3 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2020
Why Most Advertisers Can’t Afford to Boycott Facebook. (2020, July 8). Pro Market. https://promarket.org/2020/07/08/why-most-advertisers-cant-afford-to-boycott-facebook/
- Mar 2015
ronja.twibright.com ronja.twibright.comHome1
Ronja is a free technology project for reliable optical data links with a current range of 1.4km and a communication speed of 10Mbps full duplex. Applications of this wireless networking device include backbone of free, public, and community networks, individual and corporate Internet connectivity, and also home and building security. High reliability and availability linking is possible in combination with WiFi devices. The Twibright Ronja datalink can network neighbouring houses with cross-street ethernet access, solve the last mile problem for ISP’s, or provide a link layer for fast neighbourhood mesh networks.
www.dronejournalismlab.org www.dronejournalismlab.org
Links, thoughts and research into using drones, UAVs or remotely piloted vehicles for journalism at the Drone Journalism Lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's College of Journalism and Mass Communications.