15 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Electronic Literature is an emergent literary form and academic field, whose genesis in the U.S. can be traced, as mentioned elsewhere on this website, to the work by Michael Joyce, afternoon: a story. As a form, it can be described as "literary works created with the use of a computer for the electronic medium such that they cannot be experienced in any meaningful way without the mediation of an electronic device"

      Electronic literature refers to all literature creations that can be reading digitally, an electronic device is needed.

  2. Jul 2023
  3. Oct 2021
  4. Sep 2021
  5. Feb 2021
  6. Mar 2018
    1. To facilitate and promote the writing, publishing, and reading of literature in electronic media.

      I think that ELO's definition pretty much sums up what E-Lit, or Electronic Literature is. And I think that this concept is only going to grow bigger, and become the new norm for future generations.

  7. Oct 2015
    1. Put simply, Electronic Literature is considered a "born digital" art form with unique approaches to thinking about and working with digital technologies for the purpose of creating literary art.

      So, how would it be considered if I for example use pencil and paper to write down poetry or anything and then I type my diary entries into an electronic device for it to be displayed in digital platform such as a blog? Is it considered to be "born" on paper? Or is it considered to be "e-lit" because despite of the paper based start, it was thought to be published in a digital media?

    2. such that they cannot be experienced in any meaningful way without the mediation of an electronic device

      By adding the absolute word "cannot" (though softened perhaps a bit by adding "meaningful way"), this seems a narrower definition than the previous one, which I'm fine with.

      BTW, if this e-lit course is held a second time, you'll have to find new pages to annotate, as these ones have already slowed to a crawl with all the multiple highlights over the same text. I hope the devs of Hypothes.is are watching!

    1. Well the definition of e-lit is quite determined in this sentence. - However in order to get used to this saavy app (hypothesis platform) I'm going to descrive with my own words what I got from this definition-

      Apparently e-lit has to do with the literary aspects and connections made between several interactions of liteature and technology (for what I get, standard books may also apply here) where sometimes it may ne regaldless of human intervention.

      Also, I think this has to do with the "computing" devices, within mechanisms and systems that may be also the way we as humans construct reallity and other things though language and literature. This reminds me of some Foucault's theory about how a single word may be considered as a discoursive device in a complex mechanism interacting with several systems in a society o so...

      What's really interesting is that the human intervention may not be required after all to consider the creation and acknowledgment of a literary work.

    2. The confrontation with technology at the level of creation is what distinguishes electronic literature from, for example, e-books, digitized versions of print works, and other products of print authors “going digital.”

      Confrontation with technology as a way to elaborate and create literature differs widelly from just using tecnological devices to display literature.

    3. works with important literary aspects that take advantage of the capabilities and contexts provided by the stand-alone or networked computer.

      "important literary aspects"... sounds very subjective

    4. Hypertext fiction and poetry, on and off the Web Kinetic poetry presented in Flash and using other platforms Computer art installations which ask viewers to read them or otherwise have literary aspects Conversational characters, also known as chatterbots Interactive fiction Novels that take the form of emails, SMS messages, or blogs Poems and stories that are generated by computers, either interactively or based on parameters given at the beginning Collaborative writing projects that allow readers to contribute to the text of a work Literary performances online that develop new ways of writing

      I find this list a bit vague... It felt like a "to-do" list so vague that it reminds me more of "analog-lit" really... "Interactive fiction"? Can't a paper book be interactive...?

    1. (diskettes sold by mail order)

      So not only were these early e-lit efforts probably created using non-open software, they were distributed using now-obsolete physical media? I hope someone somewhere has backed them all up to modern formats and media.