62 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Apple supposedly slashed production for their 3k5 USD ski goggles, a sign they may soon be joining the long list at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_virtual_reality_headsets of attempts that all don't solve the key thing: adding 1kg of ski goggles to your head and shove it between yourself and the world is only acceptable in a very limited set of contexts and uses, and not a mainstream thing.

  2. Aug 2023
      • 1:23:20 Vision Pro as infinite Canvas
      • Mac from personal computing, mobile computing, to spatial computing
      • omg, it changes environment (contribution to flow, inducing novelty?)
      • new os (VisionOS)
    1. Thomas Stoffregen and his team

      The virtual reality head-mounted display Oculus Rift induces motion sickness and is sexist in its effects https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27915367/ Downloaded to Zotero

    2. I tracked down military reports about gender bias in simulator sickness, much of which dated back to the 1960s

      in the 1960s the US military had reports on gender bias wrt simulator sickness. (Such simulators would likely have been more of the physical (rotation, speeds etc.) than virtual (screens / vr))

    3. This led me to run a series of psych experiments where my data suggested that people’s ability to be able to navigate 3D VR seems to be correlated with the dominance of certain sex hormones in their system. Folks with high levels of estrogen and low levels of testosterone – many of whom would identify as women – were more likely to get nauseous navigating VR than those who have high levels of testosterone streaming through their body. What was even stranger was that changes to hormonal levels appeared to shape how people respond to these environments.

      estrogen / testosteron levels influence responses to VR environment and increase getting nauseous navigating in VR.

    4. https://web.archive.org/web/20230809191748/http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2023/08/06/still-trying-to-ignore-the-metaverse.html

      There are many reasons why Meta's Metaverse is a dud (Vgl https://zylstra.org/blog/2021/11/metaverse-reprise/ and https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2022/02/was-second-life-ahead-or-metaverse-nothing-really-new/ ) but boyd points to a whole other range of reasons: women and men respond entirely different to VR based on hormonal levels.

      Potential antilib [[Making a Metaverse That Matters by Wagner James Au]]

  3. Jun 2023
  4. Feb 2023
    1. i'll ask now maurice to tell us a bit about his work
      • = Maurice Benayoun
      • describes his extensive history of cognitive science infused art installations:
      • cognitive art,
      • VR art,
      • AR art and
      • art infused by AI (long before the AI artbots became trendy)
      • title = What can cognitive science bring to art and museums?

      • Comment = Maurice Benayoun has applied cognitive science, VR and AR too many at installations throughout his life.

  5. Jun 2022
  6. May 2022
    1. Recognizing that the CEC hyperthreat operates at micro and macro scales across most forms of human activity and that a whole-of-society approach is required to combat it, the approach to the CEC hyperthreat partly relies on a philosophical pivot. The idea here is that a powerful understanding of the CEC hyperthreat (how it feels, moves, and operates), as well as the larger philosophical and survival-based reasons for hyper-reconfiguration, enables all actors and groups to design their own bespoke solutions. Consequently, the narrative and threat description act as a type of orchestration tool across many agencies. This is like the “shared consciousness” idea in retired U.S. Army general Stanley A. McChrystal’s “team of teams” approach to complexity.7       Such an approach is heavily dependent on exceptional communication of both the CEC hyperthreat and hyper-response pathways, as well as providing an enabling environment in terms of capacity to make decisions, access information and resources. This idea informs Operation Visibility and Knowability (OP VAK), which will be described later.  

      Such an effort will require a supporting worldwide digital ecosystem. In the recent past, major evolutionary transitions (MET) (Robin et al, 2021) of our species have been triggered by radical new information systems such as spoken language, and then inscribed language. Something akin to a Major Competitive Transitions (MCT) may be required to accompany a radical transition to a good anthropocene. (See annotation: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.frontiersin.org%2Farticles%2F10.3389%2Ffevo.2021.711556%2Ffull&group=world)

      If large data is ingested into a public Indyweb, because Indyweb is naturally a graph database, a salience landscape can be constructed of the hyperthreat and data visualized in its multiple dimensions and scales.

      Metaphorically, it can manifest as a hydra with multiple tentacles reach out to multiple scales and dimensions. VR and AR technology can be used to expose the hyperobject and its progression.

      The proper hyperthreat is not climate change alone, although that is the most time sensitive dimension of it, but rather the totality of all blowbacks of human progress...the aggregate of all progress traps that have been allowed to grow, through a myopic prioritization of profit over global wellbeing due to the invisibility of the hyperobject, from molehills into mountains.

  7. Mar 2022
  8. Oct 2021
    1. Cost — it’s by far the most affordable headset in its class, and while I have a tendency to be lavish with my gadgetry I’m still a cheapskate: I love a good deal and a favorably skewed cost/benefit ratio even more.

      Oculus seems to be offering a good quality/cost ratio

    2. Adapting to the new environment is immediate, like moving between rooms, and since the focal length in the headset matches regular human vision there’s no acclimating or adjustment.

      Adaptation to VR work should be seamless

    3. I do highly contextual work, with multiple work orders and their histories open, supporting reference documentation, API specifications, several areas of code (and calls in the stack), tests, logs, databases, and GUIs — plus Slack, Spotify, clock, calendar, and camera feeds. I tend to only look at 25% of that at once, but everything is within a comfortable glance without tabbing between windows. Protecting that context and augmenting my working memory maintains my flow.

      Application types to look at during work:

      • work orders and their histories
      • supporting reference documentation
      • API specs
      • areas of code (and calls in the stack)
      • tests
      • logs
      • databases
      • GUIs
      • Slack
      • Spotify
      • clock
      • calendar
      • camera feeds

      With all that, we may look at around 25% of the stuff at once

    4. Realism will increase (perhaps to hyperrealism) and our ability to perceive and interact with simulated objects and settings will be indistinguishable to our senses. Acting in simulated contexts will have physical consequences as systems interpret and project actions into the world — telepresence will take a quantum leap, removing limitations of time and distance. Transcending today’s drone piloting, remote surgery, etc., we will see through remote eyes and work through remote hands anywhere.

      On the increase of realism in the future

    5. It has a ton of promise, but… I don’t really care for the promise it’s making. 100% of what you can do in Workrooms is feasible in a physical setting, although it would be really expensive (lots of smart hardware all over the place). But that’s the thing: it’s imitating life within a tool that doesn’t share the same limitations, so as a VR veteran I find it bland and claustrophobic. That’s going to be really good for newcomers or casual users because the skeuomorphism is familiar, making it easy to immediately orient oneself and begin working together — and that illustrates a challenge in design vocabulary. While the familiar can provide a safe and comfortable starting point, the real power of VR requires training users for potentially unfamiliar use cases. Also, if you can be anywhere, why would you want to be in a meeting room, virtual-Lake Tahoe notwithstanding?

      Author's feedback on why Workrooms do not fully use their potential

    6. For meeting with those not in VR, or if I have a video call that needs input rather than passive attendance, I’ll frequently use a virtual webcam to attend by avatar. It’s sufficiently demonstrative for most team meetings, and the crew has gotten used to me showing up as a digital facsimile. I’ll surface from VR and use a physical webcam for anything sensitive or personal, however.

      On VR meetings with other people while they are using normal webcams

    7. Meetings are best in person, in VR, in MURAL, and in Zoom — in that order. As a remote worker of several years, “in person” is a rarity for me — so I use VR to preserve the feeling of shared presence, of inhabiting a place with other people, especially when good spatial audio is used. Hand tracking enables meaningful gestures and animated expression, despite the avatars cartoonish appearance — somehow it all “just works”, your brain accepts that these people you know are embodied through these virtual puppets, and you get on with communicating instead of quibbling about missing realism (which will be a welcome improvement as it becomes available but doesn’t stop this from working right now).

      Author's shared feeling over working remotely

    8. What’s it like to actually use? In a word: comfortable. Given a few more words, I’d choose productive and effective. I can resize, reposition, add, or remove as much screen space as I need. I never have to squint or lean forward, crane my neck, hunt for an application window I just had open, or struggle to find a place for something. Many trade-offs and compromises from the past no longer apply — I put my apps in convenient locations I can see at a glance, and without getting in my way. I move myself and my gaze enough throughout the day that I’m not stiff at the end of it and experience less eye strain than I ever did with a bunch of desk-bound LCDs.

      Author's reflections on working in VR. It seems like he highly values the comfortability and space for multiple windows

    9. Since all I need is a keyboard, mouse, and a place to park myself, I’ve completely ditched the traditional desk. I can use a floor setup for part of the day and mix it up with a standing arrangement for the rest.

      Working in VR, you don't need the screens in front of your eyes

  9. Sep 2021
  10. Jul 2021
  11. Apr 2021
    1. n Rebecca Elinich

      The content of Elinich’s course on VR through UE and Unity is available on OER Commons.

      What if UE4 and Unity assets were made available as OER?



    1. And some VR designs are literally spaces of floating panels.

      The laziest, but often most practical VR design

  12. Feb 2021
    1. 苹果准备最早明年发布它的高端 VR 设备,这款计划中的产品售价将会高达 3000 美元。代号为 N301 的 VR 设备使用了两个 8K 显示屏,采用 M1 芯片的继任者,能展示丰富的 3D 图形。苹果将会使用眼球跟踪技术以较低的保真度渲染非用户注视的目标。苹果正在测试的一个版本使用了 10 多个摄像头,从跟踪手运动到提供周围空间的即时动态,可用于混合和增强现实体验,不限于浸入式的 VR。

  13. Jan 2021
  14. Sep 2020
  15. Jun 2020
  16. Mar 2020
    1. This article explores how virtual reality can be used in training nurses. This learning modality may support in the use of telemedicine.

  17. Nov 2019
    1. Tech Literacy Resources

      This website is the "Resources" archive for the IgniteED Labs at Arizona State University's Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. The IgniteED Labs allow students, staff, and faculty to explore innovative and emerging learning technology such as virtual reality (VR), artifical intelligence (AI), 3-D printing, and robotics. The left side of this site provides several resources on understanding and effectively using various technologies available in the IgniteED labs. Each resources directs you to external websites, such as product tutorials on Youtube, setup guides, and the products' websites. The right column, "Tech Literacy Resources," contains a variety of guides on how students can effectively and strategically use different technologies. Resources include "how-to" user guides, online academic integrity policies, and technology support services. Rating: 9/10

    1. a promising technology for decades that's never truly caught on. That's constantly changing with the current wave of VR products,

      PC magazine is a online compuer magazine, based on popular topics ranging form hackers to smartphones.

      Rating: 9/10

  18. Aug 2019
    1. No available HMDs support VirtualLink at this writing, nor are we aware of any, but it's something to keep in mind if you're waffling between a GeForce RTX card and a last-generation GeForce GTX or a Radeon card for VR. Nothing is certain, but it's possible a future headset may debut with this as the optional or mandatory interface.
  19. Mar 2019
    1. It’s not only a big win for HP, but a big win for the Windows Mixed Reality (WMR) platform, which arrived with a bit of a thud, but now has a headset truly worthy of seriously competing with HTC and Oculus .

      I'm not sure whether it's such a big win for HP as the VR-market is still in a kind of infancy (for quite some time), but yes, it's an interesting alternative for VR-quality seekers.

  20. Feb 2019
    1. In VR systems, the main goals are to improve the optical performance and bring the price down.

      This is interesting.

  21. Nov 2018
    1. Human beings are not just cognitive. By enabling an emotional, visceral, and cognitive experience, VR lets people retain knowledge at astonishingly higher rates of up to 80% as compared to traditional training mediums of around 20%

      for mining but has some good facts

    1. Holographic computing made possible

      Microsoft hololens is designed to enable a new dimension of future productivity with the introduction of this self-contained holographic tools. The tool allows for engagement in holograms in the world around you.

      Learning environments will gain ground with the implementation of this future tool in the learning program and models.

      RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

    1. Beyond the Frame: The New Classroom

      In this video a discussion of how the school system is broken but cost billions of dollars. 9 billion dollars a year is spent of textbooks that become outdated the minute they are printed according to the author.

      With the new generation of learners, virtual reality will be embracing how most learners learn the best by visual means and not by reading.

      This video short impactfully presents how VR will change the face of education.

      RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

    1. Designing for virtual reality and the impact on education | Alex Faaborg | TEDxCincinnati

      This video includes Alex Faaborg on Tedx Talks sharing how VR virtual reality can positively impact education. The introduction of google cardboard is reviewed along with design techniques.

  22. May 2018
    1. My decision to treat VR, in part, as a machine to realize such desires for bodily transcendence2 is not intended to promote any particular metaphysics, though I do believe that many current materialist analyses of the technology miss the mark in failing to address the implicit importance of metaphysics to virtual consumers. Although military advantage, followed closely by global financial and data services, drives VR’s invention, appeals to metaphysics, however subtle, remain important in promoting the technology Such appeals would fail if they did not tap a pervasive cultural longing. Key VR inventors themselves evince various aspects of this yearning—often cloaked in a belief in progress. Eric Sheppard (1993,4,12) argues that information technologies are composed not only of machinery but also of the institutional and intellectual infrastructures that invent, deliver, and package them. What follows tries to keep Sheppard’s caveat in mind. I offer a necessarily selective and critical review. Broadly speaking, I am interested in the ontology of representation, but I am also arguing that the form of a technology relates directly to perception — always culturally inflected, but only partially so—and to how ontology is discursively positioned. This precludes extensive discussion of every electronic technology (for example, TV), though I do address pretwentieth-century technologies that influence the forms of both TV and VR. Finally, I agree with David Depew (1985) that history is criticism. A narrative history of VR is somewhat ironic given the technology’s tendency to foreclose narrative/time in favor of spectacle/space, a consideration taken up in this chapter’s discussion of science fiction.

      The authors relationship with transhumanism is the evolvement of technology. I think technology relates to transhumanism because it relates to humans and how humans have evolved. In the passage the author mentions computers and the human body. I think the author is trying to reach to a conclusion that technology is interfering with humans. The lack of technology is what the author is showing us. The lack of technology is showing us that it could have a bad affect on humans. We are mostly relying on technology to assist us when we are talking about the industry. If we looked at finding a treatment for a disease, technology is here to help us find the cure. Technology has different perspectives to humans when we talk about the future of technology. One author named Sutherland wrote about how technology is sense of an airplane. He brought up this phase that relates to technology because the pilot does not take his eyes off when operating an airplane. Same thing goes with computer we cannot take our eyes off technology. One part of the passage mentions the distance of humans of how they see

  23. Jan 2018
    1. As VR creator Anna Henson—associate producer of Styles and Customs of the 2020s—explained in an email, “the museum is responsible for an interaction in which two people’s physical space will intersect. This is, in fact, a very intimate interaction.” Moments of intimacy range from introducing a visitor to VR by pantomiming how to put on the headset, asking for permission to tighten the strap against a visitor’s head, or being the first person a visitor sees when a session is cut short due to in nausea or dizziness. The museum took care to select and train gallery ambassadors who would be sensitive to visitors’ vulnerability. Henson also included a monitor that allowed bystanders to gain a glimpse into what their plugged-in companions were seeing, an effort to create a more inclusive and social experience.

      I've found myself in several situations having to figure this out on the fly. It felt weird to have this big responsibility of introducing someone to their first VR experience - loosing their VRginity. I like Desi Gonzalez' positive tone here: as public institutions, Museums have a huge opportunity to shape visitors' (first) experiences with VR works. Likewise at festivals, where I must say I have been usually disappointed by the way (mostly volunteer) attendants guided my experience. This was usually due to providing too little context or introduction. Just asking if a visitor has ever done VR before - and providing guidance accordingly - can make all the difference.

    1. Virtual Reality isn't anything new but its use in the law courts system isn't mainstream...yet

      If I could be a juror in virtual reality, that is something I could finally get behind!

  24. Jul 2017
    1. In addition to putting the next wave of visual technology to work on the big screen, Disney and Lucasfilm, the division that produces Star Wars, are also hard at work developing virtual reality and augmented reality products that can let the film's fans feel like they're inside the world of the movies, even if they're at home (or, maybe, at a Disney theme park).

      Star Wars comes to life in virtual reality!

  25. Apr 2017
    1. One obvious possibility would be providing first-hand virtual experiences for students; for example, allowing teachers in training to observe classrooms virtually, giving environmentalists a virtual view of the devastation of forested regions, or letting sociology students experience human and social poverty around the world.
    2. As educational theorist John Dewey established long ago, effective learning is experiential (Dewey, 1938) — and VR provides a direct method by which that can be realized.

      Whether or not the VR provides is fully experiential seems like a good topic for debate.

  26. Mar 2017
    1. In many ways, it’s precisely this union of science and magic that needs to be bottled and tirelessly cultivated if VR is to win the favor of mass audiences.
  27. Feb 2017
    1. When we first got Google’s virtual reality headset at my house, called the Google Daydream, I can’t say I was too excited.

      Well, we have a drone in a box.

  28. Dec 2016
  29. Oct 2016
    1. I worry that the industry has no idea how much research already goes on, or how vital it is to fund.

      Maybe my fears are unfounded, but the stakes are high. Startups are the very tip of the iceberg, floating by virtue of work that was done by other people long ago. If people forget we need to fund research now, we’re going to feel it decades later and not know why. Imagine where we’d be without the government-funded research of the 60s!

      -- Vi Hart

      eleVR is a research team that experiments with immersive media, particularly virtual and augmented reality.

      They are NOT a startup.

  30. Aug 2016
  31. Jul 2016
    1. Sẽ làm cộng tác viên/ cuối tuần về VR. Để kiếm sống, làm tiếp lái xe tự động/ hệ trợ lái

  32. Apr 2016
  33. Dec 2015
    1. Pixar Animation co-founder Ed Catmull has warned that virtual reality technology may not be the revolution in storytelling that some of its evangelists have claimed. “It’s not storytelling. People have been trying to do [virtual reality] storytelling for 40 years. They haven’t succeeded. Why is that? Because we know that if they succeed then people would jump on it.”

      What? Who says VR has to be "just wandering around in a world"? You don't have to give the viewer full mobility, or any mobility. You can put their point of view where you want, and disallow interaction with the scenery -- which makes the experience precisely a 3D immersive motion picture. And I'm sure scripted stories can be told while giving the viewer some interaction with characters, and much freedom to move around -- that's just trickier. You'd plan for all the characters in various locations to push the story in a particular direction, or one of several directions, regardless of what the viewer does. The more you let the viewer affect events, the more it becomes a game, rather than a story.

  34. Nov 2015
    1. Removing the VR goggles, the adrenaline continues to course through me. I have only been inside the Project Syria immersive for a few minutes, but the effect is dramatic. It was commissioned for the 2014 World Economic Forum in Davos to give politicians an insight into everyday life in Syria. And it works.
    1. "You will have a pair of sunglasses, and you can switch it from glasses mode, to VR mode as you wish. The VR will expand to fill your field of vision, or you can watch it in a little window.” This device of the future will not only bring virtual reality into our everyday lives, according to Urbach, but also destroy the primary way we use many other electronics. “You’ll be done with any other screen,” he says. “You won’t need it. It will be generated on a surface in the air. Put your finger over your palm, it’s a phone. Your desk becomes a laptop. "The resolution two generations from now will give you a 4K experience, so you probably won’t go to a movie theater. Why would you buy a wall-sized TV?”

      Interview with OTOY founder and CEO Jules Urbach. https://twitter.com/julesurbach