- Aug 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
async vs. sync depends exactly on what you are doing in what context. If this is in a network service, you need async. For a command line utility, sync is the appropriate paradigm in most simple cases, but just knee-jerk saying "async is better" is not correct. My snippet is based on the OP snippet for context.
- Nov 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
session = ActionDispatch::Integration::Session.new(Rails.application) response = session.post("/mypath", my_params: "go_here")
worked for me
I used the above to test what happens to the user if a POST happens in another session (via WebSockets), so a form wouldn't cut it.
- Sep 2021
spin.atomicobject.com spin.atomicobject.com
An extensible plugin architecture allows for customizing your workflow or even making Yarn a package manager for non-JavaScript projects.
- Jul 2021
github.com github.com
apart from [Websockets], which is unnecessarily complex for non-browser applications
- Jun 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Thanks, this was just what I was looking for! This is a perfect appropriate use of instance_eval. I do not understand the nay-sayers. If you already have your array in a variable, then sure, a.reduce(:+) / a.size.to_f is pretty reasonable. But if you want to "in line" find the mean of an array literal or an array that is returned from a function/expression — without duplicating the entire expression ([0,4,8].reduce(:+) / [0,4,8].length.to_f, for example, is abhorrent) or being required to assign to a local, then instance_eval option is a beautiful, elegant, idiomatic solution!!
- Apr 2021
meta.stackexchange.com meta.stackexchange.com
With Stack Overflow for Teams being a flexible platform, we’ve seen customers use it for a wide variety of use cases: A platform to help onboard new employees A self-serve help center to reduce support tickets Collaboration and documentation to drive innersource initiatives Breaking down silos and driving org wide transformation like cloud migration efforts A direct customer support platform Enable people who are working towards a common goal, whether a startup or a side project, to develop a collective knowledge base
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
What produces that text, and what do you want to use it for?
If it's a list of actual pathnames, just replacing spaces by newlines may obviously mangle pathnames that contain embedded spaces, such as /User/myself/VirtualBox VMs/.
blog.dnsimple.com blog.dnsimple.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
This is a great application for using route constraints.
- Mar 2021
web.cs.iastate.edu web.cs.iastate.edu
Application: 3-D Shape RegistrationAn important problem in model-based recognition is to find the transformation of a set of datapoints that yields the best match of these points against a shape model. The process is oftenreferred to asdata registration. The data points are typically measured on a real object by rangesensors, touch sensors, etc., and given in Cartesian coordinates. The quality of a match is oftendescribed as the total squared distance from the data pointsto the model. When multiple shapemodels are possible, the one that results in the least total distance is then recognized as the shapeof the object.Quaternions are very effective in solving the above least-squares-based registration problem.
- Feb 2021
sobolevn.me sobolevn.me
So, the sad conclusion is: all problems must be resolved individually depending on a specific usage context. There’s no silver bullet to resolve all ZeroDivisionErrors once and for all. And again, I am not even covering complex IO flows with retry policies and expotential timeouts.
Like all best practices, I think the way you will resolve a problem will depend of the application you are doing.
www.honeybadger.io www.honeybadger.io
Honeybadger isn't a single page app, and it probably won't ever be. SPAs just don't make sense for our technical requirements.
- Oct 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Looks like the problem is that debounce defaults to waiting for 0 ms ... which is completely useless!
It would be (and is) way to easy to omit the 2nd parameter to https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.15#debounce.
Why is that an optional param with a default value?? It should be required!
There must be some application where a delay of 0 is useless. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/lodash-_-debounce-method/ alludes to / implies there may be a use:
When the wait time is 0 and the leading option is false, then the func call is deferred until to the next tick.
But I don't know what that use case is. For the use case / application of debouncing user input (where each character of input is delayed by at least 10 ms -- probably > 100 ms -- a delay of 0 seems utterly useless.
2ality.com 2ality.com
trusktr herman willems • 2 years ago Haha. Maybe React should focus on a template-string syntax and follow standards (and provide options for pre-compiling in Webpack, etc).
Well anywho, there's other projects now like hyperHTML, lit-html, etc, plus some really fast ones: https://www.stefankrause.ne...
React seems a little old now (and the new Hooks API is also resource heavy).
• Share ›  Michael Calkins trusktr • 4 years ago • edited That's a micro optimization. There isn't a big enough difference to matter unless you are building a game or something extraordinarily odd.
• Share › −  trusktr Michael Calkins • 2 years ago True, it matters if you're re-rendering the template at 60fps (f.e. for animations, or for games). If you're just changing views one time (f.e. a URL route change), then 100ms won't hurt at all.