4 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. A locking in video that emphasises Andrew Tate. See other video asking the question who these people that consume this watch up to. Andrew Tate seems to be an example. These vids probably also relate to red pill, masculinity (also online business scene?).

  2. Mar 2023
    1. Andrew Tate: Romanian court rejects bail application<br /> by Lucy Williamson & Laura Gozzi

    2. he gained popularity, particularly among young men, by promoting what he presented as a hyper-masculine, ultra-luxurious lifestyle.

      Andrew Tate, a former kickboxer and Big Brother (17, UK) housemate, has gained popularity among young men for promoting a "hyper-masculine, ultra-luxurious lifestyle".

      Where does Tate fit into the pantheon of the prosperity gospel? Is he touching on it or extending it to the nth degree? How much of his audience overlaps with the religious right that would internalize such a viewpoint?

    3. Twitter banning him for saying women should "bear responsibility" for being sexually assaulted. He has since been reinstated.

      Twitter had banned and then later reinstated Andrew Tate for saying women should "bear responsibility" for being sexually assaulted.