- Apr 2021
www.profweb.ca www.profweb.ca
Yuja (has an excellent video commenting feature)
Speaking of YuJa, it's the tool ConU uses at an institution-level for lecture capture (replacing Panopto) and they integrate the videos in Moodle. The idea is to either capture your live lecture and distribute it as-is so that learners can go back to it... Or create clips “asynchronously”. Even in remote learning, there's a lot to be said about the flipped classroom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guA21RgRcSg&t=91s
As for video annotations in YuJa, there's a toolbar.
- Nov 2019
Local file Local file
We accept as axiomatic that students learn by doing
While I personally agree that "learning by doing" is perhaps one of the or even the most powerful forms of pedagogy, a very large part of current and historical pedagogy does not really engage doing. So either not ALL learning involves doing, or the majority of education that happens without doing doesn't involve learning.
- Jul 2019
michaelnski.files.wordpress.com michaelnski.files.wordpress.com
how can such strategies be replicated withinthe context of an institutions online learningenvironment?
Do we want to Replicate, or do we want to break new ground here? SAMR Model
there are a plethora of online tools that can offeralternatives to enabling the use of such online active learning strategies.
However, I've searched this document and there is not a word about annotation...
- Jun 2018
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
3 Strategies for Overcoming Faculty Resistance to Active Learning Techniques
short list of good small and medium sized strategies to engage students in active learning