- Nov 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
07:30 Wow, interesting point: The people back then struggled with the question of how to depict prophetic and divine figures. How to do that? Certain anxieties underlying this.
08:30 A week before the incident, Lopez showed art in India and of the Buddha and so on. A whole course on how the divine is presented, and struggled with, in different regions and cultures, other than the West (an Eurocentric view).
Behind the Hamline University Incident — with Erika López Prater and Christiane Gruber
Both Gruber and Prater are art historians.
www.carnegie.org www.carnegie.org
That this talent for organization and management is rare among men is proved by the fact that it invariably secures for its possessor enormous rewards, no matter where or under what laws or conditions.
for - critique - extreme wealth a reward for rare management skills - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Mondragon counterexample - to - stats - Mondragon pay difference between highest and lowest paid - article - In this Spanish town, capitalism actually works for the workers - Christian Science Monitor - Erika Page - 2024, June 7
critique - extreme wealth a reward for rare management skills - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Mondragon counterexample - This is invalidated today by large successful cooperatives such as Mondragon
to - stats - Mondragon corporation - comparison of pay difference between highest paid and lowest paid - https://hyp.is/QAxx-o14Ee-_HvN5y8aMiQ/www.csmonitor.com/Business/2024/0513/income-inequality-capitalism-mondragon-corporation
- critique - extreme wealth a reward for rare management skills - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Mondragon counterexample
- to - stats - Mondragon pay difference between highest and lowest paid - article - In this Spanish town, capitalism actually works for the workers - Christian Science Monitor - Erika Page - 2024, June 7
- May 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Eine neue, grundlegende Studie zu Klima-Reparationen ergibt, dass die größten Fosssilkonzerne jählich mindestens 209 Milliarden Dollar als Reparationen an von ihnen besonders geschädigte Communities zahlen müssen. Dabei sind Schäden wie der Verlust von Menschenleben und Zerstörung der Biodiversität nicht einberechnet. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/19/fossil-fuel-firms-owe-climate-reparations-of-209bn-a-year-says-study
Studie: Time to pay the piper: Fossil fuel companies’ reparations for climate damages https://www.cell.com/one-earth/fulltext/S2590-3322(23)00198-7
- actor: Shell
- NGO: Power Shift Africa
- actor: Aramco
- institution: Climate Accountability Institute
- NGO: Climate Action Network
- expert: Marco Grasso
- expert: Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh
- climate reparations
- topic: climate reparations
- actor: BP
- topic: loss and damage
- expert: Harjeet Singh
- actor: Exxon
- expert: Richard Heede
- expert: Erika Lennon
- topic: climate finance
- actor: Chevron
- expert: Mohamed Adow
- TotalEnergies
- Time to pay the piper
- Mar 2024
slate.com slate.com
As strange as it sounds today, German klein (“small” or portable) typewriters were among the most sought-after souvenirs for soldiers fighting in World War II. Think of it: Adjusted for inflation, top-of-the-line portable typewriters cost roughly the same as your MacBook Pro today, and their usable lives were measured not in months or years, but decades and generations. Consequently, thousands of Uranias, Gromas, Erikas, Rheinmetalls, Continentals, Olympias, and other high-quality, precision-made German machines were looted from Nazi military and government offices, businesses, and even from civilian homes, whether their owners were dead or alive. “War trophy” is of course a pleasant euphemism: It denotes a reward for heroism, bravery, and sacrifice, while simultaneously acknowledging that even the good guys steal, pillage, and destroy amid the haze of total war.
- Feb 2023