- Sep 2024
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Variant: VWF NM_000552.5: c.7682T>A p.(Phe2561Tyr)
Suggested GOF mechanism
Located in exon 45 of VWF (C4 domain)
Present in gnomAD, suggested as likely benign/benign Found in exome and genome samples (Allele count is 69570, allele freq = 4.32e-2, homozygote count= 1725)
Note that the assessment here is primarily in white individuals
- Mar 2022
blog.readwise.io blog.readwise.io
We're still refining the presentation, but for now you can tell a passage was concatenated by the ellipsis (...) joining the non-adjacent strings of text.
- Jun 2021
c4model.com c4model.com
Also supplementary: system landscape, deployment.
Internal to some business unit. External systems may still be part of the same enterprise.
Could this be represented in XMI?
I wonder what it would be like to model this in Fibery.
the result is a single definition of all elements
Except if e.g. a component is used in different containers.
that don't understand anything about the semantics of your diagrams
C4 understands something, but eschews knowledge of e.g. the exact same component being used within different containers.
they are an integral part of your software architecture
You also deploy instances of them in specific environments.
omit the intermediary, and instead use notation (e.g. a textual description, colour coding, line style, etc) to signify that the interaction between service A and B happens via an intermediary
Is it possible to model the intermediary, such that it shows upon a deployment diagram, but leave it out of this diagram?
using colour coding to signify which parts of the software system are bespoke vs those provided for you
to show external/internal? -
feel free to supplement the C4 diagrams with UML diagrams, BPML diagrams, ArchiMate diagrams
Would be nice to track elements across those boundaries. I.e. this system in C4 is that business unit in ArchiMate. Kind of like context propagation in distibuted tracing.
include the entire story on a single diagram
No: include the entire system in a single model. Diagrams should be focused views.
Feel free to draw a box around these two containers
How do I do that in the DSL?
model these microservices as external software systems, that you can't see inside of.
These teams, however, also want models. They see inside of those software systems. This should be just another view. On one model that contains elements for everything in the system.
components are not separately deployable units
The OpenTelemetry Collector is a single binary but can be deployed in different roles in order to scale horizontally
container is a separately deployable/runnable thing
How about internal architecture?
- Mar 2020
www.infoq.com www.infoq.com