5 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
  2. Mar 2024
  3. Feb 2024
    1. Fachleute rechnen damit, dass ein Sieg Trumps bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen zu einem Rollback bei den Projekten für saubere Energie führen würde, die die Biden-Administration eingeleitet hat. Der Inflation Reduction Act hat bereits zu Investitionen von etwa 200 Milliarden Dollar in solche Projekte geführt. Wie weit der Rollback gelingen würde, ist unklar, zumal besonders republikanisch dominierte Regionen von den Projekten der aktuellen Administration profitieren. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/19/us/politics/inflation-reduction-act-republican-attacks.html

  4. Apr 2017
    1. Driving this shift is Taiwan’s underlying geopolitical strategy to decrease its dependence on Mainland China and increase its ties with the rest of Asia.

      Taiwan's goals on becoming a pan-Asian identity through decreasing its dependence on Mainland China may not have been the best or well thought out plan. This is because it can cause a lot of negative outcomes. One reason may be that the US does not recognise Taiwan's Independence, ending all diplomatic relations with them but not with China. This is a prime example of how even though Taiwan is looking for change and trying to become pan-Asian, the rest of the world may not share their ideology.

    2. The fraught United States presidential election cycle of 2016 has revealed a country divided along geographical and ideological lines. It has also bolstered a narrative of haves and have-nots, pitting the so-called coastal elites against “heartland” America.

      The 2016 US presidential election caused a huge divide among the country both geographical and ideological. There was a divide against the coastal states and "heartland" America. Where economically large coastal states such as California had been won over by Hillary, from the democrats. This was due to sharing similar values and ideologies. On the other land the majority of heartland states had voted for Trump, the republican party.This was mainly because people in the heartland states were still affected by the financial crisis of 2008. There was economic revival for the coastal states, heartland America was still affected. Thus this caused geographical and ideological division among the American people.