6 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2024
phys.org phys.org
snowflake yeas
for - snowflake yeast
"snowflake yeast," was able to evolve multicellularity over 3,000 generations.
reference - https://ratclifflab.biosci.gatech.edu/current-projects/
- May 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
A yeast that's always on the hooch-y side could be named "Turner"...
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Starting yeast from scratch
- Use a approx. 1 qt "breathable" jar
- need breathability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide
- equal parts water and flour (by weight)
- (~2 tbsp water and 3 tbsp flour)
- alternately use unsweetened pineapple juice in stead of water (lowers ph and provides additional natural sugar for yeast)
- (for water, used distilled or highly filtered as tap water can have chlorine and other chemicals which make it more difficult for yeast to get started)
- stir and set aside
- stir three times per day
- every day add 2 tbsp water and 3 tbsp flour
- bubbling should begin after 3-5 days
Ongoing feeding and maintenance
- can keep in fridge to slow down reaction and feed only once a week for small batch baking
- if doing baking more frequently, feed it every day
- When using, use up half of the overall quantity and then continue feeding as before
- Use a approx. 1 qt "breathable" jar
- Jan 2016
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
When was the first loaf of goodness baked? Who the heck* made it? Was bread acceptable by the Catholic Church?
*heck = hell, said by good noodles