4 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2017
    1. La tecnologia és el mitjà, però l'objectiu és respondre a les necessitats de la comunitat. Per això cal en primer lloc parlar amb ella i esbrinar què és el que necessita; és a dir, quines són les mancances que hem de cobrir.

      Sabent les necessitats podrem determinar com ha de ser el nostre makerspace i podrem començar a "vendre'n" la idea a la pròpia comunitat a qui ha de servir.

  2. Jun 2016
    1. Defining making in education in terms of tools, spaces, or disciplines is insufficient. Learning through making is a philosophical approach that can affect classes across the curriculum and schools across the globe. It’s time to change the paradigm.
  3. Aug 2015
    1. Hands on

      This might be the most explicit link to constructivism and constructionism. Not only is it about “learn by doing”, but it’s about concrete action in the physical world. Can’t help but find it limiting and restrictive to mention “3D Printing” as the main component. After all, FabLabs got started without 3D printers and the Maker movement has a lot of stuff which has little to do with 3D Printing. But it’s hard to argue that 3D Printing haven’t attracted attention, in the past couple of years. Sexier than laser etching? As Makers often point out, there’s a lot in the movement which is really very similar to what was happening in shop class. Though the trend may sound new, it’s partly based on nostalgia. A neat aspect, though, is that much of it can happen through learners’ projects cutting across class boundaries. Sure, we’ve known about project-based learning for a while. You do a project for a class or a series of classes. But how about a personal pathway (cf. “individualism”, above) through which learners add learning experiences around a central project? Learning Circles can make that into something really neat.