks old females. We agree with the reviewer that both this difference, as well as those related to the extraction protocols, might contribute to some of the variability we report. We now mention both these possibilities in the Discussion.

      • It is unclear whether PN1 is the day that mice are born (classically referred to as P0) or the next day.*

      As the reviewer indicates, P0 is the day of birth, and PN1 is the following day, which is the stage we chose for analysis. We have now indicated this clearly in the Materials and Methods section.

      • It is unclear whether the cells obtained for each biological replicate were pooled for the scRNA-seq assays or were treated individually. It is thus unclear how reproducible the data are.*

      In order to capture biological variability, each sample represented pooled littermates (5 fetuses for E18.5 and 4 pups at PN1), and processed as a single scRNA-seq library per stage to minimize technical variation. As our samples contained individuals from both sexes, already indicated in the original manuscript, we have now deconvoluted our datasets and computed male/female cell clustering so as to capture biological variability in duplicates (except for the sex, which is not considered as highly relevant at these stages). We assigned a “female” or “male” sex to a cell if it had at least one transcript read from a female or male specific transcript, respectively. If cells had at least one transcript read from both male and female specific genes, the cell was tagged as “undetermined”. Cells without any sex-specific transcript reads were tagged as “NA”. For the E18.5 sample we identified 21% female cells, 42% male cells, 3.7% undetermined and 33.3% NA cells. For the PN1 sample we identified 42.3% female cells, 28.1% male cells, 4.4% undetermined and 25.2% NA cells. This analysis, now shown in the new Fig. S2 and explained in Materials and Methods, reveals that all mesenchymal, hematopoietic and endothelial clusters are detected in both biological replicates. Finally, the changes we highlighted in the manuscript in the mesenchymal compartment between E18.5 and PN1 (TC, SPF and AFP) are maintained independently if the cells are processed as a single pool per stage or separated according to sex.

      • It is not clear in the gating strategy chosen for the flow cytometry as shown in Fig. 1A why the green gate containing cells expressing high levels of CD9, CD140 and CD31 has been extended in between the purple and orange gates containing CD140 and CD31 negative cells.*

      While the option mentioned by the reviewer is certainly plausible, this would have diluted the number of hematopoietic cells with intermediate CD9 levels present in our datasets. As our aim was to make sure even less abundant populations from all compartments would be captured in the scRNAseq libraries, we selected the sorting strategy depicted in Fig. 1A.

      • Are cells from all the sequenced samples homogenously distributed in the scRNA-seq clusters? Authors should provide this information and add statistic when they describe changes in the amount of cells per cluster between E18.5 and PN1 stages.*

      As mentioned in comment 3, we have now deconvoluted the datasets according to sex, which shows all clusters are represented in both biological duplicates and that overall follow similar trends in the E18.5 and PN1 samples.

      • On the basis of what markers the AFP population has been called adipogenic? Authors present Ptch2 and Notch3 as markers of this cluster, but not adipogenic progenitor genes.*

      Fig. 1C represents differentially expressed markers between clusters, which is why we chose these two representative markers for the AFP population. AFP cells also express adipogenic genes such as Pparg, Lpl or Gas6, although not exclusively. Cluster annotation is based on their molecular signature per se, GO and SCENIC analysis, which identified adipogenic regulons as active in the AFP cluster (see Fig. S10).

      • Authors claim that there is a good correlation between OsC and osteo-CAR clusters. However, OsC cells do not express Cxcl12 and other typical CAR cell markers.*

      We thank the reviewer for raising this very important point, as both our study and other recent ones (Liu et al., 2022, doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-28775-x; Kara et al., 2023, doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2023.02.003), show that the most representative genes that historically define CARs (e.g. Cxcl12-high and LepR) are still not expressed at these stages, which indicates that these cells are not yet present at perinatal stages. Accordingly, we did not annotate any perinatal cluster as CAR cells. However, we did observe that other genes such as Runx2, Sp7, Spp1 or Alpl define populations belonging to the OsC cluster that map to the same integrated coordinates as the adult osteo-CAR cluster defined by Baccin et al. (Fig. 2C, bottom panel and Fig. S3, bottom panels). These observations stress the importance of performing ontogenic analysis for each marker defining specific populations, and that data obtained from adult tissue cannot be extrapolated to perinatal stages. We have also corrected the figure legend, which was certainly confusing in this respect.

      • In Figure 6 expression of PaS cell markers should be shown for both adult and perinatal populations. Additionally, have the authors tested that the sorted cells in panel C have the same progenitor properties as the PaS cells?*

      As requested by the reviewer, we have added the expression of PaS cell markers in adults to Fig. 6 (new panels in Fig. 6B). We are certainly considering exploring in the future the progenitor properties of the sorted cells in comparison to PaS, but these in vivo experiments will require extensive experimentation such as kidney subcapsular transplants in newborns in an immunocompromised background. We consider that these complex in vivo experiments are out of the scope of this manuscript, conceived as a resource paper.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      * *As indicated in the comments for the authors, the new scRNA-seq data could become a useful resource for subsequent studies, but they are at present insufficient to represent a significant scientific advancement. The main concern is that new cell populations appear to have been identified by the authors, but a number of questions were not answered such as regarding their actual location in the skeletal elements, their origins, their fates and their functions. Generating such data would require a major amount of effort and require substantial revision of the manuscript.

      Our study uncovers, in an unbiased and unsupervised manner, the heterogeneity of the entire perinatal bone with cellular resolution. As the reviewer points out, addressing the origin, fates and functions of the various cell clusters we describe would require a major financial effort and years to be completed. We consider that those aims are well beyond the aims of our manuscript, which is intended as a resource for the large scientific community in the field.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      * **In the study by Rueda et al. the authors use single cell RNA-sequencing to investigate differences in cellular composition bones/bone marrow between late gestational stage mouse embryos and their perinatal counterparts. The authors describe specific differences in the relative abundance of putative cell types and use established bioinformatic tools to infer interactions as well as molecular mechanisms determining specific functions. The employed methods are well described and the results are presented in a very clear and understandable manner. Despite that, the findings do not provide any substantial knowledge advance but are rather confirming work of published literature while supplementing available single cell RNA-sequencing datasets of mouse bones at adult ages. As such, this work provides an interesting resource but does not report novel biology.

      Major comment: The authors explore the interesting transition of embryonic to perinatal bone/bone marrow using single RNA-sequencing. This fills a gap for the field of bone and hematopoietic researchers. There is little to criticize about the presented data. However, while it provides a nice resource, the knowledge gained is incremental. As acknowledged by the authors themselves, their study lacks functional validation of any findings made or conclusions drawn from bioinformatic tools in this manuscript. They use published work to validate their findings but do not go beyond that to confirm putative new biology. Some examples are listed in the minor comments.*

      We thank the reviewer for the overall positive comments on our manuscript as a resource study and his/her critical input that we have taken into account when preparing the revised version of the manuscript. Despite the lack of functional validation (already discussed in the General Statements section), we feel that our molecular analysis does provide new valuable insight into the biology of the perinatal bone. For instance, this is the first report that categorizes the heterogeneity of all perinatal bone populations with single cell resolution, and the first that explores the cellular changes in the bone that accompany birth. It also provides an important resource for the generation of more specific genetic models for cell fate tracking or for the interpretation of previous results. Finally, while it is only an inference, our interactome analysis predicts interactions between specific mesenchymal and hematopoietic populations, opening new possibilities for specialists in the specific fields to functionally address in a directed manner (e.g. interactions between the mesenchymal compartment and the Eo/Bas or the ICL-TSP2 subpopulations, which, to the best of our knowledge, have not been previously postulated).

      *Minor comments: *

      1. * Remark: 10X Chromium does not provide whole transcriptomic coverage but rather captures the most highly abundant transcripts without for example being able to distinguish alternatively spliced gene variants. Based on that, interpretation of gene expression, or the absence of a gene in the dataset, should be interpreted carefully.*

      The reviewer is correct, as the method used only captures the 3’UTR of each transcript. We have therefore added a sentence in Materials and Methods to address the limitation of the method. Still, our approach is widely used in the field, as it allows capturing several thousand cells and one facilitating the direct comparison with other datasets, as we ourselves did when integrating the adult dataset from Baccin et al.

      • The fact that bone marrow adipose tissue begins to accumulate after birth is well known. It is therefore not surprising that adipogenic progenitor populations start to accumulate perinatally (established by studies cited by the authors). Thus, these results only confirm the validity of the dataset. This represents an example on how the majority of findings have been presented here.*

      We fully agree that some of our results confirm, at the single cell level, knowledge previously stablished with other methods. However, and continuing with the case of adipose tissue mentioned by the reviewer, the analysis of our datasets with unbiased tools allowed the identification of fibroblastic populations, such as AFP or GFP, which shown by GO terms and, most importantly, by highly-relevant regulons identified by SCENIC, to be potentially associated with thermogenesis and brown fat differentiation. As far as we know, the specific transcriptional regulators involved in brown fat differentiation in the bone are poorly defined. In addition, adipogenesis is not the only aspect we highlight, being other novel association the putative interaction between fibroblastic mesenchymal populations and Eo/Bas and ILC-ISLP2 hematopoietic cells. These are just two examples of relevant aspects uncovered by that our holistic analysis of all bone population, and that might be further explored by specialized groups in the respective fields.

      • Given that the authors do not provide functional validation of putative new molecular interactions (by CellPhoneDB) their conclusions should be presented in a more tempered manner and acknowledged as inference rather than fact.*

      We agree with the reviewer and accordingly, we have tuned-down several statements throughout the text (see also response to Reviewer #1).

      • Similarly, the authors claim "...we identified Ptx4 as a novel tenogenic-specific gene...". This is too strong a conclusion as this has not been functionally validated. It should at least be tested by immuno-(co)-staining.*

      Being Ptx4 a secreted molecule, it would be very difficult to reliably assign the signal to a specific population by co-immunolocalization with bona fide tenogenic markers such as Scx or Tnmd. Besides, when pointing out Ptx4 specific expression in the tenogenic branch of the TC cluster, we intended to suggest the potential use of this locus for the generation of novel genetic tools. We have reformulated this sentence to clearly indicate this and avoid claiming that Ptx4 is a novel tenogenic marker.

      • The authors identify "uncommitted clusters" as mesenchymal progenitor populations without actual showing that they are even related by lineage. This is a general pitfall in analyzing single cell RNA-sequencing data and making trajectory/pseudotime inferences. It is now well-established that the mesenchymal compartment is highly heterogeneous and composed of multiple distinct cellular lineages. Trajectory inference tools such as PHATE do not distinguish those different mesenchymal lineages. As such, the presented results cannot be considered valid unless there is proper functional validation.*

      We agree with the reviewer on the limitation of this type of analysis, such as its inability to resolve phenotypic convergence (e.g. the case for osteoblasts generated from reprogrammed hypertrophic chondrocytes or from perichondrial cells). We have therefore removed the PHATE data from the manuscript.

      • The description of PaS being mainly associated with compact bone is neither correct nor supported by cited studies. The authors show potential additional markers to target Pas in mice, but fail to validate their point that these markers could be used in human tissue as well.*

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out and we apologize for our incorrect wording. What we intended to mean is that PaS cells can only be efficiently extracted by enzymatic treatment of the bone fraction after bone marrow aspiration in adults. We have now corrected these instances in the revised manuscript.

      Concerning the validation in human samples of the proposed additional markers for the PaS population, we agree that this is an important point, but one that would require the processing of fetal/newborn human bone tissue for FC, which is beyond our capacities and the scope of the current manuscript

      Figure 1c: the legend for dotsize is off scale.

      We thank the reviewer for spotting this mistake, which inadvertedly happened during figure assembly and is now corrected.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      • Strength:
      • thorough analysis of single cell RNA-sequencing datasets including integration of published work
      • good writing and figure presentation
      • dataset fills gap for the field as the presented ages have not been published

      Limitations: - lacking functional validation - lack of new biology - mostly confirmation of known facts

      Advance: - knowledge gain is incremental - good resource

      Audience: - fills a gap in the bone and hematopoietic research field as a resource

      My expertise: Skeletal stem cell lineage biology, single cell RNA-sequencing of bone cell populations.*

      __*Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      Summary The authors present data on a very interesting model, mouse bone just before and after birth. In this timeframe, the organism has to adapt from a buoyant, nurtured environment to stronger gravitational forces acting upon the skeletal structure, changed oxygen uptake, changed demands to the immune system and its development, and an overall changed metabolism. The authors introduce these changes and their importance in a clear, easy-to read introduction, and this clear structure and language continue throughout the manuscript. Comparing scRNA-seq of bone E18.5 and adult stage, comparable findings by Liu Y. et al., (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-28775-x) have been previously shown. However, this manuscript showed additional postnatal day 1 (P1) data. All computational analyses are well done, for the most part well described, and, notably, the integration of previously published data allows us to put the results of this study into context and compare them to the adult situation. Data sharing is not optimal, but it is already very good. The only downside is that most of the computational analyses are done at a very limited level of depth and merely provide initial insights and an overview of the data presented.

      We thank the reviewer for the overall positive view of our manuscript and his/her critical comments which we have tried to address in our revisions. We wish to apologize for our omission in citing the Liu et al. study, which is now corrected in the revised text. In this respect, we would like to point out that the Liu et al. study is mostly centered in the endothelial compartment, whereas our work is more focused on the mesenchymal populations. Hence, both studies are complementary. Of note, Liu et al. were able to detect Wnt2 expression in E18.5 endothelial cells using targeted single-cell RNA-seq for a panel of specific genes, while in our data, more focused on the mesenchymal compartment, Wnt2 expression maps mostly to the SFP fibroblastic cluster, with low expression in few endothelial cells. In our view, this apparent discrepancy is not such, but the result of different strategies of sorting and enrichment, and illustrates the need of having complementary studies and datasets (e.g the SFP populations may also be an additional source of Wnt2 to promote hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell proliferation, as reported by Liu et al.).

      As for the limited depth on our analysis mentioned by the reviewer, we would like to point out that we made a major effort to put our observations in the context of the vast literature on both the mesenchymal and hematopoietic compartments, which forced us to synthetize in the main text. When possible, we added additional data as part of the supplementary information (e.g. full CellPhoneDB inferred interactions as Excel tables).

      *Further comments will be given in bullet-point form, split by their impact on the overall message of the manuscript. *

      * Major • The authors provide FACS results for the cell clusters and types they defined from the scRNA-Seq data but do not provide any results on where and in which cellular contexts these cells are found in the bone and whether their spatial proximity and proteome (via staining, for example) make it likely or unlikely to see the cell-cell communication suggested in their CellPhoneDB analysis. The authors should either provide such results or adjust sentences as follows to not overstate their results: "These analyses also unveiled the complex MC-HC connectome, in particular the abundant interactions of fibroblastic SFP, AFP, CLFP, and GFP populations with HPC, and quite outstandingly, with the ILC-TSP2 and Eo/Bas clusters."*

      We agree with the reviewer but, as previously commented in the General Statements and in our response to Reviewer #1, spatial localization of all populations is technically challenging in the bone and the methods we have tested fall short for the precise and reliable localization of specific bone cell populations with cellular resolution. Following his/her suggestion, we have systematically edited the text so as to not overstate any message stemming from our expression analysis.

      • To address the issue of lineage commitment, the authors could offer some functional assessments between E18.5 and P1 or Adult bone BMSCs stromal cells subset that were sorted using FACS (Fig. 6).*

      As commented in our response to Reviewer #2, and given the complex lineage relations in the bone, addressing this point would require extensive in vivo experimentation through transplant surgery in immunocompromised newborns or genetic analysis using novel mouse alleles, both of which we consider out of the scope of our study, conceived as a resource. Of note, in Fig. 6 we did not analyze by FC any adult population, but in the revised Fig. 6A, we now provide the expression of all markers in perinatal and adult datasets. In relation with lineage relations, we have also removed the PHATE analysis from the revised manuscript, as suggested by Reviewer #2.

      Minor • The visualization of UMAP embeddings is very inconsistent across the manuscript and misleading or irritating in some cases. For example, in Figure 1b, the separation of the background grid is not clearly visible between E18 and PN1. In other figures in the same manuscript, borders around the figures solve this issue. Additionally, axes are either missing or unlabeled, whereas for UMAP embeddings, irrelevant axis tick labels and grid lines are present in most figures. It would benefit the overall flow and visualization of the manuscript if UMAP figures were more consistent.

      We apologize for these inconsistencies and we thank the reviewer for pointing them out. We have now separated both panels in Fig. 1B and added borders so as to separate both UMAP plots. We have also added the missing labeling of axes throughout the manuscript so as to make all figures more consistent. We have chosen to keep both grid lines and tick labels as they help in the comparison of Harmony-integrated datasets.

      • For Figure 1b specifically, it might also make sense to outline the main cell populations in both UMAPs, as in Figure 2a.*

      Agreed and done.

      • Average gene expression cannot take on values below 0, as that is the lower bound for expression counts. Figure 1c seems to show the colorbar dropping below 0 though. This might just be a problem of confusing color bar label placement, but it should be addressed. It should also be assured that, indeed, there has not been a mix-up and expression values are limited to >=0.*

      We should have explained this better. These dotplots in Fig.1 and the heatmap in Fig. S1 use the normalized and scaled expression value (mean=0; standard deviation=1), which means that it might be negative expression values. These instances are interpreted as genes in which the expression levels are lower than the mean expression level in the dataset and facilitate the visualization of differential gene expression in the different clusters. We have now indicated this clearly in the figure legends.

      • For the PHATE analysis, was there any batch correction applied to address potential batch effects between the E18 and PN1 datasets?*

      We have removed from the manuscript all PHATE analysis. Still, as we use Harmony integration as a batch-correction tool, we now describe it now in detail in the Materials and Methods section.

      • Figure 4a: From the text, it is clear that CellPhoneDB was used to calculate significant interactions between cell types. However, it is not clear which threshold (even if default) was used to determine what constitutes a significant interaction.*

      We apologize for this omission. We have indicated both in the revised figure legend and in Materials and Methods the threshold (p-value ≤0.05; as calculated by CellPhoneDB) that was used to represent all significant interactions and shown in Fig. 4A.

      • Figure 4b: It is unclear why a collection of chord representations was chosen here, as chord diagrams of this kind generally do not provide any useful additional information apart from an interaction being found to be significant (by a certain threshold) between two cell types. Lacking are generally more interesting parameters, such as the interaction score of such interactions or the expression of the involved ligands and receptors, in comparison to other cell types, where the respective interaction was not predicted to be significant. In this particular case, it is also unclear what is encoded by the width of the respective arrows. This should be made clear. Additionally, a suggestion could be to either present this information in an array of two DotPlots, one for ligands and receptors, respectively, or to encode additional information in, for example, the arrow or connector width, with the connector encoding the mean ligand expression and the arrow head encoding the mean receptor expression in the chord diagram.*

      We initially chose to use chord plots as we thought it would be a visual way to represent significant interactions but, as the reviewer points out, they do not provide any additional information. In the line with the reviewer’s suggestion, we have substituted all Fig. 4B chord representations for bubble plots in which are both encoded the mean scaled expression of the ligand/receptor pair (the output of the CellPhoneDB tool) and the mean percentage of cells in the clusters expressing the corresponding molecules. We believe that this modification makes this figure more informative and visually easier to interpret.

      • The authors do not mention how many genes were used as marker genes for GFP, SFP, etc. for the GO term enrichment analysis. This number (if low), the significance cut-offs, and the method used to determine DEGs could potentially have an impact on the GO enrichment results. The authors should therefore, already in the main manuscript text, mention the number of genes used for each of these cell subtypes and the method used to determine them. The text mentions cellranger, but the underlying methodology is not mentioned.*

      In the revised manuscript, we have included how differential gene expression between clusters was calculated (DEGs were obtained using the FindAllMarkers() function in Seurat, using the default parameters -by default Seurat uses the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test for statistical testing) and the genes used for GO analysis (DEGs were filtered to include genes with an adjusted p-value ≤0.005; gene lists provided as new Supplementary Table 1). The resulting number of genes used for GO analysis at E18.5/PN1 was 218/280 (AFP), 455/480 (CLFP), 185/234 (GFP) and 436/305 (SFP). Retrieved GO terms were filtered by a ratio fold of enriched/expected ≥ 2 and manually curated.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      * This study and single cell RNA-sequencing data further analyze the distinctions between the neonatal and adult stages of hematopoietic cells and bone stromal cells. This study also demonstrated the cellular heterogeneity of hematopoietic and bone stromal cells, as well as how cellular cross-talk supports osteogenic and hematopoietic cells. This sequencing data will be useful in the future to comprehend how the bone and marrow adapt to a stronger gravitational force operating on the skeletal structure, as well as to changed oxygen consumption, requirements for the development of the immune system, and an overall altered metabolism.*

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors present data on a very interesting model, mouse bone just before and after birth. In this timeframe, the organism has to adapt from a buoyant, nurtured environment to stronger gravitational forces acting upon the skeletal structure, changed oxygen uptake, changed demands to the immune system and its development, and an overall changed metabolism. The authors introduce these changes and their importance in a clear, easy-to read introduction, and this clear structure and language continue throughout the manuscript. Comparing scRNA-seq of bone E18.5 and adult stage, comparable findings by Liu Y. et al., (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-28775-x) have been previously shown. However, this manuscript showed additional postnatal day 1 (P1) data.

      All computational analyses are well done, for the most part well described, and, notably, the integration of previously published data allows us to put the results of this study into context and compare them to the adult situation. Data sharing is not optimal, but it is already very good. The only downside is that most of the computational analyses are done at a very limited level of depth and merely provide initial insights and an overview of the data presented. Further comments will be given in bullet-point form, split by their impact on the overall message of the manuscript.


      • The authors provide FACS results for the cell clusters and types they defined from the scRNA-Seq data but do not provide any results on where and in which cellular contexts these cells are found in the bone and whether their spatial proximity and proteome (via staining, for example) make it likely or unlikely to see the cell-cell communication suggested in their CellPhoneDB analysis. The authors should either provide such results or adjust sentences as follows to not overstate their results:
        • "These analyses also unveiled the complex MC-HC12 connectome, in particular the abundant interactions of fibroblastic SFP, AFP, CLFP13, and GFP populations with HPC, and quite outstandingly, with the ILC-TSP2 and 14 Eo/Bas clusters."
      • To address the issue of lineage commitment, the authors could offer some functional assessments between E18.5 and P1 or Adult bone BMSCs stromal cells subset that were sorted using FACS (Fig. 6).


      • The visualization of UMAP embeddings is very inconsistent across the manuscript and misleading or irritating in some cases. For example, in Figure 1b, the separation of the background grid is not clearly visible between E18 and PN1. In other figures in the same manuscript, borders around the figures solve this issue. Additionally, axes are either missing or unlabeled, whereas for UMAP embeddings, irrelevant axis tick labels and grid lines are present in most figures. It would benefit the overall flow and visualization of the manuscript if UMAP figures were more consistent.
      • For Figure 1b specifically, it might also make sense to outline the main cell populations in both UMAPs, as in Figure 2a.
      • Average gene expression cannot take on values below 0, as that is the lower bound for expression counts. Figure 1c seems to show the colorbar dropping below 0 though. This might just be a problem of confusing color bar label placement, but it should be addressed. It should also be assured that, indeed, there has not been a mix-up and expression values are limited to >=0.
      • For the PHATE analysis, was there any batch correction applied to address potential batch effects between the E18 and PN1 datasets?
      • Figure 4a: From the text, it is clear that CellPhoneDB was used to calculate significant interactions between cell types. However, it is not clear which threshold (even if default) was used to determine what constitutes a significant interaction.
      • Figure 4b: It is unclear why a collection of chord representations was chosen here, as chord diagrams of this kind generally do not provide any useful additional information apart from an interaction being found to be significant (by a certain threshold) between two cell types. Lacking are generally more interesting parameters, such as the interaction score of such interactions or the expression of the involved ligands and receptors, in comparison to other cell types, where the respective interaction was not predicted to be significant. In this particular case, it is also unclear what is encoded by the width of the respective arrows. This should be made clear. Additionally, a suggestion could be to either present this information in an array of two DotPlots, one for ligands and receptors, respectively, or to encode additional information in, for example, the arrow or connector width, with the connector encoding the mean ligand expression and the arrow head encoding the mean receptor expression in the chord diagram.
      • The authors do not mention how many genes were used as marker genes for GFP, SFP, etc. for the GO term enrichment analysis. This number (if low), the significance cut-offs, and the method used to determine DEGs could potentially have an impact on the GO enrichment results. The authors should therefore, already in the main manuscript text, mention the number of genes used for each of these cell subtypes and the method used to determine them. The text mentions cellranger, but the underlying methodology is not mentioned.


      This study and single cell RNA-sequencing data further analyze the distinctions between the neonatal and adult stages of hematopoietic cells and bone stromal cells. This study also demonstrated the cellular heterogeneity of hematopoietic and bone stromal cells, as well as how cellular cross-talk supports osteogenic and hematopoietic cells. This sequencing data will be useful in the future to comprehend how the bone and marrow adapt to a stronger gravitational force operating on the skeletal structure, as well as to changed oxygen consumption, requirements for the development of the immune system, and an overall altered metabolism.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the study by Rueda et al. the authors use single cell RNA-sequencing to investigate differences in cellular composition bones/bone marrow between late gestational stage mouse embryos and their perinatal counterparts. The authors describe specific differences in the relative abundance of putative cell types and use established bioinformatic tools to infer interactions as well as molecular mechanisms determining specific functions. The employed methods are well described and the results are presented in a very clear and understandable manner. Despite that, the findings do not provide any substantial knowledge advance but are rather confirming work of published literature while supplementing available single cell RNA-sequencing datasets of mouse bones at adult ages. As such, this work provides an interesting resource but does not report novel biology.

      Major comment: The authors explore the interesting transition of embryonic to perinatal bone/bone marrow using single RNA-sequencing. This fills a gap for the field of bone and hematopoietic researchers. There is little to criticize about the presented data. However, while it provides a nice resource, the knowledge gained is incremental. As acknowledged by the authors themselves, their study lacks functional validation of any findings made or conclusions drawn from bioinformatic tools in this manuscript. They use published work to validate their findings but do not go beyond that to confirm putative new biology. Some examples are listed in the minor comments.

      Minor comments:

      1. Remark: 10X Chromium does not provide whole transcriptomic coverage but rather captures the most highly abundant transcripts without for example being able to distinguish alternatively spliced gene variants. Based on that, interpretation of gene expression, or the absence of a gene in the dataset, should be interpreted carefully.
      2. The fact that bone marrow adipose tissue begins to accumulate after birth is well known. It is therefore not surprising that adipogenic progenitor populations start to accumulate perinatally (established by studies cited by the authors). Thus, these results only confirm the validity of the dataset. This represents an example on how the majority of findings have been presented here.
      3. Given that the authors do not provide functional validation of putative new molecular interactions (by CellPhoneDB) their conclusions should be presented in a more tempered manner and acknowledged as inference rather than fact.
      4. Similarly, the authors claim "...we identified Ptx4 as a novel tenogenic-specific gene...". This is too strong a conclusion as this has not been functionally validated. It should at least be tested by immuno-(co)-staining.
      5. The authors identify "uncommitted clusters" as mesenchymal progenitor populations without actual showing that they are even related by lineage. This is a general pitfall in analyzing single cell RNA-sequencing data and making trajectory/pseudotime inferences. It is now well-established that the mesenchymal compartment is highly heterogeneous and composed of multiple distinct cellular lineages. Trajectory inference tools such as PHATE do not distinguish those different mesenchymal lineages. As such, the presented results cannot be considered valid unless there is proper functional validation.
      6. The description of Pas being mainly associated with compact bone is neither correct nor supported by cited studies. The authors show potential additional markers to target Pas in mice, but fail to validate their point that these markers could be used in human tissue as well.
      7. Figure 1c: the legend for dotsize is off scale.



      • thorough analysis of single cell RNA-sequencing datasets including integration of published work
      • good writing and figure presentation
      • dataset fills gap for the field as the presented ages have not been published


      • lacking functional validation
      • lack of new biology - mostly confirmation of known facts


      • knowledge gain is incremental
      • good resource


      • fills a gap in the bone and hematopoietic research field as a resource

      My expertise: Skeletal stem cell lineage biology, single cell RNA-sequencing of bone cell populations

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this new manuscript, Rueda and colleagues present an extensive bioinformatics analysis of single cell transcriptomic data obtained for mouse endochondral bone cell populations before and after birth. They describe gene markers of mesenchymal and hematopoietic cells pointing to differences with adult bone populations, and they use gene ontology and trajectory analyses to infer possible roles of these cells in the developing bone. The data could provide a valuable resource for further understanding endochondral bone development and the changes driving this process in peri-natal stages. However, they are also significant weaknesses.

      A major weakness is that the scRNA-seq data lack validation through other techniques and functional assays. Namely, in situ data are missing to locate the various cell populations in the developing bones, especially the different types of fibroblastic cells identified by the authors. Such data would go a long way to understand the possible functions of the cell populations. Although the authors tried to complement their data with a review of the literature, most of the conclusions remain purely speculative and not sufficiently supported by scientific and statistic rigor. This makes the Results section more like a discussion than a description of the results. For instance, the authors proposed important regulatory functions for the fibroblastic clusters, but there is no data supporting this other than broad GO terms associated with genes expressed in these cells. Related to this point, the title of the manuscript does not accurately reflect the content of the study.

      Other points:

      1. The authors missed to report in the Results section which skeletal elements they used for their analyses and which skeletal elements were used for the adult dataset that they compared their data with. Differences in skeletal elements and in the ways whereby these samples were collected and processed could explain differences detected in the two types of datasets. Also, the sex and age of the samples for the adult dataset should be reported.
      2. It is unclear whether PN1 is the day that mice are born (classically referred to as P0) or the next day.
      3. It is unclear whether the cells obtained for each biological replicate were pooled for the scRNA-seq assays or were treated individually. It is thus unclear how reproducible the data are.
      4. It is not clear in the gating strategy chosen for the flow cytometry as shown in Fig. 1A why the green gate containing cells expressing high levels of CD9, CD140 and CD31 has been extended in between the purple and orange gates containing CD140 and CD31 negative cells.
      5. Are cells from all the sequenced samples homogenously distributed in the scRNA-seq clusters? Authors should provide this information and add statistic when they describe changes in the amount of cells per cluster between E18.5 and PN1 stages.
      6. On the basis of what markers the AFP population has been called adipogenic? Authors present Ptch2 and Notch3 as markers of this cluster, but not adipogenic progenitor genes.
      7. Authors claim that there is a good correlation between OsC and osteo-CAR clusters. However, OsC cells do not express Cxcl12 and other typical CAR cell markers.
      8. In Figure 6 expression of PaS cell markers should be shown for both adult and perinatal populations. Additionally, have the authors tested that the sorted cells in panel C have the same progenitor properties as the PaS cells?


      As indicated in the comments for the authors, the new scRNA-seq data could become a useful resource for subsequent studies, but they are at present insufficient to represent a significant scientific advancement. The main concern is that new cell populations appear to have been identified by the authors, but a number of questions were not answered such as regarding their actual location in the skeletal elements, their origins, their fates and their functions. Generating such data would require a major amount of effort and require substantial revision of the manuscript.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Through Review Commons, we received some highly favorable and constructive feedback from reviewers who are clearly knowledgeable about phylogenomics and/or the field of bacterial anti-phage immunity. We have responded to all suggestions made by the reviewers, which we feel have substantially improved and clarified the manuscript. We thank all three reviewers for their thoughtfulness and time.

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Culbertson and Levin present an elegant computational analysis of the evolutionary history of several families of immune proteins conserved in bacteria and metazoan cells. The authors' work is impressive, revealing interesting insight into previously known connections and identifying exciting new connections that further link bacterial anti-phage defense and animal innate immunity. The results are overall well-presented and will have an important impact on multiple related fields. I have a few comments for the authors to help explain some of the new connections observed in their findings and clarify the results for a general audience.

      We thank the reviewer for their kind appraisal of our manuscript as well as their helpful comments. We found their comments to be very useful in strengthening our work and increasing the clarity of the writing.

      Comments: 1) The authors adeptly navigate difficult and changing nomenclature around cGAS-STING signaling but there may be room for clarifying terminology. Although historically the term "CD-NTase" has been used to describe both bacterial and animal enzymes (including by this reviewer's older work as well), the field has now settled on consistent use of the name "CD-NTase" to describe bacterial cGAS/DncV-like enzymes and the use of the names "cGAS" and "cGLR" to describe animal cGAS-like receptor proteins. Nearly all papers describing bacterial signaling use the term CD-NTase, and since 2021 most papers describing divergent cGAS-like enzymes in animal signaling now use the term "cGLR" (for recent examples see primary papers Holleufer et al 2021 PMID 34261128; Slavik et al 2021 PMID 34261127; Li et al 2023 PMID 37379839; Cai et al 2023 PMID 37659413 and review articles Cai et al 2022 PMID 35149240; Slavik et al 2023 PMID 37380187; Fan et al 2021 PMID 34697297; West et al 2021 PMID 34373639 Unterholzner Cell 2023 PMID 37478819). Kingdom-specific uses of CD-NTase and cGLR may help add clarity to the manuscript especially as each group of enzyme is quite divergent and many protein members synthesize signaling molecules that are distinct from cyclic GMP-AMP (i.e. not cGAS).

      Related to this point, the term "SMODS" is useful for describing the protein family domain originally identified in the elegant work of Burroughs and Aaravind (Burroughs et al 2015 PMID 26590262), but this term is rarely used in papers focused on the biology of these systems. "eSMODS" is a good name, but the authors may want to consider a different description to better fit with current terminology.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion and have updated the text to try to be more clear (ex: using cGLR as a more specific term whenever possible). However, as OAS is distinctly not a cGLR, strict kingdom-specific use of the terms CD-NTase and cGLR is not possible. We have updated the Mab21 superfamily to be re-named as the cGLR superfamily, as those seem to be synonymous based on recent literature. At this time we are choosing to stick with the eSMODS terminology as it remains to be shown that these eukaryotic proteins have a CD-NTase-like biochemical function.

      An example of how we have tried to navigate this naming issues is:

      “The cGLR superfamily passed all four of these HGT thresholds, as did another eukaryotic clade of CD-NTases that were all previously undescribed. We name this clade the eukaryotic SMODS (eSMODS) superfamily, because the top scoring domain from hmmscan for each sequence in this superfamily was the SMODS domain (PF18144), which is typically found only in bacterial CD-NTases (Supplementary Data).”

      2) The authors state that proteins were identified using an iterative HMM-based search until they "began finding proteins outside of the family of interest" (Line 86). Is it possible to please explain in more detail what this means? A key part of the analysis pipeline is knowing when to stop, especially as some proteins like CD-NTases and cGLRs share related-homology to other major enzyme groups like pol-beta NTases while other proteins like STING and viperin are more unique.

      We have updated the text to better explain how we determined that a given protein sequence was excluded:

      “After using this approach to create pan-eukaryotic HMMs for each protein family, we then added in bacterial homologs to generate universal HMMs (Fig. 1A and Supp. Fig. 1), continuing our iterative searches until we either failed to find any new protein sequences or began finding proteins outside of the family of interest (Supp. Fig. 1). To define the boundaries that separated our proteins of interest from neighboring gene families, we focused on including homologs that shared protein domains that defined that family (see Materials and Methods for domain designations) and were closer to in-group sequences than the outgroup sequences on a phylogenetic tree (outgroup sequences are noted in the Materials and Methods). “

      We also added a section to the Methods specifically defining our outgroups:

      “As outgroup sequences, we used Poly(A) RNA polymerase (PAP) sequences for the CD-NTases, and molybdenum cofactor biosynthetic enzyme (MoaA) for viperin. We did not have a suitable outgroup for STING domains, nor did any diverged outgroups come up in our searches.”

      3) The authors comment on several controls to guard against potential contaminating bacterial sequences present in metazoan genome sequencing datasets (Lines 174-182). It may be helpful to include this very important part of the analysis as part of the stepwise schematic in Figure 1a. Additionally, have the authors used other eukaryotic features like the presence of introns or kingdom specific translation elements (e.g. Shine-Dalgarno- vs. Kozak-like sequences) as part of the analysis?

      We agree that it will be very interesting to look for these eukaryotic gene features, both to rule out contamination and to discern how eukaryotes have acquired and domesticated bacteria-like immune proteins. However, one limitation when working with the data in EukProt is that many species are represented by de novo transcriptome datasets and therefore information about the local gene environment, introns, or promoters are unavailable.

      4) A particularly surprising result of the analysis is a proposed connection between oligoadenylate synthase-like (OAS-like) enzymes and bacterial Clade C CD-NTases. A concern with these results is that previous structural analysis has demonstrated that bacterial CD-NTase enzymes and animal cGLRs are more closely related to each other than they are to OAS (Slavik et al 2021 PMID 34261127). Can the authors provide further support for a connection between OAS and Clade C CD-NTases? The C-terminal alpha-helix bundle of OAS is known to be distinct (Lohöfener et al 2015 PMID 25892109) and perhaps AlphaFold2 modeling of bacterial Clade C CD-NTases and additional OAS sequences may provide further bioinformatic evidence to support the authors' conclusions.

      We were also surprised by this finding as it seems to be in opposition to structural comparisons in studies such as Whiteley et. al 2019 (PMID 30787435). As the reviewer suggests,e used AlphaFold to predict the structures of two CD-NTases, that of Bacterioides uniformis (Clade C016) and Escherichia coli (Clade C018) as well as a previously uncharacterized OAS-like protein (Tripos fusus P058904) and compared those structural predictions to those of cGAS (PDB: 6CTA), OAS1 (PDB: 4RWO), and DncV (PDB: 4TY0). We used the DALI server to make these all vs all comparisons.

           We have not included these analyses in the manuscript as the results were largely inconclusive. The average pairwise z-score between any of these structures was around 20, with a narrow range of scores between 16 (e.g. OAS vs. DncV) and 22 (e.g. DncV vs. the Clade C CD-NTases). For reference, the z-score of a given protein compared to itself was ~50 and a z-score of 20 is a general DALI benchmark used to determine if structures are homologous ( z-scores between 8-20 are in a gray area, and 20+ are generally considered homologous).

      In our view, these pairwise structural comparisons suffer from essentially the same problem that is evident in phylogenetic trees containing only animal and bacterial homologs. Namely, all structures/sequences under consideration are extremely different from each other, on very long branches that are difficult to place with confidence when few homologs are being considered. The benefit of our approach is that we have the ideal species diversity to break up the long branches (particularly with respect to the OAS superfamily), allowing us to place those sequences confidently on the phylogeny.

      That said, while we have strong support for the topology of OAS within the CD-NTase tree, the interpretation of the relationships relies partly on the inferred root of the tree. In our analyses, we opted not to include a distant outgroup such as pol-beta for rooting purposes, as these sequences aligned poorly with the CD-NTases, resulting in a substantial decrease in alignment and tree quality. Instead, in Fig. 2 we present a tree that is arbitrarily rooted within the bacterial CD-NTases, as this root allows for clade C to be phylogenetically coherent. Our data are also consistent with an alternative rooting, placing OAS as an outgroup. If so, this would yield a tree that implies that OAS-like sequences could have given rise to all other CD-NTases and that, within the non-OAS sequences, all bacterial CD-NTases emerged from within Clade C. We thought it slightly more likely that the root of CD-NTases was solidly within bacteria, hence the display we chose. However, we were not intending to rule out an OAS-outgroup model here. As this response to reviewers will be publically available alongside the final manuscript, we hope this clarifies our claims about the placement of OAS.

      5) One of the most exciting results in the paper is identification of a family of putative CD-NTase enzymes conserved in metazoans. Although full description may be beyond the scope of this paper, if possible, some more analysis would be interesting here: a. Are these CD-NTase enzymes in a conserved gene neighborhood within the metazoan genomes (i.e. located next to a potential cyclic nucleotide receptor?) b. Do these metazoan genomes encode other known receptors for cyclic nucleotide signaling (PFAM searches for CARF or SAVED domains for instance). c. Similar to points 3 and 4, is it possible to add further evidence for support of these proteins as true metazoan sequences that have predicted structural homology to bacterial CD-NTase enzymes?

      Yes agreed, we think point a is an exciting avenue of questioning to pursue. However, as mentioned above, the Eukprot dataset often does not provide the relevant information for the analyses proposed. Therefore, we feel that answering questions about the genomic region of these proteins is beyond the scope of the current manuscript. In particular, all 6 of the eSMODS species are represented only by transcriptomes, making these analyses impossible.

      For point b, we searched EukProt with HMMs for SAVED domains (PF18145), finding 24 total SAVED-containing proteins in EukProt. (We did not find a CARF HMM in Pfam, Tigrfam or other databases, and so could not easily carry out these searches.) Five of the 24 SAVED-containing sequences came from species encoding an eSMODS gene. This represented 3 species out of the total 20 species where we detected a SAVED domain. While this is a potentially intriguing overlap, we cannot make a strong claim about whether these SAVED sequences derive from eukaryotes vs. bacterial contamination without undergoing the extensive searching and phylogenetic tree construction methods for SAVED domains that we have performed for our three families of interest. We expect this will be an interesting line of inquiry for a future study.

      For point c, we agree that additional evidence to support the finding that the eSMODS are eukaryotic rather than bacterial sequences would be helpful. To us, the strongest pieces of evidence would be: 1) presence of eukaryotic gene architecture, 2) adjacency to clearly eukaryotic genes in the contig, and/or 3) fluorescence in situ hybridization experiments in these species to localize where the genes are encoded. Unfortunately, the transcriptome data available does not provide this level of information. We hope that other groups will follow up on these genes and species to decide the matter more definitively. In the meantime, we feel that our filters for HGT vs. contamination have done as much as possible with the existing dataset. We have modified the text in this region to leave open potential scenarios that could be fooling us, such as the presence of unusual, long-term, eukaryote-associated symbionts in the taxa where we detect eSMODS:

      “For species represented only by transcriptomes, these criteria may still have difficulty distinguishing eukaryote-bacteria HGT from certain specific scenarios such as the long-term presence of dedicated, eukaryote-associated, bacterial symbionts. However, because these criteria allow us to focus on relatively old HGT events, they give us higher confidence these events are likely to be real. ”

      6) The authors state that obvious CD-NTase/cGLR enzymes are not present in organisms that encode the group of divergent eukaryotic "blSTINGs". Have the authors analyzed the protein-coding genes encoded immediately upstream and downstream of the blSTING proteins with AlphaFold2 and FoldSeek? It would be very exciting if putative cyclic nucleotide generating enzymes are predicted to be encoded within the nearby gene neighborhood.

      Similar to the eSMODS, the majority of the species with blSTINGs were represented by transcriptomes (22/26). We do agree that this type of analysis would be very interesting. However, we feel that this is beyond the scope of this manuscript.

      7) Line 144 appears to reference the incorrect supplementary figure. SI Figure 4 may be the correct reference?

      We agree and have made this change. We thank the reviewer for catching this error.

      I hope the authors will find my comments useful, thank you for the opportunity to read this exciting manuscript.


      Culbertson and Levin present an elegant computational analysis of the evolutionary history of several families of immune proteins conserved in bacteria and metazoan cells. The authors' work is impressive, revealing interesting insight into previously known connections and identifying exciting new connections that further link bacterial anti-phage defense and animal innate immunity. The results are overall well-presented and will have an important impact on multiple related fields. I have a few comments for the authors to help explain some of the new connections observed in their findings and clarify the results for a general audience.

      Reviewer #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Describe your expertise? Molecular Evolution, Mechanisms of Protein evolution, Phylogenomics, Adaptation.

      Summary: This manuscript broadly aims to improve our understanding the evolutionary relationships between eukaryote and bacterial protein families where members of those families have immune roles. The study focuses on three such families and samples deeply across the eukaryotic tree. The approaches taken include a nice application of the EukProt database and the use of homology detection approaches that are sensitive to the issues of assigning homology through deep time. The main findings show the heterogeneity in means by which these families have arisen, with some of the families originating at least as far back as the LCA of eukaryotes, in contrast the wide spread yet patchy distribution of other families is the result of repeated independent HGT events and/or convergent domain shuffling.

      We thank the reviewer for this excellent review and their helpful comments and suggestions. We firmly believe that these comments will strengthen and clarify our work.

      Major Comments: 1. Overall the level of detail provided throughout the manuscript is lacking, perhaps the authors were constrained by a word limit for initial submission, if so then this limit needs to be extended to include the detail necessary. In addition, there are some structural issues throughout, e.g. some of the very brief intro (see later comment) reads a little more like methods (paragraph 2) and abstract (paragraph 3). The results section is lacking detail of the supporting evidence from the clever analyses that were clearly performed and the statistics underpinning conclusions are not included.

      Good suggestion, we have updated the paper to include more details and statistics on the analyses that were performed. We have also expanded on some of the most interesting findings about these bacterial innate immune proteins in the introduction (see Comment 2 below for our changes), as well as shifting the methods-like paragraph mentioned (paragraph 2) to later on in the paper. For paragraph 3, we have slimmed this down to include fewer details, but leave the final paragraph of the Introduction as a brief synopsis to prime the reader for the rest of the paper.

      1. The intro and discussion both include statements about some recent discoveries that bacteria and mammals share mechanisms of innate immunity - but there is no further detail into what would appear to be important work leading to this study. This context needs to be provided in more detail therefore I would encourage the authors to expand on the intro to include specific detail on these significant prior studies. In addition, more background information on the gene families investigated in detail here would be useful e.g. how the proteins produced influence immunity etc should be a feature of the intro. A clear and concise rationale for why these 3 particular gene families (out of all the possible innate immune genes known) were selected for analysis.

      We have added in additional background about some of the most exciting discoveries made in the past few years. We also included specific rationale as to why we chose to look at cGAS, STING, and Viperin.

      Specifically, we have added the following to the introduction:

      “ For example, bacterial cGAS-DncV-like nucleotidyltransferases (CD-NTases), which generate cyclic nucleotide messengers (similar to cGAS), are massively diverse with over 6,000 CD-NTase proteins discovered to date. Beyond the cyclic GMP-AMP signals produced by animal cGAS proteins, bacterial CD-NTases are capable of producing a wide array of nucleotide signals including cyclic dinucleotides, cyclic trinucleotides, and linear oligonucleotides [11,14]. Many of these bacterial CD-NTase products are critical for bacterial defense against viral infection[8]. Interestingly, these discoveries with the CD-NTases mirror what has been discovered with bacterial viperins. In mammals, viperin proteins restrict viral replication by generating 3’-deoxy-3’,4’didehdro- (ddh) nucleotides[4,15–17] block RNA synthesis and thereby inhibit viral replication[15,18]. Mammalian viperin generates ddhCTP molecules while bacterial viperins can generate ddhCTP, ddhUTP, and ddhGTP. In some cases, a single bacterial protein is capable of synthesizing two or three of these ddh derivatives[4]. These discoveries have been surprising and exciting, as they imply that some cellular defenses have deep commonalities spanning across the entire Tree of Life, with additional new mechanisms of immunity waiting to be discovered within diverse microbial lineages. But despite significant homology, these bacterial and animal immune proteins are often distinct in their molecular functions and operate within dramatically different signaling pathways (reviewed here[5]). How, then, have animals and other eukaryotes acquired these immune proteins?”

      In regards to why we choose to investigate CD-NTases, STING, and Viperin specifically, we have added the following to the third paragraph of the introduction:

      “We choose to focus on the cGAS, STING, and Viperin for a number of reasons. First, in metazoans cGAS and STING are part of the same signaling pathway whereas bacterial CD-NTases often act independently of bacterial STINGs[21], raising interesting questions about how eukaryotic immune proteins have gained their signaling partners. Also, given the vast breadth of bacterial CD-NTase diversity, we were curious as to if any eukaryotes had acquired CD-NTases distinct from cGAS. For similar reasons, we investigated Viperin, which also has a wide diversity in bacteria but a much more narrow described function in eukaryotes.”

      1. Context: Genome quality is always a concern, and confirming the absence of an element/protein in a genome is challenging given the variation in quality of available genomes. Low BUSCO scores mean that the assessment of gene loss is difficult to evaluate (but we are not provided with said scores). Query: in the results section it states that the BUSCO completeness scores (which need to be provided) etc were insufficient to explain the pattern of gene loss. I would like to know how they reached this conclusion - what statistical analyses (ANOVA?? OTHER??) have been performed to support this statement and please include the associated P values etc. Similarly, throughout the paper, including in the discussion section, the point is brushed over. If, given a statistical test, you find that some of the disparity in gene presence is explained by BUSCO score, most of your findings are still valid. It would just be difficult to make conclusions about gene loss.

      We have rewritten this section to be more clear about what we feel we can and cannot say about gene loss and BUSCO scores. This section now reads:

      “However, outside of Metazoa, these homologs were sparsely distributed, such that for most species in our dataset (711/993), we did not recover proteins from any of the three immune families examined (white space, lack of colored bars, Fig. 1B). While some of these absences may be due to technical errors or dataset incompleteness (Supp. Fig. 2), we interpret this pattern as a reflection of ongoing, repeated gene losses across eukaryotes, as has been found for other innate immune proteins[27–29] and other types of gene families surveyed across eukaryotes[28,30–32]. Indeed, many of the species that lacked any of the immune homologs were represented by high-quality datasets (Ex: Metazoa, Chlorplastida, and Fungi). Thus, although it is always possible that our approach has missed some homologs, we believe the resulting data represents a fair assessment of the diversity across eukaryotes, at least for those species currently included within EukProt.”

      In addition, we direct readers to EukProt v3, where the BUSCO scores are publicly available.

      “BUSCO scores can also be viewed on EukProt v3 (https://evocellbio.com/SAGdb/images/EukProtv3.busco.output.txt).”

      1. In terms of the homolog search strategy - line 394 - can you please state what an "outgroup gene family" means in this context. It is unclear but very important to the downstream interpretation of results.

      We have updated the materials and methods to specifically name our outgroups:

      “As outgroup sequences, we used Poly(A) RNA polymerase (PAP) sequences for the CD-NTases, and molybdenum cofactor biosynthetic enzyme (MoaA) for viperin. We did not have a suitable outgroup for STING domains, nor did any diverged outgroups come up in our searches.”

      1. For reproducibility, the materials and methods section needs to provide more detail/sufficient detail to reproduce these results. E.g the section describing phase 1 of the euk searches the text here repeats what is in the results section for the crystal structure work but doesn't give me any information on how, what method was used to "align the crystal structures", what scoring scheme is used and how the scoring scheme identifies "the core"? What specific parameters are used throughout. Why is MAFFT the method of choice for some of the analyses? Whereas, in other cases both MAFFT and MUSCLE are employed. What are the specific settings used for the MAFFT alignments throughout - is it default (must state if that is the case) or is it MAFFT L-INS-I with default settings etc.

      We have updated the text to include the specific settings used each time a particular software package was deployed. We also have included information for STING as to how we aligned 3 published crystal structures to determine the boundaries of homology.

      Here is how we now discuss identifying the “core” STING domain:

      “ For STING, where the Pfam profile includes regions of the protein outside of the STING domain, we generated a new HMM for the initial search. First, we aligned crystal structures of HsSTING (6NT5), Flavobacteriaceae sp. STING (6WT4) and Crassostrea gigas STING (6WT7) with the RCSB PDB “Pairwise Structure Alignment” tool with a jFATCAT (rigid) option[73,74]. We defined a core “STING” domain, as the ungapped region of 6NT5 that aligned with 6WT7 and 6WT4 (residues G152-V329 of 6NT5).Then we aligned 15 eukaryotic sequences from PF15009 (all 15 of the “Reviewed” sequences on InterPro) with MAFFT(v7.4.71)[75] with default parameters and manually trimmed the sequences down to the boundaries defined by our crystal alignment (residues 145-353 of 6NT5). We then trimmed the alignment with TrimAI (v1.2)[76] with options -gt 0.2. The trimmed MSA was then used to generate an HMM profile with hmmbuild from the hmmer (v3.2.1) package (hmmer.org) using default settings. “

      We employed three alignment softwares at specific times throughout our analyses. MAFFT was used as our default aligner for most of the analysis. Hmmalign (part of the hmmer package) was used to make the alignments prior to hmmbuild. The overall goal of this work was to reconstruct the evolutionary history of these proteins via a phylogenetic tree. To ensure that this tree topology was as robust as possible we employed the more computationally intensive, but more accurate, tree builder MUSCLE. We have updated the text in the methods section to be more clear as to why we used each software.

      We have updated the methods section to read:

      “MUSCLE was deployed in parallel with MAFFT to generate these final alignments to ensure that the final tree topology would be as robust as possible. MUSCLE is a slightly more accurate but more computationally intensive alignment software[79].”

      1. The justification for the number of HMM searches needs to be included. The choice of starting points for the HMMs was cryptic - please provide details. It is likely that you ran the search until no more sequences were found or until sequences were added from a different gene family, and that these happened to be between 3 and 5 searches, but it reads like you wanted to run it 3 or 5 times and that corresponds to the above condition. Something like this would be clearer: "The profile was [...] until no more sequences were found or until sequences from other gene families were found which was between 3 and 5 times in all cases" - the same is true of figure 1.

      We agree that this could have been worded better. We have updated the text to make it more clear that we searched until saturation which happened to occur between 3-5 searches and not that we arbitrarily wanted to do 3-5 searches.

      We have updated the text, which now reads:

      “After using this approach to create pan-eukaryotic HMMs for each protein family, we then added in bacterial homologs to generate universal HMMs (Fig. 1A and Supp. Fig. 1), continuing our iterative searches until we either failed to find any new protein sequences or began finding proteins outside of the family of interest (Supp. Fig. 1). To define the boundaries that separated our proteins of interest from neighboring gene families, we focused on including homologs that shared protein domains that defined that family (see Materials and Methods for domain designations) and were closer to in-group sequences than the outgroup sequences on a phylogenetic tree (outgroup sequences are noted in the Materials and Methods). “

      We also updated the figure legend to Fig. 1. It now reads:

      “Each set of searches was repeated until few or no additional eukaryotic sequences were recovered which was between 3-5 times in all cases.”

      1. Why do you limit hits to 10 per species - might this lead to misleading findings about gene family diversity? Info and justification for approach is required (411-412).

      We limited the hits to 10 per species to limit the influence of any one species on our alignments and subsequent phylogenetic trees. This 10-per-species cap was never reached with any search for STING or Viperin, but was used to throttle the number of Metazoan hits when searching for CD-NTases. Because of this, we probably have missed some amount of the diversity of Metazoan Mab21-like/OAS-like sequences, although this was not a focus of our manuscript. We have updated the text to be more clear about why we have included this limit and when the limit was invoked.

      We have update the text, which now reads:

      “HMM profiles were used to search EukProt via hmmsearch (also from hmmer v3.2.1) with a statistical cutoff value of 1e-3 and -hit parameter set to 10 (i.e. the contribution of a single species to the output list is capped at 10 sequences). It was necessary to cap the output list, as EukProt v3 includes de novo transcriptome assemblies with multiple splice isoforms of the same gene and we wanted to limit the overall influence a single species had on the overall tree. We never reached the 10 species cap for any search for STING or viperin homologs; only for the CD-NTases within Metazoa did this search cap limit hits.”

      1. The information in Supplementary Figure 3 is quite difficult to assess visually, but I think that is what is expected from that figure. However, this is an important underpinning element of the work and should really be quantitatively assessed. A metric of comparison of trees, with defined thresholds etc there are many out there, even a simple Robinson-Foulds test perhaps? Essentially - comparing the panels in Supplementary Figure 3 by eye is unreliable and in this case not possible given there are no labels. It would also be important to provide these full set of phylogenies generated and associated RF/other scores as supplementary file.

      We agree that this Supplementary Figure is difficult to assess by eye, however we feel that it is vital to show this data. Visually, we do feel like this figure conveys the idea that while individual branches may move around, the major clades/areas of interest are stable across the different alignments and tree builders. To increase robustness, we have included the weighted Robinson-Foulds test results into a new panel of this figure (Supplementary Fig. 3B).

      We have added a section to the methods on how this weighted Robinson-Foulds test was conducted:

      “Weighted Robinson-Foulds distances for Supp. Fig. 3B were calculated with Visual TreeCmp (settings: -RFWeighted -Prune trees -include summary -zero weights allowed)[83].”

      We added the weighted Robinson-Foulds data to Supplemental Fig. 3 and have updated the figure legend to reflect this new data. The new legend for Supp. Fig. 3B reads:

      “(B) The average weighted Robinson-Foulds distances all pairwise comparisons between the four tree types (MAFFT/MUSCLE alignment built with IQTREE/RAXML-ng). Although the distances were higher for the CD-NTase tree (as expected for this highly diverse gene family), all of the key nodes defining the cGLR, OAS, and eSMODS superfamilies, as well as their nearest bacterial relatives, were well supported (>70 ultrafast bootstrap value).”

      1. Does domain shuffling mean that phylogenetic reconstruction is less valid? How was the alignment performed in these cases to account for this.

      Thank you for bringing this up, this is a point we have now clarified in the text. Our searches, alignments, and trees are all of single protein domains, as typically only conservation within domains is retained across the vast distances between bacteria and eukaryotes. As such, domain shuffling should have no impact on the validity of that phylogenetic reconstruction. We have updated the text to be more clear about the scope of the alignments and searches. We made changes to our wording throughout the manuscript. One specific example of this is:

      “Using maximum likelihood phylogenetic reconstruction on the STING domain alone, we identified STING-like sequences from 26 diverse microeukaryotes whose STING domains clustered in between bacterial and metazoan sequences, breaking up the long branch.”

      Minor Comments: 10. I am not sure about the use of the term "truly ancestral" or variants thereof, same issues with "significant homology" and "inherited since LECA and possibly longer" .. these are awkwardly phrased. E.g. I think perhaps "homologous across the whole length" might be clearer, and elsewhere "present in LECA and possibly earlier" may be more fitting.

             We have updated the text for these phrases throughout the manuscript and have replaced them with more specific language.
      1. Line 75 - "Detecting" rather than discovering?

      We appreciate the suggestion. However, because many of these gene families have never been described in the eukaryotic lineages considered here, we think ‘discovering’ is more appropriate. Indeed, the eSMODS lineage demonstrates that our search approach has the power to find not just new homologs but to discover totally new subfamilies of these eukaryotic proteins.

      1. 132-133 - more justification is needed for the choice of bacterial genes.

      We have clarified that our selection of bacterial CD-NTases included every known CD-NTase at the time of our analysis. The text now reads:

      “As representative bacterial CD-NTases, we used 6,132 bacterial sequences, representing a wide swath of CD-NTase diversity[43]. To our knowledge, this dataset included every known bacterial CD-NTase at the time of our analysis.”

      1. For the downsizing from 6000 to 500 what were the criteria and thresholds.

      We have updated the text to include the PDA software options for downsampling.The text now reads:

      “We downsampled the CD-NTase bacterial sequences from ~6000 down to 500 using PDA software (options -k 500) on a FastTree (default settings) tree built upon a MAFFT (default parameters) tree, to facilitate more manageable computation times on alignments and tree construction.“

      1. How are you rooting your trees e.g. figure 2? Information is provided for Viperin but not others.

      We have updated the text to ensure that the root of every tree is specifically stated.

      1. In the results section on CD-NTases I think it would be best to place the second paragraph detailing the role of cGAS earlier in this section, perhaps after the first sentence.

      We have moved the second paragraph, which introduces cGAS, OAS, and the other CD-NTases to the beginning of the CD-NTase section.The first paragraph of the CD-NTase section of the results now reads:

      “We next studied the evolution of the innate immune proteins, beginning with cGAS and its broader family of CD-NTase enzymes. Following infections or cellular damage, cGAS binds cytosolic DNA and generates cyclic GMP-AMP (cGAMP)[32–35], which then activates downstream immune responses via STING [34,36–38]. Another eukaryotic CD-NTase, 2’5’-Oligoadenylate Synthetase 1 (OAS1), synthesizes 2',5'-oligoadenylates which bind and activate Ribonuclease L (RNase L)[39]. Activated RNase L is a potent endoribonuclease that degrades both host and viral RNA species, reducing viral replication (reviewed here[40,41]). Some bacterial CD-NTases such as DncV behave similar to animal cGAS; they are activated by phage infection and produce cGAMP[8,42,43]. These CD-NTases are commonly found within cyclic oligonucleotide-based anti-phage signaling systems (CBASS) across many bacterial phyla and archaea[8,27,43].”

      1. Is FASTtree really necessary to include as it will underperform in all instances? Removing that method and comparing the remaining two (i.e. IQTREE and RAXML) - what level of disagreement do you find between the 2 alignment and 2 tree building methods? The cases that disagree should also be detailed.

      We agree that FASTtree underperforms against IQTREE and RAXML and have eliminated those trees from the supplement. We initially had included FASTtree, as it still seems to be widely used in phylogenetic analyses within the recent papers on bacterial immune homologs, but we completely agree with the reviewer and have removed it. In addition, we have calculated and added in the average weighted Robinson-Foulds Distance to Supplemental Figure 3. Our manuscript focuses on features of the phylogenetic trees that were consistent across all the replicate methods. However, given the numerous sequences and high degree of divergence involved, there were many cases where individual branches shifted between the methods, e.g. if individual CD-NTases within bacterial clade G swapped positions with one another. The differences we observed between the trees were inconsequential to our overall conclusions.

      1. Again a structural point - the start to paragraph "To understand the evolutionary history of CD-NTases we used the Pfam domain PF03281 as a starting point", I don't know at this point why or how you have done this. The sentence seems a little premature. I would therefore suggest that you start that paragraph with your motivation, "In order to..." and then finish that paragraph with your sentence in quotes above which actually summarizes the paragraph.

      We have updated the text to clear up this paragraph (in addition to other structural changes in the CD-NTase section. The paragraph containing information about how we started the HMM searches for the CD-NTases now reads:

      “ To begin our sequence searches for eukaryotic CD-NTases, we used the Pfam domain PF03281, representing the main catalytic domain of cGAS, as a starting point. As representative bacterial CD-NTases, we used 6,132 bacterial sequences, representing a wide swath of CD-NTase diversity[21]. Following our iterative HMM searches, we recovered 313 sequences from 109 eukaryotes, of which 34 were metazoans (Supplemental Data and Fig. 1B). Within the phylogenetic trees, most eukaryotic sequences clustered into one of two distinct superfamilies: the cGLR superfamily (defined by clade and containing a Mab21 PFAM domain: PF03281) or the OAS superfamily (OAS1-C: PF10421) (Fig. 2A). Bacterial CD-NTases typically had sequences matching the HMM for the Second Messenger Oligonucleotide or Dinucleotide Synthetase domain (SMODS: PF18144).”

      1. Line 148 - "within" change to "before"?

      We have updated the text with this suggestion.

      1. Unclear from text as is whether you found any STING homologs in arthropods (~line 157). Please update the text for clarity. Would also suggest that "agreeing" should be replaced with "aligning".

      We found several STING homologs in arthropods and have updated the text to specifically note this. We also have updated the text as per the suggestion of using the term “aligning” instead of “agreeing”.The text now reads:

      “Almost half of these species (10/19) were arthropods, aligning with prior findings of STING sparseness among arthropods(Wu et al. 2014). We did find STING homologs in 8/19 arthropod species in EukProt v3, including the previously identified STINGs of Drosophila melanogaster, Apis mellifera and Tribolium castaneum(Wu et al. 2014; Margolis, Wilson, and Vance 2017).”

      1. Line 169 - If clade D is not a clade, maybe it should be called something different.

      Yes, unfortunate naming, isn’t it? Clade D is not a coherent clade in our results nor when it was first described, but we feel that for consistency with the rest of the field, it is best if we adhere to previously published nomenclature.

      1. Line 188-190 - In principle, max likelihood should be able to infer the right tree even with high divergence.

      Yes, we agree that maximum likelihood methods should be able to infer the correct tree. However, we are not sure what change the reviewer is suggesting here.

      1. Paragraph starting at 199 - eSMODS - always unknown function or mostly - could be important.

      To our knowledge the function of the two closest bacterial CD-NTases to the eSMODS group have an unknown function.

      1. For calling HGT you state that one of the criteria is that the euk and bac sequences branched near one another, what is "near" in this scenario?

      “Near” in this case refers to being adjacent on the phylogenetic tree. We have updated the text for clarity. The text now reads:

      “To minimize such false positive HGT calls, we took a conservative approach in our analyses, considering potential bacteria-eukaryote HGT events to be trustworthy only if: 1) eukaryotic and bacterial sequences branched adjacent to one another with strong support (bootstrap values >70); 2) the eukaryotic sequences formed a distinct subclade, represented by at least 2 species from the same eukaryotic supergroup; 3) the eukaryotic sequences were produced by at least 2 different studies; and 4) the position of the horizontally transferred sequences was robust across all alignment and phylogenetic reconstruction methods used (Supp. Fig. 3A).”

      1. In legends be specific about what type of support value, e.g. bootstrap or jack-knife.. I think it is always bootstrap but would be good to have that precision.

      Our phylogenetic trees only use bootstrap values for support and so have updated the figure legends and methods to provide this information. Apologies for this lack of clarity.

      1. Throughout the text if stating e.g. "clustered robustly and with high support" please provide the appropriate values.

      We have updated the text to provide bootstrap values when invoking statements about support. An example of this is:

      “There are two clades of Chloroplastida (a group within Archaeplastida) sequences that branch robustly (>80 ultrafast bootstrap value) within the bacteria clade.”

      1. It is unclear from the text how the animal origin of the TIR domain is supported (~line 274). Please provide necessary details to support your statements in the results section.

      Our phylogenetic tree of TIR domains (Supp. Fig. 7), places C. gigas’ TIR domain (of its STING protein) clusters with high support next to other metazoan TIR domains.

      We have updated the STING section to include these lines:

      “We also investigated the possibility that C. gigas acquired the TIR-domain of its TIR-STING protein via HGT from bacteria, however this analysis also suggested an animal origin for the TIR domain (Supp. Fig. 7), as the C. gigas TIR domain clustered with other metazoan TIR domains such as Homo sapiens TICAM1 and 2 (ultrafast bootstrap value of 75). Eukaryotic TIR-STINGs are also rare, further supporting the hypothesis that this protein resulted from recent convergence, where animals independently fused STING and TIR domains to make a protein resembling bacterial TIR-STINGs, consistent with previous reports[19].”

      1. Replace similar with -> similar "to"

      We have accepted the suggestion and replaced “with” with “to”.

      1. Line 266: It was previously shown .. or it is known but not "it was previously known"

      We have rephrased the sentence to be clearer: “Some eukaryotes like C. gigas…”.

      1. The last sentence in paragraph ~line 277: "Our work also identified a number of non-metazoan STINGS...." Please expand on this and provide some of the details on this finding in the text or point to the figure that supports the statement and provide a little more detail here.

      The intent of the words on line 277 was a summary of what we had previously discussed in the STING section. For clarity we updated the text, which now reads:

      “Interestingly the non-metazoan, blSTINGs (Fig. 3C) that are found in the Stramenopiles, Haptista, Rhizaria, Choanoflagellates and Amoebozoa have a TM-STING domain architecture similar to animal STINGs but a STING domain more similar to bacterial STINGs..”

      blSTINGs are discussed in more detail earlier in the STING section (specifically paragraph 3) where we say:

      “Using maximum likelihood phylogenetic reconstruction on the STING domain alone, we identified STING-like sequences from 26 diverse microeukaryotes whose STING domains clustered in between bacterial and metazoan sequences, breaking up the long branch. We name these sequences the bacteria-like STINGs (blSTINGs) because they were the only eukaryotic group of STINGs with a bacteria-like Prok_STING domain (PF20300) and because of the short branch length (0.86 vs. 1.8) separating them from bacterial STINGs on the tree (Fig. 3C). While a previous study reported STING domains in two eukaryotic species (one in Stramenopiles and one in Haptista) [19], we were able to expand this set to additional species and also recover blSTINGs from Amoebozoa, Rhizaria and choanoflagellates. This diversity allowed us to place the sequences on the tree with high confidence (bootstrap value >70), recovering a substantially different tree than previous work[19]. As for CD-NTases, the tree topology we recovered was robust across multiple different alignment and phylogenetic tree construction algorithms (Supp. Fig. 3A).”

      1. Line 294: it is unclear which are the orphan taxa -we are directed to figure 1 but there is no notation for orphan taxa here perhaps add something to the figure to make obvious which these are.

      We have updated the text to mention these orphan taxa specifically by name.

      The text now reads:

      “The 194 viperin-like proteins we recovered came from 158 species spanning the full range of eukaryotic diversity, including organisms from all of the major eukaryotic supergroups, as well as some orphan taxa whose taxonomy remains open to debate (Fig. 1, Ancyromonadida, Hemimastigophora, Malawimonadida).”

      1. Lines 340-341 - some redundant use of eukaryotic/eukaryotes

      We have updated the text to reduce redundancy.

      1. Lines 475-480 - some further detail needed - how were sequences trimmed to the TIR domain? - what were your starting sequences? etc.

      We have updated the text detailing how we acquired a set of proteins from Interpro and how we used hmmscan to determine the coordinates for the TIR domains in those proteins. We then isolated the TIR domains (using the coordinates defined by hmmscan) and proceeded to align those sequences

      The text now reads:

      “We used hmmscan to identify the coordinates of TIR domains in a list of 203 TIR domain containing-sequences from InterPro (all 203 proteins from curated “Reviewed” selection of IPR000157 (Toll/interleukin-1 receptor homology (TIR) domain as of 2023-04-04)) and 104 bacterial TIR-STING proteins (the same TIR-STING proteins used in Fig. 3)[3]. Next, we trimmed the sequences down to the hmmscan identified TIR coordinates and aligned the TIR domains with MUSCLE (-super5). We trimmed the alignments with TrimAL and built a phylogenetic tree with IQtree (-s, -bb 1000, -m TEST, -nt AUTO).”

      1. Check that the colour schemes for branches etc are detailed in the legends of supplementary as well as main.

      We have updated the text of figure legends to be more clear about our maintenance of the same color scheme throughout the manuscript. This involved ensuring that the following statement (or an equivalent statement) was present in the figure legends of Figures 2, 3, 4, S2, S3,S4,S5,S6, and S7:

      “Eukaryotic sequences are colored according to eukaryotic group as in Fig. 1B.”

      1. The threshold set for gaps is very strict at 0.2. This seems quite strict given the sequences are potentially quite highly divergent. What length are the alignments that you are using after trimming - these details need to be included and considered.

      We have updated the text to specifically detail how long our alignments were after trimming and how that post-trimming length compares to the length of the alignment for each PFAM group.

      Specifically, the text now reads:

      “The length of these final alignments were 232, 175, and 346 amino acids long for CD-NTases, STING, and viperin respectively. These alignments represent ≥75% of the length of alignment their respective PFAM domain (PF3281 (Mab-21 protein nucleotidyltransferase domain) for CD-NTases, PF20300 (Prokaryotic STING domain) for STING, and PF404055 (Radical SAM family) for viperin.”

      1. How were sequences downsampled with PDA? Line 424.

      We have updated the text to include the PDA settings that were used to downsample sequences. The text now reads:

      “To ensure the combined HMM did not have an overrepresentation of either bacterial or eukaryotic sequences, we downsampled the bacterial sequences and eukaryotic sequences to obtain 50 phylogenetically diverse sequences of each, and then combined the two downsampled lists. To do this, eukaryotic and bacterial sequences were each separately aligned with MAFFT (default parameters), phylogenetic trees were built with FastTree (v2.1.10)[77], and the Phylogenetic Diversity Analyzer (pda/1.0.3)[78] software with options -k 50 or -k 500 with otherwise default parameters was run the the FastTree files to downsample the sequences while maximizing remaining sequence diversity.”

      1. Please provide adequate descriptions for the materials in the supplementary files for the manuscript, they currently lack description. They are useful and we fully support their inclusion with sufficient information.

      We have expanded the descriptions of the provided supplementary files.

      1. The starting sequences, hmm pipeline and scripts would be great to include, apologies if we have missed them.

      We have added the starting bacterial sequences to the supplementary data, as well as the final HMMs, and the one script that we used in our analysis. All other software (including the included script) is freely and publicly available.


      This study provides us with examples of instances where a medley of different mechanisms have resulted in the emergence of innate immune proteins across eukaryotes. The study is entirely bioinformatic in nature and provides some nice cases for future study. The thorough search strategies are to be commended. The limitations of the work are that we don't know whether the functions have also been conserved across deep time and/or in the independent events described. Nevertheless, this work contributes to a growing body of evidence on the complex, and sometimes shared, nature of the evolution of animal and bacterial immunity. I would classify this nice study as a conceptual advance of our understanding of the evolution of protein families through deep time and would imagine it is of interest to a broad audience of biologists from immunologists to evolutionary biologists and structural biologists.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript by Culbertson and Levin takes a bioinformatic approach to investigate the evolutionary origins/trajectories of three different proteins domains involved in innate immunity in both bacteria and eukaryotes: cGAS/CD-NTases, STING, and Viperins. To perform this analysis, the authors apply an iterative homology search model to the EukProt database of eukaryotic genomes. Their analysis finds that that eukaryotic CD-NTases arose from multiple horizontal gene transfer events between bacteria and eukaryotes. They also fill in an important gap in understanding how STING from bacteria evolved into modern human STING by identifying blasting in diverse eukaryotes. Finally, they determine that Viperins are an ancient protein family that likely existed in LECA, but found two more recent HGT events for proteins related in Vipirin.

      Major comments

      1. The hypothesis for the origin of STING via convergent domain shuffling could be handled with a little more care in the text. The authors show that homologs of STING from animals can also be found in the genomes of diverse eukaryotes outside the metazoa, demonstrating (1) STING and cGAS have had different histories, and (2) that these sequences are more bacteria-like than metazoan STING. However, in multiple places (the title, line 275, elsewhere) the term "convergence" could be misleading. "Convergence" leaves the reader with the impression that there is no common ancestor between the STING domain from bacteria and eukaryotes. I understand that the authors are using "convergent domain shuffling" to draw this distinction, but I'm unsure if a naïve reader will glean the distinction between domain shuffling and STING itself converging. I would argue that we simply cannot place eukaryotic STING and blSTING proteins on the tree of bSTING sequences. i.e. blSTING are no more related to bacterial TM-STING than bacterial TIR-STING (likely the missing bSTING sequences are simply extinct?). Can the authors curate their language to state more simply that STING likely arose through horizontal gene transfer, but it is unlikely that bacterial TM-STING is the unequivocal progenitor?

      We thank the reviewer for this comment, and we absolutely agree that we should be clearer about the distinction between convergence and convergent domain shuffling. We have changed the title and edited the text to increase clarity. In addition, we have clarified what our data does and does say about the evolutionary history of STING. We feel that our STING tree (Fig.3 C), due to a general sparseness of eukaryotic and bacterial sequences, is insufficient to confidently call if eukaryotes acquired STING by HGT or if STING was present in the LECA.

      We have added the following to clear up this issue:

      “Overall, the phylogenetic tree we constructed (Fig. 3C) suggests that there is domain-level homology between bacterial and eukaryotic STINGs, but due to sparseness and lack of a suitable outgroup, this tree does not definitively explain the eukaryotic origin of the STING domain. However, the data does clearly support a model in which convergent domain shuffling in eukaryotes and bacteria generated similar TM-STING and TIR-STING proteins independently.”

      Minor Comments

      1. Spelling error in Figure 3B and 3C: "cannoical"

      Thanks, we have corrected this error.

      1. Figure 5 could be improved to more clearly articulate the findings of the manuscript. In A, it's unclear how OAS relates to Mab21 and a reader not paying close attention might think that OAS was part of the gene duplications after Mab21 was acquired. The LECA origins of OAS are also not presented (albeit, these are still defined in the legend). In B, this panel would suggest that there was not horizontal transfer of STING from bacteria to eukaryotes but rather both domains of life received STING from a separate source. My understanding is STING did likely arise in bacteria, however, the assumption that extant TM-STING in bacteria is the predecessor of TM-STING in eukaryotes is not well supported. Similarly for the TIR domain.

      We have updated Fig. 5 to more clearly show that OAS was likely in the LECA and that eSMODS and cGLRs were HGT’d from bacteria to other eukaryotic lineages. For STING, it was not our intent to imply that the extant TM-STING in bacteria is the predecessor of TM-STING in eukaryotes, and we agree with the reviewer that this is unlikely. Although we do not have sufficient data to speak to the origin of the STING domain itself, we do feel confident in our evidence of domain shuffling. Our illustration in Fig 5B was meant to correspond to the following statement: “Drawing on a shared ancient repertoire of protein domains that includes STING, TIR, and transmembrane (TM) domains, bacteria and eukaryotes have convergently evolved similar STING proteins through domain shuffling.” We believe this inference valid and best describes our results for STING.

      1. Line 119: While the role of Mab21L1-2 are established for development, I'm unaware of a role for MB21D2 in development (or any other phenotype).

      We agree with the reviewer that MB21D2 has not been shown to have any phenotype and have corrected the wording to clarify this point.

      The line now reads “However, the immune functions of Mab21L1 and MB21D2 remain unclear, although Mab21L1they has been shown to be important for development[29–31].”

      1. Line 210: "Gamma" should be "genes"

      We have corrected this error and replaced the word.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This work is of high quality, is timely, and will have a large impact on shaping the field. The origins and evolution of antiviral immunity from bacteria to eukaryotes have been investigated from multiple angles. While the phylogeny and evolutionary trajectory of these genes have been traced in bacteria, there have been relatively fewer analyses across diverse (non-metazoan) eukaryotes. For this reason, I am confident that this manuscript will help future researchers select homologs for investigation and guide similar analyses of other bacterial defense systems.

      A particular challenge of this work is accounting for gene loss across taxa and weighing that possibility against horizontal gene transfer. The authors are conservative in their conclusions and well-reasoned. The comments I have can be addressed with changes to the writing and emphasis of certain points.

      I expect these findings to be of interest to a broad audience of evolutionary biologists, microbiologists, and immunologists.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Culbertson and Levin takes a bioinformatic approach to investigate the evolutionary origins/trajectories of three different proteins domains involved in innate immunity in both bacteria and eukaryotes: cGAS/CD-NTases, STING, and Viperins. To perform this analysis, the authors apply an iterative homology search model to the EukProt database of eukaryotic genomes. Their analysis finds that that eukaryotic CD-NTases arose from multiple horizontal gene transfer events between bacteria and eukaryotes. They also fill in an important gap in understanding how STING from bacteria evolved into modern human STING by identifying blasting in diverse eukaryotes. Finally, they determine that Viperins are an ancient protein family that likely existed in LECA, but found two more recent HGT events for proteins related in Vipirin.

      Major comments

      1. The hypothesis for the origin of STING via convergent domain shuffling could be handled with a little more care in the text. The authors show that homologs of STING from animals can also be found in the genomes of diverse eukaryotes outside the metazoa, demonstrating (1) STING and cGAS have had different histories, and (2) that these sequences are more bacteria-like than metazoan STING. However, in multiple places (the title, line 275, elsewhere) the term "convergence" could be misleading. "Convergence" leaves the reader with the impression that there is no common ancestor between the STING domain from bacteria and eukaryotes. I understand that the authors are using "convergent domain shuffling" to draw this distinction, but I'm unsure if a naïve reader will glean the distinction between domain shuffling and STING itself converging. I would argue that we simply cannot place eukaryotic STING and blSTING proteins on the tree of bSTING sequences. i.e. blSTING are no more related to bacterial TM-STING than bacterial TIR-STING (likely the missing bSTING sequences are simply extinct?). Can the authors curate their language to state more simply that STING likely arose through horizontal gene transfer, but it is unlikely that bacterial TM-STING is the unequivocal progenitor?

      Minor Comments

      1. Spelling error in Figure 3B and 3C: "cannoical"
      2. Figure 5 could be improved to more clearly articulate the findings of the manuscript. In A, it's unclear how OAS relates to Mab21 and a reader not paying close attention might think that OAS was part of the gene duplications after Mab21 was acquired. The LECA origins of OAS are also not presented (albeit, these are still defined in the legend). In B, this panel would suggest that there was not horizontal transfer of STING from bacteria to eukaryotes but rather both domains of life received STING from a separate source. My understanding is STING did likely arise in bacteria, however, the assumption that extant TM-STING in bacteria is the predecessor of TM-STING in eukaryotes is not well supported. Similarly for the TIR domain.
      3. Line 119: While the role of Mab21L1-2 are established for development, I'm unaware of a role for MB21D2 in development (or any other phenotype).
      4. Line 210: "Gamma" should be "genes"


      This work is of high quality, is timely, and will have a large impact on shaping the field. The origins and evolution of antiviral immunity from bacteria to eukaryotes have been investigated from multiple angles. While the phylogeny and evolutionary trajectory of these genes have been traced in bacteria, there have been relatively fewer analyses across diverse (non-metazoan) eukaryotes. For this reason, I am confident that this manuscript will help future researchers select homologs for investigation and guide similar analyses of other bacterial defense systems.

      A particular challenge of this work is accounting for gene loss across taxa and weighing that possibility against horizontal gene transfer. The authors are conservative in their conclusions and well-reasoned. The comments I have can be addressed with changes to the writing and emphasis of certain points.

      I expect these findings to be a interest to a broad audience of evolutionary biologists, microbiologists, and immunologists.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Describe your expertise? Molecular Evolution, Mechanisms of Protein evolution, Phylogenomics, Adaptation.

      Summary: This manuscript broadly aims to improve our understanding the evolutionary relationships between eukaryote and bacterial protein families where members of those families have immune roles. The study focusses on three such families and samples deeply across the eukaryotic tree. The approaches taken include a nice application of the EukProt database and the use of homology detection approaches that are sensitive to the issues of assigning homology through deep time. The main findings show the heterogeneity in means by which these families have arisen, with some of the families originating at least as far back as the LCA of eukaryotes, in contrast the wide spread yet patchy distribution of other families is the result of repeated independent HGT events and/or convergent domain shuffling.

      Major Comments:

      1. Overall the level of detail provided throughout the manuscript is lacking, perhaps the authors were constrained by a word limit for initial submission, if so then this limit needs to be extended to include the detail necessary. In addition, there are some structural issues thorughout, e.g. some of the very brief intro (see later comment) reads a little more like methods (paragraph 2) and abstract (paragraph 3). The results section is lacking detail of the supporting evidence from the clever analyses that were clearly performed and the statistics underpinning conclusions are not included.
      2. The intro and discussion both include statements about some recent discoveries that bacteria and mammals share mechanisms of innate immunity - but there is no further detail into what would appear to be important work leading to this study. This context needs to be provided in more detail therefore I would encourage the authors to expand on the intro to include specific detail on these significant prior studies. In addition, more background information on the gene families investigated in detail here would be useful e.g. how the proteins produced influence immunity etc should be a feature of the intro. A clear and concise rationale for why these 3 particular gene families (out of all the possible innate immune genes known) were selected for analysis.
      3. Context: Genome quality is always a concern, and confirming the absence of an element/protein in a genome is challenging given the variation in quality of available genomes. Low BUSCO scores mean that the assessment of gene loss is difficult to evaluate (but we are not provided with said scores). Query: in the results section it states that the BUSCO completeness scores (which need to be provided) etc were insufficient to explain the pattern of gene loss. I would like to know how they reached this conclusion - what statistical analyses (ANOVA?? OTHER??) have been performed to support this statement and please include the associated P values etc. Similarly, throughout the paper, including in the discussion section, the point is brushed over. If, given a statistical test, you find that some of the disparity in gene presence is explained by BUSCO score, most of your findings are still valid. It would just be difficult to make conclusions about gene loss.
      4. In terms of the homolog search strategy - line 394 - can you please state what an "outgroup gene family" means in this context. It is unclear but very important to the downstream interpretation of results.
      5. For reproducibility, the materials and methods section needs to provide more detail/sufficient detail to reproduce these results. E.g the section describing phase 1 of the euk searches the text here repeats what is in the results section for the crystal structure work but doesn't give me any information on how, what method was used to "align the crystal structures", what scoring scheme is used and how the scoring scheme identifies "the core"? What specific parameters are used throughout. Why is MAFFT the method of choice for some of the analyses? Whereas, in other cases both MAFFT and MUSCLE are employed. What are the specific settings used for the MAFFT alignments throughout - is it default (must state if that is the case) or is it MAFFT L-INS-I with default settings etc.
      6. The justification for the number of HMM searches needs to be included. The choice of starting points for the HMMs was cryptic - please provide details. It is likely that you ran the search until no more sequences were found or until sequences were added from a different gene family, and that these happened to be between 3 and 5 searches, but it reads like you wanted to run it 3 or 5 times and that corresponds to the above condition. Something like this would be clearer: "The profile was [...] until no more sequences were found or until sequences from other gene families were found which was between 3 and 5 times in all cases" - the same is true of figure 1.
      7. Why do you limit hits to 10 per species - might this lead to misleading findings about gene family diversity? Info and justification for approach is required (411-412)
      8. The information in Supplementary Figure 3 is quite difficult to assess visually, but I think that is what is expected from that figure. However, this is an important underpinning element of the work and should really be quantitatively assessed. A metric of comparison of trees, with defined thresholds etc there are many out there, even a simple Robinson-Foulds test perhaps? Essentially - comparing the panels in Supplementary Figure 3 by eye is unreliable and in this case not possible given there are no labels. It would also be important to provide these full set of phylogenies generated and associated RF/other scores as supplementary file.
      9. Does domain shuffling mean that phylogenetic reconstruction is less valid? How was the alignment performed in these cases to account for this.

      Minor Comments:

      1. I am not sure about the use of the term "truly ancestral" or variants thereof, same issues with "significant homology" and "inherited since LECA and possibly longer" .. these are awkwardly phrased. E.g. I think perhaps "homologous across the whole length" might be clearer, and elsewhere "present in LECA and possibly earlier" may be more fitting.
      2. Line 75 - "Detecting" rather than discovering?
      3. 132-133 - more justification is needed for the choice of bacterial genes.
      4. For the downsizing from 6000 to 500 what were the criteria and thresholds.
      5. How are you rooting your trees e.g. figure 2? Information is provided for Viperin but not others.
      6. In the results section on CD-NTases I think it would be best to place the second paragraph detailing the role of cGAS earlier in this section, perhaps after the first sentence.
      7. Is FASTtree really necessary to include as it will underperform in all instances? Removing that method and comparing the remaining two (i.e. IQTREE and RAXML) - what level of disagreement do you find between the 2 alignment and 2 tree building methods? The cases that disagree should also be detailed.
      8. Again a structural point - the start to paragraph "To understand the evolutionary history of CD-NTases we used the Pfam domain PF03281 as a starting point", I don't know at this point why or how you have done this. The sentence seems a little premature. I would therefore suggest that you start that paragraph with your motivation, "In order to..." and then finish that paragraph with your sentence in quotes above which actually summarises the paragraph.
      9. Line 148 - "within" change to "before"?
      10. Unclear from text as is whether you found any STING homologs in arthropods (~line 157). Please update the text for clarity. Would also suggest that "agreeing" should be replaced with "aligning".
      11. Line 169 - If clade D is not a clade, maybe it should be called something different.
      12. Line 188-190 - In principle, max likelihood should be able to infer the right tree even with high divergence.
      13. Paragraph starting at 199 - eSMODS - always unknown function or mostly - could be important.
      14. For calling HGT you state that one of the criteria is that the euk and bac sequences branched near one another, what is "near" in this scenario?
      15. In legends be specific about what type of support value, e.g. bootstrap or jack-knife.. I think it is always bootstrap but would be good to have that precision.
      16. Throughout the text if stating e.g. "clustered robustly and with high support" please provide the appropriate values.
      17. It is unclear from the text how the animal origin of the TIR domain is supported (~line 274). Please provide necessary details to support your statements in the results section.
      18. Replace similar with -> similar "to"
      19. Line 266: It was previously shown .. or it is known but not "it was previously known"
      20. The last sentence in paragraph ~line 277: "Our work also identified a number of non-metazoan STINGS...." Please expand on this and provide some of the details on this finding in the text or point to the figure that supports the statement and provide a little more detail here.
      21. Line 294: it is unclear which are the orphan taxa -we are directed to figure 1 but there is no notation for orphan taxa here perhaps add something to the figure to make obvious which these are.
      22. Lines 340-341 - some redundant use of eukaryotic/eukaryotes
      23. Lines 475-480 - some further detail needed - how were sequences trimmed to the TIR domain? - what were your starting sequences? etc.
      24. Check that the colour schemes for branches etc are detailed in the legends of supplementary as well as main.
      25. The threshold set for gaps is very strict at 0.2. This seems quite strict given the sequences are potentially quite highly divergent. What length are the alignments that you are using after trimming - these details need to be included and considered.
      26. How were sequences downsampled with PDA? Line 424.
      27. Please provide adequate descriptions for the materials in the supplementary files for the manuscript, they currently lack description. They are useful and we fully support their inclusion with sufficient information.
      28. The starting sequences, hmm pipeline and scripts would be great to include, apologies if we have missed them.


      This study provides us with examples of instances where a medley of different mechanisms have resulted in the emergence of innate immune proteins across eukaryotes. The study is entirely bioinformatic in nature and provides some nice cases for future study. The thorough search strategies are to be commended. The limitations of the work are that we don't know whether the functions have also been conserved across deep time and/or in the independent events described. Nevertheless, this work contributes to a growing body of evidence on the complex, and sometimes shared, nature of the evolution of animal and bacterial immunity. I would classify this nice study as a conceptual advance of our understanding of the evolution of protein families through deep time and would imagine it is of interest to a broad audience of biologists from immunologists to evolutionary biologists and structural biologists.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Culbertson and Levin present an elegant computational analysis of the evolutionary history of several families of immune proteins conserved in bacteria and metazoan cells. The authors' work is impressive, revealing interesting insight into previously known connections and identifying exciting new connections that further link bacterial anti-phage defense and animal innate immunity. The results are overall well-presented and will have an important impact on multiple related fields. I have a few comments for the authors to help explain some of the new connections observed in their findings and clarify the results for a general audience.


      1. The authors adeptly navigate difficult and changing nomenclature around cGAS-STING signaling but there may be room for clarifying terminology. Although historically the term "CD-NTase" has been used to describe both bacterial and animal enzymes (including by this reviewer's older work as well), the field has now settled on consistent use of the name "CD-NTase" to describe bacterial cGAS/DncV-like enzymes and the use of the names "cGAS" and "cGLR" to describe animal cGAS-like receptor proteins. Nearly all papers describing bacterial signaling use the term CD-NTase, and since 2021 most papers describing divergent cGAS-like enzymes in animal signaling now use the term "cGLR" (for recent examples see primary papers Holleufer et al 2021 PMID 34261128; Slavik et al 2021 PMID 34261127; Li et al 2023 PMID 37379839; Cai et al 2023 PMID 37659413 and review articles Cai et al 2022 PMID 35149240; Slavik et al 2023 PMID 37380187; Fan et al 2021 PMID 34697297; West et al 2021 PMID 34373639 Unterholzner Cell 2023 PMID 37478819). Kingdom-specific uses of CD-NTase and cGLR may help add clarity to the manuscript especially as each group of enzyme is quite divergent and many protein members synthesize signaling molecules that are distinct from cyclic GMP-AMP (i.e. not cGAS).

      Related to this point, the term "SMODS" is useful for describing the protein family domain originally identified in the elegant work of Burroughs and Aaravind (Burroughs et al 2015 PMID 26590262), but this term is rarely used in papers focused on the biology of these systems. "eSMODS" is a good name, but the authors may want to consider a different description to better fit with current terminology. 2. The authors state that proteins were identified using an iterative HMM-based search until they "began finding proteins outside of the family of interest" (Line 86). Is it possible to please explain in more detail what this means? A key part of the analysis pipeline is knowing when to stop, especially as some proteins like CD-NTases and cGLRs share related-homology to other major enzyme groups like pol-beta NTases while other proteins like STING and viperin are more unique. 3. The authors comment on several controls to guard against potential contaminating bacterial sequences present in metazoan genome sequencing datasets (Lines 174-182). It may be helpful to include this very important part of the analysis as part of the stepwise schematic in Figure 1a. Additionally, have the authors used other eukaryotic features like the presence of introns or kingdom specific translation elements (e.g. Shine-Dalgarno- vs. Kozak-like sequences) as part of the analysis? 4. A particularly surprising result of the analysis is a proposed connection between oligoadenylate synthase-like (OAS-like) enzymes and bacterial Clade C CD-NTases. A concern with these results is that previous structural analysis has demonstrated that bacterial CD-NTase enzymes and animal cGLRs are more closely related to each other than they are to OAS (Slavik et al 2021 PMID 34261127). Can the authors provide further support for a connection between OAS and Clade C CD-NTases? The C-terminal alpha-helix bundle of OAS is known to be distinct (Lohöfener et al 2015 PMID 25892109) and perhaps AlphaFold2 modeling of bacterial Clade C CD-NTases and additional OAS sequences may provide further bioinformatic evidence to support the authors' conclusions. 5. One of the most exciting results in the paper is identification of a family of putative CD-NTase enzymes conserved in metazoans. Although full description may be beyond the scope of this paper, if possible, some more analysis would be interesting here:

      a. Are these CD-NTase enzymes in a conserved gene neighborhood within the metazoan genomes (i.e. located next to a potential cyclic nucleotide receptor?)

      b. Do these metazoan genomes encode other known receptors for cyclic nucleotide signaling (PFAM searches for CARF or SAVED domains for instance).

      c. Similar to points 3 and 4, is it possible to add further evidence for support of these proteins as true metazoan sequences that have predicted structural homology to bacterial CD-NTase enzymes? 6. The authors state that obvious CD-NTase/cGLR enzymes are not present in organisms that encode the group of divergent eukaryotic "blSTINGs". Have the authors analyzed the protein-coding genes encoded immediately upstream and downstream of the blSTING proteins with AlphaFold2 and FoldSeek? It would be very exciting if putative cyclic nucleotide generating enzymes are predicted to be encoded within the nearby gene neighborhood. 7. Line 144 appears to reference the incorrect supplementary figure. SI Figure 4 may be the correct reference?

      I hope the authors will find my comments useful, thank you for the opportunity to read this exciting manuscript.

      Philip Kranzusch


      Culbertson and Levin present an elegant computational analysis of the evolutionary history of several families of immune proteins conserved in bacteria and metazoan cells. The authors' work is impressive, revealing interesting insight into previously known connections and identifying exciting new connections that further link bacterial anti-phage defense and animal innate immunity. The results are overall well-presented and will have an important impact on multiple related fields. I have a few comments for the authors to help explain some of the new connections observed in their findings and clarify the results for a general audience.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thanks the reviewers for their critique of our report and our responses to all of their comments are given below.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite. Intracellular survival critical depends on secretory vesicles named dense granules. These vesicles are predicted to contain >100 different proteins that are released into PV, PV membrane and the host cell to control the parasites intracellular environment and host cell gene expression and immune response. How and where these vesicles are released from the parasite is a long-standing question in the field because T. gondii, and other apicomplexan parasites contained a complex pellicular cytoskeletal structure called the IMC which limits dense granule access to the plasma membrane. In this manuscript by Chelaghma, Ke and colleagues demonstrates for the first time that dense granules are secreted from the parasite at pore structures called the apical annuli. The authors used their previously generated HyperLOPIT data set and identified a plasma membrane protein that is specifically enriched at the apical annuli. Using BioID the authors then identify three SNARE proteins that also localize at the apical annuli. The localization of these proteins is determined using excellent super-resolution structured illumination microscopy. Conditional protein knockdowns for all four proteins were created and both proteomics and microscopy used to demonstrate a reduction in dense granule secretion in the absence of these proteins. Collectively, these data make new and substantial contributions to our understanding of mechanisms of dense granule secretion. Major comments: Overall, these data is convincing and well-described. The text is clear and well written. There are a few instances (see below) where the authors doesn't adequately describe the data or over state the strength of the results. These issues could all be addressed editorially or by process existing data.

      Comment 1.1

      The authors use proteomics and IFA to show that there is a reduction (rather than an inhibition of) in dense granule secretion. However, from the phase images in figure 5, the vacuoles of KD parasites look normal and so not have the phenotypes that one would expect after a significant reduction in dense granule secretion, such as the "bubble" phenotype described for GRA17 and GRA23 knockouts (Gold et al 2015; PMID: 25974303). Authors should describe their findings in the context of the expected phenotypes based on the published literature. The statement on line 369-371 is too strong and should imply a reduction rather than an inhibition of dense granule secretion.

      Authors’ response: It is difficult to compare our results to individual dense granule protein mutants described in the literature because such phenotypes are the result of the loss of only a single protein being exported to the host, whereas we are observing the effects of the reduction of secretion of up to 120+ different proteins. Furthermore, we agree with this reviewer that none of the protein knockdowns appear to completely prevent dense granule secretion, which we implied by ‘inhibition’, and this could be either due to incomplete knockdown of each of these proteins with some residue function, or some redundancy where other proteins can contribute to secretion. We have changed the statement flagged by this reviewer to: ‘Depletion of all four of these proteins affects dense granule secretion*’ to avoid the interpretation of complete loss of function. We now further state that residual secretion may still occur and consider this in the light of possible reasons for this (Discussion, paragraph 4). In any case, none of these considerations change our conclusion that these proteins, at the site of the apical annuli, are implicated in dense granule secretion. *

      __Comment 1.2 __

      The more severe phenotype observed in the AAQa iKD and the additional localizations of AAQa and AAQc suggests an additional role for these protein in protein trafficking that is supported by the authors data. In both AAQa and AAQc there appears to be an accumulation of GRA1 in a post-Golgi compartment and is less vesicular in appearance than the phenotype observed in the AAQb iKD parasites. Additionally, I disagree with the authors assessment that KD of these proteins does not effect microneme localization. In both AAQa and AAQc there appears to be increased number of micronemes at the basal end of the parasites compared with controls. Although this is not a direct focus of the authors papers, a description of these findings should be included in the results and discussion sections.

      Authors’ response: We have included a more complete discussion that considers the differences in phenotypes of the four mutants, including additional locations of two SNAREs, all of which is consistent with known SNARE biology (Discussion, fourth paragraph). These considerations, however, have no impact on our conclusions where all four proteins, including two that are exclusive to the apical annuli, have equivalent effects on dense granule exocytosis.

      Concerning the effects on microneme and rhoptries of the different knockdowns, we have modified and limited our interpretation to overall IFA staining strength and protein organelle protein abundance by proteomics, where we see no differences. This addresses if there is a major post-Golgi trafficking defect that could affect biogenesis of all of micronemes, rhoptries and dense granules, for which we see no evidence. Whether there are subtle differences in the location of these organelles, which are known to show some variability, is beyond the scope or relevance to our central questions. Given that growth phenotypes are seen for all mutants, it is quite possible that secondary effects of retarded cells might present as some disorder within the cell, although we saw nothing conspicuous of this nature in many hundreds of examples observed.

      __ Comment 1.3__

      Presentation of the data in Figure 5. This figure contains images where the fluorescent dense granule signal is overlaid on phase images. However, in some cases (AAQb, AAQc, AAQa, GRA1 KD) the merged imaged looks like a straight merges of the two images, whereas in the rest of the images it looks like a thresholded fluorescent image is merge with phase. Authors need to process the images in consistent manner and provide a description of the image processing in the figure legend and materials and methods.

      Authors’ response: Thank you for this suggestion, we have now processed all of these merges the same way (ImageJ -> merge channels -> Composite Sum). While the merges are only intended to aid in aligning the fluorescence signal with the phase image, we agree that it is better to present them the same way.

      Minor comments:

      Comment 1.4

      The discussion is overly long and could be shorted in some places. Lines 373 and 388 in particularly don't seems directly relevant to the manuscript.

      Authors’ response: The paragraph identified by this reviewer considers the LMBD protein that is the first, and currently only, trans plasma membrane protein specific to the apical annuli that implies that this structure is exposed to the exterior of the cell. It is, therefore, of considerable significance to how we interpret the function and behaviour of these annular structures. We believe that it is very relevant to our study to consider what else is known about these relatively mysterious, but widely conserved, eukaryotic proteins, which is the subject of this paragraph. The other reviewers highlight the relevance of LMBD3 to the interpretation of this structure. This reviewer hasn’t identified any further superfluous discussion elements, and we believe that the current length is not excessive and is justified.

      Comment 1.5

      Line 184 - Remove question mark from this sentence

      Authors’ response: The question mark has been removed.

      Comment 1.6

      Line 321. Should read Figure 7A, not figure 6A.

      Authors’ response: Thank you, corrected.

      Comment 1.7

      Line 139 - should read Figure 1B instead of 2C

      Authors’ response: Thank you, corrected (although to 1C, which is in fact correct).

      Comment 1.8

      Figure 3- Column labels for early, mid, or late endodyogeny would help with the clarity of this figure, especially for readings who are unfamiliar with the field.

      Authors’ response: We have labelled the figure as suggested.

      Comment 1.9

      Figure S2 - the letter n is missing from knockdown labels. And the number 3 from LMBD 3 is covering the word knockdown in the last panel.

      Authors’ response: Thank you, corrected.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript provides, for the first time, insight into the mechanism of dense granule secretion in Toxoplasma and identifies the sites on parasite pellicle where these vesicles can traverse the IMC to reach the plasma membrane. This is a significant conceptual advance in our understanding of this cellular vital process, one that is required for T. gondii intracellular survival. This paper would have broad interest from other research groups studying parasitology, secretion and protein trafficking.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: This manuscript reports on characterizing the function of the long-known apical annuli, which are pores embedded in the membrane skeleton of Toxoplasma gondii. Since their function has remained long elusive, this manuscript is a major breakthrough.

      Comment 2.1

      It is of note, however, that this breakthrough, using the same three SNAREs, was recently, in parallel, also reported by Fu et al in PLoS Pathogens (PMID 36972314), which work is cited here. The additional novelty here is the finding of LMDB3 in the plasma membrane at the site of the annuli. This is a widely conserved protein for which little function is known except roles in signaling, The connection between LMDB3 and the SNAREs is through BioID, but they are preys quite far down the list. Furthermore, the function of LMDB3 is not explored here. As such, the additional advance compared to the Fu et al report is limited. The function of the SNAREs in dense granule exocytosis is much more robustly done here through the proteomics data displaying an accumulation of DG proteins.

      Authors’ response: While it is true that the discovery of the three SNAREs at the apical annuli was made and reported in parallel by Fu et al (2023), a major difference in their conclusions is that they suggest that dense granules are not secreted at this site (this reviewer has mistakenly thought that this was their conclusion — “In our experiments, none of the SNAREs were shown to be related to the exocytosis of GRAs. Therefore, the mechanism that mediates exocytosis of GRAs at the plasma membrane remains to be elucidated.” Fu et al (2023)*). The failure of Fu et al to detect this was almost certainly because they only tested for dense granule secretion defects by inducing depletion of the apical annuli SNAREs after the parasites had invaded the host cells. It is known that dense granule protein secretion happens rapidly in the initial moments after invasion, so apical annuli perturbation in their assay would have only occurred after these secretion events. We directly discuss this experimental difference in our revised discussion and how it accounts for their different conclusions (Discussion, fourth paragraph). We independently tested for this effect by quantitative proteomics which further supported our conclusions. *

      As this reviewer indicates, we additionally discovered that a protein (LMBD3) also spans the plasma membrane at these structures, and this implicates signalling or events at the cell surface. We show that this protein is also required for normal dense granule secretion. While we have not identified an explicit mechanistic role for LMBD3 in this process, such insight is also lacking for all LMBD proteins, including those in humans where they are implicated in disease. While we continue to pursue this interesting question of LMBD3 function, we are by no means alone in cell biology for these answers to be outstanding still.

      Comment 2.2

      The presentation of the data is very clean and convincing, and the broader evolutionary context is well-presented as well. The discussion on whether maintaining the IMC during cell division is an innovation or ancestral is an open debate where the authors seem to come down on the side of innovation, but the evidence could go either way, so I would caution a bit more.

      Authors’ response: We are puzzled by this reviewer’s comment because we do not make reference to the maintenance of the IMC during cell division in this evolutionary context — ancestral or a recent innovation. We describe the case of Toxoplasma and its close relatives maintaining the maternal IMC during division as ‘unusual’, not ancestral (second sentence of the last paragraph of the Discussion), and this is the only statement that we think might have elicited this query from the reviewer. But this does not imply what the ancestral state might have been which is not a subject of any of our considerations here.

      Major comments: - Are the key conclusions convincing?

      Comment 2.3

      The identification of the three SNARE proteins through BioID is not very convincingly represented in Table S1. These SNAREs were not showing significant changes and were not detected universally across the three bio-reps, and thyn were also present in the controls. Although this does not diminish the message of the work, this appears to be quite Cherry-picked, while other top hits in the BioID were overlooked, e.g. Nd6 and Nd2 are right in the top ten, which have a demonstrated role in rhoptry exocytosis. This certainly piqued my interest, but is not even discussed.

      *Authors’ response: We have used BioID as a protein discovery strategy, not to directly measure protein proximity for which it is an imperfect measure for many technical reasons. Accordingly, discovered ‘candidates’ for proteins that might occur at the annuli were all independently verified by protein reporter tagging. We focused our efforts on discovering apical annuli plasma membrane-tethered proteins and, therefore, parsed our BioID data for those shown previously to be in the plasma membrane by LOPIT spatial proteomics (Barylyuk et al, 2020). It is true that the SNARE proteins were not favoured over many other proteins in the BioID signal, but their verified location at these sites justified our pursuit of them as new apical annuli proteins. *

      Other proteins, including the previously identified apical proteins Nd6 and Nd2 that are implicated in rhoptry secretion, similarly piqued our interest! But when we reporter-tagged them they were revealed as BioID false positives, consistent with published work on these proteins, and other ‘top hits’ included some other false positives. Table S1 is included as a further recourse for the field, but it only served as a first step in functional protein discovery in our study.

      Comment 2.4

      TgAAQa, TgAAQb and TgAAQc were recently also reported to localize to the annuli by Fu et al 2023 (PMID: 36972314; this report is even cited in this manuscript for Rab11a accumulation), who gave them different names: TgStx1, TgStx20, and TgStx21 (not in this order). I see no reason to adopt a new nomenclature here, which will be very confusing in the future literature. Please adopt the Stx names in this manuscript.

      *Authors’ response: We agree that where there is precedent in naming it is better to use the earliest used names. Naming of proteins is also best done to reflect orthologues found between species so that consistent names indicate common functions. The naming system proposed by Fu et al for the Qa, Qb and Qc SNAREs unfortunately does not fulfil this second important criterion. They based their names on ‘Syntaxin’ which was first used for an animal SNARE of the nervous system that is almost exclusively used for Qa paralogues. Furthermore, in animals Stx1-4 are all vertebrate-specific Qa paralogues that have arisen only in this group. So, to name the Qa SNARE of Toxoplasma according to one of these animal-specific nerve proteins (Stx1) implies an evolutionary inheritance that is very unlikely (i.e., lateral gene transfer from an animal) and is unsupported by published phylogenies. Furthermore, Fu et al also give the Qb and Qc SNAREs the animal Qa name ‘syntaxin’, and arbitrarily number them Stx21 and Stx20. So, while they have named these proteins first, we think that the names given provide confusing and misleading labels for these proteins. *

      We initially proposed a simpler system according to the location of the SNARE in Toxoplasma (AA = Apical Annuli) and the Q domain type (Qa, Qb, Qc), e.g., AAQa. But on reflection we propose using precedent and orthology and adopt the existing orthologue names as the most useful solution. Klinger et al (2022) have resolved the phylogeny of the three Toxoplasma SNAREs, and they group with strong phylogenetic support with known eukaryote-wide orthogroups with previous names: Qa=StxPM (Syntaxin Plasma Membrane); Qb=NPSN (Novel Plant ‘Syntaxin’); and Qc=Syp7 (a Qc SNARE family originally thought to be specific to plants). These SNARE types are all known to operate at the plasma membrane, and accordingly the names TgStxPM, TgNPSN, and TgSyp7 would indicate their orthology and similar functional location known in other eukaryotes. We have justified this preferred naming system in the text of our report (Discussion, third paragraph), but making it clear which Fu et al names correspond to these more universally consistent names so that these can be easily cross-referenced.

      Comment 2.5

      No knock-down of LMBD3 is pursued: how would this impact SNARE distribution and/or other annuli proteins? The fitness score is very severe, -4.07, so this is somewhat puzzling. Lower comment is related. This could provide tantalizing insights in the architecture of the annuli, and/or their function as a secretory conduit.

      LMBD3 relative to the SNAREs is not explored: co-IPs or detergent extraction to see if they are all in a physically interacting complex. What keeps them together. Is LBCDR3 interfacing with any annuli proteins Cen2 is suggested through the image in Fig 2A, though there appears to be some separation in some images: AAP2, 3 and 5 were previously shown to have smaller diameters than Cen2 and therefore appear better positioned.

      Authors’ response: LMBD3 knockdowns were pursued in so far as identifying that they also have a phenotype of reduced dense granule secretion as for the SNAREs, but it will indeed require further studies of this intriguing molecule to define its specific function. Our central questions of this study were what is the association of the apical annuli with respect to the IMC and plasma membrane, and what is the overall significance and function of these structures. These core questions have been answered in our study. The questions that this review raises here are further and logical questions specifically related to LMBD3 that we are now pursuing as an independent follow-on study.

      • Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?

      Comment 2.6

      The discussion on whether maintaining the IMC during cell division is an innovation or ancestral is an open debate where the authors seem to come down on the side of innovation, but the evidence could go either way, so I would caution a bit more.

      Authors’ response: This comment (2.2) is already made and addressed above.

      • Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.

      Comment 2.7

      The heavy focus on the LMBD3 in Fig 1 and the evolutionary discussion would warrant a more direct functional dissection. Either through an LMDB3 known-down, or its interface with the SNAREs or annuli more directly.

      Authors’ response: This reviewer has not made it clear that further work on LMBD3 is necessary to support the conclusions of the paper or address the questions that we have asked, only that they would like to see more insight into LMBD3. We would also! But we do present knock-down studies and show that there are functional consequences for dense granule secretion. The question of if LMBD3 is involved in the maintenance of apical annuli structure and/or integrity is an interesting one, but a further question to those that we have presented in this first study. LMBD proteins have poorly characterised molecular functions throughout eukaryotes, and while we are also motivated to understand their role more, this has not proven a straightforward task in other systems also.

      Comment 2.8

      The claim that the annuli are the conduits though which the dense granules travel to get exocytosis is not directly supported by any of the experiments as it is solely based on co-localization studies, not even direct interactions.

      Authors’ response: We agree that we have not directly observed dense granules in the act of secretion at the apical annuli. Dense granules are known to be very mobile in the cell and traffic dynamically on actin networks. So, they do not accumulate at any one site, and their fusion and exocytosis is likely a rapid, transient event. Multiple lines of evidence for them pausing and fusing with the plasma membrane, while indirect, independently support this conclusion:

      • SNARE proteins restricted to the apical annuli in the plasma membrane are required for normal dense granule secretion
      • When these SNAREs are depleted dense granule proteins accumulate in the parasite
      • Rab11A is a further vesicle-tethering molecule that has been shown to be attached to dense granules and its mutation also leads to inhibition of dense granule proteins (Venugopal et al, 2020)
      • When the apical annuli SNAREs are depleted Rab11A accumulates at the annuli (Fu et al, 2023) Collectively, we believe that the claim that the apical annuli are the sites of dense granule secretion is very strongly supported, particularly by the very molecules that would be required for vesicle docking and fusing at these sites, and is justified to be noted in the title. We have, however, made it clear in our report now that these data are indirect and that dense granules are yet to be captured in the act of secreting their contents at these sites (Discussion, paragraph five).

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      The consolidating themes I see (and value) in the reviews:

      Comment 2.9

      1. functional follow up of role of LMDB3 Authors’ response: This work is already part of a follow-up project.

      Comment 2.10

      adopt nomenclature of Fu et al, to avoid confusion in literature

      Authors’ response: Please see our response to Comment 2.4

      Comment 2.11

      better integrate the findings in light of the Fu et al publication throughout this manuscript

      *Authors’ response: We have further acknowledged and compared our findings to those of the parallel study of Fu et al with additional text in the discussion. *

      Comment 2.12

      no direct evidence of dense granules at annuli; attenuate the claims (in title etc), or include supportive data

      Authors’ response: Please see our response to the equivalent Comment 2.8 above.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.

      Comment 2.13

      The presented manuscript reports on a novel protein, LMBD3, embedded in the plasma membrane of Toxoplasma gondii at the site of the apical annuli, which are pores across the inner membrane complex (IMC) skeleton. This provides a novel, putative connection between the cytoplasm and plasma membrane, although this is not directly explored here. Through LMDB3 proximity biotinylation, three SNAREs are identified that were recently reported to be involved in dense granule exocytosis, which is is confirmed here through robust proteomic experiments.

      Authors’ response: This reviewer has made an error here in stating that the parallel study of Fu et al implicated the apical annuli SNAREs with dense granule exocytosis. See our response to Comment 2.1 where we describe why the experimental design used for Fu et al was unlikely to test this question effectively.

      • Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate). The annuli were first reported in 2006, and understanding of their proteomic composition has expanded over the years, however, a function has remained long elusive. This report, together with another parallel performed work, now uses three SNAREs, named TgAAQa, TgAAQb and TgAAQc in this report but previously named TgStx1, TgStx20, and TgStx21 (not in this orthologous order), localizing to the annuli as tool to assign the function of the annuli to exocytosis of the dense granules during intracellular parasite multiplication. The evolutionary context and concepts of the new findings are very well-embedded in the existing literature and insights.

      • State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings. The audience comprises people with a specific interest beyond apicomplexan biology, basically all Alveolates as they all share a similar membrane skeleton. Assigning a putative function to widely conserved LMBD3 will be of high interest to this completely different audience as well.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In the submitted work "Apical annuli are specialised sites of post-invasion secretion of dense granules in Toxoplasma", the authors explore the role of the apical annuli in T. gondii. They identify a number of proteins that localize to the membranes at the annuli, including SNARE proteins that are known players in vesicle fusion. They also shown that knockdown of several annuli localized proteins blocks replication and secretion of dense granule cargo into the parasitophorous vacuole. Overall, the work is well done and an important contribution to the field.

      Major comments

      Comment 3.1

      1. In the title and throughout the manuscript the authors claim that the apical annuli are sites of dense granule secretion (e.g. "firmly implicating the apical annuli as the site of dense granule docking and membrane fusion." or "that the apical annuli are sites of vesicle fusion and exocytosis"). However, there does not appear to be direct evidence of the dense granules docking and fusing at these sites.

      It would be ideal to see vesicles docked via EM at the annuli, either in wildtype or knockdown parasites. This may not be possible - if not, I recommend toning down the conclusions on docking (or "specialized sites of secretion" as this has not been shown) and instead stating that these structures play a critical role in dense granule secretion. Authors’ response: Please see our response to Comments 2.8 & 2.12, and we have toned down this conclusion as requested to make it clear that direct observations of dense granule fusion are yet to be made. Capturing the transient event of dense granule docking by EM would indeed be a very challenging ambition.

      Comment 3.2

      The authors should discuss earlier (in the results) the findings of Fu et al. which:

      Authors’ response: The parallel study of Fu et al (2023) has indeed generated some similar data, but there are also multiple points of difference including their conclusions. We discuss all of these relevant points in the Discussion, and believe that it would make the Results narrative confusing to introduce this element of discussion there. Our study has not been performed in response to theirs, but rather was conducted in parallel.

      • show the localization of some of the same SNAREs at the apical annuli. Fu et al also see localization to the plasma membrane separate from the annuli for some of these proteins. Do you see plasma membrane spots as well upon longer exposures? Can differences be explained by the position or type of tag used?

      Authors’ response: Fu et al have indeed used different reporters and expressed the SNARE fusion proteins with different non-native promoters. They used a very bulky reporter which combined 12 HA tags as well as the large Auxin-Inducible Degron (AID), and together it is possible that they observe some mistargeting artefacts. For our location studies we used the small epitope 3xV5 only. We did not see the additional locations that they report, and this may be due to the larger modification that they made to these proteins.

      • Fu et al also shows similar plaque defects in the knockdowns and loss of trafficking of plasma membrane proteins to the periphery. In general, the studies from this group are very complementary - they should be better acknowledged.

      Authors’ response: We have included more frequent reference and comparison to the Fu et al study now in our Discussion.

      • Fu et al see an invasion defect but no defect in GRA secretion - Do you see an invasion defect? These differences should be discussed

      Authors’ response: See our response to Comments 2.1 & 2.13 regarding why the Fu et al could not detect the GRA secretion defect. We discuss this in our Discussion now (Discussion paragraph four). We also consider the Fu et al study of an invasion defect as flawed. Both our and their study show that depletion of apical annuli SNAREs has a strong replication phenotype of parasites within the host vacuole. Given induced SNARE depletion must occur during this growing stage of the parasites, to ask if apical annuli could be involved directly in invasion processes requires testing for invasion competence of already very sick cells. It is, therefore, not possible to control for secondary effects on invasion incompetence due to general cell malaise. Furthermore, Fu et al report on invasion efficiency using an assay that relies on SAG1 presentation on the cell surface. However, they conclude independently in their study that SAG1 delivery to the surface is inhibited in their SNARE knockdowns. This further confounds any attempt to reliable measure invasion and any role for these SNAREs in this process. Therefore, for biological as well as technical reasons, we have not tested for a possible role of annuli in invasion.

      • It would be helpful for the field to use the same nomenclature whenever possible. Is it possible to use the naming described earlier?

      Authors’ response: Please see our response to Comment 2.4.

      Comment 3.3

      Fig 1C - The authors use trypsin shaving to demonstrate plasma membrane localization of LMBD3. They are probably correct - but it is important to definitively distinguish between plasma membrane and IMC membrane localization. a. The western blot bands for GAP40 should be quantified. It appears that GAP40 is also reduced and it could be reduced to a similar extent as SAG1 without quantification. In addition, this protection from digestion could be confirmed with a second marker in the space between the PM and IMC membranes like GAP45 (whereas cytoplasmic/mito markers like profilin and Tom40 are likely further protected by the IMC membranes and are thus less relevant here).

      Authors’ response: Quantitation of Western blots is notoriously inaccurate and, rather, we use it here as a qualitative indication of trypsin sensitivity of proteins in intact cells. The LMBD3 protein is completely transformed within the first time point (1 hour) to stable products of proteolysis of this polytopic membrane protein — presumably to those now protected within the cell. Known GPI-anchored surface protein SAG1 shows similar immediate sensitivity, although it is known that internalised SAG1 pools are constantly recycled to the surface and hence gradual elimination of the residual SAG1 band over 4 hours. The internal protein markers (GAP40, PRF, TOM40) show no discernible change in the first hour and little if any beyond that (within the variation common to Western blotting). GAP40 shares an equivalent polytopic membrane topology to LMBD3 except it occurs in the IMC membrane directly below the plasma membrane, so we think this is the more suitable control. Thus, this trypsin shaving experiment gives a binary output: sensitive or insensitive. This conclusion is further supported by the published spatial proteomics study (Barylyuk et al. 2020) which shows that LMBD3 segregates with other integral membrane proteins specific to the plasma membrane and not with the IMC proteins. Our super resolution imaging of LMBD3 relative to inner membrane complex markers (Centrin2, GAP45, IMC1) also show it as peripheral to them, further corroborating the plasma membrane location.

      1. Is it possible to N-terminally tag LMBD3 and then examine plasma membrane localization by detection of the tag without permeabilization? (this would also confirm the proposed topology) Authors’ response: We have tried to N-terminally tag LMBD3 with an epitope reporter but this integration was not tolerated by the cell, presumable because it interferes with membrane insertion of this protein that is essential for cell viability. So, this experimental option is not available.

      Comment 3.4

      I think it is important to make clear for the reader what is happening here. The paper sounds as though the dense granules directly dock at the annuli for release. It also seems possible from this work and Fu et al that secretion at the annuli occurs via small vesicles that originate from the dense granules. Perhaps a diagram or model would help the reader here (and discuss why DGs or other vesicles are not routinely seen at the annuli if this is the critical portal - and perhaps why the organelles are not clustered in the apical end of the cell if this is where they are needed)

      Authors’ response: This comment is related to that of review 2 (Comments 2.8/12), although we note again that Fu et al did not conclude that dense granules are exocytosed at this site. It is also unclear why this reviewer envisages that small vesicles arise from the dense granules, rather than the dense granule itself fusing at the annuli to the plasma membrane. Indeed, the occurrence of Rab11A on the dense granules, and the accumulation of this protein at the annuli with SNARE knockdown, supports that it is the dense granules that dock at this site. Why dense granules don’t otherwise cluster at their sites of secretion but are instead motile in the cell, their movement driven by Myosin F on actin filaments, is not known. Perhaps these otherwise bulky organelles would create too much cellular crowding that could interfere with other processes. We have addressed all of these points in additions to the discussion so that these interesting unknowns are transparent to the reader (Discussion paragraph 5).

      Comment 3.5

      Figure 5. The authors state the knockdown results in "strong phenotypes of reduced plaque development" - The plaque assays should be quantified.

      • Are there no plaques or just very small ones here?

      Authors’ response: The reviewer provides no rationale for this request or states what questions could be addressed by doing so. Indeed, none of our conclusions would be affected. We use the plaque assays to test whether each of the proteins tested are independently necessary for some facet of normal parasite growth where the result is binary — no difference in plaque size versus near or complete absence of plaque development. The interpretation of differing plaque sizes between different knockdown mutations is a very inexact science with assumptions of equal rates of protein depletion, sensitivity of relative protein abundance, modes of action of mutation, and kinetics of plaque growth very difficult to validate for meaningful comparisons to be made. Therefore, we don’t see any useful role for plaque quantification in the research questions that we’ve addressed or the conclusions that we present.

      Comment 3.6

      Figure 6 a. Fig 6A - The use of digitonin for semipermeabilization requires controls as there is typically a lot of variability across the monolayer. This is ideally done with something to show that the host plasma membrane has been permeabilized (e.g. host tubulin) and the PVM has not been permeabilized (e.g. SAG1). Otherwise, perhaps the authors could state what percent of cells showed the data like the representative images shown or describe further how selective permeabilization was assessed? (or wider fields with many cells and vacuoles?)

      *Authors’ response: As requested, we have included a supplemental figure showing wider fields of view where multiple vacuoles are seen. These data show that the vacuoles are similarly stained with no evidence of variability of digitonin permeabilization. The reduction in GRA5 secretion shown by microscopy is further supported by this protein being quantified using proteomics as enriched in the parasites when the apical annuli proteins are depleted (Fig 7). *

      Comment 3.7

      1. Fig 6B - "the GRA signal seen within the parasite was increased compared to the control" This is not clear from the AAQb image shown as it appears more is also present in the vacuole (or perhaps residual body?) Can this be clarified? Authors’ response: Yes, in this image it appears that the ‘residual body’, which is also an integral internal compartment of the growing parasite rosette, is a site of dense granule accumulation. We have modified the text to make it clear that the observations of IFA images showing ‘apparent’ increase in dense granule staining were then directly tested by quantitative proteomics. These subsequent data (Fig 7) provided a clear measure of the increase in dense granule proteins in the parasites when apical annuli function was perturbed.

      Minor comments

      Comment 3.8

      1. Line 215-217 The authors state that "Collectively these data imply that the apical annuli provide coordinated gaps in the IMC barrier that forms at the earliest point of IMC development and that they maintain access of the cytosol to these specialised locations in the plasma membrane."
      2. However, their data shows that LMBD3 only recruits once daughters are emerging (not earliest point of IMC development). Please clarify? Is this just referring to Centrin2 or LMBD3 as well? Authors’ response: Yes, the other AAPs indicate that these structures form early, and they were mentioned as such in the sentences preceding this statement — hence ‘collectively’.

      Comment 3.9

      Fig 5. Regarding growth arrest. AAQa appears to show an arrest but is it possible the others just grow slower? Do they arrest later and hence fail to form a plaque? Is there incomplete knockdown which enables a few parasites to persist?

      *Authors’ response: It is true that it is difficult to discern complete growth arrest from *

      *very retarded growth. However, neither alternative would affect our conclusions where we use these phenotypes as an indication of apical annuli participating in process required for normal growth. All plaque assays show strong growth phenotypes. Nevertheless, we have removed the use of the term ‘growth arrest’ with respect to these phenotypes (including in the Abstract) and replaced it with growth impairment. *

      Comment 3.10

      Line 132, Fig 1 A-C. For clarity it may be better for the reader if LMBD3 is named earlier, or if Fig 1 refers to the gene ID for panels A-C before its named.

      Authors’ response: This is a good idea and we have made this change, making note of the rationale for this name when we present the phylogeny.

      Comment 3.11

      Line 30 - "represent a second structure in the IMC specialised for protein secretion" this is confusing - do the authors mean in addition to the micronemes/rhoptries at the apical complex? Maybe "a second structure in the parasite" would be clearer

      Authors’ response: To clarify we have reworded as follows: ‘The apical annuli, therefore, represent a second type of IMC-embedded structure to the apical complex that is specialised for protein secretion

      Comment 3.12

      Line 440 - the author states that "these pre- and post-invasion secretion processes are also biochemically separated because both microneme and rhoptry secretion are SNARE-independent" Is this from the Cova and Dubios papers cited a line later? I took a quick scan of these papers and neither appear to show this? Cova claims still this is still unclear and Dubios says SNAREs are likely involved?

      Authors’ response: While both microneme and rhoptry secretion use distinctive molecular machineries for controlling membrane fusion for exocytosis, it is true that it is not formally known that these processes completely lack SNARE involvement, and neither paper cited here can eliminate this possibility. We have therefore, removed this short part of the discussion where we consider that dense granules might be unique amongst these three compartments in relying on SNAREs.

      Text editing

      Comment 3.13

      1. Line 94 - plasma membrane or cell surface. Clarify here - do you mean plasma membrane or under the membrane at the periphery? Authors’ response: We have modified as: ‘plasma membrane including the cell surface’.

      Comment 3.14

      Line 321 refers to Fig 6A but should say 7A. Panel 7B is never referenced in the text.

      Authors’ response: Thank you, we have corrected this and only sited Fig7 because A and B are both relevant to the statement made in the text.

      Comment 3.15

      Line 347-242 and fig 4A - the discussion of Q-SNARES and diagram could use some references for the reader

      Authors’ response: Thank you for this suggestion, we have acted on this request.

      Comment 3.16

      The methods says plaque assays were 7 days, fig 5 legend says 8 days

      Authors’ response: Thank you, this is corrected as 8 days.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      • I completely agree with Rev 2
      • I also think examining invasion given Rev1 comment on the micronemes and the data from Fu et al would be worthwhile and straightforward to do

      Authors’ response: Please see our response to Comment 3.2 where the validity of measuring invasion competence of poorly growing, and/or arrested, parasites is scientifically questionable. It would require controls of similarly unhealthy parasites where the apical annuli are unaffected, but it is difficult to imagine how one would deliver such a control.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This is an excellent study that assesses the role of apical annuli in parasite secretion. It is an important addition to the field (and outstanding imaging that provides a high level of detail to the study). The study could be improved by better integrating a recent similar study noted by the authors and in the review

      Authors’ response: We have provided more direct discussion of the Fu et al paper in our Discussion section.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the submitted work "Apical annuli are specialised sites of post-invasion secretion of dense granules in Toxoplasma", the authors explore the role of the apical annuli in T. gondii. They identify a number of proteins that localize to the membranes at the annuli, including SNARE proteins that are known players in vesicle fusion. They also shown that knockdown of several annuli localized proteins blocks replication and secretion of dense granule cargo into the parasitophorous vacuole. Overall, the work is well done and an important contribution to the field.

      Major comments

      1. In the title and throughout the manuscript the authors claim that the apical annuli are sites of dense granule secretion (e.g. "firmly implicating the apical annuli as the site of dense granule docking and membrane fusion." or "that the apical annuli are sites of vesicle fusion and exocytosis"). However, there does not appear to be direct evidence of the dense granules docking and fusing at these sites.

      It would be ideal to see vesicles docked via EM at the annuli, either in wildtype or knockdown parasites. This may not be possible - if not, I recommend toning down the conclusions on docking (or "specialized sites of secretion" as this has not been shown) and instead stating that these structures play a critical role in dense granule secretion.<br /> 2. The authors should discuss earlier (in the results) the findings of Fu et al. which: - show the localization of some of the same SNAREs at the apical annuli. Fu et al also see localization to the plasma membrane separate from the annuli for some of these proteins. Do you see plasma membrane spots as well upon longer exposures? Can differences be explained by the position or type of tag used? - Fu et al also shows similar plaque defects in the knockdowns and loss of trafficking of plasma membrane proteins to the periphery. In general, the studies from this group are very complementary - they should be better acknowledged. - Fu et al see an invasion defect but no defect in GRA secretion - Do you see an invasion defect? These differences should be discussed - It would be helpful for the field to use the same nomenclature whenever possible. Is it possible to use the naming described earlier? 3. Fig 1C - The authors use trypsin shaving to demonstrate plasma membrane localization of LMBD3. They are probably correct - but it is important to definitively distinguish between plasma membrane and IMC membrane localization. - a. The western blot bands for GAP40 should be quantified. It appears that GAP40 is also reduced and it could be reduced to a similar extent as SAG1 without quantification. In addition, this protection from digestion could be confirmed with a second marker in the space between the PM and IMC membranes like GAP45 (whereas cytoplasmic/mito markers like profilin and Tom40 are likely further protected by the IMC membranes and are thus less relevant here). - b. Is it possible to N-terminally tag LMBD3 and then examine plasma membrane localization by detection of the tag without permeabilization? (this would also confirm the proposed topology) 4. I think it is important to make clear for the reader what is happening here. The paper sounds as though the dense granules directly dock at the annuli for release. It also seems possible from this work and Fu et al that secretion at the annuli occurs via small vesicles that originate from the dense granules. Perhaps a diagram or model would help the reader here (and discuss why DGs or other vesicles are not routinely seen at the annuli if this is the critical portal - and perhaps why the organelles are not clustered in the apical end of the cell if this is where they are needed) 5. Figure 5. The authors state the knockdown results in "strong phenotypes of reduced plaque development" - The plaque assays should be quantified. - Are there no plaques or just very small ones here? 6. Figure 6

      a. Fig 6A - The use of digitonin for semipermeabilization requires controls as there is typically a lot of variability across the monolayer. This is ideally done with something to show that the host plasma membrane has been permeabilized (e.g. host tubulin) and the PVM has not been permeabilized (e.g. SAG1). Otherwise, perhaps the authors could state what percent of cells showed the data like the representative images shown or describe further how selective permeabilization was assessed? (or wider fields with many cells and vacuoles?)

      b. Fig 6B - "the GRA signal seen within the parasite was increased compared to the control" This is not clear from the AAQb image shown as it appears more is also present in the vacuole (or perhaps residual body?) Can this be clarified?

      Minor comments

      1. Line 215-217 The authors state that "Collectively these data imply that the apical annuli provide coordinated gaps in the IMC barrier that forms at the earliest point of IMC development and that they maintain access of the cytosol to these specialised locations in the plasma membrane."
      2. However, their data shows that LMBD3 only recruits once daughters are emerging (not earliest point of IMC development). Please clarify? Is this just referring to Centrin2 or LMBD3 as well?
      3. Fig 5. Regarding growth arrest. AAQa appears to show an arrest but is it possible the others just grow slower? Do they arrest later and hence fail to form a plaque? Is there incomplete knockdown which enables a few parasites to persist?
      4. Line 132, Fig 1 A-C. For clarity it may be better for the reader if LMBD3 is named earlier, or if Fig 1 refers to the gene ID for panels A-C before its named.
      5. Line 30 - "represent a second structure in the IMC specialised for protein secretion" this is confusing - do the authors mean in addition to the micronemes/rhoptries at the apical complex? Maybe "a second structure in the parasite" would be clearer
      6. Line 440 - the author states that "these pre- and post-invasion secretion processes are also biochemically separated because both microneme and rhoptry secretion are SNARE-independent" Is this from the Cova and Dubios papers cited a line later? I took a quick scan of these papers and neither appear to show this? Cova claims still this is still unclear and Dubios says SNAREs are likely involved?

      Text editing

      1. Line 94 - plasma membrane or cell surface. Clarify here - do you mean plasma membrane or under the membrane at the periphery?
      2. Line 321 refers to Fig 6A but should say 7A. Panel 7B is never referenced in the text.
      3. Line 347-242 and fig 4A - the discussion of Q-SNARES and diagram could use some references for the reader
      4. The methods says plaque assays were 7 days, fig 5 legend says 8 days

      Referees cross-commenting

      • I completely agree with Rev 2
      • I also think examining invasion given Rev1 comment on the micronemes and the data from Fu et al would be worthwhile and straightforward to do


      This is an excellent study that assesses the role of apical annuli in parasite secretion. It is an important addition to the field (and outstanding imaging that provides a high level of detail to the study). The study could be improved by better integrating a recent similar study noted by the authors and in the review

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This manuscript reports on characterizing the function of the long-known apical annuli, which are pores embedded in the membrane skeleton of Toxoplasma gondii. Since their function has remained long elusive, this manuscript is a major breakthrough. It is of note, however, that this breakthrough, using the same three SNAREs, was recently, in parallel, also reported by Fu et al in PLoS Pathogens (PMID 36972314), which work is cited here. The additional novelty here is the finding of LMDB3 in the plasma membrane at the site of the annuli. This is a widely conserved protein for which little function is known except roles in signaling, The connection between LMDB3 and the SNAREs is through BioID, but they are preys quite far down the list. Furthermore, the function of LMDB3 is not explored here. As such, the additional advance compared to the Fu et al report is limited. The function of the SNAREs in dense granule exocytosis is much more robustly done here through the proteomics data displaying an accumulation of DG proteins. The presentation of the data is very clean and convincing, and the broader evolutionary context is well-presented as well. The discussion on whether maintaining the IMC during cell division is an innovation or ancestral is an open debate where the authors seem to come down on the side of innovation, but the evidence could go either way, so I would caution a bit more.

      Major comments:

      • Are the key conclusions convincing?

      The identification of the three SNARE proteins through BioID is not very convincingly represented in Table S1. These SNAREs were not showing significant changes and were not detected universally across the three bio-reps, and thyn were also present in the controls. Although this does not diminish the message of the work, this appears to be quite Cherry-picked, while other top hits in the BioID were overlooked, e.g. Nd6 and Nd2 are right in the top ten, which have a demonstrated role in rhoptry exocytosis. This certainly piqued my interest, but is not even discussed.

      TgAAQa, TgAAQb and TgAAQc were recently also reported to localize to the annuli by Fu et al 2023 (PMID: 36972314; this report is even cited in this manuscript for Rab11a accumulation), who gave them different names: TgStx1, TgStx20, and TgStx21 (not in this order). I see no reason to adopt a new nomenclature here, which will be very confusing in the future literature. Please adopt the Stx names in this manuscript.

      No knock-down of LMBD3 is pursued: how would this impact SNARE distribution and/or other annuli proteins? The fitness score is very severe, -4.07, so this is somewhat puzzling. Lower comment is related. This could provide tantalizing insights in the architecture of the annuli, and/or their function as a secretory conduit.

      LMBD3 relative to the SNAREs is not explored: co-IPs or detergent extraction to see if they are all in a physically interacting complex. What keeps them together. Is LBCDR3 interfacing with any annuli proteins Cen2 is suggested through the image in Fig 2A, though there appears to be some separation in some images: AAP2, 3 and 5 were previously shown to have smaller diameters than Cen2 and therefore appear better positioned. - Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?

      The discussion on whether maintaining the IMC during cell division is an innovation or ancestral is an open debate where the authors seem to come down on the side of innovation, but the evidence could go either way, so I would caution a bit more. - Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.

      The heavy focus on the LMBD3 in Fig 1 and the evolutionary discussion would warrant a more direct functional dissection. Either through an LMDB3 known-down, or its interface with the SNAREs or annuli more directly. The claim that the annuli are the conduits though which the dense granules travel to get exocytosis is not directly supported by any of the experiments as it is solely based on co-localization studies, not even direct interactions.

      Referees cross-commenting

      The consolidating themes I see (and value) in the reviews: 1. functional follow up of role of LMDB3 2. adopt nomenclature of Fu et al, to avoid confusion in literature 3. better integrate the findings in light of the Fu et al publication throughout this manuscript 4. no direct evidence of dense granules at annuli; attenuate the claims (in title etc), or include supportive data


      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.

      The presented manuscript reports on a novel protein, LMBD3, embedded in the plasma membrane of Toxoplasma gondii at the site of the apical annuli, which are pores across the inner membrane complex (IMC) skeleton. This provides a novel, putative connection between the cytoplasm and plasma membrane, although this is not directly explored here. Through LMDB3 proximity biotinylation, three SNAREs are identified that were recently reported to be involved in dense granule exocytosis, which is is confirmed here through robust proteomic experiments. - Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).

      The annuli were first reported in 2006, and understanding of their proteomic composition has expanded over the years, however, a function has remained long elusive. This report, together with another parallel performed work, now uses three SNAREs, named TgAAQa, TgAAQb and TgAAQc in this report but previously named TgStx1, TgStx20, and TgStx21 (not in this orthologous order), localizing to the annuli as tool to assign the function of the annuli to exocytosis of the dense granules during intracellular parasite multiplication. The evolutionary context and concepts of the new findings are very well-embedded in the existing literature and insights. - State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.

      The audience comprises people with a specific interest beyond apicomplexan biology, basically all Alveolates as they all share a similar membrane skeleton. Assigning a putative function to widely conserved LMBD3 will be of high interest to this completely different audience as well.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite. Intracellular survival critical depends on secretory vesicles named dense granules. These vesicles are predicted to contain >100 different proteins that are released into PV, PV membrane and the host cell to control the parasites intracellular environment and host cell gene expression and immune response. How and where these vesicles are released from the parasite is a long-standing question in the field because T. gondii, and other apicomplexan parasites contained a complex pellicular cytoskeletal structure called the IMC which limits dense granule access to the plasma membrane. In this manuscript by Chelaghma, Ke and colleagues demonstrates for the first time that dense granules are secreted from the parasite at pore structures called the apical annuli. The authors used their previously generated HyperLOPIT data set and identified a plasma membrane protein that is specifically enriched at the apical annuli. Using BioID the authors then identify three SNARE proteins that also localize at the apical annuli. The localization of these proteins is determined using excellent super-resolution structured illumination microscopy. Conditional protein knockdowns for all four proteins were created and both proteomics and microscopy used to demonstrate a reduction in dense granule secretion in the absence of these proteins. Collectively, these data make new and substantial contributions to our understanding of mechanisms of dense granule secretion.

      Major comments:

      Overall, these data is convincing and well-described. The text is clear and well written. There are a few instances (see below) where the authors doesn't adequately describe the data or over state the strength of the results. These issues could all be addressed editorially or by process existing data.

      The authors use proteomics and IFA to show that there is a reduction (rather than an inhibition of) in dense granule secretion. However, from the phase images in figure 5, the vacuoles of KD parasites look normal and so not have the phenotypes that one would expect after a significant reduction in dense granule secretion, such as the "bubble" phenotype described for GRA17 and GRA23 knockouts (Gold et al 2015; PMID: 25974303). Authors should describe their findings in the context of the expected phenotypes based on the published literature. The statement on line 369-371 is too strong and should imply a reduction rather than an inhibition of dense granule secretion.

      The more severe phenotype observed in the AAQa iKD and the additional localizations of AAQa and AAQc suggests an additional role for these protein in protein trafficking that is supported by the authors data. In both AAQa and AAQc there appears to be an accumulation of GRA1 in a post-Golgi compartment and is less vesicular in appearance than the phenotype observed in the AAQb iKD parasites. Additionally, I disagree with the authors assessment that KD of these proteins does not effect microneme localization. In both AAQa and AAQc there appears to be increased number of micronemes at the basal end of the parasites compared with controls. Although this is not a direct focus of the authors papers, a description of these findings should be included in the results and discussion sections.

      Presentation of the data in Figure 5. This figure contains images where the fluorescent dense granule signal is overlaid on phase images. However, in some cases (AAQb, AAQc, AAQa, GRA1 KD) the merged imaged looks like a straight merges of the two images, whereas in the rest of the images it looks like a thresholded fluorescent image is merge with phase. Authors need to process the images in consistent manner and provide a description of the image processing in the figure legend and materials and methods.

      Minor comments:

      The discussion is overly long and could be shorted in some places. Lines 373 and 388 in particularly don't seems directly relevant to the manuscript.

      Line 184 - Remove question mark from this sentence

      Line 321. Should read Figure 7A, not figure 6A.

      Line 139 - should read Figure 1B instead of 2C

      Figure 3- Column labels for early, mid, or late endodyogeny would help with the clarity of this figure, especially for readings who are unfamiliar with the field.

      Figure S2 - the letter n is missing from knockdown labels. And the number 3 from LMBD 3 is covering the word knockdown in the last panel.


      The manuscript provides, for the first time, insight into the mechanism of dense granule secretion in Toxoplasma and identifies the sites on parasite pellicle where these vesicles can traverse the IMC to reach the plasma membrane. This is a significant conceptual advance in our understanding of this cellular vital process, one that is required for T. gondii intracellular survival. This paper would have broad interest from other research groups studying parasitology, secretion and protein trafficking.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewers for their critiques of our manuscript and for recognizing the importance of the questions about 3D genome organisation that it addresses. We plan to address most of their comments in our revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #1

      1. The aneuploid karyotype of the MCF-7 cells used is a concern. GREB1 is present in four copies, with two on abnormal chromosomes which may not be regulated in the same way as primary cells. The authors should include caveats to this effect in the text to account for this.

      We indicated (pg 5) that there are 4 copies of GREB1, 2 of which are on re-arranged chromosomes. RNA FISH (Figure 1C) suggests all 4 of these alleles are induced by estrogen. On each allele, the GREB1 enhancer and promoter remain closely apposed by imaging (Figure 2, DNA FISH) indicating no gross chromosomal rearrangements around the GREB1 locus. This is confirmed by our Hi-C data (Figure 2A), where any genomic rearrangements at the GREB1 locus would be detectable when the sequencing data were aligned to the reference genome. In the revised manuscript we highlight these points in the respective results sections (pgs 5 and 6). Our data suggest that all 4 alleles of GREB1 in MCF7 cells are regulated in the same way.

      2. The authors should also include more information on the generation and verification of the enhancer deletion cell lines. An illustration of the PCR primers used for screening, as well as an illustration of the sequenced product traces aligned with the reference genome (as opposed to just showing the deleted regions) should be included in Fig. S1D. This would give the reader more confidence that the designed knockout has occurred in the same way on all alleles. Furthermore, long-range PCRs and sequencing should be considered to confirm that no larger deletions have occurred (e.g. Owens et al., 2019 PMID: 31127293).

      We have replaced FigS1D with a new Figure Supplement (Figure S1.2A) that incorporates a more comprehensive diagram of the strategy used for the generation and screening of the enhancer deletion cell lines. This also includes the sequencing traces aligned to the reference genome for each of the clones used in this work. Additionally, in the revised manuscript, we will check the deletions using the C-TALE sequencing data obtained from the enhancer-deleted clones.

      1. The changes in the measured E-P interaction frequency following gene activation are __weak __at best and make visual interpretation of the results difficult. Showing the reciprocal virtual 4C plots from the promoter would help to reassure the reader that the observed effect is real.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion, and we will now include virtual 4C plots from the GREB1 and NRIP1promoters in our revised manuscript. These will be in figures 2B, 2E, 3C, 4C and in the supplementary figures 2B, 4B, 5C and 6C.

      4. Furthermore, the precise 3C method used is not clear. The authors repeatedly refer to "Capture-C" (a commonly used 3C-based approach using biotinylated oligos to pull down targets of interest) but the citation used (Golov et al. 2019) refers to a conceptually similar method called "C-TALE". This should be clarified in the text.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this potential confusion. We replace the term Capture-C with C-TALE throughout the revised manuscript.

      5. As for the changes in contact frequency, the observed changes in distance measurements between conditions are very small (although statistically significant). We acknowledge that this is likely due to the relatively small linear distances between enhancers and promoters in this study. However, it would be helpful to see the effects of the induction/treatments on a one or more control loci which is not affected by oestrogen signalling given that global changes in nuclear shape/volume and/or cell cycle effects could occur within this time (e.g. effects of tamoxifen treatment on MCF-7 cell cycle distribution, (Osborne et al. 1983 PMID: 6861130), which could impact nuclear volume.

      Data from DNA FISH control probes are already included in Supplementary Figure S3 showing no change in intra-nuclear distances and thus no general effects on chromatin compaction due to nuclear volume or cell cycle. Virtual 4C data for the entire captured regions around GREB1and NRIP1 are show in Fig S2C, also showing no general effect on the wider capture windows. We will include similar data from the viewpoint of the gene promoters in the revised manuscript. Hi-C and imaging data from the enhancer deletion cell lines (Fig S4) also supports that we are looking at an ER-specific effect, not a global one. With the regard to the comment on the effects of tamoxifen treatment on MCF-7 cell cycle distribution, we see no effects of tamoxifen on 3D genome organisation at GREB1 and NRIP1 by Hi-C or by imaging.

      6. The authors discuss previous studies demonstrating that E2 and 4OH recruit different sets of proteins to their target genes. Given that this is central to the conclusion that the ER ligand (and its recruited co-factors) determines the E-P interaction frequency and 3D distances observed, it would be important to demonstrate this at the GREB1/NRIP1 loci specifically. ChIP data of the co-activators/repressors recruited by E2 and 4OH, respectively, would greatly strengthen this claim.

      We acknowledge that investigating co-activator and co-repressor recruitment to the studied loci will strengthen our interpretation our conclusions. In the revision we will perform and include ChIP-qPCR at NRIP1, GREB1 and control loci assaying for PolII, co-activators such as p300, mediator and SRC-3 and the co-repressors N-CoR in control, estradiol and tamoxifen treated cells. We will also perform ChIP-qPCR of PolII and co-activators in cell treated with flavopiridol and triptolide.

      1. The observed uncoupling of E-P contact frequency and 3D distance upon transcriptional inhibition is interesting and offers clues to the molecular details underlying E-P interactions. However, the use of flavopiridol and triptolide, while common in the field, should be carefully qualified given the potential for their indirect effects on transcription. This is particularly important for flavopiridol given its ability to target multiple cyclin-dependent kinases beyond CDK9 and its role in transcription initiation.

      In the revised manuscript we indicate that “Flavopiridol inhibits several CDKs, including CDK9/PTEF-b”

      Minor comments:

      i. In the introduction and beginning of discussion, it would be helpful to detail previous studies where FISH-based analyses have shown more proximal E-P positioning upon activation, to make it clear that differences in E-P proximity appear to be gene-specific. Some examples include Williamson et al. (2016; PMID 27402708) and Chen et al. (2018; PMID 30038397). Speculation as to why some genes behave in this way while others do not, would also be worthwhile.

      We have followed the reviewer’s suggestion and noted these two studies in the Introduction of a revised manuscript. Given that the focus of this current manuscript is to explore discrepancies between Hi-C and DNA FISH, we do not think that this is the right forum for a wider discussion of why there might be differences in E-P proximity between different biological systems.

      ii. On page 6, the authors state that after deletion of the NRIP1 enhancer there is "almost total loss of NRIP1 induction in response to E2". This does not seem to match the data where in 3 out of 4 replicates (2 for each clone) there is a statistically significant increase in number of RNA FISH foci upon E2 stimulation in the NRIP1 enhancer KOs. This suggests that, as for GREB1, the regulation of these genes is not solely controlled by the deleted enhancers. This should be clarified in the text.

      The reviewer is referring to the data on NRIP1 expression in two NRIP1 enhancer deletion clones in Fig 1D and the replicate data in Supplementary Fig S1 (upper-right panel). These data show almost no induction of NRIP12 by E2 compared to wild-type cells. We stand by our statement.

      iii. The labelling of the FISH probes in Supp. Fig. S2 could be improved as it is currently very difficult to read these.

      We will try to improve this in a revised Figure S2.

      iv Given that the authors have referenced a distance of 200 nm as potentially being an important threshold for gene activation, it would be useful to include the fraction of alleles which are below this distance alongside the cumulative frequency plots in Figure 2D and elsewhere in the paper as the cumulative frequency plots can be hard to read in some cases (e.g. Supp. Fig. S3B e-p). This would also allow the authors to show consistency across replicates.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion to make the data easier to interpret. In a revised manuscript, we will incorporate the fraction of alleles below and above 200 nm for the DNA-FISH experiments in Figure 2D and Figure S4A-B.

      v. For clarity, it would be helpful to include the difference map between the vehicle-treated unstimulated/stimulated conditions for the 3C plots in Fig. 4. This would help contextualise the resulting differences observed with the drug treatments. Same for Supp. Fig. S6.

      We will include the difference heatmap between the vehicle- and estradiol treated samples for vehicle, flavopiridol and triptolide treated samples.

      vi. Statistical comparisons are not shown for all 3D FISH-based distance measurements (e.g. Supp. Figs. S3A, S4C, D, S6E). If this is because the tests were done and the results were non-significant this should be indicated.

      We had omitted all non-significant p values (>0.05) from the graphs to stop them getting too cluttered. All p values are documented in the supplementary tables. However, following the reviewer’s comment, we will indicate all non-significant statistical comparisons on the graphs.

      vii. On page 13, the authors state that increased E-P separation occurs "before nascent transcription of the gene is detected by either TT-seq or RNA FISH". This does not appear to be correct given that baseline levels of transcription are observed in the absence of ER stimulation by both methods (Fig. 1). This should be clarified in the text.

      We have amended this statement to now indicate that “This is before an induction of nascent transcription of the gene….”

      Reviewer #2

      1. The authors make strong claims and although these are generally reasonably well supported by the data, it is important to acknowledge that they are based on two loci. This manuscript would be stronger if the authors could include additional loci in their study design. If this is not possible, it would be good to acknowledge that the conclusions are preliminary/speculative at this stage.

      The reviewer makes a fair point, and we emphasized throughout the text – including at the end of the Discussion - that we are examining just two gene loci. In a revised manuscript we will include DNA-FISH data for a third locus comprising the CCND1 gene, for which we have preliminary data.

      *2. It would be helpful if the authors could clarify the strategy they used for their FISH probe design. The enhancer and promoter fosmid probes (which are used for the majority of the experiments) are not centered on the active elements and do not even seem to overlap in the case of the GREB1 enhancer fosmid probe. The 10 kb enhancer probe seems better placed for the GREB1 locus, but the 10 kb enhancer probe does not seem to overlap with the enhancer in the NRIP1 locus. It is conceivable that the exact location of the probes has a big impact on the measurements and it would therefore be helpful if the authors could comment on the location of the probes and add additional probes if required to strengthen their conclusions. In addition, the fosmid probes are very large (40 kb). Although the authors acknowledge this, it would be helpful if they could comment on how overlap between 40 kb probes should be interpreted in relation to a potential rather focal contact between (proteins bound to) regions of In the case of GREB1, the fosmid probes were chosen to maximize the distance between them as the promoter and the enhancer of the gene are genomically relatively close to each other. This was not an issue in the case of the NRIP1 locus where fosmid probes could be placed centered on the TSS and the enhancer region. In the case of the 10 kb probes, these were designed to be centered on the regions where higher E2-induced C-TALE contact frequencies were detected. Virtual 4C plots using the TSS regions as viewpoints (incorporated into the revised manuscript) clearly show that, in the case of NRIP1, the contact frequency peak does not fall on the main ER peak.

      1. It is not clear to me why the authors would choose to work with a locus that is present in 4 copies in their cell line. Is the entire regulatory region (incl. enhancers) preserved for the two additional copies of the gene? Can the authors comment on how this may impact on their measurements?

      See response to Reviewer 1, point 1. Our Hi-C data would have revealed if there were genomic rearrangements in the 600kb window surrounding GREB1.

      4. Figure 2D shows an increase in E-P separation for the NRIP1 locus across all timepoints, with cumulative frequency plots shown for the 10 min timepoint. However, the data for the second replicate shown in Figure S2D are a lot less robust and not significant for the 10 min timepoint. It is important that the authors either provide additional data to support the robustness of this experiment or acknowledge that the results are not fully reproducible.

      We acknowledge this, but we would like to note that there is an increase in the median distance for all time points, although this difference is not significant in some of the timepoints. Additionally, DNA-FISH data obtained using the 10 kb probes confirm these observations.

      5. The data presented in Figure 2F for clone 2 of the GREB1 enhancer deletion still show increased E-P distance upon activation. How do the authors explain this?

      This increase in distance is not statistically significant (p-0.33 – see Table S2) and is not seen for the replicate data in Fig. S4.

      Minor comments:

      i. Could the authors comment on the observation that the NRIP1 promoter is not bound by ERa or p300 upon estrogen activation? Are there ATAC-seq or H3K27ac ChIP-seq data available for these conditions?

      We included ATAC-seq tracks in Figure 1A where a peak on the NRIP1 promoter is clearly seen.

      ii. It is not obvious which timepoint is shown in Figure 1D.

      Pre-mRNA FISH in enhancer deleted clones was done in cells treated with vehicle or E2 for 60 minutes. This will be made clearer in the figure legend.

      iii. Why did the authors choose e-i and p-i instead of e-c and p-c in Supplementary Figure 3B?

      We apologize as it was an oversight not to include the e-c data for this experiment. This is now included in Supplementary figure S4B.

      iv. "We treated hormone starved MCF-7 cells with flavopiridol or triptolide for 5 min before adding E2 for 30 min (Fig. 4A)." Does this mean that the FLV/TRP treatment lasted for 35 min or did the authors wash it out before adding E2? Please clarify.

      This observation is correct, and it was made clear in Figure 4A and in the figure legend.

      v. The authors refer to their Capture-C data as "high-resolution". However, the methods section mentions that the data for the GREB1 and NRIP1 locus are 5 kb and 10 kb resolution, respectively. This is not particularly high for a targeted approach, certainly not in light of the MNase-based approaches that have recently been developed. I therefore think that the "high-resolution" claims should be removed from the paper.

      In line with the reviewer’s suggestion, we have removed the term high-resolution when referring from our own data.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Gómez Acuña and colleagues have investigated changes in enhancer-promoter (E-P) interactions with both 3C and DNA FISH. As a model system, they have used the activation of estrogen receptor-dependent enhancers, which allows for examination of changes in E-P interactions at relatively high temporal resolution. Surprisingly, they find that gene activation is associated with increased E-P interactions as measured by 3C but reduced spatial proximity as measured by DNA FISH. The authors show that both these measurements are dependent on the presence of the enhancer. In contrast, blocking transcription with inhibitors does not have a strong effect on the 3C measurements, but abolishes the increased spatial E-P separation as measured by DNA FISH following estrogen induction.

      Overall, this is an interesting and thought-provoking study. However, the strong conclusions are not fully supported by the data, as explained in further detail below.

      Major comments:

      • The authors make strong claims and although these are generally reasonably well supported by the data, it is important to acknowledge that they are based on two loci. This manuscript would be stronger if the authors could include additional loci in their study design. If this is not possible, it would be good to acknowledge that the conclusions are preliminary/speculative at this stage.
      • It would be helpful if the authors could clarify the strategy they used for their FISH probe design. The enhancer and promoter fosmid probes (which are used for the majority of the experiments) are not centered on the active elements and do not even seem to overlap in the case of the GREB1 enhancer fosmid probe. The 10 kb enhancer probe seems better placed for the GREB1 locus, but the 10 kb enhancer probe does not seem to overlap with the enhancer in the NRIP1 locus. It is conceivable that the exact location of the probes has a big impact on the measurements and it would therefore be helpful if the authors could comment on the location of the probes and add additional probes if required to strengthen their conclusions. In addition, the fosmid probes are very large (40 kb). Although the authors acknowledge this, it would be helpful if they could comment on how overlap between 40 kb probes should be interpreted in relation to a potential rather focal contact between (proteins bound to) regions of <1 kb.
      • It is not clear to me why the authors would choose to work with a locus that is present in 4 copies in their cell line. Is the entire regulatory region (incl. enhancers) preserved for the two additional copies of the gene? Can the authors comment on how this may impact on their measurements?
      • Figure 2D shows an increase in E-P separation for the NRIP1 locus across all timepoints, with cumulative frequency plots shown for the 10 min timepoint. However, the data for the second replicate shown in Figure S2D are a lot less robust and not significant for the 10 min timepoint. It is important that the authors either provide additional data to support the robustness of this experiment or acknowledge that the results are not fully reproducible.
      • The data presented in Figure 2F for clone 2 of the GREB1 enhancer deletion still show increased E-P distance upon activation. How do the authors explain this?

      Minor comments:

      • Could the authors comment on the observation that the NRIP1 promoter is not bound by ERa or p300 upon estrogen activation? Are there ATAC-seq or H3K27ac ChIP-seq data available for these conditions?
      • It is not obvious which timepoint is shown in Figure 1D.
      • Why did the authors choose e-i and p-i instead of e-c and p-c in Supplementary Figure 3B?
      • "We treated hormone starved MCF-7 cells with flavopiridol or triptolide for 5 min before adding E2 for 30 min (Fig. 4A)." Does this mean that the FLV/TRP treatment lasted for 35 min or did the authors wash it out before adding E2? Please clarify.
      • The authors refer to their Capture-C data as "high-resolution". However, the methods section mentions that the data for the GREB1 and NRIP1 locus are 5 kb and 10 kb resolution, respectively. This is not particularly high for a targeted approach, certainly not in light of the MNase-based approaches that have recently been developed. I therefore think that the "high-resolution" claims should be removed from the paper.

      Referees cross-commenting I agree with the comments raised by Reviewer 1


      Since 3C and DNA FISH are widely used, the discrepancy between these measurements that is described here is of potential broad interest to the field. Since these claims are rather strong and have potential far-reaching implications, it would be helpful if the authors could strengthen their conclusions further, by improving the robustness of the data and including additional loci and additional probes to show that the measurements are not specific for these two loci or dependent on the location of the probes. I think that the paper is in principle also publishable without these additional experiments, but in that case, it would be very important to explicitly acknowledge the limitations of the data throughout the manuscript and clarify that the conclusions are preliminary/speculative at this stage.

      Expertise: 3D genome organization.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Gómez Acuña et al.

      Transcription decouples estrogen-dependent changes in enhancer-promoter contact frequencies and spatial proximity


      This study by Gómez Acuña et al. addresses a highly relevant question in the field of gene regulation: what are the mechanisms by which enhancers and promoters communicate to control expression of a target gene? This work tackles an apparent dichotomy as to whether enhancers (E) and promoters (P) need to come into close physical proximity in order to activate gene expression. While 3C-based methods have consistently suggested that the frequency of 'contacts' between enhancers and promoters increases during gene activation, imaging approaches have, in some instances, shown that these elements move further away from each other during this process. Gómez Acuña et al. have used 3C- and imaging-based methods in parallel at two inducible genes in the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line to confront this issue.

      The study focusses on two oestrogen-responsive genes, GREB1 and NRIP1, which are fully activated within 1 h of oestradiol (E2) treatment of MCF-7 cells in in vitro culture. Using a capture-based 3C method, the authors show small increases in contacts between putative enhancers and promoters during gene induction. In contrast, for both genes they also observe increased distances between these elements by DNA FISH. The authors used CRISPR-Cas9 to delete the putative nearby enhancers and showed that these phenomena are likely dependent on these elements.

      Next, the authors questioned whether recruitment of the oestrogen receptor (ER) itself or co-activators recruited by ER upon stimulation are responsible for the observed effects. By comparing E2 with tamoxifen (4OH), which recruit co-activators and -repressors, respectively, they only observed the effects on E-P contact and proximity in the presence of the activating stimulus (E2), suggesting recruitment of activating protein machinery is required.

      Finally, they tested the effects of small molecules known to inhibit different stages of the transcription cycle. Both flavopiridol and triptolide abrogated the effect on E-P proximity observed by DNA FISH but did not affect the increase in E-P contacts seen by C-TALE. This suggested that these phenomena can be uncoupled, and that the act of transcription itself (and perhaps the associated production of RNA) is required for the physical separation of enhancers and promoters but not the increase in E-P contact frequency.

      Major comments

      Given the significance of the question posed in this study (see Significance section), it is important that the claims highlighted in this paper are appropriately supported by the experimental evidence. There are a number of issues with the design of the experiments in the current manuscript which are as follows:

      1. The aneuploid karyotype of the MCF-7 cells used is a concern. GREB1 is present in four copies, with two on abnormal chromosomes which may not be regulated in the same way as primary cells. The authors should include caveats to this effect in the text to account for this.
      2. The authors should also include more information on the generation and verification of the enhancer deletion cell lines. An illustration of the PCR primers used for screening, as well as an illustration of the sequenced product traces aligned with the reference genome (as opposed to just showing the deleted regions) should be included in Fig. S1D. This would give the reader more confidence that the designed knockout has occurred in the same way on all alleles. Furthermore, long-range PCRs and sequencing should be considered to confirm that no larger deletions have occurred (e.g. Owens et al., 2019 PMID: 31127293).
      3. The changes in the measured E-P interaction frequency following gene activation are weak at best and make visual interpretation of the results difficult. Showing the reciprocal virtual 4C plots from the promoter would help to reassure the reader that the observed effect is real. Furthermore, the precise 3C method used is not clear. The authors repeatedly refer to "Capture-C" (a commonly used 3C-based approach using biotinylated oligos to pull down targets of interest) but the citation used (Golov et al. 2019) refers to a conceptually similar method called "C-TALE". This should be clarified in the text.
      4. As for the changes in contact frequency, the observed changes in distance measurements between conditions are very small (although statistically significant). We acknowledge that this is likely due to the relatively small linear distances between enhancers and promoters in this study. However, it would be helpful to see the effects of the induction/treatments on a one or more control loci which is not affected by oestrogen signalling given that global changes in nuclear shape/volume and/or cell cycle effects could occur within this time (e.g. effects of tamoxifen treatment on MCF-7 cell cycle distribution, (Osborne et al. 1983 PMID: 6861130), which could impact nuclear volume.
      5. The authors discuss previous studies demonstrating that E2 and 4OH recruit different sets of proteins to their target genes. Given that this is central to the conclusion that the ER ligand (and its recruited co-factors) determines the E-P interaction frequency and 3D distances observed, it would be important to demonstrate this at the GREB1/NRIP1 loci specifically. ChIP data of the co-activators/repressors recruited by E2 and 4OH, respectively, would greatly strengthen this claim.
      6. The observed uncoupling of E-P contact frequency and 3D distance upon transcriptional inhibition is interesting and offers clues to the molecular details underlying E-P interactions. However, the use of flavopiridol and triptolide, while common in the field, should be carefully qualified given the potential for their indirect effects on transcription. This is particularly important for flavopiridol given its ability to target multiple cyclin-dependent kinases beyond CDK9 and its role in transcription initiation.

      Minor comments

      1. In the introduction and beginning of discussion, it would be helpful to detail previous studies where FISH-based analyses have shown more proximal E-P positioning upon activation, to make it clear that differences in E-P proximity appear to be gene-specific. Some examples include Williamson et al. (2016; PMID 27402708) and Chen et al. (2018; PMID 30038397). Speculation as to why some genes behave in this way while others do not, would also be worthwhile.
      2. On page 6, the authors state that after deletion of the NRIP1 enhancer there is "almost total loss of NRIP1 induction in response to E2". This does not seem to match the data where in 3 out of 4 replicates (2 for each clone) there is a statistically significant increase in number of RNA FISH foci upon E2 stimulation in the NRIP1 enhancer KOs. This suggests that, as for GREB1, the regulation of these genes is not solely controlled by the deleted enhancers. This should be clarified in the text.
      3. The labelling of the FISH probes in Supp. Fig. S2 could be improved as it is currently very difficult to read these.
      4. Given that the authors have referenced a distance of 200 nm as potentially being an important threshold for gene activation, it would be useful to include the fraction of alleles which are below this distance alongside the cumulative frequency plots in Figure 2D and elsewhere in the paper as the cumulative frequency plots can be hard to read in some cases (e.g. Supp. Fig. S3B e-p). This would also allow the authors to show consistency across replicates.
      5. For clarity, it would be helpful to include the difference map between the vehicle-treated unstimulated/stimulated conditions for the 3C plots in Fig. 4. This would help contextualise the resulting differences observed with the drug treatments. Same for Supp. Fig. S6.
      6. Statistical comparisons are not shown for all 3D FISH-based distance measurements (e.g. Supp. Figs. S3A, S4C, D, S6E). If this is because the tests were done and the results were non-significant this should be indicated.
      7. On page 13, the authors state that increased E-P separation occurs "before nascent transcription of the gene is detected by either TT-seq or RNA FISH". This does not appear to be correct given that baseline levels of transcription are observed in the absence of ER stimulation by both methods (Fig. 1). This should be clarified in the text.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Reviewer #2 is in good agreement with our review. The study is interesting but there are several caveats that need addressing as pointed out by both reviewers. We agree that it could take a lot of work to sort these points out in full experimentally but without this the authors should be careful not to overinterpret their data and comment on the shortcomings as it stands.


      The question the authors are addressing here is of importance to the field. For several years, researchers have been attempting to uncover the mechanisms by which enhancers deliver information to their target promoters and this study highlights some potentially fundamental issues with the way in which these problems are typically addressed. It is generally accepted that in most cases, the frequency of 'contacts' between enhancers and promoters as measured by 3C-based methods increases as a gene becomes active. It is still unclear what exactly these 3C methods are measuring given that the radius of crosslinking and the extent to which protein-protein linkages between two DNA helices contribute to the observed contact frequency are unknown. In short, despite its widespread use, it is not clear whether contact frequency as measured by 3C is proportional to three-dimensional distance or something more nebulous. The issues raised in this paper are therefore critical for the accurate conception of mechanistic models of gene regulation.

      The use of a well-studied inducible system to enable sampling of gene activation events at high temporal resolution means that the authors can ensure a level of control over the experimental conditions. The experiments appear to have been carried out to a high standard, with necessary controls generally included where appropriate. The analyses are well-documented and the results are consistent over the various reported experiments within the manuscript. The conclusions are thought-provoking and will challenge the field to be clearer about what 3C-based methods can and cannot show. This study will also surely lead to follow-up work to more specifically address the possible molecular mechanisms explaining the above observations. The main limitations of this study are the cell line and genes studied, with GREB1 being present in four copies in the aneuploid genome of MCF-7 cells. As stated above, there is some concern that using cells with such a chaotic genome as a starting point for investigating E-P interactions might prevent the authors from drawing clear and unambiguous conclusions. Perhaps related to this, the effect size of the E-P interactions upon stimulation as measured by C-TALE/Capture-C are underwhelming to say the least. Particularly for NRIP1, it was sometimes hard to tell where to look to see the supposed increase in E-P interactions, even with arrows as guidance.

      Despite these limitations, this work raises an important issue that needs further clarification. It will require the field to reconsider what 3C-based analyses actually tell us with respect to E-P contact/proximity, and as a result models of E-P communication may need revising. This work is of broad interest to those work in the fields of nuclear biology and more specifically gene regulation. This will include both basic research scientists as well as those attempting to exploit enhancer-promoter dependencies for therapeutic purposes.


      Gene regulation, genome organisation and 3D structure.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements

      We would like to thank the 3 reviewers for their comments and suggestions for our manuscript. We believe that the revisions we plan to make, based on the comments by the reviewers, will greatly enhance the quality of our manuscript.

      We would like to respond to some reviewer comments here, since they do not fit into any of the subsequent sections.

      Reviewer #3

      In the Results section that describes the delay in gata2b expression (page 4 and Supp. Fig. 4), the authors show that the mutant embryos start expressing more gata2b at 30 - 36hpf after the decreased expression at earlier time points, with no difference at 48hpf. What could explain that recovery?

      We thank reviewer 3 for this question. The partial functionality of the Cx41.8 channel in cx41.8tq/tq mutants may explain why the HSPC program is eventually induced (leading to sufficient mitochondrial ROS production for Hif1/2α stabilisation). However, this could also result from functional redundancy between Cx41.8 and other connexins such as Cx43 or Cx45.6 in the mitochondria, since they are also expressed in zebrafish arterial ECs at 24hpf (Gurung et al, Sci Rep, 2022) and cx43 knockdown has previously been shown to result in an HSPC specification defect in zebrafish (Jiang et al, Fish Physiol Biochem, 2010). Together, these aspects may explain the recovery, although delayed, of gata2b expression in the cx41.8tq/tq mutant, as discussed in detail in our manuscript.

      The authors showed that gata2b expression can be rescued by ROS induction in the dose-dependent manner (page 6 and Fig.3 and Supp. Fig. 6). Is this what rescues gata2b expression at 30hpf in the cx41.8 mutants?

      This is exactly right, we hypothesize that in cx41.8tq/tq mutants, it takes longer for mitochondrial ROS production to reach above the threshold required to stabilise Hif1/2α and hence induce gata2b expression, which is supported by the data referred to by this reviewer.

      Are any vascular defects in the mutant embryos?

      Our lab previously reported that cx41.8tq/tq embryos have faster ISV growth rate (Denis et al, Front Physiol, 2019). However, we found no evidence of a link between the ISV growth rate increase and the HSPC specification defect in these embryos. Importantly, we show that aorta specification is normal in cx41.8tq/tq mutants, as determined by dll4 expression at 24 (Supp. Fig. 1C) and 28 hpf (Supp. Fig. 1D).

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      The manuscript by Petzold et al. explores the functions of connexin 41.8 (cx41.8) (mammalian homologue Connexin 40) in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) formation in the zebrafish dorsal aorta. The authors use a cx41.8 allele that appears to be hypomorphic, as the phenotype is milder than a previous cx41.8 allele that the same group published (Cacialli et al., 2021). cx41.8tq/tq mutants exhibit delayed onset of hemogenic endothelial specification, as marked by gata2b at 24 hpf, but HSPC development proceeds normally from 48 hpf onwards. A new reporter line for cx41.8, Tg(cx41.8:GFP), was generated and is expressed in the floor of the dorsal aorta, consistent with the location of hemogenic endothelial cells. Lower ROS production in the whole cell and in the mitochondria was reported in the cx41.8tq/tq mutants, and treatment with ROS enhancers, H2O2 and menadione, appeared to rescue the mutant phenotype of reduced HSPCs at 28 hpf. Finally, the authors tested a link between cx41.8 and Hif1α by pharmaceutically (DMOG/CoCl2) or genetically (vhl morpholino) inhibiting Hif inhibitors, and observed a rescue of HSPC formation in cx41.8 mutants.

      I think it would be important for the authors to address the mechanisms of why cx41.8tq/tq and the other cx41.8-/- (leot1/t1) mutant phenotypes are different, with the latter allele showing more severe phenotypes of increased HSPC apoptosis and reduced HSPCs during later development. The authors speculate the cx41.8tq/tq allele encodes a missense mutation in one of the channel domains, and as such, might be a hypomorph. The authors cited the original paper by Watanabe et al. (2006); however, this paper actually noted that the cx41.8tq/tq allele is likely to be a dominant negative - and as such, should have exhibited a stronger phenotype than the leot1/t1 mutant allele. From the paper: "leotw28 and leotq270 heterozygotes have phenotypes different from that of WT; thus, they represent dominant-negative alleles." Importantly, no data are shown to provide evidence that the allele is a hypomorph - at minimum, qPCR data should be provided to show whether there is NMD of the mRNA in cx41.8tq/tq mutants.

      We would like to thank the reviewer for this comment and suggestion. As the reviewer has rightly pointed out, the cx41.8tq/tq mutation is thought to result in a protein with dominant-negative function (Watanabe et al, EMBO Rep, 2006; Watanabe et al, J Biol Chem, 2016).

      In fact, we agree that the mutant cx41.8tq/tq protein acts as a dominant-negative and although the reviewer is right to point out that the cx41.8t1/t1 mutant may thus exhibit a stronger phenotype which we found not to be the case (runx1 expression was found to be normal in the cx41.8t1/t1 mutant, Cacialli et al, Nature Commun, 2021), we provided our explanation for this in the discussion of the manuscript:

      “The partial functionality of the Cx41.8 channel in cx41.8tq/tq mutants [14] may explain why the HSPC program is eventually induced. However, this could also result from functional redundancy between Cx41.8 and other connexins such as Cx43 or Cx45.6 in the mitochondria, since they are also expressed in zebrafish arterial ECs at 24hpf [18] and cx43 knockdown has previously been shown to result in an HSPC specification defect in zebrafish [36]. This potential functional redundancy may also provide an explanation as to why HSPCs are specified normally, without any delay, in cx41.8t1/t1 embryos [12]. In these null mutants, cx41.8 expression is completely absent but may be functionally compensated by other connexins, whereas in cx41.8tq/tq mutants, although cx41.8 is expressed, its channel function is reduced [14]. Moreover, as Cx41.8 may form heterotypic channels with Cx43 and/or Cx45.6 (and potentially also with others), the function of these chimeric channels would also be altered”

      We believe this addresses the reviewers concern regarding this, especially given the fact that Cx43 and Cx45.6 have been found to be expressed in arterial ECs at 24 hpf, as cited in the manuscript. With regards to the reviewer’s question about whether there is NMD of the cx41.8 transcript, given that the cx41.8tq/tq mutation is missense and does not result in a premature stop codon (usually required for NMD to be induced, Kurosaki et al, J Cell Sci, 2016), we do not believe that there is NMD of the cx41.8 transcript in cx41.8tq/tq mutants. We will however verify this by carrying out the experiment suggested by this reviewer, qPCR analysis of cx41.8 expression in cx41.8tq/tq embryos and wild-type controls.

      The quantification data in this manuscript are not satisfactory. The authors only provide graphs that show embryos with "low", "medium" and "high" numbers of HSPCs, which is incredibly subjective. Considering that the authors already have the cx41.8tq/tq in the Tg(myb:GFP) background (Figure 1E), they could have quantified the precise numbers of Tg(myb:GFP)-positive cells at different timepoints and with the different pharmaceutical rescue experiments. Ideally, this should be combined with other HSPC markers such as Tg(cd41:GFP) or Tg(runx1:GFP) - although this could be limited by the authors' access to the lines or time it takes to cross the mutants to the transgenes.

      We thank reviewer 1 for their concern regarding this. Indeed the reviewer is correct, it would take us too long (at least 6 months) to generate the cx41.8tq/tq cd41:GFP or cx41.8tq/tq runx1:GFP lines, however, as stated, we do already have the cx41.8tq/tq cmyb:GFP zebrafish line. That said, repeating the pharmacological experiments using the cx41.8tq/tq cmyb:GFP zebrafish line would demand months of work and we do not currently have the personnel to perform all of this. However, we will perform the same experiment as performed previously to generate figure 1E but also at earlier timepoints. The cmyb:EGFP transgene marks nascent HSPCs from 28 hpf, and so we will aim to image, and quantify differences in budding HSPCs in cx41.8tq/tq cmyb:EGFP and cmyb:EGFP controls between 28 hpf and 36 hpf. We agree with the reviewer that this will add depth to our study and will provide evidence to back up our conclusions.

      The link between cx41.8 and Hif1α is tenuous. The authors should perform in situ hybridization for the hif1 genes and their downstream effector notch1 which is known to be important for the HSPC specification (Gerri et al., 2018).

      We thank the reviewer for this point. we do not expect hif1/2α expression to be affected in this mutant. Mitochondrial ROS has been shown to stabilise Hif1/2α at the protein level, not the mRNA level. Our data, and that of others (Harris et al, Blood, 2013), suggest that in the absence of mitochondrial ROS, prolyl hydroxylases are not inhibited by mitochondrial ROS, and they target Hif1/2α for ubiquitination and subsequent destruction in a Vhl-dependent manner (as shown in Fig. 4D). We have changed the text in the manuscript to clarify that Hif is stabilised on the protein level (please see the section below).

      Since we do however expect notch1a and notch1b expression to be altered in our mutant embryos, as they are transcriptionally regulated by Hif1/2α (Gerri, Blood, 2018), we will perform in situ hybridisation and qPCR analysis of these 2 genes at 18-24 hpf in cx41.8tq/tq mutants and controls to clarify this point and solidify our model.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      Petzold et al are here addressing the potential function of the connexin Cx48.1, a protein involved in the structure of gap junctions, in the specification of future hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors (HSPCs). This piece of work is complementing their previous results showing the function of this connexin isoform in HSPC expansion in the transient hematopoietic niche in the caudal tissue of the zebrafish embryo. They explore phenotypes triggered by the expression of a mutant form bearing a single amino-acid substitution in the fourth transmembrane domain of the protein. Using whole mount in situ hybridization (WISH) of the two transcription factors Gata2b and Runx1, a novel transgenic fish line that expresses eGFP under the control of the Cx48.1 promoter region, and a series of drug treatments interfering with, or promoting, the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and oxidative stress, they propose that Cx48.1 is also involved upstream of HSPC amplification, rather in their specification at the level of the hemogenic endothelium constituting the ventral floor of the dorsal aorta. Mechanistically, they hypothesize that this function relies on mitochondria-derived ROS that would destabilize the VHL protein involved in mediating the degradation of Hif1/2a transcription factors, thereby stabilizing the Hif1/2a-Notch1a/b signaling axis involved in specification of the hemogenic endothelium.

      The WISH and quantitative analyses.

      Most of the quantitative analyses in the work are based on chromogenic WISH, which is not sufficiently accurate because leading to highly variable results, in addition to its lack of linearity. WISH is also subjected to important variations, particularly for transcription factors that are expressed at low levels such as Runx1, and to some extent Gata2b also. One obvious example in the paper is the inconsistency of signals that are observed Fig1C (Gata2b, left, wt, 24hpf) and FigS3B (Gata2b, left, wt, 24hpf) in which the signal is barely visible and is comparable to the signal for the cx41.8tq/tq mutant Fig1C, right.

      In addition, in the timings that are analyzed in FigS3 (Gata2b, 26 and 28hpf) to argue on temporal delay of expression in the cx41.8tq/tq mutant, the Gata2b signal is masked by the strong increase in tissues other than the hemogenic endothelium in the dorsal aorta (including signal in the somites as well as, possibly, increase in background). In this very example, it is legitimate to question the accuracy of the quantification methodology when the signal in the tissue of interest is drowned in the overall signal from surrounding tissues; how can the authors explain the 100% of embryos that have a 'Low' signal in the region of interest (FigS3C, cx41.8tq/tq mutant in comparison to WT)? This point is also valid for the data quantified FigS4 in which the fitting between WISH data and the quantifications appears to be questionable (for all timing points: 30, 32, 36, 48hpf and comparing mutant with the WT.

      My suggestion would be to complement the WISH data and improve the quantitative analyses using another, more accurate approach such as qRT-PCR for example (on dissected trunk regions and, if necessary because of expression in other surrounding tissues (in the case of Gata2b at later time points), after FACS-sorting using a fish line expressing a fluorescent reporter driven by a vascular promoter, ex: the kdrl:mCherry line used in the work). This is particularly important for the expression of the two transcription factors Runx1 and the more upstream Gata2b, the latter being involved in HSPC specification which is taken as a reference. qRT-PCR experiments should be feasible relatively easily and in a reasonable time frame as the technics is not very time consuming and easily accessible.

      We thank reviewer 2 for their concerns regarding the in situ quantifications used during this study. Although the approach we have used is widely used in the field to quantify gene expression differences, we appreciate that our data could be strengthened by complementing it with another approach. As such we will do the following:

      • We will complement our in situ hybridisation characterisation of delayed hemogenic endothelium formation and HSPC specification with qPCR experiments. For this, we will dissect the trunks of 8tq/tq embryos and controls and perform qPCR analysis of gata2b expression at the timepoints analysed during development (Supp. Fig. 3 A-D and Supp. Fig. 4 A-D), whilst also using the same approach to compliment the data for gata2b and runx1 expression at 24 hpf (Figure 1C and D). We agree with the reviewer that this is a feasible approach and would add robustness to the data we already show.

        2- Fluorescence imaging and associated interpretation/conclusions.

      The fluorescence images (Fig1E; Fig2B,D; Fig3A) are very difficult to analyze; they lack resolution because they appear to be epifluorescence images and not confocal images. When the signal is low, which is in particular the case for the novel Cx41.8:EGFP fish line, Fig2B (which is confirmed with the FACS GFP signal in comparison to the mCherry of the kdrl:mCherry fish line), it is not possible to provide convincing images on the vascular/aortic expression because of the high background of diffusion (the authors state 'likely to be the aortic floor', indeed it is not possible to validate the fact that the expression is truly in potential hemogenic cells). The double positive population in the FACS (Fig2C, right) does not resolve the issue because if indeed cx41.8 is expressed in endothelial cells (as expected from previous studies), the double positive population could equally be endothelial cells from inter-somitic vessels, for example (not to mention the underlying vein which is very close to the aorta in the trunk)). Fig2D, images are too small and, again, the resolution is not good enough to say that double positive cells are on the aortic floor. It is recommended to convince the reader that the authors try to confirm their statements by using confocal microscopy and increase the magnification of the relevant regions of interest.

      We thank this reviewer for this point. We will address this concern by using, as they suggest, confocal microscopy to try to get higher resolution images. In particular, we will do the following:

      • We will use confocal microscopy to image the 8:EGFP line as was done previously (Fig 2B), in order to obtain higher resolution images of expression of cx41.8 in the floor of the aorta.
      • We will also use confocal microscopy to image the 8:EGFP;kdrl:mCherry line as was done in Fig 2D, in order to gain higher resolution images.
      • We will also increase the magnification of the relevant regions of our confocal microscopy images as suggested by this reviewer.

        There is an inconsistency in the data between Fig1E (40hpf, in vivo imaging using the cmyb:GFP fish line) and FigS2 (48hpf, WISH cmyb); how can we observe 'HSPCs budding from the dorsal aorta' (see legend Fig1, arrowheads) which seems very much decreased in the imaging experiment for the cx41.8tq/tq mutant in comparison to WT, and have no effect on the cmyb signals FigS2B? What are the GFP+ cells that are aligned along the elongated yolk Fig1E and that appeared to be decreased in number in the mutant?

      We agree that this disparity is confusing for the reader. We believe the disparity between these results is due firstly to the fact that the experiment in Supp. Fig 2C was performed 8 hours after that in Fig 1E and secondly due to the time it takes for GFP to fold (in the case of Fig 1E). It is also important to keep in mind that the phenotype is not a complete absence of HSPC budding, but only a delay in the onset of EHT.

      • We will however address this concern by carrying out the experiment described above - we will perform the same experiment as performed previously to generate figure 1E but also at earlier timepoints. The cmyb:EGFP transgene marks nascent HSPCs from 28 hpf, and so we will aim to image, and quantify differences in budding HSPCs in 8tq/tq cmyb:EGFP and cmyb:EGFP controls at numerous timepoints from 28 hpf to 36 hpf. This will add depth to our study by providing evidence to back up our conclusions.
      • We will remove the 40-hpf timepoint (Fig 1E) to avoid confusion regarding the disparity with cmyb expression by WISH in Supp. Fig 2C.
      • Regarding the GFP+ cells aligned along the yolk in 1E, we thank the reviewer for pointing this out. These cells are multiciliated cells, from the kidney tubules (Wang et al, Development 2013). We will determine whether their numbers do indeed differ between 8tq/tq;cmyb:EGFP and cmyb:EGFP controls in our new confocal experiments and will mention this in the manuscript if they do.

        It would be important to investigate/show, at least with qualitative WISH experiments all along the time-window of HSPC specification as stated by the authors (26-54hpf, see main text third paragraph of Results), that Cx41.8 is detected in arterial endothelial cells (and perhaps enriched in the hemogenic endothelium?), in complement to the work they are referring to on transcriptomic data at 24hpf (Ref18 Gurung et al Sci Rep 2022). Ideally, these WISH data should be resolutive enough to provide clear localization in aortic cells versus cells in the aortic floor to bring significant added value to the work that lacks spatial resolution (ex: fluorescent WISH using confocal microscopy, allowing to superpose signal with cell types (either by double fluorescent WISH (vascular marker + Cx41.8) or superposing fluorescence signals with transmitted light)).

      We agree with this reviewer regarding this point. The way we will address this is to use confocal microscopy at different timepoints from 24-40 hpf using the cx41.8:EGFP; kdrl:mCherry line to show that expression of cx41.8 is indeed present and enriched in the floor of the dorsal aorta during the timeframe of HSPC specification. We believe that imaging this line using confocal microscopy will be sufficient to clearly show this.

      It would be more informative and secure, Fig2D, to show images of the double transgenics (Cx48.1:eGFP;kdrl:mCherry) at 28-30 hpf (rather than 48 hpf) which is more narrowed down to the specification of the hemogenic endothelium thus preventing any risk to visualize the fluorescence signals coming from recently born HSPCs rather than signals from cells embedded in the aortic floor.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion, which we believe would indeed improve the manuscript. As discussed above, we will indeed use confocal microscopy at different timepoints, including 28-30 hpf using the cx41.8:EGFP;kdrl:mCherry line to show that expression of cx41.8 is indeed present and enriched in the floor of the dorsal aorta during the timeframe of HSPC specification. We believe that imaging this line using confocal microscopy will be sufficient to clearly show this and so thank the reviewer for this excellent suggestion.

      To make the data more convincing on the ROS production in the ventral side of the cord in wild type embryos (which suggests that future hemogenic cells are already ventralized at that stage), it would be important to obtain confocal images of the region of interest and perform reconstitution of Z-stacks with a sagittal view (rather than longitudinal). It would be nice also to obtain comparable images later on, after lumenization and before initiation of HSPC emergence (before 28hpf).

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and agree that the suggested approach will solidify our data. As such, we will carry out the proposed experiment, using confocal imaging to gain longitudinal and sagittal images of mitoSOX staining in WT embryos and cx41.8tq/tq mutants at both 16 hpf and 26 hpf.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Reviewer #1

      Related to the above point, the authors should test whether the gap junction function of Cx41.8 is intact in the cx41.8tq/tq mutants by assessing calcium waves in the GCamp transgenic line.

      …we have also now found additional published in vivo evidence that Cx41.8 channel function is reduced in the cx41.8tq/tq mutant, which is now also cited in the new version of the manuscript (please see our full response to this point below).

      Please see the section “Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out” for additional information regarding the GCamp experiment suggestion.

      The link between cx41.8 and Hif1α is tenuous. The authors should perform in situ hybridization for the hif1 genes…

      We thank reviewer 1 for making this point. To clarify this, we do not expect hif1/2α expression to be affected in this mutant. Mitochondrial ROS has been shown to stabilise Hif1/2α at the protein level, not the mRNA level. Our data, and that of others (Harris et al, Blood, 2013), suggest that in the absence of mitochondrial ROS, prolyl hydroxylases are not inhibited by mitochondrial ROS, and they target Hif1/2α for ubiquitination and subsequent destruction in a Vhl dependent manner (as shown in Fig. 4D).

      To clarify this in the manuscript, we have adjusted the text in three places (including in the abstract) to clarify that Hif1/2α is stabilised at the protein level, as shown below. We believe these changes have made this important point more understandable for the reader:

      1. “… Mitochondrial-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been shown to stabilise the hypoxia-inducible factor 1/2a (Hif1/2a) proteins, allowing them..”
      2. “Recent research has demonstrated that hypoxia and mitochondrial ROS are required for the stabilisation of the transcription factors Hif1/2a at the protein level”
      3. “… as mitochondrial ROS generation may eventually reach the threshold required to sufficiently stabilise the Hif1/2a proteins for downstream”

        Reviewer #2

      Importantly, it appears also that all over the WISH quantifications, the reader cannot appreciate the accuracy of the categories High/Medium/Low, which is not at all developed in the Methods section (paragraph Image processing and WISH phenotypic analyses).

      We have developed the Methods section (paragraph Image processing and WISH phenotypic analyses), which was highlighted as a concern by this reviewer, in order to detail exactly how we performed our image analysis and statistical analyses using this approach. We believe this will satisfy the concerns reviewer 2 has regarding this and appreciate that they have a point that this was indeed underdeveloped in the original submission.

      Finally, there is a confusion in the quantification regarding the number of HSPCs (see the beginning of the second paragraph of Results 'The HSPC specification defect in cx41.8tq/tq mutants is due to a delay in Gata2b expression') and the % of embryos falling into the 3 categories High/Medium/Low FigS2, cmyb 48hpf. The authors use this argument (based on the WISH cmyb signals) to infer that the deficit in the cx41.8tq/tq mutant is not due to controlling HSPC number (no difference in cmyb between WT and mutant) but rather upstream, at the level of the hemogenic endothelium, which is not a thorough argument at that point.

      We thank reviewer 2 for pointing this out to us and agree that the wording we used is a little confusing. We have therefore added to the first sentence of the second paragraph in the results section “'The HSPC specification defect in cx41.8tq/tq mutants is due to a delay in gata2b expression” which now reads:

      “Hence, since HSPC specification is initially reduced, but then recovers in cx41.8tq/tq embryos, we suspected a delay in the formation of the haemogenic endothelium in these mutants. To test this hypothesis…”

      We believe this change to the manuscript will satisfy the reviewers concern by making this section more logical for the reader.

      The authors should take care of the fact that at 16hpf, it is an overstatement to speak of an aorta when the cord is starting to lumenize at around 18hpf, Jin et al Development 2005 (see Main text referring to Fig3).

      We thank the reviewer for this clarification. We have changed the relevant text to state “vascular cord” instead of “aorta” and have mentioned that it begins to lumenize around 18hpf for clarification. We have also added the suggested reference.

      Reviewer #3

      As Gata2 has been shown to be a positive autoregulator of itself in mice (Nozawa 2009, Katsumura 2016) and might do so in zebrafish (Dobrzycki 2020), so could gata2b recover itself, in a dose-dependent manner, without the Hif-Nocth1 axis once enough of it is expressed?

      We thank reviewer 3 for this suggestion. We believe that our data show that Cx41.8 is required for mitochondrial ROS production, which stabilises Hif1/2α and switches on downstream gata2b via Notch1a/b (which will be added, see previous section). As such, we believe that the Hif1/2α/Notch1a/b axis is required, at least for the initial induction of gata2b expression. However, reviewer 3 makes a very interesting point regarding the potential for gata2b to positively autoregulate itself, which may of course occur once gata2b expression has been induced by the Cx41.8-mitoROS-Hif1/2α-Notch1a/b-gata2b pathway. We thank the reviewer again for this interesting proposition and have added this suggestion into our discussion in the following paragraph:

      “GATA2 has been shown to positively autoregulate its own expression in mice (Nozawa et al, Genes to Cells, 2009; Katsumura et al, Cell Reports 2016), and Gata2b may also act in this way in zebrafish (Dobrzycki et al, Commun Biol, 2020). Therefore, it is interesting to speculate that once gata2b expression has been induced by the Cx-mitoROS-Hif1/2α-Notch1a/b-gata2b pathway, it may also further induce its own expression, which would make the induction of the haematopoietic transcriptional program more robust”

      Is Hif1/2a expression affected in the mutant? Is it expressed normally but then degraded faster due to the absence of mitochondrial ROS or is it less Hif1/2a expressed overall?

      We thank reviewer 3 for this question, which is similar to a point made by reviewer 1. To clarify, we do not expect hif1/2α expression to be affected in this mutant. Mitochondrial ROS has been shown to stabilise Hif1/2α at the protein level, not the mRNA level. Our data, and that of others (Harris et al, Blood, 2013), suggest that in the absence of mitochondrial ROS, prolyl hydroxylases are not inhibited by mitochondrial ROS, and they target Hif1/2α for ubiquitination and subsequent destruction in a Vhl dependent manner (as shown in Fig. 4D).

      To clarify this in the manuscript, we have adjusted the text in three places (including in the abstract) to clarify that Hif1/2α is stabilised at the protein level, as shown below. We believe these changes have made this important point more understandable for the reader:

      1. “… Mitochondrial-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been shown to stabilise the hypoxia-inducible factor 1/2a (Hif1/2a) proteins, allowing them..”
      2. “Recent research has demonstrated that hypoxia and mitochondrial ROS are required for the stabilisation of the transcription factors Hif1/2a at the protein level”
      3. “… as mitochondrial ROS generation may eventually reach the threshold required to sufficiently stabilise the Hif1/2a proteins for downstream”

        Does MO-mediated knockdown of vhl in the wildtype and mutant (page 7and Fig. ) result in more HSPCs, following the increase in gata2b expression from WT baseline? Does that high expression persist, or does it drop?

      This is an important question. We had already clarified this in the case of cx41.8tq/tq, since we showed that the vhl MO results in more HSPCs (as determined by runx1 expression) at 28 hpf (Supp. Fig. 8A) but we have now added data for the same marker at the same timepoint for WT embryos (Supp. Fig. 8B).

      Although the vhl MO results in an increase in runx1 signal in WT embryos, since the majority of WT embryos injected with the control MO already have “high” runx1 WISH signal at 28 hpf, the difference between injected and control MO injected WT embryos is not significant (Supp. Fig. 8B), as can be expected. This is now explained in the manuscript following the relevant data addition.

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Reviewer #1

      One major missing component is experimental data that distinguish the gap junction/plasma membrane- related and the mitochondrial membrane-related functions of Cx41.8. This is critical, as the role of Connexins in the mitochondria remains poorly understood (and Connexin 43 is the best understood one). Thus, it is a big claim by the authors that Cx41.8 primarily acts through the mitochondria and not the gap junctions. Suggested experiment: The authors should generate a fluorophore-tagged Cx41.8 - under a ubiquitous (ubb or actin) or HSPC-/hemogenic endothelium-specific (gata2b) promoter to monitor the protein localization of Cx41.8. Providing data on whether Cx41.8 protein indeed localizes to the mitochondria is important to support their claim.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion, which we agree would be a nice experimental approach to try to investigate whether Cx41.8 does indeed localise to the mitochondria in zebrafish endothelial cells.

      However, EGFP fused full-length cx41.8 has previously been generated and was reported to be nonfunctional, and it was suggested that the amount of localised Cx41.8 is also too small to detect using this approach (Watanabe et al, Pigment Cell Melanoma Res, 2012; Usui et al, BBA Advances, 2021). An EGFP tagged CT-truncated Cx41.8 construct has also been generated and shown to rescue the cx41.8t1/t1 mutant (Usui et al, BBA Advances, 2021), but EGFP expression again could not be detected using this construct in zebrafish.

      As such, since efforts to carry out such an approach have failed in previous attempts and since it has already been demonstrated that CX40 (orthologous to cx41.8) localises to the mitochondria of endothelial cells (Guo et al, Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, 2017), we believe that confirmation of Cx41.8 localisation to the mitochondria in vivo in zebrafish endothelial cells will be very difficult and too time-consuming in the context of this manuscript.

      Related to the above point, the authors should test whether the gap junction function of Cx41.8 is intact in the cx41.8tq/tq mutants by assessing calcium waves in the GCamp transgenic line.

      We agree with the reviewer that this would be a very elegant approach in order to analyse whether Cx41.8 channel function is affected in cx41.8tq/tq mutants. However, we feel that this experiment is definitely beyond the scope of this manuscript. Furthermore, carrying out this experiment would require the acquisition of the GCamp line as well as multiple crosses with the cx41.8tq/tq line which, together, we envisage would take at least 9 months before the experiments can be performed, as so this experiment would also be too time consuming for this manuscript. Finally, we believe there is already strong published evidence that the cx41.8tq/tq mutant results in disrupted channel function (Watanabe et al, EMBO Rep, 2006), as already cited in our manuscript. However, since then, we have also now found additional published in vivo evidence that cx41.8tq/tq channel function is reduced, which is now also cited in the new version of the manuscript.

      The authors might also want to consider performing transcriptomic analysis (bulk RNA sequencing) from purified HSCs in wild types and cx41.8 mutants and assess the downstream pathways affected by the loss of this gene.

      Although this is an interesting proposition, we consider this suggestion to be out of the scope of this manuscript, especially since our model involves changes in gene expression upstream of HSPC induction, and, expression of the key genes thought to be affected (notch1a/b and gata2b) can be checked using a much more cost and time efficient approach, by qPCR, which we will do, as discussed above.

      Are the authors sure of their statement on budding HSPCs when the GFP signal pointed by arrows could in majority be hemogenic cells? (which would be in favor of their hypothesis on Cx41.8 being involved rather in hemogenic endothelium/HSPC specification).

      Since cmyb is a marker of HSPCs and not of the haemogenic endothelium as demonstrated in numerous publications (North et al, Nature, 2007; Bertrand et al, Development, 2008; Bertrand et al, Nature, 2010 and others). Hence, we are confident that this transgene is marking nascent HSPCs and not the haemogenic endothelium.

      As mentioned by the authors in the Discussion, the other connexin Cx43 (Ref 36, Jiang et al 2010) is playing a significant role in HSPC specification in the zebrafish and is expressed in zebrafish arterial cells at 24 hpf. Hence there may be some functional redundancy between Cx43 and Cx48.1, as supported by previous work from the authors showing that a null mutant of Cx48.1 does not exhibit any phenotype in HSPC specification (Ref12, Cacialli et al 2021). This may be problematic for the experiments using drug treatments in the present work, because they are not selective for the different connexins (ex: anti-oxydants (NAC), connexin blockers (heptanol, CBX)), thus blurring interpretations on the specific function of Cx48.1 versus the ones exerted by Cx43 (this should be also valid for the vhl MO treatments).

      This comment is strengthened by the fact that the authors do not systematically address, for both WT and mutant embryos (Fig3 E, F; FigS6; FigS8), if expression levels with drugs/H2O2/MO are different for the 2 conditions (if relatively equal, it would indeed indicate that these drugs/conditions possibly act on another connexin, which would help the authors in their analyses and interpretations).

      We thank the reviewer for these comments and we agree with their concerns regarding the possibility of other Connexins being affected by our experiments using drug treatments. However, we do not rule this out in our manuscript and actually discuss it as being a very realistic prospect, as written about in the discussion section.

      Sadly, to the best of our knowledge, no selective Cx41.8 inhibitors have been described for use in zebrafish, otherwise we would of course have used this. Hence, this was the reason for our choice of compounds, many of which we also used in our previous publication (Cacialli et al, Nature Commun, 2021).

      The haemogenic endothelium/HSPC phenotype in cx41.8tq/tq embryos confirms that this connexin plays a role in HSPC specification, whilst we believe disentangling which other connexins are also involved in this process will be interesting to look into in other future studies but is beyond the scope of this one – we believe that together, the data presented in our manuscript, along with the revisions we plan to carry out, will be convincing to demonstrate a role for Cx41.8 in the mechanism we describe.

      The authors may try to rescue the wt phenotype by expressing, in the Cx48.1tq/tq mutants, the mRNA encoding for the wt protein.

      Although we appreciate this suggestion, we do not believe this experiment will add much in terms of value to the conclusions of our manuscript and, as such, we believe this suggestion is surplus to requirements for this manuscript.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors have successfully shown how disruption in connexin (cx)41.8 results in delayed gata2b expression due to Hif1/2a instability in the absence of mitochondrial ROS. The data is presented well, and the paper is written clearly. The paper is well structured, and the data supports the authors' argument. This study provides a valuable contribution to the field.

      Could the authors clarify the following questions:

      1. In the Results section that describes the delay in gata2b expression (page 4 and Supp. Fig. 4), the authors show that the mutant embryos start expressing more gata2b at 30 - 36hpf after the decreased expression at earlier time points, with no difference at 48hpf. What could explain that recovery? The authors showed that gata2b expression can be rescued by ROS induction in the dose-dependent manner (page 6 and Fig.3 and Supp. Fig. 6). Is this what rescues gata2b expression at 30hpf in the cx41.8 mutants? As Gata2 has been shown to be a positive autoregulator of itself in mice (Nozawa 2009, Katsumura 2016) and might do so in zebrafish (Dobrzycki 2020), so could gata2b recover itself, in a dose-dependent manner, without the Hif-Nothc1 axis once enough of it is expressed?
      2. Does MO-mediated knockdown of vhl in the wildtype and mutant (page 7and Fig. 4) result in more HSPCs, following the increase in gata2b expression from WT baseline? Does that high expression persist, or does it drop?
      3. Is Hif1/2a expression affected in the mutant? Is it expressed normally but then degraded faster due to the absence of mitochondrial ROS or is it less Hif1/2a expressed overall? Are any vascular defects in the mutant embryos?


      his study provides a valuable contribution to the field of developmental hematopoiesis.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Petzold et al are here addressing the potential function of the connexin Cx48.1, a protein involved in the structure of gap junctions, in the specification of future hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors (HSPCs). This piece of work is complementing their previous results showing the function of this connexin isoform in HSPC expansion in the transient hematopoietic niche in the caudal tissue of the zebrafish embryo. They explore phenotypes triggered by the expression of a mutant form bearing a single amino-acid substitution in the fourth transmembrane domain of the protein. Using whole mount in situ hybridization (WISH) of the two transcription factors Gata2b and Runx1, a novel transgenic fish line that expresses eGFP under the control of the Cx48.1 promoter region, and a series of drug treatments interfering with, or promoting, the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and oxidative stress, they propose that Cx48.1 is also involved upstream of HSPC amplification, rather in their specification at the level of the hemogenic endothelium constituting the ventral floor of the dorsal aorta. Mechanistically, they hypothesize that this function relies on mitochondria-derived ROS that would destabilize the VHL protein involved in mediating the degradation of Hif1/2a transcription factors, thereby stabilizing the Hif1/2a-Notch1a/b signaling axis involved in specification of the hemogenic endothelium.

      Major comments

      My major comments on the work are on the accuracy of the data in regard to the two main experimental approaches used by the authors and their subsequent analysis/quantification.

      1. the WISH and quantitative analyses. Most of the quantitative analyses in the work are based on chromogenic WISH, which is not sufficiently accurate because leading to highly variable results, in addition to its lack of linearity. WISH is also subjected to important variations, particularly for transcription factors that are expressed at low levels such as Runx1, and to some extent Gata2b also. One obvious example in the paper is the inconsistency of signals that are observed Fig1C (Gata2b, left, wt, 24hpf) and FigS3B (Gata2b, left, wt, 24hpf) in which the signal is barely visible and is comparable to the signal for the cx41.8tq/tq mutant Fig1C, right. In addition, in the timings that are analyzed in FigS3 (Gata2b, 26 and 28hpf) to argue on temporal delay of expression in the cx41.8tq/tq mutant, the Gata2b signal is masked by the strong increase in tissues other than the hemogenic endothelium in the dorsal aorta (including signal in the somites as well as, possibly, increase in background). In this very example, it is legitimate to question the accuracy of the quantification methodology when the signal in the tissue of interest is drowned in the overall signal from surrounding tissues; how can the authors explain the 100% of embryos that have a 'Low' signal in the region of interest (FigS3C, cx41.8tq/tq mutant in comparison to WT)? This point is also valid for the data quantified FigS4 in which the fitting between WISH data and the quantifications appears to be questionable (for all timing points: 30, 32, 36, 48hpf and comparing mutant with WT). Importantly, it appears also that all over the WISH quantifications, the reader cannot appreciate the accuracy of the categories High/Medium/Low, which is not at all developed in the Methods section (paragraph Image processing and WISH phenotypic analyses); hence, it is not possible to evaluate the accuracy/validity of statistics in particular in the experiments in which the quantification into these categories is used for CoCl2 and morpholino analyses to address the contribution of the Hif1/2a-Notch1a/b pathway Fig4 (these experiments generating results that are not as 'black and white' than the other ones in the paper, hence requiring more accuracy; for example, are the differences in the quantification (% of embryos) significant between the WT+vhl MO and Cx41.8tq/tq mutant + vhl MO? Comparing the 2 WISH results for those conditions does not appear to be very convincing).

      My suggestion would be to complement the WISH data and improve the quantitative analyses using another, more accurate approach such as qRT-PCR for example (on dissected trunk regions and, if necessary because of expression in other surrounding tissues (in the case of Gata2b at later time points), after FACS-sorting using a fish line expressing a fluorescent reporter driven by a vascular promoter, ex: the kdrl:mCherry line used in the work). This is particularly important for the expression of the two transcription factors Runx1 and the more upstream Gata2b, the latter being involved in HSPC specification which is taken as a reference. qRT-PCR experiments should be feasible relatively easily and in a reasonable time frame as the technics is not very time consuming and easily accessible.

      Finally, there is a confusion in the quantification regarding the number of HSPCs (see the beginning of the second paragraph of Results 'The HSPC specification defect in cx41.8tq/tq mutants is due to a delay in Gata2b expression') and the % of embryos falling into the 3 categories High/Medium/Low FigS2, cmyb 48hpf. The authors use this argument (based on the WISH cmyb signals) to infer that the deficit in the cx41.8tq/tq mutant is not due to controlling HSPC number (no difference in cmyb between WT and mutant) but rather upstream, at the level of the hemogenic endothelium, which is not a thorough argument at that point.<br /> 2. Fluorescence imaging and associated interpretation/conclusions.

      The fluorescence images (Fig1E; Fig2B,D; Fig3A) are very difficult to analyze; they lack resolution because they appear to be epifluorescence images and not confocal images. When the signal is low, which is in particular the case for the novel Cx41.8:EGFP fish line, Fig2B (which is confirmed with the FACS GFP signal in comparison to the mCherry of the kdrl:mCherry fish line), it is not possible to provide convincing images on the vascular/aortic expression because of the high background of diffusion (the authors state 'likely to be the aortic floor', indeed it is not possible to validate the fact that the expression is truly in potential hemogenic cells). The double positive population in the FACS (Fig2C, right) does not resolve the issue because if indeed cx41.8 is expressed in endothelial cells (as expected from previous studies), the double positive population could equally be endothelial cells from inter-somitic vessels, for example (not to mention the underlying vein which is very close to the aorta in the trunk)). Fig2D, images are too small and, again, the resolution is not good enough to say that double positive cells are on the aortic floor. It is recommended to convince the reader that the authors try to confirm their statements by using confocal microscopy and increase the magnification of the relevant regions of interest.

      There is an inconsistency in the data between Fig1E (40hpf, in vivo imaging using the cmyb:GFP fish line) and FigS2 (48hpf, WISH cmyb); how can we observe 'HSPCs budding from the dorsal aorta' (see legend Fig1, arrowheads) which seems very much decreased in the imaging experiment for the cx41.8tq/tq mutant in comparison to WT, and have no effect on the cmyb signals FigS2B? What are the GFP+ cells that are aligned along the elongated yolk Fig1E and that appeared to be decreased in number in the mutant? Are the authors sure of their statement on budding HSPCs when the GFP signal pointed by arrows could in majority be hemogenic cells? (which would be in favor of their hypothesis on Cx41.8 being involved rather in hemogenic endothelium/HSPC specification).

      Other Major Comments:

      • It would be important to investigate/show, at least with qualitative WISH experiments all along the time-window of HSPC specification as stated by the authors (26-54hpf, see main text third paragraph of Results), that Cx41.8 is detected in arterial endothelial cells (and perhaps enriched in the hemogenic endothelium?), in complement to the work they are referring to on transcriptomic data at 24hpf (Ref18 Gurung et al Sci Rep 2022). Ideally, these WISH data should be resolutive enough to provide clear localization in aortic cells versus cells in the aortic floor to bring significant added value to the work that lacks spatial resolution (ex: fluorescent WISH using confocal microscopy, allowing to superpose signal with cell types (either by double fluorescent WISH (vascular marker + Cx41.8) or superposing fluorescence signals with transmitted light)).
      • As mentioned by the authors in the Discussion, the other connexin Cx43 (Ref 36, Jiang et al 2010) is playing a significant role in HSPC specification in the zebrafish and is expressed in zebrafish arterial cells at 24 hpf. Hence there may be some functional redundancy between Cx43 and Cx48.1, as supported by previous work from the authors showing that a null mutant of Cx48.1 does not exhibit any phenotype in HSPC specification (Ref12, Cacialli et al 2021). This may be problematic for the experiments using drug treatments in the present work, because they are not selective for the different connexins (ex: anti-oxydants (NAC), connexin blockers (heptanol, CBX)), thus blurring interpretations on the specific function of Cx48.1 versus the ones exerted by Cx43 (this should be also valid for the vhl MO treatments). This comment is strengthened by the fact that the authors do not systematically address, for both WT and mutant embryos (Fig3 E, F; FigS6; FigS8), if expression levels with drugs/H2O2/MO are different for the 2 conditions (if relatively equal, it would indeed indicate that these drugs/conditions possibly act on another connexin, which would help the authors in their analyses and interpretations).

      Minor comments

      • The authors should take care of the fact that at 16hpf, it is an overstatement to speak of an aorta when the cord is starting to lumenize at around 18hpf, Jin et al Development 2005 (see Main text referring to Fig3). To make the data more convincing on the ROS production in the ventral side of the cord in wild type embryos (which suggests that future hemogenic cells are already ventralized at that stage), it would be important to obtain confocal images of the region of interest and perform reconstitution of Z-stacks with a sagittal view (rather than longitudinal). It would be nice also to obtain comparable images later on, after lumenization and before initiation of HSPC emergence (before 28hpf).
      • The authors may try to rescue the wt phenotype by expressing, in the Cx48.1tq/tq mutants, the mRNA encoding for the wt protein.
      • It would be more informative and secure, Fig2D, to show images of the double transgenics (Cx48.1:eGFP;kdrl:mCherry) at 28-30 hpf (rather than 48 hpf) which is more narrowed down to the specification of the hemogenic endothelium thus preventing any risk to visualize the fluorescence signals coming from recently born HSPCs rather than signals from cells embedded in the aortic floor.


      Petzold et al propose a potentially appealing function of connexin Cx48.1 expressed in the zebrafish in the specification of the vascular aortic subtype of cells that will ultimately lead to the formation of hematopoietic stem cell precursors, ie the hemogenic endothelium. They build the work on a possible translation of the function of connexin Cx40 in mammals that is described to localize to mitochondrial membranes in endothelial cells and promote the production of ROS in mitochondria. They propose a function of mitochondria-derived ROS in stabilizing the Hif1/2-Notch1 pathway that is essential for HSPC precursor specification and that may be extended to developmental hematopoiesis in mammals (the putative ortholog of zebrafish Cx48.1 in mammals (Cx40) is highly expressed in the hemogenic endothelium of mouse and human species (see the Discussion paragraph)).

      The proposed model is potentially of high significance for the field of hematopoiesis and more generally for translation of knowledge to regenerative medicine aimed at producing hematopoietic stem cells endowed with long term regenerative potential. However, the current work remains preliminary, suffering from lack of resolution in the main experimental axes that are undertaken (WISH analyses and their low accuracy quantifications; low resolution of in situ live imaging; apparent weaknesses of methodologies that are difficult to fully appreciate since poorly detailed in the Method section, in particular regarding WISH quantification and, hence, statistical significance). My recommendation is that the authors should put some efforts in completing the work with other, more quantitative, methodologies (ex: qRT-PCR) and improving the quality/resolution of imaging (by providing confocal images to alleviate any ambiguity on what is visualized and strengthen the results); these are technical approaches that are relatively standard in the field and the authors have extensively used qRT-PCR and FACS-sorting in their previously published work. Also, the endogenous expression of Cx48.1 in the hemogenic endothelium, during the time-window of its specification (20-28hpf), should be addressed; this would be essential to complement the imaging performed with the new transgenic line that expresses eGFP under the control of the Cx48.1 promoter and which provides weak fluorescence signals).

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript by Petzold et al. explores the functions of connexin 41.8 (cx41.8) (mammalian homologue Connexin 40) in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) formation in the zebrafish dorsal aorta. The authors use a cx41.8 allele that appears to be hypomorphic, as the phenotype is milder than a previous cx41.8 allele that the same group published (Cacialli et al., 2021). cx41.8tq/tq mutants exhibit delayed onset of hemogenic endothelial specification, as marked by gata2b at 24 hpf, but HSPC development proceeds normally from 48 hpf onwards. A new reporter line for cx41.8, Tg(cx41.8:GFP), was generated and is expressed in the floor of the dorsal aorta, consistent with the location of hemogenic endothelial cells. Lower ROS production in the whole cell and in the mitochondria was reported in the cx41.8tq/tq mutants, and treatment with ROS enhancers, H2O2 and menadione, appeared to rescue the mutant phenotype of reduced HSPCs at 28 hpf. Finally, the authors tested a link between cx41.8 and Hif1α by pharmaceutically (DMOG/CoCl2) or genetically (vhl morpholino) inhibiting Hif inhibitors, and observed a rescue of HSPC formation in cx41.8 mutants.

      Major comments

      • I think it would be important for the authors to address the mechanisms of why cx41.8tq/tq and the other cx41.8-/- (leot1/t1) mutant phenotypes are different, with the latter allele showing more severe phenotypes of increased HSPC apoptosis and reduced HSPCs during later development. The authors speculate the cx41.8tq/tq allele encodes a missense mutation in one of the channel domains, and as such, might be a hypomorph. The authors cited the original paper by Watanabe et al. (2006); however, this paper actually noted that the cx41.8tq/tq allele is likely to be a dominant negative - and as such, should have exhibited a stronger phenotype than the leot1/t1 mutant allele. From the paper: "leotw28 and leotq270 heterozygotes have phenotypes different from that of WT; thus, they represent dominant-negative alleles." Importantly, no data are shown to provide evidence that the allele is a hypomorph - at minimum, qPCR data should be provided to show whether there is NMD of the mRNA in cx41.8tq/tq mutants.
      • One major missing component is experimental data that distinguish the gap junction/plasma membrane- related and the mitochondrial membrane-related functions of Cx41.8. This is critical, as the role of Connexins in the mitochondria remains poorly understood (and Connexin 43 is the best understood one). Thus, it is a big claim by the authors that Cx41.8 primarily acts through the mitochondria and not the gap junctions. Suggested experiment: The authors should generate a fluorophore-tagged Cx41.8 - under a ubiquitous (ubb or actin) or HSPC-/hemogenic endothelium-specific (gata2b) promoter to monitor the protein localization of Cx41.8. Providing data on whether Cx41.8 protein indeed localizes to the mitochondria is important to support their claim.
      • Related to the above point, the authors should test whether the gap junction function of Cx41.8 is intact in the cx41.8tq/tq mutants by assessing calcium waves in the GCamp transgenic line.
      • The quantification data in this manuscript are not satisfactory. The authors only provide graphs that show embryos with "low", "medium" and "high" numbers of HSPCs, which is incredibly subjective. Considering that the authors already have the cx41.8tq/tq in the Tg(myb:GFP) background (Figure 1E), they could have quantified the precise numbers of Tg(myb:GFP)-positive cells at different timepoints and with the different pharmaceutical rescue experiments. Ideally, this should be combined with other HSPC markers such as Tg(cd41:GFP) or Tg(runx1:GFP) - although this could be limited by the authors' access to the lines or time it takes to cross the mutants to the transgenes.
      • The link between cx41.8 and Hif1α is tenuous. The authors should perform in situ hybridization for the hif1 genes and their downstream effector notch1 which is known to be important for the HSPC specification (Gerri et al., 2018). The authors might also want to consider performing transcriptomic analysis (bulk RNA sequencing) from purified HSCs in wild types and cx41.8 mutants and assess the downstream pathways affected by the loss of this gene.


      Overall, this study presents another piece of evidence that Connexin 41.8 regulates HSC formation. It provides a potential link between Connexin 41.8, mitochondrial ROS regulation and Hif/hypoxia-sensitive pathways in promoting endothelial-to-hematopoietic transition. The role of the mitochondrial ROS in particular is quite interesting and might provide a new angle into the role of connexins in regulating hemato-vascular development; however, the authors would need to strengthen the link between Cx41.8 and mitochondrial respiration.

      It is important to note that the quantitative data in this manuscript need to be strengthened and refined to strengthen the conclusions. The study is not very deeply mechanistic and appears to be more at an observational/correlational level. The manuscript might be of interest for people in the hematopoietic field but does not shed much more insight into the cellular and molecular mechanisms that govern HSC formation, particularly in light of the paper on Cx41.8 role by the same group (Cacialli et al., 2021).

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Provide a short summary of the findings and key conclusions (including methodology and model system(s) where appropriate). Please place your comments about significance in section 2.

      In the manuscript "Regulation of adaptive growth decisions via phosphorylation of the TRAPPII complex in Arabidopsis" the authors investigate the TRAPPII interactome carried out by an already published IP-MS screen. They study previously identified shaggy-like kinases SK as TRAPII interactors and the phosphorylation sites by Y2H (interactions of wild type, deletion mutants and phosphomutants) and kinase assays (in vitro) and pharmacological inhibition in the subunit AtTRS120. The authors provide a deeper phenotypical analysis of trapii null mutant lines and classification as "decision mutants", based on "limited budget" and "conflict of interest" experiments (previously described) as a starting point of investigations of TGN function in comparison with hormone mutants. Cell elongation is used as a response phenotype. Authors focus on mainly TRS120 and phosphorylation by SK and partly on another TRAPP component, CLUB. Authors study the assays with differing kinases, e.g. Y2H with BIN2, phosphorylation with SK11.

      Major comments:

      • Are the claims and the conclusions supported by the data or do they require additional experiments or analyses to support them?

      A major issue is that new claims and conclusions are not supported by the new data provided here. The title says "in Arabidopsis", but only components are from Arabidopsis. Interactions, instead, are studied in this manuscript by Y2H in yeast, and phosphorylation in vitro. The abstract is very misleading and does not distinguish which aspects are studied in vitro and which in vivo. The Abstract does not mention that this study is based on previously identified interactome data.

      o The figure legends are often not sufficiently detailed to understand what exactly is represented.

      Therefore, it is not possible to judge in every case whether experiments are supported by data. E.g.

      Fig. 1: A, describe which data were used and which control for IP-MS had been taken into account. B, this is a plot, please describe what is represented. Explain better why Shaggy kinases were chosen. C, explain the principle and what is represented. How is this experiment controlled and how is it ensured that negative results are not caused by absent proteins.

      Fig. 2: Indicate the phosphorylation sites in the other subfigures. Fig. 2E: How was it generated, explain what is seen. Since this is the only figure illustrating the protein complex of TRAPP, this figure should be more thoroughly prepared and labeled. I recommend a better visualized protein complex. As before, Fig. 2F remains unclear.

      Fig. 3: Please add a figure illustrating the mutations. 3C: what has been diluted? Other examples are found in other figures.

      Fig. 4: Shouldn't the wild type be compared with all the mutants? Then statistics have to be conducted accordingly. Better explain G and H. If there are quotients, explain of what exactly.

      Fig. 5. Same as before. How do I see that there is a phenotype? There is no comparison with wild type. It is also unclear to which values the statistics refer to.

      Fig. 6: Please guide the reader through the figure and experiment.

      Fig. 8: I miss the connection with other shaggy-like kinases. This summary could be more complete. What about phosphorylation sites?

      o Line 133-134: "we focus on the TRAPPII complex as a starting point as it is required for all aspects of TGN function, including the sorting of proteins such as PINs to distinct membrane domains" I did not find an obvious connection to the PIN transporters as well as clear data to TGN functions. This sentence was for me misleading about the context of this manuscript.

      o Figure 1C: A supporting Western Blot control is needed, to fully validate the missing interaction of BIN2 with the truncated variants of TRS120 and CLUB. Additionally, swapping the constructs from DB to AD and vice versa will provide a better set-up of the interaction screen. This should be easily done in a few weeks.

      o Line 431-432: "This presents intriguing implications regarding the potential role of the AtSK-TRAPPII module in meeting the unique demands of endomembrane traffic in plants." Why do the authors come to this assumption? Further discussion is needed here.

      o Figure 2F: What serves as positive controls? What is the purpose of showing every panel between each TRS120-T2 variant with CLUB-C2, CLUB-C3, TRS120-T1 and TRS120-T3 and not only interactions between BIN2 and the TRS120-T2 variants? Why are there six negative controls as it is every time the same control? - Please request additional experiments only if they are essential for the conclusions. Alternatively, ask the authors to qualify their claims as preliminary or speculative, or to remove them altogether.

      Clearly, title, abstract and statements have to be formulated differently. The discussion should contain a limitations paragraph in which the authors detail that conclusions are based on in vitro, yeast and plant IP-MS screening data, and they should describe approaches how the study can be continued in the future. Which alternative explanations are possible. Are SKs and TRAPP expressed and present in the same locations? - If you have constructive further reaching suggestions that could significantly improve the study but would open new lines of investigations, please label them as "OPTIONAL". - Demonstrating interactions and phosphorylation by other approaches in vivo - demonstrating effects of TRAPP phosphomutants and lack of kinases in vivo - Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated time investment for substantial experiments. - Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?

      o Figure S9: Is it not a loss of chlorophyll instead of GFP? Does not look like a fluorescent image.

      o Lacking information of pH of in vitro kinase assay solution with Mass-spectrometry.

      o What is the purpose of transferring 10 days old seedlings to fresh plates for scanning? Needs additional information for understanding, at the moment it sounds more like unnecessary extra stress for the seedlings.

      o Why are seedlings grown under constant light? - Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?

      o Figure 5: It will be good to use ANOVA for statistics here. I personally doubt the high significance of some parameters, e.g. for club-2 cell width and cell surface area between dark and darkW due to the high standard errors. Rechecking with the original values is necessary. Why is there no comparison between wild-type and the two mutants?

      o Figure 7A - C, statistic is probably not correct. For example: in A statistical differences with P<0.001 between wild-type (~100 %) and TRS120SαβγD (~80 %), in C statistical difference of only P<0.05 between wild-type type (90 %) and TRS120SαβγD (60 %)

      o No information on IP-MS replicate numbers mentioned.

      o Also see comments above to figures

      Minor comments:

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.
        • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

      o Figure 4, S7, S8, S11 and S12: It will be helpful to support the data with images of the seedlings. - Are the text and figures clear and accurate? Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?

      o The introduction is quite lengthy with unnecessary information, e.g. about PIN transporters, but useful information about shaggy-like kinases and connection to brassinosteroid signaling is lacking.

      o Figure 1C: In the figure legend is no explanation of abbreviation "Co"; no explanation of BET3, TRS31, Tca17 and TRIPP; no indication that spots come from different plates (just visible by different brightness of the squares). Why are there eleven negative controls as it is every time the same control?

      o Figure 1C is specifically for BIN2, but BIN2 was not identified in the IP-MS screen represented in Figure 1B. Why does 1C not focus on SK11/12/32, identified in 1B?

      o Figure 1C shows several truncated variants of TRS120 and CLUB, a schematic overview as represented in Figure 2A will be helpful for the understanding of 1C. Order of variants should be the same (now: in 1C first TRS than CLUB in 2A first CLUB than TRS).

      o Figure 1C: Interaction of TRS120 full-length with BIN2 is missing in this figure but is presented in Figure 2F.

      o Result of Figure 2F is described after Figure 3. Better arrangement of Figures or text is needed here.

      o Figure 3A: Why was AtSK11 and not BIN2 used for the main figure? Better change Figure 3A with Figure S4 to keep the focus on BIN2. No explanation of the result in the text.

      o Figure 3A: In the figure legend is no explanation of abbreviation CBB. What are the non-phosporylated variants? Where are they shown? Description sounds that only TRS120-T2-SαβγA versus TRS120-T2 WT was tested by t-test is this correct? And if yes, why?

      o No need for Figure 3B, information was already given in Figure 2A + B.

      o Figure 3C: Why BIL2 for Clade II and not BIN2?

      o Figure 4: Why are A-E not directly compared to wild-type but trs120-4 as seen in 4F? What is the purpose of using different types of diagram?

      o Figure 4H: Why are phyAphyBcry1cry2 and pyrpyl1pyl2pyl4 depicted? No description in the text.

      o Figure 6: Confusing order of given information in the figure legend. Sentence one belongs to D and H only, second sentence describes whole figure. o Figure 6D + H, color difference between black and blue is hard to see, better change one into e.g. red.

      o Figure 7D - F wrong indication of D to F, named in the description as A) - C). Why is E different to D in F (D and F: 0-1 is attenuated, >1 enhanced; E the other way around).

      o Figure S9A: Indication of protein size on the Coomassie gel is missing and the respective position of 160 kDa is not visible on the gel.

      o Figure S12D: No explanation of the color code in the figure legend.

      o Consistent labelling and layout of all Figures and Supplemental Figures will be helpful. E.g., Figure 3A and S4; in S8A-E + S11A-C bars of different conditions have the same color. Most of the figure legends are quite shortly described and lack information about what kind of data is presented.

      o YFP parameters are described in material and methods, but no YFP construct appeared in the manuscript to my knowledge. - Are prior studies referenced appropriately? - Lines 243-245: Text is nearly identical to Kalbfuß et al., 2022. - Lines 246-254: Text is identical to Kalbfuß et al., 2022. - Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      Please see the above and below comments to figures and figure legends. - Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?

      Overall, the manuscript may have very interesting data and new findings. It is very interesting that the authors study the regulation of a protein complex that may mediate environment responses and intracellular Golgi functions. However, it is very difficult to follow and understand the ideas and concept of the manuscript. This manuscript is based on a previously published interactome study by Rybek et al. 2014, Steiner et al. 2016, Kalde et al. 209. Moreover, a physiological approach is published in Kalbfuß et al. 2022. The outcomes and conclusions from these previously published manuscripts and the emanating open questions addressed here should be clearly described in the introduction. This is currently not the case. Moreover, many experimental approaches and results (e.g. figures, figure legends) are not properly described. Overall, it is therefore not possible to understand the manuscript without studying in depth all other manuscripts. Before the manuscript can be more thoroughly judged, it is necessary that the authors rewrite the manuscript, reorganize it and explain better their ideas and approaches. It is also necessary to explain and define unusual terms such as "decision mutants", "limited budget" and "conflict of interest" experiments, which are crucial for the understanding. The importance of the TRAPPII complex should be illustrated using specific physiological examples and the context in which this complex is studied here has to be explained. Before this is not corrected, the following assessment will remain rather incomplete. Another complication is that two subunits of TRAPP were studied and different types of SKs, however, authors did not systematically analyze all interactions. At least it should be thoroughly described, and a flow chart would be helpful as supplemental figure clearly describe which types of proteins were tested in the different assays. The introduction is not well written. It is very lengthy, however the important messages from previous publications are left out. Thus the open question is not understandable (see above). Instead, the results parts start with introduction again. Explanations are also lacking in every result paragraph on the approach and expected data. The Discussion is also not very well written. It is much focused on physiological and molecular actions and consequences in plants. However, there should be at first a technical discussion on the relevance since in the study is based on in vitro and heterologous expression data, and the physiological analysis was only conducted with knockouts but not phosphomutants. Therefore, the link between the protein interaction and physiological functions needs to be worked out.

      Referees cross-commenting

      My colleague and I have read thoroughly the manuscript and found a number of issues which we indicated in our review. These points can be fixed by the authors, if they formulate more carefully and remove the overstatements. They should also work on reorganizing and including more explanations.


      Provide contextual information to readers (editors and researchers) about the novelty of the study, its value for the field and the communities that might be interested.

      The following aspects are important:

      One new aspect of this story is the validation of interaction of TRAPII subunits as substrate for AtSKs and their action as phosphorylation agents shown in vitro. The other new aspect is the phenotypical characterization of trapii mutants under stress-conditions (grown in darkness) and additive stress (with additional drought stress). The potential interaction with brassinosteroid signaling via BIN2 is intriguing.

      • General assessment: provide a summary of the strengths and limitations of the study. What are the strongest and most important aspects? What aspects of the study should be improved or could be developed? A strength is that a new interaction is further studied. A weakness is that the studies are primarily conducted in yeast and in vitro, leaving open how relevant this process is in plants. A strength is further studies and phenotypic analysis of trapii mutant effects. A weakness is that this mutant analysis is disconnected from the action of SKs.

      Further, the writing should be improved and more clear (see comments above). - Advance: compare the study to the closest related results in the literature or highlight results reported for the first time to your knowledge; does the study extend the knowledge in the field and in which way? Describe the nature of the advance and the resulting insights (for example: conceptual, technical, clinical, mechanistic, functional,...). The introduction gives the impression of a stronger investigation of TGN function, which is from my point of view not the case and should be reformulated and/or put into a deeper context with known literature. The authors switch several times between the different TRAPPII subunits and shaggy-like kinases in the main figures which made it for me very confusing. I believe that rearranging some data/figures will improve the understanding of the story. The text is also lacking explanations of many abbreviations and gene names which caused more difficulties in understanding the story and slowed down the reviewing process. From my point of view it seems to be necessary to read the often cited Kalbfuß et al., 2022 publication before, as many important technical aspects and scientific background, e.g. the reason to use specific control mutants, are well explained there, but are lacking in this manuscript and needs improvement. - Audience: describe the type of audience ("specialized", "broad", "basic research", "translational/clinical", etc...) that will be interested or influenced by this research; how will this research be used by others; will it be of interest beyond the specific field? Based on the cited literature in this manuscript the direction of the story with "limited budget" and "conflict of interest" situations to classify mutants methodically seems to be a recently emerged approach. Apart from that this manuscript provides only new impact on TRAPII and AtSKs specific knowledge based on well-established and frequently used techniques that address the problem in vitro and in a heterologous system. Therefore, this story will be interesting for researchers specialized in stress responses, TGN and growth defects as well as important for basic research. Limitations in interpretation are present. - Please define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      Our field of research is related to nutrition-regulated processes especially in Arabidopsis with a strong methodological background in interactomics, physiological, morphological and molecular responses and biochemical approaches and microscopy.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This manuscript adopted the concept that plants have cognitive ability and proposed the hypothesis that the trans-Golgi network plays a role in the decision process of cells. It investigates how this organelle function in order to reach the right decision when exposed to the combined drought stress and dark or to germination under osmotic stress. The study tests the hypothesis focusing on the on the TRAPPII complex. The authors demonstrated that defects (mutations) on TRAPPII complex cause wrong growth decisions, particularly when seedling are exposed to decisions with trade-offs.

      Major comments

      The experiments made for this study are enough to support the conclusions, and they were performed with adequate procedures. I just make the comment that follows.

      Lines 468-472: The authors propose that "signal integration and decision-making occur at the AtSK-TRAPPII interface". It should be considered whether the decision is made in a specific step and location or if all the cascade of responses is the decision process. It is proposed that TRAPPII makes the decision and the Rab GTPase cascades (or the downstream signals) implement the decision. The authors demonstrated that a defect on TRAPPII causes wrong-decisions, but what would happen if TRAPPII were normal but something downstream was defective and could would proceed the regular process? Would it also lead to wrong growth decisions? I am afraid that any defect may cause wrong decisions because the decision is the full metabolic process and not a single step in the route.

      Minor comments

      Lines 259-260: To make it easier to follow the reasoning, the reader should be informed what were the expected responses in case of "primary defects in cytokinesis".

      Line 413: Correct Kim et al (2023).


      This study offers an important contribution to the discussion on how plants make decisions. The signals and the cascade of stimuli flows through an intricate network. This study demonstrates that on of the streams of information used for growth decisions passes through the Golgi complex.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Universally present across the eukaryotic world, TRAPPII is a hetero-oligomeric complex that plays a key role in the regulation of the TGN that has often been classified as a multisubunit tethering complex, although conclusive evidence for the tethering role is still lacking. In contrast, it is well established that the complex acts as a GEF for RAB11, primarily by studies carried out with model fungi such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Aspergillus nidulans. Atomic structures have revealed that a few amino acids in one of the subunits of the complex suffice to "kick off" GDP from the active site of the substrate RAB. While some of the subunits are necessary to place the RAB nucleotide binding pocket at the right distance from the key TRAPPII residues on the target membrane, it seems unlikely that the sole function played by this Md complex is catalysing the exchange of GDP by GTP in the target GTPase. In this particular regard, our understanding of other potential physiological roles of the complex is utterly incomplete

      This very well written manuscript explores the regulation of TRAPPII by phosphorylation, more precisely, the role of phospho-sites in the regulation of TRS120/TRAPPC9. Using co-immunoprecipitation strategies coupled to mass spectrometry, the authors identified a member of the saggy/GSK family of kinases. Given that the interaction of protein kinases with their substrates is supposed to be transient, this is technically sound result that testifies to the impeccable methodology used by authors. They further exploit MS methodology and two hybrid analysis to identify region of TRAPPC9 interacting with the kinase, as well as the phosphorylated residues. The authors close the circle by establishing that substitutions of these residues result in modified responses to abiotic stresses. Thus, a significant merit of this work is opening up the can of regulation by phosphorylation of TRAPP functions

      Experiments/challenges for the future are determining the downstream components that govern these physiological changes in response to phosphorylation of TRAPPII, and expanding these phosphorylation studies to TRAPPIII. This latter complex is involved both in exocytosis and in autophagy, and it seems plausible that alternation between these two different fates is governed by post-translational modifications of the type studied here.

      My suggestions to the authors: there has been a burst of atomic structures of TRAPPs recently, with three papers authored by the Fromme, Munro and Sui labs. It mighty worth comparing the longer Trs120 in these structures with the prediction of the shorter protein from Arabidopsis. A very minor point is that possibly the most thorough report on the localisation of TRAPPII to the TGN is that co-signed by Mario Pinar and myself in the Journal of cell science

      Referees cross-commenting

      I have nothing to add to my review, which was made from the point of view of TRAPP researcher. if my colleagues understand that the manuscript is hyperbolic in places, over statements should be removed


      TRAPPII is regulated by TRAPPC9 phosphorylation in cruciferae. Convincing evidence. Impeccable presentation and writing.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Review Commons Refereed Preprint #RC-2023-02149

      Dear Reviewers #1 and #2,

      We extend our deepest gratitude for your dedication to reviewing our manuscript during such a busy period. We have diligently addressed the insightful feedback provided in our revisions. The variable quality of human fetal tissues, due to fixation and extended preservation times, is acknowledged as a limitation that may affect the quality of our immunostaining results. Despite this, we maintain that the findings from these experiments are crucial for human applications. The extrapolation of the results from mice experiments to human biology is a critical step in propelling research forward. We are confident that our paper, with its acknowledged limitations, still offers valuable contributions to our understanding in this domain.

      Please find the primary amendments of our revision detailed below for your review.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary Yamaguchi et al. performed a comprehensive characterisation of lymphatic vessel development in human embryos, spanning stages C8 to GW9. Through the utilisation of immunohistochemistry targeting proteins expressed in the lymphatic endothelium and blood endothelium, the authors have discerned the presence of lymphatic endothelial cells within the cardinal vein and in extraveinal locations. By systematically analysing the progression of embryonic stages, the authors identified the emergence of lymph sacs. Furthermore, they confirmed the presence of lymphatics in various organs, such as the heart, kidney, lung, and mesentery. However, lymphatics were not detected in the central nervous system during the embryonic stages. At the molecular level, lymphatic endothelial cells express similar factors as in mice, including Prox1, Vegfr3, Lyve1, and PDPN, although the timing and combination of these factors may vary depending on the tissue. This study significantly contributes to our knowledge of lymphatic development in humans.

      Major comments Human embryo samples are exceptionally valuable and ethically sensitive, making their maximum utilisation crucial. While the authors conducted a thorough anatomical and molecular analysis, it raises questions about whether more insights can be gleaned.

      Specifically, the authors should clarify whether data from embryos collected at CS8-CS10 were processed, and what was the status of venous and lymphatic development?

      Response: After a careful review of the clinical data for the specimen previously classified as CS8, we found a record indicating the initial detection of a heartbeat in the preceding week, an observation not made earlier. When correlating the last menstrual period with the morphological features, such as the open neural tube, it suggests that the specimen may actually be at CS 9-10, rather than CS8. We have revised the details in our records to reflect this more accurate staging in Table 1. We have included sections of this particular specimen for Figures for reviewer 1. Despite exhaustive sectioning until the sample was depleted, the heart structure was not located. The developmental stage of the specimen seems comparable to that of a mouse embryo at approximately embryonic day 7.5, evidenced by what appears to be a caudal neuropore. In addition, we observed surrounding blood vessels expressing PECAM, which contained nucleated red blood cells, but these did not exhibit Prox1 expression.

      Figure for reviewer 1. Prox1 Expression Pattern in a CS9-10 Human Embryo.

      Cross-section of a CS9-10 human embryo. Immunostaining for PECAM and Prox1.

      The authors commented that CS11 lymphatic vessels were not identified in the vein. Was there any indication of LECs outside the vein? Could the authors include images of this stage?

      Response: The CS11 embryo is depicted in Supplemental Figure 2A-C’. In this section, identification of one side of the precardinal vein was possible. Furthermore, formation of the pharyngeal arch was observed. Prox1 expression was absent in the precardinal vein at this stage.

      For embryos at CS12, it would be insightful to know the proportion of LECs versus VECs within the vein, the quantity of LECs outside the veins, and whether there was section-dependent variability in these observations. Response:

      For a single section, the numerical data for the right and left anterior cardinal veins were averaged. This process was repeated and the results were then averaged across two sections.

      1. The proportion of LECs to VECs within the vein. On average, there were 18.25 nuclei per cross-section of the CV; of these, 4.5 were Prox1-/PECAM+ blood endothelial cells (BECs), and 13.75 were Prox1+/PECAM+ LECs. Therefore, BECs constituted 24.7%, and LECs constituted 75.3%.

      The number of LECs outside the veins.

      There were an average of 9.75 Prox1+/PECAM+ cells located externally to the CV."

      This point is described in Figure 1 legends as follows.

      On average, there were 18.25 nuclei per cross-section of the CV; of these, 4.5 were Prox1-/PECAM+ blood endothelial cells (BECs), and 13.75 were Prox1+/PECAM+ LECs. Therefore, BECs constituted 24.7%, and LECs constituted 75.3%. There were an average of 9.75 Prox1+/PECAM+ cells located externally to the CV. (Page 11, lines 486-490)

      It would be helpful if Table 1, "Information of human embryos and fetuses", could be complemented with a summary of the main findings at each stage, including which markers LECs expressed and their distribution.

      To strengthen the assertion that this study provides unique insights compared to those of mice, a schematic summarizing the similarities and differences between mouse and human observations should be included. Response:

      We have enriched the information presented in Table 1 and introduced Figure 5 as a new comprehensive illustration. Figure 5 provides a comparative analysis of lymphatic vessel development between mice and humans, with a particular emphasis on the early stages of development, meticulously summarizing the alterations in lymphatic marker expression at specific stages.

      The authors mentioned differences in lymphatic markers at various regions of the embryo and different developmental stages. It is essential to clarify whether all regions express the same markers at the latest developmental stage. Response:

      We have added immunostaining for Podoplanin and LYVE1 at GW9 as Supplemental Figure 4X-Y''. This demonstrates the expression of Podoplanin and LYVE1 in lymphatic vessels of the lung, heart, kidney, mesentery, intestinal wall, and lower jaw. This information regarding the expression of LYVE1 and PDPN has also been incorporated into the main body of the text under the section of ‘The Development of Lymphatic Vessels Varies Among Organs’.

      A discussion of the limitations of analysing embryos from abnormal pregnancies is necessary. In addition to the determined lack of chromosomal abnormalities, it is crucial to consider phenotypical and morphological integrity. The authors should address the possibility of developmental defects and mutations causing abnormalities in the lymphatic vessels.


      In the "Tissue Collection and Ethical Considerations" section of the Materials and Methods, we have addressed the possibility that developmental defects and mutations may cause abnormalities in the lymphatic vessels.

      This is depicted as follows:

      Detailed information regarding each sample is presented in Table 1. The sex of each sample was not determined, with the exception of one case of miscarriage. In this particular case, chromosomal analysis verified the absence of any karyotypic abnormalities. There were no malformations observed in any of the embryos or fetuses. Nevertheless, for the remaining embryos, there is a possibility that developmental defects or mutations could lead to abnormalities in the lymphatic vessels. (Page 7, lines340-346)

      Minor comments In the abstract, the authors refer to lymphatic malformations as a specific type of lymphatic disease. We recommend acknowledging the broader implications of this study beyond such specific cases. 


      We have modified the concluding paragraph of the Abstract to reflect a more expansive and encompassing narrative as follows.

      Our research clarifies the early development of human lymphatic vessels, contributing to a better understanding of the evolution and phylogenetic relationships of lymphatic systems, and enriching our knowledge of the role of lymphatics in various human diseases. (Page2, lines 58-60)

      The term "lymph-related disease" should be clarified for better understanding. Response:

      To make it clearer, we have modified the last paragraph of the Introduction that includes 'lymph-related disease' as follows.

      Our research offers essential insights into the evolution and phylogeny of lymphatic vessels, and may also illuminate the pathogenesis of lymphatic-related diseases, which include lymphedema, obesity, cardiovascular disorders, Crohn's disease, and congenital lymphatic disease, such as lymphatic malformation. (Page 3, lines127-131)

      Figure 3S shows kidney samples, not the myocardium or endocardium, as indicated. Response:

      No, it is correct. Figure 3P-S represents the heart, which is surrounded by the lungs on both sides. Figure 3S depicts the endocardium, indicating that lymphatic vessels are not present within the endocardial layer.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This study largely reaffirms the existing knowledge from mouse models and previous human data. Given the absence of a cure for lymphatic diseases, gaining a deeper understanding of how lymphatic vessels develop in humans could serve as a crucial stepping stone in this field of research.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This study by Yamaguchi et al., explores the progression of lymphatic vessel growth in different stages of human embryos. They also try to identify the origin of the lymphatic vessels in different organs. The study first shows that lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) first show up in the anterior cardinal veins (ACVs) of CS12 in human embryos, which is similar to what is known to occur in mouse embryos. They also checked whether the PROX1+ LECs of the heart are derived from Flk1+/Isl+/PECAM- cells. However, Flk1+/Isl+/PECAM- cells do not co-express PROX1. These results suggest that in human embryos LECs originate from the ACVs. The authors then identify that lympho-venous valves formed between lymph sacs and the cardinal veins at around Carnegie Stage (CS)18. The valves have showed obvious bicuspid shape at Gestational week (GW)9. Finally, the authors demonstrate that the development of lymphatic vessels happens at different time points in various organs. At CS16, lymphatic vessels and LECs can be detected in the lower jaw, heart and the lungs; mesenteric and intestinal lymphatic vessels can be detected between CS17 and CS18; kidney lymphatic vessels can be found at CS23; At GW9, the lymphatic vessels are observed around the aorta, which may combine to form the future thoracic duct. Together, this informative study sheds light on the progression of lymphatic vasculatures during embryonic stage in humans.

      This study has many strengths, in addition to some areas that if addressed, would further increase the impact of the findings. These include:

      1. Since immunostaining is the major method that the authors have used for their work, they could use positive and negative controls (secondary antibody only or IgG control) for different antibodies. The authors can also show some Isl1 and Flk1 staining in GW9 fetus or adult tissue, like PROX1 or LYVE1 in Supplemental figure 1.


      We have introduced new Supplemental Figures 1I-N. Included are negative controls for fluorescent staining with only the secondary antibody (Supplemental Figure I-I’’’’) and for DAB staining with only the secondary antibody (Supplemental Figure J-L). Furthermore, we have added images showing Flk1 staining within lymph sacs (Supplemental Figure 1M) and Isl1 staining (Supplemental Figure 1N). Flk1 expression was confirmed in the lymph sacs; however, Isl1 expression was not observed.

      The description regarding the negative controls is as follows.

      Additionally, the specificity of the staining was confirmed with controls using only the secondary antibodies (Supplemental Figure 1I-L). (Page 3, lines146-147)

      The description regarding Flk1 and Isl1 in the lymph sac is as follows.

      Additionally, at GW9, Flk1 expression was detected in the cervical lymph sac, but Isl1 expression was not (Supplemental Figure 1M and N). (Page4, lines186-187)

      Figures 1 F-H, S' and S", U', U", and U'" are hard to appreciate. Can the authors offer higher quality images or show some confocal images?


      In response to the reviewer's comments, we conducted several trials to improve image quality. However, due to fixation issues, we were unable to enhance the quality beyond the original for the CS12 specimen. Therefore, all images except those of VEGFR3 have been left unchanged. It is possible that the quality appeared reduced in the initial submission due to compression, making them difficult to view. We will resubmit without reducing the image quality as much as possible and ask for your understanding in this matter. Additionally, the CS12 specimen was very small, and there was a limited number of sections available, making further attempts challenging. This is also a limitation of research using human embryos. Regarding Figure 1R-U’’’, we have revised and replaced the images, although the quality has not significantly changed. We believe this may also be due to the compression of the image quality at the time of submission. There is no change in the conclusions drawn.

      According to the author's previous publications (ref 17 and 30) and literature (ref 31), Flk+/Isl+/PECAM- cells differentiate into LECs. However, in this work they did not observe any PROX1+Isl1+ cells at CS13 and CS14. I am curious to know if they found any PROX1+Isl1+ cells at later time points such as GW9.


      Isl1 is posited to be an early transcription factor that directs the differentiation of undifferentiated mesodermal cells towards a cardiac lineage. Our prior research utilizing tamoxifen-inducible mice indicated that a cohort of cells expressing Isl1 at a defined interval (E6.5 to E9.5 in mice) contributes to the formation of lymphatic structures in the head, neck, mediastinum, and heart before subsequently losing this expression(Maruyama et al., eLife, 2022). However, in human studies, it is not possible to trace the lineage and differentiation trajectories of Isl1+ cells. Consequently, we anticipated finding LECs that initially express Isl1 in the embryonic stage, with this expression diminishing as development ensues. Nevertheless, such cell groups were not observed in human embryos. In mice, our search for cells concurrently expressing Isl1, Prox1, Flk1, or PECAM from E9.0 to E11.5 (referenced in Maruyama et al., eLife, 2022, Supplemental Figure 3) also yielded no such populations. This evidence suggests that Isl1 protein expression in the cardiac pharyngeal mesoderm likely ceases during the differentiation into lymphatic endothelium. Given the hypothesis that Isl1+/Prox1+ LECs might exist at an earlier developmental stage, we examined specimens from CS16, 17, and 18 for the presence of such LECs but to no avail. This investigation has been documented as Supplemental Figure 3Q-S for the CS16 sample. With the GW9 sample, due to its substantial size, we initially conducted a DAB staining search for lumen structures that might express Isl1. However, no such structures were identified. Moreover, despite conducting triple immunostaining for PECAM, Isl1, and Prox1, we were unable to locate any LECs or lymphatic vessels expressing Isl1.

      The description regarding Isl1 and Prox1 expression for CS16 and GW9 is as follows:

      At CS16, cells co-expressing Prox1 and Isl1 were not observed in the lower jaw or the cardiac outflow tract regions (Supplemental Figure 3Q-S'). Additionally, at GW9, Flk1 expression was detected in the cervical lymph sac, but Isl1 expression was not (Supplemental Figure 1M and N). (Page 4, lines184-187)

      For the GW9 stage, we have provided images of lymphatic vessels in the lung and heart stained with PECAM, Isl1, and Prox1 as a Figure for the reviewer's consideration.

      Figure for reviewer 2. Isl1 is not expressed in GW9 lymphatic vessels.

      Fluorescent immunostaining of PECAM, Prox1, and VEGFR3 was conducted at GW 9 fetuses. Scale bars 100μm.

      Figure 3 N and O show comparable VEGFR3+PROX1+ cell numbers in different time points, however it shows increased VEGFR3+PROX1+ vessel numbers. If so, do LECs become more elongated and form the vessel-like structures?


      In our previous findings (Maruyama et al., Dev bio, 2019, Maruyama et al., iScience, 2021), we documented that surrounding the heart, LECs progressively interconnect to form a reticular network, which is subsequently remodeled into more substantial lumen-bearing vessels. This sequence appears to be conserved in humans, with LECs initially presenting as solitary entities that gradually interlace into a network. Presumably, a portion of this network is then streamlined, giving rise to increasingly luminal structures. Therefore, while the count of LECs remains constant, there is an augmentation in the number of defined luminal vessels. This observation has been depicted as follows.

      Throughout this process, the initially mesh-like capillary lymphatics undergo progressive remodeling to establish lumen-bearing vessels. Consequently, while the density of LECs per unit area remains relatively stable, there is an increase in the number of lymphatic vessels possessing distinct luminal structures (Figure 3N and O). (Page 5, lines 220-223)

      The authors have mentioned that the staging of the embryos and fetuses was done by Carnegie stage and clinical information. The authors should offer more detailed information about those embryos and fetuses. For example, crown-rump length, menstrual weeks, craniofacial features etc. This information will be useful for other researchers in this field.


      We have substantially expanded the data presented in Table 1 regarding embryos and fetuses. For specimens dating back over 15 years, some lacked echo graphic details. In those instances, we estimated the developmental stage by integrating available data, such as the date of the last menstrual period or morphological features of the fetus. For a case initially assessed as CS 8, which had no recorded cardiac activity in the preceding week, a subsequent ultrasound noted a heartbeat. Considering this alongside the specimen's size, we revised the estimated stage to CS 9-10, correlating with the onset of heart formation. Despite exhaustive sectioning of this particular embryo until the samples were depleted, the heart structure remained undetected. Nevertheless, taking into account morphological observations, such as an open neural tube, the stage was adjudged to be CS9-10. Furthermore, for ectopic pregnancies, which frequently necessitated emergency surgeries due to symptoms like abdominal pain or bleeding, preoperative embryonic data was often unavailable.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Strengths: Very informative results for human embryonic lymphatic development. They have performed the experiments at various developmental stages.

      Limitations: Image quality need to be improved. Many high magnification images are not clear. Human samples come from certain diseases, which might have affected the embryo's development.

      Advance: this study clarified the process of early lymphatic vessel formation in human embryos.

      Audience: clinical and basic science in developmental biology and lymphatic biology.

      Reviewer expertise: lymphatic development, lymphatic biology, vascular biology.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study by Yamaguchi et al., explores the progression of lymphatic vessel growth in different stages of human embryos. They also try to identify the origin of the lymphatic vessels in different organs. The study first shows that lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) first show up in the anterior cardinal veins (ACVs) of CS12 in human embryos, which is similar to what is known to occur in mouse embryos. They also checked whether the PROX1+ LECs of the heart are derived from Flk1+/Isl+/PECAM- cells. However, Flk1+/Isl+/PECAM- cells do not co-express PROX1. These results suggest that in human embryos LECs originate from the ACVs. The authors then identify that lympho-venous valves formed between lymph sacs and the cardinal veins at around Carnegie Stage (CS)18. The valves have showed obvious bicuspid shape at Gestational week (GW)9. Finally, the authors demonstrate that the development of lymphatic vessels happens at different time points in various organs. At CS16, lymphatic vessels and LECs can be detected in the lower jaw, heart and the lungs; mesenteric and intestinal lymphatic vessels can be detected between CS17 and CS18; kidney lymphatic vessels can be found at CS23; At GW9, the lymphatic vessels are observed around the aorta, which may combine to form the future thoracic duct. Together, this informative study sheds light on the progression of lymphatic vasculatures during embryonic stage in humans.

      This study has many strengths, in addition to some areas that if addressed, would further increase the impact of the findings. These include:

      1. Since immunostaining is the major method that the authors have used for their work, they could use positive and negative controls (secondary antibody only or IgG control) for different antibodies. The authors can also show some Isl1 and Flk1 staining in GW9 fetus or adult tissue, like PROX1 or LYVE1 in Supplemental figure 1.
      2. Figures 1 F-H, S' and S", U', U", and U'" are hard to appreciate. Can the authors offer higher quality images or show some confocal images?
      3. According to the author's previous publications (ref 17 and 30) and literature (ref 31), Flk+/Isl+/PECAM- cells differentiate into LECs. However, in this work they did not observe any PROX1+Isl1+ cells at CS13 and CS14. I am curious to know if they found any PROX1+Isl1+ cells at later time points such as GW9.
      4. Figure 3 N and O show comparable VEGFR3+PROX1+ cell numbers in different time points, however it shows increased VEGFR3+PROX1+ vessel numbers. If so, do LECs become more elongated and form the vessel-like structures?
      5. The authors have mentioned that the staging of the embryos and fetuses was done by Carnegie stage and clinical information. The authors should offer more detailed information about those embryos and fetuses. For example, crown-rump length, menstrual weeks, craniofacial features etc. This information will be useful for other researchers in this field.


      Strengths: Very informative results for human embryonic lymphatic development. They have performed the experiments at various developmental stages.

      Limitations: Image quality need to be improved. Many high magnification images are not clear. Human samples come from certain diseases, which might have affected the embryo's development.

      Advance: this study clarified the process of early lymphatic vessel formation in human embryos.

      Audience: clinical and basic science in developmental biology and lymphatic biology.

      Reviewer expertise: lymphatic development, lymphatic biology, vascular biology.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Yamaguchi et al. performed a comprehensive characterisation of lymphatic vessel development in human embryos, spanning stages C8 to GW9. Through the utilisation of immunohistochemistry targeting proteins expressed in the lymphatic endothelium and blood endothelium, the authors have discerned the presence of lymphatic endothelial cells within the cardinal vein and in extraveinal locations. By systematically analysing the progression of embryonic stages, the authors identified the emergence of lymph sacs. Furthermore, they confirmed the presence of lymphatics in various organs, such as the heart, kidney, lung, and mesentery. However, lymphatics were not detected in the central nervous system during the embryonic stages. At the molecular level, lymphatic endothelial cells express similar factors as in mice, including Prox1, Vegfr3, Lyve1, and PDPN, although the timing and combination of these factors may vary depending on the tissue. This study significantly contributes to our knowledge of lymphatic development in humans.

      Major comments

      Human embryo samples are exceptionally valuable and ethically sensitive, making their maximum utilisation crucial. While the authors conducted a thorough anatomical and molecular analysis, it raises questions about whether more insights can be gleaned.

      Specifically, the authors should clarify whether data from embryos collected at CS8-CS10 were processed, and what was the status of venous and lymphatic development?

      The authors commented that CS11 lymphatic vessels were not identified in the vein. Was there any indication of LECs outside the vein? Could the authors include images of this stage?

      For embryos at CS12, it would be insightful to know the proportion of LECs versus VECs within the vein, the quantity of LECs outside the veins, and whether there was section-dependent variability in these observations.

      It would be helpful if Table 1, "Information of human embryos and fetuses", could be complemented with a summary of the main findings at each stage, including which markers LECs expressed and their distribution.

      The authors mentioned differences in lymphatic markers at various regions of the embryo and different developmental stages. It is essential to clarify whether all regions express the same markers at the latest developmental stage.

      To strengthen the assertion that this study provides unique insights compared to those of mice, a schematic summarising the similarities and differences between mouse and human observations should be included.

      A discussion of the limitations of analysing embryos from abnormal pregnancies is necessary. In addition to the determined lack of chromosomal abnormalities, it is crucial to consider phenotypical and morphological integrity. The authors should address the possibility of developmental defects and mutations causing abnormalities in the lymphatic vessels.

      Minor comments

      In the abstract, the authors refer to lymphatic malformations as a specific type of lymphatic disease. We recommend acknowledging the broader implications of this study beyond such specific cases.

      The term "lymph-related disease" should be clarified for better understanding.

      Figure 3S shows kidney samples, not the myocardium or endocardium, as indicated.


      This study largely reaffirms the existing knowledge from mouse models and previous human data. Given the absence of a cure for lymphatic diseases, gaining a deeper understanding of how lymphatic vessels develop in humans could serve as a crucial stepping stone in this field of research.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time since our responses contain graphs and tables that might contain formatting errors in the conversion process.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors characterized circRNAs that can escape degradation in cells infected by alpha-, beta and gamma herpesviruses both in cultured cells and in mice. During lytic infection, ten circRNAs were modulated across the virus subfamilies, and 67 circRNAs were upregulated after virus infection or treatment with interferon- or interferon-. The authors examined in detail interferon-induced circRNA circRELL1 and noted that this circRNA suppresses lytic infection, likely by interacting with the mTOR pathway and promoting cell proliferation. They also made the astonishing observation that the circRNAs were more resistant to cleavage by virus-encoded nucleases than their linear counterparts. This is a comprehensive study that reveals circRNA key players that control lytic and latent herpesvirus infections.


      1. Linear mRNA abundances are decreased after infection, but linear-derived circRNA abundances are upregulated. What determines increased circRNA abundances when their linear counterparts become limiting? Is the rate of splicing/back-splicing altered in infected cells? Is nuclear-cytoplasmic transport of circRNAs changed?
      2. CircRELL1 loss of function experiment: Does the employed siRNA affect the abundance of linear RELL1 mRNA?
      3. CircRELL1 gain of function experiment: How was this performed?
      4. Why are circRNA and, especially circRELL1, resistant to degradation in interferon-treated cells when OAS genes, and presumably RNAseL, are upregulated?


      This study enhances our knowledge of circRNAs in viral infections.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, Dremel et al explore the interplay between herpesvirus and circRNAs. This team has been a pioneer in the field and has made important discoveries about the regulation of circRNAs during herpesviral infection. While past work focused on the gamma-herpesviruses, here in this study, they expand their work to alpha and beta HV as well as extending their findings into animal models. They found consistent increase in CircRNA levels and found that these circRNAs are mostly resistant to viral-induced RNA decay. They then uncover that these circRNA can be induced by interferon which indicates that circRNAs could act as a first line of anti-viral defense. Consistently, they found that circRELL1, previously identified as a circRNA inhibiting KSHV lytic infection, can also restrict HSV-1. This seemingly conserved anti-viral capacity could point to an evolutionarily conserved mechanism of defense against infection. This study combines together an impressive amount of sequencing data and elegantly draws parallels between the various HV. While this is a complex story, bringing together expression levels of mRNA, circRNA and even diving into miRNA networks, this is extremely well written and as a reader, you feel transported into a well-crafted journey that keeps uncovering novel and exciting findings.

      Major comments:

      • there is a back and forth between the HVs that are included in the study: fig 1 has HSV, CMV and KSHV; while fig 2 is HSV, KSHV and MHV68. For clarity and consistency, the authors should consider including all 4 representative HV in their figures.
      • this might be a misunderstanding that just needs clarification: CIRCScores provide a measure of CircRNA reads over their linear counterparts: during host shutoff, the linear counterpart would likely decrease and therefore the CIRCscore would artificially go up. So the fact that the CIRCscore remains constant over lytic reactivation in KSHV and MHV68, wouldn't that indicate that instead the CircRNA level go down?
      • what happens to circRNAs in HCMV infection as they do not encode an endoRNase?
      • line 238: the authors should discuss why CpG and poly I:C treatment largely failed to induce expression of CircRELL1
      • line 289: if CircRELL1 is induced in response to infection, it could be interesting to induce its expression after infection (maybe a DOX-inducible promoter on the lentivirus) instead of prior to infection (which might hinder infection and hide more significant effects later).
      • line 329: the authors mention that the mRNA targets of SOX carry a "degenerate motif": do the circRNA downregulated during KSHV infection contain such motif?

      Minor comments:

      • figure 3B should show p-values
      • figure 3B: showing expression levels of the endoRNases could provide some context for the extent of their effect
      • I would refrain from using sentences referring to phenotype "trending upward" which basically reflects that the results are not significant in either upward or downward direction.


      CircRNAs are only beginning to emerge as important regulators of gene expression in cells. Only recent developments in sequencing technology have allowed scientists to even detect the presence of these small RNA. Their roles and mechanism of induction remain largely uncharacterized, let alone in the context of viral infection. This team has pioneered the exploration of CircRNA in KSHV and is now poised to extend their findings to other members of the herpesvirus family. This study will be of interest to a broad audience, both virologist looking to better understand the viral-host battle during infection and RNA biologists seeking to better characterize how gene expression can be controlled with circRNA. There is also major therapeutic potential with these types of approaches.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Dremel et al reports on IFN-induced circRNAs that are produced in response to herpesviral infections and that are resistant to virus-mediated degradation (e.g. host shut-off). They provide a wealth of interesting data on circRNA production changes in response to infection with alpha, beta, and gamma herpesviruses and identify a number of host circRNAs that are commonly regulated across all subfamilies. Using circRELL1 as an example, they demonstrate a modest impact on productive HSV-1 infections (which follows up on their previous report of circRELL1 impacting KSHV lytic infection). They subsequently propose a new model in which a subset of IFN-stimulated genes produce both mRNAs and circRNAs with the potential for antiviral activity, the latter operating as a 'workaround' for avoiding virus-mediated shutoff.

      Major Comments

      • Line 146: The authors extended their analysis to HSV-1 latently infected mouse trigeminal ganglia but potentially missed a trick but not including an analysis of HSV-1/VZV infected human trigeminal ganglia for which potentially compatible datasets are available (PMID: 29563516).
      • Line 264: The authors note that a direct relationship in gene expression changes was observed between some circRNAs and mRNAs and not others. However, a gene level analysis may be problematic here as many genes encode multiple distinct transcript isoforms that are variably regulated e.g. during infection. A transcript level analysis (e.g. using Kallisto/Salmon) might enable the authors to specifically link circRNAs with individual mRNA isoforms which would be valuable information in the context of interferon-driven gene expression. Alternatively, the lack of a direct relationship in gene expression changes may also link to variability in circRNA decay / halflives. The authors could potentially solve this using a metabolic labelling approach to measure mRNA and circRNA decay rates for a subset of the genes of interest.
      • Line 273: The weak element in the paper relates to the role of circRELL1 in restricting HSV-1 productive infections. The effects observed are modest at best and the biological impact appears limited. It is also entirely unclear how circRELL1 might act to restrict HSV-1. The paper would significantly benefit from the authors extending their analysis to include 2-3 additional circRNAs that are commonly regulated by herpesviruses to determine (i) whether similar effects are observed and (iii) to determine whether a compound effect can be achieved by targeted silencing of multiple IFN-responsive circRNAs at the same time.

      Minor comments

      • Line 55: To this reviewers knowledge, only eight routinely infect humans (HSV1, HSV2, VZV, HCMV, HHV6, HHV7, EBV, and KSHV. It's possible the authors are considering HHV6A and HHV6B as distinct but this is not really the case.
      • Line 57: As written it implies that therapeutic agents capable of clearing VZV exist which is not really the case.
      • Line 132: The authors inclusion of previously published data (e.g. HCMV) along with reams of their own makes for a compelling analysis.
      • Line 582: A number of the sequencing datasets are not yet publicly available. This should be rectified before publication.


      It is clear that a lot of work has gone into this manuscript and there a reams of data that will provide a great resource for mining to the wider herpesvirus community. While this naturally leads to a more descriptive nature, it does not undermine the value of the data. However, as indicated below, more functional validation is required if this work is to provide a significant step forward in our understanding of how and why IFN-induced circRNAs might be important for combating viral infections.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We have thoroughly revised the manuscript, taking into account all comments from all four reviewers. We have added new data (Supplemental Figure 2 and Supplemental Figure 4) in response to these comments.

      Reviewer 1

      The assessment of data reproducibility is currently uncertain due to the absence of replication and statistical analysis in the dataset. It is essential to provide explicit information regarding sample sizes or replicates for all data and figures, data should be presented as mean +/- SD/SEM, and the interpretation of results should be grounded in rigorous statistical analysis. The lack of experimental replicates and statistical analysis in most of the figures presented raises major concerns regarding the validity of the result.

      We have now added error bars for the graphs in Figure 3D, E, F, G, H; Figure 4 D, F, G, H, I, J; Figure 5 B, C, D, E, F, G; and Figure 6B, C, D. All GTPase assays have repeated three times. The mean ± S.D. (n = 3) is plotted for each condition. For high-speed pelleting assays, all assays have been conducted three times, and a representative assay is shown.

      Why was only one of the MiD proteins, specifically MiD49, studied, while MiD51 was not includedin the investigation?

      This is an excellent point. In our previous work (doi:10.1101/2023.07.31.551267), we found that MiD49 and MiD51 were strikingly similar in their abilities to activate Drp1 after their own activation with fatty acyl-CoA. We feel that the demonstration here with MiD49 suggests that a similar effect would occur with MiD51. Due to time constraints for the lead author, preparing more MiD51 protein was out of the scope of what could be done. We now add a line in the Discussion that results for MiD51 may be different.

      The author suggestion of Drp1 phosphorylation, based on the mobility of protein observed in SDS-PAGE gel (fig 4A, 5A, 6A), is not a sufficiently valid assessment. While western blot analysis is a valid method to assess Drp1 phosphorylation, it is essential to include replicates for semi-quantitation and demonstrate the reproducibility of the results. Moreover, it is recommended to incorporate Western blot analyses to provide additional support for the findings presented in Figures 5 and 6.

      • We agree with the reviewer that additional information on the phosphorylation state of these proteins should be provided. We now include phospho-proteomic analysis for Erk2 phosphorylation of WT Drp1 and Drp1-S600D (Supplemental Table 1), showing that S579 is by far the predominant phosphorylation site. For WT Drp1, three lines of evidence now suggest efficient Erk2 phosphorylation of S579:
      • Western blot using anti-phosphoS579
      • Phosphoproteomic analysis
      • Gel shift

      For the Drp1-S600D phosphorylation, we have phosphoproteomic and gel shift analysis. For isoform 6, we regrettably only have gel shift. However, given the fact that the effect of Erk2 treatment on actin-stimulated GTPase activity mimics what we found for WT-Drp1 and for Drp1-phosphoS579/S600D, we think it is highly likely that the equivalent phosphorylation (S629 in this case) has been affected.

      Data on phosphorylated peptides with replicates experiments should be presented.

      We now present these data, which have been significantly expanded since the initial submission (new Supplemental Table 1). While non-phophorylated S579 is still detected in both the WT and S600D phosphorylation reactions, the phosphorylated peptide is 2.2 and 2.3-fold more abundant, respectively. Our conclusion is that Erk2 efficiently phosphorylates S579, although stoichiometric phosphorylation was not obtained here. We have added statements in the relevant sections of the Result, and in the Methods. We have also added Supplemental Table 1 to show the spectral counts obtained from phospho-proteomic analysis, and have deposited the raw data files with the PRIDE consortium (access information in the Methods).

      Please provide additional context or specific details about the GFP-tagged Drp1 protein, such as the protein site where GFP was attached, as well as whether this tag could potentially impact the Drp1 GTPase activity and oligomerization. Figure 7C and D appear to suggest an increase in the GTPase activity of the GFP-Drp1 protein.

      We have now added these details to the Methods section, and have also added the complete amino acid sequence for the final purified construct in Supplemental Figure 4. We have also added that a previous study (PMID: 32901052) found that inclusion of GFP strongly inhibited Drp1 GTPase activity. We do not observe this effect here or in a previous study (PMID: 27559132), and provide possible reasons for this difference in the Methods. The reviewer points out that the activity of GFP-Drp1 appears higher than that of un-tagged Drp1 (comparing 7C with 7D). We find that the GTPase activity of Drp1 alone varies between 1 and 2 uM/min/uM protein depending on the preparation. This variation occurs for both untagged and GFP-tagged Drp1. This difference in basal activity from prep-to-prep might relate to differences between protein preparations, or exact amount of time required to freeze the aliquots of purified protein (we freeze small aliquots ( An optional experiment that would significantly enhance the biological relevance of the findings presented in the current study is to assess the morphology of mitochondria in cells expressing the phospho-mimetic mutant Drp1 proteins. This experiment would provide valuable insights into the functional consequences of Drp1 S579 and S600 phosphorylation on mitochondrial structure and dynamics.

      We fully agree that these would be valuable experiments. The issue is that a large number of experiments using phospho-mimetic mutants in cells have already been conducted, with varying results (Taguchi et al., 2007; Qi et al., 2011; Yu et al., 2011; Strack et al., 2013; Kashatus et al., 2015; Serasinghe et al., 2015; Xu et al., 2016; Brand et al., 2018; Han et al., 2020, Chang and Blackstone, 2007; Cribbs and Strack, 2007; Cereghetti et al., 2008; Wikstrom et al., 2013, Han et al., 2008,Wang et al., 2012 Jhun BS, Sheu, 2018, J Physiol). To conduct more targeted tests examining specific forms of Drp1 activation in cells (for example, through Mff, MiD proteins, actin, or cardiolipin) will require extensive work that is outside the scope here. Our feeling is that S579 phosphorylation is likely to recruit another molecule (probably a protein) that has an activating effect. We tried to test one possibility (NME3, mentioned in the Discussion) but failed to produce useable NME3 protein for these tests and, given time constraints for the lead author, could not address this further.

      Provide reference for method on actin polymerization.

      We have now added a reference in the ‘Actin preparation for biochemical assays’ section of the Methods (PMID 16472659).

      Rectify the error in referencing figure 3 panels within the figure legends of Supplemental Fig S1.

      Thank you, we have changed this.

      The inclusion of full length isoform 6 is commendable. However, there is no mentioned of isoform6 in the method section.

      Thank you for pointing this out. We have added description of the construct and referenced our previous paper that used it.

      Since papers deposited in bioRxiv have not undergone peer review, reference #7 should not becited as references in scholarly work.

      Reference 7 has so far been reviewed by a peer-review journal. e are addressing reviewers’ concerns and will re-submit soon. We do not know how to rectify the issue of referencing this work, because it describes an extensive amount of groundwork for the MiD proteins. Our hope is that this work will be in press by the time the work reviewed here is ready for publication.

      Please provide details about the calculation of GTPase activity and the distinctions between the specific GTPase activity and total GTPase activity shown in figure 8D-F.

      We now describe these calculations in the “GTPase assay” section of the Methods.

      Reviewer 2

      Overall, the experiments described here are carried out with rigor and the conclusions drawn are of significance to understanding how phosphorylation regulates Drp1 functions.

      Thank you for these kind comments!

      Phosphorylation of both the serine residues appears to elicit a common effect in that they inhibitDrp1's stimulated GTPase activity. This would suggest that phosphorylation affects Drp1's self-assembly as tightly packed helical scaffolds. Instead of sedimentation analysis, an EM analysis of helical scaffolds on cardiolipin-containing membrane nanotubes or in the presence of soluble adaptors causing Drp1 to form filaments would provide a direct readout for defects in self-assembly.

      This is an excellent point, and we would love to conduct this work. Given our current EM infrastructure and expertise, these experiments would take extensive time for us to do. We do have a collaborator who could carry these out, but feel that the time it would take even for them to do this correctly is beyond that which we have (the lead author is transitioning to their next career phase). We have added the point that further EM studies of this type are necessary to test the effect on Drp1 assembly more directly.

      I am not sure of the rationale for experiments reported in Fig. 7 and 8. If the idea was to test if hetero oligomerization with WT Drp1 rescues defects associated with phosphorylated Drp1 then this could be stated explicitly in the manuscript. GFP-Drp1 is used as a WT mimic but a previous report (PMID: 30531964) indicates that this construct is severely defective in stimulated GTPase assays, much like the K38A mutant. But the rationale of using these constructs is not quite apparent. Is the intention to test if defects seen in the phospho-mimetic mutants of Drp1 can be rescued by the presence of a 'seed' of WT Drp1. If so, then this could be stated explicitly in the manuscript. But regardless, I am not quite sure what this data set achieves in terms of addressing mechanism.

      We apologize for not being clearer in our explanation of these experiments. Our goal was to test the effects of partial Drp1 phosphorylation on overall Drp1 activity, which likely mimics more accurately the cellular situation (wherein only a portion of the Drp1 population is likely to be phosphorylated even upon kinase activation). We now discuss these experiments in a clearer manner. For the GFP-Drp1, we do not observe the effect on GTPase activity shown in that previous manuscript by another laboratory, either here or in previous studies (eg, PMID: 27559132). In the Methods, we now provide a discussion of these differences and possible reasons for them, as well as providing the complete amino acid sequence of our GFP-fusion construct in Supplemental Figure 4.

      Finally, it would have been nice to see if the phospho-mimetic mutants of Drp1 produce the same effects on mitochondrial structure as those reported earlier. Reanalyzing their effects in a cellular assay becomes important because it would consolidate this work for the readers to evaluate the'true' effects of phosphorylation on Drp1 functions. If the phospho-mimetic mutants fare in a manner like those previously reported, then it signifies that stimulation in GTPase activity is not a readout that directly correlates with Drp1 functions. If not, then the results presented here would establish a comprehensive analysis of in vitro biochemical activities and in vivo functions of the phospho-mimetic mutants.

      We fully agree that these would be valuable experiments. The issue is that a large number of experiments using phospho-mimetic mutants in cells have already been conducted, with varying results (Taguchi et al., 2007; Qi et al., 2011; Yu et al., 2011; Strack et al., 2013; Kashatus et al., 2015; Serasinghe et al., 2015; Xu et al., 2016; Brand et al., 2018; Han et al., 2020, Chang and Blackstone, 2007; Cribbs and Strack, 2007; Cereghetti et al., 2008; Wikstrom et al., 2013, Han et al., 2008,Wang et al., 2012 Jhun BS, Sheu, 2018, J Physiol). To conduct more targeted tests examining specific forms of Drp1 activation in cells (for example, through Mff, MiD proteins, actin, or cardiolipin) will require extensive work that is outside the scope here. Our feeling is that S579 phosphorylation is likely to recruit another molecule (probably a protein) that has an activating effect. We tried to test one possibility (NME3, mentioned in the Discussion) but failed to produce useable NME3 protein for these tests and, given time constraints for the lead author, could not address this further.

      Previous work reports that the effect of actin on the GTPase activity of Drp1 is biphasic but the binding to actin is not. This is quite confounding, and the authors could perhaps explain why this is the case.

      The reviewer makes an excellent point, which we now explain further in the manuscript. We have also discussed this in doi:10.1101/2023.07.31.551267 (see Figure 2D in that work). Our interpretation is that it is the density of Drp1 bound to the actin that provides the activation, by positioning the GTPase domains in close proximity. As the amount of actin increases, the Drp1 becomes more dispersed on the filaments, and activation decreases. We observe the same effect for MiD49 and MiD51 oligomers (see the above-mentioned reference).

      The manuscript cites PMID: 23798729 for expression analysis of slice variants but PMID:29853636 provides a more compressive analysis. The authors could cite this work.

      Thank you for this reference. We were unaware of it, but are very glad to know of it now. We now include this reference. In particular, in the legend to Figure 1C (table of splice variants), we now state that this table is for human Drp1, and that additional splice variants have been identified for murine Drp1 (PMID 29853636).

      Reviewer 3

      The splendid results of the manuscript willbe interesting to the researchers in the related fields.

      Thank you for this nice comment!

      The manuscript provided well-organized biochemistry results for comparisons between phosphorylation of Drp1 S579 and S600. It is the reviewer's comments that the authors may include experiments that manipulate Drp1 phosphorylation at different amino acids in cells. Such experiments will provide strong support for this manuscript.

      • We fully agree that these would be valuable experiments. The issue is that a large number of experiments using phospho-mimetic mutants in cells have already been conducted (Taguchi et al., 2007; Qi et al., 2011; Yu et al., 2011; Strack et al., 2013; Kashatus et al., 2015; Serasinghe et al., 2015; Xu et al., 2016; Brand et al., 2018; Han et al., 2020, Chang and Blackstone, 2007; Cribbs and Strack, 2007; Cereghetti et al., 2008; Wikstrom et al., 2013, Han et al., 2008,Wang et al., 2012 Jhun BS, Sheu, 2018, J Physiol). To conduct more targeted tests examining specific forms of Drp1 activation in cells (for example, through Mff, MiD proteins, actin, or cardiolipin) will require extensive work that is outside the scope here. Our feeling is that S579 phosphorylation is likely to recruit another molecule (probably a protein) that has an activating effect. We tried to test one possibility (NME3, mentioned in the Discussion) but failed to produce useable NME3 protein for these tests and, given time constraints for the lead author, could not address this further.

        The authors discussed the known factors that involved in Drp1 activation, such as its receptors, actin and cardiolipin. Recent JCB paper (J. Cell Biol. 2023 Vol. 222 No. 10 e202303147) indicates that intermembrane space protein Mdi1/Atg44 may play a role in coordinating mitochondria fission with Dnm1 (Drp1 in yeast cells). It will be valuable if the manuscript could also discuss the potential factor.

      • Thank you for this comment. We now include Mdi1/Atg44 as a possible factor that might be influenced by Drp1 phosphorylation. Two points we would like to make here are: there doesn’t seem to be an Mdi1 homologue in mammals, so the equivalent factor must be identified before testing; and Mdi1 is an inter-membrane space protein, so any effect of Drp1 phosphorylation on coordinated functioning with Mdi1 would either require an intermediary factor or exposure of the IMS in some way.

        Keywords cannot represent the manuscript. It is recommended that the authors use other words to for the current manuscript.

      We have removed K38A from this list. The other key words are not mentioned in the Abstract.

      Reviewer 4

      The authors showed that the binding of Drp1 to actin depends on salt concentrations (Fig. 2Band C). In the presence of 65 mM NaCl, the phosphomimetic mutants showed decreased binding to actin. The GTPase assay is performed with 65 mM KCl, in which actin did not stimulate GTP hydrolysis of the phosphomimetic mutants. In contrast, with 140 mM NaCl, the S579D Drp1 exhibits slightly enhanced actin binding compared to WT Drp1. Could the authors assess the actin-activated GTPase activity in the 140 mM salt condition to test if actin activates GTP hydrolysis ofS579D Drp1 more potently than WT?

      This is a good point by the reviewer. However, with limited time for the first author, we chose to focus on the reviewer’s other comments (see below).

      Both phosphomimetic mutants show reduced activation for GTP hydrolysis in the presence of cardiolipin, Mff, and MiD49. Is this because the mutants have a lower affinity for these interactors? Or do they bind with the same affinity but experience diminished activation? The data suggests the latter scenario, potentially resulting from decreased oligomerization properties. Can the authors provide more insights on this, for example, by measuring their interaction in the presence of GMP- PCP, which fully induces oligomerization in all three forms of Drp1?

      • These are interesting ideas, and we conducted experiments similar to what the reviewer described: co-sedimentation experiments with combinations of Drp1 and Mff under three nucleotide states: no nucleotide, GMP-PCP, and GTP. We used Mff for these experiments because we have this protein in abundance, and have previously characterized this construct as a trimer in PMID 34347505. We use a high concentration of Mff (50 mM) versus Drp1 (1.3 mM) because of the relatively low affinity between the two proteins (shown in PMID 34347505). We find the following:
      • In the absence of nucleotide, Mff does not cause an increase in pelletable Drp1 for any of the Drp1 constructs.
      • In the GTP state, the presence of Mff greatly increases the amount of Drp1 in the pellet, suggestive of increased Drp1 oligomerization. This effect occurs for all Drp1 constructs (WT, S579D and S600D mutants), but the amounts of both Drp1 and Mff in the pellets are about 50% less for both mutants than for the WT construct. This result suggests a decrease in oligomerization for the mutants, but not necessarily a decrease in Mff binding.

      I'm curious what happens to oligomerization if GTP is added instead of nonhydrolyzable GMP-PCP (Fig. 1D). Does this lead to higher oligomerization in the mutants compared to WT since the mutants seem to have lower GTPase activity? This might explain why phosphorylation increases mitochondrial localization of Drp1 in cells seen in some studies.

      This is another interesting thought, and we describe the new experiments we conducted in the response to the previous comment. Essentially, while GTP does cause a slight increase in pelletable Drp1, the increase is somewhat similar for all constructs. As described in the last comment, the addition of Mff causes a substantial increase in pelletable Drp1 for both WT and the mutants. This result suggests that, while the basal oligomeric state of Drp1 (in the absence of nucleotide) is reduced for the mutants (our original analytical ultracentrifugation data), the mutants appear to be capable of responding to GTP and Mff in a similar manner to WT. We acknowledge that the assay used here (pelleting) lacks the precision required to draw detailed conclusions on oligomerization or interaction with Mff, and we try to reflect this in our discussion of the data. We do feel, however, that these data are useful to report, in guiding future study.

      Please include the number of experimental repeats and error bars where applicable.

      We have now added number of experimental repeats and error bars for the graphs in Figure 3D, E, F, G, H; Figure 4 D, F, G, H, I, J; Figure 5 B, C, D, E, F, G; and Figure 6B, C, D.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      During mitochondrial division, a mechanochemical GTPase, Drp1, interacts with its receptor proteins, phospholipids, and the actin cytoskeleton. These interactions regulate the mitochondrial recruitment of Drp1 and its activities, including oligomerization and GTP hydrolysis. Drp1 undergoes serine phosphorylation at two primary sites (S579 and S600 in human isoform 3). It has been suggested that S579 phosphorylation activates Drp1, while S600 phosphorylation inhibits Drp1. However, the biochemical effects of these phosphorylations on Drp1's activity are mostly unexplored. The current study by Liu et al. addresses this crucial question in extensive biochemical assays using recombinant proteins. First, the authors showed that phosphomimetic Drp1 mutations (S579D or S600D) have a reduced ability to oligomerize. Second, both mutants exhibited decreases in their activation for GTP hydrolysis by actin, and concurrently, they demonstrated reduced binding to actin. Third, the Drp1 phosphomimetic mutants showed decreased activation for GTP hydrolysis by cardiolipin and two receptor proteins, Mff and MiD49. This reduction was also evident when Mff was combined with actin. The authors confirmed these results by phosphorylating WT Drp1 at S579 in vitro using the protein kinase Erk2. The effects of phosphorylation seem consistent across Drp1 isoforms with different alternative exons.

      Specific comments

      1. The authors showed that the binding of Drp1 to actin depends on salt concentrations (Fig. 2B and C). In the presence of 65 mM NaCl, the phosphomimetic mutants showed decreased binding to actin. The GTPase assay is performed with 65 mM KCl, in which actin did not stimulate GTP hydrolysis of the phosphomimetic mutants. In contrast, with 140 mM NaCl, the S579D Drp1 exhibits slightly enhanced actin binding compared to WT Drp1. Could the authors assess the actin-activated GTPase activity in the 140 mM salt condition to test if actin activates GTP hydrolysis of S579D Drp1 more potently than WT?
      2. Both phosphomimetic mutants show reduced activation for GTP hydrolysis in the presence of cardiolipin, Mff, and MiD49. Is this because the mutants have a lower affinity for these interactors? Or do they bind with the same affinity but experience diminished activation? The data suggests the latter scenario, potentially resulting from decreased oligomerization properties. Can the authors provide more insights on this, for example, by measuring their interaction in the presence of GMP-PCP, which fully induces oligomerization in all three forms of Drp1?
      3. I'm curious what happens to oligomerization if GTP is added instead of nonhydrolyzable GMP-PCP (Fig. 1D). Does this lead to higher oligomerization in the mutants compared to WT since the mutants seem to have lower GTPase activity? This might explain why phosphorylation increases mitochondrial localization of Drp1 in cells seen in some studies.
      4. Please include the number of experimental repeats and error bars where applicable.


      Overall, the current study provides a comprehensive set of biochemical data for the role of Drp1 phosphorylation using cutting-edge in vitro assays. One might expect that S579 phosphorylation would enhance some of Drp1's action while S600 phosphorylation would show the opposite impact. Unexpectedly and interestingly, the authors found that both phosphorylations decrease Drp1's activities. Therefore, this work significantly advances our mechanistic understanding of mitochondrial division.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript aimed to clarify the effects of Drp1 phosphorylation on its activation under different factors, such as receptors, actin and cardiolipin. The manuscript performed experiments with purified proteins to examine the correlation of protein-protein interactions and enzymatic activity. The authors specifically focused on the phosphorylation of s S579 and S600 of Drp1 isoform 3, which is the most abundant in HeLa, HL60 and PC12 cells. The results demonstrated the difference of post-translational modification on S579 and S600. The manuscript went further to suggest that additional factors may exist for the Drp1 activation by S579 phosphorylation.

      Major Concerns

      1. The manuscript provided well-organized biochemistry results for comparisons between phosphorylation of Drp1 S579 and S600. It is the reviewer's comments that the authors may include experiments that manipulate Drp1 phosphorylation at different amino acids in cells. Such experiments will provide strong support for this manuscript.
      2. The authors discussed the known factors that involved in Drp1 activation, such as its receptors, actin and cardiolipin. Recent JCB paper (J. Cell Biol. 2023 Vol. 222 No. 10 e202303147) indicates that intermembrane space protein Mdi1/Atg44 may play a role in coordinating mitochondria fission with Dnm1 (Drp1 in yeast cells). It will be valuable if the manuscript could also discuss the potential factor.

      Minor Concerns

      Keywords cannot represent the manuscript. It is recommended that the authors use other words to for the current manuscript.


      The authors provided a model for Drp1 catalytic activity. The splendid results of the manuscript will be interesting to the researchers in the related fields.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The results presented here indicate that phosphorylation of either serine residue negatively affects Drp1's tendency to oligomerize and substantially reduces stimulation of its GTPase activity in the presence of actin, adaptor proteins and cardiolipin-containing vesicles.

      Overall, the experiments described here are carried out with rigor and the conclusions drawn are of significance to understanding how phosphorylation regulates Drp1 functions.

      Major Comments:

      1. Phosphorylation of both the serine residues appears to elicit a common effect in that they inhibit Drp1's stimulated GTPase activity. This would suggest that phosphorylation affects Drp1's self-assembly as tightly packed helical scaffolds. Instead of sedimentation analysis, an EM analysis of helical scaffolds on cardiolipin-containing membrane nanotubes or in the presence of soluble adaptors causing Drp1 to form filaments would provide a direct readout for defects in self-assembly.
      2. I am not sure of the rationale for experiments reported in Fig. 7 and 8. If the idea was to test if hetero oligomerization with WT Drp1 rescues defects associated with phosphorylated Drp1 then this could be stated explicitly in the manuscript. GFP-Drp1 is used as a WT mimic but a previous report (PMID: 30531964) indicates that this construct is severely defective in stimulated GTPase assays, much like the K38A mutant. But the rationale of using these constructs is not quite apparent. Is the intention to test if defects seen in the phospho-mimetic mutants of Drp1 can be rescued by the presence of a 'seed' of WT Drp1. If so, then this could be stated explicitly in the manuscript. But regardless, I am not quite sure what this data set achieves in terms of addressing mechanism.
      3. Finally, it would have been nice to see if the phospho-mimetic mutants of Drp1 produce the same effects on mitochondrial structure as those reported earlier. Reanalyzing their effects in a cellular assay becomes important because it would consolidate this work for the readers to evaluate the 'true' effects of phosphorylation on Drp1 functions. If the phospho-mimetic mutants fare in a manner like those previously reported, then it signifies that stimulation in GTPase activity is not a readout that directly correlates with Drp1 functions. If not, then the results presented here would establish a comprehensive analysis of in vitro biochemical activities and in vivo functions of the phospho-mimetic mutants.

      Minor comments:

      1. Previous work reports that the effect of actin on the GTPase activity of Drp1 is biphasic but the binding to actin is not. This is quite confounding, and the authors could perhaps explain why this is the case.
      2. The manuscript cites PMID: 23798729 for expression analysis of slice variants but PMID: 29853636 provides a more compressive analysis. The authors could cite this work.


      This manuscript reports an extensive and systematic evaluation of the effects of serine phosphorylation on Drp1's GTPase activity in the presence of actin, adaptor proteins and cardiolipin-containing vesicles. Drp1 is predominantly phosphorylated at two sites, S579 and S600 (numbering based on isoform 1). A large body of literature indicates that phosphorylation at S579 activates Drp1 functions while phosphorylation at S600 inhibits Drp1 functions. But as the authors point out, the effects of phosphorylation on the biochemical functions of Drp1 have not been reported, which is what the present manuscript does.

    5. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The present study aims to delineate the effect of S579 and S600 phosphorylation on Drp1 oligomerisation and GTPase activity. Using phospho-mimetic mutant Drp1 proteins, in conjunction with GTPase activity and phosphorylation assays, as well as size exclusion chromatography, the authors conclude that phosphorylation of residue S579 does not activate Drp1 directly. Notably, the authors did not perform cell-based assays to assess mitochondrial fission. The abstract concludes by stating, "our results suggest that nearest neighbour interactions within the Drp1 oligomer affect catalytic activity". However, this assertion appears to lack clarity and direct support from the presented results. Further clarification or evidence linking the observed data to this conclusion would enhance the overall comprehensibility and validity of the study's findings.

      Major comments

      • The assessment of data reproducibility is currently uncertain due to the absence of replication and statistical analysis in the dataset. It is essential to provide explicit information regarding sample sizes or replicates for all data and figures, data should be presented as mean +/- SD/SEM, and the interpretation of results should be grounded in rigorous statistical analysis. The lack of experimental replicates and statistical analysis in most of the figures presented raises major concerns regarding the validity of the result.
      • Why was only one of the MiD proteins, specifically MiD49, studied, while MiD51 was not included in the investigation?
      • The author suggestion of Drp1 phosphorylation, based on the mobility of protein observed in SDS-PAGE gel (fig 4A, 5A, 6A), is not a sufficiently valid assessment. While western blot analysis is a valid method to assess Drp1 phosphorylation, it is essential to include replicates for semi-quantitation and demonstrate the reproducibility of the results. Moreover, it is recommended to incorporate Western blot analyses to provide additional support for the findings presented in Figures 5 and 6.
      • Data on phosphorylated peptides with replicates experiments should be presented.
      • Please provide additional context or specific details about the GFP-tagged Drp1 protein, such as the protein site where GFP was attached, as well as whether this tag could potentially impact the Drp1 GTPase activity and oligomerisation. Figure 7C and D appear to suggest an increase in the GTPase activity of the GFP-Drp1 protein.
      • An optional experiment that would significantly enhance the biological relevance of the findings presented in the current study is to assess the morphology of mitochondria in cells expressing the phospho-mimetic mutant Drp1 proteins. This experiment would provide valuable insights into the functional consequences of Drp1 S579 and S600 phosphorylation on mitochondrial structure and dynamics.

      Minor comments

      • Provide reference for method on actin polymerisation.
      • Rectify the error in referencing figure 3 panels within the figure legends of Supplemental Fig S1.
      • The inclusion of full length isoform 6 is commendable. However, there is no mentioned of isoform 6 in the method section.
      • Since papers deposited in bioRxiv have not undergone peer review, reference #7 should not be cited as references in scholarly work.
      • Please provide details about the calculation of GTPase activity and the distinctions between the specific GTPase activity and total GTPase activity shown in figure 8D-F.


      The current investigation holds promise for advancing our understanding of the impact of post-translational modifications, specifically those occurring at the S579 and S600 sites, on Drp1 activity. Nevertheless, the absence of experimental replication and comprehensive statistical analysis introduces notable concerns regarding the credibility and replicability of the findings.

      Audience: Basic research that focus on mitochondrial morphology and Drp1 biology.

      I lack expertise in velocity analytical ultracentrifugation and, as a result, am unable to provide an assessment regarding the validity and accuracy of the assay.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Replies to Reviewers

      Thank you for inviting us to submit our revised manuscript titled, “Diffusive mediator feedbacks control the health-to-disease transition of skin inflammation.” We appreciate the time and effort the editor and each of the reviewers have dedicated to providing insightful feedback on ways to strengthen our manuscript. The revisions in the main text in response to the detailed comments are highlighted in red and were proofread by professional English editors. We hope that our revision and responses address all the concerns raised by the reviewer, and we look forward to hearing from you regarding this submission.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript provides a model of interacting populations of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators to explain spatial patterns associated with various inflammatory conditions. The work is robust and articulated well, and is certainly scientifically relevant.

      Authors: Thank you for your positive evaluation and many insightful comments on our manuscript. We have incorporated your feedback, and hope that our revisions satisfy all the comments.

      Minor amendments:

      Personally, I feel that the model should be reported prior to the results, as the choice of model is likely to have great significance on the observations. It would be preferable for the reader to have a clear picture of the governing equations in their mind as they digest the results.

      Au: Following this reviewer's suggestion, we have relocated the Method section including the model description to be written prior to the Result section (p.9-14 lines 152-232; revised manuscript).

      The literature review is largely relatively thorough; however, I think it is important that the previous works of Joanne Dunster (University of Reading) and collaborators are included, as these are very closely related to this work. In particular, the authors should note the following two papers, which take a spatial approach:

      • Bayani, A., Dunster, J.L., Crofts, J.J. et al. Mechanisms and Points of Control in the Spread of Inflammation: A Mathematical Investigation. Bull Math Biol 82, 45 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11538-020-00709-y

      • Bayani A, Dunster JL, Crofts JJ, Nelson MR (2020) Spatial considerations in the resolution of inflammation: Elucidating leukocyte interactions via an experimentally-calibrated agent-based model. PLoS Comput Biol 16(11): e1008413. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008413

      Au: We have incorporated this comment by adding the two suggested papers to the relevant sentences in the literature review (p.6 line 118-119; revised manuscript) as follows: “Previous reaction-diffusion models, including chemotactic cells, have reproduced the resolution of inflammation in the lung [Bayani et al. 2020a, Bayani et al. 2020b]”

      One key point that should be mentioned in the discussion is that the model neglects any immune cells (e.g. neutrophils, macrophages) which contribute greatly to the inflammatory condition. Since these cells are motile, and also can contribute both pro- and anti-inflammatory effects, they are likely to influence spatial patterns significantly. It is not necessarily a problem that these aren't included in the model, but I feel that it is important that their omission be discussed in the manuscript.

      Au: We have now discussed the immune cells in the “Future implications” as the reviewer suggested (p.29 line 477-483; revised manuscript) as follows: “This is probably because the present model focuses on the non-chemotactic cells (e.g., including keratinocytes), whereas chemotactic cells (e.g., macrophages and neutrophils) also contribute to skin inflammation [Zhang and An 2007, Coondoo 2011]. Moreover, the present model focuses on the innate immune response, whereas the skin initiates an acquired immune response in the persistence of the innate immune response. Therefore, incorporating the chemotactic cells and acquired immune response into the model will reproduce the end of the expansion.”

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript advances our current understanding of spatially spreading inflammation and corresponding patterns, but needs to be contextualized against existing literature as described above.

      This manuscript will appeal to theoreticians (Mathematicians) and clinicians/experimentalists alike.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors propose a minimal mechanistic mathematical model able to reproduce qualitatively different spatial patterns observed in healthy and disease epidermis. The starting point is a systematic review of medical images of different dermatological conditions, which they classify and successfully capture according to the spatial patterns. It is an interesting piece of work, but I consider that it will gain significance if the theoretical results are compared again with the clinical data. Specifically, the authors show a very interesting map between parameter regions and different spatial patterns; this result should be compared back to clinical data, to confirm that specific changes in spatial patterns indeed result from predicted changes in a specific parameter (e.g., due to a genetic condition that affects a feedback strength).

      Authors: We thank you for providing your valuable comments on our manuscript.

      Following your suggestion about the comparison of theoretical results with the clinical data, we have predicted which specific parameters including the feedback strength cause specific transitions of spatial patterns in the respective diseases. The discussion was added on p.26 lines 415-438 in the revised manuscript as follows: “The parameter-to-patterning correspondence (Fig. 4A, B, S2 Fig., and S3 Fig.) allows us to infer the pathogenesis mechanism in various diseases exhibiting each of diverse expanding patterns (seen in Table 2). For instance, psoriasis exhibits all five expanding patterns (Table 2) and increased levels of pro-inflammatory mediator (TNF-α) [Ringham et al. 2019], which is consistent with our theoretical results. The elevated pro-inflammatory mediator in psoriatic skin has been suggested to be caused by genetic mutations affecting regulatory feedback [Valeyev et al. 2010]. Considering these previous studies, our model predicts a psoriasis progression where fading pattern transits to arcuate, polycyclic, gyrate, annular, and circular pattern where increase in the TNF-α level is possibly due to mutation-induced alteration in the feedback parameters, e.g., increase of the production of pro-inflammatory mediator qa (Fig. 4A). Alternatively, Lyme disease exhibits circular, annular, and polycyclic patterns (Table 2). A clinical report showed that patients in Missouri predominantly exhibit an annular pattern without prognostic symptoms, while those in New York tend to exhibit a circular pattern with prognostic symptoms following the same treatment [Wormser et al. 2005]. Considering our theoretical result that the overproduction of pro-inflammatory mediators and the depletion of anti-inflammatory mediators leads to the annular and circular pattern, respectively (Fig 4, 5A, and B), altered levels of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators may significantly impact the development and prognosis of Lyme disease in Missouri and New York patients, respectively.

      These qualitative parameter estimations will be verified in the future through parameter quantification in each diseased skin exhibiting any expanding patterns. By incorporating this quantitative correspondence between patterns and parameters measured in each disease into the present model, we would develop each disease-specific model with a quantitative predictability of how much change of the skin parameters transit from healthy to diseased pattern or vice versa. Therefore, this study provides the first step to controlling the healthy-to-diseased transition of skin inflammation via diffusive mediator feedback.”

      Another shortcoming of this work is that some of the conclusions are rushed: the parameter-to-spatial patterns analysis would strongly benefit from adding a quantitative to the qualitative description, e.g., mapping how changes in a given parameter value results in gradual changes in fading speed. Along the same line, the stability analysis for the different fading pattens was performed only for selected parameter values, it is not clear how variations in parameter values affect the sizes of the basins of attraction of the different steady states; we want to make sure that the parameter values were not cherry-picked. Further, given that the authors show bistability for some parameter values, then the dependency on initial conditions on the final spatial pattern should be more extensively investigated.

      Au: We have incorporated these comments by adding a quantitative description including new results and future research strategies following each of the three constructive suggestions raised by the reviewer.

      First, regarding “the fading speed” the reviewer suggested, fading speed is affected by changes in parameters involved in mediator production. In particular, the speed is reduced by an increase in the production parameters of pro-inflammatory mediators (pa, qa) and a decrease in those of anti-inflammatory mediators (pi, qi) (Fig.2. C and D). Moreover, “the size of the basins” the reviewer pointed out corresponds to the distance between ST (Threshold) and SH (Healthy state) in the cases with excitability. The distance between ST and SH becomes closer indicating the health state being less stable when pro-inflammatory mediators (pa, qa) increase or anti-inflammatory mediators (pi, qi) decrease from the healthy fading pattern. The imbalance of the mediator production transits the fast fading pattern with a small trajectory into a slow fading pattern with a larger trajectory. As imbalance goes on, the expanding pattern appears in the order of arcuate, polycyclic, and gyrate (Fig. 5). In cases with bistability, the size of basins corresponds to the relative distance ST to SH and ST to SI (Inflamed state). The circular and annular patterns appear when the distance between ST and SH is closer. On the other hand, when the distance between ST and SI was closer, the inflamed area shrank rather than expanded. The shrinking pattern appeared by reducing the production of pro-inflammatory mediators (pa, qa) or increasing the production of anti-inflammatory mediators (pi, qi) under conditions of stability. We have added a new figure and described this finding in Results (p.24 lines 384-388; revised manuscript) as follows: “As a result, we found that the distance between the healthy state (SH) and the threshold state (ST, a closer unstable steady state to SH) was the smallest in the gyrate pattern and increased in the order of polycyclic, arcuate, slow fading pattern, and fast fading pattern (Fig. 5C–F, S4 Fig. B and C). The fast fading pattern showed a smaller trajectory (green curve in S4 Fig. B and C) of change in the mediator concentration than the slow fading pattern.”

      Second, regarding “the dependency on initial conditions”, we have further added a new result (p.24 line 374-382; revised manuscript) as follows: “The number of stable states determines the pattern regardless of the initial condition in the spatial distribution of mediator concentration. Similar to the fading pattern (Fig. 2), the arcuate, polycyclic, and gyrate patterns with the excitability appeared reproducibly, independently of the initial conditions due to a single stable state SH (Fig. 5C-F). Even in circular and annular patterns with bistability where the threshold ST was closer to the inflamed state SI than the healthy state SH (Fig. 5A-B), the final spatial pattern was dominated by the SI independently of the initial condition. On the contrary, when ST was closer to the SH than the SI, the inflamed area shrank rather than fading (S4 Fig. A). These results are general outcomes of the traveling wave of bistable systems [Murray 2002], and consistent with the previous theoretical studies on inflammations [Sudo and Fujimoto 2022, Volpert 2009]. ”

      Finally, we have added “a quantitative to the qualitative description as a future research strategy (p.27 line 432-438; revised manuscript) as follows: “These qualitative parameter estimations will be verified in the future through parameter quantification in each diseased skin exhibiting any expanding patterns. By incorporating this quantitative correspondence between patterns and parameters measured in each disease into the present model, we would develop each disease-specific model with a quantitative predictability of how much change of the skin parameters transit from healthy to diseased pattern or vice versa. Therefore, this study provides the first step to controlling the healthy-to-diseased transition of skin inflammation via diffusive mediator feedback.”

      For reproducibility it is essential that the authors add a much more detailed description of the methods, including the software tools / numerical analysis tools used. Making the code publicly available would also be very beneficial to ensure the reproducibility of the results.

      Au: Following your suggestion, we have added a description of the methods, including the simulation code, to the “Methods” (p.13 lines 231-232; revised manuscript) as follows: “A simulation code written in C language is available from GitHub: https://github.com/MakiSudo/Erythema-Patterns/blob/main/AInondim.c.”

      In conclusion, the work is very interesting and worth publishing, but requires (a) to come back to the clinical data for validation of model predictions, (b) a more thorough and quantitative investigation of the effects of parameter variations on model behaviors, (c) a more rigorous and systematic presentation of the methods, (d) carefully explaining how the proposed model is similar / differs to the classical activator -inhibitor model proposed by Turing, and (e) discussing / showing if the fading patterns result from a turning instability.

      Au: For (a) “validation of model predictions,” (b) “model behaviors,” and (c) “a more rigorous and systematic presentation of the methods,” we have reflected your suggestions in the revised manuscript as described above.

      Regarding (d) and (e), we have added an explanation of “how the proposed model is similar/differs to the classical activator–inhibitor model” and “if the fading patterns result from Turing instability” after the model construction in Methods (p.11-12 line 210-216; revised manuscript) as follows: “Reaction terms of this model are similar to the classical activator-inhibitor model proposed by Turing [Turing 1952], which includes the negative feedback of the activator through the inhibitor and the positive feedback of the activator. These reaction terms potentially result in Turing instability. However, the present model setting does not show Turing instability. The reason is that Turing instability requires a large difference between the diffusion coefficients of the activator and inhibitor [Murray 2002], whereas these coefficients in the present model were set to be equal based on molecular findings that these molecular weights are close in proximity [Coondoo 2011]. ”

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree with the comments from Reviewer #1.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The work aims to bridge mathematical modelling to dermatological practice, which is much needed to enable the use of theoretical and computational tools to clinical decision-making. While some mathematical models of skin inflammation have been proposed in the past (refer to papers from the RJ Tanaka group in systems dermatology), most of these do not consider explicitly the spatial component, which is crucial for modelling the clinically visible spatial patterns. Potentially interested audience includes biomathematicians, systems biologists, systems dermatologists, and, if the validation of the model predictions is achieved (as suggested above), also dermatologists.

      I am a systems biologists working on multi-scale mechanistic mathematical modelling of epithelial tissue diseases. The work I just reviewed falls exactly within my area of expertise.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors propose a minimal mechanistic mathematical model able to reproduce qualitatively different spatial patterns observed in healthy and disease epidermis. The starting point is a systematic review of medical images of different dermatological conditions, which they classify and successfully capture according to the spatial patterns. It is an interesting piece of work, but I consider that it will gain significance if the theoretical results are compared again with the clinical data. Specifically, the authors show a very interesting map between parameter regions and different spatial patterns; this result should be compared back to clinical data, to confirm that specific changes in spatial patterns indeed result from predicted changes in a specific parameter (e.g., due to a genetic condition that affects a feedback strength). Another shortcoming of this work is that some of the conclusions are rushed: the parameter-to-spatial patterns analysis would strongly benefit from adding a quantitative to the qualitative description, e.g., mapping how changes in a given parameter value results in gradual changes in fading speed. Along the same line, the stability analysis for the different fading pattens was performed only for selected parameter values, it is not clear how variations in parameter values affect the sizes of the basins of attraction of the different steady states; we want to make sure that the parameter values were not cherry-picked. Further, given that the authors show bistability for some parameter values, then the dependency on initial conditions on the final spatial pattern should be more extensively investigated.

      For reproducibility it is essential that the authors add a much more detailed description of the methods, including the software tools / numerical analysis tools used. Making the code publicly available would also be very beneficial to ensure the reproducibility of the results.

      In conclusion, the work is very interesting and worth publishing, but requires (a) to come back to the clinical data for validation of model predictions, (b) a more thorough and quantitative investigation of the effects of parameter variations on model behaviors, (c) a more rigorous and systematic presentation of the methods, (d) carefully explaining how the proposed model is similar / differs to the classical activator -inhibitor model proposed by Turing, and (e) discussing / showing if the fading patterns result from a turning instability.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with the comments from Reviewer #1.


      The work aims to bridge mathematical modelling to dermatological practice, which is much needed to enable the use of theoretical and computational tools to clinical decision-making. While some mathematical models of skin inflammation have been proposed in the past (refer to papers from the RJ Tanaka group in systems dermatology), most of these do not consider explicitly the spatial component, which is crucial for modelling the clinically visible spatial patterns. Potentially interested audience includes biomathematicians, systems biologists, systems dermatologists, and, if the validation of the model predictions is achieved (as suggested above), also dermatologists.

      I am a systems biologists working on multi-scale mechanistic mathematical modelling of epithelial tissue diseases. The work I just reviewed falls exactly within my area of expertise.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript provides a model of interacting populations of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators to explain spatial patterns associated with various inflammatory conditions. The work is robust and articulated well, and is certainly scientifically relevant.

      Minor amendments:

      Personally, I feel that the model should be reported prior to the results, as the choice of model is likely to have great significance on the observations. It would be preferable for the reader to have a clear picture of the governing equations in their mind as they digest the results.

      The literature review is largely relatively thorough; however, I think it is important that the previous works of Joanne Dunster (University of Reading) and collaborators are included, as these are very closely related to this work. In particular, the authors should note the following two papers, which take a spatial approach:

      • Bayani, A., Dunster, J.L., Crofts, J.J. et al. Mechanisms and Points of Control in the Spread of Inflammation: A Mathematical Investigation. Bull Math Biol 82, 45 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11538-020-00709-y
      • Bayani A, Dunster JL, Crofts JJ, Nelson MR (2020) Spatial considerations in the resolution of inflammation: Elucidating leukocyte interactions via an experimentally-calibrated agent-based model. PLoS Comput Biol 16(11): e1008413. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008413

      One key point that should be mentioned in the discussion is that the model neglects any immune cells (e.g. neutrophils, macrophages) which contribute greatly to the inflammatory condition. Since these cells are motile, and also can contribute both pro- and anti-inflammatory effects, they are likely to influence spatial patterns significantly. It is not necessarily a problem that these aren't included in the model, but I feel that it is important that their omission be discussed in the manuscript.


      The manuscript advances our current understanding of spatially spreading inflammation and corresponding patterns, but needs to be contextulised against existing literature as described above.

      This manuscript will appeal to theoreticians (Mathematicians) and clinicians/experimentalists alike.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements [optional]

      Thank you for the constructive comments and suggestions from the reviewers to further strengthen our manuscript (RC-2023-02156) entitled, “CNTN4 modulates neural elongation through interplay with APP”. In response to the reviewer’s comments, we have outlined the following revision plan. Please find the point-by-point responses to the reviewer comments in red. All the additions and changes in the manuscript are shown as track changes. We trust that the revised manuscript and revision plan will meet the approval of the editor and reviewers. We would also be glad to respond to any further questions and comments that you may have.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Insert here a point-by-point reply that explains what revisions, additional experimentations and analyses are planned to address the points raised by the referees.

      Reviewer 2 6) Figure 8 C-E shows a reduction of APP mRNA in SH-SY5Y knockdown of CNTN4 and a reduction CNTN4 mRNA in SH-SY5Y knockdown for APP. These data suggest might suggest that "interaction between CNTN4 and APP contributes to their gene expression". However, this observation needs to be proved mainly in the CNTN4 and APP KO mice.

      Thank you for your insightful comment. We recognize the importance of validating this observation in CNTN4 and APP knockout mice. In line with your suggestion, we are currently conducting these experiments and plan to incorporate the results into our revised manuscript.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. If no revisions have been carried out yet, please leave this section empty.

      Reviewer #1 Page 12, lines 7-9. The conclusion here is that CNTN4 KO and APP KO phenotypes are different. But a more interesting way to look at it is that the Scholl analysis of dendrites shows that they are almost exactly the reverse of each other with regard to near and distal morphologic differences. That could be interesting. Maybe CNTN4 binding inhibits APP signaling or binding to another partner, or APP binding inhibits CNTN4 signaling or binding to another partner, or both. Then loss of either one would hyper-activate the signal induced by the other and give the observed yin-yang phenotypic relationship. I note that this would not fit with the neuroblastoma phenotypes, which seem to be in the same direction; but a developing brain is different in many ways from a neuroblastoma cell in culture. The Discussion is also somewhat vague about possible interpretations of the two phenotypes in vivo.

      Thank you for your valuable insights. In response to your comments, we have expanded our discussion (line 420) to include the following considerations: “Our hypothesis is that when CNTN4 is deficient there are two possibilities considered, 1) the function to which the binding of CNTN4 to APP contributes is lost, and the ability of CNTN4 to regulate dendritic spine formation diminishes which would cause abnormal neurite outgrowth (Figure 8); 2) the loss of CNTN4 would cause other proteins to alternately bind to the E1 domain of APP and affect neurite outgrowth and arborization. For example, the arborization trends of the near and distal Sholl apical and basal dendrites are the opposite of one another in the Cntn4- and App-deficient mice, respectively. Loss of either CNTN4 or APP may activate these opposing scenarios through inhibition of signaling, binding to another partner or both. However, further studies are needed to understand the interplay.”

      Reviewer #1 Where is APP normally expressed in the developing mouse brain? A few sentences in the introduction or discussion would be helpful. This information was provided for Cntn4 in the introduction.

      Thank you for this suggestion. We have now included important background information on APP expression in the Introduction (line 95): “Osterfield et al. has previously shown a direct binding between CNTN4 and transmembrane amyloid-beta precursor protein (APP). Expression of APP in mice has been observed early in development, and is ubiquitously expressed in adult mice (45).”

      Reviewer #1 Minor grammatical items.

      Page 3, line 6. "Over 1000 genes..."

      Page 4, line 17. "...battery to study Cntn4-deficient mice, which revealed subtle..."

      Page 5. First sentence in the Results section. "the cortical layer thickness is involved in migration" - that phrase needs to be reworked.

      Page 6, line 16. "total numbers of cells or of neurons"

      Page 8, line 12. "maturity morphologies" - that phrase needs to be reworked.

      Page 8, line 16. "In vitro primary cell culturing..." should be "Primary cell culturing...". After all, the only kind of cell culturing is in vitro.

      Thank you for pointing out these grammatical issues. We appreciate your attention to detail and have carefully revised each of the mentioned sections in the manuscript to ensure clarity and accuracy. The corrections have been implemented as follows:

      Page 3, line 6: The phrase "Over 1000 genes..." has been added into line 52

      Page 4, line 17: "...battery to study Cntn4-deficient mice, which revealed subtle..." has been added to line 88

      Page 5, first sentence in the Results section is now “In the cerebral cortex, the cortical layer thickness is related to migration and may be an indicator of neurodevelopment abnormalities.” (line 113)

      Page 6, line 16: "total numbers of cells or of neurons" has been added to line 138

      Page 8, line 12: The term "maturity morphologies" has been replaced by “spine morphologies” in line 183.

      Page 8, line 16: The phrase "In vitro primary cell culturing..." has been replaced by "Primary cell culturing..." (line 188)

      Reviewer #2 1) Figure 1A-E shows the organization of cortical layers in the CNTN4+/- and CNTN4-/- respect to WT mice. Looking at the NeuN staining the images in C show a reduction of the NeuN+ neurons of the upper layer in the CNTN4-/- mice with respect to WT mice, confirmed by the quantification and an increase of the NeuN+ neurons of the lower layer in the CNTN4-/-mice respect to WT mice, not confirmed by the quantification. Or upper layer thickness is reduced and the density of the NeuN+ is not changed. Also, surprisingly the Cux1/NeuN+ neurons are reduced in the CNTN4+/- compared to CNTN4-/- and WT mice, but images for the CNTN4+/- were not shown. These results need to be better clarified.

      Thank you for your insightful comments. We understand the importance of clearly presenting the staining differences among the layers however were faced with limitations due to space constraints in including the Cntn4+/- images initially. In response, we have revised Figure 1 to display the three phenotypes (Cntn4+/+, Cntn4+/-, and Cntn4-/-) side-by-side using smaller images for a more comprehensive comparison. Regarding the quantification presented in Figure 1D and 1E, our analysis indicates that while there is a reduction in the number of NeuN+ neurons in the upper layers of the Cntn4-/- mice, this reduction is not statistically significant when compared to the Cntn4+/+ mice. A similar pattern is observed in the lower layers. However, we did observe a significant reduction in the thickness of the upper layer in the Cntn4-/- mice, which suggests a change in cell density, even though the overall number of cells (DAPI+) remains consistent across phenotypes. This implies a shift in the proportion of cells in the Cntn4-/- mice. We have now clarified this in the results section, emphasizing the change in neuronal proportion rather than density (line 144), to better convey our findings.

      Reviewer #2 2) Figure 3 shows the quantification of dendritic spines but there are no images to support the quantification, in particular, it's unclear how "abnormal spines" were morphologically defined.

      Thank you for your valuable feedback regarding Figure 3. In response to your comment, we have now incorporated representative images of the apical dendritic spines into Figure 3. These images feature white arrows pointing to specific examples of spine morphology, thereby visually supporting our quantification. To further clarify how the dendritic spines were morphologically categorized, we have updated both the Materials and Methods section under 'Golgi Staining' and the legend of Figure 3. Furthermore, we have referenced a pertinent study in the Methods section where similar categorization of spine morphology has been undertaken. This citation provides a methodological context and validation for our approach in spine classification. Additionally, the reader can refer to Figure 3A schematic for examples.

      Reviewer #2 5) Figure 6 shows a nice characterization of dendrite arborizations in the APP-/- mice. However, these results are not really related to the function of CNTN4. Indeed, the minimal alteration in the number of apical dendrite tips that have been described in the APP-/- mice might be due to a function of APP unrelated to the interaction with CNTN4.

      Thank you for highlighting this aspect of our study. We acknowledge that the findings in the APP-/- mice, as presented in Figure 6, might initially seem tangential to the primary focus on CNTN4. However, our intention in examining the App-/- mice was guided by prior studies indicating a potential link between APP and the pyramidal neuron phenotypes observed in cortical neurons. This exploration was aimed at broadening our understanding of APP's role in neuronal development, which, while not exclusively tied to its interaction with CNTN4, is nevertheless relevant to the overarching context of our research. To address your concern and enhance clarity, we have made an explicit statement in the manuscript's discussion section (line 383): “Results in the App-/- mice cannot be attributed solely to any interaction APP may have with CNTN4.”

      Reviewer #2 4) Figures 6 B and C should show the colocalization of CNTN4 with APP, however, it's difficult to see any colocalization with images at this low magnification. Please provide images at higher magnification.

      Thank you for the comment. We have adjusted Figure 6B and 6C to include zoomed in versions of the existing image to highlight regions of colocalization. It should also be noted from the description in the main text results that the expression pattern isn’t just colocalization.

      Reviewer #2 3) The results of Figure 4 do not really provide a significant clue regarding the function of CNTN4 in relation to all the other data presented in this paper. Also, the staining of CNTN4 should be shown.

      Thank you for your feedback regarding Figure 4. We understand your concerns about the relevance of these results to the overall function of CNTN4 as explored in our study. Our objective with Figure 4 was to contrast the effects of CNTN4 overexpression in primary cultured neurons with the phenotypes observed in the CNTN4 knockout detailed elsewhere in the manuscript. This comparison was intended to provide a more comprehensive understanding of CNTN4's role in neuronal development and function. To address your point about the visualization of CNTN4, we have now included more explicit details in the legend of Figure 4 (line 1210). Both the full-length Cntn4 construct and the empty pcDNA3.1 control vector used in our experiments are tagged with GFP.

      Reviewer #1 Page 12, bottom. One would expect that the effect of CRISPR KO would be a complete elimination of the western blot band. It appears from the Figure and text that there is a little bit of residual signal. Could that band simply be cross-reactivity with another protein? Could it be protein contamination from serum? Or is the cell line not clonally pure?

      Thank you for your comment and for pointing out the ambiguity in our manuscript. We have now revised the relevant sections to describe mRNA and protein expression levels more accurately.

      To clarify, in our study, CRISPR knockout effectively eliminated CNTN4 protein expression in the CNTN4 knockout cell line, and similarly, APP protein expression was completely diminished in the APP knockout cell line. This complete reduction aligns with the expected outcomes of successful CRISPR knockout. Furthermore, we observed that the level of CNTN4 protein expression in the APP knockout cell lines showed a reduction of approximately 50%. Similarly, the level of APP protein expression in the CNTN4 knockout cell lines was reduced by about 50%. We believe these findings suggest an interdependent regulatory mechanism between CNTN4 and APP, which we have now elaborated upon in the revised manuscript (line 285).

      Reviewer #2 7) The discussion is too long and needs to be more concise.

      Thank you for your feedback regarding the length of our discussion section. We appreciate your guidance on enhancing the manuscript's clarity and focus. In response to your comment, we have thoroughly reviewed and condensed the discussion. Our aim was to streamline the content without compromising the coverage of our broad study.

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Please include a point-by-point response explaining why some of the requested data or additional analyses might not be necessary or cannot be provided within the scope of a revision. This can be due to time or resource limitations or in case of disagreement about the necessity of such additional data given the scope of the study. Please leave empty if not applicable.

      Reviewer #1 Page 11. It isn't clear whether the binding of a soluble protein ligand to a cell-surface protein is measuring cis or trans binding configurations. It could be either or both, depending on the geometry of the interaction. Demonstrating a bone fide cis interaction is not easy - that requires a FRET experiment with tagged cell-surface proteins or a cryoEM structure.

      Thank you for your insightful suggestion regarding the experimental approach to differentiate between cis and trans binding configurations. We acknowledge the importance of distinguishing these interactions and the potential insights that such experiments, like FRET with tagged proteins or cryoEM structure analysis, could provide. However, after careful consideration, we have concluded that incorporating these specific methodologies would extend beyond the current scope of our paper. While the suggestion of a more detailed examination through FRET or cryoEM is undoubtedly valuable, it would necessitate a separate set of experimental conditions and analyses, potentially forming the basis for future research.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this paper, Bamford et al. showed a reduced cortical thickness in the motor cortex of Cntn4-/- mice, but cortical cell migration and differentiation were unaffected. They also found morphological changes in neurons in the M1 region of the motor cortex, indicating that CNTN4 is also involved in the morphology and spine density of neurons in the motor cortex. With mass spectrometry analysis they identified a number of interaction partners for CNTN4, among then they confirmed a previously demonstrated interaction between CNTN4 and APP. Thus, this study demonstrates that CNTN4 contributes to cortical development and that its binding and interplay with APP might also be important for neural elongation.

      The paper shows nice and convincing results, but the following points should be fully addressed in order to improve the significance of these findings.

      1. Figure 1A-E shows the organization of cortical layers in the CNTN4+/- and CNTN4-/- respect to WT mice. Looking at the NeuN staining the images in C show a reduction of the NeuN+ neurons of the upper layer in the CNTN4-/- mice with respect to WT mice, confirmed by the quantification and an increase of the NeuN+ neurons of the lower layer in the CNTN4-/-mice respect to WT mice, not confirmed by the quantification. Or upper layer thickness is reduced and the density of the NeuN+ is not changed. Also, surprisingly the Cux1/NeuN+ neurons are reduced in the CNTN4+/- compared to CNTN4-/- and WT mice, but images for the CNTN4+/- were not shown. These results need to be better clarified.
      2. Figure 3 shows the quantification of dendritic spines but there are no images to support the quantification, in particular, it's unclear how "abnormal spines" were morphologically defined.
      3. The results of Figure 4 do not really provide a significant clue regarding the function of CNTN4 in relation to all the other data presented in this paper. Also, the staining of CNTN4 should be shown.
      4. Figures 6 B and C should show the colocalization of CNTN4 with APP, however, it's difficult to see any colocalization with images at this low magnification. Please provide images at higher magnification.
      5. Figure 6 shows a nice characterization of dendrite arborizations in the APP-/- mice. However, these results are not really related to the function of CNTN4. Indeed, the minimal alteration in the number of apical dendrite tips that have been described in the APP-/- mice might be due to a function of APP unrelated to the interaction with CNTN4.
      6. Figure 8 C-E shows a reduction of APP mRNA in SH-SY5Y knockdown of CNTN4 and a reduction CNTN4 mRNA in SH-SY5Y knockdown for APP. These data suggest might suggest that "interaction between CNTN4 and APP contributes to their gene expression". However, this observation needs to be proved mainly in the CNTN4 and APP KO mice.
      7. The discussion is too long and needs to be more concise.


      This study demonstrates that CNTN4 contributes to cortical development and that its binding and interplay with APP might also be important for neural elongation. However, the role of APP interaction on CNTN4 function was not well demonstrated.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Bamford et al present a very thorough series of experiments to explore the role of CNTN4 and its interacting partner APP in the development of the mouse cerebral cortex. The manuscript presents the following analyses/experiments: (1) a thickness analysis of different cortical areas in the CNTN4 KO mouse, finding reduced cortical thickness and reduced cell numbers in motor cortex; (2) a pyramidal dendrite and spine morphologic analysis in motor cortex in the CNTN4 KO mouse, finding defects in proximal dendritic morphology and altered spine distribution; (3) a biochemical (mass spectrometry) search for CNTN binding partners in 293 cells, finding APP among others and confirming a previous finding; (4) a cell adhesion analysis in transfected 293 cells showing a trans interactions between the extracellular domains of CNTN4 and APP; (5) an analysis of pyramidal dendritic morphology in APP KO mouse motor cortex that looks like the reciprocal of the Scholl analysis phenotype observed with CNTN4 KO mouse cortex, and (6) a demonstration that neurite outgrowth is reduced in cultured SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells with CRISPR-mediated deletion mutations of either CNTN4, APP, or both. The experiments look to be technically well done, and they data are interpreted with an appropriate level of caution.

      This work will be of substantial interest to scientists working on CNS development in general and cortical development in particular. Genetic variation in CNTN4 has been implicated in developmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder, and the present work represents an important step forward in defining the mechanistic underpinning of that phenotype. This work will also be of interest to those studying Alzheimer disease who wonder (as many have) what the normal function of APP is.

      Minor comments:

      Page 11. It isn't clear whether the binding of a soluble protein ligand to a cell-surface protein is measuring cis or trans binding configurations. It could be either or both, depending on the geometry of the interaction. Demonstrating a bone fide cis interaction is not easy - that requires a FRET experiment with tagged cell-surface proteins or a cryoEM structure.

      Page 12, lines 7-9. The conclusion here is that CNTN4 KO and APP KO phenotypes are different. But a more interesting way to look at it is that the Scholl analysis of dendrites shows that they are almost exactly the reverse of each other with regard to near and distal morphologic differences. That could be interesting. Maybe CNTN4 binding inhibits APP signaling or binding to another partner, or APP binding inhibits CNTN4 signaling or binding to another partner, or both. Then loss of either one would hyper-activate the signal induced by the other and give the observed yin-yang phenotypic relationship. I note that this would not fit with the neuroblastoma phenotypes, which seem to be in the same direction; but a developing brain is different in many ways from a neuroblastoma cell in culture. The Discussion is also somewhat vague about possible interpretations of the two phenotypes in vivo.

      Page 12, bottom. One would expect that the effect of CRISPR KO would be a complete elimination of the western blot band. It appears from the Figure and text that there is a little bit of residual signal. Could that band simply be cross-reactivity with another protein? Could it be protein contamination from serum? Or is the cell line not clonally pure?

      Where is APP normally expressed in the developing mouse brain? A few sentences in the introduction or discussion would be helpful. This information was provided for Cntn4 in the introduction.

      Minor grammatical items.

      Page 3, line 6. "Over 1000 genes..."

      Page 4, line 17. "...battery to study Cntn4-deficient mice, which revealed subtle..."

      Page 5. First sentence in the Results section. "the cortical layer thickness is involved in migration" - that phrase needs to be reworked.

      Page 6, line 16. "total numbers of cells or of neurons"

      Page 8, line 12. "maturity morphologies" - that phrase needs to be reworked.

      Page 8, line 16. "In vitro primary cell culturing..." should be "Primary cell culturing...". After all, the only kind of cell culturing is in vitro.


      This work will be of substantial interest to scientists working on CNS development in general and cortical development in particular. Genetic variation in CNTN4 has been implicated in developmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder, and the present work represents an important step forward in defining the mechanistic underpinning of that phenotype. This work will also be of interest to those studying Alzheimer disease who wonder (as many have) what the normal function of APP is.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewers for their comments and constructive criticisms of the manuscript. We thank them for positive comments on the high quality of the genetic screen and recognizing our contributions in respect of RDGB work in Drosophila.

      In general, there is one important comment by the reviewers about the candidates identified in the proteomic screen as potential VAP interactors which have then been tested in the genetic screen. Reviewers have noted that many proteins in the proteomics study identified as VAP interactors do not have the classical FFAT motif that mediates VAP interaction. Therefore, what is the significance of such genes?

      Response: It is important to reflect on the fact that while VAP interacts with FFAT motifs in proteins , a VAP immunoprecipitation will identify two classes of proteins (i) those with classical FFAT motifs (ii) those proteins without FFAT motifs that interact indirectly with VAP via proteins which themselves have FFAT motifs. We have already depicted this in Fig 2A as category C proteins.

      We believe that the in vivo genetic screen does in fact serve the specific purpose of testing the functional significance of such non-FFAT containing proteins identified in the proteomic screen by functional validation of their ability to modulate rdgB degeneration.

      Key modifications to the text and a few experiments planned are listed in the next sections against pointwise response to reviewer comments. We believe that this will strengthen the manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Mishra and colleagues have conducted a large genetic screen to identify modulators of a Drosophila model for retinal degeneration. Using biomolecular techniques, they selected a few hundred proteins that interact with an ER bound protein VAP, to further test them in the retinal degeneration model. This was done by downregulating their expression using interference RNA (RNAi). Degeneration was first measured through a pseudopupil analysis, then suppressors of degeneration were further tested in a different retinal degeneration model, and finally through an ERG experiment. Finally, they focused on a strong suppressor of degeneration, dCert, by using a mutant allele to confirm the findings from the RNAi. The results suggest that a handful of these candidates are suppressors in this model of retinal degeneration, and identify at which stage of retinal degeneration these proteins may be involved in. These proteins may have a significance in forms of neurodegeneration.

      Major comment: - Perhaps a larger number of replicates could be done in the optical neutralization experiment as well as in the ERG. Figure 4.A(i) and (ii), please clearly state n values. I would suggest this as optional, but perhaps ut could help to increase n?

      Each optical neutralization experiment was done using 5 independent animals and 10 ommatidia were scored from each animal. For the optical neutralization experiment in 4.A(i) and (ii) we did 5 independent animals with 10 ommatidia/ animal for the statistical score. Based on our past experience, this number is sufficient to capture the intra-ommatidial variability in each eye and the inter animal variability between animals. This information will be added to the figure legend.

      For the ERGs minimum 5 animals were used per experiment which is already mentioned in the figure legend and conforms to the standards of analysis in the field for such experiments.<br /> - For human orthologs (Table 1), it could be worthwhile to add alignment scores between fly and human?

      We will add the table with the alignment score

      Minor comment: - Clarify the purpose in focusing on dCert specifically in the last results section and discussion - Several typos - Affect vs effect

      • Following the initial genetic screen, it was necessary to characterize a genes to understand in detail the temporal and spatial aspects of it role in modulating degeneration. Dcert was chosen for several reasons (i) a classical germ line mutant allele was available (ii) Prior papers had established its role as a protein that functions at contact sites. We will clarify our purpose of including dCert as proof of principle in the discussion part.

      -Typos will be corrected.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment:

      The main significance of this study comes from the focus on proteins that are known to interact with VAP. This implies that the suppressors of degeneration that they have identified in the RdgB9 model may have an effect in other neurodegenerative models, namely in ALS models. This could have a very high significant potential in therapeutic avenues for neurodegenerative diseases.

      Among six candidates that had an effect with knocked down through RNAi, they pursued a single one (dCert) as proof of principle. It would help to add a justification for this choice in the main text and whether the authors have performed or intend to perform experiments using mutant forms of the other candidate proteins.

      Although six candidate genes were available for analysis, there were no mutants available in two of them (SET and CG3071). Mutants in Yeti are homozygous lethal making it difficult to work on it in this setting. However a viable mutant in APC is now available and a CG9205 CRISPR germ line deletion mutant has recently been generated in our lab. We will use these two alleles to test their, interaction with rdgB like we did for dcert. Since dCert and CG9205 have membrane interacting domains we prefer to focused on these two genes for this study as proof of principle.

      The work from Raghu and his team have been leading the research surrounding this model of degeneration in Drosophila. This study naturally further extends their field of research, identifying more candidates that modulate this form of degeneration, and helping elucidate the pathways leading to cellular degeneration.

      These results will be of high interest for specialized researchers studying the molecular pathways that lead to cellular degeneration, both in the context of retinal degeneration as well as neurodegeneration. Specifically, researchers that may be interested in these candidate proteins and how they may play a role in the pathogenesis of various degenerative diseases.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In this study, Mishra and colleagues combine proteomic techniques with Drosophila genetics to identify interactors of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein VAP and analyse their indirect implication in the light-dependent retinal degeneration phenotype caused by misfunction of the lipid transfer protein RdgB, another VAP interactor. This is an ideal model system to study neurodegeneration in vivo via which the authors aim to further understand the molecular mechanisms involved in VAP-RdgB's function in maintenance of membrane lipid homeostasis. Of an initial list of 403 VAP mammalian interactors found via Immunoprecipitation - Mass Spectromety performed in a human cell line, 52 homologous Drosophila genes are found to suppress the RdgB degeneration phenotype upon knockdown. The authors then test a series of genetic interactions to dissect the potential role of these genes in the degeneration phenotype and identify six genes that likely suppress the phenotype by directly acting on the same molecular processes as RdgB, two of which (Cert and CG9205) could have a direct mechanistic role in the lipid homeostasis maintained by the VAP-RdgB complex.

      Major comments: - The model suggested by the authors in Fig 2A is one by which the tested genes influence the VAP-RdgB function via direct binding to VAP. The direct interaction with VAP is a core aspect of the study as the IP-MS experiment biases the list of genes tested in Drosophila, and this list is often referred to as "VAP interacting proteins". However, the interactions between the proteins coded by the most relevant genes in the genetic screen and VAP are not tested. In fact, of the six genes that are found to likely modulate the same processes as RdgB, four probably do so via affecting gene expression, as discussed by the authors, therefore making it unlikely that they are true VAP interactors (unless they shuttle from the ER to the nucleus). Additionally, it would seem that most of the 52 genes found to suppress the degeneration phenotype are not necessarily VAP interactors either as only a handful of genes in this list have predicted strong FFAT motifs. In general, the authors should provide additional comments/evidence on the interaction, or likelihood of the interaction, of these proteins with VAP, that should include: o The IP-MS data should be made available (at least on my end, in the current submission the supplementary lists available cover only the 52 genes found to suppress the phenotype, I found the list of 403 genes in the biorXiv submission but this also does not include data on the enrichment of each hit in the IP-MS). It should be made clear how enriched were each of the proteins in the analysis, and how high the most relevant genes in the genetic screen rank within this interactor list.

      We will provide more details on the MS data. We can add the ratio (VAP WT vs VAP mutant) and the PSM, number of peptides etc in the table, and we will deposit the raw data on PRIDE repository.

      It is true that some of the genetic interactors, especially those that do not have an obvious FFAT motif likely influence the retinal degeneration phenotype either by indirect interactions with VAP or functional interactions rather than structural interaction. This point can be emphasized in the discussion. It is important to note that this is in some senses a good reason to couple of protein interaction screen with a genetic screen., the genetic screen sometimes uncovering functional interactions via indirect mechanism. The likely mode of interaction can be made clear in a revision.

      o The authors should provide further detail on the rationale behind defining the list of 403 genes to be tested (for example, what was the threshold enrichment considered as interaction). Also in relation to this, the authors should at least provide speculation as to why more than half of the 403 genes defined do not have an FFAT motif, despite the fact that the proteomic data was normalized to a non-FFAT motif binding mutant of VAP which should be capable of maintaining non-FFAT mediated interactions of the protein.

      As the reviewer correctly mentions, the 403 genes from the proteomics screen used for the genetic screen all satisfied the criterion of being differentially enriched in binding seen to wild type VAP but not the non-binding version of VAP. This is despite that fact that many of these proteins do not have an identifiable FFAT motif. The reason for this is most likely that the candidates without the FFAT motif most likely bind to VAP indirectly via a protein which itself has an FFAT motif. This is depicted in Figure 2A. This has already been explained in the text but this can be elaborated further.

      The rationale for including candidates from the proteomic screen without an FFAT motif in the genetic screen is that we were interested in all candidates that might influence RDGB function whether they are direct or indirect binders of VAP.

      o The authors should acknowledge the limitations of their experimental design in regards to identifying real interactors of VAP in Drosophila and avoid referring to this set of genes as "VAP interacting proteins" and rather use a more accurate description such as "proteins enriched in the IP-MS" or at least "potential VAP interacting proteins".

      We agree that the use of ‘potential VAP interactors’ may be more appropriate.

      o Testing interaction between VAP and all the 52 genes found to suppress the phenotype would be a huge amount of work. But the finding most relevant to the initial premise of the study (i.e. "molecular mechanisms underlying lipid transfer protein function at membrane contact sites") is that Cert (a lipid transfer protein) and CG9205 (fly homolog of a mammalian lipid transfer protein) influence RdgB function. Demonstrating an interaction between these proteins and VAP would argue for the experimental design and support the hypothesis and model of the study. Cert is already a well established interactor of VAP, hence the authors would not need to add anything regarding this protein. Is CG9205 expected to be also a true interactor of VAP? Biochemical experiments could be used to test this idea, or even recently developed in silico modelling of interactions (i.e. AlphaFold Multimer) could be of help. If no interaction is observed/expected this should also be pointed out in the manuscript. Optionally, showing localization of Cert or CG9205 to the ER-PM interface would also greatly support the model of VAP-RdgB regulation suggested by the authors.

      We agree that further experimental evidence to support the interaction of CG9205 would add useful information. This can be attempted by co-IP or by in silico methods such as Alpha fold multimer.

      Minor comments: - In the model shown in Fig2A, it would seem that many proteins can bind VAP in addition to RdgB, however, VAP proteins have only one FFAT binding pocket. This model would only be possible if oligomerization of VAP is considered (oligomerization of VAP has been reported to occur, see for example PMID:20207736). The model should be redrawn considering this fact.

      We agree.

      • In line 161 of the text VPS13D is mentioned, however VPS13C is the gene indicated in Fig 1D.

      The text will be corrected.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Previous studies by some of the authors and others have shown that RdgB can transfer lipids between the ER, to which it binds via VAP, and the plasma membrane (PM), and is required for proper replenishment of PI(4,5)P2 in the PM which is in turn necessary for sustained PLC signaling in Drosophila photoreceptors. Lack of RdgB leads to light-dependent degeneration of the retina, and hence it is utilized by the authors as a model for neurodegeneration. Given the clear phenotype of RdgB loss-of-function and the ease of Drosophila genetics, this system represents an ideal model to perform screens for the identification of new genes involved in maintaining neuronal lipid homeostasis required for proper function of the photoreceptors in vivo, and this aspect is the main strength of this study. Importantly, the use of this system could also shed light on the mechanisms behind human neurodegenerative disorders, as many of these involve dysregulation of lipid signaling and lipid transfer at membrane contact sites. A novel and interesting finding is the identification of another lipid transfer protein, Cert, to be involved in the degeneration of photoreceptors.

      The main limitation lies in the experimental design proposed by the authors to define the genes that are studied in their system. These are identified as potential interactors of human VAP in a mammalian cell line. Despite the fact that VAP is a highly conserved protein, and the genes identified are present in Drosophila as well, there is no evidence that these interactions are in fact occurring in Drosophila photoreceptors, and in fact, based on the function and the lack of VAP-binding motif in many of the 52 genes identified to have an effect on the RdgB phenotype, it is likely that many of the interactions are purely genetic and indirect, and that the modulation of the phenotype could in fact be due to a wide variety of factors (including, as discussed by the authors, gene expression, post-translational modifications, trafficking of proteins, etc) unrelated to mechanisms of VAP-RdgB mediated lipid transfer at ER-PM membrane contact sites.

      A more unbiased screen could have been carried out to identify VAP interactors involved in this degeneration phenotype by testing all of the FFAT or FFAT-related motif containing proteins. Due to this initial bias in the selection of genes to be tested, it is possible that other important VAP interactors that play a role at the ER-PM interface of photoreceptors have not been identified.

      We agree that an alternative approach might have been to perform the VAP interaction proteomics in fly photoreceptors rather than start with a proteomics data set from mammalian cells. At this late stage in the project this will not be a feasible approach. However, we could consider testing any FFAT containing proteins, identified bioinformatically in the fly genome in the future.

      An initial bioinformatics analysis has revelated that there are only 51 genes in the entire fly genome with an identifiable conventional FFAT motif. Of these 7 are already part of the genetic screen already completed. Of the remaining 44 genes, 11 show no expression in the eye and 9 show very low expression. Thus, using the approach suggested by the reviewer ca. 24 genes with FFAT motifs could have been missed and therefore could be screened, subject to genetic tools, i.e RNAi lines being available for these.

      This study provides great functional advance in the understanding of genes implicated in photoreceptor degeneration, and in those regards it is a great resource for a specialized audience, as it enables further characterization by others of the different processes implicated in this neurodegeneration phenotype. However, the advance is small in regards to the core mechanism of RdgB function at VAP-mediated ER-PM, which was the main aim of the article and the most broadly interesting aspect of the study. Many of the VAP-interacting proteins identified in the proteomic approach were already expected to be VAP interactors as they contain FFAT motifs, and these FFAT-containing proteins do not seem to have a major role in VAP-RdgB maintenance of neuronal lipid homeostasis, with the exception of Cert. The implication of Cert in RdgB-mediated lipid homeostasis is certainly interesting as it touches on a current topic in the field of membrane contact sites related to how the multiple interactions of VAP, a universal contact site adaptor at the ER, are regulated and influenced by each other.

      Reviewer's field of expertise: Lipid transfer at membrane contact sites; membrane lipid homeostasis in neurons. All of the Drosophila data seem to be of good general quality to me, but I do not have any expertise in Drosophila work.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: In this study, Mishra and colleagues combine proteomic techniques with Drosophila genetics to identify interactors of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein VAP and analyse their indirect implication in the light-dependent retinal degeneration phenotype caused by misfunction of the lipid transfer protein RdgB, another VAP interactor. This is an ideal model system to study neurodegeneration in vivo via which the authors aim to further understand the molecular mechanisms involved in VAP-RdgB's function in maintenance of membrane lipid homeostasis. Of an initial list of 403 VAP mammalian interactors found via Immunoprecipitation - Mass Spectromety performed in a human cell line, 52 homologous Drosophila genes are found to suppress the RdgB degeneration phenotype upon knockdown. The authors then test a series of genetic interactions to dissect the potential role of these genes in the degeneration phenotype and identify six genes that likely suppress the phenotype by directly acting on the same molecular processes as RdgB, two of which (Cert and CG9205) could have a direct mechanistic role in the lipid homeostasis maintained by the VAP-RdgB complex.

      Major comments:

      • The model suggested by the authors in Fig 2A is one by which the tested genes influence the VAP-RdgB function via direct binding to VAP. The direct interaction with VAP is a core aspect of the study as the IP-MS experiment biases the list of genes tested in Drosophila, and this list is often referred to as "VAP interacting proteins". However, the interactions between the proteins coded by the most relevant genes in the genetic screen and VAP are not tested. In fact, of the six genes that are found to likely modulate the same processes as RdgB, four probably do so via affecting gene expression, as discussed by the authors, therefore making it unlikely that they are true VAP interactors (unless they shuttle from the ER to the nucleus). Additionally, it would seem that most of the 52 genes found to suppress the degeneration phenotype are not necessarily VAP interactors either as only a handful of genes in this list have predicted strong FFAT motifs. In general, the authors should provide additional comments/evidence on the interaction, or likelihood of the interaction, of these proteins with VAP, that should include:
      • The IP-MS data should be made available (at least on my end, in the current submission the supplementary lists available cover only the 52 genes found to suppress the phenotype, I found the list of 403 genes in the biorXiv submission but this also does not include data on the enrichment of each hit in the IP-MS). It should be made clear how enriched were each of the proteins in the analysis, and how high the most relevant genes in the genetic screen rank within this interactor list.
      • The authors should provide further detail on the rationale behind defining the list of 403 genes to be tested (for example, what was the threshold enrichment considered as interaction). Also in relation to this, the authors should at least provide speculation as to why more than half of the 403 genes defined do not have an FFAT motif, despite the fact that the proteomic data was normalized to a non-FFAT motif binding mutant of VAP which should be capable of maintaining non-FFAT mediated interactions of the protein.
      • The authors should acknowledge the limitations of their experimental design in regards to identifying real interactors of VAP in Drosophila and avoid referring to this set of genes as "VAP interacting proteins" and rather use a more accurate description such as "proteins enriched in the IP-MS" or at least "potential VAP interacting proteins".
      • Testing interaction between VAP and all the 52 genes found to suppress the phenotype would be a huge amount of work. But the finding most relevant to the initial premise of the study (i.e. "molecular mechanisms underlying lipid transfer protein function at membrane contact sites") is that Cert (a lipid transfer protein) and CG9205 (fly homolog of a mammalian lipid transfer protein) influence RdgB function. Demonstrating an interaction between these proteins and VAP would argue for the experimental design and support the hypothesis and model of the study. Cert is already a well established interactor of VAP, hence the authors would not need to add anything regarding this protein. Is CG9205 expected to be also a true interactor of VAP? Biochemical experiments could be used to test this idea, or even recently developed in silico modelling of interactions (i.e. AlphaFold Multimer) could be of help. If no interaction is observed/expected this should also be pointed out in the manuscript. Optionally, showing localization of Cert or CG9205 to the ER-PM interface would also greatly support the model of VAP-RdgB regulation suggested by the authors.

      Minor comments:

      • In the model shown in Fig2A, it would seem that many proteins can bind VAP in addition to RdgB, however, VAP proteins have only one FFAT binding pocket. This model would only be possible if oligomerization of VAP is considered (oligomerization of VAP has been reported to occur, see for example PMID:20207736). The model should be redrawn considering this fact.
      • In line 161 of the text VPS13D is mentioned, however VPS13C is the gene indicated in Fig 1D.


      Previous studies by some of the authors and others have shown that RdgB can transfer lipids between the ER, to which it binds via VAP, and the plasma membrane (PM), and is required for proper replenishment of PI(4,5)P2 in the PM which is in turn necessary for sustained PLC signaling in Drosophila photoreceptors. Lack of RdgB leads to light-dependent degeneration of the retina, and hence it is utilized by the authors as a model for neurodegeneration. Given the clear phenotype of RdgB loss-of-function and the ease of Drosophila genetics, this system represents an ideal model to perform screens for the identification of new genes involved in maintaining neuronal lipid homeostasis required for proper function of the photoreceptors in vivo, and this aspect is the main strength of this study. Importantly, the use of this system could also shed light on the mechanisms behind human neurodegenerative disorders, as many of these involve dysregulation of lipid signaling and lipid transfer at membrane contact sites. A novel and interesting finding is the identification of another lipid transfer protein, Cert, to be involved in the degeneration of photoreceptors.

      The main limitation lies in the experimental design proposed by the authors to define the genes that are studied in their system. These are identified as potential interactors of human VAP in a mammalian cell line. Despite the fact that VAP is a highly conserved protein, and the genes identified are present in Drosophila as well, there is no evidence that these interactions are in fact occurring in Drosophila photoreceptors, and in fact, based on the function and the lack of VAP-binding motif in many of the 52 genes identified to have an effect on the RdgB phenotype, it is likely that many of the interactions are purely genetic and indirect, and that the modulation of the phenotype could in fact be due to a wide variety of factors (including, as discussed by the authors, gene expression, post-translational modifications, trafficking of proteins, etc) unrelated to mechanisms of VAP-RdgB mediated lipid transfer at ER-PM membrane contact sites. A more unbiased screen could have been carried out to identify VAP interactors involved in this degeneration phenotype by testing all of the FFAT or FFAT-related motif containing proteins. Due to this initial bias in the selection of genes to be tested, it is possible that other important VAP interactors that play a role at the ER-PM interface of photoreceptors have not been identified.

      This study provides great functional advance in the understanding of genes implicated in photoreceptor degeneration, and in those regards it is a great resource for a specialized audience, as it enables further characterization by others of the different processes implicated in this neurodegeneration phenotype. However, the advance is small in regards to the core mechanism of RdgB function at VAP-mediated ER-PM, which was the main aim of the article and the most broadly interesting aspect of the study. Many of the VAP-interacting proteins identified in the proteomic approach were already expected to be VAP interactors as they contain FFAT motifs, and these FFAT-containing proteins do not seem to have a major role in VAP-RdgB maintenance of neuronal lipid homeostasis, with the exception of Cert. The implication of Cert in RdgB-mediated lipid homeostasis is certainly interesting as it touches on a current topic in the field of membrane contact sites related to how the multiple interactions of VAP, a universal contact site adaptor at the ER, are regulated and influenced by each other.

      Reviewer's field of expertise: Lipid transfer at membrane contact sites; membrane lipid homeostasis in neurons. All of the Drosophila data seem to be of good general quality to me, but I do not have any expertise in Drosophila work.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Mishra and colleagues have conducted a large genetic screen to identify modulators of a Drosophila model for retinal degeneration. Using biomolecular techniques, they selected a few hundred proteins that interact with an ER bound protein VAP, to further test them in the retinal degeneration model. This was done by downregulating their expression using interference RNA (RNAi). Degeneration was first measured through a pseudopupil analysis, then suppressors of degeneration were further tested in a different retinal degeneration model, and finally through an ERG experiment. Finally, they focused on a strong suppressor of degeneration, dCert, by using a mutant allele to confirm the findings from the RNAi.

      The results suggest that a handful of these candidates are suppressors in this model of retinal degeneration, and identify at which stage of retinal degeneration these proteins may be involved in. These proteins may have a significance in forms of neurodegeneration.

      Major comment:

      • Perhaps a larger number of replicates could be done in the optical neutralization experiment as well as in the ERG. Figure 4.A(i) and (ii), please clearly state n values. I would suggest this as optional, but perhaps ut could help to increase n?
      • For human orthologs (Table 1), it could be worthwhile to add alignment scores between fly and human?

      Minor comment:

      • Clarify the purpose in focusing on dCert specifically in the last results section and discussion
      • Several typos
      • Affect vs effect


      General assessment:

      The main significance of this study comes from the focus on proteins that are known to interact with VAP. This implies that the suppressors of degeneration that they have identified in the RdgB9 model may have an effect in other neurodegenerative models, namely in ALS models. This could have a very high significant potential in therapeutic avenues for neurodegenerative diseases.

      Among six candidates that had an effect with knocked down through RNAi, they pursued a single one (dCert) as proof of principle. It would help to add a justification for this choice in the main text and whether the authors have performed or intend to perform experiments using mutant forms of the other candidate proteins.

      The work from Raghu and his team have been leading the research surrounding this model of degeneration in Drosophila. This study naturally further extends their field of research, identifying more candidates that modulate this form of degeneration, and helping elucidate the pathways leading to cellular degeneration.

      These results will be of high interest for specialized researchers studying the molecular pathways that lead to cellular degeneration, both in the context of retinal degeneration as well as neurodegeneration. Specifically, researchers that may be interested in these candidate proteins and how they may play a role in the pathogenesis of various degenerative diseases.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements

      We thank the reviewers for their time and both thoughtful and constructive comments. Their specific points are addressed below but a general point that we would like to comment on is that in the original version it appears we did not make our model clear enough. The dogma in the field is that Rab7 is recruited to endosomes from a cytosolic pool via exchange with Rab5 (mediated by Mon1/Ccz1). Our work instead indicates that the majority of Rab7 is delivered to Dictyostelium phagosomes by fusion with other endocytic compartments. It was not our intention to imply there was no canonical recruitment of Rab7 from a cytosolic pool, and indeed we provide data to show this happens at a low level and discuss this in the manuscript. Nonetheless, we clearly over-stated the exclusivity of Rab7 recruitment to phagosomes via fusion at several points and our original model cartoon, and have tried to better explain or more nuanced model with multiple routes for Rab7 acquisition in this revision, including a completely redrawn model figure (Fig. 7).

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer 1:

      1. The observation that macropinosomes undergo retrograde fusion with newly formed phagosomes to facilitate phagosome maturation is an interesting notion that challenges the traditional model. However, not all phagocytes exhibit a high level of macropinocytosis, and axenic Dictyostelium cells used in the study may be an exception. Thus, it remains unclear whether fusion with macropinosomes is universally required for phagosome maturation. WT Dictyostelium cells or axenic cells cultured under SorMC/Ka condition (Paschke et al., PLoS One, 2018) exhibit significantly reduced macropinocytosis. The authors could examine whether the accumulation of Rab7 and V-ATPase on large-sized phagosomes is delayed in these cells. These experiments may help broaden the applicability of the authors’ finding.

      As our previous work (Buckley et al. PloS pathogens 2019) demonstrated that bacterially-grown PIKfyve mutants are also defective in bacterial killing and growth it is highly likely that cells also are defective in V-ATPase and Rab7 acquisition. However, we agree that formally testing this will further support our conclusions and improve the paper and should be quite straightforward.

      We will therefore co-express GFP-V-ATPase and RFP-Rab7 in both Ax2 and non-axenic cells grown on bacteria and repeat our analysis of recruitment to phagosomes – with the caveat that non-axenic cells do not phagocytose large particles such as yeast (Bloomfield et al. eLife 2015), so the imaging and quantification will be more challenging in this case.

      PIKfyve seems to play a specific role in the maturation of phagosomes but not macropinosomes. The differences may be driven by signaling from phagocytic receptors, as the author suggested. Alternatively, the large size of the yeast-containing phagosomes may require additional steps for efficient lysosomal delivery. The authors should consider examining whether PIKfyve is needed for the delivery of Rab7 and V-ATPase to phagosomes of comparable size to regular macropinosomes, such as those containing K. aerogenes or small beads. In addition, whether the process also involves fusion between phagosomes and macropinosomes should be verified.

      Whilst it is possible that large size of yeast-containing phagosomes requires additional mechanisms to process them, our previous data demonstrate that PIKfyve is also required to kill much smaller bacteria such as Klebsiella and Legionella (Buckley et al. PloS pathogens 2019). Furthermore, in this paper we also showed that loss of PIKfyve disrupts phagosomal proteolysis using 3um beads, and showed that V-ATPase recruitment was reduced on purified phagosomes containing 1um beads. We therefore find consistent defects on phagosomes of different size, with different cargos. Nonetheless, the experiments above, observing V-ATPase and Rab7 in cells grown on bacteria should directly address this point.

      As suggested, we will also perform a dextran pulse-chase prior to addition of bacteria to test if we can observe macropinocytic delivery to bacteria-containing phagosomes - perhaps using E. coli as their elongated shape may help phagosome visualisation.

      In the previous study from the authors' group (Buckley et al., PLoS Pathog, 2019), it was shown that the accumulation of V-ATPase on phagosomes begins immediately after internalization in both PIKfyve mutant and WT, although V-ATPase accumulation reaches only half of the levels seen in WT. This partial accumulation of V-ATPase differs from the almost complete absence of Rab7 recruitment found in this study, which raises the question of whether there exists yet another population of fusogenic vesicles that are positive for V-ATPase but negative for Rab7. This could be checked by simultaneously examining the dynamics of V-ATPase and Rab7 during yeast phagocytosis in the PIKfyve mutant.

      We agree with the referee that there are multiple pools of V-ATPase, and we show that there is both a very early PIKfyve-independent recruitment of both V-ATPase and Rab7 as well as a later and more substantial pool delivered in a PIKfyve-dependent manner. It is clear that V-ATPase and Rab7 do not always co-localise however - the clearest example being on the contractile vacuole, which has lots of V-ATPase but no Rab7 (the large bright magenta structure in Fig 2G.).

      We suspect that the dramatically reduced, but not completely absent levels of both V-ATPase and Rab7 recruitment in the absence of PIKfyve are similar, but the challenges with imaging these very small low levels means we cannot formally exclude that there is a pool of V-ATPase vesicles that lack Rab7 which fuse to very early phagosomes. Nonetheless, as we will already be looking at V-ATPase and Rab7 in PIKfyve KO's in the experiments above will also attempt to unequivocally differentiate a pool of V-ATPase positive/Rab7 negative vesicles fusing with phagosomes.

      Reviewer 2:

      (1) The authors show that deletion of PIKfyve results "in an almost complete block in Rab7 delivery to phagosomes" (page 17) indicating that the delivery of Rab7 depends on fusion with Rab7-positive structures. This would suggest that the Rab7-GEF Mon1-Ccz1 is not localized to the membrane of the phagosomes. Could the authors test for the presence of Mon1-Ccz1 in either fluorescence microscopy experiments or on purified phagosomes to exclude the possibility of a "canonical" Rab7 recruitment by its GEF? If the GEF is found on phagosomal membranes it would indicate that a Rab-transition from Rab5 to Rab7 occurs on the phagosome during maturation, but on a low level. The later fusion event might be a homotypic fusion of two Rab7-positive compartments. The observed fusion events could still deliver the bulk of Rab7 and other endolysosomal proteins to the phagosome. If the Rab7-GEF is not found on phagosomes how do the authors envision that the organelle keeps its identity? Is it solely dependent on PI(3,5)P2? What is the fate of the Rab7-negative phagosome in ∆PIKfyve cells if Rab7 is not delivered to the membrane, is there degradation happening over longer periods of time?

      This is an excellent suggestion, for which we thank the reviewer. Mon1 and Ccz1 are highly conserved, with clear Dictyostelium orthologues that have never been studied. Our model is that there is a small proportion of Rab7 driven by this canonical pathway so would expect Ccz1/Mon1 to coincide with loss of Rab5 and be unaffected by loss of PIKfyve - although subsequent Rab7 delivery would be lost. This is easy to test by cloning and expressing GFP-fusions of both Ccz1 and Mon1 and would be highly informative. Note we do not exclude canonical Rab7 recruitment in our model (see discussion), our data just indicate this has a minor contribution.

      Reviewer 3:

      The focus is on their manuscript is loading of Rab7 on phagosomes, but there's no indication about Rab7 activation (GTP-loading). Would the RILP-C33 probe work in Dictyostelium? If not possible, the activation state of Rab7 should still be discussed. Despite Rab7 on other organelles in PIKfyve-inhibited cells, is this active or not?

      The GTP-loading status of Rab7 is a good question, although the general dogma is that membrane-localised Rabs are active. We will try the RILP-C33 probe in Dictystelium as suggested, but as these cells lack an endogenous RILP orthologue there is a high chance it will not work. Sadly, reliable tools to asses active Rab status are a general limitation for the field, so if the RILP-C33 probe does not work we will add this caveat to the discussion.

      The authors need to better address the confusing kinetics of early Rab7 recruitment, followed by SnxA (Fig. 4G, same for VatM - Fig. 4I ) - which is counterintuitive if PIKfyve activity is required to recruit Rab7. How do the authors explain this? Are phagosomes prevented from acquiring Rab7 in PIKfyve deficient cells because of a defect on phagosomes or the endo-lysosomes loaded with Rab7 (but not active).

      We believe this again relates to the over-simplification of our model. Our data indicate both PIKfyve dependent and independent Rab7 recruitment. In contrast to the abrupt recruitment of SnxA at ~120 seconds (Vines et al. JCB 2023), both Rab7 and VatM accumulate gradually over time starting from almost immediately following engulfment (Buckley et al. 2019, and Figure 2F). Our data indicate that the first stage of this is PIKfyve independent, and is responsible for ~10% of the total Rab7/V-ATPase accumulation by both the imaging in this paper, and Western blot for V-ATPase on purified phagosomes in Buckley et al. PLoS pathogens 2019. The arrival of some Rab7/V-ATPase prior to PI(3,5)P2 therefore supports our model where there are multiple sources of Rab7.

      As the reviewer quite rightly points out, interpretation of the defects observed in the absence of PIKfyve becomes complex and we cannot completely differentiate between a defect on the phagosome, or the Rab7 compartments that fuse with them (or indeed both). In fact, we already note that small Rab7 compartments that we observe in wild-type cells are much more sparse in PIKfyve mutants. Therefore whilst the requirement for PI(3,5)P2 in the clustering and fusion of macropinosomes with phagosomes is clear, additional effects on the PI(3,5)P2-independent Rab7 compartments cannot be excluded.

      The experiments above using the RILP-C33 active Rab7 biosensor as well as observation of the Mon1/Ccz complex should further clarify this, but we will also add further discussion of these points.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Reviewer 1:

      Minor comments.

      1. It is unclear how the experiment in Figure 3G was conducted. If microscopic analysis was involved, the corresponding images should be included.

      We apologise that we overlooked this and have now added a full description in the materials and methods (P8 L16-21). Fluorescence measurements were performed using a plate reader, so there are no images.

      Page 11-Line 2, the sentence "there was no obvious clustering around the nascent phagosome (Figure 2D)." It is Figure 2E, not Figure 2D.


      There is an inconsistency regarding the description of fluorescent fusion proteins. For example, both GFP (RFP)-2xFyve and 2xFyve-GFP (RFP), as well as GFP-Rab5 and Rab5-GFP, were used. Typically, placing GFP (or RFP) before a gene suggests N-terminal tagging, while placing it after the gene implies C-terminal tagging. The authors should clarify the position of the fluorescent tag and ensure consistency in their descriptions.

      We apologise for this oversight, and have been through and corrected all fusion protein references accordingly.

      One of the videos was not referred in the manuscript or described in the Video legends. This video seems to correspond to Figure 5A, albeit with a different pseudo-color scheme.

      This has been corrected. Video 7 does correspond to Fig 5A, and we have corrected the colour scheme to match and added references to the video in the text and figure legend.

      Reviewer 2:

      (2) In their abstract, the authors state that they "...delineate multiple subpopulations of Rab7-positive endosomes that fuse sequentially with phagosomes" (page 2, line 14,15). However, the data provides only evidence for V-ATPase or PI(3,5) P2-containing structures and the authors conclude to my understanding that macropinosomes are the main source for vesicular structures fusing with phagosomes. I would ask the authors to please be clear on the identity of the "Rab7-donor"-structures throughout the manuscript. Saying that they delineate multiple subpopulations of endosomes seems to be overstated.

      We identify that macropinosomes are one source (subpopulation) of Rab7/PI(3,5)P2 vesicles but our data clearly show that they are the only source of Rab7 - there is clearly an additional early Rab positive / PI(3,5)P2-negative subpopulation of vesicles that cluster and fuse too at earlier stages. For example, in Figure 4F we co-express Rab7a/SnxA and show that whilst all the SnxA vesicles also contain Rab7 (and dextran), there is a clear separate population of small and early-fusing population of Rab7-containing vesicles that do not possess PI(3,5)P2. This is further validated in Figure 5B and C. To our mind this clearly demonstrates and defines different Rab7 endosomal populations, although we do not yet know the origins of the initial Rab7-positive/PI(3,5)P2 negative population - as discussed in our response to their point (3) below.

      Minor points:

      (1) The sentence "...which both deactivates and dissociates Rab5, and recruits and activates Rab7 on endosomes" is at least problematic as it suggests that Mon1-Ccz1 directly drives GTP-hydrolysis of Rab5 and dissociates it from the membrane. Indeed, Mon1-Ccz1 is shown to interfere with the positive feedback loop of the Rab5-GEF by interacting with Rabex (Poteryaev et al., 2010), so a rather indirect effect of Mon1-Ccz1. A GAP and the GDI are needed for Rab5 deactivation and dissociation from the membrane. How both are involved in the endosomal Rab-conversion is not clarified.

      We have changed the text to better represent this complexity (P4 L4-6)

      (2) Signals of RFP-labeled proteins are difficult to interpret throughout the experiments. What are the structures that show a strong accumulation of red signal in Fig. 1A,B, Fig 2G and Fig4A (20sec.) If these are fluorescently labeled proteins it would suggest that most of the proteins cluster/accumulate in the cell. Can the authors provide better images?

      We appreciate that some of these reporters with multiple localisations can be difficult to interpret. This is major challenge for these sort of studies and main reason we use the large and easily-identified yeast containing phagosomes for quantification. In Fig. 1 the large structure is the large peri-nuclear cluster of Rab5 previously reported (Tu et al. JCB 2022). In Fig. 2G the bright structure is the recruitment of V-ATPase on the CV. Both these large structures easily distinguished from the phagosomal pool we are interested in. Whilst we would love to provide better images, this is simply not possible - both these other structures are unavoidable and we are already using some of the best microscopy methods available. We have however clarified the additional localisations seen in these images in the revised figure legends.

      (3) On page 11 the authors state "...macropinosomes in ∆PIKfyve cells still appeared much larger. Quantification of their size and fluorescence intensity demonstrated that although macropinosomes started off the same size,...". This statement is not reflected in the data depicted in Fig. 3A,B. The size of the single labeled macropinosome appears to be larger in wildtype than in ∆PIKfyve cells from the beginning on. However, the quantification in Fig 3F is clear. So, are these bad examples in 3A,B, are they swapped or is this due to the additional expression of GFP-Rab7A? Could you please comment on the effect that the (over-)expression of GFP-tagged Rab-GTPases might have on the observations described in this paper in the discussion part?

      As you can see from the error bars in Figure 3F, macropinosomes are extremely variable in size - ranging from ~0.2-5 microns in size in axenic Dicytostelium. The image in Figure 3B is therefore indicative of this heterogeneity, rather than being a "bad example". This is why we designed the experiment to quantify several hundred vesicles in order to make any conclusions - as well as doing it in the absence of any GFP-fusion expression.

      Although we have not noticed any issues (enlarged vesicles are also clear in GFP-Rab7 expressing cells in Figure 1B), we do of course accept that GFP-Rab7 expression itself may have some detrimental effects on maturation and this is why we quantified macropinosome size in untransformed cells. We have clarified this in the results section (P12 L28).

      (4) In Fig. 6E it is hard to distinguish if the dextran is accumulating inside the phagosome. I would suggest conducting a 3D reconstruction of these images to allow judging if macropinosomes fused with the phagosomes or if they cluster around the neck of the phagosome.

      This would be nice, but not possible as these images are from single confocal sections, rather than a complete high-resolution Z-stack. We have however added an enlargement of both Figure 6D and E which we feel now more clearly shows the presence of dextran within the bounding PI(3)P membrane of the phagosome.

      (5) In the discussion, the authors state that the small pool of "PIKfyve-independent Rab7" is "insufficient to for subsequent fusion with other Rab7A-positive compartments, further Rab7 enrichment, and lysosomal fusion." What is the rationale for this conclusion? Is it shown how many Rabs are necessary to induce a tethering and fusion event? It would be good to revise this part of the discussion also in respect of the first major point of my comments above.

      Our data show that in the absence of PIKfyve, phagosomes still remove Rab5 and gain a small pool of Rab7 but progress no further. This is consistent with some block in the HOPS-mediated homotypic fusion of Rab7 compartments. However, we accept that this is not necessarily due to simply not having enough Rab's so have rephrased the discussion accordingly.

      (6) The intention of the paragraph about phagosomal ion channels is for this reviewer somehow out of context. It is not clear to me how the authors relate this to their findings. It would be could to bring this into a broader context.

      __ __We mention ion channels in the background as they represent the main class of PI(3,5)P2 effectors known so far. We feel this is important background context, even if our studies do not directly relate to this.

      Reviewer 3:

      Their disclosure and use of statistics is incomplete and/or inconsistent, and potentially wrong in some cases. For example, the authors disclose the number biological repeats in a few experiments (Fig. 3C, F) but not in the majority. Instead, they state the number of phagosomes without indicating biological repeats (eg. Fig. 2 and others). So, it is not possible to know if their data are reproducible. Despite not indicating independent experiments in some cases, they speak of SEM, which applies to mean of means from biological repeats. In other cases, none of this is disclosed (eg Fig. 3G). Often there is no indication of what statistical test was done OR if a statistical test was done (eg. Fig. 3G, Fig. 4, etc). I would recommend the authors review the excellent resource paper published in JCB on SuperPlots to better follow statistical expectations. This is essential to improve reproducibility and confidence in their observations.

      We apologise if this was unclear for the referee, but we have tried to be clear in each case. The confusion likely lies in the definition of a biological repeat, which depends on the type of experiment. For quantification of phagocytic events over time, we feel it reasonable to take each individual event (each from an individual organism) as a biological repeat. This is because events are relatively rare and taken from multiple different movies, and it is not technically possible to film both mutants and controls simultaneously. In all these sort of experiments (e.g. Figure 2) we have shown standard deviation, which indicates the reproducibility between phagocytic events. We have clarified that these events are from movies obtained on at least 3 independent days in the methods.

      In other cases, such as Figure 3C and F and Figures 5-6, we are able to take measurements across multiple cells simultaneously at each timepoint. It is therefore appropriate to average over multiple independent experimental repeats rather than individual cells. We have therefore used SEM in our analysis, and both the number of individual cells and independent repeats are stated on the graphs and legend. This was incomplete in a few cases but has now been clarified in all cases.

      Regarding statistical tests, which ones were used now been clarified in each figure legend. Note that in Fig 3G, we do not apply any test as both lines essentially overlap and it is clear there would not be any convincing differences. In Figure 4, the graphs all compare co-expression of different reporters rather than different mutants or conditions and are from single events. We therefore feel statistical tests are unnecessary and inappropriate. Comparison of the same reporters between strains averaged across multiple events, with statistical analysis is shown in Fig 2 instead. All these points have now been added to the statistics section of the methods (P9 L1-6)

      Minor Comments

      It is interesting that 2FYVE-GFP stays on phagosomes for 50 min or more - this is distinct from macrophages. Please comment. Have the authors tried other PI(3)P probes to see if the same (PX-GFP).

      We have not used other probes but we have no reason to believe 2xFYVE does not behave as predicted as it is the same probe used for most macrophage studies (FYVE domain from human Hrs), and gets removed from macropinosomes exactly as expected. We did not originally comment in this manuscript but PI3P dynamics are even more interesting as our previous data indicate that latex-bead containing phagosomes lose PI3P after 10 minutes (Buckley et al 2019, Figure 4F-G) This indicates phagosome maturation can be regulated by the cargo (under further investigation). Importantly however, both bead and yeast-containing phagosomes have comparable defects in the absence of PIKfyve. This is more fully discussed in our previous paper (Vines et al. JCB 2023) where we characterise PI(3)P and PI(3,5)P2 dynamics in more detail.

      Fig. 7 model: the macropinosome in the diagram seems like a dead end as depicted - is there any arrow or change that could be added to show that it doesn't just sit there in the middle? Also, the light green on yellow hurts the eyes!

      We apologise, there was actually supposed to be an arrow there but it was lost somewhere in the drafting process. The whole figure has now been updated to more clearly describe our full and more complex model.

      Fig. 3F, could be converted to volume assuming macropinosomes are spheres.

      This is true, however as these images are taken from single planes we cannot know where in the sphere the slices are and therefore what the maximum diameter would be. We therefore prefer to keep it as area so as not to confuse and over-interpret the data.

      Pg. 10, line 10 - Vps34 is Class III PI3K, not Class II.


      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Please include a point-by-point response explaining why some of the requested data or additional analyses might not be necessary or cannot be provided within the scope of a revision. This can be due to time or resource limitations or in case of disagreement about the necessity of such additional data given the scope of the study. Please leave empty if not applicable.

      • *

      Reviewer 2:

      (3) ("OPTIONAL") Optionally, the authors could also try to clarify these structures' identity by including further colocalization studies with additional early and late endosomal marker proteins. Are they for example positive for early or late endosomal markers like EEA1, ESCRT or Retromer? How about organelle-specific SNAREs? This would give further insights into the character of the "Rab7-donor" structures and would allow to clarify if multiple subpopulations are contributing to phagosome maturation in a sequential order as stated in the abstract. As I am not an expert on Dictyostellium I can`t estimate the effort that would go into such an experimental setup. However, since the time scale of the events in the cell is nicely worked out in this study, these colocalization studies would not need to be conducted as live-cell microscopy experiments.

      This is a sensible suggestion that would in theory help define these populations. However many of these markers are poorly defined with respect to phagosomes and/or Dictyostelium. Dictyostelium does not posses an EEA orthologue, but our data also indicate that these vesicles do not possess PI3P so cannot be canonical early endosomes. We have previously characterised WASH/retromer and whilst it is recruited to phagosomes at around the time of Rab5/7 transition Retromer appears to be recruited from the cytosol and drive recycling rather than being delivered on endosomes that fuse (see King et al. PNAS 2016). We have also previously looked at ESCRT (Lopez-Jimenez et al. PLoS Pathogens 2018) which also does not appear to have any recruitment to early phagosomes that would be consistent with a Rab7-sub-population. The SNAREs are yet to be studied in any detail, as they are often too divergent to assign a direct mammalian orthologue.

      Therefore, whilst this is a sensible suggestion, and something we would like to follow up in the future, this is not straight-forward and we feel outside the scope of the current study. We have however included additional discussion of this in the revised manuscript (P20 L21-26).

      Reviewer 3:

      Major Comments:

      1. Based on the current data, I am not entirely convinced that Rab7 is delivered mostly by fusion with other compartments. At least the data as provided cannot exclude other models. For example, Rab7-containing organelles that cluster with phagosomes may form contact sites that provide a local environment to load cytosolic Rab7. There's also a possibility that some of their Rab7 clusters are membrane sub-domains and not vesicles. Or perhaps, there is a first wave of cytosolic Rab7 recruitment, which then initiates fusion with Rab7 compartments, i.e., there is a two-phase Rab7 recruitment. While this last possibility is consistent with recruitment of Rab7 by fusion (the second phase), the authors present a model that is too simplistic and conclusive based on the data. The authors may be right, but they need to strengthen their evidence towards their claim. Maybe EM could help determine some of these issues. Perhaps better would be the use of FRAP, photo-activation, or optigenetics of Rab7. For example, if Rab7 is acquired on phagosomes after photobleaching clusters of Rab7, this would suggest a cytosolic Rab7 contribution, and if not, this would support their model. I recognize that these experiments are not necessarily trivial, but either the authors augment their data (as suggested or with other approaches) or significantly pare down their conclusions.

      We agree with the Referee that we cannot completely exclude other models, and as we talk about in the discussion, we do not wish to do so. We apologise if the role of fusion was over-stated but the model we propose is as the referee suggests: there is likely an early first wave of canonical Rab7 recruitment from the cytosol that is independent of PIKfyve before the majority of Rab7 is subsequently delivered by fusion in a PIKfyve-dependent manner. Our data indicate that the second wave is both quantitively and functionally more significant (see functional data in Buckley et al. 2019).

      We do however agree with the referee that we cannot formally exclude things such as contact-site mediated recruitment from the cytosol or sub-domains but not fusion however there is no data to support these either. In contrast, the hypothetical clustered Rab7 contacts/subdomains often (but not always) contain the transmembrane V-ATPase complex (Figure 2G) which must be delivered by fusion.

      However we do not wish to over-simplify our conclusions and as we state in the discussion, we do think there is probably a small amount of Rab7 recruited from the cytosol by the canonical pathway. We accept that our cartoon in Figure 7 is over-focussed on fusion so we have substantially revised this, as well as the discussion to give a more balanced and complex view.

      Regarding the proposed experiments, unfortunately, the imaging required to acquire these movies is already at the very limit of what is possible so we do not believe it would be technically feasible to employ methods such as FRAP and optogenetics on these relatively fast-moving phagosomes with the temporal resolution required. Furthermore, to differentiate recruitment from a cytosolic pool, every GFP-Rab7 cluster would need to be photobleached, which could not be reliably achieved.

      However, this point will be largely addressed by the suggestion of Reviewer 2 to look at the Mon1/Ccz complex. The presence or absence of this will give strong evidence for canonical Rab5/7 transition and Rab7 recruitment from the cytosol which would significantly clarify our model and define the two different mechanisms of Rab7 recruitment to phagosomes.

      Early macropinosomes fuse with early phagosomes more readily than 10-min old macropinosomes. Do 10-min old macropinosomes not fuse with older phagosomes? Is this not an issue of mismatched age?

      This is an interesting point that we have clarified in the text. We agree with reviewer that it appears the ages of the macropinosomes and phagosomes must match but our data indicate this only occurs when both parties possess PI(3,5)P2 as macropinosome fusions appears to happen in a single burst at about 240 seconds (Figure 6F) rather than as a continuous process. We also do not start to see any fusion of these older macropinosomes when the phagosomes get past the initial first 10 minutes of maturation (Figure 6G).

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In Vines et al., the authors used time-lapse imaging of Dictyostelium to investigate the spatial-temporal maturation of macropinosomes labelled with a short pulse of dextran and phagosomes using yeast particles. The phagocytes expressed fluorescent Rab5 and/or Rab7 and/or biosensors for PI(3)P using 2FYVE-GFP and PI(3,5)P2 using the authors recently disclosed SnxA. They quantified the dynamics of these probes in wild-type and PIKfyve-deleted cells. The authors provide evidence for their main observations, which are that: i) Rab5 and PI(3)P are acquired early and independently of PIKfyve on phagosomes and macropinosomes, ii) but phagosomes require PIKfyve to acquire Rab7, iii) that phagosomes acquire Rab7 by fusing with Rab7-containing vesicles that cluster around the phagosome, iv) that macropinosomes do not require PIKfyve for Rab7 acquisition, and v) that PI(3,5)P2 on phagosomes follows Rab7. While the imaging data is high quality and supports several of the claims, the major discovery as proposed here is not fully supported by the data provided. I think the authors must address the following to strengthen their otherwise beautiful work.

      Major Comments:

      1. Based on the current data, I am not entirely convinced that Rab7 is delivered mostly by fusion with other compartments. At least the data as provided cannot exclude other models. For example, Rab7-containing organelles that cluster with phagosomes may form contact sites that provide a local environment to load cytosolic Rab7. There's also a possibility that some of their Rab7 clusters are membrane sub-domains and not vesicles. Or perhaps, there is a first wave of cytosolic Rab7 recruitment, which then initiates fusion with Rab7 compartments, i.e., there is a two-phase Rab7 recruitment. While this last possibility is consistent with recruitment of Rab7 by fusion (the second phase), the authors present a model that is too simplistic and conclusive based on the data. The authors may be right, but they need to strengthen their evidence towards their claim. Maybe EM could help determine some of these issues. Perhaps better would be the use of FRAP, photo-activation, or optigenetics of Rab7. For example, if Rab7 is acquired on phagosomes after photobleaching clusters of Rab7, this would suggest a cytosolic Rab7 contribution, and if not, this would support their model. I recognize that these experiments are not necessarily trivial, but either the authors augment their data (as suggested or with other approaches) or significantly pare down their conclusions.
      2. The focus is on their manuscript is loading of Rab7 on phagosomes, but there's no indication about Rab7 activation (GTP-loading). Would the RILP-C33 probe work in Dictyostelium? If not possible, the activation state of Rab7 should still be discussed. Despite Rab7 on other organelles in PIKfyve-inhibited cells, is this active or not?
      3. The authors need to better address the confusing kinetics of early Rab7 recruitment, followed by SnxA (Fig. 4G, same for VatM - Fig. 4I ) - which is counterintuitive if PIKfyve activity is required to recruit Rab7. How do the authors explain this? Are phagosomes prevented from acquiring Rab7 in PIKfyve deficient cells because of a defect on phagosomes or the endo-lysosomes loaded with Rab7 (but not active).
      4. Their disclosure and use of statistics is incomplete and/or inconsistent, and potentially wrong in some cases. For example, the authors disclose the number biological repeats in a few experiments (Fig. 3C, F) but not in the majority. Instead, they state the number of phagosomes without indicating biological repeats (eg. Fig. 2 and others). So, it is not possible to know if their data are reproducible. Despite not indicating independent experiments in some cases, they speak of SEM, which applies to mean of means from biological repeats. In other cases, none of this is disclosed (eg Fig. 3G). Often there is no indication of what statistical test was done OR if a statistical test was done (eg. Fig. 3G, Fig. 4, etc). I would recommend the authors review the excellent resource paper published in JCB on SuperPlots to better follow statistical expectations. This is essential to improve reproducibility and confidence in their observations.
      5. Early macropinosomes fuse with early phagosomes more readily than 10-min old macropinosomes. Do 10-min old macropinosomes not fuse with older phagosomes? Is this not an issue of mismatched age?

      Minor Comments

      1. It is interesting that 2FYVE-GFP stays on phagosomes for 50 min or more - this is distinct from macrophages. Please comment. Have the authors tried other PI(3)P probes to see if the same (PX-GFP).
      2. Fig. 7 model: the macropinosome in the diagram seems like a dead end as depicted - is there any arrow or change that could be added to show that it doesn't just sit there in the middle? Also, the light green on yellow hurts the eyes!
      3. Fig. 3F, could be converted to volume assuming macropinosomes are spheres.
      4. Pg. 10, line 10 - Vps34 is Class III PI3K, not Class II.


      Overall, the potential novelty of this work is the authors' proposal that phagosomes acquire Rab7 mostly by fusion with Rab7-labelled organelles rather than a cytosolic tool. This is distinct from existing models that assume phagosomes acquire Rab7 from a cytosolic pool that is loaded onto the membrane. They also suggest that PIKfyve plays a role in this process. However, as noted above, this claim needs to stronger data as the current data allows for other possible models, in my opinion.

      This work is of relevance to cell biologists interested in membrane trafficking, phagocytosis, model organisms, and microscopy.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Vines et al. investigate in their manuscript the contribution of the lipid kinase PIKfyve on the maturation of phagosome. They follow the fate of the two main classes of identity markers of endocytic organelles: PIPs (PI(3)P and PI(3,5)P2) and Rab-GTPases (Rab5 and Rab7) in wildtype and ∆PIKfyve Dictyostelium discoideum cells. To follow the two species of PIPs they utilize the established reporter-proteins GFP-2xFYVE (PI(3)P-binder) and GFP-SnxA (PI(3,5)P2-binder) and correlate them with the appearance of fluorescently tagged Rab-GTPases on membranes of phagosomes in live-cell imaging. They find that the deletion of PIKfyve does not alter the recruitment and behaviour of Rab5. Therefore a lack of PI(3,5)P2 does not affect the early stages of phagosome formation. However, later stages of phagosome maturation are apparently affected by the lack of PI(3,5)P2: the Rab-GTPase Rab7 is not localizing to the membrane of the phagosome. Closer inspection of their live cell imaging data led the authors to the conclusion that Rab7 is delivered by the fusion of Rab7-positive structures with the phagosomes in wildtype cells. This fusion seems to be dependent on PIKfyve and PI(3,5)P2. However, surprisingly, the recruitment of Rab7 to macropinosomes or endosomal structures is independent of PIKfyve. The authors conclude (i) that lysosomal components are delivered to phagosomes by fusion of PI(3,5)P2-positive macropinosomes and (ii) a non-canonical delivery from Rab7 to phagosomes by fusion instead of GEF-dependent recruitment from the cytosol.

      Major comments

      Overall, the submitted manuscript of Vines et al. is of very good quality. The presented data supports mainly the conclusions that the authors draw. Methods and statistical analysis are sound and well-described. Their rationale, the description of results, and the presentation of data are easy to follow and understand. However, there are two major points that I would like to address here:

      1. The authors show that deletion of PIKfyve results "in an almost complete block in Rab7 delivery to phagosomes" (page 17) indicating that the delivery of Rab7 depends on fusion with Rab7-positive structures. This would suggest that the Rab7-GEF Mon1-Ccz1 is not localized to the membrane of the phagosomes. Could the authors test for the presence of Mon1-Ccz1 in either fluorescence microscopy experiments or on purified phagosomes to exclude the possibility of a "canonical" Rab7 recruitment by its GEF? If the GEF is found on phagosomal membranes it would indicate that a Rab-transition from Rab5 to Rab7 occurs on the phagosome during maturation, but on a low level. The later fusion event might be a homotypic fusion of two Rab7-positive compartments. The observed fusion events could still deliver the bulk of Rab7 and other endolysosomal proteins to the phagosome. If the Rab7-GEF is not found on phagosomes how do the authors envision that the organelle keeps its identity? Is it solely dependent on PI(3,5)P2? What is the fate of the Rab7-negative phagosome in ∆PIKfyve cells if Rab7 is not delivered to the membrane, is there degradation happening over longer periods of time?
      2. In their abstract, the authors state that they "...delineate multiple subpopulations of Rab7-positive endosomes that fuse sequentially with phagosomes" (page 2, line 14,15). However, the data provides only evidence for V-ATPase or PI(3,5) P2-containing structures and the authors conclude to my understanding that macropinosomes are the main source for vesicular structures fusing with phagosomes. I would ask the authors to please be clear on the identity of the "Rab7-donor"-structures throughout the manuscript. Saying that they delineate multiple subpopulations of endosomes seems to be overstated.

      ("OPTIONAL") Optionally, the authors could also try to clarify these structures' identity by including further colocalization studies with additional early and late endosomal marker proteins. Are they for example positive for early or late endosomal markers like EEA1, ESCRT or Retromer? How about organelle-specific SNAREs? This would give further insights into the character of the "Rab7-donor" structures and would allow to clarify if multiple subpopulations are contributing to phagosome maturation in a sequential order as stated in the abstract. As I am not an expert on Dictyostellium I can`t estimate the effort that would go into such an experimental setup. However, since the time scale of the events in the cell is nicely worked out in this study, these colocalization studies would not need to be conducted as live-cell microscopy experiments.

      Minor comments

      Minor points:

      1. The sentence "...which both deactivates and dissociates Rab5, and recruits and activates Rab7 on endosomes" is at least problematic as it suggests that Mon1-Ccz1 directly drives GTP-hydrolysis of Rab5 and dissociates it from the membrane. Indeed, Mon1-Ccz1 is shown to interfere with the positive feedback loop of the Rab5-GEF by interacting with Rabex (Poteryaev et al., 2010), so a rather indirect effect of Mon1-Ccz1. A GAP and the GDI are needed for Rab5 deactivation and dissociation from the membrane. How both are involved in the endosomal Rab-conversion is not clarified.
      2. Signals of RFP-labeled proteins are difficult to interpret throughout the experiments. What are the structures that show a strong accumulation of red signal in Fig. 1A,B, Fig 2G and Fig4A (20sec.) If these are fluorescently labeled proteins it would suggest that most of the proteins cluster/accumulate in the cell. Can the authors provide better images?
      3. On page 11 the authors state "...macropinosomes in ∆PIKfyve cells still appeared much larger. Quantification of their size and fluorescence intensity demonstrated that although macropinosomes started off the same size,...". This statement is not reflected in the data depicted in Fig. 3A,B. The size of the single labeled macropinosome appears to be larger in wildtype than in ∆PIKfyve cells from the beginning on. However, the quantification in Fig 3F is clear. So, are these bad examples in 3A,B, are they swapped or is this due to the additional expression of GFP-Rab7A? Could you please comment on the effect that the (over-)expression of GFP-tagged Rab-GTPases might have on the observations described in this paper in the discussion part?
      4. In Fig. 6E it is hard to distinguish if the dextran is accumulating inside the phagosome. I would suggest conducting a 3D reconstruction of these images to allow judging if macropinosomes fused with the phagosomes or if they cluster around the neck of the phagosome.
      5. In the discussion, the authors state that the small pool of "PIKfyve-independent Rab7" is "insufficient to for subsequent fusion with other Rab7A-positive compartments, further Rab7 enrichment, and lysosomal fusion." What is the rationale for this conclusion? Is it shown how many Rabs are necessary to induce a tethering and fusion event? It would be good to revise this part of the discussion also in respect of the first major point of my comments above.
      6. The intention of the paragraph about phagosomal ion channels is for this reviewer somehow out of context. It is not clear to me how the authors relate this to their findings. It would be could to bring this into a broader context.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Reviewer #1 provides valid questions. Addressing them would improve the manuscript by allowing consideration if the findings only apply to Dictyostellium or is of broader interest.

      I completely agree with the concern of Reviewer #3 that the data provided so far would also allow for alternative models. The authors need to include further controls to exclude Rab7 recruitment or activation by any other means than fusion.


      The manuscript by Vines et al. describes a very interesting novel observation on how the organelle identity marker Rab7 is delivered to phagosomes. They propose a mechanism, the delivery of Rab7 by PIKfyve-dependent fusion events with Rab7-positive macropinosomes, which is in contrast to the canonical model that endosomal organelles gain their Rab7-identity by maturation from a Rab5-positive compartment with the help of the Rab7-GEF Mon1-Ccz1. In the proposed mechanism the lipid-kinase PIKfyve, which is also involved in cellular signaling processes, plays the key role. In this study the authors present profound live cell imaging experiments combined with pulse-chase uptake of phagosomal cargoes. The obtained data is giving surprising new insights on the order of events in the maturation of phagosomes and suggests an unprecedentedly important role for PIKfyve in the maturation process. These new insights are of broad interest to a readership interested in transport, maturation and signaling processes along the endolysosomal system as well as of interest in the perspective of pathogen invasion to host cells.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      PIKfyve/Fab1, a kinase responsible for phosphorylating PI3P to produce PI(3,5)P2, regulates phagosome maturation across various organisms. A previous work from the authors' group demonstrated that disrupting PIKfyve in Dictyostelium inhibits the delivery of V-ATPase and hydrolase, thus dramatically reducing the ability of cells to acidify newly formed phagosomes and digest their contents. The current manuscript further dissects the function of PIKfyve and PI(3,5)P2. Using live cell imaging, the authors show that nascent phagosomes acquire Rab7 by fusion with multiple populations of Rab7-positive vesicles, and the loss of PIKfyve abolishes this event. One of these fusogenic vesicle populations was identified as PI(3,5)P2-positive macropinosomes, which dock and fuse with phagosomes in a PIKfyve-dependent manner. Based on these findings, the authors propose that PIKfyve contributes to phagosome maturation by promoting heterotypic fusion between phagosomes and macropinosomes, which help deliver regulatory components necessary for phagosome acidification and digestion. This study provides fresh insights into the process of phagosome maturation. The work was well designed, performed and presented, and the manuscript is clearly written. However, there are several questions that should be addressed to strengthen the conclusions of the manuscript.

      Major points:

      1. The observation that macropinosomes undergo retrograde fusion with newly formed phagosomes to facilitate phagosome maturation is an interesting notion that challenges the traditional model. However, not all phagocytes exhibit a high level of macropinocytosis, and axenic Dictyostelium cells used in the study may be an exception. Thus, it remains unclear whether fusion with macropinosomes is universally required for phagosome maturation. WT Dictyostelium cells or axenic cells cultured under SorMC/Ka condition (Paschke et al., PLoS One, 2018) exhibit significantly reduced macropinocytosis. The authors could examine whether the accumulation of Rab7 and V-ATPase on large-sized phagosomes is delayed in these cells. These experiments may help broaden the applicability of the authors' finding.
      2. PIKfyve seems to play a specific role in the maturation of phagosomes but not macropinosomes. The differences may be driven by signaling from phagocytic receptors, as the author suggested. Alternatively, the large size of the yeast-containing phagosomes may require additional steps for efficient lysosomal delivery. The authors should consider examining whether PIKfyve is needed for the delivery of Rab7 and V-ATPase to phagosomes of comparable size to regular macropinosomes, such as those containing K. aerogenes or small beads. In addition, whether the process also involves fusion between phagosomes and macropinosomes should be verified.
      3. In the previous study from the authors' group (Buckley et al., PLoS Pathog, 2019), it was shown that the accumulation of V-ATPase on phagosomes begins immediately after internalization in both PIKfyve mutant and WT, although V-ATPase accumulation reaches only half of the levels seen in WT. This partial accumulation of V-ATPase differs from the almost complete absence of Rab7 recruitment found in this study, which raises the question of whether there exists yet another population of fusogenic vesicles that are positive for V-ATPase but negative for Rab7. This could be checked by simultaneously examining the dynamics of V-ATPase and Rab7 during yeast phagocytosis in the PIKfyve mutant.

      Minor points:

      1. It is unclear how the experiment in Figure 3G was conducted. If microscopic analysis was involved, the corresponding images should be included.
      2. Page 11-Line 2, the sentence "there was no obvious clustering around the nascent phagosome (Figure 2D)." It is Figure 2E, not Figure 2D.
      3. There is an inconsistency regarding the description of fluorescent fusion proteins. For example, both GFP (RFP)-2xFyve and 2xFyve-GFP (RFP), as well as GFP-Rab5 and Rab5-GFP, were used. Typically, placing GFP (or RFP) before a gene suggests N-terminal tagging, while placing it after the gene implies C-terminal tagging. The authors should clarify the position of the fluorescent tag and ensure consistency in their descriptions.
      4. One of the videos was not referred in the manuscript or described in the Video legends. This video seems to correspond to Figure 5A, albeit with a different pseudo-color scheme.


      Disruption of PIKfyve results in severe defects in phagosomal maturation across different organisms, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. This study demonstrates that PIKfyve plays a specific role in phagosome maturation by promoting heterotypic fusion between macropinosomes and newly formed phagosomes. These fusion events provide a means for the rapid delivery of lysosomal components to early phagosomes. The study challenges the conventional model of phagosome maturation and provides novel insights into the complex dynamics involved. Nonetheless, further investigations are needed to elucidate the exact role of PIKfyve/PI(3,5)P2 in regulating vesicle fusion and to explore whether the proposed model can be applied to other endocytic pathways or cell types.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1) List of the detailed experiments we plan to perform (including aforementioned experiments):

      • Careful analysis of the daughter cell size by measuring the real volume.

      • Quantifications of PCM (pericentrin and γ-tubulin) proteins and Plk1 with respect to centrosome age in G2 and metaphase (for Plk1) cells.

      • Analysis of the amount of Plk1 of metaphase cells when cenexin protein is absent (siControl vs siCenexin), and measurements of Plk1 in WT-cenexin vs. cenexinS796A mutant to test if Cenexin controls a subpool of Plk1 at centrosomes.

      • Careful analysis of Ctrl and TPX2 depletion experiment data in 1:1 cells. We plan to repeat the experiment to confirm or infirm on the contribution of TPX2 in spindle asymmetry.

      • Measurement of the PCM volume/intensity in 2:2 and 1:1 metaphase cells, to highlight on the contribution of the daughter centrioles in recruiting PCM proteins.

      • Live cell imaging of 2:2 cells and measurements of different parameters; cortex-to-centrosome and spindle pole to metaphase plate (half-spindle (a)symmetry) distances.

      • Long-term live cell imaging of 2:2 cells to investigate whether the asymmetry in centrosome-age dependent daughter cell size also affects the duration of the ensuing cell cycle. While we have carried out such long-term movies in the past, we are aware that they can be challenging due to high cell mobility over longer time courses.

      • Investigation of the microtubule nucleation capacity under different conditions of PCM protein depletion (depletion of Cdk5rap2 and/or pericentrin).

      • Analysis of the effect of the over-expression of PCM protein (Cdk5Rap2) on the (a)symmetry of the mitotic spindle size

      2) detailed answers (in green) to the reviewers’ comments:

      __Reviewer #1: __

      __(Major points) __

      1. The discovery of differences in half-spindle size during symmetric division is intriguing. However, the methodology for quantification of the data remains unclear. Key questions, such as how the center of the metaphase plate is determined from the image data, the definition of exact pole position when centrioles are located at spindle poles, the objective determination of daughter cell diameter and width from the image data, and the referential position of the cortex, need more detailed explanation in the manuscript. Additionally, it's crucial to elucidate the specific index used to quantify differences from the image data, especially when dealing with data that only varies by a few percent. Providing clarity on these aspects and, in some cases, re-quantifying the data should be necessary.

      We have already included clearer explanations in the method parts and results part about our methodology and will include a supplementary figure on how precisely we defined and measured the half-spindle sizes, as well as the index used for the asymmetry (using a methodology that we previously used in Dudka et al., Nature Comm., 2018). In addition, we will use a second method to measure the real daughter cell volume.

      The mechanism behind the difference in half-spindle size, related to the subdistal appendage (SDA), raises questions, especially considering that SDA is believed to disassemble during mitosis. Exploring whether differences in the localization of PCM components and half-spindle size result from disparities in Plk1 and PCM loading during G2/early mitosis, prior to SDA disassembly, necessitates experimental verification.

      As suggested by the reviewer we will quantify the amounts of PCM proteins on the old and young centrosome in G2 cells (and therefore prior SDA reorganization). This will also allow us to test whether the asymmetry depends on the SDA themselves, or the corresponding SDA proteins, which still accumulate specifically on the oldest centrosomes during mitosis

      For investigating the mechanism of half-spindle size asymmetry, many perturbation experiments employ knock-down techniques. To directly address the cause of asymmetry, it might be valuable to artificially localize Plk1 and PCM factors to one spindle pole using optogenetic tools or similar approaches and then quantify half-spindle and daughter cell sizes.

      We thank the reviewers for this suggestion, as it could indeed, be of great interest and provide a direct proof of principle. Unfortunately, based on our experience in establishing such a cell line we know that just the generation of such a light-manipulated stable cell line that contains markers for centrosomes and chromosomes or kinetochores takes 6-9 months, in the best-case scenario. This experiment is therefore not possible within a normal revision round (even if extended to 6 months).

      The asymmetry in Plk1 sub-population recruitment by SDA triggers the observed effects, but the evidence for this is relatively weak, given the small difference in spindle asymmetry. Quantifying the amount of Plk1 in its activated form, particularly in the context of SDA dismantling during metaphase, could strengthen this aspect of the study.

      While the commercial antibodies against the activated form of Plk1 (phospho-T210) work very well by immunoblotting, we have not been able to get it to work by immunofluorescence. We will nevertheless, test whether variation in the fixation methods can solve this issue. Alternatively, we will test to which extend depletion of Cenexin, or the presence of Cenexin WT vs the non-phosphorylatable Cenexin mutant affects the overall population of Plk1 on both spindle poles.

      While the focus on half-spindle size asymmetry during symmetric division is intriguing, it's important to address the broader physiological significance. The primary outcome of this asymmetry is differences in daughter cell size, which limits the broader significance of the study. Furthermore, the quantification method for daughter cell size warrants scrutiny and clarification.

      As mentioned above, we will use different method to measure and investigate daughter cell size (a)symmetry. Moreover, we will attempt with long-term live cell movies to test whether the variation in centrosome-age dependent daughter cell size also affects the duration of the ensuing cell cycle.

      (Minor points)

      1. Table 1 lists factors with asymmetric localization not analyzed in detail in this paper. It would be beneficial to discuss whether these factors play a role in spindle asymmetry, and the authors should address the completeness of the data in Table 1 in terms of selecting factors for analysis.

      We agree with this comment that other factors may participate in the regulation of spindle asymmetry. However, we performed this screening to identify key drivers of spindle (a)symmetry based on an investigation of the Pearson’s correlation coefficient and the value of slope.

      In addition, some of these proteins are known to control spindle size in acting in a same pathway (TPX2/Kif2A/Katanin) and (Pericentrin/CDK5RAP2/ϒ-tubulin). We will incorporate these points and the reasons for our selection in the discussion

      In Figure 1H, the impact of centriolin knock-out on the distribution of unaligned polar chromosomes is different from the effect of cenexin S796A in Figure 6H. This difference should be explained to provide clarity on the observed discrepancies.

      We will better explain this difference.

      In Figure 2A, there is no correlation data presented between daughter cell asymmetry and the presence or absence of cenexin signal. This relationship should be elucidated for a more comprehensive understanding.

      We will clarify this point. Specifically, we plotted the daughter cell symmetry index for 2:2 and 1:1 cells with respect to centrosome age. All the daughter cells display the presence of a cenexin signal at both grandmother and mother centrioles with a difference in fluorescence intensity that enables us to assign them to “old” vs “young centrosomes. We found a significant result indicating that there is a relationship between centrosome age and the formation of daughter cell with different sizes.

      In Figure 4G and H, the mean value of spindle asymmetry increases with siRNA treatment of Cdk5Rap2 or PCNT compared to the control. The possible interpretation of this finding should be discussed.

      This is an interesting observation that needs to be discussed in our revision.

      Figure 4K shows that the asymmetry of PCNT distribution is not eliminated by centriolin knock-down. This observation requires clarification and discussion.

      It has been shown that pericentrin is directly recruited by Plk1 at centriole (Soung et al., 2009). In addition, pericentrin has a PACT-domain that directly targets pericentrin to the centriole (Gillingham and Munro., 2000). Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the grandmother centriole is slightly longer than the mother one (Kong et al., 2020). Altogether, this suggests that the old and young centrosomes, based on this intrinsic property, may recruit different amount of pericentrin.

      We will add this explanation in the discussion.

      It appears that the difference in spindle asymmetry of the control group in Figure 5A is smaller than in other data. This discrepancy should be addressed. Additionally, the influence of TPX2 depletion on spindle formation, and any corresponding spindle staining data, should be included.

      This point will be discussed in the revised version of the manuscript.

      Claiming that the daughter centriole recruits PCM based on Figure 6A data alone may require additional supporting evidence. It is essential to investigate whether there is a clear PCM signal when the daughter centriole disengages in late mitosis and maintain consistency in the interpretation.

      As suggested by the reviewer 2, we will measure PCM volume/intensity in both 2:2 and 1:1 cells to demonstrate that daughter centrioles directly recruit PCM proteins.

      The lack of difference in TPX2 distribution in Figure 7E should be explained, along with a discussion of how this observation aligns with the spindle asymmetry data and any inconsistencies.

      We will discuss this point in the revised manuscript.

      The differing N numbers between samples in all the figures may affect the validity of comparisons. The authors should discuss whether it is necessary to have consistent N numbers in each experiment for more robust conclusions.

      Indeed, this is an important point that must be discussed.

      Reviewer #2____:

      Major comments:

      1) It is not completely clear how the authors determined whether a spindle was asymmetric or not. In the methods, they say that statistical tests are described in the legends. In Figure 1 legend they say: "Each condition was compared to a theoretical distribution centered at 0 (dashed line)". How did they generate this theoretical distribution?

      As explained under point 1 of reviewer 1, we will provide a more thorough explanation of our methodology and how we decide whether a spindle is symmetric or not. In brief, a perfectly symmetric spindle would yield an asymmetry index of 0, as there is no difference between the two half-spindle sizes.

      2) The authors claim that TPX2 depletion results in loss of spindle asymmetry in 1:1 cells, but the difference is very small (1.7% in control vs 1.3% in TPX2 depletion, Fig 5B) and the data is more variable in TPX2 depletion, which makes it less likely that a statistically significant difference from 0 would be found. Firstly, perhaps the authors could check the standard error of the mean, which provides a measure of how accurate the mean is with regard to N and variation. If a dataset is more spread (such as in TPX2 depletion) a higher N is required to attain the same accuracy in the mean value. This is normally not so important when directly comparing two datasets, but in this case the authors are comparing each dataset to 0. So, are the authors measuring enough cells in the TPX2 depletion to be sure that a 1.3% value is not significantly different from 0? Secondly, I don't understand why the control cells have such a low asymmetry index (1.7%), when previous data in the paper shows an asymmetry index of 4.1% (Fig 1D) and 3.4% (Fig 4E) in control 1:1 cells. This suggests that something about the way this experiment was carried out dampens the asymmetry, which could therefore lead the authors to conclude that TPX2 is more important than it really is.

      We agree with this comment, the mean of the control condition is smaller compared to others controls. As mentioned above, we will carefully look at the data (SD vs SEM) and in case add a new replicate to confirm or infirm the involvement of TPX2 in the formation of asymmetric spindles.

      3) The authors claim that daughter centrioles are associated with some Pericentrin and suggest that this may be why 2:2 centrosomes have less of an asymmetry than 1:1 centrosomes (Fig 6A). It is unclear whether the authors consider these daughter centrioles as being prematurely disengaged (they make reference to the fact that they previously showed how disengaged daughters recruit γ-tubulin, but it's unclear if this is related to their current observations). In Figure 6A, the Centrin spots look too far apart for engaged centrioles (~750nm). I appreciate that this may be the only way to dectect Pericentrin around the daughter at this resolution, but it may also force the authors to select cells where the centrioles have prematurely disengaged. For the asymmetry measurements, the authors presumably did not select cells where they could distinguish mother and daughter centrioles. One way to address this issue would be to compare PCM size at centrosomes in 2:2 cells with centrosomes in 1:1 cells. The expectation would be that centrosomes in 2:2 cells would have more PCM, due to the contribution of the daughter centrioles.

      We agree that on those high-resolution images the daughter centrioles seem to be far from the mother ones. The metaphase cells presented in this figure, are wild-type non-treated cells for which the daughter centrioles are engaged. Indeed, our own investigation of the centriole engagement status by expansion microscopy, indicates that over 98% of centriole pairs in metaphase RPE1 cells are engaged.

      Nevertheless, as suggested by the reviewer and to validate that daughter centrioles participate in this process, we will compare PCM size in 2:2 and 1:1 metaphase cells.

      4) The authors show that Plk1 recruitment by Cenexin (via S796 phosphorylation), which happens only at mother centrosomes, is important for asymmetry. Nevertheless, they show that Plk1 is symmetrically distributed between mother and daughter centrosomes (Table 1). This does not really fit, unless daughter centrosomes recruit more cenexin-independent Plk1 than mother centrosomes or if the cenexin-bound pool of Plk1 is only a minor fraction of total Plk1. If so, do the authors think that the Cenexin-bound pool of Plk1 is more potent than the rest of centrosomal Plk1?

      As indicated in point 4 of reviewer 1 we will test which proportion of the Plk1 pool at spindle poles depends on the presence of Cenexin, as we suspect that this Plk1 population is only a subpopulation.

      5) The circles drawn to measure cell size in Figures 2A,E and 7C do not look like a good representation of cell area (as the cells are not perfectly round). The authors use a formular for circle area with an approximation of the radius (based on mean length/width of an oval. It would be much better to use ImageJ to draw a freehand line around the perimeter of the cell and use the in-built tool to measure the area.

      As mentioned in point 1 of reviewer 1 we will use another method to measure daughter cell size.

      Minor comments:

      1) Asymmetry in centrosome size that correlates with centrosome age in apparently symmetrically dividing "cells" has been observed previously in Drosophila syncytial embryos (Conduit et al., 2010a, Curr. Bio.). I think this should be mentioned somewhere given the topic of the study.

      We thank the reviewer for this information. This paper will be discussed in the revised version.

      2) A full description of statistical tests and n numbers for each experiment should be provided in the methods, even if this duplicates information in the Figure legends.

      We will add this information in the method.


      3) Given that chTOG is very important for microtubule nucleation, it seems strange that this protein was not analysed for a potential asymmetry.

      As suggested by the reviewers we will test for a potential chTOG asymmetry and its impact on spindle size asymmetry.

      4) Cooling-warming experiments could be done using higher concentration of formaldehyde, as it's likely that microtubule nucleation is not immediately halted when using 4% formaldehyde.

      The fixation solution was chilled at 4°C, which should halt any further depolymerization. We will specify this point in the Material and Methods section.

      Reviewer ____#____3:

      Major points:

      1) The evaluation of spindle and cell size asymmetry related to centrosome age only relies on fixed sample preparation. Cells should be followed by time-lapse microscopy as the metaphase plate position relative to the spindle poles and/or the cell cortex may fluctuate over time and as the observed differences remain in a very subtle range. This is an important possibility to consider for 1:1, 1:0 or 0:0 spindle pole configurations where centrosome integrity is impaired.

      We agree with the reviewer that this is a drawback of our approach, but the experiments the reviewer suggests is not possible for 1:0 or 0:0 or only in an approximate manner. Indeed, we do not have a centriole-independent spindle pole marker that would allow us to mark precisely the position of the spindle pole. In the past we used Sir-tubulin, which gave us an approximate position of the spindle poles, and which allowed to us monitor the spindle asymmetry over time of 1:0 cells (see Dudka et al., 2019), a point that we will discuss. Nevertheless, as suggested by the reviewer we will attempt to monitor these asymmetries in 2:2 and/or 1:1 cells expressing GFP-Centrin1 and GFP-CENPA (kinetochore marker) in WT conditions. Indeed, we cannot expand this approach to all the conditions, as the calculation of the spindle asymmetry index is based on a very high number of cells, and the monitoring of spindle asymmetry can only be achieved by selecting mitotic cells one-by-one and then monitoring them over a short period of them (Tan et al., eLife, 2015), which makes such an approach extremely time-consuming.

      2) Cell size asymmetry was evaluated based on cell area at the equator. Volumes will be a better indicator as daughter cell shapes can be different in telophase if they do not re-adhere at the same speed. This evaluation should also be confirmed with another readout, like the position of the cleavage furrow relative to the spindle poles in late anaphase, as again the observed differences are in a very subtle range.

      As indicated in the similar points of reviewer 1 and 2, we will improve our methodology to take this comment in account

      3) The authors propose that differential microtubule nucleation at the spindle poles underlies spindle size symmetry breaking without providing direct evidence. If the observed spindle symmetry in the 1:1 configuration after pericentrin, CDK5RAP2 or g-tubulin siRNA fuels this interpretation (Fig4C), the differential microtubule nucleation capacity at the spindle poles after microtubule-depolymerisation-repolymerisation assays was not evaluated in these conditions, as compared to the control situation.

      As suggested by the reviewer we will analyze the microtubule nucleation capacity after the downregulation of PCM proteins.

      4) If differential microtubule nucleation at the spindle poles is responsible for spindle asymmetry, overexpression of PCM proteins or g-tubulin should be sufficient for re-establishment of symmetric protein distribution, spindle and cell size symmetry in 2:2 or 1:1 configuration. The authors should evaluate whether this is the case or not.

      This is an interesting suggestion, which we will test, although overexpression of these proteins might also lead to other defects in the spindle, such as multipolar spindles.

      5) The authors describe that the cortex-centrosome distance is not changed according to centrosome age (Fig2C), but centrosome-metaphase plate distance is (Fig1D). These observations are difficult to reconcile if differential microtubule-nucleation capacity is at play. Again, time-lapse microscopy would enable to detect over time whether only metaphase plate position relative to spindle poles is changing or if spindle pole position relative to the cell cortex is also fluctuating.

      We plan to give a try to image WT 2:2 cells by time lapse microscopy and to measure several parameters such as half-spindle size, spindle (a)symmetry and the cortex to centrosome distance over time.

      Minor points:

      6) Main PCM and MT nucleation protein "depletion" do not appear to impact spindle assembly, but only spindle symmetry in 1:1 and 1:0 configurations (Fig4A and 4F-H). Can it be explained by the fact that their depletion is not always total (for pericentrin, Fig5F versus FigS2A or Fig7G)? Can they comment on this point?

      Spindles displaying abnormal centriole number at spindle poles (1:1 and 1:0) can still assemble bipolar spindle in absence of the main PCM proteins (Chinen et al., JCB, 2021, and Watanabe et al., JCB, 2020).

      In our study, the depletion of PCM protein is almost total (97% for pericentrin, 98% for Cdk5Rap2).

      7) If centrosome age dictates spindle and cell size asymmetry through differential MT-nucleation capacity at the spindle poles, how can this process be modulated? Indeed, centrosome age is common to all cell types, but cell size asymmetry is more or less pronounced. The authors should further discuss this point based on the literature.

      We will discuss this point in the discussion.

      __ Description of the revisions that we have already carried out in the revised manuscript__

      1. The discovery of differences in half-spindle size during symmetric division is intriguing. However, the methodology for quantification of the data remains unclear. Key questions, such as how the center of the metaphase plate is determined from the image data, the definition of exact pole position when centrioles are located at spindle poles, the objective determination of daughter cell diameter and width from the image data, and the referential position of the cortex, need more detailed explanation in the manuscript. Additionally, it's crucial to elucidate the specific index used to quantify differences from the image data, especially when dealing with data that only varies by a few percent. Providing clarity on these aspects and, in some cases, re-quantifying the data should be necessary.

      We have already included clearer explanations in the method parts and results part about our methodology and will include a supplementary figure on how precisely we defined and measured the half-spindle sizes, as well as the index used for the asymmetry (using a methodology that we previously used in Dudka et al., Nature Comm., 2018). In addition, we will use a second method to measure the real daughter cell volume.

      __ Description of the experiments that we prefer not to carry out:__

      Point 3 of reviewer 1 : For investigating the mechanism of half-spindle size asymmetry, many perturbation experiments employ knock-down techniques. To directly address the cause of asymmetry, it might be valuable to artificially localize Plk1 and PCM factors to one spindle pole using optogenetic tools or similar approaches and then quantify half-spindle and daughter cell sizes.

      We thank the reviewers for this suggestion, as it could indeed, be of great interest and provide a direct proof of principle. Unfortunately, based on our experience in establishing such a cell line we know that just the generation of such a light-manipulated stable cell line that contains markers for centrosomes and chromosomes or kinetochores takes 6-9 months, in the best-case scenario. This experiment is therefore not possible within a normal revision round (even if extended to 6 months).

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript entitled "centrosome age breaks spindle size symmetry even in "symmetrically" dividing cells" by Thomas and Meraldi reports that centrosome age impacts microtubule-nucleation capacity and is sufficient to tune spindle symmetry and cell size in human culture cell lines. The manuscript is overall clear, well written, illustrated and discussed. Nonetheless, some key experiments are missing as the authors report very subtle differences that need to be confirmed with complementary experiments, including time-lapse microscopy and alternative evaluations of cell sizes. The mechanism by which spindle symmetry breaking is established by centrosome age is not clear, even if the authors have identified some important actors at the spindle poles.

      Major points:

      1. The evaluation of spindle and cell size asymmetry related to centrosome age only relies on fixed sample preparation. Cells should be followed by time-lapse microscopy as the metaphase plate position relative to the spindle poles and/or the cell cortex may fluctuate over time and as the observed differences remain in a very subtle range. This is an important possibility to consider for 1:1, 1:0 or 0:0 spindle pole configurations where centrosome integrity is impaired.
      2. Cell size asymmetry was evaluated based on cell area at the equator. Volumes will be a better indicator as daughter cell shapes can be different in telophase if they do not re-adhere at the same speed. This evaluation should also be confirmed with another readout, like the position of the cleavage furrow relative to the spindle poles in late anaphase, as again the observed differences are in a very subtle range.
      3. The authors propose that differential microtubule nucleation at the spindle poles underlies spindle size symmetry breaking without providing direct evidence. If the observed spindle symmetry in the 1:1 configuration after pericentrin, CDK5RAP2 or -tubulin siRNA fuels this interpretation (Fig4C), the differential microtubule nucleation capacity at the spindle poles after microtubule-depolymerisation-repolymerisation assays was not evaluated in these conditions, as compared to the control situation.
      4. If differential microtubule nucleation at the spindle poles is responsible for spindle asymmetry, overexpression of PCM proteins or -tubulin should be sufficient for re-establishment of symmetric protein distribution, spindle and cell size symmetry in 2:2 or 1:1 configuration. The authors should evaluate whether this is the case or not.
      5. The authors describe that the cortex-centrosome distance is not changed according to centrosome age (Fig2C), but centrosome-metaphase plate distance is (Fig1D). These observations are difficult to reconcile if differential microtubule-nucleation capacity is at play. Again, time-lapse microscopy would enable to detect over time whether only metaphase plate position relative to spindle poles is changing or if spindle pole position relative to the cell cortex is also fluctuating.

      Minor points:

      1. Main PCM and MT nucleation protein "depletion" do not appear to impact spindle assembly, but only spindle symmetry in 1:1 and 1:0 configurations (Fig4A and 4F-H). Can it be explained by the fact that their depletion is not always total (for pericentrin, Fig5F versus FigS2A or Fig7G)? Can they comment on this point?
      2. If centrosome age dictates spindle and cell size asymmetry through differential MT-nucleation capacity at the spindle poles, how can this process be modulated? Indeed, centrosome age is common to all cell types, but cell size asymmetry is more or less pronounced. The authors should further discuss this point based on the literature.


      The question of whether centrosome age is translated into different capacity to nucleate microtubules and related consequences on spindle and cell size symmetry has already been addressed in different model systems. Nonetheless, cell lines were previously described as dividing symmetrically since their spindle is symmetric in size and since they give rise to daughter cells of equivalent sizes. The present manuscript reports a thorough re-evaluation of this question and provides evidence that subtle differences in PCM and spindle pole protein recruitment, microtubule-nucleation capacity and spindle symmetry can be observed as a function of centrosome age. They also identify some key actors whose differential recruitment at the spindle poles can underlie spindle symmetry breaking, even if their involvement seems to differ from one cell line to another one. This manuscript could be submitted after appropriate revisions as a report and will benefit to the basic research cell biology community.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study, the authors show that in two types of human tissue culture cells the half spindles associated with mother centrosomes are slightly longer, on average, than the half spindles associated with daughter centrioles. They show that this correlates with centrosome age, with mother centrosomes tending to be associated with the longer half spindle, and with a correlative asymmetry in the size of daughter cells. They show that spindle asymmetry relates to asymmetries in the amount of certain PCM components at centrosomes, including Pericentrin, CDK5RAP2, TPX2, and γ-tubulin, which preferentially accumulate at mother centrosomes. Pericentrin/CDK5RAP2/TPX2/γ-tubulin are known to be involved, directly or indirectly, with microtubule nucleation, and the authors also show how that microtubule nucleation is more robust at mother centrosomes and that depletion of either Pericentrin, CDK5RAP2, TPX2, or γ-tubulin abolishes (or reduces) spindle asymmetry. The suggestion is that enhanced microtubule nucleation at the mother centrosome leads to longer half spindles and subsequent asymmetric positioning of the division plane and daughter cells of unequal size. Centrosome and spindle asymmetry is partially masked by the apparent equal accumulation of PCM at daughter centrioles, such that cells with centrosomes containing only mother centrioles show higher levels of asymmetry.

      Mechanistically, the authors show that a Cenexin-bound pool of Plk1, a kinase required for PCM assembly, is important for centrosome and spindle asymmetry. Cenexin is an "upstream" sub-distal appendage protein only found at mother centrosomes (due to appendage structures only being present on the grandmother centriole). Nevertheless, depletion of a more downstream sub-distal appendage protein, Centriolin, also abrogated spindle asymmetry, suggesting that multiple proteins of the sub-distal appendages are necessary for asymmetry. Results from some experiments show that spindle asymmetry and a known asymmetry in the distribution of polar centrosomes are mechanistically separable, while other experiments show a link.

      Major comments:

      1. It is not completely clear how the authors determined whether a spindle was asymmetric or not. In the methods, they say that statistical tests are described in the legends. In Figure 1 legend they say: "Each condition was compared to a theoretical distribution centered at 0 (dashed line)". How did they generate this theoretical distribution?
      2. The authors claim that TPX2 depletion results in loss of spindle asymmetry in 1:1 cells, but the difference is very small (1.7% in control vs 1.3% in TPX2 depletion, Fig 5B) and the data is more variable in TPX2 depletion, which makes it less likely that a statistically significant difference from 0 would be found. Firstly, perhaps the authors could check the standard error of the mean, which provides a measure of how accurate the mean is with regard to N and variation. If a dataset is more spread (such as in TPX2 depletion) a higher N is required to attain the same accuracy in the mean value. This is normally not so important when directly comparing two datasets, but in this case the authors are comparing each dataset to 0. So, are the authors measuring enough cells in the TPX2 depletion to be sure that a 1.3% value is not significantly different from 0? Secondly, I don't understand why the control cells have such a low asymmetry index (1.7%), when previous data in the paper shows an asymmetry index of 4.1% (Fig 1D) and 3.4% (Fig 4E) in control 1:1 cells. This suggests that something about the way this experiment was carried out dampens the asymmetry, which could therefore lead the authors to conclude that TPX2 is more important than it really is.
      3. The authors claim that daughter centrioles are associated with some Pericentrin and suggest that this may be why 2:2 centrosomes have less of an asymmetry than 1:1 centrosomes (Fig 6A). It is unclear whether the authors consider these daughter centrioles as being prematurely disengaged (they make reference to the fact that they previously showed how disengaged daughters recruit γ-tubulin, but it's unclear if this is related to their current observations). In Figure 6A, the Centrin spots look too far apart for engaged centrioles (~750nm). I appreciate that this may be the only way to dectect Pericentrin around the daughter at this resolution, but it may also force the authors to select cells where the centrioles have prematurely disengaged. For the asymmetry measurements, the authors presumably did not select cells where they could distinguish mother and daughter centrioles. One way to address this issue would be to compare PCM size at centrosomes in 2:2 cells with centrosomes in 1:1 cells. The expectation would be that centrosomes in 2:2 cells would have more PCM, due to the contribution of the daughter centrioles.
      4. The authors show that Plk1 recruitment by Cenexin (via S796 phosphorylation), which happens only at mother centrosomes, is important for asymmetry. Nevertheless, they show that Plk1 is symmetrically distributed between mother and daughter centrosomes (Table 1). This does not really fit, unless daughter centrosomes recruit more cenexin-independent Plk1 than mother centrosomes or if the cenexin-bound pool of Plk1 is only a minor fraction of total Plk1. If so, do the authors think that the Cenexin-bound pool of Plk1 is more potent than the rest of centrosomal Plk1?
      5. The circles drawn to measure cell size in Figures 2A,E and 7C do not look like a good representation of cell area (as the cells are not perfectly round). The authors use a formular for circle area with an approximation of the radius (based on mean length/width of an oval. It would be much better to use ImageJ to draw a freehand line around the perimeter of the cell and use the in-built tool to measure the area.

      Minor comments:

      1. Asymmetry in centrosome size that correlates with centrosome age in apparently symmetrically dividing "cells" has been observed previously in Drosophila syncytial embryos (Conduit et al., 2010a, Curr. Bio.). I think this should be mentioned somewhere given the topic of the study.
      2. A full description of statistical tests and n numbers for each experiment should be provided in the methods, even if this duplicates information in the Figure legends.

      OPTIONAL EXPERIMENTS: 3. Given that chTOG is very important for microtubule nucleation, it seems strange that this protein was not analysed for a potential asymmetry. 4. Cooling-warming experiments could be done using higher concentration of formaldehyde, as it's likely that microtubule nucleation is not immediately halted when using 4% formaldehyde.


      This a well-conducted study with results being presented clearly and concisely. The methodology is solid in the main. The study reveals something unexpected - that apparently symmetrically dividing human tissue culture cells divide asymmetrically. While the asymmetry is only slight, it could be important - although the authors do not address its relevance for the cell population. Having analysed only 2 cultured cell types, it remains unclear if this is a widespread phenomenon, and whether this occurs in a more natural setting. Nevertheless, the proposed model (Plk1 at SDA's => increased PCM at mother => increased nucleation => offset division plane), which is supported by the data, would suggest this could be a widespread phenomenon. This study will be of interest to anyone studying cell division, but it would require some degree of insight into the importance of the observations for it to appeal to a very broad audience.

      I am a cell biologist with an interest in cell division and microtubule regulation.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this paper, the authors demonstrated that there is asymmetry in mitotic spindles, which are usually considered symmetric. That is, they found that centrosome age causes asymmetry in the size of the half-spindle even when the number of centrioles forming the spindle poles is the usual pair or when there is only one mother centriole. It is also suggested that the difference in half-spindle size is due to the different microtubule-organizing activity of the centrosomes at each spindle pole. Furthermore, they observe that the difference in half-spindle size also results in asymmetries in the size of the daughter cells after cell division. In this study, they mainly analyze the mechanism by employing the condition of 1:1 number of centrioles, in which the difference in half-spindle size is more sharply pronounced. They showed that the subdistal appendage (SDA) of the centriole of the old centrosome is important for the molecular basis of this half-spindle size difference, as the SDA-dependent recruitment of the Plk1 pool mediates an asymmetric localization of pericentrin, Cdk5rap2, gamma-tubulin, TPX2, and other factors at the spindle poles. In addition, knockdown of these factors eliminated the half-spindle size asymmetry. They also confirm these findings using a different human cell line, BJ cells. In conclusion, they propose that, reflecting centrosome age, the old centrosome promotes asymmetric spindle formation by localizing a group of factors that promote microtubule organization, originating from the SDA-Plk1 pathway.

      Major points

      1. The discovery of differences in half-spindle size during symmetric division is intriguing. However, the methodology for quantification of the data remains unclear. Key questions, such as how the center of the metaphase plate is determined from the image data, the definition of exact pole position when centrioles are located at spindle poles, the objective determination of daughter cell diameter and width from the image data, and the referential position of the cortex, need more detailed explanation in the manuscript. Additionally, it's crucial to elucidate the specific index used to quantify differences from the image data, especially when dealing with data that only varies by a few percent. Providing clarity on these aspects and, in some cases, re-quantifying the data should be necessary.
      2. The mechanism behind the difference in half-spindle size, related to the subdistal appendage (SDA), raises questions, especially considering that SDA is believed to disassemble during mitosis. Exploring whether differences in the localization of PCM components and half-spindle size result from disparities in Plk1 and PCM loading during G2/early mitosis, prior to SDA disassembly, necessitates experimental verification.
      3. For investigating the mechanism of half-spindle size asymmetry, many perturbation experiments employ knock-down techniques. To directly address the cause of asymmetry, it might be valuable to artificially localize Plk1 and PCM factors to one spindle pole using optogenetic tools or similar approaches and then quantify half-spindle and daughter cell sizes.
      4. The asymmetry in Plk1 sub-population recruitment by SDA triggers the observed effects, but the evidence for this is relatively weak, given the small difference in spindle asymmetry. Quantifying the amount of Plk1 in its activated form, particularly in the context of SDA dismantling during metaphase, could strengthen this aspect of the study.
      5. While the focus on half-spindle size asymmetry during symmetric division is intriguing, it's important to address the broader physiological significance. The primary outcome of this asymmetry is differences in daughter cell size, which limits the broader significance of the study. Furthermore, the quantification method for daughter cell size warrants scrutiny and clarification.

      Minor points

      1. Table 1 lists factors with asymmetric localization not analyzed in detail in this paper. It would be beneficial to discuss whether these factors play a role in spindle asymmetry, and the authors should address the completeness of the data in Table 1 in terms of selecting factors for analysis.
      2. In Figure 1H, the impact of centriolin knock-out on the distribution of unaligned polar chromosomes is different from the effect of cenexin S796A in Figure 6H. This difference should be explained to provide clarity on the observed discrepancies.
      3. In Figure 2A, there is no correlation data presented between daughter cell asymmetry and the presence or absence of cenexin signal. This relationship should be elucidated for a more comprehensive understanding.
      4. In Figure 4G and H, the mean value of spindle asymmetry increases with siRNA treatment of Cdk5Rap2 or PCNT compared to the control. The possible interpretation of this finding should be discussed.
      5. Figure 4K shows that the asymmetry of PCNT distribution is not eliminated by centriolin knock-down. This observation requires clarification and discussion.
      6. It appears that the difference in spindle asymmetry of the control group in Figure 5A is smaller than in other data. This discrepancy should be addressed. Additionally, the influence of TPX2 depletion on spindle formation, and any corresponding spindle staining data, should be included.
      7. Claiming that the daughter centriole recruits PCM based on Figure 6A data alone may require additional supporting evidence. It is essential to investigate whether there is a clear PCM signal when the daughter centriole disengages in late mitosis and maintain consistency in the interpretation.
      8. The lack of difference in TPX2 distribution in Figure 7E should be explained, along with a discussion of how this observation aligns with the spindle asymmetry data and any inconsistencies.
      9. The differing N numbers between samples in all the figures may affect the validity of comparisons. The authors should discuss whether it is necessary to have consistent N numbers in each experiment for more robust conclusions.


      In summary, while the study is intriguing for its exploration of spindle asymmetry during symmetric division, the major points raised here highlight areas where further clarification and data interpretation are needed. A more rigorous quantification method and additional evidence to support the proposed SDA-Plk1 signal as the initiator of asymmetry would enhance the study's validity. Moreover, addressing concerns about daughter cell size quantification and the physiological relevance of spindle asymmetry is essential for a more comprehensive understanding of the findings. This research presents an interesting challenge for researchers in the centrosome and mitotic spindle field.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2023-02172

      Corresponding author(s): Philip Elks

      [The “revision plan” should delineate the revisions that authors intend to carry out in response to the points raised by the referees. It also provides the authors with the opportunity to explain their view of the paper and of the referee reports.

      • *

      The document is important for the editors of affiliate journals when they make a first decision on the transferred manuscript. It will also be useful to readers of the reprint and help them to obtain a balanced view of the paper.

      • *

      If you wish to submit a full revision, please use our "Full Revision" template. It is important to use the appropriate template to clearly inform the editors of your intentions.]

      1. General Statements [optional]

      This section is optional. Insert here any general statements you wish to make about the goal of the study or about the reviews.

      • *

      In this paper we report the discovery that a member of the tribbles pseudokinase family, TRIB1 is expressed in human monocytes and is upregulated after stimulation with mycobacterial antigen in a human patient challenge model, the first direct link between immune cell Tribbles expression and innate immune response to infection. We then interrogated the mechanisms of Tribbles roles in TB using a human disease relevant whole-organism in vivo zebrafish model of TB. We show that specifically TRIB1 modulation can tip the battle between host and pathogen enhancing the innate immune response and reducing bacterial burden. We then uncover the molecular mechanisms responsible for the host protective effect of TRIB1, with enhanced antimicrobial reactive nitrogen species and il-1beta, via cooperation with Cop1 E3 ubiquitin ligase. Our findings demonstrate, for the first time, TRIB1 as a host moderator of antimicrobial mechanisms, whose manipulation is of benefit to the host during mycobacterial infection and as such, a potential novel therapeutic target against TB infection.

      We thank the reviewers for their positive appraisal of our work and for their helpful suggestions that will improve our manuscript. In particular we would like to highlight the reviewer’s comments on the gap/need for a new zebrafish in vivo model to understand the roles of tribbles in infection that can “be extrapolated into the human system”, and how they feel these findings will be of broad interest and “significance to cross section of the research community” attracting “interest from readers in the fields of infection, immunity, hematology and animal models” alongside “researchers studying all aspects of Tribbles pseudokinase function, especially researchers seeking models to test small molecule agonists and antagonists.”

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Insert here a point-by-point reply that explains what revisions, additional experimentations and analyses are planned to address the points raised by the referees.

      • *

      Reviewer 1

      The major weakness of the manuscript is that the authors do not evaluate C/EBP transcription factors at all. It is rather surprising as they emphasize cooperation between Trib1 and Cop1 in the main title. C/EBP family proteins are key factors of Trib1-mediated modulation of granulocytes and monocytes. Also, slbo, a drosophila homolog of C/EBP, is a target of tribbles, indicating that the pathway is evolutionary conserved. I would request the following experiments and discussions.

      RESPONSE: We agree that possible C/EBP roles should be discussed in detail, and we will add a new discussion section on this.

      We stand by our data that the host protective mechanism of Trib1 acts requires Cop1, but we are not able to directly show a C/EBP mechanism within the scope of the current project due to a lack of tools/knowledge in the zebrafish on this (further points/comments below on this). It is important to note that we have not claimed a C/EBP mechanism in our manuscript, and we think it is possibly unlikely given that monocyte and granulocyte numbers are not altered after TRIB1 manipulation. Indeed, there are many other candidates other than C/EBP that COP1 could be acting through. Some examples include MAPK (Niespolo et al., Front Immunol, 2020), serine threonine kinases (Durzynska et al., Structure, 2017) and beta-Catenin (Zahid et al., Proteins, 2022).

      In response to this comment, we have modified the title from “Tribbles1 and Cop1 cooperate to protect the host during in vivo mycobacterial infection” to “Tribbles1 is host protective during in vivo mycobacterial infection”. We believe our data does show that the protective effect of Tribbles requires Cop1, but changing the title in this way removes any suggestion that they directly cooperate in the potential C/EBP dependent manner, suggested by the reviewer.

      Although the authors found the number of neutrophils and monocytes unchanged by Trib1 overexpression nor knockdown, they did not demonstrate the differentiation status of both cell types. This is quite an important issue, given that Trib1 knockout promotes granulocytic differentiation via C/EBPa accumulation in mice. Also, the analysis of granulocytic/monocytic differentiation will provide the crucial information how Trib1 protects the host from mycobacterial infection regulating hematopoietic cell functions. The authors should perform morphological analysis and examine cell surface marker expression to examine whether Trib1 and Cop1 modulates granulocytic and monocytic differentiation with and without Mm infection.

      RESPONSE: Unfortunately, we do not have the same level of immunology knowledge nor the antibodies to look at cell surface markers in zebrafish larvae (it is noted that the reviewer identifies that they “not have sufficient expertise in zebrafish models.” We agree with the reviewer that this would be an obvious and informative experiment to do in mouse models, but is not currently possible in zebrafish larval models). The transgenic promoters used (mpx for neutrophils and mpeg1) are robust and widely published to look at total neutrophil and macrophage numbers (Renshaw et al., Blood 2006; Ellett et al., Blood 2011). Mpx, encoding myeloperoxidase, is expressed late in neutrophil differentiation. It is also worth noting that the zebrafish larval model is still a developing organism, and neutrophil/macrophage numbers rise every day between 1 and 5 days post fertilisation, therefore any effect/delay in leukocyte differentiation would likely be captured at the 2dpf timepoint we have already quantified. We cannot perform leukocyte counts during Mm infection reliably as neutrophils/macrophages cluster around infected areas making counting challenging.

      However, in response to this comment we will:

      1. Use a new Tribbles 1 stable CRISPR-Cas9 knockout mutant we have generated and assess neutrophil differentiation using Sudan Black (SD). SD stains neutrophil granules the development of which is during a late phase of neutrophil differentiation.
      2. Interestingly, it has been shown that a zebrafish myeloid specific C/EBP (c/ebp1) is not required for initial macrophage or granulocyte development, but knockdown does result in a loss of the secondary granule gene LysC (Su et al., Zebrafish, 2007). Therefore, our findings are not inconsistent with existing literature, even if C/EBPs are regulated by Tribbles. However, to test this further we will use an LysC:mCherry transgenic line (Buchan et al., PLoS One 2019) to assess expression in developing neutrophils after trib1 manipulation.

      It is interesting that Cop1 knockdown zebrafish is viable, given its ubiquitous expression and multiple important targets of protein degradation. The authors should provide the details of phenotype of Cop1 KO larva and discuss on this issue.

      RESPONSE: Zebrafish mutants are much less often embryonic lethal than mice as maternally contributed protein stores allow for basic metabolic functions to occur throughout the short period of embryonic development (Rossant and Hopkins. Genes and Development 1992). However, in the case of Cop1 Crispant, this is a knockdown rather than a knockout, so there may be sufficient remaining Cop1 availability for development if it is indeed a requirement for larval viability. Although Cop1 knockout mice are non-viable, hypomorphs are viable and develop relatively normally (similar to our knockdown zebrafish) but are tumour prone as Cop1 is required for effective tumour suppression (Milgliorini et al., JCI, 2011).

      We had not commented on the Cop1 larvae phenotype as they look like they develop normally eg. normal body axis, development. However, we agree that this is a relevant point to incorporate into the manuscript and thus will add a comment on this in the Results section. Furthermore, we will add wholebody neutrophil counts into supplementary information, which we have performed and there is no change with cop1 knockdown, suggesting no difference in granulopoiesis.

      [Optional] To obtain the more solid evidence for the Cop1 dependent function of Trib1 on mycobacteria infection, it is better to use the Trib1 mutant that loses the Cop1 binding activity. This experiment will strength the authors' conclusion of the Trib1 and Cop1 cooperation.

      RESPONSE: We will address this comment by using a newly generated stable zebrafish CRISPR-Cas9 Tribbles 1 knockout line with a 14 base pair deletion that is predicted to lead a premature stop at 94aa in the middle of the pseudokinase domain, lacking the catalytic loop. This also lacks the predicted COP1 binding area at the C terminal of the protein. We will assess bacterial burden in this model.

      1. Previous studies have shown multiple defects in hematopoietic lineages such as M2-like macrophages and eosinophils in Trib1 KO mice, suggesting that Trib1 affects cellular functions of macrophages upon mycobacteria infection. I would request the authors to mention some ideas on this point in discussion.

      RESPONSE: We will add a section in the discussion to address this.

      • *

      Reviewer 2

      Structural comparisons are relatively descriptive of identity etc. Nowadays it should be relatively straightforward to comment on structural conservation based on Alphafold models. Specific details may not be accurate but gross folds will be, and comparing those may be more informative.

      RESPONSE: We have taken an initial look at Alphafold models and there are indeed structural similarities between zebrafish and human Tribbles. We will incorporate Alphafold structural models and comment on similarities/differences.

      Some discussion of the mechanisms regulating TRIB1/2/3 transcriptionally is probably relevant given the differential upregulation observed during infection. There is quite a bit of characterisation of different Tribble promoter regions in humans-how Edoes this translate to Zebrafish?

      RESPONSE: We will add a discussion point on what is known about Tribbles promoter regions in humans. We will assess whether anything is known about the promoter regions in zebrafish Tribbles (we have not identified literature on this currently). If nothing is known on this in zebrafish we will attempt to search for regulatory regions found in humans in the zebrafish promoters.

      In terms of Crispr use-can it be confirmed that Crispr modified cell lines have effects at the protein level? This is not my specific expertise, but the supplementary evidence shown seems to show some genomic editing is occurring, but not necessarily how it effects protein levels.

      RESPONSE: We do not have antibodies that work on zebrafish Tribbles proteins to assess this directly. However, we will address this comment by using a newly generated stable zebrafish CRISPR Tribbles 1 knockout line with a 14 base pair deletion that is predicted to lead a premature stop at 94aa in the middle of the pseudokinase domain, lacking the catalytic loop. Unlike the “CRISPant” knockdown work in the peer-reviewed version, this represents a full knockout of Tribbles 1. We will assess the trib1 cDNA of the full knockout line to assess the knockout in terms of transcript.

      A major conclusion of the paper seems to be that TRIB1 works with COP1 in Zebrafish to mediate response to infection. However the discussion does not particularly tie this with the other discussed mechanisms. E.g. JAK/STS, and EBP-linked responses are discussed separately from COP1, where they could well be linked?

      RESPONSE: We agree and this comment fits in with some comments from reviewer 1. We will rework areas of the discussion to address this and bring possible mechanisms together into a new discission section.

      • *

      Reviewer 3

      All comments addressed in new revision (see below).

      It is noted that this reviewer has “expertise from genetic studies of model organisms to assess all aspects of the tools and approaches used in the paper.”

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. If no revisions have been carried out yet, please leave this section empty.

      • *

      Reviewer 1

      Figure 1D, E, F is mislabeled in lines 268-271.

      RESPONSE: Apologies for this typo, this has now been changed.

      Typo in line 399.

      RESPONSE: We have changed “suggesting” to “suggest”.

      Figure 6A-B is mislabeled in line 415

      RESPONSE: Apologies for this typo. We have changed this from “Figure 5A-B” to “Figure 6A-B”.

      • *

      Reviewer 2

      • *

      While the protective effect is stated as an effect size 'close to that of HIF-1a', is there additional rationale suggesting that the two may be linked?

      RESPONSE: Yes, there have been a number of studies that link Tribbles and Hif1-alpha. The best characterised link is in different cancer cells where Tribbles 3 has been linked to HIF-1alpha or hypoxia (in breast cancer (Wennemers, Breast Cancer Research 2011), renal cell carcinoma cells (Hong et al., Inj J Biol Sci, 2019) and adenocarcinoma (Xing et al., Cancer Management Research, 2020). In Drosophila Hif-1alpha induces TRIB in fat body tissue (Noguchi et al., Genes Cells 2022). We have now added references to these studies to the relevant section in the results.

      Reviewer 3

      • *

      Minor issues: small problems with clarity and figure panel correlation as detailed below:

      Mycobacterium marinum Lines 363-365 Refers to Fig 2C-D should be 3C-D

      RESPONSE: Apologies for this typo. This has now been changed to 3C-D.

      negative controls DN Hif-1alpha and PR (Figure 4A-B). Similarly, trib1 overexpression increased the levels of anti-nitrotyrosine staining, a proxy for immune cell antimicrobial nitric oxide production (Forlenza et al. 2008), to similar levels of DA Hif-1alpha (Elks et al. 2014; Elks et al) Not seeing this for Trib1

      RESPONSE: We are not completely sure what the reviewer is referring to here. We think possible confusion stems from the increase of nitric oxide in trib1 is compared to the phenol red control, so we have now clarified that in the text.

      As previously observed, overexpression of trib1 significantly reduced bacterial burden compared to phenol red controls when co-injected with tyrosinase guide (Figure 5A-B).

      The Fig 3 A-B is correct, although 6A-B appear to be novel panels showing this result

      RESPONSE: Yes, we agree, 6A-B has new results showing similar results to 3A-B, as it is necessary to include siblings from the same clutch in each graph to make direct comparisons. To avoid unnecessary confusion, we have removed the “as previously observed” for figure 6 as we had not previously had the tyrosinase co-injection so these are indeed new data.

      444 no comma 446 no comma 457 no comma after "activation"

      RESPONSE: We have removed these punctuations.

      472-475 confusing - better structure in particular in 474 what does "this" refer to?

      RESPONSE: We agree, and have clarified in the following new, clarified sentences:

      “Lipid droplets form in macrophages during Mtb infection that are potentially used as source of lipids by Mtb to allow for intracellular growth (Daniel et al. 2011). However, more recent findings suggest that lipid droplets are formed during the immune activation process after macrophage Mtb infection (Knight et al. 2018), that can subsequently influence the dynamics response of macrophage host defence (Menon et al. 2019). This macrophage lipid metabolism and handling could potentially be influenced by Tribbles.”

      525-526 confusing - better structure perhaps begin with 'Because...'

      RESPONSE: We have changed this confusing sentence to:

      “Here, we demonstrate il-1b and NO control by Trib1, suggesting that Trib1 controls multiple immune pathways and that therapeutic Trib1 manipulation may be more effective than targeting individual immune pathways alone.”

      confusing 538 "this and 539 pave the way for further research into TRIB1 as a target for host-derived therapies" Perhaps "further research into TRIB1 as a target for host-derived therapies could potentially improve infection outcome of mycobacterial infection via pharmacological targeted delivery methods and transient manipulation through genetic approaches"

      RESPONSE: We have changed this sentence as suggested.

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Please include a point-by-point response explaining why some of the requested data or additional analyses might not be necessary or cannot be provided within the scope of a revision. This can be due to time or resource limitations or in case of disagreement about the necessity of such additional data given the scope of the study. Please leave empty if not applicable.

      • *

      Reviewer 1

      1. The authors should investigate the expression of the C/EBPa protein p42 isoform and/or other C/EBP family proteins such as C/EBPb, and confirm that the p42 is degraded by Trib1 overexpression and recovered by Trib1 and Cop1 knockout. It is also important to determine both p42 and p30 isoforms are preserved in zebrafish.

      RESPONSE: This is a complex point to unpick in zebrafish and we believe this to be out of the scope of the current project. We do not claim a link to C/EBP. As mentioned in above comments we think that a link to C/EBP may be unlikely given that monocyte and granulocyte numbers are not altered after TRIB1 manipulation. We will add more data to look at different markers of neutrophils (see above comments). There are many other candidates other than C/EBP that COP1 could be acting through. Some examples include MAPK (Niespolo et al., Front Immunol, 2020), serine threonine kinases (Durzynska et al., Structure, 2017) and beta-Catenin (Zahid et al., Proteins, 2022). There is also evidence suggesting that COP1 and C/EBP have distinct binding sites on TRIB1, potentially unlinking their activity in some biological situations (Murphy et al., Structure, 2015).

      C/EBPa is found in zebrafish and is involved in myeloid differentiation and haematopoeisis (Yuan et al., Blood 2011). There is not a huge amount in the literature on this, but it has been shown in zebrafish models that the drug Tanshinone IIA reduces C/EBPa (Park et al., In J Mol Sci, 2017) and we know from previous work in our department that Tanshinone IIA does not affect total neutrophil numbers in the zebrafish larvae (Robertson et al., Sci Trans Medicine, 2014). The most involved C/EBP in zebrafish myelopoiesis appears is a zebrafish specific isoform called c/ebp1 that is myeloid expressed (Lyons et al., Blood 2001). This has a highly conserved carboxy-terminal bZIP domain but the amino-terminal domains are unique. Interestingly, reduction of c/ebp1 does not ablate initial macrophage or granulocyte development, but did result in loss of expression of LysC, a secondary granule marker (we are checking expression of this gene after Trib1 modulation using a LysC:mCherry transgenic zebrafish line).

      We do not have antibodies or tools to detect p42 and p30 in zebrafish. As Tribbles1 regulation of C/EBPa appears to be post-translational (Bauer et al., J Clin Invest, 2015), this would be incredibly challenging to unpick in the zebrafish model due to lack of tools to do this. Due to this and the reasons above we believe this to be out of the scope of the current project.

      [Optional] The effect of enhanced ERK phosphorylation by Trib1 for the protective effect against mycobacterial infection is another interesting point. It would be better if the authors could provide the ERK phosphorylation status upon Trib1 overexpression.

      RESPONSE: Unfortunately, we have no method to answer this question to a conclusive level within the scope of this project. There are limited reports of phosphorylated ERK antibodies that work in wholemount zebrafish (eg, Maurer and Sagerström, BMC Developmental Biology, 2018, that use a rabbit antibody), but this is widely expressed in many tissues of the zebrafish and immune cells would be challenging to resolve.

      Reviewer 2

      We have addressed or propose to address all of reviewer 2’s comments.

      • *

      Reviewer 3

      We have addressed or propose to address all of reviewer 3’s comments.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: In this manuscript, the authors test the role of Tribbles psuedokinase 1 in the primary immune defence against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the pathogen in tuberculosis. After showing increased Trib1 and 2 in response to mycobacterial infection cell culture and from biopsies of challenged human tissue, they turn to a zebrafish model of infection of the caudal vein with Mycobacterium marinum, a natural fish pathogen similar in effects on macrophages to M. tuberculosis in humans.

      Authors find that overexpression of tribs 1, 2 and 3 had no strong effect on development but reduced the bacterial burder significantly for Trib1, less so for Trib2 and not at all for Trib3. Converesely, Trib1 Crisper-mediated knockdown increased Mm burde, which 3 had no effect ( and 2 guide RNAs were not effective at reducing Trib2).

      Trib1 increased levels of pro-inflammatory interleukin 1 beta, as measure by a reporter gne , which Trib3 had no similar effect, which was on par to the effect of the Hif-1alpha transcription factor, known to regulate il-1beta. The effect of Trib1 was not upon increased Hif-a (hence independent) but was dependent on the co-factor COP1, a known target of the Trib1 C-tail when activated

      No major problems seen

      Minor issues: small problems with clarity and figure panel correlation as detailed below Mycobacterium marinum Lines 363-365 Refers to Fig 2C-D should be 3C-D

      1. 386 negative controls DN Hif-1and PR (Figure 4A-B). Similarly, trib1 overexpression increased
      2. 387 the levels of anti-nitrotyrosine staining, a proxy for immune cell antimicrobial nitric oxide
      3. 388 production (Forlenza et al. 2008), to similar levels of DA Hif-1(Elks et al. 2014; Elks et al. Not seeing this for Trib1

      4. 414 As previously observed, overexpression of trib1 significantly reduced bacterial burden

      5. 415 compared to phenol red controls when co-injected with tyrosinase guide (Figure 5A-B). The Fig 3 A-B is correct, although 6A-B appear to be novel panels showing this result

      444 no comma 446 no comma 457 no comma after "activation" 472-475 confusing - better structure in particular in 474 what does "this" refer to? 525-526 confusing - better structure perhaps begin with 'Because...'

      confusing 538 "this and 539 pave the way for further research into TRIB1 as a target for host-derived therapies"

      Perhaps "further research into TRIB1 as a target for host-derived therapies could potentially improve infection outcome of mycobacterial infection via pharmacological targeted delivery methods and transient manipulation through genetic approaches"


      General assessment: The paper is well written and clear. The importance of developing host derived therapies is stated well in the introduction and the discussion makes clear the significance of the work to developing the zebrafish as a useful alternative to traditional models for studying the pathophysiology of mycobacterial infection.

      Advance: for the Tribbles field, which I can comment on, this advances an important and neglected model organism (the zebrafish), introducing this set of three homologs Trib1, 2 and 3, that are well studied in mammals, Drosophila and C.elegans.

      Audience: The paper will be of significance to cross section of the research community on the one hand developing novel approaches to treat TB and on the other to researchers studying all aspects of Tribbles pseudokinase function, especially researchers seeking models to test small molecule agonists and antagonists.

      I have expertise from genetic studies of model organisms to assess all aspects of the tools and approaches used in the paper.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The paper by Hammond et al characterises the role of Tribbles proteins in Zebrafish in response to MTb infection. They show interesting upregulation of TRIB1 and 2, relative to TRIB3 which is not upregulated. This may provide an interesting system to further explore the role of Tribbles in response to infection, which is currently underexplored, but could do with some additional detail to stake that claim more strongly.

      Major Comments

      Some discussion of the mechanisms regulating TRIB1/2/3 transcriptionally is probably relevant given the differential upregulation observed during infection. There is quite a bit of characterisation of different Tribble promoter regions in humans-how does this translate to Zebrafish?

      Structural comparisons are relatively descriptive of identity etc. Nowadays it should be relatively straightforward to comment on structural conservation based on Alphafold models. Specific details may not be accurate but gross folds will be, and comparing those may be more informative.

      In terms of Crispr use-can it be confirmed that Crispr modified cell lines have effects at the protein level? This is not my specific expertise, but the supplementary evidence shown seems to show some genomic editing is occurring, but not necessairly how it effects protein levels.

      While the protective effect is stated as an effect size 'close to that of HIF-1a', is there additional rationale suggesting that the two may be linked?

      Minor comment

      A major conclusion of the paper seems to be that TRIB1 works with COP1 in Zebrafish to mediate response to infection. However the discussion does not particularly tie this with the other discussed mechanisms. E.g. JAK/STS, and EBP-linked responses are discussed seperately from COP1, where they could well be linked?


      Tribbles are clearly important in immune cell development. The work is an interesting foray into Tribbles in Zebrafish, which is an interesting tool to be developed going forward. It also hints at a broader role of Tribbles in human infection, but this requires more work to play out.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The paper by Hammond et al. describes the protective role of Trib1 for mycobacterial infection such as tuberculosis. They first found that TRIB1 expression is upregulated upon mycobacterial antigen injection in human monocytes. They then tried to perform functional studies using a zebrafish model. To achieve the study, they confirmed the preservation of Trib family genes in zebrafish. The transgenic zebrafish expressing exogenous trib1 demonstrated decreased bacterial burden of M. marium, and trib1 knockdown showed the opposite effect. Trib1 expression also induced the production of Il1B and NO in the Hif independent manner. Finally, they found that cop1 knockdown reduced trib1-mediated protection against Mm infection.

      Major comments

      The major weakness of the manuscript is that the authors do not evaluate C/EBP transcription factors at all. It is rather surprising as they emphasize cooperation between Trib1 and Cop1 in the main title. C/EBP family proteins are key factors of Trib1-mediated modulation of granulocytes and monocytes. Also, slbo, a drosophila homolog of C/EBP, is a target of tribbles, indicating that the pathway is evolutionary conserved. I would request the following experiments and discussions.

      1. The authors should investigate the expression of the C/EBPa protein p42 isoform and/or other C/EBP family proteins such as C/EBPb, and confirm that the p42 is degraded by Trib1 overexpression and recovered by Trib1 and Cop1 knockout. It is also important to determine both p42 and p30 isoforms are preserved in zebrafish.
      2. Although the authors found the number of neutrophils and monocytes unchanged by Trib1 overexpression nor knockdown, they did not demonstrate the differentiation status of both cell types. This is quite an important issue, given that Trib1 knockout promotes granulocytic differentiation via C/EBPa accumulation in mice. Also, the analysis of granulocytic/monocytic differentiation will provide the crucial information how Trib1 protects the host from mycobacterial infection regulating hematopoietic cell functions. The authors should perform morphological analysis and examine cell surface marker expression to examine whether Trib1 and Cop1 modulates granulocytic and monocytic differentiation with and without Mm infection.
      3. It is interesting that Cop1 knockdown zebrafish is viable, given its ubiquitous expression and multiple important targets of protein degradation. The authors should provide the details of phenotype of Cop1 KO larva and discuss on this issue.
      4. [Optional] The effect of enhanced ERK phosphorylation by Trib1 for the protective effect against mycobacterial infection is another interesting point. It would be better if the authors could provide the ERK phosphorylation status upon Trib1 overexpression.
      5. [Optional] To obtain the more solid evidence for the Cop1 dependent function of Trib1 on mycobacteria infection, it is better to use the Trib1 mutant that loses the Cop1 binding activity. This experiment will strength the authors' conclusion of the Trib1 and Cop1 cooperation.

      Minor comments

      1. Previous studies have shown multiple defects in hematopoietic lineages such as M2-like macrophages and eosinophils in Trib1 KO mice, suggesting that Trib1 affects cellular functions of macrophages upon mycobacteria infection. I would request the authors to mention some ideas on this point in discussion.
      2. Figure 1D, E, F is mislabeled in lines 268-271.
      3. Typo in line 399.
      4. Figure 6A-B is mislabeled in line 415

      Referees cross-commenting

      I do not have any cross-comments, however, I believe comments of other reviewers are helpful for authors.


      This study is the first report on the Tribbles protective function for mycobacterial infection. The use of the zebrafish model is unique and provides useful information on tribbles family genes are expressed in hematopoietic cells in zebrafish. As granulocytic and monocytic functions are conserved between fish and mammals, the results can be extrapolated into the human system to understand infection and pathogenic mechanisms of mycobacterium. The lack of investigation on C/EBP transcription factors is a major limitation to be improved in this study, since C/EBPa is a key molecule in the Trib1 and Cop1 cooperation in granulocytic differentiation. The manuscript will attract interest from readers in the fields of infection, immunity, hematology and animal models. This reviewer's field of expertise is hematology/oncology/model animals, although I do not have sufficient expertise in zebrafish models.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):*

      The mechanisms that differentiate ER from the nuclear envelope (NE) remain to be fully elucidated but likely depend at least in part on junctions between the ER and NE. How such junctions are formed and maintained is the subject of this manuscript where extensive correlative light and electron microscopy is used to observe and characterize ER-nuclear envelope (ER-NE) junctions at distinct phases of the cell cycle. The authors make use of their own electron tomography data as well as publicly available focused-ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) datasets to compare the morphology of these junctions in different human cell types as well as in budding yeast. The major finding is that ER-NE junctions in human cell lines are more constricted than ER-ER junctions, often to the point of excluding lumen. The examination of mitotic cells suggests that this constriction likely occurs at the end of mitosis as the NE is completing its maturation from ER to NE. The implications of these morphological changes are discussed but there are no mechanistic or functional studies. Overall, the data are well presented, are of high quality and are rigorously evaluated. The manuscript is well written and scholarly, and the speculations as to the function of the constrictions are reasonable. I only have minor comments. *We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation on our work and for the useful suggestions on how to further improve the manuscript.

      1. * In Figure 2D, the authors present evidence to demonstrate that an hourglass-like constriction occurs at ER-NE junctions. From the side view, it is difficult to interpret this on the plot, particularly for the ER-NE junctions with a lumen. Perhaps, in the supplemental data, the authors could plot both with and without lumen data separately, and color-code individual traces? I believe this would convey the hourglass nature of these constrictions more clearly.* To make it easier to see individual membrane profiles, we will plot the profiles with and without lumen separately and labelled each profile with distinct colour, as the reviewer suggested.

      * In the Methods section, the authors should describe how carbon-coating of sapphire discs was achieved. If these were provided from the manufacturer precoated, this should be specified.*

      We coated the sapphire discs with carbon by ourselves. We will specify how the carbon-coating was done in the revised manuscript.

      * On page 10, Figure 5F callout 9 lines from the bottom likely should be 5E. We will correct this error.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Overall, this work provides an important new morphological perspective on the nature of ER-NE junctions in human cells. As the authors describe in their introduction, such junctions have been noted previously in the literature but not in a dedicated study using modern imaging techniques in human cell lines. In describing the morphology of these junctions, the authors lay the groundwork for future mechanistic, functional, and structural studies. We thank the reviewer for appreciating the significance and the impact of our work.


      • *

      • *

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):*

      Summary: In this manuscript, Bragulat-Teixidor et al., use correlative live-cell imaging and electron tomography to study the structure of the endoplasmic reticulum-nuclear envelope (ER-NE) junction in HeLa cells (and also in S. cerevisiae). The authors also make use of publicly available whole-cell FIB-SEM datasets to study ER-NE junctions in mouse pancreatic islet, HeLa, and human macrophage cells to corroborate their findings in other cell types.

      The authors show that the structure of the ER-NE junction in interphase cells adopts an hourglass shape with a constricted neck. Comparing the ER-NE junction to the ER tubule-sheet junction, the authors show that these structures are different: the ER tubule-sheet junction is not constricted. Because the NE forms from the ER during postmitotic NE assembly, the authors compare the structure of the ER-NE junctions in anaphase, telophase, and interphase cells, and find that the junction becomes constricted in telophase. The number of ER-NE junctions increase going from telophase to interphase.

      While the authors do not provide any direct evidence for this, they propose a functional model where the ER-NE junction is constricted because it regulates the supply of certain lipids and proteins from the ER to the NE. One proposed example is that the constriction of the ER-NE junction might prevent the passage of large protein aggregates from entering the NE.

      The general question of how the structure of the ER-NE junction might regulate the passage of lipids and proteins from the ER to the NE is interesting and potentially important. However, the authors should address the following issues to improve the accuracy and completeness of this manuscript for it to be considered for publication. *We thank the reviewer for the appreciation of our work and the thoughtful suggestions for further improvements.

      * Major comments: 1. The authors compare the structure of the ER-NE junction to the structure of the ER tubule-sheet junction in interphase cells. They should instead or in addition be comparing the ER-NE junction to ER sheet-sheet junctions. This is likely a better comparison for two reasons:

      i) The NE is similar to an ER sheet due to its flat and extended structure. The ER membranes surrounding the NE consists mostly of a dense network of sheet-like ER (Zheng et al., 2022, PMID: 34912111). Therefore, the ER-NE junction should be compared to these NE-adjacent ER sheet-sheet junctions and not ER tubule-sheet junctions which are likely to be found in the cell periphery.

      ii) In HeLa cells, the NE assembles from large ER sheets and not ER tubules (Zhao et al., 2023, PMID: 37098350; Otsuka et al., 2018, PMID: 29323269; Lu et al., 2011, PMID: 21825076). Therefore, the ER-ER junctions the authors are already studying in anaphase cells are likely to be ER sheet-sheet junctions, which should be kept the same in their analysis of the ER-ER junctions in interphase cells.

      Related to this point, comparing the side view panels in Figure 2D with 2H, it seems that the width of the ER membranes on either side of the neck region of the ER-NE junction is in fact getting wider (more sheet-like). This is in contrast to the ER-ER junction where the width stays constant for the ER tubule that is fusing onto the ER sheet. This suggests that indeed, the ER-NE junction is more similar to an ER sheet-sheet junction. *It is a very interesting possibility that the ER-NE junction might be similar to the ER sheet-sheet junction. We will inspect whether the ER that forms the ER-NE junction consists of sheet or tubular ER in our EM tomograms, and describe the outcome in the revised manuscript.

      * The authors claim that in late anaphase cells, the ER-ER/NE (written like this because the ER and NE cannot be distinguished like the authors also point out) junctions are not constricted and had a similar morphology to ER-ER junctions in interphase. However, this claim is only qualitative at the moment, as the authors do not provide any quantification of the width of the ER-ER/NE junctions in late anaphase cells. To make the current claim that the ER-NE junction only becomes constricted in telophase, the authors should report the width of the ER-ER/NE junctions in late anaphase cells.

      In late anaphase cells, large ER sheets initially wrap around chromatin at the periphery of the chromosome mass (Zhao et al., 2023, PMID: 37098350; Otsuka et al., 2018, PMID: 29323269; Lu et al., 2011, PMID: 21825076). Therefore, the authors might find it easier to identify ER-ER/NE junctions in the so-called "non-core" regions, instead of in the current regions shown in Figure 3A. *As the reviewer pointed out, we did not provide quantification of the width of ER-ER/NE junctions in late anaphase cells. We will measure them and show the quantification in the revised manuscript.

      * Minor comments: 1. In the Supplementary Figures 1 A-D, make the scale bars white. Currently, the black scale bars are especially difficult to see in the top panels in Supplementary Figure 1C. *We will change the colour of some scale bars to make them more visible in the Supplementary Figure 1.

      * In the Results section entitled "The number of ER-NE junctions per cell increases from telophase to interphase", the authors should tone down this claim because the number of telophase cells examined is low (only 2 telophase versus 9 interphase cells). It would be better to include the word "slightly" in the title to change it to "slightly increases". *We will modify the text accordingly. * In the Results section entitled "The number of ER-NE junctions per cell increases from telophase to interphase", the authors state "These densities were much lower than those of ER-ER junctions...". For sure this is true for ER tubule-tubule junctions in the periphery of the cell as ER tubules form an intricate network by constantly fusing to each other, but it's not clear if this is also the case for ER tubule-sheet or ER sheet-sheet junctions. For clarity, the authors should state that they mean ER tubule-tubule junctions.

      Same comment also for the statement "...although their abundance remains considerably lower than that of ER-ER junctions or nuclear pores at both cell cycle stages". The authors should state that they mean ER tubule-tubule junctions. We will clarify what we mean by ER-ER junctions in the revised manuscript. * In the Results section entitled "The constricted morphology of ER-NE junctions is observed in different mammalian cells, but not in budding yeast", the authors state "...pancreatic islet cells (Figure 5A), HeLa (Figure 5B), and macrophage (Figure 5C) were significantly smaller than most ER-ER junctions (Figure 5F)". The last figure reference here is wrong and should be changed to Figures 5D-E. We will correct this error. * In Discussion, the authors state "Proteins known to form and stabilize junctions in the ER, including Atlastins and Lunapark...". The authors should specify that they mean ER tubule-tubule three-way junctions. Also more generally throughout the manuscript, the authors should be more careful in specifying which ER-ER junctions they mean in each case.*

      As pointed out in the Major comment 3 above, we will clarify this point in the revised manuscript.*

      1. In Discussion, the authors state "Thus, we favour a second scenario in which ER-NE junctions are generated from ER tubules that contact and eventually fuse with the ONM". Given that the ER membranes adjacent to the NE are mostly sheet-like (as pointed out in Major comment 1 above), the authors need to explain how they think an ER tubule (mostly found in the cell periphery) could access and fuse to the NE. As mentioned in the response to Major comment 1 above, we will examine if the ER that forms ER-NE junctions is tubule or sheet in our EM tomograms. Depending on the outcome of the examination, we will rephrase the text.


      * Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Although the ER-NE junction has been studied in other organisms before, this study represents the first structural characterisation of the ER-NE junction in mammalian cells. Therefore, this study represents an advance for the field in gaining a better understanding of different ER structures and morphologies. How the ER is remodelled during the cell cycle is also an interesting question and an active field of research (Merta et al., 2021 PMID: 34853314; Zhao et al., 2023, PMID: 37098350) which this study further contributes to. This study would therefore be interesting for anyone interested in ER structure/morphology, ER-NE connections, and cell cycle regulation of such ER-NE connections.

      My field expertise is in ER and NE. I do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate the methodology for the EM tomography part of this paper. We thank the reviewer for appreciating the novelty and the impact of our work.




      * Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript by Bragulat-Teixidor et al. is a study of the connection of the ER with the nuclear envelope. It uses advanced ultrastructural techniques: high pressure freezing instead of chemical fixation and EM tomography instead of serial sectioning. Synchronized HeLa cell cultures were examined during interphase, late anaphase (4-6 min after anaphase onset) and early telophase (8-10 minutes after anaphase onset).

      The investigators find an unexpected, unusual structure - a constricted neck 7-20 wide and about 10 nm long where the ER connects to the nuclear envelope. The 7 nm connections had no apparent lumen. These are not seen in late anaphase when the NE has not yet formed, but they are seen a few minutes later during early telophase when there is a newly formed NE surrounding the chromosomes. A quantitation was made of their abundance, more was found later during interphase, and with wider lumens.

      It is very nice to show the EM images as uncolored and segmented (colored). The images shown in the figures are presumably the best that were obtained during the study. Heavy metals do not stain membranes uniformly or exclusively, and identification of structures doesn't always seem unambiguous. The three dimensional information can certainly make this easier though this information is difficult or not possible to show in journal format. In the end, the reader must depend on the judgment of the person who did the analysis. Overall, the analysis seems trustworthy. *We thank the reviewer for the comment. To better present the three-dimensional structure of ER-NE junctions, we will provide movies of the EM sub-tomograms containing the junctions. In this way, the readers will be able to inspect the three-dimensional structure of six ER-NE junctions.

      * HeLa cells are very convenient for getting information on cell cycle dependence. However, they are cancer cells in culture, so it is important to look at other cell types as well. The same methodology was used on budding yeast and they saw a wide tentlike connection, which reproduces an earlier study. This seems more consistent with what is known or expected from ER membranes. It is not less interesting but perhaps less puzzling. To get evidence on other mammalian cells, the authors did an analysis of data from OpenOrganelle. These are high pressure frozen cells / tissue imaged by FIB-SEM. The voxels are 4 nm, which is significantly larger than those in EM tomography. Unfortunately, the difficulty of identifying structures is correspondingly more significant. The images shown do not contradict the HeLa results but by themselves (without the HeLa cell data), a convincing case for narrow connections probably couldn't be made. *The reviewer raises a very good point about a limitation of the FIB-SEM datasets in OpenOrganelle. We agree with the reviewer that, as we had mentioned in the manuscript (line 6–11, page 10), the spatial resolution of the FIB-SEM datasets are not enough to gain insights into the exact morphology of the 7–20 nm wide ER-NE junctions because the voxel size is 4 nm. However, the resolution is good enough to examine if ER-NE junctions are narrower than ER-ER junctions, as shown in Figure 5A–E. The fact that we rarely found non-constricted ER-NE junctions in FIB-SEM datasets confirms the tiny nature of ER-NE junctions. To clarify this point, we will modify the text (line 24–25 on page 10) as below:

      Previous: This analysis of FIB-SEM images confirms the hourglass morphology that distinguishes ER–NE from ER–ER junctions as seen in our EM tomograms…

      Revised: This analysis of FIB-SEM images confirms that ER-NE junctions are narrower than ER-ER junctions as seen in our EM tomograms…

      * The work in this manuscript seems to have been done well. Assuming that this structure is confirmed in other mammalian cells, another kind of question comes to mind: is this the final word on ER to NE connections? The lumenless neck does not seem like it would be a stable structure, somehow it seems like a transient one. In the future, it would help if a new structural protein was identified or some theoretical analysis to help explain the shape. *Certainly, this will not be the final word on ER-NE junctions, which are crucial for the ER-to-NE transport of lipids and transmembrane proteins. In the future, it will be important to identify structural proteins regulating the junctions and reveal how their constricted morphology affects the ER-to-NE transport. We believe that, as you kindly mentioned in the last paragraph of your comments, our observations “serve as a starting point for further structural and functional work” for this unique yet fundamental junctions that connect the ER to nucleus.

      * It is generally now assumed that high pressure freezing preserves structure perfectly. However, in this reviewer's mind, there is a possibility that some structures are not. The sample is brought to 2000 atmospheres within a few milliseconds, frozen, then the high pressure is released after a second. Although many intracellular structures do seem well preserved, could the junction be susceptible to high pressure? A second source of uncertainty is that in order to embed the samples in resin, the water was removed by freeze substitution. This is known to cause a small amount of tissue shrinkage and possibly could alter a delicate structure. Another way to look at this kind of structure is cryo-EM tomography on hydrated lamellae from plunge frozen cells. I don't recommend that the authors do another arduous, possibly too arduous set of experiments with a completely different technique, but perhaps another group has data which could support their findings. *We think it is very unlikely that ER-NE junctions were deformed due to the high-pressure freezing. In general, high-pressure freezing allows vitrification of specimens up to 0.5 mm in thickness and the vitrification works better for thinner specimens. Our specimens are only 0.02 mm thick monolayer cells frozen in a chamber with 0.03 mm depth. Thus, the vitrification is expected to occur fast and the ER-NE junctions must have been frozen in the same way as in other regions of the cell.

      However, as the reviewer pointed out, it is possible that the dehydration of the samples due to freeze substitution might cause deformation in ER-NE junctions. To verify the structural preservation of ER-NE junctions in our protocol, we will compare the morphology of the ER and NE in cryo-EM datasets that are available in public databases with ours. We will describe the outcome in the revised manuscript.

      We think that our conclusion from the EM analysis is solid, because we observed significant structural difference between ER-NE junctions and ER-ER junctions in the same cells (Figure 2). In addition, we found the morphology change of ER-NE junctions in late-anaphase, early-telophase, and interphase cells that were high-pressure frozen and freeze-substituted on the same sapphire disc, and found that the ER-NE junctions became progressively constricted from telophase to interphase (Figure 3).

      * The following are suggestions for the Discussion:

      Yeast have many of the same biochemical processes as mammalian cells. Perhaps their lack of narrow connections can be used as a clue to the function of the narrow necks seen in HeLa cells. For instance, the authors speculate that the narrow connection serves to keep phosphatidylserine in the nuclear envelope low. If the yeast nucleus has the same concentration of phosphatidylserine as the ER, it would provide good evidence for this idea. Yes, it is indeed the case. It was shown that the yeast outer nuclear membrane has the same concentration of phosphatidylserine as the ER (Tsuji et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.*, 2019). We had described this in the discussion on page 14 “this phosphatidylserine enrichment occurs in mammalian cells and not in budding yeast (Tsuji et al., 2019)”, which was probably overlooked by the reviewer. In the revised manuscript, we will rephrase the text to make this point clearer.

      * There might be other instances of lumenless neck structures. Dynamin mutants can cause a stable constricted tubule - are the dimensions of this tubule similar to that of the ER / NE connections? Or possibly some ESCRT related structure? These are very interesting questions. As shown in Figure 2A-D and Supplementary Figure 1B, the inner diameter (an inner leaflet distance) of the lumenless ER-NE junctions is below 1 nm. In contrast, the inner diameter of most constricted membrane tubules that the dynamin mutant K44A Dynamin 1 generates is 3.7 nm (Antonny et al., EMBO J., 2016, doi: 10.15252/embj.201694613). The inner diameter of membrane tubules that ESCRT-III subunits CHMP1B and IST1 form is 4.4 nm (Nguyen et al., Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.*, 2020, doi: 10.1038/s41594-020-0404-x). Thus, the lumenless ER-NE junctions is unique in their highly-constricted nature and might be regulated by proteins other than dynamin or ESCRT proteins. We will discuss this point in the revised manuscript.

      * There do not seem to be any recent studies of the ER / nuclear membrane connection in fixed cells. However, there is serial section data online which can be inspected. There are connections in mouse brain cortex in the data of Kasthuri et al., 2015 (https://neurodata.io/project/ocp/). Instead of a tubule connection, there seems to be a narrow sheet of ER that connects to the nuclear envelope. But there is something odd about these too. The authors may like to mention something about this or similar work in their manuscript. This reviewer has looked at chemically fixed data from several cell types from his own unpublished data and connections are surprisingly hard to find. Possibly, the connection is particularly sensitive to chemical fixation.* We inspected the serial section data of mouse brain cortex that was chemically fixed. The nuclear envelope in this dataset is deformed and does not seem well preserved. We do not think that we can extract useful information on the ultrastructure of ER-NE junctions from this dataset, and thus will not mention this work in our manuscript.

      It is great to hear that the reviewer tried to look for ER-NE junctions in their own EM data. The frequency of ER-NE junctions is rare (only 0.1 junction per square micrometer, Figure 4). Thus, we think that the reason why it was hard to find the junctions in the reviewer’s data is due to the low-frequent nature of this junction and not due to the chemical fixation.

      • *

      * Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This is a careful and thorough study of the connection between the ER and the nuclear envelope. The discovery of reticulons and similar proteins, along with biophysical modeling, made the form of the ER accessible to analysis. The factors that govern ER structure are now much better understood. This is particularly true of sheets versus tubules, the three way tubule junctions and to some extent, the junction of ER tubules coming out of the edge of a sheet. However, with all this activity, the subject of the connection of the ER to the nucleus has not been examined in detail. What makes it different is that the tubule is connected perpendicular to the plane of a sheet.*

      We thank the reviewer for appreciating the quality and novelty of our work.

      * The manuscript uses the best ultrastructural techniques and provides strong evidence for a narrow neck at this connection in HeLa cells. With the same methodology, yeast cells (S. cerevisiae) have a wider connection. OpenOrganelle data from other mammalian cell types was examined. This data has less resolution and although it does not contradict the HeLa cell data, it does not support it strongly. *As mentioned in the response to one of this reviewer’s comments above, the spatial resolution of FIB-SEM datasets is good enough to examine if ER-NE junctions are narrower than ER-ER junctions. We think that our observation of several mammalian cells in FIB-SEM datasets strongly supports the conclusion that ER-NE junctions are narrower than ER-ER junctions and extends our findings in HeLa cells to two other mammalian cell types.

      * This work is of interest to cell biologists specializing in membranous organelles or those interested in nuclear physiology. The connection of ER to nuclear envelope is an interesting problem that has not been studied recently. This manuscript could very well serve as a starting point for further structural or functional work by the authors or other groups. *We thank the reviewer for appreciating the significance and impact of our work.


      Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: Membrane bound ribosomes and ER exit sites are present in the cytosolic side of nuclear envelope (NE), suggesting that NE shares protein translocation, folding and quality control functions with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Moreover, membrane continuity between the ER and outer NE membrane is evident, and, thus, NE is considered as a subdomain of the ER. To support this, during cell division, NE loses its identity, and participates to daughter cells as part of the ER. However, NE has also membrane proteins and luminal proteins that are enriched to NE and absent from ER during interface, and the segregation of NE specific proteins/lipids occurs concomitantly with NE formation during late anaphase/telophase. In this study, the ultrastructure of the ER-NE junctions is described using high resolution electron tomography. Results show convincingly a specific constriction at the ER-NE neck during interface in several mammalian cell types. This structure is absent during metaphase, and also from the budding yeast. Authors present a model for the formation of ER-NE junctions in higher eukaryotes and speculate about their functional role. *We thank the reviewer for the appreciation of our work and the valuable suggestions for further improvements.

      * Major comments: The main conclusion of the paper is that although the ER and outer NE membranes are continuous, a specific hourglass shaped constriction at the neck is found in higher mammalian cells during interphase. The structure is specific to ER-NE necks, as it is absent during metaphase and ER-ER junctions. For the analysis, authors used high pressure freezing to ensure best structural preservation. Unfortunately, fixation is not the only potential source of artifacts; during tomography at ambient temperature, the thinning of the plastic sections under the beam can be up to 30%. In evaluation of the results, authors should consider how this thinning could affect the measurements of membrane distances and luminal width, and what type of distortions may happen as a consequence of asymmetric shrinkage.*

      In addition to analysis of own samples, authors took advantage of the publicly available whole-cell datasets in OpenOrganelle and used these datasets to expand the number of cell types analyzed. Moreover, the 3D-datasets were generated with different imaging technique, FIB-SEM. Although this technique provides lower resolution in general, it provides isotropic resolution, and the data could be used to eliminate the shortcomings of the tomography, thinning of the sections and the missing wedge. The authors could expand the comparison of the data from these different sources from this perspective, especially since HeLa cells were used in their own tomography studies and FIB-SEM datasets in OpenOrganelle. Similarly, it would be interesting to see if similar approach could be used to compare their results to those obtained by cryo-EM by utilizing the cryo-EM database. Have authors checked if any suitable datasets for analysis of ER-NE junctions could be found from public archives? For the analysis of mitotic cells, double thymidine block was used to synchronize the cell culture. It is not clear, why synchronization was necessary, as CLEM was used to select the cells, and their number was rather low. Do cells continue growing and synthesizing new proteins during thymidine blocks? As one way to control potential artifacts due to the synchronization treatment, authors could compare the average thickness of ER and NE in naturally occurring interphase and mitotic cells vs. synchronized cells. We agree with the reviewer that it is important to clarify the degree of shrinkage and deformation of the sample that our EM protocol might introduce. To access the degree of sample shrinkage and deformation in the plastic sections, we will compare the ONM-INM distance measured in our plastic sections with the one in cryo-EM tomograms of rapidly-frozen and FIB-milled mammalian cells that are publically available (EMPIAR, the Electron Microscopy Public Image Archive, https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/emdb/empiar/), and describe the outcome in the revised manuscript.

      The reason why we synchronized the cell cycle is to enrich cells in late anaphase and early telophase in the same plastic sections, so that we can compare their ultrastructure side-by-side. In the revised manuscript, we will examine if the double thymidine block affects the ER-NE junction morphology by comparing the morphology of the ER and NE between the synchronised and non-synchronised cells.

      As we described in the response to Reviewer 3, we think that our conclusion from the EM analysis is solid because of the following reasons. (i) We observed a significant structural difference between ER-NE junctions and ER-ER junctions in the same cells (Figure 2). (ii) We discovered a morphology change of ER-NE junctions in late-anaphase, early-telophase, and interphase cells that were freeze-substituted on the same sapphire disc; the ER-NE junctions became progressively constricted from telophase to interphase (Figure 3).

      Minor comments: On page 5, last chapter (+ Fig.1 legend and materials and methods): "the quick tomograms covered the entire NE" is misleading, as the imaging covered a thin layer of the entire NE only. - Authors could have analyzed the entire NE from the FIB-SEM datasets but chose to use stereological approach to minimize their work.

      We will modify the text to make it clear that the quick tomograms covered the NE in a section and not the entire NE of the cell in the revised manuscript.

      * To save time from the readers to follow the reference, authors could describe how the specimens used in OpenOrganelle datasets were fixed and processed, especially as they emphasize the importance of high pressure freezing in their own sample prep. Similarly, in Fig.4 legend, authors refer to measurements done in the previous study without explaining how and from what type of data. *We thank the reviewer for pointing these out. We will describe how the OpenOrganelle datasets were generated and how the nuclear surface area measurement was done.

      • *

      Is there a difference between mesh generation and segmentation, or is it just two different terms used for the same thing by different programs? We apologize our short description of these terms. We will clarify these terms in the revised manuscript.


      Reviewer #4 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment: ER-NE gates were described earlier in the literature for specific cell types using standard thin-section TEM imaging, and in this study, the analysis was done with modern technology at 3D. The text is fluent and clear, and the quality of the images was excellent. The analysis of the data was thorough, and materials and methods including image analysis part were presented accurately and clearly. Ultrastructural analysis was done systematically, and generated models are beautiful and informative. Much thought has put into planning of the experiments and experimental approach. The shortcoming of the study is its limitation to ultrastructural analysis only without attempts to connect to any mechanism. The discussion part contains lot of speculation of the factors that might be needed for the formation and maintenance of the constriction and present several hypotheses for the function of the constriction. The paper would be much stronger if one of few of the leads would be followed, and if there would be any explanation for the role of these structures, or factors affecting them. *We thank the reviewer for the appreciation of the clarity and quality of our work. The molecular mechanism that regulates the function, shape and biogenesis of ER-NE junctions will be the subject of future studies, for which our discovery of a highly-constricted morphology of the ER-NE junctions lays the groundwork.

      * Advance: The paper provides a very nice example for the reuse of publicly archived imaging datasets to complement own experimental work. Hopefully this paper encourages others to the same path, as the large volumeEM datasets require significant investments and contain wealth of potential for reuse. *We strongly agree with the reviewer. The volume EM datasets that are publically available contain wealth of potential for new discoveries. We also hope that our paper encourages other scientists to make good use of those datasets and also to deposit their own data to the public databases. We will deposit our EM tomograms to EMPIAR, the Electron Microscopy Public Image Archive.

      * The paper strengthens the description of the ER-NE junction structure significantly and convincingly but does not further our understanding of the mechanisms behind the structure nor the function of them and raises more questions than provides answers. For structural analysis of this kind, the state-of-the-art technology is cryo-EM (e.g., preparation of lamella with cryo-FIB-SEM followed by cryo-tomography), and in this study, the technical limitations come from plastic embedding and ambient temperature imaging. The used techniques would be more adequate for cell biological study, where the described structure is somehow connected to the function in cell, or the factor(s) needed to the formation or maintenance are identified. *Indeed, a limitation of our current study is that we did not reveal the underlying molecular mechanism and the functions of the constricted morphology of ER-NE junctions. We do not think that cryo-EM is necessarily required because we have collected evidence that the ER-NE connections are distinct from the ER-ER junctions in not only our EM tomography data (Fig. 2) but also in the EM datasets deposited in public databases (Fig. 5).

      * Audience: This study will be of special interest to cell biology community. The study could be an opening to several lines of research, e.g., identification of the factors forming or maintaining the structure, the potential function of the structure, how the structure affects the dynamics of the NE/ER membrane and luminal proteins. *We thank the reviewer for appreciating the impact of our work.

      * Reviewer's expertise: The reviewer has long experience in electron microscopy, volumeEM techniques and image analysis, and operates mainly in the field of cell biology.*

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Membrane bound ribosomes and ER exit sites are present in the cytosolic side of nuclear envelope (NE), suggesting that NE shares protein translocation, folding and quality control functions with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Moreover, membrane continuity between the ER and outer NE membrane is evident, and, thus, NE is considered as a subdomain of the ER. To support this, during cell division, NE loses its identity, and participates to daughter cells as part of the ER. However, NE has also membrane proteins and luminal proteins that are enriched to NE and absent from ER during interface, and the segregation of NE specific proteins/lipids occurs concomitantly with NE formation during late anaphase/telophase. In this study, the ultrastructure of the ER-NE junctions is described using high resolution electron tomography. Results show convincingly a specific constriction at the ER-NE neck during interface in several mammalian cell types. This structure is absent during metaphase, and also from the budding yeast. Authors present a model for the formation of ER-NE junctions in higher eukaryotes and speculate about their functional role.

      Major comments:

      The main conclusion of the paper is that although the ER and outer NE membranes are continuous, a specific hourglass shaped constriction at the neck is found in higher mammalian cells during interphase. The structure is specific to ER-NE necks, as it is absent during metaphase and ER-ER junctions. For the analysis, authors used high pressure freezing to ensure best structural preservation. Unfortunately, fixation is not the only potential source of artifacts; during tomography at ambient temperature, the thinning of the plastic sections under the beam can be up to 30%. In evaluation of the results, authors should consider how this thinning could affect the measurements of membrane distances and luminal width, and what type of distortions may happen as a consequence of asymmetric shrinkage. In addition to analysis of own samples, authors took advantage of the publicly available whole-cell datasets in OpenOrganelle and used these datasets to expand the number of cell types analyzed. Moreover, the 3D-datasets were generated with different imaging technique, FIB-SEM. Although this technique provides lower resolution in general, it provides isotropic resolution, and the data could be used to eliminate the shortcomings of the tomography, thinning of the sections and the missing wedge. The authors could expand the comparison of the data from these different sources from this perspective, especially since HeLa cells were used in their own tomography studies and FIB-SEM datasets in OpenOrganelle. Similarly, it would be interesting to see if similar approach could be used to compare their results to those obtained by cryo-EM by utilizing the cryo-EM database. Have authors checked if any suitable datasets for analysis of ER-NE junctions could be found from public archives? For the analysis of mitotic cells, double thymidine block was used to synchronize the cell culture. It is not clear, why synchronization was necessary, as CLEM was used to select the cells, and their number was rather low. Do cells continue growing and synthesizing new proteins during thymidine blocks? As one way to control potential artifacts due to the synchronization treatment, authors could compare the average thickness of ER and NE in naturally occurring interphase and mitotic cells vs. synchronized cells.

      Minor comments:

      On page 5, last chapter (+ Fig.1 legend and materials and methods): "the quick tomograms covered the entire NE" is misleading, as the imaging covered a thin layer of the entire NE only. - Authors could have analyzed the entire NE from the FIB-SEM datasets but chose to use stereological approach to minimize their work. To save time from the readers to follow the reference, authors could describe how the specimens used in OpenOrganelle datasets were fixed and processed, especially as they emphasize the importance of high pressure freezing in their own sample prep. Similarly, in Fig.4 legend, authors refer to measurements done in the previous study without explaining how and from what type of data. Is there a difference between mesh generation and segmentation, or is it just two different terms used for the same thing by different programs?


      General assessment:

      ER-NE gates were described earlier in the literature for specific cell types using standard thin-section TEM imaging, and in this study, the analysis was done with modern technology at 3D. The text is fluent and clear, and the quality of the images was excellent. The analysis of the data was thorough, and materials and methods including image analysis part were presented accurately and clearly. Ultrastructural analysis was done systematically, and generated models are beautiful and informative. Much thought has put into planning of the experiments and experimental approach. The shortcoming of the study is its limitation to ultrastructural analysis only without attempts to connect to any mechanism. The discussion part contains lot of speculation of the factors that might be needed for the formation and maintenance of the constriction and present several hypotheses for the function of the constriction. The paper would be much stronger if one of few of the leads would be followed, and if there would be any explanation for the role of these structures, or factors affecting them.


      The paper provides a very nice example for the reuse of publicly archived imaging datasets to complement own experimental work. Hopefully this paper encourages others to the same path, as the large volumeEM datasets require significant investments and contain wealth of potential for reuse.

      The paper strengthens the description of the ER-NE junction structure significantly and convincingly but does not further our understanding of the mechanisms behind the structure nor the function of them and raises more questions than provides answers. For structural analysis of this kind, the state-of-the-art technology is cryo-EM (e.g., preparation of lamella with cryo-FIB-SEM followed by cryo-tomography), and in this study, the technical limitations come from plastic embedding and ambient temperature imaging. The used techniques would be more adequate for cell biological study, where the described structure is somehow connected to the function in cell, or the factor(s) needed to the formation or maintenance are identified.


      This study will be of special interest to cell biology community. The study could be an opening to several lines of research, e.g., identification of the factors forming or maintaining the structure, the potential function of the structure, how the structure affects the dynamics of the NE/ER membrane and luminal proteins.

      Reviewer's expertise:

      The reviewer has long experience in electron microscopy, volumeEM techniques and image analysis, and operates mainly in the field of cell biology.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Bragulat-Teixidor et al. is a study of the connection of the ER with the nuclear envelope. It uses advanced ultrastructural techniques: high pressure freezing instead of chemical fixation and EM tomography instead of serial sectioning. Synchronized HeLa cell cultures were examined during interphase, late anaphase (4-6 min after anaphase onset) and early telophase (8-10 minutes after anaphase onset).

      The investigators find an unexpected, unusual structure - a constricted neck 7-20 wide and about 10 nm long where the ER connects to the nuclear envelope. The 7 nm connections had no apparent lumen. These are not seen in late anaphase when the NE has not yet formed, but they are seen a few minutes later during early telophase when there is a newly formed NE surrounding the chromosomes. A quantitation was made of their abundance, more was found later during interphase, and with wider lumens.

      It is very nice to show the EM images as uncolored and segmented (colored). The images shown in the figures are presumably the best that were obtained during the study. Heavy metals do not stain membranes uniformly or exclusively, and identification of structures doesn't always seem unambiguous. The three dimensional information can certainly make this easier though this information is difficult or not possible to show in journal format. In the end, the reader must depend on the judgment of the person who did the analysis. Overall, the analysis seems trustworthy.

      HeLa cells are very convenient for getting information on cell cycle dependence. However, they are cancer cells in culture, so it is important to look at other cell types as well. The same methodology was used on budding yeast and they saw a wide tentlike connection, which reproduces an earlier study. This seems more consistent with what is known or expected from ER membranes. It is not less interesting but perhaps less puzzling.

      To get evidence on other mammalian cells, the authors did an analysis of data from OpenOrganelle. These are high pressure frozen cells / tissue imaged by FIB-SEM. The voxels are 4 nm, which is significantly larger than those in EM tomography. Unfortunately, the difficulty of identifying structures is correspondingly more significant. The images shown do not contradict the HeLa results but by themselves (without the HeLa cell data), a convincing case for narrow connections probably couldn't be made.

      The work in this manuscript seems to have been done well. Assuming that this structure is confirmed in other mammalian cells, another kind of question comes to mind: is this the final word on ER to NE connections? The lumenless neck does not seem like it would be a stable structure, somehow it seems like a transient one. In the future, it would help if a new structural protein was identified or some theoretical analysis to help explain the shape.

      It is generally now assumed that high pressure freezing preserves structure perfectly. However, in this reviewer's mind, there is a possibility that some structures are not. The sample is brought to 2000 atmospheres within a few milliseconds, frozen, then the high pressure is released after a second. Although many intracellular structures do seem well preserved, could the junction be susceptible to high pressure? A second source of uncertainty is that in order to embed the samples in resin, the water was removed by freeze substitution. This is known to cause a small amount of tissue shrinkage and possibly could alter a delicate structure. Another way to look at this kind of structure is cryo-EM tomography on hydrated lamellae from plunge frozen cells. I don't recommend that the authors do another arduous, possibly too arduous set of experiments with a completely different technique, but perhaps another group has data which could support their findings.

      The following are suggestions for the Discussion:

      Yeast have many of the same biochemical processes as mammalian cells. Perhaps their lack of narrow connections can be used as a clue to the function of the narrow necks seen in HeLa cells. For instance, the authors speculate that the narrow connection serves to keep phosphatidylserine in the nuclear envelope low. If the yeast nucleus has the same concentration of phosphatidylserine as the ER, it would provide good evidence for this idea.

      There might be other instances of lumenless neck structures. Dynamin mutants can cause a stable constricted tubule - are the dimensions of this tubule similar to that of the ER / NE connections? Or possibly some ESCRT related structure?

      There do not seem to be any recent studies of the ER / nuclear membrane connection in fixed cells. However, there is serial section data online which can be inspected. There are connections in mouse brain cortex in the data of Kasthuri et al., 2015 (https://neurodata.io/project/ocp/). Instead of a tubule connection, there seems to be a narrow sheet of ER that connects to the nuclear envelope. But there is something odd about these too. The authors may like to mention something about this or similar work in their manuscript. This reviewer has looked at chemically fixed data from several cell types from his own unpublished data and connections are surprisingly hard to find. Possibly, the connection is particularly sensitive to chemical fixation.


      This is a careful and thorough study of the connection between the ER and the nuclear envelope. The discovery of reticulons and similar proteins, along with biophysical modeling, made the form of the ER accessible to analysis. The factors that govern ER structure are now much better understood. This is particularly true of sheets versus tubules, the three way tubule junctions and to some extent, the junction of ER tubules coming out of the edge of a sheet. However, with all this activity, the subject of the connection of the ER to the nucleus has not been examined in detail. What makes it different is that the tubule is connected perpendicular to the plane of a sheet.

      The manuscript uses the best ultrastructural techniques and provides strong evidence for a narrow neck at this connection in HeLa cells. With the same methodology, yeast cells (S. cerevisiae) have a wider connection. OpenOrganelle data from other mammalian cell types was examined. This data has less resolution and although it does not contradict the HeLa cell data, it does not support it strongly.

      This work is of interest to cell biologists specializing in membranous organelles or those interested in nuclear physiology. The connection of ER to nuclear envelope is an interesting problem that has not been studied recently. This manuscript could very well serve as a starting point for further structural or functional work by the authors or other groups.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, Bragulat-Teixidor et al., use correlative live-cell imaging and electron tomography to study the structure of the endoplasmic reticulum-nuclear envelope (ER-NE) junction in HeLa cells (and also in S. cerevisiae). The authors also make use of publicly available whole-cell FIB-SEM datasets to study ER-NE junctions in mouse pancreatic islet, HeLa, and human macrophage cells to corroborate their findings in other cell types.

      The authors show that the structure of the ER-NE junction in interphase cells adopts an hourglass shape with a constricted neck. Comparing the ER-NE junction to the ER tubule-sheet junction, the authors show that these structures are different: the ER tubule-sheet junction is not constricted. Because the NE forms from the ER during postmitotic NE assembly, the authors compare the structure of the ER-NE junctions in anaphase, telophase, and interphase cells, and find that the junction becomes constricted in telophase. The number of ER-NE junctions increase going from telophase to interphase.

      While the authors do not provide any direct evidence for this, they propose a functional model where the ER-NE junction is constricted because it regulates the supply of certain lipids and proteins from the ER to the NE. One proposed example is that the constriction of the ER-NE junction might prevent the passage of large protein aggregates from entering the NE.

      The general question of how the structure of the ER-NE junction might regulate the passage of lipids and proteins from the ER to the NE is interesting and potentially important. However, the authors should address the following issues to improve the accuracy and completeness of this manuscript for it to be considered for publication.

      Major comments:

      1. The authors compare the structure of the ER-NE junction to the structure of the ER tubule-sheet junction in interphase cells. They should instead or in addition be comparing the ER-NE junction to ER sheet-sheet junctions. This is likely a better comparison for two reasons:

      i) The NE is similar to an ER sheet due to its flat and extended structure. The ER membranes surrounding the NE consists mostly of a dense network of sheet-like ER (Zheng et al., 2022, PMID: 34912111). Therefore, the ER-NE junction should be compared to these NE-adjacent ER sheet-sheet junctions and not ER tubule-sheet junctions which are likely to be found in the cell periphery.

      ii) In HeLa cells, the NE assembles from large ER sheets and not ER tubules (Zhao et al., 2023, PMID: 37098350; Otsuka et al., 2018, PMID: 29323269; Lu et al., 2011, PMID: 21825076). Therefore, the ER-ER junctions the authors are already studying in anaphase cells are likely to be ER sheet-sheet junctions, which should be kept the same in their analysis of the ER-ER junctions in interphase cells.

      Related to this point, comparing the side view panels in Figure 2D with 2H, it seems that the width of the ER membranes on either side of the neck region of the ER-NE junction is in fact getting wider (more sheet-like). This is in contrast to the ER-ER junction where the width stays constant for the ER tubule that is fusing onto the ER sheet. This suggests that indeed, the ER-NE junction is more similar to an ER sheet-sheet junction. 2. The authors claim that in late anaphase cells, the ER-ER/NE (written like this because the ER and NE cannot be distinguished like the authors also point out) junctions are not constricted and had a similar morphology to ER-ER junctions in interphase. However, this claim is only qualitative at the moment, as the authors do not provide any quantification of the width of the ER-ER/NE junctions in late anaphase cells. To make the current claim that the ER-NE junction only becomes constricted in telophase, the authors should report the width of the ER-ER/NE junctions in late anaphase cells.

      In late anaphase cells, large ER sheets initially wrap around chromatin at the periphery of the chromosome mass (Zhao et al., 2023, PMID: 37098350; Otsuka et al., 2018, PMID: 29323269; Lu et al., 2011, PMID: 21825076). Therefore, the authors might find it easier to identify ER-ER/NE junctions in the so-called "non-core" regions, instead of in the current regions shown in Figure 3A.

      Minor comments:

      1. In the Supplementary Figures 1 A-D, make the scale bars white. Currently, the black scale bars are especially difficult to see in the top panels in Supplementary Figure 1C.
      2. In the Results section entitled "The number of ER-NE junctions per cell increases from telophase to interphase", the authors should tone down this claim because the number of telophase cells examined is low (only 2 telophase versus 9 interphase cells). It would be better to include the word "slightly" in the title to change it to "slightly increases".
      3. In the Results section entitled "The number of ER-NE junctions per cell increases from telophase to interphase", the authors state "These densities were much lower than those of ER-ER junctions...". For sure this is true for ER tubule-tubule junctions in the periphery of the cell as ER tubules form an intricate network by constantly fusing to each other, but it's not clear if this is also the case for ER tubule-sheet or ER sheet-sheet junctions. For clarity, the authors should state that they mean ER tubule-tubule junctions.

      Same comment also for the statement "...although their abundance remains considerably lower than that of ER-ER junctions or nuclear pores at both cell cycle stages". The authors should state that they mean ER tubule-tubule junctions. 4. In the Results section entitled "The constricted morphology of ER-NE junctions is observed in different mammalian cells, but not in budding yeast", the authors state "...pancreatic islet cells (Figure 5A), HeLa (Figure 5B), and macrophage (Figure 5C) were significantly smaller than most ER-ER junctions (Figure 5F)". The last figure reference here is wrong and should be changed to Figures 5D-E. 5. In Discussion, the authors state "Proteins known to form and stabilize junctions in the ER, including Atlastins and Lunapark...". The authors should specify that they mean ER tubule-tubule three-way junctions. Also more generally throughout the manuscript, the authors should be more careful in specifying which ER-ER junctions they mean in each case. 6. In Discussion, the authors state "Thus, we favour a second scenario in which ER-NE junctions are generated from ER tubules that contact and eventually fuse with the ONM". Given that the ER membranes adjacent to the NE are mostly sheet-like (as pointed out in Major comment 1 above), the authors need to explain how they think an ER tubule (mostly found in the cell periphery) could access and fuse to the NE.


      Although the ER-NE junction has been studied in other organisms before, this study represents the first structural characterisation of the ER-NE junction in mammalian cells. Therefore, this study represents an advance for the field in gaining a better understanding of different ER structures and morphologies. How the ER is remodelled during the cell cycle is also an interesting question and an active field of research (Merta et al., 2021 PMID: 34853314; Zhao et al., 2023, PMID: 37098350) which this study further contributes to. This study would therefore be interesting for anyone interested in ER structure/morphology, ER-NE connections, and cell cycle regulation of such ER-NE connections.

      My field expertise is in ER and NE. I do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate the methodology for the EM tomography part of this paper.