- Nov 2019
We did a study, many many years ago in education, about the importance and the role of technology in the classroom, how can it help with the education process. The result of this education research we did was that the students who succeed are the ones who are most engaged, which is really simple.
This ‘graph might be the key to something rather deep about Apple in education. And about Old School EdTech.
People are focusing on Schiller’s comment about Chromebooks, yet this reference to an old study is perhaps more revealing.
- Nov 2017
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
Educational technologists who thrive will do so by adroitly blending local culture with the global platforms.
- Sep 2016
www.educationdive.com www.educationdive.com
For the most successful ed tech rollouts, teachers have to be on board with the plan and they need training to master the new technologies before introducing them in the classroom.
Survey: Teachers dislike smartphones, interactive whiteboards in classroom
Contrast this with the THE title:
Research: Laptops, Chromebooks and Tablets Most Valuable Education Tools, Teachers Say
- Jul 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
I’ll be candid. I am quite often an unabashed fan of the Internet of Things.
Candour may bring us to a new level of dialogue. Sometimes sounds like enthusiasm isn’t allowed, in this scene. Which is a lot of what’s behind the “teaching, not tools” rallying cry. We may be deeply aware of many of the thick, tricky, problematic, thorny issues having to do with tools in our lives. We sure don’t assume that any thing or person or situation is value-free. But we really want to talk about learning. We care about learning. We’re big fans of learning. Cyclical debates about tools are playing in the EdTech court, even when they’re “critical”. Or cynical. Sharing about learning experiences can restore our faith in humanity. Which might be needed after delving so much into the experimental side of social psychology.
ducational technologies have pedagogies hard-coded into them in advance
Sometimes, this is explicit.
- Jun 2016
www.edtechmagazine.com www.edtechmagazine.com
Placing Strategy Before Tech
www.amicalnet.org www.amicalnet.org
It would be like saying the utensils you use to cook are irrelevant to the food you produce - when we all know the difference a pot or oven can make, regardless of content.
While it’s easy to agree with the thrust of this piece (pretty much a Langdon Winner-style “LMS have politics”), this needs not follow. When we say that it’s not primarily about the tool, we’re not saying that tools don’t matter, that LMS affordances are irrelevant, that the exact same learning experience would occur whether or not we used tools. We’re saying that the tool is part of a broader equation, not the ultimate focal point. There’s a very general “fault line” (in seismological terms), a distinction to be made between technopedagogy and “EdTech”. As with any distinction, it shouldn’t be carried too far and there’s obviously a whole lot of overlap. But there clearly are actions which are technocentred. A common orientation in EdTech is towards the tools themselves (listicles about apps, inspira-/promotional videos, etc.) with sound pedagogy following naturally from “tried and true”, “studies have shown” “best practices”. This may sound like a caricature but “you know the type”. On the other hand, technopedagogy tends to be oriented towards high-concept “think pieces” with enough namedrops (from Freire and Vygotsky to Illich and Dewey) to require an encyclopedia. Again, a caricature. But we also “know the type”. In this “camp”, the #DigPedPosse has been quite prominent over the last little while. Despite being attracted to this sphere of agency, got several hints that “people need practical solutions to solve the simple problems in their everyday teaching”.
Sooo… This is a minor quibble, as the rest of the piece does resonate with me (apart from the serious issue, near the end). But, given its location so early in the post, it’s important to acknowledge.
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
learning agenda on learning analytics
www.jisc.ac.uk www.jisc.ac.uk
I want the educational practice to come first.
That kind of wording has come under scrutiny by some. Though the sequence does matter and we clearly want to give prominence to the pedagogical/andragogical/heutagogical side, there’s something to be said about a more holistic approach. But, basically, this is the dividing line between #EdTech and technopedagogy. It can easily be blurred, but some of us are drawing this line, over and over again.
- Mar 2016
gamesandlearning.wordpress.com gamesandlearning.wordpress.com
The challenges and opportunities confronting higher education pedagogy will not be adequately addressed by platforms designed to provide answers.
Strong counterclaim to much #EdTech hype. Eventually getting into #Technopedagogy.
- Feb 2016
www.google.com www.google.com
Just got to think about our roles, in view of annotation. Using “curation” as a term for collecting URLs sounds like usurping the title of “curator”. But there’s something to be said about the role involved. From the whole “guide on the side” angle to the issue with finding appropriate resources based on a wealth of expertise.
- Jan 2016
www.profweb.ca www.profweb.ca
Brenda has shifted her approach from providing turnkey solutions to the teachers that come to her for help. Instead she focuses on accompanying them on their journey, and wants to know what research they have done prior to coming to see her.
Offering solutions doesn’t tend to help, in most cases. And since “magic bullets” don’t exist, focusing on pathways can help people integrate new practices regardless of tools.
Don’t just talk about technology. Get to know the person in front of you. It’s not just about the technology, it’s also about what other things are going on. I feel like I missed out on a lot of opportunities, having learned this later in my career.
Technopedagogy is people.
www.vteducation.org www.vteducation.org
artsdigitalrnd.org.uk artsdigitalrnd.org.uk
“I think younger people don’t see technology as a separate thing,” she says. “We call it new media and new technology, but are they really ‘new’ any more? It is just another tool, like paper, ink or wood. You can use it to be enormously creative and do wonderful things.”
A firm believer that arts and science teaching should cross over, Drury saw Sonic Pi as a great example of how that could work in the classroom.
teaching tool
blog.tumult.com blog.tumult.com
animations are great for demonstrating difficult concepts and organizing information
By enabling learners and teachers create their own rich material, a lot can happen.
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Quebec remains a world leader in education, thanks to its pedagogical approach and technological advances.
Interesting claim.
- Dec 2015
essentiallyshannon.blogspot.com essentiallyshannon.blogspot.com
it is safe to say that technology has gradually wiggled its way into the sphere of education and changed it for the better
That’s a far-reaching claim, but ok…
- Oct 2015
Technology can amplify great teaching but it seems technology cannot replace poor teaching.
Common refrain but important lesson.
Educators who want to ensure that students become smarter than a smartphone need to think harder about the pedagogies they are using to teach them.
We can’t take things for granted.
Students who use computers moderately at school, such as once or twice a week, have "somewhat better learning outcomes" than students who use computers rarely
Sounds like those studies of moderate alcohol consumption and heart diseases. There might be an appropriate degree of technology use or it may be much more complex and contextual.