4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. the erosion between whiteness andgainful employment that Davidson and Saul arguedled to a cultural backlash from white Americans andhas caused them to move from the left to the far-rightas a form of retaliation against the neoliberal cosmo-politan left.

      for - key insight - gainful employment of white working class led to cultural backlash and shift from left to far-right - to - Neoliberalism and the Far-Right: A Contradictory Embrace

      key insight - gainful employment of white working class led to cultural backlash and shift from left to far-right - source - Davidson and Saul

      to - Neoliberalism and the Far-Right: A Contradictory Embrace - https://hyp.is/8Hf0lDzqEe-KM9dQxJDxsw/core.ac.uk/download/pdf/84148846.pdf

  2. Feb 2023
    1. backlash: strong adverse reactions from individuals and groups that undermine or compromise the positive outcomes DEI initiatives try to create.

      It seems hard to believe yet so thought-provoking that efforts to reduce inequities can be met with backlash. Sometimes the intent and perceptions are unclear, resulting in efforts that are not of benefit to everyone or unintentionally highlight deficits.

  3. Jun 2021
  4. Oct 2019