8 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2021
    1. Sens. Amy Klobuchar


      anyone online now would to censor all their content, has to have complete visibility in to every single place any user anywhere can generate content. comments, messages, anywhere: there'd be the need to monitor it all.

  2. May 2017
    1. Another Human Solution

      human solutions FTW!

    2. shun historical perspective in favor of future-oriented technological determinism

      to me, this is key: we need to constantly "rehumanize" this conversation to avoid misrecognizing both problems and solutions as purely technological

    1. Identity intersects with education, education with power and power always intersects with identity. I want all of us to shine light onto these intersections and then do better because we looked and learned.

      powerful advice to look at and learn from the cultural frameworks that intersect activities like publishing online

    1. In her podcast, Audrey likened unwanted annotation to someone entering your house and writing on your walls without invitation.

      The metaphors shape our emotional relationship to the conversation. Is a blog a home?

    1. We're vulnerable to state-sponsored attacks, he says, because we are too narrowly technological in our solutions.

      I refer to this sentence in my annotation above, as it seems at odds with Mike's earlier statement that this is a tools debate, not a legal one.

    2. People want to turn this into a legal debate, but it's not. It's a tools debate, and the main product of a builder of social tools is not the tool itself but the culture that it creates. So what sort of society do you want to create?

      Not trying to nitpick, but I'm a bit confused between this statement and the one below where Mike says "We're vulnerable to state-sponsored attacks, he says, because we are too narrowly technological in our solutions."

      So far in this debate I've been thinking that we are too quick to jump to technical solutions (as Mike's latter point would suggest) when I don't think the issues online are categorically different than they are offline. While certainly tools can help shape social relations and culture, we also have social/cultural mechanisms to deal with situations generated via online tools.

      Abuse is not limited to online activity and remedies for abuse are not purely technological. If a person abuses another offline, we have (imperfect) mechanisms to address that abuse. Are we considering those offline mechanisms in our confrontation with online abuse?

  3. Mar 2017