2 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2021
www.npr.org www.npr.org
So the story that emerges about the origins of money is very different than the way we usually think about it. In this model embraced by Bill and other anthropologists, money is partly a mechanism of social obligation and partly a mechanism to keep track of who owes what to whom. It's also a mechanism that cements the relationship between ordinary people and authorities who maintain records. In other words, it's a story about power.
- Feb 2021
www.theinnercitizen.com www.theinnercitizen.com
Conversation around Adam Grant's Think Again.
- Task Conflict vs Relationship Conflict
- The absence of conflict is not harmony; it is apathy
- Beliefs vs Values; what you think is true vs what you think is important. Be open around beliefs; be committed to values.
- Preachers, Prosecutors, Politicians... and Scientists: defend or beliefs, prove the others wrong, seek approval and be liked... hypothesize and experiment.
- Support Network... and a Challenge Network. (Can we force ourselves to have a Challenge Network by using the Six Thinking Hats?)
- Awaken curiosity (your own, and other's to help them change their mind)
- Successful negotiators spend more time looking for common ground and asking questions to understand
- Solution Aversion: someone rejecting a proposed solution may end up rejecting the existence of the problem itself (e.g. climate change)