- Aug 2021
64k.space 64k.space
Second, that you see more and more laptops running things like i3 and dwm than back in 2010 -- and these tools haven't gotten any better in these ten years.
vim tools/plugins on the other hand have gotten supremely powerful & weird & awesome.
i actually really love this point. there's some semi-interesting things happening with Wayland desktops, some changes, but overall i think most Linux users have kind of subsisted in semi-stasis. and we don't need top down change, from our WMs, but we should be "growing-in" to our environments, getting better, and we i think the collaboration & exploration is still very sparse, few charts or maps or guides come out. the "here be dragons" edge has a lot of healthy exploration deep into it, but it's very lone territory, the charts rare & hard to understand, hard to follow. there's some radical elements of success & exploration, but there are so few enduring wayfinding systems, so little communalizing of exploration or growth.
- Feb 2018
- Jan 2018
www.gifloopcoder.com www.gifloopcoder.com
That’s down to a whopping 50kb. But it does look a bit fuzzy. I’m not even going to begin to explain the ffmpeg command line I used, because I hardly understand it myself. ffmpeg.exe -framerate 30 -i isogrid_%0 4d.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p isogrid.mp4 Here’s the page I gleaned that info from: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Create%20a%20video%20slideshow%20from%20images
creating efficiently encoded mp4 from image sequence using ffmpeg
That’s 326kb. Looks about the same to me, but significantly smaller. Actually, my initial attempts were horrible. The IM version came in larger than GLC’s output and had all kinds of horrible artifacts. Some research found some command line options that cleaned it up and optimized it nicely. Here’s the command I used to create this image: convert -delay 3.33 -loop 0 -fuzz 2% -layers Optimize *.png isogrid_im.gif
creating efficiently encoded gifs from an image sequence using ImageMagick (in this example output from gifloopcoder (GLC))