- Nov 2022
Use the Pomodoro technique
Or better: time boxing, adopting the length of your time boxes to your level of energy and motivation.
- Aug 2021
www.themuse.com www.themuse.com
I hadn't heard of this before, but it's a thing apparently. Similar to Pomodoro, but it's 52 minutes working and 17 minute breaks instead of 25 and 5.
- May 2020
notes.andymatuschak.org notes.andymatuschak.org
One common choice is to set daily goals for a certain number of hours at work. Success with this strategy requires a clear theory of how those hours will inexorably accumulate to the desired outcome. Simply spending some number of hours on a project is a fairly weak constraint: it’s easy to work with focus many hours unproductively.
I've run into this problem.
You can spend time in flow state, very focused, but this time still doesn't bring you closer to your goal.
github.com github.com
(defcustom org-pomodoro-length 25
Override Pomodoro length with
(setq org-pomodoro-length 10)
- Feb 2019
www.eduopinions.com www.eduopinions.com
Research published in the prestigious scientific journal “Cognition” [DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2010.12.007] has shown that short breaks and diversions can cause a significant improvement in one’s ability to keep focused on a task for long periods of time.
scienticific proof - breaks & diversions lead to improvement in ones ability to keep focused on a task
he Pomodoro method helps you by working using time as a friend that regulates when to work and focus on the task you are performing, rather than using time as an enemy who sets goals against you and puts pressure on your mind.
vs saying "finish task 1 by 6pm" that would pressure. because one doesnt really know how much time a task would take.. .So pomodoro takes the pressure off, and just says you focus on task 1 for 1 pomo without distractions..
it focuses on the inputs/efforts & not the outputs.. output automatically happens..
n order to enhance concentration, the pomodoros are indivisible, that way the impact of internal or external disturbances is reduced: you work on a task until you finish the Pomodoro or the task
indivisible.. so you stop when time/task finish.. not 2 tasks in 1 pomo
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
I like the big red Pomodoro application, and my brain's reward circuitry likes the clanging sound at the end of the period, kind of boxing gym type bell
sound at the end.. is reward to brain..
can there be a better reward for the brain.. at the end..
Oh, and there will be interference, especially if the job at hand is super hard or dull. Great idea for a screenplay? Jot a quick note and come back to the boring task. Remember an email that needs to be sent out today? Great, make a note and then get back to the boring task. When you complete the Pomodoro, you are free to take a break or write a screenplay or send out an email.
if ideas come in the middle, then note them but act on them after pomo finish
www.themuse.com www.themuse.com
. While it worked great on the days when all of my time was my own, it became quite complicated when I had scheduled calls and meetings. I didn’t think my clients or colleagues would react too favorably to me yelling, “Be back in five! My timer just went off!” in the middle of a conversation.
not great for working in teams..
Because I was forced to get up and give myself a rest from staring at my laptop screen, I found that I actually did feel better at the end of each day. Not only did I feel like I had put in an honest day’s work, but I also felt less stressed, blurry-eyed, and cramped up
less stress at day end
The idea behind the technique is that the timer instills a sense of urgency. Rather than feeling like you have endless time in the workday to get things done and then ultimately squandering those precious work hours on distractions, you know you only have 25 minutes to make as much progress on a task as possible.
sense of urgency, sense of deadline ...
www.asianefficiency.com www.asianefficiency.com
“Oh, I’m just going to do this for 25 minutes” and it’s not uncommon for people to want to continue to work.
same concept as mini -habit
What Francesco and others have discovered is that when you complete a small chunk of work, you build momentum so that you will feel more productive which in itself leads to getting more work done.
similar to mini -habits Once you start doing it, momentum builds, and you realise that doing the task was not so hard after all... Also after completing it you realise it wasnt so hard after all.. and then you feel good.. feel motivated & feel sense of accomplishment, feel like a winner..
Benefits of pomodoro
- Helps to start - as 30 min seems small, not v hard (small resistance)
- Less stress - as one has to do just 1 task in it. One doesnt need to think what else has to be done later. No stress. no overwhelm. just plain & simple Single Tasking
- After completing pomo, feel sense of accomplishment, sense of winning.
- Sense of winning, motivates, to do more. So virtuous cycle. Soon lot of work ends up being done.
Whenever I tell people that we help people become more productive and achieve their goals faster, the usual follow up question is: what’s your number one productivity tip?Based on this article, you might think I would say the Pomodoro Technique. Actually, the number one tip is to eat your frog. The second best tip is to use the Pomodoro Technique.
eat that frog (MIT) pomodoro
By setting this constraint, a lot of people find it very freeing to know that they can focus on just one thing and then do other stuff once the timer is over. People with ADD/ADHD find this technique very powerful.
one of main benefits -
sense of relief.. in these 30 min, need to do nothing else except this ! ... so can study without the pressure of a lot of things to do