8 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2021
Establish structured daily check-ins: Many successful remote managers establish a daily call with their remote employees.
make sure there is space during standup for chit-chat.
- Jan 2021
marksaroufim.substack.com marksaroufim.substack.com
Slack is the best digital watercooler in the world but it’s a terrible place to collaborate - long winded disagreements should happen over Zoom and collaborations should happen in a document instead.
What Slack is good for and for what it's not
Even if you really love meetings, you can only attend about 10h of them per day but a single well written document will continue being read even while you’re sleeping.It’s unlikely that Christianity would have garnered millions of followers if Jesus Christ had to get on a “quick call” with each new potential prospect.Oral cultures don’t scale.
Oral cultures don't scale
Friendship doesn’t scale easily to large groups and especially not forcibly. Friendships happen spontaneously at smaller scales.
That's why modern 20+ remote group lunches aren't making it easier to build friendships
Remote work forces a writing culture. In person work encourages an oral culture
- Nov 2020
increment.com increment.com
The challenges that come with remote work can be deceptive: If you’ve transitioned from an in-office role, it might seem like the best thing to do is to try and recreate all of the experiences that come with an office environment. But being remote is not the same as sharing a physical space. Instead of trying to replicate the in-office atmosphere, we must adapt—or even wholly reconsider—those experiences for the distributed context.
What aspects of being in an office do we care about the most?
The social aspects? Being able to walk up to someone and ask them a question. The organic conversations that spring up at the coffee machine. Being able to get everyone into a room to hash something out. Having a clear place that's "work" vs "not work".
The same rules apply to giving a well-formed and carefully considered answer.
- state your assumptions
- explain why something is happening
- make use of existing documentation/code snippets/etc.