- Nov 2023
zhuanlan.zhihu.com zhuanlan.zhihu.com渐进阅读的必然性1
The Inevitability of Incremental Reading 漸進閱讀的必然性
這是此頁的簡中翻譯: https://supermemo.guru/wiki/Inevitability_of_incremental_reading
supermemo.guru supermemo.guru
Inevitability of incremental reading
- Feb 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Incremental reading is spaced parallel reading of multiple sources with note taking and spaced repetition.
It's not far from how I read and take notes myself, though I place less emphasis on the spaced repetition piece as I tend to run across things naturally within my note collection anyway.
One of the major potential benefits of incremental reading (not mentioned in the Wikipedia article; is it in Wozniak's work?) is the increase of combinatorial creativity created by mixing a variety of topics simultaneously.
There is also likely a useful diffuse thinking effect happening between reading sessions.
- Oct 2022
www.supermemo.com www.supermemo.com
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Inspired by @cicatriz's Fractal Inquiry and SuperMemo's Incremental Reading, I imported into @RoamResearch a paper I was very impressed (but also overwhelmed) by a few years ago: The Knowledge‐Learning‐Instruction Framework by @koedinger et al. pic.twitter.com/oeJzyjPGbk
— Stian Håklev (@houshuang) December 16, 2020
- Apr 2022
masterhowtolearn.wordpress.com masterhowtolearn.wordpress.com
TL;DR: Incremental Reading is about spacing your reading materials so you don’t necessarily have to finish reading in one setting.
It reduces the cost of context switching, and in fact lets you reap the benefits of context switching. It encourages it.
www.iantay.dev www.iantay.dev
to develop concepts for thinking about how programmable attention systems can extend beyond productivity (which is where these systems are most prolific, as can be seen from above examples)
Netflix-like autoplay but for binge reading...
Although it is productive: Incremental Writing
minn.substack.com minn.substack.com
serendipity that sends the user down a rabbit hole to find new ideas and the links between them
Big Incremental Reading vibes