- Sep 2023
nukmoore.substack.com nukmoore.substack.com
the artist themselves also being the ar
how? is this always the case? are making art and being art the same?
I couldn’t say I want
wanted? are you still talking about the past?
in what sense tangible?
To my knowledge it was a fun show to keep my young mind distracted. Cartoons weren’t an art form. It wasn’t something to be studied or analyzed. It was some made up story to keep children occupied.
this is what you thought as a child? or what you were told?
Even at a young age, I considered why. Why this color? Why this setting? Why this song? I never knew how analytical I was of cartoons as a child.
seems a bit contradictory. you never knew, but you did it (and remember it)
Like many, cartoons
opening phrase refers to you, but the subject of your sentence is cartoons
nicolecarrera.substack.com nicolecarrera.substack.com
Joy Buolamwini,
other than buolamwini, with what other theorists, commentators, critics did you engage when writing this essay?
take-away: structure works for you
Each report would follow a specific format: an introduction, a data and methods paragraph, a results paragraph, a discussion paragraph, and a list of references.
conventions of the genre? of required formatting in that particular class?
I was sick for a 3 week period nearing the end of the semester and the beginning of finals. This made it difficult to concentrate and finish with ease.
here's an opportunity to elaboration. why was it difficult? one sentence would suffice: "my illness weakened me, and the medication I was on made me incredibly sleepy."
A set of
new paragraph
new paragraph
you're so not alone
struggle and challenge
redundant; cut one
arshiaparvaz340.substack.com arshiaparvaz340.substack.com
The text mainly responds to the countless different theories as to what certain metaphors in the text mean.
where did your knowledge of those theories come from?
it does sound argumentative, though, insofar as you offer an interpretation of a metaphor
same one has above, or a different one?
Most of o
new paragraph?
It w
new paragraph?
look for ways to insert more white space
Only from attending a few classes
after attending only a few ...
thomascolglazier.substack.com thomascolglazier.substack.com
I am still not certain of anything
I'm still uncertain
was always sure of my innate ability to succeed as an imagineer.
It was only after several years in middle and high school (the spring of my sophomore year) did I deviate from this path and begin moving towards my profession today.
what pulled you away from wishing to become an imagineer?
I remember that I so badly wanted to play “The Cowardly Lion.
why? where did that desire come from?
This event was my first ever musical, The Wizard of Oz, where I portrayed the role of “Witch’s Guard #3” during my third grade school year
how did this casting come to pass?
jeremiorlowski.substack.com jeremiorlowski.substack.com
not sure about the keroauc interlude, in part because the objective of part 1 appears to be establishing your own pre-visualization of future status and determination; can't say i buy kerouac a figure projecting these qualities, at least not in the way you describe
surprisingly stereotypically idyllic Amsterdam apartment
with family? alone? did school continue remotely? were you having to support yourself?
But what was ahead of me?
keroauc seems focused on the possibility in the sentence you've cited; your question suggests a different view of the future, something closer to fate or destiny. or maybe even something you can actualize through discipline (as with guitar). it's hard to imagine kerouac practicing 4 hours a day; his work is more impulsive. do you recognize the distinction between the line you've cited and your own self presentation in this essay?
use a colon
svarashah.substack.com svarashah.substack.com
context is needed to understand my summer project,
no doubt. and that's what we're interested in here. say more about the voices populating that space.
tried to mimic the writing style of the research papers
what research papers are you talking about?
just say first
I also do enjoy the process of writing enough to prefer writing essays over taking tests or participating in discussions, however I wouldn’t typically go out of my way to write a creative piece for myself.
phrasing. try:
I enjoy writing. In fact, I prefer writing essays to taking tests or participating in discussions. But I wouldn't typically go out of my way to write a creative piece for myself.
not been voluntary
been involuntary
then find evidence to support the thesis
so, more research? of return to the completed research?
This was a 20 page, double spaced, times new roman font size 12 as usual
time spent completing
so, time spent working is part of what determines quality
final essay from my WRIT 150
is this the Writing 150 essay alluded to above?
This first essay was for a GSEM, and was an explanatory writing meant to help me further understand the concept of the picturesque
maybe combine this with the first sentence so that you don't introduce the paper twice
rigid with the organization of my writing, since that is what I am constantly exposed to
not sure i follow your meaning here. exposed to by whom and in what sense?
my writings
sofiapires.substack.com sofiapires.substack.com
take-aways: a bit disjointed; there seems to be an assumption at work that the reader has as much knowledge about your experiences as you do and therefore doesn't require context; the theme of connected interests emerges, which has promise in relation to the string metaphor; phrasing issues.
word choice. try: inspired
all had something in common
consider developing this notion of connection further. it may be that the string metaphor has the most promise, as it allows you to see these connections. Whereas, the wave metaphor seems more appropriate to illustrate something coming into view (being brought ashore).
and eventually,
consider starting new sentence
no comma needed
who's we?
a film camera
not all families have this. maybe explain how it came to be there? did other family members have an interest in film?
how does this metaphor mix with the ocean/ripples one?
ocean waves
your choice of metaphor seems a bit arbitrary. maybe develop it further so that the reader has a sense of where if comes from?
find it come back to myself,
find that it would come back to me?
right as they are born
really? many people assume this?
As the artists traces their life
they refers to?
word choice. to manifest is to create. how does the artist create their past present and future in the work?
charliefaragherwrit340.substack.com charliefaragherwrit340.substack.com
take-aways: consider developing the basketball analogy further; phrasing issues
is famous for having this insane workout routine where every Sunday, he wouldn’t
past or present?
traveling where everyone wants to see you play and derive
new paragraph
NBA playe
Many think
such as?
what are you actually saying? loving them from the moment of discovery onward and playing them from that moment are two different things, and i doubt the latter is true, even for a prodigy
drums from the moment I found it
they would put me in this crib that I could somehow move around the room if I wanted
to what does this refer?
Sometimes, the things we love the most are the hardest to explain why we love them.
something about this formulation seems off to me. maybe try: sometimes, it's hard to explain why we love the things we love most.
annaleighbos.substack.com annaleighbos.substack.comWrit 340 WP116
a good overview of what your guidebook does, but we need more details furnishing the discursive space within which your guidebooks exists. other than watanabe, to whom (or what) else did you turn for information/understanding? who's views influenced you or played a significant role in your work? where does your work fit in to the broader discussion?
Housing and Community Development Reports
example 3
exhibition review
second example
esearch guidelines
so, it was a research paper? or an argumentative paper with a research component?
with a
... writing ...
add comma
for my major
comma unnecessary
just say first. adding -ly just makes an adverb into ... an adverb
This paper examined how spiritual spaces’ use in Tibet’s capital
this paper examines how the use of spiritual spaces in Tibet's capital has changed ...
what do you mean by space? like, the cosmos?
although utilized critical thinking and involved spatial elements,
phrasing. try:
... despite using critical thinking and involving spatial elements ...
awkward phrasing
this common denominator
to what does this refer?
am characterized
by whom?
stefanofendrichs340page.substack.com stefanofendrichs340page.substack.com
fair enough. in a way, what you describe reminds me of what i refer to as instrumental vs. intellectual writing. the former encompasses required administrative writing; the latter, the work I produce for the benefit of my field
you could go further with this contextual analysis. what's the discursive realm in which your article exists? what materials have you engaged with contributed to perceptions of the game? what commentators' views (about USC basketball) informed your views?
raining down
on whom?
to the paper
daily trojan? you're assuming readers know you write for it
literature isn't journalism, though. nor are school essays literature
heading into the class
The grades for these essays are my main motivation the majority of the time and always seem to have a negative effect on the final product.
fair enough. they're not really "writing," just regurgitation
I got a really good grade on the paper,
so, you didn't so much game the rubric as follow it strictly?
it was clear the lack of effort I put into it
this sentence doesn't square with how you begin the paragraph (gaming the rubric)
I loathed all the assignments and essays we had to do for this class.
I was trying to write what I thought my teacher would consider a “good grade.”
phrasing. try:
i tried to write what i thought would earn a good grade
i tried to write something i thought my professor would find impressive
myself that myself and myself
... to myself that I and I alone would ...
more than one?
But I was very passionate about this class, for whatever reason
strange to stress your enthusiasm while being unable to explain it
I feel the more freedom I have in writing a given assignment, the more enjoyment I get from the finished product.
cut the opening meta-discourse: The more freedom I have in writing a given assignment, the more enjoyment I get from the finished product.
not sure i would recommend getting into these more doubtful elements yet
I consider writing a passion
a bit vague. your passion? or something that one must possess in order to do it?
Fendrich, Stefano Tomkins, DavidWRIT 3409/05/23
no need to include this heading
ameliajibilian.substack.com ameliajibilian.substack.com
In this piece, I was given an article, responded to discussion questions, arranged the discussion questions into a formal outline and the formal outline configured into essay format.
For this assignment, the instructor gave us a reading and some discussion questions. From there, we were instructed to use the discussion questions to assemble an outline and craft an essay.
not a lot here about the discursive context of the personal statement your wrote. here, you'd want to think about the materials that you read/engaged with in order to produce the statement. for instance, reference materials, sample statements, advice from counselors, etc. what knowledge did you draw upon to write this statement? where does you approach to writing personal statements fit in the broader discussion about how to craft such a document?
One assignment in particular, was an extra credit assignment, in which we were prompted to research and discuss former president Donald Trump’s indictmen
which one? are you taking this class currently?
Environmental factors
new paragraph
n this class, I had the opportunity to ask questions
new paragraph
real-life phenomenon that occurs in one’s personal life, a television show, book, article, etc.
confusing. a real-life phenomenon that occurs in a tv show?
Environmental factors also played a part in my writing, as I was adjusting to keeping focus in an apartment with roommates for the first time.
maybe say more about this since you brought it up
To compose the consumer culture paper, I was provided an article to read and base my opinions from.
maybe say this when you bring up the article initially
no comma needed
formulaic format
what was the formula?
both academically and willingly
phrasing. try: both in and out of school
from writing words, to sentences, to paragraphs, to essays, academia has taught individuals arguably the most vital factor in learning: reading and writing
make separate sentence
use a colon when seeking to elaborate or spell out
students are taught to read and write in multiple different contexts
interesting. can you elaborate?
gabrielladiaz.substack.com gabrielladiaz.substack.com
finding her voice as a “real human being” instead of just a student who would churn out papers simply because she was required to do so. This was especially apparent in one of my favorite essays that I have written since entering college, where I analyzed the evolution of the romance genre in film by examining the differences between the films Roman Holiday and Before Sunrise (“Oh, Isn’t It Lovely”).
phrasing. try:
I was focused on learning to write like a "real human being" rather than a student forced to churn out required papers. My preoccupation with "real writing" is particularly evident in an analysis I wrote of the films Roman Holiday and Before Sunrise. This essay is among the best things I've written since entering college.
this section is slightly less successful than part 1; it largely follows the pattern established in part one, focusing primarily of circumstances (such as your TA's race, etc.). but what about the discursive context in which Black Girl is situated? What voices are active in the space? What view does they espouse? Who did you draw from in writing your analysis? Why did you agree with? Disagree with? Where does the analysis you wrote fit in?
this ending feels a bit rushed; maybe think a bit more about proportion
take-aways: one gets the sense that you've discovered how strong emotions affect your writing
(“The Act of Looking”)
i've been assuming you're citing your own works. you needn't' worry about doing this here.
it would help to know what class this assignment was for, and how taking the class virtually affected your ability to write it.
8-year-old Gabriella
you said this once before; maybe just say "i"
sentence to admit
phrasing. try: sentence to write OR thing to admit
considering cutting
interesting. i had a similar experience
just as all of those writers had done
cut. maybe add a sentence earlier explaining who you read and how death informed their writing. that way.
ironic and vital that class would have been to understanding myself and my relationship with writing
phrasing. try: ... important that class would become to my writing
lucaemerson.substack.com lucaemerson.substack.comWrit 340 WP110
reate the necessary conditions in the future to produce my best work possible, regardless of what I am writing about.
take-aways: the key seems to be writing about things that interest you. maybe it would be fair to say, concerning your philosophy course, that the class and its subject matter weren't intrinsically boring or bad, just not for you
The rhetoric of this text reveals that the intended audience is anyone, but realistically will appeal mostly to individuals who are already concerned with environmental issues and corporate misconduct
how? there's a lot of telling here and very little showing.
truly to express how I felt about the issue
sure. and to that end, it's important that you articulate here the contours of the fracking debate as you understand them. what commentators did you engage with while working on this essay? what are the major arguments being made? by whom? with whom do you align yourself? distance yourself from? where does your argument fit in?
subjectivity in their morality to be incredibly intriguing
what do you mean? maybe elaborate. SC justices use case law to rule in one direction of the other.
Another difference in my process of writing this letter is that I read it to all of my roommates before sending it, and each of them had ideas and insight as to how to make it bette
the range of engagement on my writing began with me and ended with my professor.
was there anything that could have been done to increase socialization and collaboration? either by your, your classmates, or the prof?
assignment description because I had regretfully not done all of the readings, which I found to be far longer than necessary, overly exhaustive and thoroughly uninteresting
what do you mean by assignment description? do yo mean you have to look up cliff's notes?
Google and
do you remember the name? if not, maybe look it up -- shouldn't be hard to find
of my life,
thomasvangenderen.substack.com thomasvangenderen.substack.com
take-aways: not sure I see a through-line -- the erroneous date doesn't transfer over to the other examples; how does keaton's illusion, not to mention his knowledge, map on to your experience?
“The greatest teacher, failure is.”
and in front of in
to what does "this" refer?
to stunts
to performing stunts
When Buster Keaton stepped from a real world stage onto a projector screen in
maybe clarify for those unfamiliar. does the film depict him stepping onto a "projector screen"?
brycer.substack.com brycer.substack.com
maybe ruminate on what these various changes in direction mean (or have in common)
by an
As I waswriting another demo for one of the song and curing a release of another one on Spotify
not sure how this connects to the previous sentence. also, phrasing.
as the director and stage manager pointed out my charisma and musical abilities
punctuation is your friend
go my
After surveying quite
a few?
just say first
ambiance music
there was any particular
do you mean "there wasn't"?
hunterc340.substack.com hunterc340.substack.com
take-aways: not sure i see the through-line; the physics stuff at the beginning seems almost unnecessary; the turn to acting abrupt. are there elements of quantum mechanics that carried over somehow? do you see a connection that could help readers understand? or is the point of the story randomness?
seems like an abrupt change based only on a recommendation from a friend. was there more to it?
terrifying as my father’s own unfulfilled dreams
should we know more about this?
was sure th
at what point?
new paragraph
I had been subjected to bullying for as long as I can
keep verb tense consistent: I have been .. for as long as I can ...
maybe say, "Far from being popular, I was often bullied."
didn't (going forward) or hadn't (had not)
a trait I carried with me all my life
sounds like you're talking from beyond the grave. try: I've
benswayze.substack.com benswayze.substack.com
take-aways: for an essay ostensibly about a love for screenwriting, there's not a lot here about screenwriting; help the links-in-a-chain metaphor along by showing connections between what you were reading and what you gradually started writing; your title quickly fades from view (maybe consider replacing and removing car metaphor)
to those
to that of those
Having it seen it too many times
writing features
say more
it would be useful to focus a bit more on the writing itself.
not sure all readers will warm to this sentiment
kind of like that fish from Finding Nemo that has the bulb attached to its forehead
maybe find a more universal image? like a headlamp?
front windshield blacked
why is this the case?
kind of a funny image. i mean, where the rest of the car?
mstrickland.substack.com mstrickland.substack.com
did you engage with any texts in writing this assignment? did your draw from an materials that augmented or in any way enhanced your view of the discursive context of your assignment?
experience with the writing course I took in 2021 was overall a bad experience
It was enjoyable to witness others with struggles similar to mine and held the same outlook, yet I wish I was able to provide more variety in viewpoints without making the teacher think I am trying to invalidate my own viewpoint.
phrasing. try:
It was enjoyable to witness others with struggles similar to mine [sounds a bit sadistic] and held the same outlook [maybe cut, as the relation isn't clear], yet I wish I [was able to] could provide more variety in viewpoints without making the teacher think I am trying to invalidate my own viewpoint [was the critique that your contradicted yourself?]
essay was an analytical essay
take-aways: unique reflections on (i presume) writing 150, your interactions with classmates, and your experience in l.a. during covid; significant phrasing issues; it doesn't appear you talk about writing in more than a single class -- was this really all the writing you did between first-year and now?
hannahethridge.substack.com hannahethridge.substack.com
This section is less successful than the previous one. What commentators are you aware of in the discursive contexts surrounding your topic? What points of view do they espouse? Who do you agree with? Disagree with? Who's work did you draw from most often? Where does your point of view fit in?
It’s critical to understand that Hip Hop—a genre and culture that was born out of both the marginalization and perseverance of Blacks—is a genre that transcends socioeconomic, cultural, and national borders
How did you arrive at this understanding? Who did you read, listen to, watch?
analytical research essay about how Black resistance inspired and was inspired by two notable genres of Black music—negro spirituals and gangsta rap.
undoubtedly, the discursive context surrounding this topic must included numerous voices and ideas
take-aways: some inconsistency in tone-to-subject matter; phrasing issues
reflection term papers
is this among the genres listed above? term papers that respond to material discussed in class -- is that the same thing as a reflection paper?
these sentences seem to contradict one another: excitement or dread? upbeat tone increases dissonance.
While I have no issue engaging in writing to others and myself on a daily basi
not sure i follow
that were involved in the creation of
phrasing. try: I used to create
dylanbeck.substack.com dylanbeck.substack.com
why not discuss it in more detail, maybe even by including an excerpt? the main reason would be to show rather than tell how your application statement (itself a rigid, highly structured writing genre) developed in a "fluid" way consequent to CWII
montyhughes.substack.com montyhughes.substack.com
take-aways: this seems to be an essay about adaptability-- that is, identifying the steps that will produce high grades for more conventional writing assignments; exploiting the freedoms of more irregular writing assignments; not too much about the pieces themselves, however, or the story they tell.