- Oct 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Neue, gigantische Fracking-Projekte in den USA („monster fracks“) verbrauchen enorme Mengen Wasser, so dass die Öl- und Gasfirmen inzwischen auch nach Wasser bohren. Damit wird die durch Übernutzung und globale Erhitzung prekäre Wasserversorgung in vielen Gegenden der USA zusätzlich belastet. Analyse und Reportage in der New York Times, die herazusgefunden hat, dass die monster fracks in Texas inzwischen zwei Drittel der Fracking-Projekte ausmachen. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/09/25/climate/fracking-oil-gas-wells-water.html
- Aug 2023
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
We are already seeing the emergence of ‘tech-free’ camps and vacation packages. Experiencing life ‘offline’ will become a generational goal, much like the Millennial generation introduced ride sharing and home sharing. Ironically, it will be technology that enables this trend, and premiums will be paid for uninterrupted time to focus or to simply enjoy being alive. This may also indicate a new kind of disparity between economic strata, with the more-wealthy affording privacy, peace and quiet while the lower strata remain fodder for 24/7 social media aggregators and botnets.
- for: futures, digital futures, online vs offline role reversal, inequality
- quote
- paraphrase
- We are already seeing the emergence of
- ‘tech-free’ camps and
- ' tech-free' vacation packages
- Experiencing life ‘offline’ will become a generational goal,
- much like the Millennial generation introduced ride sharing and home sharing.
- Ironically, it will be technology that enables this trend, and premiums will be paid for uninterrupted time to focus or to simply enjoy being alive.
- This may also indicate a new kind of disparity between economic strata, with
- the more-wealthy affording privacy, peace and quiet while
- the lower strata remain fodder for 24/7 social media aggregators and botnets.
- We are already seeing the emergence of
- author: Sam Adams
- 24 year veteran of IBM
- senior AI research scientist, RTI International
there is a disconnect between the long period of evolution that honed our humanity and the short period of rapid technology change we are facing.
- for: progress trap, quote, quote - progress trap, quote Brian Southwell, Science in the Public Sphere Program, RTI International
- We are likely to make some gains in personal health, are likely to face some collective concerns in terms of environmental health and
- are not likely to cope with the alienation and despair that is a part of a life lived largely online.
- In the latter case, there is a disconnect between the long period of evolution that honed our humanity and
- the short period of rapid technology change we are facing.
author: Brian Southwell
- director, Science in the Public Sphere Program, RTI International
I do expect new social platforms to emerge that focus on privacy and ‘fake-free’ information, or at least they will claim to be so. Proving that to a jaded public will be a challenge. Resisting the temptation to exploit all that data will be extremely hard. And how to pay for it all? If it is subscriber-paid, then only the wealthy will be able to afford it.
- for: quote, quote - Sam Adams, quote - social media
- quote, indyweb - support, people-centered
- I do expect new social platforms to emerge that focus on privacy and ‘fake-free’ information, or at least they will claim to be so.
- Proving that to a jaded public will be a challenge.
- Resisting the temptation to exploit all that data will be extremely hard.
- And how to pay for it all?
- If it is subscriber-paid, then only the wealthy will be able to afford it.
- author: Sam Adams
- 24 year IBM veteran -senior research scientist in AI at RTI International working on national scale knowledge graphs for global good
- comment
- his comment about exploiting all that data is based on an assumption
- a centralized, server data model
- his comment about exploiting all that data is based on an assumption
- this doesn't hold true with a people-centered, person-owned data network such as Inyweb
- Jun 2018
saveourprivacy.in saveourprivacy.in
financial and credit information, including financial history and transactions.
Except in case of people holding public offices. Adding this here should not hinder uncovering corruption. Candidates standing for elections are required to declare this information and the should not start objecting to declaring this information by stating that it is "sensitive personal data". I think this needs to be thought through a little more.
“personal data”
Provided that the "personal data" in question is in harmony with Section 8(1)(j) of the Right to Information Act. If there is any inconsistency/dispute in the classification of data as "personal data" as per this Act and "personal information" as per Section 8(1)(j) of the Right to Information Act, the latter shall prevail as per the provisions outlined in the Right to Information Act.