- Sep 2023
David Pickerell's son in law works here.
- Jan 2023
thebaffler.com thebaffler.com
If old-school Social Darwinists like Herbert Spencer viewed nature as a marketplace, albeit an unusually cutthroat one, the new version was outright capitalist. The neo-Darwinists assumed not just a struggle for survival, but a universe of rational calculation driven by an apparently irrational imperative to unlimited growth.
- Apr 2022
flipboard.com flipboard.comDesign1
12 leading marketplaces in Europe - E-commerce Germany News
In Europe, the ecommerce market is worth $363 billion, with a 7.3 percent annual growth rate expected. According to experts, the European market volume will be worth up to $481 billion by 2022. This is a lot when you consider that Europe has 50 different countries, more than 200 languages spoken, and 28+ currencies. Obviously, the majority of the action takes place in just three European countries: the United Kingdom, Germany, and France, but we have also included marketplaces that are leading or growing in other parts of Europe on our list.
- Jan 2020
www.statista.com www.statista.com
Warehousing and storage revenue in the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2022
- May 2017
tinyletter.com tinyletter.com
when it comes to truth the necessary conditions to a functional marketplace don't exist
What is a functional marketplace? It seems like there is the fantasy of a functional marketplace that is fair to all participants. Do we have an example of such a marketplace? Or are all marketplaces structured by certain frameworks that priviliege some participants over others?