30 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. Living with chronic pain can be overwhelming and affect your daily life. Whether you are dealing with back pain, joint discomfort, or nerve issues, finding the right Pain Management Kansas City Mo is essential. With top-notch healthcare providers, including Regencares and other specialized clinics, Kansas City offers a range of services to help patients regain their quality of life.

  2. Sep 2023
    1. Dr. Childress Second Opinion ConsultationThis handout describes various options for incorporating the second-opinionconsultation of Dr. Childress on an assessment, diagnosis, and treatment plan for court-involved family conflict. I am able to provide second opinion consultation to the involvedmental health professionals if they or the court believe this would be helpful in theresolution of the family conflict through my HIPAA compliant online telehealth office atdoxy.me/drchildress.
  3. Apr 2023
    1. Washington State PsychologicalAssociationAlaska Psychological Association2021 NW Psychological Fall ConventionOctober 15-17, 2021

      WSPA Convention October 16, 2021 Leslie Drozd, PHD, leslie@lesliedrozdphd

      Title: When a Child Resists or Refuses Contact with a Parent.

    1. As a licensed clinical psychologist, I have active duty to warn and duty to protect obligations relative to the Gardnerian PAS “experts”. In two separate matters in which I am personally involved, I have an identifiable victim in imminent danger directly as a result of the reckless, unethical, and irresponsible actions of Dr. Bernet, Dr. Lorandos, Ms. Gottlieb, and Dr. Harman.

      Objects to Bernet, Lorandos, Gottlieb, Harman

    2. The Gardnerian PAS “experts” reject the diagnostic guidance of the American Psychiatric Association and they reject the ethical guidance of the American Psychological Association. They are unwise and reckless, and they are practicing substantially outside the boundaries of their professional competence.
    1. Natalie J. Valentino, M.S.W., a social worker in Denver, Colorado, has experienced parental alienation inher own family. She has worked for law firms and a legal services office, and she has experiencein child protection, therapeutic foster care, and adoptions. Ms. Valentino participates regularlyin the Colorado Parental Alienation Support Group. Email: natalie.valentino7@gmail.com

      Not a therapist or lawyer, but is a SOCIAL WORKER of some kind. Is she a child welfare sw? Can she help bridge that gap?

    2. Jonathan M. Ogline, Esq., is an attorney in Westminster, Colorado, who specializes in the representa-tion of fathers in divorce and child custody disputes. He had a case involving severe parental al-ienation, in which another PASG member was brought in to serve as an expert witness on thetopic. Email: jon@brettwmartin.com
    3. David Littman, M.A. J.D., a family law attorney in Denver, Colorado, is a former chair of the Family LawSection of the Colorado Bar Association. He is a member of the Colorado Supreme Court Stand-ing Committee on Family Issues. Mr. Littman currently serves as a child and family investigator, amediator, and an arbitrator, whose cases often deal with parental alienation.Website: www.littmanfamilylaw.com. Email: david@littmanfamilylaw.com

      Top Lawyer Candidate Psych/counseling degree Magistrate Supreme Court CO standing committee Awarded multiple top family law lawyer awards

    4. Phillip Hendrix, M.A., M.B.A., is a counselor, family mediator, parent educator, parenting coordinator,and forensic specialist in Castle Rock, Colorado. Educated in psychology and business and exten-sively trained and experienced in cases involving parental alienation and other forms of childabuse and domestic violence, he has served in court-appointed roles and as expert witness. Ascoach and advocate, Mr. Hendrix leads the Colorado Parental Alienation Support Group and Col-orado Children’s Center to assist children caught in the middle.Website: www.covenantcounselors.com. Email: phillip@covenantcounselors.com

      Not a therapist But is a leader in PA Board of Directors of PASG

    5. Susan Heitler, Ph.D., is a private practice clinical psychologist in Denver, Colorado, who specializes intreatment of anxiety, depression, marriage difficulties, and parental alienation. She has pub-lished From Conflict to Resolution, The Power of Two, and several other books. Also, Dr. Heitlerblogs on psychologytoday.com, where her articles have had over 13 million total reads. Dr. Heit-ler’s overview website provides links to the multiple resources she has authored for therapistsand the general public. Email: drheitler@gmail.com.

      Not in Colorado any more, but can maybe advise/connect

    6. Albert V. Evans, an attorney in Denver, Colorado, has been practicing law for more than 40 years. Overthe years, he has learned a lot about sociopathy and also parental alienation. He has observedparental alienation dynamics in some of his family law cases.Email: evansalbertv@qwestoffice.net.
    7. Sharon S. Feder, M.S. (Psychological Counseling) is a psychotherapist in Englewood, Colorado. Shelearned about parental alienation from PASG member Phillip Hendrix. Ms. Feder works withfamilies and individuals who have gone through a divorce – providing individual, family, and re-integration therapy. She works as a parenting coordinator/decision maker, parent coach/co-par-enting educator, and therapeutic supervised parenting time supervisor. She has been qualifiedin courts in the Denver Metro area as an expert in reintegration therapy and parental alienation.Email: SharonSFeder@msn.com

      Therapist in CO Supreme Court Hearing Therapist; non-PhD

    8. Jennifer J. Harman, Ph.D., an associate professor of social and health psychology at Colorado State Uni-versity, Fort Collins, Colorado, has focused her research on power and intimate relationshipsand, more recently, on how social and cultural institutions impact parental alienation. Dr. Har-man co-authored Parents Acting Badly: How Institutions and Societies Promote the Alienation ofChildren from Their Loving Families. Dr. Harman and Dr. Zeynep Biringen established the Colo-rado Parental Alienation Project, which is at www.facebook.com/parentalalienationproject.Email: jennifer.harman@colostate.edu


    9. Scott J. Goldstone, J.D., is an attorney practicing in Northern Colorado with offices in Erie and Greeley,Colorado. He provides the following services: mediation, legal representation of parents in di-vorce and custody disputes, and legal consultation. Website: www.peekgoldstone.com.Email: scott@peekgoldstone.com
    10. Zeynep Biringen, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies atColorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, conducts research on emotional availability inparent–child relationships, attachment, and prevention programming. Dr. Biringen and Dr. Jen-nifer J. Harman co-authored Parents Acting Badly: How Institutions and Societies Promote theAlienation of Children from Their Loving Families and established the Colorado Parental Aliena-tion Project, which is at www.facebook.com/parentalalienationproject.Email: zeynep.biringen@colostate.edu.


    1. A former part time Magistrate in Denver and Jefferson Counties, he has special insight into the inner working of the courtroom process. David’s background in psychology and mental health counseling assists him in working with your complex family issues.  He has recognized competency in dealing with extremely difficult matters, including those involving sexual abuse, alienation, substance abuse and mental illness. His concern for the unique issues military families face during their service has prompted his interest in working with these families. David’s pro bono work earned him the Foster Parent Association of Colorado Advocate of the Year Award, as well as recognition by the Colorado Supreme Court.  He is a past Chairman of Colorado CASA Board and a strong supporter and participant with Metro Volunteer Lawyers.

      Top candidate lawyer

    1. Jennifer Harman, Ph.D. Fort Collins, Colorado jennifer.harman@colostate.edu
    2. Phillip Hendrix, M.A., M.B.A., Treasurer Castle Rock, Colorado info@covenantcounselors.com
    1. Phillip Hendrix, M.A., M.B.A. A family mediator, parent educator, child custody evaluator, and parenting coordinator in Castle Rock, Colorado, Mr. Hendrix makes presenattions, educates others, and leads a large in-person support group, the Colorado Parental Alienation Support Group. His website: http://www.covenantcounselors.com.

      Non therapist Custody evaluator Mediator

    2. Cara E. Koch, D.Min. Dr. Cara E. Koch, who lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, recently published a book, From Heartbreak to Healing: Resolving Parental Alienation. Dr. Koch has experienced parental alienation in her own family. She hopes to participate in the effort to increase public awareness and gain support for recognizing, treating, and stopping parental alienation. Her website: https://carakoch.com.
    3. Jennifer J. Harman, Ph.D., and Zeynep Biringen, Ph.D. Professors at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, they published Parents Acting Badly: How Institutions and Societies Promote the Alienation of Children from Their Loving Families. Dr. Harman and Dr. Biringen also established the Colorado Parental Alienation Project, which is at http://www.facebook.com/parentalalienationproject.
    4. Zeynep Biringen, Ph.D. A professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Dr. Biringen and Dr. Jennifer J. Harman co-authored Parents Acting Badly: How Institutions and Societies Promote the Alienation of Children from Their Loving Families and established the Colorado Parental Alienation Project, which is at http://www.facebook.com/parentalalienationproject.
    1. Dr. Heitler, please feel welcome to email her at drheitler@gmail.com.  PLEASE NOTE THAT DR. HEITLER NO LONG HAS A DENVER OFFICE.
  4. Mar 2021
    1. I like to take it a step further and define a technologist as a General Technology Specialist, just to ramp up the oxymoron. However, as most technologists know, that’s exactly what we are – general specialists.

      Wouldn't that make us both a generalist and a specialist? Which is more accurate, a generalist specialist or a generalist specialist? 

    2. However, as most technologists know, that’s exactly what we are – general specialists. We’ve spent decades honing our skill-sets into fine points… in many, many different areas. These finely sharpened points may not be very deep, mind you, but boy are they sharp! The old “jack of all trades, master of none” chestnut comes into play a bit.
  5. Oct 2020
  6. Nov 2019
    1. This book is current from 2015 and is one stop shopping for technology integration in schools. Integrations and Blooms taxonomy theory, ISTE standards, pathways (yes, it is still a slow process), understanding about classroom set up when using technology and learning theories, online, web 2.0, teacher resources, multilingual tools, different screens, digital cameras, and COPPA, Privacy, and Copyright laws. If you are looking for a job in technology integration in schools this is a must read and resource manual. rating 10/10

  7. Jun 2019