23 Matching Annotations
- Mar 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Problem details for HTTP APIs HTTP status codes are sometimes not sufficient to convey enough information about an error to be helpful. The RFC 7807 defines simple JSON and XML document formats to inform the client about a problem in a HTTP API. It's a great start point for reporting errors in your API. It also defines the application/problem+json and application/problem+xml media types.
- Jan 2023
documentation.mailgun.com documentation.mailgun.com
Mailgun is primarily a developer’s tool so the best way use Mailgun is through our APIs.
developers first API first
- Dec 2022
postmarkapp.com postmarkapp.com
API TypeMailgun API NamePostmark API NameSending EmailsMessagesEmailManaging SuppressionsSuppressionsSuppressionsManaging TemplatesTemplatesTemplatesManaging Sending SettingsServerManaging ServersServersManaging Sent EmailsEventsMessagesManaging Inbound EmailsMessages, EventsMessagesManage Inbound Processing SettingsRoutesManage email domains you can send fromDomainsDomains
- Nov 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The web API is now the most common meaning of the term API
- Sep 2022
rororo.readthedocs.io rororo.readthedocs.io
"detail": [ { "loc": [ "body", "name" ], "message": "Field required" }, { "loc": [ "body", "email" ], "message": "'not-email' is not an 'email'" } ]
not complient with Problem Details, which requires
to be a string
lurumad.github.io lurumad.github.io
jonathancrozier.com jonathancrozier.com
For example, let’s consider the type property. For most of the projects I am working on, it isn’t practical to have a webpage dedicated to each type of possible error.
That's not required. The standard doesn't require this to be a URL locator — merely a URI! So you can just make up a URI and use it even if it's not resolvable. ... like you did for the URN below.
For the instance property, the most practical way I’ve found of implementing this is to define a URN that encapsulates additional information regarding the error. Here is an example URN for reference. urn:companyname:api:error:protocol:badRequest:f29f57d7-e1f8-4643-b226-fa18f15e9b71
blog.restcase.com blog.restcase.com
"type": "https://example.com/problems/request-parameters-missing"
github.com github.com
ErrorResponse: description: Container object for one or more errors returned by the API. type: object required: - errors properties: errors: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Error'
FetchErrorResponse: type: object properties: meta: $ref: '#/definitions/FetchMetaResponse' errors: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' example: { "meta": { "req_id": "d07c8b12-c95e-4a06-8424-92aac94bb445" }, "errors": [{ "code": "Unauthorized", "detail": "A valid bearer token is required", "status":"401" } ] }
- Mar 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The valueAsNumber IDL attribute represents the value of the element, interpreted as a number. On getting, if the valueAsNumber attribute does not apply, as defined for the input element's type attribute's current state, then return a Not-a-Number (NaN) value.
- Nov 2020
www.thinktecture.com www.thinktecture.com
Capacitor's origins lie in Ionic's mission to provide a holistic framework for developing hybrid apps—apps that run on mobile devices, on desktops, and in the browser. It does not only replace Apache Cordova as a “bridge” to native platform access in new Ionic projects but also “provides a consistent, web-focused set of APIs”.
Capacitor is a framework that provides developers a coherent API set to access various features on different platforms. By doing so, it also simplifies using those features. Especially for web APIs that are hard to use or require multiple steps to set them up, Capacitor provides an easy-to-use interface.
- Sep 2020
Another problem I ran into was knowing when an element is removed. I had to add a MutationObserver on the current tooltip target so if it gets removed by Svelte while the tooltip is visible (e.g. if a click moves to another route) the tooltip isn't left hanging around on the screen. No mouseleave/mouseout events are dispatched on elements that are removed.
First sighting: MutationObserver
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
- May 2020