12 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
A record can be viewed as the computer analog of a mathematical tuple, although a tuple may or may not be considered a record, and vice versa, depending on conventions and the specific programming language.
- Apr 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
It is the conceptual equivalent to HTTP/1.1 name-based virtual hosting, but for HTTPS.
- Apr 2022
kit.svelte.dev kit.svelte.dev
The combined stuff is available to components using the page store as $page.stuff, providing a mechanism for pages to pass data 'upward' to layouts.
bidirectional data flow ?! That's a game changer.
analogue in Rails: content_for
- Mar 2021
hyperstack.org hyperstack.org
we used `backticks` to jump into native Javascript to use moment.js
In regular Ruby, `` executes in a shell, but obviously there is no shell of that sort in JS, so it makes sense that they could (and should) repurpose that syntax for something that makes sense in context of JS -- like running native JavaScript -- prefect!
- Oct 2020
svelte.dev svelte.dev
This is the Svelte version of this example: https://codesandbox.io/s/reactivity-react-responds-to-changing-props-forked-d2j44?file=/src/Label.js
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
Does it look like a decorator plugin in Ractive, right
I like use. But we would still need a noun to reference them by in the docs or libraries.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In furniture construction it is known as a spindle
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
Rest syntax looks exactly like spread syntax. In a way, rest syntax is the opposite of spread syntax. Spread syntax "expands" an array into its elements, while rest syntax collects multiple elements and "condenses" them into a single element.
blog.carbonfive.com blog.carbonfive.com
$: declares a relationship, where remaining should always be 10 - count. This might seem weird, but it’s conceptually the same as declaring a variable that you know will be re-calculated in every React render loop — except that remaining will get recalculated only when count changes.
- Jul 2020
yourbusiness.azcentral.com yourbusiness.azcentral.com
A typical tagline is short -- many are seven words or less – and you can think of it as a linguistic counterpart to your company’s logo.
- May 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I have used this bash one-liner before set -- "${@:1:$(($#-1))}" It sets the argument list to the current argument list, less the last argument.
Analogue of
built-in. Too bad there isn't just apop