- Dec 2022
www.graduiertenzentrum.uni-kiel.de www.graduiertenzentrum.uni-kiel.de
Minerva Stiftung (Minerva Foundation)
no travel funding
FAZIT-Stiftung (FAZIT Foundation)
seems to be targeting phd only
Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (German Academic Exchange Service)
no funding this year
- Jun 2021
the-stack-overflow-podcast.simplecast.com the-stack-overflow-podcast.simplecast.com
And so one of the ideas that I thought that that comes from information foraging, is that so Stack Overflow is solving my immediate problem that I have. But what it's missing is that I'm probably not the only person that's had to go through the sequence of related problems.
recommendation of potential problems, looking down the road. could this be relevant for pd?
So one of the really big problems is what some people call the vocabulary problem.
parallel issue in literature search: same phenomenon with different terms. knowing the accurate and correct way of asking the question is essential.
But there's also a huge problem that we've all run into where we click on something, we start reading the question, and realize no, this is, this is the same area, but you know, solve something, some other problem, and you have to start backtracking. And that's when a lot of problems arise.
i think this is a general problem with hyperlink, you can see where you are heading to (and have expectation) but could not see clearly where you are from, and the memory of where you started quickly faded after several clicks. the "backtracking" is a issue in literature search as well. i found taking note at each step of searching is helpful to retrieve past path.
And so there's this idea called information set, which is the kind of the clue of what you're going to get when you click on something.
information scent
- Apr 2021
gitup.uni-potsdam.de gitup.uni-potsdam.de
Birte Heinemann
developed eye tracking function in vr with htc pro eye she's interested in the feedback (behavioral marker, eye fixation) we are interested in intervention using these feedbacks
Dr. Ilona Cwielong
she's interested in working with us: interested in
- category of disruptions' influence
- kind of superficial
- Feb 2021
fernandogros.com fernandogros.com
I’m thankful to Mike Vardy for introducing me to the idea of themes as a way to batch similar tasks. You might decide that Monday is your admin day, so you batch all admin-related tasks onto that day. Or Tuesday is your learning day, so you batch things like background reading, coursework, or other kinds of research onto that day.
exactly what I'm thinking lately, i notice there are different themes (focus of work) naturally emerging already in my working week: Monday for organizational work, Wednesday for communications, Tuesday and Thursday for intensive scholar work (manuscript prep), Friday is flexible
It looks intolerable, but a lot of people live like that – possibly by design, as they try to control every variable in their life, but more often by chance, as they react to everything that comes up, including every distraction and call for attention, without noticing how fragmented their schedule really is.
- Dec 2020
www.elsevier.com www.elsevier.comSharing1
Elsevier is a signatory to the STM Voluntary Principles for article sharing on Scholarly Collaboration Networks and a member of the Coalition for Responsible Sharing
i wonder about exactly how much power does STM (representing scientific journals) has
it took until I turned 30 to realize I was still paying others first, not with money but with my time and energy. I was giving my highest energy hours of the day to my external obligations, only seeing what was left over at the end of the day for myself. Usually, it wasn’t much.
i think the idea of paying oneself first is similar with the 4 quadrant system: prioritize important things, not urgent things. i was also thinking about this mindset a lot lately, that ultimately you are working for yourself, you cannot transfer that responsibility to anyone or anything else.
- Sep 2020
www.apa.org www.apa.org
We are particularly enthusiastic about submissions related to youth who may be most vulnerable to the educational impacts of COVID-19, including youth with disabilities; English language learners; undocumented children and families; and youth who are in foster care, experiencing homelessness, or in the juvenile justice system.
dow we have information about the demographicas of the students these teacher are teaching?
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
- Apr 2020
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
That’s right: you should be able to communicate with your system of notes. Your system will respond to your queries in a meaningful manner to which you both can relate. You ask, your notes answer. Ideally, both learn.
like how i talk to alfred or emacs
Writing clarifies your thinking. Thoughts and feelings are nebulous happenings in our mind holes, but writing forces us to crystalize those thoughts and put them in a logical order.
nicely said, output promotes input
daryl.wakatara.com daryl.wakatara.com
. With org-mode, files scattered across many multiple files and only coherent through the agenda search disptacher or agenda/todo view feels, messier.
again, the one file vs multiple file argument
While you can fake hierarchical planning, once you get things into the Agenda or Todo view, organizing structure appears to be lost, which is very unfortunate since it destroys much of the metadata you have to contextualize a task.
this is also not so fair...you can definitely set up individual project todo files, and have side-by-side windows of agenda and project file
I spend all my time in the agenda view which means I have a tendency to overschedule, and looser items without deadline get shifted from week to week, which makes me worry I am focusing on the urgent rather than the important sometime. This actually is one of my very big concerns. That the focus on the minutiae of day to day tasks and ease of tracking obscures me not focusing on the big picture projects and strategic items.
I think this is not the task of a todo management tool, but rather a reflection tool/system. org agenda is just for quick view of what needs to be done today (or a week), not for planning and reflection.
Suddenly things like doing all your email in emacs or using it as your irc client seem like good ideas (despite the shortcomings), like you’ve been suddenly brain-washed by some weird cult
so true
Taskpaper is fantastic for organizing work, it’s support for tracking what has happened on tasks (and notes on them) is secondary.
unnable to automatically track time, take longer notes to my future self, and logging the done task with easy search, are also I what find lackng in Things
Most todo managers recognize that tasks often repeat at regular intervals. Taskpaper, not being date aware, has very limited support for repeating tasks (or habits) which makes things very manual as you move through your days and weeks.
this is relating to another larger idea about todos: whether you manage it passively (been notified, either about duration, freqeuncy or task) or actively (open the app, see what need to be done)
orgmode.org orgmode.org
properties are like tags, but with a value
like variable
daryl.wakatara.com daryl.wakatara.com
Perhaps it’s just the ability to see everything at once and then filter it down to what I need ot focus on, but also, it’s forcing me to plan and move things into realistic periods when I can get them done.
that's a good point, relates to the bigger idea of project-based (in one file) or tag-based (in different files) todo management
For some reason, the hierarchical lists in Taskpaper and the freeform tagging seem to work well for me in that regard. Not every thing I do is a project or an Area but just about everything I do can be denoted in hierarchical lists.
taskpaper vs things vs org-mode
Another possibility has occurred to me: is org-todo-keywords set in ~/.emacs.d/.local/custom.el? If you've used M-x customize or customize-set-value, those settings are saved into custom.el, and will have the highest precedence, over anything you set in ~/.doom.d.
the exact issue with my doom emacs config! don't use M-x customize!
- Mar 2020
www.thereaderberlin.com www.thereaderberlin.com
this is a list of very useful online resources for writers (I'm trying to write more often and more dedicated now)
ai.umich.edu ai.umich.edu
this post is useful for considering different aspects of needs in a regular seminar
I have set up a FAQ section of our discussion board. Unless your question involves a personal issue, please ask your question there so that everyone can benefit from the response.
this is useful
Remote Teaching Strategies Setting student expectations
this is about making commitments, even in an online format, both parties should hold each other accountable
ai.umich.edu ai.umich.edu
Help students understand the logic behind which communication tools you are planning to use. For example: Email will be used for personal communication with the instructor, as well as weekly updates about the class The discussion tool will be used for weekly topic discussions The web conferencing tool Zoom will be used for learner’s bi-weekly small group synch chats, and for office hours.
be explicit about different use scenarios for each tool
Differentiate the uses and purposes of synchronous and asynchronous tools. Identify the benefits and limitations of each communication method.
synchronous (live, real-time) vs asynchronous (not in real-time) is a good framework of categorizing tools
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Please don't complain that a submission is inappropriate. If a story is spam or off-topic, flag it. Don't feed egregious comments by replying; flag them instead. If you flag, please don't also comment that you did.
this is an interesting approach
livebook.manning.com livebook.manning.com
The websites built on the JAM stack consist of three distinct parts, JavaScript, APIs and Markup.
for a discussion on static website generator also see hacker news: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22519090
Hugo takes a template and all the content of the website in a markup format and converts it to the HTML that can be hosted as is.
content + template→html
beepb00p.xyz beepb00p.xyz
I'm trying to fight my perfectionism so figured a special page for posts in progress is a good compromise!
this is a very unique approach: post work in progress. reminds of the star citadel fan fic project page, with sections for drafts and ideas. complete transparency in the workflow
100r.co 100r.co
their approach are so beautiful
beepb00p.xyz beepb00p.xyz
I feel that if people had better digital projections of their minds it'd be way easier to get to know them, find shared interests and have meaningful conversations
digital projections, that's an interesting idea
blog.aaronbieber.com blog.aaronbieber.com
So, in short, choose the right tool for the job. But make sure it supports a Vim input system.
short, concrete, very solid advice to the century long debate about editors!
- Feb 2020
techbeacon.com techbeacon.com
Working from a prioritized product backlog, breaking work into iterations, limiting work in progress, and regular reflection are just some of the concepts borrowed from agile that people can use to better manage their personal lives.
unintentionally, these are also things I discovered on my own to be helpful for productivity (live for iteration), now I know the name for it.
forum.gamer.com.tw forum.gamer.com.tw
can i write sth on this in relation to 百合convention 2020?
perma.cc perma.cc
Perma.cc’s Partners
most of the partners coming from law bk
perma.cc perma.cc
Users not affiliated with a registrar can create 10 links for free as a trial run, and then continue accessing Perma via a paid subscription.
this is clearly a downside for free users, but a legit choice for keeping the service going
How does Perma.cc work? You give Perma.cc the URL of the page you want to preserve and cite. Our software visits that URL, preserves what's there, deposits it into our collection, and gives you a unique URL (e.g. "perma.cc/ABCD-1234") - a "Perma Link" - that points to the record in our collection. You then can use that Perma Link in your citation to give readers access to a stable, accurate record of the source you referenced, even if the original disappears from the web.
how does this compare to other web archive tools? is it really "permanent"? any disadvantages of this tool?
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
why is board game so popular in Germany? does this award contribute to the healthy development of this market?
www-sciencedirect-com.proxy.lib.umich.edu www-sciencedirect-com.proxy.lib.umich.edu
This is a great entry way for researchers to self-learn concepts and key constructs from other fields, comes with easy-to-understand definition and important introductory publications on the topic
starry-citadel-au.neocities.org starry-citadel-au.neocities.org
A very transparent way of author-reader communication, really give readers great anticipation. the whole website feels like a open-source project, with various media input (fan pic, character design, spotify play list)
researcher.watson.ibm.com researcher.watson.ibm.com
IMB's research about securing Internet of things
nixnet.services nixnet.servicesNixNet1
a great example of personal endeavour for data privacy and open internet
edutech.netlify.com edutech.netlify.com
Hypothesis can be used in any browser!
- Dec 2019
openai.com openai.com
we have observed various failure modes, such as repetitive text, world modeling failures (e.g. the model sometimes writes about fires happening under water), and unnatural topic switching.
does this mean human are good at writing repetitive text, with nonsense world view, and jumping from topic to topic?
In order to preserve document quality, we used only pages which have been curated/filtered by humans—specifically, we used outbound links from Reddit which received at least 3 karma. This can be thought of as a heuristic indicator for whether other users found the link interesting (whether educational or funny), leading to higher data quality than other similar datasets, such as CommonCrawl.
That's an interesting definition of human language
www.deutsche-rentenversicherung.de www.deutsche-rentenversicherung.de
A pension entitlement can only exist if a qualifying period is fulfilled
requirement for receviing pension
www.health.harvard.edu www.health.harvard.edu
If one is in a more relaxed state, the variation between beats is high. In other words, the healthier the ANS the faster you are able to switch gears, showing more resilience and flexibility.
this is different from what i expected, i thought a stable/less variant heart beat interval time is better
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Why will your users adopt annotation if it only works on your content?
reminds me of Medium...
www.w3.org www.w3.org
Web annotations are an attempt to recreate and extend that functionality as a new layer of interactivity and linking on top of the Web
I'm wondering whether "Danmaku" (overlayed video comments that's popular in Japan) can also be considered as a form of web annotation
- Aug 2019
gamlj.github.io gamlj.github.io
We first start with Treatment and Sex and their interaction as predictors of Pain. Then we include also Age and Duration. In the terminology of the general linear model, these two analyses correspond to an ANOVA and an ANCOVA, respectively.
Response var: pain, Factors: treatment and gender, covariate: age and duration (continuous)