6 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. Leaving aside those far-right doubts about the existence of a climateproblem, any government that wanted to cut carbon emissions substantiallycould not avoid implementing much tougher emissions regulations andhigher business taxes. But any government that did so in advance of othergovernments would only force its corporations to move production andthousands of jobs elsewhere.

      !- example : DGC - also, Yellow jackets in France and working class in Sri Lanka paralyzed their respective country due to rising fuel costs - the precariat class is threatened and are also caught in the wicked problem

  2. Mar 2021
    1. students as complex and deeply committed to their education

      While the prevailing model tends to emphasize "potential", stratification, and control. While marketing constructs are deeply problematic, the frequent valuation of flexible paths by members of a given "generation" (basically, young adults at a certain point in time) goes well with "the world in which our graduates will live". It's been discussed in so many ways and bears repeating: we apply ideas from Old School HR to people who are entering (or going back to) a workforce which challenges diverse HR models.

  3. May 2018
  4. Oct 2017
    1. People with scientific training are adopting these practices as well, either by offering services on sites such as Upwork or finding projects through their previous academic networks.
  5. Mar 2016
    1. I told them you could work 60 hours a week, never take a holiday or weekend off, have internationally regarded publications – lots of them, write textbooks, be a great teacher, and managers will still ask for more. And more. I told them you are measured only by what you have not managed to achieve, not what you have achieved, never mind how valuable or prestigious.

      Unfortunately, this is how academics assess their students, too.

    2.  In effect, the status of an academic has slid from institutional asset to indentured servant.

      This is unsustainable, and is already leading to good academics leaving the academy.