1,778 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2023
    1. shedding of thrombin from endothelial cells may play a role in modulating the loss of normal endothelial cell quiescence
    2. D-Dimer levels
    3. reduced contractile function

      Higher heart rate has to compensate

    4. compared to other heart residing cells such as pericytes

      If it's destroying pericytes, then it's compounding the microclot/perfusion problem. The pericytes can't dilate to increase supply and they leak. Also they can't contact to ramp BP (POTS?)

    5. statin treatment, which is the gold standard therapy to lower cholesterol levels in CVD patients to limit hyperlipidemia, was shown to reduce in-hospital mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus and COVID-19 (Saeed et al., 2020) and its use was also independently associated with lower intensive care unit admissio
    6. D-dimer levels (a fibrin degradation product used to determine the activation of the coagulation cascade), are enhanced in acute COVID-19 cases (Zhou F. et al., 2020; Berger et al., 2020). Different reports have found a correlation between the increase of D-dimer levels and COVID-19 severity with an about 7-fold increase in critically ill patients, associated with an increased mortality risk (Zhou F. et al., 2020; Yao Y. et al., 2020)
    1. 7.605.1 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PROTECTED[Eff. 1/1/15]A.County departments shall treat all information as confidential according to applicable statutes, including, but not limited to, the following
    2. County departments shall make services available to all eligible children and their families,including disabled individuals,through hiring qualified staff or through purchase of necessary services

      shall make available

      all eligible families

      qualified staff...or purchase them

    3. 7.604ANTI-DISCRIMINATION [Eff. 1/1/15]
    4. 7.605.5PENALTYFOR UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE[Eff. 1/1/15]Any person who willfully permits or who encourages the release of data or information related to abuse and/or neglect contained in the state automatedcase management system to persons not permitted access to such information, commits a Class 1 misdemeanor and shall be punished as providedin Section 18-1.3-501, C.R.S.

      ...Class Maximum Sentence class 1 - 364 days imprisonment, not more than a one thousand dollar fine, or both

    5. childwelfare program

      not on the list...they are not child welfare

    6. Internal Inquiries [

      not on the list

    1. The general assembly, however, recognizes that certain information obtained in the course of the implementation of this title is highly sensitive and has an impact on the privacy of children and members of their families. The disclosure of sensitive information carries the risk of stigmatizing children

      Reasonable Efforts - not so much RE as it's criminal malpractice. Jackie released confidential case information, purposefully AND misrepresented it. Also CCR 7.601 protect confidentiality. 12 CCR 2509-7 https://hyp.is/UaaebvvTEe2eeDeCZWyDVw/docdrop.org/download_annotation_doc/12-CCR-2509-7-43cgo.pdf

    1. Confidentialinformation that is protected from release and other documents or records which thehousehold will not otherwise have an opportunity to contest, or challenge shall not beintroduced at the hearing nor affect the hearing officer's decision
    2. 4.803.2 Determination of an IPV /Fraud [Rev. eff. 1/1/16]A. An intentional program violation shall be established only if an administrative disqualificationhearing official or a court of appropriate jurisdiction has found a household member hascommitted an intentional program violation or fraud or if a signed waiver of administrative hearingor a signed disqualification consent agreement has been obtained.

      If I intentionally did it, I'd be afforded a trial before any removal of benefits. AND

      The evidence against me, which the burden is on the agency, would need to be clear and convincing. .... “Clear and convincing” means evidence which is stronger than a “preponderance of evidence” and which is unmistakable and free from serious or substantial doubt

    3. Eligibility for Continuation of Benefits1. If a household requests a state-level fair hearing or local-level dispute resolutionconference any time prior to the effective date of the Notice of Adverse Action and itscertification period has not expired, the household's participation in the program shall becontinued on the basis authorized immediately prior to the Notice of Adverse Actionunless the household specifically waives continuation of benefits
    4. The right of a household to a DRC and state-level hearing is primarily to ensure that a proposed eligibilitydetermination or action is valid, to protect the person against an erroneous action concerning benefits,and to ensure reasonable promptness of local office action.
    5. Households that are eligible to receive TFA will have the SNAP allotment continued for five (5)months. The household’s SNAP allotment will be continued in an amount based on what thehousehold received prior to when the household’s income made them ineligible for CW basiccash assistance.


    6. Households requesting a SNAP appeal may be entitled to continued benefits
    7. thehousehold's participation in the program shall be continued on the basisauthorized immediately prior to the Notice of Adverse Action
    8. The local office shall send a verification request notice requesting the household toprovide the specific information or verification within ten (10) calendar days plus one (1)additional calendar day for mailing.
    9. additional verificationis required in the following instances:A. Unclear Information1. If the local office receives information about changes in a household's circumstances butcannot determine if or how the change will affect the household's benefits and theunclear information is:a. Fewer than sixty (60) days old relative to the current month of participation; andb. Was required to have been reported per simplified reporting rules; orc. Appears to present significantly conflicting information about the household’scircumstances from that used by the local office at the time of certification,including changes to the household’s categorical eligibility tier, then:
    10. on reported changes
    11. If the reportedchange has not been verified, or is considered questionable, and it cannot be determined whetherbasic categorical eligibility, expanded categorical eligibility, or standard eligibility criteria should beused, a request for verification shall be initiated.


    12. 4.504.6Information Considered Verified Upon Receipt

      Reading the case notes of a TANF meeting is not on the list of "Verified Upon Receipt".

    13. Whentalking with collateral contacts, the local office must not state that an individual or household has applied for SNAP.

      Antus told Jackie I was applying for SNAP

    14. In cases in which the information from another source contradicts statements made by thehousehold, the household shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to resolve the discrepancyprior to an eligibility determination
    15. If written verification cannot be obtained, theeligibility technician shall substitute
    16. 4.504 Sources of VerificationThe local office shall accept any pertinent documentary evidence provided by the household and shall beprimarily concerned with how adequately the verification proves the statements on the application, duringrecertification
    17. Ifinformation is considered questionable or if an alternate source of verification was requested, the reasonfor additional verification
    18. Such statements must be sufficiently detailed to supportthe determination of eligibility or ineligibility
    19. The local office shall provide each household at the time of application for initial certification, redetermination, and periodic report form with a notice that informs the household of verification requirements that the household must meet as part of the application, redetermination, or periodic report process.

      Need for verification

    20. shall not be required unless these eligibility factors are not already collected andverified by the other PA program, are considered questionable,
    21. The household has the primary responsibility for providing documentary evidence for requiredverification and to resolve questionable information.
    22. The case record shall consist of statements and documentation regarding the sources and resultsof verification used to determine a household’s eligibility. Such statements must be sufficientlydetailed to support the determination of eligibility or ineligibility
    23. The local office must act on all changes reported by those households filing a PRF.
    24. In cases where verification is incomplete, the local office shall provide the household with astatement of required verification on the state-prescribed notice form and offer to assist thehousehold in obtaining the required verification.
    25. The eligibility technician shall not simply review the information entered on the application butshall explore and resolve with the household unclear and incomplete information
    26. 4.201 APPLICATION PROCESSINGA. Local offices shall not apply additional conditions or processing requirements that are beyondthose prescribed by State SNAP rules.
    1. ConfidentialityInformation regarding families shall remain confidential and available only for the purposesauthorized by federal or State law as described in Section 3.609.73, Protections to the Individual.
    2. In cases whereverification is incomplete, the county department shall provide the client with a statementof required verification
    3. The application form shall be used as the primary source of information
    4. 3.609.73 Protections to the Individua
    5. The countydepartment/agency must provide specific reasons for the proposed action, and theapplicable state department's rules or county policy.

      uhhhm....because um, that's our policy

    6. The person designated to conduct the conference shall be in a position which, based onknowledge, experience, and training, would enable him or her to determine if theproposed action is valid. This could include, but is not limited to, a supervisor, qualityassurance personnel, or a manager with no previous knowledge of the case

      Lauren, whomever she is, did not say a word. AND,

      She obviously had knowledge of the case because she was CCed on all the email exhibits

    7. The county worker or contractor who initiated the action in dispute shall notconduct the county conference.

      Elizabeth Antus was obviously the one who initiated because she was the one emailing FCS

    8. The county conference shall be held before a person in the county department or agency wherethe proposed decision is pending who was not directly involved in the initial determination of theaction in question
    9. The county department, prior to taking action to deny, terminate, recover, initiate vendorpayments, or modify financial assistance provided under the Colorado Works program to a client,shall, at a minimum, provide the client an opportunity for a county conference.1. The right of a client to a county conference is primarily to ensure that the proposed actionis valid, to protect the client against an erroneous action concerning grant payment
    10. The state department will not condone any actions of the county department that could bedetermined to be a violation of state or federal law. Any actions taken by a county departmentthat is determined to be in violation of state or federal law may be subject to corrective action per9 C.C.R. 2501-1 section 1.150
    11. The client shall be offered an in-person interview at redetermination
    12. The county department shall ensure that no information concerning a client is released withoutauthorization
    1. O R G A N I Z AT I O N A L C H A R T

      Boulder County Organizational Chart. The line items in each box (at least for DHHS) are the names of the divisions

  2. May 2023
    1. 2. Information secured by the county department for the purpose of determining eligibility and need is confidential.
    2. Ensuring privacy while interviewing and the continuous confidentiality of information are essential. This involves both office facilities and county worker discretion. Office procedures and facilities should be such that information is not inadvertently revealed
    3. When a county worker consults a bank, current/former employer of a client, another social agency, etc., to obtain information or eligibility verification information, the identification of the county worker as an employee of the county department will, in itself, disclose that an application for assistance has been made by a client
    1. Within three (3) working days after the effective dateof the decision, the local office shall implement necessary actions to provide benefits in thecorrect amount, terminate benefits, recover benefits incorrectly paid, and/or other appropriateactions in accordance with the rules.
    2. The certification office shall promptly inform the household in writing if the benefits are reduced orterminated pending the final agency decision.
    3. The OOA shall serve a copy of the exceptions on each party by first class mail and byelectronic mail if the party has consented to receiving communications by electronic mail.
    4. Exceptions shall state specific groundsfor reversal, modification, or remand of the initial decision. Exceptions that fail to statespecific grounds for reversal, modification, or remand of the initial decision shall beconsidered as only arguments of general dissatisfaction.
    5. Considering the federal timeliness requirements for SNAP cases, a party may not requestan extension of time to file exceptions unless a party is able to show sufficient goodcause as to why an extension of time should be granted. The determination of goodcause is within the sole discretion of the OOA.
    6. filed such a notice of intent, the party will have fifteen (15) calendar days, plusthree (3) calendar days for mailing from the date the initial decision is mailed to theparties to file its written exceptions with the OOA.
    7. intent to fileexceptions to the decision with the OOA within five (5) calendar days - plus three (3)calendar days for mailing - from the date the initial decision is mailed to the parties
    8. The Office of Appeals shall promptly serve the initial decision upon each party by firstclass mail and shall transmit a copy of the decision to the divisions of the StateDepartment that administer the program(s) pertinent to the appeal

      i.e. transmit it to BCDHHS

    9. The OOA shall not consider evidence that was not part of the record before theadministrative adjudicator. However, the case may be remanded to the administrativeadjudicator for rehearing if a party establishes in its exceptions that material evidence hasbeen discovered that the party could not with reasonable diligence have produced at thehearing
    10. local office shall initiate action to comply with the final agencydecision within three (3) working days after the effective date.
    11. Motion for Reconsideration of a Final Agency Decision1. A motion for reconsideration of a final agency decision may be granted by the OOA forthe following reasons:a. Upon a showing of good cause for failure to file exceptions to the initial decisionwithin the fifteen (15) calendar day period; or,
    1. responsibility

      You don't even know what that word legally means.

    2. custody.

      custody custody custody. everyone throwing around that word like they know what it means. Tracy..."custody". Jackie..."custody". Antus...."custody.

    3. we do not foreseethis changing in the near future.

      You don't do you? ....but reunification "is the goal" right Jackie?

    4. AT ALL

      "AT ALL" ?? and all caps??

    5. Jackie

      Jackie (FCS) is prohibited from sharing any information about the case

      Reasonable Efforts - not so much RE as it's criminal malpractice. Jackie released confidential case information, purposefully AND misrepresented it. Also CCR 7.601 protect confidentiality. 12 CCR 2509-7 https://hyp.is/UaaebvvTEe2eeDeCZWyDVw/docdrop.org/download_annotation_doc/12-CCR-2509-7-43cgo.pdf

    1. Program Integrity (quality assurance and training)

      Program Integrity is a whole separate fraud specialist team...and they STILL don't know the laws

    1. Will my benefits continue during the appeal? If you request a hearing or a Dispute Resolution Conference any time prior to the date the action is to be taken and if your SNAP certification period has not yet ended, your benefits can continue in the amount you received prior to the action you are appealing.

      Code of Colorado Regulations 500 - Department of Human Services 2506 - Food Assistance Program (Volume 4B) Rule 10 CCR 2506-1 - RULE MANUAL VOLUME 4B, FOOD ASSISTANCE Section 10 CCR 2506-1-4.600 - ONGOING CASE MANAGEMENT Section 10 CCR 2506-1-4.606 - PUBLIC ASSISTANCE (PA) HOUSEHOLD CHANGES

      B. When there is a change in a PA case and the local office has sufficient information to make the corresponding SNAP adjustment, the local office shall follow the guidelines listed below.

      1. If the change in household circumstances requires a reduction or termination of both PA and SNAP, the following action will be required:

      b. If a household requests a fair hearing any time prior to the effective date of the Notice of Adverse Action, and its certification period has not expired, the household's participation in the program shall be continued on the basis authorized immediately prior to the Notice of Adverse Action, unless the household specifically waives continuation of benefits. Continued benefits shall not be issued for a period beyond the end of the current certification period. c. If the household appeals only a PA adverse action and is granted interim relief, SNAP benefits authorized prior to the adverse action shall continue or be restored. However, the household must reapply if the SNAP certification period expires before the hearing process is completed.

      REGARDING TANF: as stated in the state plan and no doubt somewhere in the CCR- "If the appellant is receiving financial assistance, medical assistance, social services, or basic cash assistance under the Colorado Works Program at any time a conference or hearing is requested, all benefits will continue, pending the outcome of the State level fair hearing "

    2. You may file your exceptions by filling out this form, by emailing them to cdhs_appeals@state.co.us,
    3. If I believe the initial decision is wrong, what do I do? How do I file exceptions? If you believe the judge based his or her decision on incorrect facts or law, you may file exceptions (objections) to the decision, stating why you disagree with the decision.
    1. ar Governor Ritter:This letter is sent as a cover to the report being submitted according to the requirements of C.R.S. 26-5.5-104 (6) that are as follows:“On or after July 1, 1994, the Executive Director of the State Department shall annually evaluate thestatewide Family Preservation Program (Program)

      Letter from CDHS to the Governor of Colorado - Di, Ph, D., Malone, O., Ritter, B., Governor, K., & Beye. (2008). OFFICE OF CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES G. [LINK]

    1. 3.604.2 Household CompositionA. A Colorado Works household consists of clients who are part of the assistance
    1. (III) The parents of a dependent child, including expectant parents, or a specified caretaker
    2. 26-2-706. Target populations.(1) (a) Subject to the provisions of this section and restrictions in the federal law, those persons or families who may receive assistance under the Colorado works program include: (I) Dependent children under the age of eighteen; (II) (A) Dependent children between the ages of eighteen and nineteen who are full-time students in a secondary school,
    1. The Colorado  Combined  State  Plan  is  effective  July 1, 2022. Colorado’s TANF program is known as Colorado Works and is designed to assist families in becoming stable and self-sufficient
    1. The TANF State Plan is a mandatory statement submitted to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services by the state. It consists of an outline specifying how the state's TANF program will be administered and operated and certain required certifications by the state's Chief Executive Officer. It is used to provide the public with information about the program. Authority to require states to submit a state TANF plan is contained in section 402 of the Social Security Act, as amended by Public Law 104-193,
    2. States define ‘‘need,’’ set their own benefit levels, establish (with-in Federal limitations) income and resource limits, and administerthe program or supervise its administration
    1. households in which all members receive cash benefits from either Supplemental Security Income,Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or general assistance are categorically eligible for SNAP
    1. Section 5(a) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended, provides that households in which each member receives benefits under a State program funded under part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act (SSA) (also known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grants [1] ) shall be categorically eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
    1. In addition, the Child Welfare Reform Bill created a cash fund that can be used by child welfare agencies to fund prevention and intervention services
    2. raining series for judges and attorneys on specific content relevant to each phase of a case (Before a Petition is Filed, After a Petition is Filed and a Child or Youth Enters Foster Care, and During a Child or Youth’s Transition f rom Foster Care)

      Powerpoints: - Before a Petition is Filed, - After a Petition is Filed and a Child or Youth Enters Foster Care, and - During a Child or Youth’s Transition f rom Foster Care)

    3. two service tracks have been identified:1. Services designed to meet the mental health needs of the child or youth.2. Services designed to improve family functioning, which may include addressing youth delinquent behavior.
    4. Colorado’s goal is to ensure that all children, youth and families have access to the services they need regardless of where they happen to live in the state
    5. Colorado’s vision is that all children, youth, parents or kin caregivers with these risk factors will be eligible for Title IV-E prevention services—both those who are involved in the child welfare system and those who have not been the subject of a child maltreatment report but share characteristics that deem them at serious risk of out-of-home placement.

      families who ARE INVOLVED. ....AND.... NOT INVOLVED with the child welfare system

    6. Reunification, adoption or guardianship arrangements that are at risk of disruption
    7. the existing system cannot just be modified; rather, a fundamental shift in service delivery and support to families must occur.

      **annotations were started in a draft version of this document (HERE) and then continued here.

    1. •Reunification,adoptionorguardianshiparrangementsthatareatriskofdisruption
    2. Contents

      **more finished version of this document available here. I pick it up there after the annotations made on this document> CDHS Family First Prevention Services Act forms and resources Prevention Services PreventionPlan_Sept 30 2021


    3. circumstancesandcharacteristicsthatputchildrenandyouthatseriousriskofenteringorre-enteringfostercareasidentifiedbyresearchandexperience

      The definition below describes the circumstances and characteristics that put children and youth at serious risk of entering or re-entering foster care as identified by research and experience.

    4. InColorado,theintentofplacementpreventionservicesistoproactivelystrengthenandsupportfamiliesasearlyaspossible,beforetheyareincrisis,regardlessofwhethertheyareformallyinvolvedwiththechildwelfaresystemornot

      In Colorado, the intent of placement prevention services is to proactively strengthen and support families as early as possible, before they are in crisis, regardless of whether they are formally involved with the child welfare system or not.

    5. ColoradohasastrongfoundationandhistoryofprovidingpreventionandearlyinterventionservicesthroughtheuseofCoreServices,IV-EWaiverinterventions,CMPsandintegratedhumanservicesdelivery

      As previously described, Colorado has a strong foundation and history of providing prevention and early intervention services through the use of Core Services, IV-E Waiver interventions, CMPs and integrated human services delivery. In addition,

    6. Thepriorityistoprovideservicestothoseinneedasearlyaspossibletostrengthenfamilies,boosthealthandwell-being,andavoidmoredifficultandcostlycriseslater

      The priority is to provide services to those in need as early as possible to strengthen families, boost health and well-being, and avoid more difficult and costly crises later. It is clear that

    7. Thus“childwelfare”meanssomethingmuchbroaderinthisstate;withawidearrayofsupports,Coloradoaimstoaddresstherootcausesofcrisisandinstabilitythroughintegratedpreventionandservicedeliveryfocusedonsupportingwholefamilies

      Thus "child welfare" means something much broader in this state; with a wide array of supports, Colorado aims to address the root causes of crisis and instability through integrated prevention and service delivery focused on supporting whole families and individuals across generations.

    8. TitleIV-EWaiverDemonstrationProject(Waiver).TheColoradoWaiverfocusedonfiveinterventionstobuildonexistingchildwelfarepractice:FamilyEngagement,PermanencyRoundtables,Trauma-InformedAssessment,Trauma-InformedTreatmen

      (DCW) a Title IV-E Waiver Demonstration Project (Waiver). The Colorado Waiver focused on five interventions to build on existing child welfare practice: Family Engagement, Permanency Roundtables, Trauma-Informed Assessment, Trauma-Informed Treatment and Kinship

    9. Coloradohasintentionallydesignedabroaddefinitionofcandidacyforplacementpreventionservicesthatpushestoservechildren,youthandfamiliesasearlyaspossibleand,ideally,beforeareportismadetothechildwelfaresystem.

      Colorado has intentionally designed a broad definition of candidacy for placement prevention services that pushes to serve children, youth and families as early as possible and, ideally, before a report is made to the child welfare system.

    10. ColoradohasapproachedFamilyFirstimplementationasabroadsystemstransformationeffortthatcutsacrossmultipleofficeswithintheColoradoDepartmentofHumanServices(CDHS),includingtheDivisionofChildWelfare(DCW),OfficeofBehavioralHealth(OBH),OfficeofEarlyChildhood(OEC),andOfficeofEconomicSecurity(OES).Otherstateagencies,includingtheColoradoDepartmentofHealthCarePolicyandFinancing(HCPF)andtheColoradoDepartmentofPublicHealthandEnvironment(CDPHE)havebeenessentialinensuringaholisticapproachtoimplementation

      Colorado has approached Family First implementation as a broad systems transformation effort that cuts across multiple offices within the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS), including the Division of Child Welfare (DCW), Office of Behavioral Health (OBH), Office of Early Childhood (OEC), and Office of Economic Security (OES). Other state agencies, including the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) have been essential in ensuring a holistic approach to implementation.

    1. The IMPACT organization.
    2. I would have preferred a “Yes/No” option for this question. I believe that Boulder County’s prevention services are better than most districts and we can do so much better at the same time. The IMPACT partnership in Boulder County should be a state and national model. Money diverted from savings by not committing clients is key to providing more services in the community. Many other districts struggle with prevention due to funding and there seems to be a gap in how this is accomplished. Providers are struggling to stay open and are constantly dealing with hardships due to funding. Great therapist and support workers often leave organizations that serve this population due to low pay. The key to making the Family First initiative a success is creating and maintaining a robust, well-funded system of care in communities. A system of care that incentivizes front line workers. These service providers are currently under funded and the work is difficult, which is a recipe for poor service delivery.

      "I believe that Boulder County's prevention services are better than most districts"

  3. www.blueprintsprograms.org www.blueprintsprograms.org
    1. Risk-sharing model that is based on a cooperative arrangement to blend staff,resources and funding between the partner agencies
    1. n the short-term, OBH guidance allows for virtual visits for the next calendar year, whileencouraging face-to-face visits whenever possible
    2. take advanced Family First andtrauma-informed care trainings.
    3. he entire assessment process fromthe time of referral to the completed assessment summary is completed within 14 days. Ideallythe process should be completed before placement, but it must be completed within 10 businessdays of placement if that’s not possible.

      14 DAYS ....BEFORE PLACEMENT.....otherwise MUST BE DONE IN 10 DAYS

    4. The Family FirstPrevention Services Actin ColoradoAN IMPLEMENTATION GUIDEFOR COUNTY DIRECTORS
    5. A child is considered to be a IV-E Prevention Candidate when:• The child is designated as being at “serious risk”of out-of-home placement (see FAQs for moreinformation);• There is a prevention/treatment plan in place forthe child/family; and,• The child and/or their family is receiving anevidence-based service (as identified throughColorado’s prevention plan)
    6. can also reach out to local providers directly.
    7. Medicaid: Coordination with your Regional Accountable Entity (RAE) and Medicaid will be vital. Whenconsidering where Medicaid may be able to pay first before other funding streams for Family Firstprevention services, a good place to start is with a conversation with the RAE and county at the tabletogether.
    8. Title IV-B Promoting Safe and Stable Families: PSSF funds are awarded via an RFP process forpurposes of providing family support services, family preservation services, reunification services, andadoption support services.
    9. Counties in many cases can use their TANFallocations and local reserves for prevention programs
    10. regarding the use of transition funds, the Department created a diverse15-member group, 6 of whom represent county human service departments, in July 2020. The group ischarged with reviewing and prioritizing funding proposals and developing recommendations for theDepartment. Funding opportunities on the prevention services side include:
    11. caseworkers in Trails will be promptedto complete an individualized prevention plan for each child or youth identified. That plan is currentlytitled the Treatment/Prevention Plan a
    12. In Trails, caseworkers must fill out the IV-E CandidacyDetermination Form (Job Aide) to determine whether a child or youth is a “candidate for preventionservices.
    1. Family First Prevention Services by Colorado Lab

      CDHS surveyed counties to understand where services rated by the Family First Clearinghouse as " promising", "supported", or "well-supported" are currently offered. Counties and providers can submit updates and corrections here: https://udenver.qualtrics.com jfe/form/SV_1X6b6p8f4jh6TJz

    1. There are two main-levelquestions in the IV-E PreventionCriteria section.10. Click a radio button for thedesired response (only oneradio button can be selected).Note: If the selections made inthe IV-E Candidacy section arechanged, all answers in the IV-EPrevention Criteria panel will bedeleted.


      Referenced from the FFSPA Implementation Guide for Directors (HERE)

    1. or purchased by the county if such county does
    2. not have a placement alternative commission for the county
    3. Two or more counties may jointlyprovide or purchase alternative services to families
    4. HOUSE BILL 11-1196

      House Bill 11-1196: Flexible Funding for Families, was signed into law. The bill redefined family preservation services to serve "appropriate families who are involved in, or who are at risk of being involved in the child welfare, mental health, and juvenile

    1. (3) (a) Upon hearing after prior notice to the child’s parent, guardian, or legal custodian, the court may issue temporary orders providing for legal custody, protection, support, medical evaluation or medical treatment, surgical treatment, psychological evaluation or psychological treatment, or dental treatment as it deems in the best interest of any child concerning whom a petition has been filed prior to adjudication or disposition of his case.
    1. (139) “Termination of the parent-child legal relationship”, as used in articles 3 and 5 of this title 19, means the permanent elimination by court order of all parental rights and duties, including residual parental rights and responsibilities, as provided in section 19-3-608
    2. (113) “Qualified residential treatment program” means a licensed and accredited program that has a trauma-informed treatment model that is designed to address the needs, including clinical needs, as appropriate, of children and youth with serious emotional or behavioral disorders or disturbances in accordance with the federal “Family First Prevention Services Act”, 42 U.S.C. sec. 672 (k)(4), and is able to implement the treatment identified for the child or youth by the assessment of the child required in section 19-1-115 (4)(e)(I).
    3. (120) “Responsible person”, as used in part 3 of article 3 of this title 19, means a child’s parent, legal guardian, or custodian or any other person responsible for the child’s health and welfare.
    4. (119) “Residual parental rights and responsibilities” means those rights and responsibilities remaining with the parent after legal custody, guardianship of the person, or both, have been vested in another person, agency, or institution, including but not limited to the responsibility for support, the right to consent to adoption, the right to reasonable parenting time unless restricted by the court, and the right to determine the child’s religious affiliation.
    5. (3) “Adjudicatory hearing” means a hearing to determine whether the allegations of a petition in dependency and neglect are supported by the evidence.(4) “Adjudicatory trial” means a trial to determine whether the allegations of a petition in delinquency are supported by the evidence.
    6. (66) “Foster care” means the placement of a child or youth into the legal custody or legal authority of a county department of human or social services for physical placement of the child or youth in a kinship care placement; supervised independent living placement, as defined in section 19-7-302; or certified or licensed facility, or the physical placement of a juvenile committed to the custody of the state department of human services into a community placement.
    7. 68) “Foster care prevention services” means mental health and substance abuse prevention and treatment services, in-home parent skill-based programs, kinship navigator programs, and other programs eligible for reimbursement under the federal “Family First Prevention Services Act” that are trauma-informed, promising, supported or well-supported, and provided to prevent foster care placement.
    8. 105) (a) “Parent” means either a natural parent of a child, as may be established pursuant to article 4 of this title 19, or a parent by adoption.(b) “Parent”, as used in sections 19-1-114, 19-2.5-501, and 19-2.5-611, includes a natural parent having sole or joint custody, regardless of whether the parent is designated as the primary residential custodian, or a parent allocated parental responsibilities with respect to a child, or an adoptive parent. For the purposes of section 19-1-114, “parent” does not include a person whose parental rights have been terminated pursuant to the provisions of this title 19 or the parent of an emancipated minor.
    9. (110) “Protective supervision” means a legal status created by court order under which the child is permitted to remain in the child’s home or is placed with a relative or other suitable person and supervision and assistance is provided by the court, department of human services, or other agency designated by the court.
    1. can be a portal to other critical safetynet programs, including

      "Improving Grandfamilies’ Access to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families"; Generations United; Ana Beltran, Special Advisor, Generations United’s National Center on Grandfamilies; 2014

      Zedlewski, S. (2012). TANF and the broader safety net. (Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute).

    2. According tothe Urban Institute, TANF programs around the country“usually automatically enroll beneficiaries in SNAP, childcare assistance (if working or in school), and Medicaid.While these programs have different eligibility rules manyare waived for TANF recipients, and the vast majority ofrecipients have income and assets low enough to qualifyunder general program rules.” 11
    3. the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP)/food stamps,
    4. Why TANF is so importantTANF is oen the only source of financial suppor

      "Report to Congressional Requesters, TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE FOR NEEDY FAMILIES, More Accountability Needed to Reflect Breadth of Block Grant Services", United States Government Accountability Office, December 2012

    2. mong our selected states, federal TANF funds were used to supportchild welfare services, such as child abuse hotlines, investigative andlegal services, child protection, and preventive services as well asemergency aid, such as clothing and shelter. Child welfare services aregenerally provided to children and their families to prevent the occurrenceof child abuse or neglect, to help stabilize the family and prevent the needto remove the child from the home if abuse has occurred, and to improvethe home and enable the child to reunite with his or her family if the childhas been removed from the home.
    3. Child Welfare, Emergency Aid,and Other Services
    1. to reunite children with their families
    2. to use such federal funds for families with children
    3. (2) Nothing in this article shall prevent the state department from complying with federal requirements for a program of emergency assistance in order for the state of Colorado
    4. 26-5.3-104. Emergency assistance for families with children at imminent risk of being placed out of the home.(1) The executive director of the state department is hereby authorized to include in the state temporary assistance for needy families plan the establishment and implementation of an emergency assistance program for families with children at imminent risk of being placed out of the home. The purpose of the program shall be to meet the needs of the family in crisis due to the imminent risk of out-of-home placement by providing emergency assistance in the form of intake, assessment, counseling, treatment, and other family preservation services that meet the needs of the family which are attributable to the emergency or crisis situation.
    1. Rule 1. Scope of Rules; Definition; Title (a) Scope of Rules. (1) These rules govern procedure in the United States courts of appeals. (2) When these rules provide for filing a motion or other document in the district court, the procedure must comply with the practice of the district court. (b) Definition. In these rules, 'state' 1 includes the District of Columbia and any United States commonwealth or territory. (c) Title. These rules are to be known as the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure.
    2. (6) Reopening the Time to File an Appeal. The district court may reopen the time to file an appeal for a period of 14 days after the date when its order to reopen is entered, but only if all the following conditions are satisfied: (A) the court finds that the moving party did not receive notice under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 77(d) of the entry of the judgment or order sought to be appealed within 21 days after entry; (B) the motion is filed within 180 days after the judgment or order is entered or within 14 days after the moving party receives notice under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 77(d) of the entry, whichever is earlier; and (C) the court finds that no party would be prejudiced.
    3. (ii) regardless of whether its motion is filed before or during the 30 days after the time prescribed by this Rule 4(a) expires, that party shows excusable neglect or good cause.
    4. (A) The district court may extend the time to file a notice of appeal if:
    5. (C) No extension under this Rule 4(a)(5) may exceed 30 days after the prescribed time or 14 days after the date when the order granting the motion is entered, whichever is later.
    6. (5) Motion for Extension of Time.
    1. Colorado Revised Statutes Annotated Title 26. Human Services Code (Arts. 1 — 24)Article 2. Public Assistance (Pts. 1 — 11)Part 3. Food Stamps (§§ 26-2-301 — 26-2-308)26-2-304. Appeals - recoveries - rules.(1) The provisions of section 26-2-127, relating to appeals, and section 26-2-128, relating to recoveries, apply to the food stamp program, except when such sections conflict with federal statute or regulation or when a specific conflict with federal statute or regulation is not clearly present and the state department elects by regulation to follow federal statute or regulation.
    1. SECTION 3. Safety clause. The general assembly hereby finds, determines,and declares that this act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the publicpeace, health, and safety.Approved: June 10, 2010
    1. (2) (a) No later than October 1, 2010, the state department shall create a program or policy that, in compliance with federal law, establishes broad-based categorical eligibility for federal food assistance benefits pursuant to the supplemental nutrition assistance program. (b) At a minimum, the program or policy shall, to the extent authorized pursuant to federal law, eliminate the asset test for eligibility for federal food assistance benefits.
    2. Colorado Revised Statutes Annotated Title 26. Human Services Code (Arts. 1 — 24)Article 2. Public Assistance (Pts. 1 — 11)Part 3. Food Stamps (§§ 26-2-301 — 26-2-308)26-2-305.5. Categorical eligibility - repeal.
    1. About exceptions Exceptions
    2. Documents filed with the Office of Administrative Courts will not be considered by the Office of Appeals unless it is clear that the document constitutes Exceptions to the Initial Decision and all of the following are met: the document is received at the Office of Administrative Courts by the due date for filing Exceptions and the document is received at the Office of Appeals prior to issuance of a Final Agency Decision.
    3. Exceptions can be filed by mailing to 3550 W. Oxford Ave., Denver, CO 80236, by email at cdhs_appeals@state.co.us,
    1. The requirement of this section that notice of the hearing be made by first-class mail is not satisfied when such notice is sent by certified mail,  since the notice will not be delivered by certified mail if the addressee is not present at the time of the attempted delivery. Dodge v. Meyer, 793 P.2d 639 (Colo. App. 1990).
    2. or the denial in whole
    3. shall file with the agency, within twenty days following such decision
    4. applicable department may allow, upon a showing of good cause by the party, for an extension of up to an additional fifteen days to reconsider the final agency action.
    5. after service of the initial decision upon the parties
    6. the administrative law judge or the hearing officer shall prepare and file an initial decision that the agency shall serve upon each party
    7. prompt disposition of petitions
    8. undue delay in connection with such proceeding or action, the court may direct the agency to decide the matter promptly.

      Thought: request court to order immediate interim snap funds

    9. gency proceeding or action, with a statement of the grounds therefor
    10. request made
    11. Prompt notice shall be given of the refusal to accept
    12. Every agency shall proceed with reasonable dispatch to conclude any matter presented to it with due regard for the convenience of the parties
    13. A subpoena shall be served in the same manner as a subpoena issued by a district court.
    14. due regard shall be had for the convenience and necessity of the parties
    15. Any person entitled to notice of a hearing shall be given timely notice of the time, place, and nature thereof, the legal authority and jurisdiction under which it is to be held, and the matters of fact and law asserted.
    1. Developed recreation areas shall mean and include the Louisville Cemetery and recreational facilities such as the Louisville Recreation Center, multi-purpose athletic fields, baseball fields, softball fields, and golf courses that are owned and managed by the city. Reasonable efforts will be taken by the city to minimize the impact of such areas on open space and natural areas contiguous to open space
    2. Camp means to reside or dwell temporarily in a place, with shelter, and conduct activities of daily living, such as eating or sleeping, in such place. But the term does not include napping or picnicking during the hours of use set forth in section 4.04.050.

      Louisville camping

    1. Sec. 4.04.050. - Hours of use. Share Link Print Download (docx) Email Compare Share Link to section Print section Download (Docx) of sections Email section Compare versions Unless otherwise posted, lands and bodies of water regulated under section 4.04.010 shall be open daily from one hour prior to sunrise until one hour after sunset.
  4. Apr 2023
    1. Medication Prescribing InformationTable of ContentsClinical Standards of Prac0ce: S0mulant Dosages...................................................................1TL;DR:..............................................................................................................................................1References.......................................................................................................................................2Mul0ple Post-Dated Scripts Can Be Wri>en Up to90-day Supply............................................5Quan0ty Limits: No law/rule limits maximum supply; Medicaid pays for 30 days or 100 days if maintenance medica0on for chronic condi0on (Dr’s discre0on to define chronic)...................5Early Refills: Medicaid refills CII currently aTer 50% of prior rx 0me has lapsed by default, or prior to 50% if necessary by phone request;at 85% prior to COVID19, 1x/life0me/drug if lost; immediately if rx is a “dose increase”.....................................................................................6OTC Drugs Paid For: Aspirin and various others labeled “OTC” in the PDL...............................7Paper Scripts Can Be Wri>en for CII Drugs..............................................................................7Pharmacist Authority: CAN dispense alterna0ve dose; CAN dispense a subs0tute (non-psychotropic) drug; CAN dispense emergency refill w/o an rx.................................................7Clinical Standards of Prac0ce: S0mulant DosagesTL;DR:American Academy of Sleep Medicine (formerly American Sleep Disorders Associa5on), Standards of Prac5ce Commi;ee, 1994, 2000, 2007, 2021:•Pa5ents have a wide varia5on in response to s5mulants... therefore, full therapeu5c response in adult pa5ents with narcolepsy can usually be obtained with daily medica5on doses below the recommended maximal doses of:... dextroamphetamine sulfate, 100 mg"Understanding Unapproved Use of Approved Drugs "Off Label", United States Federal Drug Administra;on, 02/05/2018The approved drug labeling for healthcare providers gives key informa5on about the drug that includes:

      This is my reference sheet for the usual excuses from doctors and pharmacies.

      OneDrive docx: https://1drv.ms/w/s!AsF57HgZ0943gbQewKndWZLIIrNgaA