- Jan 2024
pressbooks.online.ucf.edu pressbooks.online.ucf.edu
what kind of character type might he fit?
Krishna is the incarnation of Vishnu. He's supposed to be the embodiment of a godlike character and hold many powerful qualities. He has many different character types he portrays in this story and is extremely accomplished. He urges the reader in a way to think about reincarnation which is obviously a big part of his character. "The place of the infinite spirit" (line 851) Krishna fits a representation of love, duty, honor and self control. Learning what type of character type Krishna is this early on is important to keep in mind as the story is read. If the reader doesn't understand the true depth of his character the story may not be as powerful. He shows many attributes of a fully developed character that knows the true power of who they are. In HIndu culture, a character like Krishna is all powerful but also shows a variety of character traits that make him a very admirable character.
- [](https://study.com/learn/lesson/lord-krishna-hinduism-legend-history.html)
- Jeste, Dilip V., and Ipsit V. Vahia. "Comparison of the conceptualization of wisdom in ancient Indian literature with modern views: Focus on the Bhagavad Gita." Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes 71.3 (2008): 197-209.
- May 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
there is this growing Chasm between our Paleolithic brains and what we're designed for and the niches we're built to inhabit and this new technologically infused world that we're living in
- Elise says
- "there is this growing Chasm between
- our Paleolithic brains and
- what we're designed for and
- the niches we're built to inhabit and this new technologically infused world that we're living in
- We have changed our environment so rapidly
and so radically and we have not kept pace with that change
- so either we keep changing the environment or
- we change ourselves to fit the environment and
- I think the fact that we're consistently making these commodified decisions in which
- we do expunge more and more of our of our Humanity in favor of profit
- in favor of short-term decisions i
- n favor of such abysmal thinking when it comes to complex systems like the human body
- it is a testament to the fact that these brains are not built for this world and
- we are not going to be adequate stewards of this system
- that is now so complex that to keep it held together
- you actually need a new form of intelligence beyond what we are"
- "there is this growing Chasm between
- Elise Bohan' statements perfectly echo Ronald Wright's famous quote on the nature of progress traps
- “To use a computer analogy, we are running twenty-first-century software on hardware last upgraded 50,000 years ago or more. This may explain quite a lot of what we see in the news.”
- https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.goodreads.com%2Fwork%2Fquotes%2F321797-a-short-history-of-progress&group=world
- Elise says
- I think, however, that Wright would agree more with Mary and less with Elise in Elise's contention that
- we need a new form of intelligence beyond what we are
- applying progress to our own cognitive abilities
- may create the biggest progress trap of all
- I think, however, that Wright would agree more with Mary and less with Elise in Elise's contention that
- Dec 2022
postmarkapp.com postmarkapp.com
- Jun 2021
digitalnow878391108.wordpress.com digitalnow878391108.wordpress.com
Why is it big news? Because the main advantage of npm over other package managers like yarn or pnpm is that it comes bundled with NodeJS.
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
I think the main difference between the two are the way API are served. Some smelte components need you to input big chunk of json as props, while i prefer keep props as primitive types and in the other hand give you different components tags to compose.
- Oct 2020
mixing the turing complete of javascript with the markup of HTML eliminates the readability of JSX so that it is actually harder to parse than a solution like hyperscript
hyperscript is much simpler to refactor and DRY up your code than with JSX, because, being vanilla javascript, its easier to work with variable assignment, loops and conditionals.
- template language: bad: by not reusing existing language constructs; forced to reinvent equivalents which are inferior and unfamiliar
- comparison with:
- good point
- Turing complete
- react-hyperscript
- making it easy for later refactoring
- reuse existing language constructs
- it's just _
- javascript
- template language vs. reusing existing language constructs
- hybrid/mixture
- hyperscript
- missing out on the benefits of something
- JavaScript
- bad combination/mixture/hybrid/frankenstein
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.comhyperx1
This module is similar to JSX, but provided as a standards-compliant ES6 tagged template string function.
github.com github.com
const { getByRole } = render(<input bind_value={text}>)
Directly compare to: https://hyp.is/T2NGMA5ZEeu2k6dW8hBd9g/github.com/kenoxa/svelte-htm
github.com github.com
const { getByRole } = render(html`<input bind:value=${text} />`)
Directly compare to: https://hyp.is/KXd5yA5ZEeu9_K_HXsDR2w/github.com/kenoxa/svelte-jsx
deno.land deno.land
Comparison to Node.js
- Sep 2020
svelte.dev svelte.dev
The previous example contained a default slot, which renders the direct children of a component. Sometimes you will need more control over placement, such as with this <ContactCard>. In those cases, we can use named slots.
This is a nicer solution than react children props, which is only clean if you pass in a single child.
The React children prop is an unregulated wild west where people are free to use the prop almost any way they want (including passing in a function).
I kind of like how Svelte provides a standard, consistent API, which doesn't have the limitations of React childern.
- May 2020
github.com github.com
All of these tools build container images with different approaches.
www.digital-democracy.org www.digital-democracy.org
Don’t go to code academy, go to design academy. Be advocates of the user & consumer. It’s not about learning how to code, it’s about translating real-world needs to technological specifications in just ways that give end users agency and equity in design, development and delivery. Be a champion of user-centric design. Learn how to steward data and offer your help.
The importance of learning to design, and interpreting/translating real-world needs.
medium.com medium.com
- Apr 2020
www.freshworks.com www.freshworks.com
We prefer Freshconnect for ticket related discussions because it maintains the context and always remains part of the ticket. In Slack, these discussions get lost in threads within channels.
- Feb 2020
work.stevegrossi.com work.stevegrossi.com
Performance Benchmarking What it is: Testing a system under certain reproducible conditions Why do it: To establish a baseline which can be tested against regularly to ensure a system’s performance remains constant, or validate improvements as a result of change Answers the question: “How is my app performing, and how does that compare with the past?”
Nix is a purely functional package manager. This means that it treats packages like values in purely functional programming languages such as Haskell — they are built by functions that don’t have side-effects, and they never change after they have been built.
Configuration as Code vs. Infrastructure as Code Some treat CAC and infrastructure as code (IAC) as the same thing. They’re not, and there’s a reason we have two distinct terms.
- Dec 2019
github.com github.com
If you need a tool to backup your documents and files please take a look at the excellent BackInTime application which is more configurable and provides options for saving user files.
2ality.com 2ality.com
browser: points to browser-specific untranspiled code
blog.logrocket.com blog.logrocket.com
Fetch() provides similar functionality through the AbortController interface. It’s not as simple as the Axios version, though:
- Nov 2019
reasonml.github.io reasonml.github.io
We've worked very hard to make Reason look like JS while preserving OCaml's great semantics & types.
github.com github.com
Revery is like flutter in that it does not use native widgets.
We might have some dirty mutable objects for performance - but our high-level API should be purely functional. You should be able to follow the React model of modelling your UI as a pure function of application state -> UI.