18 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
  2. Mar 2023
    1. Ultimately, after researching how we can overcome some inconveniences in Kubeflow, we decided to continue using it. Even though the UI could use some improvements in terms of clarity, we didn’t want to give up the advantages of configured CI/CD and containerization, which allowed us to use different environments. Also, for our projects, it is convenient to develop each ML pipeline in separate Git repositories.

      Kubeflow sounds like the most feature rich solution, whose main con is its UI and the setup process

    2. So, let’s sum up the pros and cons of each tool:

      Summary of pros/cons of Airflow, Kubeflow and Prefect

    3. Airflow has been one of the most popular orchestrating tools for several years.

      (see the graph above)

    1. ServingRuntime - Templates for Pods that can serve one or more particular model formats. There are three "built in" runtimes that cover the out-of-the-box model types, custom runtimes can be defined by creating additional ones.


    1. cluster with 4096 IP addresses can deploy at most 1024 models assuming each InferenceService has 4 pods on average (two transformer replicas and two predictor replicas).

      Kubernetes clusters have a maximum IP address limitation

    2. According to Kubernetes best practice, a node shouldn't run more than 100 pods.
    3. Each model’s resource overhead is 1CPU and 1 GB memory. Deploying many models using the current approach will quickly use up a cluster's computing resource. With Multi-model serving, these models can be loaded in one InferenceService, then each model's average overhead is 0.1 CPU and 0.1GB memory.

      If I am not mistaken, the multi-model approach reduces the size by 90% in this case

    4. Multi-model serving is designed to address three types of limitations KServe will run into

      Benefits of multi-model serving

    5. While you get the benefit of better inference accuracy and data privacy by building models for each use case, it is more challenging to deploy thousands to hundreds of thousands of models on a Kubernetes cluster.

      With more separation, comes the problem of distribution

  3. Jan 2023
  4. Sep 2021
    1. we will be releasing KServe 0.7 outside of the Kubeflow Project and will provide more details on how to migrate from KFServing to KServe with minimal disruptions

      KFServing is now KServe

  5. Jul 2021
    1. Spotify has a CLI that helps users build Docker images for Kubeflow Pipelines components. Users rarely need to write Docker files.

      Spotify approach towards writing Dockerfiles for Kubeflow Pipelines

  6. May 2021
    1. The only problem is that Kubeflow Pipelines must be deployed on a Kubernetes Cluster. You will struggle with permissions, VPC and lots of problems to deploy and use it if you are in a small company that uses sensitive data, which makes it a bit difficult to be adoptedVertex AI solves this problem with a managed pipeline runner: you can define a Pipeline and it will executed it, being responsible to provision all resources, store all the artifacts you want and pass them through each of the wanted steps.

      How Vertex AI solves the problem/need of deploying on a Kubernetes Cluster

    2. Kubeflow Pipelines comes to solve this problem. KFP, for short, is a toolkit dedicated to run ML Workflows (as experiments for model training) on Kubernetes, and it does it in a very clever way:Along with other ways, Kubeflow lets us define a workflow as a series of Python functions that pass results, and Artifacts for one another.For each Python function, we can define dependencies (for libs used) and Kubeflow will create a container to run each function in an isolated way, and passing any wanted object to a next step on the workflow. We can set needed resources, (as memory or GPUs) and it will provision them for our workflow step. It feels like magic.Once you’ve ran your pipeline, you will be able to see it in a nice UI, like this:

      Brief explanation of Kubeflow Pipelines

    1. In short, MLflow makes it far easier to promote models to API endpoints on various cloud vendors compared to Kubeflow, which can do this but only with more development effort.

      MLflow seems to be much easier

    2. Bon Appétit?

      Quick comparison of MLflow and Kubeflow (check below the annotation)

    3. MLflow is a single python package that covers some key steps in model management. Kubeflow is a combination of open-source libraries that depends on a Kubernetes cluster to provide a computing environment for ML model development and production tools.

      Brief comparison of MLflow and Kubeflow