13 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
  2. Sep 2023
    1. The drama of suspenseful approach does not have to be tied to combat or to jack-in-the-box effects. It can also have the feeling of a determination to face the truth, to stare directly at the threatening beast.

      This immersion factor is why story is such a crucial part of games - they cannot allow for complete agency, or else these moments of thrilling or terrifying emotion would not naturally emerge

  3. Feb 2023
  4. Nov 2022
    1. Localisation ≠ Translation To start with, we have been researching, publishing, and producing articles on the topics of localisation to gain a wider understanding for implementing it. Here's some of what we published with @sophie authoring:

      Have you thought about crowdsourcing localization via weblate? It includes DeepL and can also be a learning ground, such as Duolingo Immersion.

  5. Oct 2022
    1. Pourtant, cesmêmes chercheurs accordent toute leur attention aux jeux vidéo sérieux qui, ils le reconnaissent eux-mêmes,sont souvent « peu motivants », « amusants » et « divertissants » (c’est-à-dire, offrant un engagement et uneimmersion faibles), contrairement aux jeux vidéo commerciaux ou basés sur le divertissement (Davidson, 2008;Gee, 2008; Granic et coll., 2014; Hamari et Koivisto, 2015).
  6. Jun 2022
    1. A recent book that advocates for this idea is Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized world by David Epstein. Consider reading Cal Newport’s So Good They Can’t Ignore You along side it: So Good They Can’t Ignore You focuses on building up “career capital,” which is important for everyone but especially people with a lot of different interests.1 People interested in interdisciplinary work (including students graduating from liberal arts or other general programs) might seem “behind” at first, but with time to develop career capital these graduates can outpace their more specialist peers.

      Similar to the way that bi-lingual/dual immersion language students may temporarily fall behind their peers in 3rd and 4th grade, but rocket ahead later in high school, those interested in interdisciplinary work may seem to lag, but later outpace their lesser specializing peers.

      What is the underlying mechanism for providing the acceleration boosts in these models? Are they really the same or is this effect just a coincidence?

      Is there something about the dual stock and double experience or even diversity of thought that provides the acceleration? Is there anything in the pedagogy or productivity research space to explain it?

  7. Mar 2022
    1. Back then, Macedonia foundherself increasingly frustrated with the conventional format of foreign-languagecourses: a lot of sitting, listening, and writing. That’s not how anyone learnstheir native language, she notes. Young children encounter new words in a richsensorimotor context: as they hear the word “apple,” they see and touch theshiny red fruit; they may even bring it to their mouth, tasting its sweet flesh andsmelling its crisp scent. All of these many hooks for memory are missing fromthe second-language classroom.

      Most foreign language leaners spend all their time in classrooms or at home sitting down, listening, reading, and writing. This is antithetical to how children acquire language in more natural settings where they're able to move around, interact, taste, touch, smell, etc. as they learn new words in their language. These additional sensory mnemonic techniques add an incredible amount of information and associative hooks to help them remember new words and grammatical structures.

  8. Jul 2021
  9. Jan 2021
  10. Sep 2020
  11. Aug 2016
  12. Mar 2016
  13. arxiv.org arxiv.org
    1. Letβ:V×V→Wbe a symmetric bilinear form whereVand (W,h,i) arereal vector spaces of finite dimensionnandp, respectively, equipped withinner products.Thes-nullityνsofβfor any integer 1≤s≤pis defined byνs= maxUs⊂Wdim{x∈V:βUs(x, y) = 0 for ally∈V}.HereβUs=πUs◦βwhereUsis anys-dimensional subspace ofWandπUs:W→Usdenotes the orthogonal projection.LetR:V×V×V×V→Rbe the multilinear map with the algebraicproperties of the curvature tensor defined byR(x, y, z, w) =hβ(x, w), β(y, z)i − hβ(x, z), β(y, w)i.Lemma 4.Assume that2p < nandνs< n−2sfor all1≤s≤p. LetV=V1⊕V2be an orthogonal splitting such thatR(x, y, z, u) =R(x, y, u, v) =R(x, u, v, w) = 0for anyx, y, z∈V1andu, v, w∈V2. Then,S=span{β(x, y) :x∈V1andy∈V2}= 0.