25 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2023
    1. 泰国为了吸引中国游客有多拼?近日,一网友发布视频称,泰国的 " 突突车 " 三蹦子上都是高启强的 " 身影 "。车上还有蓝牙音箱,满大街都在放《狂飙》。对此有泰国司机称:我是为了和亲爱的游客有共同语言。网友调侃 " 狂飙火到全世界 "" 这是迎接财神爷的态度 "。视频据央视新闻 2 月 3 日发布《高端访谈》节目,泰国副总理兼卫生部长阿努廷今年 1 月曾在机场迎接中国游客,用中文送出新春祝福,他在回应接机火上热搜时说:我们从来未曾忘记自己身上也流淌着中华血液。

      吸引人的因素,从根本上来讲,还是文化认同,在追求美景、美食、美色、美人的同时,更大的吸引力,依然是文化,看到这一点,才是做生意的关键。 进一步思考: ①泰国举全国之力,拉动旅游的决心和目标是明确的,效果也是明显的,从中可以借鉴、学习的内容很多; ②一个人、一个企业,同样可以从中学习借鉴很多东西,如何增强自己的吸引力、魅力、亲和力、凝聚力,值得思考。

  2. Dec 2022
  3. Jul 2022
  4. Jul 2021
    1. “Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL Special 13”从 2346 个申请中精心挑选出 13 个项目,涉及音乐、舞蹈、传统艺能、演剧、美术、生活文化、建筑及科技 8 大范围。东京希望借这些项目让这座城市在奥运期间更加丰富,同时呈现出东京独特的艺术和文化魅力。

    1. “钱汤文化”是日本文化里绕不过的一方面,近些年老钱汤再生为艺术场所的案例也层出不穷,“Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL Special 13”就将“Tokyo Sento Festival(东京钱汤节)”作为自己的一部分。

      东京都内约五百家钱汤参与了这场盛会,其中吉祥寺的弁天汤、代代木八幡的八幡汤、莺谷的萩之汤及银座的金春汤这 4 家钱汤最为瞩目,它们与艺术家大冢一夫、山崎真理、青木武夫&星志清、大原大治郎一起合作了钱汤壁画。

  5. Feb 2021
    1. We need to debate what kind of hypermedia suit our vision of society - how we create the interactive products and on-line services we want to use, the kind of computers we like and the software we find most useful. We need to find ways to think socially and politically about the machines we develop. While learning from the can-do attitude of the Californian individualists, we also must recognise that the potentiality of hypermedia can never solely be realised through market forces. We need an economy which can unleash the creative powers of hi-tech artisans. Only then can we fully grasp the Promethean opportunities of hypermedia as humanity moves into the next stage of modernity.


    2. Back in the 60s, Marshall McLuhan preached that the power of big business and big government would be overthrown by the intrinsically empowering effects of new technology on individuals. The convergence of media, computing and telecommunications would inevitably result in an electronic direct democracy - the electronic agora - in which everyone would be able to express their opinions without fear of censorship.  Encouraged by McLuhan's predictions, West Coast radicals pioneered the use of new information technologies for the alternative press, community radio stations, home-brew computer clubs and video collectives.

      早在60年代,Marshall McLuhan 就曾宣称,大企业和大政府的权力将被新技术对个人的内在赋权效应所推翻。媒体、计算机和电信的融合将不可避免地导致一个电子化的直接民主——电子集市——在其中的每个人都可以自由地发表意见而无需担心审查。

      受 McLuhan 预言的激励,西海岸激进分子率先使用新的信息技术来替代新闻媒体、社区广播、家酿电脑俱乐部和视频集体。

    3. The California Ideology is a mix of cybernetics, free market economics, and counter-culture libertarianism and is promulgated by magazines such as WIRED and MONDO 2000 and preached in the books of Stewart Brand, Kevin Kelly and others. The new faith P has been embraced by computer nerds, slacker students, 30-something capitalists, hip academics, futurist bureaucrats and even the President of the USA himself. As usual, Europeans have not been slow to copy the latest fashion from America. While a recent EU report recommended adopting the Californian free enterprise model to build the 'infobahn', cutting-edge artists and academics have been championing the 'post-human' philosophy developed by the West Coast's Extropian cult. With no obvious opponents, the global dominance of the Californian ideology appears to be complete.

      加州意识形态是控制论、自由市场经济学和反文化自由主义的混合体,由 WIRED 和 MONDO 2000 等杂志提出,并在 Stewart Brand、Kevin Kelly 等人的著作中被广泛传播。这个新的信仰已经被计算机书呆子、懒惰的学生、30 来岁的资本家、嘻哈学者、未来主义官僚,甚至美国总统本人所拥抱。像往常一样,欧洲人从美国复制最新时尚的速度并不慢。尽管最近的一份欧盟报告推荐采用加州自由企业模式来建立「信息高速公路」,但前沿艺术家和学者一直在倡导由西海岸负熵崇拜者产生的「后人类」理念。在没有明显对手的情况下,加州意识形态的全球主导地位是全面的。