3 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2021
Evans, T. R., Branney, P., Clements, A., & Hatton, E. (2021). Preregistration of Applied Research for Evidence-Based Practice [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/snj2d
- Apr 2020
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
Some researchers have argued that preprints are no different from other grey literature due to their preliminary existence. It is a direct consequence of our academic culture, where typically only work that has been explicitly peer-reviewed and published in a scholarly journal is usually cited. Another argument is that a preprint might bring confusion in citation when it has been published formally in a journal. Moreover, some authors report that manuscripts are rejected because similarity-check software shows high similarity between submitted and preprint versions.
masalah sangkaan duplikasi (dan self plagiarism) antara versi preprint dan versi jurnal: ini dapat mengganggu proses publikasi di jurnal bahkan sampai penolakan (rejection),
masalah sitasi: mayoritas peneliti saat ini mengambil sikap untuk hanya menyitir makalah yang telah terbit di jurnal, preprint dikelompokkan sama dengan literatur abu (grey literature).
masalah metrik: beberapa sistem penilaian kinerja sangat bersandar kepada pengindeks. Dengan adanya preprint maka akan ada dua dokumen terindeks pada platform yang sama (misal Google Scholar).
- Jan 2016
chronicle.com chronicle.com
I think The Winnower has found a nice niche publishing what is called “grey literature.” (i.e. we publish content that is not traditionally afforded a platform). By focusing on this niche in the in the short term (<5years) we can build a community that will allows us to experiment with different models in the long term (>5Years). I found out very early after launch of The Winnower—it’s not enough to build a platform around a new model, you have to convey the value to the community and really incentivize people to use it.