10 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Apr 2024
  3. Dec 2023
    1. they're probably about 15 or 20 major long-term stresses that you can identify that are affecting 00:09:43 Humanities outcomes for Better or For Worse and Trigger events which which are much less predictable
      • for: stats - major stressors of the polycrisis, trigger events

      • stats: major stressors of the polycrisis

        • profile of a crisis
          • a crisis occurs when
        • a major stressor occurs
          • there are between 15 and 20 of them
        • and combines with much less predictable "trigger" events
          • also called stochastic or random events
  4. Jan 2021
  5. Jan 2019
    1. Recent discussions of “trigger warnings” in higher education, notifications that teachers are supposed to provide if class material might provoke a strong emotional response

      This definition is wrong. "Trigger warnings" are notifications that content may provoke post-traumatic responses. (What constitutes "trauma", of course, is up for debate.) The colloquial sense that "anything difficult is triggering" should be eschewed in professional writing.

      That does not invalidate the rest of the sentence.

  6. Oct 2017
    1. In the case of molecules targeting CD19 on B cells, one cannot exclude a possible co-signal triggered by the interaction between CD28 and B7, known to be expressed on normal and malignant B cells. However, BiTE molecules targeting EpCAM expressed on a variety of solid tumor of epithelial origin that do not express B7 show similar efficacy.

      cosignal trigger

  7. Dec 2016
  8. Jan 2016
    1. Interesting--Filipovic is the author of a March 2014 article in the Guardian arguing that "We've gone too far with trigger warnings"...

  9. Sep 2015
    1. The trigger warning signals not only the growing precautionary approach to words and ideas in the university, but a wider cultural hypersensitivity to harm and a paranoia about giving offense.
    1. Unlike many of my peers, I do think that there are direct and relevant connections between efforts by progressive students to regulate content Look: I have already said more about trigger warnings than I want to. I will simply note that every trigger warning necessarily contains ideological presumptions and political baggage. Someone I know said “I don’t want to ban American Sniper on campus, but I do want it to carry a trigger warning as war propaganda and Islamaphobia.” That trigger warning preempts the very critical conversation that we should be having about it! It’s a classic “when did you stop beating your wife?” tactic. It’s tautological; it presumes precisely the issue in question. Clint Eastwood, who made the damn movie, called it an antiwar film. I disagree with him; I quite despised it, actually, and for political reasons most of all. But I don’t pretend that my opinion on this question amounts to proof positive. Every trigger warning ever devised makes presumptions about the nature of trauma, the treatment of PTSD, and which kinds of content are potentially offensive. You would think that a bunch of close-reading academics would recognize that.