- Nov 2015
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“horizon of observation”15andcould act as a peripheral participant to Johnny and Mikey’s pla
This phrase definitely has me thinking about intent participation and also has me thinking back to Ma & Munter with the same connection. Like Maddy, skaters often sat in this "on deck" position waiting for the right opportunity to participate.
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
Playerscan also design their own homes in Myville, where land lots can be purchased andhouses can be built and furnished (see Figure 7). In 2002, we found over 8,000houses; their designs varied dramatically (Tynes & Kafai, 2003)
Space editing - constructing a space to be a particular setting for the player and they can take on a particular identity in it
Face Parts in Akbar’s
Something that is both bothering me about Whyville and interesting to me in terms of our other readings is the focus of the game on creating or changing the "faceparts" of the avatar. It bothers me for reasons Raquel mentioned earlier about "preparing them" (or i might say "figuring them into" a world that values beauty and perfection above a lot else. But it is also a really interesting take on Ma and Munter's idea of editing space. Maybe this is a stretch, but I am subbing out "spaces" in the sense of where we interact or "are" with the avatar - thus the player - who gets edited but also does the editing. Maybe it's too weird and doesn't work, but it seems like the player would be impacted and impacting their experience of the world at the same time.
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
The public and commercial spaces that I grew up with are now often seen as off-limits by both parents and teens.
Sounds like some of the readings we've had
- Oct 2015
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
aform of participation with these places.
This reminds me of Ma & Munter's argument about interaction in and with physical spaces as part of co-construction of the space as a certain kind of setting.
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
In terms of Ma & Munter (2014), is this to provide the arena and to try for people to create the expected setting?
Is the word 'settings' here used for what Ma & Munter (2014) call 'arena' and not 'setting'?
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
relations between lived activity andrepresentations of that activity in the city visible,
making connections between lived experiences and representations of activity reminds me of field trips and skate parks but I feel like the countermapping allows the youth to participate in a more legitimate way in public spaces.
learning to operate a bike safely and for collectivelydetecting and fixing kinks in the bicycle before the youth took them home. But the ridingformation was also something worth learning about (i.e., how to ride together in the city).
the participants, much like skaters at a skatepark, learn by doing much more than from being told how to do something.