11 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2018
    1. The interface’s content management is handled through WordPress. The application itself is written in React JS, and communicates with WordPress via a JSON feed

      using Wordpress as a 'headless' CMS, providing data to be consumed by a separate presentation client

    2. Although the application was built for onsite audiences, the new system leverages web standards for accessibility and sustainability.

      accessibility and sustainability as arguments for implementing on-site installations using web standard technology

  2. Mar 2018
  3. Jan 2018
    1. it's cleaner to use rebase to bring your outdated feature branch up to speed with develop, rather than merging develop into your feature branch.

    1. As VR creator Anna Henson—associate producer of Styles and Customs of the 2020s—explained in an email, “the museum is responsible for an interaction in which two people’s physical space will intersect. This is, in fact, a very intimate interaction.” Moments of intimacy range from introducing a visitor to VR by pantomiming how to put on the headset, asking for permission to tighten the strap against a visitor’s head, or being the first person a visitor sees when a session is cut short due to in nausea or dizziness. The museum took care to select and train gallery ambassadors who would be sensitive to visitors’ vulnerability. Henson also included a monitor that allowed bystanders to gain a glimpse into what their plugged-in companions were seeing, an effort to create a more inclusive and social experience.

      I've found myself in several situations having to figure this out on the fly. It felt weird to have this big responsibility of introducing someone to their first VR experience - loosing their VRginity. I like Desi Gonzalez' positive tone here: as public institutions, Museums have a huge opportunity to shape visitors' (first) experiences with VR works. Likewise at festivals, where I must say I have been usually disappointed by the way (mostly volunteer) attendants guided my experience. This was usually due to providing too little context or introduction. Just asking if a visitor has ever done VR before - and providing guidance accordingly - can make all the difference.

    1. You have machine learning — which loves short and simple feedback loops — and you have social media, which has a business model and interface built around those loops. The two things fit together like a lock and a key. And once these two things come together it is likely to have a profoundly detrimental effect on online culture, and make our current mess seem quite primitive by comparison.
    1. That’s down to a whopping 50kb. But it does look a bit fuzzy. I’m not even going to begin to explain the ffmpeg command line I used, because I hardly understand it myself. ffmpeg.exe -framerate 30 -i isogrid_%0 4d.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p isogrid.mp4 Here’s the page I gleaned that info from: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Create%20a%20video%20slideshow%20from%20images

      creating efficiently encoded mp4 from image sequence using ffmpeg

    2. That’s 326kb. Looks about the same to me, but significantly smaller. Actually, my initial attempts were horrible. The IM version came in larger than GLC’s output and had all kinds of horrible artifacts. Some research found some command line options that cleaned it up and optimized it nicely. Here’s the command I used to create this image: convert -delay 3.33 -loop 0 -fuzz 2% -layers Optimize *.png isogrid_im.gif

      creating efficiently encoded gifs from an image sequence using ImageMagick (in this example output from gifloopcoder (GLC))

  4. Aug 2017
    1. Most of the UI (user interface) elements we needed already existed in our toolkit of parts, with a few modifications.

      example of a good reason to use a modular component-based approach / styleguide

    2. To really validate these findings we’d need to flip the exercise on it’s head, and see if people know where to find things when presented with just our group names. For this we’d use what’s known as a ‘Tree test’. In this test, all the collections would be subdivided into our groups. These groups would then be presented with only their names visible to the test participants. Participants would then be asked where they would look for a specific collection. The groups we went with for the test are shown below.
  5. Jun 2017
    1. The Phillips curve is a single-equation empirical model, named after William Phillips, describing a historical inverse relationship between rates of unemployment and corresponding rates of inflation that result within an economy. Stated simply, decreased unemployment, (i.e., increased levels of employment) in an economy will correlate with higher rates of inflation.

      the chart Phillips used to demonstrate this effect was one of the first examples of drawing a timeline through a scatter plot of 2 variables. Another example (featured in Alberto Cairo's The Functional Art): https://static01.nyt.com/images/2010/05/02/business/02metrics/02metrics-popup-v3.jpg