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  1. Last 7 days
  2. Aug 2022
    1. Während es schon im ersten Jahrzehnt des 20. Jahrhunderts Pläne für eine weitereRationalisierung der Katalogisierung durch die Einführung des Zetteldruck derpreußischen (wissenschaftlichen) Bibliotheken gab, entstand ab 1919 auf der Seiteder öffentlichen Bibliotheken die „deutsche Büchereihandschrift“.Die von Erwin Ackerknecht entworfene Schreibanleitung diente primär dazu,noch handschriftlich geführten Katalogen ein einheitliches, leserliches Schriftbildzu geben. Als Ausgangsschrift wählte er von daher die „Latein-Schreibschrift“,die im Gegensatz zur damals gebräuchlichen Sütterlin-Kurrentschrift leichter zulesen war.

      Machine translation (Google):

      While there were already plans in the first decade of the 20th century for a further rationalization of cataloging by introducing label printing in the Prussian (academic) libraries, from 1919 the “German library handwriting” was created on the part of the public libraries. The writing instructions designed by Erwin Ackerknecht primarily served to give handwritten catalogs a uniform, legible typeface. He therefore chose the “Latin cursive” as his starting script, which was easier to read than the Sütterlin cursive script that was common at the time.

  3. Nov 2021
    1. https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/09/04/opinion/20090908_opart.html?_r=0

      We recognize letters in reading much better by reading the top of letters rather than by reading the bottom of letters.

      As a result of this, closing the tops of letters properly is important in writing.

      An alternate method of holding one's writing instrument between fore-finter and middle finer with the thumb near the tip can alleviate forearm, wrist, and thumb pain.

  4. Sep 2021
  5. Aug 2021