- Feb 2025
warrenpaper.com warrenpaper.com
- Nov 2022
medium.com medium.com
6 min read on tracking tasks with Obsidian. Might be helpful
curtismchale.ca curtismchale.ca
Obsidian Kanban for Someday Maybe
Examples include a separate Kanban board for - camping tasks - home-based tasks - Obsidian management - such as organize old files in database
- Sep 2021
A potentially interesting task management plugin for obsidian. I'm a little worried about long-term support. I'm going to wait and see what happens.
- Jul 2021
anuchandola009.blogspot.com anuchandola009.blogspot.com
How Task management software is useful for small as well as big organizations? Task management software is used to handle tasks performed by employees.. Essentially, this means that processes must be smooth and productivity must be improved and useful for any sized organizations.
Visit: https://anuchandola009.blogspot.com/2021/07/how-task-management-software-is-useful.html Call us :+919315540497
issuu.com issuu.com
Task Management Softwares Task Management Software is used to manage tasks by monitoring employees . You can track employees in real time, which will allow employees to concentrate more on their tasks.
Visit: https://issuu.com/shivaniss1/docs/task_management.pptx Call us:+919315540497
- May 2020
gitlab.com gitlab.com
If something is important enough to write down and keep track of, it’s important enough to schedule.
One of the main goals is to avoid some giant, never-ending task backlog, either within the current week’s “To do later” section, constantly being carried over week after week and growing in size, or in a separate backlog.md, or similar, file, also just growing in size and causing most tasks to be completely burried & lost. Either a task should be scheduled as “I plan to work on this” or it should be completely discarded (it can always come back later if it turns out to be important).
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Things that arose throughout the week that captured my interest or demanded my attention and which I felt the need or capacity to do now.
Tasks which I am giving myself permission to avoid doing at all this week. The checkboxes here are for indicating that these tasks have been scheduled elsewhere.
Tasks that I may have been forwarding along or which I may have initially added to the “To do later” list which I no longer plan to do – if they happen, great, but I’m not actively planning to complete them.