8 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
  2. Oct 2024
  3. Sep 2024
  4. Aug 2024
    1. Glenn Horowitz, a rare-book dealer who handled the auction for Mr. McCarthy, told The New York Times earlier this week: “When I grasped that some of the most complex, almost otherworldly fiction of the postwar era was composed on such a simple, functional, frail-looking machine, it conferred a sort of talismanic quality to Cormac’s typewriter. It’s as if Mount Rushmore was carved with a Swiss Army knife.”
  5. May 2024
  6. Apr 2023
    1. https://youtu.be/UTtDb73NkNM?t=49

      CBS has a card index with an index card indicating that Morley Safer brought an Olivetti typewriter to the office.

      Whose card index was this? What other purpose did it serve?

    1. My favorite is always changing. Any Smith-Corona Sterling or Silent is a gem. Any Hermes, either the green or tan, all work like lightning. I have a thing for my Olivetti Lettera 22’s, as they are masterpieces of design, the action is crazy fast and light, and the typewriter is in the Museum of Modern Art.

      —Tom Hanks in TribLive 2020-05-22 at https://web.archive.org/web/20200522085215/https://archive.triblive.com/aande/books/tom-hanks-on-his-love-of-typewriters-and-the-free-press/

      I've seen several sites and listings for Smith-Corona typewriters which mention this interview quote.