17 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
  2. Aug 2023
    1. Eine Welle extremer Hitze hat in Frankreich dazu geführt, dass in 49 Départments die Alarmstufe „orange“ und in mehreren die Alarmstufe „rot“ ausgerufen wurde. An vielen Orten wurden Rekordtemperaturen gemessen. In einigen Gebieten herrschte schon vorher extreme Trockenheit. Hitze und Trockenheit gefährden u.a. die Kühlwasserversorgung der französischen Atomkraftwerke.


  3. Jan 2023
  4. Oct 2017
    1. In all i think that just from looking at one comment on a website, that she was right in that there are certain characteristics that pop up to notify you if a rhetor is using demagoguery based rhetoric. Things like the “us” vs “you” mentality, playing the victim, demonizing/ dehumanizing of the out-group, heavy reliance on fallacious arguments, and pandering to popular prejudice and stereotype all help identify demagoguery based rhetoric and almost all of these popped up in the comment we took a look at. Miller hit the nail on the head in her assessment of the characteristics of demagoguery.

      Fascinating stuff. You have located some great target material and you correctly identify the relevant characteristic of demagoguery. This has a ton of raw potential. But it does seem to need revision to clarify and tighten up the analysis.

    2. infestaion” that costed them the war, instead of actually taking blame for getting into a shitty war.

      A lot of potential in this analysis. You understand RM well. But this seems to need revision - more precise expression and more precise account of the concepts you will apply.

    3. Characteristics of Demagoguery,” and ” Rhetoric and Demagoguery” both written by Patricia Roberts-Miller explore the idea that demagogic rhetoric has certain key characteristics that distinguish themselves from other forms of persuasive rhetoric.

      Nicely put.

    1. After searching ,on different search engines, the sources Miller uses in his article seem to be non existed which makes me believe everything he said was just talk to try to persuade you his how while adding fake sources and studies to make his arguments seem legit.

      I'm also skeptical, but I think part of the problem is locating these sources, and that is rather complicated.

    2. on data driven argument when i felt his data was not really reliable to begin with

      I think you are right to be suspicious.

    1. Boyd claims the “rhetoric of digital natives” has been damaging for one because it “obscures the uneven distribution of technological skills and media literacy across the youth population, presenting an inaccurate portrait of young people as uniformly prepared for the digital era and ignoring the assumed level of privilege required to be “Native”

      Excellent. This is clearly one of Boyd's key claims. You capture it nicely.

    2. le have little training in being critical of the content they consume.” This quote from Boyd proves that she feels our  do not have the proper skills we need to be successful in this new age driven by technology. B

      Yes, a you say an important issue these days.

  5. Sep 2017
    1. you understand the context.  You get to see this in both texts in the Niane text it is when they say “take my bow” three times as well when they are saying what a beautiful day it is. The Johnson text has a more blatant examples of this having the first two paragraphs end in with the same exact line.

      This is good, and you clearly understand Ong well. Try in future homework assignments to provide more detailed analysis and use quotations to illustrate and support your interpretation. I look forward to reading more.

    1. . I remember growing up with my mom and dad telling me stories of how they use to write in journals

      yes perhaps he fails to account for various kinds of writing that were "invisible." Your example of journaling perhaps points to this.

    2. In the article, “Public Thinking”, Thompson argues that with the emergence of technology, like the internet that people are now writing more than they have before.With us being in the social media age, we have become more connected and engaged in communicating with others on a daily. This is not solely through just talking like previously done. This communicating is often done in a fast paced manner mainly digitally.

      Nice overview of his argument.

    1. So now, I’m going to talk about why we are here and that’s writing. I don’t really have much experience writing out side of school work because i have never seen the need to up until this point. I do use social media a little bit but only when i have nothing else to do. I would say i use Facebook the most but mainly to share pictures i think are funny, like i have not posted a picture of myself in I would say a year. I just haven’t seen i need to. What i really hope to get out of this class is I hope to be able to understand why people chose the rhetoric  they do in terms of technology. I also want to know want to know the different types of rhetoric creators use as well. Enough, about me I’m ready to get this semester going and can’t wait to get to know each of you through your writings.

      Many thanks for sharing this Nathan. I look forward to reading your blog.