3 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2021
gen.medium.com gen.medium.com
Optimism is just a form of fatalism
- Mar 2021
adainitiative.org adainitiative.org
Conference anti-harassment Inspired by multiple reports of groping, sexual assault, and pornography at open tech/culture conferences, the Ada Initiative co-founders helped write and promote an example conference anti-harassment policy for modification and reuse by conference organizers. Since the publication of the example anti-harassment policy in late 2010, hundreds of conferences have adopted an anti-harassment policy and several organizations have adopted a policy for all their events.
- Apr 2020
thomasmore.qualtrics.com thomasmore.qualtrics.com
Online consultations for mental healthcare—Survey. (n.d.). Retrieved April 8, 2020, from https://thomasmore.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9YSaGo4ocyxNjud