14 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Within the digital world, the cost of publishing and distribution drops dramatically (not to zero, but much closer than ever before)

      Is this true within an academic publishing context? First copy costs remain substantially high: editing, review, typesetting, server and band with costs, marketing etc. are still part of a digital only model. One thing that is important to explore though is what these first copy costs consist off in a digital context, to explore from there what the profit margin is that publishers put on top (plus cost for printing etc.). This could lead to the development of perhaps a more fair and transparent system based on actual costs. For books the OAPEN-NL project tried to do exactly this: https://openreflections.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/oapen-nl-final-report.pdf

  2. Mar 2022
    1. pourquoi les instances publiques exercent un vrai soutien pour l’accès libre aux publications scientifiques et pas de soutien du même ordre pour les REL
  3. Jul 2021
    1. a systems problem—the system provides incentives to publish fraudulent research and does not have adequate regulatory processes. Researchers progress by publishing research, and because the publication system is built on trust and peer review is not designed to detect fraud it is easy to publish fraudulent research. The business model of journals and publishers depends on publishing, preferably lots of studies as cheaply as possible. They have little incentive to check for fraud and a positive disincentive to experience reputational damage—and possibly legal risk—from retracting studies.

      A systemic problem where the current publishing structure has the wrong incentives for authors, publishers, and others. If we are to solve the access problem (with some flavor of open access), how can the incentives be changed to account for this bad research problem? Are changes to finding models a net positive or negative effect on the trustable nature of the published research?

  4. Feb 2021
    1. online curation is:

      The most prominent example of this type of online curation, in my personal experience as a teacher, is curating reading lists for my university courses.

      In some cases (more "traditional"), this list is part of the syllabus and coursepack that I distribute ahead of the semester so it's something that I would do in the Summer or during a Winter break. Having taught several courses on a short notice (getting the contract a couple of weeks before the semester starts), I've fine-tuned my technique to be as efficient as possible. Some of my reading lists were better than others and a few were really solid. Teaching with such a reading list is quite a joy. Much more so than teaching from a textbook. At one point, I stopped having printed coursepacks. I simply give links to the fulltext articles available through #OpenAccess or through the databases to which the university's library is subscribed. A few students complained early on but it does mean that they don't have to purchase text material for the course. The reason it's important to me does have to do with the cost of higher education. It's also about shifting the role of text resources. We use these texts to do some work together. It's not like these texts are "transmitting the knowledge" to learners' brains.

      So, that's my more traditional pattern: a syllabus with a list of links to articles (typically PDFs) that I distributed before the semester starts.

      In other cases (my "enhanced" practice), it's something I do every week, based on what has happened in the course. And I do mean a full reading list each week. Class members choose the text on which they want to focus. Though several of them expect me to be "the sage on the stage" who will lead them to that one nugget of wisdom they will have to "retain", a shift happens once they take ownership of those reading choices. That practice is quite timeconsuming and it doesn't necessarily improves my teaching in obvious ways. It's rewarding in other ways. (I sometimes ask learners to find resources on their own, which really deepens the learning process. It requires a significant level of autonomy that they might not reveal during a given semester, even if they have significant experience as university students).

      My routine of building weekly reading lists also means that I got quite a bit of practice at this.

      Typically, I start the collecting with a "forward citation search" in Web of Knowledge, Scopus, or Google Scholar. I often know this one key article which is likely to have been cited by a number of authors more recently. I collect as many of those as possible and some patterns emerge. Quite frequently, there would be subtopics that I rearrange. It might send me in a "rabbithole". Which is ok. I'm in a discovery mode. And some of the texts which fall under my radar at that point become relevant at a further point.

      In other words, I often cast a wide net during the collection phase.

      The selection process is mostly a matter or rearranging the reading list so that the first few items cover enough of the range of subtopics. Sometimes, my lists remain quite long, which means that learners have more choice (which is uncomfortable enough to help them learn). It also involves an organization phase.

      Summarizing the significance of the collection is the basis for my presentation of the list to the class. My description of the collection is the moment in a class meeting during which I switch to lecture mode. If I do it at the end of the class meeting (or just before the break), students are likely to pay less attention, even though it's typically short. If I do If I do it before discussing the items for the current week, it gets a bit confusing. So it often works best if I present this list after we've worked through the previous ones but before some kind of activity which links the two topics.

      As for sharing in the cloud, I typically do this through the LMS I'm using in that institutions. I've tried more public methods but they weren't that effective.

      All this to say... I could probably optimize my method.

  5. Feb 2019
    1. Declaration of Rights and Principles to Transform Scholarly Communication

      You can keep up on overall open access news from the University of California system online.

  6. Sep 2018
    1. The plan, which was initiated by Robert Jan Smits, the Open Access Envoy of the European Commission, outlines 10 principles, which can be distilled into four essential actions:

      A summary of Plan S, the European plan to support open access publishing.

  7. Aug 2018
  8. Feb 2018
  9. Sep 2016
    1. Within the digital world, the cost of publishing and distribution drops dramatically (not to zero, but much closer than ever before)

      Is this true within an academic publishing context? First copy costs remain substantially high: editing, review, typesetting, server and band with costs, marketing etc. are still part of a digital only model. One thing that is important to explore though is what these first copy costs consist off in a digital context, to explore from there what the profit margin is that publishers put on top (plus cost for printing etc.). This could lead to the development of perhaps a more fair and transparent system based on actual costs. For books the OAPEN-NL project tried to do exactly this: https://openreflections.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/oapen-nl-final-report.pdf

  10. Jun 2016
    1. this diverse set of goals

      This doesn't sound like a problem to me. Individual research communities should be able to adopt an OA style that works for them. I've never thought it realistic that the sciences and humanities will pick the same kind of OA, it's never been clear to me why it even needs to be the same kind, but [deity] do we waste a lot of breath and text talking about this.

  11. Sep 2015
    1. The Availability of open-access, peer-reviewed scientific articles and the state of institutional repositories

      OA can be paired with OER

  12. Aug 2015
    1. Open access and altmetrics: Distinct but complementary

      My paper is actually open access at the original journal site, here: https://asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-13/AprMay13_Mounce.html

      Please don't pay to access it from here!

      I had no idea Wiley had any arrangement with ASIST to sell access to my article. It's pretty unethical to sell access to an authors work without their consent if you ask me!